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PRICE and of 1951 over the land in question be

declared null and void as to the western half of
A. Meaning of Price; said land.
CFI ruled in favor of the Mapalo spouses. Upon
Hernandez-Nievera v. Hernandez, 643 appeal filed by Narcisos, CA reversed the lower
SCRA 646 (2011); court’s ruling solely on the ground that the
consent of the Mapalo spouses to the deed of
sale of 1936 having been obtained by fraud, the
same was voidable, not void ab initio, and,
B. Requisites for valid Price therefore, the action to annul the same, within
four years from notice of the fraud, had long
1. The Price Must Be Real - 1471 - prescribed. (From March 15, 1938). Hence, this
Art. 1471. If the price is simulated, the sale is
void, but the act may be shown to have been in
reality a donation, or some other act or contract.
1. WON the deed of sale executed in 1936 was
Mapalo v. Mapalo, 17 SCRA 114 (1966); null and void. YES
2. WON the Narcisos were purchasers in good
Facts: faith. NO
The spouses Miguel Mapalo and Candida Quiba
were the registered owners of a residential land Held:
located in Pangasinan. (1,635 sq. m.)
The spouses donated the eastern half of the 1st issue: YES, the sale was void.
land to Miguel’s brother – Maximo Mapalo who
was about to get married. The Civil Code governs the transaction because
However, they were deceived into signing, on it was executed in 1936
October 15, 1936, a deed of absolute sale over Accordingly, since the deed of sale of 1936 is
the entire land in Maximo’s favor. Their governed by the Old Civil Code, it should be
signatures were procured by fraud because they asked whether its case is one wherein there is
were made to believe by Maximo and the lawyer no consideration, or one with a statement of a
who acted as notary public who "translated" the false consideration. If the former, it is void and
document, that the same was a deed of inexistent; if the latter, only voidable, under the
donation in Maximo's favor covering one-half of Old Civil Code.
their land. (It must be noted that the spouses
are illiterate farmers). There is lack of consideration
Although the document of sale stated a As observed earlier, the deed of sale of 1936
consideration of Five Hundred (P500.00) Pesos, stated that it had for its consideration Five
the aforesaid spouses did not receive anything Hundred (P500.00) Pesos. In fact, however,
of value for the land. said consideration was totally absent. The
In 1938, Maximo Mapalo, without the consent of problem, therefore, is whether a deed which
the spouse, registered the sale in his favor. states a consideration that in fact did not exist,
After thirteen years (1951), he sold the land to is a contract without consideration, and
the Narcisos. (Evaristo, Petronila Pacifico and therefore void ab initio, or a contract with a false
Miguel) who thereafter registered the sale and consideration, and therefore, at least under the
obtained a title in their favor. Old Civil Code, voidable.
In 1952, the Narcisos filed a complaint with the
CFI to be declared owners of the entire land, for When there is no consideration, the contract is
possession of its western portion; for damages; null and void
and for rentals. According to Manresa, what is meant by a
The Mapalo spouses filed a counterclaim contract that states a false consideration is one
seeking cancellation of the the Narcisos’ titles as that has in fact a real consideration but the
to the western half of the land. They said that same is not the one stated in the document.
their signatures to the deed of sale of 1936 was
procured by fraud and that the Narcisos were In our view, therefore, the ruling of this Court in
buyers in bad faith. Ocejo, Perez & Co. vs. Flores, 40 Phil. 921, is
They also filed another complaint wherein they squarely applicable herein. In that case we ruled
asked the court to declare deeds of sale of 1936 that a contract of purchase and sale is null and
void and produces no effect whatsoever where property described above to her son, Rex Ong-
the same is without cause or consideration in Jimenez.
that the purchase price which appears thereon
as paid has in fact never been paid by the Sandra Maruzzo, through her guardian (ad
purchaser to the vendor. litem) Alfredo Ong, filed with the Regional Trial
Court of Makati, Metro Manila an action against
2nd issue: No, they were no purchasers in good petitioners, for the recovery of
faith. ownership/possession and nullification of the
Deed of Donation over the portion belonging to
Narcisos were not buyers in good faith her and for Accounting.
Aside from the fact that all the parties in these
cases are neighbors, except Maximo Mapalo the Petitioners claimed that the Quitclaim Deed is
foregoing facts are explicit enough and null and void inasmuch as it is equivalent to a
sufficiently reveal that the Narcisos were aware Deed of Donation, acceptance of which by the
of the nature and extent of the interest of donee is necessary to give it validity. Further, it
Maximo Mapalo their vendor, over the above- is averred that the donee, Sandra Maruzzo,
described land before and at the time the deed being a minor, had no legal personality and
of sale in their favor was executed. therefore incapable of accepting the donation.

