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GR No. 180636, 2013-03-13
Tangga-an, on January 31, 2002, he entered into an overseas employment contract with
Philippine Transmarine Carriers, Inc. (PTC) for and in behalf of its foreign employer,
Universe Tankship Delaware, LLC. Under the employment contract, he was to be
employed for a period of six months as chief engineer of the vessel the S.S. "Kure". He
was to be paid a basic salary of US$5,000.00; vacation leave pay equivalent to 15 days a
month or US$2,500.00 per month and tonnage bonus in the amount of US$700.00 a
While the vessel was still at sea, the master required Tangga-an and the rest of the Filipino
Engineer Officers to report to his office where they were informed that they would be
repatriated on account of the delay in the cargo discharging in Japan, which was
principally a duty belonging to the deck officers.
He imputed the delay to the non-readiness of the turbo generator and the inoperation of
the boom, since the turbo generator had been prepared and synchronized for 3.5 hours or
even before the vessel arrived in Japan.
Upon verification, they found out that when the vessel berthed in Japan, the cargo hold
was not immediately opened and the deck officers concerned did not prepare the stock.
While cargo discharging was ongoing, both the master and the chief mate again went on
shore leave together at 4:00 in the afternoon and returned to the vessel only after
midnight. To save face, they harped on the Engine Department for their
mistake. Tangga-an and the other Engineering Officers were ordered to disembark from
the vessel on April 2, 2002 and thereafter repatriated.
Tangga-an filed a Complaint for illegal dismissal with prayer for payment of salaries for
the unexpired portion of his contract, leave pay, exemplary and moral damages, attorney's
fees and interest.
On January 27, 2004, Labor Arbiter rendered a Decision finding petitioner to have been
illegally dismissed. The Labor Arbiter opined that an investigation should have been
conducted in order to ferret out the truth instead of dismissing petitioner
outright. Consequently, petitioner's dismissal was illegal for lack of just cause and for
failure to comply with the twin requirements of notice and hearing.
The Labor Arbiter found petitioner entitled not to four months which is equivalent to the
unexpired portion of his contract, but only to three months, inclusive of vacation leave
pay and tonnage bonus pursuant to Section 10 of Republic Act (RA) No. 8042 or The
Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipinos Act of 2005.
Respondents appealed to the NLRC. They claimed that the Labor Arbiter committed grave
abuse of discretion in finding that petitioner was illegally dismissed; in awarding
unearned vacation leave pay and tonnage bonus when the law and jurisprudence limit
recovery to the employee's basic salary; and in awarding attorney's fees despite the
absence of proof of bad faith on their part. The appeal was DISMISSED for lack of merit
The NLRC affirmed the finding of illegal dismissal. It held that no notice of hearing was
served upon petitioner, and no hearing whatsoever was conducted on the charges against
him. It ruled that respondents could not dispense with the twin requirements of notice
and hearing, which are essential elements of procedural due process. For this reason, no
valid cause for termination has been shown. The NLRC likewise found respondents guilty
of bad faith in illegally dismissing petitioner's services.
On the issue covering the award of unearned vacation leave pay and tonnage bonus, the
NLRC struck down respondents' arguments and held that in illegal dismissal cases, the
employee is entitled to all the salaries, allowances and other benefits or their monetary
equivalents from... the time his compensation is withheld from him until he is actually
reinstated, in effect citing Article 279(13) of the Labor Code. It held that vacation leave
pay and tonnage bonus are provided in petitioner's employment contract, which thus
entitles the... latter to the same in the event of illegal dismissal.
The CA adhered to the finding of illegal dismissal. It likewise held that petitioner's
"unexpired portion of contract" for which he is entitled to back salaries should only be
three months pursuant to Section 10 of RA 8042.
I. Whether the indemnity provided in Section 10, R. A. 8042 be limited only to the
seafarer's basic monthly salary or include, based on civil law concept of damages as well
as Labor Code concept of back wages, allowances/benefits or their monetary equivalent
as a further relief to restore the seafarer's income that was lost by reason of his unlawful
II. Whether the indemnity awarded by the CA in petitioner's favor consisting only of 3
months' basic salaries conform with the proper interpretation of Section 10 R. A. 8042
III. Whether the CA's disallowance of the award of attorney's fees, based on the alleged
absence of bad faith on the part of respondent, is in accordance with law or is the
attorney's fees awarded by the NLRC to petitioner, who was forced to litigate to enforce
his rights, justified
There remains no issue regarding illegal dismissal. In spite of the consistent finding
below that petitioner was illegally dismissed, respondents did not take issue, which thus
renders all pronouncements on the matter final.
It is not disputed that private respondent's employment contract in the instant case was
for six (6) months. The petitioner must be awarded his salaries corresponding to the
unexpired portion of his six-months employment contract, or equivalent to four
months. This includes all his corresponding monthly vacation leave pay and tonnage
bonuses which are expressly provided and guaranteed in his employment contract as part
of his monthly salary and benefit package. These benefits were guaranteed to be paid on
a monthly basis, and were not made contingent.
Although an express finding of facts and law is still necessary to prove the merit of the
award, there need not be any showing that the employer acted maliciously or in bad faith
when it withheld the wages.
In this case, it is already settled that petitioner's employment was illegally terminated. As
a result, his wages as well as allowances were withheld without valid and legal basis.
Otherwise stated, he was not paid his lawful wages without any valid justification.
Consequently, he was impelled to litigate to protect his interests. Thus, pursuant to the
above ruling, he is entitled to receive attorney's fees.

