Roland Vertallier Holds French Effort in Beirut: Airs. R. V Er.'allier

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Cast-- nesseifsfor Novembe7-Decembei 1969

Roland Vertallier
Holds French Effort
In Beirut
Elder Roland Vertallier, pastor-evan-
gelist of the Bordeaux church in
France, arrived in Beirut September 16,
with his wife to hold a public effort
directed especially to the French speak-
ing community. The co-operation of the
Southern European Division in making
it possible for Elder Vertallier to come
to the Middle East is greatly appreciat-
Associated with Elder Vertallier is R. Vertallier Airs. R. V er.'allier
Elder Harley Bresee, director of the Ad- for the benefit of many who wished to pastors and the church members, our
ventist Center and his wife who have attend but were not fluent in the meetings were begun again and the
given much of their time and talent French. Elders Maurice Katrib and attendance soon reached a new high."
to the smooth running of this series of Chafic Srour filled this need. The difficulties met and surpassed
lectures. Mrs. Danae Casselas from Elder Vertallier says, "Never before during the weeks the Vertalliers have
Alexandria, Egypt, and Nathan Da- have I been so impressed with the been in the Middle East have not been
wood, former worker in Iraq, have importance of co-operation of the local few, but through it all their courage
been active in visiting the interested church members. When it seemed that and enthusiasm have never wavered.
persons, holding Bible studies, and the meetings were irrepairably closed Those attending the lectures have been
helping with the publicity. As tkn because of the curfews imposed due an excellent class of people and have
meetings progressed it was found neces- the political unrest, and with no shown growing interest in all they have
sary to translate the lectures into Arabic other means of pub deity than the local heard.

Mrs. Danae Casselas and Nathan Dawood in front 'of the Beirut Adventist Center. (See story page 8).
Page 2 The Middle East Messenger November-December 1969

cgo ()an uls as Wise

I heard recently that in a city where one of our churches had been working diligently in literature distribution, home
visitation, and the gift Bible program an article appeared in the local newspaper which read as follows : "Are you being
bothered by people who are seeking to save your soul? Don't worry. They will not bother you much longer. Appropriate
measures have been taken so that these people will not be allowed in hell."

Though I can't offer adequate documentation for the article referred to, it is not only amusing in its style and
structure, but it expresses a very deep truth.

Those who occupy themselves in taking the truth to others and direct their interests and energies toward saving the
souls of their neighbors will certainly be more readily among that company that shall hear from the lips of our Lord,
"Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundations of the world." Matthew 25 : 34.

Solomon said, "He that winneth souls is wise." Proverbs 11 : 30. Certainly this is true if it can help us to gain heaven
and escape hell.

"It was the Saviour's purpose that after He ascended to heaven to become man's intercessor, His followers should carry
on the work that He had begun. ... There are some who are willing to go to the ends of the earth in cider to carry the
light of truth to men, but God demands that every soul who knows the truth shall seek to win others to the love of the
truth. If we are not willing to make special sacrifices in order to save souls that are ready to perish, how can we
be counted worthy to enter into the city of God?" Christian Service, p. 8.

"Our work is plainly laid down in the Word of God. Christian is to be united to Christian, church to church, the
human instrumentality co-operating with the divine, every agency to be subordinate to the Holy Spirit, and all to be
combined in giving to the world the good tidings of the grace of God." ibid., p. 14

"Divine and human agencies are combined in the work of saving souls. God has done His part, and Christian
activity is needed now. God calls for this. He expects His people to bear a part in presenting the light of truth to all
rations." Ibid., p. 83.

"Go to your neighbors one by one, and come close to them till their hearts are warmed by your unselfish interest
and love. Sympathize with them., pray for them, watch for opportunities to do them good, and as you can, gather a few
together, and open the- Word of God to their darkened minds. Keep watching as he who must render an account for
the souls of men, and make the most of the privileges that God gives you of laboring with Him in His moral vine-
yard." Review and Herald, March 13, 1888.

