Textbook of Clinical Parasitology in Dogs and Cats (VetBooks - Ir)

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Textbook of


Clinical Parasitology
in dogs and cats

Frédéric Beugnet
Lénaïg Halos
Jacques Guillot

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English edition:
Textbook of clinical parasitology in dogs and cats
Copyright © 2018 Frédéric Beugnet, Lénaïg Halos and Jacques Guillot

Jacob Gragera Artal

ISBN: 978-2-9550805-2-8
EAN: 9782955080528

Design, layout and printing:

Servet editorial - Grupo Asís Biomedia, S.L.
[email protected]

All rights reserved.

Any form of reproduction, distribution, publication or transformation of this book is only
permitted with the authorisation of its copyright holders, apart from the exceptions allowed
by law. Contact CEDRO (Spanish Reproduction Rights Centre, www.cedro.org) if you need
to photocopy or scan any part of this book (www.conlicencia.com; 00 34 917 02 19 70/
00 34 932 72 04 47).

Veterinary science is constantly evolving, as are pharmacology and the other sciences.
It is therefore the responsibility of the veterinarian to determine and verify the dosage, the
method of administration, the duration of treatment and any possible contraindications to
the treatments given to each individual patient, based on his or her professional experi-
ence. Neither the publisher nor the authors can be held liable for any damage or harm
caused to people, animals or property resulting from the correct or incorrect application of
the information contained in this book.

Textbook of
Clinical Parasitology
in dogs and cats

The authors would like to thank the following teachers

warmly for sharing and transmitting their passion for
parasitology: Professors Jean Gevrey (Lyon), René Chermette
(Alfort), Michel Franc (Toulouse), and Jacques Euzéby (Lyon).
This textbook is dedicated to them.

The authors would like to thank:

- Danielle Craig and Chef du Monde agency for their assistance with English writing and

- The Parasitology Departments of the French Veterinary Schools and Merial R&D for pro-
viding numerous parasite pictures.

- Oleg Mediannikov who provided the picture of Amblyomma tick infesting dog used for the

- Óscar Deza and the team from Grupo Asís, for all the artwork and design on the book, as
well as his patience while waiting for us to send material over the last 3 years.

- Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Management for their interest in parasitology and
science, and for supporting our ambition of producing educational materials, such as this

- The co-authors who contributed to the first editions of this textbook: Gilles Bourdoiseau and
Hoan Dang.

Finally, we would like to thank all the veterinary parasitologists who shared their knowledge of
specific parasites and helped us to complete this book: thanks to Jody Gookin (trichomonosis),
Adam Birkenheuer (cytauxzoonosis), Banie Penzhorn (babesiosis), and Donato Traversa (feline

Prof. Frédéric Beugnet
DVM, PhD, Agrégé en Parasitologie et Maladies Parasitaires, Dip. EVPC
Frédéric Beugnet graduated as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the National Veterinary
School of Lyon (France) in 1991. He holds a PhD in Parasitology, is a Diplomate of the Euro-
pean Veterinary Parasitology College (EVPC), and is also Agrégé en Parasitologie et Maladies
Parasitaires and holds an HDR (Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches). He spent more than 10
years teaching and researching at university before joining Merial and still gives university lec-
tures. He specialises in veterinary parasitology for dogs, cats and horses, as well as antiparasitic
drugs, mathematical modelling of flea and tick dynamics, and epidemiology of vector-borne
diseases in pets and horses. Frédéric is Head of the Global Technical Services for Parasitology
and Parasiticides at Merial (now Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health).

Dr. Lénaïg Halos

Lénaïg Halos graduated from the Alfort Veterinary School (France) in 2001. During her MSc,
PhD and postdoctoral studies, she further specialised in parasitology, with a specific interest in
arthropods and arthropod-borne diseases. From 2007 to 2010, she was Assistant Professor in
the Parasitology Department at the Alfort Veterinary School, before joining Merial, where her
work is dedicated to Pet Parasitology as Global Technical Director at Merial (now Boehringer
Ingelheim Animal Health).
Authors IX

Prof. Jacques Guillot

Jacques Guillot graduated from the Alfort Veterinary School (France) in 1991. He is a member
of the French Society of Parasitology (SFP), the French Society of Medical Mycology (SFMM),
the European Confederation of Medical Mycology (ECMM), and the International Society for
Human and Animal Mycology (ISHAM). From 2003 to 2007, he was the scientific director
of the Alfort Veterinary School. Jacques Guillot is an active member of the European Scientif-
ic Counsel Companion Animal Parasites (ESCCAP), an independent, non-profit organisation
whose objective is to develop guidelines for the diagnosis, treatment and control of major par-
asitic infections in companion animals in Europe. His primary research areas focus on the di-
agnosis and treatment of fungal and parasitic infections in domestic and wild animals. Jacques
Guillot is currently Head of the Parasitology Department at the Alfort Veterinary School.

This book is the second edition of a group of two volumes edited in 2005, and addresses clin-
ical aspects of canine and feline parasitoses.

The objectives of this book are:

• To give a complete view of the main parasites that can be observed and diagnosed in
dogs and cats, with particular focus on the European region.
• To confirm the appropriate methods of diagnosis and to emphasise the importance of
parasitological diagnosis (coproscopy, parasite observation), which is often forgotten
by veterinarians.
• To discuss the treatment and prevention of parasitoses, and the zoonotic risks linked
to these diseases.

This book concentrates on the most important general information and does not discuss tax-
onomy, morphology or biology in any great detail.

The pictures in this book have been sourced from the French Veterinary Schools, other Europe-
an veterinary faculties, and the authors. Not all photos are of the same size or proportions due
to the variation in microscopy equipment used, processing techniques, magnification, zoom, etc.

The life cycles are adapted and inspired from an original version published by Doug Carithers
and Guadalupe Miró in Pet Owner Educational Atlas. Parasites, Ed. Servet, 2012.

The authors focused on Parasitology sensu stricto (helminthology, protozoology and ento-
mo-acarology), so fungal infections are not included in this book.

This book has been developed specifically for veterinarians and veterinary students so that they
may rapidly access information about infestation, clinical studies, diagnosis, therapy, preven-
tion and zoonotic risks.

The authors
Preface / Specific note from the authors XI


In line with the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP),
we decided to follow the international recommendations for the Standardised Nomenclature
of Animal Parasitic Diseases. Consistency in the use of terminology is an important require-
ment for clear communication in any field of science. In contrast to the basically homogene-
ous terminology of bacterial and fungal diseases, different names are being used with variable
frequency in the nomenclature of parasitic diseases to denote the same disease entity, such as
leishmaniasis and leishmaniosis, dirofilariasis and dirofilariosis, toxocariasis and toxocarosis,
etc. To address this issue, the Standardised Nomenclature of Parasitic Diseases (SNOPAD)
guidelines were published in 1988. Their proposal was endorsed in 1990 by the World Federa-
tion of Parasitologists for all parasitic diseases, including human parasitoses.
• When disease names are formed from the taxonomic name of the parasite, the suffixes
“-asis” and “-iasis” used to describe a disease or infestation should be discontinued,
and only the suffix “-osis” (“-oses” in the plural) should be used.
• Another major source of confusion in the nomenclature originates from variations
in the stems of words which are formed either from the nominative genus (e.g., tryp-
anosomosis, hypodermosis) or from the family name (e.g., trypanosomatosis, hypo-
dermatosis). SNOPAD offers a simple solution for uniform usage by proposing that
the suffix “-osis” be added to the stem of the parasite taxon, which is usually formed
from the nominative case of the taxon with the last one or two letters removed (e.g.,
Toxocara/toxocarosis; Dirofilaria/dirofilariosis; Aelurostrongylus/aelurostrongylosis;
Isospora/isosporosis; Leishmania/leishmaniosis, etc.).
• When taxa end with -x in the nominative, the stem is formed from the genitive and the
disease name is derived from this stem (e.g., Pulex/pulicosis).
• In some cases, the disease name is formed by adding the suffix “-osis” to the full name
of the parasite taxon (e.g., Hepatozoon/hepatozoonosis).

As a rule, all parasitic diseases are denominated using the suffix “-osis” or “-iosis” in this book.

Finally, there is some debate between the words “infection” and “infestation”: we decided to fol-
low the zoological definition and to split based on the taxonomy; “infection” applies to viruses,
bacteria, protozoa and fungi, while “infestation” applies to multicellular organisms, i.e., Metazoa.

This logo indicates a risk of transmission to humans.




Oesophageal and gastric Trematodoses ...................... 60

parasitoses ....................... 3
Protozooses ......................... 64
Ollulanosis  ........................................ 4
Cryptosporidiosis  .............................. 64
Spirocercosis  .................................... 5
Coccidioses  ...................................... 67
Other gastrointestinal spiruroses  ....... 10
Giardiosis  .......................................... 75
Trichomonosis  .................................. 80
Intestinal parasitoses  ........ 13

Nematodoses ...................... 14 Hepatic parasitoses  .......... 87

Ancylostomoses  ................................ 14 Opisthorchidoses  .............................. 88
Toxocaroses  ...................................... 18
Strongyloidosis  .................................. 27
Trichuriosis  ....................................... 30
Capillariosis  ....................................... 34

Cestodoses .......................... 35
Dipylidiosis  ........................................ 35
Mesocestoidosis  ............................... 41
Taenioses sensu stricto  ..................... 43
Echinococcoses  ................................ 49
and spirometrosis  ............................. 56
Table of contents XIII


Blood parasitoses  ........... 95 Disseminated

parasitoses ..................... 165
Piroplasmoses in dogs  ................... 96
Piroplasmoses in cats  .................... 106 Leishmaniosis  ................................ 166
Hepatozoonosis  ............................. 111 Toxoplasmosis  ............................... 175
Trypanosomoses  ............................ 117 Neosporosis  ................................... 182
Encephalitozoonosis  ...................... 188
Respiratory and
circulatory parasitoses  .... 121 Miscellaneous
parasitoses ..................... 191
Cardiopulmonary dirofilariosis  ....... 122
Canine angiostrongylosis  ............... 132 Subcutaneous cysticercosis  .......... 192
Respiratory strongyloses in dogs  ... 137 Peritonitis due to
Respiratory strongyloses in cats  ..... 141 Mesocestoides larvae  .................... 194

Paragonimoses  .............................. 148 Peritoneal and subcutaneous

filarioses  ......................................... 196
Respiratory capillarioses  ................ 150
Thelaziosis  ..................................... 200
Linguatulosis  .................................. 152
Trichinellosis  .................................. 203
Pneumonyssoidosis  ....................... 154

Urinary parasitoses  ......... 157

Bladder capillariosis  ...................... 158
Dioctophymosis  ............................. 162


Entomoses ................................................. 209
Flea infestation  ........................................................................ 210
Lice infestation  ......................................................................... 221
Myiasis  ..................................................................................... 226
Flying insect bites  .................................................................... 230

Acarioses ................................................... 235
Tick infestation  ......................................................................... 236
Otodectic mange  ..................................................................... 254
Sarcoptic mange  ..................................................................... 258
Notoedric mange  ..................................................................... 263
Cheyletiellosis  .......................................................................... 265
Canine demodicosis  ................................................................ 268
Feline demodicosis   ................................................................. 275
Trombiculosis   ......................................................................... 278
Straelensiosis  ........................................................................... 281
Lynxacarosis  ............................................................................ 284
Dermanyssus infestation  ......................................................... 286
Table of contents XV


General principles ...................................... 290

Coproscopy ............................................... 291
General comments  .................................................................. 291
Macroscopic examination  ........................................................ 292
Microscopic techniques  .......................................................... 292
Discussion  ............................................................................... 309
Identification of parasite eggs, cysts and larvae in dogs   ......... 310
Identification of parasite eggs, cysts and larvae in cats   .......... 326

Blood and lymph examination  .................... 340

Blood smear for parasitic examination   ................................... 340
Knott’s test  ............................................................................... 341
Lymph examination  ................................................................. 341

Dermatological examination  ....................... 342

Skin scrapings  ......................................................................... 342
Trichogram (microscopic examination of plucked hair)  ........... 342
Scotch tape test  ....................................................................... 342
Tick extraction   ......................................................................... 343
Flea combing  ........................................................................... 343
Collection of ear wax  ................................................................ 343


Anthelmintics ............................................. 349

Antiprotozoals ............................................ 361

Ectoparasiticides ....................................... 367


General definitions  ..................................... 382

Parasites, predators, commensals and symbionts  .................. 382
Parasitic infections and infestations  ......................................... 382
Different types of parasitism  .................................................... 383
Biological characteristics of parasites and parasitism  .............. 383

Major parasitoses of dogs and cats  ........... 384

Major internal parasitoses  ........................................................ 384
Major arthropod parasitoses  .................................................... 385
Major intestinal helminths  ....................................................... 386
Biological characteristics of the major gastrointestinal
parasitoses of dogs and cats  ................................................... 387
Main clinical characteristics of the major gastrointestinal
parasitoses of dogs and cats  ................................................... 388
Table of contents XVII

Arthropods and vector-borne diseases  ...... 389

Arthropods and the pathogens they transmit
in humans or animals  .............................................................. 389
Tick-borne diseases of cats and dogs  ...................................... 390

Taxonomy of the main

parasites of dogs and cats  ........................ 391
Nematode taxonomy  ............................................................... 391
Cestode and trematode taxonomy  ........................................... 394
Simplified taxonomy of the main protozoan parasites
of domestic animals  ................................................................ 396
Taxonomy of arthropods of veterinary importance  ................... 397





Oesophageal and
gastric parasitoses


General comments 
Ollulanus tricuspis is a nematode belonging to the order
Strongylida (superfamily Trichostrongyloidea). It is very
small in size (approximately 1 mm in length), very slender
and coiled like a watch spring at the anterior end (Fig. 1).
This parasite is found in the stomachs of wild cats and
foxes, and can occasionally be found in domestic cats.

Ollulanus is an unusual type of strongylid nematode because
0.1 mm
the female is viviparous and releases the infective third-stage
larvae (L3) into the stomach lumen. The L3 can continue Figure 1. Female Ollulanus observed in the vomit from a cat.
to develop into the immature L4, and then the adult stage, Courtesy of Michael Dryden.

in the cat’s stomach, which makes an endogenous life cycle

possible. Clinical signs and diagnosis
The L3 larvae are often expelled into the environment Ollulanus tricuspis is a small parasite with low pathogenici-
in the parasite-induced vomit of infested cats and can infest ty which lives on the surface of the gastric mucosa and infes-
other cats which ingest that vomitus. The vomit can also tations are mostly asymptomatic although chronic gastritis
contain L4 larvae and adult parasites which may also infest may develop during massive infestations or in particularly
other cats when ingested soon after being expelled from the susceptibility cases, presenting as irregular appetite, sali-
previous host. L3 larvae can survive for up to 12 days in the vation, abdominal pain and frequent vomiting. Infestation
environment and are sometimes found in paratenic hosts. causes thickening and ulceration of the gastric mucosa, with
The prepatent period is approximately 30–35 days after the increased production of mucus. Antemortem diagnosis is dif-
animal ingests the L3 larvae or a paratenic host. The adult ficult because parasites are not found in the faeces, however
parasites live in the stomach lumen or in the crypts of the gas- L3 and L4 larval stages or adults may be detected in vomitus.
tric glands and feed on gastric mucosal debris and secretions. Definitive diagnosis is only possible by necroscopic examina-
tion of the gastric mucosa for parasites.
Ollulanus is a rare helminth which is usually detected spo- Control measures
radically and incidentally. This gastric parasite seems to be There is no recent data on the treatments available. The use
more common in warm climates and is more commonly of a benzimidazole over several consecutive days or avermec-
found in wild cats than domestic cats. tin/milbemycin should eliminate the parasite.
CONTENTS Oesophageal and gastric parasitoses 5


General comments Hosts

Spiruroses are caused by the presence and development of Wild and domestic dogs can be infested with S. lupi.
gastrointestinal Spiruroidea nematodes in the anterior diges-
tive tract in carnivores. The life cycle of spiruroid nematodes Importance
is indirect and requires the intervention of intermediate co- Spiruroids can be the dominant pathogens in countries
prophagous hosts. Dogs can be infested with several species where they are frequently found, such as South Africa,
of spiruroids, but Spirocerca lupi is the most common and Madagascar, the island of Reunion, India and Guyana.
the most pathogenic. Canine spirocercosis can have serious clinical consequences
Other parasites of the superfamily Spiruroidea belong to and may lead to death of the animal.
the genera Physaloptera and Gnathostoma. Cats can also be
infested by Spirura rytipleurites (see Other gastrointestinal Morphology
spiruroses, page 10). Adult Spirocerca lupi are 3–8 cm long, and approximately
1 mm in diameter. It is a round, fairly large, reddish-brown
Geographical distribution worm with a well-developed buccal vestibule with thick
Spirocerca lupi can be seen sporadically in cold or temper- walls (Fig. 1), as are all spiruroids.
ate countries such as France; however, the species tends to Spiruroids produce small eggs which contain larvae.
be more widespread in tropical and subtropical countries, S. lupi eggs measure 40 × 10–15 µm.
including Africa, Madagascar and the island of Reunion,
India, Asia, China, the Caribbean, Indonesia and Malaysia. Biology
Spirocerca lupi lives in fibrous nodules formed in the walls of
the oesophagus and stomach. They are sometimes also found
in the lymph nodes, lungs, bladder or arteries (Figs. 2 and 3).
The females burrow into these nodules to lay their eggs.
which are then excreted into the environment, where they
must be ingested by an intermediate host to develop from the
L1 to L3 larval stage. In the case of spiruroids, these inter-
mediate hosts are coprophagous arthropods, often dung or
scarab beetles (e.g., Geotrupes, Scarabeus).
If these intermediate hosts are ingested by small mam-
Figure 1. Spirocerca lupi. Adults extracted from nodules. mals, insectivores, or reptiles, these creatures become pa-
ratenic hosts.

Figure 2. Spirocerca nodules in the aortic wall. Figure 3. Aortic Spirocerca lesions.

Dogs become infested by consuming these intermediate The life cycle takes approximately 4 months. The adults
or paratenic hosts. Intermediate hosts are digested in the are located inside granulomas that measure 4–10 cm in di-
dog's stomach and release L3 larvae which burrow into the ameter, and have an opening where the females lay their
stomach wall, towards the gastroepiploic artery and the aor- eggs. This location makes it difficult for anthelmintic agents
ta. Once they reach the aorta, they travel along the aortic to reach them because such agents do not penetrate granu-
wall and then migrate to the oesophagus where they form lomatous tissue well.
granulomatous nodules in the oesophageal wall (Figs. 4–8).

Life cycle of Spirocerca lupi

Dog, fox, wolf, jackal, coyote and wild felids
(bobcats, snow leopards and lynxes)

Larvae exit the stomach and

migrate within the arterial
walls to the mid-oesophagus,
D. rryi
H. ng

where they penetrate the thin


in in

oesophageal wall, form nodules

ge fe
sts cti

and develop into adults

th ve L
P.H 3 la
. o rva

Infective L3 larvae
rI e

re-encyst in

viscera of P.H.

Prepatent period:
4–5 months

P.H. (lizards, Adults inside

chickens, oesphageal



Egg will not hatch

. inge until eaten by a

I.H suitable I.H.

Embryonated egg
I.H. ingests eggs

Develops into
infective L3 larvae
and encysts in the D.H. = definitive host
I.H. (dung beetle) I.H. = intermediate host
P.H. = paratenic host
CONTENTS Oesophageal and gastric parasitoses 7

S. lupi can cause significant damage to the arteries. This Beetles or Dictyoptera insects can be intermediate hosts
parasite may cause thickening of arterial walls and fibrosis and paratenic hosts are also possible, especially rodents (e.g.,
which increases the risk of verminous aneurysm, rupture and mice, voles). Excreted eggs measure 55–60 × 36–38 µm.
internal haemorrhaging.

Figure 4. Oesophageal Spirocerca nodules. Figure 5. Spirocerca nodule inside the oesophagus.

Figure 6. Oseophageal Spirocerca nodule. Figure 7. Necrotic oesophageal Spirocerca nodule.

Figure 8. Free adult Spirocerca lupi in the oesophagus.


Epidemiology Complications
Canine spirocercosis and feline spirurosis are sporadic in • Possible aortic rupture, followed by fatal internal bleeding.
temperate climates and enzootic in warm climates. Spiru- • Moderate bleeding from the aorta, causing chronic
roids which affect carnivores are mainly seen in rural envi- anaemia.
ronments because they must be ingested by an intermediate • Rupture of the oesophagus (rare).
host, usually a beetle, or a paratenic host (e.g., lizard, bird, • Development of oesophageal neoplasia: although rare in
small mammal, etc.). dogs, oesophageal neoplasms seem to be closely linked to
S. lupi infestation. These are most commonly fibrosarco-
Parasite sources mas, which often metastasise to the lungs, and the progno-
• Intermediate hosts: dung beetles (Geotrupes, Scarabeus), sis in such cases is poor.
Dictyoptera (cockroaches). • Development of hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropa-
• Paratenic hosts: amphibians, reptiles, birds or small thy with characteristic signs of marked hypertrophy of the
mammals. long bones, oedema in the legs and considerable locomo-
tion difficulty (Fig. 9). This syndrome, called the Cadiot
Mechanism of infestation syndrome, is characteristic of canine spirocercosis in re-
Ingestion of intermediate or paratenic hosts. gions where the parasitosis is enzootic.

Host susceptibility
Carnivores living in rural environments are more likely to
hunt paratenic hosts.

Clinical signs and lesions

Classic form
• Intestinal signs include salivation, frequent regurgitation
and dysphagia. Vomiting and nausea often occurs at the
sight of food and dogs are often polydipsic due to fluid
loss from vomiting. Polyphagia is sometimes seen because Figure 9. Osteoarthropathy in a dog with spirocercosis
the animal regurgitates any food that is ingested and can (Cadiot syndrome).

therefore be very hungry. The difficulty in swallowing and

keeping food down will gradually lead to malnutrition, Lesions
weight loss and eventually, cachexia. • Oesophagus: thickening of the wall and presence of fibrous
• Respiratory signs are caused by the presence of larvae in granulomatous nodules (4–10 cm diameter) that may block
the aorta or the tracheobronchial lymph nodes, which the lumen. These nodules have a circular opening, 1–4 mm
leads to vagal nerve neuritis, and signs including coughing, in diameter, in which the female parasite lays her eggs.
dyspnoea and syncope. These granulomas consist of fibrous tissue and contain a
• Neural signs, including convulsions and paralysis, have bloody liquid and 5–6 parasites, sometimes more. Nod-
also been described. ules are generally located cranially to the diaphragm and
• Arterial disease, including deterioration of the walls of the caudally to the aortic arch.
aorta or gastroepiploic artery, can lead to aneurysm. Rup- • Stomach: formation of nodules similar to those observed
ture may also occur, resulting in moderate haemorrhage, in the oesophageal mucosa.
haemoptysis, melaena, anaemia or even massive haemor- • Aorta:
rhage and subsequent death. • Punctuated endarteritis: separate depressions of 1 mm in
• Chronic spirocercosis will often cause cachexia, where the depth forming a sinuous pattern. S. lupi larvae may be
animal becomes weak and anaemic and suffers consider- found in the wall.
able weight loss. • Adventitial fibrosis and infiltration of the aortic wall.
CONTENTS Oesophageal and gastric parasitoses 9

• Development of nodules, 2–7 mm in diameter, contain- Control measures
ing larvae and growing to 1 to 2 cm in size. Treatment
• Widely dispersed thickening of the tunica intima and Their location makes it difficult for anthelmintic products to
tunica media, which may weaken the arterial wall and reach the nodules containing Spirocera because these prod-
result in aneurysm and potential rupture. ucts do not circulate well in this kind of tissue.
Subcutaneous injection of 10 mg/kg nitroxynil is effective.
Diagnosis It binds to plasma proteins and is active against the majority
In regions where the parasite is enzootic, clinical suspicion of haematophagous nematodes.
must arise when dogs present with chronic gastric disorders Topical administration of 2.5 mg/kg moxidectin is also ef-
and and their general condition has changed. Endoscopic ex- fective. 0.5 mg/kg milbemycin oxime administered orally at
amination and visualization of the pathognomonic fibrous weekly intervals for one month has also proven to be active.
nodules will confirm diagnosis. Endoscopic examination
can also be used to follow the progress of lesions following Prevention
treatment: nodules should regress and become whitish in col- A monthly topical administration of 2.5 mg/kg moxidectin
our (they are usually pinkish-red to start with). This demon- prevents infestation effectively.
strates a reduction in parasite viability. Faecal examination Oral milbemycin oxime, administered monthly at
is possible, but at this stage, the eggs are often only found 0.5 mg/kg, has been shown to prevent infestations in some
in small quantities and are laid irregularly (Fig. 10). Faecal studies.
flotation in a saturated sugar solution seems to be the most
sensitive test.

20 μm

Figure 10. Spirocerca lupi egg.


Other gastrointestinal
spiruroses *

General comments
Dogs and cats can become infested with several species of Physaloptera praeputialis, which is 15–45 mm long, is
spiruroid, mostly exotic. Only Spirocerca lupi is found in found in the stomachs of domestic and wild felids. Physalop-
dogs in many countries (see Spirocercosis, page 5). Cats can tera canis infests dogs (Fig. 1).
be infested by Spirura rytipleurites. Gnathostoma spinigerum is mainly found in cats, but
Species found in hot climates belong to the genera Physa- sometimes in dogs and wild carnivores too.
loptera and Gnathostoma. Rictularia, a fox spiruroid, can
also infest other canids, including dogs. Importance
Intestinal spirurosis is usually asymptomatic in carnivores,
Geographical distribution but some species may be transmitted to humans, such as
Cases of spirurosis occur sporadically in temperate to cold G. spinigerum in the Far East, India, America and Australia.
climates around the world but they are widespread in tropi- This spiruroid causes severe visceral or cutaneous (especially
cal regions (America, the Caribbean, Asia, India, China, In- facial) larva migrans in humans.
donesia, Malaysia, Pacific Islands, Africa, Madagascar and
the island of Reunion). Feline spirurosis is frequent in North Morphology
Africa. Gnathostomosis is mainly found in Asia, while Spirura rytipleurites is 20–30 mm long and has a diameter
physalopterosis is reported in Asia and Africa, and also in of 0.6–0.8 mm.
America. Physaloptera praeputialis is 15–45 mm long. Physa-
lopteridae have a characteristic ring around their anterior
Hosts extremity.
S. rytipleurites is found in the oesophagus and stomach of Gnathostoma spinigerum is 10–30 mm long. Gnathosto-
cats. midae have a characteristic spiny dome in the cephalic region.

50 μm

Figure 1. Physaloptera egg. Coproscopy.

*Gnathostoma spinigerum
CONTENTS Oesophageal and gastric parasitoses 11

Biology Clinical signs
Adult forms of S. rytipleurites live in the wall of oesopha- • Feline spirurosis: Spirura rytipleurites is less pathogenic
gus and stomach. Adult forms of the parasites Gnathostoma than Spirocerca lupi, but gastritis can still lead to chronic
(G. spinigerum) and Physaloptera (P. praeputialis), are found vomiting, sometimes tinged with blood, and weight loss.
in the stomach or small intestine, depending on the species. Infested cats are often asymptomatic.
Their life cycles involve tissue migration, but this does not af- • Physalopterosis: often asymptomatic, but can cause chron-
fect the arteries, which means that the medical consequences ic granulomatous gastritis with vomiting in infested cats
are less serious than those of canine spirocercosis. or dogs.
Gnathostoma spinigerum lives in bloody pockets in the • Gnathostomosis: causes nodular gastritis, generally well
stomach wall, and comes into contact with the gastric con- tolerated by the final host. Necrotic hepatic lesions con-
tents via an orifice in the pocket. nected with larval migration are possible.

Epidemiology Control measures

The life cycle of Spirura and Physaloptera is terrestrial and in- • Anthelmintic treatment: no publication with recent an-
volves arthropods as first intermediate hosts, and mammals thelmintic drugs. Historically, nitroxynil at 10 mg/kg was
or reptiles as paratenic host. In contrast, the Gnathostoma recommended. Macrocyclic lactones are considered active.
life cycle involves freshwater intermediate hosts (e.g., crus- • Prevention is challenging: limit the reservoir of wild carni-
taceans of the genus, Cyclops) and fish are paratenic hosts. vores and control paratenic hosts (rats, mice, lizards, etc.).
• Parasite sources: intermediate hosts include dung beetles
(Geotrupes, Scarabeus), Dictyoptera (cockroaches), and Risk to humans
copepods. Humans become infested by eating undercooked fish con-
• Paratenic hosts: amphibians, reptiles, birds and small taining G. spinigerum larvae (may occur occasionally by
mammals (Spirura, Spirocerca and Physaloptera) and fish drinking water that has been contaminated with infective
(Gnathostoma). larvae from Cyclops crustaceans).
• Mechanisms of infestation: ingestion of the intermediate
or paratenic host.
• Susceptibility: animals living in rural areas and carni-
vores that hunt paratenic host species are at higher risk of



Ancylostomoses *
• Dogs and other canids (A. caninum, A. braziliense, A. cey-
General comments lanicum, U. stenocephala).
Ancylostomosis is a helminth infestation caused by the pen- • Cats (A. tubaeforme, A. braziliense, A. ceylanicum).
etration or ingestion and migration to the small intestine of
Ancylostomatidae nematodes (hookworms). The clinical Geographical distribution
signs are a general loss of condition (weight loss, anaemia), Although ancylostomosis occurs worldwide, parasites of the
intestinal disorders (diarrhoea) and more rarely, skin or res- genus Ancylostoma are mainly found in warmer regions.
piratory conditions. In temperate countries, dogs are infest- Uncinaria seems to be more adapted to temperate and cold
ed by Ancylostoma caninum and Uncinaria stenocephala, regions and is thought to have originally been a parasite of
while cats are infested by Ancylostoma tubaeforme and rare- the fox.
ly, U. stenocephala. In Asia, the most important species in-
festing both dogs and cats is A. ceylanicum. These are nema- Importance
todes of the order Strongylida, suborder Ancylostomatoidea. Ancylostoma are of great medical significance because of the
Ancylostoma are small, round, slender and white in col- their pathogenic nature.
our, measuring approximately 10 mm in length. At the ante- They are of economic significance when they affect com-
rior extremity they have a buccal capsule with either hooks munities of dogs (breeding kennels, rescue shelters, hunting
(Ancylostoma) or cutting plates (Uncinaria) around its edge kennels).
(Fig. 1). Hookworms are of zoonotic significance because humans
may become infested by A. caninum, A. ceylanicum and A.
Synonyms braziliense, which can cause larva migrans. A. ceylanicum
• Hookworm infestation. (Fig. 2) is unique in that it not only causes larva migrans,
• Ancylostomosis (when caused by Ancylostoma). but can also develop into an adult worm in the intestine of
• Uncinariosis (when caused by Uncinaria). humans.

0.1 mm 0.05 mm

Figure 1. Anterior end of Ancylostoma.

*Mainly Ancylostoma spp.

CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 15

Hookworms are parasites of the small intestine and are par- In female dogs and cats, a few larvae will continue their
tially haematophagous (especially Ancyclostoma). The fe- migration through the blood stream after leaving the lungs
males lay strongyle-type eggs which are then shed in faecal and become disseminated in various tissues and organs, as
matter and develop in the environment. Adults have a life it occurs with Toxocara. They will then encyst and remain
span of approximately 6 months. quiescent for several months or years but, if a bitch or queen
The strongyle-type eggs are oval with a thin, smooth shell is pregnant, the larvae may mobilise at birth and infest the
and they enclose one morula containing only 8 to 16 cells young through the mother’s milk. In utero infestations seem
when they are shed. They are approximately 30–40 × 55– to be rare.
75 µm in size (Figs. 3 and 4).
The eggs hatch in the environment and release a stage 1
(rhabditiform, L1) larva which, after two moults, will be-
come the stage 3 (filariform, L3) infective larva. Larval de-
velopment requires moist, warm soil at least 16 °C, and can
occur in as little as 7 days at optimum temperatures (22 °C).
Larval formation generally occurs in the environment, on
grassy soils, as it does in the parasitic strongylids of rumi-
nants and horses. It cannot occur on concrete or hard mud/
clay surfaces. Infective larvae can survive for a number of
weeks in a favourable environment.
Dogs and cats will either ingest the larvae (which fre-
quently occurs with Uncinaria), or the larvae will penetrate
the skin and migrate subcutaneously (especially Ancylos-
toma). The stage 3 larvae will then rapidly find their way
into the lymph vessels or the blood stream and migrate to
the heart and pulmonary arterioles. They then penetrate the
pulmonary alveoli, ascend the bronchial tree and are then
swallowed into the gastro-intestinal tract, where they reside
and develop into adults. The migratory cycle is similar to that
20 μm
of ascarids and the life cycle takes approximately 6 weeks to
complete. Figure 3. Ancylostoma tubaeforme egg.

50 μm

Figure 2. Anterior end of Ancylostoma ceylanicum. Figure 4. Ancylostoma sp. eggs.


Life cycle of Ancylostoma/Uncinaria

Dormant larvae move into

D.H. the gut and develop into
Dormant larva (in Dog and cat adult worms
striated muscle)

Adult worm
feeding on

Adult buccal
capsule hooklet

~ 2 wee
we ks p
eks os
Transmammary transmission

po t ski
to puppies is the most

st i n p
common route of infestation.

est enet
Transplacental transmission is

ion rati
very rare and only described Ancylostoma Uncinaria
Intestinal for A. caninum (hooks) (cutting plates)


m n

Some larvae
ns sio

Days to weeks depending

tra is

migrate into the

us sm

on temperature
eo ran

intestines and
an l t

mature, and others

ut ra
rc l-o

migrate into striated

Pe eca

muscle and encyst Egg


Infective larvae (L3)

Eggs hatch, larvae develop in soil (damp,

slightly sandy) to become infective larvae (L3)
D.H. = definitive host

Ancylostomosis can be contracted by all types of carnivores, encysted in their tissues and remain infective. These paraten-
but generally affects stray animals, or animals living in com- ic hosts will then infest any carnivores that eat them. L3 lar-
munities. It is often found in hunting dogs and in dogs kept vae need damp, grassy areas to survive as they do not resist
in kennels, and it is commonly seen in rural areas. dry conditions well. They are also sensitive to ordinary dis-
The source of the parasites are dog and cat carriers, and soils infectants. As with the majority of parasitic diseases, young
contaminated by stage 3 larvae. When the filariform larvae carnivores are the most susceptible and other factors, such as
are ingested by small mammals (e.g., rats, mice) they become malnutrition or fatigue (hounds), will increase susceptibility.
CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 17

Clinical signs and lesions Control measures
• Cutaneous signs: penetration of the skin by the L3 larvae Treatment
can result in papular lesions covered with scales on the Ancylostoma are relatively sensitive to nematodicides, such
legs and ventral areas. These inflamed areas become itchy as pyrantel, benzimidazoles, emodepside, eprinomectin,
and the lesions can become infected and develop into pyo- milbemycin, moxidectin, and selamectin. In some commu-
derma. Superficial adenitis is often seen (popliteal lymph nities, populations of Uncinaria may be chemoresistant to
node, in particular). benzimidazoles. However, this phenomenon seems to be lim-
• Respiratory signs: migration of the larvae causes cough- ited, and is not comparable to the levels of resistance found in
ing and signs of pneumonia, as it does in toxocarosis in horse or ruminant strongyles.
puppies and kittens. Other signs of ancylostomosis in dogs
include loss of sense of smell (often occurring in hunting Prevention
dogs), change to the bark (to a higher pitch) and epistaxis. Regular deworming of carnivores with anthelmintics that
• Intestinal disorders: adult parasites will cause congestive have a larvicidal effect is essential to prevent ancylostomo-
haemorrhagic enteritis and sometimes, diarrhoea, which is sis. Gestating females should also be treated 15 days prior to
often abundant and haemorrhagic. giving birth.
• General disorders: the continued parasitic burden in some Environmental control may include covering mud/dirt ar-
dogs will lead to chronic weight loss, muscular atrophy eas with gravel, regularly removing faeces and cleaning con-
and development of a wasting syndrome. crete areas, and rodent control. Boiling water or disinfectants
may be used to clean at weekly intervals.
Lesions A vaccine, involving inoculation with irradiated stage 3
Congestive haemorrhagic enteritis, with worms found in the larvae was developed, providing protection for 1.5 years, but
mucosa (Fig. 5). it was abandoned for economic reasons such as cost of pro-
duction, supply challenges, and stability issues.
Ancylostomosis should be considered in dogs with epistaxis, Risk to humans
associated gastrointestinal disorders and weight loss. Dif- Hookworms from dogs and cats may infest humans with a
ferential diagnosis may include other parasitic or wasting complete life cycle (A. ceylanicum) or cutaneous larva mi-
diseases, such as leishmaniosis or other helminthoses (e.g., grans after penetration through the skin (A. braziliense, A.
trichuriosis). caninum, and rarely U. stenocephala).
However, diagnosis based on clinical signs is not possi-
ble, and intestinal disorders and weight loss will only suggest
possible parasite infestation. A definitive diagnosis can only
be made by examination of faeces and identification of eggs.

Figure 5. Ancylostomosis lesions in a cat (left) and a dog (right).


Toxocaroses *

General comments
Toxocarosis is a parasitic disease caused by the presence and Roundworms are the primary parasites that can cause
development of large nematodes of the order Ascaridida, ge- growth retardation in young carnivores. Roundworm con-
nus Toxocara, in the small intestine. Dogs and cats may also trol requires hygienic measures and regular treatment of
be infested by Toxascaris leonina. breeding stock and young animals.
Roundworms (or ascarids) are the most common hel- Toxocarosis is a significant public health issue because it
minths in dogs and cats: 10–20 % of dogs and cats in ur- can infest humans when embryonated eggs of T. canis and
ban and rural areas are infested, and infestation levels are T. cati are ingested.
approximately 60 % in kennels. 20–40 % of dogs and cats
with parasitic worm burdens have Toxocara canis or Toxo- Synonyms
cara cati, 5–20 % of dogs have hookworms (Ancylostoma The infestation should be called ascarididosis after the
and Uncinaria) and 10–30 % of dogs are infested with whip- parasitic order Ascaridida.
worms (Trichuris vulpis). Due to the nature of their life cycle, The accepted terms could then be ascaridosis (for all infes-
roundworms are mainly found in young carnivores and are tations by roundworms) or toxocarosis (only for infestation
responsible for a variety of clinical signs, such as coughing, due to Toxocara).
diarrhoea, vomiting, pot-belly and abdominal pain. Subclin- The term ascaridiosis is sometimes found in the legal doc-
ical signs, such as growth retardation and fragile bones, may uments for certain dewormers (e.g., summary of product
also occur. Nevertheless, roundworms can be diagnosed in characteristics) which is totally incorrect as Ascaridia are
adults and are not restricted to young puppies or kittens. bird parasites.

5 mm 5 mm

Figure 1. Anterior end of Toxocara. Electron microscopy. Figure 2. Anterior end of Toxocara cati. Light microscopy.

*Toxocara canis and Toxocara cati

CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 19

Three species of roundworms infest dogs and cats: T. canis Ascarid eggs are easily identified in the faeces. Females
(dog only), T. cati (cat only) and Toxascaris leonina (dog are considered prolific, and lay spherical to subspherical eggs
and cat). measuring approximately 75–85 µm in diameter. These eggs
Infestations caused by T. canis and T. cati (Figs. 1–3) are contain a single, brown cell which does not fill the whole
by far the most significant, because of their prevalence, zo- egg. The brown shell is thick and the wall features concentric
onotic potential and serious consequences in puppies and striations (Figs. 6 and 7). The external layer of the shell is
kittens. irregular and pitted in the Toxocara genus, with a “thimble­
Toxascaris leonina can infest both dogs and cats, and is like” surface, whereas the external layer of Toxascaris eggs is
usually seen in rural environments, in carnivores that hunt completely smooth (Figs. 8 and 9). The distinction is impor-
mice. The importance of the paratenic host is such that some tant since only Toxocara can infest humans.
authors suggest that it acts more like an intermediate host Eggs are seen in large numbers shortly after the adult
with a dixenous life cycle (Fig. 4). worms appear in the small intestine because the females are
Adult roundworms are found during autopsies of young highly prolific, laying approximately 200,000 eggs per day.
carnivores, or when they are shed in the faeces or vomitus
of the infected animal. The adults are 5–15  cm long and
2–3 mm in diameter, and they are large, white worms which
are easily recognisable (Fig. 5).

100 μm

Figure 3. Toxocara buccal lips. Electron microscopy. Figure 5. Toxocara canis adults.

5 mm

Figure 4. Anterior end of Toxascaris leonina.


Ascarids are not haematophagous, but do consume large arrested by drought or wet conditions, so they can thus re-
amounts of glucose, amino-acids, vitamins, trace elements main infective to dogs and cats for 2–5 days.
and minerals, such as calcium and phosphorous. The loss of When the eggs containing the Toxocara larvae are ingest-
these nutrients may explain the bone disorders observed in ed by a young puppy or kitten (under 6 months old) they
heavily infested puppies and kittens, and the risk of convul- migrate through the intestine and eventually develop into
sive hypoglycaemic seizures. adults. The larvae can also pass through the wall of the intes-
The worms can form balls in the small intestine of young tine and travel through the lymph vessels or the bloodstream
carnivores, which leads to signs of obstruction and diarrhoea to the liver and heart. They also move through the pulmo-
or constipation. In rare cases, the gastro-intestinal tract may nary arteries to the lungs, where they leave the vessels to en-
be perforated, leading to fatal peritonitis. ter the pulmonary alveoli. Next, they travel up the bronchi to
Ascarids have a monoxenous cycle (i.e., they parasitise a the trachea, where they are swallowed and return to the in-
single host). The eggs laid in carnivores by the female worms testine where they finally become adults and mate. This ente-
are shed in the faeces and develop in the external environ- ro-pneumo-tracheo-enteral migration takes 5 weeks. Passage
ment for 3 to 4 weeks, before becoming infective (Fig. 10). through the lungs explains the respiratory signs (coughing,
They are particularly resistant and can survive at tempera- with no hyperthermia) which precede or accompany the in-
tures between -10 °C and +45 °C, and development is not testinal disorders.

40 μm 200 μm

Figure 6. Toxocara (dark) and Toxascaris eggs in dog faeces. Figure 7. Ancylostoma, Toxocara and Toxascaris eggs in dog faeces.
Coproscopy. Coproscopy.

40 μm 40 μm

Figure 8. Toxocara egg in dog faeces. Coproscopy. Figure 9. Toxascaris egg in dog faeces. Coproscopy.
CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 21

This cycle only takes place in Toxocara, while T. le-
onina develops directly in the small intestine, without any
When embryonated eggs of Toxocara are ingest-
ed by dogs or cats, 6 months or older, the larvae migrate
to the lungs but may not penetrate the alveoli. They head
for the heart through the pulmonary veins, are distribut-
ed throughout the body in the bloodstream and will be-
come encysted in various organs while still alive. In male
50 μm
dogs, larvae die out, usually after about a year. In female
dogs, the encysted larvae remain infective for several years. Figure 10. Embryonated Toxocara egg. Flotation from sand.

v Life cycle of Toxocara canis


(detail of the
anterior end)
Th gs o
ed rt
og he
ing P.H
es .

Prepatent period:

21 days after P.H.


ingestion, ~5 weeks
after egg ingestion

Late in pregnancy, encysted

larvae (somatic larvae) in the
dam are activated. These larvae
migrate mainly to the uterus and
into the puppies (transplacental
infestation), and rarely, via the
mammary glands. Thus puppies Faeces
may be infested prior to, and
shortly after, birth

P.H. (rodents)

In the P.H.: eggs hatch,


L3 larvae migrate into



tissue and encyst until


P.H. ingested by a
ts i

susceptible carnivore Non-infective egg

. in

Humans (especially children) can

accidentally ingest infective eggs
D.H. = definitive host
Infective egg P.H. = paratenic host

This phenomenon is progressive and depends on a number of cycle so adult worms will be present in the intestine after
factors including age, immune status and, possibly, the breed 5 weeks. Larvae that are reactivated between 15 days before
of animal. birth and 15 days after birth will either develop into adult
Toxocara canis larvae can reactivate in bitches when they worms and infest the puppies through the uterus, or via the
are on heat or before giving birth. This parasitic activity de- colostrum and milk. The larvae that infest puppies prior to
pends on the hormone cycle of the bitch and involves dormant birth will develop into adults when the puppies are 10 days
larvae which are encysted in the mammary glands, uterus or old. Larvae ingested from the colostrum or milk will migrate
muscle tissue. The larvae that are reactivated around oestrus through the puppies’ bloodstream and lungs, before develop-
will travel to the lungs and undergo the classic migratory ing into adults in the intestine.

Life cycle of Toxocara cati

Th inf
e ect

ca iv
t in e e

(detail of the
ge gg

anterior end)
sts s

21 1 m

In the P.H.: larvae

da on
ys th

migrate and encyst

fo fol
llo lo

in the tissues
wi wi
ng ng
in ing
ge e
st sti
io on
of of
P. eg
H gs

P.H. (rodents)

. ing s
.H egg
Th ctive 2–4 weeks
Non-infective egg


Infective egg
D.H. = definitive host
Non-infective egg P.H. = paratenic host
CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 23

There is no in utero passage in queens, but T. cati larvae Infestation with roundworms triggers an immune re-
will infest kittens through their mother’s milk from the sec- sponse which reduces the risk of infestation in adult carni-
ond day after birth and for about 10 days thereafter. vores. However, this response is incomplete and can be lost.
If a rodent ingests an egg containing L3 larvae, it will har- Moreover, carnivores which were not infested at a young age
bour quiescent larvae in its tissues and will then act as a pa- will remain naive and fully receptive to the parasite.
ratenic host. This role is very important in ascaridosis caused
by T. leonina, but also for T. cati infestation.

