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Effect of Internet Addiction on Academic Performance

among University Undergraduates

The purpose of this research is to establish a relationship between internet
addiction and academic performance and alongside we also are interested in
examining the gender difference in addiction of internet. The sample
consisted of 120 students from different streams and academic years in BML
MUNJAL UNIVERSITY. The results indicate that there is indeed an effect of
internet addiction on academic performance. They also suggest that there is a
significant gender difference in addiction of internet. The female was less
vulnerable to internet addiction as compared to the males.

The advent of internet has facilitated In this research paper we verify the
very fast and reliable communication relationship between internet
across the globe. The internet addiction and academic
addiction is a wide spread shows that the
phenomenon prevalent in most places excessive use of internet results in
of the world. The advantages and the sleep deprivations in more than half
disadvantages of the internet are the cases and this further resulted in
taken into consideration the them missing the classes in almost half
advantages may fare well in the cases. Addicted students often
comparison, however the negative tend to miss the deadline or neglect
effects are not to be taken lightly as their assignments and the academic
they include physiological ailments performance in most of the cases has
and extreme dependability disorders. been below average in the students
The physiological effects also include addicted to internet. The internet
internet addiction. Internet addiction addiction is a less known but very
is an individual’s inability to control common disorder among developing
their use of internet. Usually it is countries and more rehabilitation
referred to as pathological use of centers must be setup to cure such
internet. ailments.
This disorder supposedly causes The study suggests that the internet
many mental disorders such as stress, addiction is more among males when
anxiety and depression. compared to females.

HYPOTHESIS: derives deep insights into the
aspects of internet addiction. Two
1)There is a negative effect of
separate interviews were
internet addiction on academic
performed of which the first was
performance of university students.
meant for insights and qualitative
2)There is no difference between analysis and the second one was
internet addiction among males and meant for the quantitative analysis.
females. There was a total of 9 questions in
Methods: the second one in which all had a
rating on a scale of 0-5 with 0 being
Sampling worst and 5 being best.
Sampling through survey was used Academic performance: this
to dig out the data. A total of 110 component was measured
students filled the data and all of according to their CGPA.
them are considered. Among them
28% were females and 72% were Procedure: after acquiring data
males. through google forms from about
100 students. The data was fed into
Instruments: the questionnaire MINITAB software and the
used was self-developed which following results were obtained.
The first survey was filled by 150 students regardless of gender.
Extent of usage of internet.

Increase in usage of internet

Sites often visited

Has it ever effect your sleep cycles?

Missed deadlines owing compulsive internet usage

These results indicate that the More than 50% experienced sleep
about 50% students use internet disruption due to internet usage
excessively .70% are susceptible to and about 1/3rd have admitted to
internet addiction and about 80% missing deadlines due to internet
are addicted to social networking. addiction.

While in second report

Around 110 students responded to it where 20% were females and 80% were
Extent of usage on a scale of 5, where each unit represents 2hrs.

Sleep disruption due to internet usage

Their academic performances

Help acquired from internet to better understand the subject.

In summary around 55% use internet excessively, about 45% experienced

sleep disruption and about 50% admitted to surfing web while in class. 80%
have acquired help from the internet to better understand the subject while
60% have reported that the overall exposure to the internet has been
beneficial in improving cognitive responses.
The variable used here are:
Gender, Extent of addiction, Extent of sleep disruption, missed attendance,
missed deadlines, in-class web-surfing, help acquired from the internet,
increase in cognition after being exposed to internet.

General Linear Model: CGPA versus GENDER, EXTENT, ... INTERNET, IQ

Factor coding (-1, 0, +1)
Factor Information
Factor Type Levels Values
GENDER Fixed 2 Female, Male
EXTENT Fixed 6 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
SLEEP Fixed 6 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
ATTANDANCE Fixed 6 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
DEADLINE Fixed 6 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
IN_CLASS Fixed 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
HELP_INTERNET Fixed 6 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
IQ Fixed 6 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Analysis of Variance
Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value
GENDER 1 2.698 2.69816 3.47 0.067
EXTENT 5 4.682 0.93648 1.20 0.317
SLEEP 5 3.696 0.73914 0.95 0.455
ATTANDANCE 5 4.434 0.88673 1.14 0.348
DEADLINE 5 7.879 1.57587 2.02 0.086
IN_CLASS 4 5.602 1.40059 1.80 0.139
HELP_INTERNET 5 6.153 1.23068 1.58 0.177
IQ 5 7.261 1.45221 1.87 0.112
Error 70 54.503 0.77861
Lack-of-Fit 65 54.503 0.83850 * *
Pure Error 5 0.000 0.00000

