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Sr.No Word Synonym

1 Abash Disconcerted/Ashamed

2 Abate Subside

3 Abdicate Demit/Retired

4 Aberration Anomaly

5 Abhor Abominate/Execrate/Loathe

6 Abject Severe

7 Abnegate Reounce/Relinquish/Repudiate

8 Abortive Failed/Thwarted/Futile

9 Abridge Shorten/Prune/Curtail/Truncate

10 Absolute Complete/Utter/Entire

11 Absolve Exonerate

12 Abstinent Prudent/Thrifty/Provident/Careful

13 Abstract Imaginative/Metaphysical/Notional
14 Abstruse Obscure/Recherche/Recondite/Esoteric

15 Abysmal Atrocious/Deplorable

16 Accolade Appreciation/Laurels/Bays/Honor

17 Acost Approached/Address

18 Acerbic Razor edged/Sarcastic/Satirical

19 Acquiesce Consent to

20 Acrid Acetic,Acerbic,Pungent

21 Acrimonious Rancorous/Acerbic/Scathing/Harsh

22 Acumen Intelligence/Intuition/Sagacity/Astute

23 Acute Dreadful/Precarious/Egregious

24 Adamant Stubborn/Rigid/Indurate/Obdurate/intransigent

25 Address inscription/superscription

26 Adherent Zealot/Partisan/Stalwart/Follower

27 Admonish Reprimand,Rebuke,Reprove,Chastise,Chide,Castigate
28 Adroit Skillfull,Dextorous,nimble,agile,deft

29 Adulation Flattery,exaltation,veneration,Hero worship

30 Adulterate Contaminate,Debase,Tainted,Vitiate,defile

31 Adverse inauspicious/unpropitious/unlucky/untimely

32 Averse Opposed to/antagonistic/hostile

33 Aesthetic Natural

34 Affable Friendly/Genial/Cordial/amiable

35 Affectation Pretension/Affectedness/Snootiness/Posturing/Fake

36 Affinity Friendship/Foondness/Propinquity

37 Affluent Generous/Opulent

38 Agenda Schedule,Programme,Filofax

39 Aggregate Accumulate,Gross

40 Agnostic Skeptic.Doubter,Questioner

41 Agrarian Rural,Bucolic,Sylvan,Arcadian
42 Alacrity Ardor,Zeal,Keeness,readiness,Liveliness

43 Allege Avow,Testify,declare

44 Alleviate Placate,relieve,Soothe,Deaden,Assuage,Palliate

45 Allocate Assign,Grant,Devote,apportion

46 Alloy Combination

47 Allusion insinuation,Hint at

48 Aloof Alone,Detached,austere,frigid

49 Altruism Selflessness,Philanthropy,Compassion

50 Ambience Atmosphere,Aura,Milieu

51 Ambiguous Equivocal,ambivalent,Delphic,abstruse

52 Ambivalent Ambigous,Equivocal

53 Ameliorate Revamp,tweak,enhance

54 Amenable Governable,acquiescent,open to suggestion

55 Amenity Facility,Comfort
56 Amiable Friendly,Affable,genial

57 Amnesty Remssion,Clemency,Dispensation

58 Amoral Unethical

59 Amorphous Vague,Nebulous,formless

60 Amorous Lustful,erotic,amatory,ardent,romantic

61 Anachronism Out dated

62 Analogy Similarity

63 Anecdote Short Story,Reminiscene,Yarn

64 Anguish Pain,agony,distress

65 Animosity Rivalry,friction,antipathy

66 Anomaly Aberration

67 Antecedent Forefathers

68 Antipathy Animosity

69 Antithesis Converse,inverse
70 Apartheid Prejudice,inequity,bigotry

71 Apathy Lack of interest,indifference

72 Aphorism Proverb,axiom,dictum,percept

73 Apocalypse Final destruction

74 Apocryphal Unbelievable,fabricated

75 Apotheosis Climax,Pinnacle,Apogee,Acme,apex,zenith

76 Appease Propitiate,conciliate,pacify,reconcile

77 Appreciate Respect,cherish,admire

78 Apprehensive Scared,anxious,alarmed

79 Approbation Approval,accolades,veneration,plaudits,commendation,assent

80 Appropriate Suitable,apt,germane,congruous,expediant

81 Aptitude Intelligence,artistry,talent

82 Arbiter Judge,Pundit

83 Arbitrary Whimsical,erratic,casual,haphazard
84 Archaic Obslete,anchronistic,Outmoded,bygone

85 Archetype Paradigm,Paragon,embodiment,avatar

86 Ardent Passionate,avid,zealous,vehement,fervent

87 Arduous Hardworking,Exigent,Strenuous,Laborious,Stiff,grueling

88 Aristocratic Noble

89 Artful Skillfull,Sly,Cunning,Sneaky

90 Artifice Artificial,dishonety,intrigue,evasion

91 Ascendancy Dominance,superiority

92 Ascetic Austere,severe,mortified,anchritic,Chaste,rigorous

93 Assiduous Bold,diligent,meticulous,strict

94 Assimilate understand,decipher

95 Assuage Relieve,alleviate,soothe,mitigate

96 Astute Clever,Shrewd

97 Atheist Non believer in God

98 Attrition enfeebling,sapping,debilitation

99 Audacity intrepidity,valor,boldness

100 Augment Magnify,elevate,supplement

101 Auspicious favorable,felicitous,rosy

102 Austere Stern,Steely

103 Autocratic Govt by one Person