The Narcisos were purchaser-in-value but not The trial court rendered judgment in favor of
purchasers in good faith respondent Maruzzo and held that the Quitclaim
What was the necessity, purpose and reason of Deed is equivalent to a Deed of Sale and, hence,
Pacifico Narciso in still going to the spouses there was a valid conveyance in favor of the
Mapalo and asked them to permit their brother latter.
Maximo to dispose of the above-described land?
To this question it is safe to state that this act Petitioners appealed to the respondent
of Pacifico Narciso is a conclusive manifestation Intermediate Appellate Court. They reiterated
that they (the Narcisos) did not only have prior their argument below and, in addition,
knowledge of the ownership of said spouses contended that the One (P1.00) Peso
over the western half portion in question but consideration is not a consideration at all to
that they also have recognized said ownership. sustain the ruling that the Deed of Quitclaim is
It also conclusively shows their prior knowledge equivalent to a sale.
of the want of dominion on the part of their
vendor Maximo Mapalo over the whole land and Respondent Intermediate Appellate Court
also of the flaw of his title thereto. Under this promulgated its Decision affirming the appealed
situation, the Narcisos may be considered judgment and held that the Quitclaim Deed is a
purchasers in value but certainly not as conveyance of property with a valid cause or
purchasers in good faith. consideration; that the consideration is the One
(P1.00) Peso which is clearly stated in the deed
itself; that the apparent inadequacy is of no
Ong v. Ong 19 SCRA 133 (1985); moment since it is the usual practice in deeds of
conveyance to place a nominal amount although
Facts: there is a more valuable consideration given.

On February 25, 1976 Imelda Ong, for and in Issue:

consideration of One (P1.00) Peso and other
valuable considerations, executed in favor of Whether a Quitclaim Deed is equivalent to a
private respondent Sandra Maruzzo, then a Deed of Sale
minor, a Quitclaim Deed whereby she
transferred, released, assigned and forever Held:
quit-claimed to Sandra Maruzzo, her heirs and
assigns, all her rights, title, interest and A careful perusal of the subject deed reveals
participation in the ONE-HALF (½) undivided that the conveyance of the one- half (½)
portion of the parcel of land. undivided portion of the above-described
property was for and in consideration of the One
On November 19, 1980, Imelda Ong revoked (P 1.00) Peso and the other valuable
the aforesaid Deed of Quitclaim and, thereafter, considerations (emphasis supplied) paid by
on January 20, 1982 donated the whole private respondent Sandra Maruzzo through her
representative, Alfredo Ong, to petitioner
Imelda Ong. Stated differently, the cause or are also collateral relatives of the deceased, but
consideration is not the One (P1.00) Peso alone more remote, registered 2 deeds of sale
but also the other valuable considerations. purportedly executed by Mateum in their favor.
The considerations were P1.00 and “services
The execution of a deed purporting to convey rendered, being rendered, and to be rendered
ownership of a realty is in itself prima facie for my benefit”. On the strength of the deeds,
evidence of the existence of a valuable respondents were able to secure title over the
consideration, the party alleging lack of 10 parcels of land. On May 22, 1964, petitioners
consideration has the burden of proving such commenced a suit against respondents, seeking
allegation. annulment of the deeds of sale a fictitious,
fraudulent or falsified or, alternatively, as
Even granting that the Quitclaim deed in donations void for want of acceptance in public
question is a donation, Article 741 of the Civil instrument. Respondents contend that the sales
Code provides that the requirement of the were made for valuable considerations, and
acceptance of the donation in favor of minor by attacked the legal standing of the petitioners as
parents of legal representatives applies only to being mere collateral heirs.
onerous and conditional donations where the
donation may have to assume certain charges
or burdens (Article 726, Civil Code). Issues:

