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A guide to using

Pulsor Focus unit for ErgoPulse

Edition 1.4 Atlas Copco Tools and Assembly Systems AB - 9836 2463 01
Page 1 (231) 2006-07
Contents - chapter overview

Contents - chapter overview

Part I: Getting started with Pulsor
1 Introduction to Pulsor
2 Connecting and installing the Pulsor system
3 Introducing the Pulsor system's user interface
4 Adjusting tool
5 Performing a Reference Setup
6 Tightening and monitoring
Part II: Working with Pulsor
7 Working with ToolsTalk Pulsor
8 Pset and batch count
9 Job
10 Config
11 Diagnostics and service
12 Identifier
13 Fieldbus
14 Monitors
15 Statistics
16 Cell and Net
17 ToolsNet
18 Accessories
Part III: Reference information on Pulsor
19 Event codes
20 Parameter list
21 RBU information
22 Pulsor Focus hardware description
23 Digital inputs and outputs
24 Connector descriptions
25 Pulsor Quick Guide
26 Fieldbus configuration appendix
27 Abbreviations
28 General safety instructions for Pulsor Focus unit
29 EC declaration of conformity

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1 Introduction to Pulsor......................................................................................... 13
1.1 About this document .................................................................................................13
1.2 Overview of Pulsor....................................................................................................13
1.3 Pulsor components ...................................................................................................14
1.4 Pulsor accessories....................................................................................................15
2 Connecting and installing the Pulsor system................................................... 17
2.1 Required hardware and software..............................................................................17
2.2 Connect the physical parts of the system .................................................................18
2.3 Learn about the Pulsor system user interface ..........................................................18
2.4 Install the ToolsTalk Pulsor software ........................................................................18
2.5 Initial connection of ToolsTalk Pulsor .......................................................................19
2.6 Exchange of tools (Hot swap)...................................................................................20
3 Introducing the Pulsor system’s user interface ............................................... 21
3.1 Signal lights on the tool.............................................................................................21
3.2 Pulsor Focus front panel...........................................................................................21
3.2.1 Indicator lights..........................................................................................................22
3.2.2 Keys.........................................................................................................................23
3.3 ToolsTalk Pulsor user interface ................................................................................25
3.3.1 Menu row .................................................................................................................26
3.3.2 Selection panel ........................................................................................................27
3.3.3 Toolbar.....................................................................................................................27
3.3.4 The PF Map .............................................................................................................27
3.4 Event codes in ToolsTalk Pulsor ..............................................................................28
4 Adjusting the tool................................................................................................ 29
4.1 Introduction ...............................................................................................................29
4.2 How do I check that the tool shuts off at the correct torque?....................................29
4.3 Shut-off mechanism..................................................................................................29
4.4 Instructions for adjusting the tools shut-off mechanism ............................................30
4.5 Regulating the air pressure.......................................................................................30
4.6 Auto trim valve ..........................................................................................................31
4.7 Oil level in the pulse unit...........................................................................................31
5 Performing a Reference Setup........................................................................... 33
5.1 Introduction ...............................................................................................................33
5.2 Starting ToolsTalk Pulsor..........................................................................................33
5.3 Activating Pset and selecting Pset............................................................................34

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5.3.1 Creating a new Pset ............................................................................................... 35

5.4 Starting Reference Setup ......................................................................................... 36
5.5 Making reference setup tightenings ......................................................................... 37
5.5.1 Making setups under Reference Setup .................................................................. 38
5.6 Completing Reference Setup ................................................................................... 39
5.7 Result values from a Reference Setup..................................................................... 39
5.8 Making a Reference Setup via Pulsor Focus front panel ......................................... 40
6 Tightening and monitoring.................................................................................41
6.1 Performing tightenings ............................................................................................. 41
6.2 A tightening and its parameters................................................................................ 42
6.3 Viewing results ......................................................................................................... 44
6.4 Tightening – problems and suggestions for solutions .............................................. 45
6.5 Tightening monitoring............................................................................................... 45
6.6 Changing limits and determining parameters for monitoring.................................... 46
6.7 Changing parameters via the Pulsor Focus front panel ........................................... 47
6.8 Strategies for tightening monitoring.......................................................................... 48
6.9 Using the tightening monitoring options ................................................................... 49
6.10 Analysis of improvements ........................................................................................ 49
7 Working with ToolsTalk Pulsor..........................................................................51
7.1 Settings in ToolsTalk Pulsor..................................................................................... 51
7.1.1 Settings – Communication...................................................................................... 52
7.1.2 Settings – Application ............................................................................................. 53
7.1.3 Settings – Printout .................................................................................................. 53
7.1.4 Settings - PF List .................................................................................................... 54
7.2 Storing programming on file ..................................................................................... 55
7.3 Offline mode ............................................................................................................. 56
7.4 Miscellaneous ToolsTalk Pulsor tasks ..................................................................... 57
7.4.1 New user for an existing ToolsTalk Pulsor installation ........................................... 57
7.4.2 Connecting ToolsTalk Pulsor to Pulsor Focus using crossover Ethernet cable..... 57
8 Pset and batch count ..........................................................................................59
8.1 Creating a Pset via ToolsTalk Pulsor ....................................................................... 59
8.2 Selecting Pset .......................................................................................................... 60
8.3 Pset administration................................................................................................... 60
8.4 Batch count of tightenings ........................................................................................ 61
9 Job........................................................................................................................63
9.1 Creating a Standalone Job....................................................................................... 64
9.2 Running Jobs ........................................................................................................... 66
9.2.1 Running Jobs using ToolsTalk Pulsor .................................................................... 66
9.2.2 Functions in Job monitor......................................................................................... 67

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9.3 Unlock the tool ..........................................................................................................68

10 Config................................................................................................................... 69
10.1 Introduction to Config................................................................................................69
10.2 System setup ............................................................................................................70
10.2.1 Password and Name ...............................................................................................70
10.2.2 Display and toggle display.......................................................................................70
10.2.3 Settings for Options .................................................................................................72
10.2.4 Reset .......................................................................................................................72
10.2.5 Settings for continuous print ....................................................................................72
10.2.6 Settings for Pulsor tool config..................................................................................73
10.2.7 Settings for Tool Lock Box.......................................................................................73
10.3 I/O setup ...................................................................................................................74
10.3.1 Internal I/O ...............................................................................................................74
10.3.2 External I/O devices ................................................................................................74
10.3.3 Other I/O:s settings..................................................................................................75
10.3.4 Pset select source ...................................................................................................76
10.4 Communication.........................................................................................................76
10.5 Protocols...................................................................................................................77
11 Diagnostics and service ..................................................................................... 79
11.1 Tool general information and Pulsor tool info ...........................................................79
11.2 Tool service and Service indicator............................................................................80
11.3 Tool drift alarm..........................................................................................................81
11.3.1 Introduction ..............................................................................................................81
11.3.2 Enabling the Tool drift alarm....................................................................................81
11.3.3 Tool drift alarm supervision .....................................................................................83
11.3.4 Tool drift alarm graphical view.................................................................................84
11.4 Air sensor tuning.......................................................................................................85
11.5 Controller diagnostics ...............................................................................................87
11.6 System diagnostics...................................................................................................88
12 Identifier ............................................................................................................... 89
12.1 Barcode data string...................................................................................................89
12.2 Identifier setup ..........................................................................................................90
13 FieldBus ............................................................................................................... 93
13.1 General setup ...........................................................................................................94
13.1.1 Parameters in General setup...................................................................................95
13.2 From/To PF setup.....................................................................................................96
13.2.1 Add item...................................................................................................................96
13.2.2 Delete item...............................................................................................................97
13.3 Other functions .........................................................................................................97

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13.3.1 Diagnostic mode ..................................................................................................... 97

13.3.2 Monitor mode.......................................................................................................... 97
13.3.3 Store to file and Read from file ............................................................................... 97
14 Monitors ...............................................................................................................99
14.1 Result monitor ........................................................................................................ 100
14.2 Job monitor............................................................................................................. 101
14.3 Operator monitor and Picture monitor .................................................................... 101
14.3.1 Operator monitor................................................................................................... 101
14.3.2 Picture monitor...................................................................................................... 103
14.4 Tracking Results..................................................................................................... 105
14.5 Get all results ......................................................................................................... 106
15 Statistics ............................................................................................................109
15.1 Introduction to Statistics in Pulsor Focus ............................................................... 109
15.2 Statistical Process Control (SPC)........................................................................... 110
15.3 Statistic alarm......................................................................................................... 110
15.4 Trend deviation alarm............................................................................................. 111
15.5 Calculation of UCL and LCL................................................................................... 111
15.6 Calculation of X and R ......................................................................................... 111
15.7 Calculation formulas............................................................................................... 111
15.8 Constants for calculation of SPC variables ............................................................ 114
16 Cell and Net .......................................................................................................115
16.1 Network setup via ToolsTalk Pulsor ....................................................................... 116
16.2 Cell and Net configuration via ToolsTalk Pulsor..................................................... 118
16.2.1 Connection with ToolsTalk.................................................................................... 120
17 ToolsNet.............................................................................................................121
17.1 Introduction............................................................................................................. 121
17.2 Enabling the Pulsor system for ToolsNet ............................................................... 122
18 Accessories .......................................................................................................123
18.1 Introduction............................................................................................................. 123
18.2 Tool Lock Box......................................................................................................... 124
18.2.1 Setup of Tool Lock Box......................................................................................... 125
18.3 Selector .................................................................................................................. 128
18.3.1 Setup of Selector .................................................................................................. 128
18.4 I/O Expander .......................................................................................................... 130
18.4.1 Setup of I/O Expander .......................................................................................... 130
18.5 RE-Alarm................................................................................................................ 131
18.5.1 Setup of RE-Alarm................................................................................................ 131
18.6 Other accessories .................................................................................................. 132

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18.6.1 Barcode reader......................................................................................................132

18.6.2 Selector 15 R switch..............................................................................................132
18.6.3 Pressure regulator .................................................................................................132
18.6.4 Operator panel.......................................................................................................132
18.6.5 Stacklight ...............................................................................................................132
19 Event codes ....................................................................................................... 133
19.1 ToolsTalk Pulsor operations ...................................................................................133
19.2 Event groups...........................................................................................................134
19.3 Abbreviation............................................................................................................134
19.4 Event code list ........................................................................................................135
19.4.1 Rundown failures...................................................................................................135
19.4.2 Event related errors ...............................................................................................135
19.4.3 User input events...................................................................................................137
19.4.4 Statistical events....................................................................................................137
19.4.5 Communication events ..........................................................................................139
19.4.6 Hardware events (tool) ..........................................................................................140
19.4.7 Hardware errors DC3000/MC3000........................................................................141
19.4.8 Hardware events ...................................................................................................141
19.4.9 Software events.....................................................................................................141
19.4.10 Events MMI3000....................................................................................................142
19.5 Sub information for event codes .............................................................................142
19.5.1 E150 ......................................................................................................................142
19.5.2 E156 ......................................................................................................................142
19.5.3 E403, E404, E405 and E406 .................................................................................142
20 Parameter list .................................................................................................... 143
20.1 Pset.........................................................................................................................143
20.1.1 P1xx Programming ................................................................................................143
20.1.2 P4xx Pset setup.....................................................................................................144
20.1.3 P5xx Statistic programming...................................................................................145
20.1.4 P6xx Programming ................................................................................................146
20.2 Job ..........................................................................................................................148
20.2.1 J1xx Setup .............................................................................................................148
20.2.2 J3xx Programming.................................................................................................149
20.3 Config .....................................................................................................................152
20.3.1 C1xx System setup................................................................................................152
20.3.2 C2xx I/O setup .......................................................................................................154
20.3.3 C3xx Communication ............................................................................................156
20.3.4 C4xx Protocols.......................................................................................................157
20.3.5 C7xx Tool Lock Box...............................................................................................158
20.4 Diagnostics .............................................................................................................158

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20.4.1 D1xx Tool configuration ........................................................................................ 158

20.4.2 D2xx Controller diagnostics .................................................................................. 160
20.4.3 D3xx System diagnostics...................................................................................... 160
20.4.4 D9xx Tool Drift alarm ............................................................................................ 160
20.5 Identifier.................................................................................................................. 162
20.5.1 I1xx Identifier setup............................................................................................... 162
20.6 FieldBus ................................................................................................................. 162
21 RBU information................................................................................................167
21.1 RBU functionality.................................................................................................... 168
21.2 Connecting the RBU............................................................................................... 169
21.3 Start-up instructions ............................................................................................... 169
22 Pulsor Focus hardware description ................................................................171
22.1 Physical data .......................................................................................................... 171
22.1.1 Dimension drawing ............................................................................................... 171
22.1.2 Weight................................................................................................................... 171
22.2 Electrical data......................................................................................................... 172
22.2.1 Line voltage .......................................................................................................... 172
22.2.2 Power consumption .............................................................................................. 172
22.2.3 Mains fuse............................................................................................................. 172
22.2.4 Wiring.................................................................................................................... 172
23 Digital inputs and outputs ................................................................................173
23.1 Digital inputs........................................................................................................... 173
23.2 Digital outputs (relays)............................................................................................ 175
24 Connector descriptions ....................................................................................179
24.1 Printer..................................................................................................................... 179
24.2 Serial RS232 #1 ..................................................................................................... 180
24.3 Serial RS232 #2 ..................................................................................................... 180
24.4 Ethernet.................................................................................................................. 181
24.5 RBU........................................................................................................................ 181
24.6 Tool connector........................................................................................................ 182
24.7 Digital inputs........................................................................................................... 183
24.8 Digital outputs (relays)............................................................................................ 184
24.9 I/O Bus #1 .............................................................................................................. 185
24.10 I/O Bus #2 .............................................................................................................. 186
24.11 Mains power connector .......................................................................................... 186
25 Pulsor Quick Guide ...........................................................................................187
25.1 Introduction............................................................................................................. 187
25.2 Quick Guide instructions ........................................................................................ 187
26 FieldBus configuration appendix ....................................................................189

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26.1 Bit map select (Endian Mode).................................................................................189

26.1.1 Motorola Endian ....................................................................................................189
26.1.2 Intel Endian............................................................................................................189
26.2 FieldBus data types ................................................................................................189
26.2.1 Character string .....................................................................................................191
26.2.2 Fixed point number................................................................................................192
26.2.3 Integer....................................................................................................................193
26.3 Items From PF ........................................................................................................195
26.4 Items To PF ............................................................................................................200
26.5 ProfiBus-DP ............................................................................................................204
26.5.1 ProfiBus-DP for Pulsor Focus................................................................................204
26.6 DeviceNet ...............................................................................................................209
26.6.1 DeviceNet for Pulsor Focus...................................................................................209
26.7 InterBus ..................................................................................................................214
26.7.1 InterBus for Pulsor Focus ......................................................................................214
26.8 ModBusPlus............................................................................................................217
26.8.1 ModBusPlus for Pulsor Focus ...............................................................................217
26.9 EtherNet..................................................................................................................222
26.9.1 EtherNet for Pulsor Focus .....................................................................................222
27 Abbreviations .................................................................................................... 225
28 General safety instructions for Pulsor Focus unit ......................................... 227
28.1 Work area ...............................................................................................................227
28.2 Electrical safety.......................................................................................................227
28.3 Personal safety .......................................................................................................228
28.4 Service....................................................................................................................228
29 EC declaration of conformity ........................................................................... 231

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Introduction to Pulsor

1 Introduction to Pulsor
1.1 About this document
This document is a user manual for the Pulsor Focus system and is divided into three main parts:
Part Name Description
Part I Getting started with Pulsor This part introduces Pulsor and is also a step by step instruction on how to get to
the point of doing real tightenings with your Pulsor system.
Part II Working with Pulsor Describes in detail functions and features of the Pulsor system.
Part III Reference information on Pulsor Gives important reference information on Pulsor such as event codes and
specifications on hardware.

1.2 Overview of Pulsor

The Pulsor concept uses an ErgoPulse auto shut-off pulse tool. This means that the tool contains an
adjustable mechanism that shuts off the tool when the desired torque has been reached.
Since there is always a degree of uncertainty of how good the tightening is when using pulse tools,
Atlas Copco has come up with the idea to allow mechanical shut-off mechanism to work in parallel with
electronic monitoring to achieve a high level of certainty that the joint is correctly tightened.
The tool contains an electronic sensor that measures the torque during the pulses that the tool delivers
while tightening. The torque that is measured is (as always) the torque in the outgoing shaft from the tool
but what this torque pulse achieves for the installed torque depends on the characteristics of the joint, the
use of extensions, sockets etc. If several tightenings are made on the same joint, the torque measurement
produces a result that agrees relatively well in the actual joint. If you have adjusted the tool so that you are
satisfied with the result it achieves in the actual joint, the torque is shown as a percentage of this level.
The main features of Pulsor are:
Functions Description
Tightening Reference Setup calculates proposed limits for the different parameters that describe the tightening with
monitoring the tool on the actual joints. When Reference Setup is completed these values are transferred to the
tightening monitoring. Once the Reference Setup is completed, the user can change the limit values in the
tightening monitoring to suit the specifications for the joint. The user can also choose to activate and/or
adjust additional parameters to capture different faults such as rehit and cross thread.
Result presentation Basic results are shown on the Pulsor Focus display and lamps on the tool indicate whether the tightening
was good or not. For a comprehensive result presentation the PC program ToolsTalk Pulsor is used. It
contains a number of functions that present detailed information on the result of the tightenings.
Batch counting of A function for counting tightenings to assure that no bolts are forgotten.
Job Function for making several tightenings on different joint types in a controlled sequence.
Statistics Functions for calculating statistics on a large number of tightenings.
Service monitoring The parameters for service monitoring are stored in the tool’s memory and follow the tool if it is moved
to another Pulsor Focus. If any active service parameter exceeds a preset alarm limit the “alarm” light on
Pulsor Focus comes on and a event code is displayed which states which parameter has caused the alarm.

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Introduction to Pulsor

Functions Description
Tool drift alarm Tool drift alarm is a function to enable the operator to detect a change in tool performance (tool drift)
before it has an impact on production. The cause for this performance change can be lack of oil in the
pulse mechanism, a technical fault in the tool or a change in line air pressure.
Network Pulsor Focus includes complete networking capacity as an integrated function. Pulsor Focus can be
connected to a network for central programming and data collection with the help of ToolsTalk Pulsor
and ToolsNet.
External units The Pulsor system also includes a number of optional accessories such as Tool Lock Box, selector, RE-
alarm I/O Expander and barcode reader.

1.3 Pulsor components

A Pulsor system includes the following main components:
Product Name Description

Tools The current ErgoPulse tools for Pulsor are:

EPP 11M120 HR13 70- 120 Nm
EPP 10M90 HR13 50- 90 Nm
EPP 8M70 HR10 40- 70 Nm
EPP 8M55 HR10 30- 55 Nm
EPP 6M32 HR10 16- 32 Nm
EPP 6M28 HR42 15- 28 Nm
EPP 6M25 HR10 8- 25 Nm
EPP 6M23 HR42 7- 23 Nm
Pulsor Focus In principle, all functions are adjusted and set using a PC running ToolsTalk Pulsor
monitoring unit connected to a Pulsor Focus monitoring unit (referred to as Pulsor Focus in the rest of
this document), locally or via a network. Simple functions can be operated directly on
Pulsor Focus’s front panel.

RBU RBUs (Rapid Backup Units) unlock a specified functionality level and, at the same time,
is a memory for backing up the programming and configuration of the Pulsor Focus. It is
possible to transfer the configuration from one Pulsor Focus to another with the help of
the RBU.

ToolsTalk This offers simple and user-friendly Reference Setup and monitoring of the Pulsor Focus
Pulsor units in real time.

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Introduction to Pulsor

The following is an illustration of a standard configuration of a Pulsor system:

Cable to PC Pulsor Focus
ToolsTalk PC Serial / Ethernet monitoring unit

Tool Tool cable Air hose

See chapter 22, Pulsor Focus hardware description for a detailed information about the Pulsor Focus

1.4 Pulsor accessories

A number of external accessories are available for the Pulsor system. The following are the most
Product Name Description
Pressure regulator A compressed air regulator provides a stable air pressure that produces a more
repeatable result.

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Introduction to Pulsor

Tool Lock Box The Tool Lock Box is used to shut off the air supply to the tool when the Pulsor
Focus wants to prohibit the operator do more tightenings, e.g. when an error
condition occurs.

Selector Selector is a socket rack that selects which Pset (parameter set) the tool shall use.

I/O expander The I/O expander makes it possible, when necessary, to connect more digital
inputs/outputs in addition to the built-in 4+4.

RE alarm The RE alarm (Lamp/sound box) indicates the tightening status to the operator.

Operator panel The operator panel is an external device for the Power Focus and can also be used
for Pulsor Focus. It is a general purpose lamp- and switchbox, replacing the
customer specials that are made today.

Stacklight Stacklight is a flexible light and switch device for PowerFocus, PulsorFocus,
PowerMacs and Tensor DS/DL Advanced tightening controllers.

ToolsNet ToolsNet is a standard software package for server usage. This facilitates collection,
storage and presentation of data from the tightenings that are done by Pulsor Focus
along the production line.

See chapter 17, ToolsNet and chapter 18, Accessories for more information.

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Connecting and installing the Pulsor system

2 Connecting and installing the Pulsor

This chapter will take you through connecting and installing the Pulsor system. The major steps are:
ƒ Examine that all required hardware and software is available.
ƒ Connect the physical parts of the system.
ƒ Learn about the Pulsor system user interface (chapter 3, Introducing the Pulsor system’s user
ƒ Install the ToolsTalk Pulsor software on a PC running MS Windows.
ƒ Connect ToolsTalk Pulsor to Pulsor Focus.
After successfully completing the steps above you can now start using the Pulsor system. The next natural
step is to proceed with reading about the Pulsor system’s user interface in chapter 3.

2.1 Required hardware and software

Installations checklist:
ƒ Pulsor Focus unit
ƒ Cable
ƒ Tool
ƒ ToolsTalk Pulsor

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Connecting and installing the Pulsor system

2.2 Connect the physical parts of the system

Lock Wall

Pulsor Focus

1. Open the lock mechanism.

2. Open the Pulsor Focus by pulling it.
3. Connect the tool cable, power cable, Ethernet/Serial cable etc.
4. Connect the RBU.
5. Check the earth fault breaker is switched on.
6. Close the Pulsor Focus and lock it.
7. Connect the power cable to a power supply 115/230 V.
8. Connect the tool to the tool cable and air hose.
9. Connect the air hose to the air supply.
10. Turn the power on.

2.3 Learn about the Pulsor system user interface

See chapter 3, Introducing the Pulsor system’s user interface.

2.4 Install the ToolsTalk Pulsor software

The requirements for using ToolsTalk Pulsor are:
ƒ Hardware: A standard PC with at least 256 Mb RAM (The absolute minimum is 64 Mb RAM but this is
not recommended).
ƒ Operating system: Windows 98 or later.

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Connecting and installing the Pulsor system

Proceed as follows to install ToolsTalk Pulsor:

ƒ Insert the installation CD and the installation will start automatically. You can also manually start the
installation by double clicking on Setup.exe file.
ƒ Follow the instructions on the screen.
ƒ Initially you will be granted a 60 day trial license period. To use ToolsTalk Pulsor after that you need
to register.
Registration of ToolsTalk Pulsor is preferably done at the web site To register you will need the licence number you got when
purchasing ToolsTalk Pulsor.

2.5 Initial connection of ToolsTalk Pulsor

ToolsTalk Pulsor can connect to Pulsor Focus either using serial interface or using TCP/IP over Ethernet.
Using Ethernet is the preferred alternative since it allows higher speed than the serial interface.To setup
the Ethernet connection parameters it is however first necessary to connect using serial interface.
The main steps to connect ToolsTalk Pulsor to Pulsor Focus are:
1. Start ToolsTalk Pulsor.
2. Connect ToolsTalk Pulsor to Pulsor Focus using serial cable.
3. Go to Communication under Config:
ƒ Set the IP address of the connected Pulsor Focus to a unique number within the network.(1)
ƒ Set the Subnet mask according to network partitioning. (1)
ƒ Set the default Gateway (if needed in your particular network). (1)
4. Store and restart Pulsor Focus.
5. From Settings under the Options menu, set the IP address and Subnet mask to the Pulsor Focus you
wish to connect to.
6. Connect with Ethernet to the selected Pulsor Focus with a double click in the PF Map or on the connect
Contact your network administrator for information about IP-address, Subnet mask and Default gateway.

After successfully completing the steps above you can now start using the Pulsor system. The next natural
step is to proceed with adjusting the tool described in chapter 4, Adjusting the tool.

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Connecting and installing the Pulsor system

2.6 Exchange of tools (Hot swap)

Exchange of tools (so-called Hot swap) allows a tool to be disconnected or connected without having to
turn off the Pulsor Focus.
Since all tools have slightly different characteristics it is very probable that the Reference
Setup needs to be redone when the tool has exchanged for the system to operate properly.

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Introducing the Pulsor system’s user interface

3 Introducing the Pulsor system’s user

3.1 Signal lights on the tool
The tool has three signal lights – green, yellow and red.
Color Description
Green Tightening approved.
Flashing red Active monitoring parameter is exceeded.
Flashing yellow An active monitoring parameter is below limits and/or the operator has released the trigger before tool shut-
Flashing red and Both the conditions for flashing red and yellow lights have been met e.g. there are multiple faults.

3.2 Pulsor Focus front panel

The front panel of the Pulsor Focus consists of a display, indicator lights, buttons and a red and white
power switch.

Front panel

Display Pulsor Focus

lights PULSOR



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Introducing the Pulsor system’s user interface

3.2.1 Indicator lights

n x OK

NOK Reference Setup

Indicator light Description

OK The OK light indicates that the result of the tightening is within the specified limits. The indicator remains
active until the next tightening starts.
NOK The NOK red light indicates that the result of the tightening falls outside the specified limits. The light is
active until the next tightening starts.
JOB OK The JOB OK light indicates that the Job is finished and the result is within the specified limits. The light
remains active until the next cycle starts or when the system is reset.
n x OK The n x OK light indicates that the number of approved tightenings corresponds to the number (batch size)
programmed into the Pset. The indicator remains active until the next tightening starts.
ALARM The ALARM indicates that an alarm message needs to be acknowledged. The light is active until the
message is cleared. The alarm light can also flash indicating active alarm that does not need to be
acknowledged e.g. service indicator alarm or tool drift alarm.
PROG. CONTROL When the Pulsor Focus is in programming mode the Programming Control light (illustrated by an opened
(padlock symbol) padlock) flashes green. Programming Control can be undertaken via the Pulsor Focus unit itself or via
ToolsTalk Pulsor. A steady green light indicates that the programming buttons on the front panel are
If the Pulsor Focus is not in programming mode, the only buttons on the unit that can be used are Question
Mark and Enter. (If key is unlocked, steady green, any key can be accessed, provided the soft keys are
locked. Parameter [C124])
Reference Setup The Reference Setup light indicates when the Reference Setup programming function is active. The light
(graph symbol) goes off when Reference Setup is finished.
STAT The STAT light indicates when the calculated values fall outside statistical control limits. The light
remains active until the values are within the control limits or the memory has been reset.

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Introducing the Pulsor system’s user interface

3.2.2 Keys
Plus (+)
Minus (-)

Function (F) Question Mark (?)

Reference Setup Enter

Key Description
Plus (+) Navigates through menus on the display and increase numbers.
Minus (-) Navigate through menus on the display and decrease numbers.
Function (F) Press F (Function button) to display functions F1 – F5.
To display function F1 press F one time, to display function F2 press F two times etc. Press Enter to access
and edit a function. When finished, press F repeatedly to display result mode again (or else it will take 30
seconds for the screen to automatically update).
F1 - Setting minimum limit for torque monitoring:
“F1”/”rtLL” alternates in the display. If no Pset is selected “F1”/”----“ is displayed.
Press Enter to select the new Minimum Limit value. Change the value by pressing the +/– keys.
Press Enter to save and exit. Press F to exit (no save).
F2 - Setting maximum limit for torque monitoring:
“F2”/”rtUL” alternates in the display. If no Pset is selected “F2”/”----“ is displayed.
Press Enter to select the new Maximum Limit value. Change the value by pressing the +/– keys.
Press Enter to save and exit. Press F to exit (no save).
(F3 – Not currently in use)
F4 - Selecting Pset:
“F4”/”Pset” alternates in the display if the Pset select source [C222] is Keyboard. Otherwise “F4”/”----“ is
Press Enter to access the available Psets. Browse existing Psets by pressing the +/- keys.
Press Enter to select a Pset and exit.
Press F to exit (no selection).
F5 - Setting Batch count:
“F5”/”batS” alternates in the display, indicating that a Pset is selected. Otherwise “F5”/”----“ is displayed.
Press Enter to access the Batch Size value (range 0 - 99). Change the Batch Size value by pressing the +/-
Press Enter to save and exit.
Press F to exit (no save).

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Introducing the Pulsor system’s user interface

Key Description
Reference Setup Press the Reference Setup button to enter Reference Setup programming mode. “rEFS”/”----” alternates in
the display and the Reference Setup led goes on.
Press Enter. “rEFS”/Selected Pset alternates in the display.
Perform a minimum of 10 numbers of tightenings. When Reference Setup is ready, the selected Pset
number is displayed and Reference Setup led goes out.
To abort Reference Setup press the Reference Setup button (exit and no save).
Question Mark (?) Pressing the Question Mark button will display the following information:
Pulsor Focus model:
Model type alternates with software version (S = Silver and B = Bronze).
(“rbu” toggle with RBU type. PAg for Silver or Pbr for Bronze.)
Software version:
The entire program code alternates with version number.
(“rEL” with version number roll on the display from right to left.)
Motor type:
The tool model name roll on the display from right to left.
Current Pset:
“Pset” alternates with the current Pset ID, e.g. “P2”.
Current Job:
“Job” alternates with the current Job ID, e.g. “J3”.
Enter The Enter button is used to execute selected functions and for event acknowledgement.

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Introducing the Pulsor system’s user interface

3.3 ToolsTalk Pulsor user interface

If you are familiar with Microsoft Windows® you will feel at home with ToolsTalk Pulsor. The figure
below shows the principal areas in ToolsTalk Pulsor’s user interface:

Menu row
Selection panel

PF Map

There are several different ways of starting a function in ToolsTalk Pulsor. It is generally the case for all
functions that you can use a menu item in the menu row, click on a tool button in the toolbar or double
click on the text in the PF Map. The ToolsTalk Pulsor is also designed in a way that it can be operated
without a mouse. You can therefore access all functions from the menu row using a keyboard although
using a mouse makes it easier.

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Introducing the Pulsor system’s user interface

3.3.1 Menu row

This section provides an overview of the different functions that are available via the menu row.
Additional menus are displayed in the menu row when you open a function window. If, for example, you
open a Pset window you will see a new menu in the menu row called Pset.
Menu option Description
File You can open, save and close files, print and close ToolsTalk Pulsor from the File menu.
Edit You can create a new Pset or a new Job from the Edit menu.
[Active window] This menu option is dependant on which window is active. For example, if the Pset window is active Pset
will be visible with sum menus for creating, deleting and copying a Pset.
Focus You can choose how to make connections to Pulsor Focus from the Focus menu. You can choose between
an Ethernet connection and a serial connection. In the Offline mode you can use ToolsTalk Pulsor without
being connected to a Pulsor Focus and settings can later be loaded to a Pulsor Focus.
Options You choose whether to display a toolbar or not from the Options menu. The following functions are
Get Event Log
Forced Release Program Control
Window You can make settings for windows and icons in the Window menu. You can also open the Activate menu.
If you open the Activate menu you will see a list of available functions (Pset, Job, etc.).
Help You can open the Pulsor Focus help file (this field test guide as a PDF file) from the Help menu to get
instructions. The program version is shown under in About ToolsTalk Pulsor alternative.

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Introducing the Pulsor system’s user interface

3.3.2 Selection panel

Name Description
Selected Controller The following options are available: Serial connection, Ethernet connection or Offline mode.
Running Pset If the selected Pset source (config. Parameter [C222]) is in Ethernet/Serial mode you can select Pset from
this window.
Running Job If the selected Job (config. Parameter [C221]) is in Ethernet/Serial mode you can select active from this
PF List You can use the PF List window for simpler Ethernet connection to a Pulsor Focus Mark an item in the
window to connect ToolsTalk Pulsor to the corresponding Pulsor Focus. The information in this list
contains: Name, IP address and port number. The PF list is created from Settings in the Options menu.