The most notable work of evangelism that this world has ever witnessed had its beginning right here in these lands,
when 120 men and women went out from Pentecost's upper room to tell men about Jesus. That work was done by a
dedicated, united, and spirit-filled church.

Those characteristics must be a living and vital part of today's church as it prepares for an even greater work,
around the world and here in the Middle East.
November-December 1969 The Middle East Messenger Page 3


LOCAL SECTIONS Elder George Khoury, Middle East
Division evangelist, presented a series
The Middle East Division Ministerial
of meetings in the Amman School au-
Association, directed "Dy L. C. Miller, in
ditorium and concurrently in the Ma-
co-operation with Division and Section
daba area where Kameel Haddad is the
officers, is currently conducting special
district leader. The series was called
institutes for the ministers of the Di-
"Seeking Happiness," and the attend-
ance and interest were outstanding in
The initial institute was conducted in
both places.
the Jordan Section, September 22-24, Salim Japas preaching, Madrid, Spain.
by L. C. Miller, assisted by Division Associated with Elder Khoury were
Evangelist, George Khoury and Section Elder Angely Gayed, pastor of the
President, W. J. Clemons. Institutes Amman church, Basin-, Aziz, ministerial
were later conducted in Lebanon graduate of Middle East College, and
(November 11 - 13) and Egypt Nathan Malaka, student worker from
(November 19-22). Elders Chafic Srour Middle East College. Many other
and R. L. Jacobs joined Elders Miller workers and laymen gave their faithful
and Khoury in the Lebanon institute, support to the meetings by inviting
while in Egypt General Conference friends as well as attending faithfully
Field Secretary, V. M. Montalban gave themselves.
the daily devotional sermons and the In connection with these meetings
Middle East Division officers, F. C. Naila Azar and Samir Haddad were
Webster, R. L. Jacobs, and R. C. Mills baptized and others are being prepared
shared vital topics with L. C. Miller. to take this important step in the near
The concluding institute is scheduled future. At the time of writing this
for Iran, December 10-14. report Elder Khoury is again in Madaba
"The purpose of the institutes is to following up the great interest created
increase our ministers' devction and by the first series. The hall in the very
dedication to their high calling," states center of town where meetings are being
Ministerial Secretary L. C. Miller. "For
held has been entirely too small for the
this reason we presented five key topics more than 100 persons attending.
entitled : The Minister, The Minister
Called, 1 have Chosen You, The Mi- —W. J. Clemons
nirter is Loyal.
"In order to have a better prepared Vallecas Church, Madrid, Spain where S. pa
ministry for the practical aspects of Each institute was climaxed by a conducted one of the campaign,
pastoral and evangelistic work, instruc- special communion and testimony serv-
tion was given in how to use the voice ice in which ministers and their wives SALIM JAPAS CONDUCTS
in public speaking, pulpit manners, rededicated themse'ves anew to God's CAMPAIGN IN MADRID
sermon preparation, use of time, pasto- service in the gospel ministry. Many Elder Salim Japas writes from
ral counseling, gaining decisions, pre- participating expressed their feeling that Madrid, Spain : "Saludos de Espana!
paration for baptism, conducting bap- the Holy Spirit was present to bless I am praying that this will be my best
tisms and communion, holding mem- during these meetings and that more effort. It is inspiring to see the young
bership, putting members to work, and ministerial institutes will be both bene- people and the brethren here in Madrid
church administration." ficial and welcome. full of profound conviction for the
Truth. There is a contagious enthu-
siasm in the church which, with the
blessing of God, is sure to make the
Work progress. Those who have be-
come interested are faithful in attend-
ing. Many are coming on Sabbath to
the church services. We are planning
to establish a third church in Madrid
before the end of the year. The 'enemy'
is doing all he can to hinder our work,
but with God's help we will still go
forward. The Radio programs have
been suspended, and we are no
longer permitted to print the lessons
for the Bible Investigation program."
Elder Japas has been conducting two
i W7 to144., efforts simultaneously-one in the church
Group of workers who attended Ministerial Institute, Amman, Jordan. in Alenza, and the other in Vallecas.
Page 4 The Middle East Messenger November-December 1969