The donation to an incapacitated donee does not

need the acceptance by the lawful (1) Whether petitioners have the legal standing
representative if said donation does not contain to sue
any condition. In simple and pure donation, the
formal acceptance is not important for the donor
requires no right to be protected and the donee
neither undertakes to do anything nor assumes (2) Whether the sale is void for want of
any obligation. The Quitclaim now in question consideration
does not impose any condition.

Bad faith and inadequacy of the monetary Held:

consideration do not render a conveyance
inexistent, for the assignor’s liberality may be
sufficient cause for a valid contract (Article
1350, Civil Code), whereas fraud or bad faith (1) The law as it is now no longer deems
may render either rescissible or voidable, contracts with a false cause, or which are
although valid until annulled, a contract absolutely simulated or fictitious, merely
concerning an object certain entered into with a voidable, but declares them void, i.e., inexistent
cause and with the consent of the contracting ("nulo") unless it is shown that they are
parties, as in the case at bar.” supported by another true and lawful cause or
consideration. A logical consequence of that
WHEREFORE. the appealed decision of the change is the juridical status of contracts
Intermediate Appellate Court should be, as it is without, or with a false, cause is that
hereby AFFIRMED, with costs against herein conveyances of property affected with such a
petitioners. vice cannot operate to divest and transfer
ownership, even if unimpugned. If afterwards
the transferor dies the property descends to his
Bagnas v. CA, 176 SCRA 159 (1989); heirs, and without regard to the manner in
which they are called to the succession, said
Facts: heirs may bring an action to recover the
property from the purported transferee. As
pointed out, such an action is not founded on
Hilario Mateum died on March 11, 1964, single, fraud, but on the premise that the property
without ascendants or descendants, and never leaves the estate of the transferor and is
survived only by petitioners who are his transmitted upon his death to heirs, who would
collateral relatives. He left no will, no debts, and labor under no incapacity to maintain the action
an estate consisting of 29 parcels of land in from the mere fact that they may be only
Kawit and Imus, 10 of which are involved in this collateral relatives and bound neither principally
controversy. On April 3, 1964, respondents who
or subsidiarily under the deed or contract of to be found. Petitioner filed a criminal case
conveyance. against Josie for violation of B. P. 22, but the
case was archived since Josie could not be
located. Petitioner filed a case for annulment of
contract with damages against Josie and
(2) Upon the consideration alone that the respondent. Josie was declared in default and
apparent gross, not to say enormous, the case proceeded against respondent. Both
disproportion between the stipulated price (in the trial court and the Court of Appeals upheld
each deed) of P l.00 plus unspecified and the validity of the sale.
unquantified services and the undisputably
valuable real estate allegedly sold worth at least Issue:
P10,500.00 going only by assessments for tax
purposes which, it is well-known, are Whether the sale was null and void for want of
notoriously low indicators of actual value plainly consideration
and unquestionably demonstrates that they
state a false and fictitious consideration, and no Held:
other true and lawful cause having been shown,
the Court finds both said deeds, insofar as they It is plain that consideration existed at the time
purport to be sales, not merely voidable, but of the execution of the deed of sale with right of
void ab initio. Neither can the validity of said repurchase. It is not only appellant's kindness
conveyances be defended on the theory that to Josefina, being his cousin, but also his receipt
their true causa is the liberality of the transferor of P420,000.00 from her which impelled him to
and they may be considered in reality donations execute such contract. Furthermore, while
because the law also prescribes that donations petitioner did not receive the P1.4 Million
of immovable property, to be valid, must be purchase prices from respondent Tan, he had in
made and accepted in a public instrument, and his possession a postdated check of Josie Rey in
it is not denied by the respondents that there an equivalent amount precisely to repurchase
has been no such acceptance which they claim the two lots on or before the sixth month.
is not required. The transfers in question being Unfortunately, the two checks issued by Josie
void, it follows as a necessary consequence and Rey were worthless. Both were dishonored upon
conformably to the concurring opinion in presentment by petitioner with the drawee
Armentia, with which the Court fully agrees, banks. However, there is absolutely no basis for
that the properties purportedly conveyed petitioner to file a complaint against private
remained part of the estate of Hilario Mateum, respondent Tan and Josie Rey to annul the pacto
said transfers notwithstanding, recoverable by de retro sale on the ground of lack of
his intestate heirs, the petitioners herein, whose consideration, invoking his failure to encash the
status as such is not challenged. two checks. Petitioner's cause of action was to
file criminal actions against Josie Rey under B.P.
22, which he did. The filing of the criminal cases
Mate v. CA, 290 SCRA 463 (1998); was a tacit admission by petitioner that there
was a consideration of the pacto de retro sale.