3.3.3 Toolbar
Icon Name Description
Pset This icon opens the Pset programming window. Click on the arrow to the right to show the
programmed Psets with numbers and names. The list can contain a maximum of 8 Psets.

Job This icon opens the Job programming window.

Configuration This icon opens the configuration window.

Diagnostics This icon opens the diagnostics window.

Identifier This icon opens the identifier window (barcodes).

Fieldbus This icon opens the fieldbus configuration window.

Monitors Click on the arrow to the right of this icon to select the required monitor. Result monitor, Job monitor,
operator monitor or Tracking Results monitor.

Statistics Click on this icon to display statistical results and graphs.

PF Map This icon opens the PF Map if it is closed.

Connect Click on the item to connect to Pulsor Focus or to break the connection.

3.3.4 The PF Map

The PF Map gives you an overview and short cuts to all settings in ToolsTalk Pulsor. Click on the minus or
plus symbols to open or close menus and double click on the function names to open the corresponding

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Introducing the Pulsor system’s user interface

function. Brief information on the selected setting is shown in the right panel of the PF Map. Right click on
the function name to create a new copy of the function. Only the left panel of the PF Map is displayed if
you click on the Hide details button.

3.4 Event codes in ToolsTalk Pulsor

There are two kinds of event codes you get when using the Pulsor system:
Types of event code Display on the front Activity from the user
panel in Pulsor Focus
Event codes that need The event code flashes This type of event is of such severity that it needs to be attended to before
acknowledging until acknowledged by work can be continued.
the user. Press the Acknowledge button in the event code window in ToolsTalk Pulsor
or press the Enter button in Pulsor Focus front panel to go back to the
working position.
Other events codes The event code is No activity is required by the user. If you so wish, the event code window in
displayed for 5 seconds. ToolsTalk Pulsor can be switched off by clicking on the OK button.

Chapter 19, Event codes, provides more information on what an event code means. The event code will
end up in an Event log that can be analysed at a later time.

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Adjusting the tool

4 Adjusting the tool

4.1 Introduction
To achieve a satisfactory function, you have the option to:
ƒ Adjust the shut-off mechanism.
ƒ Regulate the air pressure. For most applications a pressure of 6.3 bar is recommended.
You can also check the auto trim valve (Do not try to adjust the auto trim valve if you are unsure of how
to do it). See section 4.6, Auto trim valve for more information.
Normally it is sufficient to adjust the tool’s shut-off mechanism. After that, perform Reference Setup.
During Reference Setup the tightenings must be checked carefully since they form the basis for what is
For best results Atlas Copco recommends:
ƒ Do not use an extension if it can be avoided. If it can’t be avoided, make sure that the extension is not
longer than necessary.
ƒ Sockets and extensions (if used) should be guided and should not be worn or loosely fit.
The Reference Setup should be repeated if the tool’s properties have changed (for example after service).

4.2 How do I check that the tool shuts off at the

correct torque?
A rough adjustment of the tool’s torque level can be performed on an arbitrary joint. What torque the tool
produces must however be checked on the target joint. Checks shall be done by static torque measurement.
The tool must also be correctly equipped in this case. For example if an extension is used in production,
the tool’s torque level must be checked with the extension fitted.
A prerequisite for being able to carry out a correct Reference Setup is that the tool has been
previously adjusted according to the instruction in this chapter.

4.3 Shut-off mechanism

The shut-off mechanism comprises of a spring-loaded inertia body. When the torque is sufficiently high, a
valve in the tool shuts off the air supply to the tool. The spring force can be adjusted with a screw so that
the tool shuts at the required torque level.
The mechanism is also affected to some degree if the air pressure changes. The shut-off torque normally
increases if the air pressure drops.

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Adjusting the tool

4.4 Instructions for adjusting the tools shut-off

Proceed as follows to adjust the tool:
1. Remove the screw. Then rotate the outgoing shaft so that a screw head with double slots appears (looks
like a plus symbol).
2. Adjust the shut-off mechanism’s torque level (by turning the screw head).
3. Reinsert the screw and make sure it is tight.
4. Check the tightening torque for example by static torque measurement (e.g. using an ACTA 3000 and
MRTT torque wrench).

1 3

For detailed information refer to the ASL document for the tool.

4.5 Regulating the air pressure

Since the tool’s properties change as the air pressure changes, e.g. at which torque level the tool shuts off,
it is important that the tool is supplied with a stable air pressure.
By using a pressure regulator a more stable air supply can be achieved. A stable air supply will increase
the repeatability of the tightening process.
By reducing the air pressure the tool becomes weaker and slower. But since the tightening is done in steps
(pulses) the accuracy of the shut-off mechanism will increase since each step is smaller.

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Adjusting the tool

In general the tool should not be supplied with a pressure that is higher than what is required for the torque
and the tightening time. Nominally the tool shall be supplied with 6.3 bar but the pressure can be reduced
to 4 bar. It is not recommended that the tool be supplied with a pressure below 4 bar.
Stable and low air pressure gives a more repeatable result.

The tool can also be made weaker by adjusting the auto trim. But if you already have an adjustable
pressure regulator this should be used first (since this is simpler and you do not need to dismantle the

4.6 Auto trim valve

The auto trim valve reduces the air flow during rundown but opens fully when the tool begins to pulse
(when the tightening begins). The purpose of this is that the first pulse shall not have such a high force that
the torque in the first pulse exceeds the desired torque level. In addition to being able to adjust the auto
trim valve to switch over correctly, two additional properties can be adjusted in the auto trim valve:
ƒ How much the speed is reduced during rundown – default approximately 70% of max speed.
ƒ How much the force shall be reduced during tightening (pulsing) – default no reduction.
Basic functional check of the Auto trim valve:
1. Run the tool with reverse switch in forward position in the air.
Make sure that any socket is firmly attached to the tool (the tool should be run with reduced
2. Without releasing the trigger do a quick reverse-forward with the reverse switch, still without releasing
the trigger. The auto trim valve should have reversed so that the tool is running with full speed. If there is
a noticeable difference in tool speed observed after performing the procedure above, the auto trim valve is
ok. If NO difference is noticed the auto trim valve is in need of adjustment or service. For more
information on the Auto trim valve, see the ASL document for the tool.

4.7 Oil level in the pulse unit

With continuous use of the tool the oil level in the pulse unit will gradually decrease due to an inevitable
micro leakage. A lower oil level will increase the tool’s pulse frequency. The pulse frequency can be
monitored in Tool Drift Alarm, see section 11.3, Tool drift alarm. When the oil level in the pulse unit gets
too low the pulses becomes weaker and the pulse frequency will get noticeable higher. If the tool has
previously worked well but now displays the above described symptoms, you should fill the pulse unit
with ca 0,05-0,5 ml oil (the exact amount is dependant on the tool size). If the tool still not functions
satisfactory, please see the tool’s ASL document for the exact method for filling oil in the pulse unit.
If the oil level is too high the tool will run slower and will have problem reaching the correct
final torque.

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Performing a Reference Setup

5 Performing a Reference Setup

5.1 Introduction
All Pulsor tightenings are carried out in the context of a Pset (Parameter set). Before a Pset can be used for
monitoring the tightenings it must be set up to know what is right and what is wrong. This is done through
a process called Reference Setup.
A prerequisite for being able to carry out a correct Reference Setup is that the tool has been previously
adjusted according to the instruction in chapter 4, Adjusting the tool.
It is also possible to carry out a simpler type of Reference Setup without using ToolsTalk Pulsor. See
section 5.8, Making a Reference Setup via Pulsor Focus front panel for more information.

5.2 Starting ToolsTalk Pulsor

Make sure that the PC is connected to Pulsor Focus and the power supply to Pulsor Focus is on.
Start ToolsTalk Pulsor on the PC for example by double-
clicking on the ToolsTalk Pulsor icon on your desktop.
Select Continue Evaluation and register later or select
Register to register now.

See section 3.3, ToolsTalk Pulsor user interface for more

information about the ToolsTalk Pulsor user interface.

Connect to Pulsor Focus via the Ethernet (recommended)

or serially.

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Performing a Reference Setup

Check that Pset select source in Config is set to

Ethernet/Serial. This setting is permanent and need not
normally be changed.

5.3 Activating Pset and selecting Pset

This section describes how you can activate and select a Pset for which you want to carry out a Reference
Go to section 5.3.1, Creating a new Pset below if you want to carry out a Reference Setup on new Pset
Activate the desired Pset (parameter set) in the
Selection panel in ToolsTalk Pulsor (a prerequisite is
that Pset select source is set to Ethernet/Serial, see
section 10.3.4, Pset select source for more

Select the required Pset for example by double-clicking on the required Pset under
Pset in the PF Map.

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Performing a Reference Setup

5.3.1 Creating a new Pset

Each type of joint has their own characteristics. If you want to use the tool on different joints you therefore
need one Pset for each type of joint.
Proceed as follows to create a new Pset:
Create a new Pset by clicking with the right mouse button on Pset in the PF

Give the Pset an ID from the list (or accept the suggested ID)
and, if required, give the new Pset a name. Click on OK.

Select Pset in the Selection panel in ToolsTalk Pulsor.

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Performing a Reference Setup

5.4 Starting Reference Setup

Click on Reference Setup.

Acknowledge that the tool has been adjusted

mechanically (as instructed in chapter 4, Adjusting the

The Reference Setup is displayed.

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Performing a Reference Setup

5.5 Making reference setup tightenings

Important information when you make reference tightenings:
ƒ Use the adjusted tools on the target joint.
ƒ Check that the reference tightenings have been done correctly.
ƒ At least 10 reference tightenings are preferable. Only one reference tightening will work but several
(but no more than 50) will provide better statistics and a better result.
ƒ The tool must shut off after each tightening (tightenings where the tool has not shut off are
automatically discarded and are not included in Reference Setup).
ƒ No lights will light up on the tool, the Pulsor Focus front panel or other accessories that are connected
when you carry out reference tightening (since the system cannot approve tightenings during
Reference Setup).

ƒ Make reference tightenings.

ƒ New limit values for monitoring are calculated for each new reference tightening (as are certain
statistics on the tightening result).
ƒ Tightenings where the torque lies outside 15% of the mean value are shown in orange.
ƒ Tightenings with invalid parameter values are shown in purple. Min and max values are presented with
“-“ and proposed limits are set to “-1” for that parameter since they cannot be evaluated.
ƒ It is important for the statistics to be based on representative and correct tightenings. Incorrect
tightenings can be deleted by clicking on Delete for the tightening. If in a situation where you have to
delete several tightenings, please refer to section 6.4, Tightening – problems and suggestions for
solutions. See also the following section.

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Performing a Reference Setup

5.5.1 Making setups under Reference Setup

You can change the following four parameters while carrying out a Reference Setup. These parameters
affect the measurement values during reference tightenings.
ƒ Relative angle start: This should be set to the torque level from where Angle measurement should start.
The default Relative angle start is 50%.
ƒ Rundown pulse filter: If the are problems with early pulses that are not part of the relevant tightening,
such as self-tap or nyloc®, such pulses are filtered out. The filter is on as a default when Pset is created
but can be shut off. See more under section 6.8, Strategies for tightening monitoring.
If desired, it is possible to make the relative torque result show its value corresponding to the joint’s
specified value. To do so Target torque and Measured torque must be set. If these two parameters are not
set then the relative torque result is corresponding to the average of the Reference setup tightenings.
ƒ Target torque: Specified tightening torque for specific joint. Target torque and Measured torque
together give a trace of what 100% corresponds to.
ƒ Measured torque: What the tool has achieved on the joint. Mean value calculated later from static
torque measurements. Is used together with Target torque.
Open Set reference values window.

Activate/set parameters. See explanation in table above.

Click on OK.
A change to these parameters results in a conversion of
all the constituent tightening results.

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Performing a Reference Setup

5.6 Completing Reference Setup

Check that the result from the reference tightenings is
reasonable. Review the max/min results: Identify and delete
any deviating tightenings.
When Reference Setup is completed by clicking the Accept
button it is final - no changes or additions can be made later.
Complete Reference Setup by clicking on Accept and to go
back to the main programming window.
The result values from Reference Setup are saved.
You have now reached a productive stage and can begin to make real tightenings. See chapter 6,
Tightening and monitoring for more information.

5.7 Result values from a Reference Setup

When a Reference Setup is complete, the proposed limit values are copied automatically in the tightening
monitoring and the result values from Reference Setup are saved.
Click on View Result to check the stored values from Reference Setup.

Result values from a Reference Setup are


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Performing a Reference Setup

Proposed limits are calculated on the following basis:

ƒ Limit values are calculated as +/- 4 standard deviations, but no closer to mean value than +/-10%.
ƒ No minimum value shall be less than 50% of the mean value.
ƒ Where the ”No of Pulses” parameter is concerned, the limits must not be tighter than +/- 2 pulses. If the
result is near zero the limits are min=0 max=4.

5.8 Making a Reference Setup via Pulsor Focus front

It is possible to make a Reference Setup without ToolsTalk Pulsor, but there are some limitations.
It is important to know the following when making a Reference Setup via the front panel.:
ƒ The relative angle start is taken from the Pset.
ƒ The rundown pulse filter setting cannot be changed (the settings are taken from the Pset).
ƒ The target torque and measured torque cannot be stated.
ƒ Incorrect tightenings can not be deleted.
Proceed as follows to make a Reference Setup via Pulsor Focus front panel:
ƒ Adjust the tool so that it shuts off at the required torque level.
ƒ Select/activate the appropriate parameter set (default P1) - press Reference Setup on Pulsor Focus -
press Enter to accept.
ƒ Check that the Reference Setup light comes on and that “rEFS” appears on the display.
ƒ Carry out 1-50 tightenings. At least 10 tightenings is recommended.
ƒ The latest Relative torque value and the number of tightenings carried out are shown alternately on the
ƒ Press the Reference Setup button if you wish to abort Reference Setup.
ƒ Press the Enter button. Reference Setup is complete and the result is entered in the relevant Pset
(parameter set).
Once the Reference Setup is complete, the display shows the proposed min/max limit values for Relative
torque alternately, e.g. 90/110 (%). These limit values can be changed directly after Reference Setup or at
a later time. See section 6.7 Changing parameters via the Pulsor Focus front panel for more information.

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Tightening and monitoring

6 Tightening and monitoring

This chapter describes the parameters that are measured when performing tightenings and how they can be
used. The chapter also offers advice on what to think about and how different problems can be resolved.
Go directly to sections 6.5 and 6.6 if you want to get started quickly and adjust the tightening monitoring.
It is also advisable to read section 6.3 on how the results can be displayed.

6.1 Performing tightenings

The following need to be considered when doing tightenings:
ƒ Keep the trigger pressed until the tool has shut off.
ƒ Hold the tool steady.
ƒ Keep the tool straight.
ƒ Do not twist the tool while tightening since this will affect the angle measurement.
When the tightening is completed, verify that the green OK light on the tool is illuminated.
If the tool has not been used for a long time, it can “spin” during the first tightening. This is sensed by
abnormally high pulse frequency and that the tool feels weaker than normal. It is normal for this to happen
after the tool has rested for about an hour. If this happens regularly, fill up oil in the pulse unit.

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Tightening and monitoring

6.2 A tightening and its parameters

150% Rundown time Tightening time
Line pressure


Pulse pressure

100% Measured torque

Torque pulses
Angle increases in
steps for each pulse
Air pressure measured at
air motor in the tool

Angular measurement
50% starts when torque = 50%

Measured angle

Angle for first

pulse cannot be

0% Time
-0,1 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1

The above graph shows the torque (black), angle (dashed) and the air pressure at the air motor in the tool
(dotted) for a typical tightening. The tightening starts (t=0) when the tool trigger is pressed and the air
pressure increases. During the first 0.2 seconds the thread is run down and then the first pulse occurs and
the actual tightening is initiated. The torque and the tightening angle increases in stages for each pulse.
When the pulse torque is sufficiently high it activates the torque-sensing shutoff mechanism and the
tightening is completed.
The air pressure increases to the line pressure when the air flow has stopped. The air
pressure decreases to zero when the operator releases the trigger.

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Tightening and monitoring

Parameter Description
Pulse filter Sometimes a pulse occurs during rundown that has nothing to do with the tightening. Examples of this are
when locknuts are used or the thread is damaged. The pulse filter identifies such pulses and does not allow
them to be included in the calculations of relative torque, relative angle, number of pulses, tightening time,
rundown time, pulse frequency and pulse pressure. Even if the Pulse filter is turned off, it is used when
calculating the relative torque and pulse frequency.
Trigger lost This indicates that the operator has released the trigger before the torque-sensing shutoff mechanism is
Relative torque The highest torque measured during tightening. The pulse filter is used for this function irrespective of
whether or not the pulse filter is on.
The pulse mechanism includes a hydraulic mechanism which uses an oil cushion to “couple" the impact
cylinder to the shaft and socket once every turn which generates a torque pulse. The oil cushion must be
evacuated so that the impact cylinder can pass this coupling position. The impact cylinder can then
accelerate one turn before the next pulse. When the tool is used, the oil quantity in the pulse mechanism is
successively reduced because of an unavoidable micro-leakage.
When the oil quantity becomes low it is not sufficient for keeping the impact cylinder coupled to the shaft
during the entire pulse. Torque measurement then becomes incorrect. This is detected when the torque
measurement for this pulse is rejected. The risk of this is greatest during early tightening pulses. If none of
the tightening pulses can perform an acceptable torque, the entire tightenings torque measurement is
Relative angle This is measured from a threshold value for the torque (default 50%). The angle measurement’s starting
point is interpolated between the two pulses that lie below and above the threshold value respectively.
The threshold value can be set to an optional value. If the threshold value is set at 0% the angle is always
measured from the first pulse. If the threshold value lies below the relative torque value of the first pulse
the angle is measured from the first pulse.
The angle of the first pulse cannot be measured.

Since the torque is stated as a percentage, and the angle is measured from a threshold value for the torque,
the angle is also given as a percentage instead of in degrees. The angle is however measured exactly in
degrees in the tool. The angle that is measured from the threshold value during Reference Setup is given as
100% (average for measurements during Reference Setup).
The angle is measured as the angular difference between the tool and screw, i.e. if the tool is rotated while
tightening; this rotation is added to the angular measurement. By intentionally rotating the tool during
several tightenings it is possible to get an idea of the effect this has during angular measurement.
Since the first pulse’s torque is often approximately 30% of the final torque, and sometimes more, the
threshold value should not be set at a lower value. What angle the first pulse achieves varies between
different tightenings. Therefore the variation is often large for angular measurements from the first pulse.
The threshold value should not be set at an excessive value since small variations between different
tightenings (depending on how the operator holds the tool for example) can cause large variations in the
It is preferable to use the option under Reference Setup for changing the threshold value to see what effect
this produces. Perform a few tightenings first and then test by changing the threshold value at both low and
high values. Note the standard deviation for the angular measurement. A low standard deviation means
stable measurement. Then test by repeating the Reference Setup but now be a bit lax in how you hold the
tool. As you will see, the standard deviation will now increase for high threshold values. In most cases 50%
lies near to an optimum choice of threshold value.
No of Pulses The number of pulses registered during the tightening.
Tightening time This is the time from the first pulse to the last pulse.

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Tightening and monitoring

Parameter Description
Rundown time This is the time from when the tool trigger is activated until the first pulse.
Pulse frequency This is the number of pulses per second. The time between the first and second pulse is not used in the
calculation since this time is not representative. Consequently the tightening must comprise at least 3 pulses
for the pulse frequency to be calculated. Since the calculation of the pulse frequency for 3 pulses uses only
a single time interval between two pulses, the result in this case should be interpreted with caution. The
more pulses the tightening includes, the more reliable the result of the pulse frequency calculation.
Rundown pressure The average value of the air pressure during rundown from when the tool’s pressure is applied to the first
pulse. If a pulse occurs during the rundown, the average pressure is calculated only up to this pulse
irrespective of whether or not the pulse filter is on. In most cases the rundown pressure is stable during the
rundown so that it is of minor significance that the rundown pressure measuring ends at the first pulse, even
though the actual rundown phase may continue a while longer.
Pulse pressure The average value of the air pressure during tightening (pulsing).
Line pressure The air pressure after the tool’s torque-sensing shutoff mechanism has actuated, i.e. when the airflow is
The parameter cannot be measured if the tool is shut off by the operator releasing the
trigger before the torque-sensing shutoff mechanism has actuated.

6.3 Viewing results

The Pulsor Focus can display one or two parameters for tightening. ToolsTalk Pulsor is used to select
which parameter(s) to display. If two parameters are selected these will be shown alternately on the
display. As default, only Relative Torque is displayed.
See section 10.2.2, Display and toggle display for instructions on how to use ToolsTalk Pulsor to set the
When using ToolsTalk Pulsor, the Tracking result monitor gives a good overview of the tightening results.
See chapter 14, Monitors for more information.

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Tightening and monitoring

6.4 Tightening – problems and suggestions for

Large torque spread: A pulse tool tightens the joint in steps (pulses). By reducing the air supply pressure
there will be more pulses in smaller steps and a more accurate final torque, while at the same time the
tightening will take longer time. However if the air pressure is lowered too much the shut off mechanism
will not be able to shut off the tool. A smaller tool should be used if the required torque is significantly
lower than the tool’s maximum torque. A balance between accurate final torque and the need for rapid
tightening is recommended to maintain the equipment’s full performance. Alternatively the auto trim can
be adjusted so that the strength of the tool is reduced.
Very hard joints: Excessive torque is often the result if the first pulse is so strong that the tool shuts off
immediately. In order to reduce the force in the first pulse, the rundown speed must be lowered. This can
be done by reducing the air pressure, assuming that the tool’s maximum performance is not needed. The
auto trim valve can also be adjusted so that the rundown speed is reduced without the force in the tool
being reduced. Obviously both methods can be used in combination.
Invalid torque and/or angle values: This will usually be due to spin in the pulse tool. This may be a
problem if running in the lower end of the tools torque range on a soft joint. It may also be a result of the
tool needing to have the oil filled. In some cases, it might help to reduce the line pressure in the system. It
is also not recommended to have tightenings with less than 3 pulses.

6.5 Tightening monitoring

The limit values that are calculated during Reference Setup are intended to show within which limits the
different parameters in most tightenings will probably be. This applies to the relevant tool on the target
When reference Setup is completed, the proposed limit values are stored in monitoring. These limit values
can be changed arbitrarily here. The limit values to be activated for tightening monitoring can also be
freely changed. The limit values proposed earlier are saved and shown under View Result in the Reference
Setup window.

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Tightening and monitoring

6.6 Changing limits and determining parameters for

Select Monitoring under Programming in the
navigation area for the relevant Pset.
In the Monitoring window you can adjust
your limit values for monitoring and activate
or deactivate them. The Reference setup and
its proposed limits are not affected by
adjusting the limits.
Only Relative Torque and Trigger lost (no
machine shut-off) are activated as defaults.
The fact that a parameter limit is activated is
shown by its cell being checked.
If Relative torque or Relative Angle has
limits “-1” it is strongly recommended to re-
perform Reference setup since the para-
meters cannot be monitored in a correct way.
Save any changes by clicking Store.
You can change the tightening settings in
Tightening Options (Relative angle start and
Rundown pulse filter) but this requires more
extensive analysis.
Save any changes by clicking Store.

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Tightening and monitoring

6.7 Changing parameters via the Pulsor Focus front

Some parameters can be changed using the function button (F) on the front panel. The function can be
used at any time. Confirm with Enter to get to a position where you can change the values for the function
that is visible on the display. Confirm with Enter when you have made an adjustment.
ƒ If you press F (F1), the minimum limit for torque monitoring (e.g. 92) will flash and this value can be
increased/decreased using the +/- buttons.
ƒ The maximum limit can be changed if you press F (F2) again.
ƒ Nothing happens if you press F (F3) again.
ƒ The selected Pset can be changed if you press F (F4) again. Note that Pset select source Focus must be
set to PF Keyboard for this to work. For more information see section 10.3.4, Pset select source.
ƒ The number of batch tightenings can be changed if you press F (F5) again.
ƒ If you press F again the procedure is complete and you are back in working mode.
Press the F button repeatedly to get out of the function input position, or wait 30 seconds.

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Tightening and monitoring

6.8 Strategies for tightening monitoring

Torque – limit values: Reference Setup proposes upper and lower limits on the torque. If tighter limits are
required, these can be adjusted, but this may result in an increased number of rejected tightenings.
Conversely the limits can be increased if they are considered unnecessarily tight and this reduces the risk
of tightenings being rejected unnecessarily.
Similar joints - different requirements: It may be the case that two different joints have different torque limit
specifications. In this case, make a copy of the Pset where the Reference Setup has been made. Different
torque limits can then be set in the two Psets. Other parameters, such as tightening angle can also be set
individually in order to optimize tightening checks. If the tool is used on a joint that is not used during the
Reference Setup, it must be checked that this joint is tightened to the correct torque.
Rehit: There is no automatic function for detecting a rehit. However, you can set the parameter limits so
that a rehit is detected (tightening time, tightening angle, number of pulses). Make a number of correct
tightenings and then carry out a rehit on these to check which parameter(s) that is most suited for detecting
the error.
Cross thread: This means that the joint sticks in a non-tightened position as a consequence of damaged
threads or that the nut is cross-threaded. In the event of such faults, the tightening angle is often different
(both lower and higher) compared to what it should normally be.
Self-lock:If there is a risk that for example nyloc nuts® are mistaken for standard nuts or vice versa, this
error can be captured with the help of the rundown time. The rundown time is often longer for nyloc
nuts®. Test with a number of each type of nut and check if/how the rundown time can capture the

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Tightening and monitoring

6.9 Using the tightening monitoring options

A change in Relative angle start and Rundown pulse filter will affect the values of the tightening result
and that the limits for monitoring may also need to be adjusted.
Limit values, Relative angle start and Rundown pulse filter can be changed, activated or deactivated
arbitrarily at any time after Reference Setup is completed.
Rundown pulse filter: If early pulses occur that are not part of the tightening such as Rundown pulse of
nyloc® the measurement of various parameters such as tightening time may be incorrect. That is why
there is a filter that excludes such pulses from the calculations. The filter is on as a default. The filter can
be switched off.

6.10 Analysis of improvements

Once the tool is adjusted and has been working for a while, it may be appropriate to analyse how the tool
and its monitoring has functioned. With the help of Get all results, all the parameters from the tightenings
can be accessed. There is also a function for opening the results directly in Excel. The results can easily be
sorted in different ways with the help of the functions in Excel. For example, all the rejected values can be
easily sorted. An analysis of these can show how the process can be further improved.

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Working with ToolsTalk Pulsor

7 Working with ToolsTalk Pulsor

This chapter describes how to use ToolsTalk Pulsor.
For an introduction to ToolsTalk Pulsor’s user interface, see section 3.3, ToolsTalk Pulsor user interface.

7.1 Settings in ToolsTalk Pulsor

This section describes the Settings functionality in ToolsTalk Pulsor.
Open Settings by clicking on the Options menu in ToolsTalk Pulsor
and then selecting Settings.

The Settings window has four tabs:

ƒ Communication - Information about communication and
ƒ Application - Settings for displaying information in
ToolsTalk Pulsor.
ƒ Printout - Printer settings.
ƒ PF List - PF list management.

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Working with ToolsTalk Pulsor

7.1.1 Settings – Communication

The Communication sheet has four
sections, Communication setup, Serial
setup, Ethernet setup and LOG.
The View event setup field contains
selections for viewing Pulsor Focus
errors and warnings.
Under Serial setup it is possible to
select which Com port to use
(normally Com1 or Com2). The baud
rate can be set to 2400, 4800, 9600,
19200, 38400, 57600 or 155200.
All connected Pulsor Focus
need the same baud rate
value to work together.
Default value is 9600.

Under Ethernet setup select the type of connected Pulsor Focus (NetMaster, CellMaster or Controller), set
Port number and Controller IP address. Default port number value is 6543. If using an item from PF List
(PF available list) all three parameters (type, port, IP) will be set simultaneously.
To edit Ethernet setup parameters ToolsTalk Pulsor has to be in disconnected mode.

In the LOG section, you can select if you want to log communication between Pulsor Focus and ToolsTalk.
If you set Log to On, then messages will be stored in a file. The file name is stated in the Log file field.
Via the Advanced button you can make special setup
for logging.
If Split Log is activated the size of “log.txt”- file
cannot exceed the value set in Log file size. When the
file is full the program will copy the contents to a file
called “log~.txt” and erase the content of “log.txt”.
Afterwards data will continue to be stored in
From the Help menu, you can open a series of help

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Working with ToolsTalk Pulsor

7.1.2 Settings – Application

The Application tab sheet has three sections.
The first section is about ToolsTalk
Presentation for programming windows. Use
this if you want to view hints and parameter
The first checkbox in Automatic functionality
activates/deactivates Auto collapse tree views.
If Serial/Ethernet Auto connection on start up
is checked, ToolsTalk will try to connect to
the Pulsor Focus via serial/Ethernet
communication immediately on start-up.
If the Auto store PF to file on disconnect box
is checked, ToolsTalk will store PF to file
when disconnecting.
The last field allows you to set the path for
Default directory. Log files and auto stored PF
files will be saved to the selected default

7.1.3 Settings – Printout

The Printout tab sheet contains details
of printout-settings.
If you enter text in the Printout footer it
will be appear on every printed paper.
If you use the A4 Printout format,
select A4 format, otherwise select
Default format.
Printout Colors is only applicable if
you use a color printer.

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Working with ToolsTalk Pulsor

7.1.4 Settings - PF List

From the PF List tab you can manage the PF available list. You can add, modify and remove items. An item
is a Pulsor Focus unit with Name, IP address, port number and controller type. If you want to use multiple
PF list files you can select which one you want to use.

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Working with ToolsTalk Pulsor

7.2 Storing programming on file

To store the programmed settings on file, open the File menu. The following options are available: Read
<object>, Read PF from File, Save <object> and Store PF to File. <Object> could be Pset, Job, Config,
Identifier or Diagnostics.
Function Description
Store PF to File When you are connected to a Pulsor Focus and perform Store PF to File, all programmed settings in the
Pulsor Focus will be stored to a file. The user will be asked to name the file.
Read PF from File When you are connected to a Pulsor Focus and perform Read PF from File. You will update the Pulsor
Focus with programmed settings stored on file. The user will be asked to find the file.
Save <object> This function stores a single object to file. The selected window in ToolsTalk will be stored to file. The
(Config, Pset, Job etc.) user will be asked to name the file.
Read <object > This function writes a single object file to the Pulsor Focus. The selected window will be update with
(Config, Pset, Job etc.) data from the file. The user will be asked to find the file.

When you store PF to file, the user is asked to name the file. What actually happens is that ToolsTalk will
store the programmed settings on more than one file (for example one file for each Pset and Job). A Pset
will be stored in a file with extension “pfp”.
File extension Explanation
pf3 Overhead file
pfp Pset
pfc Config
pfj Job
pfd Diagnostics
pfq Function
pfi Identifier

When you store PF to File you have the option to store files in Excel format. Select Excel as file format in
the Save As dialogue. The overhead file will have the extension “pft”. Extensions for the other stored files
will be “xls”. These files can be used in Microsoft Excel.

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Working with ToolsTalk Pulsor

7.3 Offline mode

Offline mode gives the user the opportunity to conduct programming and configuration without being
connected to a Pulsor Focus unit. All programming will be stored to or read from a file. This file can be
copied to one or more Pulsor Focus units.
There are three different ways to select the Offline mode:
Select Focus – Offline. (the illustration to the right)
Select Offline from the Selected Controller box.
Double click on the Offline icon in the PF Map window.

The file can be located on the local hard drive, network, etc. There is a number of default files supplied
when installing ToolsTalk. You can also find these files separately on the ToolsTalk installation CD-
ROM. Depending on the licence level (Silver RBU or Bronze RBU) of the Pulsor Focus the corresponding
file shall be selected. You can recognise the different license levels by the names of the default files:
Silver.pf3 and Bronze.pf3. A good idea is to make a backup of these files.
A file can be created by first connecting (Serial or Ethernet) to a Pulsor Focus
and then clicking Store PF to File on the File menu. Name the file and store it in
an appropriate location.
Select a file with the same license level as the Pulsor Focus unit. ToolsTalk
opens the selected file and the user is able to change it. If a file with higher
license level is selected you can still continue to change its contents, but if you
try to use the file with a Pulsor Focus unit with lower license level a warning
message will be displayed.

