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International Journal of Applied Ayurved Research ISSN: 2347- 6362


Rajput Dhirajsingh, 2Suryavanshi Pradeep, 3Suryavanshi Sandip, 4Suryavanshi Shweta
Assistant Professor, Dept of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Mahatma Gandhi
Ayurveda College Hospital and Research center, Salod (H), Wardha
Assistant Professor, Dept of Swasthavritta, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurveda College Hospital and
Research center, Salod (H), Wardha
Assistant Professor, Dept of Koumarbhritya, K.V.T. Randhir Ayurvedic Mahavidyalaya,
Boradi, Dist. Dhule, Maharashtra
Ayurveda consultant, Shirpur, Dist. Dhule, Maharashtra.
Basic principles are the fundamental concepts which have been repeatedly tested in various
ways and are essential to understand related science. Every science has its own fundamental
principles. Rasashastra, a branch of Ayurveda is considered as Indian pharmaceutics of
herbo-mineral preparations. The principles associated with foundation and developments of
Rasashastra are not clearly indicated and are scattered in various ancient classical texts.
Therefore an attempt has been made to review of these fundamental principles in systemic
and explanatory way. Therefore in present work an attempt has been made to make a
comprehensive review of basic principles of Rasashastra and to elucidate their distinguishing
features. Lohavada and Dehavada; eighteen processing methods of mercury, terminology in
Rasashastra, instruments, crucibles, blowers and pit for incineration of metals/minerals,
purification, incineration, Amritikarana, test for incinerated materials and levigation are the
eight basic principles of Rasashastra. Complete understanding of these concepts with view of
both Ayurvedic and contemporary science is the key for research and development in
Key words: Rasashastra, Basic principles, Indian alchemy, Ayurvedic pharmaceutics
INTRODUCTION: Medicine is the Ayurveda is one of such evolved branch
backbone of nearly all medical sciences which is today can be considered as Indian
excluding some therapies such as pharmaceutics of herbo-mineral
physiotherapy, acupressure, acupuncture preparations. Literally, “Rasa” means
etc. Discovery of various medicines is a mercury and “Shastra” means science,
long history and result of dedicated efforts hence initially Rasashastra is considered as
made by clever researchers. It is science of mercury. The available
understood that these discoveries were literature of Rasashastra strongly indicates
made based on experience, numerous that mercury is the basic reason for
experiments, keen observations, repeated origination of this science although,
evaluation of findings and best logical therapeutic utilization of metallic-mineral
interpretations of all of these. Such substances though various processing
researches have been resulted in methods for treating numerous diseases is
establishing various principles which later the core subject of Rasashastra.
created the basis of particular medical Basic principles are those facts
sciences. Rasashastra, a branch of which have been repeatedly tested in


[Rajput Dhirajsingh et al :Basic principles of Rasashastra – The Indian pharmaceutics of herbo-mineral preparations]

various ways and are essential to lower metals into gold. According to
understand related science. It is clear that ancient classical texts both Dehavada and
every science has its own basic principles. Lohavada were in existence till 13th
Available literature of Rasashastra has few century AD, but this science was too
fundamental concepts which are associated secrete and known to very few seers.
with foundation and development of this Today, many references are available
pharmaco-therapeutical science. The related with conversion of copper and lead
description of these concepts is not very into silver and gold but the exact
clear and scattered in various ancient knowledge to achieve successes is lost in
classical texts. It is need of hour to make a the timeline.
review of these fundamental principles in 2. Concept of Parada Ashtadasha
systemic and explanatory way. Therefore Sanskara (Eighteen processing methods
in present work an attempt has been made of mercury): There are 18 processing
to make a comprehensive review of basic methods of mercury which aimed to
principles of Rasashastra and to elucidate remove blemishes and to make mercury
their distinguishing features. Available such potent that it can be used to achieve
classical texts have been studied basic the purpose of Dehavada and Lohavada.
principles has been collected from texts of Among the 18 processing methods, first
Rasashastra such as Rasendramangala (8th five are narrated for removing blemishes
century AD) Rasendracuḍamani (12th from mercury; next three are mentioned
century AD), Anandakanda (12th century for increasing potency of mercury; next 8
AD), Rasaratnasamuchchaya (13th century methods are related with initiating
AD), Rasendrachintamani (13th century transformation power in mercury to
AD), Rasendrasarasamgraha (14th century convert any metal into gold; the 17th
AD), Rasakamadhenu (17th century AD) processing method is testing of
and Rasatarangini (20th century AD) etc. transformation power of mercury and the
These basic principles have been last one is the administration of mercury in
interpreted according to their rationality, human beings.1
importance and application in view of 3. Concept of Paribhasha (terminology
current scenario. in Rasashastra): A statement of exact
OBSERVATION: The critical review of meaning of a word or phrase etc is known
classical texts of Rasashastra showed that as Paribhasha (technical term).2 There are
following concepts are the basic principles 78 different terms mentioned in
of Rasashastra. Rasaratnasamuchchaya.3 The words which
1. Concept of Lohavada and Dehavada: are cryptic and ambiguous are better
Conversion of low precise metals into understood with the help of Paribhasha.
precious metals such as gold by using The study of Paribhasha engenders of
specifically processed mercury is known better comprehension about the science
as Lohavada. Utilization of such potent Rasashastra.
mercury for gaining healthy and long life 4. Concept of Yantra, Musha, Koshthi &
is termed as Dehavada. Rasashastra was Puta (instruments, crucibles, blowers
originated based on this concept of and pit for incineration of
achieving healthy long life by means of metals/minerals): Ancient seers of
processed mercury which can convert Rasashastra have invented various
[Rajput Dhirajsingh et al :Basic principles of Rasashastra – The Indian pharmaceutics of herbo-mineral preparations]

