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Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 2004. 32:13–45

doi: 10.1146/
Copyright ° c 2004 by Annual Reviews. All rights reserved
First published online as a Review in Advance on November 10, 2003


William R. Dickinson
Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721;
email: [email protected]

Key Words continental margin, crustal genesis, geologic history, orogen, tectonics
■ Abstract The Cordilleran orogen of western North America is a segment of the
Circum-Pacific orogenic belt where subduction of oceanic lithosphere has been under-
way along a great circle of the globe since breakup of the supercontinent Pangea began
in Triassic time. Early stages of Cordilleran evolution involved Neoproterozoic rifting
of the supercontinent Rodinia to trigger miogeoclinal sedimentation along a passive
continental margin until Late Devonian time, and overthrusting of oceanic allochthons
across the miogeoclinal belt from Late Devonian to Early Triassic time. Subsequent
evolution of the Cordilleran arc-trench system was punctuated by tectonic accretion
of intraoceanic island arcs that further expanded the Cordilleran continental margin
during mid-Mesozoic time, and later produced a Cretaceous batholith belt along the
Cordilleran trend. Cenozoic interaction with intra-Pacific seafloor spreading systems
fostered transform faulting along the Cordilleran continental margin and promoted
incipient rupture of continental crust within the adjacent continental block.

Geologic analysis of the Cordilleran orogen, forming the western mountain system
of North America, raises the following questions: 1. When was the Cordilleran
system born, and from what antecedents; 2. which rock masses are integral to
the Cordilleran continental margin, and how were they formed; 3. which rock
masses were incorporated into the Cordilleran realm by tectonic accretion, and
what were their origins; and 4. what geologic processes are promoting distension
and disruption of the Cordilleran system today?
Figure 1 is a chronostratigraphic diagram of Cordilleran rock assemblages
showing their relationships to major phases of Cordilleran evolution. The Cor-
dilleran edge of the Precambrian basement, which forms the Laurentian craton,
was first delineated by rifting to form a passive continental margin, along which a
thick Neoproterozoic to Devonian miogeoclinal prism of sedimentary strata was
deposited. From Late Devonian to Early Triassic time, oceanic allochthons were
successively thrust across the miogeoclinal strata as internally deformed tectonic
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Figure 1 Schematic chronostratigraphic diagram of major Cordilleran rock assem-

blages (note changes in timescale at 100 Ma and 500 Ma). Canada includes the adjacent
panhandle of southeastern Alaska, and Mexico includes the USA-Mexico border region
south of the Colorado Plateau. Accreted island-arc assemblages: GS, Guerrero super-
terrane; IS, Insular superterrane; K-S, accreted arcs of Klamath Mountains and Sierra
Nevada foothills. Subduction complexes: CC, Cache Creek; CM, central Mexico; F,
Franciscan; Y, Yakutat. Transform faults (diagonally ruled bars): CCT, California-
Coahuila; QCT, Queen Charlotte; SAT, San Andreas. Other features: ALS, Auld
Lang Syne backarc basin; ARM, Ancestral Rocky Mountains province; B&R, Basin
and Range taphrogen; LRM, Laramide Rocky Mountains province (LMN, Laramide
magmatic null); SSP, accreted Siletzia and overlying forearc basin; UIT, Utah-Idaho
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assemblages accreted to the continent. An arc-trench system initiated along the

modified continental margin in Triassic time was the tectonic regime that produced
Mesozoic-Cenozoic subduction complexes and batholiths most characteristic of
the Cordilleran orogen. During the subduction of oceanic lithosphere beneath the
Cordilleran margin, Jurassic-Cretaceous accretion of intraoceanic island arcs con-
tributed to the outward growth of the continental block. Beginning in mid-Cenozoic
time, impingement of intra-Pacific seafloor spreading systems on the subduction
zone at the continental margin gave birth to transform fault systems lying near the
edge of the continental block and to associated inland deformation that distended
continental crust previously overthickened by Cordilleran orogenesis.
On paleotectonic maps showing the distributions of Cordilleran rock assem-
blages adapted in part from Dickinson (2000, 2001, 2002) and Dickinson &
Lawton (2001a,b; 2003), rock masses are plotted on present geography, with state
and province boundaries for orientation, without palinspastic restoration to correct
for distortion of rock masses by deformation. Offsets of rock masses across major
Cenozoic strike-slip faults are shown, however, and curvatures of tectonic trends
by oroclinal bending are indicated by annotations where appropriate.
To aid analysis of accretionary tectonics, the North American Cordillera has
been subdivided into nearly 100 formally named tectonostratigraphic terranes
(Coney et al. 1980) separated by faulted boundaries of varying tectonic signif-
icance and structural style (Silberling et al. 1992). For graphic display at feasible
scale, various terranes are combined into generic groupings.


The Cordilleran mountain chain of western North America is an integral segment

of the Circum-Pacific orogenic belt, which extends along a great circle path for
25,000+ km from the Antarctic Peninsula to beyond Taiwan (Figure 2). The length
of the Cordilleran orogen from the Gulf of Alaska to the mouth of the Gulf of
California is ∼5000 km, or ∼20% of the total length of the orogenic belt.
Characteristic geologic features of the Circum-Pacific orogenic belt derive from
persistent subduction of oceanic lithosphere at trenches along the flanks of conti-
nental margins and offshore island arcs linked spatially to form a nearly continuous
chain along the Pacific rim (Figure 2). The rock assemblages of subduction zones
where oceanic plates are progressively consumed and of the parallel magmatic arcs
built by related igneous activity are the prime signatures of Circum-Pacific orogen-
esis in the rock record. The oldest rock assemblages of the Cordilleran continental
margin that reflect this style of tectonism mark initiation of the Cordilleran oro-
genic system in mid-Early Triassic time. Older rock assemblages exposed within
the mountain chain record preceding tectonic regimes of different character.

Global Orogenic Patterns

In the Philippine-Indonesian region, the Circum-Pacific orogenic belt intersects
the Alpine-Himalayan orogenic belt, which is aligned along a different great circle
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Figure 2 Position of the Cordilleran orogen of western North America along the Circum-
Pacific orogenic belt (after Dickinson et al. 1986). Mercator projection with pole at 25◦ N
Lat, 15◦ E Long (EqP is equatorial plane of projection). AP, Antarctic Peninsula; C, Cascades
volcanic chain; CP, Caribbean plate; G, Greenland; J, Japan; JdF, Juan de Fuca plate; NR,
Nansen Ridge (northern extremity of Atlantic spreading system); PSP, Philippine Sea plate;
QCf, Queen Charlotte fault; SAf, San Andreas fault; SP, Scotia plate; T, Taiwan.

of the globe (Figure 3). Both orogenic belts relate to the breakup of the Permian-
Triassic supercontinent of Pangea beginning early in Mesozoic time, but in different
ways, as the Atlantic and Indian oceans opened to disrupt Pangea by seafloor
spreading. Alpine-Himalayan evolution has involved the successive juxtaposition
of disparate continental blocks (e.g., Africa, India, Australia against Eurasia) at
suture belts marking the former positions of trenches where intervening ocean
basins were closed by plate consumption (Figure 3), but no crustal blocks of
comparable size have lodged against the Pacific margin of the Americas.
The ancestral Circum-Pacific orogenic system along the margin of Pangea was
born along a great circle path (Le Pichon 1983), rimming an ocean (Panthalassa)
that was effectively a paleo-Pacific realm with a Tethyan gulf that projected into
the angle between Laurasian and Gondwanan segments of Pangea (Figure 4).
The great circle configuration was maintained as expansion of the Atlantic and
Indian Oceans led to a modern Pacific only 60% the size of the paleo-Pacific (Le
Pichon et al. 1985) by insertion of Australia and its surrounding seas into the
Pacific arena to step the Pacific rim eastward for ∼5500 km along the Indonesian
archipelago (Figure 3). During Circum-Pacific evolution, intra-Pacific seafloor
spreading renewed oceanic lithosphere so rapidly that no vestiges of pre-Jurassic
paleo-Pacific seafloor remain (Dickinson 1977).

Supercontinent History
The composite supercontinent of Pangea (Figure 4) formed during late Paleozoic
time when Gondwana lodged against Laurasia along the Appalachian-Hercynian
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Figure 3 Distribution of continents in relation to the Alpine-Himalayan and Circum-

Pacific orogenic belts (Cordilleran orogen: cross-hatched) in “circular” projection (af-
ter Challand & Rageau 1985). BI, British Isles; F, Fiji; G, Greenland; GA, Greater
Antilles; J, Japan; NZ, New Zealand; PI, Philippine Islands.

orogen, a Paleozoic precursor of the modern Alpine-Himalayan system in that

both achieved assembly of supercontinents (Pangea and Eurasia) through juxtapo-
sition of previously separate continental blocks. Gondwana was a paleocontinent
assembled in Neoproterozoic time (800–550 Ma) by juxtaposition of continen-
tal fragments across multiple internal suture belts (Meert & Van der Voo 1997).
Laurasia included the ancient continental nuclei of Laurentia (North America) and
Baltica (Europe), which had been conjoined in early Paleozoic time and linked in
mid-Paleozoic time with Siberia. The Paleozoic precursor of the modern Circum-
Pacific system was the Gondwanide orogenic belt, which lay along the Panthalas-
san (paleo-Pacific) margin of Gondwana, from South America past Antarctica to
Australia (Figure 4), where consumption of oceanic lithosphere proceeded without
interruption during the progressive assembly of Pangea (Ramos & Aleman 2000,
Foster & Gray 2000).
The assembly of Pangea and its subsequent breakup during the assembly of
Eurasia over the course of Phanerozoic time finds a Precambrian parallel in the
geologic history of an earlier supercontinent, Rodinia, from which continental
fragments were at first widely dispersed and then rearranged to form Gondwana
and eventually Pangea. Rodinia was aggregated during Grenville orogenesis in
Mesoproterozoic time (1325–1050 Ma), and the Cordilleran continental margin
first took shape from Neoproterozoic breakup of Rodinia. As yet, however, there is
no final consensus on the arrangement of continental cratons within the Rodinian
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Figure 4 Permian-Triassic configuration of Pangea (Gondwana after Lawver &

Scotese 1987) surrounded by Panthalassa (global sea including paleo-Pacific ocean
and Tethys gulf) in Lambert equal-area projection (whole Earth). The Arctic Ocean
closed by restoring transform slip of Alaska-Chukotka (Patrick & McClelland 1995).
Arrows schematically denote the motion of Cimmerian landmasses in transit across
the Tethys gulf, originating by rifting off the margin of Gondwana, toward Mesozoic
accretion along the southern flank of Eurasia by closure of Paleothys as Neotethys
opened. AC, Alaska-Chukotka; Af, Africa; AM, Asia Minor; An, Antarctica; AO,
Arctic Ocean (closed); Ar, Arabia; Au, Australia; EA, Eurasia; G, Greenland; GI,
Greater India; I, India; J; Japan; M, Madagascar; NA, North America; NC, New Cale-
donia; NG, New Guinea; NZ, New Zealand; Ph-In, Philippine-Indonesian archipelago;
SA, South America.

supercontinent. Continental blocks suggested as conjugate to the Cordilleran rifted

margin of Laurentia include Siberia (Sears & Price 2000), Antarctica-Australia
(Dalziell 1992), Australia together with an unknown block farther north (Karlstrom
et al. 1999), and China (Li et al. 2002). Of the various options, Siberia currently
seems the most viable (Sears & Price 2003).
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Along the Cordilleran margin of Laurentia, an elongate belt of thick sediment was
deposited in Neoproterozoic and lower Paleozoic time as a miogeoclinal prism
draped over a passive continental margin formed by rifting during the breakup
of Rodinia (Figure 1). The narrow miogeoclinal belt truncates disrupted older
Precambrian age provinces of interior Laurentia (Figure 5). The miogeoclinal
prism thickened westward from a zero edge along a hinge line at the edge of the
Laurentian craton. Miogeoclinal sedimentation continued, unbroken by tectonic
disruption, until Late Devonian time, but the timing of its inception was apparently

Cordilleran Rifting
North of the trans-Idaho discontinuity (Yates 1968), where the elongate trend
of the miogeocline is offset by >250 km (Figure 5), basaltic rocks associated
with glaciomarine diamictite in basal horizons of the miogeoclinal succession
have been dated isotopically at 770–735 Ma (Armstrong et al. 1982, Devlin et al.
1988, Rainbird et al. 1996, Colpron et al. 2002). This time frame provides an age
bracket for rifting that initiated deposition of the Windermere Supergroup along a
newly formed passive continental margin open to the west in Canada (Ross 1991,
MacNaughton et al. 2000). South of the trans-Idaho discontinuity, coeval rifting
apparently formed only intracontinental basins in which redbed units such as the
Chuar Group (775–735 Ma) of the Grand Canyon were deposited (Timmons et al.
2001), with continental separation delayed in the Death Valley region to the west
until after 600 Ma (Prave 1999).
The subparallelism of the trans-Idaho discontinuity and a paleotransform de-
limiting the southwest margin of Laurentia (Figure 5) suggests that both originated
as transform offsets of the nascent Cordilleran margin. Miogeoclinal strata present
locally along the trans-Idaho discontinuity form a narrow band exposed only within
roof pendants of the Idaho batholith (Lund et al. 2003) and contain intercalated
bimodal volcanic rocks (685 Ma), which perhaps reflect prolonged deformation
along a marginal offset at the edge of the continental block during the evolution
of the rifted Cordilleran margin.
Published subsidence analyses for the Cordilleran miogeocline in both Canada
and the USA imply that postrift thermotectonic subsidence of the passive con-
tinental margin did not begin until 560–555 Ma in Early Cambrian time (Bond
et al. 1983, Armin & Mayer 1983, Bond & Kominz 1984, Levy & Christie-Blick
1991). Replotting the subsidence curves for revised estimates of the beginning
of Cambrian time (545 Ma versus 570 Ma) puts onset of thermotectonic subsi-
dence at 525–515 Ma, still within Early Cambrian time on the revised timescale.
Projecting subsidence curves backward in time to allow for 1.1–1.2 km of synrift
tectonic subsidence (∼2 km of sediment accumulation) in the Great Basin area
of the USA (Levy & Christie-Blick 1991) suggests that rifting that led directly to
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Figure 5 Neoproterozoic-Early Paleozoic Cordilleran miogeocline and premiogeoclinal sedimentary basins along the trend of the North
American Cordillera (rock assemblages now present west of the miogeoclinal belt were added to the continental block after mid-Late
Devonian time). Asterisk (∗ ) denotes miogeoclinal strata along trans-Idaho discontinuity (Lund et al. 2003). Grenville front is margin of
Mesoproterozoic Grenville orogen along which Rodinia was assembled. CCT is Permian-Triassic California-Coahuila transform (Dickinson
2000), which offset the Cordilleran miogeoclinal assemblage of the Caborca block by overprinting an older paleotransform system that
delimited the early Paleozoic southwest margin of Laurentia (Dickinson & Lawton 2001a). See text for ages of premiogeoclinal successions.

(A-T, Apache-Troy; B-P, Belt-Purcell; LV, Las Vı́boras; MM, Mackenzie Mountains; Mu, Muskwa; PG, Pahrump Group; U-C, Unkar-Chuar;
UM-BC, Uinta Mountain—Big Cottonwood; We, Wernecke). Coastal locales (italics): CM, Cape Mendocino; CSL, Cabo San Lucas; GC,
Gulf of California; MB, Mackenzie Bay of Arctic Ocean; PC, Point Conception; PS, Puget Sound; QCI, Queen Charlotte Islands; SFB, San

Francisco Bay; VI, Vancouver Island.

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continental separation south of the trans-Idaho discontinuity occurred during the

interval 600–575 Ma (Armin & Mayer 1983). Isotopic dating of synrift volcanic
rocks in southern British Columbia at 570 ± 5 Ma (Colpron et al. 2002) docu-
ments that active rifting persisted into latest Neoproterozoic time, north as well as
south of the trans-Idaho discontinuity.
The indicated time span of 45–65 million years between initial rifting and onset
of passive thermotectonic subsidence is comparable to the time span of 55 million
years between initial development of Triassic rift basins and the first emplacement
of Jurassic oceanic crust along the modern Atlantic continental margin (Manspeizer
& Cousminer 1988). Cordilleran unconformities near the Precambrian-Cambrian
time boundary (Devlin & Bond 1988, Lickorish & Simony 1995) may stem from
reactivation of rift faults or from the influence of eustasy on a rift hinge undergoing
flexure from sediment loading of oceanic crust offshore (Fedo & Cooper 2001).
The evidence for two rift events (Colpron et al. 2002), spaced 160–170 mil-
lion years apart in pre-Windermere and latest Neoproterozoic time, suggests the
possibility that two different continental blocks, one west of Canada and one west
of USA-Mexico, were once conjugate with Laurentia, but no current Rodinian
models are readily compatible with that interpretation. In any case, the onset of
thermotectonic subsidence at the same time in both Canada and southward im-
plies that the Windermere passive margin was reactivated at the time of the second
rifting event, as suggested by stratal relationships near the USA-Canada border
(Devlin 1989).

Precursor Rifts
A number of premiogeoclinal Precambrian sedimentary successions occur along
the trend of the Cordillera but lack the longitudinal continuity of the overly-
ing miogeocline (Figure 5). Each was deposited within an intracratonic basin
formed by incipient rift extension within Rodinia or before its assembly (Fig-
ure 1). From the trans-Idaho discontinuity northward, isotopic dating of basin
substratum, intercalated volcanics, and local intrusions establishes age brackets as
follows for deep local rift troughs: Wernecke Supergroup, 1820–1710 Ma (Ross
et al. 2001); Muskwa Assemblage, 1760–1660 Ma (Ross et al. 2001); Belt-Purcell
Supergroup, 1470–1370 Ma (Evans et al. 2000, Luepke & Lyons 2001); Macken-
zie Mountains Supergroup, 975–775 Ma (Rainbird et al. 1996); Uinta Mountain
Group (and Big Cottonwood Formation), 975?–725? Ma. Farther south, thinner
premiogeoclinal successions, deposited either in rift basins or on the craton, in-
clude the following: Unkar Group, Apache Group (including Troy Quartzite), and
lower Pahrump Group, 1220–1070 Ma (Timmons et al. 2001), with the lowermost
Apache Group as old as 1335 Ma (Stewart et al. 2001); Las Vı́boras Group, 1050?–
850? Ma (Stewart et al. 2002); and the Chuar Group, 775–735 Ma (Timmons et al.
The precursor rift troughs may have acted as subregional guides helping to
control the trend of eventual continental separation that initiated miogeoclinal
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sedimentation. In the Death Valley region, for example, diamictites of the Kingston
Peak Formation in the upper Pahrump Group probably include correlatives of both
syn-Windermere (∼750 Ma) rift fill and younger (∼600 Ma) synrift deposits at the
base of the miogeoclinal succession (Prave 1999). Recent interpretations from deep
seismic reflection profiles propose that pre-Windermere Canadian assemblages
(Wernecke, Muskwa, Mackenzie Mountains) in the region north of the Belt-Purcell
basin are all parts of a composite sediment prism built westward along an evolving
passive continental margin that flanked the youngest basement components of the
Laurentian craton and persisted over a time span that exceeded a billion years
(Snyder et al. 2002). If so, no continental separation by Neoproterozoic rifting
was required to form the Windermere continental margin, but the disparate age
ranges and outcrop discontinuity of the pre-Windermere successions are difficult
to reconcile with the postulate of a pre-Windermere passive continental margin
continuous for the length of the Canadian Cordillera.


Between Late Devonian and Early Triassic time, internally deformed allochthons
(Figure 6) of oceanic strata were thrust eastward as accretionary prisms across
the seaward flank of the miogeoclinal belt when the margin of the Laurentian
continental block was drawn into the subduction zones of intraoceanic island
arcs that faced the Cordilleran margin and subducted offshore oceanic crust of
marginal seas downward to the west (Dickinson 2000). Lithic constituents of the
allochthons include pillow basalts, peridotite, and serpentinite of oceanic crust and
subjacent mantle, as well as more voluminous argillite, ribbon chert, and turbidites
of overlying seafloor sediment profiles. The turbidites of the allochthons include
continental slope and rise deposits originally transported off the Laurentian margin
and then thrust back toward the craton over the miogeoclinal shelf edge. Exposures
where later tectonism and erosion has exhumed the thrust contact show that the
allochthons traveled 100+ km across the structurally underlying miogeoclinal

Antler-Sonoma Allochthons
Stratigraphic and structural analysis of the overthrust allochthons has documented
their emplacement during two discrete episodes of incipient continental subduction
termed the Antler and Sonoma orogenies in the USA. The two events were spaced
∼110 million years apart during comparatively brief intervals of time (∼25 mil-
lion years each) spanning the Devonian-Mississippian and Permian-Triassic time
boundaries (Figure 1). The two separate allochthons have been delineated with
greatest confidence in the Great Basin of Nevada (USA), where allochthonous but
unmetamorphosed oceanic facies of multiple Paleozoic horizons were thrust over
autochthonous miogeoclinal facies of the same ages along the Roberts Mountains
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(Antler) and Golconda (Sonoma) thrusts (Figure 6). Farther north, the lack of
clearcut evidence for the presence of either allochthon along the trend of the trans-
Idaho discontinuity (Figures 5 and 6) may stem from engulfment by batholiths,
widespread erosion, and burial beneath volcanic cover, but may also reflect anoma-
lous tectonic behavior along that atypical segment of the Cordilleran margin.
Within Canada, post-Triassic internal deformation and tectonic transport of
Paleozoic Antler-Sonoma allochthons during Mesozoic arc-continent collision and
subsequent retroarc thrusting complicate interpretations of their original charac-
ter and positions (Hansen 1990, Ghosh 1995). Allochthons of both Antler (Smith
& Gehrels 1991; 1992a,b) and Sonoma (Roback et al. 1994, Roback & Walker
1995) age have been identified in the Kootenay structural arc (Figure 6) spanning
the USA-Canada border. Farther north, the Sylvester allochthon emplaced above
the Cassiar platform (Figure 6) is composed exclusively of post-Devonian rocks
(Nelson 1993) and apparently represents only the younger allochthon of Sonoma
age. Nearby, however, the widespread and internally complex Yukon-Tanana ter-
rane (Hansen 1988) probably includes both allochthons as well as underthrust
miogeoclinal facies (Hansen & Dusel-Bacon 1998). Blueschists of both Devonian
(∼345 Ma) and Permian (270–260 Ma) ages are present in allochthonous Yukon-
Tanana assemblages lying structurally above miogeoclinal strata along the west
flank of the Cassiar platform and in the isolated Anvil allochthon (Figure 6) to the
east (Erdmer et al. 1998). Juxtaposition of the Anvil allochthon against the Cassiar
platform implies ∼485 km of post-thrust dextral displacement along the Tintina
fault (Figure 6).

Antler-Sonoma Foreland
Tectonic loads of the overthrust Antler-Sonoma allochthons downflexed the Lau-
rentian margin to form an elongate system of markedly asymmetric proforeland
sedimentary basins extending across the miogeoclinal belt into the fringe of the
interior craton (Lawton 1994, Savoy & Mountjoy 1995). The extent of the Antler
foreland basin is defined by an apron of clastic sediment shed toward carbonate
platforms of the interior craton, but the Sonoma foreland basin is defined only by
the limit of Triassic marine strata (Figure 6). Widespread syndepositional normal
faulting of Antler age along the foreland belt in Canada (Gordey et al. 1987) can
be interpreted as a response to local extension induced by flexure of the foreland
basin floor (Smith et al. 1993).
Proximal sandstone petrofacies along the western fringe of the Antler foreland
belt are dominantly quartzolithic, a composition reflective of sediment recycling
from the uplifted accretionary prisms of allochthons exposed farther west as sed-
iment sources (Smith et al. 1993). Near the Canada-Alaska border, the ages of
detrital zircons in Cambrian and Devonian sandstones suggest derivation of fore-
land sediment near the northern end of the Cordilleran orogen (Figure 6) from the
Paleozoic Innuitian-Ellesmerian orogen of the Canadian Arctic to the northeast
(Gehrels et al. 1999).
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During the time interval between Antler and Sonoma thrusting along the
Cordilleran margin, part of the continental block extending as far west as the
Antler foreland basin and thrust front in the USA was disrupted by intraconti-
nental reverse faulting to form yoked basins and uplifts of the Ancestral Rocky
Mountains province (Figure 6). The intracontinental deformation, centered on
Pennsylvanian time (Figure 1), was related to sequential intercontinental suturing
along the Ouachita orogenic belt (Figure 6), where the southern flank of the Lau-
rentian craton was drawn progressively, from east to west, into a subduction zone
along the leading edge of Gondwana during the assembly of Pangea (Dickinson
& Lawton 2003).

Accreted Island Arcs

Segments of accreted Devonian and Permian island arcs, composed of volcanic
and volcaniclastic strata and paired geotectonically with Antler and Sonoma ac-
cretionary prisms to the east, are present in the Klamath-Sierran region (Figure 6)
of the Cordilleran orogen to the south of volcanic cover in the Pacific Northwest
(USA). The Paleozoic Klamath-Sierran arc system evolved as a system of frontal
arcs and remnant arcs during slab rollback related to closure of marginal seas be-
tween the offshore arc complex and the Cordilleran continental margin (Dickinson
Farther north in Canada, remnants of comparable Devonian to Permian arc as-
semblages (Rubin et al. 1990, Brown et al. 1991), underlying the Mesozoic arc
assemblages of Quesnellia and Stikinia (Figure 6), are interpreted here as northern
analogues of the accreted Klamath-Sierran island arcs. Both east and west of the
Cassiar platform (Figure 6), overthrust allochthonous assemblages include both
Devonian (365–340 Ma) and Permian (∼260 Ma) granitic plutons of arc affin-
ity (Mortensen 1992). Permian island-arc volcanics are closely associated with
deformed seafloor volcanics within the internally complex Sylvester allochthon
emplaced structurally above the Cassiar platform (Nelson 1993) and in correla-
tive assemblages farther south (Ferri 1997). These occurrences of island-arc rem-
nants within allochthonous Paleozoic assemblages suggest that severe structural
telescoping in Canada during superposed mid-Mesozoic arc-continent suturing
and later Mesozoic-Cenozoic retroarc thrusting closely juxtaposed island-arc and
subduction-zone tectonic elements of Antler-Sonoma age that remain largely sep-
arate farther south.


A Permian-Triassic (284–232 Ma) magmatic arc, built along the edge of Gond-
wanan crust in eastern Mexico (Dickinson & Lawton 2001a), was sustained by
subduction of oceanic crust beneath present-day central Mexico (Figure 6). The
northern margin of the subducting Mezcalera plate along the southwestern edge of
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Laurentia was defined by the sinistral California-Coahuila transform, which off-

set the Caborca block of miogeoclinal strata, together with underlying basement
and a structurally superposed allochthon of overthrust Paleozoic strata (Figure 6),
from southern California into northwestern Mexico (Dickinson 2000, Dickinson &
Lawton 2001a). Farther northwest, the transform fault obliquely truncated, along a
northwest-southeast trend, island-arc complexes trending northeast-southwest that
were accreted to the continental block in the Klamath-Sierran region by Antler-
Sonoma orogenesis. Initiation of subduction beneath the truncated continental
margin in mid-Early Triassic time (Dickinson 2000) closely preceded the breakup
of Pangea, and was the earliest record of Cordilleran orogenesis as an integral facet
of the circum-Pacific orogenic belt.
Subsequent evolution of the active Cordilleran continental margin was marked
by incremental accretion of subduction complexes at a trench along the conti-
nental slope, and by arc magmatism involving both plutonism and volcanism
along the edge of the continental block. Multiple imbricate thrust panels of ac-
cretionary mélange belts incorporate disrupted stratal successions of seafloor tur-
bidites, argillite, and chert, together with pillow lavas of underlying oceanic crust
and structural slices of peridotite and serpentinite derived from oceanic mantle,
and with limestone enclaves representing carbonate platforms built on oceanic
seamounts. Combined plutonic and volcanic contributions to arc magmatism were
emplaced into and erupted through the composite Cordilleran crustal profile along
a shifting belt of igneous activity that lay 100–250 km inland from the evolv-
ing subduction zone along the continental margin (Armstrong 1988, Armstrong
& Ward 1991). The principal record of arc magmatism is a discontinuous align-
ment of deeply eroded Cretaceous granitic batholiths extending the full length of
the Cordilleran orogen. Isotopic studies indicate that the granitic magmas were
composed in part of juvenile mantle components and in part of recycled crustal
materials (DePaolo 1981, Samson et al. 1991).

Mid-Triassic to Mid-Jurassic Cordilleran Arc

Volcanic assemblages and associated plutons of Upper Triassic to Middle Jurassic
age developed within a continuous magmatic arc established along the margin
of North America as modified by Antler-Sonoma tectonism. The central segment
of the Triassic-Jurassic arc transected miogeoclinal and Laurentian cratonic crust
along the truncated continental margin of the southwest USA (Busby-Spera 1988,
Schweickert & Lahren 1993), but the arc trend extended southward across the
Ouachita suture into Gondwanan crust of eastern Mexico (Dickinson & Lawton
2001a) and northward along the continental margin, as expanded by tectonic accre-
tion, to merge with the Quesnellia or Nicola arc (Mortimer 1987) of the Canadian
Cordillera (Figure 7).
The local preservation of forearc basins along the western flank of the nascent
Cordilleran arc in both the Canadian Cordillera (Travers 1978) and the USA Pa-
cific Northwest (Dickinson 1979) show that the arc-trench system faced west,
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subducting seafloor downward beneath North America, even where relations of

the arc assemblage to Laurentian basement or miogeoclinal strata are unexposed.
Past speculation that the Quesnellia arc was a freestanding intraoceanic structure
only accreted to North America by later collapse of an intervening marginal sea or
open ocean has been discounted by recent isotopic studies (Unterschutz et al. 2002,
Erdmer et al. 2002). The backarc region was flooded in Canada by marine waters,
but was occupied in the USA by desert ergs (Figure 7), with the accommodation
space for both sedimentary assemblages probably provided by subsidence of the
flank of the continental block under the geodynamic influence of a subducted slab
in the mantle beneath (Lawton 1994).
West of the Triassic-Jurassic Cordilleran arc assemblage lies a paired subduction
complex of mélange and variably deformed thrust panels of oceanic strata form-
ing the Cache Creek terrane and its correlatives in the Canadian Cordillera, the
central mélange belt (Baker terrane) of the Pacific Northwest, coeval assemblages
in the central Klamath Mountains and the Sierra Nevada foothills of California,
and remnants of the Arperos oceanic realm formed on the Mezcalera plate in
central Mexico. This nearly continuous alignment of disrupted oceanic materials,
conveniently termed the Cache Creek belt (Mortimer 1986), forms a suture zone
trapped between the Triassic-Jurassic continental margin and various accreted arc
assemblages lying farther west (Figure 7).
The suture belt is probably a compound subduction complex formed of com-
bined tectonic elements added to the flank of North America at a trench lying
just offshore from the Triassic-Jurassic Cordilleran arc but also accreted to the
flank of intraoceanic arc structures as they approached the Cordilleran margin,
with both components representing offscrapings from intervening paleo-Pacific
seafloor. Cache Creek blueschists formed by subduction-zone metamorphism have
yielded isotopic ages of 230–210 Ma (Late Triassic) in both Canada and the USA
(Erdmer et al. 1998), where stratal components of the suture belt range in age from
Carboniferous (locally Devonian) to Early or Middle Jurassic (Cordey et al. 1987,
Blome and Nestell 1991, Cordey & Schiarizza 1993, Dickinson 2000, Struik et al.
2001, Orchard et al. 2001). In Mexico, where accretion of an intraoceanic arc to the
continental margin occurred much later than farther north, only Permian to Early
Cretaceous rocks are present within the suture belt of central Mexico (Dickinson
& Lawton 2001a).

Mid-Jurassic to Mid-Cretaceous Arc Accretion

In Jurassic-Cretaceous time, tectonic accretion at the Cordilleran subduction zone
was punctuated by the arrival of intraoceanic island arcs subducting seafloor
downward to the west, rather than to the east, to produce arc-continent collisions
(Godfrey & Dilek 2000, Ingersoll 2000, Dickinson 2001). For evaluating accre-
tionary tectonism, a distinction must be drawn (Wright 1982) between incremen-
tal accretion within evolving subduction complexes (so-called disrupted terranes),
even where far-traveled oceanic components are incorporated, and bulk accretion
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of tectonic elements transported intact, as integral exotic terranes, to the conti-

nental margin. Arc accretion expanded the continental edge by closing the Cache
Creek suture and induced the subduction zone and the magmatic arc along the
Cordilleran margin to step outward away from the continental interior. Subse-
quent Cordilleran arc magmatism was widely superimposed on the accreted arc and
mélange terranes (van der Heyden 1992, Friedman & Armstrong 1995). The ages
of the oldest superimposed plutons of the Cordilleran magmatic arc reflect north-
south diachroneity of arc accretion from Middle Jurassic (∼170 Ma) as far south
as central California (Schweickert et al. 1999) to Early Cretaceous (∼120 Ma)
in Mexico (Dickinson & Lawton 2001a).

CANADIAN TECTONIC ELEMENTS In Canada, two principal accreted tectonic ele-

ments, the Stikinia arc and the Insular superterrane, lie west of the Cache Creek
suture belt (Figure 7). The Insular superterrane along the present continental
fringe includes the Alexander terrane, a Paleozoic arc assemblage of largely pre-
Devonian rocks overlain by less deformed Devonian to Permian strata including
abundant limestone (Butler et al. 1997), and the Wrangellia terrane, a largely
post-Carboniferous succession of Permian arc volcanics and overlying Triassic
basalt capped by Upper Triassic limestone (Jones et al. 1977). The two compo-
nents of the Insular superterrane were amalgamated by Carboniferous time, long
before their joint incorporation into the Cordilleran continental margin, for they
were both locally intruded by the same pluton (Gardner et al. 1988).
The Stikinia arc farther east is composed dominantly of Upper Triassic to Middle
Jurassic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks, intruded by cogenetic plutons (Marsden
& Thorkelson 1992, Mihalynuk et al. 1994, Anderson 1993, Currie & Parrish 1997,
MacIntyre et al. 2001). The arc assemblage is flanked on the northeast by a forearc
basin (Dickie & Hein 1995, Johannson et al. 1997), lying adjacent to the Cache
Creek suture in a position showing that the Stikinia arc faced the Cordilleran margin
and subducted seafloor downward to the west. The ages of the youngest arc-forearc
strata and the oldest strata in the postaccretion Jurassic-Cretaceous Bowser basin
(MacLeod & Hills 1990), resting unconformably on Stikinia (Figure 7), indicate
accretion of the northern part of Stikinia by early Middle Jurassic closure of the
Cache Creek suture in either Aalenian (Ricketts et al. 1992) or early Bajocian
(Thomson et al. 1986, Anderson 1993) time. The youngest strata known from the
adjacent segment of the Cache Creek suture belt are Early Jurassic in age (Struik
et al. 2001), but farther south in Canada deformed strata of the Cache Creek belt
include strata as young as late Middle Jurassic (Callovian) in the Bridge River
terrane (Cordey & Schiarizza 1993). The difference in stratal ages along tectonic
strike suggest progressive southward closure of the Cache Creek suture from a
tectonic hinge point on the north.