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Working with ToolsTalk Pulsor

7.4 Miscellaneous ToolsTalk Pulsor tasks

7.4.1 New user for an existing ToolsTalk Pulsor installation
When a new user is added to the computer running ToolsTalk Pulsor, the PF List may be inaccessible due
to user access rights or due to the list being stored in an unexpected folder or with an unexpected filename.
This section describes how you point out the PF list you want to use for an existing ToolsTalk Pulsor
Click on the PF List tab.
Then click on the Select PF List file button.

Select file “PF3000List.txt” or, if the file is located elsewhere,

browse to find the correct directory.
Click Open.

Choose OK in the PF List tab to end.

7.4.2 Connecting ToolsTalk Pulsor to Pulsor Focus using

crossover Ethernet cable
When Pulsor Focus is not connected to a network it is recommended to use a crossover Ethernet cable to
connect ToolsTalk Pulsor to Pulsor Focus. Follow the instructions below configure the PC and the Pulsor

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Working with ToolsTalk Pulsor

Hardware required
ƒ A Pulsor Focus unit.
ƒ A crossover Ethernet cable (RX/TX crossed).
ƒ A PC with an Ethernet connection (the PC shall not be connected to the network).

Configuring the PC
ƒ Go into Windows network settings (e.g. Start – Settings - Network and remote connections -
Connection to local network.
ƒ Select Properties and make sure that TCP/IP is marked. Double-click on it or mark it and select
ƒ Select the PC’s “hard” IP address (often if you are connected to a network the choice “Select an IP
address automatically” is selected) such as and specify a net mask e.g.
DO NOT specify a default gateway.
ƒ Save the settings by clicking OK.

Configuring Pulsor Focus

ƒ Make a serial connection via RS232 with Focus Pulsor (required first time).
ƒ Go into the Config menu and select Communication.
ƒ Specify an IP address that is similar to (but not identical to) the one allocated to the PC such as
ƒ Specify a Subnet mask as above, i.e.
ƒ DO NOT specify a default router (gateway). If there is one already, delete it. You should see
ƒ Click on Store to save.
ƒ ToolsTalk Pulsor displays a message that Pulsor Focus should be rebooted.

ƒ Close the ToolsTalk Pulsor connection and reboot the PC if necessary.
ƒ Switch off Pulsor Focus, wait at least 10 seconds and then switch on Focus Pulsor.
ƒ Connect ToolsTalk Pulsor to Pulsor Focus via the Ethernet (it may be necessary to enter your new
connection to the PF list) – this is done in Settings under the Options menu.

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Pset and batch count

8 Pset and batch count

All Pulsor tightenings are performed in the context of a Pset (Parameter set). The Pset contains the set of
parameters that monitors the tightening process, including the result of the Reference Setup
This chapter introduces basic tasks of creating and activating a Pset and also describes how to enable
batch counting of tightenings.
For a description on Pset programming (References Setup, Tightening options and Monitoring) see
chapter 5, Performing a Reference Setup.
For parameter description see Parameter list, section 20.1, Pset.
Start Pset by either double clicking on Pset in the PF Map in ToolsTalk Pulsor or by selecting
the function from the toolbar.

8.1 Creating a Pset via ToolsTalk Pulsor

In the PF Map, right click on Pset and select Create New Pset (or select
Create New Pset from the Edit menu).

The Create New Pset window pops up.

Name (optional) the Pset and click OK.

The Pset Reference Setup window

From here you can continue to do a
Reference Setup, see chapter 5
Performing a Reference Setup.
Click Store.

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Pset and batch count

8.2 Selecting Pset

To be able to use a Pset it must be selected:
Select the required Pset in the Selection panel in
ToolsTalk Pulsor (a prerequisite is that Pset select
source is set at Ethernet/Serial).

8.3 Pset administration

In Pset administration you will be presented with five options - Name Pset, View existing Pset, Create
new Pset, Copy Pset and Delete Pset. When creating a new Pset, choose a number in a list and name the

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Pset and batch count

8.4 Batch count of tightenings

Pulsor has a function for batch counting of tightenings. Batch size indicates the number of tightenings that
shall be done in a batch. Batch counting is stated per Pset.
Open the relevant Pset from the PF Map.
Select Tightening options under programming
from the navigation area.
Activate Batch count by selecting On from the
list in Batch count and then enter the number
in the Batch size field.
The parameter Max coherent NOK’s will
count how many NOK tightenings are
performed consecutively until limit is reached.
Save by clicking Store.
There are also settings in Config that affect
batch counting. See section 10.2.3, Settings for
Options for more information.
See also section 20.1.1, P1xx Programming.

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9 Job
Job is a function for making several tightenings in a controlled sequence. The functionality is not yet fully
verified but can be used.
The Job function is useful when an object requires tightening to be in a controlled sequence. Instead of
manually selecting the Pset you can create a Job and let Pulsor Focus keep track of the parameters that are
needed to perform the task. When you perform a Job, Pulsor Focus sends status signals for tightening and
keeps account of all parameters and results.
For parameter descriptions see Parameter list, section 20.2, Job.
Start Job by either double clicking on Job in the PF Map in ToolsTalk Pulsor or by selecting the
function from the toolbar.

ƒ Up to 8 different Psets can be included in a Job and it is possible to save up to 8 Jobs in Pulsor Focus.
ƒ A Job is created by combining the selected Psets.
ƒ A signal “JOB OK” is received from Pulsor Focus when all tightenings have been done correctly.
The figure on the right shows an example of an object
with bolts that require different torque values:
Four bolts - hard joint
Three bolts - soft joint
One bolt – medium joint
For this example three different Psets have to be created
The Job is performed by one Pulsor Focus unit and the
Psets should be automatic selected.

By combining the Psets in the example following Job list is created:

Pulsor Focus Pset Pset Name Auto select Batch size
1 1 Pset1 Yes 4
1 2 Pset2 No 3
1 3 Pset3 Yes 1

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9.1 Creating a Standalone Job

Job creation section is accessible from ToolsTalk Pulsor.
Every Job has a unique ID number between 1 and 8. Combining selected Psets creates a Job.
Right click on Job in the PF Map and select Create New Job.

Type New Job ID and give the Job a name

Click OK to continue.

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The Job window appears.

The upper part of the window presents available Psets and the Job list.
Select Psets and add them to the Job list by clicking on either Manual select or Auto select (it is possible to
change between Manual and Auto select afterwards by clicking in the table under the Auto Select
Auto select is not allowed for Free order Jobs with two or more Psets selected from the same
Pulsor Focus.
To change Batch size for a Pset/, click in the column in the Job list table and enter value.
The lower part of the window presents the Programming section.
Select and set parameters in Configuration, Batch, Timers, Line Control and Result view.

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9.2 Running Jobs

In a Job selection the Job ID is used. After a Job has been selected it is possible to select a new Job until
the first tightening is started or a batch increment is performed. At that position the only way to select a
new Job is either to complete the running Job or to abort the running Job.
Sources that Jobs can be selected/aborted from:
ƒ Digin (Digital input)
ƒ Ethernet/Serial
ƒ Identifier
ƒ PF Keyboard
Pulsor Focus allows two different possibilities for Job selection; Job select source [C221] and Job select
source override [C227]. To be able to select a Job at least one of the two parameters has to be set.

ƒ Job select source override [C227] has a higher priority than Job select source [C221].
ƒ If a Job is chosen from Job select source [C221] then it is possible to select a new Job from the same
source or from Job select source override [C227].
ƒ If a Job is chosen from Job select source override [C227] then it is only possible to select a new Job from
the same source.
The system will remember the most recently selected source until the Job either is
completed or aborted.

9.2.1 Running Jobs using ToolsTalk Pulsor

In ToolsTalk Pulsor, select Job to run from the combo box (in the
selection row).
To run the Job from ToolsTalk Pulsor, set parameter Job
select source to “Ethernet/Serial”.
In ToolsTalk Pulsor, click on the arrow to the right of the Monitor icon
and select Job Monitor.
Job Monitor displays the selected Job and provides functionality for

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For description of Job off, Restart Job, Decrement, Increment, Bypass and Abort Job, see next section
Functions in Job monitor.

9.2.2 Functions in Job monitor

Function Description
Restart Job This function allows the user to restart the running Job without needing to reselect the Job. All batch
counters in the running Job resets and Job timers restarts.
Decrement Batch Decrement makes it possible to redo the latest made tightening/increment in a Job. The batch
counter of the Pset is decreased with one step. It is not possible to go back one step after Job has been
Job Batch Decrement functionality is only reachable from the JobReference.
Increment Batch Increment allows skipping the batch counter value of a Pset without performing a tightening. It
is allowed to complete a Job by using the Batch Increment function. The Job Status will be NOK (Not
OK) in case of Batch status at increment/bypass [J311] is selected as NOK. Otherwise, the Job Status
will be OK.
In Job with Free Order, only the JobClient with the active Pset is able to use Batch Increment.
In Job with Forced Order, the JobClient with the active Pset and the JobReference are able to use
Batch Increment.
Bypass Bypass skips a specific Pset in a running Job, independently of batch size.
The batch counter will be set equal to the batch size value and the Pset will be considered as
completed when a Pset is bypassed. The Job Status will be OK/NOK depending of parameter Batch
status at increment/bypass [J311].
In Job with Free order, only the JobClient with the active Pset is able to use Bypass functionality.
In Job with Forced order, the JobClient with the active Pset and the JobReference are able to use
Bypass functionality.
Abort Job Abort Job is only allowed via the JobReference. Abort can be an external signal as well as an internal
order (see Max time to start Job [J320] and Max time to complete Job [J321]).
When a Job abort request is received the Job functionality will wait for completion of the ongoing
tightening result before aborting the Job.

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Function Description
Job off This function offers the possibility to turn off the Job functionality and unlock all involved tools.
Running Job: Selecting Job off for a running Job is equal to aborting Job, thus the tool/tools will
always be enabled. The JobReference will order JobMembers to select latest Pset that was selected
from DigIn or Selector (in case one of these is Pset select source [C222]) Otherwise the latest selected
Pset in the Pulsor Focus will remain.
No running Job: The JobReference will unlock all tools of the JobMembers. JobReference will also
order JobMembers to select latest Pset, which was selected from DigIn or Selector (in case one of
these is Pset select source [C222]). Otherwise the latest selected Pset in the Pulsor Focus will remain.
When a Pulsor Focus is in Job off mode it is possible to perform tightening with any existing Pset.
As long as the JobReference is in Job off mode the user is denied to select a new Job, the Job off
mode must first be inverted.
The only occasion when the Job off functionality affects the JobClients is when they have lost
communication with their JobReference. In this case there is possibility to unlock the JobClients
locally by using the Job off functionality.
Only the JobReference will remember the Job mode after a reboot.

Job status (information) Job OK: Received if all Psets included in the Job have been correctly performed. Alternatively if
Batch increment/bypass has been used (presupposed that Batch Increment/Bypass is configured as an
OK event).
Job NOK: Received if any Pset included in the Job have not been correctly performed. Alternatively
if is considered as NOK (Not OK) if Batch increment/bypass has been used (presupposed that Batch
Increment/Bypass is configured as an NOK event).
Job Aborted :An aborted Job is considered as Job Aborted.

9.3 Unlock the tool

Unlock the tool by selecting a new job, deleting all existing jobs or select job off.
It is only possible to unlock the tool from the job reference.
It is not possible to unlock the tool by rebooting the Pulsor Focus controller.

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10 Config
10.1 Introduction to Config
The Config contains the configuration parameters that are common to all Psets and is unique for each
Pulsor Focus unit. This chapter gives an overview of the Config functionality in Pulsor and how to
perform some common configuration tasks such as:
ƒ Setting IP address, Subnet mask and Default router.
ƒ Setting Pset select source.
ƒ Setting Internal I/O.
ƒ Setting Display and toggle display.
ƒ Settings for batch counting.
For Parameter list, see 20.3, Config.

Start Config by either double clicking on Config in the PF Map in ToolsTalk Pulsor or by
selecting the function from the toolbar.

Section Description
System setup System Setup contains basic Pulsor Focus features such as name and display options.
I/O setup Pulsor Focus has extensive I/O capabilities, configured in branch I/O Setup. Apart from the internal I/O ports
it is also possible to connect up to 15 external I/O devices to the Pulsor Focus I/O Bus.
Communication Pulsor Focus communicates by both Ethernet and Serial communication links and can work together with
ToolsTalk Pulsor and database applications such as ToolsNet, etc. IP addresses and baud rate etc are set up in
this window.
Protocols Pulsor Focus communicates through a number of protocols. This window contains the settings for each
communication protocol.

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10.2 System setup

System Setup contains basic Pulsor Focus features such as name and display options.

10.2.1 Password and Name

Select Password and Name under System
from the navigation area.
Enter the appropriate values, see below for
Click on Store to save.

[C100], [C101]:
Password and Password entry scope is used when you want to limit access to the Pulsor
Focus. When the function is enabled the corresponding password setting button will also be enabled.
[C105] is the channel number for this unit when it is a part of a cell.
[C106] is the name of this Pulsor Focus unit.
[C107], [C108]: When this Pulsor Focus unit is a Cell Master the Cell name and Cell number should be
entered here.
The date and time of the unit can be set using the Set date and time. It is important that the unit has correct
date and time settings, otherwise the results will be stamped with the wrong date and time.

10.2.2 Display and toggle display

Display and Toggle display determine what is shown on the Pulsor Focus front panel after each tightening.

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Select Display setup under System from the navigation

Select the appropriate options, see below for details.
Click on Store to save.

[C114] is used to select what result parameter is to be shown on the display of the Pulsor Focus unit.
Parameter Display
Relative torque [%] 123.P
Relative angle [%] 123P
Number of pulses n12
Tightening time [s] t6.47
Rundown time [s] r0.59
Completed in batch 01.05
Remaining in batch 04.05
Selected Pset P1

All parameters starting with a letter is left justified and all parameters ending with a letter is right justified.
[C115] is used to optionally display a second result parameter. The first and second parameters will then
toggle on display of the Pulsor Focus unit.
[C120] will select the language used for printouts from the printer port. See also section 10.2.5, Settings for
continuous print.
[C124] if unchecked the keys on the Pulsor Focus front panel will be disabled.

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10.2.3 Settings for Options

The batch count settings can be found under Options.
Select Options under System setup from the
navigation area.
Select the appropriate options, see below for
When finished click on Store to save.

[C130] is used in conjunction with Tool Lock Box to disable the tool by shutting of the air supply.
[C132]: When checked Batch counter will be reset when changing Pset.
decides if the batch is to be considered OK or NOK when a tightening is bypassed or batch counter
incremented manually.
[C135]: decides if only OK or also NOK tightenings should increment batch counter.
[C136]: When checked Batch counter will be reset when storing an edited Pset.

10.2.4 Reset
Select Config - System setup - Reset.
Here it is possible to Delete all results or to
perform a total reset. A total reset will clear all
Power Focus settings including network
configuration. The RBU will also be cleared.

10.2.5 Settings for continuous print

Select Config - System setup - Reset.
The connected Printer type [C160] and Paper size
[C161]are set here. Continuous print [C162] is
turned on or off.

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10.2.6 Settings for Pulsor tool config

Select Pulsor tool config under System setup
from the navigation area.
Select the appropriate options, see below for
When finished click on Store to save.

[C190] decides the function of the Tool’s Work object LED. (On, Off or Tool usage).
[C191] decides how long the Work object LED shall be lit after tool trigger release.
[C193] and [C194] is the lower and upper limits for the air pressure. If the air pressure goes outside of these
limits an event is triggered.

10.2.7 Settings for Tool Lock Box

Select Tool Lock Box under System
setup from the navigation area.
Press the button Tool lock box
wizard for quick programming of
Tool Lock Box with Default I/O
Check Tool Lock Box [C700] directly
if own I/O settings and lock
sources will be configured.
See section 20.3.5, C7xx Tool Lock
Click on Store.

[C700]: Enables the Tool Lock Box functionality. Do not check this unless a Tool Lock box is connected.

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10.3 I/O setup

Pulsor Focus has extensive I/O capabilities, configured in branch I/O Setup. Apart from the internal I/O
ports it is also possible to connect up to 15 external I/O devices to the Pulsor Focus I/O Bus.

10.3.1 Internal I/O

Pulsor Focus has four connections to internal digital inputs and relays. Parameters in Config are used to
configure the digital inputs and relays.
Select I/O device 0-7 under I/O setup from the
navigation area.
Click on Set on Internal I/O line to open the
configuration window.

Set the wanted Relay functions and choose its

Set the Digital input functions.
Click on Store to save when you have
completed your configuration.

10.3.2 External I/O devices

Setting up of external I/O devices is explained thoroughly in chapter 18, Accessories.

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10.3.3 Other I/O:s settings

Select Other I/Os under I/O setup from the
navigation area.
Select the appropriate options, see below for
Click on Store to save.

[C221] is used to configure what source to use to select Jobs.

[C222]decides which source the Pulsor Focus shall use to select Psets. See section 10.3.4, Pset select
source for more information.
[C223] – [C225] is used to configure the behavior of the tool status LEDs. See chapter 20, Parameter list for
further information.
[C226]:When using a selector, the operator can be forced to use the right socket, even when the selector is
not used to select Psets.
[C227]: A secondary source can be used to select Jobs. If a Job is selected using this source it will override
the source indicated in [C221].
[C230]: Determines whether last selected Pset or “no Pset” is selected when communication with a selector
is lost.
[C231]: When this parameter is checked, Pulsor Focus starts up using the last Pset selected before reboot.

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10.3.4 Pset select source

You can select which Pset source Pulsor Focus shall use. By selecting “Ethernet/Serial” for Pset select
source [C222] you choose to run from ToolsTalk Pulsor. Alternatively, if you want to control the Pset
selection from the Pulsor Focus front panel, then select PF keyboard from the List.
Select Other I/Os under I/O setup from the
navigation area.
Select Ethernet/Serial from the list.
Click on Store to save.

10.4 Communication
Pulsor Focus communicates by both Ethernet and Serial communication links and can work together with
ToolsTalk Pulsor and database applications such as ToolsNet, etc. IP addresses and baud rate etc are set
up in this window.
Select Remote com under Communication from
the navigation area.
Enter appropriate values (ask the network
administrator at your site if unsure what values
to use).
Click on Store to save.
Restart Pulsor Focus using the power switch on
the front panel (it must be switched off for at
least 10 seconds).

[C301] – [C303] are required when communicating using Ethernet.

[C304] – [C305] and [C310] are explained in chapter 16, Cell and Net.
[C320] – [C322] is used to setup the baud rate and protocol for the Pulsor Focus serial ports.

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10.5 Protocols
Pulsor Focus communicates through a number
of protocols. This window contains the settings
for each communication protocol.
[C400] selects which TCP port to use for
ToolsTalk Pulsor. Do not change unless you
really have a problem using the default port.
[C410] – [C414] are described in chapter 17,
[C420] – [C427] has no use, except for sites with
old installations of the software Factory
[C451] :The port number for the open protocol
server ethernet communication is 4545 (default
[C452]: If checked Pulsor Focus will detect
cable loss when running the open protocol on
serial port 1 or 2.

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Diagnostics and service

11 Diagnostics and service

This chapter describes how to use Diagnostic in ToolsTalk Pulsor. The Diagnostics functionality can be
used for retrieving information from Pulsor Focus containing general tool information, service status,
hardware- and software configuration and also includes important Pulsor features such as settings service
indicator, tool drift alarm and performing an air sensor tuning.
For parameter descriptions see Parameter List, section 20.4, Diagnostic.
Start Diagnostic by either double clicking on Diagnostic in the PF Map in ToolsTalk Pulsor or
by selecting the function from the toolbar.

When storing diagnostics settings it is necessary to have a tool connected.

11.1 Tool general information and Pulsor tool info

Tool general information section shows general information about the connected tool.

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Diagnostics and service

11.2 Tool service and Service indicator

The service parameters are stored in memory located in the tool and are thus transferable to another Pulsor
Focus. If any active service parameter exceeds a preset alarm limit the “alarm” light on Pulsor Focus
comes on and an event code is shown on the display to state which parameter that has caused the alarm.
The function can be connected to a relay output. The service alarm does not reject a tightening and is only
a warning.

Service indicator alarm, configured in the Tool service section, provides a simple mechanism to remind
Pulsor Focus users when it is time to service the tool. The user specifies how many tightenings that may
be performed (since last service) until tool has to be serviced. When Number of tightenings since service
[D132] exceeds Service interval [D133] or when Number of pulses since service [D137] exceeds Service interval in
pulses [D138] or when the current date is later than Date for next service [D139] date a service indicator
alarm will be activated.
By performing proactive service on a tool, failure due to mechanical wear can be avoided during
The alarm LED on the front panel of Pulsor Focus will flash continuously when Service indicator is
active. Event code Tool service interval expired [E502] will be generated when Service indicator alarm is
activated. This event code will also be automatically generated after each 100:th tightening, as long as the
service indicator alarm is active.
It is possible to configure the controller to lock the tool when the service indicator alarm activates, see lock
tool on alarm [D136].

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Diagnostics and service

11.3 Tool drift alarm

11.3.1 Introduction
Tool drift alarm is a function to enable the operator to detect a change in tool performance (tool drift)
before it has an impact on production. The cause for this performance change can be lack of oil in the
pulse mechanism, a technical fault in the tool or a change in line air pressure.
Tool drift alarm calculates a moving average of the relative torque and pulse frequency after each
tightening. If this average is above or below an activated limit, the Alarm lamp on Pulsor Focus will start
flashing and an event code will be shown as a warning, both on the Pulsor Focus display and in ToolsTalk
Pulsor. The Tool drift alarm does not reject a tightening, it is only a warning.

11.3.2 Enabling the Tool drift alarm

Follow this step by step instruction on how to enable Tool drift alarm for your Pulsor system:
Start Diagnostic (by either double clicking on Diagnostic in the PF Map in ToolsTalk Pulsor or by
selecting the function from the toolbar) and then select Tool drift alarm under Tool configuration in the
navigation area.

Activate the Tool Drift Alarm function using the Tool Drift alarm activated checkbox.

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Diagnostics and service

Normally all Psets are used as the basis for the tool drift calculation. To deselect a Pset, click on the Set
Pset used button and deselect one ore more Psets and confirm with OK.

Set the number of tightenings to be used in calculation of average (500 is default, generally the sample
size should be an approximation of the average number of tightenings during 24 hours or the maximum
Select Tightenings to be included (All or Only approved).
Only tightenings where the tool has shut off are included in Tool Drift Alarm supervision.

Click the Store button to save the settings.

The tool drift alarm function is now active and you can start using the tool. The tool drift alarm limits will
be set automatically when the specified number of tightenings has been performed and the first average is
calculated. You can also manually set the tool drift alarm limits at any time, both before and after the
calculation of the first average. It is however recommended that you use the automatically calculated
If you want to manually set the limits or change the automatically calculated limit, follow the procedure
The Tool Drift alarm limits can be entered or changed at any time. All limits set to zero by the time that
the first average is calculated will be automatically set by the system, all other will be left unmodified by
the system. You can also activate or deactivate the limits using their corresponding checkboxes.

You can view the current status of the Tool drift alarm using the View Tool Drift alarm results button.

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Diagnostics and service

11.3.3 Tool drift alarm supervision

After initiation, historic results will be displayed in the Tool Drift alarm results panel, for each new
tightening that is performed. To see the latest results, press the View result button.
If desired, the historical values can at any time be reset, the stored max and min values will be erased and
a new set of max and min values will be displayed as new tightenings are performed.

When tool drift alarm is initiated the Pulsor Focus will continuously, after each tightening, compare the
mean value for the selected parameters with the limits that are set. If any mean value parameter exceeds a
preset alarm limit for 10 consecutive tightenings the “alarm” light on Pulsor Focus will flash continuously
and an event code will be shown on the display to state which parameter has caused the alarm.
This event code will also be automatically generated after every 100:th tightening, as long as the tool drift
alarm is active. If desired, it is possible to configure a digital output to trigger when Tool Drift Alarm
activates for any parameter.
It is possible at any one time to Restart Tool Drift alarm, for example after having serviced the tool.

This will reset the alarm limits and also reset all the historical values. Tool drift alarm will start again from
the beginning until initiated with new alarm limits, provided Tool Drift Alarm is still activated.
When a new Pset is created, it will automatically be included in the Tool Drift Alarm function, provided
the user does not actively exclude as described in section 11.3.2, Enabling the Tool drift alarm, item 3.
Reference setup tightenings are NOT included in the calculations of the mean value for the Tool Drift
Alarm parameters.

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Diagnostics and service

Change of tool does not affect Tool Drift Alarm supervision, provided the same tool size is used. If the
new tool has a different target torque and/or different application area it is important to note that Tool
Drift Alarm supervision might be influenced. It is recommended to restart Tool Drift Alarm in such cases.

11.3.4 Tool drift alarm graphical view

When the number of tightenings performed by the system exceeds the sample size a graphical view of the
tool drift can be seen when pressing the button View Tool Drift alarm results.

The graph will show a staple diagram containing maximum 80 values depicting the maximum and
minimum values of the subgroup for each parameter. The subgroup size is 2 in the beginning. When all
staples have been drawn the subgroup size will be doubled and the staple diagram will proceed from the
41:st position in the graph. This is continuously repeated as the tool performs tightenings.
There are two buttons to facilitate the graphical view. Fit Y-scale will adapt the curve so that it optimally
fits the Y-axis. Pressing the button again will return to the previous position (toggle function). It is also
possible to make operations in the graph itself. With the left mouse button it is possible to zoom into and
out of a capture area in the graph. This is specially useful when the staples are very small.

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Diagnostics and service

If the capture box is made from top left to bottom

right it will zoom in, as can be seen in the picture to
the right. It shows an expanded view of the
individual staples, each staple ranging from the
minimum value to the maximum value within the
subgroup size.
If the capture box is made from bottom right to top
left it will zoom back to initial settings. With the
right mouse button it is possible to move inside the
graph. Pressing the Reset axis button will return
graph to initial appearance.

11.4 Air sensor tuning

All Pulsor tools have their sensor tuned when delivered. You should only perform a new adjustment of
compressed air sensor if you suspect that there is something wrong with the sensor tuning.
An incorrectly performed air sensor tuning may cause the tool to malfunction.

Adjustment is carried out with ToolsTalk Pulsor connected to Pulsor Focus and an external air pressure
gauge, with an accuracy of 0.1 bar or better. The operator first confirms to ToolsTalk Pulsor that the
pressure is zero. The tool is then operated until it shuts off – the trigger is kept pressed since the air
pressure reaches the sensor in this way. The operator reads off the pressure on the external sensor and
confirms the higher pressure (line pressure) in ToolsTalk. The trigger is released and the recorded pressure
is stated in ToolsTalk.

See below for detailed instructions on how to perform an air sensor tuning.

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Diagnostics and service

Start Diagnostics from the PF Map.

Select Air sensor tuning under Tool configuration

in the navigation area.
In the Air sensor tuning window you can see the
actual value and date of the last adjustment made.
Click on Perform air sensor tuning to make a new
adjustment of the air pressure sensor.
To prevent a user from accedently making the
tool malfunction by performing an inproper air
sensor tuning, a warning will appear.
Click the Yes button to continue.
When the tool is not operating click on the Confirm no pressure button.

Do a tightening, allow the tool to shut off (but keep the trigger pressed) and
read the value on the air pressure gauge and then click on Confirm line

The trigger can then be released.

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Diagnostics and service

Enter the measured value (bar) from the air pressure gauge and click on OK
to complete the adjustment.
Suitable air pressure when performing Air sensor Tuning is between 4 and 7

11.5 Controller diagnostics

Controller diagnostics window shows the hardware configuration and the software versions installed on
the Pulsor Focus unit.

If PF3000 Serial number [D211] is not set, it is possible for the user to write own serial number information
and store.

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Diagnostics and service

11.6 System diagnostics

Systems diagnostics functions enable you to test and diagnose your Pulsor Focus system.

The current air pressure can be read using the Air Sensor Tracking function. The purpose of this function
is to check that the air sensor is working properly and is properly tuned. When in Air sensor tracking mode
the line pressure is shown both in ToolsTalk and on Pulsor Focus display.
When the Air Sensor Tracking function is active the system will stop monitoring and any
tightening performed will be discarded.
The status of all internal and external I/O devices can be viewed in System I/O diagnostics. You can also
set the status of relays. All configured I/O devices will appear on the list of available devices.
This function is useful when you want to test the interaction between Pulsor Focus and different external
devices, for instance when trouble shooting complex systems with one or several PLC’s connected to the
The Relay Status and DigIn Status windows show the status of the selected I/O device.
The Read status button has to be pressed in order to update this view to reflect changes. The
Relay Test function enables to set the relays on a selected I/O device.
The new status of the relays is set when the Set Relay button is pressed. Pushing the Restore button will
restore the relays to reflect the current status of Pulsor Focus. To update this view to reflect changes
triggered by other events push the Read Status button.

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12 Identifier
It is possible to send an Identifier (barcode) string to the Pulsor Focus. This string is normally generated
from a barcode reader connected to one of the serial ports on the Pulsor Focus (this barcode is usually
called VIN or ESN in car plants). When entered, the Pulsor Focus will use this number and send it
together with the results to ToolsNet software etc. It is also possible to use the barcode to select Psets and
For parameter descriptions see Parameter List, section 20.5, Identifier.
A filter can be setup to decide what part of the barcode string that is of interest. The barcode string can be
sent to the Pulsor Focus via the serial connector or Ethernet for selecting of Psets and Jobs.
A filter can also be setup to decide which part of the barcode string must be saved together with the
tightening result.
Barcode strings sent to Pulsor Focus are not allowed to contain the following characters;
apostrophe, comma, semicolon, point, sun (¤) and pound (£).

Start Identifier by either double clicking on Identifier in the PF Map in ToolsTalk Pulsor or by
selecting the function from the toolbar.

12.1 Barcode data string

The maximum length of the Barcode data string is 25 ASCII signs. If the string is longer Pulsor Focus will
use the 25 first signs.
Serial protocol
Baud rate 9600 bps
Data bits 8
Stop bits 1
Parity no
Handshake off
Data string STX <data 1-25 characters> ETX (STX = 02H, ETX = 03H)

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12.2 Identifier setup

Start by connecting ToolsTalk and the Identifier (Barcode reader) to the Pulsor Focus.
To select Psets via a barcode reader, parameter Pset select source [C222] should be set to
Start ToolsTalk and click on Identifier in the PF Map.
Under General setup, select wanted Identifier input source [I100].

Click on Set Significant no in VIN and set Significant numbers [I101].

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Select positions where the significant information is located in the barcode. number 1 to 25 can be
selected (it is not necessary to set them in a row).
Click OK when finished.
Click on Set VIN Filter.

Unmark the positions of the barcode string that must not be saved with the tightening result.

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Click on Set Identifier setup.

In this window you enter the different
combinations of the significant numbers that
you need.
Enter a string (same length as in parameter
significant number above) in the Add Identifier
string field and click Add. A matrix where the
columns represent existing function ID
numbers and the rows represent the added
Identifier strings is then formed.
Once all strings are entered, associate them
with a Pset or Job by double clicking in the
corresponding Cell in the matrix and selecting
a function ID number from the pop up list.
Click OK to exit the window.
Set Card reader type [I200].
Click Store to save the settings.

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13 FieldBus
A FieldBus communication can be used for data communication between the Pulsor Focus unit
and PLC’s. It is an effective and fast way for data transferring of short data packages. It is
normally used to send discrete I/O data instead of using a large number of discrete cables that
have to be hard wired to relays and DigIn.
For parameter descriptions see Parameter list, section 20.6, FieldBus.
There are many different FieldBus standards on the market and they all have different hardware and
software protocols. To be able to communicate on FieldBus, the Pulsor Focus must be equipped with a
specific card for the preferred type of FieldBus. ProfiBus-DP, DeviceNet, InterBus, ModBusPlus,
ModBus/TCP and Ethernet/IP are the possible selections.

Pulsor Focus acts as a slave in a FieldBus system. A PLC or similar will act as the master.
With help of ToolsTalk the FieldBus functionality in the Pulsor Focus controller can be configured to fit
the customer specific bitmap. It is a very easy way to configure or modify a customer specific bitmap.
When the configuration is done you can download to the Pulsor Focus or save it as a file for later use.
The ToolsTalk interface for FieldBus consists of three parts, General setup, From PF setup and To PF

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13.1 General setup

Select FieldBus type under General Setup.