Life cycle of Toxascaris leonina

Dog and cat

Worms develop and reside

in the small intestine

or i . inge
nfe s
ste ts inf
d I. e
H. ctive
Ind ect in
ct festa
I.H. inf tion
(rodents) atio (egg
n ( s) ~
.) ~ 74 d
63 ays
7–11 days in rodents

e eg ues
t iv iss
infec the t
sts yst in
nt in e enc
de a
Ro d larv
n s Faeces
a day

D.H. = definitive host

Infective larval stage in the egg Non-infective egg I.H. = intermediate host

Epidemiology Clinical signs

Parasite sources • Respiratory disorders: coughing is seen first, before other
Sources of roundworms include the environment, in which clinical signs occur (respiratory disorders correspond to
very resistant eggs are found, and bitches and queens that the passage of the larvae from the pulmonary arteries to
harbour dormant larvae in their tissues that can infest their the alveoli and then the bronchi, before being swallowed
young. Roundworms have a relatively short life span and and entering the gastro-intestinal tract to become adult
they disappear naturally in 4 to 6 months. However, they are worms).
very prolific parasites which is why decontamination of the • General failure to thrive: stunted growth in puppies and
environment is so important. kittens, irregular appetite, emaciation, dull coat with small
bald patches, arthralgia (possibly with rickets and bone
Mechanisms of infestation of puppies deformation, particularly in large breed dogs).
and kittens • Intestinal disorders: diarrhoea (alternating with constipa-
There are three types of T. canis and T. cati infestations in tion) and a pot-belly appearance accompanied by vomit-
puppies and kittens: puppies can be contaminated before ing, with worms in the vomitus. Roundworms may also be
birth by larvae encysted in their mother’s tissues. This will found in the faecal matter.
occur in successive litters, which will present with toxocaro-
sis at the end of the first week of life. They can then be infest- Toxocarosis enables other disorders to appear, especially in-
ed via their mother’s colostrum (for approximately 10 days) testinal conditions such as coccidioses. It may also reduce the
and milk; and finally they can ingest embryonated eggs, efficacy of vaccinations due to its immunosuppressive effect.
which they find in the external environment. These eggs may Toxascaris infestation is usually well tolerated and asymp-
have been laid by worms formed in other young animals or tomatic. No respiratory signs are seen, as the parasite devel-
from the females. ops directly in the small intestine, but this development can
be fatal for animals with massive infestations.
Role of paratenic hosts Balls of roundworms can cause intestinal obstruction,
Eggs present in the environment can be ingested by animals accompanied by bloating, bacterial disorders (autointoxica-
other than dogs or cats, especially rodents (i.e., rats and tion) and, occasionally, laceration of the intestinal wall, caus-
mice). Larvae remain alive and active in the paratenic host, ing fatal peritonitis.
and migrate to various organs and encyst. Young cats that Hypersensitivity may occur after successive reinfestations,
hunt and eat rodents may become infested. This mechanism causing the death of larvae during pulmonary migration
of infestation is the main way in which T. leonina develops. and the appearance of respiratory symptoms (asthma-type
coughing). In these cases, there are no adult stages in the in-
Susceptibility testine and faecal examination will remain negative.
Young carnivores, especially those under 6 months old, are Treatment will usually cure carnivores but the sudden and
particularly vulnerable. Dogs or cats over 6 months old are brutal lysis of the worms in heavy infestations can release
less often infested but can become so during a period of numerous antigens, which can potentially cause a consider-
temporarily impaired immunity. As far as T. leonina is con- able allergic reaction. Hypersensitivity can cause significant
cerned, the age factor does not seem to be so important and diarrhoea, and toxic shock with respiratory distress. This is
infestation can be found in young and adult carnivores alike. why it is sometimes recommended to treat animals with half
a dose first, before administering a full dose a week later.
Clinical signs and lesions
Toxocarosis caused by T. canis or T. cati mainly affects Lesions
young dogs and cats from birth to a year old. Roundworm infestations may cause localised congestive
haemorrhagic enteritis and its ensuing lesions (Figs. 11 and
12). Many roundworms may be visible in the small intestine
and granulomas of parasitic origin may be found in various
organs, including the lungs.
CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 25

Diagnosis the purchase of a breeding animal), so faecal matter must
Clinical diagnosis is easy in young animals which have just be examined and, if results are positive, the animal must be
been purchased, but it must be confirmed with tests. At the given the appropriate treatment.
end of the prepatent period, eggs are shed in large quantities Biosecurity: people who enter the dog or cat kennels or
so examination of the faeces under a microscope will usually breeding facility may bring infective elements with them
reveal roundworm eggs and enable the genus (Toxocara or from outside, or carry them from one enclosure to another
Toxascaris) to be identified. (for example, on muddy shoes or boots). For this reason, one
or more footbaths should be installed between enclosures
Control measures and at the entrance to the kennels. Not many disinfectants
Toxocarosis must be controlled because of its prevalence, its are active against ascarid eggs: 3 % formalin, 2 % creosote
veterinary and economic impact on breeding facilities and mixtures, or a mixture of 3 % formalin and copper sulphate
kennels, and the risk of zoonotic transmission. Measures are at 2 %. Bleach, phenol derivatives, iodophors and amphoter-
taken in a healthy environment to avoid introducing a par- ic amino acids are not sufficiently active.
asite carrier, whereas measures in a contaminated environ-
ment aim to reduce infestation rates. Measures to be taken in a contaminated
Prevention in breeding facilities General hygiene in the kennel. Parasite eggs are very resistant
and kennels in the external environment (Toxocara eggs can survive for
Measures to be taken in a healthy environment several years).
(e.g., a kennel)
The introduction of parasite carriers should be avoided when The following three measures must be put in place:
a new animal is introduced to the kennel (for instance, after • Limit contamination of the kennel environment and,
therefore, infection of the animals. Avoid overcrowding,
isolate young bitches as soon as possible post-partum and
bring them back for feeding purposes only.
• Keep the kennel environment clean:
• Surfaces made of bare earth, clay or sand should be cov-
ered in gravel. Large-particle gravel will let the eggs drop
through and develop but they will not be able to contam-
inate the dogs. Earth can be dug over to bury the eggs,
but they will not be destroyed.
• Hard surfaces (concrete, cement), kennels and cages:
these must be hosed down once or twice daily to elim-
Figure 11. Toxocarosis in a puppy. inate faecal matter and most of the parasitic elements.
A high-pressure jet is more efficient than an ordinary
hose. Scrubbing floor surfaces, including cracks and
crevices, regularly is an excellent idea (once a week or
every 10 days). This mechanical action is essential to
keep the environment clean and to prevent parasites.
• Disinfect the kennel environment: disinfection must be
preceded by cleaning and should be carried out regularly,
at least once every 2 months, depending on the degree of
parasitic infestation or other infectious problems.

Figure 12. Toxocarosis in a cat.


Medical treatment roundworm larvae, and therefore the possibility of worms

In a contaminated environment, hygiene measures should be appearing as soon as treatment is stopped. Deworming needs
combined with medical treatment to keep the infestation rate to start before weaning because of the possible contamina-
low. There are two separate types of treatments: those suita- tion from the mother’s milk. Repeated treatment with de-
ble for bitches and queens, and puppies and kittens, and those wormers is necessary because the products are most effective
used for the other adults (non-gestating females, and males). against adult worms.
In a healthy breeding facility or kennel environment with-
Treatment for reproductive females out prior history of infestation, or in puppies/kittens living
• Deworming females during reproductive periods and at in a clean household, deworming frequency can be reduced,
the start of gestation. Females should be dewormed when with one treatment at 8 weeks and then one at 12 weeks, i.e.,
they are in oestrus; this will destroy the adult worms and at the same time as the vaccinations.
partially destroy dormant larvae which reactivate when
the animal is in oestrus and at the beginning of gesta- Treatment for adults
tion. Standard anthelmintic nematicides can be used to A quarterly deworming is advisable for adult pets, although
destroy adult worms, but only dewormers which diffuse faecal examinations can be performed at suitable intervals,
into the tissues (e.g., fenbendazole, flubendazole, oxfend- from monthly to three-monthly, as an alternative to repeated
azole, levamisole, emodepside, milbemycin, moxidectine, treatments.
selamectin, eprinomectin) will stamp out reactivating or
migrating larvae. Specific protocols exist for each anthel- Risk to humans
mintic drug. Both T. canis and T. cati are potentially zoonotic, but T. le-
• Postpartum deworming of females: bitches and queens onina does not present any danger to humans.
should be treated 15 days after the birth, then every According to serological studies carried out in humans,
2 weeks until the litter is weaned (8th to 12th week). the zoonotic potential of T. cati and T. canis are similar.
T. cati is currently thought to be responsible for the majority
Treatment for puppies of larva migrans cases, as cats have more access to places
Puppies and kittens should be dewormed at 15 days old (or where children go. If infective eggs are ingested by humans
at 10 days in cases of heavy infestation), and then every 15 they release a larva which will migrate for a time, before dy-
days until they are weaned. They should then be dewormed ing (visceral larva migrans). The zoonosis is incomplete (i.e.,
once a month until they are 6 months old. In the case of a the parasite dies), but can be medically serious, especially if
heavy infestation, the treatment can be divided, starting with it migrates to the brain or the eyes. Children are at the high-
a half dose, then a full dose 2 to 3 days after to avoid al- est risk because the eggs may be found in their environment:
lergic reactions. The deworming rate for puppies should be public parks and gardens, sand boxes, or private gardens
linked to the assumed presence of various stages of migrating when a puppy or kitten has been acquired.

Video 1.1 Video 1.2

View of a Toxocara canis Embryonated eggs of
(roundworm) egg under the Toxascaris leonina (roundworm)
microscope. in 10 % formalin for 24 hours.
CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 27

Strongyloidosis * (L1) when they are laid (Fig. 2). This L1 will be shed and
found in the faeces. It has a rhabditiform oesophagus and is
approximately 300 µm long.
General comments
Strongyloidosis is an enteric disease caused by nematodes of Biology
the genus Strongyloides (threadworms) penetrating the skin Threadworms are parasites of the small intestine. The ovo-
and migrating in the body of the host. The disease can cause viviparous females shed eggs containing larvae, which will
severe enteritis. The species which infests dogs, cats and hu- hatch in the soil and develop if the environment is sufficient-
mans is Strongyloides stercoralis. It causes a true zoonosis, ly damp, muddy and warm. These rhabditiform larvae will
since humans can be a major source of infestation for dogs.
Strongyloidosis can be diagnosed in cats even if it is less com-
mon than in dogs. Strongyloides species (other than S. ster-
coralis) have been described in cats. Other free-living Rhab-
ditidae (Pelodera, Rhabditis) may cause skin lesions.

Threadworm infestation.

Geographical distribution
Found throughout the world but with a higher prevalence in
countries with hot, humid climates. Canine strongyloidosis
50 μm
is sometimes seen in Europe, particularly in breeding facili-
ties and kennels with low levels of hygiene. The disease has Figure 1. Adult nematode of the genus Strongyloides (threadworm).
also been seen in areas where soils are damp and marshy, or
where there is unauthorised camping and unsanitary condi-
tions prevail.

Horses are infected by S. westeri, pigs by S. ransomi, and
ruminants by S. papillosus. Carnivores and humans are
infested by S. stercoralis. Although cats can be infested,
strongyloidosis caused by S. stercoralis is mainly a parasitic
disease of dogs.
20 μm

S. stercoralis is important as it is a zoonosis. It is possible
to genetically distinguish between the parasite populations
adapted to each host.

Threadworms are small, slender nematodes measuring
2–9 mm in length (Fig. 1). Only the parthenogenetic females
are parasitic and they produce eggs without males being
10 μm
present. These eggs are small, oval and clear and they meas-
ure approximately 30 × 40 µm and contain one stage 1 larva Figure 2. Strongyloides eggs.

*Strongyloides stercoralis

develop through rhabditiform stages 2, 3, 4 and pre-adult and the lungs via the right ventricle of the heart. From the trachea,
finally become free-living adult male and female worms. This they are coughed up and swallowed down into the small in-
happens very rapidly, in a single week if environmental condi- testine where they become mature adults.
tions are favourable. After mating, the non-parasitic females In immunocompromised hosts, the eggs laid by the para-
lay eggs which hatch and develop into L1, L2 and finally L3 sitic females may hatch and develop inside the host, produc-
infective filariform larvae. This second generation stage 3 lar- ing stage 3 larvae and new generations. These then invade
va is the parasitic stage, and it consists solely of females which other organs and the peritoneum, causing hyperinfective
can penetrate the host by ingestion, but they more commonly (sometimes called disseminated) stongyloidosis in humans,
enter via the skin. They reach the bloodstream and pass into but not described in dogs.

Life cycle of Strongyloides stercoralis

Parasitic generation

D.H. The larvae pass into the

Dog, cat and human bloodstream and migrate to
the lungs, alveoli and trachea.
The trate

Finally they are swallowed and

infe the in

only female adults develop in


the small intestine

e la tact sk


Larvae infest Infective
puppies via milk filariform
rhabditiform TRANSMISSION

larva becomes


an infective

filariform larva




Rhabditiform (female only)


larva The larvae go through

the intestinal wall
New free-living
again or penetrate the
generation: the Female adults produce
perianal skin
larvae develop embryonated eggs
into adults DIRECT CYCLE

Embryonated egg

Free-living generation

Rhabditiform larva

Adults develop,
mate and lay eggs Rhabditiform larva
D.H. = definitive host
CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 29

The normal life cycle takes 4 to 6 weeks to complete. Clinical signs and lesions
Stage 3 larvae continue their migration into the pulmonary Invasive phase: appearance of papules on the ventral parts
arterioles and disseminate throughout the host’s tissue. of the animal. These skin infestations can also be caused by
They then become encysted and remain dormant for several other types of nematodes or rhabditoids (of the genus Pelod-
months but they can recommence migration during periods era or Rhabditis, for example).
of stress, for example parturition, when they can then infest Migration phase: coughing may occur when larvae migrate
puppies through the mother’s milk. into the lung parenchyma.
Intestinal phase: severe enteritis accompanied by colic, diar-
Epidemiology rhoea and anaemia. Threadworms lead to profuse diarrhoea
Strongyloidosis is seen all year round in warm countries, and and often cause a febrile syndrome (pyrexia, tremors and
through the summer in temperate countries. It is a helminth lethargy). Strongyloidosis can easily be mistaken for bacteri-
infestation which can affect animals housed indoors as well al enteritis, such as colibacillosis or salmonellosis.
as those which have access to the outdoors, and it affects
young animals in particular. The free-living adults can devel- Lesions
op in badly kept breeding facilities and kennels, with damp Development of acute catarrhal enteritis, sometimes with ul-
soils and surfaces. cers and haemorrhaging.

Parasite sources Diagnosis

Infective strongyloid larvae are found on damp surfaces or Differential diagnosis must consider other causes of enteritis
in damp soil (they are sensitive to desiccation). The free-liv- and weight loss in young carnivores. Definitive diagnosis is by
ing adults can survive for a considerable period in the exter- the identification of eggs and larvae on faecal examination.
nal environment, but only the parthenogenetic females are
parasitic. Control measures
Mechanisms of infestation Treatment is usually more difficult than for other helminth
Penetration is mainly through the skin; ingestion through diseases of the gastro-intestinal system, especially ancylosto-
the mouth is of secondary importance (most stage 3 lar- mosis. Ivermectin is usually recommended.
vae ingested are destroyed in the stomach). Stage 3 larvae
can become encysted in muscles or mammary tissue and Prevention
activity will recommence in females after gestation, causing Prevention is based on regular disinfection of breeding facil-
infestation of young mammals through the milk (see Tox- ities and kennels and keeping them clean, as well as treating
ocarosis, page 18). females before birth of their young.
It must be remembered that S. stercoralis is potentially
Susceptibility zoonotic and that humans and other carnivores are mutual
Young animals are more susceptible. An immunocompro- sources of parasites.
mised state (malnutrition, immunosuppresive treatment,
AIDS in humans) will encourage the parasites to multiply in Risk to humans
the intestine (autoinfestation) and stage 3 larvae to invade the Infective L3 larvae penetrate the human skin when it comes
body, causing disseminated strongyloidosis. into contact with the soil. Several studies have shown an asso-
ciation between invasive strongyloidosis and HIV infection.


General comments
Definition Synonyms
Trichuriosis (whipworm infestation) is a disease of the pos- Trichocephalosis. The name Trichocephalus refers to the
terior part of the gastro-intestinal tract in mammals caused very fine (hair-like) anterior extremity of this parasite, while
by the presence and development of nematodes of the genus the posterior third is thicker in diameter. In fact, this name
Trichuris. Whipworms are host-specific: in canids, infesta- is actually more exact than Trichuris, which means the op-
tion is caused by Trichuris vulpis (Fig. 1). In pigs, infesta- posite. But international nomenclature has retained the first
tion is caused by Trichuris suis and in humans by Trichuris description, even though erroneous.
Although cats in Europe do not harbour specific Tri- Geographical distribution
churis, some species of Trichuris do infest certain wild feline Worldwide.
species in South and Central America, and infestation of pet
cats by these species has been described. Importance
This parasite causes colitis, and even significant anaemia
when associated with Ancylostoma nematodes.

Trichuris nematodes are clearly divided into two parts: a
fine, thin, long anterior portion (measuring 2/3 of the total
length), and a thicker, shorter posterior portion. Trichuris
vulpis measures 3–5 cm in length (Figs. 2 and 3).

5 mm

Figure 1. Trichuris vulpis on the colon mucosa.

5 mm

5 mm

Figure 2. Trichuris vulpis. Figure 3. Trichuris vulpis male (at the top) and female (at the bottom).
CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 31

Trichuris are parasites of the caecum and colon and they at- yellow-brown coloured eggs with a thick, smooth shell with
tach themselves to the mucosa with the anterior end, by em- bipolar plugs at each end and measuring 60–70 × 25–40 µm.
bedding it in the tissue. After the eggs, containing larvae, are When the eggs are shed, they contain only a single cell but
ingested and the larvae are released, complete development they develop into embryonated eggs in 1 month in the ex-
takes 10–12 weeks. This development occurs with no sys- ternal environment and survive in the soil for several years,
temic migration, the larvae remaining in the wall of the intes- where they are not particularly sensitive to extreme weather
tine. The females are relatively prolific and lay barrel-shaped, conditions (cold, drought) or to ordinary disinfectants.

Life cycle of Trichuris vulpis


The larvae migrate into the

large intestine and develop
into adults

Embryonated egg

containing a first
stage larva (L1) Prepatent period: 8–12 weeks

Eggs can survive in

soil for years

30 days in the external environment

before eggs become infective

Adults fixed in mucosa

by their thread-like
head and neck, causing
irritation, hypermotility
Developing eggs and diarrhoea

The infective larvae develop

inside the egg in 30 days
Non-infective egg D.H. = definitive host

Infestation is possible at any age by ingesting embryonated Infested dogs are the only parasite reservoir, which ex-
eggs; however, adult dogs are more commonly infested than plains why trichuriosis is often found in communal environ-
young animals. ments (rescue shelters, breeding kennels).
These eggs are formed 3 to 4 weeks after being shed and
are very resistant, surviving in the soil for several years, Clinical signs
which is why the risk of contamination can be long-lasting. Infestation causes congestive and haemorrhagic colitis, re-
This explains the incidence of trichuriosis in breeding facili- sulting in diarrhoea which is sometimes haemorrhagic. This
ties and kennels. may be the only clinical sign in mild infestations.
Certain types of floor surfaces, such as clay or mud, pro- Anaemia may also be connected with whipworm, par-
mote survival of the eggs. ticularly in chronic infestations or due to a combination with
another helminth, especially A. caninum.
Chronic infestation will cause considerable weight loss in

This parasitic infestation causes catarrhal and haemorrhagic
typhlitis, with inflammation of the colon and rectum (Figs. 4
and 5).

Figure 4. Trichuriosis lesions. Figure 5. Trichuriosis lesions: ulcerative colitis, presence of

numerous adults.
CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 33

Clinical signs are non-specific, so any faecal examination Emodepside is also active against Trichuris in an oral dose
which will reveal the eggs is the best method of diagnosis of 1 mg/kg.
(Fig. 6). Macrocyclic lactones can be active, depending the mole-
cule and the formulation. Milbemycin oxime is active in an
Control measures oral dose of 0.5 mg/kg. Moxidectin, administered topically,
Treatment is also effective at 2.5 mg/kg.
Trichuris are usually less sensitive to anthelmintics than oth-
er common nematodes (roundworms, hookworms). Prevention
In dogs, benzimidazoles are effective as long as they are Eggs can be eliminated by cleaning hard surfaces with high
administered for several consecutive days. pressure jet hoses. Loose soil can eventually be dug over, thus
Oxantel is a tetrahydropyrimidine anthelmintic (related burying the eggs out of reach. Covering loose soil surfaces
to pyrantel) which is specifically effective against Trichuris with gravel or pebbles is also a solution, to limit contact be-
at a dose of 20 mg/kg (it is often combined with pyrantel and tween eggs and dogs.

25 μm 40 μm

100 μm 40 μm

Figure 6. Trichuris vulpis eggs.



The Capillariidae are thread-like nematodes, usually meas- Capillaria (syn. Calodium) hepaticum is a very particu-
uring 10–80 mm in length and with a diameter in the region lar member of the Capillariidae family, which can also be
of 50–100 µm. found in carnivore faeces. This nematode is a parasite of wild
Most Capillariidae have a monoxenous life cycle. rodents that settles in the liver parenchyma. The eggs, con-
Capillaria (syn. Aonchotheca) putorii is a parasite of tained in the uterus of the female, are not shed and remain
the small intestine in wild carnivores, especially Mustelidae within the final host. They are only disseminated if the host
(polecats, skunk, martens, minks, weasels, stoats and ferrets) is ingested by a predator, such as a fox, but sometimes a cat
which can occasionally infest cats. It is not pathogenic and or dog.
infections are generally asymptomatic. The eggs can be seen
on faecal examination (Fig. 1).

Other Capillaria are not intestinal parasites but their eggs

can be shed in the faeces (see Respiratory capillarioses, page
150). They are:
• Capillaria (syn. Eucoleus) aerophila, which infests the tra-
chea and bronchi of wild carnivores (foxes, in particular)
and which can occasionally infest dogs and cats.
• Capillaria boehmi, a parasite of the nasal cavity and sinus-
15 μm
es of canids.
Figure 1. Capillaria egg.
CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 35



General comments
Teniosis, intestinal cestodosis, or tapeworm infestation, is a
1 cm
common intestinal disorder in dogs and cats. The presence of
tapeworm segments in the perianal region and signs of per- Figure 1. Segments of Dipylidium caninum.
ianal itching are common causes for consultation. Intestinal
cestodoses are parasitic diseases caused by infestation with Domestic carnivores, such as cats and dogs, often excrete
adult cestodes: flat, segmented tapeworms belonging mainly whitish elements about half a centimetre in length around
to the order Cyclophyllidea, or to the order Pseudophyllidea. the anal area. These are usually the ovigerous segments of
Clinial signs are subtle or even absent. D. caninum. The posterior gravid segments, which are elon-
Most cestode parasites of dogs and cats are host-specific, gated and called proglottids (Fig. 1), contain capsules full of
however some are common to both species, such as various eggs (oviferous capsules).
Dilepididae, in particular Dipylidium caninum. Wild car- Dipylidium caninum is a long, white, tape-like worm,
nivores (Mustelidae, Felidae and Canidae) can also harbour 15–70 cm long and 2–3 mm wide (Figs.  2 and 3). Other,
dog and cat cestodes, as well as those that are specific to their much rarer Dilepididae can infest dogs and cats; these are
own species. Two genetically distinct populations of Dipylid- Diplopylidium spp. or Joyeuxiella spp., very similar in mor-
ium caninum have recently been described: one is frequently phology but smaller in size (Figs. 4–8). The intermediate
found in dogs, the other one in cats. hosts of the last two cestodes are reptiles (snakes and lizards)
Dipylidium caninum can infest humans, who become con- rather than arthropods. The oviferous capsules contain a
taminated through ingestion of the intermediate host, the flea. single egg, as opposed to the dozens in D. caninum (Fig. 9).

1 mm

Figure 2. Scolex of Dipylidium caninum.


100 μm 0.5 mm

Figure 3. Rostrum of Dipylidium caninum. Figure 4. Scolex of Joyeuxiella sp.

100 μm 20 mm

Figure 5. Rostrum of Joyeuxiella sp. Figure 6. Segments of Joyeuxiella sp.

15 μm 20 mm

Figure 7. Eggs of Joyeuxiella sp. Figure 8. Segments of Diplopylidium sp.

CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 37

The life cycle of D. caninum is dixenous, i.e., it has two host
species. The most common intermediate host is the flea, and
the other one is the louse. Flea larvae actively ingest sever-
al types debris in their environment, including hairs, skin
debris, and also faeces or Dipylidium proglottids, so the
flea larvae can ingest the oviferous capsules in the gravid
terminal segments. D. caninum eggs survive for between
1 and 3.5 months in the dried segments or in the capsules.

30 μm

Figure 9. Oviferous capsule of Dipylidium caninum.

Life cycle of Dipylidium caninum

Dog and cat

Adult (small


Develops to infective

larva after the adult


flea emerges and


begins feeding on the


Pre wee


pat ks

1–2 days


g (containing
nd begins oviferous
ges a
emer capsule)
~10 days and up to ~1 year
(depending on I.H.)
Adult flea capsule

The I.H. ingests the eggs

embryo I.H. (larval stage of
flea or chewing louse)
Flea pupal stage
D.H. = definitive host
The hexacanth embryo develops
I.H. = intermediate host
in the pupal stage of the flea

Cestode cysticercoid larvae then develop in the flea larva and

remain viable, but not infective to carnivores, until the flea's
pupal stage (Fig. 10). These larvae only become infective in
adult fleas, i.e., approximately 36 hours after the fleas have
infested their host (Figs. 11 and 12) and maturation is linked
to temperature. The metacestode larvae must be ingested in
a flea by the dog or cat during grooming in order to develop.
They do not migrate, and form adult cestodes in 4–6 weeks
in the small intestine.

Dipylidium caninum has a worldwide distribution. Geo-
100 μm
graphical distribution of Joyeuxiella and Diplopylidium is
limited (Mediterranean region to Central Africa). D.H. are Figure 10. Dipylidium caninum non-infective larval stage.
domestic or wild dogs and cats. Copepods and fish are inter-
mediate hosts, as they are for Diphyllobothrium.
The sources of parasites are fleas or lice. Dogs and cats are
infested by ingesting intermediate hosts which have them-
selves been parasitised.
Age does not affect susceptibility and a final host will
never acquire immunity. Reinfestation is therefore possible
throughout the life of the dog or cat, however, certain life-
styles can promote infestation: suburban or rural cats and
dogs are often infested with fleas and therefore risk infesta-
tion with D. caninum.

Clinical signs and lesions 100 μm

Dipylidiosis is generally mild, and clinical signs are often not
apparent. Symptoms will depend on the level of infestation Figure 11. Dipylidium caninum early infective larval stage taken
and the dog or cat’s own susceptibility (for instance, allergic from an adult flea.

reactions can occur).

200 μm

Figure 12. Dipylidium caninum infective metacestode taken from

an adult flea.
CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 39

Both general and localised clinical signs can be seen: Itching:
• Itching of the perianal region is common and characterised
General signs by licking and nibbling at the base of the tail. One of the
Adult cestodes can cause moderate loss of vitamins, mineral most characteristic signs is rubbing or dragging the rear
trace elements and carbohydrates, so emaciation can be seen end on the ground. The itching is connected with mechan-
in underfed or severely infested animals, or in growing young ical irritation and congestion of the anal glands. Licking of
carnivores. the perianal region also causes eggs to be deposited on the
Neurological signs due to B group vitamin deficiency (B1, animal’s fur.
B6 and B12) and hypoglycaemia are both possible, but very • Congestion of the anal glands accentuates itching. This is
rare. This manifests itself by epileptiform convulsions and evidenced by the expulsion of a foul smelling, brownish
seizures and, very rarely, blindness. These signs may also be liquid containing the disintegrated oviferous segments.
linked to significant irritation of the autonomic plexuses of Anal abscesses are a possible complication.
the neurovisceral system, or to a lack of glucose, as has been • General itching can be seen. Cestodosis reduces the skin
observed with toxocarosis in puppies and kittens. sensitivity threshold in dogs, and abdominal or general
pruritis can be associated with parasites of the gastro-in-
Localised signs testinal system.
These are generally the only ones seen.
Intestinal signs are irregular and diversely associated: Lesions
• Variable appetite, sometimes even increased. Dipylidiosis in both cats and dogs is evidenced by chronic
• Loose or diarrhoeic faeces (due to congestive enteritis). enteritis of the small intestine (Fig. 14) as the parasites are
• Elimination of gravid segments (Fig. 13). These are gen- found in the duodenum and jejunum.
erally easily visible and measure 10–12 × 5–8 mm. Di- A proinflammatory, irritative effect is responsible for re-
pylidium segments can move around the perianal region actions in the gastro-intestinal system. Fixation of the scolex,
by themselves. They desiccate and shrivel up, resembling the chain of segments rubbing against the mucosa of the
whitish, uncooked rice grains, 3–5 mm long. The segments gastro-intestinal system and the fragments of membrane re-
can be found either in the perianal region or in the faeces. moved by the parasite cause this enteritis. Mechanical action
Owners sometimes mistake these grains for the oxyurids obstructs the anal gland orifices; and, very rarely, intestinal
(pinworms) seen in children, but it should be noted that obstruction similar to that caused by ascarid pellets can
dogs and cats are never infested with pinworms. occur.

Figure 13. Dipylidium caninum segments. Figure 14. Adult Dipylidium caninum in cat intestine.

Clinical diagnosis is impossible except when proglottids are Praziquantel in a single dose of 5 mg/kg, in oral or inject-
visible. The reason for veterinary consultation is generally the able form, or at 10 mg/kg in transcutaneous formulations.
presence of moderate intestinal disorders (variable appetite, This will have an effect on all cestodes present, including
diarrhoea, signs of perianal itching). Diagnosis of dipylidiosis Echinococcus.
is based on finding oviferous segments by macroscopic ex- Treatment for D. caninum is advisable in dogs and cats
amination of faecal samples. Eggs can be found in the faeces with flea infestations and the insecticides used to treat fleas
if a segment is destroyed before it is expelled. These eggs can will limit the risk of infestation with D. caninum. Effective
be isolated or grouped together inside the oviferous capsules. and ongoing prevention of the former prevents infestation by
the latter.
Control measures
Various cestodicides can be used to treat D. caninum: ben- Risk to humans
zimidazoles, niclosamide and praziquantel. The accidental ingestion of a flea by a child, which is unusu-
Oxfendazole in a drinkable suspension is used in dogs, at al, can result in a case of dipylidiosis. The symptoms are the
a dose of 11.3 mg/kg/day for 3 days. It is also active against same as those for dogs and cats: reduced appetite, abdominal
cestodes of the genus Taenia at this dose. discomfort, anal pruritus.
Niclosamide can be used in a single dose of 80 mg/kg.

Video 2.1
Dipylidium caninum (tapeworm) eggs
in an oviferous capsule (microscopic view).

Video 2.2
Moving Dipylidium caninum (tapeworm)
proglottids on the anal area of a cat.
CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 41


General comments
Mesocestoides are cestodes of the order Cyclophyllidea Morphologically these tapeworms are of average size,
which use two intermediate hosts, whereas all other Cyclo- measuring 20–50 cm in length, and their segments are as
phillidea have only one. The first is an arthropod, which wide as they are long and have rounded edges (Fig. 1).
harbours the cysticercoid larvae. The second is an insectiv- Mesocestoides lineatus and Mesocestoides litteratus
orous vertebrate, which harbours an elongated larva called cause cestodosis in both dogs and cats.
a tetrathyridium.

Life cycle of Mesocestoides spp.

Dog, cat and other carnivores

Adult (small intestine)


Prepatent period:
3–5 weeks


Horizontal division
or binary fission


I.H. ingests eggs

2nd I.H. ingests the 1st I.H.

Tetrathyridia develop and 1st I.H. (an arthropod,

multiply in the peritoneal usually an oribatid mite)
cavity of the 2nd I.H.

Cysticercoids develop inside

the intermediate host
2nd I.H. (reptiles, amphibians,
small mammals and birds)
D.H. = definitive host
I.H. = intermediate host

Carnivores become infested by ingesting the second inter- pleural cavities of cats and dogs (see Peritonitis due to Meso-
mediate hosts which harbour the second larval stage, the cestoides larvae, page 194). After accidental ingestion of the
tetrathyridium. These hosts are amphibians, reptiles or birds. first intermediate host (arthropod), or sometimes the second
In the case of M. lineatus, second intermediate hosts are intermediate host, the larvae migrate through the wall of the
amphibians and, in M. litteratus, they are birds. intestine into the peritoneum, where they will transform and
Another species, Mesocestoides corti (syn. Mesocestoides multiply after repeated budding (asexual reproduction). The
vogae) is a parasite of carnivores in North America. larvae appear to be deformed, due to this multiple budding
Normal larvae, found in the second intermediate hosts, and they proliferate in a disorganised fashion, usually in the
are 5–7 cm long and a few millimetres wide. They are rib- peritoneum of infested carnivores, and cause parasitic peri-
bon-like, with a depression enclosing the future scolex of the tonitis and ascites. This proliferation produces numerous
adult at one extremity. white, semolina-like grains, in an inflammatory exudate.
The tapeworm will appear approximately 4–6 weeks af- Clinically, the infestation can be asymptomatic, or give rise
ter ingestion of the larvae. Carnivores excrete the oviferous to signs of peritonitis, and diagnosis is often made by acci-
segments containing the eggs, which are spherical in shape dent, during surgery. This larval cestodosis seems to be more
with a smooth, thin outer shell (Fig. 2). The hexacanth em- common in cats than in dogs.
bryo is protected by a second inner shell, separated from the In dogs, parasitic peritonitis with ascites can be caused by
first by a vitelline layer. multiplication other cestodes, including the larva of Taenia
crassiceps, a fox parasite.
Mesocestoidosis is a relatively rare type of tapeworm infesta- Diagnosis
tion, which is sporadically seen in dogs and cats which hunt, Clinical diagnosis is difficult. Ascites may be diagnosed by
and it is mainly a rural parasitosis. X-ray or ultrasound scan, and then confirmed on abdomino-
centesis, when the numerous white grains will be seen. This
Clinical signs  parasite infestation can often be diagnosed by laparotomy
Mesocestoidosis is often well tolerated, only rarely caus- (for example, during ovariohysterectomy).
ing intestinal disorders, as is the case with other cestodes.
Changes to appetite, from anorexia to polyphagia, have been Control measures
described. Mesocestoides parasites are unusual in that the Treatment for adult forms consists of standard cestodicides
larval stage (tetrathyridium) can develop in the peritoneal or (such as praziquantel).

1 mm 25 mm 15 mm

Figure 1. Segments of Mesocestoides sp. Figure 2. Eggs of Mesocestoides sp.

CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 43

Taenioses sensu stricto

General comments Geographical distribution

Dogs and cats can be infested with numerous types of ces- These parasites are widely distributed but, infestation is pre-
todes. In addition to Dipylidium, in the Dilepididae family dominantly seen in rural areas, where farm dogs and hunting
and the most common tapeworm in domestic carnivores, dogs become infested, because of the variable distribution of
they can harbour several cestodes of the genus Taenia, be- intermediate hosts (usually ruminants or lagomorphs). Cats
longing to the Taeniidae family. Taenia are more common living in rural areas, and cats living in urban areas that are
than other cestodes infesting dogs and cats (e.g., Mesoces- able to get out and roam are most infested, because the life
toididae, Diphyllobothriidae or Echinococcus). Taenia tape- cycle passes through mice and rats.
worms cause an intestinal cestodosis which is usually asymp- Muscular cysticercosis in ovines is only enzootic in the
tomatic and well-tolerated. Southern Hemisphere (Australia, New Zealand, South
Dogs are infested by ingesting the viscera of mammals America). It is unusual in Europe, although it is observed
carrying the larval stage of the parasite. There are two types sporadically on certain farms. It has been identified in im-
of larvae: cysticerci and coenuri. Cats are infested by ingest- ported carcasses in slaughterhouses, or in imported live ani-
ing rodents, usually mice, containing the hepato-peritoneal mals that have been slaughtered in Europe.
cysticerci of Taenia taeniaeformis.
The disease caused by the larval forms in intermediate
hosts is usually more severe. Historically, Latin terminology
was used to name the larval stage at a time when correspond-
ing adult forms were unknown, but these latin names are
now obsolete.
The infestation of definitive host is usually called taeni-
asis, but following the nomenclature, it should be taeniosis.

Two types of Taenia tapeworms can infest dogs:

• Taenia with cysticerci-type larvae:
• Taenia with cysticerci-type larvae located in the liver
and peritoneum:
• Taenia pisiformis in rabbits (domestic and wild).
• Taenia hydatigena in herbivores or omnivores (sheep,
cattle, goats and pigs)…
• Taenia with cysticerci-type larvae in muscle tissue:
• Taenia ovis in ruminants, especially sheep, but occa-
sionally goats and deer.
• Taenia with coenurus-type larvae:
• Taenia multiceps: in the central nervous system of rumi-
nants (mainly in sheep).
• Taenia serialis: in the subcutaneous tissue of rabbits.

The Taenia tapeworm which infests cats is T. taeniaeformis,

whose cysticerci-type larvae are located in the peritoneum or
liver of infested rodents (mainly mice).

Life cycle of Taenia spp.

`` In cats: Taenia taeniaeformis / rodents

`` In dogs: T. pisiformis / lagomorphs
T. hydatigena / small ruminants and pigs
T. serialis / lagomorphs
T. multiceps / small ruminants
T. ovis / small ruminants
T. krabbei / deers


or segments nt
The infective larva is ingested and the
excreted in faeces pate ths
ain n
tapeworm scolex attaches itself to the Rem –30 mo
intestinal wall for 7

The adult worms live

in the D.H. small
intestine, where some
species grow up to 2 m

Small intestine

D.H. = definitive host

I.H. = intermediate host
CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 45

Eggs/proglottids ingested by I.H.


Viable for
Proglottid with eggs months

I.H.: rodents, rabbits, ruminants

(depending on Taenia species)

6 months
30 days to
Intestinal cells

The embryos encyst in the liver,

lungs, brain, peritoneal cavity,
muscle, etc.

The embryo develops to the infective

stage in the intermediate host. In

some cases, this development

. ing

affects the viability (organ function)

–8 wee

of the intermediate host

nt period: 6

Infective larval

form in I.H.


Dog and cat

Cysticercus Strobilocercus Coenurus

The D.H. ingests the parasitic larvae by eating

viscera or raw meat from an infested I.H.

200 μm 0.5 cm

Figure 1. Taenia sp. scolex viewed from the top. Figure 2. Taenia sp. proglottids.

Morphology The oviferous segments are excreted in the faeces of the

The Taenia cestodes that are seen in cats and dogs are flat, dog or cat host at the end of the prepatent period. These
segmented tapeworms, 60 cm to 2 m long. The scolex has a segments can exit the anus at times other than during the
rostrum with two rows of hooks in a typical claw hammer passage of faeces because they are independently motile. The
shape (Fig. 1). The white, oviferous segments are rectangu- segments disintegrate in the external environment, releasing
lar and measure 10–15 × 6–8 mm (Fig. 2). They enclose a thousands of eggs and these very resistant embryophores,
longitudinally stretched uterus, laterally ramified, containing which can live up to a year in the external environment, may
thousands of eggs consisting of a thick, concentrically striat- be found in fodder and ingested by intermediate hosts. Their
ed wall, protecting a hexacanth embryo (with six hooks), and development then depends on the species and the intermedi-
whose appearance is specific to this family of cestodes. The ate host involved.
eggs are oval and measure approximately 30–45 µm (Fig. 3).
Other cestodes eggs have two walls separated by a vitelline Hepato-peritoneal cysticercosis
layer. The segments are shed in the faeces or pass out of the caused by Taenia pisiformis
anus, due to their independent movement. Development of cysticerci takes 1 month in rabbits and the
larvae attach in the peritoneum or on the surface of the liver.
Biology Cysticerci are often numerous and small (5 mm diameter), re-
Dogs and cats ingest the cestode larvae when they eat infest- sembling a bunch of grapes. As with all cysticerci, they invag-
ed prey (such as mice, in the case of cats), raw viscera or flesh. inate and form a single scolex which will eventually produce
The Taenia tapeworm is formed approximately 6–8 weeks an adult cestode after ingestion by the final host.
after ingestion of the cysticercus or coenurus.
The cysticerci or coenuri are digested in the gastro-in- Hepato-peritoneal cysticercosis caused
testinal tract and the cephalic invaginations are liberated, by Taenia hydatigena
each with a scolex which will give rise to the future tape- This parasitic disease is also caused by the development of
worm segments. One cysticercus will produce only one ces- cysticerci on the surface of the liver or in the peritoneum, and
tode, whereas one coenurus will give rise to several dozen the adult form of this cestode is the cause of a taeniosis in dogs.
parasites. Development of a cysticercus takes 5 weeks and is preced-
The pathogenicity of adult cestodes is limited and they are ed by a phase of migration under Glisson’s capsule. This cyst-
usually well tolerated by domestic carnivores. icercus looks like a water ball and measures several centime-
tres (4–7) in diameter.
CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 47

Muscular cysticercosis in sheep, Epidemiology
caused by Taenia ovis Hepato-peritoneal cysticercosis in rabbits
Muscular cysticerci measure 2.5–4 × 4–9 mm in length, and This parasitic disease is found in the wild and in rural areas.
are similar to those of Taenia solium, one of the three tape- In the latter, it occurs where rabbits are reared in hutches and
worms infesting humans (the others being Taenia saginata have been fed with grasses soiled by dog faeces.
and Taenia asiatica). They develop fully in approximately
83 days, but are infective from the 46th day. They degenerate Hepato-peritoneal cysticercosis
rapidly after death of the ruminant, those found in the cardi- in ruminants
ac region taking approximately 3 months. This parasitic disease is found in rural areas where dogs have
access to the viscera of sheep which have been slaughtered or
Nervous coenurosis in sheep died from various causes.
The Taenia multiceps larva develops in the intermediate
host's central nervous system, mainly in sheep's brains. It is Coenurosis in sheep
infective after about 2 months but continues to grow. The Nervous coenurosis is enzootic to sheep-producing regions,
larva looks like a small balloon containing water, with a di- and is contracted by animals under 2 years old. It is currently
ameter of 10–20 cm, and it contains several white dots which very rare in Europe and mainly affects sheep , but cattle and
are the cephalic invaginations of future Taenia multiceps goats can also be infested. Horses or humans can occasion-
scoleces. It compresses the nervous tissue, causing specific ally be infested. Once again, dogs must ingest raw sheep’s
neurological signs in infested ruminants. brains, and therefore need access to dead sheep, for animals
to become infested and for the life cycle to be continued.
Subcutaneous coenurosis of rabbits
The Taenia serialis larva develops in the subcutaneous tissue Muscular cysticercosis in sheep
of the intermediate hosts, domestic and wild lagomorphs. It The final hosts of T. ovis are dogs or other canids. The adult
is infective after about 2 months but continues to grow. The tapeworm is 45–110 cm long, and the oviferous segments
larva looks like a subcutaneous tumour, with a diameter of measure 15 × 3.5 mm. The prepatent period lasts 7–9 weeks.
approximately 10 cm. On opening, the larva is a soft, large The segments are usually excreted by dogs and the eggs then
cyst containing several white dots which are the cephalic ingested by sheep. Cysticerci are formed in approximately
invaginations of Taenia serialis scoleces. It can induce par- 5 weeks and dogs are infested by eating infected meat or of-
ticular clinical signs in rabbits by compressing muscles or fal. The cysticerci mainly attach in their host' heart and liver,
articulations. but also in the muscles.

Subcutaneous coenurosis in rabbits

This is found in wild lagomorphs (hares, wild rabbits), or do-
mestic, farm-bred rabbits (which are let out into grassy areas
or fed on grass which may have been contaminated). Dogs be-
come infested by eating rabbit or hare offal and other waste.
25 μm

Hepatic cysticercosis in small rodents

Cysticerci take approximately 15 days to develop in mouse
livers. Here, the cysticerci begin their development into adult
tapeworms, already inside their intermediate host, where
they are called strobilocercus larvae (Fig. 4). Adult T. tae-
100 μm
niaeformis will rapidly appear in the small intestine of cats
Figure 3. Taenia sp. eggs. (Fig. 5) after ingestion of infected mice.

0.2 mm

Figure 4. Taenia taeniaeformis larvae in a vole. Figure 5. Taenia taeniaeformis proglottids.

Another Taenia may be found in domestic carnivores: Tae- Control measures

nia crassiceps. Foxes are definitive hosts, and small rodents Treatment is based on regularly deworming sheep and farm
(mainly voles) are intermediate hosts for this species. The lar- dogs (the optimum interval corresponds to the prepatent pe-
vae are small cysticerci, attached in the peritoneum or under riod, i.e., every 6 weeks). In practice, and in sheep farming
the skin of the microtid. They can then start to proliferate and in mountainous areas, dogs are treated before they leave for
fill the peritoneum. Infestation proceeds with repeated bud- the mountain pastures and after their return. In rural areas,
ding (asexual reproduction) and this proliferation produces dogs should be dewormed 4 times a year with a cestodicidal
numerous white, semolina-like grains, in an inflammatory ex- anthelmintic, preferably praziquantel because of the risk of
udate. Dogs may not only act as a definitive host, but also as an Echinococcus spp. infestation.
intermediate host in some cases. Proliferation of T. crassiceps Sheep and rabbit carcasses and viscera should not be fed
larvae in dogs can cause peritonitis, but also a subcutaneous to dogs. In mountain pastures, carcasses should be buried
tumour-like process when larvae are located under the skin. or disposed of out of the reach of dogs. With rabbit cystic-
ercosis or coenurosis, the cycle must be broken: providing
Clinical signs and diagnosis compound feed will prevent rabbits from ingesting grass con-
Taenia infestation is generally well tolerated in both dogs taminated by dog faeces.
and cats which sometimes present moderate intestinal dis- As a general rule, dogs and cats should be dewormed
orders, such as colic or diarrhoea. Appetite can be variable, quarterly with a product providing protection against all
but it is usually increased. Anal pruritus can occur, with the types of cestodes.
animal dragging its rear end on the ground.
Diagnosis is made by identification of the distinctive seg-
ments in the faeces. Microscopic faecal examination for eggs
will be negative if no segments have been fragmented in the
gastro-intestinal tract.
CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 49

Echinococcoses E. multilocularis, which sheds some oviferous segments, al-
though this is rare.
Hydatidosis is usually asymptomatic in animals and is
General comments characterised by the formation of a cyst, called a hydatid
Hydatid echinococcosis, or hydatid disease, is an infectious cyst, consisting of the larvae surrounded by inflammatory
but non-contagious disease caused by the larvae of a cestode, tissue caused by the host's reaction.
common in humans and a number of other animal species. It Dogs are infested by the adult cestodes. Echinococcus
is caused by development of the cestode, Echinococcus gran- granulosus is a small cestode, 3–6 mm long, and consists
ulosus sensu lato, in tissues and organs, mainly the liver and of 4 to 5 segments, only the final segment being oviferous
lungs. This cestode is an intestinal parasite in the dog. (Fig. 1). This final segment represents about half of the total
Another species that can also be observed in dogs is Echi- length of the worm and contains an elongated, non-sack-like
nococcus multilocularis, which mainly affects foxes, but it uterus. These two characteristics enable it to be distinguished
is the agent of multilocular or alveolar echinococcosis in ro- from E. multilocularis, in which the oviferous segment con-
dents and humans. tains a sack-like uterus (Fig. 2) and is less than half of the
Echinococcus granulosus cannot develop into the adult whole worm.
stage in the cat, which therefore plays no role in the epidemi- The eggs contained in the uterus are identical to all Taenii-
ology of hydatid disease. Cats can, however, be infested with dae embryophores and cannot be distinguished from Taenia
eggs. They are spherical, measuring 30–45 µm in diameter,
with a single, thick shell with concentric striation. Each egg
contains a hexacanth embryo with six hooks, a number of
which are visible (Fig. 3).

Infestation with Echinococcus larvae
(in intermediate hosts)
Hydatid echinococcosis caused by the larva of E. granulosus
and multilocular or alveolar echinococcosis caused by the
larva of E. multilocularis.

0.5 mm
Infestation with adult Taeniidae
Figure 1. Echinococcus granulosus. Taeniosis (in dogs or other canids).

0.5 mm 12 μm

Figure 2. Echinococcus multilocularis. Figure 3. Taeniidae egg.


Hosts of E. granulosus Biology

• Final hosts: canids. Of considerable epidemiological im- E. granulosus
portance in dogs in Europe and Africa. The life cycle of E. granulosus requires two hosts, the dog
• Intermediate hosts: numerous wild and domestic species. being the principal final host. Canids become infested by eat-
The larvae infest goats, cattle, horses and pigs, and it has ing viscera containing the parasites. A hydatid cyst contains
considerable epidemiological importance in sheep in Eu- numerous oviferous capsules with several protoscolices per
rope and Africa. capsule so, for every cyst ingested, hundreds or even thou-
sands of cestodes will appear in the dog’s small intestine. The
Hosts of E. multilocularis prepatent period is 6 to 8 weeks, depending on how early
• Final hosts: red and artic fox, wolf, raccoon, jackal, coyote, the strain matures, and dogs will then excrete the oviferous
dog, cat. segments for several weeks (3 to 6 months). These segments
• Intermediate hosts: rodents (mainly voles), humans, mon- measure 1 mm and are therefore difficult to see.
keys, dog, etc. They eventually tear apart, and the eggs are disseminated
into the soil. Coprophagous insects and birds, and the weath-
Humans can become infested and act as intermediate hosts. er, are all factors affecting dissemination. Receptive interme-
Human echinococcoses are major zoonoses which are both diate hosts, which ingest one or more eggs, enable the cycle to
relatively common and clinically serious. continue. The embryo penetrates the intestinal wall and, car-
ried by the blood, reaches various organs and tissues, most-
Geographical distribution ly the lungs and liver. The larva, or hydatid, develops after
Hydatid echinococcosis is found worldwide and is highly several months. In sheep, the larvae will be infective to dogs
enzootic in important sheep-farming regions and developing within a year and they remain viable for a number of years.
E. multilocularis
Multilocular echinococcosis is found in the cold and tem- A canid (usually a fox) and a rodent (mainly a field vole) are
perate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. There are two required during the life cycle of E. multilocularis. Adults
genetically distinct parasite populations: develop in 4 weeks in the final host, and only survive for
• Strain M1: found in Arctic regions, the principal final host 4 months, but infestations are often massive, involving sever-
being the arctic fox (Alopex lagopus). al hundred cestodes. A lack of acquired immunity in the host
• Strain M2: originally found in wilderness regions of allows repeated infestations.
Central Europe, it has extended westwards and has now E. multilocularis larvae take 1 to 3 months to develop in
reached the eastern and northern regions of France. The the hepatic parenchyma of the intermediate rodent host. One
principal final host is the red fox (Vulpes vulpes). of the main parasite reservoirs in Europe is Arvicola terres-
tris, the water vole, but other Microtidae can be infested,
Significance such as the muskrat Ondathra zibethica, the red-backed vole
E. granulosus is important because it can cause zoonotic Clethyrionomys, or the field vole Microtus arvalis.
infestation. Several hundred surgical operations to remove
hydatid cysts in humans take place in Europe each year.
Although much rarer, multilocular echinococcosis is med-
ically much more serious, leading to death in about 30–50 %
of cases.
CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 51

Life cycle of Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato

Dog and other canids



Cysts, typically 2–3 cm invaginated-below)


across, containing numerous



Pr –6 w

ep e

at ek
en s
depends on the I.H.
Maturation rate

hydatid cysts


Immediately infective,
persist for months in the
external environment
ed eg

The embryo migrates


through the intestinal Segments excreted

wall of the I.H. and I.H. in the faeces

disseminates through
the blood vessels
I.H. in

Embryonated egg

D.H. = definitive host

I.H. = intermediate host

Life cycle of Echinococcus multilocularis

Fox, dog (and cat)



The second larval stage


(multilocular proliferative)

develops in the livers of



depends on the I.H.
Maturation rate



ediat ts
Imm e, persis
e c t iv
inf t h s
for m
bryonated eggs

The embryo penetrates Segments released,

the intestinal wall and excreted in the faeces
migrates to the liver
I.H. ingests em

Voles, lemmings, field
mice, shrews (rarely: other
mammals, including humans)
Embryonated D.H. = definitive host
egg I.H. = intermediate host

Hydatid echinococcosis Different cycles can be seen in different countries. For in-
It is possible to distinguish epidemiological cycles in wild an- stance, a sheep/dog cycle exists alongside a dingo/kangaroo
imals from those in domestic rural animals where infestation cycle in Australia. Cycles involving zebus in Africa, or buffa-
of urban human populations is possible. In Southern Europe, lo in Asia, have been described. Sometimes pigs also play an
the sheep/dog cycle is predominant. This does not mean that important role. These cycles generally involve different host
dogs in an urban environment cannot be infested; they only animals and genetically different parasite genotypes (and
need to access infested viscera, for example, in a dustbin after maybe even species). Ten genotypes of E. granulosus have
sheep have been illegally slaughtered. been identified, but are still a subject of controversy.
CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 53

Echinococcus granulosus: different genotypes or species Multilocular echinococcosis
This parasitic disease has a woodland element involving wild
• G1 and G2: sheep genotypes, distributed worldwide,
zoonotic; marsupial genotypes in Australia, zoonotic.
animal hosts in its epidemiological cycle. Occasional infesta-
• G3: cattle and buffalo genotypes (first identified in India),
tion of domestic dogs or cats as final hosts is still a possibility.
• G4: horse genotypes in Europe, either less zoonotic or not Sources of parasites
zoonotic. Proposed name Echinococcus equinus. • Direct: foxes, and sometimes dogs.
• G5: cattle genotypes, distributed worldwide, zoonotic. The • Indirect: rodents (Microtidae).
name Echinococcus ortleppi proposed by some authors.
• G6: camel genotypes in Africa, and Near and Middle East,
Mechanisms of infection
zoonotic. Proposed name Echinococcus intermedius.
• G7 and G9: pig genotypes, distributed worldwide, zoonotic.
• Of the final host: by consuming rodents.
• G8 and G10: northern genotypes, infesting Cervidae in • Of the intermediate host: by ingesting plants or fruits con-
particular, zoonotic, considered by some authors to be taminated by Echinococcus eggs (blackberries, blueber-
ancestral genotypes. Proposed as Echinococcus canadensis ries, wild strawberries).
(G10) and Echinococcus borealis (G8).