On October 6, 1986, Josefina “Josie” Rey and Alino v. Heirs of Lorenzo, 556 SCRA 139;
private respondent Tan went to the residence of
petitioner in Tacloban City. Josie solicited his Facts:
help to stave her off her prosecution by 1. Petitioners as heirs of Lorenzo Yap filed an
respondent for violation of B. P. 22. Josie asked action against Ramon Yap and co-respondent
petitioner to cede to respondent his 3 lots. Josie for the reconveyance of land, with buildings and
explained to him that he was in no danger of improvement on it. They alleged that the said
losing his property as they will be redeemed by property was held in trust by Ramon and that it
her own funds. After a long discussion, was their father Lorenzo who purchased the said
petitioner agreed to execute a fictitious deed of land and constructed the apartment building on
sale with right to repurchase after 6 months. it. However, alleging that since at that time,
Josie gave petitioner 2 post-dated checks to be Lorenzo was still a Chinese citizen, hence
used in redeeming the property. However, the prohibited from owning land, he caused it to be
checks were both dishonoured. Realizing that he registered in the name of respondent Ramon.
was swindled, he sent a telegram to Josie, and
looked for her in Manila, but she was nowhere
2. The said property was sold by Ramon to his On August 1999, Maniego paid Kapantay’s Loan
co-respondent which caused the petitioners to Account for P448,202.08 and on subsequent
file this action. year he applied for a loan worth P1M from Land
Bank using OCT No. P-12026 as a collateral with
3. The lower court ruled in favor of the a condition that the title must be first
respondents or the ownership of Ramon. This transferred on his name. On August 14, 2000,
was affirmed by the Court of Appeals. Hence the Registry of Deeds issued TCT No. T-20151
this petition. in Maniego’s name pursuant to a Deed of
Absolute Sale with the signatures of Mrs.
Issue: Whether or not a trust was constituted Poblete and her husband dated August 11, 2000
between Lorenzo and Ramon and Maniego successfully availed the Credit Line
Agreement for P1M and a Real Estate Mortgage
RULING: No, and even it there was an implied over TCT No. T-20151 on August 15, 2000. On
trust, it could not have been valid as it was in November 2002, Land Bank filed an Application
contravention of applicable laws. There is a for an Extra-judicial Foreclosure against the said
basic distinction between implied and express Mortgage stating that Maniego failed to pay his
trusts. Express trusts cannot be proved by loan.
parole evidence. Even then, in order to establish
the existence of an implied trust in real property Poblete filed a complaint for nullification of the
by parole evidence, the prove should be as fully Deed of Sale dated August 11, 2000 and TCT
convincing as the facts as if the acts giving rise No. T-20151, Reconveyance of the Title and
to the trust obligation are proven by an Damages with a Prayer for Temporary
authentic document. The petitioners' evidence Restraining Order and/or Issuance of Writ of
was insufficient to prove clearly that a trust was Preliminary Injunction against Maniego,
constituted between their father and Ramon. Landbank and the Register of Deeds. The
judgment of RTC, affirmed by the CA upon
appeal, favors the plaintiff Poblete. Hence, this
a) Simulated price; petition.