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13.1.1 Parameters in General setup

The table below shows the parameters available for the selected FieldBus type.
Parameter DeviceNet ProfiBus- InterBus ModBusPlus ModBus/TC Ethernet/IP
FieldBus Type X X X X X X
To PF DataLength X X X X X X
From PF DataLength X X X X X X
FB Update Interval X X X X X X
Tool Stop at Offline X X X X X X
Set node address and X X X X X
baudrate from
FB Node Address X X X
Baudrate X
Set source address from X
Source address X
Connection Mode X
PCP length X
Process DataLength X
From PF Global X
To PF Global DataLength X
Bitmap select X X X X X X
IP address X X
Subnet Mask X X
Gateway X X

See chapter 26 - FieldBus configuration appendix for specific FieldBus type data.

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13.2 From/To PF setup

By selecting From PF Setup the bitmap that is sent out from the Pulsor Focus can be configured.
By selecting To PF Setup the bitmap that is sent in to the Pulsor Focus can be configured.

13.2.1 Add item

When the Add item key is clicked, a selection list is activated. On the right side of the item list, see
information about highlighted item. Click Hide details button if you do not need this help text. Highlight
the item you want and double click on it or click the Add item button. The item will then be entered to the
item list on the first available line.

In the list you can see start word, start byte and start bit for the selected item. The start word, byte and bit
give the start position of an item in the bitmap. The length is also possible to see and sometimes change. If
this does not match the wanted bitmap it is easy to change the length and position in the bitmap by
changing the start positions in the item list. Change one line at the time and then press Enter key on the PC

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after each line is changed. It is also possible to drag and drop directly in the bitmap. In this case, the start
positions in the Item list are updated automatically.
If the bitmapping is changed, and a conflict occurs, this part is marked with red color in the bitmap.
The max number of selected items is 60 in From PF setup and 60 in to PF setup.
For detailed information about all possible selections see chapter 26, FieldBus configuration appendix.

13.2.2 Delete item

To delete an item, highlight it in the Item list and click the Delete item key.

13.3 Other functions

13.3.1 Diagnostic mode
When Diagnostic mode is on, one can set FieldBus data in ToolsTalk and send the data to Pulsor Focus
controller by clicking on Set value button. If diagnostic mode “From PF” is used the Pulsor Focus passes
data from ToolsTalk to PLC and ignores the data from Pulsor Focus. If diagnostic mode “To PF” is used
the Pulsor Focus activates functions, which is set in ToolsTalk and ignores PLC data.

13.3.2 Monitor mode

Monitor modekey is used to monitor FieldBus data communication for testing purpose. This function
works only when ToolsTalk is online (connected to the Pulsor Focus controller).
When Monitor Mode is active, the data from Pulsor Focus to PLC are visible in the From PF window
bitmap. Contrary, the data from PLC to Pulsor Focus are visible in the To PF window bitmap. It is not
possible to change and store FieldBus configuration in monitor mode. Data can be displayed in two
formats, defined data type format and binary format. The data in the monitor windows are updated at a
rate of 3 messages/second.

13.3.3 Store to file and Read from file

Store and read FieldBus configurations to file. Use the Read/Save FieldBus functions in the File menu in
ToolsTalk. To store to or read from a file you must first activate the FieldBus window.
The FieldBus file extension is *.pff

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14 Monitors
ToolsTalk Pulsor offers several ways of displaying the tightening result:
Functions Description
Result monitor The tightening result for the latest tightening.
Job Monitor Displays created Jobs and provide functionality for managing Jobs.
Operator monitor and Displays detailed information on the tightening results as well as a graphic representation with status
Picture monitor indicators.
Tracking results Tracking Results continuously displays tightening results, see section 14.4, Tracking Results for more
Get All Results This displays result information from all tightenings stored in the Pulsor Focus memory. The
information can be exported to a file such as an Excel sheet.

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14.1 Result monitor

The Result Monitor presents the latest tightening results from the Pulsor Focus and the used Pset.
The tightening result includes Relative Torque, Relative Angle and Over all status.
You can watch several windows with different views, with a max limit of four.

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14.2 Job monitor

Job Monitor displays running Jobs and provides functionality for managing Jobs.

For a function description (Restart Job, Decrement, Increment, Bypass, Abort Job and Job off)
see chapter 9, Job.

14.3 Operator monitor and Picture monitor

14.3.1 Operator monitor
Select Operator monitor.
Press OK.
Operator monitor window appears.
Right-click anywhere in the window to open options menu.

ƒ Activate Presentation: User preferences for the content of the Operator

ƒ Set Background Color: Possibility to set the background color for the
Operator monitor.
ƒ Toggle Window.
ƒ Toggle Mouse Cursor.
ƒ Set Label Color: Possibility to set the label color for the Operator monitor.

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When choosing Activate Presentation the window to the right is

By checking the boxes the user can customise the information shown
in the Operator monitor (see table below for parameter description).
Press OK.

Part Description
Pulsor The name of the Pulsor Focus unit.
Pset Pset used to perform the tightening.
VIN Vehicle Identification Number.
Over all status Indicator for the overall status of the tightening.
Relative Torque Relative torque of the tightening.
Relative Torque status Status-indicator for Relative torque (Yellow-Low/ Green-OK/Red-High).
Relative Angle The Relative angle of the tightening.
Relative Angle status Status-indicator for Relative angle (Yellow-Low/ Green-OK/Red-High).
Batch The order of the current operation in the batch
Batch order The Over all status for the respective operation in the batch.
Plot Chart Displays the final torque and final angle, relative to the acceptance window.
Events Warnings and events.

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14.3.2 Picture monitor

The Picture monitor is a feature that gives the user visual guidance throughout the Job sequence. The next
tightening (Pset) in can be presented graphically with an image (e.g. a picture of the area where a bolt is
When selecting Operator Monitor the window to the left is
To open the Picture monitor, select Picture Monitor and click

Select Picture monitor and click OK.

The window shown is similar to the Operator monitor with information about the latest tightening to the
left and a picture associated with the next tightening (Pset) in the Job, to the left.

Picture monitor is not adjusted for Pset with batch counter. Only one picture per Pset is

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To edit Picture monitoring, choose Picture Setup.

The user has the possibility to associate an image-file with a Pset.
Select a Pset from the list. Click on Set picture and select an image-file using the file-selector window.
To import saved settings for the Picture monitor click on Read from file. To save the settings click on
Store to file. A Save As-window will appear and the user can choose where to store the file containing
the settings. When finished click OK.

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14.4 Tracking Results

Tracking Results continuously shows the tightening data as they are performed.
Select Tracking Results under Monitors in the PF Map.

The following are displayed in the Tracking Results window:

ƒ Rejected tightenings are shown by NOK in red.
ƒ For rejected tightenings the parameter(s) that lie above the activated limits are marked in red whereas
the parameters that are below the limit values are marked in yellow.
ƒ Trigger lost is marked in yellow (if it is monitored).
ƒ Parameters that have invalid values are shown in purple.(1)
Batch count can be seen, if used.
The cause of invalid parameter values is for example a disturbance of sensor reading during the final pulse, spin in the tool, or
too few pulses making pulse frequency impossible too calculate.

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14.5 Get all results

This displays result information from all tightenings stored in the Pulsor Focus memory. The function is
started from the Selection panel in ToolsTalk Pulsor. The information can be exported to a file such as an
Excel sheet.
The result information in Excel can easily be sorted such as with the help of the auto filter. To give an
example, all rejected tightenings can be filtered. You can then see easily what happens when something
has gone wrong and thereby understand what measures can further refine the process.
Pulsor Focus can store up to 4000 individual tightening results. Each tightening result consists of 29 result
parameters. With the Get all results option, the user is able to retrieve and view these. The user also has the
choice of saving them to a text-file or an Excel-file. When the Get All Results option is chosen the
window below appears.

Simply choose a specific Pset and click OK.

The results from that Pset is then shown in the following window:

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By choosing Save To File the results are saved into a text-file. The user can also choose to open and view
the results in Microsoft Excel® by selecting Open In Excel. This, of course, requires a properly installed
version of Microsoft Excel.

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15 Statistics
15.1 Introduction to Statistics in Pulsor Focus
The Pulsor Focus statistics are measured after each tightening and can be shown on the display in real time
and be sent to a PC via serial or Ethernet connection. It is also possible to send statistical reports to a
printer for print out. There is a stat alarm LED on the front panel of the Pulsor Focus unit.
Statistics are calculated based on the following result parameters:
Result Unit Description
Relative torque % Final relative torque in percent.
Relative angle % Final relative angle in percent.
Number of pulses Number of pulses in the tightening.
Line pressure bar Line pressure measured at end of tightening.

The following statistical results are calculated and displayed for torque and angle parameters:
Results Description
# Results Total number of results that the stat calculations are based on for the analyzed Pset.
Min Lowest result in analyzed Pset.
Max Highest result in analyzed Pset.
R Range (Max – Min)
Low % low tightenings in analyzed Pset.
OK % OK tightenings in analyzed Pset.
High % high tightenings in analyzed Pset.
The mean value for the selected Pset.
σ Sigma. Shows the calculated standard deviation.
Mean - 3 sigma
X -3 σ
Mean + 3 sigma
X +3 σ
6σ 6 x sigma
Cr Cr is a calculated viability number (capability). The lower value, the better process.
Cp Cp is a viability factor. The higher value the better process.
Cpk Cpk is a viability factor. The higher value the better process.
Cam Viability factor. The higher the value the better the process.

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Sub-group results Description

Min Lowest result in the latest completed subgroup.
Max Highest result in the latest completed subgroup.
R Range for the latest completed subgroup.
Average value for the latest completed subgroup.
σ Sigma for the latest completed subgroup.
Other definitions Description
Average of subgroup range (number of subgroups).
Average of subgroup average (number of subgroups).

15.2 Statistical Process Control (SPC)

In order to rapidly detect changes in the process, Pulsor Focus is equipped with a number of statistical
alarm limits based on the x and R calculations for relative torque and line pressure.
Statistical Process Control (SPC) functions are used on relative torque and line pressure.
All checks are performed on the Pset that the tool is currently running with.
If any of the following criteria are true the stat alarm light, and a relay (if used), is activated. The tool may
still run even if an alarm is issued. The alarm is only a warning. The alarm signals remain active until the
process falls within all limits again or the result memory is cleared. This means that the alarm does not
switch off during tightening.

15.3 Statistic alarm

x > UCL
x < LCL
Cp < 2.0
Cpk < 1.33

SPC x and r compared with LCL / UCL alarms cannot function until the LCL and UCL have been

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15.4 Trend deviation alarm

Trend deviation check and alarm are measured and compared against X-bar and the range for the currently
used Pset.
7 points consecutively increasing
7 points consecutively decreasing

7 points consecutively above average ( X and / or R )

7 points consecutively below average ( X and / or R )

1 point outside X or R ± 2 sigma (sigma for the whole population)

Point = subgroup

The mean is the average of x and r X and R ). This means that the SPC trend alarms cannot function until
the number of tightenings in the memory corresponds with the user-specified number of subgroup

15.5 Calculation of UCL and LCL

Pulsor Focus calculates recommended values for UCL and LCL. The operator can then choose if he wants
to use these values or enter another value.
Subgroup size, Subgroup frequency and Number of subgroups parameters are used in the calculations.

15.6 Calculation of X and R

Pulsor Focus calculates recommended values. The operator can then choose if he wants to use these values
or enter another value.
Subgroup size, Subgroup frequency and Number of subgroups parameters are used in the calculations.

15.7 Calculation formulas

When a stat display is requested, the whole memory will be calculated. This will also be done when
shifting Pset.
Pulsor Focus controls the lowest and highest values. If some of these drop out from memory once it is full
(first in – first out), the entire memory will be recalculated.
The formula for group range is calculated after each completed subgroup.

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The formulas for the statistic parameters used by Pulsor Focus are as follows:
X = value
n = number of tightenings
Min = minimum value from all the tightenings in the test series
Max = maximum value from all the tightenings in the test series
minl = minimum acceptable value
maxl = maximum acceptable value
Range = R = Max − Min

1⎡ n ⎤
Mean = X = ⎢ ∑ Xi⎥
n ⎣ i =1 ⎦

1 ⎡⎛ n 2 ⎞ ⎤
σ = sn−1 = ⎢⎜ ∑ Xi ⎟ − nx ⎥
n −1 ⎣⎝ i−1 ⎠ ⎦
6* σ
CR =
Maxl − Minl
Maxl − Minl
CP =
6* σ
⎡ Maxl − X X − Minl ⎤
CPK = min ⎢ ,
⎣ 3 *σ 3 * σ ⎥⎦
X1 X2 X3 X4 X5
X6 X7 X8 X9 X10
Xi Xi+1 Xi+2 Xi+3 Xi+4
Xi+5 Xi+6 Xi+7 Xi+8 Xi+9
Xi+10 Xi+11 Xi+12 Xi+13 Xi+14
Xi+.. ...
A subgroup is a group of tightenings. Subgroup size is freely programmable and in the example above it is
set to 5, which means that all values in the same group range from i to i+4.
X-bar is the calculated average of the last completed subgroup.
Subgroup size =Group size = z

112 (231) 9836 2463 01


Grouprange = Wn = max[ X i +1 , X i + 2 , , , , X i + z ] − min[ X i +1 , X i +1 , , , , X i + z ]

Wn +1 = max[ X i + z +1 , X i + z + 2 , , , , X i + 2 z ] − min[ X i + z +1 , X i + z + 2 , , , , X i + 2 z ]

j = n −5

W =
. (max l − min l )
6 *W
The formula for CAM is calculated using the first 6 subgroups. After that, a new calculation is made using
each completed subgroup in conjunction with the last 6 subgroups.

1⎡ n ⎤
X = ∑ xi
n ⎢⎣ i =1 ⎥⎦

1⎡ n ⎤
R= ∑ ri
n ⎢⎣ i =1 ⎥⎦

XUCL = X + ( A2 ∗ R )

XLCL = X − ( A2 ∗ R )

RUCL = D4 ∗ R
RLCL = D3 ∗ R
A2 , D3andD4 are tabular constants and depend on the Subgroup size.

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15.8 Constants for calculation of SPC variables

Subgroup Divisors for estimation Factors for control limits
size of standard div.
N D2 C4 A2 D3 D4 A3 B3 B B4B

2 1.13 0.798 1.88 - 3.27 2.66 - 3.27

3 1.69 0.886 1.02 - 2.57 1.95 - 2.57
4 2.06 0.921 0.73 - 2.28 1.63 - 2.27
5 2.33 0.940 0.58 - 2.11 1.43 - 2.09
6 2.53 0.952 0.48 - 2.00 1.29 0.03 1.97
7 2.70 0.959 0.42 0.08 1.92 1.18 0.12 1.88
8 2.85 0.965 0.37 0.14 1.86 1.10 0.19 1.82
9 2.97 0.969 0.34 0.18 1.82 1.03 0.24 1.76
10 3.08 0.973 0.31 0.22 1.78 0.98 0.28 1.72
11 3.17 0.975 0.29 0.26 1.74 0.93 0.32 1.68
12 3.26 0.978 0.27 0.28 1.72 0.89 0.35 1.65
13 3.34 0.979 0.25 0.31 1.69 0.85 0.38 1.62
14 3.41 0.981 0.24 0.33 1.67 0.82 0.41 1.59
15 3.47 0.982 0.22 0.35 1.65 0.79 0.43 1.57
16 3.53 0.984 0.21 0.36 1.63 0.76 0.45 1.55
17 3.59 0.985 0.20 0.38 1.62 0.74 0.47 1.53
18 3.64 0.985 0.19 0.39 1.61 0.72 0.48 1.52
19 3.69 0.986 0.19 0.40 1.60 0.69 0.50 1.50
20 3.74 0.987 0.18 0.42 1.59 0.68 0.51 1.49
21 3.78 0.988 0.17 0.42 1.58 0.66 0.52 1.48
22 3.82 0.988 0.17 0.43 1.57 0.65 0.53 1.47
23 3.86 0.989 0.16 0.44 1.56 0.63 0.55 1.46
24 3.90 0.989 0.16 0.45 1.55 0.62 0.56 1.45
25 3.93 0.990 0.15 0.46 1.54 0.61 0.57 1.44

114 (231) 9836 2463 01

Cell and Net

16 Cell and Net

The Pulsor Focus software offers extended networking facilities. The Cell and Net concept is part of the
Silver RBU software version (see chapter 21, RBU information). It provides logically arranging of your
Ethernet TCP/IP networking makes it simple to program and overview all Pulsor Focus units in the
network from a PC with ToolsTalk software installed. All data traffic from Pulsor Focus could also be
collected and compiled by ToolsNet (PC software from Atlas Copco).
Via the Cell concept it is possible to arrange all Pulsor Focus units at an assembly station in a Cell. The
Net concept enables functionality to group all Cells on the assembly line in one Net.
A Cell consists of one CellMaster and a maximum of 19 CellMembers, a total of 20 units. Cells can then be
grouped into Nets, the maximum number of Cells in a Net is 1000. Each Net has a NetMaster. One Pulsor
Focus unit can function both as CellMaster and NetMaster.
Every Cell has a Cell identification number (Cell ID) unique on the network. Within a Cell every Pulsor
Focus unit has its own unique channel identification number (Channel ID).
CellMaster and CellMembers can be configured through the ToolsTalk Pulsor interface.
All Pulsor Focus units in a Cell must have the same software version installed.

When configuring a remote Pulsor Focus, make sure it is not in use by anyone else.
Otherwise it might lead to damages on the tool or a joint. It might also lead to personnel

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Cell and Net

16.1 Network setup via ToolsTalk Pulsor

Open Settings (via Options from the menu bar).
In the Serial setup section, set Com port on which the Pulsor Focus is connected.

Connect the Pulsor Focus by clicking on the connect button.

116 (231) 9836 2463 01

Cell and Net

Open Remote com in the Config window.

Set the IP address of the connected Pulsor Focus to a unique number within the network.
Set the Subnet mask according to network partitioning.
Default router is optional.
Click Store to save settings.
Restart the Pulsor Focus unit.

9836 2463 01 117 (231)

Cell and Net

16.2 Cell and Net configuration via ToolsTalk Pulsor

Open the Remote Com window (Config - Communication - Remote Com).
Set IP address, Subnet mask and Default router.
Set NetMaster IP address to the IP address of the NetMaster.
Set CellMaster IP address to the IP address of the CellMaster.
To define a CellMaster or NetMaster, set CellMaster IP address/NetMaster IP address
equal to its own IP address.

118 (231) 9836 2463 01

Cell and Net

Open the Password and name window (Config - System setup - Password and name).
Set Channel ID to a number unique within the Cell (1-20).
PF name is optional.
Set Cell ID to a number unique within the network (1-1000).
Cell name is optional.
Click Store to save the settings.
Restart the Pulsor Focus unit.

9836 2463 01 119 (231)

Cell and Net

16.2.1 Connection with ToolsTalk

When connecting to a Controller, CellMaster or NetMaster make sure that the following settings are
Open Settings (via Options from the menu bar).
Set Controller IP address of the Pulsor Focus to connect.
Under Ethernet setup, check whether the connected Pulsor Focus is a Controller, CellMaster or a
To connect the Pulsor Focus, CellMaster or NetMaster, click on the connect button.
When a CellMaster or NetMaster is connected, clicking on the corresponding line in the PF Map will
expand the Cell tree/ Net tree.

120 (231) 9836 2463 01


17 ToolsNet
This chapter describes how to configure your Pulsor system together with ToolsNet.

17.1 Introduction
ToolsNetis part of the ATS system (Assembly Tools Software) that consists of Factory
Overview, Event Monitor and ToolsNet.
ToolsNet collects, saves and displays historical tightening data from Pulsor Focus,
Power Focus 3000 and PowerMacs units. It is also possible to include other units or
applications that support ToolsNet Open Protocol. Once reporting is enabled, ToolsNet
gives the user access to reports on shifts, production lines, individual vehicles or
controller units for process improvement.
The stand-alone version of ToolsNet includes the following:
ƒ Collection of tightening data and storage in a standard database (ORACLE or MS SQL Server). Each
Pulsor Focus can store information from 4000 tightenings but the capacity in the ToolsNet is, in
principle, unlimited. The information can be mapped against Pulsor Focus, object or VIN number as
ƒ Web-based report interface with standard reports and statistical information.
ƒ Process improvement through extensive statistical functions for process control.
ƒ It is possible to save each individual tightening made with a connected Pulsor Focus unit.

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17.2 Enabling the Pulsor system for ToolsNet

This section gives a step by step instruction on how to enable reporting from the Pulsor system to
ToolsNet. These instructions assume that ToolsNet already has been installed.
Proceed as follows to enable Pulsor reporting to ToolsNet:
ƒ Find out the IP-address of the ToolsNet-server.
ƒ Start Config (by either double clicking on Config in the PF Map in ToolsTalk Pulsor or by selecting the
function from the toolbar) and then select ToolsNet setup under Protocols from the navigation area.

Enter the values for enabling ToolsNet reporting:

ƒ Check the ToolsNet on option.
ƒ Enter the IP-address of the ToolsNet server.
ƒ Keep the default setting for Port (6570).
Save by clicking Store.
The enabling of ToolsNet reporting is now complete. Verify that results are stored by making a few
tightenings and check that the Pulsor Focus unit and results are shown in the ToolsNet web reporter
interface. The Pulsor Focus unit is found under the PF3000 folder in the ToolsNet web reporter tree view.
See the ToolsNet User Manual for detailed information on how to use ToolsNet features and functionality.

122 (231) 9836 2463 01


18 Accessories
18.1 Introduction
This chapter describes available accessories that can be used together with your Pulsor system.
This chapter focuses on the configuration aspects of ToolsTalk Pulsor, for detailed information on the
specific accessory; see the corresponding ASL document for that accessory.
Some accessories are connected via relays and digital inputs and some are connected via the I/O Bus. Up
to 15 accessory units is can be connected to the I/O Bus. The I/O Bus is a CAN based serial bus. The
benefit of using serial bus-based accessories (I/O Bus) is that they can be connected in series, from
accessory to accessory rather than hard wiring each accessory to the Pulsor Focus. The bus and the
accessories are powered with 24V DC, 1 A from Pulsor Focus unit. If more current is needed, the bus
must be powered externally. Every device has a 24 V DC input for this purpose.

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18.2 Tool Lock Box

The Tool Lock Box is used to shut off the air supply to the tool.
There are two main reasons why you might want to cut off the air supply:
ƒ The first reason is that the Pulsor Focus is not always in a state when it accepts tightening data from the
tool. For example when no Pset is selected or the selected Pset is lacking a Reference Setup or when an
event that needs acknowledging has occurred.
ƒ The second reason is workflow control. You might want to shut off the tool to alert the operator that
the tightening that was performed was rejected or upon completing a batch or a Job. Another case is
when using line control for process control.
The Tool Lock Box consists of a valve, two lamps, two buttons and an override switch with a key.
The green lamp indicates that the air valve is open and the red lamp indicates that the valve is closed.
When the override key is turned the air valve will open and both lamps will be lit, indicating override
When performing tightenings in override mode, no tightening results will be stored. There
will however be events stored in the event log indicating that the operator has done
something out of the order.
The green button should be set to enable the tool to unlock the air supply. The white button may be used
for any purpose. There is also an Extension Box if it is more suitable to place the buttons closer to the
work area. The buttons of the Extension box is connected in parallel with the buttons on the Tool Lock

Tool Lock Box order number: 8433 0606 17 Extension Box order number: 8433 0606 18

124 (231) 9836 2463 01


18.2.1 Setup of Tool Lock Box

Hardware Setup
Connect the air inlet to the air supply and the air outlet to the tool. Connect the Tool Lock Box to the
digital inputs and relays at the back of the Pulsor Focus. If Pulsor Focus’ internal digital inputs or relays
are already occupied then the Tool Lock Box can be connected to an I/O Expander instead. An external
24V power supply will be needed in that case. Tool Lock Box can also be connected to the output
connector of an Operator Panel.

Software Setup Default Settings

Press the button Tool lock box
wizard. A new window will
It is always possible to see in
parameter Tool lock box
[C700] if it is configured in
the system or not.

In this window there is

information about which
situations will shut off
the air supply.
Click on the check box
Config Tool lock box.

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After checking the Config Tool lock box button, the system will detect the Optional settings which also can
lock the tool according to the Psets and Jobs that are configured.
Now, check the Config Default I/O setup button to confirm that the Default I/O settings is to be used. After
this select the necessary optional conditions that shall lock the tool.

It is possible to test the Tool Lock Box when using the default I/O setup.

Modify relay output by selecting “Tool enabled” and “Tool disabled”.

Finally, press the OK button. The Tool Lock Box check [C700] is now set. You are now ready to start using
the Tool lock box.

126 (231) 9836 2463 01


Software Setup Own I/O settings

The Tool lock box can be used in other I/O configurations than the default as well. This can be done in the
same way as above if the checkbox Config Default I/O setup is left unchecked when pressing the OK
button. Proceed to configure the I/O device that shall be used together with the Tool lock box according to
section 18.4.1, Setup of I/O Expander.

Tool lock box may still inhibit air flow even if removed from the software configuration. If
removal is needed it is important that the tool lock box is physically disconnected as well.

The Tool Lock Box is now set up to cut off the air supply in these situations:
ƒ When Pulsor Focus is powered off. In this case turning the override key will not work since the air
valve takes its power from the Pulsor Focus.
ƒ No tool connected or tool connection problem.
ƒ No RBU connected.
ƒ System event, i.e. an event that need acknowledgement.
ƒ No Pset selected.
ƒ Pset without Reference setup selected.
ƒ Locked through digital input.
ƒ Pset with Click wrench strategy selected.
The Pulsor Focus can also optionally disable the air supply in these situations:
ƒ Batch completed (Pset parameter Lock at batch done [P152]).
ƒ Non-approved tightening (Config parameter Lock on reject [C130]).
ƒ Job completed (Job parameter Lock at job done [J302]).
ƒ Job line control (Job parameters Use line control [J330] and Lock at job done [J302]).
ƒ Service alarm (Diagnostics parameter Lock on alarm [D136].

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18.3 Selector
The Selector is a socket tray that can guide the operator through a JOB sequence with LEDs. When a
socket is lifted, the corresponding Pset will be selected. When using more than one Pset it is very
convenient to use a selector. When a socket is lifted, the corresponding Pset will be selected.
There are two different types of Selectors, Selector 4 and Selector 8, the only difference being that
Selector 4 has four sockets and Selector 8 has eight sockets.

Selector 4 order number: 8433 0610 04 Selector 8 order number: 8433 0610 08

18.3.1 Setup of Selector

Hardware Setup
Connect the Selector via I/O Bus to the Pulsor Focus. Make sure that the I/O Bus is terminated in both
ends. For detailed information, see chapter 24, Connector descriptions and the ASL document for Selector.


Software Setup
In ToolsTalk Pulsor, open the Config dialog and select I/O Setup. Select Selector under appropriate I/O
Device. Device 5 is the default for Selector 4 and device 6 is the default for Selector 8.

Click on Set.

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Drag the Psets that you have created before in the desired positions of the socket tray. You can have more
than one Pset per socket but then you must use a digital input for toggling between the Psets.

Click Store to save settings.

Then go back to Other I/Os and set the Pset select Source to Selector and then Store again to complete the
setup in ToolsTalk Pulsor.

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18.4 I/O Expander

The I/O Expander enables the connection of additional inputs and
relays when more than those built-in are required. There are 8
inputs and 8 relays with the same functionality as the four built-in
I/Os. Each input and relay can be configured individually.

I/O Expander order number: 8433 0564 38

18.4.1 Setup of I/O Expander

Hardware Setup
Connect the I/O Expander via I/O Bus to the Pulsor Focus. Make sure that the I/O Bus is terminated in
both ends. For detailed information, see chapter 24, Connector descriptions and the ASL document for I/O

I/O Expander

Software Setup
In ToolsTalk Pulsor, open the Config dialog and select I/O Setup. Select I/O Expander under appropriate
I/O Device. Device 2 is the default for I/O Expander.
Select your alternatives. The procedure is the same as for Internal I/O: See section 10.3.1, Internal I/O.
Click Store to complete the setup in ToolsTalk Pulsor.

130 (231) 9836 2463 01


18.5 RE-Alarm
The RE-Alarm gives status information to users using lights and/or
audible signals. It is connected to the Pulsor Focus on the I/O Bus. The
RE-Alarm is configured in the Pulsor Focus and it is possible to
configure the information you want to see.

RE-Alarm order number: 8433 0560 03

18.5.1 Setup of RE-Alarm

Hardware Setup
Connect the RE-Alarm via I/O Bus to the Pulsor Focus. Make sure that the I/O Bus is terminated in both
ends. For detailed information, see chapter 24, Connector descriptions and the ASL document for Selector.


Software Setup
In ToolsTalk Pulsor, open the Config dialog and select I/O Setup. Select RE-Alarm under appropriate I/O
Device. Device 3 is the default for RE-Alarm.
Select the events and the type action it should trigger.
Click Store to complete the setup in ToolsTalk Pulsor.

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18.6 Other accessories

18.6.1 Barcode reader
The Pulsor Focus is able to identify barcodes via a Barcode reader or a RF tag, which enables values to be
input from specific car models and tool guides. See chapter 12 Identifierr, how to configure a barcode
There is no standard Atlas Copco barcode reader model.

18.6.2 Selector 15 R switch

With this selector switch the desired Pset can be selected. Order Number 8433 0606 15.

18.6.3 Pressure regulator

As mentioned in section 4.5, Regulating the air pressure, a Pressure regulator is of great importance. A
regulator in the Atlas Copco MIDI-series is recommended.

18.6.4 Operator panel

Operator panel (OP) is an external device for Power Focus and Pulsor Focus. It is a general purpose lamp-
and switchbox, replacing the customer specials that are made today. The operator panel is configured as 3
I/O expanders. See section 18.4.1, Setup of I/O Expander.

18.6.5 Stacklight
The Stacklight has four lights that are piled on each other (it is possible to use up to five lights on the stack
simultaneously). The user is free to change the order of the lights and also replace lights with different
colors. The stacklight is configured as 2 I/O expanders. See section 18.4.1, Setup of I/O Expander.

132 (231) 9836 2463 01

Event codes

19 Event codes
Event codes are displayed as pop up windows to inform users the status of the Pulsor Focus. All events are
stored in the statistics event log or the general event log, depending on the event code type. Number of
events that can be stored in the log depends on RBU (see section 21.1, RBU functionality). Once the log is
full, the oldest events will be overwritten by the most recent ones.

19.1 ToolsTalk Pulsor operations

This section shows only examples of possible parameter settings.

To open the event log, click get event log in the

options list.

Click clear to delete all events in the log.

Click save to file to store the event log as a text
Click open in Excel to export the log to the
Microsoft Excel software.
Click read to update status of the event code
When option automatic update is checked, the
events in the log are showed in “realtime” (in the
same way as event pop up widows).

9836 2463 01 133 (231)

Event codes

19.2 Event groups

Event code Group Description
E001-E099 0 Rundown failures
E100-E199 1 Event related errors
E200-E299 2 User input events
E300-E399 3 Statistical events
E400-E499 4 Communication events
E500-E599 5 Hardware events (tool)
E600-E699 6 Hardware events (DC3000/MC3000)
E700-E799 7 Hardware events
E800-E899 8 Software events
E900-E999 9 Events MMI3000

19.3 Abbreviation
Abbreviation Description
ACK Acknowledgement
TLU Tool locked unconditionally when Tool Lock Box is connected (apart from faults that must be

134 (231) 9836 2463 01

Event codes

19.4 Event code list

19.4.1 Rundown failures
Code Name of event Information Note
E050 Tool calculation error Calculation error in the tool. The results are not reliable.
E051 Tool communication error Communication error between tool and controller.
E052 Sensor mechanical error Sensor wheel mechanical error. ACK
E053 Sensor signal error Angular sensor signal fault.

