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FAQ/Walkthrough by SOng
Version: 3.0 | Updated: 03/18/05 | Search Guide | Bookmark Guide

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Suikoden IV v3.0
Author: Date Released: 02MAR2005
Scott Ong Last Update: 19MAR2005

The latest versions of the FAQ can be found at:-

GameFAQs <>

.- Disclaimer -.
This FAQ is protected under the Copyright Law Act. No part of the
material should be copied without obtaining the author's consent. For
webmasters, the FAQ can be posted on your website as long as no part
of the FAQ is altered. Please obtain the latest revisions from GameFAQs
<>. If you have any questions about the FAQ,
feel free to sent me an e-mail (addressed indicated above) with the
game title (Suikoden IV or SU4) as your subject. No labelled subjects
will be unattended. This FAQ is copyright of Scott Ong 2005.

.- FAQ being cut off? -.

This is a common problem if you are still using older versions of
Internet Explorer or 56kps modem. If you did not see the Credit &
Acknowledgements section (or my e-mail), hit Refresh on your browser
and you should be able to view it. You should be able to find my e-mail
at the end of this document. If you see it, that means you will have
obtained the complete FAQ for that particular update.

[1.0] Date Released: 2nd March 2005 443KB
[2.0] Date Released: 7th March 2005 509KB
[3.0] Date Released: 19th March 2005 576KB

1.0 Author's Note

2.0 Basic Tutorial
3.0 Walkthrough
4.0 Runes Bestiary
5.0 Items Bestiary
6.0 Equipment Bestiary
7.0 Combos Bestiary
8.0 Enemies Bestiary
9.0 Miscellanous Information
10.0 108 Stars of Destiny
11.0 Credit & Acknowledgements

1.0 Author's Note
From my past experience, a lot of people tends ask questions of the
game that is already answered in the FAQ. If you need help, please
kindly use the Find button and type the key word to search for your
own. Otherwise, it is pretty useless for me to list everything down

If you are new to the game of Suikoden IV, please refer to Basic
Tutorial before moving straight to the walkthrough. It helps a lot in
your game as you will need to understand the basics first.

Please kindly await for next update. Latest revisions can only be
obtained at GameFAQs <>

What has been added for this updated

- Make miscellaneous corrections to the FAQ
(Check out the walkthrough for recruiting Ugetsu*)
- Updated the Baths Section
- Updated the Ornaments Section
- Updated the Missable Item Lists and Bonus Scenes
- Updated Treasure Hunting section
- Updated the Enemies Section

2.0 Basic Tutorial
Please read this section before the walkthrough. It is basically a
short but helpful guide to give you a headstart in the game. Please
take a few minutes to read this...
2.1 Basic Concepts
Progress Mode Support
As you load the game, you will be given the choice of choosing Normal
Display mode or Progressive Mode. Progressive mode requires a TV
compatible with progressive scan (480p) and a component AV cable (for
Playstation 2).

Like Suikoden and Suikoden II, Suikoden IV has a free name character.
You will be able to name your character at the start of a new game.
Hero is not the default name (as there is no default name) but it is a
commonly accepted name in the Suikoden community. It sounds a lot
better than "main character" and helps me to type less ^_^) I will be
using Hero as the name for the main character.

Main Menu
Upon accessing the menu, you will see the following commands:

In towns; dungeons Aboard the ship/Ocean

--------------------------- -----------------------------
Items Items
Rune Rune
Equipment Equipment
Status Status
Formation Formation
Options Options

Suikoden IV is a classic game and don't expect too many hi-tech

equipment like airships or spaceships and you are bound by the massive
water terrain. You will encounter random battles while sailing in the
ocean. Choose to Anchor to access the inner portion of ship. You can
get items or talk to your allies. When you get your base ship, you
can save anywhere. To return back to the world map, activate menu and
choose Depart.

The World
On the chart screen (or world map which RPG gamers normally call), you
will be able to view red dots on accessible islands. The yellow arrow
is your ship and direction point is the area that you are facing. To
access the next area, just proceed to the yellow area. Hit Circle
button to activate the world map. The ship controls will be discussed
in detail under the walkthrough.

You will encounter random battles while sailing in the world and
you can save anywhere while in the ocean. Unlike most worlds, the area
you navigate is "round". For Suikoden IV, it is a bit special as once
you reach the "border", your ship will be forced to make a U-turn

Hit R2 to activate your radar and you will find a blue radar map on
the lower right corner of the screen. Hit R2 to toggle between corner
map view, full map view or no map view. While on the world map, you
will toggle between compass view.

In the towns, you will find NPCs, townsfolks and chests. Make you
search suspicious objects like bookshelves in shops, wells and even
stoves as you can uncover some items. To examine objects, use the X
button. Hold down R1 button and you will be run in the game. You
will find shops:

Equipment Shop - sells items and accessories

Armour Shop - sells equipment
Rune Shop - sells orbs, equip and remove Runes
Trading Post - allows you to trade items
Inn - allows you to rest and save your game
Appraiser - allows you to appraise unknown items e.g. ? Pot
Smithery - allows you to upgrade weapon
Hot Spring - allows you to recover lost HP and MP for *free*
Lottery Shop - allows you to play lottery

In Equipment and Armor Shop, you will find a Bargain Item option.
New items that are not sold in the shops can be found under this
option on a RANDOM basis. Hence, once you find a random equipment
Get it or it may take a lot time for it to reappear. As you purchase
items in shops, you may earn supplementary tickets or lottery tickets
depend on the purchases. These tickets allows you to play the Lottery
game which can nab you the following prizes:

1st Prize (Yellow) - 1st time: Pirate King Crown

2nd time: Diamond
3rd time: 10000 potch
2nd Place (Red) - Sunbeam Orb
3rd Place (Green) - Jizo Clock
4th Place (Blue) - Mega Medicine
5th Place (White) - Medicine

"The Base" /Ship

Upon getting the base ship, you can change equipment for your ship
party by using the L1 and R1 buttons to toggle between party statuses.
You will also be allow to save anywhere while on the ship or in sea.
To access a new area, just move your ship towards the island (look
out for the harbour as you can't access islands via its other regions)
and you will be given a prompt whether to make a landfall.

Once you have recruit Viki, you can make use of Glowing Hand Mirror
or the mirror to teleport to areas that you have access earlier
instantly. You can use it anything unless you are in part of a story

As you view the status screen, you will see something like the one

Page 1 Page 2 ATK: Attack

------------------- ------------------ DEF: Defense
Hero Hero
HP: 11 / 11 Training Sword STR: Strength
MP: WPN LVL 1 SKL: Skill
WPN PWR 12 MAG: Magic
LV: 1 ATK 15 EVA: Evasion
Exp 0 DEF 3 Elemental PDF: Physical Defense
Fi. 0 MDF: Magic Defense
STR 3 PDF 3 Wa. 0 SPD: Speed
SKL 3 MDF 2 Wi. 0 LUC: Luck
MAG 3 SPD 3 Ea. 0 WPN LVL: Weapon Level
EVA 3 LUC 2 Li. 0 WPN PWR: Weapon Power

I love to keep things simple hence pardon me for the simple data
diagrams above. Throughout the walkthrough, I will illustrates a lot
these types of diagrams to allow you to understand how to use a
certain character. All characters vary differently. They can be strong
attackers but slow speed. They can be good magic attackers but low HP.
It is a balance of power between attack and speed, magic and attack
and HP with magic. Hence it is a good way to balance them out. Besides
the table below will explain what does the status does:

ATK Attacking power
DEF Defense power
I believe these two stats will have some impact on the
character's overall performance in naval battles when you
choose them as your fighters.
STR Affects character's physical attacks
SKL Affects character's attack with Skill Runes
MAG Affects cahracter's attack with Magic Runes
EVA Affects character's evasion rate
PDF Affects character's defense against physical attacks
MAG Affects character's defense against magic
SPD Affects character's timing of turns
LUC Affects rates of critical, dodge and counter
WPN LVL Character's current weapon level
WPN PWR Character's weapon attacking power

The higher the weapon level, the more damage the weapon will
deal. You can upgrade this stats by visiting the smithery

Each character can equipped a maximum of 3 Runes, a head gear, a body

gear, an arm gear, a foot gear and 3 accessories. The Runes
equipability depends on the character's MAG stats. More details will
be cover in the later sections.

You can save your game by using Save Points (a blue orb on a pedestal)
or the Inn. You can save anywhere on the World. Once you got the base
ship, you can save anywhere while aboard the ship. A save file requires
93kb of memory card space. If you see a (S) icon at the walkthrough, it
means it is highly recommend to save your game at that juncture.

2.2 Party Setup & Formations
The party comprises of 4 members and a support character. The four
members are arranged in the following formation:

1 4
2 3

The support character will not be involved in the battle but gives you
other bonuses such as healing and gaining additional items. Normally,
I would recommend #1 and #4 character as an attacker with decent HP
while those with lower HP at #2 and #3 slot of the formation. The
closer your character is up front, the more damage they will take.
Hence keep magic users at #2 or #3.

Suikoden IV is a turn-based battle. In other words, enemies or

characters will take their turns depending on the character's SPD
stats. The higher the speed stats (SPD), the more turns the character
will have.

When you enter in the battle, you will see the following commands:

Before getting the ship After getting the ship

-------------------------- ------------------------
Fight Fight
Flashes* Flashes*
Retreat/Release Retreat/Release
Potch Potch
Rush Rush
Auto Change Party

* Flashes will ONLY be available if someone is equipped with the Slash

Orb and the party's level is much higher (i.e. 2 of the characters
can kill the enemy in one hit). It is an instant kill attack. It will
replace Release command.

Fight will allow you to choose your character's individual attacks and
you will see the character's command list, which will be explained

Retreat will allow you to escape from battles. There are certain
battles that you can't win hence retreat is the only way out. Please
note that you can't escape from story-based battles or boss fights.
BTW, retreat does not work all the time. There can be sometime you will

Potch works like bribing. Potch is the currency in Suikoden IV and you
can pay potch to end the battle but it is not going to worth the while
as Potch is extremely important in Suikoden.

Rush is an area attack that is a "free" turn. You can use Rush only
when the yellow gauge below the characters status screen on the battle
is maxed out and Hero is required to be in the party. To build up the
gauge, you need to attack and win battles.

Change Party will be available until you get the "ship". You can have
a total of 3 parties. A main party with Hero as the compulsory
character and 2 Ship Party, which can be used only for random battles
on the ship. This option is useful as it prevents you to having an
unbalance party of characters. (i.e. some characters too strong while
some too weak) But normally when training characters, I will have 2
strong characters while weak characters occupying the #2 and #3 slot
or #4 slot if he/she has decent HP.

Auto will cause the computer to control your characters to use the
Attack command to attack for the remaining turns.

You will see the following commands after you have selected:


I will explain the Rune and Combos under in the later sections. Attack
is the most basic way of attacking enemy. Different characters will
perfrom different amount of hits and it depends solemnly on the
character's strength, attack stats and weapon stats. The higher these
stats are, the more damage they will deal. Weapon stats have an
importance in the amount of damage that you deal with Attack. You can
upgrade weapons at the smithery. Please refer to the equipment tutorial
section for details.

Defend works the opposite of Attack. When defending, your character
has a higher chance of countering and receives lower damage when
enemy's attack hit your character. There are various types of defenses.

Under your items listing, there is an Usable Items list right? These
items can be used from the Item command list. Below are the some of
game's important items:

Medicine: Restores health

Mega Medicine: Restores health
Jizo Clock: Revives fallen character
Antitoxin: Cures poison
Cough Drops: Cures silence
Needle: Cures balloon
Mushroom: Recovers MP

Jizo Clock becomes indispensible in part of the stages. Hence it is

advisible to save them for tough dungeons. Escape Talisman is useful
before you gotten the magic mirror. But once you gotten it, it is not
necessary to stock them up. Please refer to items bestiary for more

2.3 Runes
Runes are also know as the magic source for Suikoden IV. In Suikoden,
there are 4 level of attack spells and Magic is listed in the following
0 0 0 0

Let's say if you have, you can use level 1 spells 5 times,
level 2 spells 3 times, level 3 spell 1 time and level 4 spell none.
To restore MPs, use mushroom to restore or stay in a inn or rest in
your bed. Compared to previous series, magic has become more useful in
Suikoden IV.

There are 2 types of Runes - Skill and Magic. Magic Runes conserves
MP and examples are like Fire, Water, Earth and Wind. Skill Runes
does not conserve MP but they provide additional effects like for an
example - Killer Orb, it provides the increase possibility of critical
hits (don't use it via Rune command) or Shrike Rune (Mizuki's Rune)
which is usable via Rune command only.

To equip/remove a Rune, you need obtain Orbs and visit Runemasters at

Rune Shops and pay a fee to equip them. There are certain Runes (e.g.
Kika's Falcon Rune, Ornan's Waking Rune) that cannot be unequipped.
Runes can be obtained via purchasing from Rune shops, bargain finds in
equipment shop, search from areas, or playing the treasure hunting

The ability of a character to use a level spell depends on the

character's level and magic level. The higher the magic stats and a
higher level a character is, you can equip more Rune or use higher
level spells. A character can have a maximum of 3 Runes (head, left
hand and right hand)

For details about Runes, please refer to the Runes Bestiary.

2.4 Experience Points and Levelling Up
To gain a level, you need a 1000 experience points. Enemies will award
different amount of EXP for different and its HP will varies from
battle to battle.

Hence, I would like to clear up that the HP of enemies are based on

rough estimates and my sheer guessing (I have used a calculator to count
the hits the enemy receives...) It is better to have it than having
nothing as HP normally depends on the impact of the enemy's strengths
and weakeness...

2.5 Naval Battles
Throughout the course of the game, you will need to fight in naval
battles. In Suikoden IV, ships is able to use the power of Runes to
fight as shells.

Throughout the course of the game, you can have a total of 5 captains:
Hero, Snowe, Lino En Kludes, Kika and Elenor. Captains will determine
the ship's mobility and mobility will affect your ship's speed and
Rune Cannon
The elemental chart below is a summary of the elemental weakness and
strengths. For example, Fire will nullify against Fire, it is weak
against Water but strong against Wind. It is neutral against Lightning
and Earth.

\ Enemy Fire Water Wind Lightning Earth

Element ____________________________________________________________
Fire Nullify Weak Strong Neutral Neutral
Water Strong Nullify Neutral Weak Neutral
Wind Weak Neutral Nullify Neutral Strong
Lightning Neutral Strong Neutral Nullify Weak
Earth Neutral Neutral Weak Strong Nullify

Please refer to the Rune Affirnity Chart for who is suitable to use
which Runes as their Rune Cannon.

You have a choice of 4 fighters. I would prefer 4 fighters who has
high HP, ATK and DEF for these position. The ATK and DEF stats are the
ones that are shown next to the character's level and experience points
gained on the status screen. They will have also an impact on the
underlings. During a boarding battle, you CANNOT use Runes, Items,
Potch or Retreat. You have only left with combos and attack. There is
ONE important point to take note off. Once a character died in the
ship boarding battle, he will no longer be able to use in future
battles. If you see the roster, his/her name will be in red and you
can't use the character ANYMORE. So it is reasonable to upgrade the
weapons and give them the best armor before selecting them for the

Underlings are known as the HP of the ship. The higher the underlings,
the more HP your ship has. (i.e. more damage it can substain from
enemies' Rune Cannons) But it will reduce the ship's speed and

Boarding is extremely useful when figthers are good attackers i.e.
they have high attack and defend stats. But there is a point to take
note of. If a ship of yours being boarded by the opposition and all
your characters dies in that battle, non-story characters will marked
as death towards the ending of the game. You will be unable to use him
for the remaining of the game. To board a ship, you must be at least 1
square away from the enemy.

For more details about naval battle, please refer to Section 9.

2.6 Duel
This is a classic one-on-one battle. You can only choose 3 commands -
Attack, Guard or Special. At the start of the duel, you can choose to
battle with normal or full power.
To win a Duel, you need to knock your opponent's HP down to zero and
victory will be yours. The list of possible outcomes are listed in the
table below:
| Your's | Opponent's | Effect |
| Special | Special | Both receives same amount of damage |
| Special | Attack | You deal heavy damage to your opponent |
| Special | Guard | You deal no damage and opponent counter... |
| Guard | Special | You counter your opponent's special |
| Guard | Attack | You receive some damage. |
| Guard | Guard | Nothing happened... |
| Attack | Special | You receive heavy damage |
| Attack | Attack | Nothing happened... |
| Attack | Guard | Your opponent receive some damage. |

The key words to win a duel is patience and paying attention to your
opponent's speeches. If the enemy attacks you with Special, use Guard
to counter it. If the enemy uses Guard, attack him/her with an Attack.
If the enemy uses Attack, counter it with Special. Besides, the
walkthrough has even listed their quotes and the correct response that
you should use...

2.7 Combos
Certain characters can combo for a combo attack that deals weaker
damage but affect more enemies or deals more damage against an enemy.
Combos can be executed by 2 characters, 3 characters and even 4

Using a Combo
In order to use a combo, the characters involve the combo must not use
his/her turn for any other command. The characters must not be affected
by a status ailment that cause him/her unable to execute it (i.e. Sleep
etc). For the full list of combos, please check out the Combos Bestiary.

Learning Combos
All Combos except for Hero and Snowe's Friendship Attack requires you
to gain battle victories in order to learn them. I.e. you need to fight
battles with the characters involved and you will learn them
eventually. For example for Kika and Hero to learn the Double Sword
Attack, you need to have them battle for 10 battles before they will
learn it.

Levelling Up Combos
Combos can be more effective when you win more battles with the setup
characters that are involved in the combo. I.e. To level up the Ninja
Attack, Akaghi and Mizuki must be in the party. A Combo attack can
levelled up to level 3 and they will deal damage if the weapons are
being upgraded to a higher level. Some combos carry an element.

For more details about Combos, please read the Combos Bestiary.

2.8 Recruitment
There are a total of 108 stars or characters that you can recruit. You
can start recruiting people once you establish your base upon meeting
Lino En Kludes, King of Obel.

To recruit people, you need to trigger events. For some characters, you
need existing characters in your party before you can recruit them
while for others, you need to complete a quest before you can have them
joining you. For details on character's recruitment, please refer to
section 10 for more details.

2.9 Maintaining Equipment
There are basically 3 basic equipment - weapons, armor and accessory.

Each character has a specific type of weapon and you cannot unequip
them. To upgrade a weapon, you must visit the smithery to upgrade them
by sharpening them. The fees are fixed and different character's
weapons will be different in upgrading. Upgrading is limited by levels.
To gain levels in upgrading weapon, you need to get a key item - a
Hammer. Give it to your smithy (Adrienne) who will join you throughout
the course of the game and he will be able to level up your weapons.
The highest level that you can attained is level 16. The weapon affects
attacking power whether it is for duel, naval battles or battles. So
make you sharpen them often.

Fees for sharpening Hammers Max Level

----------------------------------- ----------------------------
LV 02 300p LV 10 18000p Iron Hammer 9
LV 03 600p LV 11 27000p Copper Hammer 12
LV 04 1500p LV 12 35000p Silver Hammer 15
LV 05 2700p LV 13 43000p Gold Hammer 16
LV 06 3500p LV 14 52000p
LV 07 4500p LV 15 60000p
LV 08 7000p LV 16 70000p
LV 09 11000p

Through the battles, enemies ocassionally drop Rune Pieces where you
can have them affix to your character's weapon. For example if you
equip a Lightning Rune Piece on the character's weapon, he/she will
deal more damage against enemies who are weak against Lightning (i.e.
marine creatures). It is an additional benefit. Hence get them on your

Armor can be equipped on four body portions - head, body, arm and foot.
They can be bought from armor shop found in town. As you progress into
the game, you will be able to purchase better equipment. Like wise, you
can also make use of items that you obtained from battles such as
scales, feathers, ores (obtained from trading post) and combine them
into armor by talking to Adrienne (at the smithery) or Phil (at the
shipwright). Different character classes can equip a certain class of
armor. For details, please refer to Armor Bestiary.
Accessory can be bought from equipment shop (or item shop as what other
RPG used to call) and each character can equip a maximum 3 accessories.
Accessories can be obtained via questing and treausre hunting too. You
can have more accessories via combining raw materials by visiting the
Mermaid Shop (Accessory Atelier)

2.10 Tips/ Notes

Blinking Mirror not 100% effective!

When you recruited Viki, you can teleport to places that you have
visited by talking to her which is really convenient. However, certain
cutscenes can only be trigger when you enter the port (i.e. you need to
view the world map and re-enter again by having your ship making
contact with the port).

Save your game

There are numerous save points through the battle. It is highly
recommended to save often, besides being an RPG is not quite possible
to complete this game within a day. When you see the following:

(S) Save your game

This means you are reaching a cruical point and if you do not save your
game, you will miss something that will have an impact on your game
such as a valuable accessory etc. Hence keep a lookout for them.

Training Tips
Training can be boring and redundant in RPG. But this is the "rice
bowl" of playing RPG. You are bound to encounter enemies and enemies
will get tougher as you progress into the game. If you don't train
your party well, you will definitely experience difficulties.
Throughout the walkthrough, I have provide some battle tips against
the enemy within the area along with some really useful training tips.

Earning Potch
Potch can be earned in various methods. You can win potch via trading
at trading post (buy low, sell high and you will earn on the
difference). Likewise, you can equip a Prosperity Rune (Lo Seng) and
you will win double the amount. Don't be worry about the shortage of
money in early part of game as it is common thing in playing Suikoden.
Normally, I would recommend you to start bulk purchasing at the late
of the game. At the initial part of the game, always upgrade weapons
and armor for your main party and have their existing armor on other
characters. Likewise, you can make use of combining materials and sell
the armor made from these materials (yup Adrienne, Phil and the
mermaids will charge you nothing for making them).

3.0 Walkthrough
This is a long walkthrough and I will try to keep the story events to
the minimum. The objective of this walkthrough is to complete the game
and gathering all 108 Stars of Destiny. Use this walkthrough only. If
you want to complete the game quickly for the sake of completing for
the ending, please refer to other walkthroughs.

By the way, there are a lot of SPOILERS in this walkthrough but I have
tried my best to keep them to the minimum.


Enemies' stats
The enemies' stats are based on my estimation as in the game there is
no Scan or Sense spell that allows you to view enemy's HP. But I listed
them down is to provide you a gauge on how you would handle the battle.

(S) Save your game

This is a new addition for my walkthroughs. When you see this symbol
along with the word, I HIGHLY recommend you to save your game as a
mistake will leak you to miss an accessory/equipment or even a Star
of Destiny (SOD).

Enter via ship

Do not overuse the Blinking Hand Mirror to enter and exit towns in
recruiting people. Some of the events can be triggered ONLY when you
exit the town via ship i.e. you need to exit out of the town phyiscally.

Bargain Items
When you visit Equipment or Armor Shops, you will find a special
option called "Bargain Items". Rare items will appear randomly for sale
and therefore remember to check them out for new items. Some of the
items will provide additional support and advanced support.

RPG Golden Rules

Having being completed more than 10 RPGs, I could summarise playing RPG
in a few rules:

- Pay attention to the speeches. Some of the speeches will drop a hint
and that could lead to something special.

- Save often and be daring. Do not be afraid to test out new things and
the experience could help you in future battles. Be explorative in
dungeons. Once your HP or MP got too low, exit the dungeons and
return back your room and heal (once you got Viki in the party)

- Some bosses are a bit too difficult at the moment. Hence if you looks
too powerful do not hestiate to retreat. There are some very powerful
and tough random battles if your party are untrained. Kill off the
stronger enemies in the ground so that you will be having dealt less

- Better equipment and having more random battles will make your life
easier. In other words, higher level and equipment will allow you to
have an easier game than sending an unprepared party. When training
low level characetrs, bring 2 strong characters and unleash your
strongest spell so that weak character could gain levels instantly.
Ted is a good choice. To optimise the effect, have 3 Speed Rings
on Ted for training in the earlier part of game. Once you have gotten
sufficient cash, upgrade Kika and Hero's weapon to the maximum and
you will find how useful the Double Sword Attack can be. Likewise,
don't look down unlovely characters such as Gau, Shiramine and
Ugetsu, they can pack a punch they are being used properly.

3.01 Prologue
Items: Medicine x10, Bandana x1, Tunic x1, Leather Helm x1, Chain
Mail x1, Scale Shield x1, Leather Boots x1
Potch: 200p - begins with it.

You will begin the game with naming your character. I choose "Hero" and
I will be refering it throughout the walkthrough.

Afterwards, you will be allow to adjust the options. Once you are done,
hit the start button to carry on. After some cutscenes, you will engage
in your first battle - a naval battle!

Snowe will provide you with some help.

Naval Battle #1 - First Engagement

You will be given a tutorial from Jewel. Choose the top option and
Snowe will drop some hints. The objective is to destroy the
opponent's ship.

Opponent: ?????
Victory conditions:
Counter the enemy's attack and emerge victorious.

Crew Members:
Hero HP 10 ATK 14 DEF 5 Underlings 12
Tal HP 11 ATK 14 DEF 8 Underlings 8
Paula HP 10 ATK 12 DEF 5 Underlings 10
Keneth HP 10 ATK 13 DEF 5 Underlings 10
Jewel HP 10 ATK 13 DEF 5 Underlings 8

- Listen to the hints: "...can fire lightning & water Rune Shells"
- Therefore, choose someone with a lightning Rune - Pick Keneth!
- Place the remaining four members as your fighters
- Take the maximum number of underlings. You can take a maximum of
49 underlings if you choose the above setup. You will have more
"hit points" if you choose less underlings. The opponent has 60
hit points by the way.
- Move to the 3rd square and press Left/Right to attack the opponent
with your Rune Cannon. Counter when the opponent's attack you.

This is shortly follow by your first battle. It will be against a man

and a woman. Just follow the instructions from Snowe and you will be
fine. Seize the opportunity to get use to commands and controls. The
battle will ends once either the man (Glen) or woman (Katarina) is
knocked out. Snowe is equiped with the Water Rune, where Kindness Drops
restores HP. The battle will end if Hero dies. However, if you want to
win the battle, I recommend you to follow Snowe's instructions. You
are bound to use a Medicine in the battle anyway.

There will be some more cutscenes. Glen (the man) will challenge you
to a one-on-one battle. Choose the bottom option. You can view your
status screen. Snowe will be part of your party. There is a save point
in the room which allows you to save your game.

LV 1 LV 1
Hero STR 3 Snowe STR 3
HP: 11/11 SKL 3 HP: 11/11 SKL 1
MP: LV 1: 1/1 MAG 3 MP: LV 1: 1/1 MAG 1
LV 2: 0/0 EVA 3 LV 2: 0/0 EVA 2
LV 3: 0/0 PDF 3 LV 3: 0/0 PDF 2
LV 4: 0/0 MDF 2 LV 4: 0/0 MDF 2
ATK 15 DEF 3 LUC 2 ATK 13 DEF 2 LUC 1

Initial Equipment: Initial Equipment:

Bandana, Tunic Leather Helm, Chain Mail, Scale
Shield & Leather Boots
Runes: Nil Runes: Water
Weapon: Training Sword 1 Weapon: Daddy Blade

* The statistics are listed without any equipment. Go to Equipment

option and hit Circle to remove all the equipment. Give Hero the
best defensive armor.

Talk to Katarina or Glen to initiate the combat

Fencing Battle #1 - Vs. Glen
Once you are done, talk to Katarina or Glen. You will be fighting
a fencing match. There are 3 options - Attack, Guard, Special.

1st Turn: Attack (Normal)

2nd Turn: Attack (Special)
3rd Turn: Attack
4th turn: Guard
5th turn: Guard

And pay attention to his quotes...

Or you want a sure-win battle?

Quote Use
Pay close attention to my swordsmanship -> Special
Prepare to get beaten to a pulp -> Guard
Charge at me and don't hold anything back -> Attack
Let's see how well you can wield that sword -> Attack
Now its my turn -> Special
My next move will settle this once and for all! -> Guard
I will strike you with all your might -> Guard
Well after the sparring match, you will be free to roam. You can find
your teammates at the following locations:

Lower deck: Katarina

Upper deck: Jewel, Tal and Keneth

Talk to everyone and this will be followed by some more scenes. Talk
to Tal and there will be more cutscenes and well you are starting
the game...

3.02 Hall of Knights
Items: Old Book Volume 9, Steamed Bun x1, Water Orb x1

Head for the yellow marker on the map. You will reach the courtyard
area. There is a door that leads to the hallway leading to Audience
Chamber. You can find a chest containing an Old Book Volume 9. Exit
and move to the next door on the right, you will find Hero's room in
this hallway. There is a chest containing a Water Orb and Steamed Bun.
There is also a save point where you can save your game. If you move
up the Spire, you will be able to reach Commander Glen's room.

There is nothing much to do other than heading for the Training Hall
where you will find Kataronia at the doorway. There will be some
more scenes and some history... (do you hate history classes? ^_^)

Exit the courtyard. Head for the port which is located at the first

3.03 Razril (Port)
Items: Mushroom x1, Medicine x1, Stomach Band x1, Sandals x1,
Tunic x2, Mittens x1, Robe x1, Gloves x1

(S) Save your game

There is a save point here. Since it is night time, there are nothing
much to visit as all shops are close. Ignore the entranceway (yellow
marker) that is on right next to the equipment if you go there, you
will have random battles.

Just move all your way towards north and you will trigger a cutscene
automatically. Eventually, you receives a torch of fire where Hero
could use it as his weapon ^_^ if you visit the Back Street area.

After the cutscene of Hero receiving the torch, you will be back at
the main street leading to the square. There are people in the main
street holding torches. Talk to them to light their torches. There are
a total of 8 torches to light...

Make your way to the Square and it will be followed some cutscenes and
fireworks. Talk to everyone (Paula, Katarina, Glen, Tal, Jewel, Keneth
and Lord Vingerhut). Exit the area via the main walkway not the one
that is leading towards the back street. Just head south off the main
street. Talk to everyone and there will be one man claiming that her
daughter is missing.
There is a cat at the area. Examine it and choose "Pet It" and you
will receive a Medicine! Move forward and you will find a cat-man
loitering around. Talk to it (Chiepoo) and you will get a notfication
from it that a girl has been kidnapped. It is optional on whether you
want to gather your party (you can have a maximum of four members).
I would do so as it will make the party more "balanced".

LV 1 LV 1
Tal STR 3 Jewel STR 3
HP: 11/11 SKL 2 HP: 12/12 SKL 2
MP: LV 1: 1/1 MAG 2 MP: LV 1: 1/1 MAG 2
LV 2: 0/0 EVA 3 LV 2: 0/0 EVA 3
LV 3: 0/0 PDF 2 LV 3: 0/0 PDF 2
LV 4: 0/0 MDF 1 LV 4: 0/0 MDF 2
ATK 13 DEF 2 LUC 3 ATK 13 DEF 2 LUC 2

Initial Equipment: Initial Equipment:

Stomach Band, Sandals Tunic, Mittens
Runes: Earth Runes: Water
Weapon: Training Sword 1 Weapon: Training Sword 1

LV 1 LV 1
Keneth STR 2 Paula STR 2
HP: 12/12 SKL 4 HP: 12/12 SKL 2
MP: LV 1: 1/1 MAG 2 MP: LV 1: 1/1 MAG 3
LV 2: 0/0 EVA 2 LV 2: 0/0 EVA 3
LV 3: 0/0 PDF 3 LV 3: 0/0 PDF 2
LV 4: 0/0 MDF 3 LV 4: 0/0 MDF 2
ATK 12 DEF 3 LUC 2 ATK 12 DEF 2 LUC 2

Initial Equipment: Initial Equipment:

Tunic Robe, Gloves
Runes: Lightning Runes: Wind
Weapon: Training Sword 1 Weapon: Training Sword 1

* Do not take off their equipment or you will have troubles in the
upcoming training hall session.

I recommend Keneth as his Lightning Rune is extremely useful when

fighting a group of enemies along with another character of your
choice. Remember the walkway? Just use it this time round...

- Back Street -
Enemies: Shobby Shrew, Thug

There is nothing much except you will find a empty backyard. Just move
on the pathway and you will encounter random battles there. There is
a chest located along the pathway where you can get a Mushroom.

Proceed to the open area where you find a lot of broken pillars. Look
for a man facing a crate. It is pretty well hidden there. Talk to him
and you will fight...

Kidnapper HP: 100 Potch:
Kidnapper Underling HP: 50 160p

Just make use of Keneth's Lightning Rune if you have him in

party for a quick finish. Or you may want to use the
Friendship Attack between Snowe and Hero...

Items: ? Pot (Pot of Razril)

? Painting (Grafitti)

Search the crate for a Treasure Map item. This is your ONLY chance to
get it! Head for the town entrance and choose to rest your day. You
part ways with your teammates.

3.04 Hall of Knights

(S) Save your game

You will be back at your room again. You can restore your HP and MP by
resting here. Save your game if you haven't do so. Exit the room. You
will meet Funghi in at the kitchen that is next to your room. Make
your way to courtyard. Exit the courtyard to the port and Snowe will
rejoin your party. You will be back at the courtyard. Make your way to
the training hall.

If you talk to the trainee before talking to your friends, you will be
fighting 3x Trainee where you can gain some experience points along
with 30p. This can be done infinite amount of times until you have
talked to your crew.

Trainee A HP: 10 Potch: 30p
Trainee B HP: 10
Trainee C HP: 10

- This is really simple. Just attack...


Talk to one of your crew members (Tal, Keneth, Paula or Jewel) and you
will be able to form a party of four with Hero and Snowe as compulsory

Senior Knight HP: 50 Potch: Nil
- This is really simple. Just attack...

Dowe will suggest changing the party member. Your selected members
will be replaced by ones that are not selected. I will not recommend
Tal before of his weak starting defense. To train Tal, bring in Keneth
and have him using Berserk Blow. Once Tal is level 2, he should be
able to survive on his own.
Senior Knight A HP: 50 Potch: Nil
Senior Knight B HP: 50

If you have Keneth, use him to cast Berserk Blow and all
enemies will be killed.

You will be given 2 options. The 2nd option will ends the whole
practice session.

Senior Knight A HP: 50 Potch: Nil
Senior Knight B HP: 50 EXP: 200

If you have Paula, use her to cast Wind of Sleep and attack
enemies while they sleeping...

I supposed my hints are quite direct (^_^). Once you are done, pick
the bottom option "I've decided." You will be allowed to battle once
again with your desired formation. Exit the Hall of Knights and make
your way to Razril.

3.05 Razril Port Town
Items: Medicine, Mushroom, Treasure Map

Shopping List
Armor Shop Equipment Shop
__________________________ _____________________________
Sandals 70p Medicine 20p
Gloves 120p Antitoxin 50p
Stomach Band 150p Needle 50p
Bandana 80p

Rune Shop
__________________________ Inn - 200p per character
Fire Orb 500p Bargain items are pretty random
Water Orb 500p hence it is quite pointless to
Align/Remove Rune 240p list them down.

Port Area
On the pathway, you will see 3 groups of ladies. Talk to one of them
and you will be prompted to comment on the food. Choose "It was very
delicious!" Do some shopping. The currency used in the game is potch.
For both equipment shop and armor shop, you will find a Bargain item
column where you can get some rare equipment and items (items also
include sealed orbs)

You will meet Chiepoo at the Equipment Shop. Remember the orbs that
you have gotten earlier. You can equip them by visiting Rune Shops.
Equiping and remove Runes requires you to pay 240p per enlightment.
I would recommend you to align the Water Rune you found earlier for
Hero. Search the chair next to bookshelf and you will get a Medicine!
Random Battles - Back Street
If you are running out of money or potch, you can get some by
fighting random battles at the back street area. There is a new
enemy there. I recommend you to have all players at least level 4.

Enemies: Hairball, Thug


Town Square
You will meet Basil at the town square where you will get to play a
mini-game - Top Tossing. Please refer to Mini Games Section for more
details. It will cost you 100 potch per game. I won't recommend playing
it as you are pretty tied up on money.

Talk to the lady at right side of the square and you will get a
Mushroom! You will meet Konrad in the Inn. Search the bookshelf at the
northeast corner and you will get a Treasure Map! The hotel fee is
800p (!) There is nothing much to do other heading back to the port at
the Hall of Knights.

3.06 Hall of Knights
Items: Medicine x5

Well, that's all for your exploration for Dazil. Time to start work...
Proceed to the port area outside the Hall of Knights courtyard. Proceed
to the ship and it will trigger a cutscene. You will get 2 prompts.
Pick "Yes, let's go." and here are the jobs:

- Defeat wild sea creatures 3 times

- Deliver a document to Middleport

Choose the first one. Your objective is encounter 3 random battles.

The ship controls are rather hard to move as you need to twirl it
with the left analog stick to change its direction. Just loither
around area for 3 random battles.

Random Battles - Sea near Razril

Enemies: Seaweed, Muddy Fish

The enemies are pretty weak as you can handle them out easily
with normal attacks. Just win 3 battles.

If you activate the main menu, you will find 2 options - Anchor and
Save. Anchor will allows you to enter the ship on board. Inside the
room found in Gaien Training Ship, there is a save point and a chest
containing 5x Medicine! To return back to the World Map, activate
menu and select "Depart".

Upon finishing the 3 battles, Snowe will prompt you where you want to
return back to the port. Choose to return and you will be back at the
port near Knights of Hall automatically. If you did not, you can
return back having your ship making contact with the island.
Return back to your room and heal your wounds (sleeping the inn or
resting in your own room recovers HP and MP). Return back here for
your second mission. Choose to go for the mission.

3.06 Departing for Middleport
You will be back at the world map and here are the controls

Up Move ship forward [] Activate Menu

Left Turn ship left O View Chart Screen
Right Turn ship right Right Analog Free rotate camera
L1 Change Camera View R1 Accelerate
R2 Change Compass View

The ship is a bit hard to control but it takes time for you to adapt
to it. Activate the menu and you will get to save your game or anchor
when you will get to access the ship. Hit the O button.

You will see the following list of commands:

X Change Course
Triangle Exit Chart Screen
O Switch Display
[] Island Shift

Enemies: Wild Seaweed, Muddy Fish

As you see from the chart screen or world map, you will find that
Middleport is actually southeast off Razril. Just activate the chart
screen and point the your cursor at Middleport. Once you reach the
sea near Middleport, you will need to manually adjust your ship and
located the port (which is orange in colour). Just choose to dock it.

3.07 Middleport
Items: Treasure Map x1, Mushroom x1, Antitoxin x1, Fancy Console x1
Potch: 2500p

You will find a man and a knight at entrance way. Talk to them and you
will need kill a monster in the seas near Middleport. The battle is
quite tough and hence it would be advisible to visit the town first.

Below is the shopping list:

Shopping List
Harbour Town Square
----------- ---------------

Trading Post Equipment Shop

____________________________ _____________________________
Bad Iron Ore Medicine 20p
Bad Gold Ore Broiled Fish 100p
Bad Cotton Cloth Cough Drop 50p
Bad Wool Cloth
Sugar Armor Shop
Salt _____________________________
Mayonnaise Sandals 70p
Candle Shoes 120p
Musk Cotton Mittens 180p
Native Costume Leather Gloves 180p
Deer Antler Tunic 120p
Book Leather Armor 250p
Ancient Text Leather Helm 120p
Herbal Medicine
Flower Seed Inn
Wine _____________________________
Rum 40p per person

Appraiser Smithery (Adrienne)

_______________________________ _____________________________
Fee: 200 Upgrade to Level 3 weapon


It is rather hard to make shopping list for Suikoden IV as there are

a lot of items that randomly appears. This also applies to the trading
post. The prices of the tradable items varies from time to time. Make
use of buy low and sell high. You may need to reset your PS2 often to
get desired prices.

There is a trading post and appraiser shop in this area. You can
have the appraiser to appraise your ? Pots or Paintings that you
have obtained from battles while in Razril for 200p per appraisal.
Once these items have been uncovered, you sell them for large
amount of money! If you appraise the 2 items - one of them is the Pot
of Razril while other one is Graffiti.

There is nothing much to do other than heading for the Town Square.

Middleport (Centre Square)

Well, you have saved up a lot of potch up to now. In the left
hand side of the square, you will meet Gunter where you can play
a dice mini-game (please refer to mini-games for more details). You
can play Down-to-One (min. 80p) or Triple Toss (min. 100p)

Head for the pathway behind him and it will leads the backstreet.
The street is a straightforward one and it leads to an empty house.
Search the barrel located on the right of the door and you will get
a Antitoxin. Search the chest nearby and you find another Mushroom.

Retrace your steps and move back to the Square. You can find the
equipment shop, armor shop and smithery on the top left hand corner
of the screen. Pay a visit to the Smithery and you will meet Adrienne
there. I recommend you to upgrading the character's weapon as it will
raise their attack. Upgrade Hero's weapon to level 3. As for attaching
Rune pieces, ignore it for the time being.

You will meet Pecola outside the inn who is being surrounded by a
group of woman. Visit the inn and search the paintings in the inn for
another Treasure Map item. It is in the southeast corner. There is a
spinning game but it requires you to have a Lottery Ticket. You can
save your game by talking to female innkeeper and sleep there for 120p.
Stay in the inn and make sure you some MP for magic casters. You can
earn a Supplementary Ticket by purchasing 500p in Middleport. Once
you got 5 of these, you will earn a lottery ticket. Visit the lottery

Just rotate the right analog stick and your prize depends on the ball
that drops from the box.

1st place (yellow): 1st time - Pirate King Crown

2nd time - Diamond
3rd time - 10000 potch
2nd place (red) : Sunbeam Orb
3rd place (green) : Jizo Clock
4th place (blue) : Mega Medicine
5th place (white) : Medicine

Take the central path and head north...

Middleport (Lord's Mansion)

You will find a chest on the right of the gates. It contain a Fancy
Console. There is nothing much to do in the mansion. Return back to the
harbour. Talk to Knight. Hit the ocean.

Loither your ship around Middleport for random battles. Wait until you
have encounter a Damp Hairball (a black flurry object). Once you got
that, prepare for a tough fight.

Damp Hairball HP: ~350 Potch: 500
It is really hard as your attacks weaken even if Hero's
weapon has been upgraded to level 3. Damp Hairball's attack
are generally normal except it could cast a water spell that
does around 20+ HP damage to all characters. Make use of
Kindness Drops or Medicine once a character is low on HP.

Items: ? Pot (Pot of Razril)


Upon defeating it, return back to Middleport and you will get another
2000p by talking to the fisherman. Now there is much to do in the
town or you might want to play some dice. Go back to Razril.

3.08 Hall of Knights
Items: Nothing!

You will meet Katarina and there will be an uncoming mission where
both Hero and Snowe has a separate mission. Approach the gates of
the courtyard and your other 2 members will leave the current party.

There will be some cutscenes and you will introduced to Ramada at

the Audience Chamber. There will be another cutscene between Snowe
and Hero. Next you are free to roam. Make your way to the port and
Snowe will part ways with you. Now make your way to Razril. The shops
are selling the same stuff but you will find new items under the
Bargain items hence check it out...

Make your way towards the port area that is outside the enterance
that leads to the main street. You will meet Akaghi and Mizuki and
a cutscene. Once the cutscene is over, return back to the Hall of
Knights. At the entrance of the courtyard, you will find Snowe. Talk
to him. Make your way to Audience Chamber and talk to Ramada. Pick
the first option.

3.09 Trip to IIluya
Items: Nothing!

If you choose to anchor, visit the upper deck. There is a knight who
is training...

Gaien Soldier HP: 50 Potch: 100
Well, it is really easy since you have gain a lot of levels
since you last fought a Gaien soldier..

Items: N/A

There is also an equipment shop by talking to guy dressed in blue.

Equipment Shop
Medicine 20p
Antitoxin 50p
Needle 50p

You need to head for Iluya Island, which is located northeast off
Razril and it is a long trip.

Enemies: Wild Seaweed, Muddy Fish

As you set sail midway, you will get a cutscene between Hero and
Snowe. This followed by some more scenes and you will be back on
the ship deck. Talk to Snowe and it is followed by...

You will be given 2 options. Pick the top option. Let's fight! You
have another naval battle...

Remember this phrase:

"The captain is always the last to leave..."

Naval Battle #2 - Pirate Brandeau


Victory conditions:
Emerge victorious against the 2 enemy pirate ships.

They are having fire and lightning elements and you are the captain
too. You will need to pick your elements. Choose them wisely.
Knight of Gaien 1 HP 61 ATK 38 DEF 18 Underlings 3 Wind
Knight of Gaien 2 HP 63 ATK 42 DEF 18 Underlings 20 Earth
Knight of Gaien 3 HP 63 ATK 42 DEF 20 Underlings 40 Water
Knight of Gaien 4 HP 63 ATK 41 DEF 18 Underlings 20 Lightning
Knight of Gaien 5 HP 59 ATK 39 DEF 18 Underlings 10 Fire

Opponents Stats
Pirate Ship A Pirate Ship B
Explore: 4 Explore: 4
Range: 3 Range: 2
Endurance: 5 Endurance: 4
Captain: Brandeau Captain: Pirate Captain
Rune Cannon: Pirate (Lit.) Rune Cannon: Pirate (Fire)
Underlings: 80 Underlings: 70

Have an underlings of 95.

The enemy will be able to move twice. Once you are done. Move towards
in range against Pirate Ship A (with a flag). Use Knight of Gaien 2's
Rune Cannon against it. Lightning is weak against Earth. Once the
Pirate Ship A attacks you again, counter with Knight of Gaien 2's
Rune Cannon. The battle is over in a blink of an eye...

Next handle Pirate Ship B using Knight of Gaien 3's Rune Cannon.
Congrats as you are victorous!

After some cutscenes and you will fight...

Assassin HP: ~350 Potch: 450
Pirate Brandeau HP: ~350
Snowe will not be part of your party and you will have a
Knight of Gaien as your partner instead, who comes with a
Wine Rune. Cast the Wind of Sleep first. Take the assassin as
it could do some damaging attacks with a fire smash that does
around 11+ HP damage to both Hero and your partner. A wind
slash attack that does 20+ on one ally. Pirate Brandeau has
the ability to heal himself using Kindness Drops, therefore
take note of it.

Items: N/A

This is followed by some dramatic cutscenes. Brandeau will be amazed

to see Hero surviving his moves and you will be battle him...

Fencing Battle #2 - Vs. Pirate Brandeau
This marks the end for you, too... One blow from me and you'll be
dead in an instant! (or maybe him ^_^)

Quote Use
Now I will kill you with a single blow. -> Guard
I'll kill you! -> Guard
Victory is mine... -> Special
Hah, child's play! Allow me to humour you -> Attack
Your attacks are futile... Don't you realize that -> Attack

If you lose to Brandeau, something special will happen...


After the battle, this is followed by some dramatic scenes...

3.10 Hall of Knights
Items: N/A

You will be back at your room. Save your game. Exit your room and you
will meet Snowe. You need to get something for Glen. Make your way
to the entranceway of Courtyard. There will be some scenes concerning
Snowe... You will need to get some Mega Medicine. Head for Razril.

3.11 Razril
Items: Cough Drop, Mega Medicine x2, Commander's Medicine

Make your way to the item shop. There will be some cutscenes. Make
your way the main street. Look for man who is dressing in a green
shirt with a red belt. You will get a Cough Drop from him. Visit the
inn and talk to Konrad.

Visit the equipment shop. Talk to shopkeeper. Exit the shop and this
is followed by some more scenes. Things aren't looking good for

Make your way back to your room. You will meet Funghi at the walkway.
You will get Commander's Medicine item along with Mega Medicine x2!
Snowe will leave your party again. Make your way to the Kitchen and
talk to Funghi and you will get Commander's Meal.

Make your way to Spire (1F Hallway). Move up the spiralways and you
will reach the entrance to Commander Glen's room. Katarina will tell
you to come in and you will be given a prompt:

a) "It's medicine, from Snowe."

b) "I bought some medicine earlier."

Pick the top one. You will hand over the items to Katarina. There
will be some more cutscenes. Make your way to the courtyard and there
will be a cutscene

At the courtyard, talk to your crew members and you will be given 3

a) Let's fight!
b) What should we do...?
c) Let's try asking the Commander.

Talk to them and pick the top option each. Get out of the courtyard
and talk to Gaien soldier at the harbor. It is another naval battle.
Naval Battle #3 - Retribution
Pirate Dario vs Knights of Gaien

Victory conditions:
Emerge victorious against the enemy pirates!

There are 2 ships. One of the ship has a Fire Rune while the
flagship has two Runes - Fire and Wind. On your side, you have Snowe
commanding another ship.

Snowe Ship's stats

Gaien Ship
Explore: 4
Range: 3
Endurance: 17
Captain: Snowe
Rune Cannon: Knight of Gaien 4 (Lit.)
Underlings: 99

Opponents Stats
Pirate Ship A Pirate Ship B
Explore: 4 Explore: 4
Range: 3 Range: 3
Endurance: 5 Endurance: 3
Captain: Dario Captain: Pirate Captain
Rune Cannon: Nalleo (Wind) Rune Cannon: Pirate (Fire)
Pirate (Fire)
Underlings: 80 Underlings: 70

Tal Underlings 8 Rune: Earth

Paula Underlings 10 Rune: Wind
Keneth Underlings 10 Rune: Lightning
Jewel Underlings 8 Rune: Water

Since both the ships have Fire Rune on their side. Jewel is an obvious
choice as Water is strong against Fire. Choose Tal or Kneneth as your
second Rune ability. For my case I opt for Tal as I haven't been using
him for my previous missions and he is in a low level.

Have Snowe to fight the main flagship while your crew focus on Pirate
Ship B. Attack with your Water Rune Cannon. While Snowe and Dario are
wrecking the hell out of each other. Get into range and fire with your
Water Rune Cannon. This is quite an easy naval battle.

This is followed by some more cutscenes... and you will be given the
following prompts:

a) We've got to help Snowe. Hurry!

b) I guess we have no choice...

Pick the top option. This is followed by some more cutscenes. Both
Hero and Snowe has been summoned to Glen's room. You will have some
cutscenes. Exit the room and there will be a cutscene between Snowe
and Hero. Make your way to the room and examine your bed. Pick the
bottom option to sleep.
Once you are awaken, proceed to Kitchen and talk to Funghi. You will
recieve the Commander's Meal again. Make your way to the commander's
room. There will be another cutscene and a piece of bad news... Exit
the room.

After a series of scenes, Katarina will join your party!

LV 11
Katarina STR 21
HP: 68/68 SKL 24
MP: LV 1: 3/3 MAG 34
LV 2: 1/1 EVA 31
LV 3: 0/0 PDF 14
LV 4: 0/0 MDF 34
SPD 22
ATK 26 DEF 14 LUC 13

Initial Equipment:
Pointy Hat, Guard Robe, Cotten Mittens, Anklet
Runes: Lightning, Water
Weapon: Naganara

Make your way to harbour area and you will fight...

Pirate HP: ~150 Potch: 300
Pirate HP: ~150
The battle will be quite easy since you have Katarina in your
party. You might want to test her Rune magic poweress.

Items: N/A

After the battle is over, you will fight another battle

Pirate A HP: ~150 Potch: 450
Pirate HP: ~180
Pirate B HP: ~150
Well, an additional pirate will not make much difference.
Have Katarina cast Berserk Blow while other 3 members do the

Items: N/A

After another scene, you will fight another battle.

Pirate A HP: ~150 Potch: 450
Pirate HP: ~200
Pirate B HP: ~150
Have Katarina cast Berserk Blow while other 3 members do the

Items: ? Painting ("Flower")


This is followed by some more dramatic cutscenes and it starts to

rain. Katarina and the remaining members will leave the party as
well. Make your way to the rooftop and this is followed by one
of game's most dramatic cutscenes. You will be in a black hole.
Hero is being equipped with the Rune of Punishment. Just keep on
running towards the light and you will fight

Mysterious Shadow HP: ???? Potch: N/A

Your Rune command has been disabled. Just attack the shadow
and it will trigger a cutscene.

Items: N/A

Abandoned - Exile Ship
Items: Rune of Punishment, Cotton Robe, Cooton Mittens, Sandals,
Medicine x10, Steamed Bun
SOD: 2 of the following characters
- Tal, Paula, Keneth, Jewel (12 and 14)
Chiepoo (11) - Cotton Robe, Cotton Mittens, Sandals

You will be back at your own room. Katarina will visit you and you
will be given the following prompts:-

a) I did not kill the Commander...

b) ...I understand

Pick either one and Katarina will leave your room. You will be given
a new outfit (which looks much cooler that slobbish knight outfit)
and two crew members will visit you. If you pick Keneth and Jewel, you
will see Tal and Paula visiting you.