104 Autonomous Independent

105 Avarice Cupidity,rapacity,mammonism,greed,pleonexia

106 Avow declare,confess,assert,aver,admit

107 Avuncular Like Uncle advice

108 Awry amiss,wrong,away from planned,out of expectation

109 Axiom Self Proven,dictum,truism,postulate,maxim,gnome,apothegm

110 Abase Humiliate,depase,disparage,degrade

111 Abet encourage to commit a crime,assist in wrong activity

112 Abeyance Suspend,prorogue,pigenhole,interrupt,suspend

113 Abjure disavow,renounce,reject,relinquish,forgo

114 Abomination Atrocity,obscenity,curse,thing that cause digust or hatred

115 Aboriginal Native,primordial,primeval

116 Abound proliferate,thrive,flourish

117 Abrogate repudiate,repeal,rescind,revoke

118 Accede acquiesce in,consent to,give in

119 Accentaute point out,accent

120 Access blaze,explosion,eruption

121 Acclaim celebrated,admired,revered,honored

122 Accord grant,cede,bestow,tender

123 Accouterments equipment,stuff,apparatus,tackle

124 Accrue arise,flow,ensue

125 Acquistive hording,grabby,mercenary,covetous,avaricious,greedy

126 Acquit clear,exonerate,absolve,exculpate

127 Acronym diminutive,elision,short form.

128 Adage proverb,axiom,epigram

129 Adduce quote,cite as evidence

130 Adjourn discontinue,suspend,prorogue,conclude

131 Adjunt supplement,affix,additive,compliment

132 Ad lib impromptu,without prepration

133 Advent arrival,advance

134 Adventitious uplanned,unexpected,unintentional

135 Advocate prescribe,proponent,backer,promoter,uphold

136 Affidavit testomony,deposition,averment,representation

137 Affiliate associate,combine,join

138 Affliction disorder,scourge,malady,ailment

139 Afford pay for,spare the price off

140 Affront insult,offense,snub

141 Aftermath fallout,byproduct,upshot

142 Aggrandize magnified,exaggarated

143 Aggrieve give pain or trouble

144 Aghast appaled,stunned,horrified

145 Alchemy occult science,sorcery,enchantment

146 Alienate estrange,isolate

147 Allegiance loyalty,homage,fidelity,fealty

148 Allegory parable,analogy,metaaphor.fable,apologue,picture

149 Allot assign,allocate,award

150 Altercation argument,squabble,fight,contretemps

151 Amass gather together,pile up,assemble

152 Amid surrounded by,among

153 Anathema abhorent,hateful,odious,repungent,abomination,repellent

154 Ancillary subordinate,secondary,supportive,valuable,instrumental

155 Angst anxiety,fear,dread,apprehension,worry,perturbation

156 Annex part,section,side,extension

157 Annuity payment,benefit,stipend,consideration,remittance

158 Antedate precede,predate,anticipate

159 Anterior forepart,fore,forefront,prow,near

160 Anthology collection,synopsis,summary,compilation

161 Anthropomorphic

162 Antipodal opposite,opposed,contary,oppposite side of earth

163 Antiquity ancient times,old times

164 Aperture hole,gap,opening

165 Apex tip,peak,pinnacle,crest,vertex,zenith,apogee

166 Apogee tip,peak,pinnacle,crest,vertex,zenith,apex

167 Apoplexy blood clot,embolism

168 Apostasy abondment of blief,recantation

169 Appalling atrocious,shocking,terrible,dreadful,ghastly

170 Apparition ghost,phantom,specter,wraith

171 Appellation title,designation,denomination

172 Appendage addition,adjunct,affix,attachment

173 Apportion allocate,distribute,allot

174 Apposite apt,suitable,appurtenant,relevant,befitting

175 Appraise evaluate,gauge,review

176 Apprise inform,notify,tell

177 Appurtenance accessories,trappings,appendages,accessories

178 Apropos concerning,regarding

179 Apt apposite,appropriate

180 Arcade gallery,colonade,loggia

181 Archipelago group of island

182 Archives Collection of material

183 Arid dry,parched

184 Armament arms,weapons,artillery

185 Armistice truce,ceasefire,respite

186 Arraign indict,prosecute,put on trial

187 Arrant Complete/Utter/Entire

188 Arrears dues,liabilities

189 Arsenal weapons,armaments

190 Articulate eloquent,fluent,persuassive

191 Artisan craftsman,mechanic

192 Ascertain find out,discover,fathom

193 Ascribe attribute to something,put down,set down,accredit

194 Askance skeptically,cynically

195 Aspersion vilification,denigration,defamation

196 Assail attack,assault,beset

197 Assert propound,contendmargue,declare

198 Assess evaluate,gauge,review