STIKINIA-QUESNELLIA OROCLINE Along tectonic strike to the north, the Stikinia

arc merges, around the northern limit of the Cache Creek belt, with the northern
end of the petrologically and lithologically similar Quesnellia arc along the edge
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of Triassic-Jurassic North America (Figure 7). This spatial relationship suggests

that the Stikinia arc formed originally as a northern extension of the Quesnellia arc,
but that oroclinal bending of the Quesnellia-Stikinia arc trend during continued
subduction backfolded Stikinia against the Cordilleran margin to juxtapose Stikinia
against Quesnellia across the Cache Creek suture, which was thereby enclosed
within the tectonic orocline (Nelson & Mihalynuk 1993, Mihalynuk et al. 1994).
Paleomagnetic data (May & Butler 1986, Vandall & Palmer 1990) showing no
detectable latitudinal movement of Stikinia with respect to North America are
compatible with the enclosure interpretation, and isotopic data indicating juvenile
crustal origins are similar for Stikinia and Quesnellia arc assemblages (Samson
et al. 1989, Smith et al. 1995). Pre-Mesozoic underpinnings of both Stikinia and
Quesnellia include Devonian to Permian arc assemblages (Brown et al. 1991,
Currie & Parrish 1997), inferred here to have been accreted to Laurentia during
Antler-Sonoma events (Figure 6). Both Mesozoic arc assemblages also overlap
depositionally upon deformed Paleozoic assemblages (Mortensen 1992, Roback
& Walker 1995, Dostal et al. 2001, Acton et al. 2002), interpreted here as overthrust
Antler-Sonoma allochthons.
Most of the contact zone between the Stikinia arc and the Insular superterrane is
occupied by a sliver of strongly deformed pre-Mesozoic strata, forming a western
arm of the Yukon-Tanana terrane (Gehrels et al. 1991, 1992) including the Taku ter-
rane (Gehrels 2002), which underlie the Mesozoic arc assemblage of Stikinia and
are regarded here as a product of Antler-Sonoma orogenesis oroclinally deformed
along with Stikinia (Figures 6 and 7). The contact zone was overlapped by thick
Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian) to Lower Cretaceous (Albian) strata of the intraarc
Gravina basin (McClelland et al. 1992), but underlying metavolcanic rocks that
also overlap the contact zone document initial accretion of the Insular superter-
rane to the western flank of Stikinia by Middle Jurassic (∼175 Ma) time (Gehrels
2001). Mid-Cretaceous thrusting later carried rocks east of the contact zone over the
Gravina basin and the Insular superterrane (Gehrels et al. 1990, Rubin & Saleeby

INSULAR ARC ACCRETION As the Stikinia arc demonstrably faced east, subduc-
tion along its western flank could not have drawn the Insular superterrane toward
the continental margin. Accordingly, Early to Middle Jurassic arc magmatism
(190–165 Ma) within the Insular superterrane, as displayed in the Queen Charlotte
Islands (Lewis et al. 1991) and on Vancouver Island (DeBari et al. 1999), is viewed
here as evidence for activation of subduction along the eastern flank of the Insu-
lar superterrane, to draw the Insular superterrane closer to the back side of the
Stikinia arc by subducting intervening seafloor downward to the west. The po-
larity of the Jurassic arc along the Insular superterrane is seemingly confirmed
along tectonic strike to the northwest, beyond the head of the Gulf of Alaska,
where Lower to Middle Jurassic plutons intruding the Wrangellia component of
the Insular superterrane on the Alaska Peninsula display transverse compositional
gradients indicative of a magmatic arc facing the continent (Reed et al. 1983).
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Paleomagnetic data suggest that the Alexander terrane lay in the Arctic region
near Baltica in mid-Paleozoic time, but that the associated Wrangellia terrane lay
near the paleolatitude of the Pacific Northwest by Late Triassic time (Butler et al.
1997). Apparently, the Insular superterrane drifted as an intraoceanic arc structure
within the paleo-Pacific Ocean, along paths that cannot be specified with present
information, through late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic time before its accretion
to the Cordilleran margin along the back side of Stikinia. If the sliver of the Yukon-
Tanana terrane along the west flank of Stikinia includes miogeoclinal facies, as
seems likely (Gehrels 2000), the oroclinal rotation of Stikinia was apparently
initiated by calving of Stikinia off the edge of the Laurentian margin during backarc
rifting. The complex plate motions required to achieve accretion of both the Stikinia
arc and the Insular superterrane to the Cordilleran margin in the same general time
frame (intra-Jurassic) are indeterminate with present information.

PACIFIC NORTHWEST RECONSTRUCTION The longitudinal correlation of premid-

Cretaceous tectonic elements southward across the Pacific Northwest from Canada
into the USA has long been a challenge (Monger et al. 1982) because of widespread
Neogene volcanic cover (Figure 8A), the complex kinematics of an intersect-
ing knot of strike-slip faults of latest Cretaceous to Eocene age spanning the
USA-Canada border (Figures 7, 9), and structural complexity within the meta-
morphic cores of mountain ranges near the USA-Canada border where Cretaceous
structural telescoping obscured earlier tectonic relationships between older rock
An apparently satisfactory tectonic reconstruction is achieved here (Figure 8B)
by reversing 105–110 km of Eocene (44–34 Ma) dextral slip on the Fraser River–
Straight Creek fault zone and 110–115 km of previous dextral slip on the off-
set Yalakom–Ross Lake fault system of latest Cretaceous (<75 Ma) to Eocene
age (Kleinspehn 1985, Umhoefer & Kleinspehn 1995, Umhoefer & Miller 1996,
Umhoefer & Schiarizza 1996) and by backrotating the Oregon-Washington Coast
Range and the Blue Mountains by 50◦ each (Figure 8) to recover clockwise tectonic
rotations imposed during Eocene time (Heller et al. 1987, Dickinson 2002).
In Figure 8, the southern extension of the Stikinia arc assemblage includes the
Cadwallader terrane of southern British Columbia (Rusmore 1987, Rusmore et al.
1988, Umhoefer 1990, Rusmore & Woodsworth 1991) and the Triassic-Jurassic
Cascade River–Holden belt (Hopson & Mattinson 1994) in the Cascade Mountains
east of the Straight Creek fault. Inland extensions of the Insular superterrane in-
clude the Chilliwack, Bowen Lake, and Harrison Lake terranes of southern British
Columbia (Friedman et al. 1990, Mahoney et al. 1995), the Swakane Gneiss (Nason
terrane) east of the Straight Creek fault in the Cascade Mountains (Mattinson 1972),
and the Wallowa–Seven Devils segment of Wrangellia in the Blue Mountains. The
Cache Creek suture belt flanking the Triassic-Jurassic continental margin is re-
constructed as an alignment of similar lithologic units, including the Cache Creek
and Bridge River terranes of southern British Columbia, the Hozameen terrane
spanning the USA-Canada border, the Baker terrane of the Blue Mountains, and
7 Apr 2004



Figure 8 Pre-Oligocene geotectonic features in the Pacific Northwest (USA) and adjacent Canada at present (A) and as reconstructed
(B) before clockwise rotations of the Oregon-Washington Coast Range and Blue Mountains provinces, and before dextral slip on branching
faults near the USA-Canada border. Arc assemblages: In, Insular (SG, Swakane Gneiss; W-SD, Wallowa–Seven Devils); Km, accreted

western Klamath Mountains arcs; Qu, Quesnellia and related terranes (IZ, Izee forearc basin; EK, eastern Klamath Mountains Mesozoic arc,
OF, Olds Ferry terrane or Huntington arc); St, Stikinia (CR-H, Cascade River–Holden belt). Pre-Late Jurassic subduction-complex terranes:
B, Baker; BR, Bridge River; CC, Cache Creek; H, Hozameen, K, central Klamath Mountains mélange belt. Other geologic features: Sh,

Shuksan thrust system (schematic); TMt, Tyaughton–Methow trough (offset segments: Mt, Methow trough; Tt, Tyaughton trough).
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the central mélange belt of the Klamath Mountains (Figure 8B). Closer proximity
of restored tectonic elements near the USA-Canada border to counterparts in the
Blue Mountains could be achieved by additional recovery of the significant Eocene
intracontinental extension recorded by Cordilleran core complexes (Figure 8) in
southeastern British Columbia (Dickinson 2002).
The Tyaughton-Methow trough (Figure 8) was initiated in Early Jurassic time
as a forearc basin flanking the Quesnellia arc (Anderson 1976), but evolved dur-
ing Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous time to overlap the accreted Stikinia arc
(Garver 1992, Umhoefer et al. 2002). West and south of the Shuksan thrust sys-
tem (Figure 8), an internally deformed underthrust assemblage, including Upper
Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous blueschists and clastic strata (Brown 1987, Brandon
et al. 1988, Monger 1991), is presumed to be a northern counterpart of the late
Mesozoic Franciscan subduction complex and associated forearc basins of coastal
California to the south (Brown & Blake 1987).

USA-MEXICO ARC ACCRETION The Insular superterrane extends as far south as the
Blue Mountains (Figure 8) of the Pacific Northwest, where intense mid-Cretaceous
crustal telescoping near the Snake River has thrust strata of Wrangellia beneath
the Mesozoic continental margin (Lund & Snee 1988). Stratigraphic analysis of
Blue Mountains terranes indicates, however, that initial accretion of the Wrangellia
component of the Insular superterrane was completed in Middle Jurassic (Bajo-
cian) time (Follo 1992, White et al. 1992, Avé Lallemant 1995), coordinate with
accretion farther north in Canada. The oroclinally deformed Stikinia arc apparently
does not extend farther south than the Cascades Mountains along the USA-Canada
border (Figure 8), and there is no indication that active magmatism was still un-
derway at the southern end of the Insular superterrane when the Wallowa–Seven
Devils segment (Figure 8) of Wrangellia was drawn passively into a subduction
zone along the continental margin (Dickinson 1979).
Accreted intraoceanic arc assemblages of Jurassic age in the Klamath Moun-
tains and Sierra Nevada foothills of California rest on ophiolitic basement formed
near the Triassic-Jurassic time boundary (Dilek 1989, Edelman 1990, Hacker &
Ernst 1993, Wright & Wyld 1994, Hacker et al. 1995), as does the Guerrero super-
terrane (Figure 7) of western Mexico (Dickinson & Lawton 2001a). The accreted
Mesozoic arc complexes in the USA and Mexico can perhaps be regarded as south-
ern extensions and descendants of the Jurassic arc along the Insular superterrane
where subduction continued southward across paleo-Pacific oceanic crust lying
beyond the southern limits of the older Alexander and Wrangellia terranes. In
California, severely deformed mélange belts separate accreted arc assemblages
on the west from the pre-Jurassic continental margin (Wright 1982, Edelman &
Sharp 1989, Edelman et al. 1989b, Dilek et al. 1990, Hacker et al. 1993), but a
superimposed magmatic arc built along the Cordilleran continental margin across
the accreted tectonic elements by late Middle Jurassic (Callovian) time (Wright
& Fahan 1988, Edelman 1990, Edelman et al. 1989a, Harper et al. 1994, Girty
et al. 1995) implies arc accretion during early Middle Jurassic (Bajocian) time
(170–165 Ma).
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In the southwestern USA and Mexico, final closure of the oceanic realm be-
tween accreted Mesozoic arcs and the Cordilleran continental margin in Early
Cretaceous time promoted slab rollback of the Mezcalera plate to induce crustal ex-
tension within the overriding continental block (Dickinson & Lawton 2001a). The
resulting border rift belt, including the Bisbee basin and Chihuahua trough, sup-
planted arc magmatism along the USA-Mexico border region (Figure 7), with Late
Jurassic rifting accompanied by bimodal magmatism and followed by Early Creta-
ceous thermotectonic subsidence (Dickinson & Lawton 2001b). Farther north, the
extensional Utah-Idaho trough (Figure 7) of Middle to Late Jurassic age and devel-
opment of a wide zone of Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous backarc magmatism
(Figure 7) closely followed arc accretion along the California continental margin
to the west (Dickinson 2001). Earlier Middle Jurassic thrusting along the Luning-
Fencemaker thrust (Wyld 2002), which carried the fill of the Auld Lang Syne
backarc basin eastward (Figure 7), coincided closely in timing with arc accretion
farther west.

Mid-Cretaceous to Mid-Tertiary Cordilleran Arc

Following Jurassic-Cretaceous arc accretion at the evolving subduction zone along
the continental margin, the Cordilleran magmatic arc stepped oceanward to a trend
that was largely superimposed upon accreted terranes (Figure 9). Massive Late
Cretaceous plutonism, continuing until mid-Eocene time in Canada, formed the
major Cordilleran batholith belt along the arc axis. To the west, a parallel belt of
Jurassic-Cretaceous forearc basins is prominent along the coastal fringes of the
USA and Mexico, and lies immediately inland from exposures of the Jurassic-
Cretaceous subduction complex forming the Franciscan superterrane (Figure 9).
Farther north in Canada, however, Cenozoic modification of the continental margin
by strike slip along the Cenozoic Queen Charlotte transform and its splays has
largely disrupted or submerged tectonic elements of the late Mesozoic forearc
Past speculation (Cowan et al. 1997), based on paleomagnetic data, that the
western part of the Canadian Cordillera, including a large segment of the Cre-
taceous batholith belt, was transported northward in Cretaceous-Paleocene time
from an origin along the continental margin of California or Mexico encounters
the insuperable difficulty that no segment of the Cretaceous arc-trench system is
missing from California or Mexico (Figure 9). The anomalously shallow paleo-
magnetic vectors that gave rise to the hypothesis of large lateral displacements
can be interpreted instead as the result of widespread pluton tilt coupled with
compaction in sedimentary strata (Butler et al. 2001).
Crustal shortening across the Cordilleran orogen gave rise by Late Jurassic time
in Canada (Cant & Stockmal 1989) and mid-Early Cretaceous time in the USA
(Dickinson 2001) to initiation of a backarc thrust belt that was continuous from the
interior flank of the Canadian Cordillera into the Sevier thrust belt (Figure 9). The
tectonic load of the thrust sheets downflexed an extensive retroforeland basin with a
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distal fringe that extended well into the continental interior. Deformation within the
Canadian Cordillera produced intraorogen thrusting associated with development
of the Skeena foldbelt (Evenchick 1991) accompanied by downflexure of the Sustut
basin, and analogous intraorogen deformation formed the Eureka thrust belt in the
USA (Figure 9).
Scattered plutons of Late Cretaceous age present in the interior hinterland of
the backarc thrust belt, but most prominent in the Omineca region of the Canadian
Cordillera (Figure 9), were not an integral facet of the arc magmatism active
farther west, but instead were derived largely from sources within underthrust
continental crust. Backarc thrusting and the associated retroforeland basin did not
extend as far south as the region occupied until mid-Cretaceous time by the Bisbee
basin and related rift troughs along the USA-Mexico border. Although somewhat
diachronous in timing, backarc rifting (Figure 7) and backarc thrusting (Figure 9)
occupied different realms marked by distinct contrasts in geodynamics along the
Cordilleran orogen.
In Canada, arc magmatism along the eastern flank of the Coast batholith con-
tinued until mid-Eocene time (∼45 Ma), as did deformation along the backarc
thrust belt. Farther south, however, in both the USA and Mexico, subhorizontal
subduction of the Farallon plate during latest Cretaceous through Eocene time al-
tered the progress of both magmatism and tectonism (Dickinson & Snyder 1978).
Inland migration and diminution of igneous activity led to a magmatic null through
much of the USA Cordillera (Figure 1), and basement-involved crustal shortening
produced yoked uplifts and basins of the Laramide Rocky Mountains well inland
from the continental margin (Figure 9).
Deformation began ∼70 Ma throughout the Laramide Rocky Mountains while
thrusting was still underway along the Sevier thrust belt to the west, but its ter-
mination was diachronous (Dickinson et al. 1988). The development of Laramide
basins and uplifts was complete in the northern part of the Laramide province by
mid-Eocene time (∼50 Ma), coincident with the terminal phase of deformation
along the Sevier thrust belt to the west (DeCelles 1994). Farther south, however,
Laramide deformation continued until the end of Eocene time. In Mexico, south
of the magmatic null, Laramide basin evolution (Figure 9) during Late Cretaceous
and Paleocene time (Dickinson & Lawton 2001b) was accompanied by arc mag-
matism that migrated inland from the Cretaceous batholith belt near the coast.
The time-space pattern of Laramide magmatism and deformation suggests that
the shallow angle of plate descent that gave rise to both resulted from subduc-
tion of a buoyant oceanic plateau beneath the continental margin (Dickinson et al.
In the Pacific Northwest, the elongate oceanic seamount chain of Siletzia
(Figure 9), which formed during Paleocene-Eocene time (Figure 1) at some un-
known distance offshore, was accreted in bulk to the Cordilleran margin early
in Eocene time, and was subsequently buried beneath the Eocene forearc basin
(Figure 8) of the Oregon-Washington Coast Range (Heller et al. 1987). A subduc-
tion complex (Brandon & Vance 1992), composed of premid-Miocene Cenozoic
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strata underthrust beneath the accreted mass of Siletzia, forms the core of the
Olympic Mountains near the USA-Canada border (Figure 9). Incrementally ac-
creted Paleocene-Eocene components of the Franciscan subduction complex are
exposed along the coastal fringe of California farther south, but elsewhere most
Cenozoic subduction along the Cordilleran margin occurred along an offshore
zone still unexposed underwater.


The Cordilleran arc orogen as a typical segment of the Circum-Pacific orogenic belt
reached peak development in Late Cretaceous time. During Tertiary time, arrival
at the Cordilleran margin of successive segments of spreading systems bound-
ing the Pacific plate progressively converted segments of the continental margin
into transform fault systems along the Pacific plate boundary. As the transform
continental margin evolved, subsidiary strike slip and associated crustal extension
disrupted the adjacent continental block and gave rise to the rift trough of the
Gulf of California, an incipient ocean basin that is expanding obliquely within the
transform regime (Figure 10).
North of the Tofino triple junction (Figure 10), subduction associated with
waning phases of batholith generation along the coastal fringe of the Canadian
Cordillera was supplanted in mid-Eocene time (Hyndman & Hamilton 1993) by
dextral slip along the Queen Charlotte transform fault. The change in coastal
geodynamics, from convergence to strike slip, was triggered by amalgamation
of the offshore Kula and Pacific plates at ∼42.5 Ma (Lonsdale 1988). Subsequent
Oligocene-Miocene magmatism within the Queen Charlotte Islands was associated
with evolution of a slab window (Hamilton & Dostal 2001), and the Neogene Queen
Charlotte basin farther east (Figure 10) developed as a pull-apart basin within the
transform system (Lewis et al. 1991). The Chatham Strait–Denali fault system,
initiated in mid-Eocene time as a branch of the Queen Charlotte transform (Cole
et al. 1999), has displaced segments of the Insular superterrane laterally along the
continental margin (Figure 10). A discrepancy between 370 km of slip along the
Denali fault and 150 km of slip along the linked Chatham Strait fault suggests that
220 km of slip parallel to the continental margin, southward from the elbow where
those two fault segments meet, was accommodated by the Coast shear zone along
the eastern flank of the Insular superterrane (Gehrels 2000).
Farther south, subduction along the Cordilleran margin continues at the foot of
the continental slope along an offshore trend parallel to and coextensive with the
active Cascades volcanic arc of the Pacific Northwest (Figure 10). Arc volcanism,
which extended southward through the USA in Miocene time (Figure 10), was
progressively extinguished south of the Cascades arc by evolution of the San
Andreas transform system along the continental margin as the Mendocino triple
junction (Figure 10) migrated northward to shorten the Cascades subduction zone.
Beginning near the Oligocene-Miocene time boundary, slab-window volcanism
evolved in coastal California along a belt parallel to the evolving San Andreas
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transform (Dickinson 1997). Neogene arc volcanism was extinguished in similar

fashion within Baja California when the Rivera triple junction (Figure 10) migrated
southward in mid-Miocene time to a position near the mouth of the modern Gulf
of California.
Following Laramide events, establishment of mid-Cenozoic arc magmatism
along a trend near the USA-Mexico continental margin had been accomplished by
the migration of successive volcanic fronts toward the coast (Figure 10) as the slab
of oceanic lithosphere subducting beneath the Cordilleran orogen steepened or
foundered (Dickinson 2002). Subsequent initiation of the San Andreas transform
along the continental margin in Early Miocene time triggered crustal extension
within the Basin and Range taphrogen (Figure 10), where multiple fault blocks
distended the Cordilleran orogen once the continental block was partly coupled
to the Pacific plate. A largely intact remnant of the mid-Cenozoic arc assemblage
lies along the Sierra Madre Occidental (Figure 10), where flat-lying volcanic strata
form an enclave of largely undistended crust enclosed within the Basin and Range
taphrogen. Baja California was calved from mainland Mexico when the San An-
dreas transform plate boundary south of the USA jumped inland in Late Miocene
time to open the Gulf of California by oblique extension.
In the Pacific Northwest (USA), extensive volcanic fields of flood basalt that
have erupted behind the Cascades volcanic arc since Early Miocene time mask
older rock assemblages over wide areas (Figure 10). The volcanism may have been
related to mantle advection induced by deformation of the continental lithosphere
after shear was imposed on the continental block by interaction of the Pacific and
American plates along the San Andreas transform system at the continental margin
(Dickinson 1997). Less voluminous but comparably extensive Middle Miocene and
younger volcanic fields of basaltic character in the Canadian Cordillera (Edwards
& Russell 2000) may reflect analogous shear coupling of the Pacific and American
plates along the nearby Queen Charlotte transform.


The questions posed in the introduction can be answered as follows:

1. The Cordilleran system, as an integral segment of the circum-Pacific oro-

genic belt, was established when subduction was initiated between Early and
Late Triassic time along a continental margin that had been delineated by
Neoproterozoic rifting during the breakup of Rodinia, and later modified in
late Paleozoic and earliest Mesozoic time by the emplacement of oceanic
allochthons upon the edge of the continental block during the final assembly
of Pangea.
2. Rock masses native to the Cordilleran margin include the miogeoclinal prism
deposited between Neoproterozoic and Late Devonian time along a passive
continental margin, volcanic and plutonic rocks of the Cordilleran magmatic
7 Apr 2004 20:19 AR AR211-EA32-02.tex AR211-EA32-02.sgm LaTeX2e(2002/01/18) P1: GCE


arc built along an active continental margin from mid-Triassic time to the
present, and the sedimentary and volcanic assemblages of basins and lava
fields superimposed upon the miogeoclinal succession and the arc assem-
3. Accreted tectonic elements include subduction complexes thrust bodily over
the miogeoclinal prism in Devonian-Mississsippian and Permian-Triassic
time; intraoceanic island arcs sutured to the continental block at those times
and also later, between Middle Jurassic and Early Cretaceous time; and
subduction complexes accreted incrementally to the continental block at the
Cordilleran subduction zone between Late Triassic and mid-Cenozoic time.
4. Postmid-Cenozoic internal distension and incipient dislocation of Cordilleran
crust has occurred in response to transform tectonism imposed on the con-
tinental margin when intra-Pacific seafloor spreading systems impinged on
the Cordilleran trench.

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Figure 6 Geotectonic features of the Antler orogen (Late Devonian–Early Mississippian), the Ancestral Rocky Mountains province
(Pennsylvanian–Early Permian), and the Sonoma orogen (Late Permian–Early Triassic) of the North American Cordillera (allochthons of
Antler and Sonoma age are combined, but note the uncertain continuity of tectonic trends along the trans-Idaho discontinuity of Figure 5).
See text for discussion of Kootenay structural arc (KA) and remnants of Paleozoic arc assemblages in Quesnellia (Qu) and Stikinia (St).

Key active faults: RMT, Devonian-Mississippian Roberts Mountains thrust; GCT, Permian-Triassic Golconda thrust; CCT, Permian-
Triassic California-Coahuila transform. Gondwanan Mexico restored (after Dickinson & Lawton 2001a) to position before mid-Mesozoic
opening of the Gulf of Mexico. Tintina and De-CS-FW-QC fault systems are Cenozoic structures. See Figure 5 for geographic legend.
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Figure 7 Mid-Early Triassic (~247.5 Ma) to mid-Early Cretaceous (~120 Ma) geotectonic features of the Cordilleran arc-trench system,
including intraoceanic arc structures accreted to the Cordilleran continental margin between Middle Jurassic and Early Cretaceous time.
Selected geologic features: ALS, Late Triassic to Early Jurassic Auld Lang Syne backarc basin; LFT, Middle Jurassic Luning-Fencemaker
backarc thrust system; BAP, zone of diffuse Middle to Late Jurassic backarc plutonism (Nevada-Utah); UIT, Middle to Late Jurassic Utah-
Idaho backarc trough; BWB, Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Bowser successor basin (superimposed on accreted Stikinia arc). Border
rift belt (Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous) includes Bisbee basin and Chihuahua trough. Cenozoic faults (gray): De-CS, Denali-Chatham
Strait; FR, Fraser River; FW, Fairweather; QC, Queen Charlotte; RL, Ross Lake; SA, San Andreas; SC, Straight Creek; Ya, Yalakom. See
Figure 5 for geographic legend.
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Figure 9 Mid-Early Cretaceous (~120 Ma) to mid-Cenozoic (Eocene/Oligocene boundary) geotectonic features of the Cordilleran arc-
trench system, including the Laramide province of intracontinental deformation. The main batholith belt is delineated as the magmatic arc,
but subsidiary arc magmatism spread inland for varying distances (BOP, Omineca zone of backarc mid-Cretaceous plutonism). Active
Paleogene strike-slip faults (red lines): De-CS, Denali-Chatham Strait; FR, Fraser River; QC, Queen Charlotte; RL, Ross Lake; SC, Straight

Creek; Ti-RMT, Tintina–Rocky Mountain Trench; Ya, Yalakom. Younger Neogene strike-slip faults (gray lines): FW, Fairweather; SA, San
Andreas. Key active fold-thrust belts: EFT, Eureka; MFT, Maria; SFT, Sevier. Key forearc basin segments: GV, Great Valley (California);
Ho, Hornbrook; Oc, Ochoco; Na, Nanaimo; TR, Transverse Ranges; V-M, Vizcaino-Magdalena. See Figure 5 for geographic legend.
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Figure 10 Post-Eocene geotectonic features of the North American Cordillera, including the Basin and Range taphrogen (SMO, Paleogene
magmatic arc remnant in the Sierra Madre Occidental). Active Neogene strike-slip faults (red lines): FW, Fairweather; Ga, Garlock; QC,
Queen Charlotte; SA, San Andreas. Offshore triple plate junctions: MTJ, Mendocino (FFT); RTJ, Rivera (RTF); TTJ, Tofino (RTF). Slab-
window magmatism (near the coastal transform systems): CCR, California Coast Ranges (28–0 Ma); KMA, Queen Charlotte Islands
(46–17 Ma). Backarc lava fields (erupted inland from main Cordilleran arc trend): CHC, Chilcotin (14–6 Ma); CRP, Columbia River
Plateau (17–8 Ma); NCP, Northern Cordilleran Province (8–0 Ma); OMP, Oregon-Modoc Plateau (17–7 Ma); SRP, Snake River Plain (16–0
Ma). See Figure 5 for geographic legend.
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Chapter 6: “A synthesis of the Jurassic–Cretaceous tectonic evolution of the central and

southeastern Canadian Cordillera: Exploring links across the orogen” (Evenchick et al.), in
SPE433: Whence the Mountains? Inquiries into the Evolution of Orogenic Systems: A
Volume in Honor of Raymond A. Price (Sears, Harms, and Evenchick, eds.)

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The Geological Society of America
Special Paper 433

A synthesis of the Jurassic–Cretaceous tectonic evolution

of the central and southeastern Canadian Cordillera:
Exploring links across the orogen

Carol A. Evenchick*
Geological Survey of Canada, 625 Robson Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 5J3, Canada

Margaret E. McMechan*
Geological Survey of Canada, 3303 33rd Street NW, Calgary, Alberta T2L 2A7, Canada

Vicki J. McNicoll*
Geological Survey of Canada, 601 Booth Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E8, Canada

Sharon D. Carr*
Ottawa-Carleton Geoscience Centre, Department of Earth Sciences, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B6, Canada


Restoration of tectonic elements in the central interior of the Canadian Cordillera

southward to their paleogeographic position in the Mesozoic permits comparison of
data across the active orogen, recognition of the interplay between coeval lithospheric
thickening and basin evolution, and new constraints on models of tectonic evolu-
tion. The onset of Middle Jurassic clastic sedimentation in the Bowser basin, on the
west side of the Jurassic orogen, occurred in response to accretionary events farther
inboard. Shortening and thickening of the crust between the Alberta foreland basin
on the east side of the Jurassic orogen and Bowser basin on the west side resulted in
an Omineca highland between the two basins and lithospheric loading that influenced
their Late Jurassic–Cretaceous sedimentation. The provenance of detritus in these
basins, and in the Late Cretaceous Sustut basin on the east side of the Bowser basin,
reveals migration of drainage divides in the intervening Omineca highland through
time. Synchronous and compatible tectonic events within the basins and evolving
accretionary orogen, and in rocks of the Stikine terrane and the western margin of
North America, suggest that they were kinematically connected above a lower-crust
detachment, beginning in the Middle Jurassic. The Coast belt was part of this wide,
dynamically linked bivergent orogen from the mid-Cretaceous to earliest Cenozoic,

*E-mails: Evenchick: [email protected]; McMechan: mmcmecha@nrcan.; McNicoll: [email protected]; Carr: [email protected].

Evenchick, C.A., McMechan, M.E., McNicoll, V.J., and Carr, S.D., 2007, A synthesis of the Jurassic–Cretaceous tectonic evolution of the central and southeastern
Canadian Cordillera: Exploring links across the orogen, in Sears, J.W., Harms, T.A., and Evenchick, C.A., eds., Whence the Mountains? Inquiries into the Evolu-
tion of Orogenic Systems: A Volume in Honor of Raymond A. Price: Geological Society of America Special Paper 433, p. 117–145, doi: 10.1130/2007.2433(06).
For permission to copy, contact [email protected]. ©2007 The Geological Society of America. All rights reserved.

118 Evenchick et al.

and the lower-crust detachment rooted near the active plate margin. Nested within
the orogen, the east-vergent thin-skinned Skeena fold belt, equivalent in scale to the
Rocky Mountain fold-and-thrust belt, was also linked to the detachment system.

Keywords: Canadian Cordillera, tectonic evolution, Bowser basin, Alberta foreland

basin, Sustut basin, Omineca belt.

INTRODUCTION foreland fold-and-thrust belt. A second detachment rooted

in the Coast belt rose eastward to relatively high structural
The relationships among basin evolution, fold-and-thrust belt levels, forming the basal detachment of the east-vergent
development, and thermotectonic evolution of core zones provide Skeena fold-and-thrust belt nested in the interior of the
insight into progressive stages of orogenesis. The dynamic link orogen—a fold belt that matches the classic Rocky Mountain
between these realms also provides a basis for geodynamic mod- fold-and-thrust belt (Foreland belt and eastern Omineca belt)
eling and feedback for understanding orogen-scale processes. in width and magnitude of horizontal shortening.
The southeast Canadian Cordillera is an excellent example. In this paper, we include a synthesis of the depositional
The Late Jurassic through earliest Cenozoic inter-relationships and structural histories of the two major Mesozoic basins, the
among the northeasterly vergent thin-skinned fold-and-thrust belt Bowser and Sustut basins (Fig. 1), that formed west of the site
of the Foreland belt (Fig. 1) on the east side of the Cordilleran of initial accretionary orogenesis now preserved in the south-
orogen, the synorogenic Alberta foreland basin deposits within ern Omineca belt. The Bowser basin is a largely marine basin
and east of the Foreland belt, and the internal core zone of the that formed the Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous western
Omineca belt are relatively well understood (Bally et al., 1966; continental margin of North America during and following
Price and Mountjoy, 1970; Price, 1973, 1981; Brown et al., the accretion of its basement, Stikinia (Stikine terrane), to the
1986; McMechan and Thompson, 1989; Fermor and Moffat, North American plate (e.g., Evenchick and Thorkelson, 2005,
1992; Beaumont et al., 1993). Studies have associated part of and references therein). The Sustut basin was the site of Late
their evolution to accretion of terranes in the western Omineca Cretaceous nonmarine, synorogenic clastic sedimentation con-
and eastern Intermontane belts during westward underthrusting fined between, and sourced from, the evolving Skeena fold belt
of the North American plate (e.g., Cant and Stockmal, 1989; on the west and the Omineca highland on the east (Eisbacher,
Brown et al., 1992a; Price, 1994; Brown and Gibson, 2006; 1974a, 1985; Evenchick, 1991a). Previous work of Ricketts
Carr and Simony, 2006). However, analyses commonly extend et al. (1992) has shown how early subsidence and sedimentation
only as far west as the easternmost of the accreted terranes on in the Bowser basin in the latest Early Jurassic or early Middle
the west side of the Omineca belt, and relationships of orogenic Jurassic in the central Intermontane belt was related to south-
processes in the Foreland and Omineca belts to those of the Inter- west thrusting of Cache Creek terrane (Fig. 1) over Stikinia,
montane and Coast belts farther west have not been explored, nor and that these events were contemporaneous with southwest-
have their implications for tectonic evolution of the Cordillera directed thrust faults in the southern Omineca belt. Eisbacher
as a whole. (1981, 1985) included the depositional and structural history
New understanding of exhumed mid-crustal rocks exposed of the basins west of the Omineca belt in a synthesis of deposi-
in core zones of the Canadian Cordillera (Coast and Omineca tional patterns across the Cordillera. We build on these works,
belts, Fig. 1) and of depositional and structural histories of the using data and interpretations from more than 20 yr of research
sedimentary basins that flank them, in particular the Bowser, since Eisbacher’s analysis, to examine the relationships between
Sustut, and Alberta foreland basins (Fig. 1), is used herein to Mesozoic depositional and structural events across the orogen.
illustrate links between the major tectonic elements of the oro- The geological history of the Bowser basin is of fundamental
gen. One result is a tectonic reconstruction in which the entire importance to our understanding of the tectonic development
width of the orogen is kinematically linked throughout the Meso- of the Cordilleran orogen because it contains the earliest depo-
zoic–early Cenozoic (Fig. 2). It evolved from a predominantly sitional record in response to mid-Mesozoic terrane accretion
west-verging “small-cold” (Beaumont et al., 2006) accretionary in the Canadian Cordillera, as well as the record of continued
orogen, ~300 km wide in the Middle Jurassic (Fig. 2A), into an lithospheric response to Jurassic–Cretaceous development
~1000-km-wide “large-hot” (Beaumont et al., 2006) bivergent of the thickening orogen between the Bowser basin and the
orogen in the mid-Cretaceous (Fig. 2B). By the mid-Cretaceous, Alberta foreland basin; in this regard, the Bowser basin is the
an unusual geometry developed with two major detachment sys- western counterpart to the Alberta foreland basin. Also critical
tems (Figs. 2B and 2C). A lower-crust detachment system extend- to a regional tectonic analysis is the role of the Skeena fold belt,
ing across the entire orogen rooted near the active plate margin a thin-skinned fold-and-thrust belt that deformed Bowser and
and joined the western magmatic convergent belt (Coast belt) to Sustut strata at the same time as horizontal shortening occurred
the eastern front of deformation in the thin-skinned, east-vergent at all structural levels in the Coast and Omineca belts and at
Links across the Canadian Cordillera 119

upper-crustal levels in the Foreland belt (Evenchick, 1991a).