Where human echinococcosis (alveolar or hydatid) is con-
cerned, the parasite is destroyed in some individuals and
Sources of parasites allowed to develop in others, although there are more sero-
• Intermediate hosts carrying cysts, mainly sheep, and espe- positive patients than there are individuals infested with a
cially those over a year old (the time required for infective viable parasite.
larvae to form; 6 months in pigs, 10 months in sheep).
• Dogs or other canids that excrete oviferous segments (a Predisposing factors
long-lasting source: 6-month life span for the adult ces- • Behavioural habits of foxes which defecate near vole holes.
tode. A dog can harbour several thousand echinococcal • Behavioural changes in infested rodents which become less
cestodes; the lack of acquired immunity means that rein- reactive, and are therefore caught more easily.
festation is possible). • Some intermediate hosts die rapidly, but the life span of
others is doubled and they become parasite reservoirs,
Mechanisms of infestation in intermediate hosts hence the distinction between species of receptive voles
Ingestion of food or water contaminated with oviferous seg- which are called “permissive”, and which play a determin-
ments or embryophores. Possible contamination of humans ing role, and species which are susceptible but which do
if embryophores are present on the dog’s coat. not play an important part in the epidemiology.
• Risk of increased cases of humans infection during periods
Predisposing factors of rodent proliferation, or because of increasing fox popu-
Dog/sheep association in mountain pastures or on farms. Ille- lations. The impact of rabies vaccination should therefore
gal slaughter of sheep and distribution of offal to carnivores. be measured.

Clinical signs Localised signs

Echinococcus cestodes in the gastro-intestinal tract of the When the parasite is in the liver: cholestatic jaundice, ascites,
definitive host are tolerated well, although diarrhoea may be hepatic encephalopathy, intestinal disorders.
seen on rare occasions. When the parasite is in the lungs: coughing, dyspnoea.
Other sites: kidney and nervous disorders, myalgia, bone
Clinical signs of hydatid echinococcosis fractures.
(in intermediate hosts)
Hydatidosis in animals is usually asymptomatic, probably General signs
because of their relatively short life span, and is character- Weight loss. Possibility of cysts rupturing and causing ana-
ised by the formation of hydatid cysts consisting of larvae phylactic shock.
surrounded by the inflammation caused by host’s adventitial
tissue response (Figs. 4–7). Clinical signs of multilocular
Echinococcal larvae are vesiculated, spherical, and vary echinococcosis (in intermediate hosts)
in diameter from a few centimetres to several dozen. They • In rodents: numerous small cysts (2–5 mm diameter)
are never visible in isolation, as they are surrounded by the joined by parasite filaments. The infested organ is hyper-
encysted host tissue. trophic and sclerotic, and this will eventually kill the host
The larva consists of three parts: a wall, formed by a pro- (Figs. 8 and 9).
ligerous internal membrane and a cuticle; the germinal ele- • In humans: adventitia absent, numerous parasite vesicles
ments, the proligerous capsules and protoscolices; and the several millimetres in diameter with an alveolar appear-
hydatid fluid. The protoscolices constitute the hydatid sand ance, hence the name “alveolar echinococcosis”. Centrif-
(approximately 4–6 ml per larva). The hydatid fluid is clear, ugal growth of the parasite whose proligerous membrane
like mineral water, hence its name, originating from the buds in all directions, leaving a necrotic cavity in the cen-
Greek hydatis, watery vesicle. The fluid is pressurised and tre. Depletion of the parenchyma (discolouration) with
irritant. Localisation of the larvae is very variable, but they proliferating hepatocytes resembling a neoplastic process.
are often found in the lungs (in cattle), or the liver (in sheep).
A hydatid cyst varies in size from 2 to 20 cm, has a rigid Diagnosis
structure (unlike coenurus and cysticercus) and is opaque. It Diagnosis of echinococcosis in dogs
is found in the tissue or parenchyma of organs and never on Clinical diagnosis is impossible; laboratory diagnosis is es-
the surface, as with hepato-peritoneal cysticercus such as the sential. It may not be possible to find eggs if no segments
larva of Taenia hydatigena. The fluid inside the cyst is under have been fragmented. It is impossible to distinguish Echino-
constant pressure. The cyst may become necrotic and calcify. coccus eggs from Taenia eggs. Specialised labs can search for
segments in the faeces, however strict precautions must be
The appearance of infested organs may vary: taken, given the zoonotic nature of this parasite and the se-
• Small number of hydatid cysts. verity of the human disease, which usually requires surgical
• Many cysts: polycystic echinococcosis. removal of the cysts.
• Multitude of small cysts on the serosa (hydatid pseudotu- New diagnostic techniques have been developed, espe-
berculosis) or in the parenchyma: pseudomultilocular pol- cially the detection of parasite antigens in faeces (coproan-
ycystic echinococcosis. tigens, for which ELISA kits are available), and specific
• The infested organ may be structurally affected. For in- DNA fragments in faeces, using gene amplification tech-
stance, the liver may develop fibrous cell cords and paren- niques (PCR).
chymatous hypertrophy (cirrhosis of the liver).
Control measures
In humans, the parasite develops slowly but fully and the in- Treatment in the definitive host (dog, fox)
fested organ will exhibit chronic inflammation and mechan- The cestodicide of choice is praziquantel, at 5 mg/kg, per os.
ical obstruction. Resorption of toxins by the host is possible Because infested dogs represent a potential source for hu-
when the parasite is found in the liver. mans, they must be treated under veterinary supervision.
CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 55

0.2 mm 0.2 mm

Figure 4. Echinococcus protoscolex in Figure 5. Free Echinococcus protoscolex. Figure 6. Hydatid larva in liver.
hydatid cyst.

Figure 7. Hydatid larva in the lung of a cow. Figure 8. Echinococcus multilocularis larva Figure 9. Echinococcus multilocularis larva
in the liver of a microtid rodent. in the liver of a microtid rodent.

Prevention Prevention in the intermediate host

Preventative measures are directly derived from knowledge • Slaughterhouse inspections and destruction of infected
of the parasite’s life cycle. Simple measures can eradicate hy- offal.
datidosis, or at least limit its prevalence considerably (erad- • Preventing the illegal slaughter of sheep and cattle.
ication has been successful in Iceland, Cyprus and Malta). • Educating local populations not to distribute raw offal to
Hygiene measures that should be taken when a dog that carnivores.
may be infected visits the surgery: gloves should be worn, • Burial or destruction of sheep and cattle carcasses.
and hands should be washed and disinfected. • Vaccination: recombinant vaccines are being tested for use
in sheep and their use in highly enzootic regions would
Prevention in the definitive host break the parasite life cycle. Preventative measures could
• Screening and treatment of infested dogs. Diagnosis used then be put in place. This type of vaccine has been used for
to consist of examining the faeces after deworming with another type of cestodosis: muscular cysticercosis in sheep,
arecoline, but it is now based on detecting antigens in the caused by Taenia ovis larvae.
faeces. Treatment with praziquantel, followed by remov-
al of faecal matter for 2–3 days. In theory, dogs at risk Prevention of alveolar echinococcosis
should be treated every 4 to 6 weeks; in practice, sheep in enzootic regions
dogs should at least be treated before departing for moun- • Wild red fruits and mushrooms should only be consumed
tain pastures and upon their return. once cooked.
• Control of stray dogs and preventing pet dogs from roam- • Precautions should be taken when handling foxes.
ing far from home. • Rodent populations should be controlled.
• Elimination of wild canids. • Foxes can be treated using bait impregnated with
• Preventing dogs from accessing slaughterhouses. praziquantel.

Diphyllobothriosis and Geographical distribution

spirometrosis Diphyllobothrium latum is the species found in the lake re-
gions of Europe (Northern Italy, Switzerland, French Alps,
General comments There are other species of Diphyllobothrium, some of
Diphyllobothriosis is a type of cestodosis caused by the de- which use ocean-swimming or estuary fish as a second inter-
velopment of a Pseudophyllidea cestode, Diphyllobothrium mediate host (D. pacificum in Asia and the Pacific, D. cam-
latum, in the mammalian small intestine and is character- eroni and D. yonoganense in Japan, D. cordatum in Green-
ised by the appearance of intestinal disorders associated with land, and D. gilajacica in Russia).
anaemia. In other regions of the world (Asia, the Pacific), Cestodes of the Spirometra genus, especially Spirometra
carnivores may be infested with another Pseudophyllidea, of mansoni, are mainly found in Asia and the Pacific islands.
the same Diphyllobothrium genus, or the genus Spirometra,
whose life cycle is similar to that of D. latum. Morphology
The Spirometra species that can be diagnosed in domestic Diphyllobothrium latum is a cestode whose segments are
carnivores are: S. mansonoides (North and South America), wider than they are long (10–20 mm wide x 2–3 mm long).
S. erinacei europaei (Europe), and S. mansoni (Asia, Pacific). The scolex has no hooks and or suckers but does have two
longitudinal slits (bothria).
Synonyms The segments have an egg-laying orifice, the tocostoma,
Bothriocephalosis, or “fish tapeworm”, because ingestion of a feature which is only found in Pseudophyllidea and not n
fish containing the second stage larvae causes infestation. Cyclophyllidea. Oviferous segments enclose a rosette-shaped
uterus which is dark brown in colour.
Hosts Unlike Cyclophyllidea cestodes such as Taenia and Di-
Mammals that eat fish harbouring the second stage (plero- pylidium, the eggs are laid and then shed in the host’s fae-
cercoid) larvae in their abdominal cavity: ces. They are very similar to trematode eggs (especially fluke
• Wild mammals: Ursidae, Mustelidae, Canidae, Felidae. eggs) and are oval with a smooth, thin shell (70 × 45 µm).
• Domestic mammals: dogs, cats and pigs. They enclose a yellowish-coloured embryo which gives the
• Humans: D. latum causes a zoonosis which can be medi- eggs a granulated appearance. The eggs are operculated, al-
cally significant. lowing the embryo (coracidium) to exit eventually.

The final hosts for the genus Spirometra are wild or domestic Biology
carnivores which are likely to ingest the second intermediate Bothriocephalic cestodes are found in the small intestine and
hosts (amphibians or fish). The second stage, pleroceroid lar- take approximately 6 weeks to form after an infested inter-
vae may cause larva migrans in humans because amphibian mediate fish host is ingested. The tapeworm sheds the eggs
skin is sometimes used in traditional medicine for its healing which are found in the faeces and, if the eggs fall into water,
properties. Subcutaneous larvae can also penetrate through they hatch and liberate spherical, ciliated and mobile coracid-
cuts and sores and cause serious tissue inflammation contain- ium larvae. These are ingested by freshwater copepods (Cy-
ing living larvae. This larval cestodosis is called sparganosis. clops), and develop into procercoid larvae inside them. The
first intermediate host copepods are themselves ingested by
Importance second intermediate host fish, in which the plerocercoid lar-
Diphyllobothriosis is zoonotic and medically significant, be- vae develop. The plerocercoid larva resembles an adult and
cause of the size of the adults (which can reach 12 metres in measures 2–3 cm. It is located in the abdominal cavity of the
length), and the loss of vitamin B12 it can cause. This can fish. If that particular fish is hunted by another fish, the larva
lead to a state of pernicious anaemia. will reencyst and accumulate in the predator fish.
CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 57

Life cycle of Diphyllobothrium latum

Dog, cat, other carnivores
and human

Humans become infested by

ingestion of freshwater fish

Plerocercoids develop

into adult cestodes in


the small intestine




~3 pate

–5 n
we t per
eks iod
acc d,
so  g-live


eggs excreted
in faeces
Plerocercoid proglottids)
The second I.H. is ingested

Eg Egg
in gs ha
Lo  ac

ng cu

Procercoid sh tch a
-liv mu

s wa nd
ed lat

ter de

3 vel
1– op

Cop h devel

2–3 weeks



ds in op into

2nd I.H.


invade tissues

cora ocercoi

and develop into

ts i


pleurocercoids Coracidium
2 nd

1st I.H. (copepod,


D.H. = definitive host a fresh water

I.H. = intermediate host crustacean)
P.H. = paratenic host

Life cycle of Spirometra spp.

Bobcat, raccoon, cat and dog

Humans become infested by

ingestion of drinking water, by eating Plerocercoids develop into adult
tissues from I.H., or by direct contact cestodes in the small intestine
wih amphibian skin (“sparganosis”)

. is

Plerocercoids develop

in the muscles or

15–30 days
subcutaneous tissues of
the I.H.
Microscopic eggs
excreted in faeces
(rarely proglottids)
so accumulate


hatc develop
h in
fres and

h wa

10–14 days



2nd I.H.



(amphibians, reptiles,

birds and small mammals)




2 nd


The procercoids develop 1st I.H.

D.H. = definitive host inside the copepod (copepod, a freshwater crustacean)
I.H. = intermediate host
CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 59

The plerocercoid larvae can be found in many fish, such Control measures
as the Esocidae or pike family, (the northern pike, Esox lu- Treatment
cius), Percidae or perch family (the European perch, Perca Diphyllobothriidae are less sensitive than other cestodes
fluviatilis) and Salmonidae (trout, Salmo trutta and Oncho- to the active ingredients in many anthelmintic products so
rhynchus mykiss; and the char or brook trout, arctic salmon praziquantel is the only effective treatment, but it must be
and trout, Salvelinus). used at 8 times the regular dose, i.e., 40 mg/kg instead of
5 mg/kg. It should be given orally.
Final hosts always become infested by ingesting the second Prevention
intermediate hosts harbouring the plerocercoid larvae (fresh- Preventing infestation in dogs and cats includes not feeding
water fish for D. latum and amphibians for Spirometra). them fish or the viscera of fish caught in lakes, particularly
The final hosts shed the eggs (cestodes with tocostoma) mountain lakes.
which develop in an aquatic environment.
These are essentially wild cycle cestodes that are limited to
regions where there are lakes and ponds.
Domestic mammals become part of the cycle by chance:
for example, a dog that goes fishing with its owner, or walk-
ing around a lake.

Clinical signs
D. latum is probably the most pathogenic of the tapeworms.
It causes intestinal disorders, abdominal discomfort and di-
arrhoea, but also vitamin B12 deficiency by inhibiting ab-
100 μm
sorption of this vitamin, so infested animals or humans will
present with pernicious anaemia that will only be eradicated
with the death of the parasite. Intestinal infestations of cats
and dogs with Spirometra spp. rarely cause disturbance.

Diagnosis is made by examining the faeces for eggs, which
are usually numerous (Fig. 1).

100 μm

Figure 1. Diphyllobothriidae eggs.



General comments • Cryptocotyle lingua: 0.5–2 × 0.2–0.9 mm. A bird para-

Carnivores, usually in tropical climates, can be infested by site, but occasionally found in dogs, cats, seals and mink
intestinal trematodes (flukes). in the arctic regions of Asia, Europe and North America.
These are generally very small trematodes which are not • Metagonimus yokogawai (Fig. 3): 1–2.5 × 0.5 mm. A par-
very pathogenic. These parasites are often discovered inci- asite found in the Far East and Central Europe (Balkans),
dentally, during faecal examination (Fig. 1). which infests carnivores, humans and fish-eating birds.
Intestinal flukes which can infest carnivores, belong to
different groups. Troglotrematidae
Trematodes with a genital pore very close to the ventral
Order of distomes sucker. Some are intracystic trematode parasites of lung pa-
Dicrocoeliidae renchyma (Paragonimus). Nanophyetus is a parasite of the
Trematodes with the ovary posterior to the testicles: small intestine:
• Platynosomum fastosum: 8 × 2.5 mm. A parasite of the • Nanophyetus salmincola: a parasite of the carnivore small
gallbladder and pancreatic ducts which seems to have re- intestine in North America (mainly on the Pacific coast),
emerged in the southeastern United States and the Carib- where the second intermediate hosts are salmon. It also
bean. It is a parasite of wild and domestic carnivores that carries a pathogenic bacterial species which infects wild
are infested by ingesting the second intermediate host, a carnivores and dogs, Neorickettsia helminthoeca.
• Eurytrema procyonis: 8–16 × 7 mm. A common parasite
of the pancreatic ducts in the raccoon (Procyon lotor). In-
festation in of domestic carnivores is possible; infestations
in cats have been reported in the New York region.

Very small trematodes (less than 2 mm long) with a broad-
ened posterior end. Most have a sucker enclosing the genital
pore (gonotyl) (Fig. 2). Aquatic molluscs and fish play a part
50 μm
in the life cycle, the latter being host to the metacercaria, or
encysted stage. Heterophyids are parasites of the small intes- Figure 1. Mesostephanus egg.
tine in mammals and birds.

Heterophyid eggs measure approximately 30–40 × 10–

20 mm, with variations according to the species:
• Heterophyes heterophyes: 1–2 × 0.5 mm. This small trem-
atode is a parasite of the small intestine in humans and
carnivores, found in the Far East and North Africa (e.g.,
Egypt and Tunisia).
• Apophallus donicus: 0.5–1  × 0.2–0.4 mm. A parasite
of the small intestine incats, dogs, foxes and seals that is
0.25 mm
found in Northern Europe and North America.
Figure 2. Adult of the genus Heterophyes.
CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 61

Echinostomatidae Diplostomatidae
Trematodes whose anterior suckers enclose a necklace of 1 or Trematodes with an oblate anterior end:
2 rows of spines. The second intermediate hosts are molluscs • Alaria alata, Alaria marcianae, Alaria americana:
or fish. The eggs are large, similar to those of the fasciolid 3–6 mm long. The eggs are large: 100–125 × 60–80 µm.
ruminant parasite: 90–150 × 60–80 μm: Parasites of the small intestine in cats, dogs and wild carni-
• Euparyphium melis: 3.5–12 × 1.5 mm. A parasite of the vores. The second intermediate host is an amphibian or a
small intestine of aquatic carnivores, such as otters, and reptile. Paratenic hosts are possible (such as rodents or pigs).
also cats and hedgehogs. It has been found in Europe.
• Echinochasmus perfoliatus: 2–4 × 0.5–1 mm. A parasite Clinical signs and treatment 
of aquatic carnivores, and sometimes cats, dogs, pigs and These parasites do not usually cause any intestinal disor-
humans. Found in Central Europe and Asia (Fig. 4). ders and they are discovered accidentally through faecal
Order of holostomes Intestinal disorders and pancreatic failure have been de-
Trematodes whose bodies are divided into two parts, the scribed very rarely, in massive infestations.
proximal part having two suckers (oral sucker and tribocytic Various anthelmintic treatments have been tested, includ-
organ), the sac-like extremity containing the sexual organs. ing the standard flukicides used in ruminants (nitroxynil,
triclabendazole, albendazole) and praziquantel (used in hu-
mans against schistosomes). Praziquantel at 75 mg/kg, taken
for 2–3 days seems to offer the best results.


Figure 3. Metagonimus yokogawai. Courtesy of Guangxi University. Figure 4. (A) Echinochasmus liliputanus and (B) Echinochasmus
perfoliatus. Courtesy of Guangxi University.

Table 1. Overview of trematodes infesting domestic carnivores.

Location Family or subfamily Genus Species Risk to humans

Clinostomatidae Clinostomum abdoni, falsatum, kalappahi
Oral cavity Mesostephanus milvi
Cyathocolidae +
Prohemistomum vivax

Alaria alata, marcianae

Cynodiplostomum azimi
Diplostomatidae +
Fibricola minor
Pharyngostomum cordatum
Echinochasmus (Fig. 4) brevivitellus, liliputanus, perfoliatus
Echinostoma ilocanum, revolutum
Artyfechinostoma malayanum, sufrartyfex
Echinostomatidae Episthmium caninum +
Stephanoprora denticulatoides
Isthmiophora melis (?)
Echinoparyphium spp.

Gymnophallidae Gymnophalloides seoi +

Apophallinae Apophallus (Rossicotrema) donicus, muehlingi, venustus

Ascocotyle angrense, arnoldoi, ascolonga, longa,

Ascocotylinae + (longa)
(= Phagicola = Parascocotyle) longicollis, minuta, pachycystis

Centrocestus armatus, caninus, formosanum genata, longus,

Centrocestinae Pygidiopsis ormulus, summa +
Pygidiopsoides spindalis
Cryptocotylinae Cryptocotyle concavum, lingua, quinqueangularis +
Euryhelminthinae Euryhelmis monorchis, pacifica, squamula

Galactosominae Galactosomum fregatae

microrchis, parataichui, pumilio, sprenti,

taichui, yokogawai,
Haplorchiinae Procerovum +
calderoni, minutum, varium,
amplicaecum, falcatus

Heterophyinae Heterophyes aequalis, continua, heterophyes, nocens +

Metagonimus minutus, takahashii, yokogawai

Metagoniminae +
Dexiogonimus ciureanus

Stictodorinae Stictodora fuscata, lari, sawakinenesis +

Acanthotrema felis
Diorchitrema formosanus, pseudocirratum

Microphallidae Microphalloides vajrasthirae

Nanophyetidae Nanophyetus (Troglotrema) salmincola

Neodiplostomidae Neodiplostomum seoulense

Plagiorchidae Plagiorchis massino, muris

Eurytrema procyonis
Dicrocoeliidae Euparadistomum buckleyi, heischi, pearsoni
Biliary and/or
Platynosomum concinnum, illiciens, fastosum
ducts Amphimerus pseudofelineus
Clonorchis sinensis +

CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 63

Table 1. Overview of trematodes infesting domestic carnivores (continuation).

Location Family or subfamily Genus Species Risk to humans

Metorchis albidus, conjunctus, orientalis +

Opisthorchis (Fig. 5)
Biliary and/or
pancreatic Opisthorchiidae Parametorchis complexus
Paropisthorchis caninus

Pseudamphistomum truncatum +

Nasal Orchipedidae Orchipedum isostoma

cavities Troglotrematidae Troglotrema mustelae

Lungs? Microphallidae Microphalloides vajrasthirae

africanus, amazonicus, caliensis,
heterotremus, inca, kellicotti, mexicanus,
Paragonimus miyazaki, ohirai, peruvianus, pulmonalis, +
Lungs Troglotrematidae siamensis, skrjabini, uterobilateralis,
Euparagonimus cenocopiosus +

Blood vessels Schistosomatidae Schistosoma japonicum +

Table 2. Characteristics of common zoonotic trematodes infesting carnivores.

Intermediate hosts Human

Animal infestation Parasite Distribution
(direct source) infestation
China, Korea, Japan
Echinochasmus Freshwater fish Egypt
Russia, Hungary, Denmark, Italy
Fish, tadpoles,
Echinostoma spp. snails, clams, mussels,
Asia, Philippines, Australia
Echinostomatidosis frogs Intestinal flukes Russia, Europe

Echinoparyphium Snails, tadpoles, frogs Indonesia

India, China, Indonesia, Thailand,

Artyfechinostomum Snails
Malaysia, Philippines

Isthmiophora Tadpoles, loaches, clams Europe, USA

Haplorchis Asian Pacific (Philippines)

Southeast Asia
Mediterranean (Greece to Tunisia) and
Heterophyes Fresh/brackish water fish
Heterophyidosis Intestinal flukes Middle East
(Gambusia, carp, mullets)
Southeast Asia: from Japan and Korea to
India, Spain, Central Europe

Clonorchis Southeast Asia

Opisthorchis spp. Europe, Russia, India

Opisthorchiidosis Fish (Cyprinidae, carps.) Liver flukes
Metorchis North and Central America

Pseudamphistomum Europe, Siberia, India

China, Japan, Southeast Asia
Paragonimosis Paragonimus spp. Crabs, crayfish, shrimps Lung flukes West tropical Africa
Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, Mexico


Cryptosporidiosis a feeder and attachment organelle, which explains the par-

ticular positioning of the Cryptosporidium: they are intracel-
lular because they are surrounded by a cell membrane, but
General comments they are also extracytoplasmic, because they are separated
Cryptosporidiosis caused by Cryptosporidium parvum is an from the cytoplasm.
infectious protozoan disease, which has been observed in a
number of mammalian species, including dogs and cats. It The parasite then undergoes schizogony, gametogony and
causes diarrhoea which can be acute in young animals and sporogony inside the enterocyte and the sporulated oocysts
older individuals with impaired immune systems. Several are then shed into the intestinal lumen. These oocysts consist
species have now been described, including Cryptosporidi- of two types:
um felis, which affects cats. Mammalian cryptosporidiosis • Thin-walled oocysts which can shed their sporozoites in
can be zoonotic, and some genotypes have a higher zoonotic situ to start a new cycle.
potential than others. Cryptosporidiosis has not been well • Thick-walled oocysts, which are shed into the environ-
described in carnivores, unlike in other animals such as ment in the faeces.
Incubation has been shown to take from 2 to 5 days in ex-
Taxonomy perimental infection.
Cryptosporidium are Apicomplexa protozoa belonging to
the class Coccidea (sensu lato) and to the family Crypto- Epidemiology
sporiidae, characterised by a homoxenous life cycle and ex- Cryptosporidiosis due to C. parvum is a disease which main-
tracytoplasmic intracellular development (just below the cell ly affects young animals in their first weeks of life and, to a
membrane). lesser degree, older animals with impaired immune systems.
Several cases have been described in dogs after bouts of ca-
Morphology nine distemper, and in adult cats following C. felis infection.
The life cycle of C. parvum takes place in enterocytes in the The faeces of infected animals provide new sources of
distal parts of the microvilli in the small intestine, mainly parasites. Numerous species of mammals can be crypto-
the ileum. The various stages of development can be seen in sporidia carriers, particularly ruminants which can excrete
the brush borders of these enterocytes after staining with large numbers of oocysts.
Giemsa. Oocysts shed in the faeces are immediately infective and
The average size of the subspherical oocysts is 5 × 4 µm particularly resistant in the external environment, so they
and they contain a very visible oocyst residuum, and four can survive for a long time, especially in water. They are sen-
vermiform sporozoites which are difficult to discern by light sitive to desiccation, heat (destroyed in 30 minutes at 65 °C),
microscopy. and cold (destroyed in 24 hours at -18 °C) but disinfectants
have little effect: only 5  % ammonia and 10  % formalin
Biology solution have proven effective, and bleach may even promote
These parasites become established in the brush border of excystation.
the enterocyte without penetrating the cytoplasm. They then Outbreaks have been observed in animals kept in commu-
become enclosed in a vacuole alongside the rest of the cell, by nal housing, such as breeding facilities and kennels.
CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 65

Life cycle of Cryptosporidium spp.

Dog and cat

of o Infective form
st (sporozoites)


0 da


Oocyst containing
Faecal-oral four sporozoites

Other possible hosts transmission

(humans and small mammals) (contamination
of food/water)

D.H. = definitive host

Clinical signs and lesions

Cryptosporidiosis is often asymptomatic in dogs and cats. Salmonella). Gastritis due to Cryptosporidium felis infection
Persistent or intermittent diarrhoea is seen in clinical cases seems to be increasing in cats.
(often in puppies and kittens), causing weight loss, emacia-
tion and a change in the general condition of the animal. The Lesions
disease can be fatal in particularly severe cases, and in ani- Lesions are mainly found in the small intestine, particularly
mals with impaired immune systems. the ileum. Histological examination shows destruction of the
The clinical signs will be more marked if the animal is epithelial cells at the top of the villi, and replacement of these
also suffering from other diseases, such as an enterotrop- cells by cuboidal cells. Atrophy and fusion of the villi have
ic virus (coronavirus) or bacterial infection (Colibacillus, also been noted.

Diagnosis based on clinical signs is impossible. Intermittent Two drugs have also shown some success in other animal
or persistent diarrhoea in animals in poor condition can be species and are worth trying in the most serious cases: these
the only guide to diagnosis and confirmation is based on the are paromomycin at a dose of 100 mg/kg/day per os for 7
detection of oocysts in faecal matter. This cannot be done days and halofuginone lactate at a dose of 100 mg/kg/day
using the standard coproscopic techniques used in carnivores per os for 3 days. Nitazoxanide is currently used in the treat-
because of the size of the oocytes. Screening requires either ment of human cryptosporidiosis in children in the United
specific colouration, such as a modified Ziehl-Neelsen stain, States and a regimen has also been approved to treat animals
or flotation in a sucrose solution (Figs. 1 and 2). (see Antiprotozoals, page 359).

Control measures Prevention

Treatment Prevention is limited in carnivores. On farms, and in breed-
In the absence of specific data on the treatment of cryptos- ing facilities and kennels, prevention must be based on keep-
poridiosis in carnivores, treatment of clinical signs by sup- ing housing clean and dry (daily removal of faecal matter),
portive therapy, including fluid replacement,  is probably and disinfecting surfaces. Oocysts are very resistant and are
good practice. only destroyed by high-pressure water vapour (130 bars) and
by ammonia-based disinfectants. Some physical alterations
to the premises may be necessary, especially concreting of
communal areas to enable better disinfection.

10 μm 10 μm

Figure 1. Cryptosporidium oocysts (in red) Figure 2. Two Cryptosporidium oocysts (white)
(Ziehl-Neelsen staining). (Gomori staining).
CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 67

Coccidioses Morphology
These protozoa appear in different forms: intracellular forms
called schizonts (meronts) and gamonts (gametocytes) can be
General comments seen in intestinal cells.
Canine and feline coccidioses are infectious diseases caused Free forms also exist in the intestinal lumen. Some have
by intestinal Apicomplexan protozoa of the class Coccidea. a very short life, and are therefore rarely observed: these
Coccidioses are characterised by the development of gener- are the sporozoites, merozoites and microgametes. Others
ally severe enteritis with diarrhoea which can sometimes be are more resistant and are found in the faeces: these are the
haemorrhagic. Coccidioses are caused by coccidia which are oocysts, with the exception of Sarcocystis spp., which shed
specific to dogs - Isospora canis, Isospora ohioensis, Sar- sporocysts. Diagnosis of the type of coccidiosis is based on
cocystis spp. specific to dogs, Hammondia heydorni and finding one or the other on faecal examination.
Neospora caninum, or to cats - Isospora felis and Isospora
rivolta, Sarcocystis spp specific to cats, Hammondia ham- Biology
mondi and Toxoplasma gondii. Coccidia, which cause coccidiosis in dogs and cats, multiply
Coccidiosis is a protozoan disease with worldwide distri- in the intestinal tract and invade the mucous membranes.
bution. Coccidiosis caused by Isospora spp. is seen in young They may even migrate to extraintestinal locations, as is the
animals, where it is common and frequently underestimated. case with genus Isospora. Multiplication of the parasites gen-
Coccidiosis caused by Sarcocystis spp. is linked to the in- erally takes place in the small intestine, with the exception of
gestion of raw or undercooked meat. I. ohioensis where it generally takes place in the large intes-
tine (caecum and colon).
Taxonomy The pathogenesis of coccidiosis is not well understood,
Coccidia are Apicomplexan protozoa of the subphylum but it seems to be connected with the destruction of the intes-
Sporozoa, belonging to the class Coccidea (Coccidia sensu tinal epithelium by the parasite and the host’s inflammatory
lato) and to the suborder Eimeriorina. Dog and cat coccidia reaction, which causes oedema and thickening of the mucous
belong to three different families: membranes. These lesions then reduce the absorption by the
• The Isosporidae family, subfamily Isosporinae; I. canis, intestine. There is also a generally toxic effect, which would
I. ohioensis, I. felis and I. rivolta, characterised by a ho- explain cases of neurological dysfunction.
moxenous life cycle.
• The Isosporidae family, subfamily Toxoplasmatinae; Epidemiology
H. heydorni and H. hammondi, T. gondii, N. caninum and The epidemiology of coccidiosis depends on the species of
Besnoitia spp., with a heteroxenous life cycle. An asexually coccidia involved because their life cycles are different.
reproductive phase is followed by a sexual reproduction
phase in the definitive host dog or cat. There is a variety of Coccidiosis caused by Isospora spp.
intermediate hosts, including birds and rodents for Ham- Coccidiosis caused by Isospora is both widespread and com-
mondia reptiles and mammals for Besnoitia; many birds mon. It generally affects young animals living in a communal
and mammals (including humans) for T. gondii and many environment (breeding facilities, kennels, pet shops), or those
mammals (but not humans) for N. caninum. that have just been acquired from one of these sources.
• The Isosporidae family, subfamily Sarcocystinae; Sarco- The initial symptoms appear at around 3 weeks of age
cystis spp. which have a heteroxenous cycle and only the and are often observed after stress (weaning, sale, transport).
sexual reproduction phase takes place in the definitive host Clinical signs are more severe in animals with impaired im-
dog or cat. munity. Protective immunity is triggered by a primary infec-
tion, so clinical coccidiosis is less common in adult animals.

15 μm 10 μm

Figure 1. Oocysts of Isospora felis. Coproscopy. Figure 2. Isospora oocysts (Isospora canis [large] - Isospora
ohioensis [small]). Coproscopy.

Life cycle of heteroxenous coccidia (Besnoitia, Hammondia, Toxoplasma and Neospora spp.)

Asexual and sexual reproduction

take place in the D.H.

Dog and cat

Small and large intestine cells oocyst

5–6 days

~3 days in faeces Faeces

before becoming

d tiss Infective
fec oocyst
est in
Months to years

Toxoplasma Toxoplasma
gondii gondii

Tachyzoites and bradyzoites D.H. = definitive host

I.H. intestine and
I.H. = intermediate host
body tissues
CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 69

Carrier dogs and cats are sources of parasites and they Oocysts shed into the external environment must undergo
shed oocysts in their faeces for a limited period of time sporulation in order to become infective. Sporulation takes
(Figs. 1 and 2). The parasitic forms may survive for a long at least 24 hours, but is sometimes longer, depending on the
time in various organs, enabling persistent infection, so humidity and temperature. Sporulated oocysts consist of a
breeding animals are a potential source of infection. A car- smooth wall enclosing two sporocysts, each containing four
nivore developing a concurrent disease may also re-excrete sporozoites. They are very resistant and can survive in the
oocysts and many mammals, such as mice, can become pa- environment for 1 to 2 years, but they are sensitive to des-
ratenic hosts after ingesting sporulated oocysts. These hosts iccation, heat (destroyed in 30 minutes at 60 °C), ultraviolet
retain a latent form. Infection of new carnivore hosts occurs light, and cold (destroyed in 3 months at 0 °C and in 7 days
after they ingest the viscera of these paratenic hosts. at 25 °C). Many disinfectants have little or no effect: only
ammonia, and to a lesser degree, Cresyl, is effective.

Life cycle of Sarcocystis spp.


Only sexual reproduction

takes place in the D.H.
Dog and cat

D.H. small intestine cells






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tiss st
ted ek
infec We

Merozoites invade striated

muscle cells and form cysts
Asexual reproduction takes
place in the mesenteric
D.H. = definitive host arteries and capillaries
I.H. = intermediate host I.H.

Coccidiosis caused by Sarcocystis

or Hammondia spp.
This can affect cats and dogs of any age after ingestion of
raw or undercooked meat (Fig. 3). Immunity does not devel-
op very well after primary infection and there is no cross-im-
munity between species so reinfection is always a possibility.
Sources of the parasite are (a) indirect: carrier dogs or cats
which excrete sporocysts or oocysts in their faeces for a short
period of time (Fig. 4); or (b) direct: intermediate host carri-
ers of bradyzoite cysts (Miescher’s tubules, or sarcosporidian
cysts and Hammondia cysts) in their skeletal and myocardial
muscles (Fig. 5). Figure 3. Lesions of sarcocystosis in small ruminant muscle tissue.

20 μm 20 μm

Figure 4. Sarcocystis oocysts. Coproscopy.

50 μm 100 μm

Figure 5. Sarcosystis cyst in muscle tissue. Haematoxylin-eosin stain.

CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 71

Table 1. Sarcocystis and Hammondia species with cats or
dogs as definitive hosts.
Species Intermediate host
Sarcocystis cruzi Dog Cattle

Sarcocystis ovicanis Dog Sheep

Sarcocystis moulei Dog Goat

Sarcocystis cameli Dog Dromedary

Sarcocystis levinei Dog Water buffalo

Sarcocystis miescheriana Dog Pig

Sarcocystis berframi Dog Horse

Figure 6. Cow showing signs of besnoitiosis (elephantiasis).

Sarcocystis horvathi Dog Chicken

Hammondia heydorni Dog Cattle and other ruminants

Hammondia hammondi Cat Mice and other small rodents

Sarcocystis hirsuta Cat Cattle

Sarcocystis gigantea
Cat Sheep
(syn. S. tenella)

Sarcocystis porcifelis Cat Pig

Sarcocystis cuniculi Cat Rabbit

Sarcocystis leporum Cat Rabbit

50 μm

Each of these coccidia has a specific intermediate host. Figure 7. Besnoitia cyst. Subcutaneous location. Biopsy.
Sarcocystis sporocysts that are shed into the external en- Haematoxylin-eosin stain.

vironment are directly infective and measure from 11–20 ×

8–16 µm, depending on the species. They contain four sporo-
zoites, as well as a sporocyst residuum.
Hammondia oocysts resemble those of Toxoplasma; they
are spherical and measure 13 × 11 µm. They need to under-
go sporulation to become infective and this takes at least
24  hours, and often longer, depending on humidity and tem-
perature. The oocysts and sporocysts are very resistant in the
environment, like those of Isospora.

Coccidiosis caused by Besnoitia besnoiti

100 μm
The definitive host of Besnoitia besnoiti was supposed to
be the cat, where the sexual reproduction phase takes place, Figure 8. Besnoitia cyst. Subcutaneous location. Biopsy.
forming oocysts measuring 14–16 × 12–14 µm which spor- Haematoxylin-eosin stain.

ulate on the ground.

Cattle are the only known intermediate host (Fig. 6) and and they can reach 200–600 µm in diameter which is just
the asexual multiplication phase (the tachyzoite stage) takes visible to the naked eye (Figs. 7 and 8).
place in their endothelial cells, then cysts are produced in Bovine besnoitiosis is considered to be an emerging disease
their fibroblast cells. Besnoitia cysts have the peculiarity of in Europe. This parasite is transmitted to cattle by vectors (fly-
being hypertrophic, particularly in the ocular conjunctiva, ing insects).

Coccidiosis caused by Neospora caninum
A whole chapter is devoted to this coccidial disease, because
of its specificity to dogs (see Neosporosis, page 182).

Coccidiosis caused by Toxoplasma gondii
A whole chapter is devoted to this coccidial disease, because
of its specificity to cats (see Toxoplasmosis, page 175).

Clinical signs
Coccidiosis caused by Isospora spp.
10 μm
This coccidiosis presents in a variety of forms, from asymp-
tomatic coccidiosis to a subacute, or severe, type of coccidal Figure 9. Toxoplasma oocyst. Coproscopy.
The asymptomatic form is more common in well-kept
breeding facilities and it corresponds to a primary infection
with a low parasite burden for the first weeks of life, during
which time immunity is acquired.
The subclinical form reduces growth rate. The acute form
is characterised by foul-smelling, mucoid-to-haemorrhagic
diarrhoea, sometimes with abdominal pain, accompanied
by a change in the general condition of the animal. Other
signs include anaemia, dehydration, anorexia and weight
loss. A febrile syndrome and encephalitic disorders may also
20 μm
be seen. Death may occur in a few days in extreme cases, but
improvement is usually seen in 7 to 10 days. Figure 10. Sporulated oocysts of Toxoplasma. Confocal microscopy.
The chronic form is characterised by pasty, foul-smelling
diarrhoea. The general condition of the animal gradually
changes and there is significant weight loss which may result
in stunting.

Coccidiosis caused by Sarcocystis and

Hammondia spp.
These types of coccidiosis are usually asymptomatic, al-
though episodes of diarrhoea can sometimes be seen.

Coccidiosis caused by Neospora caninum

(in dog) and Toxoplasma gondii (in cat)
These two coccidia are not very pathogenic in their definitive
30 μm
hosts. Infection is asymptomatic and only the excretion of
oocysts is conspicuous (Figs. 9 and 10), however, both dogs Figure 11. Toxoplasma cyst in brain tissue. Histology. Haematoxylin-
and cats may present with toxoplasmosis, as can all the other eosin stain.

intermediate hosts (Fig. 11).

CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 73

Clinical diagnosis is impossible: only the presence of frank
or gelatinous blood in the faeces of a young animal will sug-
gest coccidiosis. Differential diagnosis must include canine
parvovirus infection in young dogs, and panleukopenia (fe-
line distemper) in kittens.
Confirmation is based on the detection of oocysts or
sporocysts in the faeces (Fig. 12), which is relatively simple
using coproscopy after enrichment with a dense liquid.
The presence of oocysts in the faeces is not always associ-
ated with clinical coccidiosis, so faecal examination always
10 μm
needs to accompany careful consideration of the clinical
signs. Figure 12. Isospora oocysts. Coproscopy.

Table 2. Characteristics of oocysts and sporocysts that can be found in dog and cat faeces. It should be noted that Hammondia,
Neospora and Toxoplasma oocycts cannot be differentiated.

Species Parasitic elements shed in faeces Average size Infective forms (after sporulation)

Isospora canis Oocyst with one rounded end (basal) Oocyst with two sporocysts,
38 × 30 µm
(dog) and one pointed end (conical) each containing four sporozoites

Isospora ohioensis Oocyst with one rounded end (basal) Oocyst with two sporocysts,
23 × 19 µm
(dog) and one pointed end (conical) each containing four sporozoites

Isospora felis Oocyst with one rounded end (basal) Oocyst with two sporocysts,
38–51 × 27–39 µm
(cat) and one pointed end (conical) each containing four sporozoites

Isospora rivolta Oocyst with one rounded end (basal) Oocyst with two sporocysts,
21–28 × 18–23 µm
(cat) and one pointed end (conical) each containing four sporozoites

12 × 8 µm to 20 × 16 µm
Sarcocystis spp. Sporocyst containing four sporozoites Directly infective sporocyst
depending on the species

Oocyst with two sporocysts,

Hammondia spp. Subspherical oocyst 13 × 11 µm
each containing four sporozoites

Neospora caninum Oocyst with two sporocysts,

Subspherical oocyst 13 × 11 µm
(dog) each containing four sporozoites

Toxoplasma gondii Oocyst with two sporocysts,

Subspherical oocyst 12–15 × 10–13 µm
(cat) each containing four sporozoites

Control measures
Treatment Prevention
Outcome is normally favourable after administration of a Prevention is limited in carnivores. The housing in breeding
symptomatic treatment. The specific treatment traditionally facilities and kennels should be kept clean and dry (through
consists of sulphonamides, and the most active is considered daily removal of faecal matter), and surfaces, such as floors
to be sulfadimethoxine. It is used at a dose of 30 mg/kg/day and walls should be disinfected regularly. Sporulated oocysts
per os for 10 to 14 days, and is sometimes combined with are highly resistant but they can be destroyed by high-pres-
baquiloprim. A combination of trimethoprim and sulfadi- sure water vapour (130 bars) and ammonia-based disinfect-
azine at a dose of 15 mg (of sulfadiazine)/kg/day per os for 6 ants. Other measures may also be adopted, such as concret-
days can also be used. ing surfaces in communal areas to allow better disinfection.
Toltrazuril and diclazuril, newer drugs that were original-
ly used in poultry and ruminant farming, are often used by
dog breeders.
Toltrazuril is labelled for use at a dosage of 9 mg/kg, in
combination with emodepside (0.45 mg/kg) orally, to treat
Isospora infection as well as gastrointestinal nematodes in
Diclazuril can be used at a dosage of 2.5 mg/kg per os.
CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 75


General comments
Giardiosis is a protozoan infection of the small intestine,
characterised by the development of enteritis with chronic
diarrhoea, often appearing steatorrhoeic. Protozoa of the ge-
nus Giardia (formerly Lamblia) infect amphibians (G. agi-
lis), reptiles (G. muris), birds (G. muris), and mammals
10 μm
(G. muris in rodents, G. duodenalis (syn. G. intestinalis) in
numerous mammals, including humans).
Giardiosis is a protozoan infection which occurs world-
wide because the parasitic reservoir consists of a great num-
ber of healthy carriers.
It is an infection shared by animals and humans, although
the genotype adapted to each species is quite distinct. This
intestinal parasite is common in cats and dogs but underesti-
mated in veterinary medicine, because of its difficult diagno-
sis, which is still based on faecal examination. 15 μm

Giardia duodenalis is a flagellated protozoan (phylum Sar-
comastigophora, subphylum Mastigophora), belonging to
the order Diplomonadida (bilaterally symmetrical due to the
incomplete longitudinal division of the parasite) and to the
family Hexamitidae (having eight flagella).

This protozoan has two active stages: trophozoites, measur-
5 μm
ing 6–8 × 12–15 µm and equipped with a sucking disk which
enables them to adhere to the surface of intestinal epithelial Figure 1. Giardia cysts (no staining, except Lugol’s iodine in the
cells; and the quiescent, cyst stage, which is shed in faecal bottom image). Coproscopy.

matter, and is resistant and infective (Fig. 1).

The trophozoite stage is rarely seen, except on examina-
tion of fresh faeces. anterior ileum). However, this distribution varies according
The cysts are ovoid and contain two to four nuclei, as to the individual and to their diet. Very rarely, Giardia can
well as the residue of the flagella and mid-body parts, giving invade the entire mucosa, but no cases have been reported
the impression of an S shape in the centre. These elements of the parasite infiltrating the biliary tract in carnivores as
found in the cyst correspond to two incompletely formed in humans.
trophozoites and the cysts measure 7–10 × 8–12 µm. Cysts Giardia live fixed to the surface of the brush border of
ingested by carnivores will each liberate two trophozoites. intestinal cells, mainly at the base of the villi. The sucking
process is maintained by movement of the flagella and also
Biology by a mechanism of specific cell recognition. Fixation is asso-
In dogs and cats, the parasites are found mostly in the lower ciated with a protein (lectin) in the plasma membrane which
two thirds of the small intestine (duodenum, jejunum and binds to the glycosylated residues of the host cell.

Giardia feed by a process of pinocytosis, engulfing nu- Infection occurs when the cysts are digested by gastric or du-
tritional elements mostly through the dorsal membrane. odenal enzymes, then the two trophozoites contained in the
They multiply by binary division of the trophozoites in the cyst mature and the cyst will then liberate them into the du-
small intestine, where they carpet the surface of the intestinal odenum. Experimentally, this stage takes only 10 to 30 min-
epithelium. utes. The trophozoites then actively multiply by simple lon-
gitudinal binary fission in 5 to 40 hours. In humans, it has
Life cycle been shown that the speed of trophozoite growth depends on
The life cycle of Giardia duodenalis is simple, with alternat- the Giardia strain and on the immune and nutritional status
ing phases of trophozoite multiplication and cyst formation. of the host. No sexually reproductive stage is known.

