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Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting

Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2012

Asia’s Enron: Satyam (Sanskrit Word for Truth)

Elisabetta Basilico
Hugh Grove
Lorenzo Patelli*

Major financial reporting frauds need to be studied for lessons learned and strategies to

avoid or reduce the incidence of such frauds in the future. Howard Schilit, the founder and Chief

Executive Officer (CEO) of Financial Shenanigans Detection Group, observed (2010): “I read

recently that the one lesson we have learned from history is that we have learned nothing from

history. Yet my mantra remains that in order to find fraud, we must study the history of fraud.

A common element is all the fraud I have described is that their warning signs were not hard to

find; in fact, they were hard to miss.”

Examples of fraudulent financial reporting which had tremendous economic impact on

different national and international environments include Enron, Parmalat, Satyam, Qwest

Communications International, WorldCom, AOL, Freddie Mac, Tyco, Xerox, and Lehman

Brothers. All these cases showed that in order to successfully investigate and detect fraudulent

financial reporting the analysis of financial statement red flags needs to be supplemented with

the analysis of non-financial red flags concerning corporate governance mechanisms. As Sir

David Tweedy, Chair of the International Accounting Standards Boards stated (2007), “The

scandals that we have seen in recent years are often attributed to accounting although in fact, I

think the U.S. cases are corporate governance scandals involving fraud.”

The authors are, respectively, Doctoral Candidate at University of St. Gallen, Professor, and Assistant Professor at
the Daniels College of Business at University of Denver

Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting
Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2012

In this paper, we analyze the 2009 scandal of Satyam, one of India’s largest information

technology companies and provider of computer software and business process outsourcing to

large companies around the world including General Motors, Nestlé, and General Electric. We

discuss financial and non-financial red flags. Specifically, we apply five financial fraud

prediction measures and examine corporate governance elements. The results of our analyses

suggest the importance of integrating financial and non-financial indicators. Supplementing

financial indicators with non-financial red flags enables us to present the reverse KISS principle

by Hilb (2005). The principle offers a consistent framework to design and assess corporate

governance structures which could limit monitoring failures. The paper contributes to the

literature and practice by providing an analysis of one of the most economically significant cases

of fraudulent financial reporting. The analysis is not limited to descriptive anecdotal evidence.

Yet, it is based on the application of five fraud detection financial measures. Moreover, it

examines corporate governance factors in light of prior research. Finally, we offer a framework

to help organizations and investors to assess the strength of corporate governance in reducing

fraudulent financial reporting.

The paper has four main sections: Section I presents the main facts of the Satyam case;

Section II and Section III analyze financial and non-financial red flags, respectively; Section IV

proposes the reverse KISS model by Hilb (2005) to reduce fraudulent financial reporting; and

Section V describes the epilogue of the Satyam scandal and concludes.

Section I: The Facts

Ramalinga Raju, 54, former Chairman of the Board (COB) of Satyam Computer Services

Ltd, originally known as a successful software entrepreneur, will be remembered in Indian

Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting
Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2012

business history as the perpetrator of the country’s biggest corporate fraud, also referred to as the

“Enron of India.” He was born into a farmers’ family and educated both in India and the USA.

He returned to India in 1977 and after venturing into the textile and real estate industry, he

started Satyam in 1987.

Satyam was a global information technology services provider, offering a range of

services, including systems design, software development, system integration and application

maintenance. In 2008, Satyam reported $2.1 billion dollar in revenues and employed over 53,000

IT Professionals in over 67 countries. The company went public in 1991 and the initial public

offering (IPO) was 17 times oversubscribed. In the following decade, Satyam continued its

growth and obtained the ISO9001 certification and several other awards. In 2001, Satyam started

listing its American Depository Receipts (ADRs) on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

under the ticker symbol SAY. The size and prestige of the company have been constantly

increasing. In 2003, The World Bank became a client of Satyam whose revenues reached $1

billion in 2006 and $2 billion in 2008. Satyam was often recognized as a center of excellence on

risk management and in 2008 it was awarded the Golden Peacock for Excellence in Corporate


All the facts and awards seemed to point to an exemplary corporation and to reflect the

respect and confidence from the corporate world, financial analysts, and institutional investors.

The board of directors did not nominally lack non-executive members and committees such as

the Audit, Compensation, and Investors’ Grievance committee.

The “Golden Peacock” award was instituted in 1991 by the Institute of Directors and was considered the holy grail
of corporate excellence in areas of quality, innovation, training, governance, environment management and
corporate social responsibility. Based on Satyam’s most recent annual reports (2006-2007-2008), corporate
governance was given high importance and driven by Satyam’s core values: “Associate Delight, Investor Delight,
Customer Delight and the Pursuit of Excellence.”