Hero will be left abandoned on the ship and you will be rejoined with
your members that you have selected previously. There will be a
couple of cutscenes and you will meet another new friend, Chiepoo.

LV 6
Chiepoo STR 10
HP: 49/49 SKL 19
MP: LV 1: 1/1 MAG 14
LV 2: 0/0 EVA 21
LV 3: 0/0 PDF 12
LV 4: 0/0 MDF 11
SPD 20
ATK 45 DEF 12 LUC 25

Initial Equipment:
Cotton Robe, Cotton Mittens, Sandals
Runes: Nil
Weapon: Gouda
If you choose to anchor, you will be able to buy items from Chiepoo
if you talk to him.

Chiepoo's Shop
Medicine 20p
Broiled Fish 100p
Mackerel Miso Stew 150p
Jizo Clock 500p

Search the hatch and you will find a chest containing 10x Medicine &
10x Steamed Bun! Of course, your beloved save point is there too (^_^)

(S) Save your game

Merchant Ship
Items: Treasure Map, Medicine, Dragon's Bone, Dragon Scale

Set sailed and fight a couple of random battles...

Enemies: Wild Seaweed, Muddy Fish, Fly Lizard

You will get a couple of equipment changes too. Hero will get the
classic Twin Fang weapon and he will deal two hits instead of the
normal one hit. After 2 random battles, this is followed by a
cutscene. You meet Colton, an old geezer ^_^). Talk to the knight
dressed in a black cloak. Head for the Cabin and talk to Colton.
Choose to rest...

Search the desk for a Treasure Map. Exit the cabin. There will be a
cutscene and you will fight...

??? HP: ???? Potch: N/A
Colton HP: ????

You can win the battle as the mysterious man and Colton deals
around 200 HP per attack.

Items: N/A

You will get some cutscenes and you will find that the mysterious
man is actually Sir Troy (Haven't you been paying attention to the
"history classes" before?)

Kooluk Soldier A HP: 180 Potch: 400p
Kooluk Soldier B HP: 180

The battles are started to getting tougher. The Kooluk

Soldier has the ability to use Clay Guardian. It takes around
4 hits to finish them off.

Items: Medicine

Move around a bit and you will fight another 2 more soldiers and
you will be back on the exile ship. Set sail for while fight a random
battle against 2x Fly Lizards and a big one is coming...

Water Dragon HP: 1300 Potch: 1000p

The battle is quite hard as the boss is quite strong. Its

wind slash attack does around 40 to 50 HP damage to all allies
& it's zap breath does around 18 HP damage along with the
sleep status. Just keep your character's HP above 40 and 50
HP. Have Chiepoo to use the Steamed Bun to restore HP while
if your allies have Kindess Drops water Rune spell, it helps
a lot in the battle.

Items: Dragon Scale, Dragon's Bone


You will blown off and end up on a deserted island.

Deserted Island
Items: Necklace, Lucky Ring, Water Amulet, Guard Ring, Crab Bun,
Giant Crab's Shell, Seashell, Shell
Potch: 3280p

Everyone will be lying on the ground unconsicious. Talk to everyone

twice and they will rejoin your party and a member will suggest that
you should take a look around the vicinity.

The first path behind the save port leads to a Dense Forest. Head
north and move pass yellow marker and you will find a Necklace
headgear. Equip it on Chiepoo. The southern end leads to the edge
of island.

The northeast path leads to the Boulder Shade where is nothing on

there. Return back to the beach and take the northwest path. Enter
the cave and head north twice. You will have reached the Subterranean
Lake area. There is a green cloudy point - that's a recover point.

Once you have visited all areas, it will trigger another cutscene and
you will be given 2 prompts:

a) Then we'll have to escape

b) This place doesn't seem so bad.*

(If you pick the bottom option and choose another 2 times. It will
lead to the bad ending.)

Day 1
Choose to the first option. Chiepoo will volunteer to take care of
food and you will assign your tasks.

1) Cutting down the trees

2) Make some rope
3) Collect cocunuts

You will find Chiepoo on the beach and he will offer the same items
that you can bought at the exile ship.

Gather Cocunut - Head for the edge of the island. You will find
coconuts on the patch there. (Cocounut)
Cut down Trees - Head for the Dense Forest and proceed to Hill
area. Search for trees with a glowing spot. (Wood)
Make some rope - Search the beach for for Old Rope

Once you have gather 3 of the objects, make your way to the cave.
Be careful as there are random battles here.

Enemies: Pearl Crab (cave), Giant Bat (cave), Wild Crab (forest)

Make your way to the Subterranean Lake and it will trigger a cutscene.
Hero will meet a mermaid who ran away the moment she saw Hero. Move
north and pick up the blinking object where you will get a Lucky Ring.

Exit the cave and gather your members. Visit the Boulder Shade and
you will be able to choose to rest and you will get some cutsenes.

Day 2
You will allowed to assign tasks again. Choose a different one. Won't
you be bored if you choose same task? Once you are done with the task,
visit the Subterranean Lake. The mermaid will leave you another
accessory - a Water Amulet. Exit the cave. Proceed to Boulder Cave
and choose to rest.

Day 3
Do a different assignment. Make your way to Subterranean Lake and
you meet the Mermaid for the 3rd time.

a) I will do none of that

b) Are you asking me to?

Choose the top option. Pick up the blinking object and you will get
the last accessory from the mermaid - a Guard Ring. Gather all your
members and choose to rest.

Well, your ship is ready and it loosk pretty weird IMO... Talk to
your members and you will find Chiepoo is missing. The mermaid comes
out and blurting out funny stuff at your party...

Make your way to the Hill vai the Dense Forest and you will find
Chiepoo being chased by crabs and you will fight...

Wild Crab A HP: 90 Potch: N/A
Boss Crab HP: ????
Wild Crab B HP: 90

Destroy the wild crabs first and attack the Giant Crab with
your normal attacks.
Items: N/A

This is followed by a cutscene and you will be given the following


a) "I'll try using the power of the Rune!"

b) "I can't use the power of this Rune!"

Pick the top option. The boss will become exposed and 6 more wild
crabs appear on the map.

Wild Crab A HP: 90 Potch: 3280
Wild Crab B HP: 90
Wild Crab C HP: 90
Boss Crab HP: 1300
Wild Crab D HP: 90
Wild Crab E HP: 90
Wild Crab F HP: 90

Start off by casting Berserk Blow which should eliminate all

the wild crabs with 1 blow. While the remaining 2 characters
attack the boss. The crab has two main attacks - a breath
attack that does around 45 HP damage to a single character
while breath type attack that does around 30 HP damage to all
allies. By this time, Hero should have a Kindness Rain if his
level is around level 24. Use it when your party's HP is
critical low. As like before Chiepoo does not have any Rune,
thus have him use items to heal the wounds. Focus all your
attacks and make use of attack spells especially Hero's
Punishment Rune.

Items: Crab Bun, Giant Crab's Shell, Seashell, Shell


You will be at dark hole again and you will fight the mysterious
shadow. Attack it. Hero will be finally awake after some scenes.
Talk to one of your allies and pick the first option.

A new journey...
Items: Water Rune Piece, Jizo Clock, Mega Medicine, Treasure Map
Potch: 1600p

There will be some scenes and you will know that the mermaid is called
Lilin. Set sail and fight 2 random battles and this is followed by
another boss fight:

Killer Ray HP: 900 Potch: 1600
Killer Ray HP: 900

The killer ray looks like sting ray to me. They have a
combined attack that does 60+ HP damage to all allies.
Therefore it is highly recommend that you killed one of them
off first. The laser beam attack does around 40+ HP to one
ally. When one of the Rays' HP is low, they can cast a
restorative spell that cures around 40+ HP. That is the
signal that one of the Rays is dying. Go for the killer.
Attack spells are extremely useful. Use Hero's Eternal Ordeal
if you have it.

Items: Water Rune Piece, Jizo Clock, Mega Medicine


Talk to everyone and your team will be saved by another ship. You will
meet Desmond and you will be given another prompt:

a) I'm Hero
b) ........

Pick the top option. Desmond got scared off as he looks into Hero's
left hand and you will meet Flare. Make your way to the cabin. There
is a save point where you can save your game. Search the desk behind
the princess for another Treasure Map. Talk to the princess. Talk to
everyone and lastly talk to Desmond. It will be continued with another

Kingdom of Obel - Start of the Journey
Items: Treasure Map, Lottery Ticket, Soap, Ruins Entry Permit
SOD: Desmond (#100) <assistant>
Louise (#101) <inn keeper>
Chadli (#108) <equipment shop>
Tov (#70) <shipwright>

- Harbour -
Search the barrels near the spot where the ship is docked. You will
find another Treasure Map there. Exit the harbour via the central path.


Ruins _______ _ Cliff Path _ Base

\ /
____ Town Square D__
| |
Town Square C |
(Inn, Equipment Shop & Rune |
Shop) | Town Square B
| (Smithery & Armor Shop)
| /
Town Square A /
(Trading Post, Lottery Shop)_/

- Town Square A -
Well, it has been a long since you have seen such scenery. At the
southwest corner is the Trading Post. There is a merchant and you can
pay 100p for some information. It is about discarded ancient books
with Na-Nal. There are 3 shops in this area. You will find Yu, a
doctor where you need to pay 500p for him to heal your status
ailments. Next, to the appraiser shop is another Lottery shop. The
appraiser is Nabokou whom you can recruit later in the game.

Talk to the girl next the shop and you can get a Lottery Ticket!
(And surpisingly, your characters can equip it as an headgear.) Take
the pathway that leads from the lottery shop.

- Town Square B -
In this part of area, there are 2 woman at the washing bay along with
Ornan. Talk to the lady dressed in pink and you will get a Soap. Within
the same area, you will find the smithery and the armor shop. You can
upgrade your character's weapon to level 6. Don't be shocked to see
your potch being used up quickly. Move up the stairs and it will lead
to the area where you see a deserted area.

- Town Square D -
Make your way up the stairs and you will reached an area with two
large buildings. There is a guy being trapped inside in the house on
the right. Now take the north path up and you will reached the Palace.
Now take the path south and head to area C.

- Town Square C -
There is a Inn on the left hand side of the area. The equipment is in
the middle and it is advisible to get some Escape Talisman, which can
be very useful when you fighting in dungeons. Visit the Rune Shop and
equip a Rune for Chiepoo.

Shopping List
Trading Post (A) Armor Shop (B)
____________________________ _____________________________
Bad Gold Ore Shoes 120p
Bad Cotton Cloth Knee Socks 350p
Bad Flax Cloth Anklet 400p
Sugar Iron Boots 500p
Soy Sauce Wirstbands 250p
Soap Bangle 250p
Crystal Ball Kite Shield 3500p
Candle Tunic 120p
Fur Chain Mail 350p
Native Costume Happi Coat 600p
Holly Berry Wool Loincloth 700p
Deer Antler Corset 800p
Book Iron Mail 1600p
Herbal Medicine Linen Outfit 1500p
Wine Forehead Guard 120p
Circlet 120p
Equipment Shop (C) Iron Helm 500p
_______________________________ Guard Ring 2000p
Medicine 20p Counter Ring 20000p
Mega Medicine 150p
Antitoxin 50p Rune Shop (C)
Escape Talisman 200p ______________________________
Jizo Clock 500p Sunbeam Orb 10000p
Thunder Amulet 2200p Lightning Orb 500p
Earth Orb 500p
Appraiser (A) 200p Water Orb 500p

Smithery (B) Equip Fee 300p

_______________________________ Remove Fee 300p
Can upgrade weapon to LV 6

Inn (C) 240p


- Palace -
There is a man in the courtyard. Talk to him and head north. The
northwest path leads to the ruins, which is unaccessible at this point
of time. Enter the palace.

You will meet Setsu at the Antechamber and followed by Princess Flare
and Desmond. You will also meet the King of Obel - Lino En Kludes and
you will receive the Ruins Entry Permit, which allows you to access
the ruins. Next Lino will tell Desmond to bring you to your new "home".

Talk to the path heading northwest.

- Cliff Path -
Enemies: Killer Rodent
- Be careful as the Rodents are able to perform a suicide attack
that could instantly kill a character!

Just move north up the cliff path and you will reach a cave. Well it
turns out to be a base. You will meet Louise who will be guarding the
saloon of yoru base. She will join you along with Tov and Chadli.
From now onwards, you can start recruiting 108 stars of destiny, a
tradition that has been present in the Suikoden series. One of the
old Knights of Gaien member will talk to Hero and you will be given
the following prompt:

a) You're right. Let's do our best

b) Living on this island might be fun too.

Pick the top option and your members will left your party. Talk to
Louise and you can choose to stay in the inn or save your game. Talk
to her and you can setup your party members. You can even have Louise
as a support character. Now make your way up the stairs and proceed to
Hero's room. Go and rest... You will have another cutscenes. Go down
the stairs and talk to Desmond and you will find out that you can use
the patrol ship. If you have added Louise as your support member, you
can talk to Desmond to reform your party. Head for the Saloon and talk
to Louise to form your party.

Now you have 2 choices. The first one is go and wreck the ruins, which
is unadvisable as the enemies are really tough there or do some
exploration using the patrol ship, which is at the harbour. Hence,
let's do some side quests, gains some levels and upgrade your

Town of Obel
Items: Seashell
SOD: Ornan (#64) - Wool Loincloth, Shin Guards
Exit your base and there will be some cutscenes. Visit the palace and
talk to the granny at the antechamber for a Seashell. You will find
Noah and you can play a card game ranging from 500 to 5000 and it is
a tough one unless you know the rules. Exit the antechamber and you
will find Ema and Gary at the courtyard. Head for the washing area
and talk to Ornan.

All right
That would be a little...

Choose the top option and he will join your party.

LV 11 Notes:
Ornan STR 29 You cannot disarm the Waking
HP: 130/130 SKL 34 Rune from Ornan. He starts off
MP: LV 1: 3/3 MAG 30 in Sleep status and can only be
LV 2: 1/1 EVA 22 awaken once he was hit by a
LV 3: 0/0 PDF 30 physical attack.
LV 4: 0/0 MDF 33
SPD 40
ATK 49 DEF 30 LUC 42

Initial Equipment:
Wool Loincloth, Shin Guards
Runes: Waking Rune
Weapon: Sheep's Horn

(If you want him in your party, go to your base and talk to Louise or
Desmond to change your members)

Proceed to the harbour and talk to the guard. Don't bother to head
anchor your ship as there is nothing to take. Do not head too far off
Obel otherwise your character will be in trouble if you encounter
enemies that are too strong for your party. I would recommend you to
get everyone's weapon level for your current party to level 6 and best
defensive equipment for everyone in your current party. Bring Louise
as your support party.

Around in the World

The world of Suikoden is bound by endless seas and surprisingly when

you reach the "borders" of the map, your ship will automatically
U-turn. As your party isn't quite strong at the moment, I suggest
you to travel within the area where you find Obel, Mordo Island, Nay
Island and Na-Nal.

Please note that HP are based on my estimations. Apparently, enemies'

HP will gain as Hero and his parties level up.

Enemies: Speckled Ray, Jellyfish Man, Poison Lizard (near Obel),
Giant Bat (near Obel), Fly Lizard (near Na-Nal), Damp
Hairball (near Na-Nal), Demon Hairball (east of Obel)
Spiny Grecko (east of Obel), Leviathan (rare)

- Most of the time in the ocean, you will encounter Speckled Ray or
Jellyman Fish. Avoid heading east of Obel at this point of time
as your party are considered weak and you may encounter enemies
that are beyond your reach and you may end up anchoring after a
battle is over. Once you encounter the Leviathan, I recommend you
to escape as it has a whooping 7000+ HP...

Mordo Island
Items: Treasure Map, Window Set 4

The small pointed hilly island is located a bit northwest off Obel.
Sail until you find a brown pointy island. Board it and you have
reached Mordo Island. If you observe carefully on the map, there is
a pitch of brown colour surrounding that region. If you still have
problem in getting the world, please refer to the world map that can
be found at GameFAQs <>

Enemies: Killer Rodent, Paradise Bee, Blue Rodent, Yellow Rodent,
Red Rodent, Rodent Leader

- Killer Rodents has a high possibility to inflict a suicide attack

that kills one character and itself. Hence, take note.

- Paradise Bee's attack can cause Poison.

- The Rodents could inflict the balloon status on your characters.

They will normally appear in gangs of either one of these 2

Formation #1
Rodent Leader x2 & Yellow Rodent x2
Items: Stone of Speed, Wind Rune Piece, 1360p
This is more common formation that you will like to encounter while
on Mordo Island. Just attack the Rodent Leaders first and finish off
the remaining Rodents.

Formation #2
Rodent Leader, Yellow Rodent x2, Blue Rodent x2, Red Rodent x2
Items: Stone of Magic, Wind Rune Piece, 2520p
If you saw this combination of enemies, start to use an attack
spell especially Hero's Double-Edged Swd if you have it. Since the
purpose of battling in Mordo Island is to gain levels and training.
You can also use Rush attack (when the yellow bar below the character
status is maxed out)

You will encounter random battles while on the island and they aren't
easy unless your members are around level 25 and above. There are 2
tents on the harbour planks. One of them leads to a hot springs where
you can go for a dip to restore your lost HP and MP while other one
is a trading post. There is an informant who will offer you some
information when you paid him 100p. Search the baskets behind the
Hot Spring Tent and you will get another Treasure Map. There is a
chest behind the trading post and you can get Window Set 4 item.

Trading Post
Bad Iron Ore
Normal Iron Ore
Bad Silver Ore
Bad Gold Ore
Normal Gold Ore
Bad Cotton Cloth
Bad Wool Cloth
Soy Sauce
Crystal Ball
Deer Antler
Herbal Medicine

Stock up any crystal balls you find here as they are being sold here
are *extremely* cheap (I got them for 44p each) Talk to the Obel
soldier and you are ready set off. It is an ideal place for training
and earning money since you can use the spring for an infinite amount
of times.

Items: Wool Loincloth, Treasure Map x3, Old Book Volume 6

Shopping List
Smithery Inn (High Ground)
____________________________ _____________________________
Can level up weapons to LV 7 480p per night

High Ground (Inn)

/ |
/ /
Nay __/
Harbour - Stonecutter's - Suspension - Nay-Kobold
Field Bridge Settlement

- Harbour Area -
As you unboard from your ship, proceed to the stairs that is heading
down. You can find a chest containing Wool Loincloth. Now make your
way up and head for the Town, which can be accessed via the middle
path. The northeast path leads to Kobold Settlement. Ignore that for
the time being. Go to the town instead.

- Town -
You will find the smithery at the lower right end of the map.
Northeast from the smithery, you will find a chest and it contains
another Treasure Map. Visit the Village Chief's house. Search the
bookshelf there for another Treasure Map. Now take the path heading
northeast leading from here and you will reach the High Ground area.
- High Ground (Inn)"-
Pay a visit to the inn and you can rest at there. The rooms are
accessible unlike the previous inns that you have visited earlier. The
room in northwest end contains a chest that have another Treasure Map
(Gee... how many are there?). Search the left bookshelf and you will
find an Old Book Volume 6. Exit the Inn and make your way to the Harbor.

Nay-Kobold Settlement
Items: Treasure Map x2, Lightning Orb, Old Book Volume 3
SOD: Perrault (83) <newspaper>

- Stonecutter's Field -
You will encounter random battles on this field. Search the tree
behind the large boulder for a chest and it contians another Treasure

Enemies: Golden Wolf, Killer Fly, Savage Sprout

- Golden Wolf has an attack that could cause your character turn
into stone (counter it with Kindness Drops)
- Killer Fly has an attack that could cause poison
- Savage Sprout has a lot of HP (around 500HP) and has an attack
that could gobble 3 members of the party for damage and
ocassionally causing poison.

Make your way down the pathway and you will reach Suspension Bridge.
Move past the yellow marker and you will reach Nay-Kobold Settlement.
Oh boy, it looks a circus to me ^_^

There is a lottery post and you will meet Bang there. I almost miss it
^_^). It is on right side of the path that leads to the upper area of
settlement. On the left side of the path, you will find the trading
post. There is a merchant who will give you information when you pay
him 100p. Gold ore could fetch a good price in Obel. You will meet
Perrault who is on the left of the counter. Talk to him.

Pick the top option and choose the top option again for the
subsequent prompt. Pick any of the following options and he will join

Trading Post
Bad Iron Ore
Bad Silver Ore
Bad Flax Cloth
Soy Sauce
Crystal Ball
Native Costume
Holly Berry
Flower Seed

There is a chest containing a Lightning Orb in the northeast corner

of the area. The chest is located behind the appraiser. Move up the
walkway that contours around the building behind the lottery shop and
you will find a pathway leading a lone resisdence house where you will
meet Bartholomew. Move up the swirling path within his house and it
will lead you to a chest containing Old Book Volume 3!

Take a turn off the right of his house and you will reach a large purple
building where you find the hotspring. Search the tree behind the
hotspring building (you need to go to the back from the left side and
you will find another Treasure Map) Now, there is nothing much to do
except for hitting seas for more exploration.

Items: Treasure Map x 4, Stone of Strength
SOD: Mitsuba (13) - Iron Helm, Iron Mail, Iron Boots
Reinhold (14) - Iron Mail, Iron Boots, Lightning Rune
Rita (15) - Chain Mail, Gauntlet, Shin Guards, Star Earrings

Head east off from Nay and you will find Na-Nal. It is a large island
hence it is hard to miss it in my opinion.

Enemies: Paradise Bee
- Like Killer Flies, they could also cause Poison

- Harbour -
At the harbour, you will find another trading post. There is another
informant and paying 100p to him and tell you that orbs that lights
up Na-Nal could fetch a high price in Na-Nal.

Trading Post
Bad Silver Ore
Normal Silver Ore
Bad Flax Cloth
Bad Wool Cloth
Crystal Ball
Native Costume
Ancient Text

On the beach, you will find a small deserted boat. Move in there and
search the basket for a Treasure Map item. There is also an chest
behind the ship. But be careful when you open it as you are going to
Golden Hairball HP: 450 Potch: 1000

It is quite easy if your character are at a decent level. It

just like a breeze walk in the park.

After the battle, you will get another Treasure Map. Make your way
north and you will reached the seaside town of Na-Nal.

- Seaside Town -

Shopping List
Equipment Shop
Medicine 20p
Mega Medicine 150p
Antitoxin 50p
Cough Drop 50p
Needle 50p
Escape Talisman 200p
Jizo Clock 500p

Inn - 360p per night


The left side of the screen leads to the equipment shop. Right of the
screen, you will find the inn. Inside the inn, you will meet Rita.
Talk to her and you will be able to play the tiles mini-game (which is
a cheesy version of mahjong) for 500p. Beat her in her mini-game & she
will joins you. Please refer to the sidequests section for more
details. Save your game at the Inn prior to play a game with her. It
also helps you to save some cash. You need to win her overall, i.e.
beat her 6 times or more in 10 games. The area right from the equipment
shop leads to the hot spring. Return back to the town.

There is nothing much other than heading north to the next area.

- Hillside Town -

Shopping List
Armor Shop Rune Shop
____________________________ _____________________________
Leg Armor 700p Medicine Orb 5000p
Silver Bracers 3000p Killer Orb 5000p
Wool Mittens 500p Alert Orb 10000p
Wool Robe 2600p Wind Orb 500p
Wool Vest 2100p Water Orb 500p
Silver Chain 3600p Fire Orb 500p
Wool Hat 700p
Silver Circlet 2000p Equip/Remove Rune 300p
Lucky Ring 20000p
Speed Ring 20000p

In this area, you will find the armor shop on the right. Search the
crates next it and you will find ANOTHER Treasure Map. Head north
and visit the Rune Shop. Search the closet near the mirror and you
will find ANOTHER Treasure Map. Move further up and you meet Reinhold
is guarding a gate. Talk to him.

- Gathering Square -
You will encounter random battles in this area.

Make your way back to the Gathering Square. There should be a woman
in the square right. Talk to her. It is Mitsuba

Come and work with us.

Then, would you like to join us?

Fencing Battle #3 - Vs. Mitsuba
If you got this quote below, you should get all smiles ^_^

All right, all right! I'm starting to get into it!! I'm gonna to
kill you!! Choose Guard and it is over..

It is very lucky if you get this on the first time. Beacause Hero
will just kill her with one hit if you choose Guard and Full
Power. This scenario appears to happen only if Hero is slightly
wounded in the battle.

Quote Use
First Let's see how good you are! -> Attack
You're dead!! -> Guard
Hahaha not yet, not yet! -> Special
Whew, I'll see how it goes far a bit -> Attack
Come & get me! -> Attack

If you lose, you need to pay 1000 potch!


After you defeat her, just pick the top option. She will joins you with

LV 20 LV 17
Mitsuba STR 99 Reinhold STR 54
HP: 234/234 SKL 33 HP: 173/173 SKL 42
MP: LV 1: 3/3 MAG 33 MP: LV 1: 3/3 MAG 33
LV 2: 1/1 EVA 30 LV 2: 1/1 EVA 45
LV 3: 0/0 PDF 38 LV 3: 0/0 PDF 25
LV 4: 0/0 MDF 46 LV 4: 0/0 MDF 33
SPD 36 SPD 30
ATK 119 DEF 38 LUC 72 ATK 72 DEF 25 LUC 29

Initial Equipment: Initial Equipment:

Iron Helm, Iron Mail, Iron Iron Mail, Iron Boots
Runes: Nil Runes: Lighting
Weapon: Stone Breaker Weapon: Baby Bamboo Spear
LV 19
Rita STR 37
HP: 137/137 SKL 60
MP: LV 1: 6/6 MAG 84
LV 2: 3/3 EVA 96
LV 3: 1/1 PDF 38
LV 4: 0/0 MDF 44
SPD 49
ATK 57 DEF 56 LUC 79

Initial Equipment:
Chain Mail, Gauntlet, Shin Guards
Star Earrings
Runes: Nil
Weapon: Lovely Hammer

* I got these stats when I return back to the base in Obel.

The path on the most right hand corner leads to an empty jail with a
treasure that you can't access it at the momment. The northeast path
leads to the Gorge where you will have some storyline event The
lefthand most path leads to the Chief's house. Visit it and you
will find a chest containing Stone of Strength, which adds +1 to a
character's attack permanently. I would normally opt this for the main
lead. Use it on Hero.

It is time to make your way back to Obel...

Obel - Ancient Ruins
Items: Thunder Amulet, Magic Hand, One-Piece Dress, Window Set 2,
Platinum, ? Ornament, Mega Medicine x4, Mushroom x3, Escape
Potch: 7500p
SOD: Ragki (32) <support - found treasure>
Rikie (33) <support - healing>

Enemies: Unicorn, Skeleton, Killer Rodent

- Unicorn can perform a spell-type attack that does around 75 HP to

one ally or 35 Hp to all allies. When you spot one, kill it off
- Skeletons will appear in groups and they will sometime in a mix
along with Unicorn. They will be killed only when all enemies in
that battle has been killed.

These enemies are tough. Make sure that you have ample supply of
Medicine and conserve your magic especially Hero's Eternal Ordeal
which is an excellent magic against the boss.

The ruins can be accessed via the path on the left from the Palace.
You will find a boy there. He is Ragki and he will be your tour guide
in the ruins.
The ruins is rather complex but it is nowhere as complex as ruins in
other games like Final Fantasy. In the first area, make your way down
the stairs that are close to the door way. The path in the lower area
leads to a chest containing a Thunder Amulet. Return back to the main
area and you will find another chest nearby. It contains 5000 potch.

Map A
__| |____________ A: 5000p
| ______ Empty B: Thunder Amulet
|________ |_____
|A | _____ Start
| --|_____
|________________ B

Move the stairs and move towards the pathway leading north and you
will have a cutscene. You will find out that Ragki is first time
here... (Feel unsafe?) Move through the pathway.

There is t-junction here. The path leading towards right will allow you
to get a chest containing a Magic Hand. Make your way towards left. You
will find an angled pathway similar to the one that you seen before
entering ruins. There is a pathway and a split path with a chest nearby
it. The chest contains a One-Piece Dress. The pathway in the north leads
to a chest which contains an Angel Hairball, which is way too strong for
your party at the moment. (Hint: It has 3000 HP!)

Choose to retreat if you accidentally open the treasure chest. Take the
split path leading from the chest. You will find another walkway with a
split path. Take the split path and you will reach a bending junction.
Move and you will reach an area similar to the one that you have been
to earlier.

Map B
| |_______ ____________ Legend
| ________X_____ ___X B X: Yellow markers
| | | | SP: Save Point
X X A: Window Set 2
__| |______ _____| | B: Mega Medicine
| SP _ X _______|
|________ |_____
| | _____ A
| --|_____
|________________ Start

Move to point A and you will find a chest that is very close to the
doorway and you will get a Window Set 2 item. Use the save point. Save
your game. Take the path leading right from the save point. You will
reach a bending junction. Once in the next area, you will find another
t-junction. The path on the right leads to a chest containing a Mega
Medicine. Move towards the other side or retrace back your pathway to
the save point & head for the boss meeting point. Upon reaching that
spot, Ragki will comment on an incoming aura...

Guard HP: 1500 Potch: 1000
Do not use all your spells as there is a 2ND battle after a
series of cutscenes unless you intend to use Mushrooms to
restore HP. I got 6 Lv1 MP for Hero. Hero's Eternal Ordeal
works extremely well. It has a crystal shell attack that does
around 90 HP damage to an ally along with a sonic wave attack
that does 70 HP damage to all allies. Just keep your
character's HP above 150 HP and you will be fine.

Items: ? Ornanment (Good Luck Cat), Platinum


Inner Ruins

Enemies: Killer Rodent, Rodent Leader, Yellow Rodent, Red Rodent,
Blue Rodent

Move up the area and you will reach the inner ruins. There is a save
point. Use it and search the chest for 3x Mega Medicine, 3x Mushroom
and an Escape Talisman. Head north and in the new area.

You will find an old lady near a tree. Search the tree first for a
Treasure Map item. The lady is Rikie. Talk to her and there will
be scenes and you will learn more about the Rune of Punishment. Pick
any answer as you are being prompted. Search the tree for another
Treasure Map. Restore MP if you needed. Exit the area and you will

Guard HP: 2000 Potch: 1500
The boss have two large arms along with more hit points. Its
mega punch does around 100 HP damage to an ally. Just dish
out your strongest spell. Use Eternal Ordeal and followed by
Rush to restore Hero's HP.

Items: Diamond, Iron Hammer


After defeating the boss, you will be outside the ruins with Rakgi and
Rikie joins your party. Make your way to your HQ and you will meet
Manu there. Visit your HQ first before talking to him. Sleep and
restore some hit points. Save your game and you might want to bring
Rikie as your support character instead of Louise as it is more easy
to change members by talking to Louise than Desmond...

Exit your base and talk to Manu. Pick the top option and you will be
heading to the harbour in a split second! Board the ship.

Sea of Obel
Items: Medicine x6
Potch: 1200
S.O.D: Lilin (097) <accessory>

There will be a cutscene aboard the ship. You will meet Lilin. Move to
the big white dot on the compass (well, it is a bit too big...) This
is followed by a prompt:

a) We'll never hand her over to you!

b) I cannot do that.

Pick either one of the prompts and you will be forced to fight..

Captain's Staff x3 Potch: 600p
It just took me less than 2 hits to finish off one of them.
Hence it is an easy battle...

Items: Medicine x3

This is is followed another...

Captain's Staff x3 Potch: 600p
It is just like the previous one. No sweat.

Items: Medicine x3

You will be given the following prompt:

a) Shoot them!!
b) Let them go.

The top option gives you a funny cutscene. Lilin will join your
party. Return the harbour and it will trigger a cutscene. It is
a naval battle!

Naval Battle #4 - Pirate Dario

Pirate Dario vs Hero's Ship

Victory conditions:
Emerge victorious against Pirate Dario

The opposition has 2 Rune shells, wind and fire.

Opponents Stats
Pirate Ship A
Explore: 4
Range: 3
Endurance: 5
Captain: Dario
Rune Cannon: Nalleo (Wind)
Pirate (Fire)
Underlings: 80

You have 12 underlings by default. Your party's Rune will varies

depending on the Runes on that you equipped on the character. Pick
someone with the fire Rune. Fire is strong against Wind and Fire
nullifies Fire. Just use fire...
This is followed by a series of cutscene. You will be introduced to
some new characters. Make your way back to the harbour. A soldier
will come and says that Desmond is looking for you. Make your way back
to the base. Talk to Desmond and Lino has a new mission for you, it is
to look for Oleg who resides at Nay now...

Searching for Oleg...
Items: Nothing
SOD: Oleg (82) <inventor>
Cedric (20) <support - found treasure)

Talk to Manu and choose to take his transport and you will be brought
to the harbour automatically. At the harbour, talk to the Obel guard
and choose to board it. This is followed by a cutscene...

Set sail for Nay which is north off Mordo Island. You might want to
bring in other members for training at this moment of time as you
can upgrade their weapons as well.

Once at Nay, proceed to the high ground where you find the Inn. There
is a pathway leading to there from the Village Chief's house. You will
find a man at the open field east off the Inn. Talk to him and you
will be given the following prompt:

a) Yes, I would love to see it

b) Not surprising they don't understand.

Pick either one of the options and you will be asked to stay for a
night at the inn. Make your way to the inn. You will be brought inside
the room with Oleg and this is followed by cool cutscene. Go to your
bed and sleep.

Once you have exit from the inn, check out the invention and make your
way to the harbour of Nay. Go to the beach and there will be some more
cutscenes. Make your way back to Obel.

At the Obel, proceed to the Inn and stay in the inn. Proceed to the
palace and it will trigger a cutscene. Talk to the lady. Chase after
him and surprisingly he is actually running towards your base ^_^. At
the base, talk to Louise. Eventually, Cedric will join your party!

Make your way to the palace.

Rampage at Obel!
Items: Nothing!
SOD: Ramada (15) <story character>
Akaghi (62) - Wool Vest, Silver Bracers
Mizuki (63) - Wool Robe, Shin Guards

Make your way to the Antechamber. A cutscene will follow. Eventually,

Oleg will join you! Exit the palace and make your way to the base
again. You cannot leave Obel at this point of time. Proceed to the
cliff path and it will trigger a cutscene and you will fight...

Akaghi HP: 600 Potch: 940p
Mizuki HP: 600

They are nowhere as hard as the previous bosses that you have
fought. They are fast moving though and Mizuki has the
ability to poison an ally with her attacks. If that happens,
use an Antitoxin or Healing Wind to cure it.

Items: Nothing!

There will be some cutscenes and apparently they are after the Rune
of Punishment. Make your way back to the palace. Lino will explains to
them about the consequences of possessing the Rune of Punishment.
They will join your party! Setsu seems a bit unhappy about Hero's
presence as he has caused a lot of trouble to Obel since he has arrived

Exit the Antechamber and it will be nighttime at the garden. Make your
way back to the headquarters. While along the cliff path, you will have
another cutscene and eventually this prompt will shows up:-

a) No choice... I must use the Rune...

b) No! I can't use the Rune

(If you choose the bottom option thrice, it will lead to a bad ending
and gameover...)

Choose the top option. Eventually, this is followed by another naval


Naval Battle #5 - Defending Obel

3rd Kooluk Fleet vs Obel Warship

Victory conditions:
Defeat the invaders of the Kingdom of Obel

Both ships have 2 types of Rune shells. One has fire and wind and
the other has wind and earth.

Lino's Ship stats

Obel Ship
Explore: 4
Range: 3
Endurance: 5
Captain: Lino En Kuldes
Rune Cannon: Soldier of Obel 1 (Fire)
Soldier of Obel 2 (Wind)
Underlings: 90

Opponents Stats
Kooluk Ship A Kooluk Ship B
Explore: 4 Explore: 4
Range: 3 Range: 3
Endurance: 5 Endurance: 3
Captain: Kooluk Captain Captain: Kooluk Captain
Rune Cannon: K. Soldier (Fire) Rune Cannon: K. Soldier (Wind)
K. Soldier (Wind) K. Soldier (Earth)
Underlings: 60 Underlings: 60

You have 12 underlings by default. Equip 2 Fire Runes. Have your

strongest party as your fighters. Just counter with Fire Rune as
enemy attacks you. Fire is strong against Wind and nullifies Fire
but you will still substain damage from Earth magic. Have at least
60 Underlings for your ship. The enemy will attempt to board you
i.e. attempt to enter your ship and forcing your fighters to fight
them in a battle. It is an easy one. Fight fire with fire...

You will back at the dark hole again. You will fight Brandeau's Shadow
Just attack him. Back at your room. Make your way to the Saloon and it
will trigger and every one will talk about the Rune of Punishment.
Everyone is fighting for Hero *sob*

Stay for the night and recover the lost hit points. BTW, here is Mizuki
and Akaghi's stats.

LV 25 LV 25
Akaghi STR 63 Mizuki STR 44
HP: 242/242 SKL 61 HP: 212/212 SKL 65
MP: LV 1: 4/4 MAG 47 MP: LV 1: 5/5 MAG 66
LV 2: 1/1 EVA 96 LV 2: 2/2 EVA 84
LV 3: 0/0 PDF 54 LV 3: 1/1 PDF 66
LV 4: 0/0 MDF 68 LV 4: 0/0 MDF 60
SPD 85 SPD 95
ATK 98 DEF 54 LUC 56 ATK 79 DEF 66 LUC 45

Initial Equipment: Initial Equipment:

Wool Vest, Silver Bracers Wool Robe, Shin Guards

Runes: Nil Runes: Shrike

Weapon: Chakram Weapon: Damnacanthus

Items: Silver Circlet*, Sliver Chain*
SOD: Yu (22) <doctor>
Adrienne (23) <smithy>

* Flare's equipment. If you don't take it off, you do it later in the

game. But it is advisible as you need it now and you are low on

Make some preparations and prepare to hit the town. You will see that
Kooluk empire is attempting to invade Obel. Now return back to your
base and you will find everyone is missing. Proceed to the War Room
that is located at the 1st Floor passageway. There will be a couple
of scenes and you will know that the base is actually a ship. You
need to recruit some and Flare will join your party.

LV 27 Notes:
Flare STR 50 Seize the opportunity to get
HP: 189/189 SKL 86 her equipment for your other
MP: LV 1: 5/5 MAG 68 members as she will be leaving
LV 2: 2/2 EVA 77 your party soon.
LV 3: 1/1 PDF 41
LV 4: 0/0 MDF 72 You will be unable to have
SPD 87 other members in the party at
ATK 70 DEF 41 LUC 69 this moment of time except for
support characters. Besides the
Initial Equipment: enemy aren't tough unless you
Silver Circlet, Silver Chain decide to visit the ruins...
Runes: Wind
Weapon: Hathor

Your objective is locate some people and most importantly a doctor.

Proceed to the garden outside the palace and you will find that Ema
and Gary will not be leaving with you. You can't access the ruins
until you have gather everyone...

Proceed to the town and search the area for a man dressed in green
that is near the inn. This is followed by a cutscene of everyone has
deserting the town and they are making preparations. The inn owner &
Rune master are gone and you can still buy items. Proceed the washing
area. The smithery is still around. You can try to upgrade Flare's
weapon if you want. Talk to the women at the washing area and they
will leave for the ship. It trigger some scenes...

Make your way to the lower part of the town. You will find Adrienne
near the trading post. Talk to him and he will join you. Talk to Yu
too. He is the doctor you are looking for. Everyone has deserted the
shops. Proceed to the harbour.

At the harbour, talk to the man dressed in blue and Flare will tell
Hero that they should return back to the ship. From this point onwards,
you will be able to access the ruins. Once you are done with your tour
with the princess, make your way to the base. Flare will leave your

Proceed to the war room and Setsu will stay with Flare. You will be
given the following prompt:

a) Let's go
b) Please give me a moment

Choose the top option and this is followed by some very amusing
cutscenes. Choose "Set Sail" and OBEL ship will be departing for its
first voyage. You will be on the deck. Talk to everyone and you meet
some new faces. Attempt to enter the bridge and you will meet Kika
again. She will ask you to meet her at Nests of Pirates. Before
heading that, there are a lot of exploration to do.

Items: Nothing...
SOD: Haruto (106) <ship crew>
Nico (68) <ship crew>
Pablo (52) - Wool Robe
Lino En Kludes (2) - Battle Suit, Silver Boots
Mao (49) <cultivation>
Nao (76) <cultivation>

The ship is HUGE. It has five storeys of area for you to explore. It
is so huge that I could make a section for it (^_^). BTW, here is the
stats of your newly recruited players:

LV 31 LV 26
Lino En Kludes STR 98 Pablo STR 31
HP: 185/185 SKL 68 HP: 155/155 SKL 74
MP: LV 1: 3/3 MAG 44 MP: LV 1: 6/6 MAG 75
LV 2: 1/1 EVA 45 LV 2: 3/3 EVA 38
LV 3: 0/0 PDF 86 LV 3: 1/1 PDF 31
LV 4: 0/0 MDF 53 LV 4: 0/0 MDF 54
SPD 52 SPD 66
ATK 173 DEF 86 LUC 64 ATK 36 DEF 31 LUC 88

Initial Equipment: Initial Equipment:

Battle Suit, Silver Boots Wool Robe

Runes: Nil Runes: Fire

Weapon: Aten Weapon: Sphere Rod

From this point onwards, you can have 3 parties - 2 parties will be
usable when you fought random battles on the ship and your main party
will have Hero as the compulsory members. There is a lot of
recruitment as your huge ship looks a bit empty. Choose anchor and
rest in your room. Attempt to exit and Tov will talk to you about a
hidden room...

You will meet your first crew members - Chiepoo and the two Knights
of Gaien that you have recruited. Above the door that leads to the
bridge, you will meet Nico, who will be automatically recruited as
you gain control of OBEL ship. Proceed to the bridge and there will
be a stairs that leads to the 1st Floor Corridor

First Deck Corridor

You will find your room here along with Lino's room and a comment
box where people passed you their messages. There the door with a
inn sign leads to the Saloon and you will find Perrault's corner
- First Issue
- Kingdom of Obel Occupied
- Attention to Wanted Man!
- Mother of Depression - Chapter 2

The door opposite the staircase leads to the deck. BTW, remember those
pots and objects that you can sent for appraisals at the appraiser
right? There is a desk in the room that allows you to place them for
decoration. You can also rest in your own room to restore lost HP.

Second Deck Corridor

You will find the war room along with Desmond. Talk him and you will
be given the following options:

- I want to see the roster

- I want to change members
- Nothing

You can view the 108 stars of destiny chart by selecting first option.
You will meet Rakgi here too. The door opposite the war room leads to
the rear deck.

In the saloon area, you will meet Louise along with Ornan. Talk to
Louise and you will be given the following options:

Rest a little
Change members
No thanks, I'm fine

Third Deck Corridor

You will reach the Boutiques area. It looks like a mini shopping to me.
You will find Adrienne there and you will be able to upgrade your
weapons to level 9! Besides upgrading weapon and attaching Rune pieces,
you can make equipment by combining materials that you have obtained
from battles.

Chadli will sell you items and equipment. Below is the shopping list.
Surprisingly, you can't sell items to him...

Chadli's Shop
Items Body gear
------------------------------ -------------------------------
Medicine 20p Tunic 120p
Mega Medicine 150p Leather Armour 250p
Cough Drop 50p Chain Mail 350p
Needle 50p Happi Coat 600p
Antitoxin 50p Wool Loincloth 700p
Jizo Clock 500p Corset 800p
Escape Talisman 200p Iron Mail 1600p
Broiled Fish 100p Linen Outfit 1500p
Mackerel Miso Stew 150p Wool Vest 2100p
Wool Robe 2600p
Head gear Silver Chain 3600p
Bandana 80p Foot gear
Leather Helm 120p -------------------------------
Forehead Guard 120p Sandals 70p
Circlet 120p Shoes 120p
Iron Helm 500p Knee Socks 350p
Wool Hat 700p Anklet 400p
Silver Circlet 2000p Iron Boots 500p
Leg Armor 700p
Hand gear
------------------------------ Accessory
Gloves 120p -------------------------------
Wristbands 250p Guard Ring 2000p
Cotton Mittens 180p Counter Ring 20000p
Leather Gloves 180p Lucky Ring 20000p
Bangle 150p Speed Ring 20000p
Wool Mittens 500p Thunder Amulet 2200p
Kite Shield 3500p
Silver Bracers 3000p

In one of the rooms, you will meet Chiepoo! The central big room leads
to the bath room but you can't use it until you have recurited

Fourth Deck Corridor

There are series of rooms here. You will find the Doctor's room in the
first one that is closest to the stairs. In one of the rooms, you will
meet Rikie. The room in the most northeast corners leads to the
library where you will find Haruto and Oleg. Look carefully at the map
on the wall. Hope it helps... The doors on the left off the library
actually connects to each other...

Fifth Corridor

Rune Cannon Control Room

| |
Accessory Atelier | | Shipwright's Room
| |
(Forbidden Room) ? |____ __| Training Hall

Check the door in the southwest corner (i.e. the one that I mark ? on
my map. There will be someone speaking and you will given the
following prompt:

a) C-Can I come in?

b) Who am I? Who are YOU!?

Pick either one of the options and you will meet Mao inside the room
and given the following prompt:

a) You're growing mushrooms on this ship?

b) Please join us!

Pick either one of the options and he will join you. If you visit the
Accessory Atelier, you will meet Lilin and she will be able to combine
raw items in accessories! The shipwright's room allows you to meet Tov
and customize your ship. In the training hall, you will meet Reinhold.
In the Rune Cannon Control room, you will meet Pablo.

Return back to your room and sleep again. As you exit, Tov will comment
on the Forbidden Room again. Visit and you will find Nao there. You can
have him joining you! There is nothing much to do except for doing some
exploration. Activate the menu and choose Depart. Please note that you
can save anywhere while on the ship.

Your navigation area has expanded and you will encounter tougher
enemies if you sail a bit too far. I would recommend you to avoid
the Razril region unless your party is around level 35. Keep your
exploration within the middle and eastern region
Enemies: Speckled Ray, Jellyfish Man, Poison Lizard (Obel), Giant
Bat (Obel), Fly Lizard (Na-Nal), Damp Hairball (Na-Nal)
Demon Hairball (Iluya, Donut), Spinny Grecko (Iluya, Donut),
Red Ray (Iluya), Leviathan (rare), Metal Crab (Deserted),
Rock Crab (Nest of Pirates)

- A couple of new enemies is added to the list. But I would advise

you to have a lot of magic users (who can cast group spells in
your party when visiting Iluya or Donut region) as the enemies
there are tougher than the ones you encounter normally.
- Once you approach near Iluya, you will see that the sky is getting
darker and starts to rain, that means you are close to Iluya.
- If you encounter Leviathan on the battle, choose to escape as I
stated earlier, it has a lot of HP.
- Near the Deserted Island, you can encounter a larger version of
the Rock Crab and it has around 4500 HP. So it might take sometime
to kill it, but it is within your ability to take it down.

Nay Island - Nay-Kobold Settlement
Items: Message Bottle, Glowing Hand Mirror
SOD: Bang (53) <lottery shop>
Bartholomew (50)- Battle Suit, Gauntlet
Viki (78) - Wool Robe, Shell Sandals, Blinking Rune

Enemies: Golden Wolf, Savage Sprout, Killer Fly

Make some preparations and you might want to upgrade Mizuki & Akaghi's
weapon before taking them out for battles. Talk to Adreinne and you
will hand over the Iron Hammer to him. Visit and read Perrault's
article and you read something about Bartholomew.

At the harbour, search the beach for a Message Bottle key item. It is
located near the shoreline of the beach.

Proceed to Nay-Kobold Settlement. Move pass the suspension bridge and

you will meet someone who appears out of nowhere (!). Enter the
settlement area.

Enter the settlement. Talk to Bang who is at the lottery post. Recruit
him. Proceed up the stairs and move into the residence house where you
meet Bartholomew earlier. Talk to him and you will be able to recruit
him. Exit Nay-Kobold and make your way to suspension bridge. You will
meet the girl (Viki) and you will be able to recruit her! You will
get the Glowing Hand Mirror key item, which allows you to teleport back
to the ship! From now onwards, you will find Viki at the 2nd Deck
corridor with the teleporting mirror that allows you to access areas
instantly that you have visited before!

LV 27 LV 26
Viki STR 40 Bartholomew STR 101
HP: 145/145 SKL 114 HP: 279/279 SKL 39
MP: LV 1: 6/6 MAG 89 MP: LV 1: 3/3 MAG 39
LV 2: 3/3 EVA 77 LV 2: 1/1 EVA 63
LV 3: 1/1 PDF 28 LV 3: 0/0 PDF 76
LV 4: 0/0 MDF 77 LV 4: 0/0 MDF 31
SPD 34 SPD 25
ATK 45 DEF 28 LUC 32 ATK 119 DEF 76 LUC 38

Initial Equipment: Initial Equipment:

Wool Robe, Shell Sandals Battle Suit, Gauntlet

Runes: Blinking Rune Runes: N/A

Weapon: Wand Weapon: Blue Spear

Items: Nothing!
SOD: Ugetsu (30) - Wool Vest, Water Rune
Shiramine (28) - Wool Vest
Lilan (74) <accessory>
Jeane (40) - Feather Robe, Silver Anklet, Lightning Rune,
Charm Rune <Rune master>

Enemies: Paradise Bee

At the harbour, proceed to the trading post and you will find Ugetsu
at the planks that is directly opposite the Trading Post and he is
facing the ocean. Talk to him and you will be able to recruit him. Use
the Blinking Mirror and make your way to the rear deck via the 2nd
deck corridor. Talk to him and you will have a cutscene and you will
meet Shiramine. Talk to him and you will be able to recruit him. Use
the mirror and teleport your team to Nay-Harbour. Proceed back to the
rear deck and talk to Shiramine. Choose to cast a net (top option).

Activate menu and choose depart. Proceed to Na-Nal again. Do not

enter the harbour. Choose Anchor instead. Proceed to the rear deck
and choose to pull up the net. You will have a cutscene of your guys
fishing up another mermaid. Lilan will join your party!

LV 21 LV 21
Ugetsu STR 57 Shiramane STR 62
HP: 216/216 SKL 29 HP: 237/237 SKL 41
MP: LV 1: 3/3 MAG 40 MP: LV 1: 2/2 MAG 27
LV 2: 1/1 EVA 35 LV 2: 0/0 EVA 34
LV 3: 0/0 PDF 41 LV 3: 0/0 PDF 72
LV 4: 0/0 MDF 29 LV 4: 0/0 MDF 33
SPD 23 SPD 41
ATK 77 DEF 41 LUC 30 ATK 72 DEF 72 LUC 40

Initial Equipment: Initial Equipment:

Wool Vest Wool Vest

Runes: Water Rune Runes: N/A

Weapon: Axe Weapon: Calm

Make your way back to Na-Nal. Make your way to the Inn and you will
meet Manu. Pick the top option to recruit him! From this point
onwards, you will be use the elevator within your ship. Make your
way to the Rune Shop. Talk to Shopkeeper. Choose the second option
to meet the Rune Master. (Prepare some tissue paper...)

LV 27 Notes:
Jeane STR 50 You will be given 3 options. I
HP: 189/189 SKL 86 would opt for Runes to put on
MP: LV 1: 5/5 MAG 68 if you are bring a training party
LV 2: 2/2 EVA 77 as the upcoming battle will be
LV 3: 1/1 PDF 41 tough.
LV 4: 0/0 MDF 72
SPD 87 Besides her removal and equipping
ATK 70 DEF 41 LUC 69 of Rune is much cheaper. Once you
done, talk to the shopkeeper and
Initial Equipment: ask for Jeane again. Choose the
Feather Robe, Silver Anklet 3rd option and you will be able
Runes: Charm, Lightning to recruit her!
Weapon: Hathor

Make your way to the gathering square. There is a woman standing

alone in the center of the square. Talk her and you will fight...

Maxine HP: 2000 Potch: 1000p

This one can be a tough one if you are bring in a training

party. Bring in a party where they have more 200+ HP damage
or someone with the Earth Rune. She will start off by casting
a couple of Earth spells - Clay Guardian. She is able to use
Wind of Sleep and this is followed by a powerful wind spell
- The Shredding. Prepare some Jizo Clock in case. She is
quite tough in defense though.