In Marsaman Manning Agency, Inc. vs. NLRC, involving Section 10 of Republic Act No.
8042, we held:
We cannot subscribe to the view that private respondent is entitled to three (3) months
salary only. A plain reading of Sec. 10 clearly reveals that the choice of which amount to
award an illegally dismissed overseas contract worker, i.e., whether his salaries for the
unexpired portion of his employment contract or three (3) months salary for every year
of the unexpired term, whichever is less, comes into play only when the employment
contract concerned has a term of at least one (1) year or more. This is evident from the
"for every year of the unexpired term" which follows the [wording] "salaries x x x for three
months." To follow petitioners' thinking that private respondent is entitled to three (3)
months salary only simply because it is the lesser amount is to completely disregard and...
overlook some words used in the statute while giving effect to some. This is contrary to
the well-established rule in legal hermeneutics that in interpreting a statute, care should
be taken that every part or word thereof be given effect since the lawmaking body is
presumed to... know the meaning of the words employed in the statute and to have used
them advisedly. Ut res magis valeat quam pereat.1

"[i]t is the obligation of the employer to pay an illegally dismissed employee or worker the
whole amount of the salaries or wages, plus all... other benefits and bonuses and general
increases, to which he would have been normally entitled had he not been dismissed and
had not stopped working."2

There are two commonly accepted concepts of attorney's fees the ordinary and
extraordinary. In its ordinary concept, an attorney's fee is the reasonable compensation
paid to a lawyer by his client for the legal services the former renders; compensation is

1 Marsaman Manning Agency, Inc. vs. NLRC

2 Sarona v. National Labor Relations Commission, G.R. No. 185280, January 18, 2012, 663 SCRA 394, 424,
citing St. Louis College of Tuguegarao v. National Labor Relations Commission, 257 Phil. 1002, 1008 (1989)
and East Asiatic Co., Ltd. v. Court of Industrial Relations, 148-B Phil. 401, 429 (1971).
paid for the cost and/or results of legal services per agreement or as may be assessed. In
its extraordinary concept, attorney's fees are deemed indemnity for damages ordered by
the court to be paid by the losing party to the winning party. The instances when these
may be awarded are enumerated in Article 2208 of the Civil Code, specifically in its
paragraph 7 on actions for recovery of wages, and is payable not to the lawyer but to the
client, unless the client and his lawyer have agreed that the award shall accrue to the
lawyer as additional or part of compensation.3

“Settled is the rule that in actions for recovery of wages, or where an employee was forced
to litigate and, thus, incur expenses to protect his rights and interests, a monetary award
by way of attorney's fees is justifiable under Article 111 of the Labor Code;
Section 8, Rule VIII, Book III of its Implementing Rules; and paragraph 7, Article 2208
of the Civil Code. The award of attorney's fees is proper, and there need not be any
showing that the employer acted maliciously or in bad faith when it withheld the wages.
There need only be a showing that the lawful wages were not paid accordingly.” 4

The award of attorney's fees due and appropriate since the respondent therein incurred
legal expenses after he was forced to file an action for recovery of his lawful wages and
other benefits to protect his rights. From this perspective and... the above precedents, we
conclude that the CA erred in ruling that a finding of the employer's malice or bad faith
in withholding wages must precede an award of attorney's fees under Article 111 of the
Labor Code. To reiterate, a plain showing that the lawful wages were... not paid without
justification is sufficient.5

3 PCL Shipping Philippines, Inc. v. National Labor Relations Commission

4 RTG Construction, Inc. v. Facto and in Ortiz v. San Miguel Corporation
5 Supra in note 3

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