Total 105 100.642
Model Summary
S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred)
0.882389 45.84% 18.77% *
Term Coef SE Coef T-Value P-Value VIF
Constant 3.361 0.269 12.48 0.000
Female 0.249 0.134 1.86 0.067 1.43
0 0.348 0.530 0.66 0.513 7.06
1 0.059 0.344 0.17 0.864 3.93
2 0.106 0.224 0.47 0.638 3.03
3 -0.452 0.230 -1.96 0.054 3.03
4 -0.208 0.246 -0.84 0.402 3.12
0 0.452 0.295 1.53 0.130 2.55
1 -0.318 0.255 -1.24 0.217 2.20
2 -0.007 0.222 -0.03 0.976 2.05
3 -0.160 0.216 -0.74 0.463 1.86
4 0.058 0.268 0.22 0.828 2.18
0 -0.314 0.238 -1.32 0.191 2.45
1 -0.043 0.249 -0.17 0.864 1.94
2 -0.348 0.277 -1.26 0.213 1.79
3 0.172 0.319 0.54 0.592 2.50
4 -0.373 0.334 -1.12 0.268 1.98
0 0.263 0.280 0.94 0.351 3.08
1 -0.010 0.227 -0.05 0.964 1.94

2 -0.238 0.249 -0.96 0.342 1.80
3 0.376 0.246 1.53 0.131 1.63
4 0.633 0.408 1.55 0.125 2.98
1 0.256 0.273 0.94 0.350 2.47
2 0.246 0.184 1.34 0.184 1.50
3 -0.253 0.213 -1.19 0.239 1.80
4 -0.405 0.229 -1.77 0.081 1.84
0 1.158 0.819 1.41 0.162 18.19
1 -0.218 0.410 -0.53 0.597 6.10
2 -0.140 0.319 -0.44 0.662 4.90
3 -0.746 0.283 -2.63 0.010 5.15
4 -0.090 0.244 -0.37 0.713 4.67
0 -0.068 0.381 -0.18 0.859 3.46
1 -0.762 0.318 -2.40 0.019 3.10
2 0.112 0.274 0.41 0.682 2.50
3 0.257 0.189 1.36 0.178 2.02
4 0.018 0.214 0.08 0.933 2.25
Regression Equation
CG = 3.361 + 0.249 GENDER_Female - 0.249 GENDER_Male
PA + 0.348 EXTENT_0 + 0.059 EXTENT_1
+ 0.106 EXTENT_2 - 0.452 EXTENT_3 - 0.208 EXTENT_4
+ 0.146 EXTENT_5 + 0.452 SLEEP_0
- 0.318 SLEEP_1 - 0.007 SLEEP_2 - 0.160 SLEEP_3 + 0.058 SLEEP_4 -
0.026 SLEEP_5
- 0.314 ATTANDANCE_0 - 0.043 ATTANDANCE_1 -
- 0.373 ATTANDANCE_4 + 0.906 ATTANDANCE_5
+ 0.263 DEADLINE_0 - 0.010 DEADLINE_1
- 0.238 DEADLINE_2 + 0.376 DEADLINE_3 + 0.633 DEADLINE_4 -
1.023 DEADLINE_5
+ 0.256 IN_CLASS_1 + 0.246 IN_CLASS_2 - 0.253 IN_CLASS_3 -
0.405 IN_CLASS_4
+ 0.155 IN_CLASS_5 + 1.158 HELP_INTERNET_0 -
- 0.140 HELP_INTERNET_2 - 0.746 HELP_INTERNET_3 -
+ 0.035 HELP_INTERNET_5 - 0.068 IQ_0 - 0.762 IQ_1 + 0.112 IQ_2
+ 0.257 IQ_3
+ 0.018 IQ_4 + 0.442 IQ_5
Fits and Diagnostics for Unusual Observations

Obs CGPA Fit Resid Std Resid

37 1.000 3.073 -2.073 -2.87 R
54 4.000 4.000 -0.000 * X
78 4.000 1.895 2.105 2.84 R
98 0.000 1.657 -1.657 -2.25 R
R Large residual
X Unusual X

The positive factors have been inverted to have equal effect of all variable of
the left side of the equation. CGPA has been noted as the response while all
other variables have been noted as inputs.
As from the results the values of Pare greater than (alpha=0.05) hence the
hypothesis 1 has been proved to be true with 95% probability.

Interval Plot of EXTENT vs GENDER
95% CI for the Mean










Female Male
The pooled standard deviation is used to calculate the intervals.

This graph indicates the difference in mean usage of both the gender with this
we can conclude that the null hypothesis 2 has been rejected and there is
indeed a difference between usage of internet among males and females.