Return back to your ship and rest. Save your game and make your way to
Nay Island Harbor. Proceed to the Stonecutter's Area. You will find her
under a tree...

Maxine HP: 2500 Potch: 2000p

She is more tougher as she will use the Shredding more faster
than the previous battle. Make sure someone in the party has
the Kindess Rain spell. If Jeane is at a decent level, you
will be beat her easily with her magic. Clay Guardian is
extremely useful for this battle.

Now, make some preparations for a long sea trip. Give your magic
characters some Lightning Rune. Bring in Jeane seems to be a wise
choice. Set sail southwest off Nay Town towards Middleport.
Eventually, you will find an island in between the pathway. Choose
to land there.

Ocean (near Desert Island)
Enemies: Jellyfish Man, Giant Bat, Speckled Ray, Metal Crab,
Rock Crab

- If you encounter a Metal Crab, you are in luck. The enemy has
very strong defenses and its attack does tremendous amount of
damage to an ally. As being a sea creature, it is extremely weak
against Lightning. Soaring Bolt/Eternal Ordeal works extremely
against it

There is nothing much to do other heading for the island..

Deserted Island
Items: Taisuke's Clothes
SOD: Taisuke (104) <bath>
Lilen (55) <accessory>

Enemies: Pearl Crab (cave), Giant Bat (cave), Wild Crab (forest)

The place should look familiar to you. It is the same place that you
have stay for three nights and meet Lilin. Make your way into the cave
and proceed to Subterranean Lake. You will see a speech box and it
seems someone is undressed (oops ^_^)

You will be at the Subterranean Lake. Use the recovery point and make
your way outside. He will remind you to bring his clothes to him.
Outside the cave, you will find a green bundle. Check it and you will
get Taisuke's Clothes. Return back to the lake area and talk to him
Hero will hand over his clothes. Exit the cave and re-enter again and
return back to him. He will be dressed up and you will be able to
recruit him. He will be at the bath area. You can have private baths
at your ship!

Re-enter the cave and proceed to the Subterranean Lake AGAIN. You will
find another mermaid. She is Lilien. Choose the top option as your
reply and she will joins you!

Iluya Island
Items: Ocean Rune Piece x2, Treasure Map x3, Chinchilla Stand,
Simple Wallpaper, Old Book Volume 7
SOD: Nataly (75) <window set>
Kate (79) - Linen Outfit, Shin Guards
Izak (6) - Wool Vest

Make your way to Nay-Kobold Settlement (use the magic mirror) and
head for the trading post. Purchase a flower seed. Bring Mizuki in
your party. Train your party around level 35 and you will be fine.

Iluya is just directly north off Nay Island. The distance isn't quite
far. As you are approaching the area, the area tends to get foggy.
This means you will start to encounter new enemies on top of the
normal enemies that you encounter.

You will encounter random battles as you move in this area.

Enemies: Stun Lizard (destroyed town), Bloody Behemoth (destroyed
town), Kooluk Soldier (advanced base), Kooluk Archer
(advance base)

Move up the stairs and you will find an Ocean Rune Piece along with a
Treasure Map from the chest. Move forward and you will find another
chest near the gates containing a Chinchilla Stand. Make your way to
the next area

Kooluk Advanced Base

There is a chest containing a Angel Hairball. I recommend you to
challenge it later. Check out the building. You will find a chest
containing another Ocean Rune Piece and Treasure Map. Check the knight
sword near the crate at the northeast corner for a Simple Wallpaper.
Outside the building, search crates located just opposite the base.
You will find another Treasure Map!

Destroyed Town Area

There is another chest containing a Angel Hairball. Retreat currently
as the enemy is way too strong for the time being. You will find a
a woman in this area. She is Nataly and you will be given the following

a) Was it because of the Kooluk attacks?

b) ...

Choose the top option and you will eventually be prompted to recruit her.
Enter the other part via the area marker.

Destroyed Town Area

This is a circular maze but you should have no problem in moving around.
There is a chest within the area containing an Old Book Volume 7. Make
sure you don't miss it. In the center of the town, there is a man with
a large sword on his back. He is Izak. Talk to him and you will be given
the following prompt eventually.

a) Let us fight together!

b) ...

However, he would request you to bring him a Flower Seed. Talk to him
again and you will hand over your flower seed that you have bought
earlier from Nay-Kobold. In the eastern region of maze, search for a
woman. Talk to her and you will be given a prompt. Introduce yourself.
She will ignore you if you did not bring Mizuki along. If Mizuki is
in your current party, you will be able to recruit here.

Below are their stats:

LV 29 LV 31
Izak STR 108 Kate STR 51
HP: 273/273 SKL 47 HP: 235/235 SKL 75
MP: LV 1: 3/3 MAG 43 MP: LV 1: 6/6 MAG 85
LV 2: 1/1 EVA 55 LV 2: 3/3 EVA 115
LV 3: 0/0 PDF 79 LV 3: 1/1 PDF 68
LV 4: 0/0 MDF 41 LV 4: 0/0 MDF 57
SPD 39 SPD 113
ATK 128 DEF 79 LUC 61 ATK 71 DEF 68 LUC 65

Initial Equipment: Initial Equipment:

Wool Vest Linen Outfit, Shin Guards

Runes: Lightning Runes: Earth

Weapon: Ancient Sword Weapon: Black Flower

Remember the mysterious bottle? You can located the island which is
located east off Obel. Hence head south from here. There is an
island that is shaped like a donut. Enter. Apparently, there isn't

Donut Island
Items: Treasure Map, Rage Orb
SOD: Rene (66) <treasure hunting>

Enemies: Fishman

On the island, you will find a girl in the middle and that's all ^_^.
Talk to her and you will be able to recruit her and she will give you
a treasure map. Board your ship, anchor and head for the library which
located on Fourth Deck Corridor. She is in the room where you find
Oleg and Haruto. Talk to her and she will analyze the map that she
given you and you will be given a tutorial on her mini-game - treasure

Remember those treasure maps that you have gathered earlier? They are
actually maps for Rene to analyze and you will be able to find them.
Upon her analysis, you need to head back to Donut Island. Make use of
Viki's magic mirror and head there or you can choose depart from your
menu and make 360 degrees turn back into the island. Do as she says
and you will get a Rage Orb which is an advanced version of Fire Orb.
Give it to a strong magic user.

You can come to the end of side quests. Time to proceed to the Nest
of Pirates which is located south off Obel.

Just sail towards the blue arrow indicated on your chart and you will
be able to find it. Once you are within the area, search for an
opening to the island and you will have a cutscene of entering the

Nest of Pirates
Items: Pirate Bracers, Treasure Map x 2, Ocean Rune Piece
SOD: Kika (13) - Corset, Silver Bracers, Silver Boots, Falcon Rune
Hervey (45) - Iron Mail, Kite Shield, Iron Boots, Fire
Sigurd (44) - Linen Outfit, Silver Bracers, Leather Boots,
Water Rune
Dario (58) - Iron Mail, Iron Boots
Nalleo - <support - found treasure>
Lilon (41) <accessory>
Phil (71) <tailor>

If you have been following the walkthrough from the start till now,
you should have already recruited 40+ members by now...

Aboard the island, you will find an equipment shop and a smithery.
Suprisingly, the bargain finds will always nab a series of great
orbs and equipment...

Shopping List
Equipment Shop Smithery
______________________________ __________________________________
Mega Medicine 150p Can upgrade weapon to level 9
Cough Drop 80p
Needle 80p
Jizo Clock 500p


Search the crates near the equipment shop and you will find a minature
chest. Check it and you will find another Treasure Map. Move towards
the lefthand most end of the pathway and you will find Pirate Bracers.
Equip it on Hero. Talk to the pirate that is standing near the shore.

Proceed to the cave and it is actually a bar. The inn will allow you
to stay there for 1200p per night (that's daylight robbery! But
remember that they are PIRATES.) Talk to Phil (if you have 40 members
or more recruited) and you will be able to recruit him. Proceed to the
room in the north and it leads to Kika's room. There is another chest,
search it and you will get a Treasure Map and a Ocean Rune Piece.

Talk to Kika or any of her friends (Sigurd, Hervey or Dario) and you
will trigger a cutscene. Eventually, you will be given the following

a) Ms Kika, Let's fight together

b) But pirates are a little...

Pick the top option and you will recruit Kika, Hervey, Sigurd, Nalleo
and Dario. Below are their stats.

LV 30 LV 27
Kika STR 53 Hervey STR 87
HP: 228/228 SKL 105 HP: 256/256 SKL 60
MP: LV 1: 4/4 MAG 46 MP: LV 1: 3/3 MAG 36
LV 2: 1/1 EVA 98 LV 2: 1/1 EVA 76
LV 3: 0/0 PDF 69 LV 3: 0/0 PDF 60
LV 4: 0/0 MDF 65 LV 4: 0/0 MDF 47
SPD 83 SPD 87
ATK 110 DEF 69 LUC 53 ATK 129 DEF 60 LUC 67
Initial Equipment: Initial Equipment:
Corset, Silver Bracers, Iron Mail, Kite Shield, Iron
Silver Boots Boots
Runes: Falcon Runes: Fire
Weapon: Deesha Weapon: Broad Sword

LV 27 LV 23
Sigurd STR 68 Dario STR 79
HP: 220/220 SKL 88 HP: 255/255 SKL 35
MP: LV 1: 4/4 MAG 52 MP: LV 1: 3/3 MAG 43
LV 2: 1/1 EVA 68 LV 2: 1/1 EVA 32
LV 3: 0/0 PDF 66 LV 3: 0/0 PDF 63
LV 4: 0/0 MDF 57 LV 4: 0/0 MDF 63
SPD 76 SPD 27
ATK 128 DEF 66 LUC 49 ATK 99 DEF 63 LUC 35

Initial Equipment: Initial Equipment:

Linen Outfit, Silver Bracers Iron Mail, Iron Boots
Leather Boots
Runes: Water Runes: Nil
Weapon: Steel Blade Weapon: Wood Splitter

I would recommend you to do something for these pirates as you will

need them for the upcoming battle. Upgrade their weapons to at least
level 7 and you will be fine.

Exit and sail around the area for a while. Return back the Nests of

Nest of Pirates Revisited!
Items: Nothing!
SOD: Lilon (41) <accessory>
Liloon (54) <accessory>

Revisit the place and you will find out that a "guest" has arrived.
This is followed by some cutscenes and you will be given the following
prompt from Katarina

a) ...?
b) Then my name has been cleared?

Exit Kika's room and you will be back at the bar for more scenes. They
are talking about Scarlet Moon Empire's Elenor Silverberg. Some scenes
follow. Save your game and exit the bar. Go to shore, talk to Rikie
and choose to board your ship. This is followed by some scenes and
eventually a naval battle...

Naval Battle #6 - Former Friend

Snowe's Army vs Hero's Army
Victory conditions:
Destroy all ships and stop Snowe's assault

They have 2 ships and you have 2 too. One of the ship has lightning
and earth while the other has wind and fire.

Lino's Ship stats

The Grishend
Explore: 3
Range: 4
Endurance: 7
Captain: Kika
Rune Cannon: Nalleo (Fire)
Fighters: Sigurd, Hervey, Dario
Underlings: 70

Opponents Stats
Snowe's Ship Gaien Ship
Explore: 4 Explore: 3
Range: 3 Range: 3
Endurance: 5 Endurance: 5
Captain: Snowe Captain: Kooluk Captain
Rune Cannon: K. Soldier (Land) Rune Cannon: K. Soldier (Fire)
K. Soldier (Lit.) K. Soldier (Wind)
Underlings: 150 Underlings: 150

Give Hero's ship - Fire, Earth, Lightning

Kika's ship - Fire, Fire (replaced Nalleo with someone else

I was able to assign 3 Rune shells for OBEL as I got Hero to

level 40 prior to fighting this. If you get too close to your
enemies i.e. within 1 square, your fights on board will be forced
to fight them. Don't bring character that based on magic as you are
unable to use Runes. Bring attackers, characters like Bartholomew
works well. Do not get your members killed or you will not be able
to use for the remaining of game! Just keep on using Earth Rune
shells against Snowe and Fire Rune shell against the other ship
and you will be fine.


After the battle is over, you need to chase after Snowe to Razril. Make
your way to Razril (you will not be able to visit any towns at this
moment of time). Along the sea, you will encounter new battles which
you reach near Middleport or Razril.

Enemies: Speckled Ray, Jellyfish Man, Poison Lizard (Obel), Giant
Bat (Obel), Fly Lizard (Na-Nal), Damp Hairball (Na-Nal)
Demon Hairball (Iluya, Donut), Spinny Grecko (Iluya, Donut),
Red Ray (Iluya), Leviathan (rare), Metal Crab (Deserted),
Rock Crab (Nest of Pirates), Ice Bird (Razril), Killer
Fish (Razril)

Once you made contact with Razril and you will have several cutscenes
and eventualy this prompt:

a) Let the sea determine his fate.

b) You have one chance. Will you join us?
c) Execute him.

Pick the first option or second option. He will refuse to join you if
you pick the second option and still leave you anyway. I choose the
1st option. If you choose the 3rd option, Snowe will never appear on
the face of this world anymore...

Proceed back to the Nest of Pirates (yup it its a long way or you
can use the magic mirror...). Exit the area by boarding the ship via
talking to Rikie. Re-enter the Nest of Pirates and there will be a
message from Lilon and some cutscenes which eventually allows you
to recruit her.

Examine the blinking mirror and head for Iluya. Proceed to the smoky
harbor and find a stairs that leading downards, which just north from
the entrance stairway. You will find Liloon there. Use your glowing
hand mirror and teleport back Nest of Pirates. (If you have Kika in
your party, the pirates will treat you differently and you will be
able stay in the Inn for free!)

Head for the island marked by the blue marker - Hermitage Island.

Hermitage Island
Items: Mega Medicine x3, Skunk Orb, Green Bottle, Crest, Treasure
Map x2, Copper Hammer, Earth Orb
SOD: Agnes (85) <support - healing>
Elenor (3) <tactician>

There is nothing much other than heading Hermitage Island, which is

just northwest off the Nest of Pirates. Once you get near it, it will
trigger a cutscene. Dario, Sigurd and Hervey will form part of your
party as compulsory members..

Move north from the harbor and you will reach the forest.

Enemies: Wild Leaves, Demon Wolf, Fossil Beast (Back Road)

The enemies encounter will depends on Sigurd and Hervey's levels

but the enemies will be wiped out instantly if Hero's weapon level
is at level 9.

Move north off from the forest and there will be a cutscene.

a) Are you Ms. Elenor?

b) Ms Elenor... You're quite young.

There will be a couple of cutscenes and some of them are very humorous.
Hero will have a chat with Elenor eventually.

a) Please fight with us!

b) I can't believe you drugged everyone!
Pick the top option. She wants you to bring everyone inside a box
found in the cave. Head back to the forest. Search the chest outside
the building for Mega Medicine x3 and Shunk Orb.

Back Road
You will be alone using Hero. Make your way down the road. On the
next screen, you will face a...

Horned Behemoth HP: 750 Potch: 3000p
It has a normal punch attack, a somerault punch that does
around 60+ HP. But it took me just 2 Eternal Ordeal to
finish off because my Hero is at level 40. Just save up a
couple of Mega Medicines, use it when Hero's HP is below 100.

Items: Horn, Earth Rune Piece


Make your way into the cave and you will reach the Limestone Cave.
Search the desk at the end of the path for a Green Bottle & Crest.
Search wine pots located on right side of the shelves for another
Treasure Map item.

Exit the cave and make your way back to Elenor's Room. Talk to Agnes
and you will hand over the Green Bottle. Hero will hand over the crest
to Elenor and you will be given the following prompt:

a) Yes.
b) I have no other choice.
c) ...

You will be able to access the Dirt Floor Room in Hermitage. Search
the stove for a Crab Bun and rest in her room for free! Exit via
the door here to the forest and there will be a cutscene with Agnes.
She will join your party! The chest in this area contains a Copper
Hammer. Inside small shed, there is a chest containing a Treasure Map.
Search the well for Earth Orb. Examine the door and you will head for
forest or using the magic mirror...

The leader is born...
Items: Golden Seal

Make your party preparations. Proceed to the War Room. You will find
most of your crew members (or characters who join you as part of the
story there). This is follow by some cutscenes and Elenor believe that
there can ONLY be one leader and you will be forced to duel Lino one-
on-one. This is followed by this prompt:

a) W-Wait a minute
b) Then may the best man win

If you picked the top option, you have the luxury of not fighting
Lino and crown leader. If you choose the bottom option...

Fencing Battle #5 - Vs. Lino En Kludes
Well, this battle is quite easy as you are destined to win over
Lino. Just use the respective commands as you see the quote...

Quote Choice
All right, let's get right down it - Special
It's my turn next - Special
Okay, first, we'll see how things go... - Attack
I think I'll save my energy a little. - Attack
Come on! Let's see what you've got. - Attack
Hehe... Better be prepared for the next move... - Guard
Guess I'll start getting serious now... - Guard


Once the duel is over and Lino will temporarily abdicate his throne
and give you the Golden Seal. Next you will be able to name the ship...

a) Let's go with Chicken

b) Let's go with Dauntless
c) I'll think up my own name

along with your army...

a) The Rush... I guess

b) The Hero Army... I guess*
c) I'll think up my own name

(*Hero will be replaced by the name that you have given to the main

And lastly, pick the bottom option to launch the ship! To continue
with the quest, you can just return back to the War room and proceed
on or it is time to recruit some more characters!

Hermitage Island - Revisited
Items: Bone x2, Skin x2
Potch: 2700
SOD: Aldo (9) - Linen Outfit, Gauntlet
Gau (22) - Wool Vest
Jango (34) <ship crew>
Brec (35) <ship crew>
Katarina (26) - see previous equipment

Enemies: Wild Leaves, Fossil Beast, Demon Wolf

* Bring in characters with high magic attacks for this battle

You can collect the items that you have missed earlier. Proceed to the
back road that leads to the limestone cave and you meet Aldo who is on
the road. Talk to him and you will be able to recruit him.

You can rest at Elenor's Room for free if you want to. Proceed back to
forest and loiter around for a random battle...
Demon Wolf A HP: 200 Potch: 2500p
Demon Wolf B HP: 200
Gau HP: 2000
Demon Wolf C HP: 200
Demon Wolf D HP: 200

My level: 42
The demon wolves can be wiped out singlely with an area-based
base spell such as Burning Flames, Beserking Blow or even
Hero's Double-Edged Sword. Just finished off his sidekicks
first before going after Gau. Gau has only one attack - a
three punch combo that does between 100 to 150 damage to an
ally. Hence you need to keep your party's HP at a decent
level. Besides he has a strong defense against phyiscal but
is extremely weak against Magic. Use magic and you will be
fine. If you intend to attack him with Hero's Eternal Ordeal
keep an eye on Hero's health...

Items: Bone x2, Skin x2


After the battle is over, you will be able to converse with the man
beast (Gau) and you will be able to recruit him by picking the 2nd

LV 26 LV 25
Gau STR 98 Aldo STR 69
HP: 310/310 SKL 47 HP: 191/191 SKL 66
MP: LV 1: 2/2 MAG 23 MP: LV 1: 4/4 MAG 46
LV 2: 0/0 EVA 38 LV 2: 1/1 EVA 63
LV 3: 0/0 PDF 87 LV 3: 0/0 PDF 68
LV 4: 0/0 MDF 22 LV 4: 0/0 MDF 79
SPD 67 SPD 83
ATK 108 DEF 87 LUC 41 ATK 89 DEF 68 LUC 39

Initial Equipment: Initial Equipment:

Wool Vest Linen Outfit, Gauntlets
Runes: Nil Runes: Nil
Weapon: Fist Weapon: Iron Bow

There is no much of interest on this. It is time to move on. Return

back to your ship. Proceed to your room and Desmond will say someone
is in your room. You will meet Lino, Elenor and Agnes along with the 2
pirates - Jango & Brec. Talk to them and they will join you!

Make your way to the Nest of Pirates. Visit Kika's room and you will
find Katarina healthy again. A cutscene will followed and this is by
a series of prompts. Pick the top option for both prompts and she will
joins you! Her equipment is the same that first time you use here.
She is still a level 11 character with a puny level 1 weapon. But she
can be powerful magic user once she is at a decent level.

Head for the holiday resort-like island - Mordo Island...

Mordo Island
Items: Nothing!
Potch: 15000p
SOD: Lo Seng (27) - Wool Vest, Prosperity Rune
Lo Fong (29) - Silver Chain, Earth Rune
Lo Hak (31) - Silver Chain, Fire Rune
Igor <coin toss, support: found treasure>

Enemies: Killer Rodent, Paradise Bee, Rodent Leader, Yellow Rodent,
Red Rodent, Blue Rodent

Visit the hot spring and you will meet Lo Fong and Lo Hak. They will
disturb you during your dip. When you are about to get out of the
spring, they will threaten you to pay them 10000p. Choose the first
option and you will fight...

(Lo Seng joins in the gang...)

Lo Seng HP: 1200 Potch: 15000p
Lo Fong HP: 1000
Lo Hak HP: 1000

The battle is really easy. It is a smart move to conserve

your Rush attack so that you get a bonus turn. Their attacks
does around 40+ to each ally and they are no danger in
threatening your party since they are fully healed. Use 2
Double-Edged Sword followed by a strong attack spell will do
the trick.

Items: Nothing!

LV 23 LV 23
Lo Hak STR 52 Lo Fong STR 42
HP: 166/166 SKL 67 HP: 165/165 SKL 62
MP: LV 1: 4/4 MAG 51 MP: LV 1: 5/5 MAG 60
LV 2: 1/1 EVA 62 LV 2: 2/2 EVA 54
LV 3: 0/0 PDF 51 LV 3: 1/1 PDF 54
LV 4: 0/0 MDF 36 LV 4: 0/0 MDF 63
SPD 80 SPD 89
ATK 72 DEF 51 LUC 34 ATK 62 DEF 54 LUC 80

Initial Equipment: Initial Equipment:

Silver Chain Silver Chain
Runes: Fire Runes: Earth
Weapon: Bow Weapon: Tranquility

LV 23 Notes:
Lo Seng STR 62 They can learned the Siblings
HP: 200/200 SKL 43 Attack (combo) if you have them all
MP: LV 1: 3/3 MAG 37 in battle for 10 or more battles.
LV 2: 1/1 EVA 54 This also works for characters who
LV 3: 0/0 PDF 45 can learn combo attacks like Kika
LV 4: 0/0 MDF 32 and Hero, Sigurd and Hervey.
SPD 69
ATK 82 DEF 45 LUC 36 For more details about Combo, please
refer to Combo section under the
Initial Equipment: Tutorial.
Wool Vest
Runes: Prosperity
Weapon: Throwing Knives

After defeating them, you will be able to recruit the siblings for
your group. You will be back at the world map. Make a U-turn and
return back the island. You will meet Igor outside the spring. Talk
to him and you will recruit him!

Return back the ship and place Chiepoo in your group. Proceed to
Nay Island.

Nay-Kobold Settlement
Items: Nothing!
SOD: Nalkul (90) - Happi Coat
Champo (91) - Happi Coat

* You can recruit Bartholomew if you haven't recruit him earlier or

battle Maxine at the stonecutter's field (provided you have
defeated her at the gathering square in Na-Nal). Please refer to
previous sections of the walkthrough for the details.

Once aboard on harbour, Chiepoo will tell you that he wants to take a
look at the trading post. Make your way to the harbour. Proceed to
the Nay-Kobold settlement via the stonecutter's field, the suspension
bridge and eventually Nay-Kobold settlement.

Enemies: Killer Fly, Golden Wolf, Savage Sprout, Demon Frog*

- The Demon Frog will appears after you have gotten the Golden Seal
and it can only be encountered at the Suspension Bridge area. It
has around 5000HP. Hence, once you encounter it, dish out all
your strongest magic for the kill.

Talk to everyone and one of the Kobolds will warn you about
pickpockets. Exit the town and make your way out. At the suspension
bridge, there will be a cutscene of you meet Nalkul and Champo. After
some scenes and you will be given the following prompt:

a) The Golden Seal is gone.

b) The Golden Seal... has been stolen!

Pick the 2nd option and head back Nay-Kobold Settlement. Visit the
left hand side of the warehouse and you meet Nalkul and Champo after
a second prompt and you will find the Golden Seal end up inside the
warehouse. Upon knowing the "great" Chiepoo and Hero, Nalkul and
Champo offers to help to recover the seal. You will be forced to play
a mouse catching mini-game. Please refer to mini-games section for
more details. Just catch 3 mice within the 99 seconds and you will
complete this side quest and recruit Nalkul and Champo!

LV 25 LV 25
Champo STR 47 Nalkul STR 64
HP: 197/197 SKL 72 HP: 182/182 SKL 56
MP: LV 1: 4/4 MAG 47 MP: LV 1: 4/4 MAG 52
LV 2: 1/1 EVA 74 LV 2: 1/1 EVA 80
LV 3: 0/0 PDF 45 LV 3: 0/0 PDF 56
LV 4: 0/0 MDF 74 LV 4: 0/0 MDF 54
SPD 73 SPD 87
ATK 57 DEF 45 LUC 45 ATK 74 DEF 56 LUC 61

Initial Equipment: Initial Equipment:

Happi Coat Happi Coat
Runes: Nil Runes: Nil
Weapon: Claws Weapon: One

There is nothing much to do other than heading back to the war room...

Items: Ocean Rune Piece, Silk, Interior Design Book
Potch: 11200p
SOD: Osakar (107) <support character - found treasure>
Deborah (84) <support character - appraise>

At the war room, there will be a couple of cutscenes and your goal is
simple - unify the southern islands to face the enemies from the north
-Kooluk and your objective is recapture Razril. Elenor suggest that you
take care of the Middleport. Ramda will tend reminds you a monster
that live in the seas. Now make some preparations and set sail for
Middleport. It is a good time to train your magic users till they are
level 40 and set 3 parties of Rune magic users and they must be at
least level 35 because for the upcoming battle, melee-based attacks
(i.e. close range attacks) will be useless.

Save your game when you could see Middleport from your compass. Go
to your room and rest. Exit and make contact with Middleport. If you
fought a random battle before making to Middleport, use your other
ship party to attack it. Equip a strong magic user with the Rage Orb
and have her or him in your party.

There will be some scenes and a giant octopus attacks your ship with
its 4 tentacles:

Tentacle A HP: 500 Potch: 11200p
Tentacle B HP: 500
Moving Isle HP: 3500
Tentacle C HP: 500
Tentacle D HP: 500

The boss has a charge attack that deals between 40 to 90 HP

to allies depending on characters' defense, a black spout that
does 50+ HP damage to an ally along with sleep status & lastly
the tentacles beam attack that does 100+ HP damage to all
allies, which is only used when the tentacles are critically
low HP.

First of all, kill off all tentacles. If you do not do that

these will unleash a deadly beam attack to all allies. One
quick way is to use Rush (rush could still hit the boss).
Unleash your magic at the tentacles. Lightning magic works
extremely efficient against the boss. If you have 2 characters
with level 4 spell (Thunder and Water), you unleash Thunder
God which is extremely effective against the boss. Character
who uses projectiles like Sigurd could still attack the boss.

By the way, you can alternate between your main party and
ship party for this battle. But it will be game over if
either one of the parties is entirely wiped out.

Likewise as the tentacles belong to the Moving Isle, if it is

killed all tentacles will be wipe out too.

Items: Silk, Ocean Rune Piece


There will be a couple of prompts and Sigurd seem to be keen on going

for the visit. Ramada will accompany you. Hence bring Sigurd. You will
end up in the Middleport and you meet Mickey with Reinbarach III and
you will be given the following prompt:

a) I would like to open a business here

b) I would like a formal audience with him

Pick the top option. Reinbach III and Mickey will join your company.
You can return back to your ship and restore your lost HP and save your
game before hitting the town.

The shops are selling new items. Do not overspend and converse at least
10000p as you will need it to recruit a character here.

Shopping List
Trading Post - please refer to the section 3.07

Equipment Shop Armor Shop

______________________________ __________________________________
Medicine 20p Pirate Boots 2000p
Mega Medicine 150p Silver Boots 2300p
Cough Drop 50p Magic Sandals 2200p
Escape Talisman 200p Paw Gloves 5000p
Wind Amulet 2200p Noble Gloves 8500p
Pirate Bracers 2700p
Inn 120p Feather Robe 3800p
Pirate Armor 6500p
Lottery Shop Silver Mail 8800p
Magical Hat 3000p
Appraiser 200p Nay-Kobold Hat 3800p
Silver Helm 5250p

Talk to old man dressed in black near the Trading Post and Sigurd will
talk with him (Keen). It seems like that they have a bad feud. Take a
look at the trading post and you will meet the appraiser too.

Central Square
Talk to the lady at the square for a Interior Design Book. Visit the Inn
and talk to Deborah and Osakar. Deborah will join you and left Osakar
there (*lonely*...). You can still play dice with Gunter. There is
nothing much do other than heading for Lord's Mansion.

You will meet Schtolteheim Reinbach II and you will be given the
following prompt:

a) I am Schtolteheim Reinbach III (LOL)

b) I am Hero.

Pick the sensible answer above and there will be some conversation and
you will be given this prompt:

a) You do business with Cray as well?

b) We seek your help in fighting Kooluk.

Pick the bottom option. You will find that Kooluk is one of Middleport's
trading partner. Reinbach III seems unhappy with his father and

a) It is not a bad deal

b) That is quite unilateral...

Reinbach III and Mickey will leave your party and they speak of the
octopus. Exit the mansion. Return back to your ship by making your way
back to the harbour. Talk to Rikie and there will be a cutscene,
Reinbach III and Mickey will come and wants to move along with you...

a) Please, come aboard.

b) Well, I guess it can't be helped...

Pick the top option. You will need to get the Rose Crest in order for
Micky and Reinbach III to join you. They will stay at the harbour to
wait for your Rose Crest. Make use of Viki's teleporation mirror...

Nay Island
Items: Rose Crest
SOD: Reinbach (10) - Silver Chain, Silver Bracers
Micky (46) <newspaper>
Etienne (77) <music test>
Keen (21) <confessions room>
Helga (19) - Battle Suit
Charlemagne (80) - Silver Chain

Make your way to the High Inn and visit the rooms in the lower left
hand corner. Talk to the man and he will tell you about a woman is on
rampage in Middleport and wreck the inn. Now visit the Inn's room that
has a chest in it. You will meet Gareth there. Talk to him and you
will be given the following prompt:

a) Do you know of the Rose Crest?

b) It's nothing

Pick the top option and this is followed by another prompt:

a) I see...
b) Actually I was asked by Sir Reinbach...

Pick the 2nd option and he will ask you to deliver it to Reinbach.
Use the Glowing Hand Mirror and teleport back Middleport. Talk to
Reinbach III. He and Micky will join you!

LV 29
Reinbach STR 49
HP: 210/210 SKL 90
MP: LV 1: 4/4 MAG 51
LV 2: 1/1 EVA 81
LV 3: 0/0 PDF 63
LV 4: 0/0 MDF 64
SPD 64
ATK 59 DEF 63 LUC 108

Initial Equipment:
Silver Chain, Silver Bracers
Runes: Red Rose Rune
Weapon: Rosage

Return back to your ship. Replace Sigurd with Reinbach. Re-enter

Middleport again. You will meet Keen there again. Talk to him and
you will be prompted to pay 10000p. Pay him and Keen will joins you!

Make your way to the inn and you will meet a man facing the inn.
Talk to her (Helga) and you will be given a prompt. Pick the top
option. Talk to her and use the top option again and you will hear
a voice from Charlemagne. Pick the top option again. Charlemagne will
stay in the inn to take care of the damages that Helga done...

Make your way to Lord's Mansion and you will find a woman dressed in
blue at the entrance. Talk to her (Etienne) and she will joins you
if Reinbach is in your party. Pick the top option to let her join
your party! Exit and make your way to Nay again.

LV 26
Helga STR 99
HP: 225/225 SKL 50
MP: LV 1: 3/3 MAG 36
LV 2: 1/1 EVA 40
LV 3: 0/0 PDF 65
LV 4: 0/0 MDF 38
SPD 27
ATK 119 DEF 65 LUC 68

Initial Equipment:
Battle Suit
Runes: Nil
Weapon: Double Axe

Visit the inn and talk to Gareth and he will join you! Return back to
Middleport and talk to Charlemagne. Exit the town again via talking to
Rikie. Once in the world map, make your back to Middleport again and
talk him. Exit Middleport via talking to Rike at the harbour. Re-enter
and talk to Charlemagne and he will joins you when you choose the
first option as your reply. (Hence you need to enter and exit
Middleport via the harbour 3 *times*)

LV 26
Charlemagne STR 65
HP: 226/226 SKL 78
MP: LV 1: 3/3 MAG 40
LV 2: 1/1 EVA 48
LV 3: 0/0 PDF 37
LV 4: 0/0 MDF 51
SPD 36
ATK 75 DEF 37 LUC 51

Initial Equipment:
Silver Chain
Runes: Nil
Weapon: Etoile

Well, you have completed the part for Middleport quest and the marker
will be indicated at Na-Nal. Before heading, do a headcount of your
characters and you should have more than 70 characters by now if you
have been following the walkthrough from the start.

Before doing that, go for a shopping spree at Middleport and get some
good equipment for Lino, Hero and another member who you intend to use
for the upcoming battle. I choose a magician (Viki) so that I could
utilize the the power of Rage Orb.

Fog Ship (Have 70 characters recruited)
Items: Pirate King Vest, Silk, Diamond
SOD: Ted (4) - Soul Eater, Water Rune, Magic Robe, Magic Sandals

Enemies: Death Blade
- Like the Skeleton that you have encountered in the ruins, they
can only be killed only when they are the last ones to be killed
on that current battle.

Visit the War Room and there will be a cutscene between Hero and Ted.
This is followed by a cutscene and you will need to form a party of
Lino En Kludes and Hero along with another member. I choose a
character, with a strong magic stats and equipped her with the Rage
Orb. (Viki)

You will meet a Robed Man and he requests you to visit the ship's
captain. The pathway is very liner and straightforward. Just move
forward and you are unable to use Rush as you have only 4 members.

As you reached the end of the area and eventually you will fight...

Death Blade HP: 300 Potch: 5000p
Prophet HP: 1000
Death Blade HP: 300

Take out the Prophet first as the Death Blade will resurrect
if you did not killed them last. The prophet could issue a
beam attack that does around 100+ HP damage to all allies and
an attack that causes poison status ailment to one ally.
Conserve your magic (the final spells as there are much
tougher battles coming on...). Have Hero uses his Double-
Edged Sword...

There will be another cutscene and you will be given this prompt:

a) As long as I don't pass it on...

b) I do sometimes on...

Proceed past the marker and you will reach the next area. Walk on the
area and you will fight...

Death Blade HP: 300 Potch: 7000p
Prophet HP: 1000
Prophet HP: 1000
Death Blade HP: 300

There is an additional prophet. Kill off both prophets first

as they can deal heavy damage to all your allies. Once they
are out, focus on the Death blades. Have Hero uses his Double
Edged Sword and it will be over soon...

There will be another cutscene:

a) But I shouldn't run away from it.

b) ...
c) It given so much thought...

Pick any of the options and you will head to meet the "captain" of the
ship. The boss will eventually give you this prompt:

a) I don't want to stay here all my life!

b) If I stay here, my life will never end?

Pick the top option and you will find out that the Robed Man turns out
to be Ted and he requests from the boss for the Soul Eater and you
will fight...

Fog Ship Guide HP: 7000 Potch: 8000p

The boss has a wide arsenal of attacks. It has an instant

death attack. A beam blast that causes 100+ HP damage to all
allies. It has a drain HP move that drains around 150+ HP
from one ally. It has a single fire-like attack that does
100 HP to one ally.

First of all, use Rush, your gauge should be maxed out by

now. Ted has a lot of water magic ( Have him use
Kindness Rain when all character's HP are low/critical. He
can deal decent damage to the boss with his bow attack.
Unleash your strongest attacks. Have Lino attack, Hero use
his Eternal Ordeal while the third member unleash her
strongest magic.

Items: Silk, Diamond


After the battle, collect the Pirate King Vest from the chest (This
is your ONLY chance) and you will be able to view Ted's stats...

LV 42
Ted STR 66
HP: 303/303 SKL 110
MP: LV 1: 9/9 MAG 144
LV 2: 5/5 EVA 94
LV 3: 3/3 PDF 44
LV 4: 1/1 MDF 132
SPD 112
ATK 210 DEF 55 LUC 74

Initial Equipment:
Magic Sandals, Magic Robe
Runes: Water, Soul Eater
Weapon: Wood Bow

Exit the ship via walking (seize the opportunity to gain levels for
your current party) as you have Ted in your party and he is quite
strong. Try to test out his Soul Eater...

Once back on your ship, you will be able to recruit Ted. Choose to do
so and you will have one of the in-game best characters. Now proceed
to the blue arrow which is pointing at Na-Nal...

If you check out Chadli's shop, he is selling new items...

Chadli's Shop
Items Body gear
------------------------------ -------------------------------
Medicine 20p Stomach Band 150p
Mega Medicine 150p Tunic 120p
Cough Drop 50p Leather Armor 250p
Needle 50p Chain Mail 350p
Antitoxin 50p Happi Coat 600p
Jizo Clock 500p Wool Loincloth 700p
Escape Talisman 200p Corset 800p
Broiled Fish 100p Iron Mail 1600p
Mackerel Miso Stew 150p Linen Outfit 1500p
Steamed Bun 100p Wool Vest 2100p
Meat Bun 200p Wool Robe 2600p
Crab Bun 350p Silver Chain 3600p
Feather Robe 3800p
Head gear Pirate Armor 6500p
------------------------------ Silver Mail 8800p
Bandana 80p
Leather Helm 120p Foot gear
Forehead Guard 120p -------------------------------
Circlet 120p Sandals 70p
Iron Helm 500p Shoes 120p
Wool Hat 700p Knee Socks 350p
Silver Circlet 2000p Anklet 400p
Magical Hat 3000p Iron Boots 500p
Nay-Kobold Hat 3800p Leg Armor 700p
Silver Helm 5250p Pirate Boots 2000p
Silver Boots 2300p
Hand gear Magic Sandals 2200p
Gloves 120p Accessory
Wristbands 250p -------------------------------
Cotton Mittens 180p Guard Ring 2000p
Leather Gloves 180p Counter Ring 20000p
Bangle 150p Lucky Ring 20000p
Wool Mittens 500p Speed Ring 20000p
Kite Shield 3500p Wind Amulet 2200p
Silver Bracers 3000p Thunder Amulet 2200p
Pirate Bracers 2700p
Paw Gloves 5000p
Noble Gloves 8500p

Of course, both Adrienne and the mermaid is able to made you better
armor and accessories. If you go and meet Phil, you can also have him
made you better clothing gear...

With Ted in your party, you can start serious training as his Soul
Eater Rune's Black Shadow is extremely effective and does around 400+
HP damage. To have him using it on first turn of the battle, give him
Speed Rings. Plus, you can earn double cash if you transfer Lo Seng's
Prosperity Rune on him...

Items: Graffiti, Old Book Volume 4, Elven Remedy
SOD: Axel (7) - Iron Mail, Shin Guards
Selma (8) - Scale Mail, Water

Make contact with Nay and there will be a cutscene at the doorway in
the 2nd deck corridor. Your party will comprises off Hero and Lino
along with 2 other members. Bring Ted and this section is going to
be a breeze walk...

From this point onwards, you will no longer encounter the past enemies
of bees and lizards instead you will battle Kooluk Soldiers...

Kooluk Soldier HP: 325 / 3300p Items: Antiques*
Kooluk Captain HP: 425
Kooluk Archer HP: 325

Their normal attacks may be weak but they can cause chaos if your
party isn't properly trained as they could cast level 1 magic
spells (Earth, Lightning and Ice) and Water Rune's Kindness Drops
to restore health. But if you use Ted's Black Shadow from his Soul
Eater Rune, you can wipe out them in one turn...

*They will drop ? Pot, ? Painting and ? Ornament which turns out
to be Voodoo Doll, Celadon Pot or Flower if you bring in Deborah
as your support character.

Nothing has changed except that you will find 2 Kooluk Soldiers guarding
the entrance to the town. Make your way past them and you will be forced
to fight 2 consecutive battles...

Kooluk Soldier A HP: 325 Potch: 2400p
Kooluk Solider B HP: 325

The soldiers are weak but they could cast spells, so do not
underestimate them and maintain your HP at a reasonable

Items: ? Painting (Graffiti)


This is followed by immediately by another battle...

Kooluk Soldier A HP: 325 Potch: 3600p
Kooluk Solider B HP: 325
Kooluk Solider C HP: 350

This is similar to the previous battle except there is an

additional Kooluk Soldier. Just wreck them hard and you will
win this battle in no time...

Items: Nil

This is followed by some cutscenes where Hero and his party meets
Axel and you will be given a task of getting something from the
elves. You will be given a place to stay... A prison! Make sure you
get the item from the chest, which contains an old Book Volume 4 as
this is your ONLY chance to get it. Examine the bench and choose the
top option. It will be nighttime and you will need to make your way
to the Great Elven Tree. All other paths have been locked and you
need to make your way to the Elven Tree. Take the pathway between the
village chief's house and the prison...

Enemies: Rock Crab, Wicked Hen
On this smoky mountain path, it is pretty linear and you just need to
move straight and you will reach the end of the path, which leads to
the Great Elven Tree. Search the altar located in north part of the
area for a Elven Remedy item. Take it. One of the paths leads to the
prison (got a bad feeling about this...)

Exit the area and you will be back at the Village Chief's house. He
was quite surprised that you got the remedy so easy and ask Axel to
ascort you out of town. After you have exit Seaside town, you will
meet an elf, Selma who stops you in pathway and eventually, you will
be locked inside the jail found in the Elven Tree. There will be some
more scenes. Sooner or later, you will be given this prompt:

a) You're plotting something...

b) What do you mean by that?

Talk to everyone in party and including Axel who is also locked with
you. Eventually, Selma break free the prison and allows your party to
escape. Head back to town and return back to Na-Nal. At the gathering
square, you will find out that Kooluk has launched an outslaught on all
citizens in Na-Nal and you will be forced to fight 3 consecutive

Battle #1
Elite Kooluk Soldier A HP: 300 Potch: 3000p
Elite Kooluk Solider B HP: 300

Suprisingly, they are a lot more easier than the Kooluk

soldiers that you have fought earlier. After this battle is
over and you will fight...

Battle #2
Elite Kooluk Soldier A HP: 300 Potch: 4500p
Elite Kooluk Solider B HP: 300
Elite Kooluk Soldier C HP: 300

Just one more Kooluk will not change the difficulty of the
battle. Just use an area spell and you will be able to finish
off this battle really fast...

Battle #3
Elite Kooluk Soldier A HP: 300 Potch: 4500p
Elite Kooluk Solider B HP: 300
Elite Kooluk Soldier C HP: 300

Please refer to the strategy above or just unleash


After the battle is over, you will meet up with the village chief and
given the following prompt:

a) We accept... Let's fight together!

b) Well if you insist.

Axel will joins you eventually. Exit the Gathering Square. At the
Hillside Town, you will meet Gunter who is standing the entrance that
leads to Seaside Town. Play a game of dice with him before moving on.

Make your way to the harbour and you will meet Selma who is standing
behind the trading post. Talk to her and you will be able to recruit
her. Exit and head for your ship. Your next stop is Nay Island.

LV 29 LV 29
Axel STR 79 Selma STR 68
HP: 164/164 SKL 52 HP: 265/265 SKL 111
MP: LV 1: 4/4 MAG 50 MP: LV 1: 6/6 MAG 75
LV 2: 1/1 EVA 64 LV 2: 3/3 EVA 52
LV 3: 0/0 PDF 72 LV 3: 1/1 PDF 64
LV 4: 0/0 MDF 51 LV 4: 0/0 MDF 43
SPD 60 SPD 60
ATK 99 DEF 72 LUC 68 ATK 88 DEF 64 LUC 62

Initial Equipment: Initial Equipment:

Iron Mail, Shin Guards Scale Mail
Runes: Nil Runes: Water
Weapon: Sword Weapon: Wind-Slicing Sword

Nay Revisited
Items: Nothing
SOD: Kevin (102) <cooking>
Pam (103) <cooking>

Make your way to the Nay Island via ship. At the harbour, make your
way down to the beach and talk to the man there and he will tell you
about the man and woman from Iluya who are staying in village chief's

Made your way to the village chief's house. Talk to him thrice and you
will be given this prompt:

a) Show him the Golden Seal

b) Don't show him the Golden Seal

Pick the top option and he will be convinced that Hero is the acting
King of Obel and you will be given another prompt:

a) Please may the people of Nay join us

b) Yes, Let us join forces and fight!

Pick either one of the option and you will be given another prompt:

a) ...
b) We can't take on that responsibility

Pick top option and he will tell you that there are 2 people who are
willing to join. Apparently they are the couple who are the
survivors from the Iluya disaster...

Exit the town and made your way back there. Revisit the village chief's
house and you will meet Kevin and Pam who will join you by picking the
1st option.
Na-Nal Recruitment Drive...
Items: Medicine x2, ? Painting (Flower)
Potch: 1200p
SOD: Millay (59) - Silver Chain, Silver Bracers, Blue Ribbon
Eugene (72) - Scale Mail, Gauntlet, Shin Guards, Firefly
Rune, Fire Rune
Jeremy (38) - Silver Chain, Kite Shield

Now return back to your ship and replace 2 members of your current
party with Mitsuba and Reinbach. I will put Ted in the mix as he helps
a lot in fighting battles if you have not been training the previous
2 characters.

Use the Blinking Mirror and make your way to Middleport. You will find
a man in brown vest at the harbour. Talk to him and you will come to
know that Reinbach has a financee named Millay. Make your way back to
Na-Nal. You will find a woman being surrounded by 2 men. Make your
way there and you will be forced to fight... (The scenario will only
available if you have Reinbach in your current party)

Scoundrel A HP: 300 Potch: 1200p
Scoundrel B HP: 300

Not a tough battle even if you are using Reinbach for the
first time. If you use Ted, this battle is a piece of cake...
The scoundrels is able to use to some magic Runes...

Items: Medicine x2, ? Painting (Flower)


After the battle is over, you will be given a prompt. Pick the top
option and you have recruited Millay! Now make your way to the Inn.
You will find 2 people standing outside the inn. Talk to them and you
will meet Eugene and her mom whom request you to bring her son for
training. Choose to do so and you get Eugene!

Proceed to the gathering square and you will find Jeremy there if you
have Mitsuba in your party. Talk to him and pick the top option. He
will join your party!

LV 25 LV 19
Millay STR 67 Eugene STR 32
HP: 179/179 SKL 74 HP: 69/69 SKL 52
MP: LV 1: 3/3 MAG 66 MP: LV 1: 4/4 MAG 54
LV 2: 1/1 EVA 60 LV 2: 1/1 EVA 36
LV 3: 0/0 PDF 54 LV 3: 0/0 PDF 48
LV 4: 0/0 MDF 39 LV 4: 0/0 MDF 46
SPD 86 SPD 25
ATK 94 DEF 54 LUC 74 ATK 55 DEF 48 LUC 18

Initial Equipment: Initial Equipment:

Silver Chain, Silver Bracers, Scale Mail, Gauntlet, Shin
Blue Ribbon Guards
Runes: Nil Runes: Firefly, Fire
Weapon: Brass Sword Weapon: Heirloom Spear

LV 26
Jeremy STR 74
HP: 280/280 SKL 65
MP: LV 1: 3/3 MAG 31
LV 2: 1/1 EVA 59
LV 3: 0/0 PDF 67
LV 4: 0/0 MDF 36
SPD 67
ATK 84 DEF 67 LUC 60

Initial Equipment:
Silver Chain, Kite Shield
Runes: Nil
Weapon: Lucky Blade

Make some preparations and you can training most of your characters
using Ted and Hero.

Training Tip
In order for this trick to work, you must recruit the Lo brothers
at Mordo Island along with Ted. Transfer Lo Seng's Prosperity Rune
and give it to Ted for his Rune head slot. Battle the Kooluk
Soldiers at Na-Nal Island Harbour and you will get 6600 potch each
time (Prosperity Rune doubles the amount of potch gained after the
battle). For a quick kill, give Ted a Speed Ring [20000p and you
can buy it your equipment shop (Chadli's)]. Ted should have his
first turn and have him using his Soul Eater Rune's Dark Shadow
and you will be able to wipe out those Kooluk soldiers in a turn
while gaining decent HP, 6600p and sometimes ? ornaments, ?
paintings or ? pots where you can appraise them and sell them for
even more money. For instant appraisal, have Deborah as your
support member. After 4 battles, you have sufficient cash to get
another speed ring for Hero or more for Ted...

Using this training tip also prevents low HP characters like

Eugene, Rita or Ornan (if you haven't train them often) from dying
to easily. By the way, Eugene is a lot more stronger than you can
expect once you got him a decent level.

Get some decent armour for 8 fighters (prefer those that are fighters
like Bartholomew and have them around level 40 with defense around
150 and above) and you will be fine. Gau could wreck chaos if he is
at a decent level. Upgrade the 8 fighters' weapon to at least level 9.

Once your preparations are done, make your way to the war room and
Elenor and there will be a cutscene and eventually this prompt:

a) Are we taking Razril for Gaien?

b) I see... Then let's hurry

(S) Save your game

Pick the 2nd option and make your way to Razril. Choose to use the
glowing hand mirror and teleport your party to Middleport. Move
northwest from there and make contact with Razril. Transfer a Earth
Rune onto Jeane, Viki or Katarina. Bring your original party - the
2 Gaien Knights along with Katarina as your party members. (Sounds
logicial to have them heading back home first...)

Recapturing Razril
Items: Platinum x5, Hero's Shield, Treasure Map, Guardian Bracelet,
Silver Hammer, Window Set 9
SOD: Helmet (51) - Iron Helm, Iron Mail, Iron Boots, Iron Shield
Any 2 characters - (Jewel, Tal, Keneth, Paula)
Basil (95) <tops mini-game>
Maxine (96) - Feather Robe, Cyclone & Fire Rune
Konrad (24) - Wool Robe, Rage Rune
Funghi (92) <cook>
Ameria (67) - Silver Chain, Iron Boots
Karl (98) - Wool Vest, Strength Sash, Killer Rune
Gretchen (23) - Silver Chain, Kite Shield
Frederica (48) - Silver Chain, Leather Boots
Potch: 1340p

The screen will switch to the war room where Hero alone with Elenor
and you will be given a prompt. Pick the second option and you will
have another naval battle!

Naval Battle #7 - Regaining Razril

Mixed Kooluk Fleet vs The Hero's Army (The Rush)

Victory conditions:
Defeat Kooluk flagship stationed at Razril

Opponents Stats
Kooluk Ship A Kooluk Ship B
Explore: 4 Explore: 4
Range: 3 Range: 3
Endurance: 5 Endurance: 3
Captain: Helmut Captain: Kooluk Captain
Rune Cannon: K. Soldier (Fire) Rune Cannon: K. Soldier (Lit.)
K. Soldier (Wind) K. Soldier (Earth)
Underlings: 120 Underlings: 100

Gaien Ship
Explore: 3
Range: 3
Endurance: 5
Captain: Gaien Soldier
Rune Cannon: G. Solider (Wind)
G. Soldier (Earth)

You have the Grishend along with the Dauntless (or Chicken if
you choose to accept Chiepoo's suggestion ^_^) for your ship's name.
Assign the eight strong fighters on your ships. Have Ted and the
magician that I suggested earlier for the othe Rune. In other words,
have Water and Earth Rune shells equipped.

At the start of the battle, move your party in order and grow them
close together. Do not attack the Gaien Ship at all. Attack Kooluk
Ship B with your Earth Rune cannon and the Gaien Ship should switch
sides and help you to fight Kooluk Ship A! It took me less than 2
turns to knock down Kooluk Ship B. Once you are done with ship B,
proceed to on and assist the Gaien Ship. Attack it with your Water
Rune Shell (for my case the computer will always use Fire Rune maybe
because Gaien Ship has been attacking it with Lightning or Earth
Rune.) In no time, victory will be yours...