199 Astringent constricting,contracting,constrictive

200 Asylum protection granted by nation

201 Atone make amends,make reparation,make restitution

202 Atrophy shrivel up,shrink,wither

203 Attest manfiest,indicate,show

204 Attribute ascribe,assign,accredit

205 Augur seer,gazer,bode,event resulting in good or bad

206 August resepected.venerable,hallowed,prestigious

207 Auspices patronage,aegis,umbrella,guidance

208 Auxiliary additional,reserve,extra

209 Avail help,aid,assist

210 Avant garde innovative,advanced,original

211 Aversion abhorrence,dislike

212 Averd turn away,turn aside

213 Avid zealous,fanatical,voracious



Fell abashed by bad actions

Storm abated.

Imran Khan abdicated from Office

Him Coming late was aberration.

He abhors Ahmed.

Abject Poverty

He abnegated his relation with Salman.

India's abortive attempt to reach moon

Editor abridged author's editorial.

Win Election by absolute majority

Judge absolve him of his crimes

Patients are advised to be totally abstinent from Alchol.

His idea of Novel was abstract and non practical.

His idea of Novel was abstruse.

His performance in mid term exam was abysmal.

Singer got accolade for his performance.

Reporter accost him near Airport.

Acerbic Wit.

Sara acquiesced in his decision

Acrid smell of amonia in fertiliser plant.

Acrimonious protest in Hong Kong

He has great buisness acumen

He was absent due to acute injury

He was adamant in his decision of going abroad.

She delivered an address in Parliament.

He was adherent of Bhutto during Zia regime.

He was admonished by his Father for bad result in finals.

He is adroit in Cricket and Badminton.

His adulation of his boss got him promotion.

His food was adulterated by flies.

Adverse circumstances led to his failure.

He is not averse to salman's promotion.

Aesthetic beauty of paintings impressed him.

His affable nature of giving gifts won him lot of hearts.

His british accent is an affectation.

He is strong affinity to his Laptop.

His affluent nature got him lot of adherents.

Question of Staff training was removed from agenda.

His profit aggregate was close to 90 rupees.

His agnostic views got him killed.

Agrarian society deserves recognition for their services.

She accepted the invitation with alacrity.

He allege him of Electricity theft.

My pain was alleviated by his gentle remarks.

The authorities allocated 50,000 for the injured.

Alloying tin with copper make bronze.

An allusion to Shakespear made his writing a masterpiece.

They were gentle but faintly aloof.

Bill Gates altruism made him richest man on earth.

Ambience of London was good for tourists.

Ambigous concepts are difficult to understand.

Some were ambivalent about her.

The reforms did much to ameliorate living standard.

Educated parents are amenable and good for child mental health.

Heating is the basic amenity in cold areas.

His amiable nature won him lot of hearts.

An amnesty of political prisoners.

He was involved in amoral activities.

His research paper was amorphous and abstruse.

She rejected his amorous advances.

Use of mechanical watch is anchronism.

Watch is analogous to flow of water.

He is expert in telling anecdote in his speeches.

Doctors sometimes don’t understand anguish of patients.

Couple developed animosity with time.

Him Coming late was anomaly.

Ned stark was antecedant of Rob Stark.

Fundamental animosity of Capitalism.

Its difficult to find antithesis of some theories.

Apartheid regime of BJP in india.

Students developed apathy of theoratical subjects.

He use aphorism in his speeches.

World Apoclypse

Apcryphal Stories of Ghosts.

His appearance in Forrest Gump was apotheosis of his career.

Amendments are being made to appease opposition.

She feels that he does not appreciate her.

He felt apprehensive about going to Pakistan.

Their performance met with approbation.

It is not appropriate to go to markets at this time.

Recruitment test check aptitude of Students.

I was arbiter of conflict between my parents.

Hie meal times were arbitary.

He has archaic artifects which are very expensive,

Book is a perfect archetype of the genre.

Ardent Supporters of Arsenal.