19.4.2 Event related errors

Code Name of event Information Note
E102 Rundown prohibited due to Lock on This event code is displayed when an attempt to make a tightening is
Reject made and tightenings are disabled by the function “Lock on Reject”.
E103 Tool locked by digital input This event is shown when an attempt to make a tightening is made and TLU
tightenings are disabled by digital input.
E107 Rundown prohibited due to Line Control A Job using Line Control is selected. The Job does not start until Line
Control Start signal is received.
E117 Tool locked – cannot access RBU Pulsor Focus cannot communicate with RBU. Pulsor Focus must be TLU
restarted to protect data.
E128 Trigger lost When the function Trigger lost is activated in the Pset, this event
indicates that the trigger of the tool was released before final target.
E131 Tool Disconnected This event code will be generated when the tool is disconnected ACK
(logically or electrically) from or is not connected to the Pulsor Focus. TLU
The event code is also generated when an attempt to start a
disconnected (logically or electrically) tool is done.
Furthermore, a damaged cable can result in a disconnected tool, which
generates the event code.
E136 Tool locked by batch OK This event code is displayed if the tool is locked by the function “Lock
at batch done”.
E137 Tool locked by fieldbus The tool is locked by fieldbus.
E139 Tool locked by Open protocol The tool is locked by open protocol user.
E140 Insert user ID card to release tool The tool is locked; the user must insert his ID card in the card reader
to release the tool.
E147 Tool locked by click wrench Pset Tool trigger was pressed while a Pset with click wrench strategy was TLU
E150 Job client does not respond When running a Cell Job, this event is displayed by the Job master
when one of the Job members does not respond.
The first parameter contains Channel ID number [C105] for the Job
client that does not respond.
The second, third and fourth parameters are not used.
E151 Job in OFF mode It is not possible to select a new Job (the Pulsor Focus is in Job OFF

9836 2463 01 135 (231)

Event codes

Code Name of event Information Note

E152 PF locked in job mode This event appears when in a forced cell Job an attempt is made to
tighten with a controller which is not currently active or when a
controller has performed all tightenings.
E153 Not Ok to select new job A Job is currently running, it is not possible to select a new Job until
the first is finished in some way (completed or aborted). This message
is also displayed if a Job is selected on a Job member.
E154 Remote job running When running a Cell Job, this is displayed by the Job members when a
cell Job is selected on the Job master.
E155 Remote job aborted When running a Cell Job, This is displayed by the Job members when
a cell Job is aborted.
E156 Job members lost When running a Cell Job, this is displayed by the master when it has
lost contact with one of its Job member.
E157 Job reference lost When running a Cell Job, this is displayed by the Job members when
they have lost contact with their Job Master.
E158 Invalid Job ID When the selected Job does not exist.
E159 No Pset In Selected Job When the selected Job does not contain any Pset.
E160 Job select source not valid Attempt to select a Job with the wrong input source.
E161 Line Control Alert 1 The line control has been activated, and the first control alert limit has
been reached.
E162 Line Control Alert 2 The line control has been activated, and the second control alert limit
has been reached.
E166 Job aborted Job has been aborted.
E167 Max coherent Not OK tightenings reached When the number of NOT OK tightenings in a row is reached, then TLU
the tool will be locked and can be unlocked only via a digital input
(reset NOK counter).
E180 Euchner Ident System only supports The protocol settings for the serial COM port 1 is not set to 3964R, it
Siemens 3964R protocol is not possible to use the Euchner Ident System with this
E181 Not possible to read ID card It was not possible to read the ID card inserted in the Euchner system
E182 Pulse filter condition detected Pulse filter is tagged during Reference setup when the pulse filter is
E183 Tightening data timeout Maximum tightening time exceeded (30 seconds). ACK
E184 Tightening with a Pset without a A tightening has been performed with a Pset that has no Reference TLU
Reference Setup Setup.
E185 Line pressure out of range Line pressure is not within stipulated limits. ACK
E186 Relative torque variation high in Reference Setup has relative torque variation outside the interval
Reference Setup 85% - 115%.
E187 Target torque and measured torque differs Information: the measured torque differs more than 5 % from the
more than 5% target torque.
E188 Target torque and measured torque differs Warning: the measured torque differs more than 15 % from the target ACK
more than 15% torque. Consider adjusting the tool and performing Reference Setup
E189 Reference Setup pulse limit exceeded The Reference setup tightening has more than 500 pulses and will be ACK

136 (231) 9836 2463 01

Event codes

Code Name of event Information Note

E192 Air pressure sensor error Air sensor reading is not normal. The cause of this may be technical
problems with the air pressure sensor or a bad air sensor tuning.
E193 Too many tightenings performed in More than the maximum 50 tightenings have been performed in
Reference Setup Reference Setup. Further results will be discarded.
E194 Reference Setup aborted due to exchange The tool was exchanged during the Reference Setup. ACK
of tool
E195 Reference Setup contains invalid Reference Setup contains one or more tightenings with invalid result ACK
parameter for one or more parameter.

19.4.3 User input events

Code Name of event Information Note
E206 Pset number invalid An attempt was made to do a tightening with the wrong Pset. TLU
E207 Wrong Pset Select Source Attempt to select Pset from a source not specified in the Cset.
E208 Not Ok to select new Pset It is not allowed to select new Pset when the already selected Pset is
auto selected by Job.
E211 Wrong Identifier input source Wrong input source for a barcode string.
E240 Password incorrect input source The password is entered from an invalid source according to the
E250 Max time for first tightening run out (job) This message is displayed and the Job is terminated if the first
tightening is not performed within the specified time.
E251 Max time to complete Job run out This message is displayed and the Job aborted if it is not completed
within the specified time.
E260 Number of tightenings in Reference Setup A Reference Setup with a fewer number of tightenings than ACK
below the recommended recommended has been performed. The recommendation is at least
ten tightenings.

19.4.4 Statistical events

Code Name of event Information
E300 Xucl relative torque The last subgroup mean relative torque value is larger than the upper control limit.
E301 Xlcl relative torque The last subgroup mean relative torque value is lower than the lower control limit.
E302 Rucl relative torque The last subgroup range relative torque value is larger than the upper control limit.
E303 Rlcl relative torque The last subgroup range relative torque value is lower than the lower control limit.
E304 Cp relative torque The relative torque Cp is lower than 2.
E305 Cpk relative torque The relative torque Cpk is lower than 1,33
E306 7inc x relative torque Trend deviation alarm, the subgroup relative torque mean value has increased 7 times
E307 7dec x relative torque Trend deviation alarm, the subgroup relative torque mean value has decreased 7 times
E308 7inc r relative torque Trend deviation alarm, the subgroup relative torque range value has increased 7 times
E309 7dec r relative torque Trend deviation alarm, the subgroup relative torque mean value has decreased 7 times

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Event codes

Code Name of event Information

E310 7above x relative torque Trend deviation alarm, the subgroup relative torque mean value has been above the
average mean value of the average of the last ten subgroups 7 times consecutively.
E311 7below x relative torque Trend deviation alarm, the subgroup relative torque mean value has been below the
average mean value of the average of the last ten subgroups 7 times consecutively.
E312 7above r relative torque Trend deviation alarm, the subgroup relative torque range value has been above the
average range value of the average of the last ten subgroups 7 times consecutively.
E313 7below r relative torque Trend deviation alarm, the subgroup relative torque range value has been below the
average range value of the average of the last ten subgroups 7 times consecutively.
E314 2sigma x relative torque Trend deviation alarm, the last subgroup relative torque average is outside
Xrt-bar-bar-2 sigma.
E315 2sigma r relative torque Trend deviation alarm, the last subgroup relative torque range average is outside
Rrt-bar-bar-2 sigma.
E316 Xucl line pressure The last subgroup mean line pressure value is larger than the upper control limit.
E317 Xlcl line pressure The last subgroup mean line pressure value is lower than the lower control limit.
E318 Rucl line pressure The last subgroup range line pressure value is larger than the upper control limit.
E319 Rlcl line pressure The last subgroup range line pressure value is lower than the lower control limit.
E320 Cp line pressure The line pressure Cp is lower than 2.
E321 Cpk line pressure The line pressure Cpk is lower than 1,33
E322 7inc x line pressure Trend deviation alarm , the subgroup line pressure mean value has increased 7 times
E323 7dec x line pressure Trend deviation alarm , the subgroup line pressure mean value has decreased 7 times
E324 7inc r line pressure Trend deviation alarm , the subgroup line pressure range value has increased 7 times
E325 7dec r line pressure Trend deviation alarm , the subgroup line pressure mean value has decreased 7 times
E326 7above x line pressure Trend deviation alarm, the subgroup line pressure mean value has been above the
average mean value of the average of the last ten subgroups 7 times consecutively.
E327 7below x line pressure Trend deviation alarm, the subgroup line pressure mean value has been below the
average mean value of the average of the last ten subgroups 7 times consecutively.
E328 7above r line pressure Trend deviation alarm, the subgroup line pressure range value has been above the
average range value of the average of the last ten subgroups 7 times consecutively.
E329 7below r line pressure Trend deviation alarm, the subgroup line pressure range value has been below the
average range value of the average of the last ten subgroups 7 times consecutively.
E330 2sigma x line pressure Trend deviation alarm, the last subgroup line pressure average is outside
Xtq-bar-bar-2 sigma.
E331 2sigma r line pressure Trend deviation alarm, the last subgroup line pressure range average is outside
Rtq-bar-bar-2 sigma.
E333 Not allowed subscription The requested statistic subscription is not allowed.
E334 No statistic available for this Pset The Pset strategy is not suitable to calculate statistics (no strategy is chosen, click
E335 Not enough data No enough data were available to calculate the statistic control limits.
E336 Mem alloc fail It was not possible to allocate enough memory for the statistic subscription.

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Event codes

19.4.5 Communication events

Code Name of event Information Note
E401 Duplicate device ID:s on IO bus Two IO devices with the same ID are present on the I/O Bus. ACK
E403 IO device not responding The I/O device is not properly connected or the ID of the device is not ACK
the same as the one configured.
E404 Selector is not connected or not The selector is not properly connected or the ID of the selector is not ACK
responding the same as the one configured.
E405 IO Expander is not connected or not The I/O expander is not properly connected or the ID of the I/O ACK
responding expander is not the same as the one configured.
E406 RE-alarm is not connected or not The Remote alarm is not properly connected or the ID of the Remote
responding alarm is not the same as the one configured.
E417 Too many communication sessions at one There are too many connections at the same time (ToolsTalk Pulsor, ACK
time ToolsNet, Open Protocol etc.).
E433 No RBU present No RBU detected at start-up or RBU found missing at runtime. ACK
E434 RBU Timeout RBU did not respond to command from Pulsor Focus.
E436 RBU filesystem warning There has been a repairable fault in the RBU file system, e.g. Power- ACK
off or other interruption during download.
E437 RBU filesystem corrupt The RBU file system has too many faults. An attempt will be made to ACK
repair it by means of erasing the RBU.
E438 RBU file mismatch A file with incorrect name or size was returned to a read request. ACK
E440 RBU no files A file type is not present in the RBU at start-up. ACK
E441 RBU access too busy RBU has answered to the poll but Pulsor Focus is too busy to receive ACK
the reply.
E442 RBU no such file A file has not been localized in the RBU. ACK
The RBU is corrupt or not present.
E444 RBU packet rejected RBU responds with an answer not matching the last request. This is ACK
probably due to duplicates sent when the Pulsor Focus does not
acknowledge packages.
E445 RBU corrupt the RBU is corrupt. ACK
E446 RBU read error Read operation failed. ACK
E447 RBU write error Write operation failed. ACK
E448 RBU delete error Delete operation failed. ACK
E449 RBU flush error Flush operation failed. ACK
E450 RBU list error Update operation failed. ACK
E451 RBU Update Failed Database synchronization between Pulsor Focus and RBU failed. ACK
E460 Fieldbus type mailbox message fault Error detected in initialisation of fieldbus.
E461 Fieldbus type gen com fault Error detected in initialisation of fieldbus.
E462 Fieldbus mailbox message fault Error detected in initialisation of fieldbus.
E463 Fieldbus gen com fault Error detected in initialisation of fieldbus.
E464 Fieldbus hardware fault The fieldbus module is broken and has to be replaced.

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Event codes

Code Name of event Information Note

E465 Fieldbus dip switch error The software tries to configure the value of node address or baud rate,
but the address switch on the fieldbus module is not in the right
position to enable software setting. Set switches in the right position
and then turn on the power.
E466 Fieldbus offline The fieldbus went from online to offline. This is just a warning.
E467 Fieldbus configuration fault Error detected in initialisation of fieldbus.
E468 Fieldbus hardware mismatch The fieldbus module installed in Pulsor Focus is not the same fieldbus
type as configured with ToolsTalk Pulsor. Change fieldbus module or
configuration to get a match.
E469 Fieldbus init error Error detected in initialisation of fieldbus.
E470 Fieldbus PCP error InterBus PCP length error.
E471 Fieldbus claim area failed, lost one One packet lost.
E472 Fieldbus release area timeout Release area command timed out.
E473 Fieldbus communication buffer alarm Communication buffer full. Decrease fieldbus update timer.
E474 Fieldbus monitor buffer alarm Fieldbus monitor buffer full. Turn off fieldbus monitor mode.
E475 Fieldbus PsetID mismatch selector lifted Fieldbus selected Pset does not file the lifted socket.
E480 Channel ID not valid The channel ID configured is not within the limits permitted. The ACK
channel ID must be configured between 1 and 20.
E481 Cell member registration failed The cell member registration failed because one cell member is ACK
already registered with the same channel ID.
E490 Cell ID not valid The cell ID configured is not within the limits permitted. The cell ID ACK
must be configured between 1 and 999.
E491 Net member registration failed The net member registration failed because one net member is already
registered with the same cell ID.

19.4.6 Hardware events (tool)

Code Name of event Information Note
E502 Tool service interval expired Service the tool.
E510 Tool type not supported by RBU Change tool or change RBU ACK
E513 Tool EEPROM corrupt – service tool Checksum indicates that tool memory is corrupt. Tool must be ACK
E580 Tool drift alarm relative torque deviation low Mean torque deviation below limit.
E581 Tool drift alarm relative torque deviation high Mean torque deviation above limit.
E582 Tool drift alarm pulse frequency low Mean pulse frequency below limit.
E583 Tool drift alarm pulse frequency high Mean pulse frequency above limit- check oil!

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Event codes

19.4.7 Hardware errors DC3000/MC3000

Code Name of event Information
E601 System voltage low DC voltage too low. ACK

19.4.8 Hardware events

Code Name of event Information Note
E700 PF started This event code is only visible in the event log and used when the Pulsor Focus
is started.
E701 Backup battery low level The backup battery level is low, it may be change soon.
E702 Backup battery empty or missing The backup battery level is very low or the battery is missing. This must be
replaced as soon as possible; otherwise data in NVRAM can be corrupt.

19.4.9 Software events

Code Name of event Information Note
E805 PF Model unknown This event is displayed after start-up when the RBU is missing, or when
the RBU revision can not be supported by the controller or when the
RBU license file is missing or can not be read by the boot code.
E808 Error condition detected by software An error condition was detected by software. ACK
E822 No Job ACK from control Tightening initialization phase failed. Hardware failure. ACK
E840 Feature Not Available In Software This event is displayed if when attempt is made to run multistage with a
Revision bronze version, or handle a Pset with a Pset-id larger than the max
number of Pset.
E851 Connection with Tools Net server lost The connection with the Tools Net server was lost; the Pulsor Focus is
trying to reconnect. The Tools Net server might be down or it might be
an Ethernet cable problem.
E856 Router unreachable The router programmed in the configuration setting could not be ACK
reached. Check the network configuration and in particularly the subnet
mask and the default router
E857 Reboot needed before changes take The configuration changes will not take effect before a system reboot. ACK
E858 IP address already in use The IP address of this Pulsor Focus is already in use by another system.
E859 IP address collision Another system attempts to use the same IP address as this Pulsor Focus.
E862 Ethernet overload Error The Ethernet driver of the Pulsor Focus is temporarily switched off due ACK
to an overloaded network.
E863 IP Port already in use An attempt was made to bind a TCP or UDP socket to a port already in
use. For instance, a customer protocol might be using the same port as
E864 Ethernet echo detected An Ethernet packet was discarded, since its source MAC address was
equal to the Pulsor Focus's own MAC address. Notice that this message
only occurs once during runtime, even if several such packets are
detected. There is most likely a problem in the network.

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Event codes

19.4.10 Events MMI3000

Code Event name Information Note
E901 MMI Start-up Error Error in MMI detected. ACK

19.5 Sub information for event codes

Each event code is logged together with four integer parameters. For some event codes these parameters
are used to store extra information about the event. See section 19.1, ToolsTalk Pulsor operations how to
display event code integers.
The follow sections contain event codes and explanations of the related integer parameters.

19.5.1 E150
The first parameter contains the Ch ID number [C105] for the job client not responding.
The second, third and fourth parameters are not in use.

19.5.2 E156
The first parameter contains the Ch ID number [C105] for the lost job client.
The second, third and fourth parameters are not in use.

19.5.3 E403, E404, E405 and E406

The first parameter contains I/O-device ID of the not responding I/O-device.
The second, third and fourth parameters are not in use.

142 (231) 9836 2463 01

Parameter list

20 Parameter list
This chapter specifies the parameters of the Pulsor Focus functionality.
To get a visual overview of all the parameters for each parameter type, click on the Parameter Overview
button top-left in the current window.
Clicking on a specific parameter in the displayed overview window is a shortcut way of going directly to
that parameter in the Config functionality.
It is possible to display parameter numbers in ToolsTalk Pulsor by activating Show parameter number
under the Application tab in Settings.

20.1 Pset
20.1.1 P1xx Programming

P10x Tightening Options

Parameter Parameter name Description Default setup
P100 Control strategy Click wrench: A digital input signals the completion of an arbitrary EP monitoring
activity. No tightening is performed by tool.
EP monitoring: Tightenings performed with Pulsor tool. The
monitoring parameters can be selected by the user.
P107 Click wrench no. This parameter is only used if Click wrench is chosen as Control Click wrench 1
strategy [P100]. It is used to connect the Click Wrench strategy to any
one of four defined DigIn.

P14x Tightening Options

Parameter Parameter name Description Default setup
P144 Cycle Abort timer This parameter is used to limit the time a tightening is allowed to 30 seconds

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Parameter list

P15x Batch count

Parameter Parameter Description Default setup
number name
P150 Batch count Activates a function that measures how many times a tightening is repeated. It Off
must be determined from where Batch size [P151] value should be read, if
Batch count [P150] is activated.
Off: Batch count functionality is not used.
Pset: Use Psets Batch size.
Ethernet/Serial: An external source decides Batch size via Ethernet or serial
If batch count is used in Job this parameter shall be set to “off”.

P151 Batch size The size can be 1 - 99. 1

To set this parameter, the Batch count [P150] must be in active mode.
P152 Lock at batch Used in conjunction with Tool Lock Box. Setting “Lock at batch done” turns of Off
done the air supply upon completing a batch to indicate to the user that all bolts have
been tightened.
P153 Max coherent Defines the number of possible not ok tightenings in a row. 0 (Off)
NOK’s Accessible when batch count [P150] is set to “Pset” or “off”. Scope: 1 - 10.

20.1.2 P4xx Pset setup

P40x Pset administration

Parameter Parameter name Description Default setup
P400 View existing Psets To view existing Psets in the current PF channel. Both numbers and
logical names will be displayed.
P401 Create new Pset To create and open a new Pset.
Each Pset has a unique ID number between 1 and 8 (or up 300 with the
Configurable Memory functionality).
P402 Name Pset Used when a selected Pset is to be named with a logical name. Up to 25 Empty string
P403 Copy Pset Used when a source Pset is to be copied to a destination Pset.
P404 Delete Pset Used when a Pset is to be removed.
If a Pset is a part of a Job it can not be deleted.

P406 Pset updated Timestamp (date and time) for Pset latest modification. Not editable.

P41x Reset
Parameter number Parameter name Description
P410 Delete Pset results Used when all results that belongs to the current Pset is to be cleared.
P411 Delete all results Used when all Pset results is to be cleared.

144 (231) 9836 2463 01

Parameter list

20.1.3 P5xx Statistic programming

P50x Statistic common parameters

Parameter Parameter name Description Default setup
P502 Subgroup size Defines the subgroup size for statistical diagrams and control limits. If 4
this parameter is changed, the results will be recalculated.
Group size can be set between 1 and 500.
For statistic process control, maximum subgroup size is 20.

P503 No. of subgroups Pulsor Focus can automatically calculate statistical control limits. In 10
order for these limits to be reasonable, they must be performed on a
greater number of tightenings. This parameter is used to set the number
of subgroups used for these calculations. Can be between 1 and 4000.
P504 Subgroup Defines which subgroups that will be used in the statistical calculations. 1
frequency If the frequency is 4 then only every fifth subgroup will be used. Can be
between 1 and 4000.
P505 Latest n values The latest number of values (1 - 100) that is used in the statistical 30

P57x SPC relative torque

Statistic Process Control for relative torque.
Parameter Parameter name Description Default setup
P570 Relative torque X-bar LCL The lower control limit for mean value. 0,0
Calculated automatically or entered manually.
P571 Relative torque X-bar UCL The upper control limit for mean value. 0,0
Calculated automatically or entered manually.
P572 Relative torque range LCL The lower control limit for range. 0,0
Calculated automatically or entered manually.
P573 Relative torque range UCL The upper control limit for range. 0,0
Calculated automatically or entered manually.
P574 Relative torque X-bar-bar The desired mean value for calculated mean values for groups of 0,0
P575 Relative torque range-bar The desired mean value for calculated mean ranges for groups of 0,0
P576 SPC alarm relative torque With this parameter it is possible to switch off the current SPC Off
alarm function.

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Parameter list

P58x SPC line pressure

Statistic Process Control for line pressure.
Parameter Parameter name Description Default setup
P580 Line pressure X-bar The lower control limit for mean value. 0,0
LCL Calculated automatically or entered manually.
P581 Line pressure X-bar The upper control limit for mean value. 0,0
UCL Calculated automatically or entered manually.
P582 Line pressure range The lower control limit for range. 0,0
LCL Calculated automatically or entered manually.
P583 Line pressure range The upper control limit for range. 0,0
UCL Calculated automatically or entered manually.
P584 Line pressure X-bar- The desired value for calculated mean values for groups of 0,0
bar tightenings.
P585 Line pressure range-bar The desired value for calculated mean ranges for groups of 0,0
P586 SPC alarm Line With this parameter it is possible to switch off the current SPC alarm Off
pressure function.

20.1.4 P6xx Programming

P60x Reference setup

Parameter number Parameter name Description
P600 Reference setup performed Date for latest Reference setup.
P601 No of tightenings Number of tightenings in latest Reference setup.
P602 View tightening basis Button. Active as long as proposed monitoring parameters are unchanged.
P603 Perform auto programming Button. Perform new Reference setup.

P61x Tightening options

Parameter Parameter name Description Default setup
P611 Tightening angle start Tightening is started at % of final relative torque. 50
P612 Rundown pulse filter Defines if pulses during rundown phase shall be filtered away when Yes
active calculating tightening results.

146 (231) 9836 2463 01

Parameter list

P62x – P64x Monitoring parameters

Parameter Parameter name Description Default setup
P620 Rundown time min Checkbox. With this setting it is possible to activate monitoring of No
active the current parameter.
P621 Rundown time min Defines the lower limit for rundown time.
P622 Rundown time max Checkbox. With this setting it is possible to activate monitoring of No
active the current parameter.
P623 Rundown time max Defines the upper limit for rundown time.
P630 Tightening time min Checkbox. With this setting it is possible to activate monitoring of No
active the current parameter.
P631 Tightening time min Defines the lower limit for tightening time. 0
P632 Tightening time max Checkbox. With this setting it is possible to activate monitoring of No
active the current parameter.
P633 Tightening time max Defines the upper limit for tightening time. 0
P634 Tightening angle min Checkbox. With this setting it is possible to activate monitoring of No
active the current parameter.
P635 Tightening angle min Defines the lower limit for tightening angle. 0
P636 Tightening angle max Checkbox. With this setting it is possible to activate monitoring of No
active the current parameter.
P637 Tightening angle max Defines the upper limit for tightening angle. 0
P640 No of pulses min active Checkbox. With this setting it is possible to activate monitoring of No
the current parameter.
P641 No of pulses min Defines the lower limit for number of pulses.
P642 No of pulses max Checkbox. With this setting it is possible to activate monitoring of No
active the current parameter.
P643 No of pulses max Defines the upper limit for number of pulses.
P644 Relative shutoff torque Checkbox. With this setting it is possible to activate monitoring of Yes
min active the current parameter.
P645 Relative shutoff torque Defines the lower limit the relative shutoff torque.
P646 Relative shutoff torque Checkbox. With this setting it is possible to activate monitoring of Yes
max active the current parameter.
P647 Relative shutoff torque Defines the upper limit the relative shutoff torque.
P648 Trigger lost Determines if monitoring of machine shutoff shall be active. If the Yes
tool trigger is released before the machine shuts off when this
parameter is active the tightening will not be approved and an event
code will be displayed.

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Parameter list

20.2 Job
20.2.1 J1xx Setup

J10x Admin
Parameter Parameter name Description Default setup
J102 Name job The name of the Job helps the operator to identify the different Jobs None
(Maximum 25 characters).

148 (231) 9836 2463 01

Parameter list

20.2.2 J3xx Programming

J30x Configuration
Parameter Parameter name Description Default
number setup
J300 Job list The job list specifies the Psets and multistages that can be included in the
job. The total number of Psets/multistages in one job can not exceed 30.
This parameter contains:
PF channel: Pulsor Focus channel ID that the selected Pset belongs to.
Pset (Event): identification number of Psets included in the job. The Psets
specified in the job must be predefined, and they can be included in more
than one job. Same Pset can be used several times in a job.
Pset name: name of the selected Psets
Auto select: yes = auto select, no = manually select.
With auto select the job functionality automatically chooses the next Pset.
With a manually selected Pset the operator must manually choose the next
This function is only available for forced order jobs.
It is not possible to use the auto select functionality for free
order jobs (see parameter job order type [J301]).
A job has override privileges, in comparison to a single
Pset/multistage, on a selected possible number of NOT OK
Batch size: A batch size should be specified for each Pset or multistage in a
job. The batch size specifies the number of tightenings to be performed for
each Pset or multistage. Maximum batch size is 99. It is possible to define
free running Psets by setting batch size to 0. In this case the bypass function
must be used to be able to continue the selected job.
Max coherent Not OK tightenings (NOK’s): Max coherent Not OK
tightenings (NOK’s) are a selectable possible number of Not OK tightenings
for each Pset in a job. (This function is also available for each single Pset,
see parameter max coherent NOK’s [P153]).
The tool will be locked (for both tightening and loosening) when number of
possible not OK tightenings is reached for each batch.
When the tool is locked due to possible not OK tightenings the only ways to
unlock the tool are:
Reset counter for performed not OK tightening via a digital input.
Select abort job (in case the selected job shall not lock the tool).
Select job off.

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Parameter list

Parameter Parameter name Description Default

number setup
J301 Job order type A Job must be defined as Forced order Job, Free order Job or Free and Forced
Forced order Job.
Free order: Offers the operator to perform Psets in any order. The
JobMembers work independently from each other. In a CellJob with free
order, all JobMembers are able to perform tightenings at the same time.
Forced order: Psets must be performed in the order specified in the Job list.
One JobMember at a time performs a tightening while the other
JobMembers are locked.
Free and forced order: Offers the operator to perform Psets in the same
Pulsor Focus channel as the order defined Job, but the operator is free to
perform tightening from any channel in the Job.
J302 Lock at job done Used in conjunction with Tool Lock Box. Setting “Lock at Job done” turns No
of the air supply upon finishing a Job, and thereby prevents use of the tool
outside the context of a Job.
J304 Repeat job After a Job is completed, the Job will be automatically restarted. To turn off No
this feature the Job must be aborted, deleted or the Job Off mode must be

J31x Batch
Parameter Parameter name Description Default
number setup
J310 Increase batch at OK: Specifies that only accepted tightenings will be considered OK
tightening performed and counted.
OK+NOK: Specifies that also not accepted tightenings will be considered
performed and counted.
This will also have direct effect on the batch status, which
will be NOK (nxNOK when not accepted tightening is
performed and counted in a Job).
J311 Batch status at OK: The batch status will be OK at Batch Increment or Bypass event. NOK
increment/bypass The nxOK led on the Pulsor Focus controller will light.
NOK: The batch status will be NOK (nxNOK)at Batch Increment or
Bypass event. The nxNOK led will light.

J32x Timers
Parameter Parameter name Description Default
number setup
J320 Max time to start job This parameter defines time limit, from the Job is running to the first 0
tightening is started or Batch increment/bypass is performed. If the time
limit is exceeded the Job will be aborted. The timer restarts if a Job is
Allowed values are between 1 - 9999 seconds. Value 0 (seconds)
deactivates this function.

150 (231) 9836 2463 01

Parameter list

Parameter Parameter name Description Default

number setup
J321 Max time to complete This parameter defines time limit, from Job is up running to the last 0
job tightening in the Job is started. If the time limit is exceeded the Job will
be aborted.
Allowed values are between 1 - 9999 seconds. Value 0 (seconds)
deactivates this function.
J322 Display result at auto This parameter is a timer for Jobs with auto selected Psets. It defines the 0
select time for tightening result to be displayed on a Pulsor Focus controller.
The result disappears, and led OK, NOK and nxOK shots off, when the
tool trigger is pushed or if the time limit is exceeded.
The timer also works for Restart Job, when a Job is completed, before
another Pset is selected or when a Pset is deselected.
Allowed values are between 1 - 60 seconds. Value 0 (seconds) deactivates
this function.

J33x Line control

Parameter Parameter name Description Default
number setup
J330 Use line control The Job will be ready to start when a Job with activated Line control has No
been selected and Line control start signal has been received.
Otherwise, if Line control start signal has not been received the Job will not
be ready to start and the tool will be locked until the Line control start signal
is received.
A Line control start signal is an external signal defined to be received by the
Pulsor Focus unit from a digital input. This signal can be received before or
after a Job selection.
Line control start signal status will be cleared when the running Job has been
completed or aborted.
Line Control related inputs/outputs have only effect on a JobReference.

J34x Result
Parameter Parameter name Description Default
number setup
J340 VIN number in This function is only applicable if a Job is selected via a scanner. Other
result Job VIN number: All tightening results/events during a Job will be saved
in database together with the Job VIN numbers (even if other barcode
string is received during the running Job). This is applied for all
JobMembers in a CellJob.
Other: Always the latest received VIN number (barcode string) will be
stored together with tightening result in database.

9836 2463 01 151 (231)

Parameter list

Parameter Parameter name Description Default

number setup
J341 Result of non- Yes: one null result for batch increment or decrement will be stored in the No
tightenings Pulsor Focus database. One null result will be stored in the database for
each step and remaining Psets in a job in case of bypass Pset or abort job.
No: No null results will be stored in the Pulsor Focus database.

20.3 Config
20.3.1 C1xx System setup

C10x Password and Name

Parameter Parameter name Description Default setup
C100 Use password Prevents parameter updates on the Pulsor Focus keyboard and from No
ToolsTalk applications.
C101 Password entry scope ToolsTalk/All All
Specify unit allowed to enter the password.
C105 Ch ID number Identification number of the channel/system to which the 0
programming refers. Valid values are 0-20. 0 is only used for
standalone Pulsor Focus unit.
C106 PF name Name of the unit. You can use up to 20 characters.
C107 Cell ID number Cell identification number. Valid values are 0-1000. 0
C108 Cell name Name of the HW group, (Cell) name defines the Cell that comprises
the HW group. You can use up to 20 characters.
C109 Set date and time Allows the user to store computer time or user time, and to read time
and date from Pulsor Focus.

C11x Display setup 1

Parameter Parameter name Description Default setup
C114 Display Selects result parameter to be displayed. Relative torque
Available options:
Relative torque
Relative angle
Nr of pulses
Tightening time
Rundown time
Remaining in batch
Completed in batch
Selected Pset

152 (231) 9836 2463 01

Parameter list

Parameter Parameter name Description Default setup

C115 Toggle display Selects result parameter to be toggle displayed with display 1 (see the Off
options in [C114]). You can also choose to have toggling inactive.

C12x Display setup 2

Parameter Parameter name Description Default setup
C120 Language Select language for printout from a list that is available. English
Options available: English, German.
C124 Soft keys enabled Here you connect and disconnect the menu selection buttons. On the Yes
Pulsor Focus the functions Reference Setup, plus (+) and minus (-)
button will be locked.

C13x Options
Parameter Parameter name Description Default setup
C130 Lock on reject Used in conjunction with Tool Lock Box. Allows the air to be shut off Off
whenever a non-approved tightening has been done.
C132 Reset batch at Pset Yes/No Yes
change Resets the batch counter when a new Pset is selected.
C134 Batch status at OK/NOK NOK
increment/bypass Defines if an increment or bypass operation or OK or NOK.
C135 Increase batch at OK tightening/OK+NOK tightening OK
tightening Defines if batch counter shall be increased at OK tightenings or at
OK+NOK tightenings.
C136 Reset batch at Pset Yes/No Yes
store Used if batch counter for a Pset is to be stored, and a reset of batch
counter is wanted.