ISSUE: WON the CA erred in upholding the

Land Bank of the Phils. v. Poblete, 691 finding of the trial court declaring the TCT No.
SCRA 613; T-20151 as null and void.

On October 1997, respondent Poblete obtained Held :

a loan worth P300k from Kapantay Multi-
Purpose. She mortgaged her Lot No.29 located The petition is meritorious.
in Buenavista, Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro,
under OCT No. P-12026. Kapantay, in turn, It is well-entrenched rule, as applied, by the CA,
used OCT No. P-12026 as collateral under its that a forged or fraudulent deed is a nullity and
Loan Account No. 97-OC-013 with Land Bank- conveys no title. Moreover, where the deed of
Sablayan Branch. sale states that the purchase price has been
paid but in fact has never been, the deed is void
After a year, Poblete instructed her son-in-law ab initio for lack of consideration. Since the
Domingo Balen to look for a buyer for the Lot deed, is void, the title is also void. Since the land
No. 29 in order to pay her loan and he referred title has been declared void by final judgment,
Angelito Joseph Maniego. Both parties agreed the Real Estate Mortgage over it is also void.
that the lot shall amount to P 900k but in order
to reduce taxes they will execute a P 300k It is essential that the mortgagor be the
agreed price appearing in the Deed of Absolute absolute owner of the mortgage; otherwise, the
Sale dated November 9, 1998. In the Deed, mortgage is void. The doctrine ―the mortgagee
Poblete specifically described herself as a in good faith as a rule does not apply to banks
widow. Balen, then, delivered the Deed to which are required to observe a higher standard
Maniego. Instead of paying the price, Maniego of diligence. A bank cannot assume that, simply
promised in an affidavit dated November 19, because the title offered as security is on its
1998 stating that the said amount will be face, free of any encumbrances or lien, it is
deposited to her Land Bank Savings Account but relieved of the responsibility of taking further
he failed to do so. steps to verify the title and inspect the
properties to be mortgage.
The records do not even show that Land Bank
investigated and inspected the actual Art. 1354. Although the cause is not stated in
occupants. Land Bank merely mentioned the contract, it is presumed that it exists and is
Maniego’s loan application upon his lawful, unless the debtor proves the contrary.
presentation of OCT No. P-12026, which was (1277)
still under the name of Poblete. Land Bank even
ignored the fact that Kapantay previously used
Poblete’s title as collateral in its loan account c) Non-payment of price –
with Land Bank.
Macasaet v. R. Transport Corp., 535 SCRA
Furthermore, only one day after Maniego 503 (2007);
obtained TCT No. P-20151 under his name, Land
Bank and Maniego executed a Credit Line FACTS:
Agreement and Real Mortgage. It appears that
Maniego’s loan was already completely On 3 January 1996, a Complaint for Recovery of
processed while the collateral was still in the Possession and Damages was filed by R.
name of Poblete. Where said mortgagee acted Transport Corporation against Alexander
with haste in granting the mortgage loan and Macasaet at the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of
did not ascertain the ownership of the land Makati, Branch 147. The complaint stated that
being mortgaged, it cannot be considered R. Transport was a holder of Certificates of
innocent mortgagee. Public Convenience (CPC) to operate a public
utility bus service within Metro Manila and the
The pari delicto rule provides ―when two provinces whereas New Mindoro Transport
parties are equally at fault, the law leaves them Classic (NMTC), operates a transportation
as they are and denies recovery by either one company in Oriental Mindoro.
of them. This court adopt the decisions of RTC On 11 October 1995, R. Transport and Macasaet
and CA that only Maniego is at fault. Finally, on entered into a "Deed of Sale with Assumption of
the issue of estoppels and laches, such question Mortgage" (deed of sale) over four (4)
were not raised before the trial court. It is passenger buses where Macasaet agreed to pay
settled that an issue which are neither alleged the consideration of twelve million pesos
in the complaint nor raised during the trial (P12,000,000.00) and assume the existing
cannot be raised for the time on appeal. mortgage obligation on the said buses in favor
of Phil. Hino Sales Corporation.
R. Transport delivered to Macasaet two (2)
The issue on the nullity of Maniego’s title had passenger buses.