instruments, crucibles, blowers and pit for seven times in each liquid media viz Til
incineration of metals/minerals. Acharya Taila (sesame oil), Takra (clarified butter),
Somadev, author of Gomutra (cow urine), Kanji (sour gruel)
Rasaratnasamuchchaya have narrated 31 and Kulattha Kwatha (decoction of
instruments, 17 types of crucible, 4 types Dolichos biflorus Linn) respectively.6
of blower and 10 types of pit in 9th and 10th However Samanya Shodhana is preferred
chapter of his treatise. This concept only for metals and not for minerals and
provides guideline for requirement of poisonous herbs. Vishesha Shodhana
various apparatus in pharmacy for involves similar procedure of heating or
processing of mercury, metals, minerals quenching but the liquid media is different
and herbal drugs. Apparatus is one of basic for different metals.
requirement for medicine preparation and 6. Concept of Marana (incineration):
hence to understand Rasashastra and for The metals and minerals are not bio-
research and development in Rasashastra, assimilable in their natural forms. They
knowledge of all these apparatus is needed to be converted into such fine form
necessary. which can be easily assimilable in human
5. Concept of Shodhana (purification): body, able to cure various illnesses and did
In Rasashastra generally the not cause any harmful effect. To achieve
metals/minerals and some time few drugs this purpose, concept of Marana
of poisonous nature are found used which (incineration) was discovered by ancient
are likely to contain some toxic effect also. seers of Rasashastra. The process of
Hence with a view to remove or minimize making the metals/minerals into a fine
their toxicity and to make them suitable for powder by applying required quantum of
further process a number of purification heat is known as Marana.7 In brief,
procedures have been found evolved Marana means conversion of
which is known as Shodhana.4,5 Here it metal/mineral into fine nano particles
should be noted that Ayurvedic which herbo-mineral, organo-metallic
purification does not mean making metal nature and therapeutic potency. In classical
100% in its original elemental form, in fact texts various methods incineration are
this procedure is related with impregnation mentioned for every metal. These methods
of organic molecules in inorganic can be divided into some categories based
substances and increasing their bio- on the principle procedure such as
accessibility as well as reducing unwanted incinerated metal prepared after Jarana
effects. The metallic preparations are used (open pan frying) process, prepared from
in the form of Bhasma (incinerated Pishti (amalgam), prepared by Lepa
powder) and Shodhana is first and most (application of layer over metal) method
important step before preparing their and prepared after open pan frying process
Bhasma. Shodhana of metals is divided in followed by Bhavana (levigation) and
two steps viz Samanya Shodhana (general Puta (incineration cycles) etc. Many times
purification) and Vishesha Shodhana ancient seers of Rasashastra utilized more
(special purification). Samanya Shodhana than one principle procedures. Detail
is mostly performed by heating the metal understanding of incinerated preparation of
up to red hot stage or up to complete any metal by a principle process helps to
melting then quenching for either three or
[Rajput Dhirajsingh et al :Basic principles of Rasashastra – The Indian pharmaceutics of herbo-mineral preparations]

understand preparative procedure of other floats or sinks. If grain remains as it is on