C15x Reset
Parameter Parameter name Description Default setup
C150 Delete all results Tightening database and statistical database for the Pulsor Focus is
C151 Total reset Resets all programming, tightenings and statistics.

C16x Printer setup

Parameter Parameter name Description Default
number setup
C160 Printer type With parameter printer type the printer is selected. Options are: IBM, HP IBM
and Epson.

9836 2463 01 153 (231)

Parameter list

Parameter Parameter name Description Default

number setup
C161 Paper size With parameter paper size the paper format is selected. A4
Options are: A4 or US Letter.

C162 Continuous print With parameter continuous print set to “Yes”, the results after each No
tightening are automatically sent to the printer port.

C19x Pulsor Tool config

Parameter Parameter name Description Default setup
C190 Work object LED Selects it Work object LED should be always on, always off or Tool Usage
function turned on when the tool is used.
C191 Work object LED Specifies the time the LED should be on when controlled by tool 300
timeout usage.
C193 Line pressure alarm Specifies the lower limit for line pressure. If line pressure goes below 3
lower limit this limit an event ([E185]) is triggered.
C194 Line pressure alarm Specifies the upper limit for line pressure. If line pressure rises above 8
upper limit this limit an event ([E185]) is triggered.

20.3.2 C2xx I/O setup

C20x I/O device 0-7

Parameter Parameter name Description Default setup
C200 Internal I/O Pulsor Focus features four built-in DigIn and relays. These parameters Off
are used to configure the DigIn and relays. For more information, see
chapter 23, Digital inputs and outputs.
C201 Device 1 Selection and configuration of connecting devices; Selector (4 and 8 Off
C202 Device 2 position), RE-Alarm and I/O Expander.
C203 Device 3 In the Selector Setup dialog box, the user can select Pset for each socket.
The largest number of Pset per socket is 8.
C204 Device 4
C205 Device 5
C206 Device 6
C207 Device 7

154 (231) 9836 2463 01

Parameter list

C21x I/O device 8-15

Parameter Parameter name Description Default setup
C210 Device 8 Selection and configuration of connecting devices; Selector (4 and 8 Off
C211 Device 9 position), RE-Alarm and I/O Expander.
C212 Device 10 In the Selector Setup dialog box, the user can select Pset for each socket.
The largest number of Pset per socket is 8.
C213 Device 11
C214 Device 12
C215 Device 13
C216 Device 14
C217 Device 15

C22x Other I/O:s

Parameter Parameter name Description Default setup
C221 Job select source Selection of Job start source: Off
PF Keyboard
C222 Pset select source Available options: Off
PF Keyboard
C223 Tool light con source Selection of tool light control source. PF-controlled:1
Available options:
Light off
C224 Tool light mode On/Off Off
Defines whether the tool LEDs should light for a specified period of
time (On) or continuously (Off) after a tightening. Default is Off.
C225 Tool light on timer Select time for tool light led, can be set between 0 and 300 seconds.
Only valid if Tool light mode [C224] is on.

9836 2463 01 155 (231)

Parameter list

Parameter Parameter name Description Default setup

C226 Selector confirm Define if the selector confirms selection of Psets. It is also used Off
when selecting Psets in a Job.
Available options:
On with Ack.
C227 Job select source This parameter makes it possible to choose a Job from a second Off
override source. This source will have a higher priority than Job select source
Available options:
Off (default)
PF Keyboard
C230 Selector lost mode Determines whether the last selected Pset or “no Pset” is selected Last Pset
when communication with a selector is lost.

C231 Use last Pset at start- Use last Pset which was selected before reboot. No

20.3.3 C3xx Communication

C30x Remote com

Parameter Parameter name Description Default
number setup
C301 IP address The IP address is a number for identification in a network.
C302 Subnet mask Specifies the number of IP addresses on the subnet and also the number
of Pulsor Focus unit that can be placed below a NetMaster, if no router is
C303 Default router IP address of the router used on the Subnet.
C304 NetMaster IP address The NetMaster IP address. The address should be written into each
included CellMaster.
The NetMaster monitors and collects information from the CellMasters
included in the system.
C305 CellMaster IP address The CellMaster IP address. The address must be written into each
included CellMember.
The CellMaster monitors and collects information from the
CellMembers included in the Cell.

156 (231) 9836 2463 01

Parameter list

C31x Advanced com

Parameter Parameter name Description Default setup
C310 Cell keep alive Defines the timeout (in seconds) for the Cell communication. All Pulsor 6
Focus units in the factory should use the same time.

C32x Serial ports setup

Parameter number Parameter name Description Default setup
C320 Serial 1 baud rate Options: 9600 bit/s
2400, 4800, 9600 bits/s
C321 Serial 1 protocol Options: ASCII
None, ASCII, 3964R
C322 Serial 2 baud rate Options: 9600 bit/s
2400, 4800, 9600, 19 200, 38 400, 57 600, 115 200 bit/s

20.3.4 C4xx Protocols

C40x ToolsTalk setup

Parameter Parameter name Description Default setup
C400 Port Port number for ToolsTalk Ethernet communication. 6543
Do not use port number 6543 (default value) when the
same IP address is shared between several Pulsor Focus

C41x ToolsNet setup

A ToolsNet database registers and stores the results from tightenings, traces, data and history. Each Pulsor
Focus unit can store information from approximately 4000 tightenings. But the capacity in the ToolsNet
database is, in principle, unlimited. The information can be mapped against the Pulsor Focus, object or
VIN-number, as desired.
Parameter Parameter name Description Default
number setup
C410 ToolsNet on On/Off Off
Result after each tightening is recorded in ToolsNet.
C411 IP address IP address for ToolsNet. Only valid if ToolsNet on [C410] is activated.
C412 Port Port number for ToolsNet communication. 6570
Port 6570 is not to ToolsNet but to the PIM server, which
connects Pulsor Focus unit to ToolsNet.

9836 2463 01 157 (231)

Parameter list

C42x Multicast setup

Parameter Parameter Description Default
number name setup
C420 Multicast on On/Off Off
Multicast function.
C421 Multicast IP It is possible to set this IP address between (all device on this sub net)
address and (Multicast standard).
Only valid if Multicast on [C420] is activated.
C422 Port Port number for Multicast communication. 8086
C423 Results None/All/Not OK All
The results that are reported to the Multicast address.
C427 Event code On/Off Off
Used if you want to send event code on multicast.

C45x Open protocol setup

Parameter Parameter name Description Default
number setup

C451 Port Port number for open protocol server ethernet communication. 4545

C452 Serial cable loss When enabled, Pulsor Focus detects cable loss when running open protocol On
detection serial on serial port 1 or 2.

20.3.5 C7xx Tool Lock Box

C70x Tool Lock Box

Parameter Parameter Description Default
number name setup
C700 Tool Lock This checkbox decides if the tool lock functionality of Pulsor shall be used or Off
Box not. See section 18.2, Tool Lock Box for more information

20.4 Diagnostics
20.4.1 D1xx Tool configuration

D10x Tool General information

Parameter Parameter Name Description
D100 Tool type Shows tool type information.
D101 Motor size Shows information about size of the tool.
Type formats are: 6, 8, 10.

158 (231) 9836 2463 01

Parameter list

Parameter Parameter Name Description

D102 Serial number Shows the serial number of the tool.
D104 Tool max torque Shows the maximum tightening torque for the tool in chosen unit. Possible values
between 0.1 and 6553 Nm.
The value is possible to change if correct password privileges are met.
Tool max torque must only be changed by users with tool knowledge.

D105 User tool message User tool message shows a user specified message string of maximum 35 characters.
The message is stored in the tool memory.
The value is possible to change if correct password privileges are met.
D106 Usage Type of tool, fixed or handheld.

D13x Tools service

Parameter Parameter Name Description
D130 Total number of tightenings Total number of tightenings performed by the tool during its lifetime.
D131 Service indicator Enable/disable (on/off) tool service indicator alarm.
D132 Number of tightenings since service The number of tightenings since latest tool service.

D133 Service interval Number of tightenings between services. Serves as service indicator
alarm limit.
D134 Latest service date Date of latest performed service.
D135 Service counter reset Button. Resets the Number of tightenings since service [D132] and
Number of pulses since service [D137] also sets Latest service date
[D134] to current date and sets Service indicator [D131] to off.
D136 Lock tool on alarm Enables/disables lock on alarm. Tool will be locked while service
indicator alarm or while wear indicator alarm is activated.
D137 Number of pulses since service The number of pulses since latest tool service.
D138 Service interval in pulses Number of pulses between services. Serves as service indicator alarm
D139 Date for next service Serves as service indicator alarm limit.
The alarm is triggered when current date exceeds this parameter.

D15x Pulsor Tool Info

Parameter Number Parameter Name Description
D153 Application-code version The version off the tool software.
D154 Boot-code version The version of the boot code in the tool.

9836 2463 01 159 (231)

Parameter list

20.4.2 D2xx Controller diagnostics

D20x Software information

Parameter Number Parameter Name Description
D200 Main code version This is the version number of the Pulsor Focus software release.
D201 Application-code version The version number of the application code.
D202 Parameter-tree version The version number of the parameter tree.
D203 MC-code version The version number of the Motor Card code.
D204 RBU-code version The version number of the RBU code.
D205 Boot-code version The version number of the Boot code.
D206 DSP-code version The version number of the DSP code.

D21x Hardware information

Parameter Number Parameter Name Description

D210 PF3000 Type Shows what kind of hardware that hosts the Pulsor application.
D211 PF serial number Shows the serial number of the Pulsor Focus controller. This parameter is
possible to change.
D215 RBU type The type of RBU. Available types are: Bronze and Silver.
D216 RBU serial number Shows the serial number of the RBU. (Shows half of the unique MAC address).

20.4.3 D3xx System diagnostics

D31x System I/O Diagnostic

Parameter Number Parameter Name Description

D310 Relay status Button. Shows the usage and status of the relay devices.
D311 Digin status Button. Shows the usage and status of the digital input devices.
D312 Relay test Button. Performs a test of the relays used. Note that it is not possible to have Pulsor
Focus in normal operation during the test.
D313 I/O device revision Button. Presents a matrix of all devices currently on the I/O Bus. All hardware
connected to the I/O Bus are shown with serial number, software and hardware
revisions and if the device is alive.

20.4.4 D9xx Tool Drift alarm

D90x Tool drift alarm general

Parameter Parameter Name Description Default setup
D900 Tool Drift alarm activated With this setting it is possible to activate tool drift alarm for Off
the tool that is being used.

160 (231) 9836 2463 01

Parameter list

Parameter Parameter Name Description Default setup

D901 Pset used Determines which Psets are included in the tool drift alarm P1 or all created
evaluation. Psets
D902 Sample size Determines the number of tightenings that shall be used when 500
calculating the running mean value in the tool drift alarm
D903 Tightenings to be included Determines if all tightenings shall be included or only All
approved tightenings.
D904 Tool Drift alarm updated Time stamp for latest update of tool drift alarm general

D91x Tool drift alarm limits

Parameter Parameter Name Description Default setup
D910 Average torque deviation Lower Checkbox. With this parameter it is possible to switch off Yes
limit active tool drift alarm indication for this parameter.
D911 Average torque deviation Lower The lower limit for average torque deviation. 0.0
limit Calculated automatically or entered manually.
D912 Average torque deviation Upper Checkbox. With this parameter it is possible to switch off Yes
limit active tool drift alarm indication for this parameter.
D913 Average torque deviation Upper The upper limit for average torque deviation. 0.0
limit Calculated automatically or entered manually.
D914 Pulse frequency Lower limit Checkbox. With this parameter it is possible to switch off Yes
active tool drift alarm indication for this parameter.
D915 Pulse frequency Lower limit The lower limit for pulse frequency. 0.0
Calculated automatically or entered manually.
D916 Pulse frequency Upper limit Checkbox. With this parameter it is possible to switch off Yes
active tool drift alarm indication for this parameter.
D917 Pulse frequency Upper limit The upper limit for pulse frequency. 0.1
Calculated automatically or entered manually.

D93x Air sensor tuning

Parameter Number Parameter Name Description
D930 Line Pressure The line pressure entered when air sensor tuning were performed.
D931 Air senor tuning performed Date and time when air sensor tuning was performed.

D95x Tool board info

Parameter Number Parameter Name Description
D950 Tool board revision The hardware revision of the tool’s built in electronics.
D951 Tool board serial number The serial number of the tool’s built in electronics

9836 2463 01 161 (231)

Parameter list

20.5 Identifier
20.5.1 I1xx Identifier setup

I10x General setup

Parameter Parameter Name Description Default setup
I100 Identifier input source Defines what source is to be accepted when a VIN number is to be Off
Available options: Off, Scanner, Ethernet/Serial and
Ethernet/Serial & Scanner
I101 Significant numbers This parameter is a string of integers that tells the Pulsor Focus
which positions to look at in the Identifier string. The string can
have maximum 25 characters.
I104 VIN filter This parameter is a string of integers that tells the Pulsor Focus All
which positions in the scanned barcode that shall NOT be
considered as VIN.

I20x Card reader setup

Parameter Number Parameter Name Description

I200 Card reader type Defines the type of identifier reader connected to the Pulsor Focus.
Available options: None and Euchner ident system

20.6 FieldBus
Parameter Parameter Name Description Default value
F100 FieldBus type This parameter shall be selected first. It includes the types; None
DeviceNet, ProfiBus-DP, InterBus, ModBusPlus,
ModBus/TCP and EtherNet/IP. If there is no FieldBus
configuration inside the Pulsor Focus when open FieldBus
icon or read from PF, “None” will be shown in the setup
window. If Offline programming is used, “None” is selected
when you start. If there is no FieldBus card installed in Pulsor
Focus, FieldBus programming only works in Offline mode.

162 (231) 9836 2463 01

Parameter list

Parameter Parameter Name Description Default value

F102 From PF DataLength From PF DataLength F102 is the total length in bytes of the
data string sent from the Pulsor Focus controller to the PLC.
The lengths must be the same as defined in the PLC. Because
swap bytes are needed for some FieldBus type, only even
numbers should be programmed (2, 4, 8, 10, etc). Data length
should be a number higher than zero.
The maximum length that can be programmed is different for
each FieldBus type.
If InterBus is used the Pulsor Focus unit has to
be restarted when the data length is changed.

F103 To PF DataLength To PF DataLength is the total length of the data string send
from the PLC to the Pulsor Focus controller. The length must
be the same as defined in the PLC. Because swap bytes are
needed for some FieldBus types, only even numbers should be
programmed (2, 4, 8, 10, etc). Data length should be a number
higher than zero.
The maximum length that can be programmed is different for
each FieldBus type.
If InterBus is used the Pulsor Focus unit has to
be restarted when the data length is changed.

9836 2463 01 163 (231)

Parameter list

Parameter Parameter Name Description Default value

F104 From PF Global From PF Global DataLength is the length of sending broadcast
DataLength data to the network. This is a special function for ModBusPlus,
not available for other FieldBus type. Max length = 64 bytes. If
only point-to-point data is transferred, set this parameter to
From PF Datalength - From PF Global
Datalength = From PF point-to-point DataLength
(which only available in ModBusPlus).

F105 To PF Global DataLength To PF Global DataLength is the length of receiving broadcast

data from the network. This is a special function for
ModBusPlus, not available for other FieldBus type. Max length
= 64 bytes. If only point-to-point data is received, set this
parameter to zero.
To PF Datalength - To PF Global Datalength =
To PF point-to-point DataLength (which only
available in ModBusPlus).

F110 Set node address and Some buses can use a SW-configured node address and baud
baudrate from rate. This parameter has two selections:
Software: Makes it possible to program node address and
baud rate from user interface.
Hardware: Node address and baud rate is configured with the
switches on the FieldBus card.
Normally the switches on the FieldBus card
must be set in a specific way to enable these
parameters from ToolsTalk.

F111 FB node address This parameter specifies the network ID number used in the
FieldBus system. You can set the node address if the selected
FieldBus type have this feature. Two units in the same
FieldBus network cannot have the same node address.
It is possible to set FB node address from 1 to 125.

164 (231) 9836 2463 01

Parameter list

Parameter Parameter Name Description Default value

F112 Baudrate Communication speed on the FieldBus system. You
can set the baud rate if the selected FieldBus types
have this feature.
The baud rate shall be the same in all Pulsor
Focus controllers and in the PLC.

F113 Connection mode This parameter manages the way the FieldBus system detects
changes of data on the different units. Some FieldBus types
have the possibility to set different connection modes.
There are three modes; Polled, Bit Strobe and Change of State.
The settings in the Pulsor Focus controller and
the PLC must be the same.

F120 Set node address from ModBusPlus global data exchanges require a source address,
which is a node address where you want to get the global data
Software: the node address is set from user interface.
Hardware: the node address only can be set from the switches
on ProfiBus card.
F130 PCP length Provides a way to send longer data strings than the standard 20
bytes process data. The data package that is sent to or from the
Pulsor Focus can be longer than the 20 bytes process data. The
part exceeding the process data is sent in small packages. The
PCP length defines the package length. PCP data has lower
priority then the process data.
Available selections are 0, 1, 2, and 4. These numbers are the
lengths in words. 0 = no PCP.
The Pulsor Focus unit has to be restarted when
the PCP length is changed. The length must be
the same in the PLC.

9836 2463 01 165 (231)

Parameter list

Parameter Parameter Name Description Default value

F131 Process DataLength Process DataLength is the first part of the InterBus message.
The length has to be same for both input and output data.
Maximum Process DataLength is 20 bytes minus the PCP
length in bytes. This means that the highest Process string
length is 20 bytes if PCP is zero.
The Pulsor Focus unit has to be restarted when
the Process DataLength is changed. The length
must be the same in the PLC.

F141 Source address Source address is the network ID number used in the FieldBus
system. Set this source address if you want to get global data
from that address.
F200 FB update interval If the FieldBus system is heavily loaded it might be 0.10 s
necessary to slow down the update interval in
Pulsor Focus FieldBus card. If this parameter is set
to 0.5 seconds the Pulsor Focus updates the bus
every 0.5 seconds. The average data traffic must be
possible to fit within the programmed interval. If
the traffic has a higher peak load the messages are
Valid settings range from 0.05 to 10 seconds.
F210 Tool stop at offline If the FieldBus system goes down or Pulsor Focus goes offline
it might be necessary to stop running tool for safety purpose.
No tool stop: does not stop running tool
Tool stop - FieldBus start: stops running tool if tool start
select source is FieldBus.
F300 Bitmap select This parameter makes it possible to view the bitmap in the
same way in Pulsor Focus and the PLC configuration software.
It defines if byte 0 or byte 1 shall be to the left.
Default settings are the type that is common for the selected
FieldBus type.
For DeviceNet, Intel Endian must be used. For ProfiBus,
Motorola Endian must be used.

166 (231) 9836 2463 01

RBU information

21 RBU information
The RBU, Rapid Backup Unit, is a software key and data storage unit for the Pulsor
Focus. The RBU unlocks software/functions available for each version of the Pulsor
Focus. It also stores a backup copy of the Pulsor Focus configuration. The RBU
backup copy makes it possible to move functionality and configurations between
different Pulsor Focus units. A Pulsor Focus can not be used without a RBU

Currently there is a Silver version RBU and a Bronze version RBU with reduced functionality.
The RBU serial number is also part of the Pulsor Focus Ethernet MAC
Pulsor Focus Ethernet address: 00-50-D6 -XX-YY-ZZ (from serial RBU).
Example RBU with serial number C00015767:
ƒ C00015767 = 003D97 (Hexadecimal)
ƒ C00015767 = 00-50-D6-00-3D-97 (MAC address)
Pulsor Focus cannot be used with a Power Focus 3000 RBU.

9836 2463 01 167 (231)

RBU information

21.1 RBU functionality

The table below displays the functionality available for each RBU version.
Capacity Bronze RBU Silver RBU
Number of Psets 2 8
Number of Jobs 0 8
Number of tightening results 4000 4000
Number of events stored 100 500

Functionality Bronze RBU Silver RBU

Batch counting X X
Job X
Tool drift alarm X X

I/O Bronze RBU Silver RBU

Programming port (RS232) X X
I/O Expansion (up to 124 inputs and 124 outputs) X X
Network / TCP/IP X X
Barcode reader port (RS232) X
Fieldbus (with AnyBus HW) X

Networking Bronze RBU Silver RBU

Cell X
Net X
Multicast X
ToolsNet X

Other Bronze RBU Silver RBU

Real time statistics X
SPC (Alarm) X
Barcode reading X X
Open Protocol X X

168 (231) 9836 2463 01

RBU information

21.2 Connecting the RBU

Connect the RBU to the 15-pin connector on the back panel of the Pulsor Focus (see figure below).
Make sure that the power is switched off when connecting and disconnecting the RBU.

21.3 Start-up instructions

At start-up, the Pulsor Focus checks for inconsistencies between the controller and RBU configurations. If
an inconsistency is detected the user is prompted to select either the controller or RBU configuration. This
makes it possible to move/copy configurations between Pulsor Focus units by using the RBU. The user is
also given the possibility to clear both configurations.
When changing RBU type it is only possible to load the configuration from the RBU.

Press the plus (+) or minus (-) button on the Pulsor Focus unit to toggle between the selections. Confirm
selection with the Enter button.

9836 2463 01 169 (231)

RBU information

The table describes the selections available and how to choose configuration. If the Pulsor Focus and RBU
are incompatible for other reasons than a configuration mismatch (e.g. they have an older software
version), either the Pulsor Focus unit or the RBU is considered as NOK.
Status Message at start up Action
Pulsor Focus and RBU No message No action. Normal start-up.
Pulsor Focus and RBU Clear / RBU / PF Select PF for Pulsor Focus configuration, RBU for RBU configuration, or
don’t match Clear (All) to clear Pulsor Focus and RBU memories.
Pulsor Focus OK PF / Clear / Stop Select PF for Pulsor Focus configuration, Clear (All) to clear Pulsor
RBU NOK Focus and RBU memories. Otherwise select Stop.
Pulsor Focus NOK RBU / Clear / Stop Select RBU for RBU configuration, Clear (All) to clear Pulsor Focus and
RBU OK RBU memories. Otherwise select Stop.
Pulsor Focus NOK Clear / Stop Select Clear (All) to clear Pulsor Focus and RBU memories. Otherwise
RBU NOK select Stop.

Changing RBU will clear the tightening result database.

Selecting “Stop” will only prevent the result database from being erased if the RBU has
been changed within the same (provided the previous RBU is re-inserted). A change
between Bronze and Silver will clear the result database even if selecting “Stop". If the
Pulsor Focus unit is turned on with no RBU the tightening result database will be cleared
without a query to the user.

170 (231) 9836 2463 01

Pulsor Focus hardware description

22 Pulsor Focus hardware description

22.1 Physical data
22.1.1 Dimension drawing

22.1.2 Weight
The Pulsor Focus weighs about 12 kg.

9836 2463 01 171 (231)

Pulsor Focus hardware description

22.2 Electrical data

22.2.1 Line voltage
Pulsor Focus operates on a single-phase 110 VAC (90-120) or 230 VAC (200-240) line voltage.
Pulsor Focus has a function for sensing the line voltage automatically. This means that the Pulsor Focus
automatically switches to the voltage you connect to.

22.2.2 Power consumption

The power consumption of Pulsor Focus is about 20 W.

22.2.3 Mains fuse

Recommended mains fuses (power outlet):
Mains Voltage [V] Fuse [A]
115 15
230 10

22.2.4 Wiring
All connections are located on the rear of the unit. If it is necessary to change the plug on the mains cable,
use the following wiring guide:
Color Input
Brown or black Live
Blue Neutral
Green and yellow Protective ground

The power cable is the mains disconnecting device. If you open a Pulsor Focus unit first pull
out the power cable to make sure that the unit is free from electric power.
Do not use galvanically insulated line voltage since it disrupts the function of the Ground
Fault Interrupter (GFI). The test button for the GFI activates the GFI even if the Pulsor
Focus is supplied with power from an isolated transformer.

172 (231) 9836 2463 01

Digital inputs and outputs

23 Digital inputs and outputs

23.1 Digital inputs
Name Description Available

I/O Expander
Internal I/O
Off The input is not used. X X
Reset batch Reset Batch counter for current Pset. X X
Unlock tool This input is present mainly for Power Focus 3000 compatibility, use X X
“Pulsor Tool Enable” instead.
Used in conjunction with Tool Lock Box. Will unlock any software functionality lock
such as “Lock on reject” or “Lock at batch done” etc.
“Unlock tool” does not unlock digital inputs like “tool disable n.o/n.c”,
“tool tightening disable” etc.
Tool disable n.o. The tool will not be able to start when this input is active. If the tool rotates, it will X X
immediate stop when this input is active. The input is active when it is X switched on.
Normally opened.
Tool disable n.c. Same functionality as “tool disable n.o.” above but with inverted input. X X
Tool tightening disable This input is present mainly for Power Focus 3000 compatibility. Use X X
“tool disable n.o.” instead.
The function is similar to “tool disable n.o.”
Batch increment Increase the batch counter one step. X X
Batch status is depending on Batch status at increment/bypass [C134].
Batch decrement Only works if you run a Job. X X
Job restart Restart the running Job. All Batch counters are reset and the Job option timers will be X X
Bypass Pset Skip the next Pset or Multistage in the running Job. X X
Batch status is depending on Batch status at increment/bypass [C134].
Abort Job Abort current Job. Job status will be Job aborted. X X
If Lock at Job done [J206] is activated, the tool will be locked.
Job off Disable the JOB mode. All Pset can be used “manually”. When active Pulsor Focus do X X
not care about new Job number entries. If a Job is running when this input is activated
that Job will be aborted and be given status Job NOK.
Pset toggle Toggle between Psets connected to one socket in a selector. X X
Reset relays Resets all Timer and To next tight relays (Tracking event relays are not reset). X X
Pset select bit 0-3 Pset select input when selecting Pset from digital input. Bit-0 set equals Pset 1, bit-0 and X X
bit-1 set equals Pset 3 etc.
Select next Pset Select higher number Pset. X X

9836 2463 01 173 (231)

Digital inputs and outputs

Name Description Available

I/O Expander
Internal I/O
Select previous Pset Select lower number Pset. X X
Job select bit 0-3 Job select input when selecting Job from digital input. Bit-0 set equals Job 1, bit-0 and X X
bit-1 set equals Job 3 etc.
Line control start Input for a position breaker. Needed to start a Job with line control. X X
Line control alert 1 Input for a position breaker. Gives alarm if a Job with line control is not finished. X X
Line control alert 2 Input for a position breaker. Gives alarm if a Job with line control is not finished. X X
Ack error message Acknowledge an event/error message. X X
Fieldbus digin [1-4] These inputs give a direct link to fieldbus. Fieldbus digital input numbers must be X X
configured in Pulsor Focus, I/O expander and in fieldbus. Fieldbus mimics the status of
a digital input.
Flash tool green light Activate the tool green light (flashing ca 1.33 Hz). Light is on until tightening starts. X X
After tightening the tool light indicates status according to result. Activating this input at
this time will close the status information and start the flashing again. During rundown
this input shall be ignored.
Click wrench 1-4 Click wrench number connected to Pulsor Focus. X X
ID Card Signal to the Pulsor Focus that an ID Card has been inserted in the Euchner system. X X
Reset NOK counter This digital input unlocks (if locked) and resets the “max coherent not ok tightening X X
Pulsor Tool Enable Used in conjunction with Tool Lock Box. Will unlock any software functionality lock X X
such as “Lock on reject” or “Lock at batch done” etc.
“Pulsor Tool Enable” do not unlock digital inputs like “tool disable
n.o/n.c”, “tool tightening disable” etc.
Disable fieldbus carried When this digital input goes high following events occur: X X
signals Fieldbus communication is disabled.
Relay “fieldbus carried signals disabled” goes high.
In ToolsTalk Pulsor monitoring mode on fieldbus “To PF” side, it is possible to display
changes in signals sent to the PF over the fieldbus. (Note that the signals have no effect
on the Pulsor Focus, since all fieldbus communication is disabled).
On the fieldbus side “from PF” will all bits be reset to zero.
The traffic of “keep alive” signals continues on the fieldbus. In this way no event codes
(i.e. “no connection on fieldbus”) will be displayed.
All tools are enabled (presupposed that the tools were disabled from a source over the
fieldbus before then).
If there is a running job, which has been selected via the fieldbus, the job will be

174 (231) 9836 2463 01

Digital inputs and outputs

23.2 Digital outputs (relays)

Name Description Duration


To next
Off Output is not used.
OK All results are within the specified limits. X X
NOK Some result is above or below any of the programmed max or min limits, or X X
some other not approved result such as re-hit.
Low The result is below any of the programmed min limits. X X
High The result is above any of the programmed max limits. X X
Low TQ The result is lower than min relative torque limit. X X
High TQ The result is higher than max relative torque limit. X X
Low angle The result is lower than min angle limit. X X
High angle The result is higher than max angle limit. X X
Cycle complete Tightening is finished, OK or NOK. X X
Alarm Follow the Alarm light on the Pulsor Focus front. X
NxOK Batch status OK. X X
NxNOK Batch status NOK. X X
Job OK Job is done and the status of Job is OK. X X X
Job NOK Job is done but the status of the Job is not OK, because of not OK X X X
tightening, batch increment or bypass Pset.
Job Aborted Running Job was aborted. X X X
Job running A Job is selected. In case a Job with line control is selected, even the line X
control start signal is not received, this relay will be on.
Job Off Active when in Job off mode. X
PF ready Pulsor Focus controller is “healthy”. No errors that needs to be X
Tool ready Pulsor Focus is ready to do tightenings. A Valid Job and/or Pset is selected. X
The tool will start when the trigger is pressed.
Tool start switch Relay that follows the tool start input. Follow the configured Tool start X
select source [C220].
Tool running The tool is running. X
Stat alarm Follows the stat indicator on the Pulsor Focus’ front. Active when some of X
the selected statistic limits or trend is outside of the approved limits.
Tool locked This relay is present mainly for Power Focus 3000 X
compatibility, use “Pulsor Tool Enabled” instead.
Is active whenever the Pulsor Focus wants to disable the tool.
Used in conjunction with Tool Lock Box.
“Tool locked” is the inverse of “Pulsor Tool Enabled”.

9836 2463 01 175 (231)

Digital inputs and outputs

Name Description Duration


To next
Identifier received An identifier string is received. X X
Running Pset bit 0-3 Shows selected Pset. X
0 = no Pset selected, tool locked.
Running Job bit 0-3 Shows selected Job. X
0 = no running Job.
Line control start Line control start signal is received. X X X
Line control done A Job with Line control has been completed without receiving Line control X X
alert 2.
Line control alert 1 Line control warning. X X
Line control alert 2 Line control warning. X X
Service indicator Service level reached. On until the service indicator is reset. X
Only valid if the Service indicator [D131] is turned on.
Fieldbus relay [1-4] Relays controlled from fieldbus. X
Tool red light Relay follows tool red light (no flashing). X
Tool green light Relay follows tool green light. Also following function –Flash tool green X
light (no flashing).
Tool yellow light Relay follows tool yellow light (no flashing). X
ToolsNet connection lost X
Open Protocol connection X
Fieldbus Offline When fieldbus goes offline the light on this bit turns off. X
Selected channel in Job X
Fieldbus Carried Signals Indicates fieldbus signals disable. X
Max coherent NOK reached Goes high when max coherent NOK tightening counter is reached. X X X
Reference setup active Reference setup is ongoing. X
Pset with Reference setup The selected Pset has a Reference setup performed and is ready for use. X
Rundown time low The latest rundown time value below the Pset limits. X
Rundown time high The latest rundown time value above the Pset limits. X
Rundown angle low The latest rundown angle value below the Pset limits. X
Rundown angle high The latest rundown angle value above the Pset limits. X
Tightening time low The latest tightening time value below the Pset limits. X
Tightening time high The latest tightening time value above the Pset limits. X
Tightening angle low The latest tightening angle value below the Pset limits. X
Tightening angle high The latest tightening angle value above the Pset limits. X

176 (231) 9836 2463 01

Digital inputs and outputs

Name Description Duration


To next
Nr of pulses low The latest number of pulses below the Pset limits. X
Nr of pulses high The latest number of pulses above the Pset limits. X
Pulse frequency Tool Drift The latest average pulse frequency value is below the active Tool drift alarm X
alarm low limit.
Pulse frequency Tool Drift The latest average pulse frequency value is above the active Tool drift alarm X
alarm high limit.
RT Tool Drift alarm low The latest average relative torque deviation value is below the active Tool X
drift alarm limit.
RT Tool Drift alarm high The latest average relative torque deviation value is above the active Tool X
drift alarm limit.
Line pressure out of limits Active if the latest measured line pressure was outside stipulated limits. X
Pulsor Tool Enabled Used in conjunction with Tool Lock Box. X
This relay is active as long as the Pulsor Focus wants the air supply to the
tool enabled.