Life cycle of Giardia duodenalis

Dog and cat

Animals eliminate
An either trophozoites
als or cysts via faeces
t cy

Mature cyst
~ 7 days
Cy sev
sts era
ca l m
n r on
em th
ain s



Humans ingest
cysts shed by Faecal-oral
pets or, more transmission
likely, other (contamination
humans of food/water)
Mature cyst

Humans eliminate cysts via faeces D.H. = definitive host

CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 77

Cysts form gradually during passage from the small to the Epidemiology
large intestine, by a mechanism which is not yet well under- Healthy human or animal carriers are sources of the parasite
stood. pH, concentration of bile salts, and certain fatty acids and infection takes place when cysts are ingested. They are
all play a part. The cyst contains two incompletely formed relatively fragile in the external environment and are sensitive
trophozoites (two to four scarcely visible nuclei, fragments of to desiccation and to ordinary disinfectants. Cysts tend to ac-
crescent-shaped ventral disks). cumulate in moist environments (such as vegetable gardens)
and are conveyed by contaminated water or foodstuffs (raw
Various characteristics of the host and the parasite are in- vegetables, for instance). They can resist for several weeks in
volved and the main host factors seem to be: pre-existing ma- a moist environment (2 months at 8 °C, 1 month at 21 °C,
labsorption, deficient nutritional status and various physical only 4 days at 37 °C).
and chemical changes which alter conditions for the para- It is likely that any period of weakened immunity will fa-
site’s development in the gastro-intestinal tract. Atrophy of cilitate clinical expression of the disease following infection,
the villi is partly caused by the host’s inflammatory and im- or cause a latent infected state to turn into a full-blown dis-
mune responses. The virulence varies according to the strain. ease, as it does in humans.
• Giardia carpet the brush border and mechanically inter- Giardiosis is common in dogs and cats in Europe and in
fere with absorption by the intestine (lactase and sucrase the United States, affecting animals of all ages, with a higher
activity is disrupted in humans). prevalence in young animals from weaning to 2 years old.
• They also cause mucus hypersecretion which disrupts ex- According to a number of epidemiological studies, it can
change at the enterocyte level and shortening of the villi be found in approximately 10 % of faecal examinations in
reduces the surface area for exchange. carnivores that have diarrhoea and are taken to the vet for
• Enterocyte renewal is accelerated, which may cause defec- examination. Epidemiological studies in breeding kennels
tive glucose and amino acid transport (immature cells have indicate that the parasite is present in nearly 100 % of cases,
inadequate enzyme systems). Giardia also interfere with and that the prevalence of infection in dogs is up to 50 %.
fat absorption by inhibiting pancreatic lipase. These figures are identical or slightly higher than in helminth
• The parasites may release toxic substances which can infections, which makes G. duodenalis one of the most com-
affect the metabolism of the brush border and inhibit a mon intestinal parasites in domestic carnivores.
number of enzyme systems. A direct cytopathic effect of
reduced sucrase and alkaline phosphatase activity in en- Clinical signs
terocytes has been demonstrated. Cytopathic effects have Carnivores that have ingested cysts will usually present clin-
been observed in some cell lines (Vero and Hela) in vitro. ical signs one week later, but the incubation period varies
• Giardia may disrupt bile secretion and promote bacterial greatly from one animal to another, and some show no signs
proliferation, though the diarrhoea observed in Giardia of infection and become carriers. There are two forms of the
infection is caused by an absorption disorder rather than disease: a rare, acute form, and a common chronic form.
increased secretion. The acute form is characterised by watery diarrhoea which
is resistant to treatment, colic and bloating, and a change in
Young animals are usually more sensitive than adults, which the overall condition of the animal. There is usually no fever.
can spontaneously limit the infection and this disease is more The chronic form is characterised by pasty, foul-smelling
common in individuals in a state of altered immunity. diarrhoea and steatorrhoea which causes faeces to be yellow-
Immunity is based on both humoral and cell mechanisms, ish and fatty. Frequency of emission is often increased, from
and antibodies and effector cells may cooperate to eliminate one to five or six times a day. Abdominal pain is perceptible
the parasite. Specific antibodies have been found in humans on palpation. The overall condition of the animal will gradu-
and mice, IgA and IgG in particular. They are transmitted ally deteriorate and weight loss will occur as the animal gen-
through the mother’s milk and determine the resistance of erally retains its appetite but will be polydipsic.
unweaned mice from mothers which have been infected. The
local lymphocyte reaction also seems to play a role in eliminat-
ing the parasites, and causes epithelial lesions (atrophied villi).

Giardiosis lesions vary greatly in severity and location. The elements which are sometimes difficult to see, corresponding
intestinal villi are the site of massive lymphocyte infiltration to two to four nuclei and fragments of flagella. Stains which
and a mixed inflammatory reaction involving macrophages, are fixed by the cyst walls can be used so that internal struc-
granulocytes and lymphocytes can also be seen. Parasites are tures can be seen more easily. It is then possible to distinguish
sometimes found in the lamina propria and necrosis at the the cysts on first observation of the slide at a low magnifica-
apex of the villi has been described in dogs. tion (×100 = obj. 10). Lugol’s iodine solution is useful and
and is made up of 10 g sublimated iodine, 50 g potassium
Diagnosis iodide and water qs 100 mL. A drop of iodine on the edge
Clinical diagnosis is difficult, as only the steatorrhoea and of the slide is all that is required and this will make Giardia
chronic diarrhoea which develops over a number of days cysts take on a very clear orange hue (Fig. 2). Merthiolate-io-
or weeks, punctuated by phases of remission, will indicate dine-formaldehyde (MIF) is another iodine-based stain
giardiosis. which is used in human medicine and can also be used to
Diagnosis must differentiate between giardiosis and bac- detect parasites. Iodine does not colour coccidial oocysts or
terial enteritis, which is usually accompanied by fever, and sporocysts, and facilitates differential diagnosis of Giardia
exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, which presents a very sim- cysts.
ilar clinical picture in young dogs. These cysts can also be seen on duodenal smears during
Confirmation is based on identification of Giardia cysts in endoscopy, but this method requires more equipment and is
the faeces. Elimination of the cysts may be variable, which is more difficult than faecal examination. It also does not nec-
why a second test should be carried out about a week after a essarily provide more accurate results.
negative faecal examination. Elimination of cysts is generally
massive in clinical giardiosis, and they are easily identified
using coproscopy after enrichment, but the number of cysts
is much lower in asymptomatic carriers.
Giardia cysts are more or less rounded, approximately
8 × 12 µm in size, therefore not easily visible with the ×10
objective lens used for helminth eggs. They are quite light in
colour, with a thin, smooth shell, and enclose a number of

Summary of coproscopy methods

The flotation technique, using a high-density liquid, is the most 25 μm

commonly used. Most dense solutions are suitable because

Giardia cysts are not very dense. Simple flotation solutions,
such as magnesium sulphate with a specific gravity (s.g.) of
1.28 or zinc sulphate (s.g. 1.33) are suitable. Centrifuge
equipment is not necessary. A method which is simple and
which can be used to detect all intestinal parasites consists of
mixing 1 g of faecal matter with 10 mL of the dense solution
in a standard haemolysis tube and placing a coverslip over
the tube so that it is in contact with the liquid. After about
10  minutes, any protozoan cysts or helminth eggs become
stuck to the underside of the coverslip which can then be
placed on a slide for observation under the microscope. If a
15 μm
centrifuge is used, place a coverslip on the tube, centrifuge
for 5 minutes at 1500 rpm, then recover the coverslip.
Figure 2. Giardia cysts (Lugol’s iodine stain).
CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 79

Immunological diagnosis is possible: disinfecting floors. Cysts are very sensitive to quaternary am-
• By direct immunofluorescence assay: monoclonal anti- monium (the majority of common commercial disinfectants),
bodies which allow Giardia cysts to be detected by im- but appear to be fairly resistant to chlorine (bleach). During
munofluorescence assay are available. This technique is as epidemics in communal housing, the carriers must be treated
effective as the flotation method of faecal examination for as well as the sick animals, so they must all be screened.
detection of Giardia cysts in humans but a fluorescence Giardiosis is probably the most common intestinal proto-
microscope is required, which limits this test to specialised zoan disease in carnivores but its prevalence is underestimat-
laboratories. ed due to the limited number of faecal examinations carried
• Using an ELISA kit to detect the coproantigens present in out in veterinary clinics. The technique is actually easy, and
faecal matter from infected individuals. does not necessarily require expensive equipment, such as a
centrifuge. Finding evidence of Giardia cysts is facilitated by
Control measures staining with iodised solutions.
Treatment An inactivated vaccine has been marketed in some Amer-
The outcome is favourable after a course of symptomatic ican countries over the past few years but there have been
treatment (mucosal protective agents, antispasmodics) and contradictory reports on its efficacy.
specific therapy. The latter will almost certainly consist of
either metronidazole, or certain benzimidazoles. Risk to humans
Metronidazole may be administered at a dose of 20 mg/ Many arguments insist on the zoonotic nature of some
kg per os twice a day for 10 days. According to the studies strains/genotypes of G. duodenalis but not all:
published, efficacy varies from 100 % down to 67 % and • Giardia from humans can be transmitted to various ani-
adverse reactions, such as nausea, vomiting and ataxia, have mal species in the laboratory.
been described. • There is a strong antigenic similarity between isolates from
A number of benzimidazoles have been shown to be animals (cats, beavers, sheep, muskrats, dogs) and those
90 to 100 % effective and use of these drugs could be advan- from human patients.
tageous because of their excellent safety, even at high dos- • Morphometry is identical.
es. Fenbendazole (50 mg/kg), oxfendazole (11.3 mg/kg) and • There are significant genetic similarities between isolates
febantel (15 mg/kg) administered for 5 consecutive days all of animal and human origins, as restriction fragment
demonstrated their efficacy. length polymorphism (RFLP) studies using DNA imprints
Treatment failure, or the persistence of cysts in faeces is or sequencing have shown.
mainly attributable to almost immediate reinfection. Indeed, • Electrophoretic profiles were very close to identical in most
dogs undergoing treatment continue to ingest cysts which of the enzyme groups studied, but there were variations
develop very rapidly (in 2 to 3 days), so when the dogs are between geographical isolates.
placed in clean kennels (washed and disinfected), treatment • Various epidemiological studies have shown that animals,
is much more effective. Recontamination in dogs belonging especially carnivores, have acted as parasite sources for
to private owners is much less common, so treatment results humans.
are good and relapses are rarer.
However, genetic studies tend to show that  different popula-
Prevention tions of the parasite G. duodenalis are more or less adapted
Prevention is limited in carnivores but possible with human to each type of host. Studies of Giardia DNA and isoenzymes
giardiosis, through measures to ensure that drinking water is from humans and dogs discovered different characteristics.
clean. In cat or dog kennels, treatment is based on keeping It should be accepted that Giardia of animal origin may
cages clean and dry (by frequent removal of faecal matter) and infect humans.

Trichomonosis* The axostyle, a rigid, rod-shaped organelle, runs through the

trophozoite and protrudes from the posterior end (Fig. 1).

General comments Epidemiology

Trichomonads are flagellate protozoan members of the or- Tritrichomonas foetus was first molecularly identified as a
der Trichomonadida. Trichomonads are animal parasites or cause of chronic large bowel diarrhoea in cats in 2003. T. foe-
commensals and they reside in mucous membrane-lined, mi- tus has been demonstrated to colonise the distal ileum and
croaerophilic, non-sterile organ cavities such as the gastroin- colon in experimentally or clinically infected cats, resulting
testinal and reproductive tracts. They are spindle- to tear-drop in lymphoplasmacytic and neutrophilic colitis and chronic
shaped, highly motile flagellates, similar in size to Giardia foul-smelling diarrhoea. T. foetus has now been described in
and they exist only as trophozoites (no cyst stage), they divide cats in many countries where the prevalence of infection var-
by binary fission, and are transmitted directly between hosts. ies from 10 % to 59 % and assumed to be transmitted from cat
Trophozoites bear a characteristic number of anteriorly di- to cat via the faecal-oral route. Trichomonads can survive for
rected flagella and a single, posteriorly directed flagellum that several days in moist faeces, although they do not persist for
arises at the anterior end and courses along the body, creating more than a few hours in clean, dry, and aerobic conditions.
the undulating membrane which is a characteristic feature. Although T. foetus is sexually transmitted in cattle, there is

5 μm

Figure 1. Cytological preparation of cultured feline Tritrichomonas foetus. Stained with Wright-Giemsa and photographed at
×100 magnification. (a) Anterior flagella, (b) undulating membrane, (c) posterior flagellum, (d) axostyle, (e) nucleus.

* From chapter originally written by Jody Gookin for the book Parasitoses and Vector Borne Diseases of Cats. Ed. Merial, 2015. Pictures from Jody Gookin.
CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 81

little evidence for venereal transmission of T. foetus in cats. isolates revealed a single-nucleotide polymorphism that dis-
Studies conducted on the reproductive organs of purebred tinguishes feline isolates from those of cattle and pigs. Mo-
cats where a high prevalence of intestinal T. foetus infection lecular sequencing also revealed 10 distinct genotypic poly-
was identified, found no light microscopic, immunohisto- morphisms between the T. suis/T. foetus “cattle genotype”
chemical or molecular evidence of T. foetus colonisation. In- and the T.  foetus “feline genotype” for a total of 1.03  %
fection of the uterus with T. foetus was reported in one cat, difference between genotypes from these hosts, with the
although it was unclear whether T. foetus was a primary or greatest difference recorded for the cysteine protease (CP)
opportunistic pathogen. From these data, it is unlikely that genes. From this and other data, it has been concluded that
reproductive tract infection with T. foetus plays a significant the feline and cattle isolates may be divided into two distinct
role in transmission of the disease or is a frequent cause of genotypes so it has been proposed that the feline trichomon-
reproductive tract pathology in breeding catteries. ad be renamed T.  blagburni based on molecular analyses,
host specificity and pathology.
Relationship between feline and bovine Unlike in the cross-transmission studies between pig and
Tritrichomonas foetus and porcine cattle trichomonads, experimental infection of cattle with a
Tritrichomonas suis feline T. foetus isolate resulted in a similar, but not identical,
There has been considerable debate regarding the relation- course of colonization of the vagina, cervix and uterus but
ship between feline and bovine isolates of T. foetus and less endometrial pathology than caused by bovine T. foetus.
porcine T. suis. T. foetus is a well-recognised cattle path- When cats were infected with a bovine T. foetus isolate, the
ogen and is sexually transmitted from bull to cow. In the researchers reported that the bovine isolate was less patho-
cow, T. foetus infects the vagina, cervix and uterus and may genic for cats than the feline isolate.
cause mild infection or more severe sequela including vag-
initis, early abortion, and occasional pyometra, resulting Pathogenesis
in permanent infertility. The porcine trichomonad T. suis Great progress has been made in the past 15 years in deter-
colonises hollow organs, including the nasal cavity, stom- mining the molecular identity and genetics of feline T. foe-
ach, small and large intestines and caecum in pigs. It had tus and in developing diagnostic tests and, to some extent,
previously been described as a pathogen possibly associated effective treatment for this infection. However, very little is
with rhinitis in pigs but additional research has now shown known about how these organisms actually cause diarrhoea.
it to be a harmless commensal in that host. The trichomon- Based on what is known about the pathogenic mechanisms
osis first described in cats in the late 1990s was identified of bovine T. foetus in the reproductive tract and what can be
as T. foetus from a limited molecular comparison between observed in cats infected with feline T. foetus, multiple path-
bovine and feline isolates. ogenic factors are likely. Pathogenic factors associated with
Based on a plethora of comparisons, including cross-infec- Trichomonas infection include interaction with endogenous
tivity studies, virulence assays, molecular analysis, geograph- bacterial flora, adherence to host epithelium, and production
ical distribution, morphological characteristics and immuno- of cytotoxins and enzymes. Infecting specific-pathogen-free
logical analysis, there appears to be no significant difference cats with cultures of feline T. foetus results in chronic colo-
between the bovine T. foetus “genotype” and porcine T. suis. nisation of the terminal ileum, caecum, and colon, and large
Infecting cattle with T. suis resulted in similar pathology to bowel diarrhoea similar to that observed in naturally infect-
infection with the bovine parasite, and pigs have been found ed cats. In cats infected naturally, T. foetus is found in the
to be easily infected with the cattle trichomonad. The conclu- superficial mucus and in contact with the surface epithelium
sion is that these “sister species” are synonymous. of the caecum and colon. Uptake of T. foetus antigens by
Recent studies have demonstrated significant genetic the colonic surface epithelial cells can also be demonstrat-
differences between the T. suis/T. foetus “cattle genotype” ed. Histologically, this is associated with the infiltration of
and the T. foetus “feline genotype”. Sequencing the ITS- lymphocytes, plasma cells, and neutrophils into the colonic
1 - 5.8  DNA gene through ITS-2 of both cattle and feline lamina propria.

Clinical signs
Feline T. foetus infection is characterised by waxing and
waning diarrhoea that often contains fresh blood or mu-
cus. Diarrhoea is semi-formed to a “cow pat” consistency
is and malodorous. In most cases, infected cats maintain
good health and body condition which presumably reflects
confinement of the infection to the colon. However, some
kittens develop faecal incontinence and overt swelling and
inflammation of the anal region from faecal scalding (Fig. 2).
Cats with diarrhoea and concurrent T. foetus infection are
generally young but can range widely in age. Older infect-
ed cats may be clinically healthy or may have a long history
of diarrhoea since they were a kitten. Cats originating from Figure 2. Faecal incontinence and anusitis in a kitten with Tritricho-
catteries (i.e., pedigrees) or shelters appear to be at increased monas foetus colitis and chronic diarrhoea.

risk of infection, presumably because of the dense housing

conditions and increased likelihood of faecal-oral trans- In the saline flush technique, approximately 10 mL of ster-
mission. The predominance of infection among young cats ile saline is injected through the catheter into the colon, and
may also reflect increased susceptibility to infection due to then gently aspirated. A drop of the recovered solution can
environmental stresses or immunological immaturity. There then be examined for trichomonads directly under the mi-
does not appear to be any gender predilection or consistent croscope or placed in a faecal culture pouch. Alternatively,
reports in support of any specific breed predilections for the solution can be sedimented in a centrifuge at approxi-
T. foetus infection in cats. A consistent feature of T. foetus mately 2000 × g for 5 minutes and the resulting faecal pellet
diarrhoea is that faecal consistency improves and trichomon- submitted for PCR analysis.
ads disappear on administration of antimicrobial drugs, but Faecal samples should always be fresh, free of contami-
diarrhoea containing trichomonads reappears shortly after nating litter, and kept unrefrigerated before testing. If a stool
treatment is discontinued. Misdiagnosis of Giardia is com- sample is to be transported to the veterinary clinic, tricho-
mon in cats infected with T. foetus. Cats diagnosed with Gi- monad survival in the faeces can be extended by removing
ardia based on a direct faecal smear examination and that any adherent litter and diluting the sample with saline to pre-
fail to respond to appropriate antimicrobial therapy, should vent desiccation (3 mL 0.9 % saline per 2 g faeces). Analysis
be thoroughly re-evaluated for the possibility that the ob- of the sample will begin to lose diagnostic sensitivity after
served trophozoites were actually T. foetus. 6 hours. Samples obtained from non-diarrhoeic or dry stools
are not suitable for T.  foetus testing and rarely yield posi-
Diagnosis tive results, even if the parasite is present. Administration of
T. foetus infection is diagnosed by identifying the organism antibacterial drugs at the time the sample is collected also
on a faecal smear, after culturing the faeces in media that appears to reduce the likelihood of finding T. foetus, so an-
promote the growth of T. foetus, or by PCR performed on timicrobial therapy of any type should be discontinued for
DNA extracted from a faecal sample. T. foetus cannot be several days before collecting samples for testing.
detected by routine faecal analysis, such as centrifugation/ It is important to recognise that no available diagnostic
flotation, and the organisms do not survive refrigeration. tests have 100 % sensitivity for T. foetus. If test results are
Suitable faecal samples may be obtained by (1) collecting positive, the cat is considered to be infected with T. foetus
a freshly voided specimen, devoid of contaminating litter, but, if results are negative, the possibility of infection cannot
(2) inserting a faecal loop per rectum into the proximal be excluded, particularly in cases where there is a high index
colon, or (3) passing a catheter into the proximal colon for of suspicion for T. foetus. Veterinary surgeons should strong-
the instillation and recovery of several mL of sterile saline. ly consider repeated testing in these cases.
CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 83

Direct faecal smear
For a direct faecal smear examination, commonly known
as a “wet mount”, a small amount of faeces is diluted with
saline solution and examined under a coverslip using a light
microscope equipped with a 20× or 40× objective. Lowering
the microscope condenser will increase contrast and enhance
visualization of any trichomonads (Fig. 3). Trichomonad tro-
phozoites are almost identical in size to Giardia and must be
carefully distinguished. Giardia trophozoites have a concave
shape similar to a rose petal and sluggish motility reminis-
cent of a “falling leaf” but Trichomonads are shaped like a
teardrop and possess an undulating membrane that courses
the entire length of the body. They are also vigorously motile. Figure 3. Faecal wet mount taken through the ocular lens of a
Where there is difficulty distinguishing trichomonads from light microscope. Copious tear-drop shaped trichomonads can be
observed at various depths in the saline solution.
Giardia spp. trophozoites, a Giardia antigen test can be per- Courtesy of Bronya Redden.
formed on the faeces. The presence of trichomonads will not
cause a positive Giardia antigen test result. However, it is
important to recognise that co-infection of cats with Giardia
spp. and T. foetus is common, so a positive Giardia antigen
test result does not rule out the possibility of a co-infection
with T. foetus.
A direct smear examination is the easiest way to diagnose
trichomonosis; however it is also the least sensitive. T. foe-
tus can also be difficult to distinguish from non-pathogenic
intestinal trichomonads, such as Pentatrichomonas hom-
inis based on light microscopic examination of live organ-
isms only. Feline trichomonads are generally presumed to be
T. foetus in cats. P. hominis can be distinguished from T. foe-
tus by species-specific PCR testing if necessary.

Faecal culture
If repeated direct microscopic examination is negative for
trichomonads, faeces may be cultured using commercially
available pouches (such as the In Pouch TF-Feline system
from Biomed Diagnostics) (Fig. 4). Faecal culture using In
Pouch TF is more sensitive than direct faecal smear exam-
ination for T. foetus diagnosis. The pouches are made of
clear plastic and contain a proprietary culture medium
and antibiotics that suppress unwanted bacterial growth.
For diagnosis of feline T. foetus, the pouches should be Figure 4. Pouch system for the culture of Tritrichomonas foetus.
inoculated with 0.05 g (approximately the size of a rice
grain) of faeces and incubated in an upright position at ei-
ther 37 °C / 98.6 °F or room temperature (25 °C / 77 °F).
Trichomonads multiply quickly at 37 °C and many organ-
isms can be observed by light microscopy within 72 hours.

If the pouch is incubated at room temperature, fewer tricho- Control measures

monads will be present, and it may take up to 12 days after Trichomonads are generally susceptible to treatment with
inoculation to obtain positive results. The faecal sample must 5-nitroimidazoles because the anaerobic metabolic path-
contain live organisms to obtain positive results from faecal ways that these organisms use reduce these drugs to cyto-
culture, and optimum growth conditions for the organisms toxic nitro radical anions that disrupt protozoan DNA. Fe-
must be maintained during the test period so the specimen line T. foetus is presumed to be resistant to metronidazole,
and pouch must be handled with care to avoid a false nega- as treatment failure is common with this drug. This has
tive result. It is strongly recommended that these cultures are prompted investigation of related 5-nitroimidazoles, such as
performed in the clinic, rather than by an external diagnostic tinidazole and ronidazole to treat the infection. Tinidazole at
laboratory, so that the trichomonads do not die during ship- high doses fails to consistently eradicate the infection from
ment of the pouch. experimentally infected cats and has not been very useful for
Trichomonads can be observed inside the pouch by plac- treatment of naturally infected cats. Ronidazole, a nitroim-
ing the pouch on the stage of a light microscope directly un- idazole similar to metronidazole, is the only antimicrobial
der a ×20 or ×40 objective. Giardia spp. cannot survive in the which has demonstrated convincing efficacy in the treatment
In Pouch TF medium for longer than 24 hours, so any tro- of T. foetus infection.
phozoites proliferating within the pouch can be assumed to Studies investigating the pharmacokinetics of ronidazole
be trichomonads. Both feline T. foetus and feline P. hominis in cats suggest that 30 mg/kg per os once a day for 14 days
can survive in the In Pouch TF medium. P. hominis can be is likely to be most effective in resolving diarrhoea and erad-
distinguished from T. foetus by species-specific PCR testing icating T. foetus infection. Signs of ronidazole neurotoxicity
if necessary. include lethargy, inappetence, ataxia, and seizures, so cats
must be monitored closely while receiving ronidazole. If
Colonic mucosal biopsy signs of toxicity are observed, owners should be advised to
Trichomonads can be observed in crypt lumen or in the discontinue treatment as continuing treatment after the on-
mucus lining the surface epithelium of the colon by rou- set of toxicity could result in life-threatening complications.
tine light microscopy. However, because trichomonads are Ronidazole should be avoided in cats with systemic illnesses
lumen-dwelling and extremely fragile, their preservation in that could confuse recognition of adverse drug effects, and
intestinal biopsy specimens is highly unreliable. Diagnosis of it should not be given to pregnant or nursing queens or their
T. foetus is differential, and a minimum of six tissue sections unweaned kittens. If treatment with ronidazole has to be dis-
are required to achieve 95 % confidence that trichomonads continued due to clinical signs of toxicity, the cat should be
will be identified. Immunohistochemistry, fluorescence in re-tested for T. foetus infection. Many of these cats will have
situ hybridisation, and chromogenic in situ hybridisation received sufficient ronidazole to clear the infection. Most cats
techniques have been described as means to enhance detec- with T. foetus infection show significant improvement in fae-
tion of T. foetus in histological specimens. In cases where cal consistency, or resolution of diarrhoea, during the course
trichomonads are observed in tissue, DNA can be extracted of treatment with ronidazole.
from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded specimens and used
in PCR to identify the trichomonads as T. foetus.
CONTENTS Intestinal parasitoses 85

Other therapies for the treatment of T. foetus in cats are If left untreated, it is estimated that diarrhoea in most cats
limited. Many approaches to diarrhoea control have been (88  %) with T.  foetus infection will resolve spontaneously
tried without success, including changes to the diet, use of within 2 years (median 9 months; range 5 months to 2 years).
different antimicrobials, and supplementation with nutra- However, most of these cats will still be infected, based on
ceuticals and probiotics. However, there have been no con- positive PCR test results for T. foetus and may therefore be
trolled studies of any of these therapies. It has been suggested sources of infection for other cats. The role of these “asymp-
that frequent changes in diet and indiscriminate use of an- tomatic carriers” in disease transmission is unclear, but these
timicrobials prolong the time it takes for cats to resolve the cats can suffer a full recurrence of diarrhoea that is teeming
diarrhoea on their own. Vets should be careful of embracing with trichomonads as much as 6 years after onset of their
any particularly successful antimicrobial drug as treatment clinical “remission”. Any cat carrying T. foetus should be
for T. foetus infection because many drugs merely suppress therefore be considered a potential source of infection, and
detection of the organism rather than eradicating it. screening for these cats appears to be warranted for the sake
of preventing disease transmission. No studies have been car-
ried out, and there is currently no evidence to suggest any
long-term adverse health effects of asymptomatic T. foetus
infection in cats.

Hepatic parasitoses


General comments
Carnivores can be infested by trematode flukes, which are The first intermediate hosts are aquatic snails, mainly
parasites of the liver and bile duct, particularly in Asia. These of the genus Bythinia (B. leachi), and many fish (cyprinids:
flukes belong to the family Opisthorchiidae, hence the name tench, carp, pike, etc.) are second intermediate hosts for the
of the disease, opisthorchidosis. Infestation is usually asymp- infective metacercariae.
tomatic and the significance of these diseases is mainly due Clonorchis sinensis: this small fluke, called the Chinese
to their prevalence in certain areas (where more than 80 % fluke or the Oriental liver fluke, measures 5–12 × 1–2 mm
of dogs and cats are infested) and to the subsequent public and is commonly found in carnivore bile ducts in the Far
health risk, as most species are zoonotic. Carnivores ensure East. The fluke lays small eggs with opercula measuring
the survival of these Asian flukes and are the main reservoir 25 × 15 µm. As is the case with Opisthorchis, the first inter-
of the parasites. mediate hosts are aquatic snails, mainly of the genus Bythin-
Opisthorchis felineus and Opisthorchis viverrini meas- ia, and many fish, especially cyprinids, are second interme-
ure 10–18  ×  2  mm, and are reddish when fresh, with a diate hosts.
non-branching caecum and lobed testes located at one end Metorchis albidus and Metorchis bilis: these small par-
(Fig. 1). They shed eggs measuring 26–30 × 10–15 µm that asitic flukes measure 5.5–4 × 1–2 mm (Fig. 3) are found in
have a characteristic operculum (Fig. 2). Central Europe, where they live in the gall bladder of wild
They are parasites of the bile ducts in domesticated and carnivores (foxes, wildcats), and sometimes in domesticated
wild carnivores (such as raccoon dogs), as well as humans. cats. They lay eggs measuring 30 × 15 µm. As in the two
They are mainly found in Southeast and Central Asia, but previous flukes, the first intermediate host is an aquatic snail,
cases have been reported in Eastern Europe, as far west as and the second intermediate host, which harbours the meta-
Germany. cercariae, is a cyprinid fish.

100 μm 200 μm 1 mm

Figure 1. Opisthorchis felineus. Figure 2. Egg of Opisthorchis Figure 3. Adult Metorchis.

CONTENTS Hepatic parasitoses 89

Epidemiology Clinical signs and diagnosis
Opisthorchiidae are parasites of ichthyophagous mammals The disease is usually asymptomatic in infested carnivores
and are not very host-specific, so they infest not only domes- but, liver failure and gastro-intestinal disorders can be seen
ticated and wild carnivores, but also pigs and humans. in heavy infestations, and the disease can develop into cirrho-
They are very common in Asia, where several million hu- sis and jaundice.
mans and carnivores are infested each year, and several out- After several years, chronic infestation can lead to liver
breaks have also been reported in Europe. cancer, which has a poor prognosis.
More than 7 million humans in Central Asia (mainly in Diagnosis is made by faecal examination, revealing the
China and Russia) are infested by C. sinensis. 113 species of characteristic eggs (Fig. 4).
fish have been listed as hosting the metacercariae and nine
species of snails as the first intermediate hosts. Control measures
In Southeast Asia, more than 7 million Thai people and Treatment is with praziquantel, at 75 mg/kg per os in 3 indi-
2 million Laotians are infested by O. viverrini. vidual doses on the same day, which is 25 times the normal
In Russia, more than 2 million people are infested by cestodicide dose (5 mg/kg).
O. felineus. Indigenous outbreaks were reported in East Ger- Prevention in domesticated carnivores entails simply pre-
many in 1996 and confirmed in 1999, with 32.5 % of foxes venting the consumption of raw or undercooked fresh-water
infested (6.7 % by O. felineus and 28.1 % by M. bilis). fish.


50 μm 2 mm

Figure 4. Opisthorchis (A) eggs and (B) adult.


Life cycle of Opisthorchis/Metorchis spp.

Dog, cat, fox, pig, human
and some wild mammals

un H. i
de ng
rc est
oo s
ke raw
fis or

Encysted Adult (bile duct)

metacercaria Adult flukes live
The metacercariae excyst in the for 20 to 30 years

Prep s
4 we
small intestine and migrate to the

bile duct and gall bladder, where
Encyst and persist for

they develop into adult flukes

the life of the fish

6–8 weeks s
to m

I.H. (fresh infe

water fish) ae a in fish
Da Sporocyst
Cer encyst ys
d Miracidium Sn Embryonated
an we ail
e ks Rediae ea egg
Cercariae ted


D.H. = definitive host


I.H. = intermediate host I.H. (Aquatic snail - Bithynia spp.)



Blood parasitoses

transmitted by haematophagous arthropods. These differ

Piroplasmoses in dogs from Eucoccidea, which infect epithelial cells, mostly those
of the gastro-intestinal tract (coccidia sensu lato).
Haematozoa can be split into two categories: the Haemo-
General comments sporidae, which are located in a parasitophorous vacuole
Piroplasmoses, also known as babesioses or theilerioses, are in the host cell and synthesise pigments (such as the genus
a group of infectious, inoculable protozoan diseases caused Plasmodium) and the Piroplasmidae or piroplasms, which
by multiplication of Apicomplexa protozoa (these have an are free in the host cell and do not synthesise pigments (Thei-
apical complex made by a group of organelles at one pole) be- leria, Babesia).
longing to the genus Babesia or Theileria in various mamma- Dogs and cats can be infected by large Babesia species
lian hosts. Babesia infect the erythrocytes, whereas Theileria (diameter larger than the radius of the erythrocyte, i.e.,
undergo exoerythrocytic merogony in other cells of the body 3–5.5  µm) and several small piroplasm species (diameter
before invading the erythrocytes. These organisms are trans- smaller than the radius of the erythrocyte, i.e., <3 µm).
mitted by various hard tick species and affect a wide range of Table 1 summarises the various piroplasm species which
mammals, including humans, ruminants, horses and carni- can infect pets and lists their geographical distribution and
vores, each species being specific to its vector and host. vectors.
Babesiosis and theileriosis are diseases with diverse clini- Distinct genetic populations can be distinguished within
cal forms, the most characteristic of which is a combination each species. This geographical and genetic diversity may ex-
of fever, anaemia and haemolysis. plain the variety of clinical signs that can be observed, and
their varying severity, as well as the relapses and vaccination
Taxonomy problems that are linked to imperfect cross-protection.
Piroplasms (order Piroplasmida) are protozoa of the phylum
Apicomplexa, class Sporozoasida, characterised by infec- Morphology
tious intracellular organisms or parasitic sporozoites, which Several morphological forms of piroplasm can be seen in the
use the organelles of the apical complex to penetrate their erythrocyte:
host’s cells. • A typically pear-shaped form (hence “piriform” and “piro-
The Haemosporidia, a subclass of this phylum, contain plasm”) characterised by one thinned, tapered end, and an-
sporozoites that parasitise blood and lymphocytes and are other rounded end (Fig. 1). Large Babesia are 3.5–5.5 µm

Table 1. Geographical distribution and vectors of the various Babesia and Theileria species infecting dogs worldwide.

Species Type Vectors Geographical distribution

Babesia canis
Large Dermacentor reticulatus Europe
(formerly Babesia canis canis)

Babesia vogeli Rhipicephalus sanguineus

Large Worldwide
(formerly Babesia canis vogeli) Haemaphysalis ticks?

Babesia rossi Haemaphysalis elliptica

Large Africa
(formerly Babesia canis rossi) (formerly Haemaphysalis leachi)

Unknown Babesia sp.

Large ? USA (East coast)
(sometimes called Babesia coco)

Mainly Asia,
Haemaphysalis longicornis in Asia
Babesia gibsoni Small USA, South America,
Australia, Europe
Babesia conradae Small Rhipicephalus sanguineus? USA (California)

Babesia vulpes (formerly Babesia

Small Ixodes hexagonus Europe
microti-like, Theileria annae)
CONTENTS Blood parasitoses 97


10 μm 5 μm

Figure 1. Babesia canis. Round intraerythrocytic forms. Figure 2. Babesia canis. Intraerythrocytic bigeminated forms.
Blood smear, Stevenel’s blue stain. Blood smear, MGG stain.

10 μm 5 μm

Figure 3. Babesia canis. Intraerythrocytic bigeminated forms, Figure 4. Blood smear, MGG stain, showing small round
showing four elements resulting from binary divisions. intraerythrocytic element (diameter smaller than the radius of the
Blood smear, MGG stain. erythrocyte), indicating a small Babesia, type Babesia gibsoni.

long and their diameter is greater than the radius of an

erythrocyte. Small Babesia and Theileria spp. are less than
3 µm long.
• A bigeminal form, consisting of two pear-shaped elements,
joined by their anterior ends and meeting at an acute angle
(Fig. 2). There is also a “plurigeminal” form, with four or
more elements within the erythrocyte (Fig. 3).

All of these forms have a large central vacuole and a dense

periphery made of chromatin, so the centre is optically clear
and the periphery strongly coloured on staining (Stevenel’s
blue, MGG). The apical complex is a group of organelles sit-
uated at the anterior end of the cell. It contains numerous 5 μm
enzymes and is used by the parasite to penetrate the cell. This
can be seen most clearly in large Babesia, while morphologi- Figure 5. Blood smear, MGG stain, showing several small
­comma-shaped intraerythrocytic elements (diameter smaller
cal characteristics are less evident in small Babesia and Thei- than the radius of the erythrocyte), indicating small piroplasms.
leria spp. (Figs. 4 and 5). Courtesy of Luis Cardoso and Gad Baneth.

Biology In the tick (definitive host)

Babesia are strictly intraerythrocytic parasites. In cases of • The tick absorbs parasitised erythrocytes during a blood
babesiosis and acute piroplasmosis, they can be seen in the meal: the pear-shaped elements die, and only the gamonts
peripheral blood (in the cutaneous capillaries), and the para- which have been freed into the gastro-intestinal tract con-
site may also be observed in the venous blood of some viscera tinue to develop. These form elements with fine extensions,
(spleen). called starred or radiated bodies, which fuse together in
Theileria spp. have an exoerythrocytic cycle in lympho- pairs as gametes then form mobile zygotes or ookinetes, in
cytes, histiocytes, erythroblasts and other cells of the inter- cells of the gut wall. Sexual reproduction therefore occurs
nal organs, and an intraerythrocytic cycle similar to that of in the tick, which is the vector and definitive host.
Babesia spp. • The ookinetes divide to form mobile elements or sporok-
Protozoan piroplasms feed on the contents of the erythro- inetes which infect various organs in the tick (gut, Mal-
cyte by pinocytosis. pighian tubules, etc.). Some sporokinetes of Babesia spp.
infect the ovaries due to simple anatomical contiguity be-
Life cycle tween the gastro-intestinal tract and the genital apparatus,
The life cycle of the Piroplasmidae is fundamentally dix- allowing vertical transmission to the next generation. This
enous, involving hard ticks as definitive hosts to ensure sex- is not the case for Theileria spp., in which transovarial
ual reproduction, and mammalian intermediate hosts to en- transmission is impossible.
sure asexual multiplication of the parasite.
The following aspects of this life cycle should be noted:
In the dog (intermediate host) • Piroplasms can persist from one stage to the next and retain
• Piroplasms are transmitted by tick bites: sporozoites in the their infectivity. This is called transstadial transmission.
salivary glands of the tick are inoculated into the host at • The tick that gets infected is never the infectious tick: ticks
the end of the blood meal. are characterised by the fact that each stage takes only
• While Babesia spp. directly invade erythrocytes, Theileria a single blood meal, after which there is a moult (or the
spp. reach a variety of different cells, where they undergo death of the female after laying).
a schizogonous process of asexual replication to produce • Persistence of parasites in the genus Babesia is ensured by
multinucleated intracellular schizonts. At the end of this the tick, as an infected female tick will transmit the para-
process, the parasites differentiate to form uninucleated site to its progeny and ensure the persistence of the parasite
merozoites that will enter the erythrocyte. into the following generation. This is called transovarial
• In the erythrocyte, the parasite develops into a trophozoite transmission.
which undergoes asexual multiplication: binary division • Inoculation with infectious sporozoites takes place after
(sometimes multiple divisions) leading to the formation the start of the blood meal (48 to 96 hours after tick at-
of two (or more) pyriform elements; these are released by tachment) because the sporozoites need blood in order to
haemolysis and, after a very short free-living phase, these move, so removing ticks as soon as possible after attach-
parasitise other erythrocytes. ment helps avoid disease transmission.
• This process may last for several days in the animal, after • In the case of Dermacentor reticulatus and Haemaphy-
which it is normally limited by the immune system. Ring- salis spp., only the adult tick infests dogs (the immature
shaped elements thought to be gamonts then appear. These stages parasitise small mammals) transmission is there-
are the only elements which can ensure that the life cycle fore ensured only by the adults, and the immature stag-
continues in the event of another tick bite. es sustain the parasite and its infectivity. D. reticulatus is
the tick vector of canine babesiosis due to B. canis. It is
widely distributed throughout temperate Europe and re-
quires transovarial transmission. H. elliptica is the vector
for B. rossi in Africa, and H. longicornis is the vector for
B. gibsoni in Asia.
CONTENTS Blood parasitoses 99


Life cycle of Babesia spp.

Kinete migrates to the
salivary glands, developing
into infective sporozoites

Transstadial transmission:

larvae, nymphs, adults

g tic
k fe

the host’s red
blood cells



Gamont Zygote

Multiply, rupture
and infect other red
ts inf

Reproduction in tick gut cells blood cells


Tick species varies depending

upon Babesia species
D.H. D.H. = definitive host
Hard tick
I.H. = intermediate host

• In the case of Rhipicephalus sanguineus (a monotropic

triphasic tick, having three different individual hosts of
the same species), all stages infest the dog: transmission is
possible from the larval stage and at all subsequent stag-
es, over several generations; however, nymphs and female
adults are potentially the best vectors for the parasite. This
tick is the main vector of canine babesiosis in the Mediter-
ranean area.

Geographical distribution and epidemiological characteris- the activity of the ticks that cause it. However, this may
tics are linked to the biology of each tick vector (Fig. 6). change drastically with the appearance of the endophilic
Babesiosis due to B. canis is widespread in France, tick R. sanguineus, which is found in kennels and can be
Northern Italy, Spain, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Swit- active all year round.
zerland and Eastern Europe (Hungary, the Czech Republic, Babesia and Theileria are fairly specific parasites: B. canis
Slovenia), but distribution follows a heterogeneous mosaic is a parasite of canids. Frequently observed in young dogs,
pattern. Babesiosis is a seasonal disease (peak in spring and babesiosis particularly affects “outdoor dogs” (hunting/farm
autumn); the cold of winter and drought in summer reduce dogs, etc.) that are exposed to tick bites.

Life cycle of Theileria spp.

I.H. D.H. = definitive host

Vertebrate I.H. = intermediate host
The life cycle of Theileria is very similar
to that of Babesia, except:
1. Invades mammalian lymphocytes
2. Transstadial transmission, not
transovarial in the tick Sporozoites infect lymphocytes,
forming schizonts full of merozoites.
Infection induces the lymphocytes

to divide and proliferate




Asexual multiplication

in the salivary glands



with schizont

rupture releasing
merozoites, which
invade red blood

Weeks to months

Days to weeks
The parasite
colonizes the tick
gut cells where it Merozoites reproduce
reproduces sexually asexually, then invade
new red blood cells
Tick ingests infected

Hard tick

The species of Theileria Develop into piroplasms

depends on the tick species in red blood cells
CONTENTS Blood parasitoses 101


Clinical signs and lesions Figure 6. Canine babesiosis distribution in Europe.
In the majority of cases, the incubation period for all piro-
plasms is approximately 1 week. However, it may be shorter
(2–3 days) or longer (10–15 days), depending on the immune
status of the host.

Clinical signs of Babesia canis infection

Expression, duration and severity of the clinical manifes-
tations of babesiosis vary greatly, and several forms can
be seen.

The classic (acute form) is the most common (>50 % of cases).

It is defined by:
• General symptoms: owner is aware of a significant and *

sudden change in the behaviour of the animal. The dog

is depressed, prostrate, ignores all stimuli and is totally
• Pyretic syndrome: sudden onset of persistent hyperthermia
(a minimum of 40 °C for at least 48 hours) combined with
polypnoea and tachycardia. Highly enzootic areas Babesiosis caused by Babesia
Moderately enzootic areas canis
• Haemolytic syndrome characterised by:
 rea with no cases/
A  abesiosis caused by Babesia
• Anaemia (pale mucosae, sometimes subicteric). vogeli
imported cases
• Haematological changes: frequent, moderate or signifi- * Include cases ofBabesia vulpes
cant reduction in red blood cell numbers with the pres-
Derived from Halos, 2014.
ence of erythroblasts (indicating regenerative anaemia), Courtesy of Luís Cardoso, Robert Farkas, Domenico Otranto,
occasional leukopaenia, systematic and sometimes sig- Kurt Pfister, Xavier Roura, Smaragda Sotiraki, Donato Traversa,
Richard Wall.
nificant thrombocytopaenia (up to 100 x 109/L) and a
change in blood count (lymphocytosis). However, results
may seem contradictory (leukopaenia, leukocytosis,
etc.). In fact, haematological changes noted in diseased This second bout shows clear clinical improvement on
animals within the first 24 hours are thrombocyto- treatment, but it may be followed by further bouts; these
paenia, eosinopaenia and lymphopaenia; then, beyond successive relapses are attributable to an immune escape
24 hours, thrombopaenia and persistent eosinopaenia, mechanism or to immune system insufficiency or malfunc-
anaemia, lymphocytosis and monocytosis. tion, allowing the Babesia to multiply after the piroplas-
• Urea, creatinine, alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and micide has been eliminated from the host’s system. The
alkaline phosphatase (ALP) values may be elevated, in- theory of parasite chemoresistance, which is frequently put
dicating the onset of hepatic and renal insufficiency. forward to explain such phenomena, is possible but yet to
• Urinary changes: permanent bilirubinuria (strong yel- be proven in the laboratory.
low to orange coloured urine, which may be almost • An animal presenting with chronic anaemia with poor-
black (“rusty urine”). ly-defined aetiology, which always tests negative, and
whose clinical state seems to improve following the admin-
The chronic form is little defined and includes several differ- istration of piroplasmicides. These clinical states do not
ent clinical manifestations: seem to be attributable to genuine piroplasmosis, because
• An animal which has previously been diagnosed and treat- clinical improvement may be due to the action of piroplas-
ed for piroplasmosis presents approximately 15 days lat- micides on other pathogenic agents and the piroplasm is
er with a new bout of parasitaemia, identical to the first. almost never identified.