already been foreclosed when this Court denied However, despite repeated demands, Macasaet
Maniego’s petition for review in the Resolution failed to pay the stipulated purchase price. This
dated 13 July 2011, which became final and impelled R. Transport to file a complaint seeking
executory on 19 January 2012. It is settled that the issuance of a writ of replevin, praying for
a decision that has acquired finality becomes judgment declaring R. Transport as the lawful
immutable and unalterable and may no longer owner and possessor of the passenger buses
be modified in any respect, even if the and regulating Macasaet to remit the amount of
modification is meant to correct erroneous P660,000.00 representing the income
conclusions of fact or law and whether it will be generated by the two buses from 16 October
made by the court that rendered it or by the 1995 to 2 January 1996.
highest court of the land. This is without On 8 October 1995, "Special Trip Contract" was
prejudice, however, to the right of Maniego to entered into by the parties. This contract
recover from Poblete what he paid to Kapantay stipulated that R. Transport would lease the four
for the account of Poblete, otherwise there will buses subject of the deed of sale to Macasaet
be unjust enrichment by Poblete. for the sum of P10,000.00 a day per bus or a
total of P280,000.00 for the duration of one
week, from 15-22 October 1995. Respondent's
b) False consideration - 1353 and finance officer testified that the purpose of the
1354; contract was to support the delivery of the first
two buses pending formal execution of the deed
Art. 1353. The statement of a false cause in of sale.
contracts shall render them void, if it should not On 8 January 1996, on R. Transport's motion,
be proved that they were founded upon another the trial court issued a writ of seizure ordering
cause which is true and lawful. (1276) the sheriff to take possession of the two buses
in NMTC subject to R. Transport's filing of a bond petitioner did not pay the purchase price, and
in the amount of P12,000,000.00. The sheriff that paved the way for the issuance of a writ of
recovered the two buses and delivered them to replevin. Petitioner did not challenge the finding
R. Transport on 16 January 1996. of the trial court before the Court of Appeals and
The petitioner defended that he had paid this Court. He did not also controvert the non-
respondent the full consideration of consummation of the assumption of mortgage
P12,000,000.00 and had agreed to assume the at any level of the proceedings.
mortgage obligation in favor of Phil. Hino Sales
Corporation. He also claimed ownership over The result of the the rescission of the contract
the four passenger buses, including the two of sale is the recovery of possession of the
buses already delivered to him. He further object thereof. Thus, petitioner’s possession
contended that he had already remitted over the passenger buses became unlawful
P120,000.00 to respondent as partial payment when upon demand for return, he wrongfully
of the mortgage obligation. Petitioner admitted retained possession over the same.
that he had been earning at least P7,000.00 per
day on each of the buses. For his counterclaim,
he demanded for the return of the bus units 2. The Price Must Be in Money or Its
seized and the immediate delivery of the other Equivalent - 1458, 1468;
two units, as well as for payment of damages.
ISSUE: Art. 1458. By the contract of sale one of the
Whether the provision stated in Section 34 of contracting parties obligates himself to transfer
Rule 132 of the Rules of Court (“the court shall the ownership and to deliver a determinate
consider no evidence which has not been thing, and the other to pay therefor a price
formally offered”) applicable in the case at bar? certain in money or its equivalent.
The petition filed was denied. However, the A contract of sale may be absolute or
petitioner is demanded to pay respondent conditional.
damages in the form of reasonable rentals in the
amount of P1,460,000.00 with interest at 12%
per annum from the finality of this decision, with Art. 1468. If the consideration of the contract
a lien thereon corresponding to the additional consists partly in money, and partly in another
filing fees adverted to above. thing, the transaction shall be characterized by
The court declared that the non-perfection of the manifest intention of the parties. If such
the deed of sale precluded petitioner from intention does not clearly appear, it shall be
possessing the buses. In accordance with Article considered a barter if the value of the thing