_* ,—

;31Via..41AW I
* 15*5 V*** 1.
***** **IQ
*** *zee

Boys and girls enjoy recreation on .he

grounds of the new "MESS" (which is
proving to be no "mess" at all!)—with
the new Boucherieh Church on the left
*********?* and the Middle East Secondary School
lat . (grades 1-12) on the right. Principal
**a aatINC 14: t t
ttstai:iAt011 A** tt • Jad Katrib, his splendid staff, as well as
***Et. t **
the 265 students are all very busy and
happy—this latter inspite of the fact
that much remains to be done to com-
plete the building and grounds.

wer 'of the new Boucherieh Church at the foot Tuesday, December 2, 1969 - LL
the Septieh hill, showing the interesting and 7000.00 "ingatheted" through co-
ractive arrangement of crosser. Within a few operation of following groups :
eh, this new church will be ready for dedication. Middle East College, Armenian Melody Miller explains the flannel-graph to
church and school, and teachers the Branch Sabbath School members who meet
QUOTE: and students of the Musseitbeh faithfully each Sabbath afternoon in the home
"While so great a work remains to be School. of Elie Abourjaily on Septieh Hill.
done, shall not we, as Christ's followers,
arouse to a sense of r,ur God-given res-
ponsibility, and be active in doing our EXCELLENT START
part?"—E.G. White

The Harold S. Johnson family-wife Marjorie,

I "Peek" at the new Boucherieh Church and the Middle East Secondary School where Stephen and Karen, return"] from furlough
youth are being "nourished" instead of ;he orange grove as before. to teach in Beirut Overseas School.
November-December 1969 The Middle East Messenger

Three happy Bishmezzine teachers—

Mrs. B. L. Gilleroth presenting a clarinet solo. Helen Sarkis. Joseph and Mary Mansour.
Elder R. C. Mills singing, "Nothing Between M
Soul and the Saviour," at the Ordination Servic
NEW COURSE IN SCIENCE of D. 0. McDaniel, and Dr. Melvin West at tA
and the BIBLE organ.
Dr. Harold Coffin of the Geoscience For more details and enrollment in-
Institute is the author of Home Study formation write: Home Study Institute,
Institute's newest course—Science and Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.
the Bible. The eighteen-lesson, three- 20012, U.S.A.
hour college course is an up-to-the
minute, thorough-going study of crea-
tionism and evolution. More than a
year of work has gone into the prepa-
ration of the course, and it promises to
be one of the most useful and popular
series of studies by correspondence of-
Mrs. lssa Kharma with some o fered through Home Study Institute.
pupils. The course is designed not only for
the college student who needs to fulfill
science requirements but it is also aimed Naila Azar and Samir Haddad who
at the minister, teacher, and alert church were baptized in connection with the
laymen who want a solid background recent effort conducted by George
in creationism Khoury in Jordan.

Dr. Grant Macaulay and family (Dr. and

Mrs. Macaulay, Douglas and Diane). This
talented family is at Middle East College this The new Division Compound Apartment Building, 'occupied for the past year, housing si
year on an exchange basis with Loma Linda arnilies—the M. Nazirians, the S. Japas, the H. S. Johnsons, the Hugh Cowles, the F.
University Websters, and the R. L. Jacobs.
East- WrieSSeA1444.
:;4tlit Colporteur Victories
For our student colporteurs the past
summer was a time of hard and useful
November-December 1969 work—a real battle, well fought by
most of them. More than seventy stu-
Volume XVIII, Number 5
dents have returned to Adventist schools
in the Middle East Division, having
earned scholarships.
The report for the four summer
Pubhshcd bi nffinffils IS, Ithddlc East Messenger IS the official journal
months shows a net gain in 1969 of
of the
more than $10,000.00 in sales over the
1\114.11c Past DIA ision summer of 1968. This is an encourag-
Salvtlyth, Buret 1-.Banta, ing increase in sales, especially taking
Piot Otfut 13ox 2020
Phone • 25058
into consideration the unsettled con-
ditions and odd times our colporteurs
faced. A compilation of the reports
So, [muck ( \VI tostmc for the year dating from the summer
Rn L. J cans of 1968 to the summer of 1969, shows
Rout or C. M11, that there was a total delivery of
120111 or 040,111
$40,100.00 in comparison with $18,296.
Grow., VAat