The site of the Bowser basin evolved from a region of marine
deposition on the western margin of the continent in the Juras-
sic, to a region of significant horizontal shortening in the inte-
rior of the orogen during the Cretaceous, as well as localized
64 o FO Late Cretaceous sedimentation in the Sustut basin. The Bowser
14 RE and Sustut basins are thus keystones bridging the eastern and
4 o
ND western parts of the Cordilleran orogen.
Data used as a basis for the synthesis presented here

include: (1) integrated structural and geochronologic studies in


the Omineca belt (O1–O10 in Table 1, and references therein),


which reveal the diachronous nature of thermotectonic events


at different structural levels, the evolution of structural geom-

etry, and the role of metamorphism and plutonism in orogenic
processes; (2) similar types of studies of the Coast belt, which
have increased our knowledge of its Mesozoic tectonic evolu-

tion, and its association with the Intermontane belt (e.g., Craw-

13 KS


57 o
F ford et al., 1987; Rubin et al., 1990; Rusmore et al., 2001); (3)
60 o

H a refined stratigraphic and structural framework for the Alberta

areas foreland basin and Foreland belt (e.g., Mossop and Shetsen,


1994) and a new understanding of foreland basin provenance


in text
based on detrital zircon geochronology and isotope geochem-
54 1o 34 istry (e.g., Ross et al., 2005); (4) mapping and interpretation

of lithofacies assemblages across the Bowser basin, which


part of Foreland
illustrate the distribution of depositional environments (e.g.,

and Omineca
belts represented Evenchick et al., 2006); (5) integration of the depositional


by Figure 3
environments with fossil ages, resulting in the first paleonto-


logically constrained depositional history for the Bowser basin




(Evenchick et al., 2001; revised herein); (6) revision of the age


A-G of Cretaceous Sustut basin strata (A. Sweet, in Evenchick et al.,


2001); (7) detrital zircon geochronology studies of the Bowser




and Sustut basins, which refine our knowledge of the evolution



of source areas (McNicoll et al., 2005); (8) recognition of at


48 o128 o least 160 km of horizontal shortening in the Skeena fold belt

(Evenchick, 1991a, 1991b, 2001); and (9) refined estimates of
500 km the timing and magnitude of Mesozoic–early Cenozoic dextral
12 o
48 o 0
transcurrent faults east of the Bowser basin (Gabrielse, 1985;
ANCESTRAL NORTH AMERICA Bowser Basin Gabrielse et al., 2006).
TERRANES Sustut Basin This paper begins with a review the geology of the
Displaced continental margin Coast Belt
and pericratonic terranes morphogeological belts of the Canadian Cordillera (Fig. 1)
Accreted terranes belt boundary with emphasis on Middle Jurassic to early Cenozoic evolution
Intermontane terranes A
location of geology (Fig. 3; Table 1 provides sources of information). The focus
Slide Mountain transect in Figure 6H
Quesnellia+Harper Ranch/
and eastern 6A-G is on a transect across the Cordillera that predates transcurrent
Klinkit major faults east of faulting, wherein the Bowser and Sustut basins are restored to
Cache Creek the Bowser Basin:
their probable site of formation adjacent to Omineca and Fore-
Stikinia CF-Cassiar; FF-Finlay; IF-
Ingenika; KF-Kechika; KSF- land belt rocks in the southeast Canadian Cordillera. We sum-
Insular terranes (undivided
Alexander, Wrangellia, Taku, King Salmon; KuF-Kutcho; marize the stratigraphy and depositional and structural histories
Nisling terranes; Mesozoic NRMT-northern Rocky
to Paleocene accretionary Mountain Trench; PF-Pinchi; of the Bowser and Sustut basins (Fig. 3), including new prove-
complexes) TaF-Takla; ThF-Thibert; TF- nance data from detrital zircon studies (Fig. 4). The next section
Windy-McKinley contains descriptions of the events occurring across the orogen
in a series of successive “time slices,” focusing on timing of
Figure 1. Morphogeological belts and major terranes of the Canadian
Cordillera, locations of the Bowser and Sustut basins, major strike- basin initiation and sedimentation, deformation, magmatism,
slip faults east of these basins, and outlines of areas discussed in text and metamorphism. These events are illustrated by paleogeo-
(modified from Wheeler and McFeely, 1991; Colpron et al., 2006). graphic maps (Fig. 5) and transorogen cross sections (Fig. 6).
C latest Cretaceous–early Eocene (~70–50 Ma)
upper mid- to upper mid- to upper upper crust
crust is site crust is site upper to mid-crust is site of crust is site is site of
of future of future future Intermontane Belt of future future
Insular Belt Coast Belt Omineca Belt Foreland Belt

Omineca highland
Skeena Fold Belt (deformed continued to supply
Sustut Basin, Bowser Basin sediment to the east
and Stikinia strata) and west Rocky Mountain Fold
and Thrust Belt

0 0


50 3x vertical exaggeration 50

western Stikinia consumed by

role of shallow and deep detachments as stated in B. Sustut Basin now also
partial melting in magmatic arc deformed by Skeena Fold Belt (compare with B, below).

B mid-Cretaceous (~112–100 Ma) Omineca highland: continued eastward

translation and exhumation of ductile core
Skeena Fold Belt (deformed results in sustained highland source area
Bowser Basin and Stikinia strata) with sediment shed to the east and west
crustal thickening
and magmatism at site initial foreland fold and thrust belt structures
of future Coast Belt Early Cretaceous Sustut
synorogenic basin Basin Alberta Foreland Basin
(western source)

Far km
al l o
at 50
deep detachment links active plate margin to Omineca and Foreland Belt deformation and dextral faults
shallow detachment nested in the interior accommodates shortening in the Bowser Basin and the upper part of Stikinia

A Late Middle Jurassic, Bathonian/Callovian (~168–161 Ma)

Omineca highland: structurally thickened region with high topography comprising North
American (N Am.) continental crust, distal N Am. strata, and terranes that were obducted
eastward onto distal N Am. in the Pliensbachian–Toarcian (187–174 Ma), and westward onto
Stikinia in the Aalenian-Bajocian (176–168 Ma). Eastward translation and internal deformation
and peak metamorphism of deep structural levels (Omineca core) in the Bathonian-Callovian.
Sediment shed west from the initial Aalenian-Bajocian highland is preserved in the Bowser
Basin; of sediment shed eastward, only local Bathonian strata are preserved.
western extent of Cache Creek (oceanic) terrane obducted east-directed structures were overprinted by west-
Stikinia extrapolated onto Stikinia (Aalenian–Bajocian) directed structures in the early Middle Jurassic; and
from present exposure by both directions concurrently in the Bathonian/Callov.
of Stikinia west of the early Bowser Basin coarse
Bowser Basin Western Canada Sedimentary Basin prior
clastic marine deposition to major influx of sediment from the west
(started in Bajocian)
0 0

3x vertical km

50 50
100 km

Pre-Middle Jurassic Middle Jurassic and younger

North American craton Sustut Basin sedimentary transport
strata deposited on cratonic North America Alberta Foreland Basin direction; sources of clasts
are indicated by regions
pericratonic terranes Bowser Basin directly under arrow
Quesnellia and Slide Mountain terranes thrust fault
Cache Creek Terrane strike slip fault (dextral)
Stikinia; Stikinia incorporated into Coast Belt
Coast Belt; composed of intrusions (orange),
Insular Belt terranes, and Stikinia and Bowser
Basin strata west of present exposures
Links across the Canadian Cordillera 121

Figure 2. Generalized cross sections illustrate tectonic elements and Foreland Belt in British Columbia and Alberta
key events during the Mesozoic to early Cenozoic evolution of the
southern Canadian Cordillera, from a narrow accretionary orogen
The Foreland belt is composed of Proterozoic to early Meso-
(A) to a wide orogen with two major detachment systems (B, C). The
lower detachment system links structural elements across the entire zoic continental-margin strata of the Western Canada sedimentary
Cordillera. The upper detachment is the sole fault of the Skeena fold basin and of Mesozoic synorogenic strata of the Alberta foreland
belt nested within the interior of the orogen. The Skeena fold belt is basin, the part of the Western Canada sedimentary basin that had
similar in width, magnitude of shortening, and timing of formation to the uplifting Cordillera as its main source (e.g., Stott and Aitken,
the Rocky Mountain fold-and-thrust belt. Note that zones of penetra-
1993; Mossop and Shetsen, 1994). In the Foreland belt south of
tive ductile strain are not depicted on the cross sections; please see text
and Table 1 for documentation of structural style, particularly in the 58°N, west-derived sediments—a signal of emergence of a west-
Omineca and Coast belts. ern source—first appear in the Oxfordian (F1 in Fig. 3; Table 1),
except in the most southwestern part of the basin, where there is
evidence for a western source in the Bajocian (Stronach, 1984).
A major break in foreland basin sedimentation occurred in the
Hauterivian to early Aptian, with a long period of pedimentation
Our purposes are to identify coeval and tectonically compatible (Cadomin conglomerates; White and Leckie, 1999) and develop-
events that illustrate linkages across the orogen and to use these ment of a low-angle unconformity with a stratigraphic separation
as a basis for discussing its tectonic evolution. that increases to the east (F3 in Fig. 3; Table 1). Clast composi-
tion and heavy mineral studies indicate that between 53°N and
GEOLOGICAL SETTING 57°N, western source areas for most of the coarse clastic units
of the uppermost Jurassic to the Turonian include volcanic, plu-
The Canadian Cordillera (Fig. 1) is an amalgam of: (1) tonic, and medium-grade metamorphic rocks (McMechan and
predominantly sedimentary deposits formed on and adjacent to Thompson, 1993, and references therein). In contrast, south of
the continental margin of ancestral North America, referred to 53°N, clast and heavy mineral studies, detrital zircon studies, and
herein as the craton margin; (2) terranes made mostly of arc and isotope geochemistry indicate that the western source areas were
oceanic rocks that evolved separately early in their histories and limited to low-grade metasedimentary rocks of the Omineca belt
subsequently became part of the Cordilleran “collage” (Coney or the Foreland belt (McMechan and Thompson, 1993, and refer-
et al., 1980; Gabrielse and Yorath, 1991); and (3) supracrustal ences therein; Ross et al., 2005). Exceptions are in Kimmeridgian
rocks deposited in basins during and after terrane accretion. The strata, where detrital mica indicates a metasedimentary source,
five morphogeological belts of the Canadian Cordillera reflect and in Albian strata, which have clasts of Intermontane belt vol-
both geological history and physiography (Gabrielse et al., 1991; canic and intrusive rocks (McMechan and Thompson, 1993, and
Fig. 1). The major zones of terrane amalgamation and accretion references therein; Ross et al., 2005). Significant sediment accu-
coincide with the metamorphic-plutonic Omineca and Coast mulation and basin subsidence occurred in the western Alberta
belts (Monger et al., 1982). These are flanked by belts of little foreland basin during the Kimmeridgian to Valanginian (section
metamorphosed or relatively low-grade sedimentary, volcanic, up to 4 km thick; F2, Fig. 3), and over a broader area during
and plutonic rocks that form the Foreland, Intermontane, and the Campanian through Paleocene (section over 5 km thick;
Insular belts. The Foreland belt contains strata deposited on the F5 in Fig. 3; Table 1).
ancient cratonal margin of North America, whereas the Inter- Contractional thin-skinned structures of the Foreland belt are
montane and Insular belts coincide largely with the accreted kinematically linked to structures in the polydeformed and meta-
terranes. In addition, there are syn- and postaccretion successions morphosed Omineca belt and are essentially structurally continuous
that were deformed into fold-and-thrust belts of Cretaceous to with them south of 53°N (McDonough and Simony, 1988; Kubli
early Cenozoic age. The principal period of accretion of terranes and Simony, 1994). Deformation of the foreland fold-and-thrust
of the Intermontane belt to North America was in Early to Middle belt generally progressed from west to east and accommodated up
Jurassic (e.g., Gabrielse and Yorath, 1991). The timing of accre- to 200 km of horizontal shortening (Bally et al., 1966; Price and
tion of Insular belt terranes to those farther inboard was either in Mountjoy, 1970; Price, 1981; Fermor and Moffat, 1992). Struc-
the Jurassic or earlier (e.g., van der Heyden, 1992; McClelland tures near the western margin of the Foreland belt formed prior to
et al., 1992), or in the Cretaceous (Monger et al., 1982). Dur- ca. 108 Ma near 50°N (Larson et al., 2004) and ca. 100–112 Ma
ing and following amalgamation, there was significant orogen- near 53°N (F4 in Fig. 3; McDonough and Simony, 1988). Faults
parallel displacement on transcurrent faults within or marginal in the east deform the youngest preserved strata (upper Paleocene
to the metamorphic-plutonic belts. Faults were dextral in and near 53°N; Demchuk, 1990), and contractional deformation con-
bordering the Omineca and Coast belts from mid-Cretaceous to tinued into the Eocene (Kalkreuth and McMechan, 1996). Most
early Cenozoic (e.g., Gabrielse, 1991a; Gabrielse et al., 2006). of the shortening of the southern Foreland belt occurred after the
Prior to that, sinistral displacement of uncertain magnitude is Turonian (younger than 89 Ma), concurrent with strike-slip fault-
inferred for the Early Cretaceous rocks outboard of the Bowser ing on the northern Rocky Mountain–Tintina fault system (Fig. 1;
basin (Evenchick, 2001, and references therein). Price, 1994; Gabrielse et al., 2006).

Intermontane Belt Omineca Belt Foreland Belt

Fig. 3 Event Timing Reference Fig. 3 Event Timing Reference Fig. 3 Event Timing Reference
code code code

O10 Penetrative high strain at Eocene Parrish et al. F5 Rapid, coarse Late Price and
the deepest structural (1988); Gibson et clastic Campanian– Mountjoy
levels (e.g., Thor-Odin al. (1999); sedimentation Early (1970); Price
dome; Frenchman Cap, in Crowley et al. (100 m/m.y.); Eocene (ca. (1981); Stott
part); transition from (2000); Hinchey dominant 77–53 Ma) and Aitken
transpressional to (2005, and Foreland belt (1993);
transtensional tectonics in references source; major McMechan
Middle Eocene. therein) period of and
deformation with Thompson
I6 Initiation of Late Eisbacher O9 South of 52°N: Late Carr (1992);
deformation front (1993, and
coarse clastic Campanian to (1974a); Penetrative Cretaceous– Scammell
migrating references
deposition in Early Evenchick polydeformation and Paleocene (1993); Crowley
eastward across therein);
Sustut basin Maastrichtian, and metamorphism (e.g., and Parrish
Front Ranges and Ross et al.
(Campanian) (ca. 74–68 Thorkelson eastern Selkirk fan, (1999); Gibson et
Foothills. (2005)
and continued Ma) (2005); Selkirk allochthon north al. (1999);
deformation in MicNicoll of Monashee Complex; Johnston et al.
Skeena fold belt (2005, mid-crustal zone south of (2000, and
to affect personal Thor-Odin), crystalline references
youngest Sustut commun.); nappes carried on ductile therein); Gibson
rocks McNicoll et al. shear zones (e.g., (2003); Kuiper
(Maastrichtian). (2005, 2006) Gwillim Creek shear (2003); Williams
Sources same zone in Valhalla and Jiang (2005);
as in I5, but Complex); zones of high Carr and Simony
includes strain (e.g., Monashee (2006); Brown
deposition of décollement in and Gibson
tuff. Frenchman Cap dome). (2006, and
I5 First deposition late Early Eisbacher O8 Purcell thrust system Mid-Cretaceous Archibald et al. F4 Northeast-directed 110–100 Ma McDonough
of easterly Cretaceous (1974a); (post-Bearfoot and pre–ca. 93 Ma (1983); P.S. thrust faulting in (Albian) and Simony
derived (Albian; ca. Evenchick et related thrusts and pre– Simony (2005, westernmost (1988, and
metamorphic 112–110 Ma) al. (2001); Horsethief Creek personal Foreland belt near references
clasts, clasts of Evenchick batholith). commun.) 53°N; cooling of therein)
cratonic North and O7 Emplacement of Malton late Early McDonough and Yellowjacket
American Thorkelson gneiss basement cored Cretaceous Simony (1988, gneiss ca. 110
lithologies, and (2005); V.J. nappes via Bearfoot and and references Ma, and 100 Ma
detrital zircons of MicNicholl related ductile thrusts therein); Digel et deformation thrust
Proterozoic age (2005, (post–140–126 Ma as al. (1998); faults immediately
(Sustut basin). personal isograds [O6] deflected; Crowley et al. to east.
commun.); pre– or syn–ca. 110 Ma (2000, and
McNicoll et al. cooling of Yellowjacket references
(2005, 2006) gneiss and 100 Ma therein)
deformation thrust faults
in Foreland belt
immediately to east).

Intermontane Belt Omineca Belt Foreland Belt

Fig. 3 Event Timing Reference Fig. 3 Event Timing Reference Fig. 3 Event Timing Reference
code code code

I4 Development of early Early to Evenchick et O6 Penetrative throughout the Parrish (1995); F3 Major period of Hauterivian to Stott and
piggyback basin middle Early al. (2001); polydeformation and Late Jurassic, Currie (1988); pedimentation; Early Aptian Aitken
within Skeena Cretaceous Evenchick metamorphism in the Early Scammell (1993); development of (ca. 136–110 (1993);
fold belt signals (ca. 145–135 and Cariboo, Monashee and Cretaceous, Digel et al. (1998); low-angle Ma) Stott
end of solely Ma) Thorkelson Selkirk mountains (51.5– and Late Crowley et al. unconformity with (1998);
east-derived (2005); V.J. 52.5°N latitude). Near Cretaceous (2000); Reid stratigraphic White and
sedimentation McNicoll line represented by Fig. (2003, and separation Leckie
and is probably (2006, 3: southeastward references increasing (1999)
a record of early personal imbrication of basement therein); Gibson eastward except
Skeena fold belt commun.) slices at depth with SW- (2003) in westernmost
deformation. verging folds and faults Foreland basin.
at higher levels (e.g.,
Hobson Lake area); fold
fans (e.g., Ozalenka
fan). South of 52°N and
at deep structural levels:
generally NE-verging
poly-deformation and
high-strain zones (e.g.,
Scammell, 1993).
O5 Penetrative ca. 143–126 Parrish (1995);
polydeformation and deformation; Currie (1988)
metamorphism—Allan ca. 135 Ma
Creek area, Cariboo metamorphism
I3 Transition to Jurassic- Evenchick et O4 SW-verging penetrative ca. 147 Ma Reid (2003, and F2 Rapid, west Kimmeridgian- Poulton
nonmarine Cretaceous al. (2001); deformation and syntectonic references (Omineca Valanginian (1989);
conditions boundary (ca. Evenchick metamorphism—eastern metamorphism therein) highland) derived (ca. 156–136 Poulton et
across central 145 Ma) and Hobson Lake area, sedimentation (to Ma) al. (1993,
and southern Thorkelson Cariboo Mountains. 100 m/m.y.); 1994b);
Bowser basin (2005); Smith shallowing- and Stott and
(no record in and Mustard coarsening-up Aitken
southwest). (2006); V.J. sequence in (1993);
McNicoll Upper Jurassic. Stott et al.
(2005, (1993);
personal Stott
commun.) (1998)

Intermontane Belt Omineca Belt Foreland Belt

Fig. 3 Event Timing Reference Fig. 3 Event Timing Reference Fig. 3 Event Timing Reference
code code code

I2 Rapid westward Late Jurassic Evenchick O3 Onset and/or formation of (3a) 173–164 Archibald et al. F1 First regional Oxfordian Poulton
migration of (Oxfordian/ et al. significant architecture of Ma in (1983); Gerasimoff subsidence and (post–Early (1984,
facies belts in Kimmeridgian; (2001); major structures such as Kootenay arc & (1988); Struik thick W-derived Oxfordian (ca. 1989);
the Bowser ca. 157–151 Ma) Evenchick SW-verging folds, fold Purcell (1988); Brown et (Omineca 158–156 Ma) Poulton et
basin. and fans, belts of NE-verging anticlinorium; al. (1992b); highland) al. (1993,
Thorkelson folds & faults. Peak of >167 Ma Parrish (1995); sediments; 1994b);
(2005) metamorphism ca. 165– Selkirk Fan Warren (1997); overlies thin, Stott
160 Ma (biotite-grade (3b) 174–162 Colpron et al. craton-derived, (1998)
Hobson Lake, Scrip Ma in Cariboo (1998); Gibson basal
Nappe). Mountains (2003); Reid transgressive
(2003, and sandstone.
I1 At least 3 km Middle Jurassic Evenchick references F0 Time- Callovian- Poulton
deposition in (Bathonian to et al. therein); Brown transgressive Oxfordian (ca. (1984);
Bowser basin early Oxfordian; (2001); and Gibson (2006, erosive 164–160 Ma) Poulton et
focused in ca. 168–158 Ma) Evenchick and references disconformity at al. (1993,
northeast trough. and therein) base of Alberta 1994b)
Thorkelson foreland basin
(2005). succession.
I0 First east-derived early Middle Gabrielse O2 Southwest-verging thrusts onset by 175 Parrish and
sediment from Jurassic (1991b); and isoclinal recumbent Ma Wheeler (1983);
the Cache Creek (Aalenian/ Ricketts et folds south of 51°N. Klepacki (1985);
terrane Bajocian; ca. al. (1992); Smith et al.
deposited on 176–168 Ma) Mihalynuk (1992); Warren
Stikinia is the et al. (1997); Colpron et
initial coarse (2004) al. (1996, 1998);
clastic Gibson (2003);
deposition in Reid (2003)
Bowser basin.
exhumation of
Cache Creek.
O1 Obduction of Slide ca. <187 Ma, Tipper (1984);
Mountain and Quesnellia 187–173 Ma Parrish and
terranes onto North Wheeler (1983);
America pericratonic Murphy et al.
terranes (e.g., Eureka, (1995, and
Pundata, Stubbs, Waneta references
faults and related therein); Beatty et
structures). al. (2006)
Links across the Canadian Cordillera 125

Southern Omineca Belt wedge” model (Price, 1986; Struik, 1988; Murphy, 1989; Colpron
et al., 1998) in which basement slices or ramps acted as wedges
The southern Omineca belt is composed of predominantly resulting in the formation of large-scale southwest-vergent struc-
Proterozoic to Paleozoic supracrustal rocks formed on or near tures in the detached and deforming overlying supracrustal rocks.
the cratonal margin of North America as well as late Paleozoic Alternative models to explain the southwest-vergent Middle Juras-
and early Mesozoic rocks of the most inboard accreted terranes. sic structures, based on development of a retro-wedge geometry
These rocks were polydeformed and metamorphosed during and above a subduction zone (Brown et al., 1993; Brown and Gibson,
following their Early to Middle Jurassic (ca. 187–174 Ma) accre- 2006), are incompatible with timing and geometry of structures
tion (O1 in Table 1), and some structural levels were reactivated documented within the wedge, and the westward location of the
and overprinted through the Jurassic, Cretaceous, Paleocene, magmatic arc and subduction zone relative to the position of
and early Eocene (Table 1; Fig. 3). Protoliths are: (1) Paleo- deforming rocks (cf. Colpron et al., 1998). In the Late Jurassic and
proterozoic basement exposed in structural culminations of the Early Cretaceous, progressive deformation and metamorphism
Monashee Complex and as imbricated thrust slices in the Malton continued in the Omineca belt (O4 and O5 in Table 1), and the
Complex; (2) Mesoproterozoic to Paleozoic supracrustal rocks foreland became progressively more involved, thus expanding the
deposited on the western cratonal margin of North America; deforming highland and locus of thickening northeastward relative
(3) lower Paleozoic sedimentary, volcanic, and igneous rocks to the craton. In the Early Cretaceous, the lower structural levels
of the pericratonic Kootenay terrane that formed on or adjacent of west-verging fold systems and related higher-level fold fans in
to the North American margin; (4) Permian volcanic and ultra- the southern Omineca belt were reactivated and tightened during
mafic rocks of the oceanic Slide Mountain terrane; (5) Triassic greenschist- and amphibolite-facies metamorphism, and sheets of
to Lower Jurassic volcanic and sedimentary arc-related rocks basement and cover rocks of the Malton Complex were imbricated
of Quesnellia; (6) ca. 175–159 Ma calc-alkaline plutons of the by northeast-vergent structures (O6 in Fig. 3). By the end of the
Kuskanax and Nelson Suites; and (7) ca. 110–90 Ma granites Albian, the rocks at the latitude of discussion were being cooled
of the Bayonne Suite. South of 51°N, Paleocene–Eocene pera- and exhumed. However, more deeply exhumed rocks, now exposed
luminous leucogranites occur in high-grade rocks exhumed from south of 52°N, record zones of ductile moderate to extreme strain,
the mid-crust. The youngest rocks, middle Eocene intrusions of folding, and transposition, indicating that mid-Cretaceous–Eocene
the syenitic Coryell Suite, coincide with the locus of significant strain partitioning at deep structural levels in the Omineca belt was
Eocene east-west extension. concomitant with northeastward propagation of deformation and
Although there is a record of Paleozoic interaction of offshore thin-skinned shortening in the Foreland belt (O9, O10 in Fig. 3).
terranes with the western margin of North America (cf. Klepacki,
1985), and there is debate about the tectonic setting and paleogeog- Central Intermontane Belt
raphy of the margin (cf. Thompson et al., 2006), our focus is tec-
tonism related to the Late Triassic to Middle Jurassic obduction of Most of the central Intermontane belt is underlain by Stikinia
terranes, and subsequent shortening and thickening of the orogen. (Fig. 1), a terrane composed of volcano-plutonic arc assemblages
Obduction of the Quesnellia and Slide Mountain terranes starting of Devonian to Permian, Late Triassic, and Early Jurassic to early
at ca. 187 Ma was accommodated by crustal shortening, as docu- Middle Jurassic age (e.g., Monger and Nokleberg, 1996, and ref-
mented by folding and northeast-directed thrust faulting at low- erences therein). These strata exhibit a range of styles of defor-
grade metamorphic conditions, and this resulted in over 40 km of mation, and metamorphism from subgreenschist to greenschist
overlap of these terranes onto North American rocks (O1 in Table 1; facies. The Cache Creek terrane, in the eastern Intermontane
Fig. 3). In the Middle Jurassic, shortening and thickening was belt (Fig. 1), is an accretionary complex of rocks formed in
accommodated by west-verging faults and fold systems, includ- oceanic environments, with lesser volcanic arc strata. Rocks of
ing regional-scale isoclinal folds with limbs tens of kilometers oceanic affinity are Mississippian to Early Jurassic (Toarcian) in
long (e.g., Scrip Nappe; Raeside and Simony, 1983; O2 in Table 1; age and contain Permian Tethyan fauna that indicate an origin far
Fig. 3). In the central Omineca belt, southwest-verging struc- from the North American craton margin (e.g., Struik et al., 2001).
tures continued to form in the west (Schiarizza and Preto, 1987; The structural style of Cache Creek terrane is dominated by
Reid, 2003; Fig. 3). Elsewhere, upright folds, northeast-verging southwest-vergent fold-and-thrust fault systems, superimposed in
fold systems, regional fan structures, and northeast-directed thrust places on chaotic disrupted structures, and locally overprinted by
faults were superimposed on the southwest-verging nappes (O3 in northeast-verging fold systems (e.g., Gabrielse, 1991b; Struik et al.,
Table 1; Fig. 3). Deformation was accompanied by regional green- 2001; Mihalynuk et al., 2004). In the northern segment (Fig. 1),
schist-facies metamorphism, with some amphibolite-facies assem- the Cache Creek terrane structurally overlies Stikinia, and locally
blages indicating that the crustal thickness was ~50–55 km (Table Bowser basin strata, along the southwest-directed King Salmon
1; Archibald et al., 1983; Colpron et al., 1996; Warren, 1997), or fault (KSF, Fig. 1; e.g., Gabrielse, 1991b). In the southern segment
greater, and that this pulse of metamorphism reached its peak in (Fig. 1), the western accretionary boundary of Cache Creek terrane
the Middle Jurassic and was followed by rapid exhumation in the with Stikinia is obscured. In both segments, the eastern bound-
Middle Jurassic (O3 in Table 1). We follow the blind “tectonic aries of Cache Creek terrane with Quesnellia are Cretaceous and
Insular Belt Coast Belt central Intermontane Belt southern Omineca Belt W Foreland Belt (52-54°N) E
W E SW NE Main Ranges Front Ranges Foothills
Plutonic Suites-
named below

few outliers of early Tertiary strata M 10 FB,IB

60 Ma preserved; all are on the Ladybird

southeast margin of Bowser Basin F5 FB,IB
Maastrichtian M BB CC,ST,QN,OB M FB
Campanian folding, BB CC,ST,QN,OB O2 FB

N of 53o30’
80 Ma thrust BB CC,ST,QN,OB M FB
Santonian faulting BB CC,ST,QN,OB

Coniacian of BB Sustut
Turonian Bowser Basin M FB, OB
Cenomanian Basin BB CC,ST,QN,OB FB, OB

if sediment shed east from

CB, was not preserved in BB
MM strata
Albian Bayonne

primarily nonmarine I5 CC,ST,QN,OB O5
sed’n to Cenomanian, BB,OB CC,ST,QN,OB
Alberta Foreland Basin

preserved in southern OB

accretion with
Belt terranes,
or tightening of
Aptian Bowser Basin only
120 Ma M OB
Bowser Basin CC,ST,QN,BB?
Barremian ??