Once the naval battle is over, Helmut, the commander for the Kooluk
fleet surrenders and you will be able to recruit him. Pick the top
option and you will be able to recruit him. If you choose the 2nd
option, you will be no longer able to recruit him...

You will meet your old friends and it seems everyone is welcoming Hero
back. You will meet your other 2 friends (Tal, Paula, Keneth or Jewel)
and you will be able to recruit them! You will be given a similar prompt
that you have received from Katarina...

a) I didn't kill him

b) ...

Your ship will be dock in the harbour at the Razril Port. In the nearby
area, you will find a chest. Search it and you will get 5x Platinum!
Proceed up the main street and talk to everyone there. At the Town
Square, talk to Basil and you will be able to recruit him by picking the
top option. Proceed to the Inn and you will find Maxine (if you have
defeated her earlier in Na-Nal's Gathering Square and Nay -
Stonecutter's Field). Talk to her and you will be able to recruit her
if you choose bottom option as your reply.

Talk to Konrad who is at his usual spot since you left Razril and talk
to him. He will join you if you have Katarina in your party. Pick the
top option and you have one of the game's best magicians. At the back
street, you will no longer encounter any random battles...

Make your way back to town and talk to everyone you met on the streets.
The shops are selling better equipment and hence it is wise to stock
them up...

Shopping List
Rune Shop Armor Shop
______________________________ __________________________________
Violence Orb 10000p Silver Anklet 820p
Warrior Orb 50000p Silk Shoes 5500p
Counter Orb 5000p Gold Boots 7000p
Wind Orb 500p Platinum Boots 8400p
Water Orb 500p Tai Chi Garb 10000p
Fire Orb 500p Gold Chain 5400p
Lightning Orb 500p Platinum Mail 23000p
Earth Orb 500p Gold Bracers 4000p
Gold Shield 7500p
Equipment Shop Diamond Shield 16000p
______________________________ Platinum Helm 8000p
Mega Medicine 150p Gold Helm 6500p
Antitoxin 50p
Cough Drop 50p
Needle 50p
Jizo Clock 500p
Power Ring 20000p


You will meet Fredica at the equipment shop and she says that she is
looking for someone. Make your way to the Hall of Knights and make your
way to the Training Hall. There will be a cutscene and Elenor will allow
you to make a speech...

a) Everyone, let us fight against Kooluk!

b) ...

Pick the top option and you will be heading out of the Hall of Knights
and Snowe's dad will interrupt you and it is a battle...

Gaien Soldier A HP: 350 Potch: 1340p
Gaien Soldier B HP: 350

Just wipe them out with your normal attacks and you will be
able to finish them off. A really easy battle.

Items: Nothing!

This is followed by some cutscenes and you will be at the courtyard

and it is in the evening. Proceed to your room and save your game.

(S) Save your game.

At this point of time, if you miss any of the items here, you will
LOSE them FOREVER. Hence open your eyes wide! Proceed to the Training
Hall. You will find a girl and the man in the center of the hall if
you have done the kidnapper's rescue side quest earlier. Talk to the
girl and you will be given the following prompt:

a) You have to hang in there

b) You want to come with us?

Pick the second option (the more people you have, the more the
merrier...) Talk to the girl's dad and you will be given the prompt:

a) Who are you again?

b) Will you get on the ship with us?

Pick the bottom option and he will join you aboard the ship too! Do
NOT forget the chest in the northwest area of the area and you will
get one of the game's best handgear - Hero's Shield!

Once you are done, proceed to the hallway that leads to your room.
You will find your good old room and the kitchen. Proceed to the
kitchen and talk to Funghi twice. You will be able to able to recruit
him by picking the top option.
Make your way to the Spire and make your way to the rooftop. There
will be another chest. Search it and you will get a Treasure Map along
with a Guardian Bracelet. This is the only time that you can get these
2 items. Hence do not miss it!

Make your way to the Audience Chamber where you find the doorway being
blocked by a chest. Search it and you will get a Silver Hammer, which
allows Adrienne to upgrade your weapons to level 14 and more armor
making combinations. This is also the only time you can get this item.
Hence, do not miss it!

Make your way out of the Hall of Knights and make your way to Razril.
At Razril, move close to your ship and there will be a cutscene between
old friends. Talk to the cat and choose the top option and you will be
able to recruit it. (Do not miss it!)

Once it is over, make your way back to Main Street. Talk to a man
dressed in brown and you will get a Window Set 9.

Just make sure that you have gotten the following items. Below is the

Razril's Treasure for Evening

Item Location
Hero's Shield Chest located at the Training Hall
Treasure Map Chest located at the rooftop
Guardian Bracelet Chest located at the rooftop
Silver Hammer Chest located at the Hall of Knights
Window Set 9 Man dressed in brown in the main street

Exit and head back to your room at the Hall of Knights and choose to
sleep (top option). Exit your room and you will find out all the chests
that you have seen in the evening are NO LONGER there. Make your way to
the rooftop and you will meet Ameria.

Make your way to the town. You will find Gretchen standing outside the
Armor shop. Talk to him and you will be able to recruit her! Now proceed
to the Equipment Shop and talk to Federica thrice and you will be able to
recruit her as well.

Exit the shop and head for back street area. You will meet Karl along the
way. Talk to him and you will be able to recruit him as well. Make your
way to your ship and you will meet an old friend who is coming for his

(This naval battle will not occur if you have choosen to execute Snowe
in your previous prompt)

Naval Battle #8 - Battle Once More

Pirate Snowe vs The Hero's Army (The Rush)

Victory conditions:
Destroy Pirate Snowe!

Opponents Stats
Pirate Ship
Explore: 4
Range: 2
Endurance: 2
Captain: Snowe
Rune Cannon: Pirate (Fire)
Underlings: 150

The answer for this battle is actually really simple. Have Ted as
your Rune Cannon and give Snowe some galloons of water to drink ^_^
You have 3 ships to use use for this pointless naval battle.

Likewise if you have execute Snowe before (i.e. the last option),
this battle will not occur...

After naval battle is over and you will be given the prompt:

a) Just let him go...

b) Snowe, would you like to join us?
c) Off with his head!

Pick the top option or middle option to have Snowe exiled or the bottom
option to execute him. I choose the middle option. Once you are done,
you will find that the blue arrow is pointing at the Nest of the
Pirates, which is your next destination.

By the way, here is your newly found member stats:

(Like Katarina, the 2 other Knights of Gaien will have same level that
you have used them in Hall of Knights training hall, so it won't be
feasible to list their stats.)

LV 25 LV 32
Helmut STR 67 Maxine STR 42
HP: 290/290 SKL 74 HP: 186/186 SKL 112
MP: LV 1: 7/7 MAG 66 MP: LV 1: 8/8 MAG 115
LV 2: 3/3 EVA 60 LV 2: 4/4 EVA 39
LV 3: 1/1 PDF 54 LV 3: 2/2 PDF 36
LV 4: 0/0 MDF 39 LV 4: 1/1 MDF 118
SPD 86 SPD 69
ATK 94 DEF 54 LUC 74 ATK 52 DEF 36 LUC 90

Initial Equipment: Initial Equipment:

Iron Helm, Iron Mail, Iron Feather Robe
Shield, Iron Boots
Runes: Nil Runes: Cyclone, Fire
Weapon: Officer's Sword Weapon: Crescent Rod

LV 29 LV 26
Konrad STR 67 Ameria STR 69
HP: 174/174 SKL 74 HP: 251/251 SKL 77
MP: LV 1: 7/7 MAG 66 MP: LV 1: 6/6 MAG 92
LV 2: 4/4 EVA 60 LV 2: 3/3 EVA 57
LV 3: 2/2 PDF 54 LV 3: 1/1 PDF 47
LV 4: 1/1 MDF 39 LV 4: 0/0 MDF 39
SPD 86 SPD 74
ATK 38 DEF 34 LUC 74 ATK 79 DEF 49 LUC 65
Initial Equipment: Initial Equipment:
Wool Robe Silver Chain, Iron Boots

Runes: Rage Runes: Nil

Weapon: High Rod Weapon: Feather Sword

LV 25 LV 29
Gretchen STR 75 Karl STR 114
HP: 204/204 SKL 60 HP: 271/271 SKL 51
MP: LV 1: 5/5 MAG 63 MP: LV 1: 3/3 MAG 40
LV 2: 2/2 EVA 43 LV 2: 1/1 EVA 51
LV 3: 1/1 PDF 73 LV 3: 0/0 PDF 106
LV 4: 0/0 MDF 50 LV 4: 0/0 MDF 40
SPD 57 SPD 55
ATK 85 DEF 73 LUC 50 ATK 124 DEF 106 LUC 35

Initial Equipment: Initial Equipment:

Silver Chain, Kite Shield Wool Vest, Strength Sash
Runes: Nil Runes: Killer
Weapon: Long Sword Weapon: Iron Fists

LV 26
Federica STR 56
HP: 186/186 SKL 66
MP: LV 1: 5/5 MAG 68
LV 2: 2/2 EVA 49
LV 3: 1/1 PDF 37
LV 4: 0/0 MDF 40
SPD 85
ATK 76 DEF 37 LUC 66

Initial Equipment:
Silver Chain, Leather Boots
Runes: Nil
Weapon: Bone Bow

Likewise, Chadli's Shop has stocked up new items as well as Jeane's

Rune Shop.

Chadli's Shop
Items Body gear
------------------------------ -------------------------------
Medicine 20p Stomach Band 150p
Mega Medicine 150p Tunic 120p
Cough Drop 50p Leather Armor 250p
Needle 50p Chain Mail 350p
Antitoxin 50p Happi Coat 600p
Jizo Clock 500p Wool Loincloth 700p
Escape Talisman 200p Corset 800p
Broiled Fish 100p Iron Mail 1600p
Mackerel Miso Stew 150p Linen Outfit 1500p
Steamed Bun 100p Wool Vest 2100p
Meat Bun 200p Wool Robe 2600p
Crab Bun 350p Silver Chain 3600p
Gold Chain 5400p
Head gear Feather Robe 3800p
------------------------------ Tai Chi Garb 10000p
Bandana 80p Pirate Armor 6500p
Leather Helm 120p Silver Mail 8800p
Forehead Guard 120p Platinum Mail 23000p
Circlet 120
Iron Helm 500p Foot gear
Wool Hat 700p -------------------------------
Silver Circlet 2000p Shoes 120p
Magical Hat 3000p Knee Socks 350p
Nay-Kobold Hat 3800p Anklet 400p
Silver Helm 5250p Iron Boots 500p
Gold Helm 6500p Leg Armor 700p
Platinum Helm 8000p Silver Anklet 820p
Pirate Boots 2000p
Hand gear Silver Boots 2300p
------------------------------ Gold Boots 7000p
Gloves 120p Platinum Boots 8400p
Wristbands 250p Magic Sandals 2200p
Cotton Mittens 180p Silk Shoes 5500p
Leather Gloves 180p
Bangle 150p Accessory
Wool Mittens 500p -------------------------------
Kite Shield 3500p Guard Ring 2000p
Silver Bracers 3000p Counter Ring 20000p
Gold Bracers 4000p Speed Ring 20000p
Pirate Bracers 2700p Lucky Ring 20000p
Paw Gloves 5000p Power Ring 20000p
Noble Gloves 8500p Wind Amulet 2200p
Gold Shield 7500p Thunder Amulet 2200p
Diamond Shield 16000p

Once you are out, there is more recruiting to do...

If you revisited Deserted Island, there will be newer enemies and you
will find the Ancient Crab at the center of the forest. It is tough...
Please refer to Section 9 for more information.

Secret Underground Path in Middleport
Items: Treasure Map, Ocean Rune Piece, Great Earth Armor, Sliding
Door, Ivory Robe, Canvas 2, Old Book Volume 8
SOD: Warlock (61) - Feather Hat, Magic Robe, Mother Earth Rune,
Flowing Rune
Pecola (93) <Ornament Room>

Make your way to the Rune Cannon. Talk to Pablo and he will mentions
to you about a person named Warlock and you will be given a prompt:

a) Sorry tell me later

b) ...

Pick the bottom option and Pablo will give you a hint of choosing the
wrong way. Make your way to Middleport and bring in a strong party -
Pablo is not a compulsory character. I recommend to have all
characters around level 50 with the best armor equipped for them and
upgrade your attacker's attack to at least level 12.

Just bring in Ted and Hero along with 2 attackers (high HP). I have
Lino and Axel and given Lino the Earth Rune so that I could use Clay
Guardian when battling against the sub-boss.

Make your way to the back street or you may want to visit the Inn to
save your game first. Make your way to the Empty House and examine
the chest. You will be given a mathematical question:

51 - 24 = ?

a) 24 potch
b) 27 potch

Choose the top option as the wrong way hinted by Pablo and you will
end up in the Secret Underground Path area. You can find a Treasure
Map and Ocean Rune Piece in the chest. Move forward to the next area.

Secret Underground Path

This dungeon can be extremely difficult if you are bringing in a weak
party. Make sure your party is around level 40 and equipped with the
best armor. Bring in Ted if you want to have an easy life here. The
enemies have very high HP and they are tough to beat too.

Enemies: Spectrel Leaves, Furball, Poison Bird, Ogre Frog

The dungeon pathway is like a fork and below is the full map. Do not
use any level 4 spells and conserve them for the sub-boss in this

1st Area
A: Sliding Door
A | * B | B: Great Earth Armor
\ | | | / *: Next Area
\__\__/ \/ S: Start Point
\ /
\____/ Just get all the items found in this area
| and move across the wooden bridge to the next
S area. Remember to get the Great Earth Armor
from one of the chests.
2nd Area

____ A A: Ivory Robe

\ / *: Next Area
\ / / S: Start Point
* | /
\___|__/ This area is more linear than the previous one.
| Get the Ivory Robe and equipped it on Ted. Proceed
S to the next area.
3rd Area

A | A: Canvas 2
\ | / X: Sub-Boss Fight!
| Do not move over to X if you do not have any level 4
\ X spells left. You can find this battle for countless
\__/ of times after you have completed this area and you
| can retreat from the battle.

Move pass X and you will hear the boss's BGM... This battle has become
a compulsory battle, you can retreat or use potch.

Land Dragon HP: 6500 Potch: 8000p

The boss has ridiculously high HP and strong physical attacks.

It has a wind-slash attack that does around 80-120 HP to one
ally. An attack that could cause sleep on an ally while
inflicting around 70+ HP damage. It has an area attack that
does around 70-100 to all allies. It is rather similar to the
Leviathan that you have encounter rarely on the sea except it
is strong against Lightning.

Start off by using Ted's LV4 Spell - Judgment. I managed to

get to use it twice when Ted is at level 49 as it will wipe
out 3/4 of the sub-boss's life and have other character's
attack the remaining. The boss is very strong against
Lightning but weak against Wind. Hence The Shredding works
extremely well here.

Items: Dragon's Scale


Just move pass the area and you will reach the underground labortary.
Search the bookshelf on the left and you will get an Old Book Volume 8.
Talk to the old man (Warlock) twice and choose the top option as your
reply for both prompts. Talk to him and you will be able to recruit him!

LV 35
Warlock STR 27
HP: 186/186 SKL 26
MP: LV 1: 8/8 MAG 125
LV 2: 5/5 EVA 120
LV 3: 2/2 PDF 42
LV 4: 1/1 MDF 116
SPD 33
ATK 32 DEF 42 LUC 37

Initial Equipment:
Feather Hat, Magic Robe
Runes: Mother Earth, Flowing
Weapon: Diftwood Cane

Exit the Underground Path via walking or use the Blinking Hand Mirror (
your MP should be depleted by now) and rest at your room. Make your way
to 4th Deck Corridor, proceed to Deborah's Room. Talk to Deborah and
she will talk a lady who is interested in interior design. Exit and
choose Depart. Sail your ship and re-enter Middleport again.

Visit the Empty House at the back street and you will find Pecola who
will join you if you have the Interior Design Book, which can be
obtained from one of the ladies out the inn. You can access the
Underground Path via the stairway in the back area.

There is nothing else much to do except for heading for Nest of


Nests of Pirates
Items: Nothing!
SOD: Tanya (37) <library>

Make your way there and you will meet Tanya who is standing at the
entrance. Talk to her and you will be given a prompt. Pick the top
option thrice and you will recruit her!

Make your way inside the cave and you will have a discussion chat
with Elenor, Lino and Kika. Hero will hand over the Golden Seal back
to Lino. Eventually, you will be given a prompt:

a) Of course.
b) Wh-What do you mean?

This is followed by some cutscenes and you will be back on the world
map. Make your way to Obel or you can visit Tanya and the library to
have the Old Book Volumes that you have uncovered for translation...

(S) Save your game

Make your way to the Kingdom of Obel.

Recapture The Kingdom of Obel!
Items: Pirate King Bracers
SOD: Flare (36) - Wind Rune
Setsu (89)

There will be a cutscene and Lino is all dressed up (quite weird IMO).
Eventually, the scene will switch to the War Room and you will be
given a prompt on where the Gaien Ship will be assigned to the
Dauntless or The Grishend. This is followed by your ship setup.

Assign Hero's Ship with Wind, Fire and Lightning Rune while the other
2 ships with Lightning Rune & Wind Rune. Press Start to end your
setup and choose to the top option to commence the naval battle. I
choose to have the Gaien Ship to accompany the Grishend. Kika will be
fixed as the captain for Grishend.

Naval Battle #9 - For Obel's Freedom

2nd Kooluk's Fleet vs The Hero's Army (The Rush)
Victory conditions:
Annihilate the enemy fleet and take back the Kingdom of Obel!

Opponents Stats
Kooluk Ship A Kooluk Ship B
Explore: 4 Explore: 4
Range: 3 Range: 3
Endurance: 5 Endurance: 3
Captain: Colton Captain: Kooluk Captain
Rune Cannon: K. Soldier (Lit.) Rune Cannon: K. Soldier (Wind)
K. Soldier (Water) K. Soldier (Earth)
Underlings: 200 Underlings: 150

You will have a fleet of 3 usable fleets (the Dauntless, Grishend

and the Gaien Ship). Make sure your fighters have decent armor and
their weapons upgraded.

At the beginning of the battle, you have only the Dauntless if you
choose to have the Gaien Ship accompany The Grishend. At the second
turn, you will find the 2 ships appear on the left flank where you
can attack the enemy but they will counter since their cannons are
facing these 2 ships. Counter Kooluk Ship B with Wind while Kooluk
Ship A with Lightning and you will be fine.

Once the battle is over there will be some cutscenes and you have
captured Colton and his crew. There is a messager tell you that an
enemy fleet is coming and you will be given a prompt:

a) Let's go!
b) Please wait a minute

Choose the bottom option and talk to the crew next to Colton and you
will get the Pirate King Bracers. Talk to Elenor and pick the top
option to resume. It is another naval battle.

Naval Battle #10 - Mysterious Fleet

Governor's Fleet vs The Hero's Army (The Rush)

Victory conditions:
Annihilate the enemy fleet!

Opponents Stats
Kooluk Ship A Kooluk Ship B
Explore: 4 Explore: 4
Range: 3 Range: 3
Endurance: 5 Endurance: 3
Captain: Kooluk Captain Captain: Kooluk Captain
Rune Cannon: K. Soldier (Fire) Rune Cannon: K. Soldier (Wind)
K. Soldier (Wind) K. Soldier (Earth)
Underlings: 60 Underlings: 50

It seems pretty easy and it is a battle that you WON'T lose. Just
give your ships Fire and Wind and you will be fine. Attack Kooluk
Ship A with Fire while Kooluk Ship B with Wind and you will be fine.
You can also approach them and choose board for an instant victory
where you don't have to battle...

In fact, you can choose to load any Runes that you like. Have a
character with Rune power over 50 and the battle will be over in
one hit!

This is followed by some cutscenes and Elenor will suggest to Hero to

use the Rune to fight out those ships.

a) My true Rune of Punishment

b) No I can't use the Rune...

If you choose the bottom option thrice, it will be an automatic

gameover like the one in Obel. Pick the top option and this is
followed by some bizarre events...

Move towards the Rune and you will meet an old friend...

Glen's Shadow HP:???
Just attack the shadow...

You will be back awake in your own room. You will get your Level 4
spell - Everlasting Mercy for your Ruune of Punishment. Exit your
room and you will find out that Flare and Setsu has join your party!

If you go to the deck and witness the cutscene, you will not be able
to practice your naval tactics anymore. Elenor, Flare, Agnes and Lino
will not be found in their rooms.

Take out a party and bring in Yu and choose depart...

The Remaining Stars in Obel
Items: Wave Wallpaper
SOD: Wendel (69) - Linen Outfit
Nabokov (47) <appraiser>
Carrie (57) <medicine shop>
Gunter (99) <dice mini-game>
Trishtan (86) - Silver Mail
Gary (42) <support - healing>
Ema (43) <support- healing>
Noah (87) <cards mini-game>, Support
Rachel (18) - Battle Suit, Iron Boots

You will find a girl (Wendel) at the harbour and she will join you if
you have talked to Nico. Pick the first option to recruit her!

Town Area
Talk to the appraiser (Nabokov) who will join you if you pick the top
option. Make your way to the washing area. Talk to the woman in pink
and you will get another ornament, Wave Wallpaper. The equipment shop,
smithery (you can upgrade your weapons up to level 15 here), armor
shop and the Rune shop are selling new items hence check them out.

Shopping List
Rune Shop Armor Shop
______________________________ __________________________________
Double-Strike Orb 20000p Silk Robe 14500p
Drain Orb 8000p Gold Mail 12000p
Wizard Orb 50000p Night Armor 14000p
Wind 500p Diamond Mail 32000p
Water 500p Paw Shoes 3000p
Fire 500p Gold Anklet 1700p
Lightning 500p Gold Boots 7000p
Earth 500p Diamond Boots 12000p
Platinum Shield 11000p
Equipment Shop Silk Hat 8000p
_______________________________ Gold Helm 6500p
Mega Medicine 150p Diamond Helm 12000p
Cough Drop 50p Gold Circlet 4800p
Needle 50p
Antitoxin 50p Appraiser 200p
Escape Talisman 200p
Jizo Clock 500p Inn 120p

Can upgrade weapon up to LV 14


Make your way the pathway and you will see a blond girl. Talk to her
and she is Carrie. Pick the first option to recruit her! Make your
way and you will meet Gunter. Talk to him and pick the 2nd option to
recruit him! Outside the Inn, you will meet Trishtan. Talk to him and
you will be able to recruit him as well! Use the Blinking Mirror and
choose Cedric. Choose to teleport to Obel Royal Palace. Talk to either
Gary or Ema who is at the garden Pick the top option and they will
join your party as well! Make your way to the Palace's Audience
Chamber. You will find Noah there. Talk to her and pick the bottom
option thrice and you will be able to recruit her! Make your way to
the cliff path. Make sure that you have at least 5000p...

Cliff Path
Make your way to the cave where your ship is used to dock at. You
will meet Rachel and pick the second option and you will need to
pay 5000p for the bills. Choose to pay and Rachel will join your

LV 26 LV 26
Wendel STR 48 Trishtan STR 35
HP: 153/153 SKL 60 HP: 269/269 SKL 84
MP: LV 1: 6/6 MAG 85 MP: LV 1: 3/3 MAG 34
LV 2: 3/3 EVA 100 LV 2: 1/1 EVA 35
LV 3: 1/1 PDF 41 LV 3: 0/0 PDF 87
LV 4: 0/0 MDF 38 LV 4: 0/0 MDF 110
SPD 76 SPD 90
ATK 58 DEF 41 LUC 56 ATK 45 DEF 87 LUC 39
Initial Equipment: Initial Equipment:
Linen Outfit Silver Mail
Runes: Nil Runes: Nil
Weapon: Take This! Weapon: Spirit

LV 26
Rachel STR 58
HP: 308/308 SKL 76
MP: LV 1: 4/4 MAG 48
LV 2: 1/1 EVA 70
LV 3: 0/0 PDF 59
LV 4: 0/0 MDF 39
SPD 74
ATK 76 DEF 59 LUC 55

Initial Equipment:
Battle Suit, Iron Boots
Runes: Nil
Weapon: Garmr

Exit and make some preparations for one of the game's toughest battle.
Purchase an Escape Talisman if you have gotten one yet. If you check
Chadli's Shop, he is stocking up new items as well.

Chadli's Shop
Items Body gear
------------------------------ -------------------------------
Medicine 50p Tunic 120p
Mega Medicine 150p Stomach Band 150p
Cough Drop 50p Leather Armor 250p
Needle 50p Chain Mail 350p
Antitoxin 50p Happi Coat 600p
Jizo Clock 500p Wool Loincloth 700p
Escape Talisman 200p Corset 800p
Steamed Bun 100p Iron Mail 1600p
Meat Bun 200p Linen Outfit 1500p
Crab Bun 350p Wool Vest 2100p
Broiled Fish 100p Wool Robe 2600p
Mackerel Miso Stew 150p Silver Chain 3600p
Gold Chain 5400p
Head gear Feather Robe 3800p
------------------------------ Pirate Armor 6500p
Bandana 80p Night Armor 14000p
Leather Helm 120p Silver Mail 8800p
Forehead Guard 120p Gold Mail 12000p
Circlet 120p Tai Chi Garb 10000p
Iron Helm 500p Silk Robe 14500p
Wool Hat 700p Platinum Mail 23000p
Silver Circlet 2000p Diamond Mail 32000p
Magical Hat 3000p
Nay-Kobold Hat 3800p Foot gear
Gold Circlet 4800p -------------------------------
Silver Helm 5250p Sandals 70p
Gold Helm 6500p Leather Shoes 120p
Platinum Helm 8000p Knee Socks 350p
Diamond Helm 12000p Anklet 400p
Silk Hat 8000p Iron Boots 500p
Leg Armor 700p
Hand gear Silver Anklet 820p
------------------------------ Gold Anklet 1700p
Gloves 120p Pirate Boots 2000p
Wristbands 250p Silver Boots 2300p
Cotton Mittens 180p Magic Sandals 2200p
Leather Gloves 180p Paw Shoes 3000p
Bangle 250p Silk Shoes 5500p
Wool Mittens 500p Gold Boots 7000p
Kite Shield 3500p Platinum Boots 8400p
Silver Bracers 3000p Diamond Boots 12000p
Gold Bracers 4000p
Pirate Bracers 2700p Accessories
Paw Gloves 5000p -------------------------------
Gold Shield 7500p Guard Ring 2000p
Noble's Gloves 8500p Counter Ring 20000p
Platinum Shield 11000p Lucky Ring 20000p
Diamond Shield 16000p Speed Ring 20000p
Power Ring 20000p
Wind Amulet 2200p
Thunder Amulet 2200p

Remaining Stars of Destiny
Items: Golden Hammer, Guardian Sandals, Guardian Garb, Hero's Armor,
Stone of Speed, Mermaid Bracelet, Treasure Map, Diamond x5,
Prosperity Orb, Mixed Herbs, Silver Bracers
SOD: Travis (16) - Feather Robe
Snowe (17) - recruitable only if you have 107 SOD and choose
not to execute him.
Potch: 42000p

Remember those pesky chests containing Angel Hairballs and they are
extremely tough to beat? It is time to seek revenge. Your party levels
should be around level 45 if you have been visiting the Middleport
Secret Underground Path for the time being. But there is a place
where you haven't visit it.

Obel Ruins
Have a party with an average level of 45 and bring them here. Bring in
Ted. Make your way back to the Ruins where you first meet Rikie and
Rakgi. You will encounter stronger enemies.

Enemies: Skeleton, Armoured Wolf, Unicorn Zombie, Golem

Make your way across the winding path and you will reach the first
area of gathering right? Talk the path heading north and you should
be in a T-junction. Take the path towards left and their is another
winding road. Make your way and you will reach a split path with a
chest opened (you should have taken the One-Piece Dress...). Choose
to take the path in the north. There is a chest in the empty area.
Open it and you will face...

Angel Hairball HP: 3000 Potch: 10000p
There are only 4 Angel Hairball fights along with 2 Golden
Hairballs fight. They are very strong in magic but weak in
magical defense. They have the ability to use Breath of Ice
which does around 110HP damage to all allies even they have
around 90 MDF stats. I just used 2 Judgment and the battle
is already over...

Items: Nothing!

After the battle is over, you will get the Golden Hammer. This hammer
is very good as it allows you to make the game's best armor via
material combining and upgrade your weapons to level 16!

Make your way back to the empty chest and choose the path next to it.
You will reach another "gathering area" but with a save point.

(S) Save your game

Take the path that is closest to the Save Point and move north. Once you
reached the Inner Ruins, you will find a huge golem at the spot where
you find a save point. Do not make contact with it or you have fight it
and you cannot beat if your party has fully-recovered (hint: that Golem
has a five-digit HP...)

To avoid the fight, just move around it and make your way to the backyard
where you find the tree. There is a man called Travis found near the
tree. Talk to him and he ask you whether you have an Escape Talisman...

Use the Escape Talisman (not joking) and you will be at the entrance.
Make your way back to the inn in Obel and choose to stay to recover
your lost HP (120p). Return to the ruins and you will need to move to
ALL THE WAY BACK where you find Travis...

1) L-Walkway
2) Gathering Area - Take the north path
3) T-Junction - Take the left path
4) L-Walkway
5) Split Path - Take the path next to the chest
6) L-Walkway
7) Gathering Area - Take the north path that is next to the Save Point
8) Split Path - Take the north path
9) Inner Ruins - move past the Golem by moving around it.

Finally, you have end in the tree where you meet Travis. Talk to him
and you will be able to recruit him!

LV 26
Travis STR 66
HP: 310/310 SKL 46
MP: LV 1: 3/3 MAG 36
LV 2: 1/1 EVA 67
LV 3: 0/0 PDF 67
LV 4: 0/0 MDF 59
SPD 74
ATK 87 DEF 67 LUC 59

Initial Equipment:
Feather Robe
Runes: Nil
Weapon: Stone

Return back to your ship and use the Blinking Mirror. Now do a headcount
or have a view at the roster. There should be only 1 empty spot if you
have been using this walkthrough...

Mordo Island... A man on the plank

Enemies: Killer Rodent, Yellow Rodent, Rodent Leader, Red Rodent,
Blue Rodent, Paradise Bee

The mountain pathway is actually a treasure hunting. Once you enter

that area, the BGM and the character will change. You will be able to
hunt for treasure if you have the relevant treasure maps.

Make your way to the hot spring and talk to the merchant. He will say
that he spotted someone on a wooden plank in the ocean. This will only
happened if you did do the following: Have Snowe exiled and did not
execute him on your previous 2 attempts.

Set sail west off Mordo Island and there will be a cutscene. A man is
found on the plank and you will be given the choice:

a) He can't be forgiven. Off with his head!

b) Perhaps we should let him join us...

Choose the bottom option and congrats! You have all 108 Stars of
Destiny. Snowe will resume from his previous level that he left your
party earlier. Hence it will take a while to train him, just like the
other 2 Knights of Gaien. But it is definitely worthwhile as he and
Hero is able to use the game's strongest Combo attack.

Underground Path
Enemies: Spectrel Leaves, Furball, Poison Bird, Ogre Frog
Make your way back to the Empty House in the backstreet. Talk to the
Youth and he will award you with the Guardian Sandals!

Nest of Pirates
Make your way to the Nest of Pirates. Talk to the one of the pirates
inside the pub and you will get a Mermaid Bracelet!

Enemies: Stun Lizard (destroyed town), Bloody Behemoth (destroyed
town), Kooluk Soldier (advanced base), Kooluk Archer
(advance base), Kooluk Captain (advanced base)
Make your way to Iluya and it is time to finish off the remaining 2
Angel Hairballs. Make some preparations and bring a party whose level
is around 45 and have weapons above level 12 with best available
armour equipped. Bring in Ted, Hero and another magician (preferably
Maxine or Jeane) and a support character (I use Snowe because I have
level him up considerably..). Battle 10 battles with Hero and Snowe
to learn the True Friendship Attack. Upgrade both character's weapons
to at least level 14.

Make your way to Kooluk Advanced Base area. Search the chest near the
well and you will fight another Angel Hairball.

Angel Hairball HP: 3000 Potch: 10000p
This is the second fight of the trio. Use a combination magic
with Jeane or use the True Frienship attack with Snowe. The
battle will be over soon. Be careful of enemy's strong magic
attacks. Conserve Ted's Judgment for the other battle.

Items: Nothing!

Once the battle is over, you get the Guardian Garb. Give to Ted.
Restore everyone's HP back to max. Make your way down to the Destroyed
Town where you meet Nataly. There is another chest in the area and you
will fight...

Angel Hairball HP: 3000 Potch: 10000p
This is the 3rd Angel Hairball fight. Unleash Ted's LV4
Soul Eater spell - Judgment and it will be over in 2 turns
if Ted is at a high level...

Items: Stone of Speed


After the battle is over, you will get the Hero's Armor.

Deserted Island
Enemies: Moss Behemoth, Golden Wing, Queen Sprout (forest only),
Savage Frog, Dry Fly
As stated earlier, the enemies have become stronger once you have
liberated Razril from Kooluk rule. The enemies here are tougher & you
will be having a tough time if you do not have Snowe (around level 40,
best armour, True Frienship Attack learnt, Fury and Double-Strike Orb
Runes). Most of the enemies have around have 1000+ HP. Queen Sprout
and Savage Frog has around 2000 to 3000 HP each. But the good part is
that these enemies drop rare items such as Silk and a lot of potch.
The Subterranean Lake has an instant healing point as usual. There is
a giant crab (Ancient Crab) that is stationed at the forest. You can
choose to fight it but don't go for it unless your party is well-
prepared (please refer to Section 9 for more details)

Limeshelf Island
Enemies: Mosquito
The island is located at south off Razril in the southern ocean or
directly west off the Nest of Pirates. Bring in Kika or some characters
who can deal an area attack or Slash orb if your party level is around
45. You will find a series of stone path. Make your way up the stone
path (expect some twisting and turning) and you will reach the dead end.
There is a chest containing a Treasure Chest there! Once you have
discovered this island, you will be able to teleport here and do your
treasure hunting if you have the Treasure Maps with Rene.

Mountain Mass Island

Enemies: Evil Bat (lower area), Fish Fiend (upper area)
The island is located at the northwest corner of World Map. You will
find a pointy island there and it is directly north off Razril. Once
you reach the island, you will be able to re-access it via the Blinking
Mirror. Likewise, the island is full of treasures...

Make your way to the upper area via the curving path on the left. Once
in the upper path, you will find 4 spliting paths. There is a chest on
the westmost pathway that contains 10000p. Make your way up to the
intersection point. Take the left path and there is another chest, open
it and you will fight...

Golden Hairball HP: 400 Potch: 2000p

It is typically no challenge if you choose to fight it with

your level 40+ characters. You will be able to wreck it with
a single attack or a spell...

Items: Nothing!

Once the battle is over, you will recover the contents of the treasure
chest and you will get Diamond x5 and Prosperity Orb. Return to the
intersection point and take the path in the middle. It will lead to a
chest containing a Mixed Herbs. The path on the extreme right leads to
a chest containing a Silver Bracers.

There is nothing much to do than doing some treasure hunting, playing

mini-games, collect all Old Book Volumes, upgrading weapons etc.

(S) Save your game

If you are interested, you choose to battle the 2 optional bosses in

the game. Please refer to the Side Quests and Mini-Games for details.
If you visit the Deserted Island, the enemies encountered there has
also changed and there is a giant crab at the forest (which is one of
the game's optional bosses)

Fighters Group #1 - Jewel, Paula, Keneth and Tal for the Gaien Ship
Fighters Group #2 - Sigurd, Hervey, Dario, Gau for Grishend
Fighters Group #3 - Ugetsu, Shiramine, Flare & Lino for the Obel Ship
Fighters Group #4 - Snowe, Axel, Selma, Izak for the Dauntless

- Make sure sure everyone is around level 45 with at least Platinum

Armor equipment (for figthers) and Tai Chi Garb for Archers who
are fighting in naval battles as fighter.
- Their weapons must be sharpen to at least level 12.

Rune Cannons
Have 8 Rune users - Ted, Maxine, Warlock, Pablo, Konrad, Katarina,
Jeane and Viki. Give Konrad a Water Rune. Give Wind Runes for Viki
and Pablo. Train the Rune users to at least level 50. See the
training tips below for details.

Set the Rune users in this manner:

Dauntless - Ted (Water)/Maxine (Wind)
Grishend - Viki (Wind)/Warlock (Water)
Gaien Ship - Katarina (Lightning)/Konrad (Water)
Obel Ship - Jeane (Lightning)/Pablo (Wind)

Detachement Party
- You cannot use their equipment for New Game+. Hence do not give
them any rare accessories. But make their equipment is strong
enough as the boss for their party is strong
- I opted for 2 attackers and 2 healers strategy. Mizuki seems to
be excellent choice as her Shrike Rune can deal heavy damage on
her. Bring Mizuki will bring in Akaghi (but I give him the Earth
Rune and Water as he is a support member). The other 2 members
must have access to level 4 spells. For my case, I choose Federica
and Kate, they is able to gain level 4 spells at level 51)

Main Party Preparations

- Sharpen Hero, Ted, Snowe and Kika's weapon to level 16
- Give them the best armour you have.
- Have Hero and Kika learn Double Sword Attack and learn True
Friendship Attack with Snowe. Equip a Fury Rune for Snowe. Train
up you have level up these attacks to level 3
- Give Kika a Wind or Earth Rune.

Training Tips
- The two optional boss can be fought countless but I don't recommend
you to fight them unless you are bring a party level whose average
is around level 60 (Refer to Section 9 for details)
- Obel Ruins and the Deserted Island are having new enemies.

Between level 20 to level 40 - Na-Nal

Between level 40 to level 44 - Middleport/Deserted Island
Between level 45 to level 50 - Obel Ruins

Train Snowe, Hero, Kika and Ted as your primary objective. Just
keep on training till you are able to upgrade both Hero and Kika's
weapon to level 16. Once you got that, Kika and Hero's Double Sword
Attack can deal 350 to 400 HP damage to all enemies if they are at
level 50+ and weapons at level 16. Once you got Kika, train Snowe
and Ted, your detachement party, lastly the 16 remaining attackers
and 8 Rune members to level 50 miniumum and give the attackers
decent armor.

Infiltrate Into Kooluk! (Point of No-Return)
Items: Wooden Amulet

Make your way to the Deck and there will be a cutscene with Mizuki and
Akaghi. If you are observant, you won't find Elenor, Agnes, Flare and
Lino in their rooms. This is because they are in the War Room. Make
your way there and you will get a cutscene and Elenor will tell you
that it is time to go head on against Kooluk and you need to take care
of the Rune Cannon on board on Fort El-Eal. You need to sent a
detachment party. Remember once you choose to do the mission, you will
not be able to return back to other towns of the world.

Choose the top option and you will be given 3 days (or 3 minutes ^_^).
Talk to Elenor and you will be able to assign the detachment party.

Seperate Task Force

I choose Mizuki and Akaghi as you need to rescue Ramada (sounds
logical right?) Federica is also a good choice as she has a feud
with Cray. As for the last member, I choose Kate so that you can
have a useful group attack when visiting the final dungeon. Give
one of the members have a Water Rune so that you could heal.
Have a Lightning Rune to each member if they is able to use level
4 spells. Give Akaghi the Earth Rune. Do not give these party any
rare Runes as these Runes cannot be used for New Game+

Elenor choose to accompany the detachment party and you will be given
a prompt:

a) I am counting on you, Ms. Elenor.

b) You shouldn't. It's too dangerous.

Exit the war room and head back your room and rest. Exit your room
and make your way back to the War room. You will be given three options:

a) I will prepare a little more

b) Reorganize a seprate team.
c) Yes. I am ready!*

(Once you choose Option 3, you can no longer return back to the world

Pick the last option once you are confirmed to be ready and there will
be a gathering in the war room...

"Victory will be ours!"

It will be night time and there will be a cutscenes.

Additional Notes
- You cannot access elsewhere on the world map during this point
of time.
- Once you are out of Lino's room, you cannot access it anymore
because the latter has locked his room!
- Do not talk to Reinhold as you are going to fight the training
matches on your own.
- You can shop, play games or take a bath if you like
- You cannot rest in the inn or save your game anywhere except
at the save orb in your room
- You cannot access the war room
- Some of the characters are missing and I can't seem to locate
You will be at the deck. The knights from the Hall of Knights have a
chat. Talk to Kika and there will be a cutscene. Make your way to the
front of the ship and there is another cutscene with Sigurd and Hervey.

Make your way to the Saloon. Talk to either Rita, Noah or Rene and you
will get a Wooden Amulet accessory. There are some more scenes if you
visit Lino's Room or Elenor's Room. Pay Ted and Katarina a visit and
there will be some more scenes. After you have talked to Rikie and
Rakgi in their room, there will be a cutscene. Talk to Federica at the
library. Make your way to the fifth floor and there will be a *big*
surprise cutscene...

Make your way to the Rune Control room and you will find that poor
Pablo is *extremely* busy. By the way, you can upgrade your ship if you
talk to Tov. For more details, please refer to Section 9.

Make your way back to your room and there will be a scene with a close
friend. Make your way to bed and there will be a cutscene with Leknaat
if you have recruited all 108 stars of destiny...

The Final Showdown at Fort El-Eal
Items: Mega Medicine, Hero's Helmet, Cape of Darkness, Chaos Shield,
Goddess Robe, Mixed Herbs x2, Mega Medicine, Fortune Orb,
Magic Canceller

Once you are awaken, check the Save Point and you are anchored at near
Fort El-Eal. Make some preparations and remove for all except the
particpating members (except the 16 characters for fighters, Runes for
the Rune cannons users, your main party and the detachment party)

Make your way to the deck. There will be some more cutscenes. Hero will
talk with Lino

a) Well... umm...
b) It's hard to say...

You will be controlling Elenor (with the detachment party). Make your
way up the pathway and there will be a view of the Fort. The screen will
switch to the Dauntless and some more scenes. Eventually, it is a naval
Naval Battle #11 - Final Engagement
1st Kooluk Fleet vs The Hero's Army (The Rush)

Victory conditions:
Destroy the 1st Kooluk Fleet!

Opponents Stats
Kooluk Ship A Kooluk Ship B
Explore: 3 Explore: 5
Range: 4 Range: 3
Endurance: 7 Endurance: 5
Captain: Troy Captain: Kooluk Captain
Rune Cannon: K. Soldier (Fire) Rune Cannon: K. Soldier (Wind)
K. Soldier (Wind) K. Soldier (Earth)
K. Soldier (Earth)
K. Soldier (Water)
Underlings: 220 Underlings: 180

Kooluk Ship C
Explore: 5
Range: 3
Endurance: 4
Captain: Kooluk Captain
Rune Cannon: K. Soldier (Lit.)
K. Soldier (Water)
Underlings: 150

It is a tough naval battle. The chances of you losing ships are high
as the enemies' Rune cannon at a high level and you need to have
more underlings. Set up 1 Wind Rune cannon each for the ships on
left (i.e. the Grishend and Daunltess) and 2 Lightning Rune Cannon
for ships on the right. For secondary, have Water Rune for all ships.
I choose Water because it is the only Rune element that does not
have a weakness against Troy.

Have the Grishend take care of the Kooluk Ship B while Gaien Ship
and Obel Ship take care of Kooluk Ship C. Due to the high underling
stats, Kooluk Ship will move last among all Kooluk ships. Destroy
the 2 enemy ships with Rune cannons and combine all the ship to
attack Troy. Once you get the chance to board the ship. Choose to do
it. Hope that you did so as boarding is the key to win the battle.
Board in such as a way that the ship's head or tail is facing you
(the enemy will unable to counter) and the enemies are really weak.

This is a more effective way to win a naval battle like this. That's
is why I have told to make serious preparations for all boarding
members. Below is the summary of my ship setups:

The Grishend Dauntless Gaien Ship Obel Ship

C: Kika C: Hero C: Brec C: Jango

R: Wind R: Wind R: Lightning R: Lightning

R: Water R: Water R: Water R: Water

1) Hervey 1) Axel 1) Tal 1) Lino En Kludes

2) Sigurd 2) Izak 2) Jewel 2) Ugetsu
3) Dario 3) Selma 3) Keneth 3) Shiramine
4) Gau 4) Snowe 4) Paula 4) Flare

Notice something about my setup? I have choosen in a way that you

can use combos. Combos will deal more damage and they are more
effective that attacking on alone unless the character is well
equipped. Make sure Tal, Jewel, Keneth and Paula learnt the Knight
Attack as the one of the best all-attack combo after Hero and Kika's
Double Sword Attack. All attacker's weapon should be at least level
12 and equipped a minimum platinum-type equipment.

If a ship is destroyed, the characters on board the ship will not

proclaim as dead. However, if they got killed in a battle, they WILL
be proclaim as dead and you cannot use for future battles.

Once the naval battle is over, you will be controlling Elenor and the
detachment party.

Note (Do not equip*)
Please note that do not equipped any rare Runes (such as Mother
Earth, Rage or Fortune on these characters) or any accessories on
these characters if you intend to keep some for a New Game+ game.

Make your way up the pathway and there will be a chest. Grab a Mega
Medicine from it.

Enemies: Elite Captain, Kooluk Soldier, Elite Soldier, Elite
Trooper (stairs), Royal Guard Archer (stairs), Kooluk
Captain, Kooluk Archer, Grain of Light (stairs)

Once inside the fort, you will encounter Kooluk soldiers ranging from
captains, archers to elite soldiers. They are a bit stronger than the
ones you have encounter in Iluya or Na-Nal harbour but they are still
managed if your party level is around level 52 or so. Conserve your
magic and avoid using level 3 and level 4 spells against these enemies.
You need them for a boss battle.

Make your way inside the fort. Take the stairs on the right and you
will be heading to the basement.

Make your way towards north and along the pathway there is a chest,
search it for Hero's Helmet. (Do not equip it*). Make your way up the
dead end where there is a cell with a dead man. Search the dead man
and you will get the Cape of Darkness (do not equip it*)

2nd Floor
Make your way back to the first floor and used the left staircases.
On the left is a room that leads to "Stairs" which is locked for the
time being. Behind that block is an Angel Hairball which I suggest
you to deal it with your main party. Make your way up the stairs and
you will reach a similar area.
3rd Floor
Make your way to the back of the area and the the path will leads to
the meeting room where those Kooluk government holds their meetings
there. The path opposite the door leads to a chest containing a
Goddess Robe. Make your way back to the stairs and move your way up

4th Floor
The path will leads to the Rune Control Room. Do not enter it. Search
the chest on the right of the door for another Mega Medicine, Mixed
Herbs and Fortune Orb. Heal your party and restore MP if necessary.
Enter the room and there will be some scenes. Eventually, it is a
boss fight:

Graham Cray HP: 4500 Potch: 1000p
Start off the battle by combining level 4 spells to unleash
a strong spell. I start of the battle by unleashing all my
strongest magic. Do this because Cray will set up a shield
that reduces all damage by half (which also includes magic)
which will only for 5 turns. Cray has 2 basic attacks, a
hand beam attack that does 80+ HP damage to all allies and
a single target hand beam that does around 100+ HP damage to
all allies. Keep everyone's HP above 150 and you will be
find. Have Akaghi cast Earth Rune's Clay Guardian so to
reduce the damage dealt by Cray. Once he got the shield on,
use Combos or Mizuki's Shrike Rune and avoid wasting your
magic. Keep up the endurance and you will beat Cray in no

Items: Nothing!

Once the battle is over, there will be some more scenes and you will be
controlling Hero who is at the front of the Fort. At this point of
time, you can return back to the ship to remove the equipment along with
Runes for all the 16 fighters by talking to Rakgi who is at the end of
pathway (where Elenor starts off). To get back to the fort, talk to
Rakgi. You can only have 3 other members. It may seems a bit redundant
but it will be good if you intend to bring some of these armor for your
New Game+...

Once you are done with your preparations, talk to Agnes and you will
be able to setup your party:

Main Party
Ted is a must-have if you want to have an easy fight for the final
boss fight. I choose Ted over other magicians because he is faster and
a decent attacker as well. As my other members, I choose Kika and
Snowe. Kika is mainly for fighting Kooluk royal guards so that you can
conserve magic when combined with Hero, provided their weapons are
sharpen to the max. Snowe and Hero can wreck heavy damage when their
True Friendship Attack especially if you sharpen them to level 16 for
both characters.

Once you are done, enter the fort. Make your way to 2nd floor and
search for a chest behind the block with a door that leads to "Stairs".
Open the chest and you will fight...

Angel Hairball HP: 3000 Potch: 10000p
Do not drag the battle for too long or it could use Water
Dragon Rune attack! Just have Hero or Snowe used True
Friendship for 2 times (provided if you have really upgrade
both of their weapons to level 16), Kika using Falcon and
Ted attack normally. If you want, unleash some magic...

Items: Nothing!

Once the battle is over, you will get the Chao's Shield. Make your way
to the Rune Control and you will be able to access a door which leads
to the office. Search the blinking object on the table for a Stair Room
Key. Wonder why I choose to fight the Angel Hairball with the main party
and not the detachment party? Here is the reasons. Examine the sofa and
you will rest for free like your bed at the Dauntless!

Make your way back to the 2nd floor and head for the locked door. You
will be able to open it. In this area, you will encounter even
stronger Kooluk Soldiers with an average of 600 HP each. Conserve Ted's
spells especially Soul Eaters. Instead, make use of Kika and Hero's
strong party attack

From the door, you will find a chest under the stairs. Search it to get
the Magic Canceller. Make your way the spiral stairs till you reach the
next screen (i.e. past the yellow). Make your way UP again until you
reach the next marker (Build up your Rush meter and do not use it. Save
it for the boss fight, you will need it) In the 3rd screen, there will
be some point of time, you will find a chest containing a Mixed Herb.
Lastly once you reach the door. There is a Save Point. Heal your
character's health back to full. Make your way to the room and there will
be some scenes and prompts. Eventually, you will have your final boss

Giant Tree HP: 12500 Potch: 3000p
Seeds of Light HP: 3000 each

The boss could change colours and its elemental. Before is the
elemental chart:

Colour Element Weakness/Notes

Red Fire Water (Breath of Ice)
Orange Wind Fire (Final Explosion)
Blue Water Lightning (Soaring Bolt)
Green Earth Wind (The Shredding)
Yellow Lightning Earth (Earthquake)
White N/A Danger!

The boss will change colours from turn to turn and it will also
unleash seeds that also carries elements. The Wind Seed could
cast spells especially the annoying Wind of Sleep. Kill of any
seeds that bares an orange glowing light. The boss has a normal
attack that does around 120 HP damage to an ally, the seed's
glow attack that does 80 to 100 HP damage to all allies. Once it
is white, it will unleash a devasting beam attack that does
around 240 to all allies (even with Clay Guardian on). Hence
conserve level 3 spells for Ted (i.e. Kindness Rain) and use
Hero's Everlasting Mercy as your last resort.

The boss will be able to regenerate countless Seeds of Lights

(which can cast attacking spells on its own). Hence, focus on
the main boss. Use a group attack i.e. Kika/Hero Double Sword
Attack or Ted's Soul Eater. When the boss' HP is halved, it
turn white, use your Rush attack to prevent it from using its
devastating attack. Rush actually skips it turn. Just keep on
attack with Hero and Snowe's Friendship attack and you will
be lower the boss' HP. Once it is about to be killed, it will
turn white again. Use Hero's Everlasting Mercy, unleash Ted's
Judgment, Kika using Falcon and you should be winning the
battle sooner or later...

Items: Nothing!

Once the battle is over, the fort starts to tumble and you will need to
make your way out of the fortess. Once you are out of the fortess, make
your way down the stairs. Before you talk to Rakgi, remove all the
equipment from your current party except for Hero (unfortunately, you
cannot recover any of the Runes, that is the reason I recommend you to
have Kika in the party and sharpen her weapon to level 16). You will be
back on your ship and you will be prompted to meet Troy to a one-on-
one duel.

Fencing Battle #6 - Vs. Troy
"You cannot see my intentions..." (Well, if the quotes listed
below, you can guess what to use against him ^_^)

Quote Choice
Then... here I go! - Special
Yield to my sword - Special
... - Attack
Humph - Attack
Sorry... but I will take your life with one more move - Guard
I will settle this with the next move - Guard
Prepare yourself! - Guard


Once the battle is over, there will be some more scenes and you will
be forced to use the Rune and eventually comes the Rune screen again...
Remove all equipment from Hero before moving to the glowing object.