M my Gave
00 for the previous year.
One of the ministerial students who Dean 0. McDaniel
WI AI I did an excellent work this summer can-
SOF/ 111 I) Misl - 12111pqrc , 12. vassing for the first time in unentered
As, 1, A Hnuton . .111,1;op,r; l'olantreo ,mpelante
territory, made a recordbreaking sale of Ordination and Appointment of Dean
SAN I, p‘cons lantation

58110 Er angeb
literature. In one month he sold almost McDaniel
M1, am. KAIrtio Pubbilvux
as much as all our colporteurs sold in
KliotrIn tangel.. • the first year of our canvassing work In connection with the biennial meet-
Tht Ivo,

/11usir1111 C 1405 au, Ueda, (Achn) 7 re, on, in the Middle East. Now he assures ings of the Middle East Division a
1.(t are. MIIna Redo-TI' / Sahbal.
me that he is planning to make litera- special service was conducted at which
VINT, 7../) ..4//////// (Anus) raffio:sr.
ture evangelism his life work. He says, time Dean 0. McDaniel was ordained
"I cannot flee from the responsibility of to the gospel ministry.
sharing my faith and speaking for God V. M. Montalban, General Secretary
while canvassing.... This whole thing of the General Conference, presented
Mmor I 1 C 1. ca 5 ilstt)ch, Beou fAbanon (Post Ono, 11.1%

Brut, Lebanon, Phone 2611.19 KIN, nu I. Vim, Plectdert is now in my blood." the message and Martin Kemmerer,
V., ut. Aiddem, De (imam. (;1100.11., Btolve ,, Manage;
While we mention our student col- Assistant Treasurer of the General Con-
porteurs and commend them for their ference, offered the ordination prayer.
Mum. 1 vsr Pam, Sabusch &out, I ebanon (Post Onus Bo 2 ,11,

&our, Lebanon, Phone. 2611932) Runt at E. Atm kso,, good work and excellent achievements, The charge and welcome were present-
Ca, ,,/ 7 ir.,rx", Nut rdno, az CI le , we cannot but mention two of our regu- ed by F. C. Webster and L. C. Miller
lar evangelists also. One of them is at respectively. A male quartet composed
111, All1.1N11, /10s1+11 11 Runt Road, Benghazi, Libya (Post Office
the top of the list in sales, Brother of pastors sang, "Go Tell Someone
Bo, In, Benghazi labs a, Plums ('181) Gloss 131'NSON. stn. .1„i/•S

.11‘.//,.// do, Cu 1,, JoiiNsOs., Ardndsto Nathan Ratib in Jordan, who sold in About Jesus," and following the "Wel-
a year's time more than $9,000.00 come" R. C. Mills sang, "Nothing
SECTIONS AND STATIONS worth of literature with more than 25% Between My Soul and My Saviour."
(.18005 J S1.11.11WO09 MerieleneArting frortm)-7 B2.
being religious books. Another colpor- Elder McDaniel is a graduate of
adstom &lee, Nicosia (Post Office Bo, 1984, NICOS12; Phone -6142)
teur evangelist whom I would like to Walla Walla College and has received
F,.,1.1 HABIB (four, Arfrelent, Swan: G11111.1, Sent!...), 1IOSNI WAnu mention in great admiration and respect the M. A. degree from the Seventh-day
Kul,, Sleduf,e, 06 Avenue de Kobbeh, Heliopolis (Post Office Boy 12
is Mrs. L. Leontides of Cyprus. This Adventist Theological Seminary. He
Hehopolts; Phone 860292)
good sister is a real lesson to some of arrived in Cyprus July 24, 1967, and
IR, 14 ,8011, h. GRAN, he rdon S M.111.CARIAN, our younger colporteurs who seem to has given himself wholeheartedly, not
Pala... Menus Tehran, Tran 14723) be tired the first week of their canvass- only to learning the Greek language,
ing work. Sister Leontides does this but to searching for souls, making
10 to 541 IM MA ,I I o Mode,.134MNI EAnuo, Sec oetaorTrearx., Sadoun

