A Litany of Saints

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A Litany of Jesuit Saints

+Attila Mikloshazy, SJ. [1]

Lord, have mercy Lord, have mercy.

Christ, have mercy Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy Lord, have mercy.
Have mercy on us.
God the Father of heaven
God the Son, Redeemer of the world
God the Holy Spirit
Holy Trinity, one God
Holy Mary [12 Sept] [2] Pray for us.
Holy Mother of God [1 Jan] "
Mother and Queen of the Society of Jesus [22 Apr] "
Our Lady of the Way [23 May]
St. John the Baptist [24 June] "
St. Joseph [19 March] "
Sts. Peter and Paul [29 June] "
St. Ignatius Loyola, Founder of Soc.of Jesus (1556) (3) [31 July] Pray for us.
St. Francis Xavier, Patron of missions (1552) [3 Dec] "
Bl. Peter Favre (1546) [2 Aug]] "
St. Stanislaus Kostka, novice (1568) [13 Nov] "
Bl. Ignatius Azevedo and Companions, Brazilian martyrs (1570) [19 Jan] "
St. Francis Borgia, Superior General (1572) [3 Oct] "
St. Edmund Campion, martyr in England (1581) [1 Dec] "
Bl. Rudolph Aquaviva and Companions, martyrs in India (1583) [4 Feb] "
St. Aloysius Gonzaga, scholastic, victim of plague (1591) [21 June] "
Bl. James Sales and William Saltemouche, martyrs in France (1593) [19 Jan]
St. Robert Southwell and Comp., martyrs in England (1595-1649) [1 Dec] "
St. Peter Canisius, doctor of the Church (1597) [27 Apr] "
Bl. Joseph Anchieta, priest in Brazil (1597) [9 June] "
Sts. Paul Miki, John de Goto, James Kisai, martyrs in Japan, (1597) [6 Feb] "
Bl. Dominic Collins, martyr in Ireland (1602) [30 Oct] "
St. John Ogilvie, martyr in Scotland (1615) [14 Oct] "
St. Bernardine Realino, folk-missionary in Italy (1616) [1 July] "
St. Alphonsus Rodriguez, brother in Spain (1617) [31 Oct] "
Bl. Francis Pacheco, Charles Spinola and Comp., "
martyrs in Japan (1617-1632) [4 Feb]
St. Melchior Grodecz and Stephen Pongacz, martyrs in Hungary "
(1619) [7 Sept]
St. Robert Bellarmine, bishop and doctor of the Church (1621) [17 Sept] "
St. John Berchmans, scholastic (1621) [26 Nov] "
Sts. Roch Gonzalez, Alphonsus Rodriguez and "
John del Castillo, martyrs in Paraguay (1628) [16 Nov]
St. John Francis Regis, folk-missionary in France (1640) [1 July]
Sts. John de Brebeuf, Isaac Jogues and Comp.,
martyrs in North America (1642-1649) [19 Oct] "
Bl.Andreas de Soveral @ Didacus Carvalho, martyrs in Brazil "
(1645) [16 July]
St. Peter Claver, apostle of the African slaves in Colombia (1654) [9 Sept] "
St. Andrew Bobola, martyr in Poland (1657) [16 May] "
Bl. Diego Aloysius de San Vitore, martyr in Oceania (1672) [6 Oct] "
St. Claude de la Colombiere, apostle of Sacred Heart devotion (1682) [15 Feb] "
Bl. Julian Maunoir, folk-missionary in Bretagne (1683) [1 July] "
St. John de Brito, martyr in India (1693) [4 Feb] "
St. Francis de Hieronymo, folk-missionary in Naples (1716) [1 July] "
Bl. Anthony Baldinucci, folk-missionary in Italy (1717) [1 July] "
Bl. James Bonnaud and Comp., martyrs in France (1792) [19 Jan]
St. Joseph Pignatelli , superior in Italy, (1811) [14 Nov] "
Bl. James Berthieu, martyr in Madagascar (1890) [4 Feb] "
Sts. Leon Ignace Mangin, Paul Denn, Modeste Andlauer, "
Remi Isoré, martyrs in China, (1900) [28 Sept]
Bl. Jan Beyzyn, missionary in Madagascar (1912) [?] "
Bl. Miguel Augustine Pro, martyr in Mexico (1927) [23 Nov] "
Bl. Francis Garate, brother in Spain (1929) [10 Sept] "
St. Joseph Rubio, apostle of Madrid (1929) [4 May] "
Bl.Thomas Sitjar Fortia, and 11 Comp., martyrs in Spain (1936) [22 Sept] "
Bl. Rupert Mayer, apostle of Munich, Germany (1945) [3 Nov] "
Bl. Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga, priest in Chile (1952) [18 Aug] "
All the Saints and Blessed of the Society of Jesus [6 Nov] "

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