Enjoy the ending. After the credit roll (it takes around 5 to 7
minutes), you will be prompted for a clear game save. Choose to save
your game and you will be able to access New Game+ with your cleared
Save data via Continue option from the Saved Menu.

----------- END OF WALKTHROUGH -----------

What's new in New Game+?

- Your save file will be marked with green wordings. You will bring
over your game time too.

- You will bring over all your items and equipment except for
decoration ornaments (for the Ornament Room), Treasure Map, Ocean
Rune Pieces, Old Book Volumes, Window Sets, key accessories such
as Wooden Amulet, Rose Crest), Canvas & any equipped runes/
equipment on your characters before you talk to Rikie on your way
out of El-Eal. This also includes all key items. You will retain
your window settings and potch too.

- You will not keep the game's rare equipment sets (Pirate King Set,
Hero Set, and Guardian Set).

- All character's weapons and level will be reset to default.

- You will get Figure of Old Man (an ornament) that could be used in

- You can skip cutscenes by hit Triangle button.

- You will retain your exploration on the world map.

- You will also unlock the hidden song in Etienne's sound test

4.0 Runes Bestiary
Runes are the source of magic in Suikoden IV. To use Runes, you need to
get "Orbs" and have a Rune Master to equip it on a character for a fee.
Removing Runes also requires a fee. You can equip a maximum of 3 Runes
per character - Head, Left Hand and Right Hand.

There are character's unique Runes, which can on be equipped on a

certain character and you cannot remove them. Basically Runes can be
divided into 2 types - Magic and Skill Runes.

4.1 Magic Runes
There are 5 basic Rune elements - Fire, Wind, Earth, Water & Lightning
in Suikoden. These Runes elements have opposing effect on others. For
example, Fire is strong against Wind but weak against Water. Hence,
learn on how to exploit to maximize the character's battle
effectiveness. Equipping magic Runes also helps to give a character a
Rune bonus for Rune Cannons in your naval battles. For example, if you
equip a Fire Orb on Chiepoo, Chiepoo is able to use Fire as his Rune
cannon! For the effectiveness of the element, please refer to the Rune
Affinity Chart.

Rune Cannon: Fire

LV1 Flaming Arrows -100HP to one enemy
LV2 Dancing Flames -150HP to all enemies
LV3 Blazing Wall -300HP to all enemies
LV4 Explosion -500HP to all enemies

Finding it:
Characters: Pablo, Hervey, Lo Hak, Eugene, Maxine

Cost: 500p

Rune Cannon: Wind

LV1 Wind of Sleep Puts all enemies to sleep
LV2 Healing Wind HP/ status ailments cured (1 ally)
LV3 The Shredding -300HP to all enemies
LV4 Funeral Wind -300HP to 1 enemy, 25% chance of death

Finding it:
Characters: Paula, Flare

Cost: 500p

Rune Cannon: Earth

LV1 Clay Guardian +30% defense for 3 turns (all allies)
LV2 Vengeful Child Defend against Magic once (1 ally)
LV3 Guardian Earth Cures all status ailments (all allies)
LV4 Earthquake -800HP to all earthbound enemies

Finding it:
Characters: Tal, Kate, Lo Fong

- You can find one in the well at Elenor's home in Hermitage Island
(which is accessible after you have completed Elenor's assigned task)
- Clay Guardian adds 30% to physical defense (PDF) and magical defense
(MDF). Earthquake does not work on flying enemies. Please refer to
the enemies' bestiary.

Cost: 500p

Rune Cannon: Water

LV1 Kindness Drops Gain HP, cure status ailments (1 ally)
LV2 Breath of Ice -100HP to all enemies.
LV3 Kindness Rain Gain HP, cure status ailments (allies)
LV4 Silent Lake Suppress magic attacks for 3 turns

Finding it:
Characters: Snowe, Jewel, Katarina, Ugetsu, Sigurd, Ted, Selma

- You can find one inside Hero's Room in the Hall of Knights

Cost: 500p

Rune Cannon: Lightning

LV1 Berserk Blow -100HP to all enemies
LV2 Thunder Runner -300HP to 1 enemy
LV3 Soaring Bolt -600HP to 1 enemy
LV4 Furious Blow -900HP to 1 enemy

Finding it:
Characters: Keneth, Katarina, Reinhold, Jeane, Izak

- You can find one inside of the chest found in Nay-Kobold Settlement

Cost: 500p

Rune Cannon: Fire

LV1 Dancing Flames -150HP to all enemies
LV2 Blazing Wall -300HP to all enemies
LV3 Explosion -500HP to all enemies
LV4 Final Flame -700HP to all enemies

Finding it:
Characters: Konrad

- You can find another one via Treasure Island Hunting Map #1 (Donut

Cost: N/A

Rune Cannon: Wind

LV1 Healing Wind HP/ status ailments cured (1 ally)
LV2 The Shredding -300HP to all enemies
LV3 Funeral Wind -300HP to 1 enemy, 25% chance of death
LV4 Shining Wind +300HP (all allies), -500HP (all foes)

Finding it:
Characters: Maxine

- You can find another one via Treasure Island Hunting Map #18

Cost: N/A

Mother Earth
Rune Cannon: Earth

LV1 Vengeful Child Defend against magic once (1 ally)
LV2 Guardian Earth Cures all status ailments (all allies)
LV3 Earthquake -800HP to all earthbound enemies
LV4 Canopy Defense Defend against magic once (all allies)

Finding it:
Characters: Warlock

- You can find another one via Treasure Island Hunting Map #29

Cost: N/A

Rune Cannon: Water

LV1 Breath of Ice -100HP to all enemies.
LV2 Kindness Rain Gain HP, cure status ailments (allies)
LV3 Silent Lake Temporarily suppress magic for all
LV4 Mother Ocean HP/ status ailments/ KO cured (1 ally)

Finding it:
Characters: Warlock

- You can find another one via Treasure Island Hunting Map #4

Cost: N/A

Rune Cannon: Lightning

LV1 Thunder Runner -300HP to 1 enemy
LV2 Soaring Bolt -600HP to 1 enemy
LV3 Furious Blow -900HP to 1 enemy
LV4 Heavenly Thunder -1500HP to 1 enemy
Finding it:
- You can find another one via Treasure Island Hunting Map #13

Cost: N/A

Character Specific Magic Runes

There are 3 such Runes - Blinking, Rune of Punishment and the Soul
Eater. Below are the Rune stats and some useful notes that you want to
take note of. These Runes deals non-elemental damage to its target(s)
and cannot be disarmed from these characters.

Rune of Punishment
Rune governing atonement & forgiveness.
User: Hero

LV1 Eternal Ordeal -300HP to 1 enemy, -30HP to self
LV2 Double-Edged Sword -150HP to all enemies, -50HP to self
LV3 Voice of Death Very fatal (1 enemy), 10% fatal (self)
LV4 Everlasting Mercy -500HP (all enemies), +500HP (allies)

Finding it:
- You will get it once you got exiled from Razril

LV2 spell - After you have defeated Giant Crab at Deserted Island
LV3 spell - After you have used in Obel to save Lino.
LV4 spell - After you have used in Obel seas to save your party from
mysterious fleet.

- As it states the Rune consumes the user's life, make sure you have
someone to support Hero by maintaining his HP. Ethernal Ordeal is
extremely useful early in the game and Double-Edged Sword is useful
for clearing enemies that are in group. The tougher the enemies are
hit, the higher damage Hero will receive. The most I seen is Hero
receiving only -70 HP. Voice of Death does not work on bosses and it
could also kill Hero by chance. Everlasting Mercy, the Rune's final
spell is a good 2-way spell (heals and attacks) but unfortunately it
comes a bit too late but yet a good spell when party is critical low
on HP.

Soul Eater
Rune governing life and death.
User: Ted

LV1 Finger of Death Drains 1 enemy's life energy
LV2 Black Shadow -300HP to all enemies
LV3 Hades Drains life energy of all enemies
LV4 Judgment -1500HP to one enemy

Finding it:
- You will get it once you have recruited Ted (i.e. complete the Fog
Ship Quests).
- This is the game's best Rune as it contains the best non-elemental
attack spells. Black Shadow is extremely useful for training
characters as it instantly deals ~450 HP if Ted is at level 48.
Judgment is a deadly single enemy spell... Hades and Finger of Death
can drain around 100+ HP from enemy to Ted. Plus, Ted has a Water
Rune to boot and thus making best all-round support character.

Enables teleportation magic
User: Viki

LV1 Ready! Teleport 1 foe. Backfires if it fails
LV2 Set! -200HP to all enemies
LV3 Go! Teleports all enemies

Finding it:
- You will get it once you have recruited Viki.
- Ready! will teleports one enemy out of the battle but sometimes it
removes Viki or even your other party members. Hence take note of it.
But the Blinking spell will have a higher hit rate if Viki has higher
Luck stats. The most useful spell is perhaps Set!, which does -200
non-elemental damage to all enemies.

Magic Combos
Like Combo, Magic can combo if both characters has a usable level 4
spell left. Only the 5 basic elemental magic spells allow you to create
a combo:

Name of Spell Runes Damage

Sorched Earth Fire -1500HP to all enemies

Flame Array Fire -2000HP to one foe, -1000HP to other

Lightning foes

Thunder God Water -1500HP to 1 enemy, all allies healed


Water Dragon Water -900HP to all foes, All allies healed


Fierce Wind Fangs Wind -1500HP to all enemies



4.2 Skill Runes
Unlike Magic Runes, Skill Runes does not need your character to use MP.
They can be executed as long as the character is controllable and is
not KO'd.

Character Specific Runes

Rune that charms enemy monsters

Where to get it?

- Jeane comes with it. You can disarm it from her.

User: Jeane

It allows enemies or even allies (if they are males) to protect her
when she always about to be hit by a physical attack when her HP is

Special Rune. Combo attack against 1 enemy

Where to get it?

- Kika comes with it. You cannot disarm it from her.

User: Kika

It allows Kika to use a rapid stabbing attack that does around three
times more than her normal attack damage. Kika could miss the attack

Where to get it?
- Eugene comes with it. You cannot disarm it from Eugene

User: Eugene

All enemies will focus their attacks on Eugene first as compared to
other enemies i.e. Eugene will be targeted by the enemies.

Red Rose
A magnificent special Rune. Elegant attack against 1 enemy

Where to get it?

- Reinbach comes with it. You cannot disarm it from Reinbach

User: Reinbach

Reinbach will perform an elegant attack (more like ballad dance to me)
to one enemy. He will deal more damage based on his SKL stats.
Special Rune. Use ninja technique against 1 enemy.

Where to get it?

- Mizuki comes with it. You cannot disarm it from her

User: Mizuki

Mizuki will perform a suicide Ninja suplex on one enemy, hitting for
double her attack power and it never misses!

Special Rune. Berserk when woken

Where to get it?

- Ornan comes with it. You cannot disarm it from him

User: Ornan

Ornan ALWAYS started the battle in Sleep status. However, once he is
awaken (i.e. attacked or sleep status removed), he will be in Berserk
mode. To use Ornan effectively, it is good to have an item that could
cure status ailments like Salad or Knight's Lunch.

Skill Runes Listing

Holds Rune that awakens after 4th turn.

Where to get it?

- You can buy it at Na-Nal for 10000p.

The equipped character will be sleep status until he/she is being
attacked or the 4th turn is reached. Once awaken, he/she will be in
berserk mode! Actually works like Ornan's waking Rune except Ornan
needs to be attacked.

Holds Rune that enables more countering

Where to get it?

- You can buy it at your Rune shop or Razril for 5000p

The equipped character will have a higher chance of countering enemy's
physical attack.

Holds Rune that doubles damage two ways.

Where to get it?

- You can buy it at your Rune shop or Obel (after Kooluk invasion) for

The equipped character will deal twice the amount of damage to his/her
enemy and receive twice the amount of damage to himself/herself. It is
a 2-way effect. Extremely effective when equipped as a second orb along
with Fury Orb, the character can deal 4x his/her normal attack with
this orb equipment.

Holds Rune that heals when critical

Where to get it?

- You can buy it at your Rune shop or Obel (after Kooluk invasion)

The equipped character will be restored by 100HP when his/her HP is

Holds Rune that doubles EXP points

Where to get it?

- Find inside one of the chest in Fort El-Eal

It allows the equipped character to earn double the amount of the
experiences earned from battles.

Holds Rune that causes berserk.

Where to get it?

- You can obtain one by winning all 5 battles at the Training Hall for
the first time.

It allows the equipped character in berserk mode (i.e. red aura seen
from the character). The character will deal double his/her normal
attack damage.

Holds Rune that increases critical hits

Where to get it?

- You can buy it at your Rune shop or Na-Nal for 5000 potch
- Karl comes with it

It increases the rate of having criticals. Criticals will deal double
the character usually deals and there will be close-up view of the

Holds Rune that applies medicine

Where to get it?

- You can buy it at your Rune shop or Na-Nal for 5000 potch

It allows the character use a Medicine /Mega Medicine (if no Medicine
is in your stock) on a wounded ally automatically. It seems that it
does not work on the equipped character himself/herself.

Holds Rune that doubles Potch gained.

Where to get it?

- Lo Seng comes with it.
- You can find inside one of the chest at Mountain Mass Island where
you will encounter a Golden Hairball.

Your party will earn twice the amount of potch that you will normally

Holds Rune that avoids being targeted

Where to get it?

- You can find it inside a chest at Elenor's residence at Hermitage

Your character will not be targeted by the enemy at all except for the
enemies' area-type attack. I find this Rune is a must for Eugene (if
you intend to use him) so that you nullify the effect for his Firefly

Holds Rune that enables "slash" command.

Where to get it?

- You can get this orb by completing all 5 fights at the training hall
after the first time.

The "Flashes" command will appear below the Fight command at the
command screen if your party level is considerably higher than the
enemy. For details, please refer to the Enemy Bestiary.

Holds Rune that gradually recovers HP.

Where to get it?

- Win it as a second prize from the Lottery
- Buy it for 10000p at your Rune shop or Obel (before Kooluk invasion)

After a turn is over (i.e. all enemies/allies have execute their
attack), your character will be restored with 20 to 30 HP. It is not
useful in normal battles but an extremely useful Rune for naval battles
as you cannot use Runes or heal with items.

Holds Rune that causes 2-hit berserk. Becomes berserk when hit twice

Where to get it?

- Buy it for 10000p at your Rune shop or Razril (after Kooluk invasion)

It works like Fury Orb, except the character need to be hit by the
enemy twice before he becomes berserk.

Holds Rune (strength up + def, down).

Where to get it?

- Buy it for 50000p at your Rune shop or Razril (after Kooluk invasion)

Upon equipping this orb, 50% of the character's PDF stats will be
transfer to the character's STR stats.

Holds Rune (magic up + magic def, down).

Where to get it?

- Buy it at Obel Rune Shop for 50000p

Upon equipping this orb, 50% of the character's MDF stats will be
transfer to the character's MAG stats.

That's all for the orbs. I will be adding information for the Champion
Orb on the next update.

5.0 Items Bestiary
Like most RPGs, Suikoden IV has a wide diversity of items. Different
items serves different purposes:

5.1 Usable Items

Usable Items
These items can be used during battles or from the main menu. They have
help to fix status ailments, restore HP or MP, etc.
Medicine Buy: 20p

What it does?
Recover little HP (50 HP)

Getting it:
- Buy it from an equipment shop in any town
- Win it as fifth prize of Lottery

Mega Medicine Buy: 150p

What it does?
Recover a lot of HP (250 HP)

Getting it:
- Win it as fourth prize from the Lottery
- Buy it from equipment shop

Antitoxin Buy: 50p

What it does?
Recover from poison

Getting it:
- Buy it from an equipment shop

Cough Drops Buy: 50p

What it does?
Recover from silence

Getting it:
- Buy it from an equipment shop

Needle Buy: 50p

What it does?
Recover from balloon

Getting it:
- Buy it from an equipment shop

Escape Tailsman Buy: 200p

What it does?
Escape from dungeon

Getting it:
- Buy it from an equipment shop
- You will need one to recruit Travis, who can be found in Ruins of
Obel after you have liberated Obel from Kooluk rule (late in the
- Not an useful item but only in the final dungeon or before Viki joins
your party as you can "escape" automatically by using Viki's Glowing
Hand Mirror
- You can only use it in battle only.

Jizo Clock Buy: 500p

What it does?
Recover from unconsciousness (recovers KO'd with 100HP)

Getting it:
- Buy it from an equipment shop
- You will get one from winning the 3rd prize in the lottery

- You can use it only during battles and when a character has been

Mushroom Buy: N/A

What it does?
Recover 1 MP for each level.

Getting it:
- Various treasure chests (see walkthrough)
- Win it as a prize in Noah's card game
- Please refer to Cultivation Room for more details.

Mint Buy: N/A

What it does?
Recover all MP up to level 2

Getting it:
- Win it as a prize in Noah's card game
- Please refer to Cultivation Room for more details

Mixed Herbs Buy: N/A

What it does?
Recover all MP.

Getting it:
- Treasure chest in Mountain Mass Island and Fort El-Eal
- Please refer to Cultivation Room for more details

- This is one of the game's best items. It will recover fully a
character's MP back to full.
Gloomy Mushroom Buy: N/A

What it does?
Worsens status

Getting it:
- Please refer to Cultivation Room for more details.

Mysterious Mushroom Buy: N/A

What it does?
Worsens status

Getting it:
- Please refer to Cultivation Room for more details.

Gloomy Mint Buy: N/A

What it does?
Worsens status

Getting it:
- Please refer to Cultivation Room for more details.

Mysterious Mint Buy: N/A

What it does?
Worsens status

Getting it:
- Please refer to Cultivation Room for more details.

Silence Mint Buy: N/A

What it does?
Worsens status

Getting it:
- Please refer to Cultivation Room for more details.

Sleep Mushroom Buy: N/A

What it does?
Worsens status

Getting it:
- Please refer to Cultivation Room for more details.


Attributes Boosting Items

Attribute Boosting items will add a stat bonus permanently on a
character. I.e. if you use a Stone of Strength on Hero, his strength
will raise by 1 without the aid of using equipment or accessories.

Stone of Strength Increases strength level.

Stone of Defense Increases physical def. level
Stone of Skill Increases skill level.
Stone of Evasion Increases evasion level.
Stone of Magic Increases magic level.
Stone of Magic Def Increases magic def. level
Stone of Speed Increases speed level

Getting these items are hard as enemy do not drop them most of the
items. You can only get them from random battles by having a character
with Support - Found Treasure and it is only 1 out of 20 chances that
the enemies may drop them. BTW, attribute boosting items will sell for
zero potch.

Throughout the game, you can obtain some buns and special dishes via
questing or talking to friends. However, you can get more of these by
buying from Pam, Kevin or Funghi. To obtained more fish dishes, you
need to catch fish (via pole fishing or net fishing) and have Kevin
or Pam cook the fish.

Steamed Bun Buy: 100p

What it does?
Bun with red bean paste. Recover HP (100 HP)

Getting it:
- You can find one inside the chest inside Hero's room at the Knights
of Gaien. You can get another 10 more inside a chest while aboard
the exiled ship.
- You can buy one from the Bun Shop (by talking to either Kevin or Pam)
or Chadli

Meat Bun Buy: 200p

What it does?
Tasty bun filled with meat. Recover HP (200 HP)

Getting it:
- You can only buy it from the Bun Shop (by talking to either Kevin
or Pam) or Chadli

Crab Bun Buy: 350p

What it does?
Crab bun. Gain HP. Defense up for 3 turns. (100 HP)

Getting it:
- You can get one from the stove inside Elenor's house at the Hermitage
- You can buy one from the Bun Shop (by talking to either Kevin or Pam)
or Chadli.

Salad Buy: 150p
What it does?
Gain HP and heal all status ailments. (50 HP)

Getting it:
- You can get one by buying from Funghi (after you have recruited him)
at the Boutiques (3rd floor)

Broiled Fish Buy: 100p

What it does?
Simply fish dish. Recover HP (100HP)

Getting it:
- You can buy it from Chiepoo's shop (aboard the Exile Ship) or at
the Deserted Island and Funghi (after you have recruited him) who is
at the Boutiques (3rd floor) or Chadli.

Knight's Lunch Buy: 200p

What it does?
Gaien Knights' lunch. Recover HP (200HP)

Getting it:
- You can buy it from Funghi (after you have recruited him) who is at
the Boutiques (3rd floor)

Special Lunch Buy: 500p

What it does?
Gain HP and heal all status ailments (200HP)

Getting it:
- You can buy it from Funghi (after you have recruited him) who is at
the Boutiques (3rd floor)

Puffer Fish Sashimi Buy: N/A

What it does?
Gain HP. Magic Attack up for 3 turns (100HP)

Getting it:
- You need to catch a Puffer Fish (normally via pole fishing) and
talk to Kevin or Pam and have it cooked (2nd option)

Minced Bonito Buy: N/A

What it does?
Gain HP. Attack Strength up for 3 turns (100 HP)

Getting it:
- Guess right for 6 times in a row while playing Igor's coin toss
- You need to catch a Bonito and talk to Kevin or Pam to have it
cooked (2nd option)
- Net fishing around Obel or the southern ocean.

Mackerel Miso Stew Buy: 150p

What it does?
Recover HP (150HP)

Getting it:
- You can buy it from Chadli's Equipment Shop at the boutiques
- You need to catch a Mackerel and talk to Kevin or Pam to have it
cooked (2nd option)
- Net fishing around Donut Island, Mountain Mass Island, Na-Nal Island,
Nay Island, Obel and Nest of Pirates. It is actually the second most
common fish that you will catch via net fishing.

Crab Stew Buy: N/A

What it does?
Gain HP. Magic Defense up 3 turns (100 HP)

Getting it:
- You need to catch a Crab and talk to Kevin or Pam to have it
cooked (2nd option).

Broiled Sardine Buy: N/A

What it does?
Recover HP (100 HP)

Getting it:
- Net fishing of getting Sardine is very common.
- You need to catch a Sardine and talk to Kevin or Pam to have it
cooked (2nd option)

Whole Roast Snapper Buy: N/A

What it does?
Recover a lot of HP (500HP)

Getting it:
- You need to catch a Red Snapper and talk to Kevin or Pam to have it
cooked (2nd option)
- So far, I haven't caught one via pole fishing (or perhaps it is
normally the one that I always failed to catch...).
- Net fishing around Donut Island, Lime Shelf Island, Mountain Mass
Island or Nay Island


5.2 Sealed Orbs
Sealed Orbs contains Runes, the magical power in Suikoden. However in
order to use sealed power of the Rune, you need to have a Rune Master
to equip on your character. Rune Masters can be found in Rune Shop and
they also sell orbs. You can buy them and have them equipped. They will
also charge a fee (between 100p to 300p, only Jeane and her assistant
at your ship offers the fee of 100p) which is applied when equipping an
orb or removing one. Hence to cut costs, it is wise to recruit Jeane

Most of the orbs can bought from Rune Shops. In fact, Jeane's Rune shop
will sell all the Runes that you have bought from Rune shops in the

Fire Orb Orb holding the Fire Rune 500p
Water Orb Orb holding the Water Rune 500p
Lightning Orb Orb holding the Lightning Rune 500p
Earth Orb Orb holding the Earth Rune 500p
Wind Orb Orb holding the Wind Rune 500p

Higher Class Magic

Rage Orb Orb holding the Rage Rune -
Flowing Orb Orb holding the Flowing Rune -
Thunder Orb Orb holding the Thunder Rune -
Mother Earth Orb Orb holding the Mother Earth Rune -
Cyclone Orb Orb holding the Cyclone Rune -

*These orbs could be sold for 5000p each. But I don't recommend you to
sell them as they are rare orbs obtain via character recruiting or
treasure hunting.

Skill/ Status
Alert Orb Holds Rune that awakens after 4th turn 10000p
Counter Orb Holds Rune that enables more countering 5000p
Champion -
Double-Strike Orb Holds Rune that doubles damage two ways 20000p
Drain Orb Holds Rune that heals when critical 8000p
Fortune Orb Holds Rune that doubles EXP. points. -
Fury Orb Holds Rune that causes berserk -
Killer Orb Holds Rune that increases critical hits 5000p
Medicine Orb Holds Rune that applies medicine. 5000p
Prosperity Orb Holds Rune that doubles the Potch gained -
Skunk Orb Holds Rune that avoids being targeted -
Slash Orb Holds Rune that enables "slash" command. -
Sunbeam Orb Holds Rune that gradually recovers HP. 10000p
Violence Orb Holds Rune that causes 2-hit berserk 10000p
Warrior Orb Holds Rune (strength up + def. down). 50000p
Wizard Orb Holds Rune (magic up + magic def. down). 50000p

Orbs without buying prices means that they can only be obtained via
questing, recruiting characters or treasure hunting. For more details
about the Runes, please refer to the Rune Bestiary.

5.3 Rune Pieces
Rune Pieces can be attached to a characters by speaking a smithy and
have the smithy to imbue the Rune piece on weapon. Once it is attached,
you cannot removed. Attaching rune pieces will allow the character to
deal more damage if the enemy has that elemental weakness. You can
attached up to a maximum of 20 per elemental. The elemental power of
weapon will depends on the last Rune piece that is being attached. Rune
pieces can be bought from shops on Bargain list and is commonly dropped
by enemies. They can be sold for 250p each.

Earth Rune Piece Imbues sword with the power of earth

Fire Rune Piece Imbues sword with the power of fire
Lightning Rune Piece Imbues sword with the power of lightning
Water Rune Piece Imbues sword with the power of water
Wind Rune Piece Imbues sword with the power of wind

5.4 Materials
These items are normally dropped by enemies. Some of them take ages for
an enemy to drop while some are dropped as often (like Skeletons
dropping Bone). Materials are useless on their own unless you have used
them to make equipment by talking to Phil (at the Shipwright Room) or
Adrienne (at the smithery) if you have recruited both of them.

Materials such as cloth and ores, the main material in making equipment
can be bought via trading at the trading post.

Raw Materials
- The materials can only be dropped by enemies. Please refer to the
enemy bestiary for more information.
- As for ores and cloth, please refer to Section 9.1 for details.
- Raw materials that are marked with an asterisk (*) are rare items
and it will take a long time for enemies to drop them.
- The list of which enemies drop them will be listed under the
Equipment section.

Material Description Sell Price
Bone Material for combining. 10p
Diamond* Material for combining. 500p
Dragon's Bone* Material for combining. 250p
Dragon Scale* Material for combining. 250p
Feather Material for combining. 10p
Frog's Skin* Material for combining. 250p
Giant Bird's Feather* Material for combining. 250p
Giant Crab's Shell* Material for combining. 250p
Horn Material for combining. 10p
Pearl Shell* Material for combining. 250p
Platinum* Material for combining. 375p
Scale Material for combining. 10p
Shell Material for combining. 10p
Seashell Material for combining. 10p
Silk* Material for combining. 500p
Skin Material for combining. 10p
Unicorn's Horn* Material for combining. 250p

- It sounds funny that they have listed fish caught under this area.
- Fish can be caught in bulk via Net Fishing and they can be cooked
into dishes, which allows you to restore HP and gain status.
- For details on getting the fish, please refer to Section 5.1

Material Description Sell Price
Bonito Can't be eaten as is. 250p
Crab Can't be eaten as is. 100p
Mackerel Can't be eaten as is. 50p
Puffer Fish Can't be eaten as is. 75p
Sardine Can't be eaten as is. 50p
Red Snapper Can't be eaten as is. 100p

5.5 Antiques
Antiques are normally sold for great money and they can be found via
net fishing or defeating enemies. They will normally be obtained as
? Pot, ? Ornament or ? Painting. Some antiques are worthless like Pot
of Failure and Graffiti while others can be used to fetch a lot of

Antiques can be used to decorate Hero's room (paintings on the wall

slots and pots on the table (you cannot place a Knight Statue or
Voodoo Doll but some ornaments such as the lucky Good Luck Cat).

Pots or Ornaments can also be placed in Baths for additional

atmosphere too. The Good Luck Cat is a special ornament that cannot
be placed elsewhere except for your room. Make sure you do not sell
it away as it gives luck (more luck than the Lucky Rings)

? Pot Description Sell
Celadon Pot Can be used for decoration. 15000p
Pot of Failure Can be used for decoration. 5p
Pot of Razril Can be used for decoration. 750p
Pot of Obel Can be used for decoration. 2500p
Pot of Nay Can be used for decoration. 4000p
Pot of Na-Nal Can be used for decoration. -
Pot of Iluya Can be used for decoration. -
Hanging Scroll Can be used for decoration. -

? Ornament Description Sell
Angel Statue Can be used for decoration. 4000p
Good Luck Cat* Can be used for decoration. -
Knight Statue Can be used for decoration. 90000p
Voodoo Doll Can be used for decoration. 1000p
Figure of Old Man Can be used for decoration -

? Paintings Description Sell
Graffiti Can be used for decoration. 5p
Maestro Graffiti Can be used for decoration. 500p
"Flower" Can be used for decoration. 1500p
"Abstract" Can be used for decoration. 20000p
"Noble Portrait" Can be used for decoration. 60000p

The Figure of Old Man will be obtained upon starting a New Game+ file,
which is accessible upon completing game once.

5.6 Tradeable Items
Generally, tradeable items can be further classified into 3 major
groups - Ores, Cloths and Others. You can purchase all tradeable items
at trading post. Different trading post offers different prizes each
time you visit the post but certain places will always offers the
highest price for a certain object. For example, the pearl fetches the
highest prizes in Mordo Island while wine fetches the highest price in

You can start off trading with the "bad" versions of ore or cloth. You
can get better versions by trading them. For more details, please
refer to Section 9.1 for details. The only tradeable objects that are
worth to sell is Salt and Crystal Balls but you can much higher prizes

Pearl is a special item. It can be used to make accessories and for


Ores Description Sell
Bad Iron Ore Material for combining 10p
Normal Iron Ore Material for combining 25p
Good Iron Ore Material for combining 40p
Bad Silver Ore Material for combining 10p
Normal Silver Ore Material for combining 40p
Good Silver Ore Material for combining 60p
Bad Gold Ore Material for combining 25p
Normal Gold Ore Material for combining 50p
Good Gold Ore Material for combining 75p

Cloth Description Sell
Bad Cotton Cloth Material for combining 10p
Normal Cotton Cloth Material for combining 25p
Good Cotton Cloth Material for combining 40p
Bad Flax Cloth Material for combining 10p
Normal Flax Cloth Material for combining 40p
Good Flax Cloth Material for combining 60p
Bad Wool Cloth Material for combining 25p
Normal Wool Cloth Material for combining 50p
Good Wool Cloth Material for combining 75p

Others Description Sell
Soap Tradeable Item 25p
Crystal Ball Tradeable Item 150p
Flute Tradeable Item 25p
Sugar Tradeable Item 25p
Salt Tradeable Item 100p
Soy Sauce Tradeable Item 25p
Mayonnaise Tradeable Item 25p
Candle Tradeable Item 100p
Fur Tradeable Item 25p
Native Costume Tradeable Item 150p
Holly Berry Tradeable Item 25p
Wine Tradeable Item 25p
Rum Tradeable Item 50p
Deer Antler Tradeable Item 500p
Book Tradeable Item 150p
Musk Tradeable Item 25p
Ancient Text Tradeable Item 250p
Herbal Medicine Tradeable Item 150p
Flower Seed Tradeable Item 25p
Pearl Valuable. Can be found in seashells. 2500p

5.7 Others

5.7.1 Ocean Rune Pieces

Ocean Rune Piece Use for hull customization

These are used for hull customization. Once you got it, you can used it
to upgrade your ship. Throughout the course of the story, you can get
5 of them. Ocean Rune Pieces can be used to upgrade a ship's armor
(hull), move (mobility) and range (Shooting distance). It takes five
Rune pieces to increase its range. You cannot sell away it for cash...
The Runes is not necessary being used for your Dauntless ship, it can
also be used for other ships like The Grishend, Obel Ship and the Gaien
Ship. It can also be found at under the Rare Items column

5.7.2 Canvas

Canvas 2 Changes sail

Canvas 3 Changes sail

There are total of 3 canvas, the initial one comes with the ship itself.
Canvas 2 can be found in a chest in Middleport's Underground Path, while
the last one is obtained via treasure hunting.

5.7.3 Tickets

Item Description Sell
Supplementary Ticket 5 equal a lottery ticket 5p
Lottery Ticket Allows you to play the lottery once. 25p

The tickets will obtained as a bonus gift when you purchases items at
a shop in bulk. You will get a Supplementary Ticket when you made a
purchase of 500p and you can get a Lottery Ticket when you made a
purchase of 5000p. Once you got 5 Supplementary Tickets, it will be
converted to a Lottery Tickets.

Beside being used for Lottery, you can also use the Lottery Ticket as
an handgear. Go into battle with it and get a critical hit from an enemy
and you will get it converted in a special Lottery Ticket that adds +10
to your Luck! But please note that once you disarmed it and play
Lottery, that ticket will be first one to be used. Hence keep it on a
character when you wants to play Lottery.

5.7.3 Old Book Volumes, Treasure Maps and Window Sets

Old Book Volumes

Old Book Volume 1 Can't read as is.
Old Book Volume 2 Can't read as is.
Old Book Volume 3 Can't read as is.
Old Book Volume 4 Can't read as is.
Old Book Volume 5 Can't read as is.
Old Book Volume 6 Can't read as is.
Old Book Volume 7 Can't read as is.
Old Book Volume 8 Can't read as is.
Old Book Volume 9 Can't read as is.
Old Book Volume 10 Can't read as is.

There are total of 10 such books and they found scattered in all parts
of the world. For details in getting them, you can refer to Section 9.8.
To "read" these books, just move down the library and talk to Tanya
(who is recruitable at the Nest of Pirates before you take back Obel).

Treasure Maps
Treasure Map Unanalyzed treasure map.

Throughout the course of the game, you can find 28 such treasure maps.
(If you have visited the islands and do all the optional quests stated
in the walkthrough) The remaining 2 maps can be obtained via winning
Basil's tops (win 20 in a row), the mice catching mini-game. Once you
got a map, talk to Rene and you will hand over all maps that you have
gotten. Rene can be also found at the library.

Windows Set
Window Set 1 Changes window frame.
Window Set 2 Changes window frame.
Window Set 3 Changes window frame.
Window Set 4 Changes window frame.
Window Set 5 Changes window frame.
Window Set 6 Changes window frame.
Window Set 7 Changes window frame.
Window Set 8 Changes window frame.
Window Set 9 Changes window frame.

These Window Sets are hard to obtain and it may take ages to get them.
Once you have found one, talk to Nataly and you will hand over the Windows
her and you can customized your "window" with it. The window refers to
the menu by the way.

5.7.5 Decorations Ornament

"Animal Set"
Mink Wallpaper Can be placed in a room.
Tiger Carpet Can be placed in a room.
Blue Fox Desk Can be placed in a room.
Sheepskin Sofa Can be placed in a room.
Chinchilla Stand Can be placed in a room.

"Ocean Set"
Wave Wallpaper Can be placed in a room.
Ocean Floor Carpet Can be placed in a room.
Coral Table Can be placed in a room.
Seashell Bench Can be placed in a room.
Coral Console Can be placed in a room.

"Fancy Set"
Fancy Wallpaper Can be placed in a room.
Fancy Carpet Can be placed in a room.
Fancy Table Can be placed in a room.
Fancy Sofa Can be placed in a room.
Fancy Console Can be placed in a room.

"Simple Set"
Simple Wallpaper Can be placed in a room.
Simple Carpet Can be placed in a room.
Simple Table Can be placed in a room.
Simple Sofa Can be placed in a room.
Simple Display Stand Can be placed in a room.

"Forest Set"
Forest Wallpaper Can be placed in a room.
Forest Carpet Can be placed in a room.
Log Table Can be placed in a room.
Log Bench Can be placed in a room.
Log Display Stand Can be placed in a room.

"Village Set"
Sliding Door Can be placed in a room.
Tatami Mat Can be placed in a room.
Natural Wood Bench Can be placed in a room.
Natural Wood Desk Can be placed in a room.
Natural Wood Display Stand Can be placed in a room.

The difference between these ornaments and the ? ornaments is when you
uncover these ornaments, they will have been already appraised & they
can only be used to decorate the Ornament Room. For more details on
where to get these, please refer to Section 9.9. These cannot be sold
for cash.

5.7.6 Quest Items

Message Bottle "Coral... donuts... small island..."

- It is located at the beach of Nay Island once you have fled from
Obel. It allows you to gain access to Donut Island and hence
allowing you to recruit Rene

Snowe's Rags Clothes Snowe wore when adrift.

- Snowe comes with it when he re-joins you.

Snowe's Pirate Garb Pirate's garb for Snowe to get in role

- My favourite clothing for Snowe. It is the white garment that Snowe
wears when he return back to Razril for revenge. You can get it by
net-fishing around Iluya Island

Snowe's Noble Garb Snowe's noble-looking clothes.

- It is the clothing that Snowe wore when he was the commander of
Razril during Kooluk rule. You can get it net-fishing around Nest of

Snowe's Armor Snowe's nostalgic armor

- This is the armour that he worn during your Knights days at Gaien.
You can get it by net-fishing around the area near Razril.

5.8 Rare Items

Key Items
You need these items in order to progress into the later stage of the
story. Hence you will get it through your course of your game. Some
of the key items can be used for recruitment of additional characters

Document Must be delivered to Middleport

- You will get this item when you talked to the man at the Gaien
Ship after you have graduated the night before.

Commander's Meal Chief Cook Funghi's special lunch

- You will be given this by Funghi and you are to deliver meals for
Glen after the incident against Pirate Brandeau.

Commander's Medicine Medicine Snowe got for the Commander

- You will get this from Snowe after you have accompanied to Razril
equipment shop when Glen is ill.

Old Rope Might be used to fix the ship

- You will get this during your 3 days-2 night stay on the Deserted
Island. The item will only be available in your inventory when you
have choose Hero to do the task.

Wood Might be used to make the ship

- You will get this during your 3 days-2 night stay on the Deserted
Island. The item will only be available in your inventory when you
have choose Hero to do the task.

Coconut Might have various uses

- You will get this during your 3 days-2 night stay on the Deserted
Island. The item will only be available in your inventory when you
have choose Hero to do the task.

Ruins Entry Permit Allows entry to Obel Ruins.

- Lino will give it to you when you first visited Obel & establish
your stronghold.

Taisuke's Clothes Taisuke's discarded clothes

- It can be found near the cave's entrance once you meet Taisuke
inside Subterrarean Lake's spring. It is a green bundle

Green Bottle Contains Smelling Salts

- It can be in the cave that is accessed via the back road from
Elenor's home. You need to hand it over to Agnes.

Crest Proves its owner is a Silverberg

- It can be along with the green bottle, which is accessed via the
back road from Elenor's home. You need to hand it over to Elenor.

Golden Seal *oops I forget to jot it down ^_^*

- You will get this from Lino after the meeting at War Room after
you have recruited the Lady Tactician Elenor. The Golden Seal is
required to recruit Ted, Nalkul and Champo. You will need to
return it back to Lino after you have revisited Nest of Pirates
after reclaiming Razril from Kooluk.

Interior Design Book A book by someone named Pecola

- You can get it from a lady (Pecola's fans) outside the Middleport
Inn on your way after you have revisited it.

Elven Remedy Potion said to bring immortality.

- You will get it during your trip to Na-Nal on meeting the Village

Stair Room Key Key to Stair Room - Fort El-Eal.

- You will get this at the office room of Fort El-Eal which is
accessible after the detachment party has defeated the boss at the
Rune Cannon Control Room of Fort El-Eal

Special Items

Glowing Hand Mirror Can return to "Dauntless" Instantly.

- You will get this once you recruited Viki. The Glowing Hand Mirror
will teleport your back to the magic mirror where Viki is standing
or outside the War Room, 2nd Deck of your ship. You can use it
anywhere even in dungeons and the world map except at Fort El-Eal.
Please note that Certain cutscenes cannot be triggered by using
this mirror.

Rose Crest Proof of friendship.

- The Rose Crest can be obtained from Gareth, who resides in Nay &
can found in Inn's room at High Ground. You ca will get this item
from him after Reinbach has request for it. It is a special item
as it can be equipped as an accessory!

Iron Hammer Hammer for a Smith

- You can get it by defeating the Guard that resides in Obel Ruins
during your first visit there.

Copper Hammer Hammer for a Smith

- The hammer cna be found in a chest at the Hall of Knights during
the evening event after you have recapture Razril from Kooluk
rule. Once you miss it, you will miss it forever. You can upgrade
your weapons up to level 15!

Gold Hammer Hammer for a Smith

- The hammer can be obtained by defeating Angel Hairball in Obel
Ruins. I don't recommend you to get it in the first one as the
enemy will be a bit too tough for you. But this is the best
hammer as it upgrades your weapon to level 16!

6.0 Equipment Bestiary
To be updated in future updates...

7.0 Combos Bestiary
Combo is a special attack that allows two, three, and even four
characters to execute a combined attack for more damage, attack all
targets and some of them even heal the party.

Not all characters can learn Combo or they started off with a usable
combo except for Hero and Snowe's Friendship Attack at the beginning
of the game.

To use a combo, both character requires to have that the turn free.
For example to execute Double Sword Attack for both Kika and Hero,
Hero and Kika must not be doing anything else. If Hero cast a spell,
the combo will be unusable as Hero has already use his turn.

Combos can gain levels and their attacking power/effect will gain
levels. They will also be more effective when you have stronger

To learn a 2-person combo, it takes around 5 to 10 battles depending

on the character's affinity. To learn 3-person combo, it takes around
8 to 12 battles. To learn a 4-person combo (only Keneth, Tal, Jewel
and Paula) could learn, it will take around 12 battles to learn it.

2 Combo
Name of Attack Characters Damage
Friendship Attack Snowe Damage one enemy

True Friendship Attack Snowe 1.5x total damage to one

Hero enemy (later in the game)

Pirate Attack Sigurd 1.0x total damage to one

Hervey enemy

Family Attack Lino 1.0x total damage to one

Flare enemy (missable!)

Physical Attack Helga 1.0x total damage to one

Karl enemy

Ninja Attack Mizuki 1.0x total damage to one

Akaghi enemy

Double Sword Attack Hero 0.4x total damage to all

Kika enemies

Berserker Attack Dario 1.0x total damage to all

Gau enemies (missable!)

Love Love Attack Reinbach 0.4x total damage to all

Charlemagne enemies

Fisherman Attack Ugetsu 0.4x total damage to all

Shiramine enemies

Giant Sword Attack B Mitsuba 0.4x total damage to all

Selma enemies

Bow and Arrow Attack Ted 0.4x total damage to all

Aldo enemies

Sorcerer Attack Konrad 120 Fire damage to all

Katarina enemies

Master/Pupil Attack Warlock 120 Earth damage to all

Pablo enemies*

* It does not work on flying targets

3 Combo
Name of Attack Characters Damage
Adonis Attack Sigurd 1.2x total damage to one
Hervey enemy

Reverse Adonis Attack Jeremy 1.2x total damage to one

Travis enemy

Silver Attack Bartholomew 1.2x total damage to one

Ornan enemy

Spear Attack Lino 1.2x total damage to one

Eugene enemy

Sibling Attack Lo Hak 0.4x total damage to all

Lo Seng enemies
Lo Feng

Giant Sword Attack B Izak 0.4x total damage to all

Axel enemies

Barrage Attack (1)* Ted 0.4x total damage to all

Aldo enemies

Barrage Attack (2)* Ted 0.4x total damage to all

Aldo enemies

Barrage Attack (3)* Ted 0.4x total damage to all

Flare enemies
Lo Hak

Barrage Attack (4)* Ted 0.4x total damage to all

Lo Hak enemies
Allure Attack Kika 0.7x total damage to all
Jeane enemies

Beauty Attack Kika 0.7x total damage to all

Jeane enemies

Nymph Attack Viki 0.7x total damage to all

Rita enemies

True Ninja Attack Mizuki 250 Earth damage to all

Akaghi enemies (missable)

Meow Attack Chiepoo Recovers HP and status of

Nalkul the Nay-Kobolds.

Barrage Attack Notes

Barrage Attack has 4 forms and it is a requirement that you will be
need to learn Barrage Attack (1) and (2) first in order to learn (3)
or (4). Think of a diagram like the one below:

___ Flare ____________

/ | \
Ted ____ Aldo __________ Lo Hak
\ | /
\___ Frederica ________/

In order for Ted, Frederica and Lo Hak to learn Barrage Attack, you
need learn Ted/Aldo/Frederica and Ted/Aldo/Lo Hak or Ted/Flare/Lo Hak.

4 Combo
Name of Attack Characters Damage
Knight Attack Tal 250 Water damage to all
Jewel enemies

Combos can be improved in 2 ways, by fight with the characters involved

for more battles or upgrade their weapons by sharpening. Combos can
also gain levels and they will gain levels after you have fought:

Level 2 ~20 battles

Level 3 ~30 battles

In other words, it will take around 50 battles to level up combo

attacks to level 3. You can also improve the damage by equipping a Fury
Orb or Double-Strike Orb (better effect if both are equipped) so they
can deal more damage with the combo.

Some combos can missed even they are at level 3 like Gau and Dario's
Berserker Attack. When it stated as 1.0x damage it doesn't mean exactly
1.0 of the two/three characters attack power combo. It could be more
or less depending the enemy's defense or luck (critcials). Combos like
Ugetsu and Shiramine's Fisherman Attack (very useful as it never miss)
or Hero and Kika's Double Sword Attack are very useful in weakening a
group enemies when training.

Hence, do not hestiate to try out all combos!

8.0 Enemies Bestiary
Initially, I want to miss out this section and have all the enemy data
on the walkthrough instead but it fails because the enemy will have
more HP as it is based on Hero's level.

I have arranged them according to alphabetical order. Items marked

with asterisks are extremely rare items.

Armoured Wolf HP: 400 ~ 600 Potch: 1600
Weakness: - Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 60)

- Obel Ruins, after you have recaptured it from Kooluk

- Appears in groups of three, sometimes with Unicorn Zombie
- Has an ability to petrify a character with its bite attack

Bone, Skin

Bloody Behemoth HP: 350 ~ 400 Potch: 1600
Weakness: - Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 50)

- Iluya Island, Destroyed Town

- It has strong physical attacks, that sometimes could cause confusion
or silence.
- Encounter rate seems to drop after Kooluk has invaded Na-Nal.


Blue Rodent HP: 100 ~ 250 Potch: 370
Weakness: - Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 40)

- Mordo Island
- Obel Inner Ruins

- Always appears along with Red and Yellow Rodent
- It can cause Balloon status with its attacks

Water Rune Piece

Damp Hairball HP: 200 ~ 350 Potch: 500
Weakness: Lightning, Wind Ground: No
Flashes: Yes (LV 40)

- Ocean, near Obel, Nay and Na-Nal

- It appears in groups, sometimes along with Speckled Rays
- It can cast Breath of Ice as its main attacks and heal itself with
Kindness Drop

Pot of Nay, Pot of Failure, Stone of Magic Def*

Demon Frog HP: 1200 ~ 1600 Potch: 3000
Weakness: Earth Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 50)

- Nay Island, Stonecutter's Field or Suspension Bridge, after Hero
has been proclaimed King (i.e. receive the Golden Seal)

- It has a slash attack that does heavy damage to one character and
a slash all attack on all allies
- It always appears on its own.

Skin, Frog's Skin*

Demon Hairball HP: 250 ~ 300 Potch: 750
Weakness: Water Ground: No
Flashes: Yes (LV 50)

- Ocean, near Mountain Mass Island, Iluya, Donut Island or Limeshelf

- It appears in groups, sometimes along with Spiny Grecko or Red Ray
(when you encounter it in Iluya)
- It can cast Burning Flames

Pot of Nay, Fire Rune Piece, Unicorn's Horn, Stone of Strength*

Demon Wolf HP: 200 ~ 250 Potch: 550
Weakness: - Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 50)

- Hermitage Island, Forest or Back Road

- It appears in groups sometimes with Fossil Beast
- It could turn an ally into stone with its attack

Skin, Bone

Dry Fly HP: 450 ~ 500 Potch: 1200
Weakness: Wind Ground: No
Flashes: Yes (LV 60)

- Deserted Island, Cave or Dense Forest (appears only after you have
regain control of Razril from Kooluk rule)

- It appears in groups sometimes with Golden Wing
- It can cause poison with its attack

Feather, Wind Rune Piece

Evil Bat HP: 300 ~ 350 Potch: 780
Weakness: Wind Ground: No
Flashes: Yes (LV 40)

- Mountain Mass Island (lower area)

- It appears in groups

Skin, Wind Rune Piece*

Fish Fiend HP: 300 ~ 350 Potch: 800
Weakness: Lightning Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 50)

- Mountain Mass Island (upper ground)

- It appears in groups.

Skin, Scale, Water Rune Piece*

Fishman HP: 400 ~ 450 Potch: 900
Weakness: Lightning Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 50)

- Donut Island

- It appears in groups and sometimes alone

Skin, Scale, Water Rune Piece*

Fly Lizard HP: 300 ~ 350 Potch: 120
Weakness: Wind Ground: No
Flashes: Yes (LV 40)

- Ocean near Obel
- Ocean in southern Ocean

- It appears in groups and sometimes with Jellyfishman

Skin, Wind Rune Piece, Stone of Evasion*

Fossil Beast HP: 170 ~ 250 Potch: 600
Weakness: Earth Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 50)

- Hermitage Island, Back Road

- It appears mostly in groups and sometimes with Demon Wolf
- It has a beam attack that does 70HP damage to one ally and a spread
horn beam attack that does around 50HP damage to all allies

Skin, Earth Rune Piece, Unicorn's Horn

Furball HP: 300 ~ 350 Potch: 1000
Weakness: Wind Ground: No
Flashes: Yes (LV 50)

- Middleport's Secret Underground Path

- It appears in groups

? Painting (Maestro Graffiti)

Giant Bat HP: 140 ~ 200 Potch: 1300
Weakness: Wind Ground: No
Flashes: Yes (LV 40)

- Ocean, near Obel

- It appears in groups

Wind Rune Piece, Skin

Golden Wing HP: 550 ~ 600 Potch: 1300
Weakness: Wind Ground: No
Flashes: Yes (LV 60)

- Deserted Island, after you have recaptured Razril from Kooluk

- It appears in groups and sometimes along with Dry Fly
- It could cause an ally turn into stone with its attack

Lightning Rune Piece*, Skin

Golden Wolf HP: 220 ~ 280 Potch: 500
Weakness: Earth Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 50)

- Nay Island (Stonecutter's Field, Suspension Bridge)

- It appears in groups or alone and sometimes with Killer Fly
- Its bite attack could cause an ally turn into stone

Bone, Skin

Golem HP: 5000 ~ 5500 Potch: 10000
Weakness: Wind Ground: No
Flashes: Yes (LV 60)

- Obel Ruins (dead end areas where you find chests containing the
Angel Hairball or the Window Set)

- It appears in alone
- It has a beam attack that does around 50 to 80HP to all allies
- It has a mega punch attack that does around 100 to 110 HP to one

Platinum*, Diamond*
Hairball HP: 20 ~ 50 Potch: 40
Weakness: Wind Ground: No
Flashes: Yes (LV 30)

- Razril (Back Street) before Hero got exiled and after the Kindness

- It appears in groups or alone

Medicine, Pot of Razril

Ice Bird HP: 280 ~ 300 Potch: 900
Weakness: Lightning Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 50)

- Ocean surrounding Razril or Middleport
- Northern Ocean

- It will normally appears in groups or sometimes alone
- It can cast a damaging water-element breath attack to one ally
- It sometimes appear with Killer Fish

Feather, Giant Bird's Feather*, Water Rune Piece*

Jelly Man HP: 100 ~ 140 Potch: 400
Weakness: Earth Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 40)

- Obel Ruins (before you flee from it)

- It has the ability to regenerate unless there are no enemies alive
in that battle.


Jellyfish Man HP: 120 ~ 200 Potch: 400
Weakness: Earth Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 40)

- Every part of the ocean

- Most of the times, it appears in groups and sometimes with Speckled
Ray or Fly Lizard
- Other than its normal attack, it has a spread beam attack that does
around 20~30 HP damage to all allies.