Other forms, which vary greatly in their clinical expression, Clinical signs of small piroplasm infection
are described below: After an incubation period of a few days, the clinical pres-
• Locomotor forms: unsteady gait, lower back and joint entation is similar to the typical form of babesiosis due to
pain, paresis, paralysis, ataxia. B. canis, but more intense.
• Cerebral and ocular forms: convulsions, nystagmus, an- The animal presents with hyperthermia (generally over
isocoria, behavioural changes and coma. This form is 40 °C) lasting for at least a week and associated with an-
sometimes followed by complete recovery without relapse. orexia and depression. Bilirubinuria is present, sometimes
• Intestinal and respiratory forms. accompanied by haemoglobinuria. Anaemia is confirmed by
• Renal forms; oliguria, anuria, haemoglobinuria, accompa- a marked paleness of the mucosae. Intestinal problems, such
nied by renal insufficiency syndrome. as vomiting and diarrhoea, may be seen. Death may occur
• Vascular, cutaneous and mucosal forms: oedema, diffuse within a few days (acute renal insufficiency, shock, hypovol-
haemorrhaging, purpura, stomatitis, haematoma (attribut- aemia, haemorrhaging).
able to severe thrombopaenia), cutaneous ulcers and ne- Significant changes in blood and urine values indicate
crosis of the extremities. renal insufficiency: hyperazotaemia, hypercreatininaemia,
proteinuria and haematuria. Clinical reports on dogs in-
Development of these diverse forms is very variable: fected by B. vulpes (T. annae) reveal abnormally high serum
• Recovery without relapse is possible, even without treat- concentrations of urea and creatinine, with elevated concen-
ment, either because the animal has an effective natural trations of inorganic phosphorus, hypoalbuminaemia, hy-
resistance or because it is infected by a strain that is not percholesterolaemia, proteinuria, a high protein/creatinine
very pathogenic. ratio. The presence of hyaline and granular casts on micro-
• Death from shock or acute renal insufficiency following scopic examination of urine sediment suggest a glomerular
the onset of jaundice. component to the disease.
• All situations between these two extremes are possible: Severe hyperchromic and regenerative anaemia (raised
rapid or slow recovery after treatment, more or less fre- reticulocytes, Howell-Jolly bodies counts), moderate leuko-
quent relapses, apparent recovery followed by a new bout cytosis and thrombocytopaenia are almost constant charac-
due to immunosuppression after surgical intervention teristics of infection with small piroplasms in dogs. Azotae-
(such as hysterectomy) or some other infection, etc. mia is also seen in many cases. Anaemia is attributable to
erythrophagocytosis (extravascular haemolysis, an autoim-
Lesions mune process confirmed by the presence of anti-erythrocyte
• Splenomegaly: congested, hypertrophied spleen, dark membrane antibodies).
red in colour due to the process of extravascular
erythrophagocytosis. Diagnosis
• Bilateral nephritis: congestion, necrosis and subcap- Diagnosis is based on epidemiological elements (seasons and
sular haemorrhages, glomerulonephritis and tubular areas of tick activity, age of the animal, etc.) and clinical signs
degeneration. (combination of pyretic and haemolytic syndromes, etc.).
• Hepatic centrilobular degeneration. However, piroplasmosis must sometimes be differentiated:
• Vasculitis, haemorrhaging, pulmonary and subcutaneous • From other causes of anaemia, such as poisoning by roden-
oedema, ascites, and capillary embolism causing ischae- ticides, canine monocytic ehrlichiosis, immune-mediated
mia and necrosis. These can affect various tissues and or- haemolytic anaemia, etc.
gans, such as the skin, lungs, kidneys, liver, brain, spinal • From other causes of fever, depression, anorexia, etc.
cord, etc. • From other piroplasmosis: it is important to differentiate
piroplasmosis caused by a small form from piroplasmosis
caused by a large form because this will affect the choice
of treatment.
CONTENTS Blood parasitoses 103


Diagnosis must therefore be confirmed: Control measures
• Directly, by staining a blood sample and identifying the Treatment
parasite visually. Initial treatment is specific and based on the use of active
• Diagnosis based on identifying the parasite visually pre- piroplasmicides. Imidocarb is the most widely used and is
sents a number of challenges: highly effective against large Babesia is less effective against
• The occurrence of false negatives where the sample is small piroplasms. Symptomatic treatment (perfusion, trans-
insufficient, or blood is taken from the central rather fusion, resuscitation) is essential, especially in diseases caused
than the peripheral circulatory system, or is taken after by a small form.
parasitaemia has ceased.
• Confusion with other intracellular agents: Ehrlichia can- Specific treatment of large piroplasm infection
is, a parasite of the monocytes, which is seen as morulae, Imidocarb, an aromatic diamidine, is presented as an inject-
or Mycoplasma canis, small catenary chain elements. able solution to be administered intramuscularly or subcuta-
• The time necessary to take, stain and read the blood neously at a minimum dose of 3 mg/kg (0.25 mL/10 kg) and
smear is sometimes incompatible with the need for an up to 7 mg/kg (especially in the event of a relapse).
immediate diagnosis during the consultation. There is This injection may cause local reactions (the infection is
no correlation between the extent of the parasitism seen painful, but significantly less than phenamidine and does not
on the smear and the clinical severity of the disease. warrant dilution) and general effects (there is nearly always
• Serology is possible, showing antibodies by various meth- vomiting in the few minutes after the injection, and some-
ods (indirect immunofluorescence, ELISA). However, times colic, diarrhoea, drooling). Intravenous administration
these methods are of little use in practice, as they only is strictly prohibited. These secondary effects subside rapidly
reveal a serological trace confirming contact between the on administration of atropine.
animal and the parasite; only kinetics (two serological Unfortunately, the parasite has been known to escape
analyses taken several days apart) allows the existence of medication, causing relapses within 10 days which require a
developing babesiosis to be confirmed, but no standard- second injection of the product. However, the persistence of
ised serological method for clinical diagnosis is available as imidocarb is such that a single injection is usually sufficient,
yet, and this method would also be incompatible with the except in the case of these relapses. The use of this product in
need for a rapid diagnosis. pregnant or lactating bitches is contraindicated.
• Diagnosis by specific PCR on blood samples is now pos- It is important to explain the “normal” evolution of the
sible. This is the most sensitive method and it allows the disease to the owner: clinical improvement must be signif-
pathogen to be identified at the species level, either by icant within a maximum of 36 hours, with animal’s tem-
RFLP techniques or direct sequencing of the amplification perature, behaviour and appetite returning to normal. The
products. animal must be taken back to the clinic if hyperthermia,
• Post mortem diagnosis is based on the observation of re- prostration, anorexia or urinary changes persist or reappear,
nal, hepatic and splenic lesions and the parasite itself (liver, and especially if other manifestations (such as vomiting) oc-
spleen and kidney prints using a glass slide and Giemsa cur, as these may indicate persistence of the parasite (known
stain). as parasite escape) or suggest complications, such as acute re-
nal insufficiency (increased creatininaemia and uraemia with
Prognosis proteinuria or anuria), shock, haemorrhage, etc.
Prognosis is good when piroplasmosis is diagnosed and treat- Persistence of the parasite, or its reappearance in the pe-
ed rapidly. However, it becomes poor when piroplasmosis ripheral blood after a piroplasmicide injection, is a relatively
has been developing for several days (jaundice, hypothermia, common phenomenon; it is not attributable a priori to true
prostration, haematuria, etc.) or in an old animal that has chemoresistance of the piroplasm to the piroplasmicide, but to
already presented with several bouts of piroplasmosis, and a failure of the host’s immune system. In fact, specific therapy
is suffering from another pathology, renal insufficiency in for blood protozoa in general has been shown experimentally
particular. to only be effective if it acts in synergy with the immune system:

the likelihood of recovery is significantly different when treat- Treatment of small piroplasm infection
ment is carried out following the same protocol as would be It is more difficult to treat babesiosis caused by small forms
used for immunocompetent or immunosuppressed animals. than large forms. The piroplasmicides available appear to be
The inability of certain dogs to acquire cellular mediated im- less effective against these small forms.
munity to seems to explain this phenomenon. Various combined strategies for treating small piroplasms,
It is essential to combine symptomatic treatment of sus- especially B. gibsoni have been described in dogs. However,
ceptible individuals (old animals, or those with a history of relapses after administration of some combinations of an-
piroplasmosis, or suffering from another pathology, etc.) with ti-babesia drugs are common and pose significant challenges
specific treatment: blood transfusion diuretics, isotonic sodi- to veterinary surgeons. In Asia, atovaquone (ATV)-resistant
um chloride solutions administration of corticoids to control strains of B. gibsoni are an additional challenge. Combina-
glomerulonephritis due to deposition of immune complexes tions of drugs appear to be a better choice for treating in-
(for example, prednisolone 1–2 mg/kg/day for 1 week). fection by small piroplasms. Different protocols for specific
All treatment (specific and symptomatic) must be accom- treatment are shown in Table 2.
panied by a biological and clinical follow-up appropriate to
the state of the animal (blood count, blood urea and creati-
nine levels, proteinuria, etc.).

Table 2. Protocols for the control of large and small piroplasms in dogs.

Dose and route

Type of piroplasm Active ingredient Schedule and duration of treatment
of administration

For classic expression of the A single injection is usually enough

disease: 3–5 mg/kg
For severe expression and A second injection may be administrated in
Babesia large form Imidocarb
relapse: 7 mg/kg the event of a relapse

IM or SC

Diminazene 3.5 mg/kg IM A single dose on the day of presentation

Imidocarb 6 mg/kg A single dose 24 hours after

the diminazene was administered.

Clindamycin 30 mg/kg Twice a day for 40–60 days

Babesia small form Atovaquone 13.3 mg/kg PO 3 times a day for 10 days

Theileria +
Azithromycin 10 mg/kg PO Once a day for 10 days

Clindamycin 25 mg/kg PO Twice a day for 7–10 days

Metronidazole 5 mg/kg PO Twice a day for 7–10 days
Doxycycline 30 mg/kg PO Twice a day for 40–60 days

IM: intramuscular; SC: subcutaneous; PO: per os (oral).

CONTENTS Blood parasitoses 105


Prevention Vaccination includes checking that the animal is in a good
• Tick control: both on the animal, by repeated use of acari- clinical condition and is at least 5 months old, and it should
cides, and in the external environment (particularly in ken- only be used in dogs that have not been previously infected.
nels in the case of R. sanguineus: cleaning the surrounding It is contraindicated in pregnant females. It is advisable
area and good general hygiene help eliminate this endo- to administer this vaccination before the epidemiological
philic tick). risk periods (spring and autumn) to avoid simultaneous im-
• Screening asymptomatic animal carriers in order to re- munisation and disease, and to administer a top-up every 6
move them from the list of potential blood donors. months in high-risk zones. The primary vaccination consists
• Chemoprophylaxis used to be recommended, but the real of two subcutaneous injections at least 3 weeks apart, but
level of protection provided by this measure has never been not more than 6 weeks. The animal is only protected some
clearly demonstrated. It consists of imidocarb at a dose days after the second injection. The vaccine does not confer
of 6.6  mg/kg (i.e., double the labelled therapeutic dose), cross-protection against small piroplasms.
which should protect the animal for at least 3 weeks. The In the absence of suitable direct preventative measures,
use of doxycycline at 20 mg/kg/day to prevent B. canis in- the use of acaricidal products with adequate speed of kill and
fection has also been advocated, but neither of those meas- persistence is recommended. It is important to check the effi-
ures have demonstrated any efficacy against B. gibsoni cacy of a product against the specific tick species that trans-
and chemoprophylaxis does not replace the habitual use of mits the disease in any given area.
acaricidal products.
• Vaccination against B. canis is possible in some countries.
This is based on administration of natural soluble antigens
from B. canis, and added to an adjuvant (saponin). The
vaccine reduces the severity of the clinical signs.

Feline babesiosis, although less common than canine, exists

Piroplasmoses in cats* all over the world: Babesia cati in India, B. felis in India and
Africa, B. herpailuri in South America, and recently B. canis
presentii in the Mediterranean basin. Cytauxzoon felis (with
General comments the lynx as a reservoir) is present on the American continent.
Piroplasmoses in cats are infectious diseases caused by the The diseases caused by B. felis in South Africa and C. felis
multiplication and pathogenic activity of various species of in North America are medically serious.
intraerythrocytic parasites whose taxonomic classification is Apart from these two species, which are characterised
subject to frequent modification. morphologically and genetically, descriptions of B. felis,
Cats are usually less susceptible to piroplasmosis caused B. cati and B. herpailuri are often clinical. These species could
by parasites of the Babesia/Theileria genera than dogs. only be described in this way following more extensive study.

Life cycle of Babesia spp.

Kinete migrates to the

salivary glands, developing I.H.
into infective sporozoites Vertebrate

Transstadial transmission:

larvae, nymphs, adults

g tic
k fe

the host’s red
blood cells


Gamont Zygote

Multiply, rupture
and infect other red
ts inf

Reproduction in tick gut cells blood cells


Tick species varies depending D.H.

upon Babesia species Hard tick D.H. = definitive host
I.H. = intermediate host

* Chapter inspired by the original chapters written by Prof. Adam Birkenheuer (chap. 3–02), Gad Baneth (chap. 3–03), Luis Cardoso and Banie Penzhorn
(chap. 5–03) in Guide to Parasitoses and Vector Borne Diseases of Pets. Ed. Merial, Lyon, 2013.
CONTENTS Blood parasitoses 107


Taxonomy Epidemiology
Cytauxzoon felis was first identified in 1973 as a cause of As with all piroplasms, no arthropods other than ticks are
mortality in domestic cats in Missouri, USA. Since then, oth- involved in transmission. Contamination relies on the bites
er Cytauxzoon species have been identified (i.e., C. manul in of infected ticks, although transfusional transmission is the-
Pallas’s cats, Cytauxzoon spp. in Iberian lynx and a Cytaux- oretically possible.
zoon sp. in European domestic cats). Cytauxzoonosis is most commonly identified in young
The Babesia species which infect cats are all “small outdoor cats that have a history of tick attachment. There
babesia”. appear to be “geographical hot spots” where the incidence
of C. felis infections is quite high, and often more than
one cat in a household or neighbourhood will become in-
fected. The majority of cases occur between April and

Life cycle of Cytauxzoon spp.


Transstadial The sporozoite infects the host

transmission macrophages, developing into a

schizont, containing merozoites


Tick salivary



(with schizont)

The parasite
colonizes the
cells of the
intestine and


Hard ticks:
} Dermacentor variabilis
} Amblyomma americanum

Piroplasms in
red blood cells D.H. = definitive host
I.H. = intermediate host

Table 1. Geographical distribution and vectors of the (Fig. 1). In some regions where cytauxzoonosis is enzootic,
various piroplasm species infecting cats worldwide. the prevalence in domestic cats may be as high as 30 %. An
endemic focus of Cytauxzoon spp. infection in domestic cats
Species Vectors has been described recently in the Northwest region and
Babesia felis ? South Africa
infection in feral cats was 30 %. However, no associations
between breed, gender, age, presence of ticks and/or fleas,
Babesia cati ? India
clinical status, laboratory findings such as anaemia, FIV and/
Babesia lengau ? Africa or FeLV status and mortality rate were found.
Babesia herpailuri ?
South Most cats affected by babesiosis due to B. felis seem to be
young adults under 3 years old. No breed or sex predispo-
Babesia canis
Rhipicephalus sanguineus? Israel
sition is evident, but Siamese cats may be over-represented
among purebred cats.
North and
Amblyomma americanum,
Cytauxzoon felis South
Amblyomma cajennense?
Clinical signs
Acute cytauxzoonosis is characterised by disseminated par-
October, which corresponds well with peak tick activity. It asitic thrombosis, a severe systemic inflammatory response
has been speculated that cytauxzoonosis in the Americas and multi-organ dysfunction or failure. It is assumed that
represents a “species jump” from bobcats to domestic cats. sporozoites infect a cell of myeloid origin, although the spe-
The prevalence of C. felis in bobcats ranges from 0 to 79 %, cific myeloid lineage of this cell (CD34+ blast, monocyte,
depending on their geographical location. Bobcats are not macrophage, dendritic cell or Langerhans cell) remains un-
believed to develop severe disease symptoms, but this is based known. Although it is known how merozoites develop from
on an extremely small number of experimental infections. schizonts in infected cells, the specific mechanisms by which
The specific cause of mortality in bobcats, particularly kit- sporozoites target cells, and whether or not schizont-infect-
tens, is poorly defined. The reason for the “species jump” ed cells replicate, remain a mystery. The ability to transmit
and subsequent emergence of C. felis in domestic cats re- disease by serial passage of small volumes of infected tissue
mains unknown. Changes in distribution of the tick vector suggests that there is either a subset of schizont-infected cells
(A.  americanum) and host-parasite adaptation, making that replicate, similar to Theileria spp., or there is “lateral
domestic cats a viable reservoir host for C. felis appear to transmission” of schizonts from one myeloid cell to another.
be plausible causes. Domestic cats should no longer be con- Serial passage of sporozoites or continued sporogony in the
sidered dead-end hosts, and may in fact be the most impor- vertebrate host seems least likely. Understanding the mecha-
tant reservoir host for new infections in other domestic cats nisms behind the infection of myeloid cells, and the source of

15 μm 15 μm

Figure 1. Babesia felis in a blood smear from a cat in George, South Africa. MGG stain. Courtesy of Tanya Schoeman.
CONTENTS Blood parasitoses 109


the millions of schizont-infected myeloid cells, would provide
insight into new treatments.

Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) criteria

frequently found in cats with cytauxzoonosis include:
• Rectal temperature ≤37.8 °C or ≥39.7 °C.
• Heart rate ≤140 or ≥225 beats/min.
• Respiratory rate ≥40 breaths/min.
• WBC count ≤5.0 × 103 cells/μL or ≥19.5 × 103 cells/μL, or
≥5 % band cells.

50 μm
Infected cats present raised concentrations of pro-inflamma-
tory cytokines, including tumour-necrosis factor α and inter- Figure 2. Schizont of Cytauxzoon felis shown in a cross section
leukin-1 β8. The course of the disease is short and, without of infected tissue stained with H&E. Courtesy of Adam Birken-
treatment, many cats succumb within 5 days of the onset of
clinical signs.
Acute cytauxzoonosis is characterised by acute fe- constipation and pica. Parasitaemia is variable and can
brile illness. The results of physical examination are often be very low or extremely high. The strong correlation be-
non-specific. Cats usually have a high fever, but hypother- tween central and peripheral parasitaemia indicates that
mia may be observed in moribund animals. Cats are usu- sequestration is not a feature of the disease. Macrocytic,
ally depressed, and vocalization (a so-called death yowl) is hypochromic, regenerative anaemia is the most consistent
common in advanced cases. Dyspnoea is a prominent clin- haematological finding, although not present in many in-
ical feature or the main symptom in some cats. Lymphad- fected cats. When present, anaemia can become severe in
enopathy and splenomegaly are common but not universal advanced cases, is haemolytic, presumably resulting from
findings, and some cats will be jaundiced. On presentation, both intravascular and extravascular erythrolysis. Other
laboratory test abnormalities may include non-regenerative changes in the cell blood count are inconsistent and may
anaemia, leukopaenia, thrombocytopaenia, hyperbilirubi- indicate concurrent illness or infection.
naemia and bilirubinuria, raised liver enzyme levels (often The most significant clinicopathological changes are
not as severe as would be expected considering the degree raised hepatic cytosolic enzyme activity and increased total
of hyperbilirubinaemia), hyperglycaemia and hypoalbumi- bilirubin concentration. Serum alanine transaminase is sig-
naemia. Thrombocytopaenia and neutropaenia are the most nificantly elevated in most cases, but alkaline phosphatase
common complete blood count findings. Coagulation test and gamma-glutamyl transferase are generally within nor-
results are consistent with disseminated intravascular co- mal limits. This provides evidence of primary hepatocellular
agulation secondary to consumption of platelets and coag- damage or inflammation in feline babesiosis. The hyperbil-
ulation factors. Despite significantly increased prothrombin irubinaemia is probably due to haemolysis, but secondary
and activated partial thromboplastic times, and very reduced hepatocellular damage is probably an additional contribut-
platelet counts, clinical bleeding is rare. Many of the typical ing factor. Renal damage is not a consistent feature of the
laboratory abnormalities become more pronounced as the disease.
disease progresses (Fig. 2).
Babesiosis due to Babesia felis Diagnosis of piroplasmosis in cats is based on epidemiology
Unlike babesiosis in dogs, feline babesiosis is generally not (region and season of tick activity) and clinical presentation
associated with pyrexia. Anorexia, lethargy and weight (combination of haemolytic and pyretic syndromes), as it is
loss are often the first signs observed by owners. The most in dogs. Confirmation relies on blood smears, stained with
common clinical signs are anorexia, listlessness and anae- MGG to reveal parasitic elements. The presence of parasites
mia, followed by icterus. Less common signs are weakness, in the blood is synchronous with hyperthermia phases.

Serology with indirect immunofluorescence is not diag- Two doses of imidocarb diproprionate 2–4  mg/kg  IM
nostically useful since antibodies are only detectable after at an interval of 15 days has not proven to be as effective.
approximately a week, and their presence only confirms con- Side-effects include pain at the injection site and cholin-
tact between host and parasite. The possibility of cross-reac- ergic reactions. The use of diminazene aceturate has been
tion with B. canis cannot be ruled out. proposed.
Diagnostic techniques involving PCR from a blood sample Supportive care is the basis of all therapy for cytaux-
now allow the various species of Babesia to be distinguished zoonosis. This includes maintaining hydration and blood
and even studied. However, this is more for epidemiological volume, supplementing oxygen in patients with respiratory
interest, and to screen parasite carriers, than to carry out an compromise, administering anti-coagulant/platelet drugs
urgent diagnosis. and providing nutritional support. Clinical recovery is slow,
Rapid diagnosis is critical for cytauxzoonosis. Microscopic and most patients deteriorate during the first 24–48 hours,
identification of C. felis remains the diagnostic test of choice. gradually improving over the next few days. Minimising
An initial search for organisms can be performed by exam- handling and stress is recommended. Cats with severe res-
ining thin, stained smears of peripheral blood and in-house piratory compromise should be checked for pleural effusion
“quick stains” are usually adequate. The feathered edge by ultrasound, and therapeutic thoracocentesis should be
should be examined with low power (×100) first, to identify performed if necessary.
schizont-infected myeloid cells. These cells are easily confused With recent advances in treatment, the prognosis for acute
with clumps of platelets. High power (×500–×1000) inspec- cytauxzoonosis should be considered fair.
tion will reveal a very large single cell (50–250 μm diameter)
with an eccentric nucleus containing a single prominent nucle- Babesiosis
olus. The cytoplasm contains a parasite syncytium with a vari- Primaquine phosphate at 0.5  mg/kg is highly effec-
able number (tens to thousands) of basophilic particles stained tive, but often causes vomiting when administered oral-
magenta. These are the developing merozoites. Organisms in ly, and has proven lethal at doses exceeding 1  mg/kg.
red blood cells are most easily identified on a ×1000 magni- Despite its drawbacks, primaquine remains the drug of
fication. If organisms are not identified on peripheral blood choice. Repeated or long-term therapy may be required.
smears, fine needle aspiration and cytology of liver, spleen and Doxycycline may potentially improve treatment of this dis-
lymph nodes can facilitate a rapid diagnosis in suspected cases. ease (10 mg/kg PO, in 1 or 2 doses, for at least 10 consec-
Identification of schizont-infected myeloid cells confirms acute utive days). Concurrent symptomatic treatment is essential.
cytauxzoonosis and merozoite-infected red blood cells are a Although response to therapy is usually good, and premunity
supportive, but sometimes incidental, finding. PCR testing can is assumed to develop over time, mortality from feline babe-
be sensitive and specific but should not be considered as a re- siosis is estimated to be approximately 15 %.
placement for in-house microscopic diagnosis.
Treatment There is no vaccine against cytauxzoonosis or other feline
Cytauxzoonosis babesiosis, so any method of reducing the risk of tick expo-
Treatment should be initiated within hours of admission and sure has to be considered and appropriate use of acaricides is
should be started empirically in suspected cases in enzootic essential if cats are allowed outside.
areas, even if a definitive diagnosis is not available.
A combination of atovaquone (15 mg/kg per os t.i.d. with
a fatty meal to facilitate drug absorption) and azithromycin
(10 mg/kg per os q.24.h.) is the current treatment of choice
for cytauxzoonosis. This combination should be adminis-
tered as a matter of urgency. A nasoesophageal feeding tube
should be inserted on admission, to facilitate medication and
CONTENTS Blood parasitoses 111


Morphology of observable stages in dogs
Hepatozoonosis* • Schizonts: macroschizonts (20 µm in diameter), so called
because they contain 1–4 macromerozoites, and micro-
schizonts (paradoxically larger, measuring up to 150 µm in
General comments diameter) containing several hundred microschizozoites.
Hepatozoonosis is an infectious, non-contagious disease The macro- and microschizonts can be seen in the cyto-
caused by development of the protozoan Hepatozoon canis plasm of many cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system
in various cells in the host, such as endothelial cells and white (vascular endothelium of the spleen, bone marrow, liver,
blood cells (phagocytes, monocytes and polynuclear granulo- and lymph nodes), myocardium, and lungs.
cytes) and transmitted by the tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus. • Gamonts: characteristically rectangular with rounded cor-
Hepatozoon species are apicomplexan parasites with a ners, 8–12 µm × 3–6 µm, with grainy cytoplasm. Gamonts
hematophagous arthropod final host and a vertebrate inter- are found in the cytoplasm of polynuclear neutrophils,
mediate host. They are transmitted by ingestion of the final monocytes and, very rarely, erythrocytes (Figs. 1 and 2).
host, containing mature oocysts, by the intermediate host.
H. canis is a parasite of canids (dogs, foxes) and felids (do- Biology
mestic and wild cats). It has recently been demonstrated that When an infected tick is ingested by a dog, Hepatozoon
feline infection is primarily caused by a morphologically and sporozoites are released by oocysts in the intestine and pene-
genetically distinct species from canine infection. Another trate the wall of the gastro-intestinal tract. Sporozoites invade
species found in America, H. americanum, is more patho- the mononuclear cells and are disseminated haematogenous-
genic than the later one. ly or via the lymph to the target organs. Meronts containing
It is a parasite of muscular tissue, causing myositis and macro- or micromerozoites are formed in the dog’s tissues
significant locomotive difficulties. More than 340 species during the process of merogony. Mature merozoites are re-
of Hepatozoon have been described to date in amphibians, leased and invade the leukocytes in which gamonts are de-
reptiles, birds, marsupials and mammals. The genus has no veloping. Hepatozoon gamonts are found in the neutrophils
apparent zoonotic properties. (rarely in the monocytes) of the surrounding blood.
Hepatozoonosis is prevalent in all zones where the tick R. Ingestion of gamonts present in the dog’s blood by the tick
sanguineus can be found in Southern Europe, North Africa, is followed by fertilisation (fusion of gametocytes) and for-
the Middle East (Israel), and Asia. mation of ookinetes which leave the tick’s gastro-intestinal
Hepatozoonosis is often asymptomatic, but can present in tract and enter the haemocoel. They then become infectious
a rare clinical form which leads to death. The disease is often oocysts after undergoing sporogony, and each oocyst pro-
expressed clinically through other infections, such as canine duces several sporocystes containing 16 sporozoites.
monocytic ehrlichiosis (E. canis) or leishmaniosis. The nymph is usually contaminated during a blood meal,
rarely the larva. The subsequent adult stage is responsible for
Taxonomy onward transmission to the dog. Since the sporozoites are
Hepatozoon spp. are Apicomplexa protozoans in the order not situated in the salivary glands, the dog is not infected by
Eucoccidiida, subclass Coccidia, suborder Adeleorina of the a bite but rather by ingesting the infested tick. There is no
haemogregarine complex (Haemogregarinidae family). transovarial transmission of the parasite to the tick, as is the
They are taxonomically closer to intestinal coccidia than case with Babesia.
to Babesia, Theileria or Plasmodium. Transmission of Hepa- The main vector of H. canis is the brown dog tick R. san-
tozoon spp. to the dog occurs through ingestion of a tick con- guineus, whilst Amblyomma maculatum is the tick vector
taining the parasite. There has been no documented transfer for H. americanum. R. sanguineus is found in hot and tem-
of this parasite by saliva. In this respect, Hepatozoon spp. perate regions of the world, indicating a wide potential dis-
differ from other protozoa transmitted by ticks, and from tribution of H. canis. However, the distribution of A. mac-
bacterial pathogens transmitted by the tick’s salivary glands. ulatum is limited to parts of America. The two species of

* Chapter inspired by the original chapters written by Prof. Gad Baneth in the books Guide to Vector Borne Diseases of Pets. Ed. Merial, Lyon, 2013;
and Parasitoses and Vector Borne Diseases of Cats. Ed. Merial, Lyon, 2015.

5 μm

Figure 1. Heavy infection of polynuclear cells by Hepatozoon canis gamonts. MGG stain. Courtesy of Gad Baneth.

Hepatozoon which infect the dog are transmitted by nymphs

or adult ticks. Vertical transmission of H. canis to the dog
has been reported in puppies raised in a tick-free environ-
ment but born to an infected mother.

Hepatozoon canis was first reported in India in 1905 and
has since been found in Southern Europe, Africa, the Middle
East, the Far East and South America. H. americanum was
initially considered a strain of H. canis, until it was described
as a different species in 1997. H. americanum is an emerging
10 μm
infectious agent in the USA. It seems that it spread from the
North and East of Texas, where it was reported for the first Figure 2. Infection of two polynuclear cells by Hepatozoon canis
time in 1978, to Louisiana, Alabama, Oklahoma, Georgia, gamonts. MGG stain.

Tennessee and Florida.

Exposure to H. canis can be high in the parts of the world Hepatozoan protozoa are found particularly in outdoor
where this pathogen was first discovered. According to the dogs in the summer.
results of surveys conducted in several parts of the world, The existence of asymptomatic forms conceals the actual
between 20 and 30 % of dogs are seropositive in enzootic prevalence of the disease. When clinically expressed, hepa-
areas but usually only 1 % of these dogs are parasitaemic, in- tozoonosis is found in combination with other serious inter-
dicating that the rate of exposure is significantly higher than current diseases, such as leishmaniosis, ehrlichiosis, cardiac
the level of parasitaemia suggests. dirofilariosis, distemper, etc. in 40 % of cases.
CONTENTS Blood parasitoses 113


Life cycle of Hepatozoon spp.

Dog, cat, other carnivores




migrate through

intestine wall

Infects tissue cells

(liver, lungs,
spleen, muscles)

Mature oocyst with

Gametes Zygote
infectious sporozoites

~ 45 days in tick



Macroschizont with
ts in


(reinfects other tissues)

s in

Microschizont with

(infect white blood cells)

Gamonts inside neutrophils

D.H. = definitive host
and monocytes
I.H. = intermediate host

Clinical signs, lesions and diagnosis

Infection by Hepatozoon canis
Clinical signs
The incubation period is unknown; experimentally, it ranges (1.5 % of leukocytes infected). The severe form of the disease
from 3 days to 1 week. is associated with a high level of parasitaemia, often with
Infection by H. canis can vary from the apparent absence nearly 100 % of neutrophils infected. It is characterised by
of clinical signs to a disease which constitutes a severe threat lethargy, febrile syndrome, weight loss leading to cachexia,
to the survival of the animal. The most common form is be- anaemia and hyperglobulinaemia.
nign, generally associated with a low level of parasitaemia

Dogs with a high level of parasitaemia often exhibit consider- Lesions

able neutrophilia (up to 150,000 leukocytes/μL blood). Tissue biopsies and necropsy of dogs infected with H. can-
Other clinical signs may also be observed: is show that it mainly parasitises haemolymphatic organs,
• Diffuse pain, sometimes acute and persistent: lower back including lymph nodes, spleen and bone marrow. H. canis
pain, joint pain, hypersensitivity to palpation of the legs schizonts are also associated with hepatitis, pneumonia and
and spine. This pain causes abnormal locomotion (spin- glomerulonephritis.
ning, crossing of forelegs, collapse, etc.) and lameness. Proliferative and bilateral bone formation has been de-
The animal may also refuse to move or to perform certain scribed in some long bones, reminiscent of hypertrophic pneu-
exercises. mic osteoarthropathy or Alamartine-Ball-Cadiot syndrome
• Excessive excretion by various systems and glands: abun- (periosteal reactions, forming exostoses which offer a credible
dant nasal discharge, diarrhoea, vomiting. explanation for the pain but are apparently unrelated to the
• Polyadenopathy, splenomegaly. duration or severity of the disease).
• Other clinical signs include epistaxis, epilepsy, polydipsia,
weight loss. Diagnosis
H. canis infection is usually diagnosed by microscopic detec-
Intercurrent infection by other infectious agents and immune tion of intracellular gamonts in MGG-stained blood smears
deficiency are often associated with canine hepatozoonosis. (Fig. 3). Gamonts found in neutrophil cytoplasm have an el-
The immune responses induced by simultaneous infections lipsoidal structure measuring approximately 11 µm × 4 µm.
can weaken the immune system and interfere with the dog’s Concentrating white blood cells by centrifuging the blood
defences against new infection by H. canis or allow a latent in a microhaematocrit tube allows increasingly sensitive de-
infection to emerge. Parvovirus, distemper, Ehrlichia canis, tection, so that it becomes possible to find H. canis schizonts/
Toxoplasma gondii, Babesia canis, and Leishmania infan- meronts in infected tissues (Fig. 4). These schizonts/meronts
tum have been reported in dogs affected by hepatozoonosis. contain micromerozoites, organised in circles around a cen-
tral core, and these cysts must not be confused with those of
other protozoan infections, such as Toxoplasma or Neospora.

5 μm

Figure 3. Blood smear showing suspected hepatozoonosis in a cat, MGG-stained.

Infection of a polynuclear cell by a Hepatozoon canis gamont.
CONTENTS Blood parasitoses 115


Indirect immunofluorescence testing, using gamont anti- neutrophilia is one of the significant haematological charac-
gens, has been used to detect antibodies against H. canis in teristics of this disease, and the leukocyte count ranges from
epidemiological studies in Israel and Japan. An ELISA test is 30,000 to 200,000 per mL of blood. Biochemical abnormal-
also available in Israel. ities of the serum include increased alkaline phosphatase ac-
IgM and IgG antibodies against H. canis are experimental- tivity and hypoalbuminaemia.
ly detected at 16 and 22 days after infection respectively, just
before gamonts can be detected in the blood, on the 28th day Diagnosis
after infection. It has been suggested that antibodies reacting H. americanum gamonts are rarely found in the blood and
to the gamont antigens could be formed against antigens from parasitaemia does not generally exceed 0.5 %. Consequent-
earlier stages of H. canis. The serum of dogs infected by H. ly, diagnosis of infection by H. americanum is confirmed by
canis only shows a low level of reactivity to H. canis antigens. muscle biopsy, demonstrating the existence of parasites in the
cysts and granulomas (Fig. 5). Histopathology of the skeletal
Infection by Hepatozoon americanum muscles of infected dogs reveals pyogranulomatous myositis
Clinical signs and lesions and cysts with thick cystic walls arranged in concentric cir-
Unlike the generally benign disease caused by H. canis, in cles (cysts measuring 250–500 µm in diameter). These cysts
most cases infection by H. americanum results in a more are sometimes described as resembling an onion skin due to
serious disease which leads to deterioration of the general the structure of the membranes surrounding the centre. Ra-
condition of the animal and to its death. Most dogs diag- diography of the long bones or pelvis frequently shows sig-
nosed with H. americanum experience fever, gait abnormal- nificant periosteal proliferation. These radiological elements
ities, muscular pains due to myositis, generalised muscular can prove useful for screening animals with a suspected H.
atrophy and mucopurulent ocular discharge. Pain may be americanum infection.
generalised, or localised in the loins, neck and joints. Gait A serological test using tick sporozoite antigens has been
abnormalities in the dog include muscular stiffness, paresis developed and this test is as sensitive as a muscle biopsy for
of the hind legs, ataxia and difficulty getting up. Marked diagnosing H. americanum infection.

20 μm

Figure 4. Hepatozoon canis schizont. H&E staining of a muscle biopsy.


Control measures
Imidocarb dipropionate at a dose of 5–6 mg/kg every 14 days
until gamonts are no longer present in blood smears has long
been considered the drug of choice to treat canine hepato-
zoonosis, along with toltrazuril, an anticoccidial drug (5 to
10 mg/kg/day per os for at least 10 consecutive days). Oral-
ly-administered doxycycline (10  mg/kg/day for 21  days) is
also used in combination with imidocarb. Elimination of H.
canis gamonts from the surrounding blood is a long process,
taking up to 8 weeks, and treatment failure is often reported.
H. americanum infection is treated with a combination of
oral trimethoprim-sulfadiazine (15 mg/kg every 12 hours),
20 μm
pyrimethamine (0.25 mg/kg every 24 hours), and clindamy-
cin (10 mg/kg every 8 hours) and treatment must be followed Figure 5. Hepatozoon americanum schizonts. H&E staining of a
muscle biopsy.
for several weeks. After remission of clinical signs, this treat-
ment can be prolonged by oral administration of decoquin-
ate (an anticoccidial) at 10–20 mg/kg mixed in food, every
12 hours for 2 years. Relapse is common, whether or not the
treatment period is respected. Symptomatic treatment of in-
fected dogs with anti-inflammatories relieves pain and fever
Prevention is by reducing dogs’ exposure to ticks and us-
ing acaricides.
CONTENTS Blood parasitoses 117


insects acquire infection by ingesting blood containing circu-
Trypanosomoses * lating trypomastigotes. Trypomastigotes convert to epimas-
tigotes within the insect, replicate by binary fission, and then
convert back into trypomastigotes prior to exiting in the fae-
General comments ces of the vector.
Trypanosomoses are inoculable infectious diseases caused by
the multiplication and pathogenic activity of various species Life cycle of African Trypanosoma spp.
of flagellate trypanosomes: During a blood meal on the mammalian host, an infected
• Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of American trypanosomo- tsetse fly injects metacyclic trypomastigotes into the skin tis-
sis in South America, Central and Southern USA. T. cru- sue and the parasites enter the lymphatic system and pass
zi can also be found in the Americas, from the USA to into the bloodstream. Inside the host, they transform into
Chile and Central Argentina. This parasite is thought to bloodstream trypomastigotes which are carried to other sites
be enzootic in the Southern half of the USA, as well as in throughout the body, entering other body fluids (e.g., lymph,
California. spinal fluid), and continue to replicate by binary fission. The
• T. congolense and T. brucei brucei, agents of African tryp- entire life cycle of African trypanosomes is represented by
anosomoses found in Sub-Saharan Africa. extracellular stages. The tsetse fly becomes infected with
• T. evansi, agent of trypanosomosis, or surra, in hot regions bloodstream trypomastigotes when taking a blood meal on
of the world. an infected mammalian host. The parasites transform into
• Carnivores are naturally resistant to T. vivax. procyclic trypomastigotes and multiply by binary fission in
the fly’s midgut, then they leave the midgut and transform
These diseases affect canids (domestic and wild) and, far into epimastigotes. The epimastigotes reach the fly’s salivary
more rarely, felids. glands and continue to multiply by binary fission. The cycle
takes approximately 3 weeks in the fly.
These parasites are flagellated protozoan parasites of the Clinical signs
blood and lymph (and of other tissues in the case of T. cru- Clinical presentation depends on the species of trypanosome
zi) transmitted by haematophagous arthropods: bugs of responsible for the disease.
the genera Rhodnius and Triatoma for T. cruzi; tsetse flies American trypanosomosis or Chagas disease (T. cruzi)
(Glossina spp., vectors present only in Africa) (Fig. 1); and has both acute and chronic forms. The incubation period for
tabanids and stomoxes for T. evansi. the acute disease in dogs appears to be 5 to 42 days; symp-
toms of acute heart disease are usually reported after 2 to
Biology 4 weeks in experimental infections. Like humans, some dogs
Life cycle of Trypanosoma cruzi may not develop clinical signs until the chronic stage, which
Trypomastigotes are deposited in the faeces of an infected
triatomine insect (reduviid/“kissing bug”) near the feeding
site; trypomastigotes then enter the vertebrate host through
the bite wound or penetrate intact mucous membranes.
Trypomastigotes remain in circulation to disseminate
throughout the body and colonize macrophages or myocar-
diocytes. Within the host cell, trypomastigotes transform
into the asexually reproducing stage, the amastigote. Asex-
ual reproduction of amastigotes by binary fission occurs
rapidly and, once the host cell is full, amastigotes transform
back into trypomastigotes before rupturing the host cell and
Figure 1. Glossina sp. (tsetse fly) in Africa. Courtesy of De-
re-entering circulation. The new trypomastigotes then either partment of Veterinary Tropical Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary
enter another host cell or remain in circulation. Triatomine Science, Pretoria.

* Trypanosoma cruzi (from carnivores)


occurs after a few years; the exact length of this period is The megaoesophagus and megaviscera reported in humans
not known. The acute, less common form is mainly found are not reported in the dog.
in the young dog and is rapidly fatal due to cardiac insuffi- African trypanosomosis induces either an acute, rapidly
ciency: collapse is sometimes preceded by breathlessness and fatal form, seen especially with T. congolense in non-native
fatigue, anorexia and diarrhoea. The chronic form is more dogs, or a rarer chronic form. Dogs are considered to be very
common and affects mainly adult or older dogs. It is charac- susceptible to infection with T. congolense and they develop
terised by adenomegaly, ascites combined with hepatomeg- more severe disease symptoms than other animals.
aly and splenomegaly due to right-sided heart failure, and The following signs have been reported in acute cases of
by various nervous manifestations (meningoencephalitis and 2 to 3 weeks’ duration: anaemia and jaundice, adenomegaly,
ataxia, suggesting distemper). It is linked to the development intestinal disorders (acute ulcerative stomatitis), ocular dis-
of dilated cardiomyopathy with ventricular arrhythmia. orders (photophobia, keratitis, uveitis and corneal oedema),

Life cycle of Trypanosoma spp.

Dogs and small mammals

The trypomastigote of T. cruzi invades the

host cells (macrophages and muscle cells)
and develops into amastigotes
Host infected by:

1. B
 ite from infected vector

2. F
 aecal contamination

of wound or mucous
membrane by insect
3. E
 ating vectors or infected
dead animal


Trypomastigote Epimastigote
For T. cruzi, the
14–21 days resulting amastigotes
multiply in the host
cells, destroy the cells
and trypomastigotes
ays invade new cells

D.H. (biological

For the trypanosomes
(other than T. cruzi)
D.H. = definitive host only extracellular stages
I.H. = intermediate host are present

* Zoonotic trypanosomes: T. cruzi (from different mammals including dogs), T. brucei rhodesiense (from ruminants)
CONTENTS Blood parasitoses 119


and periorbital and facial oedema. Terminal convulsions repeat examinations are necessary and enrichment (cen-
have also been reported. Native dogs frequently present im- trifugation in a microhematocrit tube, or use of a thicker
munity to coinfection and are asymptomatic chronic carriers blood film) will sometimes be required. In the case of fa-
or have very slow-developing diseases. tal acute forms of African trypanosomosis, trypanosomes
T. evansi infects animals and causes a disease known as are always seen and are numerous at the time of death.
surra. Surra may be acute or chronic, depending on the strain • Oedema and ascitic fluid from lymph node biopsies and
of T. evansi and the location. Infected dogs present anaemia, possibly T. cruzi.
adenomegaly, cachexia, and hyperthermia, eventually lead- • Sample cultivation or inoculation of the sample into a
ing to death if untreated. Infected dogs primarily present laboratory animal.
with lymphadenopathy, malaise, weight loss, hyperthermia • Various serological examinations: indirect immunofluo-
and anaemia. Conjunctivitis, blepharitis and uveitis have rescence, haemagglutination, PCR, etc.
also been described.
Control measures
Diagnosis There are few studies on drug treatment efficacy in trypa-
Diagnosis relies on: nosomosis in dogs. Treatment consists of using molecules
• History: the origin of animal and any visits to enzootic which are often unavailable in non-enzootic areas.
areas. Diminazene aceturate has been proven to be an effective
• Clinical presentation which is not very distinctive, espe- treatment for T. evansi in dogs, at a dose of 7 mg/kg on the
cially in dogs coming from regions where other parasitoses first day and 3.5 mg/kg on the following day. Other tryp-
are enzootic. Some can cause similar clinical presentations, anocides for use in ruminants may be used (for example,
such as leishmaniosis, ancylostomosis, spirocercosis, babe- isometamidium).
siosis, dirofilariosis, etc. Benznidazole (5–10 mg/kg per os every 24 hours for
• Additional clinical examinations, such as radiography, 2 months) is the drug of choice for treating T. cruzi in dogs.
electrocardiology, and cell-counts (note that eosinophilia Vomiting is the main side effect. Many infected dogs are euth-
is absent). anized once a diagnosis is made because treatment is unavaila-
• Observation of the parasite: ble. Additional therapy should target the cardiac dysfunction.
• Observation of trypomastigotes in samples of pe- Restricting contact with vectors is central to limiting
ripheral blood and stained smears (Fig. 2). T. cruzi Trypanosoma spp. transmission. Ectoparasiticide treatment
(15–20  µm long), T. congolense (12–15 µm), T.  brucei with demonstrated repellent properties against Diptera and
brucei (shown in Fig. 3, 25–30 µm), T. evansi (25 µm on efficacy against other insects should limit the risk of trans-
average); however, the parasite is not constantly present mission, even if their efficacy against Glossina spp. or tria-
in the bloodstream but appears in successive waves, so tomine insects has never been tested.

100 μm 100 μm

Figure 2. Trypanosoma (trypomastigote form) in the blood of an Figure 3. Trypanosoma brucei in a blood smear. Courtesy of
infected animal. MGG-stained blood smear. Department of Veterinary Tropical Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary
Science, Pretoria.

and circulatory

Dogs travelling to and from enzootic areas may become

Cardiopulmonary infested, especially during the hot season, when vectors are
dirofilariosis abundant, so diagnosis is sometimes made in areas where
there is no cardiac dirofilariosis, such as the Northern half of
France, Germany, Belgium, and the United Kingdom (Fig. 1).
General comments
Heartworm disease is a helminth infestation transmitted by Taxonomy and morphology
Culicidae bites and caused by the presence and development The adults are Filaroidea nematodes belonging to the On-
of a filarial nematode, Dirofilaria immitis, (heartworm) chocercidae family, characterised by a thin, elongated body
in the pulmonary arteries and right ventricle of carnivores, and simple anterior end, with no capsule or gall bladder. The
mainly dogs. It is characterised by the development of cardiac posterior end is also simple (with no copulatory bursa), and
insufficiency with the progressive appearance of cardiores- is twisted and curly in males.
piratory problems, sometimes associated with other clinical Adult males are 12–18 cm long and 1 mm in diameter,
signs. It is medically important due to this progressive and ir- and females are up to 30 cm long and the same diameter,
reversible cardiac insufficiency, and progression can be faster and both are a whitish colour. The females lay microfilariae,
in heavy infestations. measuring approximately 300 µm long x 6 µm in diameter,
in the blood.
Cardiopulmonary dirofilariosis mainly affects dogs and oth-
er canids, but other carnivores such as cats, mustelids (includ-
ing ferrets), sea lions, seals, etc. may also be infested. Cats in
highly enzootic areas can also be infested, although they are Figure 1. Distribution of dirofilariosis (heartworm disease
due to Dirofilaria immitis) in Europe.
less susceptible than dogs so, when the risk of infestation is
high, the prevalence noted in felines can be considered to be
5 times less than that found in the canine population. Cats
must be protected in the same way as dogs in enzootic areas,
where domestic ferrets are widespread.

Geographical distribution
Dirofilariosis is widely distributed worldwide though prev-
alence differs from one country to another, and even from
one region to another, depending on the density of mosquito
vectors and their seasonality.
Dirofilariosis is particularly common in tropical areas
(Africa, Asia, Australia, Central and South America, Pacif-
ic islands) where between 20 % and 60 % of dogs can be
infested, but it is also found in Canada, Japan, and most
other US states (although particularly in the south: Florida,
It is also found in Southern Europe, particularly in the
Highly enzootic areas  rea with no cases/imported
Mediterranean area (Spain, Italy and Greece) and in the far
Moderately enzootic areas cases
South of France (Provence), but it is sporadic here. It is enzo-
Derived from Morchón, 2012.
otic in Corsica, Sardinia and some Eastern European coun- Courtesy of Luís Cardoso, Robert Farkas, Domenico Otranto,
tries (Romania), although it is less common than the sub- Kurt Pfister, Xavier Roura, Smaragda Sotiraki, Donato Traversa,
Richard Wall.
cutaneous filarial nematode, D. repens in Northern Europe.
CONTENTS Respiratory and circulatory parasitoses 123


Biology The microfilariae are ingested by the intermediate host,
The adults live in the right ventricle and pulmonary artery a female mosquito (Aedes, Culex, Anopheles), during a
of their definitive carnivore host and pre-adults live in the blood meal (Figs. 2 and 3). They become L1 larvae in the
pulmonary arteries. When infestation is heavy, worms may Malpighian tubules, taking on a short, squat, “sausage”
be found in the posterior vena cava, causing acute haemol- shape before changing into L2 around day 4. Around day
ysis known as caval syndrome. Erratic localisation has 10, they change into L3 larvae and pass into the mosqui-
been described (in the anterior eye chamber, subcutaneous to’s body cavity and enter the labium (or buccal cavity). An
connective tissue, spinal cord, etc.). There is usually a cre- infestation of more than 10 larvae usually kills the insect.
puscular peak of microfilaraemia at the moment when the When the mosquito bites a definitive host, the labium and
mosquito vectors are the most active but this peak varies proboscis fold up and the L3 are transferred to the site of the
from region to region. bite and penetrate the wound.

Life cycle of Dirofilaria immitis in dogs


The larvae (L3) migrate

lar e m into the skin through the
su vae osq mosquito bite wound
rfa ar ui
ce e d to
in ep bite Infective
a d os s a
ro ited do L3 larvae
of on g a
ha th nd
em e s L3
oly kin

develop into
L1, then moult
into L2, then
moult again into L3 develop into L4 larvae in 3 days.
10–14 days

infective L3 The L4 larvae migrate through

larvae the tissues, grow and reach
the pulmonary arteries after

47–67 days.

Worms continue to develop and


grow for 4–5 months before


producing microfilariae
e od


I.H. mosquito
ria blo
ge fila ts

(Aedes, Culex,
sta icro ges

rv g m o i
-la in uit

re in q
(p ta os
co e m


Female worms Adults worms live in the

produce microfilariae pulmonary arterial tree
Microfilariae that circulate in the (females - 25–31 cm,
D.H. = definitive host in blood bloodstream males - 12–20 cm long)
I.H. = intermediate host

Figure 2. Female mosquito of the genus Aedes, a vector of Figure 3. Mosquito of the genus Culex, a vector of Dirofilaria immitis
Dirofilaria immitis. in Europe.

Life cycle of Dirofilaria immitis in cats

The larvae (L3) migrate
Th larv e in
L3 rfac
e m ae a d

into the skin through the


os are rop

mosquito bite wound

qu d
ito epo of h
bit sit aem
es ed

Infective L3 larva
the on olym

(migrate to
ca the ph

nd skin

10–14 days

develop into L3 develop into L4 larvae in
L1, then moult a few days then the L4 larvae
into L2, then migrate through the tissues,

moult again grow and reach the pulmonary


arteries. Some or all of the


into infective

L3 larvae worms die shortly after arriving


in the pulmonary arteries. Those


that survive will continue to


fe re g
do val

in (p stin

ed ar
an iae ge
ct -l

m lar y in
fro ofi b
ly icr ted
ike m c
t l g fe
os nin in
m ai is
), nt ito

Adults in heart
ge co qu
sta d os

and lungs
bl e m

Typically no microfilariae in cats,

but may be present for a short time

Few adults and +/- microfilariae in blood D.H. = definitive host

CONTENTS Respiratory and circulatory parasitoses 125


Figure 4. Adults of Dirofilaria immitis in the right heart of a dog. Figure 5. Section of right ventricle with adult Dirofilaria immitis.
Courtesy of Thierry Bord.

