Easa Atpl Pprune Lo 2019

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$58101034c3959085D615 Ldeb7d8a55436R=14) > EASA Learning Objectives [wn pprane.ora/protssiora-plot-raningncludes-ground-stucles/606055-2350-eaming-bjectvesMnno}s~1 Got tveadtols) Search thi Thread (hts: //mw pruneng/poessanal lt trinng-inclues-pround-stuie/GO6DSS-o8 Register (ntos/w pp"une.or/reistecpho) {tsa um ecrthana cyan and Pease ai want rattandecon/afesn unc hassle im), and tthe ‘eoiater Register rag (outs ee ppranecora/esisterohp) (htps:/ wwe: pan ra/fea.pho) (ntps://wwe ‘bjectves mia) Professional Pilot Training (Includes ground studies) & ovum or those onthe steep path to EASA Learning Objectives “fain hier iaed gaara ge awn. canta rena cance Sealy a ere ee ae ihe ee (he a cae Talons aad cee atcewee [Dna Mar 2018, 09:42 “e4 (ntpn/ so porn. or6/10070228-poet nem) tas: Leo narunsors atateaiona alaEtai 2et EASA Leeming Objectives (https://www.pp The now EASA teaming Objectives Pave Bown published ond can now be ead ond funeorg/membe ¢2*"oaces ts/88761-2close) | piins://mmmeasa.eurooa.cu/document..,jsion-2018001¢ {hsm cos. curoa-cu/dacimeri bra agencysdeson/ed-decsnn-701 6008) Janie ey 2004 ‘The frst thing that struck me is that Communications appears to have been omitted in ere insentrety, " Does anybody happen to know if tis correct ar have I simply missed something (Genior moment) cheers aebse ° 39 Reply (https://mww.oprune. cr 10070226) Sane Aes Lf an oe ae an cE Alex No that's correct. These LOs became Ive in exams by 2020 atthe latest. Note tht tuhere areas ofthe yllabus are to be removed EASA have stopped wnting new questions Whittingham jn the current Question bank, (https://www.pp. rune.org/membe 1s/6623-alex- whittingham) moe co ° [2nd mar 20xe, 10:13 £3 (tor prune 19 /10070269-20283.n0m) ‘tes onmo runassa asst aaa ie an = taming abacinamiseas 0070269) superflanker uct: (https://wwwepP | onginaty Postes by Alex Whittingham 5: funeorg/membe — (ntfes//uwm,opcuns.or9/arafessional-al-tining-inludss-oround: 13/469402- stusies/606055 casa: leating-abectves Nims post10070258) cams by 2020 at the latest. Note 4 fASA pave stonoed ring Q ee 16) > Wannaives Forums. (tii parune. oro Hfarumigniay nh? sBbtc1034c3959085 0615 Ldcb7d8A5 5436811449 Reply (htps://uw.oprune.ora/newrealy.hp?d > EASA Learning Objectives newreplyBo-= 10070269) “Toreador. unger e at ALGRERRAP™ eorIn0~OectvesenTss~L4sot0. tebe) (sno cans odessa SL RE ' Search thi Thread + (hte: prune ar roersionalitraiing el IS BUMUERRALAPRZDRAB recover rmPnoje=tegotothredscarch) Lag in ‘Alex You'd hope not Whittingham Register (ntoss/w. p9"une.or/reistecpho) (https: //www.pp rune.org/membe 13/6623-alex- whittingham) Pi hare ° [Dana Mar 2038, 10:38, [nnd Mar 2038, 10:42 5 patecsona platen ieaimine flanker “This Decision shal enter into force on the day following that of ts publiation inthe supertianKer Official Publication of (https://www.pp pasa Tune.org/membe It shal apply by 31 January 2022 atthe latest, tps Jv pra But wat 2 second! Superflanker) 1 they will have to give time tothe schools to change ther manuals (I hope) sm pat- un zor 2_"They should publish te date of appleation.~ shouldnt they? = cat {ts also recognised that commercial organisations providing textbooks and other trarning mater wil Iely need to update their products to reflect the AMCS/GM published with this Decision. ‘All these activities wil take time to manage etfectively and EASA proposes 8 transition beriea spanning Svar 4 years, starting from the publication of this Decision. OF these 4 years, the inst 2 wi necessary to update the ECQB with questions based on the new and revised {Syllabi and LOs, while the {ast 2 years are envisaged for the competent authorities to implement the updated ECQB ond the ‘mendments mentioned above So is this saying that we wil not see any changes onthe exams until atleast 2 years? ° 39 Reply (Hs ow prin 0070821) [D.and Mar 2038, 13:40 15 (hte /or pprunaof9/10070382-post. tm) (permalink ‘eno an efea aa gad g e aRS superflanker Good news: (hittps://wWwWsPR In paral! with EASA preparing the update of the ECQB, ATOs should start preparing fune.org/membe their new courses = and competent authorities should prepare the Implementation measures. 