Hauterivian BB O5 OB
Valanginian O3a O4 OB, SM?
140 Ma OB, OB, IB? CR
Berriasian CC,ST,QN,BB?
Tithonian OB, OB CR
Kimmeridgian OB, OB CR

Oxfordian CC,ST,QN CR
Callovian Bowser Basin CC,ST,QN M F0
Bathonian I1 CC,ST,QN M O3a
Bajocian CC,ST,QN M M CR


Toarcian 180 and Nelson

paleolatitude of Mesozoic and older
terranes and their association with
the Intermontane terranes is
uncertain; not depicted herein
Early Cretaceous and older events of the
Coast Belt are not depicted because of
the uncertainty of their paleolatitude and
therefore association with adjacent
Intermontane Belt events
Pliensbachian ?
Sedimentation most important events Arrows and fold vergence
nonmarine clastic volcanogenic rocks thrust faulting (see Table 1) symbols facing to the right or left
deltaic clastic fold/thrust belt structures indicate easterly or westerly
conglomeratic deposits strike-slip faulting transport, respectively.
shallow shelf sandstone OB,QN
paleoflow direction and sediment refolded folds
source (from clast types). Abbreviated M metamorphism Structures, plutons and events
outer shelf or slope shown in grey occur out of the
mudstone terrane or belt name; white text - source is isoclinal folds plutonism line of section that this diagram
submarine fan turbidites greenschist facies and lower (OB sources represents (e.g., south of 52°N
are sub-greenschist); yellow text - source is ductile deformation M events out of plane
carbonate platform O9 latitude for Omineca Belt).
greenschist facies and higher of section
Links across the Canadian Cordillera 127

Figure 3. Chart illustrating late Early Jurassic to early Eocene tec- 0.030 120
tonic events in the Canadian Cordillera, with emphasis on the central 110
Intermontane, southern Omineca, and southern Foreland belts. Events 0.025 100
labeled with red stars are discussed in the text; a summary of events 90

and sources of information are provided in Table 1 and in the text. 0.020 80

CC—Cache Creek; ST—Stikinia; QN—Quesnellia; BB—Bowser
0.015 60
basin; OB—Omineca belt; FB—Foreland belt; SM—Slide Mountain;
IB—Intermontane belt; CR—craton. Time scale here and elsewhere in
0.010 40
text is after Gradstein et al. (2004).
0.005 20
0.000 0
150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400
Cenozoic dextral strike-slip faults such as the Thibert and Pinchi Age (Ma)
faults, in the north and south, respectively (Fig. 1; Gabrielse,
1985; Struik et al., 2001). The latter is inferred to overprint the Stikinia
Triassic–Jurassic Pinchi suture (Struik et al., 2001). Quesnellia is Hazelton Stuhini Stikine Assemblage
Group Group
an arc terrane similar to Stikinia in general age and lithology (e.g.,
Monger and Nokleberg, 1996; Beatty et al., 2006). Significant dif- Cache Creek
ferences occur in their pre-Triassic stratigraphy (e.g., Monger and
Nokleberg, 1996), and Quesnellia has stratigraphic and structural Quesnellia
ties with pericratonic Kootenay terrane, Slide Mountain terrane
and the North American continental margin, which demonstrate 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400
that it probably formed adjacent to the continent (Beatty et al., Age (Ma)
2006, and references therein). In addition, although Quesnellia
Figure 4. Cumulative probability plot of Bowser basin detrital zircon
has considerable north-south extent (Fig. 1), its map area is small data for grains older than basin strata (Mississippian to early Middle
relative to Stikinia. On the seismic-reflection profile that crosses Jurassic, ca. 360–169 Ma), from all Bowser basin samples (n = 21).
most of the terranes in northern British Columbia, Quesnellia and Ages of rocks in Stikinia, Cache Creek, and Quesnellia are shown
Cache Creek are interpreted to form thin sheets (~2.5 km thick below. Of over 1435 single-grain analyses, 639 have ages older than
the depositional age of strata in the basin. This diagram shows only
and ~7.5 km thick, respectively), whereas Stikinia is interpreted
the older Bowser basin data to highlight the ages of pre–Bowser
to be relatively thick (~35 km), comprising the entire crust above basin sources. Potential source rock ages in Stikinia, Cache Creek
the Moho (Cook et al., 2004). and Quesnellia are from: Monger et al. (1991) and references therein;
Monger and Nokleberg (1996) and references therein; Mihalynuk
Bowser Basin et al. (2004) and references therein; and Evenchick and Thorkelson
(2005) and references therein.
Much of northern Stikinia is overlain by strata of the Bowser
Lake Group (Fig. 1), which were deposited in the Bowser basin
and comprise a widespread upper Middle Jurassic to mid-
Cretaceous marine and nonmarine clastic succession at least ments from southeast, east, and northeasterly sources in an overall
6000 m thick (Tipper and Richards, 1976; Eisbacher, 1981; regressive basin history (Tipper and Richards, 1976; Evenchick
Evenchick and Thorkelson, 2005). Skeena Group, Cretaceous in and Thorkelson 2005, and references therein).
age, contains rocks similar to coeval facies of the Bowser Lake Integration of timing constraints from index fossils with the
Group, but includes volcanic successions, and many exposures distribution of major lithofacies assemblages demonstrates
occur south of its northern limit in the southern Bowser basin the migration of facies boundaries through time (Evenchick et al.,
(Bassett and Kleinspehn, 1997; Smith and Mustard, 2006). Sand 2001; Fig. 3). From Bathonian through early Oxfordian time, the
and pebble clasts in Bowser basin strata are dominated in many major depocenter was restricted to the north-northeastern part of
places by radiolarian chert derived from Cache Creek terrane; the basin (I1 in Table 1; Fig. 3) and only a condensed marine section
these clasts demonstrate the stratigraphic link between Cache formed at the western side. Sections in the south are also relatively
Creek terrane and Stikinia and record the final stages of closure thin and fine grained compared to those in the northeast (Tipper
of the Cache Creek ocean (Gabrielse, 1991b; Evenchick and and Richards, 1976). Between mid-Oxfordian and early Kim-
Thorkelson, 2005; I0 in Fig. 3). meridgian time, there was rapid south and southwest migration of
The Bowser Lake Group is a monotonous assemblage of facies proximal to the source over more distal facies (I2 in Fig. 3).
sandstone, siltstone, and conglomerate lacking laterally contin- New mapping in the central Bowser basin (Evenchick et al., 2006)
uous stratigraphic markers. Lithofacies assemblages interfinger indicates that the shelf–slope break migrated ~200 km southwest-
laterally and repeat vertically on a range of scales (I0 to I3 in ward during this time. The result was a wide, shallow, marine shelf
Fig. 3). Strata were deposited in submarine fan and interfan, bounded on the southwest by a region of submarine fan deposition
slope, shallow-marine, deltaic, fluvial, and lacustrine environ- at least 80 km wide that, based on its marine fauna, was probably


shoreline highland areas shedding clastic detritus

sedimentary transport direction CC Cache Creek Terrane

drainage divide Quesnellia and Slide Mountain terranes
thrust fault boundaries of terranes
ST Stikinia
dip direction of terrane boundary unknown
pericratonic terranes, ancestral North
present eastern limit of Cordilleran PC/FB America, and Foreland Basin deposits
deformation (for reference) Bowser Basin
position of cross section shown in Figure 6
CB Coast Belt
colours of depositional rocks (solid colours) as in Fig. 3

Figure 5 (on this and following page). Paleogeographic maps for the early Middle Jurassic through Late Cretaceous showing the inferred posi-
tion of Bowser basin relative to cratonic North America (as discussed in text; North America is shown in present geographic coordinates), areas
and types of sedimentation in the Bowser basin and Foreland belt, inferred source areas and drainage divide, and location of cross sections
in Figure 6. The outline of the Bowser basin, with 50% shortening of the Skeena fold belt (SFB) restored, is shown for reference. Sources of
information for deposition in the Bowser and Sustut basins are Eisbacher (1974a), Tipper and Richards (1976), Bassett and Kleinspehn (1997),
Evenchick et al. (2001; and revisions based on new mapping in Evenchick et al., 2006), and Evenchick and Thorkelson (2005). Sources of infor-
mation for facies belts in the Alberta foreland basin are Stott (1982, 1998), Hall (1984), Smith (1994), Poulton et al. (1994b), Stott et al. (1993),
Leckie and Burden (2001), and McMechan et al. (2006).
Links across the Canadian Cordillera 129

E sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) analyses

of over 1435 detrital zircons from 21 samples of Bowser Lake
Group, ranging from Bathonian to earliest Cretaceous age, show
that the Bowser basin was receiving detritus mainly from sources
of Early Triassic age to as young as the depositional age of the
rock sampled (Fig. 4; McNicoll et al., 2005). The source regions
indicated by paleocurrents, clast types, and facies distribution
of Bowser basin strata are Cache Creek terrane, Quesnellia, and
Stikinia (e.g., Evenchick and Thorkelson, 2005, and references
therein). These are potential sources for the detrital zircons that
are older than Bowser basin strata (Fig. 4). However, the age of
the youngest zircon population in each rock is indistinguishable
from the paleontologically determined depositional age of the
rock, and it is interpreted to have originated from wind-blown
ash from sources south, southwest, and/or possibly west of the
Bowser basin (McNicoll et al., 2005).
Regional relationships indicate that basin subsidence for the
Jurassic and earliest Cretaceous Bowser basin was controlled,
in part, by flexural subsidence resulting from sediment load and
Figure 5 (continued). obduction of Cache Creek terrane, and by thermal subsidence
resulting from cessation of arc-related magmatism within northern
Stikinia (e.g., Eisbacher, 1981; Ricketts et al., 1992; Evenchick
and Thorkelson, 2005); the role of dynamic subsidence in Bowser
open to the Pacific Ocean (Poulton et al., 1994a). Facies boundaries basin evolution is unknown. An outlier of Early Cretaceous
in the southern basin also migrated more rapidly than previously braided river and alluvial fan deposits in the northern Bowser basin
(Tipper and Richards, 1976). The shelf–slope break in the central (I4 in Fig. 3) is interpreted to represent synorogenic deposition
and northern basin remained in about the same position into the within the Skeena fold belt (Evenchick and Thorkelson, 2005).
latest Jurassic or earliest Cretaceous (I3 in Fig. 3); younger strata
are absent in the western basin. In earliest Cretaceous time, deltaic Sustut Basin
and nonmarine strata were deposited in large parts of the north- The Sustut Group is composed of more than 2000 m of
ern basin, and nonmarine strata were deposited in the southern Late Cretaceous nonmarine clastic strata (Eisbacher, 1974a).
basin (Bassett and Kleinspehn, 1997; Smith and Mustard, 2006; Since Eisbacher’s (1974a) description and interpretation of
V.J. McNicoll, 2006, personal commun.). By middle Early Creta- the group, new constraints on the ages of units (A. Sweet, in
ceous, these strata included thick conglomeratic braided river and Evenchick and Thorkelson, 2005), and additional stratigraphic
alluvial fan deposits in the north-central Bowser basin (Eisbacher, and structural relationships, have clarified its tectonic signifi-
1974b; I4 in Fig. 3). Preserved strata of mid-Cretaceous age are cance (Evenchick and Thorkelson, 2005).
restricted to the southern basin and are largely nonmarine clastic, The lower of two formations, the Tango Creek Formation,
but they include local volcanic centers and minor marine strata is up to 1400 m thick and overlies Triassic to Late Jurassic units,
(Bassett and Kleinspehn, 1997). The youngest fluvial systems were including Bowser Lake Group, with angular unconformity (Eis-
probably continuous with the oldest Sustut fluvial systems depos- bacher, 1974a). It is dominated by sandstone, siltstone, and mud-
ited farther northeast. Ages of most Early Cretaceous strata are not stone, and in the upper part, by mudstone, calcareous siltstone,
narrowly constrained (Bassett and Kleinspehn, 1997; Evenchick and calcareous sandstone. Paleocurrents, which in the lowest
and Thorkelson, 2005, and references therein; V.J. McNicoll, 2004, part are to the south and southwest, and high quartz clast con-
2006, personal commun.). Deposition of detrital muscovite in the tent of sandstone are both consistent with the interpretation of
southern basin, likely starting in Aptian or Albian time, signals derivation from a northeastern, Omineca belt source (Eisbacher,
initiation of metamorphic Omineca belt detritus shed to the west 1974a). Quartzite characteristic of Lower Cambrian miogeo-
(Bassett and Kleinspehn, 1997), and its initiation was roughly coeval clinal strata occurs as pebbles; these were also likely derived
with deposition of muscovite in the Sustut basin farther northeast from the Omineca belt. In the middle and upper part of the forma-
(Eisbacher, 1974a; Evenchick and Thorkelson, 2005). tion, paleoflow to the northeast was accompanied by an increase
New provenance data that refine our understanding of the in chert content in sandstone, interpreted as Cache Creek clasts
depositional history of the Bowser basin are provided by detrital recycled from Bowser Lake Group strata. The base of the for-
zircons analyzed from sandstone samples that have paleontologi- mation is diachronous, ranging from Barremian–early Albian,
cally well-constrained depositional ages and from diverse ages, to Coniacian–Campanian, and the upper age limit is late Cam-
map units, and areas of the basin. The results, based on U-Pb panian (I5 in Fig. 3).
Southwest Northeast
H interpretation of present crustal structure of northern Canadian Cordillera based on seismic reflection
This interpretation of a seismic reflection profile of the northern Cordillera crossing the western Bowser
Basin and Stikinia (modified from Evenchick et al., 2005) has similar structures and relationships between BB CC Northern Rocky
0 Mountain Trench
Stikinia, Cache Creek Terrane, and North American basement as the upper 35 km of the crust shown in
section G below. The extent of North American basement for sections A through G is based on
relationships in the southern Canadian Cordillera. In the interpretation depicted below, by the end of the 50
no vertical exaggeration
Eocene Stikinia and overlying strata were displaced far northward relative to the North American basement
that Stikinia overrode in the Jurassic. Section H is at same scale as sections A to G, and is aligned so
that the eastern limit of Cache Creek Terrane is the same as in section G.

approximately 430 km northward translation

G latest Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)–early Eocene (~70–50 Ma)

of Stikinia, Bowser and Sustut basins

NIn this diagram all Foreland Basin sediments deposited
(prior to last major displacement on NRMT) youngest preserved Sustut
is early Maastrichtian prior to Upper Campanian are shown in brown
OB,(ST,C C ,Q , B B ) Sediments preserved here
? FB
Pacific Ocean
0 0 km below
sea level
50 50
minimum width of western Stikinia incorporated
into Coast Belt by metamorphism, melting, and
ductile deformation

F Late Campanian (~74–70 Ma) Sustut

Devils Claw Fm. (high energy)
folded OB,(ST,CC,QN,BB) Sediments preserved here
0 100 km
0 km below
sea level
50 western Stikinia incorporated into 50
Coast Belt by metamorphism, melting, and
ductile deformation during crustal thickening

E(someAlbian (~112–100 Ma)

Skeena Fold Belt structures and synorogenic synorogenic clastics Sustut
clastics may be up to 30 Ma earlier) (deposited between D and E) (low energy) B,(ST,CC,QN,BB) IB,OB
BB O ,FB Sediments preserved here
? BB

approximately 360 km northward translation of Stikinia and Bowser Basin

0 0 km below
sea level
50 50
crustal thickening at amalgamation boundary of Stikinia and
Insular Belt terranes; W-vergent thrusting starts prior to E-vergent
in diagrams E to G all Bowser strata deposited prior to stage E are illustrated as light brown

D Earliest Cretaceous (~145–140 Ma) CC,(ST,QN) IB,OB Sediments preserved here

{ 0 km below

sea level

C Middle Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian (157–151 Ma) CC,(ST,QN) OB Sediments preserved here

SW source NE source
0 0 km below
sea level
50 50

B Bathonian/Callovian (~168–161 Ma) CC,(ST,QN) Sediments preserved here


0 0 km below
sea level
50 50

A Aalenian/Bajocian (~176–168 Ma) CC,(ST,QN)

obduction in Pliensbachian/Toarcian Sediments preserved here,
have NE source
Pacific Ocean
0 0 km below
sea level
50 50
nature and position of western boundary of Stikinia uncertain

Pre-Middle Jurassic strata sedimentary transport direction and

see Figure 3 for legend for North American craton CC,QN,(OB) sources of clasts; short forms as in
Bowser, Sustut, and Alberta Figure 3. Potential sources, but not
strata deposited on cratonic North America required by data are in parentheses.
Foreland basins
pericratonic terranes thrust fault
Quesnellia and Slide Mountain terranes strike slip fault
no vertical Cache Creek Terrane structure active in time slice
km exaggeration
Stikinia; Stikinia incorporated into Coast Belt structure inactive in time slice
100 km
Coast Belt, composed of intrusions (orange), Insular Belt terranes, inferred structures
and Stikinia and Bowser Basin strata west of present exposures

Figure 6 (on this and following page). Cross sections illustrating major depositional, structural, metamorphic, and plutonic events in the region
discussed in the text. Abbreviations are as in Figure 3. Note that zones of penetrative ductile strain are not depicted on the cross sections; please
see text and Table 1 for documentation of structural style, particularly in the Omineca and Coast belts. The set with no vertical exaggeration
shows structural relationships. The set with 3× vertical exaggeration is included to show the depositional units. The location of cross sections A,
C, D, and E are given in Figure 5.
Southwest Northeast
H interpretation of present crustal structure 0 Northern Rocky
Mountain Trench
see page 1 of Figure 6 for explanation
3x vertical exaggeration


approximately 430 km northward translation

latest Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)–early Eocene (~70–50 Ma) In this diagram all Foreland Basin sediments deposited

of Stikinia, Bowser and Sustut basins

(prior to last major displacement on NRMT) youngest preserved Sustut prior to Upper Campanian are shown in brown
is early Maastrichtian
Coast Belt
? OB,(ST,CC,QN,BB) FB Sediments preserved here
SW source
0 0

km below
sea level

50 50

F Late Campanian (~ 74–70 Ma) synorogenic
clastics folded (high energy) B,(ST,CC,QN,BB)
O FB Sediments preserved here
? BB
SW source
0 0
100 km km below
sea level

50 50

E(someAlbian (~112–100 Ma)

Skeena Fold Belt structures and synorogenic synorogenic clastics Sustut
clastics may be up to 30 Ma earlier) (deposited between D and E) (low energy) B,(ST,CC,QN,BB) Sediments preserved here
SW source

approximately 360 km northward translation of Stikinia and Bowser Basin

Far Skeena Fold Belt may include km below
al l o sea level
n/ thick-skinned structures in Stikinia
50 e in diagrams E to G all Bowser strata 50
deposited prior to stage E are illustrated as light brown

D Earliest Cretaceous (~145–140 Ma) CC,(ST,QN) IB,OB

Sediments preserved here
SW source NE source
0 0

km below
sea level

50 50

C Middle Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian (157–151 Ma) CC,(ST,QN) OB Sediments preserved here

SW source NE source
0 0

km below
sea level

50 50

B Bathonian/Callovian (~168–161 Ma) CC,(ST,QN) Sediments preserved here


0 0

km below
sea level

50 50

A Aalenian/Bajocian (~176–168 Ma) CC,(ST,QN)

obduction in Pliensbachian/Toarcian Sediments preserved here,
have NE source
Pacific Ocean
0 0
km km below
sea level

western extent of Stikinia extrapolated from present exposure

100 km 50 50

Figure 6 (continued).
132 Evenchick et al.

The Tango Creek Formation is abruptly and conformably basin strata, deposited at the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary,
overlain by the Brothers Peak Formation, which is character- lack a western source or other indications that the fold belt
ized by polymict conglomerate, sandstone, and felsic tuff (Eis- had evolved significantly. Sustut basin strata unconformably
bacher, 1974a). A basal conglomeratic succession is commonly overlie contractional structures that involve Bowser basin and
more than 50 m thick. Paleocurrents were primarily southeast, Stikinia strata, illustrating contractional deformation and ero-
longitudinally down the basin, with input from the north, east, sion of Stikinian and Bowser strata in the northeast prior to the
and west (Eisbacher, 1974a). Strata are late Campanian to late Albian (I5 in Fig. 3). Uppermost Sustut Group strata are the
early Maastrichtian (A. Sweet, in Evenchick et al., 2001). Two youngest deformed rocks. Western Skeena fold belt structures
felsic tuff layers in the formation have been dated at ca. 75 and are overlain by flat-lying Pliocene volcanic rocks (Evenchick
ca. 71 Ma (V.J. McNicoll, 2004, personal commun.). The dra- and Thorkelson, 2005). These relationships demonstrate that
matic change upward from the mudstone and siltstone of the the fold belt was initiated in the Early Cretaceous with at least
upper Tango Creek Formation to the conglomerate-rich base of some deformation prior to the Albian, and that it ended in latest
the Brothers Peak Formation (I6 in Fig. 3) indicates a marked Cretaceous or early Cenozoic time.
increase in energy of Sustut fluvial systems. Direct constraints on the magnitude of shortening for spe-
Paleocurrent and clast types show that initial Sustut basin cific structures and/or time periods are sparse. A ca. 84 Ma
deposits had an eastern Omineca belt source that continued post-tectonic pluton near the central Bowser basin intruded
throughout the depositional history; however, early in this his- Late Jurassic strata and constrains deformation there to between
tory, development of the Skeena fold belt provided an additional, Late Jurassic and Campanian (Evenchick and McNicoll, 1993).
southwest, source of sediment (Eisbacher, 1974a). Detrital zircon Synorogenic clastic rocks include an Early Cretaceous piggy-
data show that the Sustut basin shared similar Triassic to Early back basin in the north-central part of the fold belt, which records
Cretaceous sources with the Bowser basin, and/or zircons were Early Cretaceous (I4 in Fig. 3) subaerial erosion of topographic
recycled from the Bowser basin (McNicoll et al., 2005). In con- highs in the central and eastern fold belt. The Sustut Group itself
trast, the Sustut basin also received Archean, Paleoproterozoic, is synorogenic and records a western source (Skeena fold belt)
Mesoproterozoic, Paleozoic, and Late Cretaceous zircons that from Albian through early Maastrichtian time. Angular uncon-
are clearly distinct from Bowser basin sources (McNicoll et al., formities within the lowest Sustut strata are indications of Albian
2005) and are consistent with provenance studies of the Sustut or Cenomanian tectonism in the northeastern fold belt. The dra-
Group that illustrate an Omineca belt source in the late Early Cre- matic change within the Sustut Group from low- to high-energy
taceous (Eisbacher, 1974a). fluvial systems at the base of the Brothers Peak Formation (I6 in
Fig. 3) indicates increased relief in the late Campanian.
Skeena Fold Belt
The Skeena fold belt is a regional fold-and-thrust belt that is Coast and Insular Belts
best expressed in the thinly bedded clastic rocks of the Bowser
and Sustut basins, but also involves Stikinia, as shown by folded The Coast belt is composed mainly of Middle Jurassic to
contacts, structural culminations of Stikinian rocks within the early Cenozoic plutonic rock and lesser amounts of greenschist-
fold belt, and klippen of early Mesozoic Stikinian rocks on to amphibolite-, and locally granulite-facies metamorphic rock
Cretaceous Sustut basin strata. Details of the geometry, magni- (e.g., Gabrielse et al., 1991). In the northern Coast belt (Fig. 1),
tude of shortening, and timing of the fold belt have been docu- Cretaceous continental arc magmatism, interpreted to be associ-
mented by Evenchick (1991a, 1991b, 2001) and Evenchick and ated with accretion of terranes and subduction of Farallon, Kula,
Thorkelson (2005). The fold belt has accommodated a minimum and possibly Resurrection plates, migrated eastward, resulting in
of 44% (160 km) northeasterly shortening, it locally terminates a western 105–90 Ma arc and an eastern 80–50 Ma arc, separated
to the northeast in a triangle zone within the Sustut basin, and is by the Coast shear zone (e.g., Crawford et al., 2005, and refer-
inferred to root to the west in the Coast belt. ences therein). Contractional deformation of these arcs resulted
Folds of a range of scales, from several hundred meters to a in significant crustal thickening in the mid-Cretaceous, continu-
kilometer or more in wavelength, are the most obvious structures, ing to ca. 60 Ma; arc igneous activity ended at ca. 50 Ma with the
and northwest-trending fold trains occupy most of the fold belt. beginning of a period of extension, and the eastern side of the arc
Most verge northeast, and they vary from upright to overturned. was exhumed on bounding shear zones (e.g., Andronicos et al.,
Thrust faults in Bowser strata are apparent where they juxtapose 2003; Crawford et al., 2005). Farther west, the Insular belt con-
the Bowser Lake Group against other map units, but they are dif- sists of little metamorphosed Late Proterozoic to early Mesozoic
ficult to recognize in most of the basin unless hanging-wall or volcanic arc terranes (mainly Wrangellia and Alexander) that are
footwall cutoffs are exposed. Thrust faults and/or detachment stratigraphically distinct from the more inboard terranes (e.g.,
zones are required by the style of folding and are inferred to be Monger and Nokleberg, 1996, and references therein). Addi-
largely bedding-parallel, blind thrusts (Evenchick, 1991b). tional components of the Insular belt are minor late Mesozoic and
The age of the fold belt is constrained by regional strati- Cenozoic accretionary complexes (e.g., Gabrielse et al., 1991)
graphic relationships. The youngest folded marine Bowser and Proterozoic to Paleozoic metamorphosed continental-margin
Links across the Canadian Cordillera 133

sequences (e.g., Gehrels and Boghossian, 2000, and references early Middle Jurassic (or younger) contractional structures and
therein). The western boundaries of Stikinia and the Bowser Early Jurassic intrusions that they displace. Faults of the latter
basin are within the Coast belt, but their relationships with Insular two fault systems that cut the Cassiar batholith are considered to
belt terranes are obscured by the large volume of intrusive rocks, be synchronous with intrusion of the batholith at ca. 95–110 Ma
medium- to high-grade metamorphism, and high-strain zones; (Gabrielse et al., 2006).
thus, the timing of amalgamation of terranes of the Intermontane Figure 5A reconstructs the paleogeography of the early
and Insular belts is controversial. It was either in the Jurassic or Middle Jurassic to account for the faults listed previously. Their
earlier (e.g., van der Heyden, 1992; McClelland et al., 1992) continuation to the south as discrete structures is problematic (see
or the mid-Cretaceous (e.g., Monger et al., 1982). Uncertainty in Gabrielse et al., 2006), which makes an accurate paleogeographic
the accretion history and in magnitude of postaccretion orogen- reconstruction challenging. Accordingly, we restore Stikinia and
parallel translation leads to uncertainties about the Middle Juras- the Bowser basin southward to approximately the latitude indi-
sic to early Cenozoic paleogeography of these terranes. For these cated by strike-slip faults in the north (~800 km), yet outboard
reasons we discuss only Cretaceous and early Cenozoic features enough to allow for shortening in the Foreland and Omineca
of significant strike length, and only in general terms. Examples belts (~300 km), stacking of terranes in the Omineca belt, and
are: Cretaceous northeast-vergent contractional structures on the Eocene extension. Following Gabrielse (1985), we depict the
east side of the Coast belt that merge with contractional struc- Cache Creek terrane and Quesnellia in Figure 5A as continuous
tures in the Intermontane belt (e.g., Evenchick, 1991a, 1991b; belts, with Cache Creek in thrust fault contact with Stikinia. In
Journeay and Friedman, 1993; Rusmore and Woodsworth, 1994); doing so, we assume that most of the later dextral fault displace-
mid-Cretaceous crustal thickening and magmatism (e.g., Craw- ment occurred within and/or between Cache Creek terrane and
ford et al., 1987, 2005); and west-vergent contractional struc- Quesnellia and is now obscured by Paleogene and younger strata
tures on the west side of the Coast belt (e.g., Rubin et al., 1990; of the southern Intermontane belt. Stikinia and the Bowser basin
Journeay and Friedman, 1993). are restored with clockwise rotation from the present orientation,
which in part reflects the restoration of known faults and allows
MESOZOIC TECTONIC EVOLUTION for rotation about the Euler pole during northward translation
(Price and Carmichael, 1986). To depict the minimum original
Paleogeographic Reconstructions—Restoration of width of Stikinia and the Bowser and Sustut basins, horizontal
Jurassic to Eocene Orogen-Parallel Faults shortening of the Skeena fold belt, estimated at ~50%, is restored
from across the Bowser basin, from more than half of the Sustut
Discussion of the Mesozoic evolution of the Bowser basin basin and most of Stikinia.
and Skeena fold belt in the context of tectonism in the Omineca This reconstruction puts the Bowser basin adjacent to the
and Foreland belts requires restoration of displacement on site of the southern Canadian Cordillera at the time of final
orogen-parallel strike-slip faults within and bordering the closure of the Cache Creek ocean in the Aalenian-Bajocian, just
Omineca belt (Fig. 1). The discrepancies between geological and prior to the onset of major clastic deposition. In the absence of
paleomagnetic estimates of dextral motion in the Late Cretaceous constraints on net displacements on strike-slip faults for specific
and Eocene have been reviewed and discussed by Gabrielse periods, we assume, from Gabrielse et al. (2006), that dextral
et al. (2006). The amount of Late Cretaceous to Eocene dextral displacements were (1) ~300 km between Middle Jurassic and
displacement on the array of faults including the Tintina, North- mid-Cretaceous time, with ~100 km on the fault systems west
ern Rocky Mountain Trench fault, and related splays (Fig. 1) is of the Northern Rocky Mountain Trench fault and 200 km on
estimated to be 490 km, with 430 km primarily in the Eocene, the Northern Rocky Mountain Trench fault, and (2) ~500 km
and ~60 km on the Northern Rocky Mountain Trench fault in on the Northern Rocky Mountain Trench–Tintina faults and
early Late Cretaceous (Gabrielse et al., 2006). Additional strike- related splays in the Late Cretaceous to late Eocene.
slip faults of this age are the Kechika-Spinel (80 km; a splay
of the Northern Rocky Mountain Trench fault), and the Pinchi Relationship of Structures in Neighboring Intermontane,
fault. The magnitudes and specific ages of older displacement on Omineca, and Foreland Belts, and Development of Basins
these faults, and of older faults, are less well constrained. Offset and Fold-and-Thrust Belts Flanking the Omineca Belt
of lower Paleozoic facies boundaries suggest a total of ~700 km
displacement (Gabrielse et al., 2006) on the Northern Rocky In the following sections, the major deformation, metamor-
Mountain Trench fault; if 490 km of this was in the Late Creta- phic, magmatic, and depositional events in the north-central and
ceous to Eocene, earlier displacement must have been ~210 km. southeastern Canadian Cordillera are summarized for a series
Other Late Cretaceous or older fault systems to consider are (see of time periods from the Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous,
Fig. 1): (1) the pre-Eocene part of the Kechika-Sifton fault, a splay with emphasis on the regions that became the Intermontane,
of Northern Rocky Mountain Trench (~90 km); (2) the Kechika- Omineca, and Foreland belts. The morphogeologic belt termi-
Thudaka-Finlay-Ingenika-Takla system (~110 km); and (3) the nology applies to the Cordillera today; however, we use the
Cassiar-Kutcho-Thibert system, which must be younger than the terms as a convenient way to refer to regions that eventually
134 Evenchick et al.

became the belts. Cross sections (Fig. 6) for each time period intrusions of the Kuskanax and Nelson Suites indicate the pres-
show the tectonic evolution and relationships between events ence of a subduction zone, and their isotope geochemistry indi-
in neighboring belts, such as links between highland sources cates primitive signatures contaminated with that of continental
and basins of deposition. Although the cross sections are drawn North America (Armstrong, 1988; Ghosh and Lambert, 1995).
with the east side fixed relative to eastward translation of ter- In northern Quesnellia, there was increasing cratonal influence
ranes and structures, events described are the result of the North on granitic rocks of Triassic to mid-Cretaceous age (Gabrielse,
American plate moving westward relative to the hot-spot refer- 1998). Quesnellia and Slide Mountain terranes were obducted
ence frame, with its western convergent plate boundary interact- onto the North American pericratonic terranes and imbricated and
ing with, and accumulating, parts of microcontinents, volcanic thrust eastward along the Eureka, Pundata, Stubbs, and related
arcs, and intervening ocean basins of the Pacific Ocean—the faults between ca. 187 and 173 Ma (O1 in Fig. 3; Murphy et al.,
future terranes of the Cordillera (e.g., Engebretson et al., 1985; 1995, and references therein). Obduction was closely followed
Coney and Evenchick, 1994). Deposition in the Bowser and by the onset of southwest-directed thrusts and isoclinal recum-
Alberta Foreland basins, shown in Figure 5, and development bent folding, which continued in the Middle Jurassic (O2 in
of mid-crustal structures in the Omineca belt and those in the Fig. 3). Dating of east-vergent structures in eastern Quesnellia
upper crust in the Foreland belt, shown in Figure 6, are relatively in the east-central Intermontane belt indicates that the initial
well constrained because they are now exposed, are confidently stages of obduction there occurred at ca. 186 Ma (Nixon et al.,
inferred by plunge projection of structures, or have been drilled 1993). In the Foreland belt, a Sinemurian to middle Toarcian
by hydrocarbon exploration wells. The geometry of the bound- cherty carbonate platform south of 54°N changed westward
ary between the Cache Creek terrane and Quesnellia in Figure 6, and northward into a narrow belt of shale and carbonate sand-
however, is highly uncertain because the only contacts known stone and then into a westward thinning unit of phosphatic mud-
are the dextral faults that may obscure possible earlier low-angle stone and limestone (Asgar-Deen et al., 2004). All facies in the
faults. Other geometries that satisfy the constraint of the Cache Foreland belt were overlain by a thin, euxinic, black shale depos-
Creek terrane forming a major part of the source region for clasts ited during the worldwide Toarcian (anoxic black shale) “trans-
deposited in the Bowser basin are possible. The thickness of gressive” event (Poulton et al., 1994b).
Stikinia in Figure 6 is interpreted from seismic sections (Cook
et al., 2004), but its thickness through time is poorly constrained. Early Middle Jurassic–Aalenian/Bajocian (ca. 176–168 Ma)
It could have been significantly thinner in the Jurassic and later An early phase of Bowser basin deposition began with
thickened by a combination of thin- and thick-skinned contrac- subsidence in the northeast, marked by a starved phase in the
tional structures during formation of the Skeena fold belt, with Aalenian, and followed in the Bajocian by deposition of sub-
inversion of early Mesozoic extensional structures. The nature aerially eroded Cache Creek strata in the northeasternmost part of
and position of the original western boundary of Stikinia are the basin (I0 in Fig. 3; Fig. 6A). These events are interpreted to be
poorly constrained, and thus only the palinspastically restored a result of southwest thrusting of Cache Creek strata onto Stikinia
width of exposed Stikinia strata is represented Figure 6. (Gabrielse, 1991b; Ricketts et al., 1992). Stacking of Quesnellia
and pericratonic terranes onto or against Cache Creek probably
Early Jurassic–Pliensbachian/Toarcian (ca. 190–176 Ma) facilitated crustal thickening in the source area (Fig. 6A). Some
Prior to the Middle Jurassic, Stikinia was separated from of the first Cache Creek chert clasts deposited in the Bowser
cratonic North America by a region of marginal or pericratonic basin are close in age to the youngest blueschist (173.7 ± 0.8 Ma)
terranes, Quesnellia, and the last vestiges of the Cache Creek resulting from Cache Creek subduction, a relationship interpreted
ocean, which was closing probably as a result of southwest by Mihalynuk et al. (2004) to indicate rapid exhumation of north-
subduction beneath Stikinia and northeast subduction beneath ern Cache Creek strata at ca. 174–171 Ma. In the northern part of
Quesnellia (e.g., Mortimer, 1987; Marsden and Thorkelson, the south segment of Cache Creek terrane, westward obduction
1992). Upper parts of Cache Creek terrane were delaminated to of Cache Creek onto Stikinia occurred between 190 and 165 Ma,
form the accretionary complex that now sits in thrust contact above and west-vergent structures were overprinted by east-vergent
Stikinia. Deposition in the Cache Creek ocean ended in the latest ones (Struik et al., 2001).
Early Jurassic (Toarcian; e.g., Struik et al., 2001), and northern In the Omineca belt, the formation of large southwest-verging,
Stikinia evolved from a region of widespread subduction-related recumbent isoclinal folds and polyphase deformation record pro-
volcanism in the Pliensbachian and earlier, to a largely marine gressive crustal thickening and low- to medium-grade regional
clastic environment with minor volcanism by the Aalenian- metamorphism (O1–O3 in Table 1; Fig. 3). By ca. 173–168 Ma,
Bajocian (Fig. 3; e.g., Marsden and Thorkelson, 1992; Anderson, northeast-verging fold and fault systems were superimposed on
1993). The structural overlap of Quesnellia over North Ameri- southwest-verging fold systems, south of 52°N, as indicated
can basement at this time is documented by changes in the geo- by the relationships of syn- and post-tectonic ca. 173–168 Ma
chemistry of volcanic-arc rocks (Ghosh and Lambert, 1995) and plutons of the Kuskanax and Nelson plutonic suites in the Selkirk
the geochemistry and composition of detritus in volcaniclastic and Purcell Mountains (Armstrong, 1988; Parrish and Wheeler,
sediments of the arc (Petersen et al., 2004). Early Jurassic I-type 1983; Colpron et al., 1998; Gibson, 2003; O2 in Table 1; Fig. 3).
Links across the Canadian Cordillera 135

