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33. Carpo vs.

Chua, 471 SCRA 471

- Petitioners Carpo borrowed from respondents Chua the amount of P175,000 payable within 6 months with an
interest rate of 6% per month.
- To secure payment of the loan, petitioners mortgaged their residential house and lot.
- Petitioners failed to pay the loan upon demand.
- The real estate mortgage was extrajudicially foreclosed and the mortgaged property was sold at a public
- The house and lot was awarded to respondents who were the only bidders.
- Upon failure of petitioners to exercise their right of redemption, a certificate of sale was issued.
- Despite the issuance of the TCT, petitioners continued to occupy the said house and lot, prompting
respondents to file a petition for writ of possession with the RTC.
- Petitioners filed a complaint for annulment of the real estate mortgage and the consequent foreclosure
- Petitioners consigned the amount of P257,197.26 with the RTC.
- The RTC suspended the enforcement of the writ of possession pending the final disposition of the case.
- Petitioners claim that the rate of interest stipulated in the principal agreement is null and void. They also argue
that the nullity of the agreed interest rate affects the validity of the real estate mortgage.
- Petitioners contend that the agreed rate of interest of 6% per month or 72% per annum is so excessive,
iniquitous, unconscionable and exorbitant that it should have been declared null and void. They aver that the
lower court should declare them liable for the original amount of the loan plus 12% interest per annum and
1% monthly penalty charge as liquidated damages.

ISSUE: Whether the invalidity of the stipulation on interest carries with it the invalidity of the principal

- The stipulated interest in the subject loan is excessive, iniquitous, unconscionable and exorbitant.
- The 6% per month or 72% per annum stipulation is invalid.
- The consideration of the mortgage contract is the same as that of the principal contract from which it receives
life, and without which it cannot exist as an independent contract.
- Being a mere accessory contract, the validity of the mortgage contract would depend on the validity of the
loan secured by it.
- A usurious loan transaction is not a complete nullity but defective only with respect to the agreed interest.
- Briones v Cammayo: Contracts and stipulations, under the cloak or device, intended to circumvent the laws
against usury, shall be void, and that in such cases the borrower may recover in accordance with the laws on
usury. The whole contract is void and that, therefore, the creditor has no right to recover, not even his capital.
- Angel Jose, etc. v Chelda Enterprises, et al.: In a loan with usurious interest, may the creditor recover the
principal of the loan? A loan is void due to illegality of cause or object. A loan with usurious interest is not
totally void only as to the interest.
o A contract of loan with usurious interest consists of principal and accessory stipulations; the principal
one is to pay the debt; the accessory stipulation is to pay interest thereon.
o The former can still stand without the latter. The renunciation of the principal debt shall extinguish
the accessory obligations; but the waiver of the latter shall leave the former in force. (Art. 1273)
o Whether the illegal terms as to the payment of interest likewise renders a nullity of the legal terms as
to payments of the principal debt? In case of a divisible contract, if the illegal terms can be separated
from the legal ones, the latter may be enforced. (Art. 1420)
o In simple loan with stipulation of usurious interest, the prestation of the debtor to pay the principal
debt, which is the cause of the contract (Art. 1350), is not illegal. The illegality lies only as to the
prestation to pay the stipulated interest; hence, being separable, the latter only should be deemed
void, since it is the only one that is illegal.
o The principal debt remaining without stipulation for payment of interest can thus be recovered by
judicial action.
- The principal obligation subsists despite the nullity of the stipulated interest. The principal loan obligation still
stands and remains valid.
- Since the mortgage contract derives its vitality from the validity of the principal obligation, the invalid stipulation
on interest rate is similarly insufficient to render void the ancillary mortgage contract.
- Despite the nullity of the stipulated interest rate, the principal loan obligation subsists, and along with it the
mortgage that serves as collateral security for it.

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