1 would be rs/469402: ane comee Superflanker) individual competent authorities to set an expiry date for the old syllabus : craminations “ns woule ingen 2017 Povey for each competent authority to choose the date of transton se Compton trenshonal “rrangements for student pilots caught between the old and the new syllabus Sholay wherever focsibe’be apt tow minimum, However, spec consideration should be given to Where te tops or subtopics have been moved between various subject aces. No 2018 I think (@ ° 32 Rep (Rts ww borane ore eoly php?do~newrepv80= 10070352) Dana Mar 2018, 13:58, +7 (utes: Leo nransorp/19070414-n087 bt) (earmallak ‘hes: 2 mnun.ore/orafeaiona net atin nludes-around-aneien/SOSOSS-agaa: aan eee Somos Alex Wot, there's always the possibility that EASA could write questions for the new sylabus and decide they ted the old sylabus too, Tm sure we will see Tots ofthat. Shouldn't Whittingham reise new tope areas, hough (https://www.pp tune,ora/membe 1s/6623-alex- whittingham) pensar parune, oro farumnsignay nh? 034c3 ict 7 ERPS ~SB JSST TES ene 7 a |$281¢1034c395985p6/51dcb7dBaS54368/=14) Seapsactinndseg Objectivenste (HEtps://WWHLDP teria Pose wy moe WrulNgRanpot-anig-cduesqroud-studes/66055sp:enmng-decthesimfos-iagit went tune,org/membe ‘(httos:// www.oprune.org/orofessional-ilot-training-includes-ground. sslasoeoin Wall there's always the pasebity that EXSA could write questions forthe new" ' superflanker) Sylabus and decide they ted the od sylabus to. Tm sure we wil See Its OF . san bate un 2017 that Shout" mnlude new opie arens, though. ‘esleter (s/n oorua orgies) But that’s what's happening right now, with new cusstions appearing now and then. It would be strange not seeing any new Questions on 2-8 years ° (sa Rep (rts jim opranerg/ew-ely. pedo -newrepyBo= 10070828) (2nd Mor 2038, 12:18, 0g (sto npruneror9/10070638-n0s88 nn) (seem ‘nuns. prun.ore/ovafessiona aot atine ntades-around-suiies/0sGsSagsa: tesinin: objectives Nmiasort00768 ‘Alex absolutely Whittingham (https://www.pp rune.org/membe rs/6623-alex- whittingham) Bas tare e 139 Reply (http://www. oprune. erg/newrealy.php?de=newreplyB=10070436) sth wer 2018, 39:58 #10 (otsns:/ orn poruns 215 /19072941-nost30 tm) (permatin ‘tts orm pran.ore/ salen Se a eas oe aaae tain easoae earn: obfacivantniassHOOZS9100) 2close Here's an interesting quandary. (hittps://www.BP casa rules require students to have completed all theoretical knowledge training for all Fune.org/membe subjects before a student can take any examinations for any subjects That Is appled 1S/B8761-2close) | "sidy by some EASA member states, and not s0 by others, which may or may not have fled deragations. Jon at: Moy 2004 Several new EASA ECQB questions seem to cross-polinate over two or three subjects in {aisles Wlthcelore nor the same question, There are not many of these at tha moment but who knows, that ee ‘may change in the future ang Ihave been told of @ couple of questions of this nature ts 1120 appearing Ih UK exans How do students, who are studying n countries that do not require completion of al ‘course material before taking examinations, answer questions fram subject A which Eontaing elements of subject B, which has aot yel been stusied? It seems that an increase inthis type of question may disadvantage examination candidates from those counties, which do ot apply the rules to thelr orginal extent ° 39 Reply (rtp pprinsrainew-ely pho -newreplk= 0073911) 60m ee 2038, 06:33 111 (nuns fernoruneoro/10074232-nost1 im (seemalla ‘insane puns. tea angus paca Which is the main reason why we recommend taking all exams at te same time, (https://www.pp rune.org/membe 1s/24026-paco) captgs Presi cae Pee e (39 Reply (Pttps://www-aprune.org/newreoly php?do=newreply=10074233) 60m Mee 2016, 08:08 superflanker Quote: (ottps://www.pR —' ongiaty Posted by paco B:bitnsL/uww.enrune.aa/asoessionalat-tesns: Tuneora/membe ‘ncugesoroundsstdes/ 606055 eae -learnngsobjectes Nmld aosto0 74233) 1s/469402- tics the main reason why we recommend iaking af exams atte same te superflanker), pjgets to 2 eM exams none (tos: //uwo.narune.or9) $281¢1034c3959D85p6/5 1dcb7daS54368/= 1499 Reply (Pttps://www.oprune.org/newrealy.php7do=newreply&O= 10074324) | S"EASA Learning Objectives ion mor 2048, ons14 Tread Tl = (Rost emg “itn Zan ta essstaa nt a seve