They then travel to the subcutaneous connective tissue Source of parasites

and stay there for approximately 2.5 months (60–80 days), • Reservoir: microfilaraemic dogs are the source of micro-
moulting into L4 larvae around day 10 and maturing into filariae for mosquito vectors (10–20 % of dogs infested are
pre-adults around day 60. These pre-adults are approximate- amicrofilaraemic). The importance of stray dog popula-
ly 2–5 cm long and they enter the right heart via the circu- tions, and wild canids (foxes, coyotes) in maintaining the
lating blood (Figs. 4 and 5). These pre-adults lodge in the disease in certain areas must not be underestimated.
pulmonary arteries on around day 80 and stay there for ap- • Direct source: this consists solely of the female mosquito
proximately 7 weeks, before returning to the ventricle by ret- vectors (Culex, Aedes, Anopheles), with nearly 70 species
rograde migration, becoming adults and then mating. Some susceptible to the parasite and therefore considered poten-
remain in the pulmonary arteries in cases of heavy infesta- tial vectors.
tion. The prepatent period is very long, taking approximately
5–6 months, and sometimes longer. The vectorial capacity of any species of mosquito varies
Adult filariae live for a long time, around 4–5 years, but greatly from one region to another: in the Tropics, Aedes ae-
females become much less prolific after 3 years. In the ab- gypti is often the main vector but in the Mediterranean it is
sence of protective immunity, infestations accumulate over often Culex pipiens.
the following months or even years, explaining the very Other biting arthropods (fleas, lice, ticks) are never in-
heavy infestations that can sometimes be seen, but also the volved in the transmission of D. immitis, but they may be
progressive appearance of clinical signs due to the accumula- vectors of other filariae (Acanthocheilonema genus).
tion of parasites in the heart.
Any microfilariae transmitted from a bitch to her young Mechanism of infestation
via the placenta, or between dogs by transfusion, will contin- Infestation occurs solely through inoculation of L3 larvae
ue to circulate but will not develop. Only L3 transmitted by from a female mosquito bite.
mosquito vectors will develop into adult filariae.
Predisposing factors
Epidemiology All factors which increase the chance of mosquito bites in-
Dirofilariosis is a vector-borne parasitosis and may be sea- crease the risk of infestation: dogs living and sleeping outside,
sonal, depending on the latitude. for example. Depending on the latitude, the risk of infesta-
tion may be continuous throughout the year (as is the case in
tropical countries) or seasonal (in Europe, where transmis-
sion mainly occurs between spring and autumn).

Clinical signs Other clinical signs

Dogs which harbour few worms generally do not present These are potentially linked to the microfilariae, which cause
with clinical signs, as these are linked to heavy infestations thromboembolism and associated localised immune and
or to repeated infestations where there is an accumulation inflammatory reactions. These embolisms may also be the
of parasites. Dogs may be grouped into four clinical classes. result of the fragmentation of adult worms.
Incubation may be long (several years). • Cutaneous signs: pruritus, hair loss, necrosis of the ex-
tremities (ears, tail).
Cardiorespiratory signs • Nervous signs: the most commonare paresis, motor inco-
These are linked to the adult filariae and are the result of irri- ordination, occasional convulsive crises, phases of aggres-
tative mechanical action, and antigenic reactions. They cause sion, and temporary loss of consciousness.
chronic pulmonary hypertension, which leads to continuous • Haemorrhagic signs: melaena, epistaxis, haemoptysis.
cardiac effort to maintain sufficient pulmonary perfusion. • Ocular signs: uveitis.
• Stage 1: excessive fatigability, reduced appetite. This ini- • Renal impairment: chronic renal insufficiency.
tial phase is known as clinical stage 1. At this stage, the
heart compensates for pulmonary hypertension, and clin- Lesions
ical signs are still subtle but cardiac insufficiency due to • Macroscopically: cardiomegaly, hepatic congestion, as-
decompensation gradually develops. This stage is afebrile. cites, pneumonia (haemorrhages and congestive areas in
• Stage 2: this stage corresponds to moderate dirofilariosis. the diaphragmatic lobes) (Fig. 6). Filariae can be seen in
The animal presents with coughing and dyspnoea on ex- the ventricle, wrapped around the heart strings.
ertion, shortage of breath at rest, and often accompanied • Microscopically: villous endarteritis with hyperplasia of
by anaemia. the walls in the pulmonary arteries, and the appearance of
• Stage 3: this stage corresponds to severe dirofilariosis. The reactive microvilli; interstitial pneumonia with inflamma-
animal presents with tachycardia and dyspnoea as well as tory granulomas containing microfilariae; cardiac dilation
coughing at rest, ascites, chronic renal insufficiency, and and hypertrophy; glomerulonephritis.
often exhibits cyanosis of the mucosae. These clinical signs
get worse, the animal loses weight and its general condi-
tion is affected. This stage ends indeath from respiratory
distress or violent pulmonary embolism caused by nema-
tode fragments.
• Stage 4: complications linked to heavy infestation. This is
caval syndrome, and corresponds to the arrival of worms
in the posterior vena cava. The animal presents with anae-
mia and haemoglobinuria, and is in a state of shock linked
to the sudden and intense haemolysis caused by the haemo-
dynamic disruption.
Figure 6. Typical pot-bellied appearance of a dog with heartworm
disease and displaying ascites related to right-sided congestive
Heart murmurs can be heard on auscultation at all stages. heart failure.
CONTENTS Respiratory and circulatory parasitoses 127


Figure 7. Radiography of
the thorax of a dog showing
right-sided cardiac hypertrophy
due to cardiopulmonary diro-
filariosis. (A) On the lateral view,
interstitial densification (large
arrow) and interlobar fissure are
visible (small arrow). (B) On the
ventral view, both pulmonary
arteries (large arrows) and pul-
monary trunk (thin arrows) are
enlarged. Courtesy of Medical
Imaging Department, Alfort
Veterinary School.

In enzootic areas, clinical suspicion is easy: the dog is tired,
and can present with shortage of breath and coughing, and
clinical signs get worse with effort (after going for a walk,
for example).
Examination of the blood shows regenerative anaemia.
Hypereosinophilia is possible but not symptomatic. Auscul-
tation and electrocardiograms (ECG) do not identify par-
ticularly characteristic elements but confirm the diagnosis of
right-sided cardiac insufficiency.

Figure 8. Echocardiograph following suspected dirofilariosis,

Radiography allowing definitive diagnosis from the section of worms seen in the
Radiography shows cardiomegaly and distinct arborisation pulmonary arteries.
of the pulmonary vessels, which is relatively characteristic.
Thoracic radiography is performed on dogs which present or interrupted and arborisation may be reduced or absent.
with cardiac or respiratory disorders, such as tachypnoea, The pulmonary parenchyma sometimes presents areas of
dyspnoea, excessive fatigability, and abnormal cardiac aus- densification (eosinophilic pneumonia). Lesions, character-
cultation (breaths). In some cases thoracic radiography will istic of right–sided cardiomegaly, suggest dirofilariosis, es-
reveal the spread of organ lesions and suggest dirofilariosis pecially when combinedwith abnormalities of the arterial
or angiostrongylosis. Radiographs are taken at 1–1.20 m trunk and parenchyma. Right–sided cardiomegaly and ab-
to limit deformation, and at the end of inhalation to avoid normalities of the pulmonary parenchyma are observed in
over-taxing the diaphragm or lungs, with an exposure time cases of angiostrongylosis.
of less than 6 cm/s. Two exposures are taken: a lateral and
a dorsoventral view. For the first, the dog is in a lateral po- Echocardiography
sition, limbs extended, and thorax parallel to the table, and Unlike radiography, echocardiography enables cardiopulmo-
the ray is centred on the fifth rib. The dorsoventral view is nary dirofilariosis to be diagnosed through visualisation of
taken with the dog in sternal recumbency (sphinx position). the parasites (Fig. 8). Non-specific lesions can be seen: dilation
The right ventricle appears normal to dilated (inverted D on of the main pulmonary artery (right branch); right ventricular
frontal radiography and increased contact area with the ster- dilation (first hypertrophic then atrophic). Signs specific to the
num on the lateral view) due to the progressive development parasite: adult filariae present in the right ventricle and pul-
of right-sided cardiac insufficiency (Fig. 7). The pulmonary monary trunk (cross-sectional visualisation of many round
artery has a normal to dilated trunk and tracheal bifurcation elements, 2–3 mm in diameter, which move with the contrac-
may be raised. Pulmonary arteries are enlarged, deformed, tions of the heart); thrombus in the pulmonary vessels.

Laboratory diagnosis microfilariae of the Dirofilaria, Acanthocheilonema or Cer-

The infestation is confirmed by identification of blood micro- copithifilaria genus is simple, differentiating between D. im-
filariae or by screening circulating filarial antigens. mitis and D. repens is more difficult. This is why histochem-
ical staining, which shows alkaline phosphatase activity, is
Detection of microfilariae used. These areas of phosphatase activity differ depending
Microfilariae are found by blood smear, observation of a on the species of microfilaria involved (Fig. 11 and Table 1).
drop of fresh blood, or after enrichment (blood filtration on a
Millipore membrane, Knott technique, or via a thick smear), Detection of circulating antigens
then by MGG staining (Figs. 9 and 10). The rapid heartworm antigen tests currently available detect
Sensitivity depends on the technique, level of infestation circulating proteins, secreted mainly by adult female D. im-
and sometimes the time. Microfilariae seem to circulate more mitis. These kits use different serological techniques (ELISA
at twilight. Some dogs are described as amicrofilaraemic be- or agglutination) which are very sensitive, and it is possible
cause they do not have microfilariae, for various reasons: in- to screen for a single female parasite. This particular test is
festation by male worms only, or by old worms, treatment specific to D. immitis because species-specific monoclonal
with ivermectin, or destruction by the immune system. antibodies are used. The kits can be used for dogs, but not for
Identification of microfilariae is necessary because several cats because the antigens detected are shed by adult female
species are found in dogs. Although differential diagnosis of filariae and the parasites often remain in an immature state
in felines. Serological tests that highlight antibody responses
are available for all species, including felines.
The earliest that heartworm antigens and microfilariae
can be detected is about 5 and 6  months post infestation,

Focus on feline heartworm disease

The scientific community has only recently focused on feline
heartworm disease and recognised the differences in host
response, pathogenesis and clinical presentation fin heart-
worm infection in cats and dogs.
Cats are usually infested by two to four heartworms
50 μm
(the range is 1 to 8), the prepatent period is 7–9 months and
Figure 9. Microfilariae observed by direct examination between worms survive for just 2 to 4 years.
slide and coverslip of a drop of peripheral blood (auricular puncture
with a stylus).

50 μm 100 μm

Figure 10. Microfilariae observed after concentrated MGG staining by the Knott method.
CONTENTS Respiratory and circulatory parasitoses 129


20 μm 20 μm

Figure 11. Histochemical staining of Dirofilaria immitis microfilaria. Phosphatasic acid activity (red stain) concentrated in the excretory pore
(anterior 1/3) and anal pore (posterior).

Table 1. Differential diagnosis of microfilariae (µF).

Dirofilaria immitis Dirofilaria repens Acanthocheilonema sp. and Cercopithifilaria sp.

• A. reconditum: 260–280 × 4–5 µm

Size 290–330 µm × 5–7 µm 300–370 µm × 6–8 µm • A. dracunculoides: 190–250 × 4–6 µm
• C. grassii: 550 × 10–12 µm (µF dermotropic)

Direct examination between µF moving little in the field µF moving little in the field
µF moving very quickly in the field of view
slide and slip cover of view of view

Straight body, regular anterior Regular anterior end,

Examination after staining
end, sub-rectangular cephalic sub-square cephalic Irregular anterior end, short tail, hook-shaped
(MGG or eosin after
space, frayed and straight space, long and frayed tail, caudal extremity
caudal end sometimes slightly curved

One (red) spot at each end, For A. reconditum microfilariae: Diffuse activity;
After histochemical staining Area of posterior activity
corresponding to the anterior for A. dracunculoides: two zones of activity
and evaluation of acid corresponding to the anal
excretory pore and posterior similar to those observed with D. immitis but
phosphatase activity pore
anal pore smaller in size

Clinically, infection can be asymptomatic,

chronic or acute. Clinical signs are usu-
ally more obvious in two particular
stages of the cat infection: when young
adult D. immitis arrive in the pulmo-
nary arteries (4 to 6 months after infec-
tion) and die, and later, when adult die
(Fig. 12).
Natural heartworm infection in cats
is basically pulmonary in nature, so the
most common clinical signs have a respira-
tory origin, but digestive signs are also frequent.

Figure 12. Immature adult Dirofilaria immitis in the lung

of an infested cat.

The most common respiratory sign is dyspnoea, although Adulticide treatment

coughing, tachypnoea and, more rarely, sneezing, can also This is based on arsenic derivatives, including melarsomine.
be seen. Vomiting which is not associated with eating is the • The protocol (for stages 1 and 2) is two intramuscular in-
most common gastrointestinal sign but other symptoms, jections at a dose of 2.5 mg/kg at 24-hour intervals.
such as diarrhoea, are occasionally seen. Feline heartworm • In the case of animals presenting with serious clinical signs
disease is now recognised as a significant pulmonary syn- (stage 3), a single injection is administered followed by two
drome, defined as Heartworm Associated Respiratory Dis- further injections, 24 hours apart, the following month.
ease (HARD). Clinical signs associated with HARD are There is some risk of pulmonary embolism from dead
anorexia, lethargy, weight loss, coughing, rapid heart rate, filariae, so the animal must be kept completely at rest.
vomiting, diarrhoea, blindness, convulsions, collapse and
sudden death. In acute cases, cats can die so quickly that Melarsomine sometimes has undesirable side effects, such as
owners are usually not able to report any clinical signs before vomiting, diarrhoea, and nervousness for 24–48 hours after
sudden death occurs. injection.
In those very rare cases where worms are located in the Treatment efficacy can only be confirmed by ELISA
right heart, a systolic cardiac murmur, caused by tricus- 4–6 months later, due to the persistence of circulating par-
pid valve insufficiency and galloping cardiac rhythm, is a asitic antigens.
common finding on auscultation. Signs that are common
in dogs, such as congestive heart failure, are not often seen Microfilaricidal treatment
in cats and some infected cats recover from the infection This must be administered 1 month after the adulticide treat-
spontaneously, with or without symptomatic treatment. ment, because microfilariae can survive for up to 18 months
However, reversion to the dangerous acute phase when in the capillaries. It consists of avermectins/milbemycins
adult parasites die is always possible, even in cases of chron- which are equally effective against microfilariae, which dis-
ic infection. The death of adult worms is associated with appear 3–4 weeks after treatment.
an intense pulmonary inflammatory reaction in response to Some adverse effects linked to death of the microfilariae
thromboembolism that is itself responsible for pulmonary are possible, as are some allergic reactions: prostration, diar-
infarction and haemorrhage. Circulatory collapse and res- rhoea, ataxia. The administration of corticoids is beneficial
piratory failure usually follow. Clinical signs at this stage in such cases.
can include dyspnoea, cyanosis, hypothermia, ataxia, hae- Other antiparasitic drugs, such as diethylcarbamazine
moptysis and syncope. and levamisole, have been employed in the past but they are
In a study carried out in Italy to assess the duration, no longer used because of their often limited efficacy and the
outcome (self-cure or death) and life expectancy of heart- significant risk of side effects.
worm-infested cats, nine of the 43 infested cats died dur-
ing the study and 34 self-cured. During the study, 27 cats Adjuvant treatment
showed no symptoms, three died suddenly 38 to 40 months Absolute rest (hospitalisation) is important here. Antithrom-
after diagnosis and six died during the follow-up period, 8 botic treatment (preventing platelet aggregation), using aspi-
to 41 months after diagnosis. According to the authors, the rin at a dose of 5 mg/kg/day for 4 days before the adulticidal
probability of death increased with age at diagnosis. treatment and continuing for 3 weeks, has been recommended
but is controversial, and some sources prefer to use heparin.
Control measures
Treatment Surgical treatment
Treatment of asymptomatic infested dogs is not advised: Surgically removing the filariae is possible in heavy in-
measures to prevent re-infestation are more useful and the festations (dogs in stage 3 or 4) (Fig. 13). This is done
few filariae present will gradually disappear. A monthly by catheterising the jugular vein using a specially-adapt-
prophylactic larvicidal dose of avermectins/milbemycins ed pair of forceps known as alligator forceps. This tech-
(moxidectin, selamectin or ivermectin) sterilises the female nique enables the parasitic load to be reduced and hemol-
filariae and reduces their longevity. ysis linked to haemodynamic disruption to be stopped.
CONTENTS Respiratory and circulatory parasitoses 131


It is carried out only rarely, in emergency cases or in patients These active ingredients are sometimes combined with oth-
in very advanced stages, by some Japanese, Australian and er antiparasitic agents to broaden their spectrum of activity
American teams. (ivermectin + pyrantel, eprinomectin + praziquantel + fipronil
+ (S)-methoprene (spot-on for cats), moxidectin + imidacloprid
Prevention (spot-on), milbemycin oxime + afoxolaner or spinosad, etc.).
Vector prevention Preventative treatment is not applied before leaving for
Preventative measures against mosquitoes, whether on a col- the enzootic area, but 1 month after arrival, because this al-
lective level (notably in the tropics), or individually, reduce lows all the larvae inoculated by mosquitoes in the months
the transmission of D. immitis. preceding the treatment to be killed. The effect of tablets and
spot-on are not persistent. Treatment should continue until
Chemoprophylaxis 1 month after the last exposure to mosquitoes.
This is based on the use of avermectins/milbemycins. Doses Prophylaxis continues throughout the mosquito season in
depend on active ingredients and dosage forms. enzootic areas, and sometimes throughout the whole year,
Several oral formulations, classic or palatable (“chew- and it begins when puppies are 3 months old.
able”) are available. Ivermectin is administered monthly in Annual testing is integral to ensuring that prophylaxis is
this form, at a dose of 6 µg/kg, oral moxidectin is adminis- achieved and maintained. It also means that infestations can
tered at 2 µg/kg, and oral milbemycin oxime at 0.5 mg/kg. be diagnosed sooner and more timely treatment can be pro-
Spot-on formulations have also been developed, using se- vided to minimise pathology and the potential selection of
lamectin (6 mg/kg), moxidectin (2.5 mg/kg), or milbemycin resistant subpopulations.
oxime at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg. These are also applied monthly Prophylaxis for dirofilariosis is also used for cats and fer-
and they destroy all developing larvae less than 6 weeks old, rets in highly enzootic areas.
which have been inoculated by mosquitoes.
Long-acting injectable formulations have also been de- Risk to humans
veloped: the first is a product based on moxidectin, and its Humans can be infested but the human disease constitutes
efficacy persists for several months due to its residual effect; a parasitic impasse; larvae migrate then die encysted in nod-
it lasts for 6–12 months, depending on the concentration of ules (usually in the lungs). Several hundred cases are reported
moxidectin. worldwide.

Video 3
Live worms in the autopsy
of a dog that died of
heartworm disease.

Figure 13. Adult Dirofilaria immitis surgically removed from infested

right ventricle. Courtesy of Laura Rinaldi.

Geographical distribution and importance

Canine angiostrongylosis Distribution is worldwide. In Europe, it has been reported in
the UK, Ireland, Denmark, Switzerland, France, Italy, Portu-
gal, Spain, Austria, Germany and Russia. It is also present in
General comments North America.
Angiostrongylosis is a helminth infection linked to the pres- The clinical importance of the disease is related to the
ence and development of a nematode, Angiostrongylus progressive development of cardiac insufficiency. Clinical
vasorum, in the right heart and pulmonary arterial system sings of angiostrongylosis are similar to cardiopulmonary
in canids. dirofilariosis.
This small nematode belongs to the order Strongylida,
suborder Metastrongyloidea, which includes parasites of the Morphology
respiratory and circulatory system. Angiostrongylus are very thin, reddish nematodes, 0.25–
The first anecdotal reports of canine angiostrongylosis 0.3  mm in diameter. Males are approximately 10–15 mm
emerged in France in the early 19th century and explain the long and females, 18–25 mm long (Figs. 1 and 2). Females
name “French heartworm” given to the worm. The common have a whitish uterus which is wound around a red intestine
name is canine lungworm. (haematophagy), hence the name barber’s pole worm.

Species affected Biology

The disease affects canids, especially dogs, and foxes, but The life cycle of A. vasorum is dixenous.
also jackals, fennecs and other wild canids.
In the canid (definitive) host
Adults are localised to branches of the pulmonary arteries
and arterioles, where they cause arteritis and disrupt pul-
monary perfusion. The heart then has to work harder, and
right-sided cardiac insufficiency gradually develops. These
parasites feed in the bloodstream and female worms begin to
lay eggs from 38–60 days after infection. The embryonated
eggs (70–100 × 40–60 µm) hatch rapidly in the pulmonary
capillaries and the first stage larvae (L1) penetrate the alveoli.

50 μm

Figure 1. Binocular lens view of adult Angiostrongylus vasorum Figure 2. L1 larva of Angiostrongylus vasorum.
from a necropsy sample. Microscopic coproscopy.
CONTENTS Respiratory and circulatory parasitoses 133


They then migrate through the pulmonary system to the the gastropod’s pedal mass) and these larvae remain infec-
pharynx, are coughed up, pass through the digestive tract tive for at least 6 months. The main intermediate host in Eu-
and are finally excreted in faeces. Once infestation is estab- rope is the red slug (Arion rufus), in which larvae develop in
lished, patency is very long – possibly lifelong if left untreated. 16–25 days. Dogs are then infested by eating the mollusc, a
paratenic host or the L3 released by a dead gastropod, which
In the gastropod (intermediate) host can survive for a few days in the external environment.
L1 can survive on the ground for up to 3 weeks. When they Following ingestion of the infested gastropod or parate­
are ingested by a terrestrial gastropod (mainly slugs, but also nic host by the dog, the infective L3 larvae are released into
snails), they develop into L3 in a few weeks (particularly in the digestive tract, cross the intestinal wall and moult into

Life cycle of Angiostrongylus vasorum

Fox and dog

The larvae (L3-L4-L5)

develop in the lymph
nodes and migrate to
the heart and pulmonary
inv . in
ad ges
e m ts
I.H. mollusc ed mo
ias llus
al c, L3
lym la
ph rva
no e
de Adult
17 day

L1 larvae infest
molluscs, and Prepatent period: 8 weeks
develop into the
infective L3 stage

Larva (L1)

Faeces Adults develop

inside the pulmonary
arteries. Released
eggs are too large
Egg to pass through
L1 larvae coughed the capillaries, and
up and swallowed occlude them

Inflammatory nodules form in

the arterioles and capillaries in
response to the occlusion
D.H. = definitive host Pulmonary arteriole
with eggs and larvae
I.H. = intermediate host

L4 larvae in the mesenteric lymph nodes on the 4th day. The source of parasites is wild or domestic canids, which
They then migrate through the lymphatic system towards the expel the larvae in their excrement.
right heart, into the arteries and pulmonary arterioles, where The mechanism of infestation is the ingestion of an in-
they evolve into pre-adults and adults. Ovigerous females termediate host, or perhaps a paratenic host (rodents,
appear from the 33rd day and excretion of L1 larvae in the batrachians).
faeces starts around 44 days after infestation (the prepatent The predisposing factors are those which promote con-
period in dogs is approximately 8–10 weeks). Prepatent peri- tact with intermediate hosts: hunting dogs appear to be es-
od in cats: 6–8 weeks. Parasite lifespan: up to 2 years. pecially at risk.

Like other metastrongylids, the life cycle of A. vasorum in- Clinical signs and lesions
cludes many species of slugs and snails as intermediate hosts: Clinical signs
• Slugs: Arion rufus, Arion ater, Arion lusitanicus, Dero- Angiostrongylosis usually causes a chronic illness.
ceras spp. • In the early stages, exercise intolerance, increasing breath-
• Snails: Helix aspersa, Helix pomatia and the Cepaea, Eu- lessness at rest, fatigability, and tachycardia are common-
parypha, Sucuinea, Lymnacea, Physa, Planorbis species, ly seen and the animal often presents with a bad hacking
etc. cough, accompanied by expectoration. Blood counts usu-
ally indicate hypereosinophilia (with 10–30 % eosino-
Paratenic hosts may be involved, as is the case with feline phils) and this initial phase may last several months.
aelurostrongylosis and a Danish study has demonstrated that • The late stage corresponds to the development of right-sided
the green frog, Rana temporaria, could be a paratenic host. cardiac insufficiency, associated with pulmonary disorders:
• Emaciated, prostrate, anaemic dogs.
Epidemiology • Dyspnoea and cough.
The prevalence of this parasitosis is little understood. It de- • Abnormal pulmonary and cardiac auscultation (pulmo-
velops sporadically but is not rare. Foxes could play a role as nary emphysema, respiratory frequency).
reservoirs: an epidemiological survey conducted in Hungary • Modified electrocardiogram.
found that 5 % of foxes were infested by A. vasorum and • Pulmonary and cardiac disruption visible by radiology
a similar survey in Italy found a prevalence of 34 % in this (Fig. 3).
species. • Eosinophilia.
A serological survey to evaluate the prevalence of antibod- • In the final stage, the dog may present with dependent
ies and antigens in the blood of a random sample of dogs oedema, ascites and cyanotic mucosae.
(4,030 animals) in the south of the UK showed that 1.32 %
of the dogs were antigen-positive, and 3.2 % were positive
for specific antibodies. The number of cases described in the
UK and Ireland has been increasing over the last 5 years,
which could be related to the increasing population of foxes
and their changing habits, as they become suburban or even
urban. Existing clusters of infection have been described in
South East England and South Wales. A survey of more than
1,400 vet practices across the country found that practioners
reported more than 20 cases of angiostrongylosis per year
in those areas. Vet practices in the affected areas are 15 to
16 times more likely to see clinical angiostrongylosis cases
than anywhere else in the UK.
Elsewhere, the disease is commonly described in hunting Figure 3. Radiographic examination: lateral view of the thorax of a
dogs which have been left to roam in forests and have prob- dog with clinical signs of angiostrongylosis. Right cardiac hypertro-
phy, and bronchi significantly more visible than normal.
ably eaten slugs.
CONTENTS Respiratory and circulatory parasitoses 135


Pulmonary oedema can become acute, causing complications, This suspicion must be confirmed by identification of L1
and dyspnoeic crises can arise and lead to death of the dog. larvae in the faeces (Figs. 6 and 7). These larvae measure
An acute respiratory form has been described in young 300–330 µm, and have a strongyloid oesophagus, a cephal-
dogs and, in these cases, the coughing and dyspnoea is ac- ic button on the front end and a subterminal spine before
companied by fever. the S-shaped rear end. This allows them to be differentiated
from the L1 larvae of other respiratory Strongylida in carni-
Lesions vores by faecal examination using the Baermann technique
Pulmonary apparatus: the lungs are congested and present (see Baermann test, page 306). Since Angiostrongylus are
with purplish-white spots. They are covered in nodules a few fairly prolific, the sensitivity of coproscopy is adequate, but
millimetres in diameter, and this general appearance is de- faeces should be collected for 3 consecutive days as excretion
scribed as “Roquefort cheese” and is comparable to the ver- is intermittent.
minous pneumonia lesions seen in small ruminants. These A quick serological test is also available to detect specific
nodules are actually granulomas centred on eggs and L1 A. vasorum antigens.
Histological lung sections show significant fibro-conjunc- Prognosis
tive infiltration of the parenchymal cells, surrounding alveoli Prognosis is poor if untreated.
containing Angiostrongylus larvae (Fig. 4). Emphysema can
be seen in the pulmonary lobes, especially the anterior lobes. Control measures
Cardiovascular system: dilation of the right ventri- Treatment
cle, presence of parasites in pulmonary valves and arteries Symptomatic: cardiorespiratory analeptics.
(Fig. 5). Endarteritis, and occasionally, thrombus formation, Antiparasitic: some products containing either moxidec-
can be seen. tin or milbemycin oxime are licenced for the treatment of
angiostrongylosis in dogs. Moxidectin is used at a dose of
Diagnosis 2.5 mg/kg in a single topical application. A further veteri-
Clinical suspicion can be applied to hunting dogs which sud- nary examination is recommended 30 days after application,
denly present with respiratory and cardiac signs: coughing, as some animals may require a second treatment. Milbemy-
dyspnoea, tachycardia, fatigability, and even oedema and cin oxime, administered orally at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg, once a
ascites. week for 4 weeks, can also be used to treat angiostrongylosis.

Figure 4. In situ localisation of adult Angiostrongylus vasorum in the Figure 5. Necroscopic heart and lung sample from a dog severely
lung of a dog. infested by Angiostrongylus vasorum.

10 μm 50 μm

Figure 6. Angiostrongylus vasorum L1 larva. Microscopic coproscopy. Figure 7. Numerous Angiostrongylus vasorum L1 larvae and one
Trichuris vulpis egg. Microscopic coproscopy.

Fenbendazole has been used at a dose of 50 mg/kg for Prevention

5 days, and oxfendazole at 11.3 mg/kg every day for 7 days. Some products containing either moxidectin or milbemycin
Ivermectin, used off-label and at the discretion of the veter- oxime and administrated at monthly intervals are licenced
inary surgeon responsible, is active at a dose of 0.2 mg/kg, for the prevention of angiostrongylosis in dogs, and hunting
administered subcutaneously in 2 doses, a week apart. dogs, or dogs which regularly spend time in forests, must be
Anthelmintic treatments work by breaking down the regularly dewormed using effective formulations.
parasites, and the products of this lysis can cause allergic Controlling garden slugs can eliminate a source of infec-
reactions (hypersensitivity) and thromboembolic disorders tive L3 larvae, particularly in the countryside where foxes
in the host. may sustain the cycle with these intermediate hosts.

Video 4.1
Binocular lens observation of the moving L1 larvae
of lungworms (Angiostrongylus vasorum) collected
from the faeces of an infested dog after Baermann

Video 4.2
Binocular lens observation of the moving adults of
lungworms (Angiostrongylus vasorum) collected from
the pulmonary circulatory system of an infested dog.
Females have a typical “barber’s pole” appearance.
CONTENTS Respiratory and circulatory parasitoses 137


strongyloses in dogs

General comments Taxonomy and morphology

Respiratory helminthoses in carnivores are caused by the Respiratory Strongylida are nematodes whose males have a
presence and development of Strongylida nematodes, Metas- copulatory bursa supported by the ribs. They belong to the
trongyloidea, in the respiratory system (trachea, bronchus, superfamily Metastrongyloidea, which is characterised by a
bronchioles and/or pulmonary alveoli). very small copulatory bursa and a rudimentary buccal cap-
Several species can be seen in dogs: Oslerus osleri, Filar- sule. They are also generally small in size. There are three
oides hirthi, Filaroides milksi, Crenosoma vulpis, which distinct families: Angiostrongylidae (Angiostrongylus and
are mainly parasites of wild carnivores, particularly foxes. Aelurostrongylus genera), Crenosomatidae (Crenosoma ge-
Cats are infested by other respiratory Strongylida (see Res- nus) and Filaroididae (Oslerus and Filaroides genera).
piratory strongyloses in cats, page 141). Male C. vulpis are 3–5 mm long and females, 12–15 mm.
Filaroides and O. osleri are a similar size. The females are
The importance of these diseases is: viviparous and lay L1 larvae which are 200 to 330 µm long
• Medical: they give the appearance of chronic tracheobron- and are expelled in the faeces. They can be seen by coprosco-
chitis which is resistant to treatment (in the case of oslero- py to have a wavy (S-shaped) tail.
sis or crenosomosis) or bronchopneumonia (filaroidosis). Aelurostrongylus are 4–10 mm long (females are larger
• Economic: caused by infestation of breeding animals. This than males) with a diameter of 50–80 µm.
applies to O. osleri (in Europe) and, to a lesser extent,
F. hirthi and F. milksi (in the USA), because L1 emitted by Biology
adults of these parasites are directly infective. Localisation of respiratory Strongylida depends on the
Hosts • C. vulpis is localised to the lumen of the trachea and main
Respiratory Strongylida infest canids, mainly wild ones but bronchi.
sometimes dogs, except A. abstrusus and T. brevior, which • F. milksi and F. hirthi are parasites of the pulmonary pa-
infest cats. C. vulpis may also infest cats. renchyma, so they are found in the bronchioles and alveoli.
• O. osleri is a parasite of the respiratory tract or tracheo-
Geographical distribution bronchial tree, but is localised to brownish fibrous nodules
Respiratory strongyloses are found worldwide. Although the in the mucous membrane.
risk of infestation in dogs (especially hunting dogs) in rural
and forest environments with large fox populations carrying The pathogenicity of these nematodes is low and there are
C. vulpis is high, the epidemiology of oslerosis and filaroi- many healthy carnivore carriers. Oslerosis is more pathogen-
dosis is different: they are diseases more commonly found ic in small breeds of dogs because the nodules in which the
in kennels or canine breeding centres, where many dogs are parasites live reduce the diameter of the respiratory tract as
kept together. Oslerosis mainly affects small breeds, proba- well as its mobility, making the animal more susceptible to
bly because it goes clinically unnoticed in large breeds. coughing fits.

Life cycle of Oslerus osleri and Filaroides hirthi

Dog and wild canid

The ingested larvae pass into

the hepatic portal circulation
or the mesenteric lymphatic
In ali itu
ge va s
- S Vom ces

circulation and to the lungs

- Fae


within 6 hours


A bitch can pass larvae

to her puppies through
Larva (L1) infested saliva

Larvae are

Larvae pass out in:

- Saliva
- Faeces Larvae in vein

The larvae moult 4 times

~ 10 weeks
and complete their
development into adults
near the tracheal bifurcation
(main branch point)

Larva (L1) (Infective)

Egg (containing L1 larva)

Eggs released into the airways with the Adults

first stage larvae (L1) inside them
D.H. = definitive host

Life cycle of Oslerus osleri and of Filaroides, embryonated eggs are laid in the pulmonary
Filaroides hirthi alveoli, where the adults are found.
F. hirthi and O. osleri have a characteristic direct monoxenous The L1 survive only briefly in the soil and are ingested
cycle, since the L1 larvae excreted in the faeces are directly by another definitive host. Once ingested, they cross the in-
infective. Infestation occurs through ingestion of these L1 lar- testinal wall, moult quickly into L2, L3 then L4 larvae in
vae, which cross the digestive wall, then migrate to the lungs. the mesenteric lymph nodes, before migrating through the
In Oslerus infestation, larval eggs are expelled from the lymphatic system towards the right heart, pulmonary arter-
definitive host in nasal discharge, saliva or faeces. These ies and arterioles. They enter the alveoli, where they devel-
eggs hatch immediately in the respiratory tract. In the case op into pre-adults then adults, which will either stay in the
CONTENTS Respiratory and circulatory parasitoses 139


alveoli (in the case of Filaroides), or go back up to the tra- Mechanisms of infestation
cheobronchial bifurcation and lodge in the brownish cysts The only route of infestation is the ingestion of infective
(nodules) (O. osleri). The prepatent period is approximately forms, either free forms (O. osleri, F. hirthi and F. milksi)
3–4 months. or carried by intermediate hosts. Puppies cannot be infected
through their mother’s milk, and there is no risk of in utero
Life cycle of Crenosoma vulpis infestation.
C. vulpis has a dixenous cycle and it is transmitted via ter-
restrial gastropod molluscs, which are consumed by foxes. Predisposing factors
In the definitive host, embryonated eggs are laid and rap- In the case of oslerosis and filaroidosis, life kennels or breed-
idly hatch into L1 larvae in the bronchi and bronchioles. ing centres facilitate contamination and the spread of par-
They are swallowed and eliminated with the faeces. The L1 asites. Adults, particularly females, are sources of parasites
survive for a short period in the external environment but for puppies. Oslerosis in Europe (especially in the UK) and
then have to be ingested by terrestrial gastropods, mainly filaroidosis in the USA are common helminth diseases in
slugs (red slug, Arion rufus) where they develop into infective breeding centres.
L3 larvae. When a definitive host ingest the infested mollusc
(or possibly a paratenic host), L3 are freed in the digestive Clinical signs and lesions
tract and pass through the intestinal wall. Moulting, into L4 Clinical signs
then pre-adult, occurs in the mesenteric lymph nodes and the Oslerosis
larvae migrate through the lymphatic system towards the Oslerosis is characterised by chronic tracheobronchitis,
right heart, then the arteries and pulmonary arterioles, until caused by worms in voluminous nodules in the tracheal
they enter the alveoli. The formation of adults occurs in the mucus. Dogs, mostly puppies, present with a bad coughing
bronchi and bronchioles and the lifespan of the parasite is up fits. They may also present with attacks of asphyxia, causing
to 2 years. The prepatent period is approximately 4 weeks. tracheal collapse. Hyperthermia is not usually seen. Antibi-
otic treatments have very often been administered without
Epidemiology success but anti-inflammatories may induce temporary re-
Respiratory strongyloses may be sporadic, and rural or syl- mission of clinical signs as they reduce tracheitis. Differen-
vatic, especially when transmitted via the ingestion of a mol- tial diagnosis must include tracheal collapse in small breeds
lusc intermediate host, or a paratenic host, as is the case with (bichons, poodles, Yorkshire terriers, Westies, Scottish terri-
crenosomosis. Strongyloses may be enzootic, or appear en- ers, etc.) and in breeds where the disease is most common.
zootic, like filaroidosis and oslerosis in canine communities.
Sources of parasites Filaroidosis is rarely symptomatic, although worms local-
• Reservoirs: ised to the bronchioles and alveoli may sometimes cause
• Wild canids (including foxes) for F. hirthi, F. milksi (with dyspnoea.
the involvement of mustelids) and C. vulpis. Crenoso-
mosis is enzootic in foxes in Europe, with a prevalence Crenosomosis
of approximately 20–25 % according to various surveys Crenosomosis may manifest itself through dyspnoea and
(24 % of 100 foxes in a survey in Hungary in 2003). tracheobronchitis, with a pronounced cough in heavy infes-
• Dogs for O. osleri. tations (adults are free in the bronchi, sometimes the upper
• Direct sources: respiratory tract).
• Intermediate hosts (slugs) or paratenic hosts (rodents,
birds, reptiles) for C. vulpis.
• L1 larvae for O. osleri, F. hirthi and F. milksi.

Figure 1. Necroscopic sample: respiratory Figure 2. Microscopic coproscopy: Figure 3. Microscopic coproscopy:
tract of a dog infested by Oslerus osleri. Oslerus osleri L1 larva. Size 250–350 µm, Crenosoma vulpis L1 larva.
Numerous brownish nodules containing oesophagus is not visible, curved tail. Size 260–330 µm.
adult worms. Oesophagus is visible, tail is tapered.

Oslerosis lesions: presence of tracheobronchial nodules, Control measures

3–8 mm in diameter, brownish and transparent, so parasites Treatment
can be vaguely seen. These nodules may develop into fibrosis Bioavailability of anthelmintic drugs is quite poor because
and their large numbers may partially obstruct a bronchus or of the alveolar or intranodular location of the parasites, and
the trachea, causing significant breathing difficulties (Fig. 1). treatment is not always satisfactory. Lesions, especially os-
Crenosomosis lesions are very subtle, except in heavy in- lerosis nodules, are sometimes irreversible and explain the
festations when tracheitis and inflammatory bronchitis can persistence of clinical signs even after effective treatment.
be seen. The parasite’s spinal cuticle can also irritate the mu-
cosa significantly. Nevertheless, some anthelmintics seem to give good results:
Lesions are similar to those of verminous bronchopneu- • Oxfendazole and fenbendazole must be used at high dos-
monia, with granulomatous inflammatory foci centred on es for several days (e.g., oxfendazole at 50 mg/kg/day for
parasitised alveoli, giving the same appearance of many 8 days).
small greyish nodules on and in the parenchyma as in cases • Avermectins/milbemycins are also effective, and some for-
of filaroidosis. mulations are licenced for the treatment of C. vulpis infes-
tation, such as moxidectin at 1.0 mg/kg and milbemycin
Diagnosis oxime in a single dose of 0.5 mg/kg, which both reduce
Clinical suspicion of oslerosis is based on observation of levels of infestation.
chronic tracheitis, resistant to standard treatment, in a young
dog of a small breed. Observation of nodules on tracheal en- Prevention
doscopy confirms diagnosis. A biopsy of these nodules nor- Prevention of oslerosis in animal communities is only possi-
mally allows adult worms and numerous larvae to be recov- ble by treating adult carriers, and by regularly cleaning and
ered. L1 larvae may be seen by coproscopy (Fig. 2) but laying disinfecting housing to eliminate infective L1 larvae.
by adult females is irregular, and repeat examinations are
necessary to increase the sensitivity of this technique.
In the case of other respiratory strongylosis, L1 larvae
can be seen by coproscopy (Figs. 2 and 3). Diagnosis may
be post-mortem, for example on foxes, by identifying lesions
and parasites in situ.
CONTENTS Respiratory and circulatory parasitoses 141


strongyloses in cats

General comments Morphology

Respiratory helminth infestations in carnivores are mainly A. abstrusus is a thin nematode measuring 4–10 mm long
caused by the presence and development of Strongylida nem- and 50–80 µm in diameter and, as with all respiratory Stron-
atodes (Metastrongyloidea) in the respiratory system (trachea, gylida, the male’s copulatory bursa is small. Troglostrongy-
bronchus, bronchioles and/or pulmonary alveoli) of the ani- lus spp. are bigger worms with a body length which ranges
mal. Cats are infested by respiratory Strongylida different from from 5 to 24 mm.
dogs. Two species are especially implicated: Aelurostrongylus
abstrusus and, to a lesser extent, Troglostrongylus brevior. Biology
Oslerus rostratus has also been described once, in a cat from Adult worms are located in the alveolar ducts and termi-
Palestine. nal respiratory bronchioles (A. abstrusus) or in the bron-
Aelurostrongylosis is a helminthosis linked to the presence chi and the bronchioles (T. brevior). Like Angiostrongylus,
and development of a nematode, A. abstrusus, in the alveolar Aelurostrongylus are haematophagous. They are found in
ducts and terminal respiratory bronchioles of wild and do- small nodules as a result of inflammatory infiltration. The
mestic felids. The genus Troglostrongylus (family: Crenoso- lifespan of adults is several years and the female worms lay
matidae) includes four species of nematodes which infest the non-embryonated eggs which embolise and develop within
respiratory system of felids, through an indirect life cycle in the parenchyma, before hatching, releasing first stage larvae
intermediate and paratenic hosts. T. brevior (inhabiting the (L1) which pass up the respiratory tract to be swallowed via
bronchi and bronchioles) and T. subcrenatus (inhabiting the the pharynx, and are then excreted into environment in the
trachea and the bronchi) have been found in domestic cats. host’s faeces. L1 larvae actively penetrate their intermediate
hosts (molluscs: snails or slugs), where they develop into the
Geographical distribution third, infective stage (L3) in approximately 3–5 weeks in A.
A. abstrusus seems to be distributed worldwide, as it has abstrusus (Fig. 1). It has been demonstrated experimentally
been reported from nearly all countries in Europe, in Aus- that T. brevior and A. abstrusus may develop simultaneously
tralia and the Americas, and sometimes in Asia and Africa. in the same mollusc species. Intermediate hosts are very var-
This parasite was diagnosed for the first time in the former ied and include:
Yugoslavia. The geographical range of A. abstrusus appears • Slugs: Arion ater, Arion lusitanicus, Arion rufus, Dero-
to be expanding, although the reasons for this emergence are ceras spp., etc.
little known. • Snails: Helix aspersa, Helix pomatia, and the Cepaea, Eu-
Distribution of the genus Troglostrongylus is less well- parypha, Sucuinea, Lymnacea, Physa, Planorbis species,
known and it has been mainly reported in Southern Europe etc.
(Italy, Spain) and in Africa (Malawi) to date.
Rodents, frogs, lizards, snakes and birds may act as paraten-
Importance ic hosts for A. abstrusus and probably T. brevior. Cats be-
Aelurostrongylosis and troglostrongylosis are rarely diag- come infested by eating snails, paratenic hosts or L3 larvae
nosed and are not considered medically serious. The preva- released by the death of the intermediate host and which
lence is therefore poorly understood and is probably underes- survive for several days in the external environment. The L3
timated. Even though Troglostrongylus spp. seem to be more ingested into the intestine cross the intestinal wall and enter
pathogenic than A. abstrusus in domestic cats, very little in- the right heart through the lymph ducts. The prepatent pe-
formation is available on the clinical impact of Troglostron- riod lasts approximately 1–2 months and larva-shedding in
gylus spp. the faeces continues for many months.

Life cycle of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus

D.H. = definitive host

I.H. = intermediate host
D.H. P.H. = paratenic host


P.H. rodents Adult

Infective larvae (L3) migrate from the stomach
to the lungs, reaching the lungs within 24 hours.
The adults reside in the terminal bronchial tree
P.H. ingests I.H.

Eggs deposited
in alveolar ducts
and alveoli





I.H. (snails and slugs) Larva (L1) in egg

The larvae infest

the I.H., moulting L1 larvae emerge and ascend up
twice, becoming airways, then are swallowed
Larva (L1)
infective L3 larvae Faeces

Larva (L1)

Aelurostrongylosis seems to be enzootic in populations of wild Troglostrongylus spp. in cat populations. However, one ep-
or stray cats, particularly in rural or forest areas. Cases are idemiological survey carried out on the island of Sardinia
sporadic in domestic cats and they are infested by chance con- (Italy) reported a T. brevior prevalence of 6.5 % in domestic
sumption of intermediate or paratenic hosts. There are two cats and catteries. Co-infestations by T. brevior and A. ab-
seasonal peaks, in spring and autumn, and these seem to be strusus have also been described in cats, suggesting that both
linked to the resurgence of intermediate hosts at these times. species may exist in sympatry.
Information on troglostrongylosis in domestic cats is
mainly based on case reports, so there are no reliable epi- Source of parasites
demiological data on the distribution and incidence of Wild or stray felids expelling larvae in their excrement.
CONTENTS Respiratory and circulatory parasitoses 143



20 μm

100 μm

Figure 1. Different stages of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus collected after necroscopic examination and
lung digestion of an infested cat. (A) L1 larvae; (B) adult worms.

Mechanisms of infestation Predisposing factors

• Ingestion of intermediate and paratenic hosts (rodents, ba- Rural and forest areas (contact with intermediate hosts). No
trachians, reptiles and birds). influence of age or sex was demonstrated in aelurostrongylo-
• A direct route of T. brevior transmission from an infested sis in the few cases studied, but some authors cite more cases
queen to her kittens has been suggested although it is still in male cats, probably because they roam more. Kittens and
unclear whether transmission to kittens occurs via the pla- young cats seem to be more susceptible to infestation, be-
centa or lactation. cause of the possible vertical route of transmission.
• Transmission of L3 larvae, from snail to snail in mucus
balls has been demonstrated.