North of 52°N, polyphase southwest-verging fold systems in the In the Omineca belt, the crust was 50–55 km thick or greater
Cariboo Mountains and thrust faults at higher structural levels (O3 in Table 1), and it likely formed a broad highland that was
were coeval with northeastward thrusting on shear zones and internally deforming as it was being translated toward the craton
penetrative deformation at depth (O3b in Table 1; Fig. 3; Struik, (Table 1; Fig. 6B). Southwest-verging polyphase folding was
1988). Following Price (1986), Struik (1988), and Murphy (1989), ongoing in the Cariboo and Monashee Mountains (Reid, 2003;
we use a tectonic wedge model with southwest-directed back O3b in Fig. 3), but elsewhere, upright folds and northeastward-
thrusting and folding of the cover above northeast-directed verging fold systems and faults dominated after ca. 168–167 Ma
detachments and thrusting of the craton to explain the geometry (Warren, 1997; Colpron et al., 1998; Gibson, 2003; O3a in
and structural evolution of the internally deforming and thicken- Fig. 3). The peak of regional metamorphism occurred at ca. 165–
ing crust (Fig. 6A). In the Foreland belt, 30–90 m of shelf mud- 160 Ma, although at higher structural levels, it had started to
stone and northeasterly derived sandstone were deposited in the wane (Gerasimoff, 1988; Warren, 1997; Parrish, 1995). Plutons
Bajocian and possibly Aalenian (Fig. 3; Hall, 1984). of ca. 167–159 Ma age, within the Nelson Suite, crosscut large-
The western Omineca belt and eastern Intermontane belt scale belts of folds (e.g., Scrip nappe, early Selkirk fan, Dogtooth
collectively defined a growing region of structurally thickened structure, and Kootenay arc), indicating that the architecture of
Cache Creek, Quesnellia, and pericratonic terranes, the growth these belts had largely formed by the end of the Middle Jurassic
of which was concomitant with the onset of westward deposi- (Warren, 1997, and references therein). In the southwest Foreland
tion of Cache Creek detritus into the Bowser basin. Changes belt, an 80-m-thick Bathonian section appears to provide the first
in structural vergence are present in both Intermontane (Cache record of increased subsidence due to tectonic loading (Poulton
Creek) and Omineca belt rocks and may indicate the onset of et al., 1993), and the local presence of cherty quartz-arenites
decoupling of supracrustal rocks from the westward under- provides the first evidence of a western source area (Stronach,
thrusting of North America. Coincident timing of southwest- 1984). Elsewhere in the Foreland belt, the first preserved record
verging structures in the Omineca belt with southwest thrusting of west-derived sediments occurs in the Upper Jurassic (Bally
of Cache Creek on Stikinia has been used to suggest a link et al., 1966; Poulton, 1984; Poulton et al., 1993; Fig. 3). A period
between the southern Omineca belt and Stikinia at this time of pre-Oxfordian uplift removed much of the Middle Jurassic
(Ricketts et al., 1992). The size and types of clasts that were record in the eastern Foreland belt.
deposited in the Bowser basin record deposition from the west In summary, links across the orogen may be inferred from
side of the Omineca highland, in high-energy conditions, dur- evidence for continued growth of the Omineca highland, which
ing rapid exhumation of Cache Creek strata, and they provide loaded the lithosphere and affected the sedimentation patterns
further evidence for linkage between these realms. The struc- of adjacent basins as it was translated inboard from distal tran-
turally thickened crust and emerging highland had little effect sitional crust that was significantly thinned during Proterozoic
on the sedimentary record preserved in the Foreland belt over and early Paleozoic rifting, onto thicker, more rigid transitional
350 km to the east (Figs. 3, 5A, 6A), suggesting that the load- crust. This is expressed in the northeastern Bowser basin by sub-
ing occurred on weak lithosphere too far to the west to have stantially thicker and more widespread deposits sourced from
elastically depressed the thick craton to the east. the Cache Creek terrane, and in the Foreland belt by the first,
but limited, westerly derived foreland basin sediments. A time-
Late Middle Jurassic–Bathonian/Callovian (ca. 168–161 Ma) transgressive Callovian–Oxfordian erosive disconformity devel-
A major increase in deposition of chert-rich detritus in the oped across the Foreland belt (F0 in Fig. 3) and adjacent craton,
northeastern Bowser basin began in the Bathonian, with up to marking the northeastward migration of the forebulge (Poulton,
3000 m of strata deposited in base-of-slope to deltaic environ- 1984). Detrital zircon analyses from Bowser basin strata indicate
ments, and expansion of the extent of Cache Creek chert clasts that in addition to wind-blown ash, the source areas were Trias-
~130 km farther southwest than in the Bajocian (I1 in Table 1; sic to Middle Jurassic in age (McNicoll et al., 2005). These data,
Figs. 3 and 6B). Rapid denudation of northern Stikinia or the combined with paleocurrents, facies distribution, and clast types
Cache Creek terrane is indicated by deposition of ca. 161 Ma in the Bowser basin indicate that the Cache Creek, and Stikine,
dacite boulders in the early Callovian slope assemblage of the and/or Quesnel terranes (Fig. 4) formed the upper structural lev-
Bowser basin (Ricketts and Parrish, 1992). The development of els of at least the western Omineca highland, and that no cratonic
fan deltas in the northern part of the basin demonstrates high sedi- North American detritus was being shed to the west (Fig. 6B).
mentation rates (Ricketts and Evenchick, 1991, 2007). Sections
of this age elsewhere in the basin are considerably finer grained Late Jurassic–Middle Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian
and thinner and lack the spectacular submarine channel depos- (ca. 158–151 Ma)
its present in the north. This scenario continued into the early Starting in the middle Oxfordian, the Bowser basin changed
Oxfordian, with ~30 km of south and southwest migration of from a relatively narrow northeastern depocenter of base-of-
facies boundaries. Southern Bowser basin facies migrated north- slope to deltaic deposits, to widespread deposition when the shelf–
erly away from a westerly trending arch of Stikinia that defined slope break migrated ~200 km west (I2 in Table 1; Figs. 3, 5B,
the south margin of the basin (Tipper and Richards, 1976). and 6C). The result was accumulation of up to 2 km of shelf
136 Evenchick et al.

deposits in the central basin, and over 4 km of submarine fan within the accreted terranes (Cache Creek, and Stikinia and/or
deposits in the western basin. Deltas migrated westward to Quesnellia) that were incorporated into the western Omineca
occupy much of the northeastern basin. Facies boundaries in the highland, whereas sources for Alberta foreland basin deposi-
southern basin also migrated rapidly, and pebbly deposits became tion included mica and quartz from exhumed metamorphic
widespread there for the first time, accompanied by local volcanic rocks of continental origin then exposed at the surface of the
flows in the Oxfordian (Tipper and Richards, 1976). Regionally, eastern Omineca highland. Accordingly, the drainage divide in
the dominant pebble and sand type remained Cache Creek radio- the Omineca highland is shown on Figures 5B and 6C as lying
larian chert (e.g., Evenchick and Thorkelson, 2005, and refer- in the eastern part of the carapace of accreted terranes such that
ences therein), but at the basin’s southern margin, clasts reflect a sediments were transported from the exhumed terranes west
local source of Stikinia strata from the arch to the south. to the Bowser basin, and Alberta foreland basin drainages had
In the Omineca belt between 52°N and 53°N, a zone of access only to the eastern Omineca highland.
medium-grade metamorphism that trends approximately north-
northwest across the Cariboo, Monashee, and Selkirk Moun- Early Early Cretaceous (ca. 145–135 Ma)
tains represents the deepest exposed levels of rocks at this lati- In the early Early Cretaceous, deposition in the Bowser
tude. These rocks preserve evidence of penetrative shortening basin changed from widespread marine and marginal marine, to
throughout the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous accompanied nonmarine, including floodplain deposition marginal to deltas,
by metamorphism, folding, shearing, and reactivation of struc- and low-energy fluvial systems (I4 in Table 1; Figs. 3 and 6D).
tures (Ferguson, 1994; Currie, 1988; Digel et al., 1998; Crowley The only widespread strata preserved of this age are in the north-
et al., 2000; Reid, 2003; Ghent and Simony, 2005, and references central part of the basin. Other strata deposited in this stage, or
therein). Deformation progressed northeastward and carried the prior to the Albian, include the synorogenic coarse clastic depos-
accreted terranes farther onto the craton (Fig. 6C). South of 52°N, its in the north-central Bowser basin and nonmarine strata in
post-tectonic plutonism and cooling indicate rapid exhumation the southern basin (Evenchick and Thorkelson, 2005; Bassett
and quenching at higher structural levels in the Late Jurassic and Kleinspehn, 1997; V.J. McNicoll, 2006, personal commun.;
(Warren, 1997, and references therein), providing a source for Smith and Mustard, 2006).
sediments deposited in the Alberta foreland basin. Pronounced In the Omineca belt, Early Cretaceous zones of penetrative
flexural subsidence and development of a two-sided foredeep deformation and metamorphism occurred at mid-crustal lev-
trough in the Alberta foreland basin began in the Oxfordian. els within the existing edifice (Currie, 1988; Digel et al., 1998;
Immense quantities of west-derived silty mud were transported Crowley et al., 2000; Reid, 2003; O4–O6 in Fig. 3), while imbri-
into the trough along its western side at the same time as thin, cation of the basement and northeastward translation of the belt
craton-derived, basal, transgressive sandstone was deposited occurred on shear zones at depth, near the base of the edifice
along its eastern side (Poulton, 1984; Stott, 1998; F1 in Fig. 3). (Fig. 6D). Middle Jurassic plutons, such as the Hobson Lake
Pronounced subsidence continued through the Kimmeridgian, and Fang plutons, which crosscut early southwest-verging struc-
and sands containing detrital chert, stretched quartz, and mica tures, record Early Cretaceous quenching to low temperatures as
derived from sedimentary or metasedimentary rocks were depos- they were progressively exhumed to higher structural levels. The
ited into the trough from the west (Hamblin and Walker, 1979). interplay between exhumation of older structures and renewed
These are the first indications of an Omineca belt source for the metamorphism and penetrative deformation at depth is consistent
Alberta foreland basin; however, isotope geochemistry studies of with a model of progressive shortening of the Omineca belt dur-
these strata have not detected juvenile material from the accreted ing northeastward translation.
terranes (Ross et al., 2005; F2 in Fig. 3; Fig. 6C). In the Foreland belt, west-derived sands and conglomerates
We conclude that links across the orogen in the Oxfordian flooded into the Alberta foreland basin, locally filling the western
can be inferred from events within the Omineca belt and sig- foreland trough with over 1.5 km of lower Lower Cretaceous sedi-
nificant changes in regions bordering it. The Omineca highland ments (Stott, 1998; Fig. 3). Sedimentation changed from marine
was likely maintained by continued internal structural thicken- to nonmarine in the late Tithonian south of 52°N, and during
ing during northeastward translation of the Omineca belt core the late Berriasian to early Valanginian further north (52°N–
relative to the North American craton. To the west, the Bowser 55°N). In the Berriasian, a west-sourced delta system with rivers
basin experienced a dramatic westward migration of facies carrying volcanic and metamorphic clasts and abundant radio-
boundaries, indicating sustained topography in the source areas, larian chert entered the basin near 54°N, indicating that the depo-
and to the east, the Foreland belt experienced its first significant sitional system had sources in the Slide Mountain terrane and
flexural subsidence and deposition. The latter resulted from the metamorphic parts of the Omineca belt (McMechan et al., 2006).
elastic response of the first widespread loading of the North Relatively rapid Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous sedimenta-
American craton by thickened North American supracrustal tion (Valanginian; up to 100 m/m.y.) was followed by pedimen-
rocks and the western thickened lithosphere of pericratonic ter- tation and conglomeratic sedimentation in the Hauterivian and
ranes, Quesnellia, Cache Creek, and possibly Stikinia. Detrital Barremian (F3 in Fig. 3). There was substantial erosion of lower
zircons in Bowser basin strata indicate that the sources were still Lower Cretaceous and Upper Jurassic sediments in the eastern
Links across the Canadian Cordillera 137

part of the Alberta foreland basin, and the conglomerates were gin of the basin (Evenchick, 1991a; Evenchick and Thorkel-
derived solely from sedimentary sources (Gibson, 1985, and son, 2005; Bassett and Kleinspehn, 1997; I5 in Table 1; Fig. 3).
references therein; Ross et al., 2005). The westernmost Alberta Widespread fluvial deposition in the Sustut basin began in the
foreland basin sediments were being deformed and eroded by the Albian with an eastern (Omineca belt) source of detrital micas
end of the Valanginian (Fig. 6D). Near the line of section in Fig- and clasts distinctive of the early Paleozoic Cordilleran mar-
ure 6D, northeast-directed thrusting likely reached the western gin (Eisbacher, 1981), including recycled detrital zircons of
Foreland belt in the early Early Cretaceous with the initiation of Archean, Paleoproterozoic, Mesoproterozoic, and Paleozoic
the Malton Gneiss basement slice (O7 in Table 1). ages initially derived from the North America craton (McNicoll
From the material presented here, we conclude that the et al., 2005; I5 in Fig. 3; Fig. 6E). Omineca belt sources may
early Early Cretaceous was a time of significant change across be represented in the southern Bowser basin earlier than Albian
the Cordillera and that events in adjacent regions were kinemati- (Bassett and Kleinspehn, 1997). The depositional overlap of
cally linked within the developing orogen. The basins flanking Skeena fold belt structures by basal Sustut Group strata illus-
the Omineca highland became regions of exclusively nonmarine trates the extent of contractional deformation, which reached
deposition, with >1.5 km of sediment deposited in the western far to the northeast part of the Bowser basin prior to Albian time
Alberta foreland basin, and probably >2 km of sediment depos- (Eisbacher, 1981; Evenchick, 1991a). Clasts of chert recycled
ited in the Bowser basin. A major middle Early Cretaceous from the Bowser Lake Group into the Sustut basin in this period
unconformity in the Alberta foreland basin developed within all suggest that the Skeena fold belt formed highlands southwest of
but the westernmost areas. This period also records the first sig- the Sustut basin (5e in Fig. 3; Fig. 5D; Eisbacher, 1981).
nificant deformation of western Alberta foreland basin deposits, In the Omineca belt, the general structural style estab-
and possibly the initial deformation in the Skeena fold belt. The lished in the Early Cretaceous prevailed, whereby zones of
age of the latter is not narrowly constrained, but the presence of penetrative deformation in the mid-crust and movement on
locally derived early to middle Early Cretaceous coarse synoro- deep-seated shear zones accommodated deformation and trans-
genic clastic rocks in the north-central Bowser basin suggests that lation across the belt (O7 in Table 1; Fig. 6E) and transferred
deformation started in this period, or shortly thereafter. Detrital shortening across the orogen from the plate margin to the active
zircons in Early Cretaceous Bowser basin strata have similar foreland. Emplacement and stacking of imbricated basement-
source ages as the older strata, indicating that the drainage divide cored nappes of the Malton Complex occurred in the Albian,
remained in the western Omineca–eastern Intermontane compo- as bracketed by the ca. 140–120 Ma isograds south of the com-
nents of the Omineca highland, and detritus of only Cache Creek, plex, which were deflected during emplacement of the complex,
Quesnellia, and Stikinia was carried westward (Fig. 5C and 6D). and the ca. 110–100 Ma cooling dates for the complex (O7 in
Table 1). The ca. 105–90 Ma Cassiar batholith, now located
Albian (ca. 112–100 Ma) in the northern Omineca belt, was probably emplaced in the
By the mid-Cretaceous, the Insular belt terranes were southern Omineca belt and translated northward. Geochemistry
accreted to western Stikinia, and a major phase of ductile defor- indicates derivation mainly from melting of continental crust
mation, metamorphism, and magmatism began in the Coast belt (Driver et al., 2000), which was associated with, and facilitated
(e.g., Monger et al., 1982; Crawford et al., 1987, 2005; Fig. 6E). by, movement on mid-Cretaceous transcurrent faults within a
In the west-central Coast belt, greenschist metamorphism prior transpressive environment (Gabrielse et al., 2006).
to ca. 98 Ma was followed by burial locally to 8 kbar (800 MPa; In the Foreland belt, renewed subsidence of the Alberta fore-
30 km), and regional west-directed thrusting started at ca. 100 Ma land basin occurred during the Albian. The greatest subsidence
(e.g., Crawford et al., 1987; Rubin et al., 1990). Farther east in was associated with extensional faulting near 56°N above the
the central Coast belt, crustal thickening by thrust faulting and ancestral Peace River Arch, following a pattern established in the
emplacement of tabular syntectonic plutons resulted in 6 kbar Aptian (Stott, 1993). Several regional transgressive-regressive
(600 MPa) metamorphism by ca. 90 Ma (Crawford et al., 1987). cycles in the north caused an alternation of marine, coastal, and
Rocks in the central Coast Belt, west of the southern Bowser nonmarine environments, whereas nonmarine deposition and dis-
basin, presently overlie 30 km of crust (Morozov et al., 1998; conformities developed in the south (Fig. 5D; Stott, 1993; Smith,
Hammer et al., 2000), suggesting that in the mid-Cretaceous, 1994). Rock fragments and heavy minerals in Albian strata indi-
part of the central Coast belt crust was up to 60 km thick (e.g., cate a mixed sedimentary, metamorphic, and volcanic/intrusive
Crawford et al., 1987). Ductile east-directed thrusting involving source between 53°N and 56°N, and a dominant volcanic and
Stikinia on the east side of the central and southern Coast belt intrusive Quesnellian source south of 53°N (McMechan and
began at ca. 90 Ma, about the same time as the major crustal Thompson, 1993; Ross et al., 2005). Exhumation and cooling
thickening described previously (e.g., Rusmore and Woodsworth, of metasedimentary rocks and basement slices above northeast-
1994; Rusmore et al., 2000; Crawford et al., 2005). directed thrust faults occurred in the Albian near 53°N (F4 in
Shortening of Bowser basin strata in the Skeena fold belt Fig. 3; McDonough and Simony, 1988).
started before the Albian, and there is no record of Albian or We conclude that the Albian was a milestone in tectonic
younger Bowser basin deposition except at the southern mar- development across the southern Canadian Cordillera, includ-
138 Evenchick et al.

ing the Coast belt. A fundamental change in detrital sources for tion followed in the Paleocene and early Eocene (Hollister, 1982;
regions west of the Omineca highlands was marked by a flood of Andronicos et al., 2003, and references therein).
clasts derived from deeper levels of the Omineca belt, including The last major depositional change in the Sustut basin was
the first clasts of exhumed metamorphic rocks that had originally in the late Campanian, when the relatively low-energy fluvial
been deposited on the Paleozoic margin of cratonic North Amer- systems of the Tango Creek Formation were succeeded by high-
ica (Fig. 6E). Either exhumation and erosion of the Omineca belt energy systems that deposited sheets of conglomerate of the
reduced the carapace of accreted terranes on the west side of the Brothers Peak Formation (Eisbacher, 1981; I6 in Table 1; Figs. 3
highland, or increased surface uplift of the Omineca belt shifted and 6F). Deformation of uppermost Sustut strata constrains the
the drainage divide eastward. After an initial flood of clastics youngest Skeena fold belt deformation to post-Maastrichtian.
into the Sustut basin from the east (Omineca belt), deposition in Preliminary apatite fission-track thermochronology results
the basin was focused in a northwest-trending trough, confined (O’Sullivan et al., 2005) and thermal maturity data (Stasiuk et al.,
between the Omineca highland and highlands of the Skeena fold 2005) suggest that a few kilometers of strata have been eroded
belt (Fig. 6E). Widespread sedimentation in the Alberta foreland from above present exposures of Sustut and northeastern Bowser
basin driven by flexural and dynamic processes (Beaumont et al., strata, and 4.4–7 km has been eroded from northwestern Bowser
1993) produced a westward-thickening wedge, locally up to strata (O’Sullivan et al., in 2005) since the latest Cretaceous–
1.7 km thick, that extended 1000 km eastward onto the craton. early Cenozoic; some of this “missing” section may have been
In most of the southern Alberta foreland basin, sediments were mid-Cretaceous age, as described earlier, but some, or all, may
derived from the Omineca and Foreland highlands. In contrast, have been late Maastrichtian to early Eocene age, in part supplied
south of 51°N, the Albian was the only time when rivers flowed from the west during the rapid exhumation of the Coast belt.
unimpeded from a region underlain by Quesnellia strata in the Continued internal deformation and northeastward transla-
western Omineca belt into the foreland basin with little input tion of the Omineca belt (O9 in Table 1; Fig. 6F) is manifested
from central Omineca or Foreland belt strata (Leckie and Krys- by out-of-sequence structures, such as the pre–ca. 93 Ma Purcell
tinik, 1995). The structural architecture formed in the Jurassic to thrust (Archibald et al., 1983; P.S. Simony, 2005, personal
Early Cretaceous within the Omineca and eastern Intermontane commun.), by crystalline thrust nappes, such as the Gwillim
belts was carried northeastward by deep-seated zones of defor- Creek shear zone in Valhalla complex, which carried metamor-
mation, and in the Foreland belt deformation occurred mainly on phic rocks inboard and ramped them onto cold basement (Carr
northeast-directed thrust faults (Fig. 6E). The net result of mid- and Simony, 2006), and by belts of penetrative deformation
Cretaceous tectonism in the Coast belt was significant crustal within mid-crustal rocks, such as those exposed in the eastern
thickening by stacking of thick crustal slabs. Involvement of Selkirk Mountains and in the Monashee Mountains north, west,
Stikinia in the east-directed ductile thrust system on the east side and south of the Monashee Complex (Johnston et al., 2000;
of the Coast belt is the basis for the interpretation that the high- Gibson, 2003; Hinchey, 2005; Williams and Jiang, 2005; Brown
level structures of the Skeena fold belt, also involving Stikinia, and Gibson, 2006). Dextral displacement primarily in the Eocene,
root in the Coast belt (Fig. 6E; Evenchick, 1991a). We speculate on faults within and transecting the western Omineca highlands,
that the crustal thickening in the Coast belt may have provided amounted to ~430 km (Gabrielse et al., 2006) and resulted in
a western source of sediment deposited over deformed Bowser the final northward movement of the Bowser-Sustut region and
basin strata of the western Skeena fold belt. Strata of this age are western Omineca highlands (including Cassiar batholith) relative
not preserved, but apatite fission-track and vitrinite reflectance to cratonic North America.
data suggest that since the latest Cretaceous–early Cenozoic, A major change from dominantly marine shale with pulses
4.4–7 km of section has been eroded from the northwest Bowser of westerly derived deltaic sand to dominantly nonmarine coarse
basin–Skeena fold belt (O’Sullivan et al., 2005). clastics occurred during the Santonian in the western Alberta
foreland basin south of 51°N (Stott, 1963; Leahy and Lerbekmo,
Late Campanian/Maastrichtian–Early Eocene (ca. 74–50 Ma) 1995; Payenberg et al., 2002); a similar change occurred at the
The contractional ductile deformation of the Coast belt that base of the late Campanian elsewhere in the western foreland
began in the mid-Cretaceous continued into the earliest Cenozoic basin (Dawson et al., 1994; 4e in Fig. 3). At the eastern margin
with emplacement of large volumes of magma and an eastward of the Foreland belt, rapid, nonmarine sedimentation probably
migration of magmatism; deformation included the development continued into the early Eocene, with up to 4 km of late Cam-
of large recumbent nappes in the core of the Coast belt (younger panian to Paleocene strata preserved (Stott and Aitken, 1993;
than ca. 85 Ma), with the result that thick crust was created F5 in Fig. 3). An additional 2–2.5 km accumulation of Paleocene
by latest Cretaceous time (e.g., Crawford et al., 1987, 2005; and Eocene strata, no longer preserved, is inferred for the east-
Fig. 6G). These events occurred in an environment of dextral ern edge of the Foreland belt, south of 54°N, from coal reflec-
transpression that lasted into earliest Cenozoic time (Rusmore tance data (Nurkowski, 1984; Kalkreuth and McMechan, 1996).
et al., 2001; Andronicos et al., 2003). Exhumation began during Most Santonian to Paleocene sediments were derived from the
the Cretaceous during contraction (e.g., Crawford et al., 1987). Foreland highlands and from volcanic airfall (Ross et al., 2005).
Extension, pluton emplacement, and rapid (2 mm/yr) exhuma- Two exceptions occur near 53°N (Fig. 3), where local conglom-
Links across the Canadian Cordillera 139

erates, one late Maastrichtian and the other middle Paleocene, (2) Ongoing deformation, crustal thickening, and/or exhu-
contain a few andesitic pebbles (Jerzykiewicz, 1985), which mation in the Omineca belt from the Late Jurassic to Paleocene
indicate that the drainage divide locally extended into the Inter- occurred while sediment was shed from the Omineca highland
montane belt. The leading edge of the thrust system progressed eastward into the Alberta foreland basin, and westward into the
eastward from the central Foreland belt to its eastern edge dur- Bowser and Sustut basins (I2–I6, O3–O9, F1–F5 in Table 1;
ing the late Campanian to early Eocene (Fig. 6G), doubling its expanded on herein);
width and resulting in exhumation, erosion, and cannibalization (3) Mid-Cretaceous initiation of thin-skinned shortening in
of the Alberta foreland basin wedge (Price and Mountjoy, 1970). the Foreland belt, major crustal thickening in the Coast belt, thin-
Motion on major thrust faults in the Eastern Front Ranges (e.g., skinned shortening in the Skeena fold belt, initiation of the Sustut
Lewis, McConnell) deformed late Campanian strata, and major basin, and continued eastward translation of the exhuming core of
thrust faults in the Foothills (e.g., Bighorn, Brazeau) deformed the Omineca belt above a basal detachment system (I5, O6, O7,
Paleocene strata (Price, 1981; McMechan and Thompson, 1993). O8, F4 in Table 1; Crawford et al., 1987)—in summary, shorten-
Alberta foreland basin subsidence ended with the cessation of ing across the width of the Cordillera—was accommodated at
contractional deformation in the early Eocene (Fig. 6G). different structural levels;
The late Campanian to earliest Eocene was the last period (4) Approximately synchronous pulses of synorogenic
of trans-Cordilleran horizontal shortening and sedimentation that coarse clastics were deposited in the Sustut basin and Alberta
may be attributed to kinematic links across the orogen. It was foreland basin in the late Campanian–early Maastrichtian, during
characterized by northeastward translation of the Omineca belt on a period of major structural thickening and denudation (I6, O9,
mid-crustal structures at the same time as significant nonmarine F5 in Table 1); and
deposition in basins on the east and west sides of the Omineca (5) Horizontal shortening across all belts lasted into the
highland, thickening and horizontal shortening at high crustal latest Cretaceous to early Cenozoic (I6, O9, O10, F5 in Table 1;
levels in the Skeena fold belt and Foreland belt, and crustal thick- e.g., Crawford et al., 1987).
ening and eastward migration of magmatism in the Coast belt. Such links are permissible, despite uncertainties in timing
The start of this period marks one of the fundamental changes in and magnitude of superimposed transcurrent faults, because
sedimentation in the basins flanking the Omineca highlands. In fundamental aspects of each belt have considerable strike length.
the Sustut basin, the change was from low- to high-energy fluvial Although the ~300-km-long Bowser basin is the most restricted
deposition, and in the Alberta foreland basin, it changed from tectonic element discussed, it was the major center of sedimenta-
deltaic marine pulses to entirely nonmarine deposition. Confine- tion west of the evolving orogen in the Middle and Late Jurassic,
ment of Sustut Group deposition to a linear northwest-trending and it was probably localized adjacent to the region of maximum
trough with southeast paleocurrents suggests that the Skeena crustal thickening in the Omineca belt.
fold belt and Omineca highland continued to form topographic From these examples of synchronous and compatible tec-
barriers bounding the Sustut basin. During the late Campanian to tonic events in adjacent belts, we suggest that the Intermontane,
early Maastrichtian, ~1.5 km of strata accumulated in the Sustut Omineca, and Foreland belts were kinematically connected from
basin, while up to 2 km accumulated in the Alberta foreland the Middle Jurassic to early Cenozoic, and that the Insular and
basin. Deposition in the Alberta foreland basin continued into the Coast belts were included in this kinematic connection from
early Eocene, forming a late Campanian to Eocene westward- mid-Cretaceous to early Cenozoic. Both the Bowser and Alberta
thickening wedge over 6 km thick at the eastern margin of the Foreland basins received sediment from a persistent source in the
Foreland belt. Deposition of strata, no longer preserved, across Omineca highland, which was composed of the eastern accreted
the Sustut basin and/or a broader and younger basin and originat- terranes, pericratonic terranes, and supracrustal rocks of western
ing in part from exhumation of the Coast belt, may have contin- North American. This source lasted for ~120 m.y., from earliest
ued into the latest Cretaceous or earliest Cenozoic. Bowser basin deposition to the final Alberta foreland basin depo-
sition. Throughout the evolution of the orogen, changes in source
LINKS ACROSS THE OROGEN AND rocks for each basin reflect changes in the level of exhumation
THEIR SIGNIFICANCE in the intervening highland, which progressively exposed deeper
rocks, and migration of the drainage divide. The relationship
The previous section demonstrated the kinematic and between basin evolution and lithospheric loading for the Foreland
dynamic links across the orogen through time, illustrated by Fig- and Omineca belts has been well established (e.g., Beaumont
ure 3 and tectonic interpretations in Figure 6. To summarize: et al., 1993). This relationship is less direct for the Bowser basin
(1) Middle Jurassic obduction of Quesnellia and Slide Moun- because much of northern Stikinia was already the site of marine
tain terranes onto pericratonic terranes and distal North America deposition, although limited in thickness, prior to the Bajocian/
was followed closely by southwest obduction of Cache Creek onto Bathonian. Subsidence was caused, at least in part, by cooling
Stikinia, which resulted in initiation of flexural subsidence in the of Stikinia, which probably continued through at least the early
Bowser basin and deposition of coarse Cache Creek detritus in phases of coarse Bowser basin deposition. Facies relationships
the Bowser basin (I0, I1, O1, O2 in Table 1); indicate that the northeastern part of the basin was the primary
140 Evenchick et al.

site of deposition during the late Middle and early Late Jurassic, Hyndman et al. (2005) argued that back arcs or recent back arcs
presumably in response to lithospheric loading by the growing are hot as a result of transfer of convective heat below thin litho-
accretionary orogen to the east and by accumulating sediment. sphere, and that the high temperature results in weak lower crust,
The large scale of both the Foreland and Bowser basins and wide- facilitating development of lower-crust detachments, which
spread contractional structures are incompatible with the alterna- separate crustal elements above from underlying lithosphere in
tive explanation of basin formation in a transtensional regime. the manner of “orogenic float” (Oldow et al., 1990). The decay
Therefore, the basins are most likely related, in differing degrees, in temperature after the source is removed is slow enough that
to subsidence due to flexure and progressive loading of the litho- former back-arc regions may remain weak long after cessation
sphere by the thickened crust between them and by deposition of arc activity (Hyndman et al., 2005). From Hyndman et al.’s
of sediments from the same persistent source, the elevation of (2005) calculations of temperature decay, and Monger and
which was maintained by the processes that resulted in continued Nokleberg’s (1996) review of the evolution of arc development
exhumation of the Omineca belt. in the Cordillera, Stikinia probably remained relatively hot for
Shortening of the orogen and inferred linkages across the the period discussed herein. To illustrate their model, Hyndman
orogen were likely accommodated by a lower-crustal detach- et al. (2005) explained the relationship between the modern colli-
ment as illustrated in Figure 6. Support for this interpretation sion of the Yakutat block in the Gulf of Alaska and shortening in
is provided by interpretation of SNORCLE line 2a, which dis- the Mackenzie Mountains at the front of the thrust belt as being
plays a low-angle boundary between Stikinia and North Ameri- facilitated by a detachment in a weak lower crust. We suggest that
can rocks that rises eastward from the lower crust to middle the connectivity of tectonic elements across the Cordillera in the
crust (Fig. 6H; Cook et al., 2004; Evenchick et al., 2005). This Cretaceous is an ancient example of this phenomenon.
boundary may be part of the lower-crustal detachment illus- Recognition of a deep detachment across the orogen may
trated in Figure 6. The deformation and structural architecture provide a broader context for understanding structural relation-
of mid- and upper-crustal rocks in the western Foreland and ships. For example, Rusmore et al. (2001) posed the problem
eastern Omineca belts were established in the Middle Jurassic of accommodation in the Coast belt of the large horizontal dis-
to Early Cretaceous (Carr and Simony, 2006, and references placement inferred from plate motions. They concluded that
therein); therefore, linkage of mid-Cretaceous to Eocene struc- reverse motion on the Paleocene Coast shear zone represents
tures in the Foreland and Omineca belts must have occurred the orthogonal component of oblique convergence, but we ques-
via a detachment that passed beneath the western Foreland belt. tion the magnitude of shortening that may be accommodated by
This interpretation is consistent with geophysical data that are, this structure, and instead suggest that a lower-crust detachment
in part, controlled by outcrop and drill-hole information (Cook transferred a component of shortening eastward. This is also
et al., 1988, 1992; Cook and van der Velden, 1995). an effective way to accommodate the regional transpression
We suggest that the southern Canadian Cordillera evolved inferred by Rusmore et al. (2001) who associated dextral faults
from a relatively narrow, doubly vergent, “small-cold” orogen in in the Coast belt with dextral faults in the western Omineca
the Jurassic with the core centered in the Omineca belt (Figs. belt–Northern Rocky Mountain Trench.
6A–6D) to a much broader doubly vergent, “large-hot” orogen A question that arises from consideration of the Cordillera as
in the mid-Cretaceous (terminology of Koons, 1990; Beaumont one kinematically connected orogen is the perplexing thickness
et al., 2006). The mid- and Late Cretaceous orogen (Figs. 6E–6G) of Stikinia, which is interpreted from seismic-reflection data as
may be viewed as a wide doubly vergent orogen with the pre- being ~35 km thick (e.g., Cook et al., 2004). Was this Paleozoic–
dominantly east-directed structures in the Omineca and Foreland early Mesozoic arc terrane, possibly built partly on rifted frag-
belts on the eastern, retro-wedge side (terminology of Willett ments of continental margin, always thick, or was it substantially
et al., 1993), and west-directed structures of the accretionary oro- thinner prior to its accretion to North America and then thickened
gen of the Coast belt on the pro-wedge side, at the active oblique during Cretaceous Cordilleran-wide contraction?
subduction margin, all linked by a basal detachment. At this time, In this interpretation, the mid-orogen Skeena fold belt was
the Jurassic core of the orogen was mainly translated eastward carried piggyback above a lower-crust detachment connected to
and exhumed as part of the retro-wedge, which included the the Rocky Mountain fold-and-thrust belt. This scenario is unusual
active thrust front in the eastern Foreland belt. However, within in modern or ancient orogens. A factor that may have contributed
this first-order, large-scale geometry, there was a detachment to the geometry is the mechanical effect of the stratigraphy within
beneath the east-directed upper-crustal Skeena fold belt, which the Intermontane belt. The Bowser succession, formed just prior
soled westward into mid- and lower-crustal ductile structures in to deformation, is a thinly bedded succession with substantial
the eastern Coast belt. Thus, there were two coeval cratonward- mechanical heterogeneity, and therefore it was relatively weak.
verging upper-crust fold-and-thrust belts, equally large in cross In contrast, Stikinia is composed of units of limited lateral conti-
section, at the same latitude in the Cordilleran orogen: the Rocky nuity, such as volcanic edifices and surrounding sedimentary units
Mountain fold-and-thrust belt and the Skeena fold belt. with rapid facies changes, and associated plutons. Pre-Triassic
The Mesozoic history of Stikinia as an arc and (or) back arc strata underwent at least two phases of deformation and local
may have facilitated development of the lower-crust detachment. low-grade metamorphism, and Early Jurassic intrusions pierce
Links across the Canadian Cordillera 141

all sub-Bowser stratigraphy. Compared to the Bowser succes- many of whose work provided the platform for this synthesis.
sion, Stikinia contains few laterally continuous horizontal weak We appreciate the helpful comments on an early version of the
layers. An exception is the thinly layered early Middle Jurassic manuscript by Hubert Gabrielse, David Ritcey, and Jim Monger,
clastic succession, immediately below the Bowser Lake Group, and the thoughtful and constructive reviews of Maurice Colpron
which, along with underlying layered Early Jurassic volcanic and Glen Stockmal, and editor Tekla Harms. This is Geological
successions, was intimately involved in thin-skinned deforma- Survey of Canada contribution 2005540.
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ANRV341-EA36-16 ARI 26 March 2008 1:33

The Cordilleran Ribbon

Continent of North America
Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 2008.36:495-530. Downloaded from

Stephen T. Johnston
School of Earth & Ocean Sciences, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia,
Canada V8W 3P6; email: [email protected]
by Universidad de Salamanca on 05/08/08. For personal use only.

Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 2008. 36:495–530 Key Words

First published online as a Review in Advance on Laramide orogeny, orocline, accretionary orogenesis, plate
February 12, 2008
tectonics, paleomagnetism, Wilson cycle
The Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences is
online at Abstract
This article’s doi: The North American Cordilleran Orogen is the result of a two-stage
process: (a) Triassic-Jurassic accretion within Panthalassa forming
Copyright  c 2008 by Annual Reviews. SAYBIA, a composite ribbon continent, and (b) Late Cretaceous
All rights reserved
collision of SAYBIA with North America. This model requires that
0084-6597/08/0530-0495$20.00 a large portion of the continental foreland of the orogen is exotic.
The exotic continental component of SAYBIA, Cassiar Platform,
is distinguished from the autochthon on the basis of its (a) Triassic
Eurasian fauna; (b) involvement in a major Late Triassic-Early
Jurassic orogenic event; and (c) young, in part Grenvillian basement
and mantle. A mid-Cretaceous magmatic arc records west-dipping
subduction beneath the east-margin of SAYBIA. The related accre-
tionary prism consists of imbricated shale, chert, and deep-water
limestones (the Medial Basin) and overlies an isotopically juvenile
mantle domain. Carbonatite complexes delineate the cryptic
suture separating SAYBIA and the autochthon. Paleomagnetic and
paleobotanical data place SAYBIA 2000 km to the south relative to
the autochthon at 80 Ma. Late Cretaceous thrust belt development
records transpression between the north-moving ribbon continent
and the autochthon. Pinning against the Okhotsk-Chukotka arc in
Siberia buckled SAYBIA, giving rise to the Alaskan promontory.

ANRV341-EA36-16 ARI 26 March 2008 1:33

Between the autochthonous, undeformed strata of the plains to the east and the active
convergent margin to the west lies the north-south trending Cordilleran Orogen of
western North America (Figure 1). Within the confines of the orogen lies a boundary
between deformed crust of North American affinity (para-autochthonous strata) and
accreted, exotic crust. Determining the location, geometry, nature, and evolution
of the boundary between exotic and para-autochthonous North American crust has
been the subject of intense debate (Cook & Erdmer 2005, Johnston 2001), and is the
focus of this paper.
Understanding the boundary between North American and accreted crust is fun-
Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 2008.36:495-530. Downloaded from

damental to understanding the processes responsible for orogenesis and the growth
of continents. For example, orogens recording a complete Wilson cycle, including
a terminal continental collision, are commonly interpreted to result in significant
continental growth (e.g. Bird & Dewey 1970, Hoffman 1980). The Cordilleran Oro-
by Universidad de Salamanca on 05/08/08. For personal use only.

gen of western North American, however, is thought to represent an incomplete

Wilson cycle in that it appears to have developed in the absence of a terminal con-
tinental collision. Instead, the Cordillera is interpreted as an accretionary orogen,
and its evolution is explained as the result of the incremental, thin-skinned addition
of terranes to the continental margin above a landward-dipping subduction zone
(Monger 1997). Continental growth is not a requirement of accretionary orogenesis,
and subduction erosion of the continent may even result in a net loss of continental
If the Cordillera is, therefore, strictly attributable to accretionary processes, the
bulk of the orogen may consist of little-disturbed North American crust underpinned
by North American mantle (Cook et al. 2004, Snyder et al. 2002). I start by re-
viewing the basic character of the Canadian portion of the orogen, and assess a pri-
mary assumption in Cordilleran studies: that all continental assemblages are of North
American affinity. I demonstrate that a large portion of the continental foreland of the
orogen is exotic with respect to the autochthon and forms part of a composite ribbon
continent, previously referred to as SAYBIA ( Johnston 2001), which extends along
strike to the northwest into Alaska and south into the conterminous United States
of America. I finish by presenting a model of Cordilleran orogenesis as a product of
a two stage process: (a) the accretionary construction of a composite ribbon conti-
nent, SAYBIA, followed by (b) collision of SAYBIA with North America. This model
marks a return to a more Wilson cycle–style interpretation of the Cordillera, as it in-
volves a continental collision and implies that North America has grown significantly
westward during orogenesis. A key requirement of this model is the presence of a cryp-
tic suture within the orogenic foreland, a region that has been extensively mapped

Figure 1
The Cordilleran Orogen of western North America. Yellow striped region in Alaska, shown
here as a portion of the pericratonic belt ( yellow), has recently been reinterpreted as being part
of the Medial shale basin of the Foreland belt (Dusel-Bacon et al. 2006).

496 Johnston
ANRV341-EA36-16 ARI 26 March 2008 1:33

Northeast Alaskan

Kulukbuk Hills
Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 2008.36:495-530. Downloaded from
by Universidad de Salamanca on 05/08/08. For personal use only.

Intermontane domain
Pericratonic assemblages Characterized by
Magmatic arc McLoud fauna

Cache Creek terrane Characterized by

Tethyan fauna

Foreland domain
Cassiar platform
Medial basin
Rocky Mountain platform
400 km • The Cordilleran Ribbon Continent 497

ANRV341-EA36-16 ARI 26 March 2008 1:33

and studied. Determining the nature and location of the cryptic suture constitutes
the primary test of this model.

In the most general of terms, the Cordilleran Orogen is divisible into an eastern
foreland domain characterized by sedimentary strata of continental affinity, a central
intermontane domain consisting of oceanic assemblages, and a western insular do-
main of mixed oceanic and continental assemblages (Figure 2). The boundary region
between the foreland and intermontane domains is referred to as the Omineca, the
Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 2008.36:495-530. Downloaded from

diagnostic component of which is the Omineca magmatic belt (OMB), and is com-
monly considered to consist largely of crust and mantle that extends west from and
is a continuation of foreland domain crust and mantle.
Crust of the insular domain, to the west of the intermontane domain, is ex-
by Universidad de Salamanca on 05/08/08. For personal use only.

otic (Nokleberg et al. 2005) and was added to the North American margin some-
time between Lower Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous time (McClelland & Mattinson
2000). I therefore focus on the eastern portion of the orogen, that region strad-
dled by the foreland and intermontane domains, for it is within this region that
the boundary between the ancient west margin of North America and accreted
crust is located. Geological relationships limit accretion to having occurred be-
tween the Triassic and Upper Cretaceous. Hence, pre-Triassic tectonism and post-
Cretaceous extension and magmatism in the southern Canadian Cordillera are little
Thorough reviews of the geology of the Canadian Cordillera are provided else-
where and as a Supplemental Appendix (follow the Supplemental Material link
from the Annual Reviews home page at The three
salient points for this discussion are as follows:
1. Paleozoic to Middle Jurassic strata of the foreland domain are divisible into an
easterly shallow water continental platform (the Rocky Mountain Platform); a
medial basinal domain of shale, chert, and deep-water limestone (the Medial
Basin); and a westerly shallow water platform (Cassiar Platform).
2. The intermontane domain is characterized by a mid-Paleozoic to mid-Mesozoic
arc (Stikinia-Quesnellia) and a related accretionary complex (Cache Creek
terrane) that includes offscraped seamounts that originated in the Tethyan

Figure 2
Geological map of the Canadian Cordillera showing divisions of the foreland and
intermontane domains, location shown in inset at upper left. The jagged line indicates a
mapped facies boundary separating shallow water platformal sequences (M, McKenzie
Mountains; R, Rocky Mountains; C, Cassiar; W, Windermere High) from basinal strata (SB,
Selwyn Basin; K, Kechika Trough). The Tintina–Northern Rocky Mountain Trench (NRMT)
fault is the locus of >400 km of Eocene dextral displacement (Gabrielse et al. 2006).

498 Johnston
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Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 2008.36:495-530. Downloaded from

°N N
60 C

Fossil localities in foreland

by Universidad de Salamanca on 05/08/08. For personal use only.

yielding Eurasian fauna

150°W °W

400 km
Ins Methow Basin
a in W
Intermontane domain

Pericratonic assemblages Foreland domain

N: Nisling C: Cassiar
Cassiar platform
YT: Yukon-Tanana W: Windermere High
K: Kootenay Rocky Mountain M: McKenzie Mountains
platform R: Rocky Mountains
Magmatic arc
S: Stikinia
Q: Quesnellia
SB: Selwyn Basin
Cache Creek terrane Medial basin
KT: Kechika Trough • The Cordilleran Ribbon Continent 499

ANRV341-EA36-16 ARI 26 March 2008 1:33

3. Pericratonic assemblages and structurally interleaved ophiolite separate the

intermontane and foreland domains, and provide a record of Paleozoic Andean-
type arc and related marginal basins.


Despite the foreland position of the Cassiar Platform, a number of lines of evidence
imply an exotic non–North American origin for the shallow-water continental plat-
form. These include faunal and geological data inconsistent with autochthoneity,
and paleomagnetic and paleobotanical data that require significant mobility of the
platform relative to the autochthon into the Late Cretaceous.
Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 2008.36:495-530. Downloaded from


by Universidad de Salamanca on 05/08/08. For personal use only.

In Yukon, Upper Triassic strata from near the Cassiar Platform–Medial Basin bound-
ary includes Epigondolella and Paragondolella—conodont species that are Eurasian. In
North America, these species are only known from the exotic Wrangellia terrane
of the insular domain (Orchard 2006). Eurasian fauna similarly characterizes the
intermontane domain. Permian strata of Stikinia-Quesnellia are characterized by
schwagerinid fusulinids and additional fauna that are similar to those found in
the McCloud Limestone of northern California and Nevada (Carter et al. 1992)
(Figures 1 and 2). The fauna of the McCloud Belt terranes (Miller 1987) is distinct
from the fauna of coeval North American strata. The degree of separation required
to produce this faunal provincialism is assumed to be >1000 km and may be much
greater (Stevens et al. 1990). A more distal origin for Stikinia-Quesnellia, consistent
with the constraints provided by the Tethyan Cache Creek seamounts ( Johnston
& Borel 2007), is suggested by Devonian and Lower Carboniferous strata that are
characterized by conodonts of exclusively Eurasian derivation (Orchard 2000), and
by Permian and Triassic strata that, although characterized by a mixed faunal assem-
blage, includes corals, conodonts, and radiolarian that are otherwise unknown outside
of Eurasia (Reid & Tempelman-Kluit 1987, Stanley & Senowbari-Daryan 1999). The
slices of ophiolitic crust tectonically interleaved with the pericratonic assemblages
are similarly characterized by Permian McCloud fauna, and Triassic mixed fauna, in
part, of Tethyan affinity (Dusel-Bacon & Harris 2003, Nelson 1993). Hence, Eurasian
fauna characterizes Devonian through Triassic strata of the intermontane domain, as
well as the Cassiar Platform, distinguishing them from coeval North American strata
of the Rocky Mountain Platform.

Stikinia-Quesnellia and the pericratonic assemblages were involved in a major Late
Triassic collisional event that was not recorded on the autochthon. In the southern

500 Johnston
ANRV341-EA36-16 ARI 26 March 2008 1:33

Cordillera, rocks of Quesnellia overthrust the pericratonic assemblages along a major

east-verging thrust fault that is plugged by Early Jurassic intrusions (Murphy et al.
1995). Rapid uplift and exhumation of deeply buried pericratonic strata is recorded
by Early to Middle Jurassic cooling ages on continental margin assemblages that
had been metamorphosed at pressures of greater than 7 kbar (Colpron et al. 1996)
(Figure 3). In Yukon, Stikinia tectonically overlies the pericratonic assemblages
( Johnston & Canil 2007). Early Jurassic posttectonic plutons and shallow-level mi-
arolitic dyke swarms intrude and stitch together Stikinia and pericratonic assem-
blages ( Johnston et al. 1996a) that had been previously metamorphosed at pressures
of 8 to 12 kbars ( Johnston & Erdmer 1995) (Figure 3). Collision is recorded in
Stikinia-Quesnellia by the Late Triassic termination of arc magmatism and Early
Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 2008.36:495-530. Downloaded from

Jurassic molasse deposition.

Collisional orogenesis was thick-skinned, involving exhumation of lowermost
mantle lithosphere. Pleinsbachian (∼185 Ma) molasse shed off the collision zone
includes clasts of ultrahigh-pressure garnet peridotite and eclogite unroofed from
by Universidad de Salamanca on 05/08/08. For personal use only.

depths of 100 to 150 km (MacKenzie et al. 2005) (Figure 3). Micaceaous Triassic
flysch was deposited across the pericratonic assemblages and their tectonically in-
terleaved slices of ophiolite, the Cassiar Platform, and parts of the Medial Basin.
These Triassic strata were derived from the west, are locally conglomeratic, and are
interpreted as syn-orogenic sediments (Colpron et al. 2006; Colpron et al. 2007)
(Figure 3). Detrital zircons of demonstrable pericratonic assemblage origin char-
acterize Triassic strata overlying Medial Basin strata, consistent with interpreta-
tion as an overlap assemblage (Beranek & Mortensen 2006, Beranek & Mortensen
In contrast, passive margin sedimentation continued to characterize the Rocky
Mountain Platform through at least the Middle Jurassic, in the south, and until
the Cretaceous in the north (Gordey et al. 1992) (see Supplemental Figure 1).
Phosphorite and, in deeper water strata, chert accumulation imply that the passive
margin faced west toward an open ocean basin characterized by upwelling of large-
scale deep water currents (Poulton 1984, Poulton & Aitken 1989). Westerly derived
flysch and molasse did not inundate the southern Rocky Mountain Platform until
the Upper Jurassic (155–152 Ma), and even then, most of the siliciclastic sediment
appears to have been derived from autochthonous source terranes (Ross et al. 2005).
Clastic sediments derived from erosion of isotopically juvenile source terranes, such
as the oceanic arcs and ophiolite of the intermontane domain, do not appear in the
foreland basin until 120 Ma (Ross et al. 2005).
The thick-skinned Late Triassic orogeny that involved the intermontane domain
terranes, the Cassiar Platform, and the Medial Basin did not load and cause isostatic
flexure of the lithosphere on which the Rocky Mountain Platform was located. Even
in the southern Canadian Cordillera, where the orogenic welt is closest to the Rocky
Mountain Platform (only 200 km to the west after palinspastic restoration of younger
thrust faults), there is no evidence of any Triassic–Early Jurassic loading of the North
American lithosphere and no orogenic sediments shed east off of the thickened crustal
welt that characterized the orogen. Neither did the orogen impede or inhibit contin-
ued oceanic upwelling and related phosphatic sediment deposition along the North • The Cordilleran Ribbon Continent 501

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by Universidad de Salamanca on 05/08/08. For personal use only.

26 March 2008

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American passive margin. The implication is that the Triassic orogeny involving the
intermontane domain terranes and the Cassiar Platform took place far removed from
the Rocky Mountain Platform and involved plates separate from the North American


The basement to the Rocky Mountain Platform consists of 1.84 Ga and older crust
and mantle of the Canadian Shield (Ross 2000). This contrasts with the basement
underpinning the Medial Basin, the Cassiar Platform, and the intermontane domains,
which is younger. In the northern Cordillera, the Coates Lake Diatreme intrudes Pro-
Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 2008.36:495-530. Downloaded from

terozoic sedimentary rocks near the mapped eastern boundary of the Medial Basin
(Figure 4). Lower crustal granitic xenoliths in the diatreme yield crystallization ages
of 1.1 Ga ( Jefferson & Parrish 1989, Mortensen & Colpron 1998). 1.0 to 1.1 Ga
xenocrystic zircons characterize Paleozoic diatremes that intrude in or near the east
by Universidad de Salamanca on 05/08/08. For personal use only.

margin of the Medial Basin in the southern Cordillera (Parrish & Reichenbach 1991)
(Figure 4). Metabasite xenoliths in intrusive breccias in the Wernecke Mountains
(Yukon) were recrystallized at 1.15 Ga (Milidragovic et al. 2007). 1.0 to 1.2 Ga crys-
talline rocks are unknown in the cratonic basement to the east and indicate that the
depositional basement to Medial Basin and Cassiar Platform is a distinct, in part,
Grenvillian-aged basement.
Precambrian crystalline rocks crop out within the pericratonic assemblages in
British Columbia, including, from south to north, the Priest River Complex (Idaho),
the Monashee Complex, the Malton Complex, and the Sifton Range (Figure 4). The
basement complexes are exposed within structural culminations and have been inter-
preted as para-autochtonous extensions of the cratonic North American basement to
the east (Parrish 1992). However, the Priest River Complex, which lies west of the
3.3 Ga to 2.6 Ga Medicine Hat province of the craton, crystallized at 2.55 to 2.65 Ga,
is intruded by 1.59 Ga felsic plutons and cannot be readily correlated with any cra-
tonic basement to the east (Doughty et al. 1998) (Figure 4). Despite the abundance
of Archean crust and mantle abutting the east margin of the Canadian Cordillera,
no Archean crust has yet been documented within the orogen. Granite and felsic
cobbles in a conglomerate in southern Quesnellia yield crystallization ages of 1.03 to
1.04 Ga, and were likely derived from erosion of exposed basement (Erdmer et al.

Figure 3
Map of the Cordillera showing region affected by Triassic orogeny. Only the Rocky Mountain
Platform (not colored here) was unaffected. Examples of constraints on timing of crustal
thickening and subsequent exhumation and cooling include (a) cooling curve from Nisling
pericratonic assemblage showing Early Jurassic cooling and exhumation ( Johnston et al.
1996a), (b) Ar-Ar cooling ages for Yukon-Tanana terrane that peak at 190 Ma (Breitsprecher &
Mortensen 2004); (c) exhumation curve for Kootenay pericratonic assemblage showing
unroofing by 180 Ma (Colpron et al. 1996); and (d ) the stratigraphic record from Stikinia of
unroofing of ultra-high-pressure rocks at 185 Ma (Canil et al. 2006). Also indicated is the
distribution of westerly derived, Triassic, syn-orogenic clastic sequences (Murphy et al. 2006). • The Cordilleran Ribbon Continent 503

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Diatreme field
Supplemental Figure 2
Diatreme field with 1.1 Ga ages
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W: Wernecke Breccia recrystallized xenoliths

C: Coates Lake granitic xenoliths
I: Columbia Icefields xenocrystic zircon
E: Elk River xenocrystic zircon
by Universidad de Salamanca on 05/08/08. For personal use only.

Carbonatite intruding Foreland domain

Carbonatite intruding metamorphic sequences

Conglomerate with 1.038 Ga cobble S

Geological regions
Cordilleran basement inlier
S: Sifton (1.85 Ga)
MA: Malton (2.1–1.87 Ga)
MO: Monashee (2.2–1.87 Ga)
PR: Priest River (1.64–1.52 Ga) MA
SR: Salmon River
2.0–1.8 Ga
2.4–2.0 Ga

Intermontane domain
Pericratonic assemblages
Magmatic arc
Cache Creek terrane E

Foreland domain
Cassiar platform PR
Medial basin
Rocky Mountain platform

400 km

Figure 4
Diatremes (squares) and carbonatites (diamonds) of the Cordillera. Inliers of Precambrian
basement within the Cordillera are indicated (magenta), as are the domains of the
autochthonous Precambrian basement. Box shows location of Supplemental Figure 2.

504 Johnston
ANRV341-EA36-16 ARI 26 March 2008 1:33

2002) (Figure 4) >700 Ma younger than any known basement within the adjacent
North American mantle can similarly be distinguished from the mantle underpin-
ning the Cassiar Platform and intermontane domain. Mantle xenoliths in Cretaceous
and younger kimberlite pipes intruding the authochthon range in age from Archean
to 1.8 Ga (LeCheminant et al. 1996). Alkalic magmatic rocks derived from melting
of the cratonic mantle lithosphere are isotopically radiogenic. For example, phlo-
gopite separated from the Lac de Gras kimberlites of the Slave craton yields initial
Sr values ranging from 0.704 to 0.706 (Creaser et al. 2004). In contrast, Re-Os iso-
topic studies of mantle xenoliths sampled by young alkali basalts erupting through
Stikinia-Quesnellia and the pericratonic assemblages all yield similar Os model ages
Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 2008.36:495-530. Downloaded from

of 1.1 Ga, interpreted as the age of melt extraction and lithospheric mantle formation
(Peslier et al. 2000) (Supplemental Figure 1). Isotopic studies of the alkali basalts
indicate that the mantle source region beneath the Medial Basin is less radiogenic (iSr
= 0.7034) than either the cratonic mantle to the east or the mantle underpinning the
by Universidad de Salamanca on 05/08/08. For personal use only.

Cassiar Platform to the west (Abraham et al. 2001) (Supplemental Figure 1).


A defining feature of the Canadian Cordillera is the mid-Cretaceous Omineca
Magmatic Belt (OMB). Here I focus on the northern OMB (Figure 5) for which
there is a significant geochemical and geochronological database. The northern OMB
is a belt of I- and S-type plutons (Figure 5) that intrude the intermontane domain,
Cassiar Platform and the Medial Basin. Resulting contact metamorphism is restricted
to narrow aureoles (Gordey & Anderson 1993, Pigage & Anderson 1985, Smith &
Erdmer 1990). The magmatic belt youngs to the northeast (Figure 6) (Breitsprecher
& Mortensen 2004, Hart et al. 2004a, Mortensen et al. 2000). In the west, plutons
intruded from 115 to 100 Ma, with small volume plutons as old as 124 Ma. Succes-
sively younger orogen-parallel intrusive bands to the northeast terminate in a set of
92 +/– 1 Ma plutons. The southwest to northeast age progression is accompanied
by changes in lithology, chemistry, and structure (Hart et al. 2004a, Mortensen et al.
2000). The western plutons are midcrustal, concordant, foliated, metaluminous, calc-
alkaline hornblende-biotite granodiorite sills with titanite and magnetite. Discordant,
shallow-level plugs of granite are minor. The intrusions are spatially associated with
and were syn-kinematic with steep, dextral-transpressive faults ( Johnston 1999). Ini-
tial Sr is ∼0.707 (n = 12) and geochemical data indicate enrichment in large-ion
lithophile elements (LILE) and negative Nb anomalies (Selby et al. 1999).
Younger plutons to the northeast are peraluminous and felsic, foliated to massive
hornblende-biotite granodiorite and muscovite-biotite granite (Figure 5). Accessory
ilmenite and monazite indicate reduced magmas (Hart et al. 2004a). Magmatism was
syn- to postkinematic; different magmatic phases are juxtaposed along brittle-ductile
high-strain zones (Gordey & Anderson 1993), with predominantly shallow-level plu-
tons lying elongate parallel to and spatially associated with northeast-verging dextral • The Cordilleran Ribbon Continent 505

ANRV341-EA36-16 ARI 26 March 2008 1:33

a Misty Creek embayment


plutons Intermontane domain Foreland domain

Pericratonic Cassiar
I-type and

assemblages platform
1 undifferentiated
plutons Magmatic arc Medial basin

dt Transitional
Rocky Mountain

Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 2008.36:495-530. Downloaded from


Yu ska
by Universidad de Salamanca on 05/08/08. For personal use only.

B. on

C. Meilleur River
embayment 0°

it o



300 km OMB intrusions
Coast belt


500 km


c 1 2
Selwyn Basin Ogilvie
e Platform
urassic Earn Group
canics S urian–De
vie Platform
n– vonian O o
Road River
R Group Neoproterozoic Ogilv
vie Platform
OMB Mt. Harper Grp

Hyland Group Loower and middle Proterozoic b
Lower basement
- Pi
Pinguicula G
- Wernecke Supergroup Clastics
t l Dawson
Ancestral D F lt (Abbott
Fault (Abb tt 1997)
199 Shale
Site of mid-K ocean closure (this paper) OMB

506 Johnston
ANRV341-EA36-16 ARI 26 March 2008 1:33

a b
SW ise rotat NE
98–90 kw

n=42 Ma Cl Southerly

Upper plate translation NORTH AMERICA

Accreted Cassiar Orogenic Float Rocky Mountain


Age (Ma)
terranes platform Selwyn Basin–Kechika Trough platform
n=1 99 Ma
120 115 112 108 105 101 98 95

0 0
12 =29

Depth (km)
100 100
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200 200
by Universidad de Salamanca on 05/08/08. For personal use only.

300 300

Figure 6
(a) Northern OMB plutons contoured (long dash lines) by age (Breitsprecher & Mortensen
2004). After Mortensen et al. (2000) and Hart et al. (2004b). n, number of age determinations.
(b) Schematic cross section showing tectonic setting of OMB arc (plutons in red ) at ∼95 Ma
(Oldow et al. 1990). Oblique subduction is resolved into NE-verging thrust faults and dextral
strike-slip that displace trenchward crust south (toward reader). The addition of orogenic float
along thrusts results in younging of arc plutons to the NE (large arrow indicates motion of
subducting slab). Arrows at top indicate southward displacements and clockwise rotations
attributable to dextral strike-slip fault.

transpressive thrust faults (Murphy 1997) (Figure 5). The thrust faults root west
beneath and are interpreted to share a common basal detachment with coeval dextral
strike-slip faults. Hornblende and biotite-bearing intrusions have initial Sr of 0.706 to
0.710, LILE enrichment, and negative Nb anomalies; two mica granites have initial
Sr of 0.709 to >0.730 (n = 15) (Driver et al. 2000). The most northeasterly plutons
intruded from 94 to 90 Ma, have circular map-patterns and are bimodal metalumi-
nous to alkaline, quartz monzonite to syenite, with rare gabbro and lamprophyre
(Anderson 1987).
Figure 5
(a) The northern Omineca magmatic belt (OMB) showing distribution of S- ( pink), I-type and
undifferentiated (red ), and (stipple) transitional plutons that are intermediate between I- and
S-types (Gordey & Anderson 1993, Hart et al. 2004a, Mortensen et al. 2000). Four-hundred
and twenty-five kilometers of Eocene displacement along the Tintina–Northern Rocky
Mountain Trench (TNRMT) fault has been restored. Teeth on mid-Cretaceous thrust faults,
including the Dawson Thrust (dt), point into the hangingwalls, opposite their sense of
vergence; strike-slip faults are dextral. (b) Inset location map shows Cordilleran distribution of
mid-Cretaceous OMB (red ) and Coast belt ( gray) intrusions. (c) Cross section at lower right
(line 1–2 in panel a) shows palinspastically restored stratigraphic section across hangingwall
(left, intruded by OMB) and footwall (right) sequences of Dawson Thrust (Abbott 1997). • The Cordilleran Ribbon Continent 507

ANRV341-EA36-16 ARI 26 March 2008 1:33

Hornblende-biotite granodiorites characterized by LILE enrichment and nega-

tive Nb anomalies, like those of the OMB, are commonly explained as arc magmas
(Hamilton 1995). An arc-interpretation has, however, been previously ruled out be-
cause of the broad width and lack of a nearby, temporally associated subduction com-
plex. Previous explanations of OMB magmatism have included back-arc magmatism
behind the coastal arc developed on the Insular Belt Wrangellia-Alexander terranes
(Hart et al. 2004a, Kidwell et al. 2005, Mair et al. 2006) and melting of a thick-
ened crustal welt (Armstrong 1988, Driver et al. 2000, Monger et al. 1982). These
models have difficulty explaining the volume, lithology, and structural setting of the
northern OMB. Continental back-arcs are typically characterized by small volumes
of alkalic magmatism intruded during extension, modern flat slabs are amagmatic
Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 2008.36:495-530. Downloaded from

(Gutscher et al. 2000), and thermal modeling indicates that slab flattening yields no
significant magmatism (English et al. 2003). Crustal welts yield irregularly developed,
amphibolite-grade crystalline terranes with spatially associated plutons that postdate
crustal thickening and lack a mantle component. Although Late Triassic orogeny
by Universidad de Salamanca on 05/08/08. For personal use only.

thickened the crust in the OMB region, this crustal welt was unroofed by 180 Ma
(Colpron et al. 1996, Johnston et al. 1996a). Neither back-arc magmatism nor melting
of a crustal welt explains the systematic southwest- to northeast-younging and related
geochemical changes of the OMB. I suggest a model involving the structural addition
of orogenic float to the upper plate of a convergent margin (Oldow et al. 1990).
Orogenic float (Oldow et al. 1990), when added to the upper plate at a convergent
margin, is bound by landward-dipping thrust faults that young oceanward and root
into a basal decollement. Oblique subduction is resolved into margin-normal thrusts
and coeval margin-parallel strike-slip faults. Assuming a fixed trench, the addition
of orogenic float to the upper plate is accommodated by the displacement of upper
plate crust, including previously intruded arc plutons, away from the trench (Oldow
et al. 1990). Because arcs are produced at a relatively fixed distance from the trench
(Hamilton 1995), the addition of orogenic float gives rise to a broad zone of arc
plutons that young oceanward (Figure 6).
In the orogenic float model, the northern OMB is an arc built initially on an upper
plate consisting of the intermontane domain and Cassiar Platform, and the Medial
Basin an accretionary prism of orogenic float. The width and northeast-younging of
the arc is attributable to displacement of upper plate crust to the southwest away from
a fixed trench, accommodating accretion of orogenic float derived from a subducting
lower plate. The distribution of arc plutons and accretionary prism strata implies west-
dipping subduction of oceanic lithosphere that lay east of Cassiar platform, consistent
with the northeast younging direction of the arc, and the northeast vergence of the
thrust faults bounding the orogenic float (Figure 6). Strata of the Rocky Mountain
platform form the footwall to the imbricated Medial Basin strata, implying that it was
the entry of buoyant North American continental lithosphere into the trench that
terminated subduction at 92 Ma. Because the abyssal strata of the Medial Basin are
allochthonous orogenic float, eastward salients of the basinal strata (Figure 5) are
probably in part structural artefacts (discussed below).
The eastward transition from I-type, oxidized magnetite-bearing plutons to
reduced ilmenite-bearing, I- and S-type plutons reflects arc migration onto the

508 Johnston
ANRV341-EA36-16 ARI 26 March 2008 1:33

accreting orogenic float (Figure 6). Underplating of argillaceous float by gabbro

would melt the float, explaining the radiogenic S-type plutons. The radiogenic
character of some I-type plutons has been used to argue that all of the intrusions
are the result of crustal melting. Subduction of transitional lithosphere and fluxing
of the mantle wedge by continental components derived from the heavily sediment-
laden downgoing plate may, however, explain the evolved, radiogenic mantle-derived
Interpretation of the northern OMB as an east-facing arc implies that the Medial
Basin is host to a cryptic suture. The imbricated, cleaved, disrupted and deformed
chert, argillite, and deep-water limestones of the Medial Basin “accretionary prism,”
limits the cryptic suture to being beneath or along its east margin. It remains unclear
Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 2008.36:495-530. Downloaded from

if any of the voluminous suite of ophiolitic rocks mapped in Alaska (Patton et al. 1994)
originated within the forearc of the OMB arc. Along strike to the south, the OMB in
northern Idaho is characterized by the Salmon River suture in which ophiolitic rocks
were obducted, sheared, and overprinted by OMB intrusions, all between 130 and
by Universidad de Salamanca on 05/08/08. For personal use only.

80 Ma (McClelland et al. 2000). These relationships are consistent with the Salmon
River ophiolite being a preserved remnant of the suture separating the OMB arc from
North America.


Cretaceous bedded sedimentary and volcanic rocks that unconformably overlie the
intermontane domain consistently yield anomalously shallow paleomagnetic incli-
nations relative to cratonic North America (Enkin et al. 2003, 2006; Irving et al.
1996, Wynne et al. 1998) (Figure 7). These paleomagnetic data imply that the inter-
montane domain crust lay >2000 km to the south relative to the autochthon between
90 Ma and 70 Ma (Enkin 2006). Paleomagnetic studies of plutons provide less consis-
tent results, probably owing to the difficulty in constraining paleohorizontal and the
age of magnetic remanance. Although some studies of plutons have been interpreted
as showing little evidence for a southerly origin (McCausland et al. 2006, Symons
et al. 2005), the bulk of pluton studies yield results consistent with results obtained
from layered supracrustal rocks (Enkin 2006, Irving & Wynne 1992).
In Yukon, 70 Ma volcanic flows and interlayered sedimentary rocks of
the Carmacks Group unconformably overlie the pericratonic assemblages and
Stikinia-Quesnellia (Figure 7). Paleomagnetic studies of the Carmacks Group
indicate deposition 1950 ± 600 km to the south relative to cratonic North
America (Enkin et al. 2006, Johnston et al. 1996b, Marquis & Globerman 1988,
Wynne et al. 1998) (Figure 7). The most easterly exposure of the Carmacks Group,
at Solitary Mountain, lies just 5 km west of the fault zone along which the pericra-
tonic assemblages and the Cassiar Platform are juxtaposed (Colpron et al. 2005). A
105 Ma batholith, one of the mid-Cretaceous OMB plutons, plugs the fault zone.
The contact aureole for the batholith extends unbroken across the fault zone into the
pericratonic assemblages, limiting fault juxtaposition of the intermontane domain
and the adjacent Cassiar Platform to having occurred prior to 105 Ma, long before
deposition of the Carmacks Group. • The Cordilleran Ribbon Continent 509

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Figure 7
(a) Paleolatitudes relative to the expected North American paleolatitude ( green line) for
Cretaceous and Paleocene bedded rocks based on paleomagnetic data (red diamonds; see Enkin
2006 for primary data and locations) and on paleobotanical data (Miller et al. 2006) ( green
triangle, the Methow Basin). Global polarity record (black: normal; white: reversed) shown at
bottom. (b) Geology map, with 425 km dextral motion along Tintina fault restored, showing
distribution of Carmacks Group (maroon) (Gladwin & Johnston 2006, Wynne et al. 1998).
Black box indicates location of Solitary Mountain. (c) Paleomagnetic results for the Carmacks
Group showing far-sided poles relative to the cratonic North American pole location.
Carmacks Group at Solitary Mountain yields a different azimuth indicating rotation relative to
Carmacks Group to the west (Enkin et al. 2006).