Medicine, Lightning Rune Piece*, Stone of Skill*

Killer Fish HP: 150 ~ 240 Potch: 700
Weakness: Lightning Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 50)

- Northern Ocean
- Ocean, near Razril or Middleport

- It will always appears in groups and sometimes with Ice Bird

Medicine, Water Rune Piece*, Scale

Killer Fly HP: 150 ~ 240 Potch: 350
Weakness: Wind Ground: No
Flashes: Yes (LV 40)

- Nay Island - Stonecutter's Field

- It will always appears in groups
- It could cause poison with it attack

Feather, Wind Rune Piece*

Killer Rodent HP: 180 ~ 220 Potch: 380
Weakness: - Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 40)

- Mordo Island
- Cliff Path (that leads to the cave where your ship is previously
located at)
- Obel Ruins - Inner Ruins

- Most of the times, it will appear in groups
- It has an instant death attack against one ally but it also kill off

Feather, Wind Rune Piece*

Land Dragon HP: 5000 ~ 7000 Potch: 8000
Weakness: Wind Ground: No
Flashes: No
- Middleport, Secret Underground Path before you enter the labortory
(You can encounter only once per visit there) To fight it there
again, make your way out of Middleport with Blinking Mirror or via
the port and re-enter and you will be able to fight it again.

- For its attack details, you can actually refer to the boss strategy\
under the Optional Bosses Section
- To finish it fast, bring in Ted and have Ted's use Soul Eater or
Snowe for True Frienship attack (of course with Fury and Double
Strike Rune Combo)

Dragon's Bone*, Dragon Scale*

Land Shell HP: 5000 ~ 6500 Potch: 17000
Weakness: Lightning/Earth Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 65)

- Ocean, near Middleport between the route that leads to the deserted
islands. Encounter more easily by moving your ship in auto movement
mode to and fro from a spot some distance away from Middleport
- East off Iluya Island

- Like Leviathan, it is a rare enemy and a tough nut to crack
- It appears usually with 4 Tentacles that has around 1000 HP each
- You cannot attack it with Combos or Attacks that are close range
except for long range attacks/combos or magic spells
- For its attack details, you can actually refer to the boss strategy
against Moving Isle and Tentacles.

Graffiti, Seashell, Pearl Shell*

Leviathan HP: 5000 ~ 7000 Potch: 8000
Weakness: Wind Ground: No
Flashes: Yes (LV 65)

- Anywhere on the ocean, especially in the northern or southern part
of the ocean (where you can't find islands in the vicinity)

- It is a rare enemy with low encounter rate but it is tough nut to
- It has a lightning area attack that deals around 70 to 100 HP to all
allies, a wind slash that cause sleep on one character along with
tail-type wind slash that does around 80 to 105 HP to one ally.

Dragon's Bone*, Dragon Scale*

Metal Crab HP: 1000 ~ 1200 Potch: 3500
Weakness: Lightning Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 40)

- Ocean near Deserted Island

- It has high HP

Shell, Water Rune Piece, Platinum*

Moss Behemoth HP: 1500 ~ 2200 Potch: 2800
Weakness: - Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 60)

- Deserted Island (Cave or Dense Forest), after you have recaptured
Razril from Kooluk

- It has a normal fist attack that could cause Silence or Confusion
- It has a group fist attack that does around 80 to 90 HP damage to
all allies.
- It could appear alone, in groups of two and sometimes with Savage

Earth Rune Piece, Silk*

Mosquito HP: 350 ~ 400 Potch: 680
Weakness: - Ground: No
Flashes: Yes (LV 50)

- Lime Shelf Island

- It can cause poison with its attack
- It will normally (or always) appears in groups.

Feather, Wind Rune Piece

Muddy Fish HP: 150 ~ 200 Potch: 80
Weakness: Lightning Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 30)

- Around Middleport and Razril ocean before being exiled from Razril.

- Appears in groups and sometimes with Wild Seaweed
- Stops appearing at that region after you have being exiled from
Medicine, Scale, Skin

Ogre Frog HP: 1000 ~ 1200 Potch: 2500
Weakness: Earth Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 50)

- Middleport's Secret Underground Path, the 3rd and last screen of the

- It normally appear alone or in groups of 2
- It has high HP and is able to deal a smash attack that does around
50 ~ 80 HP on allies and a single axe blow on one allies.

Skin, Frog's Skin*

Paradise Bee HP: 120 ~ 200 Potch: 300
Weakness: - Ground: No
Flashes: Yes (LV 40)

- Na-Nal Island Harbour or Gathering Square (before Kooluk invasion)
- Mordo Island

- It can cause poison with its attack
- It will normally (or always) appears in groups.

Feather, Wind Rune Piece*

Pearl Crab HP: 090 ~ 100 Potch: 340
Weakness: - Ground: No
Flashes: Yes (LV 30)

- Deserted Island Cave (before you recapture Razril from Kooluk rule)

- It will normally (or always) appears in groups.

Shell, Seashell

Poison Bird HP: 280 ~ 300 Potch: 950
Weakness: - Ground: No
Flashes: Yes (LV 50)

- Middleport's Secret Underground Path

- It will normally appears in groups or sometimes alone
- It can cause poison with its breath attack

Feather, Giant Bird's Feather*

Poison Lizard HP: 200 ~ 250 Potch: 350
Weakness: - Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 40)

- Ocean surrounding Obel

- It will normally appears in groups or sometimes with Giant Bats
- It could cause Poison with its tail attack

Medicine, Scale, Skin

Queen Sprout HP: 2800 ~ 3200 Potch: 8000
Weakness: Earth Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 60)

- Deserted Island (after you have recapture Razril)

- It will always appears alone
- It has a gobble attack against one ally that could inflict a series
of status ailments on that ally

Silk*, Fire Rune Piece*

Red Ray HP: 320 ~ 380 Potch: 880
Weakness: Water Ground: No
Flashes: Yes (LV 50)

- Ocean surrounding Iluya (the weather must be in raining condition)

- It will mostly appears in groups or with Demon Hairballs or Spiny
- It has a spread beam attack that does 50 HP damage to all enemies
and a charge attack that does around 40 HP to one ally

Fire Rune Piece, ? Pot (Pot of Nay, Pot of Iluya)

Red Rodent HP: 100 ~ 250 Potch: 370
Weakness: - Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 40)
- Mordo Island
- Obel Inner Ruins

- Always appears along with Blue and Yellow Rodent
- It can cause Balloon status with its attacks

Fire Rune Piece*, Stone of Evasion*

Rock Crab HP: 200 ~ 250 Potch: 700
Weakness: Earth Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 40)

- Ocean (near Hermitage Island or Nest of Pirates)

- It appears in group and sometimes with Speckled Rays

Shell, Seashell

Rodent Leader HP: 180 ~ 270 Potch: 350
Weakness: - Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 40)

- Mordo Island
- Obel Inner Ruins

- Appears in the groups along with Yellow Rodents
- It has an attack that could cause the Balloon Status

Earth Rune Piece, Stone of Speed*

Savage Frog HP: 2300 ~ 2800 Potch: 2800
Weakness: Earth Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 60)

- Deserted Island - Dense Forest or Cave, after you have recapture
Razril from Kooluk

- It normally appear alone or sometimes with a Moss Behemoth
- It has high HP and is able to deal a smash attack that does around
70 ~ 90 HP on allies and a single axe blow on one allies.

Skin, Frog's Skin*, Water Rune Piece

Skeleton HP: 500 ~ 600 Potch: 1800
Weakness: Earth Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 60)

- Obel Ruins (after you have recaptured it from Kooluk)

- It will normally appear in groups of 3 or sometimes with a Unicorn
- It will regenerate automatically until all enemies have been wiped
out on the battlefield

Bone, Pot of Obel*

Shobby Shrew HP: 20 ~ 50 Potch: 30
Weakness: None Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 20)

- Razril Back Street (before you got exiled)

- It will normally appear alone, sometimes with a Thug

Graffiti, Medicine

Speckled Ray HP: 230 ~ 300 Potch: 340
Weakness: None Ground: No
Flashes: Yes (LV 40)

- Anywhere on the Ocean

- It will mostly appear in groups, sometimes with Jellyfish Man,
Rock Crabs (near Nest of Pirates) or Fly Lizard (near Na-Nal or Nay)
- It has a spread beam attack that does around 20 ~ 30 HP damage to
all allies.

Pot of Failure, Earth Rune Piece

Speckled Leaves HP: 300 ~ 350 Potch: 900
Weakness: Fire Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 50)

- Middleport - Secret Underground Path

- It will mostly appear in groups
- It has a spread leaves attack that could sometimes causes Silence
to one ally
Mega Medicine

Spiny Grecko HP: 300 ~ 350 Potch: 1000
Weakness: Earth Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 50)

- Ocean, near Lime Shelf Island, Donut Island, Iluya Island or
Mountain Mass Island

- It will mostly appear in groups, sometimes with Red Rays (near
Iluya) or Demon Hairballs
- It could cause silence status with its tail attack

Skin, Scale, Unicorn's Horn

Stun Lizard HP: 300 ~ 350 Potch: 850
Weakness: Earth Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 50)

- Iluya Island

- It will mostly appear in groups or sometimes alone
- It could cause silence/confusion status with its tail attack

Skin, Scale, Lightning Rune Piece

Thug HP: 15 ~ 45 Potch: 30
Weakness: None Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 20)

- Razril Back Street (before you got exiled)

- It will normally appear alone, sometimes with a Shobby Shrew

Graffiti, Medicine

Unicorn HP: 150 ~ 200 Potch: 420
Weakness: Earth Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 30)

- Obel Ruins (before flee from Obel)

- It appears mostly in groups and sometimes with Jelly Man
- It has a beam attack that does 50HP damage to one ally and a spread
horn beam attack that does around 25HP damage to all allies

Unicorn's Horn, Horn

Unicorn Zombie HP: 600 ~ 650 Potch: 1700
Weakness: Earth Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 60)

- Obel Ruins (after recapturing Obel from Kooluk)

- It appears mostly in groups and sometimes with Skeleton or Armoured
- It has a beam attack that does 80HP damage to one ally and a spread
horn beam attack that does around 70HP damage to all allies

Unicorn's Horn

Wicked Hen HP: 300 ~ 350 Potch: 800
Weakness: - Ground: No
Flashes: Yes (LV 50)

- Na-Nal Islands - Gorge

- It will normally appears in groups or sometimes alone
- It has a breath attack that does around 50HP to one enemy

Feather, Giant Bird's Feather*

Wild Crab HP: 90 ~ 120 Potch: 380
Weakness: Earth Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 30)

- Deserted Island (before recapturing Razril from Kooluk)

- It appears in groups and sometimes with Fly Lizard

Shell, Seashell

Wild Leaves HP: 160 ~ 200 Potch: 500
Weakness: Fire Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 40)

- Hermitage Island

- It will mostly appear in groups
- It has a spread leaves attack that could sometimes causes Silence
to one ally

Mega Medicine

Wild Seaweed HP: 30 ~ 80 Potch: 80
Weakness: Fire Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 30)

- Ocean (before exiled)

- It will mostly appear in groups
- It has a spread leaves attack that could sometimes causes Silence
to one ally


Yellow Rodent HP: 150 ~ 200 Potch: 300
Weakness: - Ground: Yes
Flashes: Yes (LV 40)

- Mordo Island
- Obel Inner Ruins

- Appears in the groups along with Rodent Leader
- It has an attack that could cause the Balloon Status

Wind Rune Piece

9.0 Miscellaneous Information
Under this section, you will find information about optional bosses,
naval battles tactics, mini-games, treasure map hunting, cultivation
room, shipwright options, etc.

9.1 Advanced Naval Battles Tutorial
Naval battles can be easy if you come prepared or hard if you are
confused elementals strengths and weakness.

Ship Stats
You will have a total of 4 vessels (sounds more professional than
ships) to use at the end of the game. You will be able to use the
following four ships and their stats:

Move Hull Range Obtained

Dauntless 4 12 3 When you flee from Obel
The Grishend 3 7 3 When you meet Kika
Gaien Ship 4 7 3 Liberate Razril
Obel Ship 4 7 3 Liberate Obel

To upgrade the ship's defense and range, you need to use Ocean Rune
Pieces which are scattered in various treasure chests around the
world. There are a total of 5 Ocean Rune Piece per game and you can
use them on your ship by talking to Tov, who is located in the
Shipwright's Room, 4th Deck Corridor. For details, please refer to
Section 9.7.

Throughout the course of the game, you will be able to have 11
selectable captains. Captains will have an impact on the ship's
mobility, hull defense and attacking range. They will also usually
carry more underlings than other characters.

Hero Underlings: 40 Lino En Kludes Underlings: 30

-------------------------- --------------------------------
Mobility 20 Mobility 20
Hull +10, Move +1 Move +1
-------------------------- --------------------------------

Axel Underlings: 06 Reinbach Underlings: 15

-------------------------- --------------------------------
Mobility 10 Mobility 10
Range +1 Hull +10
-------------------------- --------------------------------

Kika Underlings: 25 Konrad Underlings: 08

-------------------------- --------------------------------
Mobility 20 Mobility 10
Range +1 Range +1
-------------------------- --------------------------------

Katarina Underlings: 18 Jango Underlings: 22

-------------------------- --------------------------------
Mobility 10 Mobility 25
Range +1 Move +2
-------------------------- --------------------------------

Brec Underlings: 18 Sigurd Underlings: 10

-------------------------- --------------------------------
Mobility 20 Mobility 10
Hull +10 Range +1
-------------------------- --------------------------------

Hervey Underlings: 10 Helmut Underlings: 20

-------------------------- --------------------------------
Mobility 20 Mobility 10
Range +1 Hull +10
-------------------------- --------------------------------

Dario Underlings: 15 Nalleo Underlings: 10

-------------------------- --------------------------------
Mobility 15 Mobility 6
Hull +10 Hull +20
-------------------------- --------------------------------

Haruto Underlings: 08 Snowe Underlings: 06

-------------------------- --------------------------------
Mobility 6 Mobility 10
Range +2 Hull +10
-------------------------- --------------------------------

Rune Cannons
For support characters, the element of the Runes are fixed and you
can change it. For playable characters (i.e. characters that you can
used them for battles), you can use Runes and the effect will be
different due to different affirnity to Runes.

Red Fire Strong against Wind, Weak against Water

Yellow* Wind Strong against Earth, Weak against Fire
Green Earth Strong against Lightning, Weak against Wind
Purple* Lightning Strong against Water, Weak against Earth
Blue Water Strong against Fire, Weak against Lightning

* I supposed the creators have made an error in the colour coding.

Lightning supposed to be yellow and wind should be purple as
according to the crystals.

Keen Underlings: 00 Jango Underlings: 22

-------------------------- ---------------------------
Fire 10 Wind 6
-------------------------- ---------------------------

Brec Underlings: 18 Micky Underlings: 00

-------------------------- ---------------------------
Lightning 5 Fire 4
-------------------------- ---------------------------

Gary Underlings: 00 Ema Underlings: 00

-------------------------- ---------------------------
Lightning 10 Water 10
-------------------------- ---------------------------

Rene Underlings: 00 Tanya Underlings: 00

-------------------------- ---------------------------
Earth 8 Water 20
-------------------------- ---------------------------

Yu Underlings: 00 Carrie Underlings: 00

-------------------------- ---------------------------
Lightning 20 Water 15
Wind 16
-------------------------- ---------------------------

Tov Underlings: 08 Etienne Underlings: 00

-------------------------- ---------------------------
Fire 12 Earth 8
Water 12
-------------------------- ---------------------------

Agnes Underlings: 08 Basil Underlings: 00

-------------------------- ---------------------------
Water 7 Lightning 4
Lightning 7
-------------------------- ---------------------------

Igor Underlings: 00 Desmond Underlings: 06

-------------------------- ---------------------------
Water 4 Earth 10
Wind 10
Fire 8
-------------------------- ---------------------------

Taisuke Underlings: 00 Pecola Underlings: 00

-------------------------- ---------------------------
Fire 5 Earth 4
-------------------------- ---------------------------

Setsu Underlings: 00 Nalleo Underlings: 10

-------------------------- ---------------------------
Earth 5 Fire 4
Lightning 4 Wind 4
-------------------------- ---------------------------

Noah Underlings: 00 Gunter Underlings: 00

-------------------------- ---------------------------
Water 4 Wind 6
-------------------------- ---------------------------

Haruto Underlings: 08 Oskar Underlings: 00

-------------------------- ---------------------------
Water 4 Water 4
Wind 4
-------------------------- ---------------------------

Rune Affinity Chart

These character can have five different elements depending on the Runes
that you have equipped on the character. The list may take me a few
updates to complete this listing. Initially, I thought that the power
of Rune Cannon depends on the character's level but it is wrong when I
saw a level 1 Tal having Earth Rune of attacking power 20!

Fire Wind Earth Lightning Water
Hero 20 20 20 20 25
Lino - 8 10 - 8
Ted 40 40 40 40 40
Tal 16 8 20 8 -
Izak - - 6 4 4
Axel 4 - - 4 -
Selma - 20 - 16 24
Aldo - 5 5 - -
Reinbach 10 10 8 - 8
Chiepoo 16 16 20 16 8
Paula - 20 16 - 16
Kika - 8 4 12 -
Keneth 16 16 16 20 16
Travis - 8 8 - -
Snowe - 16 - - 16
Rachel - 12 - - 8
Helga 4 4 - - 4
Gau 1 1 1 1 1
Gretchen 15 - - 12 15
Konrad 48 40 - - 40
Jewel 16 16 - - 20
Katarina 48 40 32 32 40
Lo Seng - 5 5 - -
Shiramine - - 5 - -
Lo Fong 12 - 12 - 12
Ugetsu - 4 - - 6
Lo Hak 12 - 10 - 8
Flare 16 20 16 20 8
Jeremy - - - - 4
Jeane 40 - - 60 50
Sigurd 16 - - 8 24
Hervey 12 4 8 - -
Frederica 8 10 8 - -
Bartholomew 4 - - - -
Helmut - - 25 20 10
Pablo 30 24 - 24 24
Dario - - 12 8 8
Millay 16 20 16 - 20
Reinhold - 8 8 - -
Warlock 50 - 60 50 50
Akaghi - 8 8 - -
Mizuki 20 16 - - -
Ornan 12 - - - 12
Ameria - 30 - 20 20
Wendel 32 40 32 - 32
Eugune - - 8 8 -
Mistuba 4 5 4 - 2
Viki - 40 40 - 40
Kate - - 20 20 20
Charlemagne 4 - 5 4 4
Rita 16 - 16 20 -
Trishtan - - - - 5
Nalkul - 16 - 16 8
Champo 16 - 16 20 8
Maxine 50 60 50 - -
Karl 4 - 2 5 -

Different characters have different levels of underlings. Underlings
actually represents the health meter of the ship. The more underlings,
the most Rune cannon shots that a ship could last. However having more
underlings will affect the ship's mobility and hence may be the last
to move if you have too many underlings.

Underlings Character
40 Hero
30 Lino En Kludes
25 Kika
22 Jango
20 Helmut, Flare
18 Brec, Katarina
15 Dario, Reinbach
10 Hervey, Sigurd, Keneth, Paula, Nalleo
8 Karl, Maxine, Champo, Nalkul, Rita, Charlemagne,
Kate, Viki, Mitsuba, Eugene, Ameria, Ornan, Mizuki,
Akaghi, Reinhold, Millay, Pablo, Bartholomew,
Frederica, Jeane, Jeremy, Lo Hak, Ugetsu, Lo Fong,
Shiramine, Lo Seng, Jewel, Konrad, Gau, Helga,
Aldo, Selma, Izak, Tal, Ted, Travis, Rachel, Wendel,
Trishtan, Warlock
6 Gretchen, Chiepoo, Axel, Desmond, Snowe, Haruto
0 Keen, Tanya, Gary, Ema, Carrie, Noah, Pecola,
Basil, Igor, Gunter, Kevin, Pam, Taisuke, Oskar

Naval Battles Practices

This session can be accessed by talking to Elenor, who is at the
Tactician's Room once you have recruited her. There are 5 levels of
practice to choose from. As stated being a practice session, there is
no benefit for losing or winning. But as the saying goes "practice
makes perfect" and it also provide a glimpse on how you will deal
ships with 4 Runes Cannons. Opposition ships will always have 150
underlings each.

<Level 1>
Opponent Ships:
Name Move Hull Range Runes
Pirate Ship A 4 3 5 Earth, Water
Pirate Ship B 4 3 5 Wind, Lightning

<Level 2>
Opponent Ships:
Pirate Ship A 4 3 5 Fire, Wind, Earth
Pirate Ship B 4 3 5 Earth, Fire

<Level 3>
Opponent Ships:
Pirate Ship A 4 3 5 Wind, Lightning, Earth
Pirate Ship B 4 3 5 Fire, Earth, Lightning

<Level 4>
Opponent Ships:
Pirate Ship A 4 3 5 Fire, Wind, Lightning
Pirate Ship B 4 3 5 Fire, Wind, Earth
Pirate Ship C 4 3 5 Wind, Earth, Water

<Level 5>
Opponent Ships:
Pirate Ship A 4 3 5 Fire, Wind, Lightning, Water
Pirate Ship B 4, 3 5 Fire, Wind, Earth, Lightning
Pirate Ship C 4 3 5 Wind, Earth, Water, Lightning

How to deal with these ships? My strategy is very simple. Do not use
Runes that weak against them. Fire your Runes in such a way that the
opposition cannot counter and bring your fighters and defeat the ships
by boarding. You cannot use the Flashes command if your fighter is
being equipped with the Slash Orb. The only usable commands for
fighters in naval battle are Attack and Combos.

9.2 Trading Posts and Money Earning
The objective of trading post is simple - earning potch by buying low
and selling high. Certain items are sold in various trading post while
some aren't. For example, Soap is sold in Nay-Kobold Settlement along
with Obel only.

Below are the listing of all trading posts:

Trading Post Location

---------------------- ----------------------------------------
A) Mordo Island Located on the beach, wooden planks area
B) Na-Nal Island Located at the harbour
C) Nay-Kobold Settlement Located at the lower area of the town
D) Middleport Located at the harbour
E) Obel Kingdom Located at the lower area of the town

Combining Materials
These items can be used for making accessories (mermaid shop), cloth
armour (Phil) and armor (Adrienne). You will get better ores or cloth
as you buy-and-sell bad quality ores/cloth at ANOTHER trading post.

Bad Normal Good

Requirments: N/A 40~50 "Bad" 20~30 "Normal"
Traded Traded

All Trading Posts starts of with the bad version of the materials. To
get a "Normal" version of the cloth/ores, you need to buy around 40+
of the ore/cloth and sell it to another trading post in order for
Normal ores to appear at that trading post where you sell the ores.

Materials \ Post MDI NNI NKS MDP OBL
Iron Ore Yes No Yes Yes No
Silver Ore Yes Yes Yes No No
Gold Ore Yes No No Yes Yes
Flax Cloth No Yes Yes No Yes
Wool Cloth Yes Yes No Yes No
Cotton Cloth Yes No No No Yes

Material \ Post MDI NNI NKS MDP OBL
Iron Ore EX N/A NM CH N/A
Silver Ore CH EX NM N/A N/A
Gold Ore EX N/A N/A CH NM
Flax Cloth N/A NM CH N/A EX
Wool Cloth EX NM N/A CH N/A
Cotton Cloth EX N/A N/A N/A NM
* NDI - Mordo Island MDP - Middleport
NNI - Na-Nal Island OBL - Obel
NKS - Nay-Kobold Settlement

(*CH - cheap, NM - normal, EX - expensive, N/A - not applicable)

Trading Materials
Generally, all materials are mainly used for trading except for pearls
as you can make accessory with them. The first table shows the list
of materials and the places where trading of these items took place.
The second item is a buy-sell list, which includes the lowest prices
that you can buy from and the higher price that you can could sell at.

Trading List
Material \ Post MDI NNI NKS MDP OBL
Pearl Yes Yes No Yes No
Sugar No Yes No Yes Yes
Salt Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Soy Sauce Yes No Yes No Yes
Mayonnaise Yes No Yes Yes No
Soap No No Yes No Yes
Crystal Ball No Yes No No Yes
Flute No Yes Yes No No
Candle Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Musk Yes No Yes Yes No
Fur No Yes Yes No Yes
Native Costume No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Holly Berry No No Yes No Yes
Deer Antler Yes No No Yes Yes
Book No Yes No Yes Yes
Ancient Text No Yes No Yes No
Herbal Medicine Yes No No Yes Yes
Flower Seed No No Yes Yes No
Wine No No Yes Yes Yes
Rum Yes Yes No Yes No

Buy/ Sell Listing

Items Buy Sell
Pearl Na-Nal Mordo Island
Sugar Middleport Obel
Salt Nay-Kobold Mordo Island
Soy Sauce Mordo Island Nay-Kobold
Mayonnaise Middleport Mordo Island
Soap Nay-Kobold Obel
Crystal Ball Mordo Island Nay-Kobold
Flute Nay-Kobold Na-Nal
Candle Obel Na-Nal
Musk Middleport Nay-Kobold
Fur Nay-Kobold Na-Nal/ Obel
Native Costume Nay-Kobold Middleport
Holly Berry Obel Nay-Kobold
Deer Antler Obel Middleport
Book Middleport / Obel Na-Nal
Ancient Text Middleport Na-Nal
Herbal Medicine Obel Mordo Island
Flower Seed Middleport Nay-Kobold
Wine Middleport Obel/ Nay-Kobold
Rum Mordo Island Na-Nal

That's all for trading!

9.3 Treasure Hunting
Treasure Hunting is probably toughest mini-game in this game. You can
start playing this mini-game once you got Rene in your party which is
after you have fled from Obel.

--------------- ----------------------------------
Island Location
--------------- ----------------------------------
Donut East of Obel*
Mordo Northwest of Obel
Limeshelf South off Razril
Mountain Mass North off Razril

* To located Donut Island, you must locate the empty bottle on the
beach of Nay Island. Otherwise, you cannot locate the island or
recruit Rene.

General Hunting Tips

There are a total of 30 treasure maps in the game. 27 of them can be
found in the course of your journey, 1 of them can be found on one of
these islands and the remaining 2 maps can be found by playing the mini

Once you reach the island, you will find the background music has
changed and in place of Hero, you will be using Rene instead. She will
be carrying 2 dowsing rods and here are the controls:

L1 + Left/Right: Switch maps on the map indicator

Triangle: Hold down to walk
X: Dig for treasure
D-Pad/Left Analog Stick: Move Rene around the terrain
R2: Changes map view
R1: Holds down to run

Basically, you just need to move to the spot marked on the current map.
Rene will only analyse for you the map graphics but there is no
indication on which island has the treasure except for the first one.

Once you are on the map, move around slowly do not run and pay
attention to the beeping sound lead by the dowsing rods. Once a beep
signal is deteched the dowsing rods will be pointing at the spot where
the treasure it. Move Rene towards it *slowly* and until it vibrates.
Now hold Triangle button and move around until the dowsing rods are
pointing towards each other or across each other and the beeping sound
stops. Once it stop, it means that you are on the spot that is marked
on the map. Once you have achieved that, hit X and you will be prompted
where you want to dig. If successful, you will get the treasure!
Switch your radar to the largest one and compare it to the map. Then
you will have a clear view of where the arrow is pointing. Some maps
are distinctive while some will show only the textures (especially for
Mordo Island and Mountain Mass Island).

Treasure Map Locations

For your convenience, I have listed the items in according the game's
story events. Take note of those marked with "missable" as once you miss
the item, you cannot recover it.

1 Located at the crates after rescuing the girl from the
kidnappers during the night event at Razril (missable)
2 Located in Razril Inn. Search the bookshelf
3 Located in Middleport Inn. Search the barrels.
4 Located inside the room inside Colton's merchant ship (missable)
5 Located on the desk inside the desk of Obel patrol ship.
6 Search the barrel at the port of Obel
7 Search the baskets next to Hot Spring at Mordo Island.
8 Get it from a chest found in Nay town.
9 Search the bookshelf of Nay Village Chief's house.
10 Get it from a chest inside one of the house in Nay Island
11 Get it from a chest found in the Stonecutter's Field
12 Search the back tree located behind the Nay-Kobold Hot Spring. You
need to access via the left path
13 Defeat the Golden Hairball located inside the chest located at the
beach of Na-Nal. It is located beside the damage boat
14 Search the damaged boat (move up the steps)
15 Search the crates located left off Na-Nal Armour Shop
16 Search the cupboard inside Na-Nal Rune Shop
17 Search the tree at the Inner Ruins of Obel before talking the old
lady (Rikie) (missable)
18 Get it from a chest found in the harbour of Iluya
19 Get it from the chest outside the Kooluk Army Advanced Base. It is
located opposite the base tent.
20 Get the Message Bottle at Nay Beach and you will be able to access
the Donut Island. It is located east off Obel. Once the island, you
will meet Rene and will be awarded a Treasure Map!
21 Search the crates where you meet the merchant (guy wearing blue and
white stripes)
22 Get it from the chest inside Kika's room in the Nest of Pirates
23 Search the shelf in the cave found at the Back Street off Elenor's
home at Hermitage Island.
24 Get it from a chest inside Elenor's Home at Hermitage Island. You
can only access this chest after you have recrutied Elenor.
25 Make your way all the way up the terrace shaped steps in Limeshelf
Island (located south off Razril or west off Nest of Pirates). You
will find a chest containing it.
26 Find it inside a chest on the rooftop during the evening event at
Razril (missable)
27 Find it inside a chest found in the Secret Underground Path of
Middleport after you have recapture Razril from Kooluk and heard
rumours from Pablo at the Rune Cannon Control Room
28 Complete the mice catching mini-game with Average and Shiny rules
29 Search the crates located inside Kooluk Army Advanced Base's tent.
30 Win Basil in the tops mini-game 20 times in a row

Digging Tips and Strategies

The Treasure Map locations will change as it changes from game to game.
But the treasures obtained from a particular map is always the same. For
example, Map 1 will also nab you a Rage Orb and will always be at Donut

Below are the Treasure Map list and their treasures:

(Items marked with asterisks are items that can only be obtained via
Treasure hunting)

Num Name of Treasure Type
01 Rage Orb Sealed Orb
02 Old Book Volume 1* Old Book
03 Log Bench* Decoration Ornament
04 Flowing Orb Sealed Orb
05 Simple Carpet* Decoration Ornament
06 Ninja Garb Body Gear
07 Window Set 5* Window Set
08 Coral Console* Decoration Ornament
09 Shell Shield Hand Gear
10 Thief Shoes Foot Gear
11 Fancy Table* Decoration Ornament
12 Ancient Vestment Body Gear
13 Thunder Orb* Sealed Orb
14 Magic Canceller & 1000p Accessory
15 Canvas 3* Canvas
16 Champion's Orb* Sealed Orb
17 Diamond & 5000p Material
18 Cyclone Orb Sealed Orb
19 Slash Orb & 1000p Sealed Orb
20 Nay-Kobold Hat & 2000p Head Gear
21 Tatami Mat* Decoration Ornament
22 Thunder Amulet & 5000p Accessory
23 Wool Robe & 2000p Body Gear
24 Wing Boots & 1000p Foot Gear
25 God Hand* Hand Gear
26 Dragon Head Piece Head Gear
27 Forest Wallpaper* Decoration Ornament
28 Kite Shield & 2000p Hand Gear
29 Mother Earth Orb Sealed Orb
30 Guardian Circlet* Head Gear

9.4 Net Fishing and Pole Fishing
This can be done only after you have fled from Obel, recruited the 2
fishermen - Ugetsu and Shiramine. They can be found in the rear deck,
which is accessible from the door next to the blinking mirror or
opposite the war room. This is provided that they are not in your
current party.

Pole Fishing
Although it is nothing new to the Suikoden series, pole fishing is
still one of the most addictive mini-games. You need to pay 100 potch
in order to fish. Talk to Ugetsu and pick the top option "Yes! Let's
fish!". You will be given a prompt whether you want to hear Ugetsu's
explaination. Pick the top option to skip it and you will be given 3

1) Okay
2) Sorry, I'll pass.
3) I want to see the record

A B The screen will look something like

-Hero -------------- | the diagram on the right. Fishing will
| only ends if you have the fish moving
|-| from point B to point A. This is can
|-| be done when the gauge is in between
| the slider and it is green. If it is
| light blue for too long, the fish
| will escape with your bait! If line
| stood at red for too long, it will
| snap.

The objective is tap X to maintain the line gauge at green and keep on
maintining the the line reached A. You can caught up to 6 kind of
fishes: Sardine, Red Snapper, Mackerel, Puffer Fish, Bonito & Crab. The
fishes you caught could be used for cooking by talking to Kevin or Pam.

Sardine Boiled Sardine

- Recover HP.
Mackerel Mackerel Miso Stew
- Recover HP.
Puffer Fish Puffer Fish Sashimi
- Gain HP. Magic attack up for 3 turns
Bonito Minced Bonito
- Gain HP. Attack strength up for 3 turns
Red Snapper Whole Roast Snapper
- Recover a lot of HP
Crab Boiled Crab Stew
- Gain HP. Magic defense up 3 turns.

Net Fishing
To start Net Fishing, just talk to Shiramine and choose to cast a net.
Choose Depart and move around the ocean for some time (around 6 to 12+
minutes). Anchor your ship and revisit Shiramine, ask him to pull up
the net and you will be able to get to view the items that you have
gotten. Simple right?

Talk to Shiramine and you will be given the following options:

1) Let's cast the net
2) Let's pull up the net
3) Explain net fishing to me

The objective is to cast the net and wait for some time before you
choose to pull up the net. You will stay get items even if you did not
move the ship at all. But you must access the world map (i.e. hit the
sea). You haul up treasures (such as ornaments that can be used for
the ornament room), an ocean Rune piece, Snowe's garments (obtainable
after you have recruited him) and more fish.

Apparently, net fishing works depends on how much time you have spent
on the ocean. The longer you spent, the larger the haul of treasure
will be. In fact, you can draw up treasures by just simply anchoring
your ship at the harbour (i.e. using Blinking Mirror to access a town
and talking to Rikie). It normally takes around 6 to 12 minutes to get
a good haul. Likewise, you can still haul a large amount of fish by
just waiting in the ocean. Give your party a lot of luck boosting -
3 Lucky Rings for each character including Hero and bring in characters
with good luck - Chiepoo, Reinbach, Rita, Pablo etc. To have more luck,
place Lucky Rings on your Ship Party A and B. This also explains why
people have difficulty in getting Snowe's additional garments.

To get Lucky Rings, you can purchase from them from your equipment shop
for 20000p each. But money should not be a problem if you have Noah
and Prosperity Runes equiped and fighting at the Deserted Island...

9.5 Optional Bosses Battles
There are 2 optional bosses in Suikoden IV. The first one is the
Ancient Crab, which can be found in forested area (where you defeat the
crab that is after Chiepoo) on the Deserted Island after you have
liberated Razril from Kooluk rule and the Killer Golem, which appears
at the ruins of Obel after you will be able to visit it for the second
time, in other words, liberated Obel from Kooluk rule.

The bosses are *hard* and you need have a party of around level 55 to
defeat them. My recommended party is:

Hero - Upgrade his weapon to level 16, Rage Rune

Snowe - Upgrade his weapon to level 16, Double-Strike & Fury Runes
Kika - Upgrade her weapon to level 16, give her the Earth Rune
Ted - Upgrade his weapon to level 16, Prosperity Rune as his 3rd

Combo Attacks learnt: Double Sword Attack, True Friendship Attack

Double-Strike Orb: Buy it from your Rune Shop

Fury Orb: You will get one by completing the Training Hall session

Speed Rings are extremely useful accessories as they boost speed by

10 each. Give 3 of them to Ted and Hero. They can be bought from your
equipment shop for 20000p each. If you want, have another 2 Speed Rings
and a power ring for Snowe and another 3 Speed Rings for Kika.

True Friendship Attack will deal 1.5 damage of the combined attack power
of Hero and Snowe but with the Double-Strike and Fury Runes, it becomes
3.5! (1.5 + 1 + 1). Therefore, it should deal around 2900+ to one
enemy! (This is the damage rating of Ted's Judgment!)

After you have eliminate all the Kooluk threat from the southern
islands, you should have the complete set of Pirate King Set armour
if you have followed the walkthrough. Give it to Hero. Give Hero's
Armor and Hero's Shield to Snowe and try to boost up Snowe's defence
as he will be receiving twice damage as compared to others due to the
Double-Strike Orb. Give Kika and Ted some good armour and boost
everyone's defense to around 200.

Ancient Crab
Visit the Deserted Island after you have liberated Razril from Kooluk
and you will find tougher enemies here. But you will be able to finish
off the groups of enemies (more than 3 enemies) with the Double-Sword
Attack and a Dark Shadow. If you encounter Savage Frog or Moss Behemoth
use True Frienship attack and Kika's Falcon Rune. To earn BIG money in
a few turns, equip the Prosperity Rune for Ted as his third Rune.

As mentioned earlier, the Ancient Crab can be found in the open area
in the forests of the Deserted Island. It is a big object that you
can't miss. Make contact with it and it will be a boss fight.

Ancient Crab HP: 11000 Potch: 25000p

The boss has a lot of HP (it take you *ten* True Frienship
Attacks if you did not equip the Double-Strike and Fury Orbs)
The boss has 2 flamethrower-type attacks - one is a single
target flamethrower that does around 160 to 200HP on one ally
& the other one is a flame thrower group attack that does
around 120 to 140 HP on all allies. Just start off by having
Kika casting the Clay Guardian (in my opinion, this is one
of game's best support spell that has been overlooked by most
gamers). Have Hero and Snowe used True Friendship Attack and
Ted using Judgment, you should deal 5000+ HP already. Next
the boss will attack. Depend on the move, if it use a single
attack, have Ted heal that character with a Kindness Drop. If
it does a group attack, have Ted heal with Kindness Rain. Have
Kika join in the attack by using her Falcon. In around 3 turns
or so, the boss should be dead minced crab meat (^_^)
You can use "Flashes" for an instant kill once Hero is at
level 60 with Slash Orb equipped.

Items: Giant Crab's Shell, Diamond


After the battle is over, the crab will no longer be there. However if
you revisit it (i.e. use Blinking Mirror or exit via ship), you will
find the crab there! The boss offers you one of the best sources of
money and items.

Killer Golem
The Killer Golem is a tougher enemy as compared to the Ancient Crab
except that you need to battle a lot of enemies (I would normally
encounter 6 to 7 random battles before I get to face it). Just have
Hero and Kika use Double Sword Attack + Ted's Dark Shadow and the
random battles will be breeze work in the park. Make your way to the
inner ruins. Or if you want, here is the steps to get there:

1) L-Walkway
2) Gathering Area - Take the north path
3) T-Junction - Take the left path
4) L-Walkway
5) Split Path - Take the path next to the chest
6) L-Walkway
7) Gathering Area - Take the north path that is next to the Save Point
8) Split Path - Take the north path
9) Inner Ruins - you will find the Golem there.

Make contact with it and you will face a boss fight.

Killer Golem HP: 13000 Potch: 30000p

The Killer Golem has more HP compared to the Ancient Crab &
it is much tougher. It has a mega punch attack that does
around 200 to 350 (if you did not equip a good set of armour)
and a mega beam attack that does around 180 to 200 to all
allies. When it's HP is low, it use a heal spell that restores
around 1100 HP to itself.

Start of the battle by having Kika using Clay Guardian (boost

your defenses), Ted attack using Judgment, Hero and Snowe use
True Friendship Attack. Once it attack you, heal the member(s)
that is hit with Ted. Have Kika attack with her Falcon Rune.
Keep up the endurance and the battle will be as simple as the
one you have for Ancient Crab except you need to another turn

You can use "Flashes" for an instant kill once Hero is at

level 70 with Slash Orb equipped.

Items: Diamond or Platinum


9.6 Mini-Games
Mini-games usually adds extra enjoyment to your game and you can get
rare items by just playing them. To play mini-games, you can play a
game by just talking to the owner and they must not be in your current
party. Gunter, Noah, Rita, Basil and Igor offers the mini-games and
they can be found at the Saloon (2nd Deck Corridor) once you have
recruited them.

Generally, only Dice and Ritapon will only earn you more potch as they
are a variations of gambling while Basil's Tops, Igor's Coin Toss,
Noah's Cards and Mice Catching at Nay-Kobold nabs you prizes.

Basil's Tops
Owner: Basil

Previous Encounters:
- Razril (Town Square, outside the Inn)

Fee: 100p per game

While the top is spinning on the table. It is considered to be "alive"
If it topples over or falls off the table, the top is considered to be
"dead". You will be allowed 3 tops per game. The first one to run out
of live tops on the table loses. That's all there is to it! Brown tops
on the left hand side belongs to the player while the the tops on the
right belongs to Basil.

Playing instructions
- Toss the top using the X button.

- Once the first one is thrown, you have to get ready to toss another
one right away. That is because you never know when the top you
just toss might "die".

- Lose the match when even when all 3 tops are on the table and in
"die" status.

- Pick target location with D-Pad or left analog stick. Once ready,
press X to toss your top. A gauge will appear on the left hand side
with a moving arrow. Stop the arrow with X button. The closer the
arrow to the red zone in the middle, the better the toss accuracy
and topspin will be.

- After toss the first top, you have to wrap a string onto the top -
doing these by rotating the left analog stick or pressing the
directional buttons in a rotating motion. The tops might die if
you take your own sweet time, so don't let your guard down! You
can toss the top by pressing X button even if you haven't entirely
wrap the string around it. Less the top being wrapped, the weaker
the spin will be.

- Toss an unwrapped top, it will topple over the instant it is


Prizes Normal Items 1st Time Accomplishment

1 win: Medicine Medicine
5 straight wins: Cough Drop Window Set 3
10 straight wins: Escape Tailsman Old Book Volume 2
15 straight wins: Jizo Clock Simple Sofa
20 straight wins: Mixed Herbs Treasure Map

Special prizes will be awarded for the first time you reach each set
number of wins. Once a winning streak is broken, you will get nothing!
Once you have gotten the streak, choose to end the game in order to get
your prize. If you end it with a loss, you will not get the item!

Tips & Strategies

- Get prepared to have some sore fingers after the end of these top
spinning matches.
- Do not hit X unless you are released a top.
- Twirl left analog stick as fast you can, in clockwise motion and
try to release the top within the yellow range.
- Try to release a top, around 2 to 3 seconds after your opponent

Owner: Gunter

Previous Encounters:
- Middleport (outside path leading to Back Street)
- Na-Nal (Hillside Town, after you have completed negotiations with
Na-Nal chief, i.e. Axel has joined you)
- Obel (Town Square, near Equipment Shop after you liberated Obel from
Kooluk rule)

* In order to recruit Gunter, you must play against him at all 3


Fee: MIN. 80p for Down to One (20p per wager)

MIN. 100p for Triple Toss

The dice throwing mini-game is relatively simple and it is quite
addictive in my opinion. The cursor will moves around the bowl and you
need to hit X when it reaches a desired position. The rest is up to
luck. If you hit at the edge of the bowl, most of times you will get
a "dead" dice which is an instant loss.

Down To One
This is a game where each player takes turns to roll the dice. Whoever
rolls a 1 first wins. If anything else comes up, you have to put in the
same number of Potch as your roll. Whoever wins gets all the Potch in
the pot. If it ends in a draw, each person splits up the potch in the
pot. If a dice leaps out of the bowl, it's considered "dead" and you
will lose. You'll have to look carefully at the marks and roll so that
it'll land properly in the bowl.

Triple Toss
This is a game where each player takes turns to roll the dice. Of the
three dice you roll, if two come up with the same number, the remaining
die will become your score. Whoever has the higher score wins. If there
is no score after 3 tries, youi will have a "no roll". There are special
situations and they are:

4-5-6 Double wager

Any triples Triple
1-1-1 Quintuple (5x)
1-2-3 Pay double your wager

Any dice rolls out leap out of the bowl, it is considered a dead roll
and you will lose.

I believe there is a "cheating lock" that prevents gamer from abusing
this dice game to earn big cash. The probability of you earn when you
using big bets is *extremely* low.

Owner: Rita

Previous Encounters:
- Na-Nal Inn (once you established your stronghold at Obel)

Bet Range: 500p - 1000p - 5000p

Rita-pon is actually a variation of Mahjong except it is being played
between Hero and Rita. The objective is to collect 3 sets with a 3-of-a
kind or 1-2-3 combo. There are a total of 41 tiles:

Red 1 2 3 Blue 1 2 3
1 2 3 1 2 3 Fire
1 2 3 1 2 3 Wind
Green 1 2 3 Yellow 1 2 3 Lightning
1 2 3 1 2 3 Water
1 2 3 1 2 3

The 41 tiles comprises of the following 9 reds tiles, 9 blue tiles, 9

green tiles, 9 yellow tiles and 5 elemental tiles.


3-of-a-kind 1-2-3
------------- ----------
Red 1, Red 1, Red 1 Red 1, Red 2, Red 3
Yellow 1, Yellow 1, Yellow 1 Green 1, Green 2, Green 3
Fire, Wind, Lightning Blue 1, Blue 2, Blue 3
Earth, Water, Fire Yellow 1, Yello2 2, Yellow 3

Playing Instructions
- Use the D-Pad or left analog stick to move your cursor and you can
select a tile with X. For any 5 of elemental tiles, you will be able
to use the tile with the circle button:
Fire Destroys opponent's tile (no. of tiles destroyed varies)
Water Allows the user to choose a tile that has been discarded
Earth Protects the user's tiles from any elemental effects
Lightning Allows the user to pick 3 tiles in succession
Wind Allows the user to hide opposition tiles and thus allow
the user to view the tiles!

- You can have a maximum of 9 tiles on hand. To pick a tile, you need
to discard one from your lot. The first player to get all tiles of
3 sets of 3-of-a-kind or 1-2-3 will win the match. You can play up
to ten rounds and quit at any point of time. Each player will start
of 10000 points. The first player whose points is fully depleted will
lose the game and there will be no more rounds. The winner will also
be awarded the Hakoten bonus!

- Terminology

- Pon
The player could choose to do this when the opposition discard a tile
and he/she has 2 of same tile in his/her own set. E.g. if Rita
discards a Red 3, you can call "Pon" if you have 2 Red 3 in your

- Reach -> Ron or Tsumo

When you are just short of a tile to win the round, the moment you
discard the unwanted tile, you will be in "Reach" position. I.e. the
discarded the tile will be placed in horizontal position instead of
the normal vertical position. Reach position will be broken if the
opposition uses the Fire tile.

You can win the game by "Tsumo" or "Ron". Tsumo happens when you pick
the tile from the lot directly i.e. you pick your own tile. Ron
happens when Rita discards a tile, which is just the tile that you need
to win.

- Raiyuko
This will happens when nobody is able to win the round. It is another
word for "Draw"

- Hakoten
If you drain all of Rita's points, i.e. her points have been drained
to zero, you will get a Hakoten bonus and you will get the number of
rounds x the amount that you have wagered. In other words, you win 5
rounds and drain all of Rita's points and wager 500p per round, you
will get a Hakoten bonus of 500 x 5 = 2500p! If you lose to Rita and
got drain off all your points, you will need to pay her the Hakoten
bonus too!

Tips & Strategies


I don't quite understand how this game is being played intially but
start to get a hang of it as I played more rounds. It is really an
addictive mini-game and it is a good way to earn money before you could
recruit Ted.

If you got the Lightning tile, make sure you use as it allows you to have
more options in setting up your tiles. Use Earth tile only when you are
about to win the game. Wind tile is not really useful for you but it can
be very annoying as it hides your tiles and it makes you to discard to
the wrong tiles. Hence, it is a good practice to remember the tiles that
at the start of the game.

Your view:
Red - Green - Blue - Yellow - Elemental

Rita's view:
Elemental - Yellow - Blue - Green - Red

From the Wind tile, you can roughly gauged what kind of combination that
Rita is going for. Hence gauge and avoid discard the tile that she wants.
It is better to settle for a draw than losing right? Use the Fire only
when you need to discard it or Rita is about to hit the reach position.
Fire tile can be useful but it could also destroy the tile that you want
too. Lastly, you will be more familiar, if you play this mini-game more.
On the first time, you got Hakoten, you will be awarded with a Mushroom
as well.

Owner: Noah

- Antechamber (Obel)

Betting Range: 500p - 2000p - 5000p

The objective of this card game is to place the cards that the total
value adds up to 51. You will be awarded points for every card that
you put on the table. The player whoever has the most points when the
game ends (i.e. total value of cards add to 51 or more) wins.

Playing Instructions
- At the start of the game, you will draw a card to determine who will
go first. The player who drawn a card where the number is larger
than the opposition will go first.

- Each player will take turns to place out a card on the table. You
will be able to view the opponent's cards and yours. Pay attention
to the sum of the all cards put down by both players while they
are discarding. Once the total of all cards adds to 51, the game
ends. Whoever has more points in the end wins. Each player can hold
a maximum of 5 cards at one time.

- There are a total of 40 cards - 5 Fire, 5 Wind, 5 Water, 5 Lightning

and 5 Earth.

- When you are betting at a higher wager rate, you will be hit with
a timer if you take too long to place a card. If you did not place
a card, you will forfeit your turn!

- Multiple of Tens
If you put a card whose sum happens to be a multiple of 10 (i.e. 10,
20, 30, 40, 50), you get 10 bonus points. If the cards on table has
7 and you put down 3, you will get 3 + 10 bonus points.

- 51
If you put down a card that makes the pile of cards equal to 51
exactly, get 20 bonus points! If pile exceeds 51, 10x the amount
over 51 will be subtracted from whoever discarded last.

- Combos
You can play a "Combo" if the cards have the same Rune. If the card
on the table has the same Rune as your card, you can play them in a
row. You can just stack on the same Rune cards until you do not
have any the rune cards left. If you get a bonus during a combo,
you get a huge bonus of 10x the amount of your combo!