th Tread (pf pre ress laine paco Sieben Seer nate tgs nat ecoes (arstes)y Sarst (Cnttns://womw.n Stptufe ts the Laks enaugn! S) but we has one Trem uy who th Eune,org/membe serpianes anc hacopters ae got fret te pases a sour 1s/24026-paco) “There is@ lot of crossover between subjects that makes it easier. capt.gs it et a Sie 3,703 e [2 Ronit (hts s/mew.opranerg/newrely.php?domnewrenlyn= 10074327) ) [Doth ar 2088, 3305 1 (iad oe anor 180748864 Ma (aeoak ‘tn _/ene ranean sat tase sane ates SoMa ae Se keeflyer aco @ question for you on a sigh tangent as I know you area question writer (hitps://www.pp ying? thererore reducing exposure co fight training cost they cannot pase them a0, fune.org/membe wel'ts removing the need too PPL exe? 1s/443255- keeflyer) ° (Res (hs wwe prune raw py?do= ew eplyB1007#556) [eth Mar 2028, 24:04 #15 (onsen nora ‘hans: /en nnnote/eata ana aoe aI 10074712-ports nel (0 inlides-araund-atiion/S0SaSSatas learning: objordvenNimiseasti00747i2)) paco oan othe pt ow eng ase tn a ou ake eel es Ue (https://www.pp St ortying it wil make comprenension ofthe subject matter lt esses Testun rune,oro/membe snynay htt 1s/24026-paco) captgs brea 8 Clery Soe 3703 ° (sa Reni (rtp oprins oainewrealyphy?domnewreplo= 10074712) sae mer 20:6, 02 116 (2tns/ferunarunaoro/10082163-nost18,im) (satan tn: prunasra/atessanalolattanineiclescoreunatidae/AOeSereeas lesinin:objacives Hniasontiobeziet)) B61 Kee yer, (hittps://WwWW.PR the ppt isa lelsure licence, not a module of a CPL. What you do after @ PPL is up to you. reli G1) The exams are very straightfonard and essential Knowledge, Ifyou find them dificult, then just xeep flying as 0 hobby = yau wil have no chance at ATPL level eo 39 Reply (http://www. oprune. erg/newrealy php Biba nerieas 1506 #17 (otiss/ on poruno15/10082272-post47 htm) (narmat ‘tis or pane. ons/ oleae ata ae ea aaa eas asda jcivenhumleseanious22720 keeflyer uct Chttps://mww.pP | ongiaty Poses by 863 bosi/noe parune oce/pofessnal plotting: Tune.org/membe — inluceroroundsstudee/Gb6SS eae leavnagnobjeives tims sos CONTED 13/443255- kee hyer, keeflyer) The PPL Is a leisure licence, not @ module of @ CPL. What you do after a PPL is up doin gate eb 2015, you. sean 228 The exams are very straightforward and essential knowledge, If you find them iteut, then jast keep fying a8 9 hodby = you will have no chance at ATPL level ria ET pe ooo FS etm orn MEFS EA etree era fa njecives hmiProje=t gots threadecarch) EASE ER BED a nk parune, oro Hfarumsignay nh? Jectivesemino}s>1# goto threatoas) Login | Register (ntos/w po"une.or/reistecpho) Q 0; gugstion as the integrated Students sit exams before fying and I ss sicloaaeaasansnSlSLg TAR Steir ere wos ever tok of this being extended to moduioe e oss ESR SO BE ISP UERETS? NR BSEBEE aL searing-anjectvesnonPnossoit goto treadoals) en ab thse * (tose: 99rune.or/pteyran ai hes ganda ear Yakmapyecves MmIProje=tegote_threadcearh) Login | nclassonaloticanin-inludes-9round-stadien/SO8055-20882 AOSHLODBIZE7) pesioter (ntss://wnw.corun.oraiegiste:phs) superflanker (nttps://www.pp xotesson Tuneorg/membe | Sicudes-qrundst den SoGDSt sass wangeabieciues ingens OG7EI7) 1s/469402- ver about 6 months superflanker) spmone un aun Lean‘ Imagine doing it in 6 months even tI did it ull time. 1 did my first 7 subjects in For example, what do you learn, performance + FPL in 2 weeks? e (39 Reply (tttps://www aprune.org/newrealy php?do=newreplyBp= 10082267) Daath mar 2028, 26-41 1919 (ota {ornw prone o19/10082304-post19 tn! (perma {hts [wow ppraneorg | rates ona sat rain inludes-pround-stsles/SesSsS-aa Tenino: sbfecivenhimiasssLOON200)) paco 1f you had decent PPL training and decent training nets itis datle in 6 months ul (httpsi//www.pp Tune.org/membe phi 1s/24026-paco) captgs Preset Cigey Bas a7 eo 39 Reply (Nts: /wwn.oprane.org/new"ealy php 0082304) SRepy {oun poe ewreplyaineg bagi RONG // ww. 9prune.ore/subsciption php?a ES BER cece ones rar anne a ae vente EE) 8B {tzs// worm ppraneoraLerate ‘Hugios/eoetsscones asain: Detve eisias) aca eget 7 am peuneeainisenhs? sees aeoe won peaneerimipts? ‘Geese care On FE wnporne orimies ght ica veo Sous Sulsgecetieasa| sO Ee femepenecrsimssotat All imes are GMT. The time now is 07302. “Shep OS a

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