510 Johnston
ANRV341-EA36-16 ARI 26 March 2008 1:33

Intrusions of the mid-Cretaceous OMB are, as indicated above, widespread in

Yukon, pinning together Stikinia-Quesnellia, the pericratonic assemblages, Cassiar
Platform, and much of the Medial Basin (Figure 5) (Woodsworth et al. 1992). The
plutons extend east almost to the eastern margin of the Medial Basin (Gordey &
Anderson 1993). Hence, the paleomagnetic results for the Carmacks Group apply
to the Cassiar Platform and much of the Medial Basin (Gladwin & Johnston 2006).
The implications of these findings are that (a) the Cassiar Platform did not become
fixed to autochthonous North America until the Eocene; (b) that it, together with
Medial Basin strata to the east and intermontane domain strata to the west, resided
∼2000 km to the south relative to cratonic North America at 70 Ma; and (c) that the
structures along which Late Cretaceous northward motion were accommodated lie
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in the easternmost Medial Basin, along the eastern boundary of the Medial Basin, or
in the Rocky Mountain Platform to the east.
Layered sedimentary rocks overlying the intermontane domain locally contain
fossil leaves that can be used to estimate mean annual temperature (MAT). Because
by Universidad de Salamanca on 05/08/08. For personal use only.

the MAT is primarily a function of latitude (Miller et al. 2006), paleobiographic MAT
analyses can be used to constrain paleolatitude. The mid-Cretaceous (110 to 100 Ma)
Winthrop Formation, part of the Methow Basin of the southwestern intermontane
domain (Figure 2), contains fossil angiosperm leaves. Leaf-margin analysis of the
angiosperm fossils indicates a subtropical to tropical growth environment, consistent
with a latitude of 38.4◦ and implying deposition 2200 km to the south (Miller et al.
2006) (Figure 7), consistent with the paleomagnetic data. Because the intermontane
domain can be tightly tied to the pericratonic assemblages and the Cassiar Platform
by the Early Jurassic, the southerly latitude indicated by the paleobiographic analysis
provides further confirmation of the mobility of the Cassiar Platform and western
Medial Basin into the Late Cretaceous.
Paleomagnetic studies of older rocks in the Cordillera similarly imply significant
mobility of the intermontane domain relative to cratonic North America. Ophiolitic
sequences interleaved with the pericratonic assemblages include Permian abyssal
seafloor sedimentary rocks. A primary paleomagnetic remanance in the sedimentary
rocks yields anomalously shallow inclinations relative to cratonic North America, im-
plying deposition >2000 km to the south (Richards et al. 1993). Triassic and Jurassic
paleomagnetic results from Stikinia-Quesnellia yield paleolatitudes that are broadly
similar to cratonic values but that require large and variable rotations, and for which
the hemisphere of origin is ambiguous (Irving & Wynne 1992).


The east margin of the Medial Basin is characterized by numerous eastward salients,
including the Meilleur River and Misty Creek embayments (Figure 2). The distribu-
tion of shallow- and deep-water facies is commonly interpreted as primary features
reflecting the geometry of the original rifted west margin of the continent (Cecile
et al. 1997). However, two structural observations are inconsistent with the distri-
bution of shallow- and deep-water facies being a primary feature: Cretaceous faults
commonly parallel and mimic the older facies boundary and interpreted Paleozoic rift • The Cordilleran Ribbon Continent 511

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by Universidad de Salamanca on 05/08/08. For personal use only.

Figure 8
(a) Structural map of the Ogilvie Mountains (location on Figure 2) showing distribution of
shallow and deep water facies and of Cretaceous thrust faults (McMechan et al. 1992, Norris
1985). (b) Simplified palinspastic restoration of facies boundary, assuming 75 km shortening
along the south and west limbs of the mountain belt.

structures are continuous around bends of 180◦ . I provide two examples, the Ogilvie
deflection and the Misty Creek embayment.
The Ogilvie Mountains are a foreland-verging fold and thrust belt of mid-
Cretaceous age that is spatially coincident with the boundary between basinal shales
to the south and the more northerly Ogilvie or Yukon Platform (Figures 3 and 8). To
the west, the south margin of the platform describes a 90◦ deflection from an east-west
trending feature to a north-south orientation. The change in the orientation of the
facies boundary is paralleled by a change in the orientation of the fold and thrust belt,
a feature referred to as the Ogilvie deflection (Norris 1972). The east-west trending
fold and thrust belt verges north, and is continuous through the Ogilvie deflection
into east-verging faults of the north-south trending portion of the belt.
Palinspastic restoration of the thrust sheets results in a significant room problem;
the restored east-west trending southern and north-south trending western portions
thrust belts are restored a considerable distance away from one another around the
hinge region, implying that what is now the hinge region lacked crust prior to the
development of the fold and thrust belt (Figure 8). This room problem is significant—
the “hole” in the palinspastic restoration covers an area of almost 10,000 km2 . The
problem can also be thought of as a line-length problem: Propagation of thrust sheets
continuous around a preexisting bend toward the foreland should have resulted in
enormous strike-parallel contraction within the hinge region, for which there is no

512 Johnston
ANRV341-EA36-16 ARI 26 March 2008 1:33

a b
Misty Creek embayment
West East
1 2 1 2

c d Carbonate platform
Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 2008.36:495-530. Downloaded from

Alkalic volcanic

1000 m
Shale, chert, and
abyssal limestone
(coeval with platform)
by Universidad de Salamanca on 05/08/08. For personal use only.

Shale, chert, and

20 km abyssal limestone

Rocky Mountain platform

Medial basin

Figure 9
(a) Simplified geology map of Misty Creek embayment (location indicated on Figure 5).
(b) Cross section 1–2 showing symmetric “steer’s head” geometry of lithofacies across basin
(Cecile et al. 1997). (c, d ) Simplified models showing how steer’s head rift (black dots with stems
on down-dropped blocks) has to end either in a pole of rotation (red dot) or a transform fault,

evidence (Figure 8). Bending of an originally linear fold and thrust belt removes the
room/line length problem and implies that the facies boundary geometry is the result
of strain and is not primary.
Cross sections drawn perpendicular to the long axis of the north-northwest-
trending Misty Creek embayment show that it is symmetric, with a “steer’s head”
profile (White & McKenzie 1988) consisting of a central “head” of shale and deep-
water limestone with fringing “horns” of shallow-water carbonates (Cecile 1982)
(Figure 9). Based on the observed steer’s head symmetry, a model of symmetrical
rifting was employed to explain the origin and geometry of the embayment (Cecile
et al. 1997). A prediction of a model of parallel, symmetrical opposing rifts is that they
must terminate along strike in either an Euler pole of rotation, or (given a distant
Euler pole) a transform fault (Figure 9). Instead, the sedimentary facies and bound-
ing structures are continuous through 180◦ around the entire embayment; sections
drawn perpendicular to the facies boundary are everywhere identical, a geometry that
cannot be produced through any simple rift model. Bending of an originally linear
rift margin best explains the geometry of the Misty Creek embayment.
Parallelism of Cretaceous thrust faults around major bends in facies boundaries,
and continuity rift margins around bends of 180◦ , indicate that the geometry of the • The Cordilleran Ribbon Continent 513

ANRV341-EA36-16 ARI 26 March 2008 1:33

platform to basin facies boundary is not a primary feature of the orogen, but is the
result of Cretaceous bending, about vertical axes of rotation, of originally more linear
rift margins and fold and thrust belts.

Rift-Related Carbonatites and Alkaline Igneous Complexes

The margins of the Medial Basin are characterized by Lower to Middle Paleozoic
alkaline igneous and carbonatite complexes along the length of the orogen (Pell
1994) (Figure 4). The intrusive complexes are locally spatially associated with coeval
alkaline and potassic basalts (Goodfellow et al. 1995). Deformation of the complexes
is indicated by the presence of a weak to moderately well-developed foliation, local
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mylonitization, folding, boudinage, and truncation by thrust faults ( Johnston & Pyle
2005, Pell 1994). The presence of syn-magmatic extensional structures ( Johnston &
Pyle 2005) and proximity to the margins of the Medial Basin imply that the complexes
lie along and mark ancient rift zones.
by Universidad de Salamanca on 05/08/08. For personal use only.

Global study of deformed alkaline igneous and carbonatite complexes indicate

that they commonly lie along and characterize suture zones; >90% of deformed
African nepheline syenite and carbonatite complexes lie along and mark known and
inferred sutures (Burke et al. 2003). Because alkaline igneous complexes and car-
bonatite intrusions characterize intracontinental rifts (Bailey 1977), their location
within collisional orogens can be explained in terms of a Wilson cycle model, with
magmatism occurring along and marking the rifted margin of a continent, and defor-
mation occurring during ocean closure and subsequent collision (Burke et al. 2003).
The distribution of Cordilleran carbonatites, alkaline igneous complexes, and coeval
alkaline basalts within the Medial Basin is, therefore, consistent with the Medial Basin
being a cryptic suture separating a west-facing autochthonous continental margin
(the Rocky Mountain Platform) from a more westerly, east-facing exotic continental
margin represented by the Cassiar Platform.

Late Cretaceous Fold and Thrust Belt Formation

The Canadian Cordillera is characterized along its entire length by a Late Cretaceous,
foreland-verging fold and thrust belt (Figures 1 and 2), of which the Rocky Moun-
tains of southwest Alberta are the most spectacular and well-known manifestation.
Shortening accommodated by the thrust belt decreases northward from a maximum
of >250 km in southern Alberta (Price & Sears 2000) to less than 50 km in the north
(McMechan et al. 1992). Cooling ages, paleomagnetic studies, direct dating of fault
rocks, and the age of deformed and overlapping undeformed strata limit deforma-
tion to having occurred between the Campanian (∼80 Ma) and the Early Eocene
(∼50 Ma) (Enkin et al. 2000, McMechan et al. 1992, Price 1981, van der Pluijm et al.
Explaining the origin of the fold and thrust belt is problematic. Most workers as-
sume fold and thrust belt formation postdates previous accretion of the intermontane
and insular domains (Monger et al. 1982). Hence the fold and thrust belt is assumed
to have formed 1000 to 1500 km inboard from the active Late Cretaceous west

514 Johnston
ANRV341-EA36-16 ARI 26 March 2008 1:33

margin of the continent and in the absence of any collisional event (English &
Johnston 2004). Noncollisional explanations of the fold and thrust belt appeal to
interaction with the slab subducting beneath the west margin of the continent. A
compressive stress regime is inferred to have resulted from rapid relative conver-
gence between the North American and the oceanic plate to the west (Hyndman
1972), possibly coupled with the presence of a thermally weakened back-arc region
(Hyndman et al. 2005). Alternative explanations of compression involve flat slab sub-
duction of the oceanic plate (Dickinson 2004), possibly due to the presence of an
oceanic plateau on the subducting plate (Murphy et al. 2003) or because of subduc-
tion of a spreading ridge (Bird 1988). A model of transcurrent deformation links fold
and thrust belt formation to 430 km of dextral strike-slip motion along the Northern
Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 2008.36:495-530. Downloaded from

Rocky Mountain–Tintina trench fault (Figure 2) via an inboard transfer of displace-

ment (Price & Carmichael 1986).
Flat slab models, no matter what the cause, do not explain shortening along the
entire length of the orogen. The Late Cretaceous fold and thrust belt runs the length
by Universidad de Salamanca on 05/08/08. For personal use only.

of the continent (Figure 1); hence, appeals to subducted oceanic plateau and spread-
ing ridges, although possibly explaining some local variation in structural style, do not
provide a framework for explaining the entire thrust belt. Linking fold and thrust belt
formation to the dextral strike-slip Northern Rocky Mountain–Tintina trench fault
suffers the same dilemma in that it provides a local explanation for a continent-scale
problem. In addition, displacement on the strike-slip fault occurred in the Eocene
(Gabrielse et al. 2006) and would, therefore, have been coeval with only the final in-
crements of thrust belt shortening recorded along the McConnell and related thrust
faults (van der Pluijm et al. 2006). Appeals to high relative convergence are inconsis-
tent with there having been at least two and possibly three different oceanic plates
west of North America, each moving in different directions. Neither does it explain
why fold and thrust belt formation occurred within the continent, well removed from
the margin.
As discussed above, paleomagnetic and paleobiographic data from Cretaceous lay-
ered sedimentary and volcanic rocks imply >2000 km of northward motion of the
intermontane domain, Cassiar Platform, and much of the Medial Basin. The Late
Cretaceous fold and thrust belt is, therefore, coeval with the timing of northward
motion, and is located along the eastern boundary of the region that moved north.
The simplest explanation of the fold and thrust belt is, therefore, that it lies along and
marks the boundary between the crust that moved north and the autochthon, and
that it is a product of transpression during northward motion ( Johnston 2001). In
this model, the Northern Rocky Mountain–Tintina trench fault records the last com-
ponent of northward motion and the McConnell thrust system the last component
of convergence between the Cassiar Platform–Medial Basin and the autochthon.


The Cassiar Platform is exotic with respect to autochthonous North America and has
the following characteristics: (a) It has Triassic Eurasian fauna; (b) it was involved in a
major Late Triassic orogenic event, whereas the coeval ancient west margin of North • The Cordilleran Ribbon Continent 515

ANRV341-EA36-16 ARI 26 March 2008 1:33

America remained a passive margin facing west toward a broad open ocean; (c) it is
underlain by a basement and lithospheric mantle that, having formed at least in part at
1.1 Ga, is 700 Ma younger than the youngest portions of the basement and lithospheric
mantle underpinning the autochthon; (d ) it is separated from autochthonous mantle
by isotopically juvenile and oceanic-like mantle beneath the Medial Basin; (e) it is
bound to the east by a belt of carbonatites, which likely delineate a cryptic suture;
(f ) it is characterized by an east-facing mid-Cretaceous magmatic arc that records
west-dipping subduction beneath its eastern margin; and (g) it lay 2000 km to the
south relative to the autochthon as recently as 80 Ma as indicated by paleomagnetic
and paleobotanical data. The geometry of the boundaries separating platformal and
basinal facies within the foreland domain is the product of Cretaceous tectonism and
Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 2008.36:495-530. Downloaded from

is not a reflection of the shape of the ancient rifted margin of the continent.
If the Cassiar Platform is not North American, from where does it hail? As dis-
cussed by Johnston & Borel ( Johnston & Borel 2007; see Supplemental Appendix),
the Cache Creek terrane places tight constraints on the location of the Cassiar Plat-
by Universidad de Salamanca on 05/08/08. For personal use only.

form from the Permian through the Jurassic. Tethyan fauna and DUPAL-anomaly
basalts characterize off-scraped Cache Creek seamounts, constraining the seamounts
to having originated in the Tethyan Sea sensu stricto. The seamounts, Stikinia-
Quesnellia, the pericratonic terranes, and the Cassiar Platform are pinned together
by the end of the Triassic. Hence, the Cache Creek seamounts constrain the pa-
leogeographic location of the Cassiar Platform, placing it in central Panthalassa,
>4000 km west of the autochthon at 180 Ma (the most easterly possible point that
could have been reached by the seamounts assuming that they migrated eastward
out of the Tethys Sea at 11 cm year−1 ) (Figure 10). Continental crust within the
Cordilleran Orogen is, therefore, divisible into an eastern autochthonous platform
and a western allochthonous platform, separated by a cryptic suture located within
or along the margins of the Medial Basin (Figures 1 and 2).
The Cassiar Platform and intermontane domain terranes constitute a composite
ribbon continent that can be followed northwest into Alaska ( Johnston 2001), where
it is continuous through two major oroclines, the Kulkbuk Hills orocline in the south-
west (Bradley et al. 2003) and the Northeast Alaskan orocline in the northeast (Patton
& Tailleur 1977) (Figure 1). The Farewell terrane is continuous around the hinge of
the Kulukbuk Hills orocline, consists of an east-facing carbonate platform and a more
easterly basinal facies of shale and chert, which are correlative with the Cassiar Plat-
form and Medial Basin, respectively. Precambrian basement to the Farewell terrane
carbonate platform consists of metasedimentary rocks and metabasite intruded by
rhyolites that yield zircon crystallization ages as old as 979 Ma (Bradley et al. 2003),
consistent with the evidence for a Grenvillian basement beneath the ribbon continent
in the Canadian Cordillera. Lower Paleozoic Farewell terrane strata are characterized
by distinct Siberian fauna, including trilobites, conodonts, and bachiopods (Blodgett
et al. 2002, Dumoulin et al. 2002). Silurian aphrosalpingid sponges are only known
elsewhere from the Alexander terrane of the insular domain and the Urals (Soja &
Antoshkina 1997). Based on the faunal provinciality, Bradley et al. (2003) con-
cluded that the Farewell terrane lay far removed from autochthonous North
America, probably throughout the Paleozoic, consistent with an exotic origin for the

516 Johnston
ANRV341-EA36-16 ARI 26 March 2008 1:33

le o

210 Ma
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270 Ma

250 Ma
by Universidad de Salamanca on 05/08/08. For personal use only.

190 Ma
230 Ma a
170 Ma

280 Ma paleogeography 150 Ma

Pangea Tethys Sea Panthalassa Sea Tropical belt Velocity nets

Figure 10
Paleogeographic map of Earth at 280 Ma (Stampfli & Borel 2002). The Tethys Sea (blue)
separates the Laurasian (north) and Gondwanan (south) components of the supercontinent
Pangea ( green). The tropical belt is indicated through the uncolored superocean, Panthalassa,
and the Tethyan Sea. Two velocity nets, one constructed for the period 280 Ma to 230 Ma and
a second for the period 230 Ma to 150 Ma are shown. The velocity nets define the potential
translation paths for the Cache Creek seamounts (assumptions outlined in text). Bold lines
indicate the limits for the location of (a) seamount accretion to Quesnellia-Stikinia at 230 Ma
(a point on this curve in the northernmost tropics is then used as the point of origin for the
230–150 Ma velocity net); (b) the intermontane domain terranes and Cassiar Platform at
180 Ma upon cessation of exhumation subsequent to Triassic orogenesis; and (c) these same
terranes at 150 Ma, the time of drowning of the passive margin of western North America, and
the first influx of westerly derived orogenic sediments onto the autochthon ( Johnston & Borel

Cassiar Platform. Correlative strata in the western Brooks Range yield a paleomag-
netic remanance acquired during mineralization at 330 Ma that places the Cassiar
Platform >3000 km to the south and having since rotated 50◦ to 70◦ counterclockwise
(Lewchuk et al. 2004).
In northernmost Alaska, the autochthon is largely buried beneath a thick Cre-
taceous foreland basin siliciclastic sequence, but is recognizable from aeromagnetic
images (Figure 11). The boundary between autochthonous and exotic platform mar-
gins lies within the Brooks Range, but does not appear to be separated by a basinal
facies equivalent to the Medial Basin (Figures 1 and 12). It may be that the excess
of basinal facies rocks forming the Selwyn Basin were derived from this portion of • The Cordilleran Ribbon Continent 517

ANRV341-EA36-16 ARI 26 March 2008 1:33



Eastern margin
of Cordilleran orogen
Deep magnetic highs

Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 2008.36:495-530. Downloaded from

by Universidad de Salamanca on 05/08/08. For personal use only.

60°N -110
0 nT
500 0 500 70
Spherical transverse Mercator
NAD27 datum 200
130°W 120°W 110°W

Figure 11
Magnetic anomaly map of northwestern North America (Saltus & Hudson 2007). The black
line shows the eastern margin of the Cordilleran Orogen. Blue lines outline major deep
magnetic highs that characterize the autochthon and include the NSDMH (north slope deep
magnetic high).

the margin during mid-Cretaceous margin parallel motion in response to oblique

subduction beneath the east-margin of the ribbon continent.
The ribbon continent is continuous to the south into the coterminous United
States (Figures 1 and 12). Accretionary assemblages characterized by Tethyan

Figure 12
Palinspastic restoration of the Cordilleran composite ribbon continent to its geometry prior to
buckling giving rise to the Kulukbuk Hills and Northeast Alaskan oroclines. There has been
no attempt to restore bending and faulting of the southern coterminous U.S.A. portion of the
ribbon continent. The ribbon continent is shown as being separated from the autochthon, but
it may have been in close proximity to at least parts of the autochthon.

518 Johnston
ANRV341-EA36-16 ARI 26 March 2008 1:33


North Alaska orocline

Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 2008.36:495-530. Downloaded from

Kulukbuk Hills orocline A
by Universidad de Salamanca on 05/08/08. For personal use only.



Intermontane domain
Pericratonic assemblages
Magmatic arc MEX
Cache Creek terrane

Foreland domain
Cassiar platform
Medial basin
Rocky Mountain platform CAN
A: Angayuchum
CA: Cassiar
Autochthonous North America
CP: Chukotsk Peninsula
DL: Dillinger
GN: Goodnews
H: Hammond
KB: Kilbuk
M: Minchumina US
NF: Nixon Fork MEX
PC: Porcupine
R: Ruby
S: Seward
Y: York

Restored Cordilleran ribbon continent • The Cordilleran Ribbon Continent 519

ANRV341-EA36-16 ARI 26 March 2008 1:33

fauna are correlative with the Cache Creek terrane and can be followed south into
California (Figure 1). Volcanic and sedimentary sequences that bound the accre-
tionary assemblages to the east are characterized by McCloud fauna and are cor-
relative with Stikinia-Quesnellia. East of the McCloud fauna terranes are ophi-
olitic (e.g., the Golcanda allochthon) and pericratonic assemblages (e.g., the Roberts
Mountains allochthon), that together are correlative with the pericratonic assem-
blages of the eastern intermontane domain. Identifying strata correlative with the
Cassiar Platform and Medial Basin remains, however, controversial. Nonetheless,
the Tethyan and McCloud faunal belts provide a template for identifying the south-
ern continuation of the Ribbon continent as far south as Mexico.
The geometry of the ribbon continent in Alaska is the result of oroclinal bend-
Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 2008.36:495-530. Downloaded from

ing of the originally more linear ribbon continent ( Johnston 2001). Bending post-
dates mid-Cretaceous magmatism, as parallel belts of 120 to 100 Ma magnetite- and
ilmenite-bearing plutons are continuous around the Alaskan oroclines (Hart et al.
2004a). Post-Eocene strata unconformably overlie the oroclines, providing a min-
by Universidad de Salamanca on 05/08/08. For personal use only.

imum age constraint for oroclinal buckling. Northward subduction of the largely
oceanic plate that bore the ribbon continent into a subduction zone marginal to and
dipping beneath the Okhotsk-Chukotka arc of eastern Siberia resulted in northward
motion of the continental ribbon (Figure 13). Buckling resulted from pinning of the
leading edge of the ribbon continent into the Siberian upper plate, while the trailing
portions of the ribbon remained within and moving north as part of the subducting
lower plate. As the buckling ribbon continent was transferred from the lower to up-
per plate it became progressively overprinted by upper plate arc magmatism of the
Okhotsk-Chukotka arc in Siberia and the Late Cretaceous to Eocene Kluane arc
in Alaska. Buckling of the smaller Bowers-Shirshov-Kamchatka ribbon was coeval
with buckling of the Cordillera ribbon continent and indicates that the two rib-
bons lay within and were translated north within the same plate (Figure 13). It
seems likely that the combined buoyancy of the buckling Cordilleran and Bowers-
Shirshov-Kamchatka ribbons eventually resulted in the failure of the Okhotsk-
Chukotka subduction zone, at which point the oceanic plate bearing the ribbon
continents broke behind the two “terrane wrecks” initiating the Aleutian subduc-
tion zone (Figure 13), and giving rise to the major change in motion of the oceanic
plates of the Pacific basin at 45 Ma. Palinspastic restoration of the Alaskan oro-
clines restores the southern U.S. portion of the ribbon continent well to the south
(Figure 12).
The nature of the boundary between the ribbon continent and the autochthon
in the Late Cretaceous immediately prior to northward displacement and oro-
cline formation remains poorly constrained. The ribbon continent has previously
been depicted as being separated from the autochthon by a basin ( Johnston 2001)
(Figure 12). There is, however, little evidence to support the presence of a broad
open oceanic basin separating the ribbon continent from the autochthon in the Late
Cretaceous. A more likely scenario is that the ribbon continent adjoined the au-
tochthon along a major transcurrent fault boundary (Figure 13). Minor transpres-
sion, together with the buckling of the ribbon continent in the north, would have

520 Johnston
ANRV341-EA36-16 ARI 26 March 2008 1:33

Siberia North America

o n
50 Ma Aleutian s
Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 2008.36:495-530. Downloaded from

Composite ribbon continent

Bowers-Shirshov-Kamchatka ridge
by Universidad de Salamanca on 05/08/08. For personal use only.

Okhotsk-Chukotka magmatic arc

Rocky Mountain platform
80 Ma Land

Figure 13
Schematic maps at 80 and 50 Ma showing buckling of the composite ribbon continent (brown)
and the Bowers-Shirshov-Kamchatka ridge ( pink) in response to subduction of oceanic
lithosphere to the north giving rise to the Okhotsk-Chukotka magmatic arc ( green).
Northward motion is accommodated by a dextral transform fault that is gradually overprinted
by foreland-verging thrust belts owing to a component of transpression. As the composite
ribbon continent buckles and is transferred from the lower to upper plate, it becomes
progressively overprinted by arc magmatism (Kluane arc in Alaska). Eventual failure of the
Okhotsk-Chukotka subduction zone leads to the initiation of the Aleutian subduction zone
(dashed line) oceanward of the buckled ribbon continent.

resulted in the original transcurrent boundary faults being carried inboard onto the
autochthon where they were reactivated as thrust faults ( Johnston 2001).
Two distinct phases of Cordilleran orogenesis can be distinguished ( Johnston &
Borel 2007). A Triassic to Early Jurassic accretionary phase involved the amalgama-
tion of seamounts (Cache Creek), oceanic arcs (Stikinia-Quesnellia), pericratonic as-
semblages, and continental lithosphere (Cassiar Platform) (Figure 10). Accretionary
orogenesis spanned at least 50 Ma (230 to 180 Ma) and produced a composite ribbon
continent previously referred to as SAYBIA ( Johnston 2001). The Upper Jurassic
(150–155 Ma) drowning of the North American passive margin and the coeval depo-
sition of the first orogenic clastic sediments on the autochthon records the initiation of
the collisional second phase of Cordilleran orogenesis. The Late Cretaceous–Eocene
Rocky Mountain fold and thrust belt records the terminal phase of collision, and in-
volved transpression between the northward-translating composite ribbon continent
and the autochthon (Figure 13). Cordilleran orogenesis was, therefore, far more • The Cordilleran Ribbon Continent 521

ANRV341-EA36-16 ARI 26 March 2008 1:33

akin to a complete Wilson cycle than has been previously recognized. Proterozoic
and younger rifting of the west margin of Laurentia established a passive margin and
led to the formation of an adjacent ocean basin. Closure of that basin in the Upper
Jurassic led to collision and tectonic burial of the passive margin beneath a colliding
continent. What distinguishes the Cordillera Wilson cycle from the classic Wilson
cycle is that (a) the colliding continent was a composite ribbon continent constructed
through an earlier accretionary orogenic phase, (b) collision was prolonged (150 to
50 Ma) and involved a final stage (80 to 50 Ma) in which the major motion was margin
parallel (>2000 km of margin parallel displacement versus only hundreds of kilome-
ters of margin normal convergence), (c) final collision involved oroclinal buckling of
the accreting ribbon continent, and (d ) the high aspect ratio of the colliding ribbon
Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 2008.36:495-530. Downloaded from

continent (long and narrow) prevented collision from being terminal—subduction

continued beneath the new west margin of the continent.
by Universidad de Salamanca on 05/08/08. For personal use only.

The author is not aware of any biases that might be perceived as affecting the objec-
tivity of this review.

Kevin Burke is thanked for providing a thorough review and for discussion of
Cordilleran geology. Portions of the manuscript had been previously reviewed by
A. Barth, C. Dusel-Bacon, B. Miller, J. Mortensen, J. Oldow, and K. Schmidt. My
ideas on Cordilleran evolution owe much to the advice and criticisms provided by
Dante Canil, Derek Thorkelson, and Mitch Mihalynuk. Henry Charlesworth and
Ted Irving are thanked for providing inspiration.

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Annual Review
of Earth and
Planetary Sciences

Contents Volume 36, 2008

Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 2008.36:495-530. Downloaded from

Margaret Galland Kivelson p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p pxii
The Rest of the Solar System
Margaret Galland Kivelson p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p1
by Universidad de Salamanca on 05/08/08. For personal use only.

Abrupt Climate Changes: How Freshening of the Northern Atlantic

Affects the Thermohaline and Wind-Driven Oceanic Circulations
Marcelo Barreiro, Alexey Fedorov, Ronald Pacanowski, and S. George Philander p p p p 33
Geodynamic Significance of Seismic Anisotropy of the Upper Mantle:
New Insights from Laboratory Studies
Shun-ichiro Karato, Haemyeong Jung, Ikuo Katayama, and Philip Skemer p p p p p p p p p p 59
The History and Nature of Wind Erosion in Deserts
Andrew S. Goudie p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 97
Groundwater Age and Groundwater Age Dating
Craig M. Bethke and Thomas M. Johnson p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p121
Diffusion in Solid Silicates: A Tool to Track Timescales of Processes
Comes of Age
Sumit Chakraborty p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p153
Spacecraft Observations of the Martian Atmosphere
Michael D. Smith p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p191
Crinoid Ecological Morphology
Tomasz K. Baumiller p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p221
Oceanic Euxinia in Earth History: Causes and Consequences
Katja M. Meyer and Lee R. Kump p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p251
The Basement of the Central Andes: The Arequipa
and Related Terranes
Victor A. Ramos p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p289
Modeling the Dynamics of Subducting Slabs
Magali I. Billen p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p325

ANRV341-FM ARI 29 March 2008 2:32

Geology and Evolution of the Southern Dead Sea Fault with Emphasis
on Subsurface Structure
Zvi Ben-Avraham, Zvi Garfunkel, and Michael Lazar p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p357
The Redox State of Earth’s Mantle
Daniel J. Frost and Catherine A. McCammon p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p389
The Seismic Structure and Dynamics of the Mantle Wedge
Douglas A. Wiens, James A. Conder, and Ulrich H. Faul p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p421
The Iron Isotope Fingerprints of Redox and Biogeochemical Cycling
in the Modern and Ancient Earth
Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 2008.36:495-530. Downloaded from

Clark M. Johnson, Brian L. Beard, and Eric E. Roden p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p457

The Cordilleran Ribbon Continent of North America
Stephen T. Johnston p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p495
by Universidad de Salamanca on 05/08/08. For personal use only.

Rheology of the Lower Crust and Upper Mantle: Evidence

from Rock Mechanics, Geodesy, and Field Observations
Roland Bürgmann and Georg Dresen p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p531
The Postperovskite Transition
Sang-Heon Shim p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p569
Coastal Impacts Due to Sea-Level Rise
Duncan M. FitzGerald, Michael S. Fenster, Britt A. Argow,
and Ilya V. Buynevich p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p601


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 26–36 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p649

Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 26–36 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p653


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viii Contents
ARTICLE doi:10.1038/nature12019

Intra-oceanic subduction shaped the

assembly of Cordilleran North America
Karin Sigloch1 & Mitchell G. Mihalynuk2

The western quarter of North America consists of accreted terranes—crustal blocks added over the past 200 million
years—but the reason for this is unclear. The widely accepted explanation posits that the oceanic Farallon plate acted as a
conveyor belt, sweeping terranes into the continental margin while subducting under it. Here we show that this
hypothesis, which fails to explain many terrane complexities, is also inconsistent with new tomographic images of
lower-mantle slabs, and with their locations relative to plate reconstructions. We offer a reinterpretation of North
American palaeogeography and test it quantitatively: collision events are clearly recorded by slab geometry, and can
be time calibrated and reconciled with plate reconstructions and surface geology. The seas west of Cretaceous North
America must have resembled today’s western Pacific, strung with island arcs. All proto-Pacific plates initially
subducted into almost stationary, intra-oceanic trenches, and accumulated below as massive vertical slab walls.
Above the slabs, long-lived volcanic archipelagos and subduction complexes grew. Crustal accretion occurred when
North America overrode the archipelagos, causing major episodes of Cordilleran mountain building.

Continents grow through subduction magmatism and collision of arcs The mantle retains a memory of ancient plate configurations, in the
and other buoyant crustal fragments at their margins. Poorly under- form of subducted slabs, which body-wave tomography images in situ
stood, such collisions are of broad scientific interest because they cause as domains of faster-than-average seismic wave velocities. Beneath
rapid geographic changes, affecting climate, ocean circulation, biota North America these slab relics are massive, almost vertical walls
and the formation of economically important metal deposits. North extending from 800 to 2,000 km in depth, and typically 400–600 km
America was enlarged by a sequence of massive terrane collisions wide (Fig. 1, Supplementary Fig. 1). The largest wall runs from north-
relatively recently (between 200 million years (Myr) ago and 50 Myr west Canada to the eastern USA and on to Central America, and has
ago), which created the mountainous Cordillera of the American West1. been called the Farallon slab, one of the most massive features in global
Reconciling geological records on land with those of the ocean basins tomographies9–12. We argue that in fact most of this slab wall is not
has proved difficult. Magnetic stripes on the sea floor are the basis of all Farallon and subdivide it into the Angayucham (ANG), Mezcalera
quantitative plate tectonic reconstructions, and well-preserved Atlantic (MEZ) and the Southern Farallon (SF) components (Fig. 1b). This
spreading records indicate that North America has moved westward reinterpretation is based on our most recent tomography model13,
continuously since the breakup of Pangaea (about 185 Myr ago), away which utilizes dense USArray data14 in addition to global network data,
from Africa and Europe2. In contrast, more than half of the seafloor using a cutting-edge waveform inversion method: multiple-frequency
records of proto-Pacific (Panthalassa) ocean spreading are missing. P-wave tomography13,15.
The Pacific plate records the existence of another major oceanic plate Besides putting the known eastern slab walls9–12 in sharper focus,
to its northeast since at least 180 Myr ago: the Farallon plate. This plate we discovered15 that another, more westerly slab wall, the Casca-
is usually assumed to have filled the eastern Panthalassa basin, extend- dia Root (CR in Fig. 1b, depth 700 km to more than 1,800 km), con-
ing to the western margin of North America and subducting under it, nects upward continuously to the present-day Cascadia trench,
although this is not required by the magnetic seafloor data. Hence, the into which the last remnant of the Farallon (Juan de Fuca) plate
Farallon plate, invoked as the causative agent in almost all major land is subducting. This makes CR a Farallon slab by definition, and
geological events since late Jurassic times2,3, should also have trans- prompted us to re-evaluate whether MEZ/ANG/SF do really consti-
ported the terranes to the continental margin. tute subducted Farallon Ocean floor, which to our knowledge has
However, dozens of terranes have accreted to North America since never been questioned.
200 Myr ago1, but not to the Andean margin of South America, sup- For plate reconstructions, the crucial question is whether (and
posedly a closely analogous setting. The terranes are mostly Triassic to how) these lower-mantle slab walls have moved laterally since they
Cretaceous island arc–subduction assemblages, but include three were deposited beneath their corresponding volcanic arcs (past versus
more heterogeneous superterranes: Intermontane (IMS)4,5, Insular present x–y positions in an absolute reference frame). Here we quan-
(INS)4 and Guerrero (GUE)6, which are essentially microcontinents. titatively test the hypothesis that they have not moved appreciably,
Their exact origins remain mysterious, but the terranes formed at that is, there has been only vertical sinking within our observa-
various latitudes and times, as inferred from palaeomagnetic observa- tional uncertainties (a few hundred kilometres laterally). Motivated
tions and fossil faunas, and pre-assembled at others. This implies the primarily by imaged slab geometries, this null hypothesis also seems
temporary existence of additional oceanic plates in the northeastern sensible in light of the Cenozoic subduction record, where absolute
proto-Pacific Ocean7,8, which are missing from quantitative plate trench motion on average contributed only 10–30% of total plate
reconstructions. convergence16,17.
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Theresienstrasse 41, 80333 Munich, Germany. 2British Columbia Geological Survey, PO Box 9333 Stn Prov Govt,
Victoria, British Columbia V8W 9N3, Canada.