9836 2463 01 177 (231)

Connector descriptions

24 Connector descriptions
24.1 Printer
Connector: 25-pin DSUB female.
Function: Parallel printer
Electrical data: Normal TTL levels.
High level signal: 1
Outputs: High > 2.4 V; Low < 0.4 V
Inputs: High > 2.0 V; Low < 0.8 V
Pin Function Pin Function Pin Function
1 Strobe 10 Acknowledge 19 Ground
2 Data bit 0 11 Busy 20 Ground
3 Data bit 1 12 Paper end (out of paper) 21 Ground
4 Data bit 2 13 Select 22 Ground
5 Data bit 3 14 Auto feed 23 Ground
6 Data bit 4 15 Error 24 Ground
7 Data bit 5 16 Initialise printer 25 Ground
8 Data bit 6 17 Select input
9 Data bit 7 18 Ground

9836 2463 01 179 (231)

Connector descriptions

24.2 Serial RS232 #1

Connector: 9-pin DSUB female.
Function: RS232 serial.
Pin Function
1 Not used
2 RD, Receive data
3 TD, Transmit data
4 Not used
6 Not used
7 Not used
8 DigIn. Not used
9 Dig out. Not used

24.3 Serial RS232 #2

Connector: 9-pin DSUB female.
Function: RS232 serial connection. Use crossover cable to connect to PC.
Pin Function
1 Not used
2 RD, Receive data
3 TD, transmit data
4 +5V max 200 mA
6 Not used
7 Not used
8 Not used
9 Not used

180 (231) 9836 2463 01

Connector descriptions

24.4 Ethernet
Connector: Shielded RJ45 for 10-baseT connection.
Function: 10 Mbit Ethernet communication.
Pin Function
1 Out inverse
2 Out
3 In inverse
4 ----
5 ----
6 In
7 ----
8 ----

24.5 RBU
Connector: 15-pin DSUB female.
Function: For connection of Atlas Copco RBU.
The RBU unlocks the software you need and works as a backup memory for your Pulsor Focus setup data.
The pin configuration is propriety information for Atlas Copco. This connector cannot be used for other

9836 2463 01 181 (231)

Connector descriptions

24.6 Tool connector

Connector: (16 + 4) pin
Function: For connection of Atlas Copco Tensor electric tools.
Pin Description
A Not Used
B Not Used
C Not Used
D Not Used
E Not Used
F Not Used
G Not Used
H +15VDC
J GND (0V)
K GND (0V)
L Not Used
M Not Used
N Not Used
P RS485 B
R RS485 A
S Not Used
GND Safety power ground

182 (231) 9836 2463 01

Connector descriptions

24.7 Digital inputs

Connector: 10-pin detachable screw terminal. Mating connector Phoenix MCVR 1.5/10 -ST- 3.81 or
Function: Isolated opto-coupled digital input. Logical function is set in the configuration of the Pulsor
Electrical data: “High” input (10 - 40) VDC. Current needed to activate input is 5 mA at 24 V.
This input can be connected to run both positive and negative logic (active high or active low).
Isolated 24 VDC output. (19 V - 30 V) 1 A maximum load. This output can be used to feed external
equipment such as Stack lights and buzzers. Atlas Copco I/O Bus accessories are also powered from this
Pin Function
13 Digital input 1 +
14 Digital input 1 -
15 Digital input 2 +
16 Digital input 2 -
17 Digital input 3 +
18 Digital input 3 -
19 Digital input 4 +
20 Digital input 4 -
21 + 24 VDC isolated
22 GND (+24VDC isolated)

9836 2463 01 183 (231)

Connector descriptions

24.8 Digital outputs (relays)

Connector: 12-pin detachable screw terminal. Mating connector Phoenix MCVR 1.5/12-ST-3.81 or
Function:Two way dry contact relays. Isolated outputs. Logical function is set in the configuration of the
Pulsor Focus.
Electrical data: Max 50 V DC/AC. Switching load: min 1 mA, max 500 mA resistive load.
Pin Function
1 Relay 1 Normally open
2 Relay 1 common
3 Relay 1 Normally closed
4 Relay 2 Normally open
5 Relay 2 common
6 Relay 2 Normally closed
7 Relay 3 Normally opened
8 Relay 3 common
9 Relay 3 Normally closed
10 Relay 4 Normally opened
11 Relay 4 common
12 Relay 4 Normally closed

184 (231) 9836 2463 01

Connector descriptions

24.9 I/O Bus #1

Connector: 9-pin DSUB male.
Function: To connect Atlas Copco I/O Bus accessories. Parallel with I/O Bus connector #2.
There is a range of Pulsor Focus accessories that connect over the proprietary Pulsor Focus I/O Bus, for
ƒ Selector (socket tray)
ƒ RE-Alarm
ƒ I/O Expander
To have a well functioning I/O Bus, always use bus terminations. All accessories and Pulsor Focus units
are equipped with two parallel connectors. When all cables are connected, place a termination in the
empty connectors. I/O Bus connectors #1 and #2 are fully parallel and can be used in any combination. If
nothing is connected to the I/O Bus there is no need for terminations.
Pin Function
1 +24 V iso
2 Signal Low
3 0 V (+8V iso)
4 0 V (+24 V iso)
5 Not used
6 0 V (+8V iso)
7 Signal High
8 Not used
9 +8 V iso. (for I/O Bus only)

9836 2463 01 185 (231)

Connector descriptions

24.10 I/O Bus #2

Connector: 9-pin DSUB male.
Function: To connect Atlas Copco I/O Bus accessories. Parallel with I/O Bus connector #1.

24.11 Mains power connector

Connector: IEC320
Electrical data: Input voltage (90 - 120) VAC, (200 - 240) VAC, (50 - 60) Hz. Auto select of voltage input

186 (231) 9836 2463 01

Pulsor Quick Guide

25 Pulsor Quick Guide

25.1 Introduction
The purpose of this Quick Guide is to clarify the minimum that needs to be done in order to get started
with the system. At the same time there is supplementary information on additional functions. The
explanations are very brief so that they fit on one page. If you need further information on any particular
point follow the reference to the chapter in the Pulsor manual (at the bottom right-hand corner of the text
The tool includes a shut-off mechanism that shuts off the tool when a given torque has been reached. The
torque level can be adjusted with a screw in the tool. The tool must first be adjusted to work correctly on
the target joint. In other words the actual joint you are working on.
The electronics measure what happens while tightening. When the Reference Setup is done, Pulsor Focus
“learns” what is a normal tightening - carrying out the reference tightenings correctly is therefore very
important. When Reference Setup is completed the limit values for the different parameters are copied
automatically in the tightening monitoring. These values show within which limits you can expect most of
the tightenings to be.

25.2 Quick Guide instructions

See next page.

9836 2463 01 187 (231)

Pulsor Quick Guide

Basic instructions Additional information

The prerequisites are a tool with a

Pulsor Focus that is connected to a PC
that has a ToolsTalk Pulsor.

• Adjust the tool’s torque.

• Test the tool on the actual joint. Adjust the
• Check that the tightenings are tool
correct. (Chap 4)

• Start ToolsTalk Pulsor in the PC. If instead you want to make a

• Ensure that Pset select source in Reference Setup on a new Pset:
Config is set to serial/ethernet.
• Activate the desired Pset in the Activate Pset • First create a new Pset by clicking the
selection panel in ToolsTalk Pulsor. right mouse button on Pset on the PF
(Chap 5)

• Open Pset window for chosen Pset

under Pset in the PF-Map.
• Click on Perform Reference Setup:

Reference Setup

(Chap 5) • To get statistics that is based on

representative and correct tightenings
Make reference it is strongly recommended that you
• Use the adjusted tool on the relevant tightenings perform at least 10 tightenings (but
joint. not more than 50).
• Check that the reference tightenings • (It will work with only one tightening
are done correctly. but this will not achieve predictable
• Carry out at least 10 tightenings. results)
• The tool must shut itself off. (Chap 5) • Incorrect tightenings can be deleted.

• Check that the results from the Check and make

any settings under • Change any actual or reference
reference tightenings are reason- values for torque by clicking on Set
able. Review the max/min results: Reference Setup
reference values.
Identify and delete any deviating
tightenings (Chap 5)

• Complete by clicking on Accept.

• The result values from Reference
Reference Setup
Setup are saved (in the Pset).
(Chap 5)
• The tightening monitoring can be
• As a default for a new Pset, a check You have now reached adapted to capture miscellaneous
is made of the the torque level and a productive stage and errors such as rehit.
can begin to make live • Monitoring can be adapted to the
that the tool has switched off. (Chap 6) tightenings.
joint’s specification.
• The display on the monitoring unit • Batch counting of tightenings can now
shows: OK/NOK and (as a default be activated.
configuration) the relative torque.
(Chap 3) • The tracking result monitor in
• The green light on the tool shows Make tightenings ToolsTalk Pulsor displays all
OK, the yellow light that min value parameters.
has not been reached and the red
light that the max value has been
exceeded. (Chap 6)

Basic instructions Additional information

188 (231) 9836 2463 01

FieldBus configuration appendix

26 FieldBus configuration appendix

This appendix describes the different possible selections for the FieldBus. It also describes the different
data types that are used in the FieldBus configuration.

26.1 Bit map select (Endian Mode)

26.1.1 Motorola Endian
Byte 0 Byte 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

26.1.2 Intel Endian

Byte 1 Byte 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Motorola Endian is default setting for ProfiBus-DP, InterBus, ModBusPlus and ModBus TCP.
Intel Endian is default setting for DeviceNet and EtherNet/IP.

26.2 FieldBus data types

The Pulsor Focus uses position format in all encoding and decoding data types. In PF position format the
Most Significant Bit (MSB) is the bit furthest to the left and the Least Significant Bit (LSB) is the bit
furthest to the right.
If a data type is less than one word, the MSB is the bit furthest to the left. If data type is longer than one
word, the MSB is the bit furthest top-left. If a FieldBus type uses Intel Endian, byte numbers are swapped
before encoding or decoding to a specific data type.
The data field in the FieldBus is from the beginning a blank data field without structure. In order to map
Pulsor Focus item data types into FieldBus we defined FieldBus Data Type, which holds the information
about placement and structure of a certain application data type mapped into the FieldBus data field.
The table below shows the different data types used in FieldBus data. The section Items From/To PF
shows the data type available for different items.
Data type Description
Bit One bit. Normally used for discrete I/O-data.
Bit Field Length is 2 - 8 bits. All bits must be in the same byte. The left bit is the most significant bit
and the right bit is the less significant bit, i.e. 0001=1, 1000= 8.
Character One byte ASCII code.
Character String Change Character string. Each character uses one byte ASCII code. Range: 2 - 25 bytes.

9836 2463 01 189 (231)

FieldBus configuration appendix

Data type Description

Character String Input Character string with an extra “counter” byte in front. The extra byte is an integer counter and
must increase each time when the character string is entered to be able to detect a new input. If
you want to enter the same value again (e.g. the same Job number), just change the counter.
Fixed Point Number Two-byte integer part and two-byte decimal part. The first two bytes hold the integer part and
the last two bytes hold the decimal part. Used to represent torque value.
Unsigned 16 (U16) 16-bit unsigned integer. Decimal 0 – 65 535.
Unsigned 32 (U32) 32-bit unsigned integer. Decimal 0 – 4 294 967 295.
U32_HNW 32-bit unsigned integer. MSW is the higher number word.
CharStringChangeIntelF Character string. Each character uses one byte ASCII code. Range: 2 - 25 bytes. This type
makes Intel Endian character string follows byte order; the first character is the lowest byte in
the string.
CharStringInputIntelF Character string with an extra “counter” byte in front. The extra byte is an integer counter and
must increase each time when the character string is entered to be able to detect a new input. If
you want to enter the same value again (e.g. the same Job number), just change the counter.
This type makes Intel Endian character string follows the byte order, the integer counter is the
lowest byte in the String.

Common for all data types is that a change must occur in PLC output area (To PF) to get
Pulsor Focus to detect a new data entry. For example, if you want to select JOB number 3
two times in a row you must select 0 in between.

190 (231) 9836 2463 01

FieldBus configuration appendix

26.2.1 Character string

Character String is in a reading order, i.e. from left to right, from top to bottom, regardless of the byte
order. The difference between CharStringChange and CharStringInput is a counter byte added before
character string in CharStringInput. When the counter changes, a new input is considered.

Motorola Endian

Data type Word Byte 0 Byte 1 Convert to PF data

CharStringChange 0 P S
1 E T
2 2 PSET2
CharStringInput 3 1 (counter) P
4 S E
5 T 2 PSET2

9836 2463 01 191 (231)

FieldBus configuration appendix

Intel Endian

Data Type Word Byte 1 Byte 0 Convert to PF data

CharStringChange 0 P S
1 E T
2 2 PSET2
CharStringInput 3 1 (counter) P
4 S E
5 T 2 PSET2
CharStringChangeIntelF 6 S P
7 T E
8 2 PSET2
CharStringInputIntelF 9 P 1 (counter)
10 E S
11 2 T PSET2

26.2.2 Fixed point number

Fixed Point Number integer part is in low number word, and decimal part is in high number word. The
table below shows the conditions valid for the integer and decimal parts (i.e. if integer part is 1 digit or 2
digits, decimal part is 2 digits):
Integer part (in digits) Decimal part (in digits)
1 or 2 2
3 1
4 0

192 (231) 9836 2463 01

FieldBus configuration appendix

Motorola Endian

Data type Word Byte 0 Byte 1 Convert to PF data

FixedPointNumber 0 0 12
1 0 15 12.15

Intel Endian

Data type Word Byte 1 Byte 0 Convert to PF data

FixedPointNumber 0 0 12
1 0 4 12.04

26.2.3 Integer
Unsigned16 is a 16-bit integer and Unsigned32 is a 32-bit integer. U32_HMW is a special case of
Unsigned32, which is used in Intel Endian.

Motorola Endian

Data type Word Byte 0 Byte 1 Convert to PF data

Unsigned16 0 1 0 256
Unsigned32 1 0 (MSB) 1
2 0 0 (LSB) 65536

9836 2463 01 193 (231)

FieldBus configuration appendix

Intel Endian

Data type Word Byte 1 Byte 0 Convert to PF data

Unsigned16 0 1 0 256
Unsigned32 1 0 (MSB) 1
2 0 0 (LSB) 65536
U32_HNW 3 0 1 (LSB)
4 0 (MSB) 0 1

194 (231) 9836 2463 01

FieldBus configuration appendix

26.3 Items From PF

In this section follows a description of the possible items to select when data from the Pulsor Focus is
Items From PF Description Data type String Value
AngleStatus Status Angle result. Character 1 byte O = OK
H = High
Bit 2 bits 00 = Not used
01 = OK
10 = High
11 = Low
AngleStatusHIGH Angle result is above max limit. Bit 1 bit 0 = Not used
1 = High
AngleStatusLOW Angle result is below min limit. Bit 1 bit 0 = Not used
1 = Low
AngleStatusOK Angle result is within limits. Bit 1 bit 0 = Not used
1 = OK
BatchStatus Batch OK (done) or NOK (reset) Character 1 byte O = OK
Bit 2 bits 00 = Not used
01 = OK
10 = NOK
BatchStatusNOK Batch is NOK (batch aborted). Bit 1 bit 0 = Not used
1 = NOK
BatchStatusOK(nxOK) Batch is OK (nxOK) Bit 1 bit 0 = Not used
1 = OK
CycleComplete Indicates that a tightening is Bit 1 bit 0 = Not used
finished. Do not care about the 1 = Cycle complete
DigIn# [# = 1 - 4] Mimic the status on a DigIn in Bit 1 bit 0 = Input Off
Pulsor Focus or I/O Expander. The 1 = Input On
input must be configured to
FieldBus DigIn # X. There are four
different Items.
DisabledFBJobStatus Mimic the status on a digital input Bit 1 bit 0 = Enabled Job status
"Disable FB Job Status" in Pulsor 1 = Disabled Job status
Focus or I/O Expander.
ErrorCode Shows error code. U16 2 bytes Binary representation
(Decimal 0-65535)

9836 2463 01 195 (231)

FieldBus configuration appendix

Items From PF Description Data type String Value

FieldBusHandShakeAck Indicates handshake from PLC Bit 1 bit 0 = Not used
received by Pulsor Focus. 1 = Handshake
JobDoneStatus Job OK (done) or NOK (done) or Character 1 byte O =OK
aborted (reset). ASCII N = NOK
A = Aborted
Bit Field Bit Field 00 = Not used
01 = OK
10 = NOK
11 = Aborted
JobDoneStatusJobAborted Shows Job aborted. Bit 1 bit 0 = Not used
1 = Job Aborted
JobDoneStatusNOK Job is NOK (Not all tightening Bit 1 bit 0 = Not used
OK). 1 = NOK
JobDoneStatusOK (nxOK) Job is OK (nxOK) Bit 1 bit 0 = Not used
1 = OK
JobID Gives the number on the selected Bit field 2–8 0000 0001 = Job 1
JOB. bits in 0001 0000 = Job 16
the same
U16 16 bits 00….0001 = Job 1
in one 00….1000 = Job 8
JobRunning A Job is selected and “running”. Bit 1 bit 0 = Job done and no Job
1 = Job is running
KeepAliveAck Indicate FieldBus communication Bit field 2 - 8 bits 00000000 = 0
alive, which send back the save in the 11111111 = 255
value received from PLC. same
LineControlAlerted 1 Indicates Line Control Alert1 Bit 1 bit 0 = Not used
received by Pulsor Focus. 1 = LineControlAlerted1
LineControlAlerted 2 Indicates Line Control Alert2 Bit 1 bit 0 = Not used
received by Pulsor Focus. 1 = LineControlAlerted2

LineControlDone Indicates Job with line control Bit 1 bit 0 = Not used
finished before line control alert2 1 = LineControlDone
LineControlStarted Indicates Line Control Start set in Bit 1 bit 0 = Not used
Pulsor Focus. 1 = LineControlStart
LineControlStartAck Indicates that Pulsor Focus Bit 1 bit 0 = LineControlStartreseted
received Line control start. 1 = LineControlStart

196 (231) 9836 2463 01

FieldBus configuration appendix

Items From PF Description Data type String Value

NewPsetSelected Running Pset number. Bit field 2 - 8 bits 0000 0001 = Pset 1
in the 0001 0000 = Pset 16
U16 16 bits 00….0001 = Pset 1
in one 00….1000 = Pset 8
NewPsetSelected0Is1 Running Pset number. Number 0 = Bit field 2 - 8 bits 0000 0001 = Pset 2
Pset 1 number 1 = Pset 2 etc. in the 0001 0000 = Pset 17
PFChannelID Gives the channel ID number on Bit field 2 - 8 bits 0000 0001 = CH 1
the FieldBus Pulsor Focus. in the 0001 0000 = CH 16
U16 16 bits 00….0001 = CH 1
in one 00….1000 = CH 8
PFReady No severe errors in PF. Bit 1 bit 0 = Errors in PF
1 = No errors in PF
ReceivedIdentifier Indicates identifier has been Bit 1 bit 0 = not used
received by PF. 1 = Received identifier
SelectedChannelInJob Indicates selected channel in a Bit 1 bit 0 = Not used
forced order CellJob. 1 = Selected channel
ServiceIndicatorAlarm Indicates that the number of Bit 1 bit 0 = Alarm Off
tightenings in the tool memory has 1 = Alarm On
reached the service interval limit.
TighteningTime The tightening time taken from the Character 64 bit (8 I.e. 08:15:08 (8 ASCII
most recent result. Format string characte characters) 24 hour
HH:MM:SS change rs)
TighteningTimeHour The tightening time (hour part U16 16 bit 0 – 24 hour
only) taken from the most recent (one
result. word)
TighteningTimeMin The tightening time (minutes only) U16 16 bit 0 - 60 min
taken from the most recent result. (one
TighteningTimeSec The tightening time (seconds only) U16 16 bit 0 - 60 min
taken from the most recent result. (one
TighteningDate The tightening date taken from the Character 80 bit I.e. 2000:05:07 (10 ASCII
most recent result. Format string (10 characters)
YYYY:MM:DD change characte

9836 2463 01 197 (231)

FieldBus configuration appendix

Items From PF Description Data type String Value

TighteningDateDay The tightening date (day part only) U16 16 bit 1 – 31
taken from the most recent result. (one
TighteningDateMonth The tightening date (month part U16 16 bit 1 – 12
only) taken from the most recent (one
result. word)
TighteningDateYear The tightening date (year part U16 16 bit Year number 4 digits
only) taken from the most recent (one
result. word)
TighteningStatus Combined status for all tightening Character 1 byte OK = O
result parameters that is used. ASCII NOK = N
Bit field 2 bits 00 = Not used
01 = OK
10 = NOK
TighteningStatusNOK Tightening result has one or more Bit 1 bit 0 = Not used
Not OK results. 1 = NOK
TighteningStatusOK All tightening result is OK. Bit 1 bit 0 = Not used
1 = OK
ToolGreenLight This item follows the tool green Bit 1 bit 0 = Not used
light. 1 = Green

ToolRedLight This item follows the tool red light. Bit 1 bit 0 = Not used
1 = Red
ToolYellowLight This item follows the tool yellow Bit 1 bit 0 = Not used
light. 1 = Yellow
(If ”PF_Control_3” is selected in
Cset, yellow led shows the fatal
error and reset when error
ToolReady Indicates that the tool is ready for Bit 1 bit 0 = Tool is not ready
tightening. 1 = Tool is ready
ToolRunning Indicates that the tool is rotating Bit 1 bit 0 = Tool is not run
CW or CCW. 1 = Tool is running
ToolTightening Bit 1 bit 0 = Tool is not tighten
1 = Tool is tightening
TorqueStatus Status torque result. Character 1 byte O = OK
H = High
Bit field 2 bits 00 = Not used
01 = OK
10 = High
11 = Low

198 (231) 9836 2463 01

FieldBus configuration appendix

Items From PF Description Data type String Value

TorqueStatusHIGH Torque result is above max limit. Bit 1 bit 0 = Not used
1 = High
TorqueStatusLOW Torque result is below min limit. Bit 1 bit 0 = Not used
1 = Low
TorqueStatusOK Torque result is within limits. Bit 1 bit 0 = Not used
1 = OK
VINInput Shows the VIN number inputted Character 24-208 One ASCII sign for each
from FieldBus, serial or Ethernet. string input bit (3-26 character.
Changes as soon as the number is bytes) First byte is counter.
given. This is not the VIN used in
the tightening result.
Character 16-200 One ASCII sign for each
If the VIN is longer then the VIN string bit (2-25 character.
input length the Pulsor Focus will change bytes)
take the first x characters and cut
the end. If the VIN number is Character 16-192 One ASCII sign for each
shorter then this parameter length String bit (2-24 character.
the Pulsor Focus will not fill with Change Intel bytes)
zero. Format
Character 32-208 One ASCII sign for each
String Input bit (4-26 character.
Intel Format bytes) First byte is counter.
VINUsedInTightening Shows the VIN number used in a Character 16 – 200 One ASCII sign for each
tightening. This is the VIN used in string bit (2-25 character.
the tightening result. change bytes)
If the VIN is longer then the VIN
input length the Pulsor Focus will
take the first x characters and cut
the end. If the VIN number is
shorter then this parameter length
the Pulsor Focus will not fill with

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FieldBus configuration appendix

26.4 Items To PF
This section contains a description of the items that can be selected when data to the Pulsor Focus is
Items To PF Description Data type String Value
AbortJob Aborts the running Job. Bit 1 bit 0 = Not used
1 = Abort
Character 8 bit (1 A = Abort
AckErrorMessage Acknowledge error message. Bit 1 bit 0 = Not Used
1 = Ack Error
BatchDecrement Decrement the batch counter with Bit 1 bit 0 = Not used
one. 1 = Decrement

BatchIncrement Increment the batch counter with Bit 1 bit 0 = Not used
one. 1 = Increment

BypassPsetInJob Stop current Pset and jump to next Bit 1 bit 0 = Not used
Pset in the Job. 1 = Bypass Pset in Job
FieldBusHandShake Send to PF to check if FieldBus Bit 1 bit 0 = Not used
works. 1 = Handshake

200 (231) 9836 2463 01

FieldBus configuration appendix

Items To PF Description Data type String Value

Identifier Input the VIN number from Character 24 - 208 bit One ASCII sign for each
the PLC. To get this working string input (3-26 character
you must set identifier input bytes) First byte is counter
source in PF to FieldBus.
Character 16 - 200 bit One ASCII sign for each
string change (2-25 character
U16 2 bytes in U 16: If the value is less then
the same 5 digits decimal, PF will fill
word with zeroes in front.
U32 4 bytes in U32: If the value is less then
two words 10 digits decimal, PF will fill
with zeroes in front.
U32_HNW 4 bytes in Only for Intel format
two words
Character 16 - 192 (2 One ASCII sign for each
string change - 24 bytes) character, string is in Intel
Intel format byte order
Character 32 - 208 One ASCII sign for each
string input bytes) character.
Intel format First byte is counter.
String is in Intel byte order.
JobSelect Select a Job. Job select Bit Field 2 - 8 bits in 0000 0001 = Job 1
source must be set to the same 0001 0000 = Job 16
FieldBus. Job 0 = no Job byte.
selected. U16 16 bits in 00….0001 = Job 1
one word 00….1000 = Job 8
JobOff Gets off Job mode and Bit 1 bit 0 = Job On
unlocks tool. 1 = Job Off
KeepAlive Send to PF to check if Bit Field 2 - 8 bits in 00000000 = 0
FieldBus communication the same 11111111 = 255
alive. byte

LineControlAlert1 Job not finished alarm 1. Bit 1 bit 0 = Not Used

1 = Line Control alert 1
LineControlAlert2 Job not finished alarm 2. Bit 1 bit 0 = Not Used
1 = Line Control alert 2
LineControlStart Input signal to start the line Bit 1 bit 0 = Not Used
control function. 1 = Line Control

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FieldBus configuration appendix

Items To PF Description Data type String Value

PsetSelect Select a Pset. Pset select Bit Field 2 – 8 bits in 0000 0001 = Pset 1
source must be set to the same 0001 0000 = Pset 16
FieldBus. Pset0 = no Pset byte.
selected. U16 16 bits in 00….0001 = Pset 1
one word 00….1000 = Pset 8
PsetSelect0Is1 Select a Pset. Pset select Bit Field 2 – 8 bits in 0000 0001 = Pset 2
source must be set to the same 0001 0000 = Pset 17
FieldBus. Pset0 = no Pset byte.
Number 0 = Pset 1 number 1
= Pset 2 etc.

RelayPos# [# = 1 - 4] Control a relay from Bit 1 bit 0 = Rely OFF

FieldBus. In I/O set-up the 1 = Relay ON
selected relay must be
programmed to FieldBus
relay x. There are four
different items.

ResetBatch Reset the batch counter to 0. Bit 1 bit 0 = Not used

1 = Reset the batch
ResetJobStatus Resets Job done status. Bit 1 bit 0 = Not used
1 = ResetJobStatus
ResetResultStatus Reset all result status on Bit 1 bit 0 = Not Used
relay, RE-Alarm and 1 = Reset result
RestartJob Stop current Job and restart Bit 1 bit 0 = Not used
the same Job from 0. 1 = Restart Job
SelectNextPset Selects next Pset. Bit 1 bit 0 = Not used
1 = Select next Pset
SelectPrevPset Select previous Pset. Bit 1 bit 0 = Not used
1 = Select previous Pset
SetBatchSize / Sets batch size in indicated Bit field 2 - 8 bits in 00000000 = 0
SetBatchSizePsetID Pset ID the same 11111111 = 255
(SetBatchSizePsetID). These
two items must be used U16 2 bytes Binary representation
together. (Decimal 0-65535)
0<Batch Size<=99
ToolLightsFlashGreen Starts to flash the tool green Bit 1 bit 0 = Not used
light. Resets any existing 1 = Tool light flash
light pattern on the tool.
ToolTighteningDisable The function is similar to Bit 1 bit 0 = TighteningEnable
Tool Disable, but only for
tightening. 1 = TighteningDisable

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FieldBus configuration appendix

Items To PF Description Data type String Value

UnlockTool Unlock tool if tool locked by Bit 1 bit 0 = Not used
batch ok or lock on reject
1 = Unlock tool

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FieldBus configuration appendix

26.5 ProfiBus-DP

ProfiBus-DP is a FieldBus normally used in industrial automation, to transfer fast data for motor
controllers, MMI, I/O units and other industrial equipment. ProfiBus has an international user organisation
called ProfiBus International, PI, and other local and national organisations.
General technical questions regarding the FieldBus should be addressed to your local ProfiBus User
Group in the first instance.
A contact address list is available on the ProfiBus Internet site:
For general help on ProfiBus, contact ProfiBus International on:
[email protected].

26.5.1 ProfiBus-DP for Pulsor Focus

Physical interface
Interface Description
FieldBus type PROFIBUS DP EN 50 170 (DIN 19245)
Protocol version 1.10
Protocol stack supplier SIEMENS
Auto baud rate detection (supported baud rate range) 9.6 kbit - 12Mbit
Transmission media ProfiBus bus line, type A or B specified in EN50170
Topology Server-Client communication
FieldBus connectors 9 pin female DSUB (standard)
Cable Shielded copper cable, twisted pair
Isolation The bus is galvanically separated from the other electronics with
an on board DC/DC converter. Bus signals (A-line and B-line) are
isolated via optics couplers.
ProfiBus DP communication ASIC SPC3 chip from Siemens

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FieldBus configuration appendix

ProfiBus-DP module
Variable Limits Information
Node Address 1 – 124 Set Switches to 00 if you want to set the
(1-99 with HW setting) node address from SW (TTPF)
Number of nodes in a ProfiBus-DP Max 126
Baud rate Automatic (9.6 kbaud - 12 Mbaud) Automatically set from PLC at
Data to PF length 0 - 122 bytes Must be the same in PF and PLC
The string length in PF is limited to
122 bytes. ProfiBus-DP standard
allows 244 bytes.
Data from PF length 0 - 122 bytes Must be the same in PF and PLC
The string length in PF is limited to
122 bytes. ProfiBus-DP standard
allows 244 bytes.
The module only supports cyclic I/O
data transmission


FieldBus connectors
The ProfiBus-DP standard EN 50170 (DIN 19245) recommends the use of a 9 pin female D-sub
connector. Depending on the protection class and type of application, other connector designs are also

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FieldBus configuration appendix

Connector 9-pin female DSUB

Pin Name Function
Housing Shield Connected to PE
1 Not connected
2 Not connected
3 B-Line Positive RxD/TxD according to RS485 specification
4 RTS Request to send
+5V BUS and GND BUS are used for bus termination. Some devices,
like optical transceivers (RS485 to fibre optics) may require an
external power supply from these pins.
5 GND BUS Isolated GND from RS484 side
+5V BUS and GND BUS are used for bus termination. Some devices,
like optical transceivers (RS485 to fibre optics) may require an
external power supply from these pins.
6 +5V BUS Isolated +5V from RS484 side
+5V BUS and GND BUS are used for bus termination. Some devices,
like optical transceivers (RS485 to fibre optics) may require an
external power supply from these pins.
7 Not connected
8 A-Line Negative RxD/TxD according to RS485 specification
9 Not connected

Node address
Node address is set with the two rotary switches on the FieldBus module; this enables address settings
from 1-99 in decimal form.
Switch 1 x10 ; Switch 2 x1
(See switches on the top drawing)
Example: Address = (Left Switch Setting x 10) + (Right Switch Setting x 1)
Left switch is set to 5 and right switch is set to 2. This gives a node address of 52.
If you want to set the node address from ToolsTalk the switches must be set to 00.
Node address cannot be changed when the power is switched on.