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Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2012

The loss of respect and confidence started at the end of 2008. On December 16, 2008,

Ramalinga Raju, COB of Satyam, announced the purchasing of Maytas Infrastructure and

Maytas Properties for $1.6 billion. The two Maytas companies were owned by the two sons of

Raju and their businesses were unrelated to the core competencies of Satyam. Raju justified the

decision by emphasizing the need of diversification at times of uncertainty and economic

turbulence. On the following day, Satyam shares plunged as domestic and international investors

were angry with the company which on December 18, 2008 announced to rescind the decision to

purchase the two Maytas companies. Few days later, another fact raised deep concerns for

investors. On December 23, 2008 World Bank announced to ban Satyam for at least 8 years from

its list of possible suppliers of services citing alleged bribing of the bank staff and data theft.

Following this incident, Satyam’s ADRs fell by 50% overnight. From December 26 to December

29, 2008 four directors resigned including an independent director resigned.

On January 7, 2009 Ramalinga Raju wrote a letter to the Board of Directors and the

Exchange Board of India (SEBI) to admit fraudulent financial reporting and resign as the COB

of Satyam. In his letter, Raju stated that the company’s balance sheet for the quarter ending on

30 September 2007 included inflated cash and bank balances of up to $1.44 billion, understated

liabilities worth about $300 million and non-existent accrued income of $86 million.

Furthermore, Raju stated that none of the board members or immediate and extended family

members was aware of the accounting scam. Raju was arrested two days after the letter and

charged with several offences, including criminal conspiracy, breach of trust, and forgery. The

Board of Directors was dismantled and replaced with six board members appointed by the Indian


Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting
Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2012

Section II: Financial Red Flags

Although Satyam’s auditor had been PricewaterhouseCoopers since 2001, Ramalinga

Raju admitted that Satyam profits were inflated over several years to “unmanageable

proportions” and that the company was forced to carry more assets and resources than its real

operations justified. In a subsequent interview, he said that “it was like riding a tiger, not

knowing how to get off without being eaten.” In particular, Raju acknowledged that Satyam

operating margins were less than 10% of what was reported.

Financial red flags associated with Satyam and its financial statements were not lacking.

Table 1 reports the last financial statements reported by Satyam. Investors, financial analysts,

and regulators had available several financial indicators to detect fraudulent financial reporting,

including the following:

1. There was the existence of large “accrued interests”, which raised the question of banks

not paying interest on Satyam’s fixed deposits versus just accruing interest (in hindsight

these cash deposits had been stolen by the Raju family).

2. Satyam was showing continuous and aggressive sales growth at double digits as well as a

35% EPS growth over a period of 5 years. Jitendra Singh, a Wharton management

professor, argued, “when you have companies that are ostensibly growing their top lines

at 30%, 40% and 50%, it is possible to paper over things. Satyam was doing it by

boosting sales and profit. (Bernie Madoff was doing it by boosting rates of returns.)

Then, when growth rates slow down, you are unable to hide the financial reality of how

much cash you have.” Notably, when the whole industry is growing at a fast pace, it is

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Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2012

easier for companies within the industry to claim that they are doing well. The IT

outsourcing industry has been going exponentially in the last twenty years and Satyam

took advantage of this favorable scenario to inflate its own growth.

3. Unpublicized, under-the-radar, share sales by insiders lowered their ownership from

17.4% in March 2004 to 8.7% in March 2008.

4. The proposed deal to purchase stakes into Maytas Properties and Maytas Infrastructure,

which were businesses connected with Raju’s family, was announced right before the

scandal started to unfold and caused bold opposition from the investor community. These

businesses were suffering severe financial problems due to the credit crunch. Investors

and financial analysts could not find any type of acquisition synergies and they alleged

that this proposed acquisition was an attempt by Raju to bridge the liquidity crunches of

both Maytas Properties and Maytas Infrastructure. At a time when companies worldwide

were building cash reserves to face the global financial turmoil, this proposed acquisition

did not seem to make financial sense for Satyam.

In order to propose a more sophisticated framework to assess financial red flags, we applied

five recent financial fraud prediction models and ratios, as compiled by Grove et al. (2010),


1. Z-Score Fraud Prediction Model (Beneish 1999; updated by Basilico and Grove 2008)

2. F-Score Fraud Prediction Model (Dechow et al. 2007)

3. Sloan Accrual Measure (Sloan 1996; updated by Robinson 2007)

4. Quality of Earnings Ratio (Schilit 2003)

5. Quality of Revenues Ratio (Schilit 2003)

Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting
Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2012

These five financial red flag ratios and models were applied to the three most recent Satyam

financial statements, prior to the fraud being exposed (i.e., 2008, 2007, and 2006). The

Appendix contains a detailed description of the specifications of these five models and ratios.