The objective of this study is to results in sleep deprivation which
determine the effect of internet further lead towards missing the
addiction on academic performance classes. Surfing the web while in
and verify the gender dependence class is also a significant factor
on internet addiction. The sample which impacts the academic
data has been run through performance. Regardless of the
reliability test and the alpha situation its student’s own
coefficient turned out to be 0.93 discretion to attend or avoid the
which is good enough to accept the class, to sleep early or wake up all
samples. The results suggest that night, to surf net while in class or
there is a significant negative effect listen to the class. However, the
of internet addiction on the internet has been a distraction all
academic performance. The the while which sways the student
relations are often multi-faceted, away from his pre-destined course
sometimes the obsessive usage of actions. It must be noted that
spending too much time leaves extracted from BML MUNJAL
them with a very little time to UNIVERSITY itself and only among
study, sleep deprivation also causes university students, so it cannot be
decreased levels of concentration in generalized for all the teens. The
the class. All these factors have a limited demographic variables,
combined effect on the grades of limited reach and exclusive
the student. The health of the quantitative analysis might have
student is one variable which hasn’t been a hinderance to the study. The
been factored-in, future work can include more
demographics, more variables and
conducting a qualitative study
The other objective oriented at alongside will yield a better result.
gender discrepancies in internet
addiction has been concluded with
rejection of null hypothesis and In conclusion we can say that
thereby accepting the alternative internet addiction despite being
hypothesis. The possible reasons prevalent among the university
for the skewed vulnerability students can be cured by raising
percentages can be explained by awareness and rehabilitation in
greater mental strength and better extreme cases. It is something
resistance to addictions of females which is often neglected due to
as compared to males. Other higher incidence of internet usage
possible reasons might be extent of about everywhere around the
parental supervision among males victim, so it’s often not given much
and females. Usually females are attention. It must be noted that the
more securely guarded by parents internet addiction will result in
in India. serious mental ailments and
necessary precautions need to be
The current study has certain
taken to avoid any possible
limitations. The sample has been

 How many hours do you spend for surfing in one Day?
2-4 Hours 4-6 Hours 6-8 Hours 8-10 Hours
 Did you increase the time you spend in the internet, since the time you started?
Yes No Maybe

 What kind of sites do you often visit?
Social networking Multimedia consumption Gaming e-commerce
I information seeking
 Do you spend time on the internet out of need?
Yes No Maybe
 Do you waste time on the internet without a clear objective?
Yes No Maybe
 Do you spend time on internet to escape social life?
Yes No Maybe
 Do you spend time on internet to relieve stress?
Yes No Maybe
 Have your sleep cycles ever been affect due to internet addiction?
Yes No Maybe
 Do you sometimes neglect important things to keep browsing on the internet?
Yes No Maybe
 Do you feel guilty over wasting time on internet?
Yes No Maybe
 Have you missed deadlines because of your compulsive internet usage?
Yes No Maybe
 Have you made contacts/relationships over the internet?
Yes No Maybe
 Has internet addiction affected your real-world relations?
Yes No Maybe
 Has internet addiction affected your academic relations?
Yes No Maybe
 Has your interaction with your family diminished after getting addicted to internet?
Yes No Maybe
 Do you think there’s a need for you to reduce internet usage?
Yes No Maybe
 How many hours can you refrain yourself from using internet?
1-2 Hours 2-4 Hours 4-6 Hours I can't refrain myself from
using Internet apart while Sleeping

What’s your gender?
Male Female
How many hours do you spend using internet per day?
1-2 Hours 0 1 2 3 4 5 9-10 Hours

Have you ever experienced sleep deprivation due to excessive usage of

internet? Rate on a scale of 0-5
None 0 1 2 3 4 5 Very Often

How much does the addiction affect your attendance? Rate on scale of 0-5
Never 0 1 2 3 4 5 Often

How often do you neglect or miss the deadlines for your assignments? rate on
a scale of 0-5
Rare 0 1 2 3 4 5 Often

Why do you think internet loves you so much?

because I look good yeah, we are made for each other It makes you
fall for it Others
How do you rate your academic performance in University on a scale of 0-5
(Halve your CGPA)?
Being Worst 0 1 2 3 4 5 Being Best

How often Do you find yourself surfing the net while you are in the class? Rate
from 0-5
Rare 0 1 2 3 4 5 Often

How often do you need the help of internet to get a better understanding of
the subject? Rate from 0-5
Rare 0 1 2 3 4 5 Often

Do you think that exposure to internet has affected you positively, like your IQ
being improved after exposure to different things over the internet? Rate
from scale of 0-5
Rare 0 1 2 3 4 5 Often

When did internet first proposed you? (When you started using internet)


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