Wager Items
`````````` `````````````````````````````````````````````
500p Medicine, Cough Drop
2000p Seashell, Bone, Mushroom
5000p Platnium, Pearl, Diamond, Mint

Tips & Strategies

- If you get to start, go for a card that is as small as possible and
best if Noah does not have that elemental card
- Go for multiple of tens and place a card of an element that Noah does
not have and make sure that the card number total does not add to 10.
- Try to familiarise the game with low wager rates as it will remove
that annoying timer.

Coin Tossing
Owner: Igor

- 2nd Deck Corridor (Saloon). Choose the top option and you will be
able to play with him.

Coin Tossing is very simple, it is just guessing whether it is heads or

Coin Game 1
Pay: 100p
You will need to guess whether the coin Igor tosses will land as heads
or tails. If you make consecutive correct guesses, he will give you a
deluxe item!

1 Medicine
2 Needle
3 Antitoxin
4 Cough Drop
5 Lottery Ticket
6 Minced Bonito
7 Silk
8 Good Wool Cloth
9 Escape Talisman
10 Lightning Amulet

Coin Game 2
Wager Rate: 100p to 5000p
The players will take turns tossing the coin and whoever gets more heads
will win. If Hero gets more heads than he do, you will get more Potch.
If you get all tails, you will also win the game. All tails will win
all heads by the way. You will win x4 the amount you wager!

Just hit X to end the command box. Hit X to begin your toss...

Mice Catching
Owner: Nay-Kobold outside Warehouse of Nay-Kobold Settlement

- Nay-Kobold Settlement (playable after you have recruited Nalkul and

You will be control Champo in a mice-filled environment. The objective
is relatively simple. You need to catch mice and put them into the cage
within 99 seconds.

Playing Instructions
- To catch a mice, you just need to hit X button when the mice is
directly below Champo. Once you caught a mice, you need to place in
a cage. Just position Champo facing the cage and hit X to dump the
mice into the cage. You will lose the mice if you got knocked into
the walls or even if the cage if you go too fast. Very often, mice
tend to escape when you throw them off the cage

- Mice works in groups. They will save the caught ones by attacking the
cage. Make sure you did not let the cage's durability meter drop to
zero or else all the mice that you have caught will escape! A smart
move is to wait for the mice to gather near the cage and caught them
in one swoop but it will tends to waste a lot of time.

- You can run by holding down R1 button. But running aggressively will
cause Champo to bang into walls and it will take a couple of seconds
for Champo to recover and thus wasting precious seconds.

- You can also sneak on your prey by holding the R2 button. Sneak works
well when you are directly behind the mouse and it is not moving a
lot. Sneak takes up a lot of time but it is good when you are
catching the last mouse.

- You will be awarded a special prize when you succeed the first time

The table shows the prizes that you can win when you complete the mice
catching game on your first attempt. The subsequent attempts will nab
you the normal prize instead. The numbers below the size type indicates
the number of mice that you need to catch in order to complete the

Floor Conditions
Size Normal Shiny Slippery
Average Fire Rune Piece Treasure Map Old Book Volume 5

Normal Prize: Medicine

(6) Sheepskin Sofa Normal Wood Desk Old Book Volume 10

Normal Prize: Mega Medicine

Extra Large
(10) Window Set 7 Mystical Circlet Hero's Shoes

Normal Prize: Jizo Clock


Tips & Strategies

- Like Noah's card game, try out the Average sizes first and try Shiny
and Slippery.
- Avoid banging into walls or the cage.
- Once you caught a mouse, aim properly before attempting to place it
inside the cage. Otherwise, you may end up to catch it again, thus
wasting precious time of the timer.
- Avoid holding R1 when playing in Slippery conditions when you are
rushing back to the cage.
- Make use of the right analog stick to move the camera so that you
can have a better view.
- If there is mouse or mice attacking the cage, use "Sneak" (hold down
R2 and X when Champo's hand surrounds the mouse's body) to catch it.
- If the mice is attacking from inside, just make your way back to the
cage and it will "scare" them from doing it. Avoid staying too far
away from the cage unless you are chasing after the last mouse.
- You did not need to catch and place the last mouse inside the cage.
Catching it will allow you to complete the mission!

9.7 Shipwright
To access the Shipwright options, you need to visit Tov, who is the
Shipwright Rooms that is located next to the Training Hall. In the
room, talk to Tov and you will hand over all the Canvas that you have
found to him and you will be able to use the Ocean Rune Pieces to
upgrade your ships.

Talk to Tov and you will be given this prompt:

a) I want to modify the ship
b) Oh, nothing
Change Design

Canvas 1 "White and Maroon"

- You start the game with it.

Canvas 2 "Yellow and Maroon"

- It can be found in a chest located in the Secret Underground Path
accessible via Middleport's empty house.

Canvas 3 "White and Black"

- You can obtain this via treasure hunting.

The Ocean Rune pieces are rare rune pieces that can be found through
the course of your game and you can use them to upgrade your ships. You
can upgrade the Dauntless (or any name that you have given to it), The
Grishend, Gaien Ship and Obel Ship.

First of all, select the ship that you want to upgrade. You will be
able select an Ocean Rune Piece and you will add 1 point per Ocean
Rune Piece. You can distribute these points only for the select ship.

Shooting Distance Change shooting distance (use 5 points)

Mobility Change mobility
Armouring Change Armoring
Remaining points <the number of points you have left>

For example to upgrade Shooting Distance to next level, you need to use
5 points (i.e. assign 5 Ocean Rune Pieces). As for getting Ocean Rune
Pieces are rare, hence you should use them wisely

9.8 Old Book Volumes & Perrault's Newspost

Old Books Volumes

You can find these sacred text scattered via parts of the world and
they are hard to obtain. They provide a lot of useful information and
allows you to understand more about the game's story and clues. You
can start reading them once you have recruited Tanya and hand over the
books to her. Once the books have gathered, they will be found under
the Others tab in your Items bestiary menu.

Below are the location of the books:

Old Book Volume 1

"Birth of Rune Cannons"
Getting it: Treasure hunting at Mordo Island (map #2)

Old Book Volume 2

"Lives of Pirates"
Getting it: Win Basil in tops mini-game for 10 times in a row

Old Book Volume 3

"Man-hunting Incident"
Getting it: Find it inside a chest of Bartholomew's residence in Nay-
Kobold Settlement

Old Book Volume 4

"Bargain List"
Getting it: Find it inside the cell of Na-Nal. You can only get only
during the quest to get the Great Elven Remedy before
Axel joins you. You will be put into prison automatically
and that is the only time that you could access the chest.

Old Book Volume 5

"Introduction to Trade"
Getting it: Catch all mice in the mice-catching mini-game at Nay-
Kobold with Averge and Slippery settings.

Old Book Volume 6

"Easy Way to Make Defensive Equipment (Armor Chapter)"
Getting it: Search the shelf next to the Innkeeper at Nay Inn (High

Old Book Volume 7

"Easy Way to Make Defensive Equipment (Clothes Chapter)"
Getting it: Find it inside the chest on Iluya Island (the maze-like
area where you find Izak and Kate)

Old Book Volume 8

"About Accessories"
Getting it: Searh the bookshelf at Warlock's Underground Path

Old Book Volume 9

"The El-Eal Battle"
Getting it: Find it inside the chest at the staircase of Audience
Chamber at the Hall of Knights

Old Book Volume 10

"The Story of Creation"
Getting it: Catch all mice in the mice-catching mini-game at Nay-
Kobold with Large and Slippery settings.

Perrault's Newspost
Once you recruited Perrault, you will be able to read new scoops
from him, which provides some hints in recruitment and tips for your
game. If you see words marked with asterisks, these means the name will
be changed with the name that you have given to Hero and your ship.

Perrault's Newspost can be found at the 1st Deck Corridor of the Saloon,
which is near the statue. Talk to him or examine the back board next to
him to view these scoops.

Availability: Once you have recruited Perrault
- Launch Greetings
- Novel Starts!
- Madam Depression - Chapter 1

<1st Issue>
Availability: Once you have fled from Obel
- Kingdom of Obel Occupied!
- Attention to Wanted Man! <Bartholomew character hint>
- Madam Depression - Chapter 2

<2nd Issue>
Availability: Once you meet Kika at the Nest of Pirates
- Sir Hero* Contacts Pirate
- A Shrike's Impaled Prey?
- Madam Depression - Chapter 3

<3rd Issue>
Availability: After you have meet Katarina at Nest of Pirates
- Recent Situation of Razril, Gaien Dukedom
- Dear Pirate Dario
- Madam Depression - Chapter 4

<4th Issue>
Availiablity: Once you have recruited Elenor
- Lady Tactician Elenor Invited
- Snowe Revealed! <hints on recruiting Snowe>
- Madam Depression - Chapter 5

<5th Issue>
Availiability: Once you have obtained the Golden Seal
- Sir Hero* Has Become Our Leader!!
- The Ship's Name to be "Dauntless*"!
- Madam Depression - Chapter 6

<6th Issue>
Availiability: After you have meet Reinbach III
- Working in Cooperation with Middleport
- Interview with Mr. Tov <hints on the Cultivation Room>
- Madam Depression - Chapter 7

<7th Issue>
Availiability: After you have recruited Kevin and Pam
- Nay Chief Pledges Support
- Fishing Competition, Results! <hints on pole fishing>
- Madam Depression - Chapter 8 or The Rose Swordman - Chapter 1
(The chapter will replaced with the latter once you have recruited
Reinbach and Micky, in other words, you have shown the Rose Crest
to Reinbach)

<8th Issue>
Availiability: After you have recruited Axel
- Na-Nal Island Chief Wishes to Cooperate
- Dear Pirate Dario
- The Rose Swordman - Chapter 2

<9th Issue>
Availiability: After you have retaken Razril back from Kooluk
- Razril Taken Back!
- Strange Report <Ted's recruitment hint>
- The Rose Swordsman - Chapter 3

<10th Issue>
Availiability: After you have retaken Obel back from Kooluk
- Return to Kingdom of Obel
- No Signs of Unrest <Wooden Amulet hint>
- The Rose Swordsman - Chapter 4
<11th Issue>
Availiability: After you have decided to attack Kooluk
- Looking to the Decisive Battle
- Suspension of Publication Notice
- The Rose Swordsman - Chapter 5

9.9 Bath Scenes and Ornament Room

Taisuke's Bath
You can recruit Taisuke for your party once you have obtained the Obel
Ship. Please refer to the walkthrough for the steps to recruit him.
Once you have recruited him, you will be able to organize baths. Some
characters along with certain characters will have special bath scenes.

Bath allows you to restore HP and MP like the hot springs in the other
games. You will find the game's joker, Setsu there. Just talk to
Taisuke and you will be given the following options:

a) Change mural
- Cave on Deserted Island
- Deserted Island
- Middleport
- Razril Back Street
- Obel
- Razril Port
- Na-Nal Island
- Great Elven Tree
- Beautiful Red Rose

b) Place an object
You can place one in the men's bath and the other in the woman's bath

- Voodoo Doll
- Angel Statue
- Knight Statue
- Figure of Old Man
- Pot of Failure
- Pot of Razril
- Pot of Obel
- Pot of Nay
- Pot of Na-Nal
- Pot of Iluya
- Celadon Pot
- Gold Pot

c) Take a Bath
Since you are stuck in using Hero throughout the course of the game,
he will be present in every bath scenes. Characters marked with
"asterisks" are support characters. If you are observant, you should
find them participating in baths too. Bath scenes from #15 onwards are
characters who are able to execute combos with each other.

1) Hero (alone)
2) Snowe, Keneth, Tal
3) Jewel, Paula (after you have recruited Jeremy)
4) Katarina
5) Jeane, Viki
6) Dario, Nalleo*
7) Konrad, Eugene
8) Thristan, Yu*
9) Mitsuba, Reinhold, Jeremy
10) Maxine, Ameria, Deborah*
11) Rita, Noah* (before choose to depart for El-Eal)
12) Helga, Millay, Gretchen
13) Mizuki, Rita
14) Mizuki, Kate
15) Pablo, Warlock
16) Reinbach, Charlemagne
17) Gau, Dario
18) Lino En Kludes, Flare
19) Sigurd, Hervey, Helmut
20) Chiepoo, Nalkul, Champo
21) Ted, Aldo
22) Ugetsu, Shiramine

Pecola's Ornament Room

Talk to Pecola and you will hand over all Interior Design Book along
with all the ornaments (those that you don't need for appraising)

Item Getting it
Fancy Carpet Net-fishing in the Southern Ocean

Tiger Carpet Net-fishing near Middleport

Forest Carpet Net-fishing around Obel

Ocean Floor Carpet Net-fishing around Deserted Island

Simple Carpet Net-fishing around Hermitage Island

Tatami Mat Treasure Hunting Map #21

Item Getting it
Fancy Wallpaper Net-fishing around Middleport

Mink Wallpaper Net-fishing around Middleport

Wave Wallpaper Get it from the lady near the washing area of
Obel after liberating it from Kooluk.

Sliding Door Obtain it from a chest in the Secret

Underground Area.

Simple Wallpaper Search the knight sword inside the Kooluk

Advanced Base
Forest Wallpaper Treasure hunting Map #27

Item Getting it
Blue Fox Desk Net-fishing around Mordo Island

Coral Table Net-fishing around Deserted Island

Natural Wood Desk Win mice catching mini-game - Large & Shiny

Simple Table Net-fishing around Hermitage Island

Log Table Net-fishing around Na-Nal

Fancy Table Treasure Hunting Map #11

Item Getting it
Sheepskin Sofa Win mice catching mini-game - Large & Normal

Simple Sofa Win Basil ten times in a row in his tops mini-
game. Upon getting the 10th win, you need to

Fancy Sofa Net-fishing around Iluya

Natural Wood Bench Net-fishing around Limeshelf Island

Seashell Bench Net-fishing around Mordo Island

Log Bench Treasure hunting Map #03

Display Stand
Item Getting it
Fancy Console Find it in a chest located Middleport outside
the Lord's Mansion

Chinchilla Stand Find it inside a chest located in Iluya's


Natural Wood Display Net-fishing around Hermitage Island


Simple Display Stand Net-fishing around the southern ocean

Log Display Stand Net-fishing around Iluya

Coral Console Treasure hunting Map #08

There are special scenes if you place all same sets in the room...

Simple Set Helmut & Federica

(Simple Carpet, Simple Wallpaper, Simple
Table, Simple Sofa and Simple Display Stand)
Fancy Set Reinbach & Charlemagne
(Fancy Carpet, Fancy Wallpaper, Fancy Table,
Fancy Sofa & Fancy Console)
Ocean Set Lilen & Lilan
(Ocean Floor Carpet, Wave Wallpaper, Coral
Table, Seashell Bench, Coral Console)
Animal Set Setsu & Oskar
(Tiger Carpet, Mink Wallpaper, Blue Fox Desk,
Sheepskin Sofa, Chinchilla Stand)
Village Set Lo Fong & Shiramine
(Tatami Mat, Sliding Door, Natural Wood Desk,
Natural Wood Bench, Natural Wood Display Stand)
Forest Set Gau & Aldo
(Forest Carpet, Forest Wallpaper, Log Table,
Log Bench, Log Display Stand

That is all the possible sets!

9.10 Training Hall
To get the training hall started, you need to have recruited at least
29 characters. The training hall offers the best way to gain levels as
your training opponents are based on Hero's level. In other words, the
higher level Hero is, the more experience points they will offer.

Despite having your friends as foes, they will be able to use Runes
even they are not equipped with it. As the battles get going, they will
be casting higher level spells and heal more often with Healing Wind or
Kindess Drops.

You will be fighting 4 enemies (comprises your crew characters) per

battle up to the maximum of 5 battles with the last battle having
Reinhold as a compulsory member. Knowing who could be a strong
magician helps a lot in fighting training battles as they could deal
tremendous damage on a group effect.

You can start training battle once you have recruited Ted with both
Hero and Ted at level 53. Ted should be able to cast 4 Level 3 Spell
(i.e. with the Mother Earth Rune, he could cast 4 Earthquakes)
Have the following setup

Hero Rage - Rune of Punishment - Water

Ted Soul Eater - Mother Earth - Water

Have Carrie, Gary or Ema as your support character

To get the Rage Rune, disarm from Konrad and equip on Hero. To get the
Mother Earth Rune, disarm from Warlock and equip on Ted.

Upgrade Hero's weapons to level 16 and get him the Pirate King armour
set. Give Ted the Guardian Set (you should be left with the hat but I
replaced with the Hat of Wisdom). Equip 3 Speed Rings each for Ted and
Hero. Give your other 2 characters a magic rune.

Now talk to Reinhold and choose to fight in the training battle.

1st Battle: Hero cast LV 2 Burning Wall, Ted cast LV 2 Soul Eater
2nd Battle: Hero cast LV 2 Burning Wall, Ted cast LV 3 Earthquake
3rd Battle: Hero cast LV 3 Explosion, Ted cast LV 3 Earthquake
4th Battle: Hero cast LV 3 Explosion, Ted cast LV 3 Earthquake
5th Battle: Hero cast LV 4 Final Flame, Ted cast LVL 3 Earthquake

(Have your other member casts any magic spell as this will normally
causes the turn to be set according to SPD and MAG, hence Hero should
cast first followed by Ted on most occasions)

With the battles, 85% of the time you should be able to finish the
battle without losing much health. Whenever you finished a battle,
Reinhold will challenge you another one, which makes the battles in
a continous flow. Once it reaches the fifth battle, Reinhold will joins
in and he will be able to cast Explosion or Soaring Bolt which is an
instant death attack. Hence finish him off fast. This also applies to
sorcerers, archers (especially Lo Hak, I seem to be cursed in fighting
him). If you die in the training battle, you will still retained the
EXP you have gained but loses the items or MP that you have used in the
training battle. As you get higher levels, bring in someone who is able
to use level 4 spell (preferred a Lightning) so that character can
combine with Hero to use Flame Array and target on Reinhold in the final

When you completed the training mode on the first time, you will get
the Fury Orb (an excellent orb when equipped with Double-Strike Orb).
For the subsequent completions, you will get a Slash Orb (ideal for
item hunting when your party level is high or skipping boring random
battles). The Slash Orb could be sold for 2500p if you want to use it
for making some cash.

The training mode offers the *legal* way to get your character's to
level 99. Hence, good luck to you!

9.11 Nataly's Window Sets
Once you have recruited Nataly, you can change the "windows" or on-
screen designs with the Window Sets that you have found. These items
are tough to obtain as some of them can only be obtained via net-
fishing or playing throw the mini-games.

Window Set 0
- This is the default window settings, you start the game with it.

Window Set 1
- You can obtained it via net-fishing around the Obel region

Window Set 2
- You can find it in a treasure chest found in Obel Ruins. Please
refer to the walkthrough for more details.

Window Set 3
- You can obtain it as prize for playing Basil's tops mini-game by
earning 5 wins in a row.

Window Set 4
- You can obtain it from the chest located behind the Trading Post
at Mordo Island's harbour.

Window Set 5
- You can obtain it via treasure island hunting (Map 5)

Window Set 6
- You can obtain it via net-fishing around Razril region

Window Set 7
- Complete the mice-catching mission with "Extra Large" and "Normal"
at Nay-Kobold Settlement warehouse (after you have recrutied Champo
and Nalkul)

Window Set 8
- You can obtained it via net-fishing around the Obel region

Window Set 9
- You can obtained from a man in the alleyway at Main Street of Razril
town after you have liberated Razril from Kooluk rule. Please refer
to the walkthrough for more details.

If you hand over all the Window Sets to Nataly, you cannot bring it
over for your New Game+. However, you will have your window settings.

9.12 Cultivation Room
To get rare items such as Mint, Mushroom or Mixed Herbs, you can get it
from winning card games against Noah (which is extremely rare) or
simply by cultivation.

Talk to Mao if you want to grow Mushroom

Talk to Nao if you want to grow Mint

Preference Settings
For every stage, you will be given to set the following preferences in
this order:

Humidity -> Temperature -> Lightings -> Ventiliation - Fertilizer

Humidity Temperature Lightings

--------- --------------- ------------
1- Damp 1- Really, really cold 1- Pitch-black
2- A little dry 2- Slightly warm 2- Maybe a little bit
3- Dry 3- Stuff & Humid 3- Blindingly bright!

Ventiliation Fertilizer
-------------- -------------
1- None 1- Yes let's use plenty
2- Maybe a little bit of air 2- Just a bit will do
3- Open these windows wide! 3- We don't need fertilizer

Growth Stage
The growing mushroom/mint process consists of 5 stages.

1) Growth Stage "Right now the spawns are growing"

2) Development Stage "Right now the mushrooms are in their

development stage"

3) Pre-Harvest Stage "Soon it will be time to harvest the


<Harvest Time> "We will be able to harvest them soon"

4) Sleep Stage "It is time to seperate the plants and let

them sleep"

<Special battle> It will appears on the 2nd time of each

successful mushroom that you have won.

Between the stages, you need to go to your bed to rest or visit the
training hall, visit other places. For example, after you have set
your preferences for stage 1, exit and the cultivation room. Use the
blinking mirror and made your way to the town. Anchor and choose to
rest in your bed. Return back to the cultivation room and you will be
able to proceed with stage 2 by talking to Mao twice. Their first
sentence will normally be "Wait just a little longer, okay?"
Sometimes, you may need to rest a lot of times in order to get to the
next stage...

So when do we know it is time for harvest?

After you have received the prompt, "We will be able to harvest them
soon", there will be a blinking pointer in the package that is in the
middle of the room. Examine and you will get your product:

Mushroom Growth Stage - 1,1,3,1,3

Development Stage - 1,1,3,1,3
Pre-Harvest Stage - 1,1,3,1,3
Sleep Stage - 1,1,1,1,1 -> Special Battle

The numbers next to the stage are actually the prompts.

For example,
1,1,3,1,3 means...

Humidity - Damp
Temperature - Really, really cold
Lightings - Blindingly bright!
Ventiliation - None
Fertilizer - We don't need fertilizer

If you get 2 Mushrooms in a row, you will be able to participate in

a special battle, which allows you to get the coverted Mixed Herbs!
For information about the special battle, please read on...

For Mint,

Mint Growth Stage - 1,1,1,1,1

Development Stage - 1,1,1,1,1
Pre-Harvest Stage - 1,1,1,1,1
Sleep Stage - 1,1,1,1,1 -> Special Battle

If you get 2 Mints in a row, you will be able to participate in a

special battle on the 3rd attempt. Winning the battle will allows you
to get the coverted Mixed Herbs.

Gloomy Mushroom 1,1,1,1,1 for all stages

Gloomy Mint 3,3,3,3,3 for all stages
Mysterious Mushroom 2,2,2,2,2 for all stages
Mysterious Mint 2,2,2,2,2 for all stages
Silence Mint Win the special battle for the 5th time.

Special Battles
When you managed to grow a Mint or Mushroom successfully, you will find
a blinking cursor at the package that is in the middle of the room.
Examine and you will have a special battle, like the naval battles
except you are leading army Liberation against Mushroom Army (you have
successfully grown a Mint) or Mint Army (if you have successfully
grown a Mushroom). The objectives are simple, just eliminate the
opposition with either Charge, Arrows or Magic. You will be given this


Charge Characters Needed Attack

------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Swordsman of Razril Tal, Snowe, Keneth 16
Royal House of Obel Lino, Flare, Desmond 18
Knights of Gaien Paula, Katarina, Jewel 15
Wild Geese Bartholomew, Travis, Ameria 14
Warriors of Light Ramada, Setsu, Karl 14
Swordsman Jeremy, Trishtan, Millay 15
Spearman Reinhold, Eugene, Rachel 13
Pirates Kika, Sigurd, Hervey 22
Faithful Yu, Carrie, Rikie 15
Veterans Izak, Gary, Ema 16
Defenseman Helmut, Gretchen, Wendel 20
Daredevils Axel, Brec, Jango 15
Fisherman Shiramine, Ugetsu, Lilan 17
Young Pirates Dario, Nalleo, Rakgi 13
Happy Go Lucky Taisuke, Gunter, Gareth 9
Artisans Adreinne, Pecoola, Phil 12
Carpenters Tov, Haruto, Pablo 12
High Spirits Lo Fong, Lo Seng, Mitsuba 18
Clever Crew Rita, Rene, Lilon 17

Arrows Characters Needed Attack

------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Archers Ted, Federicia, Igor 24
Forest Defenders Aldo, Selma, Gau 21
Experts Lo Hak, Ornan, Nico 15
Cooks Funghi, Kevin, Pam 13
Engineers Oleg, Basil, Manu 15

Magic Characters Needed Attack

------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Children of Runes Warlock, Maxine, Keen 15
Magicians Jeane, Konrad, Viki 28
Special Talents Team Cedric, Deborah, Helga 15
Narcissists Reinbach, Charlemagne, Micky 18
Musicians Etienne, Nataly, Perrault 15

Others Characters Needed

------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Tacticians Elenor, Agnes, Tanya
Mermaids Lilin, Lilien, Liloon
Merchants Chadli, Nabokov, Louise
Ninjas Akaghi, Mizuki, Kate
Thieves Noah, Bang, Osakar

You can only use the commands once. For "Others", there are more
features to it.

Tacticians - Raises Charge Level

Mermaids - Something may happen...
Merchant - Merchant Attack
Ninja - Spy on Enemy
Thieves - Try to spy...

The Others is a bonus turn. The mermaids sometimes boosts your attack
or lowers it it. Merchant will allow you to bribe the opposition thus
lowering the opposition's troop. Ninja and Thieves allows you to spy
on the enemy and guessing what is their next attack...

Upon elimination of the opposition's army, you will be rewarded with

a Mixed Herbs.

9.13 Etienne's Music Test
Etienne can be found at the 1st Deck Corridor or the Saloon near
Nataly. Talk to her and you will be able to hear the tracks that you
have encountered:

01: Opening Theme

02: Beyond the Horizon
03: Beyond the Horizon 2
04: Beginning of the Tale
05: On the Sandy Beach
06: Memories of Greenery
07: From Inside the Gale
08: The Kingdom's Tradition
09: Town of the Sun
10: After Being Left Behind
11: Towards Nay-Kobold
12: A Leisurely Moment
13: Those Standing in the Way
14: A Battle That Cannot Be Lost
15: ?
16: Naval Battle

9.14 Missable Items / Bonus Scenes
Throughout the course of the game, there are a lot of missable items
in the game. If you followed the walkthrough for the start of the
scratch, you should not have miss any of the items or characters. Once
you miss an item or character that is listed here, you will miss the
item permanently. Items such like Steamed Buns located in the Exile
Ship are missable once you move onto the merchant ship are not rare
and they can be obtained elsewhere are not listed down in this list.

Item: Treasure Map
Location: Search crate after defeating the kidnappers from the girl
after the ritual night event at Razril

Item: Treasure Map
Location: Merchant Ship. Search the desk before or after talking

Item: Treasure Map
Location: Obel Patrol Ship. Search the desk before next to Flare before
you have spoken to Desmond or landed on Obel

Item: Treasure Map
Location: Obel Inner Ruins, search the tree near the grave before you
talk to Rikie (old lady) during your first visit there.

Item: Pirate King Vest
Location: Fog Ship. After you have defeated the Fog Ship, it is
directly at the back of the area. Make sure you get it before
heading for the entrance.

Item: Old Book Volume 4
Location: At Na-Nal Prison (near Village's Chief). During your attempt
to merge all the islands in the south before you depart for
the Great Elven Tree, you will be put in jail. The item is in
the chest and you will be able to access it before you choose
to rest

Item: Silver Hammer
Location: After Hero has made your speech, you will be free to loither
around Razril in the evening sun (which I always called the
"Evening Event"). It is located inside the chest that is
blocking the Audience Chamber.

Item: Hero's Shield
Location: After Hero has made your speech, you will be free to loither
around Razril in the evening sun (which I always called the
"Evening Event"). Make your way to the Training Hall and head
towards the northwest end of the area. It is located in the

Items: Treasure Map and Guardian Bracelet
Location: After Hero has made your speech, you will be free to loither
around Razril in the evening sun (which I always called the
"Evening Event"). Make your way up the Spire and you will
end in the rooftop of the Hall of Knights. There will be a
chest there. It will contain a Treasure Map and Guardian

Items: Window Set 9
Location: After Hero has made your speech, you will be free to loither
around Razril in the evening sun (which I always called the
"Evening Event"). Make your way to the harbour in the port
where there will be a cutscene with all your friends from
Gaien. Make your way up the Main Street (that leads to the
town square, you will get a Window Set 9 from him.

Item: Pirate King Bracers
Location: After you have eliminated the Kooluk's 2nd Fleet (Colton's
fleet) at Obel, you will be attacked by another fleet. Elenor
will ask you whether you want to fight it immediately. Choose
"wait" and you will be able to access the deck. Talk to the
guy next to Colton and you will be able to get Pirate King

Item: Wooden Amulet
Location: Before you depart for El-Eal and you will get to choose the
detachment party, make sure you did not bring in Rita or Noah
or you will miss this precious accessory.


Characters in order of Recruitment
The 108 Stars of Destiny features the list of characters according to
the roster along with additional information. This list will give you a
brief walkaround on recruiting the characters. If you want more details,
please refer to the walkthrough.

Character Location/ Conditions

Jewel, Tal, You will be able to recruit two of these characters
Keneth or Paula depending who you have choose for the missions
before departing for Middleport
Chiepoo Joins you automatically once you have been exiled
from Gaien
Desmond Joins you automatically once you have established
your stronghold at Obel
Louise Joins you automatically once you have established
your stronghold at Obel
Tov Joins you automatically once you have established
your stronghold at Obel
Chadli Joins you automatically once you have established
your stronghold at Obel
Ornan Obel; talk to him at the washing bay or during
evacuation from Obel once you have established your
stronghold at Obel
Perrault Nay-Kobold Settlement Trading Post. Talk to him
and you will be able to recruit once you have
established your stronghold and access the Obel
Patrol Ship.
Rita Na-Nal Inn. Beat her in a Ritapon mini-game. You
will be able to recruit her as soon as you have
established your stronghold and access the Obel
Patrol Ship.
Mistuba Na-Nal Gathering Square. Beat her in a Duel. You
will be able to recruit her as soon as you have
established your stronghold and access the Obel
Patrol Ship.
Reinhold Joins you along with Mitsuba. See conditions above.
Cedric Stay in the Obel Inn at least once before visiting
the Ruins. Attempt to make your way back to the
palace and there will be a cutscene. Chase him all
the way to your base. Talk to Louise and you will be
able to recruit him.
Rakgi & Rikie Complete your quest to meet these 2 in the ruins of
Obel and you will be able to recruit them.
Lilin She will joins you automatically after you have
defeat the pirates near Obel. Choose not to hand her
over to the pirates.
Oleg Talk to him at the High Grounds of Nay. Choose to
stay with him at the Inn. Exit the Inn after the
night event and made your way back to Obel. Talk to
Lino En Kludes and you will be able to recruit him.
Mizuki & Akaghi Defeat them on your way back to your base after you
have bring Oleg to Lino. You will be able to recruit
them after they know the secrets behind the Rune of
Ramada He will joins you along with Mizuki and Akaghi
Adrienne You can find her outside the Trading Post of Obel
during your evacuation gathering.
Yu You need to talk to him at Obel town during your
evacuation process.
Lino En Kludes He will joins you automatically upon evacuating from
Pablo He will joins you automatically upon evacuating from
Haruto He will joins you automatically upon evacuating from
Nico He will joins you automatically upon evacuating from
Obel. Remember to talk to him at the Deck.
Mao Sleep in your room and attempt to exit via the door.
Tov will tell about an undesigned room on board the
ship. Head down to the 5th Deck Corridor and search
the room opposite the room where Reinhold is. There
will be a prompt, answer it and you will be able to
recruit Mao!
Nao After you have recruited Nao, make your way back to
your room and sleep. Attempt to exit the room and
Tov will ask you again about the room. Check that
room again and you will meet Nao there, who will
join you automatically.
Viki Visit Nay-Kobold Settlement and there will be a
cutscene at the Suspension Bridge. Upon exit from
the town and you have reached the bridge area, there
is another cutscene and you will be able to recruit
Bartholomew After getting the Obel ship, Read Perrault's
articles till the latest chapter. Make your way to
Nay-Kobold Settlement. Talk to him and you will be
able to recruit him.
Bang After getting the Obel ship, talk to him at the
Trading Post of Nay-Kobold Settlement and you will
be able to recruit him.
Ugetsu Make your way to harbour, move down the planks and
turn left before reach the trading post. You will
saw him there. Talk to him and you willl be able to
recruit him.
Shiramine Visit the rear deck after you have recruited Ugetsu
and Ugestu will "fish" Shiramine ^_^.
Manu Visit the Na-Nal Inn and you will find him there.
Talk to him and you will be able to recruit him!
Jeane Visit the Hot springs and talk to the man near the
bath. Make your way to Hillside Town and talk to
the man on the pathway that leads to the armour
shop. Make your way to the Rune Shop and ask for
Rune Master and you will be able to recruit her!
Lilan Anchor your ship at Na-Nal and have Shiramine to
cast a net there. Exit and sail your way to Nay.
Make contact with Nay and choose to land on the
shore. Return back to your ship and anchor. Make
your way back to the Rear Deck. Talk to Shirmaine &
choose to pull up the net. You will be able to
recruit her! She can only be recruited after you
have recruit both Shiramine and Ugetsu along with
Taisuke After getting your Obel Ship, make your way to the
Deserted Island, which is located in the middle of
the map, left off Mordo Island. Visit the
Subterranean Lake and you will find him without any
clothes... Exit the cave and pick up his clothes.
Re-enter the cave, give him his clothes and you
will be able to recruit him.
Lilen After you have recruited Taisuke, make your way back
to Subterranean Lake again and you will find a
mermaid. Talk to her and you will be able to recruit
her. You must recruit Lilin.
Nataly Make your way to Iluya and move all the way down to
the Destroyed Town. Talk to her & you will be able
to recruit her.
Izak Make your way to Nay-Kobold Settlement and bought a
Flower Seed from the trading post. Make your way to
the town square of the destroyed Iluya and you will
find Izak. Talk to him and you will hand over the
Flower Seed and you will be able to recruit him!
Kate Bring Mizuki in your party and make your way to
Iluya. She can be found in the hidden corner of the
Town Square (where you meet Izak). Talk to her and
you will be able to recruit her.
Rene Make your way to Nay Island. Search the beach for a
Message Bottle. Set sail for Obel and move east
across it and you will come across some islands. The
ring shaped island allows you to board it. You will
meet Rene and she will hand over a Treasure Map.
Complete her tutorial at Donut Island and you will
be able to recruit her!
Phil He is located next to the inn keeper in the Nests of
Pirates. Talk to him and he will join if you have
recruited 40 Stars of Destiny.
Kika She will joins you automatically after Hero have
spoken to her at the Nest of Pirates' bar
Sigurd He will joins you along with Kika.
Hervey He will joins you along with Kika
Dario He will joins you along with Kika
Nalleo He will joins you along with Kika
Lilon After you have chasing Snowe back to Razril & defeat
his fleet, return back to Nests of Pirates. Talk to
the man at the beach and he will say spotting a
mermaid. Set sail and return back to Nest of Pirates
by ship. There will be a trigger event. You will be
able to recruit her!
Katarina Once Snowe is no longer commander of Gaien, make
your way back to Nest of Pirates and make your way
back to Kika's room. You will be able to recruit
Katarina if you have 60 members recruited.
Liloon After you have recruited the 4 mermaids (Lilin,
Lilan, Lilen and Lilon), make your way to Iluya and
proceed to the harbour. Search for her (she is well
hidden on the steps on the right hand side of the
screen) and talk to her to recruit her.
Elenor Complete the quest at Hermitage Island. Upon giving
her the Green Bottle and Crest obtained at the cave
in back road, she will join you.
Agnes After you have recruited Elenor, you will be able to
recruit her by talking to her.
Brec & Jango After you have obtained the Golden Seal, make your
way back to your room and Desmond says that 2
pirates are waiting in your room. Talk to them and
you will be able to recruit them.
Gau Return back to the Hermitage Island after you have
obtained the Golden Seal. Move around the Forest in
front of Elenor's home and there will be a random
battle where you will fight Gau and 4 demon wolves.
Win the battle and you will be able to recruit them.
Aldo Make your way back to Elenor's home and head for the
Back Road which leads to the Limestone Cave after
you have obtained the Golden Seal. You will find
Aldo there. Talk to him and you will be able to
recruit him as well.
Lo Hak, Lo Seng After you have obtained the Golden Seal, take a dip
& Lo Feng in the hot spring of Mordo Island. There will be
some scenes and they will threaten Hero to pay them
10,000 potch. Choose not to and you will battle
them. Defeat them and they will join you!
Igor After obtaining the Golden Seal and recruit the Lo
Siblings, make your way back to the Hot Spring and
you will find a man there. Talk to him and you will
be able to recruit him!
Champo & Nalkul Once you obtained the Golden Seal, bring in Chiepoo
and make your way to Nay Island. At the harbour,
Chiepoo will says that he wants to visit the Trading
Post at Nay-Kobold Settlement. Make your way there
and talk to Nay-Kobolds there. Make your way out of
town and there will be a cutscene of the Golden Seal
being stolen. Make your way back to the town & head
for the warehouse. You will need to play the mice
catching mini-game. Finish the mini-game & you will
recover the Golden Seal along with the services of
Champo and Nalkul.
Ted Once you have obtained 70 stars, make your way to
the War Room and there will be a cutscene of a Fog
Ship banging into your ship. You will need to form
a party of 3 (Hero, Lino and a member). Make your
way there and you will meet a Robed Man. Continue
all the way there and you will meet Fog Ship Guide.
The Robed Man (Ted) will join you for that battle.
Once it is over, remember to pick the stuff from the
treasure chest and exit the fog ship. Upon exiting
from the Fog Ship, you will recruit Ted, the game's
best magician who owns another True Rune "Soul
Reinbach III & Make your way to Middleport and get acquainted with
Micky Reinbach. Make your way to the Lord's Mansion and
talk to Reinbach's father. Make your way to the
Harbour and you will be told that you need to have
the Rose Crest as your proof of friendship with
Reinbach. Make your way to Nay's Inn and talk to
Gareth to collect the Rose Crest. Return back to
Middleport and give the Rose Crest to Reinbach and
he and his assistant will join you!
Deborah & Oskar After defeating the Moving Isle and Tentacles, made
your way to Middleport Inn. Talk to Deborah & Oskar
who are at the dinning table. They will join. Oskar
will remains there but he will joins you as well.
Keen Make your way to Middleport with Sigurd. You will
find a man dressed in black. Talk to him. Exit
Middleport and return back there without Sigurd.
You will find Keen at the Trading Post again. Talk
to him and he will join you for a fee of 10,000p.
Pay to recruit him.
Axel After meeting Reinbach at Middleport, make your way
to Na-Nal and you will meet Kooluk Soldiers at the
entrance. Defeat them and you will meet Axel and
eventually need to complete a quest. Complete that
quest and you will meet Selma and end caught again
back to at the Great Elven Tree. You will be freed
but got attacked by Kooluk Soldiers again. Defeat
them and Axel will join you.
Selma After recruiting Axel, make your way back to Na-Nal
Harbour and you will find her standing near the
Trading Post, talk to her and you will be able to
recruit her as well.
Eugene After you have recruited Axel, make your back to the
Inn and there will be a cutscene and you got the
option of recruiting Eugene.
Kevin & Pam After Na-Nal events, make your way to Nay Island and
talk to the man on the beach. Make your way to the
Village Chief's house. Exit Nay Island and re-enter
it via your ship. Visit the Village Chief again and
you will be able to recruit both cooks from Iluya.
Millay Make your way back to Middleport and talk to a man
at the harbour and you will heard about Reinbach's
finacee. Make your way back to Na-Nal with Reinbach
in your party. Defeat those scoundrels and you will
be able to recruit her as well.
Gareth Make your way to Nay-Island with Reinbach in your
party. Proceed to the Inn and head for the room
where you meet Gareth earlier. Talk to him and you
will be able to recruit him as well.
Etienne Head for Middleport with Reinbach in your party.
Make your way to the Lord Mansion and you meet
Etienne there. Talk to her and she will join you as
Helga Make your way to Nay Island and head for a room
where you meet a man who tells you about a woman.
Make your way to Middleport Inn and there will be a
cutscene. You will be able to recruit her as well.
Charlemagne After trigger events to meet Helga, talk to
Charlemagne. Exit Middleport via ship and re-enter
it again. Talk to Charlemagne. Exit Middleport again
& re-enter via your ship. You will be able to
recruit Charlemagne!
Helmut Trigger the events till you will get a message from
Elenor that it is time to recapture Razril. Defeat
the Kooluk fleet stationed at Razril and you will be
able to recruit Helmut or execute him.
Jewel, Tal, You will be able to recruit two of the remaining
Keneth or Paula characters that you have not choosen for the
Basil After Razril has been liberated from Kooluk rule,
make your way to Razril Town Square. You will meet
him at his usual spot. Talk to him and you will be
able to recruit him as well.
Konrad You will find him in the Inn. After liberated Razril
from Kooluk rule, talk to him with Katarina in your
party and he will join you as well.
Maxine You will need to defeat her at the Gathering Square
of Na-Nal, which is available after you have fled
from Obel) and the Stonecutter's Field at Nay (after
you have defeated her at Gathering Square of Na-Nal.
You will meet her at the Inn of Razril & you will be
able to recruit her.
Funghi After you have defeat Lord Vingerhut's Kooluk troops,
it will be evening in Razril. Make your way to the
Kitchen and talk to him. You will be able to recruit
Ameria After the evening event is over, make your way to
the rooftop of Knights of Gaien and you meet Ameria
there. Talk to her and you will be able to recruit
Gretchen After the evening event at Razril is over, make your
way to Razril port town, she will be standing
outside armour shop. Talk to her and you will be
able to recruit her.
Federica Talk to her at the equipment shop after you have
announced Razril has been liberated from Kooluk and
you will be able to recruit her.
Karl After the evening event, make your way to the Back
Street of Razril, you will find him there. Talk to
him and he will join as well.
Jeremy After Razril has been liberated, make your way to
Na-Nal Gathering Square with Mitsuba in your party.
You will meet Jeremy there. Talk to him and you will
be able to recruit him as well.
Warlock After Razril has been liberated, make your way to
Rune Cannon Control room of your ship. Talk to
Pablo. Make your way back to Middleport and head for
the empty house at the end of the backstreet.
Examine chest and choose 24 potch as your answer.
You will be able to access the Secret Underground
Path. Make your way to the labortary (need to defeat
a Land Dragon). Talk to Warlock at the labortary and
he will joins you.
Pecola After recruting Warlock, talk to Deborah at her room
and she will says something about Pecola. Make your
way to Middleport via ship. Talk to her fans outside
the Inn and you will get an Interior Design Book.
Make your way to the empty house and you will be
able to recruit her!
Tanya She is outside the Nest of Pirates' cavern after you
have liberated Razril. Talk to her and speak about
Elenor. You will be able to recruit her.
Setsu He joins you automatically once you have liberated
Obel from Kooluk rule.
Flare She joins you automatically once you have liberated
Obel from Kooluk rule.
Wendel After you have liberated Obel from Kooluk, visit it
and you will find her at the harbour if you have
talked to Nico before.
Nabokov After you have liberated Obel from Kooluk, you can
recruit him by talking to him at the appraisal
Carrie After you have liberated Obel from Kooluk, you will
find her outside the empty house where a guy used to
be there. Bring in Yu in your party and you will be
able to recruit her.
Gunter Make sure that you have played dice with him while
you have met him at Middleport and Na-Nal (after the
Axel event). You will find him at Obel and you will
be able to recruit him
Trishtan After you have liberated Obel from Kooluk, visit the
Inn with Yu in your party. You will find him there.
Talk to him to recruit him.
Gary & Ema After you have liberated Obel from Kooluk, you will
find the couple at the pond as usual. Talk to them &
you will be able to recruit them.
Noah After you have liberated Obel from Kooluk, visit the
Audience Chamber of the Royal Palace. You will find
her hidden behind the king's throne. Talk to her
thrice and you will be able to recruit her.
Rachel After you have liberated Obel from Kooluk, visit the
cave where your ship used to be. Bring in Cedric as
your support character. You will meet Rachel there.
Pay her 5000p (for Cedric's meals) and you will be
able to recruit her.
Travis After you have liberated Obel from Kooluk, visit the
Ruins again. Make your way to the Inner Ruins (you
can bypass the Killer Golem by moving around it) and
you will find him at the spot where you meet Rikie.
He will ask you to use to an Escape Tailsman. Use it.
Return to the Inn and heal. Return back to the Ruins
and move all the way back where you meet Travis.
Talk to him and you will be able to recruit him.
Snowe Once you have recruited all 107 stars of Destiny,
make your way to Mordo Island. Talk to the man on
the planks and he will say he sees someone floating
in the ocean. Exit and set sail west until you have
trigger a cutscene. You will be able to recruit
Snowe. This scene will only appear if you choose not
to execute Snowe after the naval battle at Nest of
Pirates and the second naval battle after forcing
his father out of Razril.

Addiitonal Stars?
There are 3 additional "special stars" that you recruit before the
evening event ends at Razril after you have captured them. They are the
man and the girl you have rescued during the Kindness Ritual. They are
located the Hall of Knights Training Hall. The 3rd one is the white cat
if you choose pat it earlier & you will be able to recruit it after the
events with Tal, Keneth, Jewel and Paula.

Bonus Scenes
There are a lot of bonus scenes and it depends on your choice that you
have made.

- If you have selected Paula from the start of your departure, you will
be able to trigger a scene about her past when you visit the Elven
Tree after you have gotten the Obel patrol ship or established your
base. This scene is necessary for Paula's third comment.

9.15 Comment Box and Confessions Room

Comment Box
The comment box is a tradition mail message system that appears in the
previous Suikodens. The Comment Box is outside Hero's Room and you can
get new mail everything you docked in the ship. From the mails, you
will come to know more about the character's relationship with other
characters and some information about their past...

Confessions Room
Some dark secrets will unveiled at the Confessions Room. I will be
covering it during perhaps the next update...

10.0 108 Stars of Destiny
Like the previous Suikoden series, you can gather a massive amount of
characters. There are a total of 108 recruitable characters. You can
view the stars that you have gathered by talking Desmond or check it,
which is just outside the War Room.

001 Hero (Tenkai Star)

Getting: You starts the game with him
Location: N/A

Weapon Levelling
01 012 Twin Fang 11 164 Twin Heaven Fang
02 023 Twin Fang 12 186 Twin Destiny Fang
03 030 Twin Fang 13 199 Twin Destiny Fang
04 040 Twin Fang 14 213 Twin Destiny Fang
05 057 Twin Fang 15 225 Twin Destiny Fang
06 074 Twin Fang 16 255 Twin Destiny Fang
07 110 Twin Heaven Fang
08 126 Twin Heaven Fang
09 140 Twin Heaven Fang
10 152 Twin Heaven Fang

Classification: Special
Runes: Rune of Punishment
Combo: Snowe - Friendship Attack (before Hero is exiled)
Kika - Double Sword Attack
Snowe - True Friendship Attack

- During your "knights" day, his weapon will be named as Training
- Rune of Punishment cannot be removed. You will gain new level spells
as you progress into the story.

002 Lino En Kludes (Tengou Star)

Getting: Joins automatically after you have escaped from Obel
Location: His room (1st Deck Corridor)

Weapon Levelling
01 --- ---------------- 11 174 Horus
02 --- ---------------- 12 185 Horus
03 --- ---------------- 13 210 Pharaoh
04 --- ---------------- 14 220 Pharaoh
05 075 Aten 15 240 Pharaoh
06 080 Aten 16 250 Pharaoh
07 100 Aten
08 135 Horus
09 150 Horus
10 163 Horus

Classification: Lancer
Runes: N/A
Combo: Flare - Family Attack
Eugene/Rachel - Spear Attack

003 Elenor (Tenkei Star)

Getting: Complete Hermitage Island Quest (Joins automatically)
Location: Her room (1st Deck Corridor)

Classification: Tactician

Talk to her and you will be able to access the Naval Battle Practice
Battles (more details will be cover under Section 9)

004 Ted (Tenkan Star)

Getting: Complete Fog Ship Guide Quest (must 70 SOD recruited)
Refer to walkthrough for details
Location: His room (4th Deck Corridor)

Weapon Levelling
01 --- ---------------- 11 180 Hard Wood Bow
02 --- ---------------- 12 192 Hard Wood Bow
03 --- ---------------- 13 204 Hard Wood Bow
