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Exam : set Paper Mathematics Part - II Marks :

Date : 10-Aug-2019 Chapter: Time :

Q.1) Multiple Choice Questions 3


△ABC and △DEF are equilateral triangles, A (△ABC): A (△DEF) = 1 : 2. If AB = 4 then what is length of DE?
a. 2 √2           b. 4          c. 8          d. 4 √2

2) △ABC ~ △PQR. If A (△ABC) = 25,  (△PQR) = 16, find AB : PQ.

a. 25 : 16          b. 4 : 5          c. 16 : 25          d. 5 : 4

3) If the areas of two similar triangles are in the ratio 4 : 9, then their corresponding sides are in the ratio.
a. 9 : 4          b. 3 : 2          c. 2 : 3          d. 16 : 81

Q.2) Solve the following( any two ) 4

1) In the figure, ray RS is the bisector of ∠PRQ. If PS = 6, SQ = 8, PR = 12, find QR.

2) In following figure, indicate whether the triangle are similar or not.

Give reasons in support of your answer.

3) In the following fig. indicate whether the triangles are similar or not.
Give reasons in support of your answer.


Q.3) Attempt the following ( any two ) 4

1) In the figure, X is any point in the interior of triangle. Point X is joined to vertices of triangle. Seg PQ || seg DE, seg QR || seg EF.
Fill in the blanks to prove that, seg PR || seg DF.

  In ∆XDE, PQ∥DE... _____
∴     _____ = _____ ... (I) (Basic proportionality theorem)
  In∆XEF, QR∥EF ... _____
∴ _____ = _____ ... (II) (Basic proportionality theorem)
∴ _____ = _____ ... from (I) and (II)
∴ seg PR∥seg DF ... (Converse of basic proportionality theorem)
2) If ∆ABC ~ ∆PQR and AB : PQ = 2 : 3, then fill in the blanks.
A(∆ABC) = _____=  22 = _____
A(∆PQR) 32


In △PQR seg PM is a median. Angle bisectors of ∠PMQ and ∠PMR intersect side PQ and side PR in points X and Y respectively.
Prove that XY || QR. Complete the proof by filling in the boxes.

In △PMQ, ray MX is bisector of ∠PMQ.

∴                  ... (I) Theorem of angle bisector. 

In △PMR, ray MY is bisector of ∠PMR.
∴             ... (II) Theorem of angle bisector.

But MP = MP ... M is the midpoint QR, hence MQ = MR
∴ PX PY  
∴ XY || QR ... converse of basic proportionality theorem.
Q.4) Solve the following ( any two ) 6
1) In △ABC, AP ⊥ BC, BQ ⊥ AC, B-P-C, A -Q- C then prove that, △CPA ~ △CQB. If AP = 7, BQ=8, BC=12 then find AC.

2) Using the information given in the adjoining figure find ∠F.

3) In a △ABC, D and E are points on the sides AB and AC respectively such that DE ∥ BC. If AD = 2.4 cm, AE = 3.2 cm, DE = 2 cm
and BC = 5 cm, find the BD and CE.  

Q.5) Answer the following( any two ) 8

In the figure, the vertices of square DEFG are on the sides of △ ABC. ∠ A = 90°. Then prove that DE2 = BD×EC

2) In the adjoining figure, □DEFG is a square and ∠BAC = 90°.

Prove that : (i) △AGF ~ △DBG, (ii) △AGF ~ △EFC, (iii) △DBG ~ △EFC

3) Prove that : 
“If a line parallel to a side of a triangle intersects the remaining sides in two distinct points, then the line divides the sides in the
same proportion.”

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