1318 of the New Civil Code, the requisites of a given as a part of the consideration exceeds the
contract are as follows: (1) consent of the amount of the money or its equivalent;
contracting parties; (2) object certain which is otherwise, it is a sale.
the subject matter of the contract; and (3)
cause of the obligation which is established.
Thus, contracts, other than real contracts are 3. The Price Must be Certain or
perfected by mere consent which is manifested Ascertainable at the Time of Perfection –
by the meeting of the offer and the acceptance 1469;
upon the thing and the cause which are to
constitute the contract. Once perfected, they Art. 1469. In order that the price may be
bind other contracting parties and the considered certain, it shall be sufficient that it
obligations that arise have the force of law be so with reference to another thing certain, or
between the parties and should be complied that the determination thereof be left to the
with in good faith. The parties are bound not judgment of a special person or persons.
only to the fulfillment of what has been
expressly stipulated but also to the Should such person or persons be unable or
consequences which, according to their nature, unwilling to fix it, the contract shall be
may be in keeping with good faith, usage and inefficacious, unless the parties subsequently
law. agree upon the price.
The Court of Appeals relied on the text of the
deed of sale which adverts to payment of the If the third person or persons acted in bad faith
purchase price, the non-payment of the or by mistake, the courts may fix the price.
purchase price was no longer an issue.
Respondent presented strong evidence that
Where such third person or persons are perfected over the lot in question. Indeed, this
prevented from fixing the price or terms by fault Court has already ruled before that a definite
of the seller or the buyer, the party not in fault agreement on the manner of payment of the
may have such remedies against the party in purchase price is an essential element in the
fault as are allowed the seller or the buyer, as formation of a binding and enforceable contract
the case may be. of sale.3 The fact, therefore, that the petitioners
delivered to the respondent the sum of P10,000
C. Manner of Payment of Price must be as part of the down-payment that they had to
Agreed Upon; pay cannot be considered as sufficient proof of
the perfection of any purchase and sale
Velasco v. CA, 51 SCRA 439 (1973); agreement between the parties herein under
article 1482 of the new Civil Code, as the
FACTS: petitioners themselves admit that some
essential matter — the terms of payment — still
Petitioner: On November 29, 1962 parties had to be mutually covenanted.
entered into contract of sale of land for
P100,000. The payment terms would be a down
payment of P10,000 and 20,000 and the San Miguel Properties Philippines v.
P70,000 is payable in installment. Petitioner Huang, 336 SCRA 737 (2000);
then paid the P10,000 down payment on
November 29, 1962. On January 8, 1964 he Nature of the Case: A petition for review for
paid the remaining 20,000 but the respondent a decision of the Court of Appeals which
refused to accept and execute a deed of sale. reversed the decision of the RTC dismissing the
complaint brought by the Huangs against San
Respondent: No contract of sale was perfected Miguel Properties for enforcement of a contract
because the minds of the parties did not meet. of sale.
The property was leased by Socorro Velasco and
the defendant indicated willingness in selling the Facts: San Miguel Properties offered two
property for 100,000 under the terms of parcels of land for sale and the offer was made
P30,000 down payment, 20,000 of which to be to an agent of the respondents. An “earnest-
paid on November 30, 1962 and the remaining deposit” of P1 million was offered by the
70,000 is payable in 10 years with 9% interest respondents and was accepted by the
per annum. On November 29, 1962 Socorro petitioner’s authorized officer subject to certain
paid 10,000, short of the alleged 20,000 agreed terms.
down payment. However, said payment was
accepted. On January 8, 1964 Socorro tendered Petitioner, through its executive officer, wrote
the 20,000 down payment but defendant the respondent’s lawyer that because ethe
refused to accept because the latter considered parties failed to agree on the terms and
the contract rescinded on the account the conditions of the sale despite the extension
former’s failure to complete the down payment granted by the petitioner, the latter was
on or before December 31, 1962. returning the “earnest-deposit”.