Clinical signs and lesions larvae (Fig. 3). Functional alveoli disappear from lysed ar-
Aelurostrongylosis eas and the arterial system is also lysed: endarteritis and
Clinical signs are affected by worm burden, health status, possible thrombosis can obliterate blood vessels.
age and the immune response of the infested animal. Indeed, The pathogenic effect of the parasites is linked to the
A.  abstrusus causes a wide spectrum of clinical pictures, immuno-inflammatory response of the pulmonary paren-
ranging from asymptomatic, subclinical or mild disease up chyma and endarterium of the infested capillaries (tissue
to severe, potentially fatal pneumonia, although this is rare. infiltration by polynuclears, monocytes then fibro-con-
In the mild form of the disease, which is more common in junctive reaction) on one hand, and the formation of em-
adult cats and in cases of low worm burdens, the infesta- boli consisting of eggs and first stage larvae in pulmonary
tion may be self-limiting and respiratory signs gradually and capillaries, resulting in type III and IV hypersensitivities
spontaneously disappear within weeks. and thrombosis, on the other.
• Respiratory signs: aelurostrongylosis is characterised by
mild to intense chronic coughing, sneezing, wheezing, mu-
copurulent nasal discharge, dyspnoea, tachypnoea, tach-
ycardia, and open-mouthed abdominal breathing. Severe
respiratory signs and death are more common in young,
debilitated or immunosuppressed cats. Clinical cases may
be complicated by pyothorax and pneumothorax when
migrating larvae carry intestinal bacteria with them. Infes-
tation with A. abstrusus has been implicated in anesthet-
ic-associated deaths.
• General signs: development is chronic. Hyperthermia is in-
consistent and, when it does occur, it can be linked to sec-
ondary bacterial infections (such as pneumonia). General
signs, like lethargy, depression and weight loss may occur
and blood counts frequently indicate hypereosinophilia. Figure 2. Necroscopic sample: subpleural, greyish-white, coalesc-
Diarrhoea has also been reported in some cats. Develop- ing parasitic granulomatous nodules involving the parenchyma
of both lungs of a cat presenting respiratory failure due to severe
ment is slow and the animal usually recovers spontaneous- aelurostrongylosis.
ly after a few months; more rarely, its condition deterio-
rates, with cachexia and bacterial pneumonia.
• Lesions of aelurostrongylosis
The lungs are congested and the parenchyma is covered
in many small, greyish granulomatous nodules measuring
1–10 mm in diameter There are many of these nodules on
the surface of the pulmonary lobes and greyish and fibrous
plates may also appear on the lobes (Fig. 2).
The general appearance is similar to the lesions caused
by verminous pneumonia in small ruminants.
The nodules are granulomas centred on eggs and L1
larvae and, when cut, a fluid rich in parasitic elements may
200 μm
flow out. Adult worms are still very difficult to observe.
Histological lung sections show significant fibro-con- Figure 3. Section of a cat lung stained with haematoxylin and eosin.
junctive infiltration of the parenchyma cells, surrounding Alveolar lumina filled with several Aelurostrongylus abstrusus adults
and larvae. The surrounding parenchyma shows a mixed inflamma-
alveoli containing Aelurostrongylus eggs and first stage tory infiltrate.
CONTENTS Respiratory and circulatory parasitoses 145


Little information is available on the clinical impact of
Troglostrongylus spp. in domestic cats. The larger size of
adult T. brevior and T. subcrenatus and their anatomical
localisation in the upper airways (i.e., trachea and bronchi)
suggest a high pathogenic potential. Respiratory signs are
mainly dyspnoea, cough and nasal discharge. Fatal infesta-
tions by either T. brevior or T. subcrenatus have been report-
ed in kittens (Figs. 4 and 5) and the age of infested animals
seems to play a key role in the clinical outcome of the disease.
Necropsy of dead animals has revealed pulmonary oede-
ma, enlargement and congestion, lungs with multi-focal Figure 4. Adult of Troglostrongylus brevior in the lumen of the
haemorrhages, diffused hepatisation and lobular inflamma- caudal bronchus of a shorthair kitten which died from respiratory
failure. Courtesy of Donato Traversa, Angela Di Cesare and
tion, or areas of consolidation, and catarrhal exudate in the Emanuele Brianti.
trachea (T. subcrenatus).

Diagnosis A B
Respiratory strongylosis in cats are not easily interpreted in
current veterinary practice, because other overlapping con-
ditions should be considered in any differential diagnoses,
e.g., mycoses, viral and bacterial infections, nasopharynge-
al polyps, allergic bronchitis, foreign bodies and respiratory
neoplasms. C
Cats which go outside often and present suddenly with
a cough, dyspnoea, tachypnoea, weight loss and fatigabili-
ty may be clinically suspected. No sign is pathognomonic,
so epidemiological conditions will point to complementary
20 μm
Vets usually misdiagnose aelurostrongylosis and treat the
condition as an allergic respiratory disease or cat bronchial Figure 5. First stage larva of Troglostrongylus brevior. (A) View of
disease/asthma. As treatment is symptomatic, the infested the entire larva; (B) magnification of the anterior end of the larva,
showing a pointed extremity and a sub-terminal oral opening;
cat may show clinical improvement after administration of (C) magnification of the tail of the larva, showing a deep dorsal
corticosteroids and bronchodilators, so clinicians have no incisure and a shallower ventral one. Courtesy of Donato Traversa,
Angela Di Cesare and Emanuele Brianti.
reason to suspect that they have made a misdiagnosis.

Medical imaging
Radiography does not allow a definitive diagnosis, but con-
firms the pulmonary disorder: pulmonary densification,
nodular images (fibrous tissue), and dilation of the pulmo-
nary arteries, and the images can also indicate tumours,
pneumonia, etc.

Parasitological examination
The technique of choice is microscopic coproscopy and the A differential diagnosis must be made from other larvae
identification of L1 larvae (Figs. 5 and 6). Aelurostrongylus which can be found in the faeces: L1 of Crenosoma vulpis
is fairly prolific, so the sensitivity of coproscopy is good, al- (rarer), L3 of Ollulanus tricuspis (rarer and L3 present in
though it can be useful to carry out several tests (3 at 48 hour vomit), hookworm larvae which may be present in samples
intervals). that have been allowed to incubate, and larvae from free
The Baermann migration method is the gold standard to nematodes if the faeces are not collected fresh and have sat in
diagnose cat aelurostrongylosis with a sensitivity of ≈90 %, the soil, even for a few hours.
although it requires 24–36 hours before larvae can be found,
and specific skill in detecting L1.

Figure 6. First stage

Aelurostrongylus abstrusus
20 μm larva. Microscopic coproscopy
(Baermann technique).

Table 1. Morphological characteristics of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus and Troglostrongylus brevior L1 larvae.

Aelurostrongylus abstrusus Troglostrongylus brevior

Length 360–400 µm 300–357 μm

Diameter 15 µm 18–19 µm

Oesophagus Strongyloid oesophagus Strongyloid oesophagus

• Undulating tail, with a convex sub-terminal kink (S-shaped)

Tail gradually tapered to the extremity and bears a deep
Tail appearance • Distinct knob-like or small finger-like projections at the tip
dorsal incision and a shallower ventral one, near its tip
of cuticular spines

Anterior extremity Rounded with terminal oral opening Pointed anterior extremity
CONTENTS Respiratory and circulatory parasitoses 147


Molecular analyses
Molecular methods have been developed to distinguish and of 11.3 mg/kg every day for 7 days has also been described
identify L1 larvae of A. abstrusus and T. brevior. as effective.
Ivermectin, used off-label in cats, at the discretion of the
Post mortem examination veterinarian responsible, is active at a dose of 0.4 mg/kg, ad-
In the event of a post mortem examination, the size and the ministered subcutaneously once a week for 2 weeks.
localisation of worms in the lungs is useful to discriminate Selamectin (6 mg/kg), moxidectin (1 mg/kg) and milbe-
between Troglostrongylus spp., which localise in the upper mycin oxime (0.5 mg/kg) have also been demonstrated to
airways and A. abstrusus, which inhabit the lung parenchy- be effective. They are applied as a spot-on with one or two
ma. Given that other species of lungworms, e.g., Oslerus ros- applications at monthly intervals.
tratus and Capillaria aerophila, present similar localisation A spot-on formulation combining eprinomectin (0.5 mg/
and sizes to Troglostrongylus spp., careful morphological kg), praziquantel, fipronil and (S)-methoprene has been li-
and morphometric identification of recovered worms is al- cenced for the treatment of infestations with L3 and L4 lar-
ways advisable. vae, immature adults and adults in cats. A single adminis-
tration of the combination is usually effective, but treatment
Control measures may have to be repeated monthly to clear the parasite from
Symptomatic treatment the cat. A coproscopic examination performed 28 days after
Anti-cough and antibiotic treatment may be administered to the first administration enables the requirement for a repeat
prevent secondary bacterial infection. treatment to be assessed. A field study demonstrated that
this formulation was effective against A. abstrusus (90.5 %)
Specific treatment and T. brevior (100 %) infestation in cats living under nat-
Information on anthelmintic treatment of cat aelurostrongy- ural conditions. T. brevior seems to be more susceptible to
losis has been meagre for a long time, and the majority of the eprinomectin than A. abstrusus.
information is from anecdotal and empirically-derived pro-
tocols, mostly used in single clinical cases or small case series. Prevention
Those studies have shown that benzimidazoles are effective, Regular deworming of cats which frequently spend time in
as are avermectins/milbemycins and emodepside. forests could prevent these diseases and controlling slugs
In Europe, fenbendazole at a dose of 50 mg/kg per os in gardens may eliminate a source of infective L3 larvae,
for 3–5 consecutive days is licenced for the treatment of especially in rural areas where wild or stray cats may be
aelurostrongylosis in cats, although this treatment scheme present and sustain the cycle with intermediate hosts/pa-
does not clear the infection in all cats. Oxfendazole at a dose ratenic hosts.


General comments
Paragonimoses are found in many mammals, particularly
carnivores and humans, and are caused by the presence and
development of Troglotrematidae trematodes of the genus
100 μm
Paragonimus in the pulmonary parenchyma. The diseases
are characterised by afebrile respiratory signs linked to par- Figure 1. Adult Paragonimus kellicotti, red carmine staining. Trema-
asitic pneumonia: dyspnoea, breathlessness, and coughing, tode approximately 10 mm long, with a fleshy body with a flattened
side and domed side, making it looks like a fresh coffee grain.
but the parasites may be carried by many healthy animals.
There are more than 50 species in the genus Paragonimus,
but many species are not officially fully recognised as such. Biology
Three species are important in domestic carnivores and hu- Trematodes of the genus Paragonimus have a trixenous life
mans: P. kellicotti (Fig. 1), found in North America and Cen- cycle. The adults live in intrapulmonary cysts in the respirato-
tral Asia; P. westermani, found in Asia; and P. africanus in ry tract, bronchi and pulmonary bronchioles in the definitive
tropical Africa. host and are usually found in pairs in these cysts. The adults
No autochthonous case has been described in Europe, but release eggs into the lungs, where they are coughed up the
imported cases are possible as a result of animal movements. pharynx and swallowed, then expelled either in expectora-
A case of sudden death in an autochthonous dog was de- tion or with the faeces.
scribed in Israel in 1997, suggesting that the parasite exists in If the eggs fall into an aquatic environment (fresh water),
this region of the Mediterranean area. they mature in 2–3 weeks and hatch into miracidia. This sur-
The main species affected are wild carnivores, which vives very briefly and must actively penetrate a freshwater
are likely to consume second intermediate hosts (crayfish amphibious gastropod, the first intermediate host (Pomati-
and fresh water crabs) and otters, racoons, foxes, mink, opsis, Melania, Ampullaria and many other genera).
black-footed ferrets, wild cats, dogs and domestic cats. The miracidia develop into sporocysts, rediae and then
into cercariae, which are formed in 75 to 100 days, before
Morphology being released.
Paragonimus, or lung flukes, are trematodes with two dis- Swimming cercariae will actively infest the second in-
tinct suckers. The genital pore is situated behind the ventral termediate hosts: fresh water crustaceans, especially crabs
sucker, which is located nearby, and the two testicles are pos- (Eriocher spp., Patomon spp., Sesarma spp., Pseudotelphus
terior and situated next to each other. spp., etc.) and crayfishes (Astacus spp., Cambarus spp., etc.).
The adults are fleshy parasites measuring approximately Cercariae develop into encysted metacercariae in these hosts.
10–15 by 5–7 by 5 mm. The definitive hosts are infested by ingesting freshwater
Each egg contains a miracidium larva and is ovoid, crustaceans. Immature adults (also called adolescariae) are
capped, brownish-orange, and measures approximately released in the stomach where they cross the digestive mucosa
90 × 60 µm. and migrate directly, for approximately 14 days, to the peri-
toneal cavity via the diaphragm, then to the pulmonary pa-
renchyma where they encyst, usually in pairs. Some parasites
may occasionally migrate to, and encyst in, erratic locations:
hepatic parenchyma, kidneys, myocardium, diaphragm.
The prepatent period is around 1 month (30–36 days).
CONTENTS Respiratory and circulatory parasitoses 149


Epidemiology Control measures
Domestic carnivores and humans are infested following con- Treatment is by administration of high doses of praziquantel:
sumption of raw or insufficiently cooked crustacean inter- 23–25 mg/kg 3 times a day for 3 days.
mediate hosts. Fenbendazole at a dose of 50 mg/kg per day for 14 days
Rats can serve as paratenic hosts, and vertical transmis- also seems to be active.
sion has been suggested in cats. Prophylaxis relies on monitoring domestic carnivores’
food and preventing access to host crustaceans.
Clinical signs and diagnosis
Infestation is often asymptomatic but it can result in weak-
ness and weight loss in some animals. Migrating immature
P. kellicotti and pulmonary cysts containing adult flukes
cause a mild intermittent cough, breathlessness, occasional
haemoptysis, dyspnoea and, occasionally, secondary bacteri-
al pneumonia, pneumothorax, paroxysmal cough and dysp-
noea. Epistaxis is possible and rupture of the pleural space
can cause sudden death.
Figure 2. Tracheal lesion with
Blood exhibits hypereosinophilia on examination. cystic nodule containing two
Pulmonary radiography reveals interstitial nodular den- Paragonimus sp. trematodes.
sities, containing small air cavities, and pneumatocysts with
irregular, sharply defined margins, especially in older infes-
tations, which resemble parenchymatous pneumonia.
Lesions are typical of granulomatous pneumonia; the pa-
renchyma is infiltrated by inflammatory cells, including eo-
sinophils. Conjunctival cysts containing suckers may be seen
(Fig. 2).
Differential diagnosis must include all causes of
Definitive diagnosis is made by the identification of the
eggs, which are typical (80–120 × 50–60 μm, with a thick
brown shell, distinct operculum and, ocassionally, a knob
20 μm
on the opercular end) using sedimentation of multiple faecal
samples or tracheal wash fluid (Fig. 3). Figure 3. Paragonimus egg, microscopic coproscopy.
Size approximately 80–100 × 50–60 µm.

Respiratory capillarioses Epidemiology

Capillarioses are commonly found in wildlife and affected
species are the wild canids, especially foxes and mustelids
General comments although dogs and cats are sometimes infested accidentally.
Carnivore respiratory systems may be infested by capillary This often applies to dogs that hunt or frequently spend time
nematodes (Capillaridae). in rural or forest areas.
Two species can be seen: Capillaria aerophila and Capil- It is enzootic in Western and Central Europe, and a survey
laria boehmi. The adult filamentous worms live beneath the conducted in Hungary reported C. aerophila in 66 % of fox-
epithelium of bronchi and trachea. C. aerophila (syn. Eucol- es and C. boehmi in 8 %. In the past decade, clinical reports
eus aerophilus) is the agent of respiratory capillariosis in the and epidemiological surveys have revealed the nematode in
dog, fox and cat, caused by nematodes in the tracheal and dogs and cats from Europe, North America and Australia.
bronchial lumina. C. boehmi (syn. Eucoleus boehmi) is a Infestation has also been described in humans from Ukraine,
parasite of the nasal cavities of the fox, which causes epistax- Russia, Morocco, Iran, France and Serbia.
is, sneezing and nasal pruritus. The role of foxes as a reservoir for domestic carnivores is
Respiratory capillariosis mainly affects wild carnivores, increasing as a result of their population growth and increas-
especially foxes and mustelids but they can occasionally be ingly suburban or even urban distribution.
found in dogs and cats. They are found in cold temperate
regions. Cats are less receptive to these nematodes than dogs Clinical signs and lesions
and C. aerophila may also infest humans. Clinical signs
Animals harbouring C. aerophila may either be asymp-
Morphology tomatic or present respiratory distress, ranging from
These nematodes are characterised by their very small diam- subclinical or mild disease to severe and potentially fatal
eter, hence the name “capillary”. They are whitish, thread- pneumonia.
like, and 1–3 cm long. Respiratory capillariosis due to C. aerophila is character-
ised by the development of chronic tracheobronchitis, caus-
Biology ing a persistent cough which is resistant to standard treat-
Females lay eggs that are coughed up, swallowed and then re- ment. When accompanied by secondary bacterial infections,
leased in the faeces and nasal discharge into the environment. C. boehmi causes nasal pruritus and serous to purulent dis-
These eggs are elongated, with a thick, smooth shell and have charge and, occasionally, epistaxis.
a shallow polar prominence at each end. They are smaller Adult parasites damage the lung parenchyma and cause
than whipworm eggs, measuring approximately 65 × 30 × bronchovesicular breath sounds, sneezing, wheezing, and
40 µm. They mature, develop into embryonated eggs, and chronic dry or moist and productive cough, especially when
become infective in about 40–60 days. The cat acquires bacterial complications occur.
the infestation by ingesting environmental embryonated When the parasite burden is heavy, the disease may lead
eggs which hatch in the intestine. Within 1 week, the larvae to mortality due to complicated bronchopneumonia and res-
migrate in the bloodstream or the lymphatic system to the piratory failure.
lungs, where they invade the mucosa and reach adulthood in
about 6 weeks. It has been suggested that earthworms could Lesions
be involved as intermediate or paratenic hosts, but their ac- Clinical capillariosis seems more severe in young, debilitated
tual role has not yet been elucidated. The prepatent period is or immunosuppressed animals.
approximately 40 days. Necropsy of infested animals shows a serous exudate em-
The cycle of C. boehmi is identical but the adults are local- bedding worms in the trachea and bronchi, along with small
ised in the nasal cavities of foxes. calcified local granulomas throughout the lung parenchyma.
CONTENTS Respiratory and circulatory parasitoses 151


Histological examination reveals erosion of the tracheal mu- are 65 and 30–40 μm, respectively (Fig. 1). Some morpho-
cosa, with chronic submucosal inflammation, and cellular metric and morphological features of these eggs overlap with
infiltration immediately beneath the parasite. other trichurid ova which may be shed in dog faeces, i.e., eggs
Human capillariosis can mimic clinical and X-Ray find- of whipworms, or of other capillarids infesting cats and dogs.
ings of a lung neoplasia, with a cough, mucoid sputum, hae-
moptysis, fever, dyspnoea, and eosinophilia. Control measures
Knowledge of anthelmintic treatments for animals infested
Diagnosis by C. aerophila is poor, although different doses and repeat-
Clinical diagnosis is difficult. Different antibiotic and an- ed applications of injectable or oral levamisole have been
ti-inflammatory treatments have often been used without effective to some extent. Various publications indicate that
any success, and a parasitic cause has only been considered ivermectin (off-label) administered subcutaneously to in-
as a last resort. fested dogs at a dose of 200 µg/kg is effective. Other aver-
Definitive diagnosis is made by identification of the typical mectins/milbemycins are also active. A spot-on formulation
trichurid eggs in faecal samples examined using convention- containing moxidectin 1  % has been used successfully to
al coproscopy. C. aerophila are barrel-shaped, and present treat pulmonary capillariosis in cats, and another spot-on
asymmetry of the bipolar plugs with no ring thickening, and a formulation, containing eprinomectin (0.5 mg/kg) combined
net-like outer shell with depressions and irregular anastomo- with praziquantel/fipronil/(S)-methoprene recently proved
sing ridges and bridges. The long and short axes of the eggs effective in the treatment of infested cats.

10 μm

Figure 1. Capillaria aerophila egg. Coproscopy (×40): the egg is barrel-shaped, and presents
asymmetry of bipolar plugs, no ring thickening, and a net-like outer shell with depressions and
irregular anastomosing ridges and bridges. The long and short axes of these eggs are 65 × 30–40 μm,

General comments Adult pentastoma are whitish crustaceans with elongated,
Linguatulosis is a parasitic rhinosinusitis caused by the pres- worm-shaped bodies which are sometimes striated (pseu-
ence and development of a crustacean parasite, Linguatula do-segmentation) and more or less flat. Females are generally
serrata (syn. Linguatula rhinaria) in the nasal cavity and si- larger than males. They have a complete digestive tract.
nuses of carnivores. At the anterior end, the mouth is surrounded by two pairs
Linguatula organisms belong to a homogenous group of of small rudimentary legs, with articulated hooks (made up
parasites previously known as pararthropods, in the class of two segments) and localised to the fossa. The name pen-
Pentastomida (Heymons, 1926). Some recent molecular tastoma comes from these four appendices, plus the mouth.
studies have compared them to parasitic crustaceans, the Adult male L. serrata measure 18–20 × 3–4 mm and
Copepod subclass in particular so Pentastomida is now an females, 18–130 × 8–10 mm. They are elongated, flat and
order of this subclass. tongue-shaped, with a tapered posterior end (Figs. 1 and 2).
In their adult state, many species are parasites of reptiles The brownish eggs measure 90 × 70 µm and they have a
(Porocephalidae family Heymans, 1922). L. serrata (Fröh- thick, smooth shell and contain an embryo with two pairs
lich, 1978) is the only representative of the Linguatulidae of hooks.
(Shipley, 1898). The first egg-derived larval stage measures 500 µm. This
This parasite is distributed worldwide but it seems to be stage is not striated and has no buccal orifice, and it devel-
more common in tropical countries (North Africa, Central ops in nine successive moults to the nymph stage, which is
Asia, and the Middle East). It has only been reported sporad- 4–6 mm long. The nymph is morphologically similar to the
ically in Europe. adult and is only differentiated by its small size and absence
As the life cycle requires ingestion of the raw viscera of of reproductive organs.
mammalian intermediate hosts (ruminants, rabbits or ro-
dents), it mainly involves wild carnivores, particularly can- Biology
ids: foxes, wolves, although dogs and, occasionally, cats may The parasitic cycle is a dixenous cycle. The adult Linguatu-
also ingest the parasitised viscera and become infested. la live in the nasal cavities or, more rarely, in the sinuses or
Rare human cases have also been described. pharynx of the definitive hosts, which are carnivores, held
there by their hooks.

Figure 1. Macroscopic view of an adult Linguatula serrata Figure 2. Adult Linguatula serrata (approximately 7 cm long)
(approximately 7 cm long) extracted with tweezers from a nasal extracted with tweezers from a nasal cavity. Observation after
cavity. Courtesy of Parasitology Unit, Alfort Veterinary School. lactophenol clarification. The striated appearance of the whole body
and presence of four hooks at the anterior extremity can be seen.
Courtesy of Parasitology Unit, Alfort Veterinary School.
CONTENTS Respiratory and circulatory parasitoses 153


75 μm

Figure 3. Histological section of the rumen mucosa of a cow, Figure 4. Linguatula sp. egg, excreted with nasal mucus.
showing a larva of a Linguatula sp. curved around itself. Obj. ×10. Microscopic examination.
Courtesy of Parasitology Unit, Alfort Veterinary School.

The males die quickly after fertilisation (4 months after were infested and carrying 1–29 Linguatula. Dogs over
infestation), whereas the female lifespan is approximately 15 5 years old were significantly more infested than dogs up
months. The females lay eggs which are either expectorated to 4 years old.
with nasal discharge or, more rarely, expelled with the faeces.
Eggs are directly infective and can survive for a few days Clinical signs and diagnosis
in the soil. If they are ingested by herbivores (ruminants, Linguatula’s size and mechanism of fixation are responsible
horses, rabbits, rodents), they release stage 1 larvae (L1) for sinus and nasal inflammation which causes clinical signs.
which resemble small mites. The larvae encyst in the intes- Infestation may be asymptomatic or manifests itself
tinal mucosa or migrate in the lymphatic vessels towards the through only mild clinical signs: animals sniff and sneeze,
mesenteric lymph nodes, liver or other organs. They may and epistaxis is common. Dogs present with abundant nasal
spread through the whole organism. After developing for discharge, serous where there areno complications, but often
several months (going through successive moults), the nymph haemorrhagic. Expulsion of parasites during sneezing attacks
which resembles an adult is formed. It resembles an adult, is possible.
and is usually localised within a small cystic gall bladder. Af- Differential diagnosis must be made between all causes
ter developing for 7 months, the nymph comes out of its cyst of rhinitis in dogs and cats: the clinical signs of linguatulosis
and enters the thoracic or abdominal cavity. are resistant to antibiotic treatment, but may improve with
If a carnivore consumes raw viscera from an infested her- anti-inflammatory treatment.
bivore, the cycle continues and the nymph travels up from the Definitive diagnosis depends on visualisation of adult
stomach towards the buccal cavity, then enters the pharynx Linguatula (by rhinoscopy) or eggs in discharge or faeces
and nasal cavity, where it remains and becomes an adult. The (Figs. 3 and 4).
period of development is approximately 6 months in dogs.
Control measures
Epidemiology It is sometimes possible to remove Linguatula from a tran-
Linguatulosis is sporadic in domestic carnivores, particularly quilised dog with forceps.
dogs, in Western Europe. The natural cycle takes place in the Active antiparasitic drugs are effective against haemato-
wild, and involves carnivores, herbivores, lagomorphs and phagous parasites, notably nitroxinil, administered subcu-
rodents. taneously at a dose of 10 mg/kg. Closantel could be tested.
Linguatulosis can be enzootic in other areas, such as Cen- Avermectins/milbemycins can be used at an insecticidal/
tral Asia and Africa. acaridicidal dose.
Prevalence may be particularly high in stray dogs and Prophylaxis relies on preventing carnivores from access-
a survey in Iran in 2003 reported that 62.2 % of dogs ing ruminant or lagomorph offal.

Pneumonyssoidosis P. caninum is a mite with a yellowish, oval body. The fe-

males are 1–1.5 mm long; males, 0.8–1 mm; and hexapod
larvae, 0.6–0.7 mm long. The adults have a small and ir-
General comments regular chitinous plate, the sternal ventral plate is small and
Pneumonyssoidosis is a respiratory acariosis in dogs caused square and the anal plate is small and round (Figs. 1 and 2).
by a mesostigmate mite, Pneumonyssoides caninum (Chan-
dler and Ruhe, 1940), in nasal cavities and frontal sinuses. Biology
This mite was first observed in the United States in 1904, The life cycle of the parasite is little understood; male and
but has since been found in most continents and many coun- female adult mites and larvae are known and observed as
tries: North America, Australia, Japan, South Africa and parasites, but nymphs have never been described.
Europe. Reproduction has also never been observed in vivo but
Pneumonyssoidosis has been diagnosed sporadically in females containing eggs have been extracted from the nasal
Germany, Spain and France and it is enzootic in Scandina- fossae of dogs, suggesting that reproduction occurs in the
vian countries, sometimes with very high prevalence (up to host. The eggs contain fully-formed larvae and they have
24 % of dogs found to be infested in surveys of autopsies in never been observed in lesions, suggesting that the females
Sweden). are ovoviviparous. The nymph stage could be ephemeral.
This parasite is host-specific and no infestations have been Adults can survive in the environment for more than
reported in cats or humans. 19 days under experimental conditions, which suggests the
Infestations have been described in foxes but they do not possibility of an external phase, but it seems likely that con-
seem to be a habitual host. tamination is direct and that the cycle takes place entirely in
the nasal cavities and sinuses of dogs. Infestation does not
Morphology tend to disappear in isolated dogs, which supports the idea
P. caninum is a mesostigmatan mite belonging to the su- that it is self-sustaining in the host.
per-family Dermanyssoidea and to a family close to Der- When dogs are anaesthetised or at rest, it is possible to see
manyssidae, Halarachnidae. The members of this family are many parasites in the nose or coming out of the nose and this
obligate parasites of the respiratory system. is probably the mechanism of transmission (Figs. 3 and 4).
Dermanyssoidea are large mites, 300 µm to 2.5 mm long,
characterised by a pair of respiratory stigmata next to coxa Epidemiology
III and surrounded by a stigmatic plate or elongated perime- Various studies cite infested dogs as the main source of
ter. They have one or two dorsal chitinous plates and several parasites.
ventral plates, and the legs are long and in an anterior posi- This parasitic disease is chronic and animals remain carri-
tion. The buccal apparatus is elongated, chelicerae are very ers of an often significant number of mites (several hundred)
long and styliform, and the maxillary palps are also long. when left untreated.

Figure 1. Adults Pneumonyssoides caninum observed between Figure 2. Adults Pneumonyssoides caninum observed fresh under
slide and coverslip in Amann’s lactophenol. Size approximately a binocular magnifier. Size approximately 700 µm. Courtesy of
700 µm. Courtesy of Parasitology Unit, Oniris. Patrick Bourdeau, Parasitology Unit, Oniris.
CONTENTS Respiratory and circulatory parasitoses 155


The cycle seems to take place entirely in the dog. The clos- Clinical signs do not recede on administration of antibio­
est relative to this species, Pneumonyssus simicola, a very tics and does so only partially with anti-inflammatories.
common parasite of the pulmonary parenchyma in rhesus Definitive diagnosis relies on visualisation of the mites and
macaques (Macaca mulatta), with a prevalence of around can be made by examination of nasal discharge after the instil-
100 % in macaque colonies, completes its cycle entirely in lation of physiological fluid, or by rhinoscopy (Figs. 3 and 4).
the lungs. Transmission occurs directly between monkeys Some laboratories in Scandinavia have established sero-
through discharge and sneezing. logical techniques but they mainly used for epidemiological
Primary transmission seems to be direct, through contact surveys.
between dogs or through the environment where an infested Prognosis is good, clinical signs are often absent or limit-
dog lives. ed, and treatment is simple.

Clinical signs and diagnosis Control measures

Most infested dogs do not present with any clinical sign Avermectins/milbemycins are the antiparasitic treatment of
though other animals, which are more sensitive or have a choice.
higher parasitic burden, may present with certain fairly char-
acteristic clinical signs: Ivermectin and doramectin have long been used off-label, ad-
• Nasal or facial pruritus (rubbing the muzzle on the ground ministered subcutaneously at a dose of 200–400 µg/kg but
and furniture). they have now been replaced by:
• Rhinitis with serous discharge (secondary bacterial infec- • Milbemycin oxime, taken orally at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg.
tions are possible but rare). Two or three administrations repeated at an interval of a
• Sneezing. week, or by
• Reverse sneezing. • Selamectin spot-on at a dose of 6 mg/kg, administered
• Epistaxis and dyspnoeic attacks are less common. three times. Moxidectin spot-on probably has similar
These clinical signs are linked to inflammation of the nasal • New insecticidal/acaricidal molecules belonging to the
mucosa and infiltration by eosinophils and mastocytes is isoxazoline family, which should be tested (afoxolaner, flu-
usually seen. ralaner, sarolaner).
Differential diagnosis must be made between all causes of
rhinitis or reverse sneezing. The latter, in the form of snoring, There are no preventative measures for this disease, which is
is very common in brachycephalic breeds where it is caused sporadic except in Northern Europe.
by flaccidity of the soft palate.


Figure 3. Pneumonyssoides caninum in situ by (A) intra-nasal endoscopy and Figure 4. Presence of adults
(B) necroscopy. Courtesy of Patrick Bourdeau, Parasitology Unit, Oniris. Pneumonyssoides on the nose of a dog.
From the thesis of Lotta Gunarsson. Courtesy of Patrick Bourdeau, Parasitology
Unit, Oniris. From the thesis of Lotta

Urinary parasitoses

Bladder capillariosis Biology

The life cycle is thought to be dixenous, although the involve-
ment of earthworms as actual intermediate hosts or only pa-
General comments ratenic hosts is sometimes discussed.
The bladder of dogs and cats can be infested by nematodes Adults are present in the wall of the bladder and females
belonging to the Capillariidae family. Two species are ob- lay eggs in the bladder lumen. These are then expelled in
served: Capillaria (syn. Pearsomena) plica in both dogs and the urine. Eggs are elongated, with a smooth, thick shell
cats, and Capillaria (syn. Pearsonema) feliscati which infests and a shallow polar prominence at each end (Fig. 3). They
mainly cats, but sometimes also dogs. These nematodes are are smaller and shorter than Trichuris eggs, measuring
characterised by their small diameter, hence their name “cap- 65 × 25 µm, and contain a single cell when they are emitted;
illaries”. They are whitish and look like thread, 1–2 cm long they develop into embryonated eggs containing L1 larvae in
(Figs. 1 and 2) and mainly affect wild carnivores, particularly the soil in 10–30 days. When ingested by the intermediate
foxes, but they are sometimes also observed in dogs or cats. host (earthworms of the genera Lumbricus or Dendrobaena
They are present in cold temperate regions and are described the L1 larvae hatch in the earthworm’s intestine and then
in Europe and in North America. burrow through the intestinal wall and become embedded

20 μm

Figure 1. Anterior end of a male Capillaria plica.

20 μm

Figure 2. Body of a female Capillaria plica showing vulva and eggs.

CONTENTS Urinary parasitoses 159


in connective tissue throughout the body of the worm. If the
earthworm is eaten by a suitable mammalian host, the lar-
vae moult into second stage larvae (L2), burrow through the
intestinal wall, and moult again into third stage larvae (L3).
The L3 are carried through the circulatory system to the glo-
meruli of the kidneys and, from there, they travel down the
ureter to the urinary bladder. By 33 days post infestation,
L3 and L4 larvae are found in the urinary bladder, where
they mature into adults and reproduce sexually, shedding
eggs into the host’s urine within about 60 days of infestation
50 μm
(prepatent period).
Figure 3. Body of a female Capillaria sp. showing eggs with plug-like
structures at each end.

Life cycle of Capillaria plica

Dog, cat and fox

.H Eggs and


Eggs can survive in the

environment for months Prepatent period: The larvae
~ 60 days migrate to
P.H. earthworm
different organs

ts egg 5–
inges be 7 w
P.H. co ee
m ks
e i to

Adult worms found in dog

and cat urinary tracts
D.H. = definitive host Non-infective egg
P.H. = paratenic host

Epidemiology Clinical signs

As with respiratory capillariosis, bladder capillariosis is ob- Clinical signs of bladder capillariosis are those of cystitis,
served in wild fauna above all. Affected species are wild ca- with urinary frequency, dysuria and haematuria. This cysti-
nids and mustelids, foxes and minks in particular. Dogs and tis is resistant to antibiotic treatment.
cats are affected sporadically and accidentally, and this often
applies to pets which hunt, or spend time in rural or forest Diagnosis
areas. Bladder capillariosis is enzootic in European foxes and Clinical diagnosis is difficult and different antibiotic and an-
a survey carried out in 2003 in Hungary identified capillary ti-inflammatory treatments have often been employed with-
worms in the bladder of 52 % of the 100 foxes captured. out success, and a parasitic cause has only been considered
As with respiratory capillaries, the role of the fox as a res- as a last resort. Confirmation of parasitic aetiology is only
ervoir for domestic carnivores can only increase as a result of possible experimentally, through identification of eggs typ-
their population growth and their increasingly suburban or ical of capillary worms in urinary sediment (Figs. 4 and 5).
even urban distribution.

10 μm 5 μm

Figure 4. Capillaria sp. egg in the urine sediment of a domestic carnivore.

CONTENTS Urinary parasitoses 161


Control measures
A spot-on formulation which combines eprinomectin
(0.5 mg/kg) with praziquantel, fipronil and (S)-methoprene,
has been licenced for the treatment of infestations in cats.
The off-label use of ivermectin, at a dose of 200 µg/kg ad-
ministered subcutaneously, has been demonstrated to be ef-
fective. Other avermectins/milbemycins drugs (selamectin,
moxidectin) should also be active.

10 μm

Figure 5. Capillaria plica egg. Microscopic examination.



General comments
Dioctophymosis is a helminthosis of the kidney caused by
parasitism by Dioctophyme renale (or Dioctophyma renale).
This parasite is a nematode belonging to the Dioctophy- Figure 1. Adult Dioctophyme renale,
matoidea order, which does not contain any other nematode isolated after extraction.

of medical or veterinary importance and it is commonly

known as the “giant kidney worm”. It is the largest parasitic
nematode that can infest pets. 
D. renale  is distributed worldwide, but is less common
in Africa and Oceania. It affects fish-eating mammals, espe-
cially otters and mink, and dogs to a lesser extent. Human
infestation is rare, but results in destruction of the kidneys. It
may also accidentally infest pigs and horses.

D. renale is large roundworm, 20–80 cm long (Fig. 1). Both
sexes are bright red in colour and taper at both the anteri-
or and posterior ends. The posterior end is bell-shaped. Figure 2. Observation of a male’s bell-shaped caudal bursa.
Male D. renale worms have a bursa, which is used for at-
tachment during mating, but it is not supported by chitinous
ribs as are the copulatory bursa of Strongylida males (Fig. 2). Epidemiology
D. renale is found in all cold temperate regions of the North-
Biology ern hemisphere where freshwater is available, as its cycle re-
The adults are localised to the renal pelvis, mostly in the right quires an aquatic environment.
kidney, and sometimes even in the ureters, and they cause The adults, measuring 20–80 cm in length, mainly para-
atrophy of the renal parenchyma and an associated reduc- sitise piscivorous mammals, in particular mustelids (otters,
tion in renal filtration, with the onset of lower back pain and minks) and sometimes canids, or humans. Dioctophymosis
haematuria. is principally a parasitosis of wild fauna and is found sporad-
The life cycle is aquatic and dixenous. The females lay eggs ically in domestic carnivores.
which are expelled in the urine, and develop in an aquatic The consumption of contaminated fish, which act as pa-
environment into embryonated eggs containing L1 larvae in ratenic hosts, is the main source of infestation in mammals.
1–3 months. If these eggs are ingested by the intermediate
host, an oligochaete annelid (such as Lumbriculus sp., Cam- Clinical signs and lesions
barincola sp.), they develop into L3 larvae (after 100 days) Clinical signs
but may re-encyst in numerous paratenic hosts: batrachian Dioctophymosis is characterised by slow development of re-
or freshwater fishes, including catfish (Ichtalurus melas). nal insufficiency and the animal presents with acute lower
The intermediate host or paratenic host is then eaten by a back pain on palpation of the kidneys (particularly the right
definitive host, where the L3 larvae penetrate the intestinal lin- kidney, which is infested in more than 90 % of cases).
ing and migrate to the liver. After maturing for approximately A change in general condition is also seen. Nervous signs
50 days, they migrate to the kidneys and moult into adults. The are possible: paresis, paraplegia, and rabies-like clinical signs.
prepatent period is of 4–5 months. Upon maturation, D. re- Blood count shows high levels of urea and creatinine and
nale can survive for approximately 5 years in its host. constant or intermittent haematuria may be seen.
CONTENTS Urinary parasitoses 163


The infested kidney is reduced to its capsule and its volume
is significantly increased. Lesions in the kidney parenchyma
consist of connective tissue proliferation in the interstitial
tissue, tubular atrophy and fibrosis, and periglomerular fi-
brosis. The renal pelvis is stretched while the parenchyma
is totally atrophied and non-functional (Fig. 3). 1–5 worms
are usually seen in this stretched bladder, which contains a
haemorrhagic fluid. Some nematodes can attach in erratic lo-
cations, such as in the ureters or the bladder and sometimes
they are found in the abdominal cavity.

Diagnosis Figure 3. Lesion of the renal pelvis (right kidney) of an infested

Diagnosis is based on epidemiological and clinical criteria. dog containing an adult Dioctophyme renale. Observation after
Imaging techniques have recently proven to be useful di-
agnostic tools and the most commonly used of these meth-
ods are radiological sonography and renal echography.
Diagnosis is confirmed by observation of eggs in urinary
sediment. Eggs are characteristic: elongated, barrel-shaped,
and measure 75–80 × 50 µm. They have a thick shell which
is undulating and punctuated, except at the poles, and they
contain an embryo (Fig. 4). 20 μm
Post-mortem diagnosis of D. renale parasitism is also very
Figure 4. Dioctophyme renale egg
recovered from the urinary sedi-
ment of an infested animal. The egg
Control measures is elongated, barrel-shaped, and
measures 75–80 × 50 µm. It has a
Knowledge of anthelmintic treatments effective in animals thick shell which is undulating and
infested by D. renale is poor but it seems that ivermectin punctuated, except at the poles,
(off-label) is active in a single subcutaneous administration and it contains an embryo.

of 200  µg/kg. Other avermectins/milbemycins should also

be effective, although surgical excision is often the treatment
of choice. Some authors recommend surgical nephrectomy,
when just one kidney is affected, and nephrotomy if both are
affected (Fig. 5).
Prophylaxis consists of avoiding consumption of raw
freshwater fish.

Figure 5. Extraction of an
adult Dioctophyme renale after
nephrectomy (right kidney).


Leishmaniosis Importance
Veterinary importance for the dog is linked to the severity
of the disease. It usually advances gradually until the animal
General comments dies and treatment provides only temporary clinical recovery.
General canine leishmaniosis is an infectious protozoan It does not eliminate the parasites and relapse is common.
disease, transmitted by phlebotomine sandfly bites (Fig. 1). There is a threat to public health because dogs act as a para-
It is caused by the presence and multiplication of flagellate site reservoir for humans but it is very rarely contagious from
protozoa belonging to the Leishmania (donovani) infantum dogs to humans.
species in cells from the mononuclear phagocyte line. It is
characterised by visceral and mucocutaneous damage, hence Geographical distribution
the name “general leishmaniosis”, and by damage to all or- The distribution of Leishmania reflects that of its vectors.
gans and tissues containing macrophage cells. L. infantum is found in the Mediterranean Basin, the Near
Leishmania infantum is a zoonotic parasite, the agent for and Middle East, Central Asia and China, as well as Sub-Sa-
human visceral leishmaniosis, otherwise known as Mediter- haran West Africa. It was imported to South and Central
ranean kala-azar (as opposed to Indian kala-azar, which is America by European colonists and there, the parasite is
caused by L. donovani donovani). known as L. chagasi, but it is the same as L. infantum.
Leishmania infantum was previously called L. canis as it In Europe, leishmaniosis is enzootic in Italy (except in
infects domestic and wild canids (foxes in France), but lago- alpine areas), Sardinia, Sicily, Spain, Portugal, the southern
morphs and rodents, including black rats, mice and hamsters, third of France, Corsica and Greece.
can also be infected with some strains.
Some cases of leishmaniosis have been reported in cats
and horses but they are still rare. Figure 2. Distribution of canine leishmaniosis due to
In humans, this infection has historically affected mainly Phlebotomus spp. in Europe.
children, hence the name infantum. Currently, the most cases
are seen in immunosuppressed individuals, especially those
infected by HIV.

Highly enzootic areas Area with potential for spread

Enzootic areas Area with no cases/imported cases

Derived from Bourdeau (EMOP, 2004; ECVD, 2009).

Figure 1. Female sandfly (Phlebotomus), vector of leishmaniosis in With courtesy of Luís Cardoso, Robert Farkas, Domenico Otranto, Kurt
the Old World, including canine leishmaniosis due to Leishmania Pfister, Xavier Roura, Smaragda Sotiraki, Donato Traversa, Richard Wall.
CONTENTS Disseminated parasitoses 167


Cases have also been reported in the North of France, in
Belgium, the Netherlands, the UK and Germany, but these
are imported rather than autochthonous cases due to the
transport of infected dogs (Fig. 2). L. infantum is reported in
North America. In this case, the parasite is mainly transmit-
ted by vertical infection.

Life cycle of Leishmania infantum

Dog, sometimes cats
e in
ts h

~1 week


Amastigote Promastigote
2–3 days
~ 7 days

The macrophages
phagocytose the

D.H. din
Sandfly e fee Promastigotes become
hil amastigotes, and
tedw Weeks to months
ec multiply in macrophages

The cell ruptures and

Amastigotes in skin freed amastigotes infect,
macrophages and multiply in, new
D.H. = definitive host macrophages throughout
I.H. = intermediate host the body

Morphology and biology

Leishmania are flagellate protozoa (phylum Sarcomasto- Amastigotes are found inside the parasitophorous vacuole
giphora, order Kinetoplastida, family Trypanosomatidae) in parasitised macrophages (Fig. 3). They are oval and meas-
and exist in two morphologically distinct forms in vertebrate ure 3–4 × 2 µm and contain a large nucleus and a stick-shaped
and invertebrate vectors. element, the kinetoplast. Observation of infected macrophag-
True extracellular flagellate forms called promastigotes es, after MGG staining, is a classic diagnostic technique.
are seen in sandflies or in culture, while dogs only harbour Amastigotes survive phagocytosis, then oxidative stress in the
intracellular and non-flagellate parasites called amastigotes. macrophage. They multiply by longitudinal binary fission.

10 μm

10 μm

Figure 3. Leishmania infantum amastigotes inside macrophages. MGG-stained lymph node puncture.
(A) Courtesy of the Parasitology Unit, Alfort Veterinary School.
CONTENTS Disseminated parasitoses 169


Leishmania may be found in an extracellular position Sandflies are the only direct source of parasites. Two main
when macrophages are lysed or altered by sampling tech- vector species are known in Europe: Phlebotomus ariasi and
niques or staining. Infected macrophages are enlarged and Phlebotomus perniciosus.
have the appearance of a blackberry. Phlebotomus ariasi is a sandfly that is active in the sum-
The life cycle involves sandflies and dogs. Haematophago- mer and found mainly in the West (northern Spain, South-
us female sandflies ingest amastigotes during a blood meal so West France). It is found outside houses and on small hills,
the amastigotes are then found in the insect’s midgut, where which explains the rural nature of this enzootic insect in
they start to develop. After 15 to 20 days, depending on the these regions.
temperature, the promastigotes that infect vertebrates can be Phlebotomus perniciosus is ubiquitous and found in the
found in the insect’s salivary glands. whole of the Mediterranean region. It lives near human hab-
The sandfly’s meal is traumatic telmophagous ie creating itation and its activity is crepuscular. Its population peaks
a “lake of blood and lymph”, which allows the promastig- in the spring and autumn. It dislikes the wind and so is not
otes to come into contact with macrophagic cells and to be found on the coast, but inland. This gives a rural and subur-
phagocytosed. They then start to multiply, and are transmit- ban character to the endemic.
ted from one macrophage to another by phagocytosis until In Serbia and Croatia, the main vector is Phlebotomus
they are distributed throughout the whole organism. perfiliewi, and in Greece it is mainly Phlebotomus major.
Sandflies inoculate Leishmania by biting glabrous areas
Epidemiology of the dog, such as the nose and pinna. However, the dog’s
Descriptive epidemiology: leishmaniosis is enzootic in areas coat does not offer protection, even if it is long.
with a high vector density, e.g., the Mediterranean area. The Direct contagion between dogs, or from dog to human,
prevalence of infection exceeds 10 % in some areas of the is extremely rare if event existent because it would require
South of France, Spain and Italy, reaching up to 60  % in contact between a wound with exudate rich in Leishmania
Greece. Infections are seasonal, occurring between spring and another injured area.
and autumn, but clinical expression is distributed through- In utero transmission is possible.
out the year due to the extremely variable incubation peri- Dog sensitivity does not depend on breed or sex or age, al-
od. Rural and peri-urban epidemiological cycles have been though the risk of infection does increase with age, as older
reported. The highest prevalence is observed in hinterland animals have had a longer period of potential exposure to the
villages, but cases in dogs living in city suburbs are becoming parasite. Dogs in a poor condition are at risk of developing
more and more numerous. more pronounced clinical forms or having relapses soon after
The domestic parasite reservoir is the canine popula- treatment.
tion. Dogs clinically affected with mucocutaneous lesions, Dog lifestyle has a large effect on the risk of infection, as
i.e., approximately 50 % of the infected population, are the dogs which live outside (guard dogs, shepherd dogs) are more
main source. 10 % of dogs appear to have a spontaneously likely to be bitten by sandflies. The suburban development of
regressive infection and are not sources. The final 40 % are housing estates with gardens may explain the spread of leish-
dogs with the disease in incubation or clinically healthy dogs. maniosis, since these areas create numerous environments
These latest 40 % harbour parasites in the dermis and must favourable to vector proliferation.
be considered a source of Leishmania, even if their role is less
important than that of clinically affected dogs. Pathogenesis
In some areas, the sylvatic reservoir represented by foxes The symptomatology of leishmaniosis is linked to infiltration
is significant. of all tissues and organs by macrophagic cell lines, which
When humans are infected, they develop visceral leish- cause functional disorders and destroy tissues. The synthe-
maniosis and the cycle cannot be continued, except with sis of cytokines responsible for many effects, such as IFN,
some rare dermotropic strains. Cats are only occasionally IL-1, and TNF, helps to explain many of these disorders.
affected and play no epidemiological role. Leishmaniosis is a predominantly immunological disease.

The response to cellular mediation in the dog is generally

insufficient to eradicate the parasite. It is based on the phenom-
ena of cytotoxicity mediated by killer lymphocytes (CD8+
and NK) and intense oxidative reaction by macrophages, in-
duced by various cytokines (IL-1, TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma).
Leishmania promote a mainly humoral immune response by
stimulation of the TCD4+ Th2-type lymphocytes at the ex-
pense of a cytotoxic response (Th1 type).