AI 12 Cl
:, Niclhal Street Baghdad (Post Office Box 20,7, Baghdad, work the year around. She delivered most effective use of the Gift Bible
Phone 89971) more than $6,000.00 worth of literature Plan. He was elected president of the
last year, but more than that, her mis- Cyprus Section for the new biennium,.
11141ln J (.11 MOSS. Poe 1..b..1 Am

man, Amman Juiclan (Post Office B,, 2104, Jabal Anon.. Amman. sionary spirit is contagious. She is a
Jordan, Phone: 27345) blessing to our church in Cyprus.
LEE 1505 LIM.. $ROUA. Plerulent; MINAS RIEGURDITC111A, S telfINI,
Student colporteur Michael Habib
Treauileo. Rue Mar I has 51ouseitheh, Bacot (Post Office Box 3715, Beata, has the highest sale of literature for
Plume 103016), a period of five weeks ever to be re-
corded in the history of the publishing
1 he Ads some Iffispnal, Ring Road Benghazi (Post Office Bo‘. 210,

Benghaai, Phone 6481)

work in the Middle East. Other stu-
dent colporteurs who merit special
Slum Gomm. KA iron. Arun hauident/Amq Lilet.oy-Torame,; The
mention because of their high deliveries
Damascus (Ant.- Damascus (Post Office Bo \ 839, Damascus,
for the summer months, in order of
Phone • 22441)
achievement are: Samir Hanna, Radi
Sumo t Post Office Boo 724, laud...
Guindi, Gabriel Bejjani, Younan
TURKEY. MARUK BEN:CATE. PERRENTI/Secreilly-TENIEERE1 '14 Saw Dawood. ojju'rattng at the ordination of Dean
'WI< r1,3 e J

Aches:, Ampan, Takstm, Istanbul (Phone: 49.144). —Maurice Katrib, Publishing Secretary 0. McDaniel.
November-December 1969 The Middle East Messenger Page 7

Ingathering for Christ

Jesus Christ has not only commanded vantage, had they not chosen to stand
us to evangelize the lost world, but He independent of the world." Christian
has given us also avenues through Service, pp. 167, 168.
which this command should be carried The Ingathering Campaign serves a
out. One of these avenues is the IN- double purpose :
GATHERING, which had its beginning 1. It provides funds to promote the
in 1903 and has now extended to all humanitarian and evangelistic world
countries where there is Seventh-day program of the church.
Adventist work. 2. It is a means of making contacts
This worthy project has been sane- in the homes of people and presenting
tioned by Heaven. The Messenger of them with a special brochure describing