metals. layer, then Bhasma can be considered as
7. Concept of Amritikarana (annihilating excellent (properly prepared).
harmful properties from incinerated Rekhapurnata test means Bhasma should
metals/minerals): Amritikarana is an be so fine that it can fill furrows of finger
important procedure found described in the tips. A little amount of Bhasma is rubbed
context of Marana process. It is done to in between index finger and thumb to
remove the remaining bad effects of observe whether particles can fill furrows
incinerated metal/mineral which are likely of finger tips. This test is applied to study
to remain even after Marana process.8 It is fineness of Bhasma. Bhasma particles
not essentially required for all the should be of minimum size for easy
incinerated metals/minerals but indicated absorption and assimilation in the body.11
for Mica, copper and copper containing Apunarbhava means incapability to regain
preparations to make them suitable for original metallic form. For this test,
therapeutic use. Bhasma is mixed with equal quantity of
8. Concept of Bhasma Pariksha (test for Mitra Panchaka (seeds of Abrus
incinerated materials): It is well precatorius, honey, ghee, borax and
understood from classical literature that jaggery) and it is sealed in Sarava
the ancient scholars of Rasashastra were Samputa (earthen pots), thereafter, similar
well aware of improperly processed and grade of heat used for preparation of
incompletely prepared incinerated particular Bhasma is applied and on self
preparations. Therefore they have advised cooling product is observed.12 Lustrous
to take various tests to confirm complete particles in it show presence of free metal,
formation of product. These tests are which is indicative of improper
known as Bhasma Pariksha. Few incineration. Niruttha is to test inability to
important tests have been discussed here. regain metallic form of metallic Bhasmas.
A specific colour is mentioned for each In this test, Bhasma is mixed with a fixed
Bhasma. Alteration in specific colour weight of silver leaf, kept in earthen pots
suggests that Bhasma is not prepared and similar grade of heat is applied and
properly because a particular metallic after self cooling, weight of silver is taken.
compound is formed during Bhasma Increase in weight of silver leaf indicates
preparation and every chemical compound improperly prepared Bhasma.13
possesses specific colour. Bhasma must be 9. Concept of Bhavana (levigation):
Nischandra (lusterless) before After proper Bhavana is a process in which the material
incineration, luster of metal should not is completely submerged with the liquid
remain if luster is still present, it indicates media (herbal juice, decoction etc.) and
further incineration.9 Varitara test, applied triturated till complete absorption of liquid
to study lightness and fineness of Bhasma, into the powder.14 Bhavana is an important
is floating character of Bhasma on stagnant procedure in Marana of metals. It is well
water surface.10 This test is based on law understood that to facilitate Bhavana,
of surface tension. Unama Test is further metal should be either in amalgam form or
assessment of Varitara test. A grain of rice in powder form. Therefore Jarana (frying
is to be kept carefully on the layer of in open pan) procedure is advised in the
floated Bhasma. Observe whether grain Marana methods of metals which utilize
[Rajput Dhirajsingh et al :Basic principles of Rasashastra – The Indian pharmaceutics of herbo-mineral preparations]

herbal media for Bhavana. Depending century AD. It is believable that few seers
upon different references available in texts, achieved success in conversion of copper
the Bhavana process can be carried out by and lead into gold by using processed
adopting these two methods.15,16 mercury. However the science of mercury
Lavigation method in which the material is processing was kept highly secret and
mixed with liquid media and ground till rarely passed to next generation which
the whole material becomes like dough.17 resulted in complete vanishing of such
The material is mixed with particular miraculous knowledge. Great facility and
liquid media and ground continuously for financial support is needed for research in
the specific period. Soaking method in the field of Lohavada and Dehavada.
which the duration of whole process is not Similar situation is applicable to 18
indicated, then liquid media is to be added processing methods of mercury. Today
to the material and whole recipe should be these methods are considered as tedious,
left under sunrays during day time and as it time consuming and expensive. First eight
is in vessel during night time.18 Quantity processing methods are possible to
of Bhavana Dravya (amount of liquid perform and are used upto some extent.
media) should be taken either as much as Therefore the knowledge of atleast first
that the powdered drugs becomes eight processing methods is essential for
completely wet,19 the material can get understanding of Rasashastra.
completely immersed,20 the whole recipe Using a specific term for a
can be made into dough, or the weight of particular process, for a group or for
Bhavana Dravya should be equal to the defining a special concept is one of the
amount of material to be levigated.21 best way to make a science precise as well
Kwatha/Swarasa or any other Dravya used as systematic. The Paribhasha i.e.
for Bhavana should be equal or similar in terminology utilized in Rasashastra are
properties and potency of Bhavya Dravya. very well explained by Acharya Vagbhat
It is the basic relation between the in 8th chapter of his treatise
particular the particular media and specific Rasaratnasamuchchaya. The classical
material.22 description of instruments, crucibles,
DISCUSSION: It is a well known fact that blowers and pit for incineration of
every science has gone through changes metals/minerals is with the view of ancient
and modifications done by researchers in knowledge availability of materials. Much
related field. Advancement in advancement have been done in this field
technologies, new researches according to in recent time and this have included in
contemporary needs can be considered as Ayurvedic drug manufacturing such as use
basis of changes and modifications in any of distillation apparatus in place of
branch of science. Rasashastra is not an Tiryagapatana Yantra, cast iron crucible at
exception to this reality. Achieving place of Vajramusha, electric muffle
salvation was the main aim of ancient furnace and use of liquid petroleum gas
Indians and maintaining health, longevity replaced Koshthi and Puta etc. Such
of life for continuous meditation was the modifications are acceptable and need of
key requirement. Therefore prime hour for large scale manufacturing,
importance was given to concept of minimizing labor cost, time and for large
Lohavada and Dehavada from 8th to 13th scale manufacturing of medicines.
[Rajput Dhirajsingh et al :Basic principles of Rasashastra – The Indian pharmaceutics of herbo-mineral preparations]