As shown in Table 2 and Table 3, both fraud prediction models (i.e., the Z-Score and the F-

Score), did predict fraudulent financial reporting at Satyam based on financials reported by

Satyam in 2008 and 2007. Neither the Z-Score model nor the F-Score model predict fraudulent

financial reporting based on financials reported by Satyam in 2006. Results based on the fraud

detection models offer consistent evidence to predict fraud in Satyam in 2008 and 2009. Table 4

shows the values of the three fraud ratios (i.e., Sloan Accrual Measure, Quality of Earnings

Ratio, and Quality of Revenues Ratio) for 2008, 2007, and 2006. The Sloan Accrual Measure

indicates fraud only based on financial reported by Satyam in 2006. The Quality of Earnings

Ratio indicates fraud consistently throughout the three year period. The Quality of Revenues

Ratio indicates fraud based on financials reported by Satyam in both 2008 and 2007, yet does not

indicate fraud in 2006. Overall, by using financials reported by Satyam in 2008 and in 2007,

both fraud detection models and two out of three fraud ratios predict fraud; by using financials

reported by Satyam in 2006, none of two fraud detection models and only one out of three fraud

ratios predict fraud. These results show how the fraud in Satyam was significantly associated

with financial fraud indicators. The ability of these financial fraud indicators to predict fraud

increased as the unveiling of the fraud got closer in time, i.e., from 2006 to 2008.

Section III: Non-Financial Red Flags

Satyam had listed its ADRs on the NYSE, where foreign companies typically get listed in

order to raise capital at a lower cost partially because they accept NYSE’s higher standards of

Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting
Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2012

corporate governance than many other stock exchanges. Table 5 reports the composition of the

Board of Directors. However, there were numerous non-financial red flags associated with a

failure of corporate governance, including the following:

1. All-Powerful CEO

According to recent studies (e.g., Cullinan and Sutton, 2002; Grove and Cook, 2007),

CEOs and senior managers were involved in 90% of the 276 companies cited by the

Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) in its Accounting and Auditing Enforcement

Releases (AAERs) from 1987-2001. This was true in the recent big fraudulent cases

such as Enron, WorldCom, HealthSouth, and Parmalat. Typically, research on

corporate governance detects the presence of an All-Powerful CEO whenever he/she

is also the COB, meaning whenever CEO duality exists. Satyam was not a case of

pure CEO duality since Ramalinga Raju, COB, was not the CEO. Yet, his brother

Rama Raju was the CEO. Therefore, even though CEO duality could not be

determined, it was simple to recognize a lack of independence between the CEO and

the COB, and, thus, the presence of an All-Powerful CEO.

2. Independent Directors

In their company listing requirements concerning corporate governance, major

international stock exchanges mandate the presence of independent members on the

Board of Directors to improve the monitoring power over the management (Grove et

al. 2009). Table 5 shows the education, experience, and background of the five

independent directors. More than one member was linked to the Harvard University

circle and more than one member was involved with the Indian Government. These

Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting
Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2012

two non-financial indicators suggest a substantial lack of independence. Moreover,

Nandini Raju, the wife of Ramalinga Raju, was a member of the Board of Directors

of more than ten Indian firms. Finally, Ramalinga Raju was constantly involved with

the Indian Government. Since 1995, Raju had befriended a Chief Minister, Naidu.

This move was aimed at obtaining competitive advantages by leveraging strong

governmental support. For example, this strategy gave Raju and Satyam the

opportunity to buy prime real estate at very low prices. Naidu’s aim was to make the

city of Hyderabad, Satyam’s headquarters, an information technology hub and his

administration allotted large chunks of land to develop a software technology park

with obvious benefits for Satyam.

3. Weak System of Internal Controls

Senior management often encourages weak control systems so that they can be easily

overridden to opportunistically meet desired financial targets. An examination of the

board’s background information reveals that the composition of the Audit Committee

and the education and experience of its members were inadequate to perform

effective financial auditing. Table 5 shows the lack of expertise in accounting and

finance of the board members, especially of those sitting on the Audit Committee.

Regarding this delicate corporate governance factor, investors were explicitly warned

by Satyam in its August 2008 Form 20-F. Satyam reported, "We do not have an

individual serving on our Audit Committee as an 'Audit Committee Financial Expert'

as defined in applicable rules of the Securities Exchange Commission. This is

because our Board of Directors has determined that no individual audit committee

Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting
Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2012

member possesses all the attributes required by the definition 'Audit Committee

Financial Expert.”

4. Focus on Short Term Performance Goals

Aggressive strategies focused on maximization of short-term earnings deviate

managerial attention from long-term value creation and can lead to shareholders’

wealth expropriation. Satyam was incorporated as a private limited company with 20

employees in 1987. By 1991, it had a 17 times oversubscribed IPO. By 1999, it had a

presence in 30 countries and had 10,000 employees. Between 1997 and 2004, it

experienced a constant annual growth revenue rate of a staggering 61.35%, showing

revenues of almost $1 Billion, and by 2005 it had 16,872 employees. By 2008,

revenues were shown of $2 Billion with a headcount of 45,969. This unbelievable

growth, coupled with evidence from several articles describing the history of Satyam,

point to the management style of the Raju brothers, focused on constant double digit

revenue growth, as well as fast head count growth.