the Lord says, "Some may question the the world-wide work of Seventh-day
k Bodannon, wife Donna, children (left
propriety of receiving gifts from un- Adventists and offers them the opporni-
to light) Dale Allen, Don Scott, and Lori Sue.
believers. Let such ask themselves : nity of enrolling in a Bible correspond-
`Who is the real owner of our world? ence course. BOHANNON RECEIVES
To whom belong its houses and lands, November 15 - January 3, 1970 is the DOCTORATE
and its treasures of gold and silver?' Ingathering Campaign date for the
On September 17, Dr. Jack Bohannon
God has an abundance in our world, Middle East Division. The Division
and family returned to Iran after an
and He has placed His goods in the goal is LL 55,000.00.
absence of a little more than two years.
hands of all, both the obedient and the In order to achieve real success in
During this time Elder Bohannon
disobedient. He is ready to move upon Ingathering, there are several important
the hearts of worldly men, even things to consider : the need for divine studied at Michigan State University
and on July 28, 1969, he received his
idolaters, to give of their abundance for help and guidance; one hundred percent
doctorate in speech and communications.
the support of His work; and He will membership participation; organization
A letter from the chairman of the
do this as soon as His people learn to in forming teams and in assigning
Guidance Committee working with Dr.
approach these men wisely and to call territory; knowing the art of presenting
Bohannon at the University states : "I
their attention to that which it is their a canvass; visiting every home; doing
am happy to say that Mr. Bohannon
privilege to do. If the needs of the a faithful follow-up work.
Lord's work were set forth in a proper has maintained a superior record with
As we each join wholeheartedly in
light before these who have means and the Ingathering Campaign, may we us. In every aspect of his program he
influence, these men might do much to have a smile on our face, a prayer in has done excellent work — his courses
advance the cause of present truth. our heart, and enthusiasm in our voice. were completed with virtually an "all-
A" record; his dissertation is a superb
God's people have lost many privileges —Manuk Nazirian, Lay Activities
piece of work; and his over-all compre-
of which they could have taken ad- Secretary
hension of the field of Speech is Simi-
larly excellent. ... It has been a real
Biennial Session Appointment privilege for us to be able to work with
The biennial meeting of the Middle East Division committee convened
him on his doctoral program and to
from September 30 to November 4, 1969. Elected for the ensuing biennium
have the opportunity of associating
were the following Section officers :
with him."
Cyprus President Dean 0. McDaniel The Bohannon family is currently
Secretary-Treasurer Moses Elmadjian working in Shiraz, Iran with the Robert
Egypt President Habib Ghali Hydes. This city has never been
Secretary Shafik Ghali systematically worked before, and these
Treasurer Antar Yacoub consecrated workers ask to be remem-
(Contingent upon transfer arrangements for bered as they work in behalf of the
Husni Kolta becoming effective.) thousands of people living there who
Iran President Harold Gray have never before known of the Gospel.
Secretary-Treasurer Vigain Marcarian
Iraq President Hilal Dose VOP on Radio Cyprus.
Secretary-Treasurer Basim Fargo
Jordan President W. J. Clemons Another Adventist first will be record-
Secretary-Treasurer Husni Kolta ed in January, 1970 when the Cyprus
Lebanon President Chafic Srour Broadcasting Commission will begin
Secretary-Treasurer Minas Megurditchian release of the Voice of Prophecy. This
Syria President Gabriel Katrib 20,000 watt medium wave station will
Treasurer Gabriel Katrib reach most Middle East countries. The
Turkey President Manuk Benzatyan Voice of Prophecy will broadcast at 10
Treasurer Manuk Benzatyan p.m. Saturday in English. Follow-up
will be with our free health correspond-
In conjunction with the Middle East Press Board, the following
ence courses. -- Walter R. L. Scragg,
additional appointments were made :
Associate Secretary Radio-TV Depart-
Editor-in-chief Maurice Katrib
ment, General Conference of Seventh-
Assistant Editor Salim Majeed
day Adventists, in News Release.
Page 8 The Middle East Messenger November-December 1969


On Sunday, November 23 1969 the Benghazi Adventist
Hospital was nationalized by the Libyan Revolutionary Go-
vernment in harmony with its policies since deposing King
Idris on September 1. 1969.
As this issue of THE MESSENGER goes to press,
negotiations are going on pertaining to the future of the