5 0 | N AT U R E | VO L 4 9 6 | 4 A P R I L 2 0 1 3
©2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

a b













Depth (km)

800 1,000 1,2001,400 1,6001,800 2,000

Figure 1 | Slabs under North America and continental motion over time. hybrid frame22. The hatched area represents location uncertainty for
a, Subducted slabs at and below 900 km depth. P-wave tomography model13 continental margin during Jurassic/Cretaceous times; the cross-hatched area
rendered as three-dimensional (3D) isosurface contours, which enclose faster- shows terranes that accreted during Cretaceous and early Tertiary times.
than-average structure (threshold dvP/vP 5 0.25%, where vP is the P-wave b, Interpretative legend. The slab walls divide into four groups: Cascadia/
velocity). Colour signifies depth and changes every 200 km; the scene is Northern Farallon slabs (blue) and Southern Farallon slabs (green), owing to
illuminated to convey 3D perspective. At a sinking rate of about 10 mm yr21, eastward subduction; Angayucham (ANG, red) and Mezcalera (MEZ, orange)
this slab assemblage should have been deposited from about 200 Myr ago to slabs, owing to westward subduction. Before 140 Myr ago, sizeable ocean basins
90 Myr ago. Reconstructed continent positions at 140 Myr ago are shown in a separated North America from the ANG/MEZ trenches.
hotspot reference frame21 and at 170 Myr ago in a hotspot/palaeomagnetic

Slabs and arcs at stationary trenches subduction before the arrival of the continent, followed by a polarity
Figure 2a and b shows how a steep, widened slab wall could be piled up switch of subduction to its current eastward motion into a continental-
by nearly vertical sinking beneath a long-lived, stationary trench and margin trench (Fig. 2c). Such a scenario implies that the imaged lower-
volcanic arc. An Andean-style west-coast trench could not have been mantle slabs MEZ/ANG/SF are Jurassic to Cretaceous in age, allowing
stationary because North America moved westward as the Atlantic the collision of North America with their subduction zones to cause the
Ocean spread. This contradiction is resolved by westward intra-oceanic Cretaceous terrane accretions.
To the extent that slabs sink vertically, they record palaeo-arc and
a trench locations in an absolute sense. Thus, vertical sinking permits
quantitative predictions of the location and timing of continent-trench
t = tc + 45 Myr
collisions when tomography and absolute plate reconstructions are
670 km combined. These predictions can be tested against the docking times
of arc terranes inferred from land geology. Abrupt upward truncations
of the slab walls, which are well resolved tomographically (Supplemen-
tary Fig. 2), correspond to the shutdown of the overlying trench-arc
Continent systems, and hence to docking times (Fig. 2).
If the trench remains stationary, a vertical slab pile is deposited
beneath it. If the trench moves (but every parcel of slab sinks vertically),
670 km the imaged slab will dip towards older trench locations, assuming no
t = tc – 10 Myr
dramatic lateral variations in sinking rate. The observed lower-mantle
walls are widened to 400–600 km laterally, that is, 4–6 times the thick-
ness of oceanic lithosphere—this is not artificial blur, but the actual
reason for their robust tomographic visibility18. Thickening is probably
c achieved by slab folding above the 670-km viscosity jump, deviations
Continent 0 km
from vertical sinking being due mainly to the folding process itself
(Fig. 2). In convection models, slab folding occurs preferentially
670 km beneath the kind of stationary trenches postulated here18–20. Massive,
1,000 km
thickened slabs like these can be expected to be the drivers of ‘mantle
t = tc – 45 Myr wind’, rather than blowing in it: that is, if anything sinks vertically, it
should be these slabs.
Such slab walls indicate that their overlying trenches remained in
2,000 km
the same absolute locations for a long time, with arc and accretionary
complex growth stationed above these locations. Observation of mas-
Figure 2 | Schematic cross-section and evolution of a terrane station. tc sive slab walls leads us to think of their associated, intra-oceanic trenches
denotes the time of arc-continent collision. Motions are shown in a lower- as ‘terrane stations’ where new crustal material is gathered to await
mantle reference frame. a, Well before the collision, both trench and arc are transfer to a continental margin. Terrane stations above ANG and
active. Slab buckling is due to the viscosity contrast around 670 km, but the
MEZ were not conveyed eastward into a continental Farallon trench.
backlog reaches into the upper mantle. b, Around tc and up to about 10 Myr
later, the continent overrides the trench and accretes its arc terranes, while the Rather, North America migrated westward, collided, and accreted the
slab breaks. c, Well after the collision, the slab wall continues to sink. Seaward, a ANG and MEZ terrane stations. Hence slab walls tie the now-displaced
new Andean-style subduction has developed. Anchored in the lower mantle, terranes to a laterally unchanged subsurface, constraining absolute loca-
the slab wall is sinking vertically at a steady-state rate of approximately tions and temporal evolution of oceanic trenches more than a hundred
10 mm yr21 in all three panels. million years after their demise.
4 A P R I L 2 0 1 3 | VO L 4 9 6 | N AT U R E | 5 1
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Figure 1 shows the reconstructed western margin of North Westward subduction of the ANG and MEZ slabs, probably since
America21, together with schematic outlines of the lower-mantle slab early Jurassic times, consumed the ocean that bounded North
walls from tomography13. North America’s relative westward motion America on the west (the ANG and MEZ basins in Fig. 3). Both basins
is well constrained by the Atlantic spreading record2,22, independently were consumed in a zipper-like fashion: MEZ closed from north to
of any absolute reference frame. Comparison to the basic geometry of south, ANG from south to north, as North America gradually over-
ANG and MEZ suggests that these two slabs did not subduct beneath rode and shut down the ANG/MEZ arcs between 150 and 50 Myr ago.
the continental margin: (1) the slabs are vertical from 800 to 2,000 km Further west, the early Farallon Ocean subducted into two east–west-
depth, indicating a stationary trench, whereas the margin moved oriented Cascadia slabs (CR/CR2), but established additional seg-
westward continuously. (2) The outlines of ANG and MEZ, especially ments SF1/SF2 after a clockwise rotation at about 147 Myr ago22,26.
the pronounced eastward promontory of MEZ, do not match the Thus at northerly latitudes, two long-lived terrane stations of opposite
outlines of the continental margin (Fig. 1). If continental subduction polarity coexisted in ANG and CR, a variant not considered in Fig. 2.
had controlled slab deposition, then slab curvature should reflect the Upon override, the east-dipping Farallon trenches started rolling back
curvature of the continent. (3) West of ANG/MEZ, the slab is smeared with North America. Moderate complexities in the Pacific–Farallon
out laterally in the upper 800 km (Supplementary Fig. 1), as might be spreading record3,26 probably reflect the transitions of individual
expected from a trench dragged along by a migrating continent: direct trench segments from intra-oceanic to Andean-style.
observational evidence for a switch in subduction mode after override,
from stationary oceanic to migrating continental. Supporting evidence from land geology
We now use the terrane-station property of oceanic trench/arc sys-
Quantitative prediction of arc accretion tems to test archipelago override predictions made by tomography
Continent motions in Figs 1 and 3 are tied to an absolute hotspot and plate reconstructions. The collision of North America with buo-
reference frame21 and rendered by the palaeo-geographic information yant arc crust should coincide with observed deformation and accre-
system GPlates23,24. Like the vertically sinking slab walls, vertically tion events.
rising plumes are thought not to have significant lateral motions rela- Figure 3b shows inferred terrane locations before override: each
tive to the lowermost mantle25 (smaller deviations are correctable21), active trench/arc system may include a subduction complex or exotic
so that the hotspot and ‘slab wall’ reference frames are equivalent fragments. Using geological relationships in the present-day Cordillera1,
(no relative motion). In this merged reference frame, the lateral we can match most hypothesized terranes with actual ones. ANG
overlay of North America’s reconstructed western margin with a slab terranes (red) now make up the interior of Alaska, in fault contact with
wall amounts to a spatiotemporal prediction of trench override and the Angayucham and related ophiolites. Those studying Alaska have
terrane accretion. long inferred a southwest-dipping subduction29.
For example, Fig. 1a shows the North American margin overriding Green terranes west of A1 represent the Franciscan subduction
point A1, eastern promontory of the MEZ arc, sometime before complex of present-day California. Two superterranes from earlier
140 Myr, probably around 150 Myr ago. Slab sinking velocities can subduction had already loosely accreted to North America before
be inferred: the shallow end of MEZ beneath A1 is seen to have sunk to archipelago override began: the IMS closest to the continent4,5, and
a depth of approximately 1,500 km, implying an averaged sinking rate the GUE to the south6, whereas the INS superterrane4 probably
of 10 mm yr21. The MEZ promontory shallows to the southwest. This provided the subduction nucleation for the MEZ arc.
is unrelated to trench polarity (the slab did not dip northeastward), To provide for independent validation, our calibration points for
but rather reflects differential sinking times (subduction at A1 was sinking rates were chosen at tectonic events that are sharply defined in
choked off earlier than at A2). Sinking rates could be estimated from time and space (A1–A5 in Table 1). Events B1–B5, which are inter-
any well-resolved point on the upward truncation of a slab wall, but leaved with the A1–A5 events, represent widespread Cordilleran oro-
we choose five points A1–A5 that are associated with supporting genic and accretion episodes, demonstrating explanatory power on a
evidence from land geology (Table 1 and Fig. 3). Predicted override continental scale. Four stages of override are distinguished, as follows.
ages are Jurassic–Cretaceous (146–55 Myr ago), becoming progres- Stage 1 (see Fig. 3a, b) is the beginning of the override of the east-
sively younger westward, and truncation depths shallow to the west as verging MEZ promontory. Deformation was initially localized to the
expected. Sinking rate estimates range between 9 and 12 mm yr21 Pacific Northwest, as predicted by our model. Incipient deformation
(62 mm yr21), consistent with findings of 12 6 3 mm yr21 globally12. of the hinterland generated molasse that flooded the continental
Figure 3 renders the override sequence in four time slices, each show- platform about 157 Myr ago between 45 and 55u N (ref. 30). A flip
ing only slabs that should already have been deposited at the time, in subduction direction at about 165 Myr ago31 is recorded by the
assuming the sinking rate was 10 mm yr21 (the average of A1–A5 transition from proto-Franciscan formation (for example, the Red
in Table 1). Ant formation32, shown as orange terranes southwest of A1 in Fig. 3b)
The CR must be a Farallon slab because the Farallon (Juan de Fuca) to Franciscan formation (green), marking an early subduction hand-
plate is still subducting into it today15. Pacific seafloor records indicate over from MEZ to SF2.
continuous Farallon spreading since about 180 Myr ago3,26, so that at Stage 2 (Figs 3c, d) is the time of margin-wide orogenies as North
a sinking rate of 10 mm yr21, the over-1,800-km-deep CR accounts America collided with an increasingly wide swath of MEZ/SF. This
for the entire lifetime of the (northern) Farallon plate. The presence caused the Sevier and Canadian Rocky Mountains orogenesis since
of this CR slab implies that the equally deep and thickened ANG around 125 Myr ago. Inboard parts of IMS were partly constructed on
slab further east cannot represent Farallon lithosphere, as has been top of stable North American crust in southern California33 and had
assumed9,12,13,27,28. Rather, the ANG slab must have dipped in the oppo- largely collapsed by 110 Myr ago, increasingly shedding zircons onto
site direction (southwestward) in order to have sourced sufficient plate stable North America34, and vice versa; whereas IMS and the active
material from an ocean basin that lay to the northeast, the consump- Sierra Nevada arc shed zircons into the Franciscan trench33 (SF2).
tion of which accommodated the westward drift of North America. Intrusion of Omenica magmatic belts successively eastward into
This scenario for transporting North America away from the former northern IMS and adjacent displaced North American strata8 (B1,
Pangaea provides an alternative to westward rollback of a continental about 124–90 Myr ago) can be attributed to prolonged override of
Farallon trench. the MEZ promontory.
Hence our inferred trench/plate evolution in Fig. 3 differs fun- Stage 3 (Fig. 3e, f) is when North America entered the Farallon
damentally from the commonly accepted scenario of MEZ/ANG as hemisphere. As ANG collided obliquely, its terranes (red; now inter-
products of east-dipping, Farallon-beneath-continent subduction. ior Alaska) were accreted along the Canadian margin. Override of A3
5 2 | N AT U R E | VO L 4 9 6 | 4 A P R I L 2 0 1 3
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a b







Izanagi rth a Izanagi
No eric 140 Myr
No erica
A m North
Farallon Farallon





Pacific ?

c d Arcs above imaged slabs

(Early Jurassic and younger)




(now interior Alaska)
aa m




(younger Guerrero)

Izanagi Izanagi A2, B1
110 Myr Cascadia/North Farallon
Farallon (such as Siletzia)
Southern Farallon
(such as Franciscan)

Shatsky Rise and


Shatsky Rise Conjugate

? ?


a Older terranes
e f (older than mid-Jurassic)
Intermontane superterrane (IMS)
Insular superterrane (INS)
Ku Ku
la? la? (Wrangellia–Alexander)
A3, B4 Arctic Alaska – Seward
B3 Angayucham plateau
75 Myr

Pacific Pacific Other features






Geological marker event



? Active ridge/transform


Fracture zone
? Area tomographically
g h
takPacifi takPacifi
es c es c
Ku ove Ku ove
la r la r B5

55 Myr
Pacific Pacific


? ?

600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000

Depth (km)

Figure 3 | Sequence of trench overrides and terrane accretions. The left slice renders slab below 1,400 km depth; the 110-Myr-ago slice renders slab
column (a, c, e, g) shows time-depth slices at t 5 140, 110, 75 and 55 Myr ago; below 1,100 km; the 75-Myr-ago slice below 750 km; and the 55-Myr-ago
the tomography model and plate reconstructions are rendered as in Fig. 1. slice below 550 km. Blue lines are preserved seafloor isochrons. The associated
Each slice shows only material that should have been deposited by that time, maps in the right column (b, d, f, h) are interpretative cartoons showing
that is, slab at and below a depth of v 3 t, where v 5 10 mm yr21 is the assumed the evolution of inferred trench and terrane geometries. Yellow stars
sinking rate. All slabs are coloured according to their current depths, but mark the tectonic events of Table 1. SR, Shatsky Rise; SRC, Shatsky
mentally their upper truncations should be migrated up to the surface, Rise Conjugate.
representing the inferred active arc locations at each time. The 140-Myr-ago

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Table 1 | Sequence of archipelago override

Event Geometric/kinematic event description Matched geological validation event Reconstructed time, Slab depth, Slab sinking velocity,
t (Myr ago) d (km) v (mm yr21)

A1 Start override of MEZ promontory. Initiation of Rocky Mountain deformation, recorded 146 6 24 1,500 6 100 10 6 2
Overridden segment is replaced by by synorogenic clastic wedge (160–155 Myr ago).
incipient South Farallon trench SF2. Initiation of Franciscan subduction complex/South
Farallon (165–155 Myr ago).
B1 Gradual override of MEZ promontory Omenica magmatic belts in Pacific Northwest - - -
by North America (Pacific Northwest). (124–90 Myr ago).
A2 End override of MEZ promontory - 111 6 8 1,050 6 50 961
(shallowest point of slab wall).
B2 Widening collision of North America margin Margin-wide strong deformation: Sevier and Canadian - - -
with archipelago (MEZ/ANG/SF arcs). Rocky Mountains (since about 125 Myr ago).
A3 Override of ANG arc, followed by slab Carmacks volcanic episode due to slab window 74 6 7 850 6 50 12 6 1
window. (72–69 Myr ago).
A4 South Farallon trench steps westward after Sonora volcanism due to slab window: Tarahumara 88 6 3 800 6 50 961
accretion of Shatsky Rise Conjugate plateau. ignimbrite province (85 6 5 Myr ago).
B3 Strong transpressive coupling of Farallon Laramide orogeny, basement uplift more than - - -
plate to superterranes as buoyant Shatsky Rise 1,000 km inland (85–55 Myr ago).
B4 Conjugate subducts. Northward shuffle of INS, IMS, and ANG terranes along - - -
margin (85–55 Myr ago).
A5 Override of CR arc by Pacific Last terrane accretions: Siletzia, Pacific Rim 55 6 7 600 6 30 12 6 2
Northwest USA (55–50 Myr ago).
B5 Final override of westernmost ANG. Explosive end of Coast Mountain arc volcanism - - -
(55–50 Myr ago).
Column 2 describes tectonic events in terms of geometrically predicted slab–margin interactions. Column 3 describes matching events from the land geological record. For well-localized events (A1–A5), we
estimate slab depth d, time t since last subduction (margin override), and slab sinking rate v, from the tomographic and plate models. Calculations are explained in the Methods; for uncertainty analysis see the
Supplementary Information. Geologically observed timing does not enter the calculations, since the role of the geological events is to validate the geometrically inferred results. Events B1–B5 represent additional,
first-order tectonic episodes explained by the scenario of archipelago override (these are not localized enough spatiotemporally to estimate d, t and v).

was accompanied by a strong pulse of intermediate to basaltic volca- apply to flat-lying Cenozoic slabs13 or to isolated deeper fragments like
nism, the Carmacks formation at around 72–69 Myr ago35. Such high- Kula or CR3, because all sinking estimates were calibrated on slab
temperature, mainly primitive volcanism arises from juxtaposition of walls. We do not attempt to interpret upper-mantle structure and the
hot, sub-slab asthenosphere after a slab, broken through arc collision Cenozoic land record here, but our archipelago model provides a new
(Fig. 2b), has started to sink36. framework for doing so.
The South Farallon trench was migrating westward with North
America, still building the Fransciscan formation. Around A4, slab Better constraints on surface and mantle
geometry indicates an outboard step from SF2 to SF3. This coincides Long-lived, stationary oceanic trenches explain two problematic
with a strong regional pulse of ignimbrite volcanism at 90 Myr ago observations, previously thought to be unconnected: the near-vertical
(Tarahumara formation, up to 4 km thick and 400 km inland37,38) geometries of the super-slabs under North America (without invok-
as the southern California/Sonora margin traverses the intermittent ing exceptional mantle rheologies or ad hoc shifts in absolute ref-
slab gap. erence frame), and the long series of arc terrane accretions during
The location and timing of this trench step-back coincide almost Cretaceous times1 (not explained by the South American analogy).
perfectly with the inferred arrival of a buoyant oceanic Farallon plat- An archipelago offshore Mesozoic North America had previously
eau at the North America margin, the conjugate half of the Shatsky been suggested on the basis of land geology7,8, but lacked the absolute
Rise (Fig. 3 includes its reconstruction by ref. 39). Plateau collision is a spatial constraints provided by seismic tomography and our vertical
proposed mechanism39,40 for choking subduction and causing the sinking/terrane stations concept. Now-displaced terranes can be tied to
basement uplifts of the Laramide orogeny at around 85–55 Myr ago their original, seismically imaged trench locations, but also to recon-
(B3). We suggest that the event explains another first-order obser- structed continent locations, in an absolute reference frame. The hypo-
vation of Cordilleran geology (B4): the INS/IMS and ANG terrane thesis that continental collision with stationed terranes caused the
packages, but not Franciscan and GUE, were rapidly shuffled north- various episodes of Cordilleran mountain building becomes testable.
ward along the margin between 85 and 55 Myr ago, by many hun- Before 150 Myr ago, North America was clearly located too far east
dreds to over 2,000 km (ref. 41). The convergence vector of the for MEZ/ANG to pass for continental trenches, even when longit-
Farallon plate did have a large northward component at the time2, udinal uncertainties of absolute reference frames45 are factored in
but terrane transport additionally requires strong coupling to the (Fig. 1 and Supplementary Fig. 3, and Supplementary Tables 1 and
Farallon plate and decoupling from North America. A buoyant 2). The apparently ‘wrong’ geometry and locations of the vertical slab
Farallon plateau, compressed against INS/IMS and unable to subduct, walls—under the hypothesis of subduction of the Farallon plate
could have achieved such coupling until the trench re-established beneath North America—had been recognized12,27,46,47 with two kinds
itself further west. of solutions suggested. A longitudinal shift of the global lithospheric
Stage 4 (Fig. 3g, h) is the end of archipelago override. North shell relative to the lower mantle12, specifically a Cretaceous westward
America overrides point A5 at 55 6 7 Myr ago, in excellent agreement excursion that tapered down as the Atlantic opened, could have held
with last observed terrane accretions in the Pacific Northwest (Siletzia, North America stationary above MEZ/ANG. Alternatively, upper-
Metchosin and Pacific Rim terranes at about 55–50 Myr ago42–44). The mantle slab, spread out laterally by a west-coast trench, must some-
trench stepped west (clear upward truncation at A5) as the terranes how have aggregated into steep piles when transitioning into the
accreted, converting intra-oceanic CR into today’s continental Cas- lower mantle. This requires lateral displacements by over 1,000 km
cadia subduction. Also at about 55–50 Myr ago, ANG was terminally of huge volumes of slab27,46. Some convection simulations have pro-
overridden (B5), accompanied by explosive volcanism as the Coast duced such behaviour46,48, whereas others suggest essentially vertical
Mountain arc of British Columbia shut down. sinking47, as do newer observations12,13,18.
By then, slab complexity in the upper mantle rivalled today’s west- We showed that, within observational uncertainty limits, predicted
ern Pacific—not surprising given the numerous forced reorganiza- and observed geological events are consistent. This validates simple
tions. The simple depth–age relationship suggested by Fig. 3 need not vertical sinking and seems to explain all North American observations,
5 4 | N AT U R E | VO L 4 9 6 | 4 A P R I L 2 0 1 3
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Supplementary Information is available in the online version of the paper.
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45. Shephard, G. E. et al. Testing absolute plate reference frames and the implications Acknowledgements We thank D. Müller for making available the plate reconstructions
for the generation of geodynamic mantle heterogeneity structure. Earth Planet. Sci. of ref. 22 before publication (for Fig. 1), as well as the Shatsky plateau reconstructions of
Lett. 317–318, 204–217 (2012). ref. 39 for Fig. 3. We thank G. W. Ernst for a constructive review. The P-wave tomography
46. Liu, L., Spasojević, S. & Gurnis, M. Reconstructing Farallon plate subduction beneath model used here is available in ASCII format as part of the Auxiliary Materials for ref. 13
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47. Steinberger, B., Torsvik, T. H. & Becker, T. W. Subduction to the lower mantle—a obtained from K.S. This is British Columbia Geological Survey contribution #2012-2.
comparison between geodynamic and tomographic models. Solid Earth 3,
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background and made the terrane maps of Fig. 3. Both authors contributed equally to
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developing the tectonic arguments and to the writing.
49. van der Meer, D. G., Torsvik, T. H., Spakman, W., van Hinsbergen, D. J. J. & Amaru, M.
L. Intra-Panthalassa Ocean subduction zones revealed by fossil arcs and mantle Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at
structure. Nature Geosci. 5, 215–219 (2012). The authors declare no competing financial interests.
50. Torsvik, T. H., Müller, R. D., Van der Voo, R., Steinberger, B. & Gaina, C. Global plate Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of the paper. Correspondence
motion frames: toward a unified model. Rev. Geophys. 46, RG3004, http:// and requests for materials should be addressed to K.S. (2008). ([email protected]) or M.G.M. ([email protected]).

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METHODS walls are sharply imaged. This is also a striking visual feature (see, for example,
Fig. 3g or Supplementary Fig. 2): along their lengths, MEZ and ANG show abrupt
The MEZ/ANG slab walls have been among the most robust features in global-
upward truncations in red to orange, yellow and green depth levels. This provides
scale body-wave tomography, starting with the work of Grand9–13,28. The deep end
direct observational evidence for westward subduction—after trench override,
of the CR slab was already visible in some of the earlier studies. Its continuous
there was no slab left to subduct. In contrast, the less-complete upward truncation
upward connection to present-day Cascadia subduction was pointed out by
of eastward-dipping CR around A5 (cyan colour level, a more localized slab
ref. 15, hence its identification as a Farallon slab. The model on which we base
window) indicates ‘only’ a larger terrane accretion event and trench step-back
our discussion here13 is an inversion of P-wave observations recorded by North
when the margin transitioned from intra-oceanic to Andean-style. Upward trun-
American broadband stations, using a cutting-edge waveform inversion tech-
cations shallow to the west (A1 at red level, A2 at yellow level, A3/A4 at green
nique (multi-frequency tomography) on a global, adaptive grid. Method discus-
level, and A5 at cyan level), reflecting more and more recent ages for termination
sion and formal resolution tests are presented in ref. 13. The higher resolution
of subduction.
compared to global tomography models is largely due to densely spaced stations
from the USArray experiment in the western half of the US, and waveforms In summary, the observational uncertainties that we discuss in the Sup-
recorded 2005–2008, which were not included in any of the above global models. plementary Information are:
Our calibration points for sinking rate, especially A3–A5, lie within the mantle (1) Uncertainties in plate reconstructions at the surface. When exactly did the
subvolume that considerably benefits from resolution improvements afforded North American palaeo-margin overlie a given point in the reference frame, for
by the new USArray data. example, A1-A5? This includes relative reconstruction uncertainties (essentially
We postulate that subduction into all slab walls imaged tomographically ambiguities about the Atlantic Ocean opening; they are small, and neglected
beneath North America13 originated before the arrival of North America’s west- in our calculations); uncertainties about absolute reference frame (these are
ern margin. Hence we must demonstrate sufficiently old slab ages, and cessation considerable; we attempt to quantify them by comparing different reference
or flipping of subduction when the continent overrode the slabs. Plate reconstruc- frames12,21,22,45,50–52 (Supplementary Fig. 3); and uncertainties about the true west-
tions predict the timing of margin arrival above a slab, but only if slab and plate ward extent of the palaeo-margin over time. The latter uncertainty is most
reconstructions12,21,22,50–52 can be linked to the same absolute reference frame. difficult to quantify, since it requires knowledge about accreted terrane locations,
(Technically we accomplish this with the free community palaeo-geographic which shifted over time. Our best guess of the uncertain area’s extent is hatched in
information system GPlates23,24 and a compilation of digitally published reference Fig. 1a and b and Supplementary Fig. 3a and b. Margin uncertainty is the biggest
frames45.) Hence override predictions are correct to the extent that slab walls sank contributor to reconstruction uncertainties (typically 6–7 Myr), except for the
vertically, meaning that their x–y locations since subduction are unchanged in a oldest point A1, where absolute reference frame uncertainty dominates (Sup-
linked hotspot reference frame. Uncertainty is best quantified from slab wall plementary Table 2).
geometry itself: deviation from vertical sinking probably did not exceed a wall’s (2) Uncertainties in palaeo-trench locations, relative to the slab. Were trench
half-width (200–300 km), else such steep geometries could not have built up over points A1–A5 centred on the imaged slab walls, systematically offset to one side,
a long time. or oscillating? We assume that the trenches ran centred, for lack of evidence to
Uncertainties about absolute locations of North America’s palaeo-margin arise the contrary. A constant offset would hardly change the calculations, producing
from imperfections in plate reconstructions. Owing to terrane accretions and a strong correlation with margin uncertainty rather than independent uncer-
removals, there is also uncertainty about the shape and westward extent of tainties. Periodic trench advance and retreat—as buckling folds are being laid
North America’s margin, compared to its present-day outlines. We discuss indi- down—cannot be excluded, but we are unaware of observational evidence.
vidual uncertainties in the Supplementary Information, and propagate them into Unless these oscillations significantly exceeded the half-width of the slab wall of
cumulative uncertainties for the times at which North America’s palaeo-margin 200–300 km (unlikely, given the tall slab piles), they would not dominate over
overrode selected points A1–A5 on the palaeo-trenches. With relative uncer- margin uncertainty.
tainties of only 10–15% (Table 1 and Supplementary Tables 1 and 2), this yields (3) Uncertainties about present-day slab depth (pertinent only to sinking-rate
the old (Jura–Cretaceous) slab ages required to support intra-oceanic subduction. estimates). Evaluation of tomographic blur yields significantly smaller relative
Spatiotemporal predictions of trench override are verified by terrane observa- uncertainties than reconstruction errors (Supplementary Table 1). The two types
tions as follows. Override should coincide with observable collision events, of relative errors enter symmetrically into cumulative uncertainty on sinking rate.
because buoyant island arcs or plateaus are overridden. Uncertainties on terrane Regarding our hypothesis of intra-oceanic trenches, the most important,
observations are difficult to quantify, but particularly characteristic events (A1– qualitative assessment of uncertainty is that all the plate reconstructions
A5) can nonetheless be singled out and used successfully for validation (Table 1). considered21,22,45,50–52 (with one exception12 discussed below) agree that two ocean
Sinking-rate calculations provide an additional plausibility check. Consistent basins should have existed between North America and the MEZ/ANG slabs
results of 9–12 mm yr21 (61–2 mm yr21) across all three slab walls show that before 140 Myr ago (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Fig. 3a). These oceans were
this type of feature seems to sink rather predictably and evenly. If this is the case, considerably wider than the uncertainty in margin extent, implying intra-oceanic
then conversely the override prediction times that lead to the rate estimates subduction origins for all imaged slab walls, provided they are older than
should be adequate. 140 Myr. That this is the case is shown by good agreement between predicted
Sinking at about 10 mm yr21 is considered a lower-mantle sinking rate, but we and geologically observed collision events (within the moderate error bars of
obtain it as an average over both upper and lower mantle. This is explicable if a Table 1). An extrapolation of sinking rates of about 10 mm yr21 to the lower ends
wall were to have sunk in steady state: upon subduction of its youngest end of the slab walls at over 1,800 km depth implies that subduction originated at least
(Fig. 2b), its lower part would already have entered the viscous lower mantle 180 Myr ago.
and would have been setting the speed limit from below, which would have acted The one reference frame12 that does not predict wide ANG/MEZ ocean basins
on the entire pile. Such a wall, widened to 4–6 times the lithospheric thickness in the late Jurassic/early Cretaceous was explicitly designed to minimize their
(400–600 km), and sinking at about 10 mm yr21, generates the same material extents, by imposing a constraint that keeps North America’s western margin
throughput as the typical 40–60 mm yr21 of unbuckled plate convergence in stationary above the MEZ/ANG slabs (that is, an Andean-style margin is enforced
the uppermost mantle16,20—a plausibility check that confirms the continuity of a priori; SUB on Supplementary Fig. 3b). This is accomplished by introducing an
upper and lower mantle fluxes. additional degree of freedom, an ad hoc, otherwise non-observable, westward
Sinking rates are obtained by dividing the imaged depth of a wall’s shallowest shift of the lithospheric shell relative to the lower mantle. In solving for this
end (depth reached since the end of subduction) by predicted time since the longitudinal shift, the method considers a global slab inventory, but for the
trench override. Besides timing uncertainty, a spatial uncertainty about the slab’s times discussed here, the influence of the MEZ/ANG slabs dominates. Hence,
true depth enters, as discussed quantitatively in Supplementary Fig. 2. These this reference frame does not lend itself to evaluating the existence of the
uncertainties are comparatively small, because upward truncations of the slab ANG/MEZ oceans.

©2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

Supplementary Information for Sigloch & Mihalynuk 2013
“Intra-oceanic subduction shaped the assembly of
Cordilleran North America”

• Three supplementary figures (S1, S2, S3)

• Discussion of data uncertainties and error propagation

Figure S1

Figure S2

Figure S3
Legends of Supplementary Figures S1-S3

Figure S1. Vertical slab walls ─ inside-out view of seismically fast structure under North
America. This 3-D rendering contours fast structure in the P-velocity tomography model by
Sigloch 2011 13, at the same isosurface threshold of dVp/Vp=0.25% as used in figures 1 and 3. It
is an “inside-out” view, which moves the deepest structure to the foreground (pink/purple shades
at 1800-2000 km), and the shallowest levels to the background (blue, 600-400 km). The
perspective corresponds to that of an imaginary observer sitting at the center of the earth, looking
upward (except that such a viewpoint would also flip east and west, omitted here). Structure
shallower than 400 km is not rendered, since it may represent fast cratonic lithosphere rather than
subducted slabs. This view shows most clearly the almost vertical geometry of the deep slab
walls below ~800 km depth, the segmentation of the Mezcalera and Angayucham walls, and
their clear spatial separation from the crescent-shaped Cascadia Root and slab C2 further west.
By contrast, material in the transition zone is smeared out laterally (yellow, green, blue shades).
The vertical walls carry the geometric signature of intra-oceanic trenches, which can and do
remain stationary over long periods, whereas the shallower slabs were deposited into a trench
dragged along by the migrating continent.
Figure S2. Estimation of uncertainties in slab depth. Panels a to e render the same P-wave model
at different contouring thresholds dVp/Vp: +0.50%, +0.35%, +0.25%, +0.18%, and +0.12%
(the incremental factor is always 2 ). Only fast structure at and below 600 km is shown. The
preferred threshold is dVp/Vp=0.25%, used in panel c and in all other figures, and assumed to
yield the most probable values for slab depth d. Panels b and d are used to obtain one-sigma error
bounds σd. The five crosshairs mark calibration points A1-A5. Unit on color bars is depth in km.
Figure S3. Comparison of North America´s westward migration in different absolute reference
frames. a: Colored lines show reconstructed western margin over time, in four absolute reference
frames. Orange: fixed hotspot FHS 51; red: hybrid moving hotspot HHS 21; cyan: paleomagnetic,
PMG 50; purple: true polar wander, TPW/TPW200 22,52. Colored labels give time in Ma for their
corresponding reference frames; the times used correspond to the four time slices of figure 3.
The PMG and TPW frames differ from HHS only prior to 100 Ma, and are shown only at these
earlier times. Irregular, dark grey contours are slab outlines at and below 1500 km (identical to
those in figure 1a), which should have been subducted by 140 Ma. Present-day landmasses are
shown in light grey. The hatched area along the NA margin at 170 Ma represents the assumed
uncertainty about true westward extent of the margin (for all times).
b: Same as panel a, except that the subduction reference frame12, SUB, is compared to HHS and
TPW/TPW200. Yellow crosshairs mark calibration points A1-A5. The construction of SUB is
fundamentally different from the other frames: it allows for shifts in paleo-longitude if this
maximizes the superposition of reconstructed trench lines with imaged slabs. Since the
Cretaceous Farallon trench was assumed to run along the continental margin, and since it is
mapped onto the MEZ/ANG slabs, this frame enforces the Andean-style subduction scenario.
This results in a very westerly position of Cretaceous North America that minimizes the extents
of the Mezcalera and Angayucham Oceans.

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