Pivot Drill Can Be Played With 4-6 Players

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Pivot Drill

This Ultimate Frisbee drill should be done in groups of 4,5 or 6 with 2 less discs than players.

Pivot Drill can be played with 4-6 players

The player in the centre of the square receives a pass from one corner and then pivots to face a
player without a disc and passes to them. Then they pivot to face another player with a disc to
receive a pass from them. Then pivot again to make a pass to the player without a disc.
Important things:
 Maintain eye contact
 Correct footwork
 Good body position to make each throw
 Change direction of the pivots (i.e. rotate both clockwise and anti-clockwise)

Challenge the players to pivot as slowly and far as possible with good form, then gradually speed it
up. Each player has 3 minutes in the middle then switches.
Warm Up ideas
 Zen Throwing
 Box
 Motivation Fitness
 Throwing incl. lefties, far release
o Forehand
o Backhand
o IOs
o Outsides
o Low Release / High Release
o Far / Near Release
o Lefties
o Hammers / Knives

Things to explain
 Zone
o Arrowhead
o Junk
 Rule Session / Spirit Session
 Last Man Back
 Clam / Sandwich
 Weave
 Dump and Reset
 Reading the play / knowing your teammates
 Hex…?
 Active Defence – how to defend well
 How to Poach

Set Plays

Ideas for the team

 Playspedia / Play Book
 Individual feedback sessions
 Verteiler

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