It is interesting to mention that few 2. Sharma S. Rasatarangini, Shastri K

concept of Rasashastra such as concept of (editor), 11th ed., Motilal Banarasidas
purification, concept of incineration, Publication, New Delhi; 1979, 2/2, p.
concept of Amritikarana, concept of test 11
for incinerated materials and concept of 3. Rasavagbhat, Rasaratnasamuchchaya,
Bhavana (levigation) holds their unique Mishra S (editor), 1st ed.,
value and need to be strictly followed as Choukhamba Orientalia Varanasi;
per classical guideline to achieve desired 2011, 8/1-90, 209-25
results mentioned in Ayurvedic texts. The 4. Harishchandrasimha Kushwaha,
available literature of Rasashastra is source Agnivesha’s Charaka Samhita.
of vast information for discovering new Varanasi: Choukhamba Orientalia;
formulations as there are many methods 2011. Su 5/118-19, p. 77.
narrated for purification, incineration, 5. Sharma S. Rasatarangini, Shastri K
levigation etc and change in single (editor), 11th ed., Motilal Banarasidas
drug/media in any of these processes may Publication, New Delhi; 1979, 2/52, p.
alter the therapeutic potential of final 22
product. Although, it is clear that the 6. Sharma S. Rasatarangini, Shastri K
knowledge of basic principles of (editor), 11th ed., Motilal Banarasidas
Rasashastra is essential for understanding, Publication, New Delhi; 1979, 15/4-6,
research and development of this p. 362
pharmaco-therapeutic science. In present 7. Text book of Rasashastra, Reddy KRC,
work the scattered basic principles have 1st ed., Choukhamba Sanskrit Bhavan,
been reviewed in brief and this information Varanasi; 2007, Chapter 2, p. 58
will prove obliging for general 8. Sharma S. Rasatarangini, Shastri K
understanding of Rasashastra. (editor), 11th ed., Motilal Banarasidas
CONCLUSIONS: There are eight basic Publication, New Delhi; 1979, 2/58, p.
principles of Rasashastra which includes 24
Lohavada and Dehavada; eighteen 9. Mishra G S, Madhav Upadhyay’s
processing methods of mercury, Ayurved Prakash (Chaukhamba
terminology in Rasashastra, instruments, Bharati Academy, New Delhi) 1994,
crucibles, blowers and pit for incineration 289,305.
of metals/minerals, purification, 10. Vagbhattacharya,Rasaratnasamucchay
incineration, Amritikarana, test for a. Kulkarni DA (editor), Meharchand
incinerated materials and levigation. Keen Lachhmandas Publications, New
understanding of these concepts with view Delhi; 1998, 198.
of both Ayurvedic and contemporary 11. Sarkar PK, Chaudhary AK. Ayurvedic
science is the key to understand as well as Bhasma: the most ancient application
for research and development in of nanomedicine, J of Scientific &
Rasashastra. Indusstr Res, 2010;69:901-05
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[Rajput Dhirajsingh et al :Basic principles of Rasashastra – The Indian pharmaceutics of herbo-mineral preparations]

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17. Chakradatta, Chakrapanidatta, Corresponding Author:
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Varanasi, 2001, 4/117, p. 572 Source of support: Nil
19. Sharma S. Rasatarangini, Shastri K Conflict of interest: None
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