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Efek jumlah evaporator terhadap kondisi optimum evaporator

2. System kerja steam jet ejector
3. Desain ketinggian barometer agar vakum


1. Optimum number of effects.

The cost of each effect of an evaporator per square meter or square foot
of surface is a function of its total area and decreases with area,
approaching an asymptote for very large installations. Thus the
investment required for an N-effect evaporator is about N times that for a
single-effect evaporator of the same capacity. The optimum number of
effects must be found from an economic balance between the savings in
steam obtained by multiple-effect operation and the added investment

2. Steam jet ejectors offer a simple, reliable, low-cost way to produce

vacuum. They are especially effective in the chemical industry where
an on-site supply of the high-pressure motive gas is available.

Ejectors are considered an alternative to mechanical vacuum pumps for a

number of reasons:

 No source of power is required other than the motive gas;

 Because they have no moving parts, they are reliable vacuum producers;
 They are easy to install, operate and maintain.

Ejector Design
Very simply, an ejector is a pumping device. It has no moving parts. Instead,
it uses a fluid or gas as a motive force. Very often, the motive fluid is steam
and the device is called a “steam jet ejector.” Basic ejector components are
the steam chest, nozzle, suction, throat, diffuser and they discharge (Fig. 1).
The two major functions of ejectors are as follows:

Thermocompressors are ejectors applied to recompressing spent steam and

process fluids. In the compressors recycle waste steam and low-pressure
water vapor discharge, reducing energy consumption by 30% or more.

Vacuum Producers: Ejector-based systems are particularly appropriate as

primary vacuum producers, particularly where motive steam is almost always
available. They are applied in processes such as crystallization, deaeration,
drying, cooling, high vacuum distillation and deodorization.

Ejector systems range from the simple, single-ejector stage to very complex
systems with as many as six ejectors in combination with intercondensers.
Ejectors are available in either single-nozzle or multiple-nozzle designs.
Single-nozzle units are also available with an automatic spindle for special
applications. The single-nozzle, fixed orifice is the simplest type of ejector.

Multiple-nozzle ejectors are more efficient. They usually save as much as

10% to 20% in motive steam, compared with single-nozzle units designed
for the same conditions.

In a spindle-operated ejector, the nozzle and tapered spindle work together

similar to a needle valve. In this case, the spindle is essentially changing the
dimensions of the ejector’s internalities is, creating a new single-point
design. For this reason, the spindle-operated ejector provides high off-design
efficiency, which is very handy if operating conditions must vary.

Multi staged ejectors often promote economy by including intercondensers

between some of the stages to reduce the load to the following stages.
Sometimes precondensers, booster condensers and aftercondensers are also


Condensers may be barometric or surface. The size and type of condenser

selected is a function of air-vapor ratios, cooling water temperatures
available, steam and water costs, and contaminants in the suction vapor.

Barometric condensers cost less to buy and install. They have many
advantages. However , users should be aware that the barometric condenser
is a direct-contact design. The cooling water is mixed directly with the vapor
to be condensed. If there are any environmental considerations concerning
the process fluid, it should not be mixed with cooling water.

The shell-and-tube condenser keeps cooling water separate from the process
fluid. No contamination can occur; thus, the condenser water is cooled and
reused. On the other hand, the shell-and-tube design may require more
maintenance due to the possibility of scale or solids buildup on the condenser

Ejector Operation: In operation, a high-pressure motive gas enters the

steam chest at low velocity and expands through the converging-diverging
nozzle. This results in a decrease in pressure and an increase in velocity.
Meanwhile, the suction fluid enters at the suction inlet. The motive fluid ,
which is now at high velocity, entrains the suction fluid and combines with it.
The two fluids are then recompressed through the diffuser. Potential energy
is converted to kinetic energy; thus, velocity increases and pressure
decreases. The mixture reaches its maximum velocity and lowest pressure at
the Venturi throat (Fig. 2). The fluid then is charges at an intermediate
pressure, which is higher than the inlet suction fluid pressure, but much
lower than the inlet motive fluid pressure.

Optimum Efficiency: An ejector represents a single-point design. That is, its

optimum efficiency exists at a single set of conditions. The specifications for
which it is designed represent the maximum capacity built into the unit.

Ejector designs are classified as critical or non-critical. Critical flow means the
fluid velocity in the diffuser throat is sonic. In non-critical units, the fluid
velocity is subsonic.

Ejectors designed in the critical range are sensitive to off-design operating

conditions. Suction capacity cannot be increased. In fact, it is actually
lowered by increasing the motive fluid pressure. Because the nozzle is a fixed
orifice, any change in the motive fluid pressure will be accompanied by a
proportionate change in the quantity of motive fluid.
Changes are more gradual in non-critical design units but suction capacity
still cannot be increased. The best solution is to be sure that service
conditions are specified correctly.
Specifying Ejectors

While the ejector itself can be quite simple, specifying the optimum system
to meet specific needs is not simple. Important parameters involved in
ejector sizing and staging include pressure of motive gas, required discharge
pressure, suction pressure and relative mass flow rates of motive fluid to
suction fluid.

For instance, most ejectors use steam as the motive fluid. The quality of the
motive steam affects the operation of the unit. The usual requirement is for
dry, saturated high-pressure steam.

In operation, it is very important to maintain the design quality of steam. If

the quality of the steam is low, suction pressure and capacity will decrease,
especially in multistage designs.

Excessive steam superheat can also adversely affect the suction capacity of
an ejector. It decreases the energy level ratio, and the increase in specific
volume tends to choke the diffuser.

Ejectors can generally be applied on a variety of processes as long as the

proper conditions exist: the motive fluid pressure drop is large enough to
develop high velocities in the nozzles, the difference between suction and
discharge pressures is not excessive and the suction fluid flow is small
compared with the motive fluid.

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