5. Questionable Business Strategies with Opaque Disclosures

As Warren Buffet, worldwide well-known investment guru, effectively stated, “If you

don’t understand what a company does, don’t invest in it. If management refuses to

fill in holes and keeps investors in the dark, run!” A culture of financial opacity

covering questionable business practices supports fraudulent intentions and create a

favorable environment for financial misreporting. The Raju brothers appeared to be

very insensitive to the issue of transparency and accountability. In many occasions,

investors had to raise their voice to prevent the Raju brothers from using their

dominant position to benefit their family businesses instead of Satyam’s shareholders.

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Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2012

When Satyam was still a private limited company, Raju family members were the

only ones managing the company’s finances. They used to take care of their other

family businesses, sometime diverting funds from one firms to another one without

any consistent financial plan and rigor. When it went public in 1991, Satyam lost its

private independence and had to start adhering to regulations of public firms,

especially concerning the use of cash reserves and accountability mechanisms to

preserve the interests of the new non-family shareholders. In 1992, the issue of using

cash reserves as investments in other sister companies was not properly disclosed. An

agreement had to be signed whereby the Satyam family members would stop using

Satyam’s cash reserves for their other, privately held family companies. Despite the

agreement, the issue of investing in a sister company surfaced again in 1998.

Investors reacted negatively and forced the Satyam brothers not to invest such funds

in their sister companies. In 2008, right before the confession of fraudulent reporting,

the issue of investing in sister companies (i.e., the Maytas companies) arose again.

Investors again questioned the reasons behind this investment strategy and stopped

the investment.

Section IV: Strategies to reduce fraudulent financial reporting

The case of Satyam teaches that in addition to applying the financial red flag ratios and

models for fraud risk management, an overall strategy to reduce fraudulent financial reporting is

to have strong corporate governance (Grove and Basilico 2010). Hilb (2005) proposes a

comprehensive and multidimensional framework to help develop strong corporate governance

and reduce fraudulent financial reporting. This framework considers both financial and non-

financial elements and is based on the reverse KISS principle for corporate governance. The

Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting
Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2012

acronym stands for Situational, Strategic, Integrated and Keep it controlled and it builds on the

shortcomings of more traditional corporate governance approaches and guidelines which tend to

propose a dangerous universal approach and often lack (i) strategic direction within board

practices; (ii) integration and professionalism in board selection, appraisal, remuneration and

development; and (iii) in depth know-how in auditing, risk management, communication and



Corporate governance practices need to be appropriate to the specific context (nation,

industry, size, etc.) of the firm. At one extreme, there are national jurisdictions (i.e., US and UK)

based on diffused shareholding and stock options and equity based compensation of managers,

where commonly there are strong incentives to inflate short-term earnings. At the other extreme,

in countries like India, shareholding is concentrated and the critical actor is the controlling

shareholder or “promoter” (not senior management). In such situations, frauds are typically not a

result of inflation of earnings but related party transactions, like siphoning of assets to other

sister companies owned by the controlling shareholder. Satyam has been named the “Enron of

India” but it was really more similar to Parmalat (the “Enron of Europe”) which also involved

affiliated transactions and misstatement of financials from stealing company cash. As argued by

Dossi et al. (2010), the form of the relationship between ownership and management shape the

structure of corporate governance. Investors, financial analysts, and regulators should claim the

adoption of different corporate governance structures in different situational contexts and future

research should considers national differences in studying the effectiveness of corporate

governance elements (Dossi et al. 2010).

Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting
Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2012


Hilb (2009) recommends that members of the Board of Directors should “possess the

same market/product and functional know-how as top management, as well as complimentary

team roles, such as a critical thinker or a financial controller. In addition, each member should

play the role of one stakeholder (customer, shareholder, employee and the society).” Moreover,

according to Hilb (2005), “an effective Board structure is comprised of a small, legally, well

diversified board, comprising a maximum of seven members, including an Independent COB,

independent members and the CEO. In addition, the board should conduct its activities through

only two committees: an integrated audit and risk management committee and an integrated

board management committee”. Table 5 clearly and succinctly shows how the composition of

Satyam’s Board of Directors does not meet any of the recommendations concerning the Strategic

dimension of Hilb’s (2005) framework.


