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I. Name of Proponent/s:

II. Proposed Title:

Impact of Bullying on Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students in (state the

school and school year)

III. Rationale of the Project

Bullying exists in all communities since long time. Bullying exists either in

developed or developing societies. Bullying starts in early age. Child starts to build an

initial concept of bullying. Then, it starts increasing and continues until it reaches its

peak in the basic phase stage (4, 5, and 6). It continues in higher basic stage, and then

started to decline at secondary level (Dickerson, 2005) . Bullying is considered a

common form of violence in schools. Various studies indicated that bullying makes

schools to be unsafe places for schools’ students and it contributes in the belief that

some schools are become not safe anymore (Maliki et al., 2009).

Shahria et al. (2015) reported that bullying is deemed as a serious problem in

academic settings in all parts of the world. They found that bullying has negative

impact on academic performance. Females were more affected than males by

bullying. Bullying constitute a complex problem in school kids lives. It is a problem

that affects all students, either bullies or victims, and those who attended interpersonal

violence. Bullying may involve many sections verbal, physical assaults, threats, jokes

or language, and criticizing. All of such factors affect individually, or collectively, and

contributes in child’s bullying. It is well known that bullying is difficult to eliminate

or to stop it in schools because it is used by students. Alison (2016) stated that

bullying is considered as global problem that affect emotional, social, and physical

wellbeing of school-age children worldwide Shafqat (2015, p. 45) argued that

bullying in schools occurs in any place either in school building or around school

building and may occur in bathrooms, school buses and during waiting for school

buses, and in classes which may require group work or after school activities. School

bullying is a widespread issue that affects school students in many parts of their lives

such as; psychologically, educationally and professionally. Sekol and Farrington

(2016) found that bullies, compared to non-bullies have been bullied before,

Despite the fact that bullying is not a contemporary aspect in schooling, only

in recent times has it acquired substantial research and social attention. The main

reason for this problem is its multidimensional character which has actually lifted a

variety of constraints in the definition and measurement. There is no lawful or

contractual definition of bullying. Bullying without a comprehensive definition can

include sexual, verbal, physical or emotional in nature. The effects of bullying may

come to depression, anxiousness, anger, stress, helplessness that can result in

committing suicide, poor performance in academic and non- academic field, feeling

insecure, lack of trust and so on. The underlying causes of bullying can consist of

social norms, structural factors, gender etc. There can be different kinds of bullying
like physical bullying which includes fighting, teasing, pranking, kicking, headlocks,

hazing, pushing and so on, emotional bullying which includes spreading rumors,

ignoring consciously, making fun etc., verbal bullying which includes harassing,

threatening, mocking etc. The signs that a student is being bullied consist of self-

injury, suicidal tendencies, expressing anxiety, low grades etc. The signs that the

student has witnessed bullying comprise depression, emotional disturbance and poor

behavior. Bullying mainly occurs within the school that is, in playground, classroom,

between classes, while commuting to and from school and is specially observed in

primary school level. Bullying happens between large numbers of children when

gathered together and tends to arise mainly when there is least supervision. Bullying

occurs in almost every community and society. As far as bullying among school

children is concerned, the areas that bullying may surface in high risk are spaces

where there are large trees, gardens, boys’ and girls’ lavatory, bike sheds, water tank

etc. School bullying could involve physical or emotional torture to the victim or to the

sufferer and this could in turn be connected to education. It can take place either

inside or outside the school. The main focus of bullying is not only in the form of

physical violence but also mainly involves psychological suffering. There are

different forms of bullying in schools like direct bullying, indirect bulling and cyber

bullying. Direct bullying can include physical abuse or verbal attack on the victim

whereas indirect bullying is more in the verbal and may happen in the social circles.

Boys are seen to experience more of physical bullying and girls mostly experiences

sexual comments, rumor spreading etc. Intimidation may be the ultimate objective of

such bullying. The act of bullying can lead the victim to think of resorting to extreme
steps because of the torture and the suffering caused to them. The factors that

influence bullying behavior are attitudes, cultural and environment, family and self-

perspective. (Eddie, M., Oosterwyk, G. W., & Kabiawu, O., 2016)

Generally, the act of bullying also impacts the academic performance of the

students. Students feel lonely, depressed, and sad, and display a lack of interest in

everything. This may have an impact on the academic performance of the students.

IV. Reason for Choice of Problem:

Bullying is found to be present among many school students. In this age of the

internet, when many children are found to lack open communication with their own

families, they are often left to tackle interferences such as bullying on their own. Often,

they are even found to fail miserably. Many cases of ragging, cyber bullying, physical

and mental torture of school and college students and their unfortunate consequences are

being discussed by the media lately. Therefore the researchers were curious to understand

whether bullying surfaces in childhood and whether it affects academic performance.

Thus, this study was conducted among the school going students. The study also

considered the effect of many other factors such as gender, peer relationship and self-

esteem components on bullying to give effective support to the study. Through this study

it would help the schools to counsel their students and also help in assessing the

performance of the students. Beyond the learning disabilities these factors can also be the

major reason affecting their performance. It also helps the school to take corrective

actions and improve the performance. The school authorities can probably take action to

reduce the rate of bullying. The study can be used to make the impact and aftereffects

while engaging in bullying and while being victimized. As a result of the gathered datas,

the researchers cultivate the inspiration of the researchers in choosing the problems, and

they are as follows:

2.1 To specifically know the effects of bullying in and forms to the selected grade

10 students

2.2 To find out from the sample those students who are being bullied and the students

who are bullies

2.3 To know the factors to consider in formulating recommendations and solutions on

the subject matter to be endorsed to the immediate superiors of the school.

V. Significance of the Study:

The research importance stems from the importance of the topic it deals with,

which is considered very important for many parties. Moreover it will enable those

concerned know how to deal with the problem of bullying and its obvious consequences

on school students achievement. It also enables the victims to know how to avoid being




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