04 --- ---------------- 14 220 Hard Wood Bow
05 --- ---------------- 15 234 Hard Wood Bow
06 --- ---------------- 16 245 Hard Wood Bow
07 --- ----------------
08 --- ----------------
09 144 Wood Bow
10 158 Wood Bow

Classification: Archer
Runes: Soul Eater, Water
Combo: Aldo - Bow and Arrow Attack
Aldo/Flare - Barrage Attack
Lo Hak/Flare - Barrage Attack
Aldo/Frederica - Barrage Attack
Lo Hak/Frederica - Barrage Attack

- Soul Eater Rune cannot be disarmed

005 Tal (Tenyu Star)

Getting: Joins you automatically when Hero is exiled (if you choose
him at the training hall) or later when you return back to
Location: Deck

Weapon Levelling
01 010 Baby Yellowtail 11 162 Young Yellowtail
02 016 Baby Yellowtail 12 192 Juvenile Yellowtail
03 027 Baby Yellowtail 13 204 Juvenile Yellowtail
04 042 Baby Yellowtail 14 218 Juvenile Yellowtail
05 058 Baby Yellowtail 15 230 Juvenile Yellowtail
06 086 Young Yellowtail 16 240 Juvenile Yellowtail
07 104 Young Yellowtail
08 120 Young Yellowtail
09 136 Young Yellowtail
10 149 Young Yellowtail

Classification: Knight
Runes: Earth
Combo: Jewel/Keneth/Paula - Knight Attack

- During your "knights" day, his weapon will be named as Training

006 Izak (Tenyu Star)

Getting: Buy a Flower Seed from Middleport/Nay-Kobold Settlement
Trading Post. Visit Iluya after it is destroyed. Give him
the seed and he will join.
Location: 4th Deck Corridor

Weapon Levelling
01 020 Ancient Sword 11 170 Sword of Passion
02 030 Ancient Sword 12 180 Sword of Passion
03 045 Ancient Sword 13 215 Sword of Purging
04 060 Ancient Sword 14 230 Sword of Purging
05 075 Ancient Sword 15 240 Sword of Purging
06 090 Ancient Sword 16 255 Sword of Purging
07 120 Sword of Passion
08 132 Sword of Passion
09 145 Sword of Passion
10 160 Sword of Passion

Classification: Blademaster
Runes: Lightning
Combo: Axel/Selma - Giant Sword Attack B

007 Axel (Tenmou Star)

Getting: Visit Na-Nal on the course of the story (Joins
Location: 4th Deck Corridor

Weapon Levelling
01 020 Sword 11 170 High Sword
02 030 Sword 12 180 High Sword
03 045 Sword 13 215 Grand Sword
04 060 Sword 14 230 Grand Sword
05 075 Sword 15 240 Grand Sword
06 090 Sword 16 255 Grand Sword
07 120 High Sword
08 132 High Sword
09 145 High Sword
10 160 High Sword

Classification: Blademaster
Runes: N/A
Combo: Izak/Selma - Giant Sword Attack B

008 Selma (Teni Star)

Getting: After getting Axel, make your way to the harbor. She is just
behind the Trading Post. Talk to her and you will be able to
recruit her.
Location: Deck

Weapon Levelling
01 020 Wind-Slicing Sword 11 170 Wave-Slicing Sword
02 030 Wind-Slicing Sword 12 180 Wave-Slicing Sword
03 045 Wind-Slicing Sword 13 215 Evil-Slicing Sword
04 060 Wind-Slicing Sword 14 230 Evil-Slicing Sword
05 075 Wind-Slicing Sword 15 240 Evil-Slicing Sword
06 090 Wind-Slicing Sword 16 255 Evil-Slicing Sword
07 120 Wave-Slicing Sword
08 132 Wave-Slicing Sword
09 145 Wave-Slicing Sword
10 160 Wave-Slicing Sword

Classification: Blademaster
Runes: Water
Combo: Izak/Axel - Giant Sword Attack B
Mitsuba - Giant Sword Attack A

009 Aldo (Tenei Star)

Getting: Complete Hermitage Island Quest and obtain Golden Seal.
Revisit the island. You will find him on the Back Road. Talk
to him and you will be able to recruit him.
Location: 4th Deck Corridor

Weapon Levelling
01 020 Iron Bow 11 180 Platinum Bow
02 035 Iron Bow 12 192 Platinum Bow
03 046 Iron Bow 13 204 Platinum Bow
04 060 Iron Bow 14 220 Platinum Bow
05 085 Steel Bow 15 234 Platinum Bow
06 099 Steel Bow 16 245 Platinum Bow
07 114 Steel Bow
08 130 Steel Bow
09 144 Steel Bow
10 158 Steel Bow

Classification: Archer
Runes: N/A
Combo: Ted - Bow and Arrow Attack
Ted/Flare - Barrage Attack
Ted/Frederica - Barrage Attack

010 Reinbach (Tenei Star)

Getting: Meet Reinbach II at Middleport. Get the Rose Crest from
Gareth in Nay Inn. Revisit Middleport and give him the Rose
Location: Saloon

Weapon Levelling
01 010 Rosage 11 162 Marguerite
02 016 Rosage 12 192 Orchidees
03 027 Rosage 13 204 Orchidees
04 042 Rosage 14 218 Orchidees
05 058 Rosage 15 230 Orchidees
06 086 Marguerite 16 240 Orchidees
07 104 Marguerite
08 120 Marguerite
09 136 Marguerite
10 149 Marguerite

Classification: Knight
Runes: Red Rose
Combo: Charlemagne - Love Love Attack

- The Red Rose Rune cannot be disarmed.
- The Rose Crest can be equipped as an accessory!

011 Chiepooo (Tenfu Star)

Getting: Joins you automatically once you have exiled from Razril
Location: 3rd Deck Corridor Room (next to Ornament Room)

Weapon Levelling
01 --- --------------- 11 170 Edam
02 --- --------------- 12 180 Edam
03 035 Gouda 13 190 Edam
04 050 Gouda 14 210 Edam
05 074 Cheddar 15 220 Edam
06 090 Cheddar 16 250 Edam
07 104 Cheddar
08 120 Cheddar
09 144 Cheddar
10 158 Edam

Classification: Nay-Kobold
Runes: N/A
Combo: Nalkul/Champo - Meow Attack

012 Paula (Tenman Star)

Getting: Joins you automatically when Hero is exiled (if you choose
her at the training hall) or later when you return back to
Location: Deck

Weapon Levelling
01 010 Light Sword 11 162 Shining Sword
02 016 Light Sword 12 192 Elvan Sword
03 027 Light Sword 13 204 Elvan Sword
04 042 Light Sword 14 218 Elvan Sword
05 058 Light Sword 15 230 Elvan Sword
06 086 Shining Sword 16 240 Elvan Sword
07 104 Shining Sword
08 120 Shining Sword
09 136 Shining Sword
10 149 Shining Sword

Classification: Knight
Runes: Wind
Combo: Jewel/Keneth/Tal - Knight Attack

- During your "knights" day, her weapon will be named as Training

013 Kika (Tenko Star)

Getting: Joins you automatically once you visited the Nest of Pirates
Location: Deck

Weapon Levelling
01 --- --------------- 11 164 Pelkent
02 --- --------------- 12 186 Righarard
03 --- --------------- 13 199 Righarard
04 --- --------------- 14 213 Righarard
05 057 Deesha 15 225 Righarard
06 074 Deesha 16 255 Righarard
07 110 Pelkent
08 126 Pelkent
09 140 Pelkent
10 152 Pelkent

Classification: Special
Runes: Falcon
Combo: Hero - Double Sword Attack
Gretchen/Jeane - Allure Attack
Ameria/Jeane - Beauty Attack

- Falcon Rune cannot be disarmed from Kika.

014 Keneth (Tensyo Star)

Getting: Joins you automatically when Hero is exiled (if you choose
him at the training hall) or later when you return back to
Location: Deck

Weapon Levelling
01 010 Three-Star Sword 11 162 Four-Star Sword
02 016 Three-Star Sword 12 192 Seven-Star Sword
03 027 Three-Star Sword 13 204 Seven-Star Sword
04 042 Three-Star Sword 14 218 Seven-Star Sword
05 058 Three-Star Sword 15 230 Seven-Star Sword
06 086 Four-Star Sword 16 240 Seven-Star Sword
07 104 Four-Star Sword
08 120 Four-Star Sword
09 136 Four-Star Sword
10 149 Four-Star Sword

Classification: Knight
Runes: Lightning
Combo: Jewel/Paula/Tal - Knight Attack

- During your "knights" day, his weapon will be named as Training

015 Ramada (Tenritsu Star)

Getting: Joins you after you have defeated the ninjas (Mizuki and
Akaghi) when they infilitrate into Obel.
Location: Deck

Classification: Miscellaneous - Trade Merchant

016 Travis (Tenei Star)

Getting: Revisit the Inner Ruins of Obel Ruins after you have
liberated Obel. Just move around the Killer Golem to proceed
to next area and you will meet him. Talk to him and he will
ask you to use the Escape Talisman. Use it. Revisit the
ruins and make your way back to the place where he was. Talk
to him to recruit him!
Location: 3rd Deck Corridor Room (where you find Chiepoo and gang)

Weapon Levelling
01 020 Stone 11 180 Marble
02 035 Stone 12 192 Marble
03 046 Stone 13 204 Marble
04 060 Stone 14 220 Marble
05 085 Obisdian 15 234 Marble
06 099 Obisdian 16 245 Marble
07 114 Obisdian
08 130 Obisdian
09 144 Obisdian
10 158 Obisdian

Classification: Archer
Runes: N/A
Combo: Jeremy/Thrishtan - Reverse Adonis Attack

017 Snowe (Tenan Star)

Getting: Do not execute him after winning against him in 1st naval
battle. Do the same for the next naval battle. After getting
all 107 stars of destiny. Visit Mordo Island. Talk to the
merchant. Sail west off Mordo and there will be a cutscene.
Pick the 2nd option to recruit him. You can only recruit
him ONLY before you proceed for the final quest.
Location: Deck

Weapon Levelling
01 010 Daddy Blade 11 162 Daddy Blade
02 016 Daddy Blade 12 192 Snowe Blade
03 027 Daddy Blade 13 204 Snowe Blade
04 042 Daddy Blade 14 218 Snowe Blade
05 058 Daddy Blade 15 230 Snowe Blade
06 086 Daddy Blade 16 240 Snowe Blade
07 104 Daddy Blade
08 120 Daddy Blade
09 136 Daddy Blade
10 149 Daddy Blade

Classification: Knight
Runes: Water
Combo: Hero - Friendship Attack (before Hero is exiled)
Hero - True Friendship Attack (after he rejoins you)

- If you choose to execute him in after any naval battles against him,
you will be able to get him.

018 Rachel (Tengou Star)

Getting: After liberating Obel, revisit the cave where your ship is
firstly docked. Make sure that you have Cedric in your
party. She will join you after you have settled Cedric's
bills (5000p).
Location: 1st Deck Corridor (outside your room)

Weapon Levelling
01 018 Garmr 11 174 Fenrir
02 025 Garmr 12 185 Fenrir
03 040 Garmr 13 210 Loki
04 059 Garmr 14 220 Loki
05 075 Garmr 15 240 Loki
06 080 Garmr 16 250 Loki
07 100 Garmr
08 135 Fenrir
09 150 Fenrir
10 173 Fenrir

Classification: Lancer
Runes: N/A
Combo: Eugene/Lino - Spear Attack

019 Helga (Tengou Star)

Getting: After you have meet Reinbach II, make your way to Nay. Talk
to the man inside one of the room and he will say something
about woman who wreck chaos in the inn in Middleport. Visit
Middleport and you will meet Helga. Talk to her several
times and you will be able to recruit her!
Location: 1st Deck Corridor (outside your room)

Weapon Levelling
01 020 Double Axe 11 170 Double Battle Axe
02 035 Double Axe 12 200 Double Great Axe
03 045 Double Axe 13 212 Double Great Axe
04 060 Double Axe 14 228 Double Great Axe
05 070 Double Axe 15 240 Double Great Axe
06 100 Double Battle Axe 16 255 Double Great Axe
07 115 Double Battle Axe
08 130 Double Battle Axe
09 140 Double Battle Axe
10 155 Double Battle Axe

Classification: Axeman
Runes: N/A
Combo: Karl - Physical Attack

020 Cedric (Tensoku Star)

Getting: Once you gotten your base, chosoe to stay in the Obel inn.
Exit the area and return back there. There will be a woman
who is yelling theft. Speak to the woman yelling at him.
Chase after the theft whom will be escaping to your base...
Visit the Saloon and talk to Louise, and he will join.

Alternatively, if you did not trigger the above event, you

can still recruit him during Obel evacuation where he was
standing in front of the inn.

Location: Outside your room

Classification: Support Character - Found Treasure

021 Keen (Teni Star)

Getting: Choose to bring in Sigurd when you first revisit Middleport.
Talk to him at the Trading Post. Complete the subsequent
events (i.e. meeting Reinbach II). Exit Middleport Town via
your ship. Choose a new party setup without Sigurd in your
party. Revisit Middleport via ship. Talk to him and he will
join you if you pay 10000p.

Location: Confessions Room

Classification: Confessions Room

022 Gau (Tensatsu Star)

Getting: Complete the quest to recruit Elenor in Hermitage Island.
Revisit it and wonder around the Forest area in front of
Elenor's Home. Eventually there will be a battle against Gau
and 4 Demon Wolves. Defeat them and you will be able to
recruit Gau!
Location: 4th Deck Corridor

Weapon Levelling
01 010 Fist 11 170 Steel Fist
02 020 Fist 12 180 Steel Fist
03 035 Fist 13 190 Steel Fist
04 050 Fist 14 210 Steel Fist
05 074 Hard Fist 15 220 Steel Fist
06 090 Hard Fist 16 250 Steel Fist
07 105 Hard Fist
08 118 Hard Fist
09 130 Hard Fist
10 160 Steel Fist

Classification: Fighter
Runes: N/A
Combo: Dario - Berserker Attack

023 Gretchen (Tenbi Star)

Getting: After you have liberated Razril from Kooluk rule and move
pass the evening event, move to the Razril Port. She will be
found outside the Armor Shop. Talk to her to recruit her.
Location: 1st Deck Corridor (outside Hero's Room)

Weapon Levelling
01 010 Long Sword 11 162 War Sword
02 016 Long Sword 12 192 Night Sword
03 027 Long Sword 13 204 Night Sword
04 042 Long Sword 14 218 Night Sword
05 058 Long Sword 15 230 Night Sword
06 086 War Sword 16 240 Night Sword
07 104 War Sword
08 120 War Sword
09 136 War Sword
10 149 War Sword

Classification: Fighter
Runes: N/A
Combo: Kika/Jeane - Allure Attack

024 Konrad (Tenkyu Star)

Getting: After you have liberated Razril from Kooluk rule, make a
trip to Inn. Talk to him and he will join you if you have
Katarina in your party.
Location: 3rd Deck Corridor (Boutiques)

Weapon Levelling
01 005 High Rod 11 120 Brave Rod
02 010 High Rod 12 130 Force Rod
03 018 High Rod 13 160 Force Rod
04 026 High Rod 14 170 Force Rod
05 038 High Rod 15 185 Force Rod
06 050 Brave Rod 16 200 Force Rod
07 070 Brave Rod
08 080 Brave Rod
09 095 Brave Rod
10 105 Brave Rod

Classification: Sorcerer
Runes: Rage
Combo: Katarina - Sorcerer Attack

025 Jewel (Tentai Star)

Getting: Joins you automatically when Hero is exiled (if you choose
her at the training hall) or later when you return back to
Location: Deck

Weapon Levelling
01 010 Steel Sword 11 162 White Sword
02 016 Steel Sword 12 192 Shimmering Sword
03 027 Steel Sword 13 204 Shimmering Sword
04 042 Steel Sword 14 218 Shimmering Sword
05 058 Steel Sword 15 230 Shimmering Sword
06 086 White Sword 16 240 Shimmering Sword
07 104 White Sword
08 120 White Sword
09 136 White Sword
10 149 White Sword

Classification: Knight
Runes: Water
Combo: Keneth/Paula/Tal - Knight Attack

- During your "knights" day, her weapon will be named as Training

026 Katarina (Tenjyu Star)

Getting: Talk to her at Kika's Room located in the Nest of Pirates
after you have liberated Razril from Kooluk rule.
Location: 4th Deck Corridor (her own room)

Weapon Levelling
01 005 Naganara 11 120 E Naganara
02 010 Naganara 12 130 Kai E Naganara
03 018 Naganara 13 160 Kai E Naganara
04 026 Naganara 14 170 Kai E Naganara
05 038 Naganara 15 185 Kai E Naganara
06 050 E Naganara 16 200 Kai E Naganara
07 070 E Naganara
08 080 E Naganara
09 095 E Naganara
10 105 E Naganara

Classification: Sorcerer
Runes: Lightning/Water
Combo: Katarina - Sorcerer Attack

027 Lo Seng (Tenken Star)

Getting: Once you have received the Golden Seal from Lino, make your
way to the Mordo Island and choose to rest at the Hot
Spring. Later you need to fight Lo Seng along with Lo Hak
and Lo Fong. Defeat them and you will be able to recruit
Location: 5th Deck Corridor

Weapon Levelling
01 020 Throwing Knives 11 180 Knives of Avarice
02 035 Throwing Knives 12 192 Knives of Avarice
03 046 Throwing Knives 13 204 Knives of Avarice
04 060 Throwing Knives 14 220 Knives of Avarice
05 085 Crimson Knives 15 234 Knives of Avarice
06 099 Crimson Knives 16 245 Knives of Avarice
07 114 Crimson Knives
08 130 Crimson Knives
09 144 Crimson Knives
10 158 Crimson Knives

Classification: Archer
Runes: Prosperity
Combo: Lo Hak/Lo Fong - Sibling Attack

028 Shiramine (Tenhei Star)

Getting: After you have recruited Ugetsu, proceed to the rear deck
and there will be a cutscene of you "catching" Shiramine...
Location: Rear Deck

Weapon Levelling
01 010 Calm 11 170 Tsunami
02 020 Calm 12 190 Tsunami
03 035 Calm 13 180 Tsunami
04 050 Calm 14 210 Tsunami
05 074 Calm 15 220 Tsunami
06 090 Wave 16 250 Tsunami
07 105 Wave
08 118 Wave
09 130 Wave
10 160 Tsunami

Classification: Fighter, Net Fishing

Runes: N/A
Combo: Ugetsu - Fisherman Attack

029 Lo Fong (Tenzai Star)

Getting: Once you have received the Golden Seal from Lino, make your
way to the Mordo Island and choose to rest at the Hot
Spring. Later you need to fight Lo Fong along with Lo Hak
and Lo Seng. Defeat them and you will be able to recruit
Location: 5th Deck Corridor

Weapon Levelling
01 020 Tranquility 11 180 Flames
02 035 Tranquility 12 192 Flames
03 046 Tranquility 13 204 Flames
04 060 Tranquility 14 220 Flames
05 085 Darkness 15 234 Flames
06 099 Darkness 16 245 Flames
07 114 Darkness
08 130 Darkness
09 144 Darkness
10 158 Darkness

Classification: Archer
Runes: Earth
Combo: Lo Hak/Lo Seng - Sibling Attack

030 Ugetsu (Tenson Star)

Getting: After you got the ship of OBEL, visit Na-Nal Island and you
will find him at the harbour. He is located directly
opposite the Trading Post at the planks.

Location: Rear Deck

Weapon Levelling
01 020 Axe 11 170 Gold Axe
02 035 Axe 12 200 Platinum Axe
03 045 Axe 13 212 Platinum Axe
04 060 Axe 14 228 Platinum Axe
05 070 Axe 15 240 Platinum Axe
06 100 Gold Axe 16 255 Platinum Axe
07 115 Gold Axe
08 130 Gold Axe
09 140 Gold Axe
10 155 Gold Axe

Classification: Axeman, Fishing

Runes: Water
Combo: Shiramine - Fisherman Attack

031 Lo Hak (Tenpai Star)

Getting: Once you have received the Golden Seal from Lino, make your
way to the Mordo Island and choose to rest at the Hot
Spring. Later you need to fight Lo Hak along with Lo Fong
and Lo Seng. Defeat them and you will be able to recruit
Location: 5th Deck Corridor

Weapon Levelling
01 020 Bow 11 180 Silence Bow
02 035 Bow 12 192 Silence Bow
03 046 Bow 13 204 Silence Bow
04 060 Bow 14 220 Silence Bow
05 085 Flame Bow 15 234 Silence Bow
06 099 Flame Bow 16 245 Silence Bow
07 114 Flame Bow
08 130 Flame Bow
09 144 Flame Bow
10 158 Flame Bow

Classification: Archer
Runes: Fire
Combo: Lo Fong/Lo Seng - Sibling Attack
Ted/Federica - Barrage Attack
Ted/Flare - Barrage Attack

032 Rakgi (Tenrou Star)

Getting: He will join automatically after you have successfully
defeated the Guard in the Obel Ruins (1st visit)
Location: 2nd Deck Corridor

Classification: Ship Anchorman

- Talk to him to board your ship

033 Rikie (Tensui Star)

Getting: She will join automatically after you have successfully
defeated the Guard in the Obel Ruins (1st visit)
Location: 3rd Deck Corridor (her room)

Classification: Support Character - Healing

034 Jango (Tenbou Star)

Getting: After you have given a name to your ship, make your way
back to your room by foot and Desmond will tell you pirates
are waiting in your room. Talk to them and he will join
with Brec.
Location: Bridge

Classification: Captain (for naval battles)

035 Brec (Tenkoku Star)

Getting: After you have given a name to your ship, make your way
back to your room by foot and Desmond will tell you pirates
are waiting in your room. Talk to them and he will join
with Jango.
Location: Bridge

Classification: Captain (for naval battles)

036 Flare (Tenpai Star)
Getting: She joins you automatically after you have liberated Obel
from Kooluk rule.
Location: 1st Deck Corridor (Lino's Room)

Weapon Levelling
01 020 Hathor 11 180 Isis
02 035 Hathor 12 192 Isis
03 046 Hathor 13 204 Isis
04 060 Hathor 14 220 Isis
05 085 Heket 15 234 Isis
06 099 Heket 16 245 Isis
07 114 Heket
08 130 Heket
09 144 Heket
10 158 Heket

Classification: Archer
Runes: Wind
Combo: Lino - Family Attack
Ted/Aldo - Barrage Attack
Ted/Lo Hak - Barrage Attack

037 Tanya (Tenkoku Star)

Getting: After you have liberated Razril from Kooluk rule, head for
Nest of Pirates. She will be there at the entrance. Talk
her and you will be able to recruit her.
Location: Library

Classification: Librarian

038 Jeremy (Chisatsu Star)

Getting: After liberating Razril from Kooluk rule, make your way to
Na-Nal Gathering Square with Mitsuba in your party. Talk to
him and you will be able to recruit him!
Location: Saloon (near the receptionist where Louise is)

Weapon Levelling
01 010 Lucky Blade 11 162 Miracle Blade
02 016 Lucky Blade 12 192 Marvellous Blade
03 027 Lucky Blade 13 204 Marvellous Blade
04 042 Lucky Blade 14 218 Marvellous Blade
05 058 Lucky Blade 15 230 Marvellous Blade
06 086 Miracle Blade 16 240 Marvellous Blade
07 104 Miracle Blade
08 120 Miracle Blade
09 136 Miracle Blade
10 149 Miracle Blade

Classification: Knight
Runes: N/A
Combo: Trishtan/Travis - Reverse Adonis Attack
039 Gareth (Chiyu Star)
Getting: After obtaining the Rose Crest from him and recruited
Reinbach III at Middleport. Make your way to the Inn (High
Ground) with Reinbach in your party. Talk to him and you
will be able to recruit him!
Location: Saloon (near statue)

Classification: Sculptor

040 Jeane (Chiketsu Star)

Getting: After fleeing from Obel, revisit Na-Nal and talk to the man
at the Hot Bath Springs and the man outside the Armor Shop
about the Runemaster. Make your way to the Rune Shop and
request to meet her. You will be able to recruit her from
Location: 3th Deck Corridor (Rune Shop)

Weapon Levelling
01 005 Rod 11 120 Silver Rod
02 010 Rod 12 130 Crystal Rod
03 018 Rod 13 160 Crystal Rod
04 026 Rod 14 170 Crystal Rod
05 038 Rod 15 185 Crystal Rod
06 050 Silver Rod 16 200 Crystal Rod
07 070 Silver Rod
08 080 Silver Rod
09 095 Silver Rod
10 105 Silver Rod

Classification: Sorcerer
Runes: Charm, Lightning
Combo: Kika/Ameria - Beauty Attack
Kika/Gretchen - Allure Attack

- You cannot disarm the Charm Rune from her.

041 Lilon (Chiyu Star)

Getting: After chasing Snowe to Razril, talk to the man at the beach
of the Nest of Pirates. Exit and board your ship. Enter the
Nest of Pirates via your ship to trigger a cutscene.

Location: 5th Deck Corridor (Accessory Atelier)

Classification - Accessory maker (Mermaid Shop)

042 Gary (Chii Star)

Getting: After you have liberated Obel from Kooluk rule, visit the
Palace and talk to him or Ema, where both of them are at
the garden. Talk to them and you will be able to recruit

Location: 4th Deck Corridor (own room)

Classification: Support Character - Healing

043 Ema (Chiei Star)

Getting: After you have liberated Obel from Kooluk rule, visit the
Palace and talk to her or Gary, where both of them are at
the garden. Talk to them and you will be able to recruit

Location: 4th Deck Corridor (own room)

Classification: Support Character - Healing

044 Sigurd (Chiki Star)

Getting: Joins you automatically after you have visited the Nest of
Location: Deck

Weapon Levelling
01 --- --------------- 11 180 Golden Blade
02 --- --------------- 12 192 Golden Blade
03 --- --------------- 13 204 Golden Blade
04 060 Steel Blade 14 220 Golden Blade
05 085 Sheen Sword 15 234 Golden Blade
06 099 Sheen Sword 16 245 Golden Blade
07 114 Sheen Sword
08 130 Sheen Sword
09 144 Sheen Sword
10 158 Sheen Sword

Classification: Archer
Runes: Water
Combo: Hervey - Pirate Attack
Hervey/Helmut - Adonis Attack

045 Hervey (Chimou Star)

Getting: Joins you automatically after you have visited the Nest of
Location: Deck

Weapon Levelling
01 --- ---------------- 11 162 Bronze Sword
02 --- ---------------- 12 192 Marvellous Blade
03 --- ---------------- 13 204 Marvellous Blade
04 042 Broad Sword 14 218 Marvellous Blade
05 058 Bronze Sword 15 230 Marvellous Blade
06 086 Bronze Sword 16 240 Marvellous Blade
07 104 Bronze Sword
08 120 Bronze Sword
09 136 Bronze Sword
10 149 Bronze Sword

Classification: Knight
Runes: Fire
Combo: Sigurd - Pirate Attack
Sigurd/Helmut - Adonis Attack

046 Micky (Chibun Star)

Getting: Joins you along with Reinbach. Just bring the Rose Crest
from Gareth at Nay Inn to Reinbach

Location: Saloon

Classification: Reinbach's assistant, Author of Rose Swordsman Story

047 Nabokov (Chisei Star)

Getting: After you have liberated Obel from Kooluk rule, talk to him
at appraisal shop and you will be able to recruit him!
Location: 3th Deck Corridor (Appraisal Shop)

Classification: Support Character - Appraise

048 Frederica (Chikatsu Star)

Getting: Talk to her at the equipment shop after you have liberated
Razril from Kooluk rule. Revisit the equipment shop after
the evening event and talk to her again to recruit her.
Location: 1st Deck Corridor

Weapon Levelling
01 020 Bone Bow 11 180 Dragon Bone Bow
02 035 Bone Bow 12 192 Dragon Bone Bow
03 046 Bone Bow 13 204 Dragon Bone Bow
04 060 Bone Bow 14 220 Dragon Bone Bow
05 085 Snake Bone Bow 15 234 Dragon Bone Bow
06 099 Snake Bone Bow 16 245 Dragon Bone Bow
07 114 Snake Bone Bow
08 130 Snake Bone Bow
09 144 Snake Bone Bow
10 158 Snake Bone Bow

Classification: Archer
Runes: N/A
Combo: Aldo/Ted - Barrage Attack
Lo Hak/Ted - Barrage Attack

049 Mao (Chitou Star)

Getting: After you have fleed from Obel, rest at your room. Attempt
to exit and Tov will mention about a Forbidden Room. Make
your way to the 5th Deck Corridor and you will be able to
recruit him.

Location: 5th Deck Corridor (Cultivation Room)

050 Bartholomew (Chikyou Star)

Getting: After fleeing from Obel, visit Perrault's corner. Examine
and read the 1st Issue. It will mentions Bartholomew. Make
your way to the Nay-Kobold Residence and talk to him
Location: 5th Deck Corridor (Shipwright's Room)
Weapon Levelling
01 018 Blue Spear 11 174 Wave Spear
02 025 Blue Spear 12 185 Wave Spear
03 040 Blue Spear 13 210 Ocean Spear
04 059 Blue Spear 14 220 Ocean Spear
05 075 Blue Spear 15 240 Ocean Spear
06 080 Blue Spear 16 250 Ocean Spear
07 100 Blue Spear
08 135 Wave Spear
09 150 Wave Spear
10 173 Wave Spear

Classification: Lancer
Runes: N/A
Combo: Ornan/Reinhold - Silver Attack

051 Helmut (Chian Star)

Getting: After defeating the Kooluk fleet stationed at Razril, you
got the option of keeping him or having him executed.
Location: Deck

Weapon Levelling
01 010 Officer's Sword 11 162 Officer's Sword+
02 016 Officer's Sword 12 192 Officer's Sword++
03 027 Officer's Sword 13 204 Officer's Sword++
04 042 Officer's Sword 14 218 Officer's Sword++
05 058 Officer's Sword+ 15 230 Officer's Sword++
06 086 Officer's Sword+ 16 240 Officer's Sword++
07 104 Officer's Sword+
08 120 Officer's Sword+
09 136 Officer's Sword+
10 149 Officer's Sword+

Classification: Knight
Runes: N/A
Combo: Sigurd/Hervey - Adonis Attack

052 Pablo (Chiziku Star)

Getting: Joins you automatically as you flee from the Kingdom of
Location: 5th Deck Corridor (Rune Cannon Control Room)

Weapon Levelling
01 005 Sphere Rod 11 120 Flash Rod
02 010 Sphere Rod 12 130 Nova Rod
03 018 Sphere Rod 13 160 Nova Rod
04 026 Sphere Rod 14 170 Nova Rod
05 038 Sphere Rod 15 185 Nova Rod
06 050 Flash Rod 16 200 Nova Rod
07 070 Flash Rod
08 080 Flash Rod
09 095 Flash Rod
10 105 Flash Rod
Classification: Sorcerer
Runes: Fire
Combo: Warlock - Master/Pupil Attack

053 Bang (Chikai Star)

Getting: After you have fleed from Obel, visit Nay-Kobold Settlement
Talk to him at the Lottery Shop and you will be able to
recruit him.

Location: 3th Deck Corridor (Lottery Shop)

054 Liloon (Chisa Star)

Getting: After recruit all mermaids, you will find at the harbour of
Iluya. Talk to her and you will be able to recruit her.

Location: 5th Deck Corridor (Accessory Atelier)

Classification - Accessory maker (Mermaid Shop)

055 Lilen (Chiyu Star)

Getting: Revisit the Deserted Island after you have gotten your
ship. Make your way into the cave and down to the
Subterranean Lake. You will be able to recruit her after
you have recruited Taisuke.

Location: 5th Deck Corridor (Accessory Atelier)

Classification - Accessory maker (Mermaid Shop)

056 Yu (Chirei Star)

Getting: During your evacuation of residents of Obel with Flare, you
will be able to recruit him by talking to him while he is
at the Town Square.

Location: 4th Deck Corridor (Doctor's Room)

Classifcation: Support Character - Healing

057 Carrie (Chijyu Star)

Getting: After you have liberated Obel from Kooluk rule, talk to her
outside one of the houses and you will be able to recruit
her if Yu is in your party.

Location: 4th Deck Corridor (Ward) - sells medicine

Classifcation: Support Character - Healing

058 Dario (Chibi Star)

Getting: Joins you automatically when you visit the Nest of Pirates.
Location: 3rd Deck Corridor (Boutiques)

Weapon Levelling
01 020 Wood Splitter 11 170 Earth Splitter
02 035 Wood Splitter 12 200 Iron Splitter
03 045 Wood Splitter 13 212 Iron Splitter
04 060 Wood Splitter 14 228 Iron Splitter
05 070 Wood Splitter 15 240 Iron Splitter
06 100 Earth Splitter 16 255 Iron Splitter
07 115 Earth Splitter
08 130 Earth Splitter
09 140 Earth Splitter
10 155 Earth Splitter

Classification: Axeman
Runes: N/A
Combo: Gau - Berserker Attack

059 Millay (Chikyu Star)

Getting: After you have recruited Kelvin and Pam from visiting Nay,
make your way to Middleport (without Reinbach) and talk to
a man who is talking about Reinbach's fiancee. Go board your
ship and switch Reinbach in your party. Make your way to
Na-Nal and you will need to battle some scoundrels. After
defeating Millay will join you.
Location: 1st Deck Corridor

Weapon Levelling
01 --- --------------- 11 162 Iron Sword
02 --- --------------- 12 192 Platinum Sword
03 027 Brass Sword 13 204 Platinum Sword
04 042 Brass Sword 14 218 Platinum Sword
05 058 Iron Sword 15 230 Platinum Sword
06 086 Iron Sword 16 240 Platinum Sword
07 104 Iron Sword
08 120 Iron Sword
09 136 Iron Sword
10 149 Iron Sword

Classification: Knight
Runes: N/A
Combo: Viki/Rita - Nymph Attack

060 Reinhold (Chibaku Star)

Getting: After you have gotten your patrol ship, make your way to
Na-Nal. You meet Reinhold at the Hillside town. Defeat
Mitsuba on a one-on-one duel and you will recruit him as
well as Mitsuba
Location: 5th Deck Corridor (Training Hall)

Weapon Levelling
01 018 Baby Bamboo Spear 11 174 Bamboo Spear
02 025 Baby Bamboo Spear 12 185 Bamboo Spear
03 040 Baby Bamboo Spear 13 210 Aged Bamboo Spear
04 059 Baby Bamboo Spear 14 220 Aged Bamboo Spear
05 075 Baby Bamboo Spear 15 240 Aged Bamboo Spear
06 080 Baby Bamboo Spear 16 250 Aged Bamboo Spear
07 100 Baby Bamboo Spear
08 135 Bamboo Spear
09 150 Bamboo Spear
10 173 Bamboo Spear

Classification: Lancer
Runes: Lightning
Combo: Ornan/Bartholomew - Silver Attack

061 Warlock (Chizen Star)

Getting: After liberating Razril from Kooluk rule, talk to Pablo at
the Rune Cannon Control room and you will come to know
about Warlock. Visit the empty house at the Middleport and
choose the wrong answer (i.e. 24 potch) and you will be
able to access the Underground Secret Path.

Please note the enemies are strong if your party isn't well
prepared for it. Make your way to the room and you need to
bypass a sub-boss - Land Dragon and you will meet Warlock.
Talk to him and you will be able to recruit him!

Location: 5th Deck Corridor (Rune Cannon Control Room)

Weapon Levelling
01 005 Driftwood Cane 11 120 Aged Wood Cane
02 010 Driftwood Cane 12 130 Sacred Wood Cane
03 018 Driftwood Cane 13 160 Sacred Wood Cane
04 026 Driftwood Cane 14 170 Sacred Wood Cane
05 038 Driftwood Cane 15 185 Sacred Wood Cane
06 050 Aged Wood Cane 16 200 Sacred Wood Cane
07 070 Aged Wood Cane
08 080 Aged Wood Cane
09 095 Aged Wood Cane
10 105 Aged Wood Cane

Classification: Sorcerer
Runes: Mother Earth/Flowing
Combo: Pablo - Master/Pupil Attack

062 Akaghi (Chikou Star)

Getting: Joins you automatically after you have completed your trip
to the ruins. Defeat him and Mizuki to recruit both of them.
Location: Deck

Weapon Levelling
01 --- ----------------- 11 170 Rippling Chakram
02 --- ----------------- 12 180 Rippling Chakram
03 035 Chakram 13 190 Rippling Chakram
04 050 Chakram 14 210 Rippling Chakram
05 074 Flaming Chakram 15 220 Rippling Chakram
06 090 Flaming Chakram 16 250 Rippling Chakram
07 105 Flaming Chakram
08 118 Flaming Chakram
09 130 Flaming Chakram
10 160 Rippling Chakram
Classification: Ninja
Runes: N/A
Combo: Mizuki - Ninja Attack
Kate/Mizuki - True Ninja Attack

063 Mizuki (Chikyou Star)

Getting: Joins you automatically after you have completed your trip
to the ruins. Defeat her and Akaghi to recruit both of them.
Location: Deck

Weapon Levelling
01 --- ----------------- 11 170 Adisia Crispa
02 --- ----------------- 12 180 Adisia Crispa
03 035 Dannacanthus 13 190 Adisia Crispa
04 050 Dannacanthus 14 210 Adisia Crispa
05 074 Citrus Tachibana 15 220 Adisia Crispa
06 090 Citrus Tachibana 16 250 Adisia Crispa
07 105 Citrus Tachibana
08 118 Citrus Tachibana
09 130 Citrus Tachibana
10 160 Adisia Crispa

Classification: Ninja
Runes: N/A
Combo: Akaghi - Ninja Attack
Akaghi/Kate - True Ninja Attack

064 Ornan (Chihi Star)

Getting: Talk to him at the washing bay of Obel after you gotten
your base from the king.
Location: Saloon

Weapon Levelling
01 020 Sheep's Horn 11 180 Divine Treasure
02 035 Sheep's Horn 12 192 Divine Treasure
03 046 Sheep's Horn 13 204 Divine Treasure
04 060 Sheep's Horn 14 220 Divine Treasure
05 085 Sheep's Horn 15 234 Divine Treasure
06 099 Pure Heroism 16 245 Divine Treasure
07 114 Pure Heroism
08 130 Pure Heroism
09 144 Pure Heroism
10 158 Pure Heorism

Classification: Archer
Runes: Waking
Combo: Bartholomew/Reinhold - Silver Attack

065 Manu (Chisou Star)

Getting: After you gotten the ship of Obel, visit Na-Nal. Make your
way to the Inn and you will be able to recruit him
Location: 2th Deck Corridor
Classification - Elevator

066 Rene (Chikou Star)

Getting: After you gotten the ship of Obel, make your way to Nay
Harbor. Search the beach for a Message Bottle (blue in
colour). Make your way to Donut Island (which will appears
ONLY if you have gotten the Message Bottle) and it is on
east off Obel. Talk to her upon on the island and she will
join you with a Treasure Map. Complete off her tutorial at
treasure map hunting by talking to her at the library and
hunt for the first treasure at Donut Island.
Location: 4th Deck Corridor (Library)

Classification - Treasure Hunting

R. Cannon: Earth (8)

Underlings: 0

067 Ameria (Chimei Star)

Getting: After the evening event at Razril (occurs after you have
liberated Razril from Kooluk rule), make your way to the
rooftop of the Hall of Knights and you will find Ameria
there. Talk to her and you will be able to recruit her.
Location: 3rd Floor Corridor (Boutiques)

Weapon Levelling
01 010 Feather Sword 11 162 Wing Sword
02 016 Feather Sword 12 192 Fallen Angel Sword
03 027 Feather Sword 13 204 Fallen Angel Sword
04 042 Feather Sword 14 218 Fallen Angel Sword
05 058 Feather Sword 15 230 Fallen Angel Sword
06 086 Wing Sword 16 240 Fallen Angel Sword
07 104 Wing Sword
08 120 Wing Sword
09 136 Wing Sword
10 149 Wing Sword

Classification: Knight
Runes: N/A
Combo: Jeane/Kika - Beauty Attack

068 Nico (Chisin Star)

Getting: He will join you automatically once you flee from Obel in
the ship. Make sure you talk to him at least once...
Location: Deck

Classification - Ship Crew

069 Wendel (Chitai Star)

Getting: After you have liberated Obel from Kooluk rule, revisit it
and you will find her at the harbour. Talk to her and she
will join you if you have talked to Nico before.
Location: Deck
Weapon Levelling
01 010 Take This! 11 170 You Scumbag!
02 020 Take This! 12 190 You Scumbag!
03 035 Take This! 13 180 You Scumbag!
04 050 Take This! 14 210 You Scumbag!
05 074 Take This! 15 220 You Scumbag!
06 090 Run For Your Life! 16 250 You Scumbag!
07 105 Run For Your Life!
08 118 Run For Your Life!
09 130 Run For Your Life!
10 160 You Scumbag!

Classification: Fighter
Runes: N/A
Combo: N/A

070 Tov (Chiman Star)

Getting: He will join you automatically once you flee from Obel in
the ship.
Location: 5th Deck Corridor - Shipwright's Room

Classification - Shipwright, allows you to customize your ships

071 Phil (Chiman Star)

Getting: After you have recruited 40 people, talk to him inside the
Nest of Pirates (next to inn keeper) and you will be able
to recruit.
Location: 5th Deck Corridor - Shipwright's Room

Classification - Tailor (makes clothing-type armor)

072 Eugene (Chisyu Star)

Getting: Re-enter Na-Nal via ship after you have recruited Axel.
Visit the inn and you will find him along with his mom. Talk
to his mom and you will be able to recruit him.
Location: Bridge

Weapon Levelling
01 018 Heirloom Spear 11 174 Great Spear
02 025 Heirloom Spear 12 185 Great Spear
03 040 Heirloom Spear 13 210 Supreme Spear
04 059 Heirloom Spear 14 220 Supreme Spear
05 075 Heirloom Spear 15 240 Supreme Spear
06 080 Heirloom Spear 16 250 Supreme Spear
07 100 Heirloom Spear
08 135 Great Spear
09 150 Great Spear
10 173 Great Spear

Classification: Lancer
Runes: Firefly, Fire
Combo: Lino/Rachel - Spear Attack

- Firefly Rune cannot be unequipped.

073 Mitsuba (Chiin Star)

Getting: Once you gain your base at Obel, use your patrol ship and
make your way to Na-Nal. Make your way to the Gathering
Square and you need to beat her on a one-on-one duel.
Location: 5th Deck Corridor

Weapon Levelling
01 020 Stone Breaker 11 170 Iron Breaker
02 030 Stone Breaker 12 180 Iron Breaker
03 045 Stone Breaker 13 215 Platinum Breaker
04 060 Stone Breaker 14 230 Platinum Breaker
05 075 Stone Breaker 15 240 Platinum Breaker
06 090 Stone Breaker 16 255 Platinum Breaker
07 120 Iron Breaker
08 132 Iron Breaker
09 145 Iron Breaker
10 160 Iron Breaker

Classification: Blademaster
Runes: N/A
Combo: Selma - Giant Sword Attack A

074 Lilan (Chii Star)

Getting: After you have recruited Shiramine, make your way to your
ship and enter the Nay town. Exit the town by taking to
Rakgi. Anchor your ship and talk to Shiramine to cast the
net. Now set sail and make your way to Na-Nal. Choose not
enter the town. Instead anchor your ship. Talk to Shiramine
and choose to pull up the net.
Location: 5th Deck Corridor - Accessory Atelier

Classification - Accessory maker (Mermaid Shop)

075 Nataly (Chiri Star)

Getting: After you have gotten your OBEL ship, make your way to
Iluya. Proceed to the Destroyed Town and you will find her.
Talk to her and you will be able to recruit her.
Location: Saloon (1st Deck Corridor)

Classification - Window Sets

076 Nao (Chiri Star)

Getting: After you have recruit Mao, make your way to your room and
choose to rest. Attempt to exit via the door and Tov will
tell you something about the Forbidden Room. Visit the room
and you will find Nao and you will recruit him.
Location: 5th Deck Corridor - Cultivation Room

Classification - Cultivates mint

077 Etienne (Chiraku Star)

Getting: After you have recruited Reinbach, make your way back to
your ship and have Reinbach in your party. Return back to
Middleport. Visit the Lord's Mansion and you will find
Etienne there. Talk to her and you will recruit her!
Location: Saloon (1st Deck Corridor)

Classification - Music...

078 Viki (Chitatsu Star)

Getting: After you have fled from Obel, make your way to Nay-Kobold
Settlement and you will meet at the Suspension Bridge area.
On your way back to the harbour, you will meet her again
and this time you will be able to recruit her!
Location: 2nd Deck Corridor (Blinking Mirror)

Weapon Levelling
01 005 Wand 11 120 Wow Wand
02 010 Wand 12 130 Wow Wow Wand
03 018 Wand 13 160 Wow Wow Wand
04 026 Wand 14 170 Wow Wow Wand
05 038 Wand 15 185 Wow Wow Wand
06 050 Wow Wand 16 200 Wow Wow Wand
07 070 Wow Wand
08 080 Wow Wand
09 095 Wow Wand
10 105 Wow Wand

Classification: Sorcerer
Runes: Blinking
Combo: Rita/Millay - Nymph Attack

- You can access the Blinking Mirror even she is in your party and
you can visit places that you have been before. Please note that
places that are marked a blue arrow are not accessible as you need
to enter the place via ship.
- The Blinking Rune cannot be disarmed.

079 Kate (Chisoku Star)

Getting: After gotten the ship of Obel, bring Mizuki in your party
and make your way to the destroyed town of Iluya. You will
find her in the mazy area of Iluya. Talk to her and she will
join you if you have Mizuki in your party.
Location: 5th Deck Corridor

Weapon Levelling
01 020 Black Flower 11 180 Death Flower
02 035 Black Flower 12 192 Death Flower
03 046 Black Flower 13 204 Death Flower
04 060 Black Flower 14 220 Death Flower
05 085 Black Flower 15 234 Death Flower
06 099 Red Flower 16 245 Death Flower
07 114 Red Flower
08 130 Red Flower
09 144 Red Flower
10 158 Red Flower

Classification: Archer
Runes: Earth
Combo: Mizuki/Kate - True Ninja Attack

080 Charlemagne (Chichin Star)

Getting: After you have recruited Reinbach, make your way to Nay Inn
and talk to the man in a room next to Gareth's room. He will
say something about a woman. Return to Middelport & revisit
the inn and you will have a cutscene at the front of the
inn. Helga will joins. Exit Middleport and enter it via ship
and talk to Charlemagne THREE times before you will be able
to recruit. Please note that blinking mirror will not work.
Location: Saloon (2nd Deck Corridor)

Weapon Levelling
01 010 Etoile 11 162 Lune
02 016 Etoile 12 192 Soleil
03 027 Etoile 13 204 Soleil
04 042 Etoile 14 218 Soleil
05 058 Etoile 15 230 Soleil
06 086 Lune 16 240 Soleil
07 104 Lune
08 120 Lune
09 136 Lune
10 149 Lune

Classification: Knight
Runes: N/A
Combo: Reinbach - Love Love Attack

081 Rita (Chikei Star)

Getting: After you have gained your base at Obel, use the patrol ship
and make your way to Na-Nal. Win her in Ritapon (her mini
game) and you will be able to recruit her.
Location: Saloon (2nd Deck Corridor) - Mini-game "Tiles"

Weapon Levelling
01 020 Lovely Hammer 11 170 Ribbon Hammer
02 035 Lovely Hammer 12 200 Mega Hammer
03 045 Lovely Hammer 13 212 Mega Hammer
04 060 Lovely Hammer 14 228 Mega Hammer
05 070 Lovely Hammer 15 240 Mega Hammer
06 100 Ribbon Hammer 16 255 Mega Hammer
07 115 Ribbon Hammer
08 130 Ribbon Hammer
09 140 Ribbon Hammer
10 155 Ribbon Hammer

Classification: Axeman
Runes: N/A
Combo: Viki/Millay - Nymph Attack

082 Oleg (Chima Star)

Getting: Joins you automatically after you have reported back to
Lino back in Obel
Location: Library

Classification - Inventor (story character)

083 Perrault (Chiyou Star)

Getting: After you gained your base, use the patrol ship and make
your way to Nay. You will be able to recruit him by talking
to him at Trading Post in Nay-Kobold settlement.
Location: Saloon (1st Deck Corridor)

Classification - Newspaper (Perrault's News Post)

084 Deborah (Chiyu Star)

Getting: After you eliminated the Moving Island on the shores of
Middleport, visit the inn and talk to her or Osakar & both
of them will join.
Location: 4th Deck Corridor

Classification - Support Character - Appraise

085 Agnes (Chifuku Star)

Getting: After you have recruited Elenor on the Hermitage Island,
speak to her and she will join you as well.
Location: 1st Deck Corridor (Tactician's Room)

Classification - Support Character - Healing

086 Trishtan (Chihi Star)

Getting: After you have liberated Obel from Kooluk rule, visit the
the empty houses area where you will find the Inn. Talk to
him (you have must have Yu in your party) and you will be
able to recruit him!
Location: 4th Floor Corridor

Weapon Levelling
01 010 Spirit 11 162 Bravery
02 016 Spirit 12 192 Aspiration
03 027 Spirit 13 204 Aspiration
04 042 Spirit 14 218 Aspiration
05 058 Spirit 15 230 Aspiration
06 086 Bravery 16 240 Aspiration
07 104 Bravery
08 120 Bravery
09 136 Bravery
10 149 Bravery

Classification: Knight
Runes: N/A
Combo: Travis/Jeremy - Reverse Adonis Attack

087 Noah (Chiku Star)

Getting: After you have liberated Obel from Kooluk rule, make your
way to the Audience Chamber of Obel Palace. You will find
her behind the throne. Talk to her and choose the bottom
option thrice to recruit her.
Location: Saloon (2nd Deck Corridor) - mini-game "Cards"

Classification - Support Character - Discover Money

088 Adrienne (Chiku Star)

Getting: You will be able to recruit him who is standing at the Obel
trading post during your evacuation journey of Obel with
Location: 3rd Deck Corridor

Classification - Smithery

089 Setsu (Chiku Star)

Getting: He joins you automatically with Flare after you have
liberated Obel from Kooluk rule.
Location: 3rd Deck Corridor, Baths

Classification - Story character (or I say joker ^_^)

090 Nalkul (Chitan Star)

Getting: After Hero has been proclaimed king, make your way to Nay-
Kobold settlement with Chiepoo in your party. Make your way
to the Trading Post. Exit and there will be a cutscene at
the suspension bridge. Make your way to Nay-Kobold
Settlement next to the warehouse. Playing the mice-catching
mini-game to retrieve back the Golden Seal and he will join
you along with Champo! Make sure you recruit them before
Hero returns the Golden Seal to Lino.
Location: 3rd Deck Corridor Room (next to Ornament Room)

Weapon Levelling
01 010 One 11 170 Three
02 020 One 12 180 Three
03 035 One 13 190 Three
04 050 One 14 210 Three
05 074 Two 15 220 Three
06 090 Two 16 250 Three
07 104 Two
08 120 Two
09 144 Two
10 158 Three

Classification: Nay-Kobold
Runes: N/A
Combo: Chiepoo/Champo - Meow Attack

091 Champo (Chikaku Star)

Getting: After Hero has been proclaimed king, make your way to Nay-
Kobold settlement with Chiepoo in your party. Make your way
to the Trading Post. Exit and there will be a cutscene at
the suspension bridge. Make your way to Nay-Kobold
Settlement next to the warehouse. Playing the mice-catching
mini-game to retrieve back the Golden Seal and he will join
you along with Nalkul! Make sure you recruit them before
Hero returns the Golden Seal to Lino.
Location: 3rd Deck Corridor Room (next to Ornament Room)

Weapon Levelling
01 010 Claws 11 170 Wonder Claws
02 020 Claws 12 180 Wonder Claws
03 035 Claws 13 190 Wonder Claws
04 050 Claws 14 210 Wonder Claws
05 074 Strong Claws 15 220 Wonder Claws
06 090 Strong Claws 16 250 Wonder Claws
07 104 Strong Claws
08 120 Strong Claws
09 144 Strong Claws
10 158 Wonder Claws

Classification: Nay-Kobold
Runes: N/A
Combo: Chiepoo/Nalkul - Meow Attack

092 Funghi (Chisyu Star)

Getting: After completing the evening events, you will find him in
the Knights of Hall kitchen. Talk to him and you will be
able to recruit him
Location: 3rd Deck Corridor (Boutiques) - Cook

Classification - Support Character - Cook

093 Pecola (Chizou Star)

Getting: On your second visit to Middleport, talk to one of the
ladies outside the inn and you will get an Interior Design
Book. Recruit Warlock. Make your way back to the harbour.
Talk to Rikie, anchor and make your way to Deborah's room
Talk to her. Re-enter Middlport via ship and you will find
Pecola at the empty house of the Back Street area. Talk to
her and she will join you if you have the Interior Design
Location: 3rd Deck Corridor (Boutiques)

Classification - Ornament Room

094 Maxine (Chihei Star)

Getting: After you have met Kika at the Nest of Pirates, make your
way to Na-Nal Gathering Square and you will find her there.
Talk to her and you will fight her in a boss battle! Heal
up and make your way to the Stonecutter's Field. You will
find her under the tree. Defeat her and she will leave
again. Complete the series of event to liberate Razril.
You will find her at the Razril Inn. Talk to her and you
will be able to recruit her!
Location: 4th Deck Corridor (Ward)
Weapon Levelling
01 005 Crescent Rod 11 120 Orb Rod
02 010 Crescent Rod 12 130 Red Orb Rod
03 018 Crescent Rod 13 160 Red Orb Rod
04 026 Crescent Rod 14 170 Red Orb Rod
05 038 Crescent Rod 15 185 Red Orb Rod
06 050 Orb Rod 16 200 Red Orb Rod
07 070 Orb Rod
08 080 Orb Rod
09 095 Orb Rod
10 105 Orb Rod

Classification: Sorcerer
Runes: Cyclone
Combo: N/A

Underlings: 8

095 Basil (Chison Star)

Getting: After liberating Razril from Kooluk rule, talk to him
outside the inn and you will be able to recruit him!
Location: Saloon (2nd Deck Corridor) - Mini-game "Tops"

Classification - Support Character - Discover Money

096 Igor (Chido Star)

Getting: After recruit Lo Hak, Lo Feng and Lo Seng, you will find
him outside the Hot Springs on Mordo Island. Talk to him
and you will be able to recruit him!
Location: Saloon (2nd Deck Corridor) - Mini-game "Coin Toss"

Classification - Support Character - Found Treasure

097 Lilin (Chisatsu Star)

Getting: Joins you automatically in the course of the story.
Location: 5th Deck Corridor - Accessory Atelier

Classification - Accessory maker (Mermaid Shop)

098 Karl (Chiaku Star)

Getting: After you have liberated Razril from Kooluk rule, you will
find him at the square located in Back Street after the
evening event. Talk to him and he will join!
Location: Deck

Weapon Levelling
01 010 Iron Fists 11 170 Iron-God's Fist
02 020 Iron Fists 12 190 Iron-God's Fist
03 035 Iron Fists 13 180 Iron-God's Fist
04 050 Iron Fists 14 210 Iron-God's Fist
05 074 Iron Fists 15 220 Iron-God's Fist
06 090 Iron-Man's Fist 16 250 Iron-God's Fist
07 105 Iron-Man's Fist
08 118 Iron-Man's Fist
09 130 Iron-Man's Fist
10 160 Iron-God's Fist

Classification: Fighter
Runes: Killer
Combo: Helga - Physical Attack

099 Gunter (Chiaku Star)

Getting: After you have liberated Obel from Kooluk rule, you will
find him at the Town Square. Talk to him and you will be
able to recruit if you have played dice mini-game with him
at Middleport and Na-Nal (after recruiting Axel)
Location: Saloon (2nd Deck Corridor) - mini-game "Dice"

Classification: Support Character - Discover Money

100 Desmond (Chiaku Star)

Getting: Joins you automatically as you got your base after meeting
Lino En Kludes at Obel Palace.
Location: 2nd Deck Corridor (outside War Room)

Classification: Story Character, change members and view roster

101 Louise (Chiin Star)

Getting: Joins you automatically as you got your base after meeting
Lino En Kludes at Obel Palace.
Location: 2nd Deck Corridor (Saloon) - Inn Keeper

Classification: Support Character - Healing

102 Kevin (Chikei Star)

Getting: To recruit him and his wife Pam, you need to complete
Na-Nal events and talk to the man at the beach of Nay.
Visit village chief's house and show him the Golden Seal.
Revisit the house after exiting the area and revisit the
house. Eventually, you will get them to join you!
Location: 3rd Deck Corridor (Boutiques) - Cook

Classification: Support Character - Cook

103 Pam (Chisou Star)

Getting: To recruit her and her hubby Kevin, you need to complete
Na-Nal events and talk to the man at the beach of Nay.
Visit village chief's house and show him the Golden Seal.
Revisit the house after exiting the area and revisit the
house. Eventually, you will get them to join you!
Location: 3rd Deck Corridor (Boutiques) - Cook

Classification: Support Character - Cook

104 Taisuke (Chisou Star)

Getting: After you have fleed from Obel, make your way to the
Deserted Island and make your way into the cave. You will
meet him at the Subterranean Lake. Talk to him and exit.
You will find a green bundle. Take it and make your way
back to the lake area. Give Taisuke his clothes & you will
be able to recruit him!
Location: 3rd Deck Corridor (Boutiques) - Bath

Classification: Bath

105 Nalleo (Chiken Star)

Getting: He will joins you automatically after you have spoken to
Kika at the Nest of Pirates.
Location: 4th Deck Corridor - own room

Classification: Support Character - Found Treasure

106 Haruto (Chimou Star)

Getting: He will joins you automatically after you have fled from
Location: 4th Deck Corridor - Library

Classification: Map Creator

107 Oskar (Chizoku Star)

Getting: She will joins you along with Deborah after you have spoken
to them in the Middleport Inn.
Location: 4th Deck Corridor - Deborah's room

Classification: Support Character - Found Treasure

108 Chadli (Chikou Star)

Getting: He will joins you once you have obtained your base from
Lino En Kludes after meeting the latter at Obel Palace.
Location: 3rd Deck Corridor (Boutiques)

Classification: Equipment shop owner

11.0 Credits and Acknowledgments
1. Jeff CJayC Veasey GameFAQs <>
- For hosting my FAQs since 1998

2. Konami for making this great RPG

3. Thanks to everyone who have supported me over all these years...

~-- THE END --~

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Please add "Suikoden IV" as Copyright work of Scott Ong 2005
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