The components within this Integrated dimension relate to Board Selection, Board

Feedback, Board Remuneration, and Board Development. The visibility and market perception

or relationships with the promoters should not be the only criteria while choosing independent

directors. In India, where social power heavily depends on belonging to a given class, it is hard

to nominate independent directors based on competence, integrity, and objectivity. Moreover,

the Indian Government does not require a Nomination Committee, which is another mechanism

that could enhance the Board Selection dimension of corporate governance. By exclusively

involving Indian politicians or individuals with pre-existing ties with other directors, Satyam’s

Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting
Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2012

Board Selection was severely limited and inherently ineffective. Regular Board Feedback should

be linked to the performance of the supervisory Board, the managing Board and the company

(Hilb 2008). Finally, to overcome a short-term focus, the Board of Directors should design

consistent compensation packages for top management to consider the interests of all

stakeholders. Such compensation packages should be divided into a mix of fixed and variable

components (Hilb 2008). Further, in family businesses, it is key that the Board of Directors

develops a succession plan to manage transitionary period according to a transparent and

formalized approach.

Keep it controlled

The components within this Keep it Controlled dimension relate to the auditing, risk

management, communication, and evaluation functions of the Board. According to Hilb (2005),

the “external auditor is the only external institution that can give an objective view of the

financial condition of the company. In order to ensure the independence of the external auditors,

both the auditors and the auditing firm should be changed periodically. The task of the internal

auditors is to establish a financial supervision that is as independent and objective as possible for

the audit committee and the Board.” Satyam had used the international auditing firm of

PricewaterhouseCoopers since Satyam went public in 2001. External auditors should be changed

periodically to assure true independence. In the Keep it Controlled dimension, other

recommendations include:

1. the need to shift the appointment of the external auditors from the controlling

shareholders to the independent audit committee. In Satyam, that shift never took place;

Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting
Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2012

2. the need for periodic meetings between the audit committee members and auditors

without the presence of management. The 2008 Form 20F filed by Satyam clearly stated

that “non-management directors do not meet periodically without management directors";

3. the establishment of an oversight board (present in the U.S. and absent in India) which

would review the intensity and the integrity of audits on an annual basis.

Section V: Epilogue and Conclusions

After Ramalingam Raju admitted fraud and resigned as the COB of Satyam with his letter

of January 7, 2009, the Indian Company Law Board notified Satyam that it intended to appoint

nominees to form the new Board at Satyam. By January 16, 2009, the Ministry of Corporate

Affairs appointed the following six independent Board members:

Name Background

Deepak Parekh Chairman of the Housing Development Finance Corporation

Kiran Karnik Former President of NASSCOM

C. Achutan Director of the National Stock Exchange

TN Manoharan Former President of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

Tarun Das Confederation of Indian Industry

Balkrishna Mainak Life Insurance Corporation of India

While awaiting the appointment of a COB by the Company Law Board, there was a

rotating COB at the meetings of the Satyam’s Board of Directors. On January 24, the new Board

of Directors appointed Deloitte and KPMG to restate the accounts of Satyam and decided to

focus on “business continuity” by arranging funds for expenses and vendor payments. On

Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting
Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2012

February 5, the Board announced the appointment of a new CEO, A.S. Murthy, who was

promoted from his previous role as Head of Satyam’s Leadership Development Group and had

been with Satyam since 1994. On April 13, 2009, via a formal public auction process, 46% stake

in Satyam was purchased by Tech Mahindra. Satyam rebranded its services under the new

Mahindra management as Mahindra Satyam, effective July 2009. In February 2009, SEBI

announced corporate governance changes to be implemented in India including the rule that all

listed companies need to obtain a peer audit and cases of pledging of promoter shareholdings

must be made available to all other shareholders.

The Satyam scandal clearly presented financial and non-financial (i.e., corporate

governance) red flags. In particular, we showed the results of the application of two financial

fraud detection models, three fraud ratios, and the analysis of five corporate governance factors.

Four out of the five red flag models and ratios predicted fraud in both 2007 and 2008, but there

were only two such red flags in 2006. These results based on this longer time period suggest a

strong validity of the financial red flags examined and strengthen the robustness of our results.

They reflect the typical fraud scenario where more red flags emerge the closer to the year of

fraud implosion or discovery, i.e., from 2006 to 2008 here. Thus, they effectively highlight the

importance of examining financial red flags to detect fraudulent financial reporting.

The reverse KISS framework proposed by Hilb (2005) is beneficial for both the company

and the investors. On the one hand, it is fair to assume that corporate governance mechanisms

can be highly influenced by managers and Hilb’s framework offers a broad set of guidelines to

guide the design of the different corporate governance mechanisms in an integrated way. On the

other hand, investors do have significant power in shaping the corporate governance through

Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting
Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2012

voting rights and other representation mechanisms. Therefore, Hilb’s framework offers a set of

principles that investors should expect from companies. In addition to its usefulness for

designing effective corporate governance, Hilb provides a framework of non-financial red flags

to predict frauds. This additional benefit of Hilb’s framework is particularly in line with the

purpose of our study which is aimed at presenting the Satyam case and the predictive power of

financial and non-financial (i.e., corporate governance) factors for fraud detection. Also, a key

preventive strategy is to develop a strong corporate governance system that needs to be holistic,

by focusing not only on shareholders but also on all the other stakeholders such as employees,

customers, and society (i.e., the public and the environment). We propose the reverse KISS

principle of strong corporate governance to offer a guideline to design a corporate governance

framework which could support the regulatory function of the legislators and the evaluation

function of investors and analysts.

Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting
Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2012

Table 1: Satyam’s Financial Statements

2008 2007 2006

Income Statement

(amounts in $ million)

Revenue $2,138 $1,461 $1,096

Revenue Growth 46% 33%

Cost of sales 1359 937 689

Gross Profit $779 $524 $407

Operating Expenses $370 $232 $187

EBITDA 409 292 220

Depreciation & Amortization 41 34 31

Change: Depreciation & Amortiz. 7 3

Operating Income 409 292 220

Net Income Before Taxes 470 328 288

Income Tax Expense 53 31 38

Taxes Paid See Notes 79 51 38

Change: Current Taxes Payable 0 0 0

Net Income Core Earnings 399 229 221

Net Income GAAP 417 298 249

Preferred stock dividends 0.17 0.15 0.11

Earnings available to common 417 298 249

Balance Sheet

(amounts in $ million)

Cash 1,117 152 292

Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting
Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2012

Change: Cash 965 -140

AR net 680 435 261


Current Assets 1,862 604 1,018

Change: Current Assets 1,258 -414

Net Fixed Assets 236 163 106

Total Assets 2,205 1,624 1,181

Current Liabilities 353 211 139

Change: Current liabilities 142 72

Deferred Income Taxes

Change: Working Capital 1,116 -486

Short Term Debt 29 12 6

Long Term Debt 26 22 18

Total Stockholder's Equity 1,862 1,371 994

Additional Data

Common Stock Share Price $23.56 $23.35 $21.88

Common Shares Outstanding 336 336 336

Diluted Common Shares outstanding 336 336 336

Diluted Earnings Per Share $1.22 $0.90 $0.75

Sales Per Basic Common Share $6.31 $5.58 $6.72

Operating Cash Flow 339 262 163

Operating CF per Basic Common Share 1.01 0.78 0.49

Capital Expenditures 70 60 65

Table 2: Z-Score Fraud Prediction Model, (Beneish (1999)

Fraud Z-score (OLD)

NMMI good MMI bad 2008 2007 2006

Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting
Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2012

Days' Sales in Receivables 1.031 1.465 1.068 1.250 0.724

Gross Margin Index 1.014 1.193 0.984 1.035 0.973

Asset Quality Index 1.039 1.254 0.092 10.934 1.000

Sales Growth Index 1.134 1.607 1.463 1.333 1.380

Change in WC $ 1,116 $ (486) NA

Change in Cash $ 965 $ (140) NA

Current Taxes Payable $ 28 $ 13 NA

Total Accruals to Total Assets Index 0.018 0.031 0.037 (0.242) (0.026)

Green < -1.99 No Red > -1.99

Z-score Fraud Warning Fraud Warning (1.821) 1.331 (2.147)

Green = good; Yellow = uncertain; Red = bad.

Table 3: F-Score Fraud Prediction Model, Dechow, Ge, Larson and Sloan (2007)

Fraud F-Score

2008 2007 2006

∆ WC $ 151 $ (346) NA

∆ NCO $ (621) $ 867 NA

∆ FIN $ 13 $ 2 NA

Avg. TA $ 1,915 $ 1,403 $ 1,181

Accrual -0.23870 0.37291 NA

∆ AR 0.1280 0.1241 NA

Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting
Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2012

∆ Inv. 0.0000 0.0000 NA

% ∆ Cash Sales 0.4709 0.1743 0.3804

∆ Earnings 0.0053 0.0016 0.0804

Actual Issuance 1 1 1

Predicted Value -5.54434 -5.11242 -5.85396

Probability 0.003894 0.005985 0.00286

Constant 0.003432 0.003432 0.003432

F-Score 1.134756 1.744085 0.833463

Green = no fraud warning; Red = fraud warning.

Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting
Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2012

Table 4: Additional Fraud Ratios

2008 2007 2006

Free Cash Flow $ 269 232 103

Sloan Accrual Measure 0.0773 0.0471 0.1236

Quality of Earnings 0.8129 0.8792 0.6546

Cash Collected $ 1,893 1287 1096

Quality of Revenue 0.8854 0.8809 1.0000

Green = good; Red = bad.