Baud rate
The ProfiBus DP network baud rate is set during configuration of the master and only one baud rate is
possible in a ProfiBus DP installation. As the Pulsor Focus ProfiBus DP module has an auto baud rate
detection function, you will not have to configure the baud rate on the module.
Supported baud rates: 9.6 kbit/s; 19,2 kbit/s; 93,75 kbit/s ; 187,5 kbit/s; 500 kbit/s; 1,5 Mbit/s; 3 Mbit/s; 6
Mbit/s; 12 Mbit/s

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FieldBus configuration appendix

Functionality of the indication LEDs

The module is equipped with four color LEDs, used for debugging purposes. The function of the LEDs are
described in the table and figure below.
Name Color Function
FieldBus Diagnostics Red Indicates certain faults on the FieldBus side.
(LED 4) Flashing Red 1 Hz - Error in configuration: IN and/or OUT length set during
initialisation of the module is not equal to the Length set during configuration of the
Flashing Red 2 Hz - Error in User Parameter data: The
Length/contents of the User Parameter data set during initialisation of the module is not
equal to the length/contents set during configuration of the network.
Flashing Red 4 Hz– Error in initialisation of the ProfiBus communication ASIC.
Turned Off - No diagnostics present
On-Line Green Indicates that the module is On-Line on the FieldBus.
(LED 2) Green - Module is On-Line and data exchange is possible.
Turned Off - Module is not On-Line
Off-Line Red Indicates that the module is Off-Line on the FieldBus.
(LED 3) Red – Module is Off-Line and no data exchange is possible.
Turned Off - Module is not Off-Line

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FieldBus configuration appendix

Bus termination
The end nodes in a ProfiBus DP network have to be terminated to avoid reflections on the bus line. Use
cable connectors with built-in termination.

GSD file
Each device on a ProfiBus DP network is associated with a GSD file, containing all necessary information
about the device. The network configuration program during configuration of the network uses this file.
Contact your local Atlas Copco Company for a copy of the GSD file
File name: pf3profb.gsd

Icon File

Contact you local Atlas Copco representative to get a copy of the Icon file for Pulsor Focus. This file can
be used to have a Power Focus Icon in PLC configuration SW. The file is a bitmap.
File name: pf3profb.bmp

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FieldBus configuration appendix

26.6 DeviceNet
DeviceNet is used for industrial automation, normally for the control of valves, sensors and I/O units and
other automation equipment. The DeviceNet communication link is based on a broadcast-oriented
communications protocol, Controller Area Network (CAN). This protocol has I/O response and high
reliability even for demanding applications, e.g. brake control.
DeviceNet has a user organization, the Open DeviceNet Vendor Association (ODVA) that assists
members in matters concerning DeviceNet. Website:
The media for the FieldBus is a shielded copper cable composed of one twisted pair and two cables for the
external power supply. The baud rate can be changed between 125k, 250k and 500kbit/s. This can be done
in two different ways. The first is simply by using the DIP switch, second is via SW configuration. There
are several different DeviceNet Scanners available on the market, both for PLC systems and for PCs.

26.6.1 DeviceNet for Pulsor Focus

DeviceNet module
Variable Limits Information
Node Address (Mac ID) 0-63
Number of nodes in a DeviceNet network Max 63
Connection modes supported Polled I/O Use same as in PLC
Bit strobe I/O
Change of status/ cyclic I/O
Baud rate 125kbit/sec (Default)
Data to PF length 0 – 122 bytes Must be the same in PF and PLC
The data string is in PF limited
to 122 bytes. DeviceNet
standard allows 255 bytes.
Data from PF length 0 – 122 bytes Must be the same in PF and PLC
The data string is in PF limited
to 122 bytes. DeviceNet
standard allows 255 bytes.

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In a DeviceNet network, each node has a Mac ID (the address in the network). The Mac ID is a number
between 0 and 63. Each node’s Mac ID has to be unique, since it is used to identify the node. In a
DeviceNet network you can also set baud rate, with the following baud rates being available: 125, 250 and
500 kbit / sec. All nodes in the network have to communicate at the same baud rate.
On the Pulsor Focus DeviceNet module it is possible to set the Mac ID and baud rate using DIP switches
mounted on the module or from SW using ToolsTalk. Dip 1 and 2 are used to set the baud rate and dips 3
to 8 are used to configure the node address (Mac ID). Dip 1 is the most significant bit on the DIP switch.
See table on the next page.
The Pulsor Focus DeviceNet module is implemented in compliance with the ODVA specification for a
Communication adapter (profile no 12). It acts as a “group two only server” on the DeviceNet network.

LED 1: Not used

LED 2: Network status

LED 3: Module status

LED 4: Not used

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FieldBus configuration appendix

On = 1

Off = 0

Function Dip switch #

AD0 8
AD1 7
AD2 6
AD3 5
AD4 4
AD5 3
BD2 2
BD1 1

Baud rate (Bit/sec) Dip 1 - 2

125k 00
250k 01
500k 10
Reserve (SW-setting) 11

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FieldBus configuration appendix

Address Dip 3 – 8
0 000 000
1 000 001
2 000 010
3 000 011
… …
62 111 110
63 111 111

Mac ID (Node address)

If you want to set the Mac ID from ToolsTalk all DIP switches must be set to On (11 111 111).
The Mac ID cannot be changed when the power is switched on.

FieldBus connector
Connector 5-pin 5.08mm detachable screw terminal.
Pin Color code Description
1 Black V-
2 Blue CAN-L
3 Bare Shield
4 White CAN-H
5 Red V+

V- and V+ must come from a fully isolated power supply. That means that the voltage
cannot have any reference to ground. This is to prevent the bus from interference caused by
ground loop problems. If V- and V+ are connected from a Pulsor Focus internal 24VDC
(screw terminal) the same connection shall only power one DeviceNet module. This means
that the DeviceNet cable connected to the Pulsor Focus must not include voltage wires.
Normally you have a central power supply that feeds all nodes in the network.

Power consumption
Current consumption at 24 VDC (V- to V+) is max 70 mA at power up and 25-30 mA continuously.

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FieldBus configuration appendix

Functionality of the indication LEDs

The module is equipped with four colours LEDs, used for debugging purposes.
LED number Function Information Condition
1 Not in use
2 Network status Not powered / Not on line Off
2 Network status Link OK on line. Connected Steady green
2 Network status Critical link failure Steady red
2 Network status On line not connected Flashing green
2 Network status Connection time out Flashing red
3 Module status No Power Off
3 Module status Unrecoverable fault Steady red
3 Module status Minor fault Flashing red
3 Module status Device operational Steady green
4 Not in use

Bus termination
Termination of the FieldBus requires a terminating resistor at each end of the FieldBus. These resistors
should have a value of 121 Ohm.

EDS file
Each device on a DeviceNet network is associated with an EDS file, containing all necessary information
about the device. The network configuration program during configuration of the network uses this file.
Contact your local Atlas Copco representative for a copy of the EDS file.
File name: pf3devn.eds

Icon file

Contact you local Atlas Copco representative to get a copy of the Icon file for Pulsor Focus. This file can
be used to have a Power Focus Icon in PLC configuration SW.
File name: pf3devn.ico

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FieldBus configuration appendix

26.7 InterBus

InterBusis normally used for industrial automation applications, such as valve, sensor and I/O unit control.
InterBus is used in many different types of industry, including: Automobile Industry, Food Industry,
Building Automation, Plant Construction, Paper Converting, Wood Processing and Process Engineering.
InterBus has a user organisation called the InterBus Club. The organisation assists members on a wide
variety of matters concerning InterBus. For more information, contact the InterBus Club:
The media used by InterBus is a shielded copper cable consisting of three twisted pairs. Two of these pairs
are used for the bus connection and in the last pair only one cable is used. This cable is used to earth the
bus. The baud rate for the bus is 500 kbit/s with a total amount of data of 4096 I/O points.
The Pulsor Focus InterBus module is to be used on InterBus Remote Bus networks. In applications where
it is necessary to exchange large amounts of data and where a parallel application interface is required,
InterBus is the preferred option.
InterBus has two ways of exchanging data. One through fast cyclical I/O data, called process data. The
other is a somewhat slower protocol called PCP, which is mainly used for configuring and setting the
parameters of a device. The Pulsor Focus InterBus module supports up to 10 words on the bus, out of
which none, one, two or four words may be selected to act as the PCP –channel, necessary if the PCP-
protocol required.
The PCP version supported by the module is version 2.0, which is fully backwards compatible.
When using InterBus master boards where the PCP channel is not supported, the
maximum input and output is 20 Bytes in and 20 Bytes out.

26.7.1 InterBus for Pulsor Focus

Physical interface
Interface Description
Transmission media InterBus two differential lines.
Topology Ring Structure.
FieldBus connectors 9 pin male DSUB.
Cable Shielded copper cable, Three Twisted pair.
Isolation The bus is galvanically separated from the other electronics with two
DC/DC Converters. Bus signals are isolated via opto couplers.
ASICs and circuits Module is based on SUPI 3 and SRE1 chip from Phoenix Contact.

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FieldBus configuration appendix

InterBus module
Variable Limits
Node Address Auto select
Number of nodes in an InterBus network
Baud rate 500 kbit/sec
Process string length <= 20 bytes
Parameter string length (send with PCP) 122 byte – Process string length
The string length in the Pulsor Focus is limited to 122 bytes. InterBus
standard allows 512 bytes.
PCP length 0, 1, 2, 4 Words
Parameter data index 0x6000 R/W + I (I = 0, 1, …)
0x6040 RO + I (I = 0, 1, …)
ID code (in PLC side) PCP 0 = 3
PCP 1 = 0xF3
PCP 2 = 0xF0
PCP 4 = 0xF1


LED 2 = TR

LED 3 = CC

LED 4 = BA

BUS-IN (9-pin Dsub male)

Pin Name
Housing PE
1 DO1
2 DI1
4 Not used
5 Not used
6 /DO1
7 /DI1
8 Not used
9 Not used

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FieldBus configuration appendix

BUS-OUT (9-pin Dsub female)

Pin Name
Housing PE
1 DO2
2 DI2
4 Not used
6 /DO2
7 /DI2
8 Not used

Always connect RBST to GND if it is not the last module on the bus. If the RBST is not
connected to GND on the output connector, the Pulsor Focus InterBus module will
terminate the outgoing bus.

Functionality of the indicator LEDs

LED number Name Description
1. RBDA Remote Bus DisAble Active RED when outgoing remote bus is switched off
2. TR Transmit/Receive Active GREEN when PCP communication is carried out over the InterBus (0.6
s hold time to be visual).
3. CC Cable Check Active GREEN if the cable connection is good and the InterBus Master is not in
4. BA Bus Active Active GREEN, is monitoring Layer 2

Icon file

Contact you local Atlas Copco representative to get a copy of the Icon file for Pulsor Focus. This file can
be used to have a Power Focus Icon in the PLC configuration SW. File name: pf3intb.ico.

216 (231) 9836 2463 01

FieldBus configuration appendix

26.8 ModBusPlus

ModBusPlus is a local area network system designed for industrial control

and monitoring applications, developed by Modicon, Inc. The network enables programmable controllers,
host computers and other devices to communicate throughout plants and substations. ModBusPlus
transfers fast data for motor controllers, MMI, I/O units and other industrial equipment. ModBusPlus has
an international user organization called Modicon Inc.
General technical questions regarding the FieldBus should be addressed to your local ModBusPlus User
Group in the first instance.
A contact address list is available from the ModBusPlus Internet site

26.8.1 ModBusPlus for Pulsor Focus

Physical interface
Interface Description
Transmission media ModBusPlus one differential line (RS-485 twisted pair) and shield.
Topology Token Bus Structure, virtual token ring.
FieldBus connectors 9 pin female DSUB.
Cable Shielded copper cable, One Twisted pair.
Isolation The bus signals are separated from the other electronics with a
transformer according to ModBusPlus interface description.
ASICs and circuits Module is based on chip-set and software from Modicon Inc.

Mechanical overview
ModBusPlus module is a host device. This host device can be read and written to from another
ModBusPlus host device or controller. ModBusPlus module will not initiate any Point-to-point
communication to other nodes, it will only respond to incoming commands. It can although broadcast
Global data to all nodes on the network.

Protocol and supported functions

ModBusPlus has two ways of exchanging data. One through fast cyclic I/O data called Global data and
one through a somewhat slower ModBusPlus protocol for point-to-point parameter data transfer. The
Maximum Global Data is 32 words on the bus. The point-to-point data transfer is handled by using one of
the following ModBus functions Read holding Registers, PreSet Single Register and PreSet Multiple
Registers all 40000 registers.

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FieldBus configuration appendix

ModBusPlus module information

Variable Limits Information
Node Address 1 - 64 The node address cannot be
changed during operation.
Source Address 1 - 64 The node address cannot be
changed during operation.
Number of nodes in a ModBusPlus network Max 32 (with repeaters 64)
Bus length Max 2000 m with repeaters
Bus cable length Max 500 m
Data address 40001 + I (I = 0, 1, …) From PF This address is based on words.
41025 + I (I = 0, 1, …) To PF
(Global Data From PF Data in the
module starts from address 40001 and
Point-to-Point Data starts immediately
thereafter. Global Data To PF data in the
module starts from address 41025 and
Point-to-Point Data starts immediately
thereafter. For example, If To PF string
length is 8 bytes and To PF Global
string length is 4 bytes, the Global data
are mapped to address 41025 and
41026, the point-to-point data are
mapped to address 41027 and 41028.)
Baud rate Automatic (1Mbit/s) Automatically set from PLC at
Data to PF total length 0 - 122 bytes Must be the same in PF and PLC.
(The string length is in Pulsor Focus
limited to 122 bytes. ModBusPlus
standard allows 64 bytes global data and
250 bytes point-to-point data.)
Data from PF total length 0 - 122 bytes Must be the same in PF and PLC.
(The string length is in Pulsor Focus
limited to 122 bytes. ModBusPlus
standard allows 64 bytes global data and
250 bytes point-to-point data.)
Global string length (To/From PF ) 0 - 64 bytes Must be the same in PF and PLC.
Host Firmware Rev. 77

218 (231) 9836 2463 01

FieldBus configuration appendix

LED 1: Not used

LED 2: Error

LED 3: MBP Active

LED 4: MBP Init

Functionality of the indication LEDs

The module is equipped with four color LEDs, used for debugging purposes. The function of the LEDs is
described in the table and figure below.
Name Color Function
Error Red Indicates that the communication is not OK.
(LED 2) Turned Off – communication OK

MBP Active Green Indicates different Node Status:

(LED 3) Flashing every 160 ms – This node works normally, receiving and passing token.
Flashing every 1 s – This node is in Monitor_Offline status.
2 Flashing, off 2 s – This node is in MAC_IDLE never receiving-token status.
3 Flashing, off 1.7 s – This node is not hearing any other nodes.
4 flashing, off 1.4 s – This node has heard a valid packet that has a duplicated-node address sent
from another node on the network, using the same Node ID.
MBP Init Green Indicates that the peer interface is initialised
(LED 4) Turned Off – peer interface is not initialised

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FieldBus configuration appendix

FieldBus connectors
ModBusPlus recommends the use of a 9 pin female D-sub connector. Depending on the protection class
and type of application, other connector designs may also be used.

Connector 9-pin female DSUB

Pin Name
1 Cable shielding
2 Line-B
3 Line-A
4 PE

Node address
Node address is set with the first DIP switch on the FieldBus module, allowing address settings from 1-64
in binary format. If the set node address is from SW1, ModBusPlus takes SW node address regardless of
hardware switch position.
1 (MSB) 2 3 4 5 6 (LSB) Function
ON ON ON ON ON ON Node address set to 1
ON ON ON ON ON OFF Node address set to 2
ON ON ON ON OFF ON Node address set to 3
- - - - - - -
OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON Node address set to 63
OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF Node address set to 64

The Node address cannot be changed during operation.

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FieldBus configuration appendix

Source address
Source address is set using the second dip switch (the one close to LED) on the FieldBus module, this
enables address settings from 1-64 in binary format. If the set source address is from SW2, ModBusPlus
takes SW source address regardless of hardware switch position.
1(MSB) 2 3 4 5 6 (LSB) Function
ON ON ON ON ON ON Source address set to 1
ON ON ON ON ON OFF Source address set to 2
ON ON ON ON OFF ON Source address set to 3
- - - - - - -
OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON Source address set to 63
OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF Source address set to 64

The source address cannot be changed during operation.

Icon file

It is not necessary for ModBusPlus to install a special file to recognise our product and it does not support
icon files.

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FieldBus configuration appendix

26.9 EtherNet

Ethernet is one of the most popular network technologies in use today. The major reasons for the
popularity are a suitable mix of speed, cost and ease of installation. These benefits, the market acceptance,
and the possibility to support, more or less, any non-real-time critical protocol, makes the Ethernet an
ideal networking technology for most systems.
More information, as well as links can be found at the web site

26.9.1 EtherNet for Pulsor Focus

The module is based on a high performance CPU operating at 66 MHz. It features 8MB RAM and 2 MB

Supported FieldBus Protocols


The module supports the ModBus/TCP protocol and is conform to the ModBus/TCP specification 1.0.
More information about the ModBus/TCP protocol can be found at

The module supports the Ethernet protocol.

EtherNet/IP is based on the control and information protocol, CIP, witch is also the framework for both
DeviceNet and ControlNet, to carry and exchange data between nodes. To be consistent with the other
AnyBus-S modules that is based on the CIP, i.e., DeviceNet and ControlNet, the same vendor specific
objects are be implemented, together with new objects for servicing and monitoring the IT functionality.

EtherNet module
Variable Limits Information
IP address Do not configure the module to use any of Devices on an EtherNet network are
them not allowed to be configured to the
0.x.x.x IP addresses listed in left column

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FieldBus configuration appendix

Variable Limits Information

ModBus/TCP Data address 000h + I (I = 0, 1, …) From PF This address is based on words.
400h + I (I = 0, 1, …) To PF
The data length is in PF limited to 122 bytes.
ModBus/TCP and EtherNet/IP standard
allows 1024 bytes data.
0000h + I (I = 0, 1, …) From PF This address is based on Bits
4000h + I (I = 0, 1, …) To PF
The data length is in PF limited to 122 bytes.
ModBus/TCP and EtherNet/IP standard
allows 1024 bytes data.
EtherNet/IP Assembly Instance Input 100, output 150, configuration 5 and This is used to configure a
size = 0 EtherNet/IP module
Data to PF total length 0 - 122 bytes Must be the same in PF and PLC.
The data length is in PF limited to 122 bytes.
ModBus/TCP and EtherNet/IP standard
allows 1024 bytes data.
Data from PF total length 0 - 122 bytes Must be the same in PF and PLC.
The data length is in PF limited to 122 bytes.
ModBus/TCP and EtherNet/IP standard
allows 1024 bytes data.

FieldBus connectors
The module uses standard EtherNet connector RJ45.
The module uses twisted-pair cables, and no external termination is required.
RJ45 (Standard)
Pin Signal
1 TD+
2 TD-
3 RD+
4 Termination
5 Termination
6 RD-
7 Termination
8 Termination

9836 2463 01 223 (231)

FieldBus configuration appendix

Status indicators
The module has four status LEDs.
LED State Summary Description
Led 1 - Link Steady Off Not connected Module is not connected to EtherNet
Steady Green Connected Module is connected to EtherNet
Led 2 –Module Status Steady Off No power No power applied to the module
Steady Green Device operational Module is operating correctly
Flashing Green Standby The module has not been configured
Flashing Red Minor fault A minor recoverable fault has been detected
Steady Red Major fault A major internal error has been detected
Flashing Green/Red Self-test The module is performing a power on self test
Led 3 - Network Status Steady Off No power or no IP Module has no power or no IP address
Steady Green Connected Module has at least one EtherNet/IP connection
Flashing Green No connections There are no EtherNet/IP connections established
Flashing Red Connection timeout One or more of the connections in witch this module
is the target has timed out. This state is only left if all
timed out connections are re-established or if the
module is reset
Steady Red Duplicate IP Module has detected that its IP address is already in
Flashing Green/Red Self-test Module performing a power on self-test.
LED 4 – Activity Flashing Green Active Flashes each time a packet is received or transmitted

224 (231) 9836 2463 01


27 Abbreviations
Abbreviation Description
The centre line
X The mean
The mean of the average
<= => Arrow (button)
σ Sigma (standard deviation)
α Alpha (often a symbol for angle)
µ Mu (the values of the mean)
A Ampere
AC Alternating Current
ACK Acknowledged
Admin Administration
ASL Atlas Service Literature
CAN Controller area network
CC Control card
CCW Counter-clockwise
CD Compact disc
Ch Channel
CL Clear (button)
Config Configuration
CW Clockwise
DC Direct Current
Deg Degrees
DigIn Digital input
DSP Digital signal processor Foot pound
GFI Ground Fault Interrupter
HW Hardware
Hz Hertz (unit of frequency)
I/O Input/output
ID Identification Inches pound
kpm Kilo pound meter
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LED Light Emitting Diode
LCK Tool Locked
MC Motor card

9836 2463 01 225 (231)


Abbreviation Description
n Number (of values)
Nm Newton meter
No. Number
NOK Not approved (tightenings)
nxOK Number of approved (tightenings)
OK Approved (tightenings)
PF Pulsor Focus
PFNR Pulsor Focus Not Ready (PF Not Ready)
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
PROG Program (button)
Pset Parameter set
PVT Prevailing torque
R chart Range chart
RAM Random Access Memory
RAS Remote Access Server
RBU Rapid Backup memory
rpm Revolutions per minute
RS232 Serial communication link
SPC Statistic Parameter Control
STAT Statistic (button)
SW Software
TNR Tool Not Ready
Tq Torque
TTP ToolsTalk Pulsor (SW)
UCL Upper control limit
UTL Upper tolerance limit
V Volt
VIN Vehicle Identification Number
X-bar The mean
X-bar-bar The average of means
z subgroup size, group size

226 (231) 9836 2463 01

General safety instructions for Pulsor Focus unit

28 General safety instructions for Pulsor

Focus unit
Read and understand all instructions. Failure to follow all the instructions listed below may result in
electric shock, fire and/or serious personal injury.
All locally legislated safety rules with regard to installation, operation and maintenance must be respected
at all times. Refer installation and servicing to qualified personnel only.

28.1 Work area

Keep your work area clean and well lit. Cluttered benches and dark areas invite accidents.
Do not operate power tools in explosive atmospheres, such as in the presence of flammable liquids, gases,
or dust. Power tools create sparks, which may ignite dust or fumes.
Keep bystanders, children, and visitors away while operating a power tool. Distractions may cause you to
lose control.

28.2 Electrical safety

Earthed tools must be plugged into an outlet that has been properly installed and earthed in compliance
with all relevant codes and ordinances. Never remove the earthing prong or modify the plug in any way.
Do not use any adapter plugs. Check with a qualified electrician if you are in any doubt as to whether the
outlet is properly earthed. Should the tools suffer electronic malfunction or breakdown, earthing provides
a low resistance path to carry electricity away from the user. Applicable only to Class I (earthed) tools.
This apparatus must be earthed.

A Pulsor Focus unit may not be supplied with a galvanically isolated voltage as this would inhibit the
function of the Ground Fault Interrupter (GFI). The test button on the GFI also activates the GFI in
instances where a Pulsor Focus unit is equipped with an isolated transformer. Test the earth fault protector
by pressing the test button located on the rear panel of the Pulsor Focus unit.
Test the earth protector every month by pressing the test button. Should the earth fault protector
disconnect the system, be sure to find the primary reason before you resume operation.
Avoid body contact with grounded surfaces such as pipes, radiators, ranges and refrigerators. There is an
increased risk of electric shock if your body is grounded.
Don't expose power tools to rain or wet conditions. Water entering a power tool will increase the risk of
electric shock. This instruction does not apply to tools classified as watertight or splash proof.
For minimum electrical interference, place the instrument far away from possible sources of electrical
noise, e.g. arc welding equipment etc.

9836 2463 01 227 (231)

General safety instructions for Pulsor Focus unit

Do not abuse the cord. Never use the cord to carry the tools or pull the plug from an outlet. Keep cord
away from heat, oil, sharp edges or moving parts. Replace damaged cords immediately. Damaged cords
increase the risk of electric shock.

28.3 Personal safety

Stay alert, watch what you are doing and use common sense when operating a power tool. Do not use tool
while tired or under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or medication. A momentary lapse in concentration
whilst operating power tools may result in serious personal injury.
Dress properly. Do not wear loose clothing or jewellery. Tie long hair back. Keep your hair, clothing, and
gloves away from moving parts. Loose clothes, jewellery, or long hair can be caught in moving parts.
Avoid accidental starting. Be sure switches are in the off position before plugging in. Carrying tools with
your finger on the switch or plugging in tools that have the switch set to on invite accidents.
Remove adjusting keys or switches before turning the tool on. A wrench or a key that is left attached to a
rotating part of the tool may result in personal injury.
Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and balance at all times. Proper footing and balance enables better
control of the tool in unexpected situations.
Use clamps or other practical means to secure and support the work piece to a stable platform. Holding the
work by hand or against your body is unstable and may lead to loss of control.
Do not force the tool. Use the correct Atlas Copco tool for your application. The correct tool will do the
Job better and safer at the rate for which it is designed.
Do not use tool if switch does not work. Any tool that cannot be controlled by the switch is dangerous and
must be repaired.
Disconnect the plug from the power source before making any adjustments, changing accessories, or
storing the tool. The mains plug is considered to be a disconnecting device. Disconnect the tool from the
mains by pulling the plug from the socket in order to cut the power.
Store tools out of reach of children and other untrained persons when not in use. Tools are dangerous in
the hands of untrained users.
Check for misalignment or binding of moving parts, damage, and any other condition that may affect tool
operation. If damaged, have the tool serviced before using. Poorly maintained tools cause many accidents.
Only use accessories that are recommended by the manufacturer for your model. Accessories that may be
suitable for one tool may become hazardous when used on another tool.

28.4 Service
Tools should only be serviced by qualified repair personnel. Service or maintenance performed by
unqualified personnel could expose users to serious personal injury.

228 (231) 9836 2463 01

General safety instructions for Pulsor Focus unit

When servicing a tool, only use original replacement parts. Use of unauthorised parts or failure to follow
Maintenance Instructions may create a result in electric shock or personal injury.
There is a danger of explosion if batteries are incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the
same or equivalent type recommended by the equipment manufacturer. Discard used
batteries in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.

9836 2463 01 229 (231)

EC declaration of conformity

29 EC declaration of conformity

We Atlas Copco Tools AB – STOCKHOLM SWEDEN declare under our sole re- Emeiw h Atlas Copco Tools AB – STOCKHOLM SWEDEN dhlönoyme
sponsibility that the product: to which this declaration relates, is in conformity with ypeäuyna óti to proión sto opoío aforá h paroúsa dqlvsh brisketai se
the following standards or standardized documents: plqrh symmórfvsh me tiw apaitqseiw toyw kavoviguovs h kataókeyaótikéw
EN 50081-1, EN 50144 -1,EN 50144 -2-2, EN 61000 -3-2, EN 61000 -3-3, óyótáóeiw:
EN 61000 -6-2 in accordance with regulations 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC, EN 50081-1, EN 50144 -1,EN 50144 -2-2, EN 61000 -3-2, EN 61000 -3-3,
93/68/EEC. EN 61000 -6-2 katá tiw diatáxeiw toy kayoyiomöy thw Koiyhw Agoráw
89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC, 93/68/EEC.
Nous Atlas Copco Tools AB – STOCKHOLM SWEDEN déclarons sous notre re-
sponsabilité exclusive que ce produit: que concerne cette déclaration, est en con- Vi Atlas Copco Tools AB – STOCKHOLM SWEDEN förklarar härmed på vårt ful-
formité avec les normes ou documents normalisés suivant: la ansvar att produkten för vilken denna deklaration gäller, överensstämmer med
EN 50081-1, EN 50144 -1,EN 50144 -2-2, EN 61000 -3-2, EN 61000 -3-3, följande normer och dokument:
EN 61000 -6-2 conforme aux EN 50081-1, EN 50144 -1,EN 50144 -2-2, EN 61000 -3-2, EN 61000 -3-3,
reglementations 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC, 93/68/EEC. EN 61000 -6-2 enligt bestämmelser i riktlinjerna 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC,
Wir Atlas Copco Tools AB – STOCKHOLM SWEDEN erklären hiermit in alleini-
ger Verantwortung, daß das Produkt auf das sich diese Erklärung bezieht, mit fol-
gende Normen oder normativen Dokumentation übereinstimmt: Type / Type / Typ / Tipo /
EN 50081-1, EN 50144 -1,EN 50144 -2-2, EN 61000 -3-2, EN 61000 -3-3, Tipo / Tipo /Type / Type /
EN 61000 -6-2 gemäß den Type / Tyyppi / Typow /
Bestimmungen der Richlinien 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC, 93/68/EEC. Typ

Nosotros Atlas Copco Tools AB – STOCKHOLM SWEDEN declaramos bajo nu-

estra sola responsabilidad que el producto a que se refiere esta declaración, es
conforme con las normas o documentos normalizados siguientes:
EN 50081-1, EN 50144 -1,EN 50144 -2-2, EN 61000 -3-2, EN 61000 -3-3,
EN 61000 -6-2 de acuerdo con las regulaciones 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC,

Nós Atlas Copco Tools AB – STOCKHOLM SWEDEN declaramos sob nossa ex-
clusiva responsabilidade que o produto a que se refere esta declaração está em
conformidade com as seguintes normas ou documentos normativos:
EN 50081-1, EN 50144 -1,EN 50144 -2-2, EN 61000 -3-2, EN 61000 -3-3,
EN 61000 -6-2 conforme as disposições das directivas 89/336/EEC,
73/23/EEC, 93/68/EEC.

Noi Atlas Copco Tools AB – STOCKHOLM SWEDEN dichiariamo sotto nostra

unica responsabilità che il prodotto cui questa dichiarazione si riferisce, è confor-
me alla seguenti normative e ai relativi documenti:
EN 50081-1, EN 50144 -1,EN 50144 -2-2, EN 61000 -3-2, EN 61000 -3-3,
EN 61000 -6-2 in base alle prescrizione delle direttive 89/336/EEC,
73/23/EEC, 93/68/EEC.

Wij Atlas Copco Tools AB – STOCKHOLM SWEDEN verklaren onder onze ex-
clusieve verantwoordelijkheid dat het produkt waarop deze verklaring betrekking
heeft, in overeenstemming aan volgende normen of normatieve dokumenten:
EN 50081-1, EN 50144 -1,EN 50144 -2-2, EN 61000 -3-2, EN 61000 -3-3,
EN 61000 -6-2 overeenkomstig de bepalingen van de richtlijnen 89/336/EEC,
73/23/EEC, 93/68/EEC.

Vi Atlas Copco Tools AB – STOCKHOLM SWEDEN erklærer under eget ansvar, Name of and position of issuer / No Name und Position des Erstellers /
at produktet hvortil denne erklæring relaterer sig, er i overensstemmelse med Nombre y cargo del expedidor / Nome e cargo do emissor / Nome e posizione
følgende normer eller normative dokumenter: del dichiarante / Naam en funktie van de uitgever / Udsteder, navn og stilling /
EN 50081-1, EN 50144 -1,EN 50144 -2-2, EN 61000 -3-2, EN 61000 -3-3, Utsteders navn og stilling / Ilmoituksen antajan nimi ja asema / Onoma kai uésh
EN 61000 -6-2 i henhold til bestemmelserne i direktiverne 89/336/EEC,
ekdóth / Utfärdarens namn och befattning
73/23/EEC, 93/68/EEC.

Vi Atlas Copco Tools AB – STOCKHOLM SWEDEN erklærer herved under vårt Håkan Söderström, General Manager
fulle ansvar at produkten, som denne erklæringen gjelder for, er i overensstem-
melse med følgende standarder eller standard-dokumenter:
EN 50081-1, EN 50144 -1,EN 50144 -2-2, EN 61000 -3-2, EN 61000 -3-3,
EN 61000 -6-2 i samsvar med Signature of issuer / Signature de l’émetteur / Unterschrift des Erstellers /
reguleringer 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC, 93/68/EEC. Firma del expedidor / Assinatura do emissor / Firma del dichiarante /
Handtekening van de uitgever / Udsteder, underskrift / Utsteders signatur /
Ilmoituksen antajan allekirjoitus / Ypografq ekdóth / Utfärdarens
Me Atlas Copco Tools AB – STOCKHOLM SWEDEN vakuutamme olevamme
yksinomaisessa vastuussa siitä, että tämä toute on allalueteltujen standardien ja
standardoimisasiakirjojen vaatimusten mukainen:
EN 50081-1, EN 50144 -1,EN 50144 -2-2, EN 61000 -3-2, EN 61000 -3-3,
EN 61000 -6-2 seuraavien sääntöjen mukaisesti 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC,

Edition 1 Atlas Copco Tools - No. 9834 5221 00

Page 1 (1) 2001-10

9836 2463 01 231 (231)

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