An arduous journey to K-2 mountain.

Bristish aristocratic family ruled for thousand of years.

His artful nature got him position in government.

Artifice is in blood of Politicians.

Ascendency of good over evil.

An ascetic time of fasting.

She was assiduous in pointing out every feature.

It is difficult to assimilate this concept.

Letter assuaged the fear of lot of People.

An astute buisnessmen.

Atheist are increasing in the world.

Council wear down the opposition by attrition.

He has audacity to call of the function.

He augmented his summer income by painting houses.

It was not auspicious moment to hold general elections.

An austere man with rigid outlook.

Autocratic regime of Bangladesh.

Pakistan is autonomous country in its foreign policy

His avarice nature got him into jail.

Pakistan avowed that it will support kashmiri muslims.

Stop giving me avuncular advices.

Judge got the impression that something was awry.

The axiom that supply should always equal demand.

I saw my friend abased by his colleagues in annual dinner.

Although he was involved in abeting the murder.

Case was held in abeyance by judge.

His refusal to abjure the criminal activities.

Extreme abomination toward state led to crime.

We are not aboriginal of America.

Rumors of corruption abound after court hearing.

A proposal to abrogate the recent amendment in constitution.

Authorities did not accede to protestors demands.

His wound accentuated the prof of accident.

The stairecase gave access to top floor.

Confress was acclaimed as wide success.

Power accorded to head of state.

The accouterments of Sports week.

Financial benefit will accrue from this investment.

We live in a competitve and acquistive society.

She was acquitted on all accounts.

FIA is the acronym of Federal investigative authority.

Old adage,Grapes are Sour.

His statement was adduced in the resolution.

Meeting was adjourn.

Computer technology is an adjunt to learning.

I spoke at the confrence ad lib.

Before the advent of islam Arab was illitrate.

Part was adventitious and ordinary.

President advocated the free market economy.

He submitted an affidavit to court about his illness.

College is affilliated with UET.

Cripling affliction of nervous system.

I cannot afford to buy this phone.

She was affronted by his team member.

Food prices soured in the aftermath of war.

Actions planned to aggrandize Sharif dynasty.

His wound aggrieved by beating.

He was aghast after hearing the news of 9/11.

Alchemy was not his expertise.

Alienate the town after rain.

I don’t have allegiance to this party.

Walking on the abbey road is allegory to Beatles song.

Equal time was alloted to the students.

I had an altercation to govt authorities.

Food was amassed in the fridge.

Amid unusual circumstances I failed in exam.

Racism was anathema for her in Europe.

Him helping ali was ancillary in the success of project.

Devolping angst was hampering his progress.

First two amendments were annexed in 1956.

He left her annuity for the charity.

Civilizations that antedated the European history.

Ali home was anterior to School.

An anthology of Ghalib's poetry.

Sun is at the antipodal of earth at night.

Great civilization of antiquity.

Aperture of the pipe was blocked.

Apex of the building can not be approached.

Whitehouse is considered as apogee in American achievement,

Apoplexy was a reason behind heart attack.

Apostasy was the reason behind his execution.

Ali suffered appaling injuries after falling from roof.

His apparition clothing made him prominent at hallowean.

Professor knowledge fully justify his appellation as HOD.

They treat scotland as mere apendage of England.

Budget will be apportioned according to population.

Question was apposite to the context of lecture.

She appraised his yearly performance.

I think its to apprise john of what had happened.

He has all the appurtenance of luxurious travel.

She spoked apropos of the protest.

He had apt analysis of the incident.

Arcade of Rome attract tourists from all over the world.

The archipelago of caribean.

Archives of history are present in Library.

Arid surface reduced friction.

Armaments supply was stopped by German forces.

Itallian govt signed armstice with Allies.

His brother was arraign on murder charges.

What arrant non sense.

He has paid arrears of mortage.

Collect your arsenal for fight.

His article about kashmir was very well articulated.

Artisan of pottery are diminishing in the world.

An attempt to ascertain the cause of incident.

He ascribed john fever to cold weather.

Reformers looked askance at the mystical tradition.

I think no one is filling an aspertion on you.

British army assailed french army.

Salman asserted that he will not do this mistake again.

He assessed my performance.

An astringent skin lotion.

He got asylum in England.

He wanted to atone for the past mistakes.

Musle will atrophy without exercise.

His letter was attested by his professor.

He attributed his success to his family.

End of winter seems to augur well.

She was in auguast university.

He got university auspices.

Please arrange auxiliary items for emergnecy.

He has to avail the opportunity of PHD.

His proposal got accepted due to avant garde idea.

He has deep seated aversion to the chinese food.

She averted her eyes during action scenes.

An avid reader of science fiction.


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