Table 5: The composition of Satyam’s Board of Directors

Name Designation Background

MBA from Ohio State University and

Ramalinga Chairman, Promoter and Executive Director
Advanced Management Program from
Raju Member of Investors' Grievance Committee
Harvard University

Rama Managing Director, promoter and Executive Director Advanced Management Program from

Raju Member of Investors' Grievance Committee Harvard University

Currently Chairman at Satyam

President and Whole Time Director Technologies and director at Satyam
Venture Engineering

Dr. Mangalam Independent and Non Executive Director

Advisor to Harvard University
Srinivasan Member of Audit and Compensation Committee

Professor of Business Administration

Prof. Krishna
Non Executive Director and Senior Associate Dean of
Research at Harvard University

Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting
Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2012

Vinod Independent and Non Executive Director

Director at IndoUS Ventures LLC
Dham Member of Compensation Committee

Prof.Rammohan Independent and Non Executive Director

Rao Member of Audit and Compensation Committee

Various Government posts (Cabinet

T.R Independent and Non Executive Director
Secretary, member of the Finance
Prasad Member of Audit and Investors' Grievance Committee
Commission, Defense Secretary…)

Chairman of the Naval Research

Prof. V.S. Independent and Non Executive Director Board, Defense Research and

Raju Member of Audit and Compensation Committee Development Organization at the

Government of India


Red Flag Models and Ratios

Five fraudulent financial reporting models and ratios were used to try to predict fraud at

Satyam as a comprehensive financial red flag approach in screening for and identifying financial

reporting problems in publicly held companies rather than just using traditional ratios.

1. Z-Score Fraud Prediction Model

Beneish (1999) developed a statistical model used to detect financial statement fraud and

earnings management through a variety of metrics. There are five key ratios used in the model,

which are the Sales Growth Index (SGI), Gross Margin Index (GMI), Asset Quality Index (AQI),

Days Sales in Receivables Index (DSRI), and Total Assets to Total Accruals (TATA). Each of

these measures with its model coefficient, based upon Beneish’s research, is outlined below.

Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting
Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2012

There is also a constant value in the model of -4.840. The red flag benchmark is a Z-Score

greater than a negative 1.99, i.e., a smaller negative number or a positive number indicates

possible financial reporting problems (Beneish 1999). For example, Enron had a Z-Score of a

positive 0.045 in its last year.

SGI – Sales Growth Index x 0.892

This measure is current year sales divided by prior year sales. It is meant to detect

abnormal increases in sales which may be the result of fraudulent revenue recognition. If a

company experiences a very large increase in sales from one period to the next, it may be

because they are shifting revenue to a later period or booking phony revenue.

GMI – Gross Margin Index x 0.528

This measure is last year’s gross margin divided by this year’s gross margin. While not

necessarily a direct measure for potential manipulation, companies that are experiencing

declining gross margins may have increased pressure to improve financial performance. Such

pressure may cause them to turn to fraud or questionable financial reporting to maintain net

income margins.

AQI – Asset Quality Index x 0.404

This measure is the percentage of total assets that are intangible assets this year divided

by the same percentage calculation for last year. An increase in this index may represent

additional expenses that are being capitalized to preserve profitability. Rather than expensing

various costs, such as research and development or advertising, these costs are being capitalized

as intangible assets. Capitalization increases assets while helping to maintain profitability.

DSRI – Days Sales in Receivables Index x 0.920

This measure is DSRI this year divided by DSRI last year. Companies that are trying to

Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting
Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2012

boost revenue and profit will often allow customers to have greatly extended credit terms so that

they will buy earlier. This practice increases revenue in the current quarter but will hurt the

company in the future. This metric is meant to detect companies which make significant changes

in their collection policies or which recognize phony or early revenues. It could reflect a general

economic slowdown which could impact most companies and, thus, not be an effective signal.

TATA – Total Accruals to Total Assets x 4.679

This measure represents total expense accruals to total assets. Such accruals represent

non-cash earnings. Similar to Sloan’s accrual measure and the upcoming accrual measure in the

New Fraud Model, an increase in expense accruals represents an increased probability of

earnings manipulation and possible operating and free cash flow problems.

2. F-Score Fraud Prediction Model

The new F-Score fraud model (Dechow, Ge, Larson, and Sloan 2007) can be used as

another initial test in determining the likelihood of financial reporting manipulation. Similar to

the other models and ratios, a fraudulent score for this model does not necessarily imply such

manipulation but it serves as a red flag for further analysis. The model contains measures to

identify problems in accruals, receivables, inventory, cash sales, earnings and stock issuances as

discussed below with their coefficients, based upon their research. There is also a constant value

of -6.753 in the model. The red flag benchmark is an F-Score greater than 1.0 and is calculated

using an exponential model. For example, the F-Score for Enron in its last year of operation was

1.85. Their research is the most extensive of the two fraud models (designated as the old and the

new models) since it was based upon an examination of all AAERs issued between 1982 and

2005 while the older Beneish study was based only on AAERs issued between 1982 and 1992.

Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting
Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2012

Accruals x 0.773

Firms that engage in earnings manipulation typically have abnormally high accruals. A

significant amount of non-cash earnings results in inflated earnings and is a warning sign for

earnings manipulation. This measure is a complex calculation based upon numerous accrual

measures and is scaled by average total assets. Essentially any business transactions other than

common stock are reflected in accrual measures (Dechow 2007).