ISSUE: The respondents demanded execution of a deed

of sale covering the properties and attempted to
WON a contracted sale was perfected between return the “earnest-deposit” but petitioner
the parties. refused on the ground that the option to
purchase had already expired.
A complaint for specific performance was filed
No. The minds of the parties did not meet “in against the petitioner and the latter filed a
regard to the manner of payment.” It is not motion to dismiss the complaint because the
difficult to glean from the aforequoted alleged “exclusive option” of the respondents
averments that the petitioners themselves lacked a consideration separate and distinct
admit that they and the respondent still had to from the purchase price and was thus
meet and agree on how and when the down- unenforceable; the complaint did not allege a
payment and the installment payments were to cause of action because there was no “meeting
be paid. Such being the situation, it cannot, of the mind” between the parties and therefore
therefore, be said that a definite and firm sales the contact of sale was not perfected.
agreement between the parties had been
The trial court granted the petitioner’s motion option contract may be anything of value, unlike
and dismissed the action. The respondents filed in sale where it must be the price certain in
a motion for reconsideration but were denied by money or its equivalent. There is no showing
the trial court. The respondents elevated the here of any consideration for the option. Lacking
matter to the Court of Appeals and the latter any proof of such consideration, the option is
reversed the decision of the trial court and held unenforceable.
that a valid contract of sale had been complied
with. Equally compelling as proof of the absence of a
perfected sale is the second condition that,
Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration but during the option period, the parties would
was denied. negotiate the terms and conditions of the
purchase. The stages of a contract of sale are
Issue: WON there was a perfected contract of as follows: (1) negotiation, covering the period
sale between the parties from the time the prospective contracting
parties indicate interest in the contract to the
Ruling: The decision of the appellate time the contract is perfected; (2) perfection,
court was reversed and the respondents’ which takes place upon the concurrence of the
complaint was dismissed. essential elements of the sale which are the
meeting of the minds of the parties as to the
Ratio Decidendi: It is not the giving of object of the contract and upon the price; and
earnest money , but the proof of the (3) consummation, which begins when the
concurrence of all the essential elements of the parties perform their respective undertakings
contract of sale which establishes the existence under the contract of sale, culminating in the
of a perfected sale. extinguishment thereof.

The P1 million “earnest-deposit” could not have In the present case, the parties never got past
been given as earnest money because at the the negotiation stage. The alleged “indubitable
time when petitioner accepted the terms of evidence” of a perfected sale cited by the
respondents’ offer, their contract had not yet appellate court was nothing more than offers
been perfected. This is evident from the and counter-offers which did not amount to any
following conditions attached by respondents to final arrangement containing the essential
their letter. elements of a contract of sale. While the parties
already agreed on the real properties which
The first condition for an option period of 30 were the objects of the sale and on the purchase
days sufficiently shows that a sale was never price, the fact remains that they failed to arrive
perfected. As petitioner correctly points out, at mutually acceptable terms of payment,
acceptance of this condition did not give rise to despite the 45-day extension given by
a perfected sale but merely to an option or an petitioner.
accepted unilateral promise on the part of
respondents to buy the subject properties within
30 days from the date of acceptance of the Co v. CA, 286 SCRA 76 (1998);
offer. Such option giving respondents the
exclusive right to buy the properties within the
period agreed upon is separate and distinct from Amado v. Salvador, 540 SCRA 161;
the contract of sale which the parties may enter.
All that respondents had was just the option to
buy the properties which privilege was not, Navarra v. Planters Development Bank,
however, exercised by them because there was 527 SCRA 562.
a failure to agree on the terms of payment. No
contract of sale may thus be enforced by D. How Price Determined
1. By Third Person – 1469
Even the option secured by respondents from 2. By the Courts – 1469
petitioner was fatally defective. Under the 3. By reference to a definite day,
second paragraph of Art. 1479, an accepted particular exchange or market – 1472
unilateral promise to buy or sell a determinate 4. By reference to another thing
thing for a price certain is binding upon the certain
promisor only if the promise is supported by a 5. But never by one party to the
distinct consideration. Consideration in an contract - 1473, 1182
6. Effect of unascertainability - 1474

E. Gross Inadequacy of Price -1355, 1386,

1470 and 1602.
F. Judicial Sale
G. Rescissible Contracts of Sale - 1380 &
H. Sales With Right to Purchase – 1602 and

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