Philip Saaty, who recently completed
the requirements for an M. A. degree
in chemistry on the La Sierra campus The Pacific Press Pub-
of Loma Linda University, returned to lishing Association of
Baghdad on Septembe: 22, 1969 where Mountain View, Cali-
he is teaching in the Dar El-Salaam fornia, recently present-
school. ed 49 books to the li-
* * brary of Middle East
Miss Ruby Ratzlaff, formerly a Secondary School. Shown with a display of the books included in this gift are representa
worker in the Southern Asia Division, tives of the publishing house (left to right): Ross Wollard, Book Department Manager
arrived October 10, to teach grades 1-2 Arthur S. Maxwell, Editor of Signs of the Time and author of several of the book,
in the Beirut Overseas School. presented; and Leonard F. Bohner, General Manager.
* *
Continued from page 1 there is only the cemetery there!"
Dr. Abd Al Karim Antar passed BIBLE VISIT IN CEMETERY Do you think, Frert. Nathan, that
away October 12, and was buried in someone could have played a joke on
the College Park cemetery. He is greatly "But Frere Natan, I am sure we
should take a taxi. We seem to have us by getting us to come to this place?
missed in the College Park church Surely no one is living over there!"
where he was active in soul-winning a long way to go yet and we are wast-
ing time." Mrs. Cassela spoke in her Despite the puzzling situation, Mrs.
activities until the week of his death. Cassela saw the funny side also.
* * accustomed earnest way and her faith-
ful guide and companion, Nathan Nathan just smiled to reassure Mrs.
Elder and Mrs. F. C. Webster and
Dawood smilingly reassured her. Cassela, then answered, "You wait here,
"Mother" Brian arrived from furlough
"Yes, Madame, you are right. Here Madame, and I will go across to the
and attendance at the Autumn Council
is one now. We will make better time cemetry entrance and see what I can
in Washington, D. C. During their
if we take it and ask the driver where find out."
furlough they participated in the
this address can be." In a few minutes Nathan appeared
Patomac and Michigan campmeetings
So with address in hand, they cruised again at the cemetery entrance this time
and visited many former Middle East
along the street inlisting the help of the with a mischievous smile on his face,
workers and members in different parts
taxi driver. Finally the numbers were and called, "Come on across, Madame,
of the United States.
very close to the one which had been this is the place."
* *
given by an interested person at the Very much surprised and even more
V. M. Montalban and Martin Kem-
Roland Vertallier French campaign at perplexed, Mrs. Cassela crossed the
merer, General Field Secretary and
the Adventist Center. street and Nathan led her to the small
Assistant Treasurer of the General
"Now it must be right here, though I house just inside the entrance, saying,
Conference, respectively, gave valuable
cannot see just where. But perhaps we "I found the caretaker who lives in this
help in connection with the annual
should let the taxi go and on foot we house and it is he who has been attend-
committee meetings of the Division and
will find the place more quickly no ing the meetings, and he did hand in
in the local Sections where they visited.
doubt." They paid the driver and his address so that we could visit him
Elder Montalban conducted the Fall
started out searching every possibility and bring him the copy of the lecture."
Week of Spiritual Emphasis at Middle
as they went. The mystery was explained and soon
East College.
Nathan's usual smile showed his per- they were given a warm welcome—in-
• * *
plexity as he said, "I can't understand side the cemetery, but also inside a very
Faiz Haddad is the new principal of humble but hospitable home. They had
why we have an address which should
the Amman Secondary School, replacing a short Bible study and prayer with
be on the right side of the street when
Miss Hana J. Nasr, who has retired this interested man, and he continued
after many years of faithful service in coming to the French meetings until he
* *
the educational work of the Division. Miss Esther Feltus, veteran missionary moved to another country. However, he
* * is in the Far Eastern Division, is teaching had not come alone — a friend who
Jasir Rihani is serving as principal grades 3-4 in the Beirut Overseas came with him continues to be a faith-
of the Irbid, Jordan school which is School. Although on sustentation, Miss ful attendant and shows much interest
operating this year as a four teacher Feltus offered her services voluntarily in the truths presented by Elder Vertal-
school. to fill this special need. lier.

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