Change in receivables x 3.201

The change in receivables from last year to this year is scaled by average total assets.

Large changes in accounts receivables may indicate revenue and earnings manipulation. Such

manipulation can occur through the early or phony recognition of revenue and large swings in

accounts receivable will distort cash flows from operating activities.

Change in inventory x 2.465

The change in inventories from last year to this year is scaled by average total assets.

Large changes in inventory may indicate inventory surpluses, shortages, obsolescence, or

liquidation. For example, if the company uses the last-in first-out (LIFO) method of accounting

for inventory in a period of rising prices, selling older inventory will result in lower cost of goods

sold, i.e., LIFO liquidation of inventory units or layers. This practice leads to inflated earnings.

Change in cash sales x 0.108

This measure is the percentage change in cash sales from last year to this year. For a firm

not engaged in earnings manipulation, the growth rate in cash sales could be compared to the

growth rate in revenues but these researchers did not include such an analysis. They argued and

modeled that just the change in cash sales is a key metric to monitor when evaluating the

potential for earning manipulation.

Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting
Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2012

Change in earnings x -0.995

This measure is a percentage calculated as earnings divided by total assets this year less

the same measure last year. Volatile earnings may be indicative of earnings manipulation.

According to Dechow, Ge, Larson, and Sloan (2007), a consistent theme among manipulating

firms is that they have shown strong performance prior to manipulations. The cause for such

manipulations may be a current decline in performance which the management team attempts to

cover up by manipulating financial reporting.

Actual issuance of stock x 0.938

This measure is a dummy variable that is ON if additional securities are issued during the

manipulation year and is OFF if no such securities are issued. Such issuances may indicate

operating cash flow problems that need to be offset by additional financing. Also, issuance of

stock may indicate management is exercising stock options. The exercise of stock options may

signify that managers are attempting to sell at the top because they foresee future

underperformance of the company. Such insider sales resulted in the criminal conviction of

Qwest’s Chief Executive Officer and have been a significant non-financial red flag in many

fraud cases, like Enron, Global Crossing, and WorldCom. For example, Qwest and Enron

insiders made $2.1 billion and $1.1 billion, respectively, by exercising and selling their stock

options before their firms’ financial reporting problems became public.

3. Sloan Accrual Ratio or Measure

The Sloan accrual measure (1996 and updated as discussed by Robinson 2007) is based

on the analysis of accrual components of earnings. It is calculated as follows: net income less

free cash flows (operating cash flow minus capital expenditures) divided by average total assets.

Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting
Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2012

The red flag benchmark is a ratio of more than 0.10. For example, Sloan calculated that JetBlue

had a ratio of 0.50 and his employer, Barclays Global Investors, shorted the stock and made over

12% in less than one year.

This ratio is used to help determine the quality of a company’s earnings based on the

amount of accruals included in income. If a large portion of a company’s earnings are based

more on accruals, rather than operating and free cash flows, then, it is likely to have a negative

impact on future stock price since the income is not coming from the company’s actual

operations (Sloan 1996). Since many of the accrual components of net income are subjective,

managers are able to manipulate earnings to make the company appear more profitable. In

essence, the Sloan accrual measure is used to help determine the sustainability of a company’s


4. Quality of Earnings Ratio

The quality of earnings ratio is a quick and simple way to judge the quality of a

company’s reported net income. The ratio is operating cash flow for the period divided by net

income for the period. The red flag benchmark is a ratio of less than 1.0 (Schilit 2003). Also,

large fluctuations in this ratio over time may be indicative of financial reporting problems, i.e.,

Enron’s quality of earnings ratios were 4.9, 1.4, and 2.3 over its last three years of operation. In

its last year of operation, Enron forced its electricity customers to prepay in order to receive any

electricity which dramatically increased its operating cash flows and quality of earnings ratio.

Quality of earnings is also meant to measure whether a company is artificially inflating

earnings, possibly to cover up operating problems. This ratio may indicate that a company has

earnings which are not actually being converted into operating cash. Methods for inflating

Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting
Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2012

earnings (but not operating cash flows) include early booking of revenue, recognizing phony

revenues, or booking one-time gains on sales of assets.

5. Quality of Revenues Ratio

The quality of revenues ratio is similar to the quality of earnings, except that the

emphasis is on cash relative to sales rather than cash relative to net income. It is the ratio of cash

collected from customers (revenues plus or minus the change in accounts receivable) to the

company’s revenue. Similar to the quality of earnings ratio, the red flag benchmark is a ratio of

less than 1.0 (Schilit 2003). For example, Enron’s quality of revenues went down from 0.98 to

0.92 in its last year of operation. Since manipulation of revenue recognition is a common

method for covering up poor results, this simple metric can help uncover schemes used to inflate

revenues without the corresponding cash collection. Common methods include extending

increased credit terms to spur revenues but with slow collections, shifting future revenues into

the current period, or booking asset sales or swaps as revenue.


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