Clinical signs
These appear after a very variable incubation period, how-
ever this is usually between 3 months and a year after in-
Figure 4. Dog with leishmani- Figure 5. Amyotrophy in a fection, so Leishmania can be seen in dogs which returned
osis: view of the head. Wasting dog with leishmaniosis (right). from enzootic areas several months, and sometimes several
of the masseter and frontal Courtesy of Blaise Hubert.
muscles, making the dog look years, earlier. As the incubation period is long, serology is
old. Diffuse alopecia, significant often already positive when signs start to appear.
squamosis. Courtesy of Blaise
Leishmaniosis is clinically very polymorphic, causing a
variety of clinical signs, both general and cutaneous. The
presence of a single sign must arouse suspicion of the disease,
Leishmania survive inside macrophages by inhibiting their especially in enzootic areas.
activity and adjusting the host’s immune response so that the Clinical signs may be more or less pronounced and vary in
macrophage phagocyte system is not activated: stimulation the length of time they take to develop.
of a type Th2 (humoral) response to the detriment of a type
Th1 (cellular) response. General clinical signs
L. infantum is dermotropic and viscerotropic in the dog. • Character change: a relatively consistent sign and one of-
Pathogenicity is linked to the infection of cells which are ten reported by owners. The dog becomes apathetic, less
part of the immune system, causing an immunopathological playful, depressed. This state can progress as far as torpor.
disorder. Appetite is also reduced.
Leishmania, like all parasites, have a complex antigenic • Amyotrophy: dogs show signs of muscle wasting, which
structure, including surface antigens (lipophosphoglycan, affects the head first, especially the temporal and jaw mus-
surface glycoprotein and somatic antigens). The antigenic cles. The temporal fossae deepen, giving the animal a rath-
coating differs between infective promastigotes and amastig- er typical “old dog’s head” (Fig. 4). Later, even the limbs
otes, which is a mechanism for escaping immune recognition. get thinner, as well as the hips, which become prominent
An immune response follows infection of the dog and it is (Fig. 5).
cellular and humoral. The non-protective humoral response is • Weight loss: this accompanies the muscle wasting. The dog
early and intense and manifests itself by the appearance of an- starts to look like a sad, old dog.
tibodies, mainly of the IgG type. These can facilitate phagocy- • Inconstant hyperthermia: this is particularly seen in young
tosis by macrophages, so they seem not to play any protective dogs, less than 2 years old.
role; quite the opposite. Their abundance and the formation of • Blood and biochemical changes: anaemia, leukopaenia
complexes with antigens are responsible for immunopatholog- and thrombocytopaenia are usually noted. Leukopaenia
ical signs: glomerulonephritis, arthritis. Specific serum IgGs is accompanied by monocytosis and hyperproteinaemia is
are found by various techniques: ELISA, agglutination or indi- soon seen. Globulins increase, resulting in a reversal of the
rect immunofluorescence, which is still the reference. albumin/globulin ratio from 1 to 0.3–0.1.
CONTENTS Disseminated parasitoses 171


Figure 6. Onychogryphosis (accelerated claw growth). A clinical Figure 7. Dog presenting with significant squamosis on the face
sign quite characteristic of leishmaniosis, linked to infected mac- and the pinna, with thick dandruff which sometimes causes bright
rophages in the inguinal matrix and chronic inflammation which reflections. Courtesy of Blaise Hubert.
stimulates claw growth. Courtesy of Blaise Hubert.

Mucocutaneous signs: dry dermatitis

with squamosis
• Hair loss: diffuse alopecia, thinning of the coat without • Subcutaneous nodules: proliferation of macrophagic cell
clearly localised baldness, never nummular. Hair loss is lines in the dermis may form nodules several centimetres
more pronounced on the limbs and head, including the in diameter. These nodules are palpable and painless, and
area around the eyes, ears and tail. this type of nodule seems to affect some breeds, such as
• Onychogryphosis: multiplication of Leishmania in the Boxers, more than others.
claw matrix sometimes causes the characteristic sign that
is constantly and rapidly growing claws (Fig. 6), linked to
the presence of infected macrophages in the inguinal ma-
trix and to chronic inflammation which stimulates horn
• Keratogenic disorders: significant squamosis, with lots of
large, bright scales (Fig. 7). This dandruff reforms very
quickly when the dog is groomed. Hyperkeratosis may be
associated with this problem; the epidermis thickens and
becomes pigmented (melanosis), making the skin look
pleated and greying, generally on the nose and ears, then
spreading out.
• Ulcers: mucosal damage is shown by the appearance of ul-
cers, in cupules, which tend to spread, resulting in a flow of
serous fluid rich in Leishmania (liquid form). Ulcers may
sometimes heal temporarily (dry form). The most common
locations for ulcers are the inner ear (corresponding to the
main chancre of inoculation by the sandfly) (Fig. 8) and
the nose (Fig. 9), paw pads (causing intense pain and reflex
lameness [Fig. 10]), pituitary mucosa (causing nosebleeds Figure 8. Internal face of the pinna: ulcers which can correspond to
and epistaxis, signs suggestive of leishmaniosis in endemic primary chancres of Leishmania inoculation. Ulcers in this case are
located around a sandfly bite. Courtesy of Blaise Hubert.
areas), oral and digestive mucosae, etc.

Figure 9. Ulcers on the nose of a dog. Courtesy of Blaise Hubert.

Leishmaniosis is a chronic disease and the animal can

maintain a satisfactory condition for several months, but
it usually progresses to cachexia, then death. Only 10 % of
dogs remain “healthy carriers” or eliminate this parasite.
Treatment does not neutralise the parasite or clear it from the
host, so relapses are possible. Disease progression can be ac-
celerated by the development of polyarthritis or immune-me-
diated glomerulonephritis.

Figure 10. Ulcer on the foot

of a dog with leishmaniosis. Lesions
Courtesy of Blaise Hubert. Histologically, cutaneous lesions are characterised by the for-
mation of inflammatory granulomas centred on parasitised
histiocytes (lympho-monocytic granulomas).
Clinical signs linked to damage to the The general effects are also linked to tissue infiltration by
mononuclear phagocyte system (MPS) MPS cells, which causes lympho-monocytic granulomas and
All organs which contain monocytes/macrophages are in- histiocytic perivascular sleeves. Some immune complex de-
fected, including the spleen, liver and lymph nodes. posits are found in joints and renal glomeruli.
• Polyadenopathy: lymph nodes are hypertrophied and su-
perficial nodes are easily palpable. They are not painful Diagnosis
and puncturing them is useful for diagnosis. Clinical diagnosis
• Splenomegaly: consistent in humans but inconsistent in The diagnosis of leishmaniosis is differential and is based pri-
dogs. Onset occurs in the later stages and is accompanied marily on epidemiological and clinical considerations. Many
by pain. diseases are involved in the differential diagnosis:
• Dermatoses: demodicosis, pyodermatitis, tinea, and espe-
Other clinical signs cially other autoimmune dermatoses which may be clin-
Other clinical signs can be seen, with varying frequency. This ically very similar to leishmaniosis. These conditions are
is the case with ocular signs: blue keratitis, conjunctivitis, sometimes associated with leishmaniosis, especially in
anterior uveitis, chorioretinitis. Motor and sensory nervous dogs living in kennels or in large groups.
disorders have also been described. • General diseases: cancers, pyodermatitis, erhlichiosis (de-
The abundance of immune complexes explains most clin- pression and epistaxis), and systemic lupus erythematosus
ical disorders, including progressive development of chronic (with an overall clinical presentation almost identical to
renal failure due to glomerulonephritis, and polyarthritis. leishmaniosis).
CONTENTS Disseminated parasitoses 173


Laboratory diagnosis Control measures
• Suspicion: blood and biochemical changes (measured by The course of treatment is lengthy and expensive so the
protein electrophoresis and analysis of plasma profile): owner must be fully committed and the dog’s condition
monocytosis (4 to 40  %), hyperproteinaemia (55 g/l to good enough before embarking on it. Clinical observation
85 g/l or even higher) with gammaglobulinaemia (block of of a seropositive but healthy dog with a fairly low antibody
β and γ globulins). level (1:160; 1:320) can be increased, rather than initiating
The formol-leuco gel test is simple and useful: it consists of treatment. Due to the zoonotic nature of Leishmania and
adding 2 drops of formaldehyde to 1 ml of serum. If a gel is the role played by dogs as a reservoir, euthanasia may be rec-
formed and the mixture turns opaque within minutes, this ommended for animals with many external lesions and in
indicates hyperglobulinaemia. generally poor health.
• Definitive diagnosis: this is achieved in 2 ways: either by
serological screening of the infection (indirect diagnosis) Non-specific treatment
or by detecting Leishmania amastigotes (direct diagnosis). Given the sometimes pronounced renal failure, it may be
• Direct diagnosis: Leishmania live inside macrophages: necessary to delay the specific treatment and to adopt the fol-
dermal, splenic, hepatic, or in the bone marrow. However, lowing approach: drip, and immediate administration of cor-
they are rarely found in blood monocytes, which makes ticosteroids to limit the formation of immune complexes and
blood a very bad diagnostic sample in dogs. induced lesions (1 mg/kg per os of prednisone for 4–5 days).
• Leishmania can be revealed by MGG staining and micro-
scopic observation with oil immersion and microscopic Specific treatment
observation (1000x) from various samples: a layer of skin Meglumine antimoniate in a daily dose of 100 mg/kg, ad-
from a wet ulcerated lesion, skin shavings, popliteal pe- ministered subcutaneously for 30 days. The maximum dos-
ripheral lymph node puncture, or bone marrow aspirate. age for a large dog is 5 g. A new wave of clinical signs can
Lymph node puncture is fairly painless, easy to perform be seen in the first week, related to the release of Leishma-
and safe for the animal. Simply extract a drop of lymph nia antigens into the body. As this may affect the liver and
and cells using a syringe and a needle of a suitable diameter kidneys, especially in weakened dogs or those with chronic
(1.2 mm). renal insufficiency, supportive therapy with liver protectors
Leishmania generally occur in sufficient quantities in dogs and diuretics may be required.
with pronounced clinical signs, but it sometimes takes a Allopurinol (licenced for the treatment of gout in humans)
long time to see them. can be used off-label as a leishmaniostatic in dogs. The dose
• Indirect diagnosis: infected dogs develop a premature an- for dogs is 15 mg/kg, twice a day for 30 days.
tibody response (approximately 3 weeks after infection). In terms of clinical efficacy, which can be confirmed by
These immunoglobulins can be detected by different tech- biological criteria, the meglumine antimoniate-allopurinol
niques: ELISA, indirect immunofluorescence (IIF). Immu- combination has proven its worth compared to traditional
nodiffusion tests are directly available to veterinary prac- treatment based on meglumine antimoniate alone, includ-
titioners. IIF can be performed in specialised laboratories. ing by reducing the risk of therapeutic failure. Allopurinol
Serology may be used to evaluate prognosis: the higher the can also be administered immediately after diagnosis is con-
antibody levels, the worse the prognosis. Treatment must firmed, even if the animal’s health necessitates renal support
reduce antibody levels by at least two dilutions, preferably therapy which would prevent the immediate administration
below 1:320. Serology is performed 1 month after the end of meglumine antimoniate.
of treatment, then every 6 months, to monitor the disease This treatment is followed by the administration of allop-
in the patient. urinol for life, at a dose of 15 mg/kg/day. If treatment is dis-
continued, most dogs suffer relapses in the months after drug
therapy ceases (an average of one relapse every 6 months).

Continued administration of allopurinol seems to limit the re- Prevention

covery of parasite numbers, explaining the absence of relaps- Prophylaxis is limited and difficult because the vector is
es. However, allopurinol does not sterilise the parasites and difficult to destroy. It is impossible to control the external
Leishmania can still be identified in culture or by PCR of sam- environment chemically, so sandfly bites must be avoided.
ples of bone marrow, peripheral blood or lymph node punc- Simple measures, such as keeping dogs inside at dusk, are
ture in dogs which have regained a satisfactory clinical state. useful. Some molecules have a repellent effect on sandflies,
as is the case with permethrin and deltamethrin. Their ac-
Miltefosine can be used in dogs alone or in combination tivity depends on the initial concentration, the method of
with allopurinol. It is administered orally at 2 mg/kg/day for application (collars or spot-on formulations), the individual
30 days. It is recommended for the treatment of dogs with animal and its way of life, and climatic conditions (wind,
side effects due to meglumine antimoniate. Other molecules temperature, humidity).
are mentioned in the literature: marbofloxacin, domperidone, Vaccines containing L. infantum excreted/secreted pro-
metronidazole with no established efficacy. Amphotericin B teins (ESP) or recombinant proteins are commercialised in
is reserved for the treatment of human visceral leishmaniosis. Europe and South America. They are intended for the active
immunisation of Leishmania-negative dogs from 6 months
Combined treatments of age, to reduce the risk of developing an active infection
The need for a diuretic has already been mentioned, but clini- and clinical disease after contact with L. infantum. The rec-
cal improvement can be made in some cases, especially involv- ommended vaccination schedule is 3 injections as primary
ing polyarthritis or ocular disorders, by using corticotherapy vaccinations and annual boosters.
at immunosuppressive doses. Where clinical signs are linked
to immune complex involvement, administration 1 mg/kg/ Feline leishmaniosis
day of prednisolone for 15 to 20 days reduces antibody syn- Rare cases of feline leishmaniosis have been described in
thesis and allows lesions to clear. This corticotherapy may be Southern Europe. The clinical presentation is ambiguous
considered when the blood urea is greater than 1.5 g/L. so diagnosis is often established after a skin, lymph node or
bone marrow biopsy. Treatments to date have often been
CONTENTS Disseminated parasitoses 175



General comments
Toxoplasmosis is an infectious disease caused by the mul-
tiplication and pathogenic activity of the protozoan species
Toxoplasma gondii, which infects cells in the mononuclear
phagocyte system (MPS). However, the parasite’s location
and the pathogenic stage lead to the definition of two differ-
ent entities, according to clinical and epidemiological criteria
10 μm
and public health criteria:
• Toxoplasmic coccidiosis, only affecting cats and other Figure 1. Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites. MGG staining. Sporozoites
felids, which are the parasite’s definitive hosts. Similar to collected in ascites of an infected mouse.

other intestinal coccidioses, caused by the sexual multipli-

cation and pathogenic activity of the parasite in the entero- Taxonomy, morphology and biology
cytes, leading to the formation then excretion of unsporu- T. gondii is an Apicomplexa protozoan belonging to the or-
lated oocysts in the faeces. der Coccidiorida, suborder Eimeriorina which contains coc-
• Toxoplasmosis sensu stricto due to the multiplication and cidia of veterinary and medical importance.
pathogenic activity of the same parasite, this time in the The Isosporidae include coccidia whose sporulated oo-
form of tachyzoites and then bradyzoites, in exenteral lo- cysts contain two sporocysts with four sporozoites each
cations (inside all types of cells, except red blood cells) in (as opposed to four sporocysts with two sporozoites in the
intermediate hosts, which are warm-blooded vertebrate Eimeriidae) (Fig. 1). T. gondii belongs to the Toxoplasmati-
mammals (including cats, dogs and humans) and birds. nae subfamily, along with the genera Hammondia, Besnoitia
and Neospora. The other subfamilies are: Isosporinae, which
This disease is important for various reasons: includes the genus Isospora, and Sarcocystinae, with the ge-
• Because it is responsible for abortions in livestock, particu- nus Sarcocystis.
larly sheep, and therefore for economic losses. Toxoplasma is a protozoan which seems to be quite
• Because it sometimes causes serious medical conditions in recent. It is estimated to have existed as a species for only
animals. These are quite rare in dogs and cats but com- 10,000  years, whereas Neospora caninum seems to be
mon in some other mammals, especially marsupials (kan- 12 million years old; Hammondia, 52 million and the genera
garoos, wallabies), otters, etc. Sarcocystis and Isospora, between 50 and 100 million years.
• Above all, because toxoplasmosis is zoonotic. In Europe,
the serological prevalence in humans varies according Morphology
to the country, from 10 % to more than 50 %. Human Only the stages of asexual multiplication are seen on the in-
congenital toxoplasmosis is the most frequent congenital termediate host:
disease after Down’s syndrome. Cerebral toxoplasmosis • Bradyzoites in tissue cysts (Fig. 2).
of immunosuppressed individuals affects approximately • Tachyzoites in pseudocysts (Fig. 3).
40 % of people with AIDS.
These two stages are not morphologically distinguishable;
Toxoplasmosis is a major zoonosis in which the veterinarian they differ in the speed of multiplication (bradyzoites having
plays an important role to safeguard public health. a slow form of multiplication, and tachyzoites a rapid form)
and in the morphological modifications to the cell which har-
bours them.

50 μm 20 μm

Figure 2. Cyst with bradyzoites. H&E staining. Brain histology. Figure 3. Toxoplasma gondii pseudocysts. Intense tissular multipli-
cation. Acute toxoplasmosis in a kangaroo imported into the Forest
Park in Noumea, New Caledonia. Tissue smear. MGG staining.

These stages are grouped together, along with sporozoites Reproduction

(seen in the sporulated oocyst), in the category of infectious The life cycle of T. gondii is very complex. This parasite is
germs. They consist of crescent-shaped elements (toxo = fundamentally dixenous, but it can also be strictly monox-
bow), measuring 5–6 µm × 2–3 µm, and presenting two dif- enous in cats. Transmission between intermediate hosts is
ferent ends: one pointed, containing the apical complex, the also possible and this is considered the predominant route
other more rounded, considered to be the rear, with a nucleus of infection.
which occupies a third of the cell.
The tachyzoite is the rapid form of parasite multiplica- Infection occurs in three ways:
tion, responsible for the clinical expression of toxoplasmosis. • By ingesting sporulated oocysts, in contaminated food or
It can be seen in a parasitophorous vacuole in the host cell. water.
The cell is not deformed; it presents a distinct nucleus and • By ingesting the meat from an intermediate host which
constitutes the pseudocyst (15–30 µm in diameter). carries cysts, so by carnivorism: this is the most likely oc-
The bradyzoite is the element which follows the first, qui- currence in cats and dogs, which consume infected prey
escent form, and is found in a deformed host cell (the para- (such as rodents) or undercooked/raw meat.
sitophorous vacuole has disappeared), whose nucleus is flat- • In utero, when tachyzoites contaminate a non-immune
tened and pinned against the cell wall, and which constitutes pregnant female, the absence of immunity enables the pas-
the cyst (60–100 µm in diameter). This cyst is the element sage of tachyzoites to the foetus, resulting in congenital
that will resist and persist in the organism with time. toxoplasmosis.

Habitat Monoxenous cycle (only in cats)

Unlike the sexually reproductive forms which can be clear- This is similar to the cycle of the Isospora genus coccidia. It
ly seen in enterocytes, bradyzoites and tachyzoites are not has two phases: exogenous and endogenous.
cell-specific. They can be found in monocytes, histiocytes, • Endogenous phase: schizogony, then gametogony, takes
macrophages, but also in epithelial cells, fibroblasts, hepat- place in the enterocytes and can cause non-character-
ocytes, neurons, etc. They never, however, infect red blood istic and benign diarrhoeic enteritis. It can also lead to
cells (in mammals). the excretion in the faeces of simple oocysts, which are
CONTENTS Disseminated parasitoses 177


non-infectious and morphologically indistinguishable from The cat is a recurrent source of Toxoplasma oocysts and
other coccidian genera. After ingesting sporulated oocysts, it spreads them in the external environment. Oocysts spor-
a cat will re-excrete some oocysts within 15–20 days and ulate in 24–48 hours. Excretion by cats takes place during
for approximately 2 weeks. Epidemiological surveys indi- the primary Toxoplasma infection, but also during transient
cate that 1–2 % of cats under 1 year old excrete Toxoplas- immunosuppression or infection by other species of coccidia
ma oocysts. (Isospora rivolta or Isospora felis).
• Exogenous phase: in the external environment, oocysts The consumption of (raw or undercooked) meat of her-
undergo sporogony for between 48 hours and 5 days and bivorous mammals (especially mutton), omnivores or birds,
become infectious. They are very resistant and can infect through the intermediary of the cyst, is the main source of
other cats or intermediate hosts. They are, however, sensi- infection. Eating commercial diets or well-cooked meat can
tive to heat and desiccation (20 min at 60 °C), as well as prevent such a contamination.
to putrefaction and anaerobic conditions. They are resist-
ant to numerous chemical agents (oxidants which actually Human contamination occurs in a different way:
encourage their development) but are destroyed by formol • Through the consumption of raw or insufficiently cooked
and ammonia. meat containing Toxoplasma cysts. Pork is the most sig-
nificant risk in the USA, and lamb in Europe. The role of
Dixenous cycle beef is considered to be less important. Rabbit and poultry
Transmission occurs between a definitive host and an inter- may be infectious.
mediate host, or between two intermediate hosts. The inter- • Ingestion of sporulated oocysts present in the environ-
mediate host, the cyst carrier, is a potential source of parasites ment: contamination of vegetation, possibly of cat litter,
for the definitive host (the cat) or for another intermediate and only occasionally from the cat’s coat, which is too dry
host, of the same species or another. The dog is an epidemio- to allow the oocysts to sporulate.
logical dead-end, as it is not consumed by another carnivore. • In utero in congenital toxoplasmosis.
When a cat ingests Toxoplasma cysts, the enteritic phase
is short, and does not require schizogony, unlike the inges- The prevalence of toxoplasmosis in humans is quite variable:
tion of oocysts. In this case, oocyst excretion takes places 4 30 to 60 % of adults are immune in France, Germany and
to 6 days after the ingestion of the cyst. the Benelux countries, as opposed to under 30 % in Scan-
If the cat is the single definitive host, it is also the interme- dinavian countries and the British Isles and 20 to 50 % in
diate host, as it can present with toxoplasmic coccidiosis and Southern Europe. The prevalence is lower in Asia and the
toxoplasmosis at the same time. Americas (<15 %) and between 20 and 50 % in humid re-
If quiescent tissue cysts are “reactivated”, the cat may gions of Africa.
present once more with an enteric cycle, resulting in renewed In France, the rate of seroconversion during pregnancy is
oocyst excretion. This recurrence is usually induced by an- approximately 0.5–1.5 per 1,000 births. More than 61 % of
other coccidiosis, another disease or immunosuppression. children born after in utero infection are born healthy.
Prenatal infection results in miscarriages and embryo
Epidemiology resorption. During the first trimester of pregnancy, the in-
Intermediate hosts are infected in two ways, either by ingest- fection may cause toxoplasmic meningoencephalitis (mac-
ing sporulated oocysts or by ingesting cysts from the tissues rocephaly, hydocephaly, and ocular and nervous problems).
of other intermediate hosts: ingestion of raw meat, consump- For the remaining two trimesters, infection causes fatal vis-
tion of small mammals (mice, etc.). ceral forms or delayed formswhich are only visible after birth
Cats are usually infected at a young age, under a year old, (chorioretinitis, developmental delay, etc.). If infected at the
including through a cat-mouse cycle. end of gestation, the baby is usually born with no pathology.

Life cycle of Toxoplasma

in definitive host (cat only)

Unsporulated oocyst
(non-infective form)


1–5 days

Zygote Non-infective
oocysts are
excreted in
Gamonts Small intestine cells

Cat ingests tissue cysts with bradyzoites - new oocysts in 3–10 days
Cat ingests oocysts - oocysts in 19–48 days


oocysts in faeces

D.H. = definitive host

I.H. = intermediate host
CONTENTS Disseminated parasitoses 179


(all warm-blooded vertebrates: mammals and birds)

All warm-blooded
animals susceptible Sporozoites

Sporulated oocyst
(infective form)


The oocyst sporulates

in the external

Carnivores that eat infected animals

become infective in 3–10 days The tachyzoites invade various tissues (cerebrum,
eye, liver, lung, muscle, placenta) where they
multiply, causing cell death and necrosis

~ 3 weeks

The parasite forms cysts

(with bradyzoites) in the
host’s tissues where they
can stay quiescent for years

Clinical signs Direct methods

Infection in cats nearly always manifests itself through • Since the parasite is likely to multiply in the various tissues
asymptomatic toxoplasmic coccidiosis. and systems of the body, it is possible, in cases of clinical-
In the majority of cases in all types of intermediate host- ly-expressed progressive toxoplasmosis, to find tachyzoites
Toxoplasma infection does not manifest itself through any in lymph aspirate, bone marrow, bronchoalveolar lavage
clinical signs, or expresses itself through a mild form of fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, muscular tissue, etc. after centrif-
adenomegaly. ugation and staining.
If the infection occurs in a pregnant dog or cat which is • The sample can also be inoculated by intraperitoneal injec-
not immune, the tachyzoites can cross the placenta and con- tion into a sensitive animal (mouse) in which examination
taminate the foetus, leading to foetal death in early pregnan- of ascitic fluid 3–5 days later can reveal many tachyzoites.
cy, abortion, the birth of deformed foetuses or death of the
young from septicaemia before the age of 2 months. Serological methods
These aim to detect antibodies (total Ig, IgM or IgG) with
In non-immune adult cats and dogs, the clinical presentation the help of figured or soluble antigens, or to detect circulating
is very varied and the following can be seen: antigens.
• Respiratory forms: bronchopneumonia associated with ir- Many methods are available, ELISA and haemagglutina-
regular fever, cough and dyspnoea; lesions consist of scat- tion, or latex particle agglutination. The latter have the ad-
tered miliary necrotic foci in the form of small white spots vantage of functioning with serum from any animal species,
with irregular contours. and not requiring specific conjugates, as ELISA reactions do.
• Nervous forms similar to distemper (it should be noted Despite specificity and sensitivity which are often satisfac-
that this can be associated with toxoplasmosis; the virus tory, these serological reactions must be viewed and inter-
causing the disease encourages parasite multiplication): preted in the clinical context.
central (encephalitis) and peripheral (polyradiculoneuri- These techniques only allow antibodies to be detected.
tis) disorders causing seizure, epilepsy, paresis, paralysis The presence of antibodies signifies that the animal has been
and myoclonus. However, it is very difficult to attribute to in contact with the parasite and has established a humoral
Toxoplasma the only (or predominant) role in the appa- immunological reaction against it. This is not synonymous
rition and evolution of these clinical cases, since the pres- with the disease toxoplasmosis, or rather, Toxoplasma
entation is very similar to that of distemper, and because infection.
some cases attributed to Toxoplasma are in fact caused by
N. caninum. Kinetics and a double serological reaction (first on Ig totals
• Some atypical forms (sometimes associated with pulmo- then just IgG) allow progressive toxoplasmosis to be detected:
nary and nervous forms): digestive (gastric, hepatic and/or • If the serological results from samples taken at intervals of
fatal acute necrotising pancreatitis); ocular, which is rare at least 15 days reveal a significant difference in the titre,
in dogs (unlike in cats): chorioretinitis with pigmentary progressive toxoplasmosis can be suspected.
modification. • If the suspect animals’ serum titres, the first untreated,
then treated with 2-mercaptoethanol (which “destroys”
Diagnosis IgM), are significantly different, this difference can be at-
• Diagnosis is never clinical, and must therefore be based on tributed to a high IgM level and therefore to progressive
laboratory confirmation. and/or recent toxoplasmosis.
• Various methods can be used to confirm a suspicion of
toxoplasmosis in mammals: direct methods to reveal the
parasite or indirect methods based on serology.
CONTENTS Disseminated parasitoses 181


No immunoglobulin isotypes are detectable before 15 days • Anti-coccidia (sulfamides) are active only against the
after contamination, so the following approximate kinetics pathogenic forms before oocysts appear (schizonts and
can be seen: gamonts) and not on oocysts themselves. These medicines
• IgM from W2 to W6 in a bell curve: no detection before also cannot be administered continuously.
day 15, smaller quantities at the detection limit after day
90; their detection in significant numbers indicates acute Measures to prevent human contamination mainly target
and/or recent infection. food (consuming correctly washed/boiled vegetables; meat
• IgG increasing progressively and slowly from day 15 to cooked to the centre) and the usual principles of hygiene
reach a slightly later peak from that of IgM, followed by (wearing gloves to clean out cat litter). The cat itself is a source
a regular and very weak decrease, such that these Igs are but oocysts do not sporulate on the cat’s coat (insufficient
detectable for several years and indicate an old infection. moisture). It is not necessary to get rid of cats where there is a
non-immune pregnant woman, since cats are not the habitual
PCR source of contamination. As a precaution, the cat can be sero-
It is possible to detect specific fragments of Toxoplasma logically tested and fed a commercial diet.
DNA from different samples. This direct methodology is
sensitive and may be more practical than serology. Research conducted in cats does not provide a definitive
Control measures • When coproscopy is positive: the cat contaminates its envi-
Treatment ronment and can re-excrete because there is no sterilising
Specific treatment for toxoplasmosis uses clindamycin, a immunity, and recurrence is possible.
molecule likely to stop tachyzoites multiplication and to dif- • When coproscopy is negative: serology is recommended:
fuse throughout the whole organism after it is absorbed in • If it is negative, the cat may be infected, particularly if
the intestine. Different clinical forms (respiratory, nervous, it hunts or goes outdoors. Only by confinement and a
etc.) require complementary symptomatic treatment. commercial diet can infection be avoided completely.
Clindamycin: 10– 40 mg/kg/day, in 2–4 doses, orally for • If it is seropositive, the animal has been in contact with
4–6 weeks. the parasite, it is partly immune but may potentially
re-excrete if subsequently immunosuppressed, although
Prevention this is rare in adult cats. Nonetheless, the risk is present.
Various prophylactic measures directly address the sources
of contamination, as defined by the life cycle.

The cat, a recurrent source of Toxoplasma oocysts spread

in the external environment (consumption of food or water
containing sporulated oocysts): it is practically impossible to
reduce significantly this excretion for several reasons:
• Toxoplasmic coccidiosis in cats is most often asymptomat-
ic, very rarely associated with diarrhoeic enteritis.
• The excretion of oocysts is unpredictable. It occurs later
than the potential symptomatology. It is massive and pos-
sibly recurrent: at the end of the patent period, excretion of
oocysts can restart, in particular when the immune system
is supressed or when there is an associated infectious or
parasitic disease (for example, another, non-toxoplasmic


General comments N. caninum therefore seems to be the equivalent to T. gondii,

Canine neosporosis is an infectious disease caused by the but with dogs and other canids as the definitive host. Cats are
development, multiplication and pathogenic activity of an only intermediate hosts to N. caninum. This protozoan does
Apicomplexa protozoan similar to Hammondia and Toxo- not infect humans, unlike T. gondii.
plasma: Neospora caninum. Recent phylogenetic studies indicate that N. caninum is a
The original description of neosporosis goes back to 1984, relatively ancient protozoan, estimated to be 12 million years
when Bjerkas et al., Norwegian authors, cited a parasite old. It seems to have separated from the genus Hammondia
simi­lar to Toxoplasma and responsible for paresis in three (thought to have originated more than 50 million years ago).
litters of Boxer puppies. The serological survey did not reveal T. gondii is much more recent, estimated at just 10,000 years
any response corresponding to Toxoplasma. Independently, old, and is probably a genetic derivative of Neospora.
in 1988, Dubey et al. described a protozoan responsible for a
series of clinical cases observed in dogs and identical to those Species affected
described as being caused by toxoplasmosis, due to a new N. caninum are reported in dogs, cattle (where it is con-
agent which they gave the binomial Neospora caninum. It sidered to be responsible for a large number of abortions),
was later demonstrated that the parasite shown in Norway sheep, goats, cervids and horses.
was N. caninum, and that some preserved samples which Subcutaneous, intramuscular, intraperitoneal and intra-
had been taken from corpses of dogs thought to have died of venous experimental infections have been carried out on ro-
toxoplasmosis were in fact infected by Neospora. dents (rats, mice, gerbils), rabbits, cats and rhesus macaque
monkeys. No spontaneous cases have been reported in hu-
Taxonomy mans, including in immunosuppressed individuals. Epide-
N. caninum is an Apicomplexa protozoan (i.e., having at one miological surveys carried out by various teams indicate an
pole of a group of organelles used to penetrate the host cell). absence of serological trace in humans.
It belongs to the subclass Coccidiasina, order Eimeriorida,
family Isosporidae, subfamily Toxoplasmatinae. They are Biology
dixenous coccidia characterised by the excretion of oocysts Morphology and habitat
containing two sporocysts with four sporozoites. Three elements are likely to be seen in dogs:
• The unsporulated oocyst: found in the faeces after experi-
In order to understand this parasite, it is important to differ- mental infection or a natural cycle. This oocyst is the result
entiate between the two life phases of Neospora: of sexual reproduction in the intestinal mucosa, the pro-
• The parasite undergoes sexual reproduction in the diges- cess responsible for the coccidiosis caused by Neospora.
tive epithelium of canids, like classic coccidian, so the dog This oocyst measures approximately 10 µm in diameter,
is the definitive host. We can therefore talk about coccid- i.e., approximately half of an Isospora ohioensis oocyst or
iosis due to Neospora as we talk about coccidiosis due to a third of an Isospora canis oocyst. It is morphologically
Toxoplasma in the cat. This digestive infection is, accord- identical to Toxoplasma and Hammondia oocysts.
ing to current understanding, non-symptomatic. • Tachyzoites: elements that replicate rapidly, are oval or
• The parasite is capable of asexual multiplication in various globular (measuring 3–7 × 1–5 µm), and localised in the
cells, especially neurons, in many intermediate hosts. Infec- tissue and cells. Tachyzoites can be found in many types of
tion in intermediate hosts is referred to as neosporosis. If the cells: neurons, macrophages, fibroblasts, vascular endothe-
clinical signs are mostly neurological, a disseminated form of lial cells, monocytes in many muscle groups, renal tubular
the disease is involved, affecting the central and peripheral epithelial cells, hepatocytes, spleen cells and lymph nodes.
nervous systems, and also muscular tissue, the digestive sys- They are present in the cell cytoplasm, usually in a parasi-
tem, skin, etc. The dog may behave as an intermediate host. tophorous vacuole (up to 100 per cell).
CONTENTS Disseminated parasitoses 183


Life cycle of Neospora caninum

D.H. = definitive host

Small intestine cells I.H. = intermediate host

~ 5 days

Oocysts shed
D.H. for 5–17 days
Dog and coyote

t infected
Inges ~3 days in faeces
for oocyst to become
Sporulated oocyst
Months (infective form)
to years

st oo

and bradyzoites

Damage to infected tissues

occasionally leads to clinical signs

• Bradyzoites: stages characterised by slow replication, measur- Life cycle

ing 6–8 × 1–2 µm, and present in cysts from infected cells. It The life cycle resembles the cycle of dixenous coccidia, cir-
is possible to differentiate between Neospora cysts and Tox- culating between the definitive carnivorous host and the in-
oplasma cysts, since the former have a thick wall: 3–4 µm termediate hosts consumed by the carnivorous hosts. In this
versus 1 µm in the latter. It is also possible to observe differ- cycle, the dog, like the cat for toxoplasmosis, seems to suffer
ences in the organelles which make up the apical complex simultaneously from “neosporic coccidiosis” (as the defin-
by electron microscopy. Bradyzoites are found only in the itive host) and neosporosis (as an intermediate host). The
central nervous system (brain, spinal cord), peripheral nerv- asexual cycle (multiplication of the parasite in the tachyzoite
ous system (nerves) and the eye, inside thick-walled (3–4 µm form) precedes the sexual cycle (gametogony leading to the
thick) cysts whose dia­meter can reach 100 µm (Fig. 1). formation of oocysts in the intestinal lumen).

20 μm

Figure 1. Neospora cyst containing bradyzoites in the brain tissue of a puppy with clinical
signs of neosporosis. Courtesy of Laboratoire Territorial de Diagnostic Vétérinaire de

The role of dogs as definitive hosts has been demonstrated Mechanisms of infection
experimentally by examining the faecal excretion of oocysts Neosporosis is transmitted horizontally, by ingestion of
after ingestion of tissue from infected mice. sporu­lated oocysts, and vertically, from the mother to the foe-
tus, in the majority of species, especially cattle. This congeni-
Epidemiology tal transmission can occur during any gestation and not only
Source of parasites at primary infection, as occurs in toxoplasmosis. This mode
• The definitive host contaminating the environment of of transmission seems to be the main explanation for the sur-
the intermediate hosts (cattle or other mammals), nota- vival of Neospora in cattle herds for several generations.
bly grasslands, with infective oocysts. Dogs are definitive
hosts, but shed few oocysts expelled in the experimental Predisposing factors
infections carried out. Other carnivores are certainly in- Many animals are healthy carriers, as with Toxoplasma, as
volved: foxes (and perhaps mustelids). Neospora can be transmitted without causing neosporosis.
Epidemiological surveys do not always confirm the dog as It seems that the immune status of the host plays an impor-
having a major role in cases of neosporosis in cattle. Some tant role in explaining the presence or absence of 1) verti-
authors consider that they do not have a greater presence in cal transmission, 2) abortion, and 3) post-natal congenital
cases where seroprevalence and abortions due to Neospora neosporosis.
are frequent or pose problems.
• Intermediate hosts, which are consumed by carnivores, Geographical distribution and prevalence
therefore continuing the dixenous cycle. Distribution is thought to be worldwide. The serological
• Pregnant females, whose bradyzoite cysts are likely to be and/or parasitological prevalence in cattle is significant in the
activated during gestation, releasing tachyzoites, which USA, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia, but also in Eu-
can vertically infect the foetus. rope (France, Germany, UK), where this parasite is respon-
sible for up to 20 % of abortions (the second most common
cause of abortion in cattle).
CONTENTS Disseminated parasitoses 185


During the last decade, tests have been carried out on Clinical signs
dogs all over the world which have demonstrated that the Several clinical forms have been described, affecting very
parasite circulates through the entire canine population. young individuals, adults or even old dogs, mainly character-
Seroprevalence rates of between 5 % and 67 % have been ised by nervous manifestations.
observed, with the highest rates observed in farm animals.
Seroprevalence is usually 20  % in clinically healthy dogs. Classic form
Purebred dogs appear to be more prevalent in case reports This is the most common, seen in puppies which are a few
of clinical neosporosis, with Boxers, German Shorthaired weeks old (less than 4 months in most cases), following con-
Pointers, Labradors, Golden Retrievers, Basset Hounds, and genital infection.
Greyhounds being the most commonly affected breeds. Within the litter, some individuals present with progres-
Neosporosis predominantly affects young dogs, a few sive paresis of posterior limbs (far less often, the forelimbs),
weeks old (the majority are less than 3 months old). Cases which are often hyperextended and rigid (forced flexion is
resulting from congenital transmission are the most severe. impossible), making the animal adopt the so-called “seal”
This transmission by the mother is possible during several position, where it moves solely or primarily on its front legs
successive gestations. (Fig. 2). This paresis is caused by damage to motor neurons
Not all puppies in a litter are affected and present with the and muscles, leading to contraction (combination of polyra-
disease (some are clinically unaffected), and diseased puppies diculoneuropathy and myositis). This is the most common
will be affected to a variable extent (moderate to fatal forms). presentation (more than 80 % of cases observed in dogs un-
Prognosis for puppies will be worse if the mother was in- der a year old). This paraparesis is combined with a reduction
fected in early gestation. Experimental infection of a dog at in spontaneous tail movements, reduced perineal sensitivity
day 35 of pregnancy resulted in a stillbirth (but the appar- and the development of bowel and bladder incontinence.
ently normal development of the other puppies. How­ever, The disease progresses with increasing paralysis of the
administering corticoids in immunosuppressive doses to thoracic limbs, apparent cervical weakness or, conversely,
these puppies and their mother can lead to generalised fatal cervical rigidity, and signs of encephalitis: dysphagia, ab-
neosporosis. normal food prehension, musculoskeletal disorders, circular
The forms observed in adult dogs are clinically different, movements, nystagmus and seizures, resulting in death in the
less characteristic, often disseminated. It is impossible to de- majority of cases. The clinical presentation may develop over
fine the origin of the disease in adults: the classic, new infec- several months.
tion of a previously healthy individual, or reactivation from Some dogs (approximately 10  %) present with signs of
quiescent cysts as a result of immunosuppression. septicaemia (pneumonia, encephalitis, myocarditis, adeno-
megaly). The parasite is found in many tissues and organs:
lymphatic system, liver, spleen, pancreas, and central and
peripheral nervous system, causing a high rate of stillbirth.

More or less atypical presentations, not associated with nerv-

ous or general signs, have been described:
• Ocular presentation: nystagmus, aniscoria, absent pupil-
lary reflexes.
• Myocarditis causing sudden death, following other indica-
tive clinical signs (diagnosis confirmed by autopsy, demon-
strating severe disorders of the myocardium and numerous
other organs).

Figure 2. The typical “seal” position in a young dog with neosporo-

sis. Courtesy of Magali Charve.

Cutaneous form Diagnosis

This seems to be found solely in adult, even old dogs, in Neosporosis can only be suspected when the dog is under
which it is not possible to define the precise origin of infec- observation for some of the following:
tion with the current state of understanding. Clinically, this • Neurological disorder characterised by paresis, possibly
dermatosis is expressed in two forms: paralysis of hind limbs, which are hyperextended.
• Either by the presence of a single or a few ulcerated nod- • An uncharacteristic stillbirth within a litter.
ule(s), several centimetres in diameter and without any • Presentation of septicaemia or disseminated disease with
associated neurological signs, blood disorder or general polyvisceral disorder (hepatic, muscular including cardiac,
deterioration in health, in various parts of the body (limbs, nervous, etc.).
torso, etc.), painless and non-adherent. • Inconstant and indicative biological anomalies: leukocy-
• Or in the form of extensive nodular dermatosis, moder- tosis, anaemia, and increased muscle-derived and hepatic
ately pruritic, affecting large parts of the body, associat- enzymes.
ed with satellite adenomegaly and to a drastically altered
general state of the animal: anorexia, tiredness, dyspnoea, Diagnosis must be confirmed by the identification of the par-
changes in the blood composition (leucocytosis, thrombo- asite in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, cerebrospinal fluid or
cytopaenia), and cardiac arrest. in any biopsy sample: either there will be barely detectable
• These forms correspond to disseminated neosporosis. tachyzoitic forms, or cysts with bradyzoites with a thick wall
(4 µm) indicating Neospora.
Other clinical signs seen in adult dogs
• Various neurological and muscular signs: difficulties with The suspicion of Neospora, based on histological exami-
food prehension and swallowing, paralysis of the jaw, flac- nation, can be confirmed by specific immunohistochemical
cidity of any muscle. testing using monoclonal anti-Neospora antibodies or poly-
• Signs of cardiac insufficiency due to myocarditis, which clonal serum obtained from a laboratory animal, or by serol-
may cause sudden death. ogy based on two methods:
• Indirect immunofluorescence.
Lesions • Indirect agglutination.
• Multifocal failure of the central nervous system: necrosis,
discoloration of white and grey matter, gliosis, small foci Coproscopy will be negative when the dog has been infected
(1–3 mm diameter) affecting many segments of the spinal as an intermediate host.
cord (lumbar, thoracic, etc.) consisting of an abundant
lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate, and characteristic cysts. Prognosis
• Diffuse myositis, sometimes affecting many muscles (skel- Prognosis is always bad, either because neosporosis may
etal and smooth muscles, myocardium), cellular necrosis progress in a disseminated manner, or because function-
and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. al recovery of paralysed limbs is nearly always impossible,
• Polyvisceral disease: affecting the liver, spleen, lungs, and causing the animal to be immobile or to have extreme dif-
lymph nodes. ficulty moving; the definitive handicap can be incompatible
• Diffuse pyogranulomatous necrotising dermatitis, some- with normal life.
times severe and deep, surrounded by a large conjunctive
reaction and associated with ulcers and vasculitis: accu- Control measures
mulation of numerous macrophages and polynuclear neu- There is no approved or curative treatment for canine ne-
trophils, lymphocytes and plasmocytes in the dermis and osporosis. Clinical disease is best arrested when treatment
the underlying adipose tissue, destruction of connective is initiated before contracture or paralysis occurs. Dogs typ-
fibres and related tissues. Macrophages, polynuclear neu- ically die without treatment, and some dogs die even with
trophils and epithelial cells may contain many tachyzoites. treatment. 
CONTENTS Disseminated parasitoses 187


The following treatment regimens are used to control clinical In the case of a bitch which has given birth to infected
neosporosis: puppies, it is possible to administer preventative treatment
• Clindamycin (7.5–25 mg/kg PO or IM every 12 hours for during subsequent gestations: clindamycin at 7 mg/kg/day,
4 weeks), even if there is no remission of clinical signs. twice a day, from the 15th to the 25th day of gestation (optimal
• Trimethoprim-sulfadiazine (15–20 mg/kg PO every period for transmission of the parasite across the placenta)
12 hours for 4 weeks) in combination with pyrimethamine to avoid foetal contamination. The treatment of a pregnant
(1 mg/kg PO every 24 hours for 4 weeks). bitch based on trimethoprim-sulfonamide is ineffective.

The trimethoprim-sulfadiazine combinations seem to be the

least active.
If clinical improvement is seen to be slow, treatment
should be extended beyond the recommended 4 weeks until
2 weeks after clinical signs have plateaued.
All littermates of affected puppies should be treated, re-
gardless of clinical signs.
Passive range of motion exercises and massage may be
beneficial in some cases. Video 5
It has been demonstrated that transmission in dogs, as A young dog with
in cattle, is vertical, therefore it is advisable that bitches that
congenital neosporosis.
have given birth to infected litters should be removed from
Courtesy of Magali Charve.


General comments Biology

Encephalitozoonosis is an infectious disease caused by the Encephalitozoon cuniculi is characterised by its infective
presence and multiplication of a Microsporidia, Encephali- form, which is a complex resistant spore. Each spore is ovoid,
tozoon cuniculi, in various tissues and cells, such as vascular measuring 1.5 × 2.5 µm and contains a sporoplasm with a
endothelial cells or uriniferous epithelial cells. nucleus, posterior vacuole and tubular filament.
During cell infection, the spore extrudes its polar tubular
Taxonomy filament near a host cell and injects the infective sporoplasm
Encephalitozoon cuniculi belongs to the phylum Micro- into the cell via the filament. Inside the cell, the sporoplasm
spora, which includes obligate intracellular parasites. Micro- is located in a parasitophorous vacuole, where it undergoes
sporidia have historically been considered to be “primitive” extensive nuclear multiplication. After several successive
protozoa, however, recent molecular phylogenetic analy- schizogonies, sporonts are formed; they divide once to make
sis has revealed that these organisms are a group of high- two sporoblasts, which quickly turn into spores. Once the
ly adapted unicellular fungi not related to protozoa. These spores increase in number and completely fill the cytoplasm
organisms are best known for their very simple cellular and of the host’s cell, the cell membrane is disrupted and releas-
genomic features, an adaptation to their obligate intracellu- es the spores to the surroundings. These free mature spores
lar parasitism. Genome sequence data from these pathogens can infect new cells, continuing the cycle. Spore formation
has revealed how obligate intracellular parasitism can result takes just 48 hours. Many cells may be infected: uriniferous
in radical changes in the composition and structure of nucle- tubes, intra-tissular macrophages, hepatocytes, and vascular
ar genomes, and how these changes can affect cellular and endothelia, including those located in the brain.
evolutionary mechanisms that are otherwise well-conserved Spores are excreted in the urine of infected animals.
among eukaryotes.
Despite being recognised as a fungal disease, encephalito- Epidemiology
zoonosis will be addressed in this book of parasitology be- Spores are present in the environment, where they can sur-
cause it is still often described as a protozoan infection. vive for a long time. They are found on substrates contami-
nated by the urine of infected animals, or by the lysis of in-
Hosts fected corpses.
This disease primarily affects lagomorphs, in which the par- Infection takes place through licking or sniffing of con-
asite was discovered in 1924. The infection occurs, and is taminated substances. Ingestion of infected prey by a car-
chronic, in many rabbit populations, such as the European nivore is also a means of infection, and transplacental and
rabbit population. Dogs are receptive to infection and some sexual transmission is suspected. The majority of rabbits
surveys have indicated high prevalence rates: 18 % in South seem to be infected with E. cuniculi by their mothers. Hu-
Africa, 13 % in stray dogs in England. Foxes are also affect- man-to-human transmission is also possible, via transplan-
ed, as are cats. Zoonotic infections have also been reported tation of solid organs from an infected donor.
in immunosuppressed humans.
CONTENTS Disseminated parasitoses 189


Clinical signs In rabbits, carriers are often asymptomatic and the few
In the dog, infection is often asymptomatic at first but can animals presenting with clinical signs have a nervous disor-
progress in a few weeks, especially in young dogs, to reveal der dominated by fairly characteristic torticollis and signs of
clinical signs: ataxia.
• Nervous disorders: motor incoordination, ataxia, blind-
ness and, sometimes, behavioural problems (aggression, Lesions
biting, barking). E. cuniculi is the cause of encephalitis and nephritis in all
• Renal disorders: severe nephritis. species, and in immunosuppressed patients.
• Hepatitis with significantly raised enzyme (transaminase) Lesions indicate septicaemia with multivisceral necrotic
levels. foci. Interstitial nephritis can be seen, as well as vascularity,
notably encephalic.
If clinical signs appear, death often follows within weeks or The spores, whether isolated or within pseudocysts which
months. resemble toxoplasmic cysts, can be found in various tissues,
In the cat, infection is mostly asymptomatic. Cases of including the brain.
chronic infection, predominantly nervous disorders, have
been reported. Cats presented with core signs of depression Diagnosis
and progressive paralysis leading to death. Ocular disorders Clinical diagnosis is impossible, since there are no character-
(keratitis) have also been reported. istic clinical signs in carnivores (not the case in rabbits with
Diagnosis may be based on serology (ELISA or IIF), on
histology from autopsy, or by identification of spores in uri-
nary sediment (Fig. 1).
It is also possible to detect parasitic DNA by PCR from
biopsies or in the urine.

Control measures
There is no specific treatment. Trials using fenbendazole have
produced very good results in rabbits, with a daily adminis-
tration of 20 mg/kg for 21 days. Albendazole is used with
good result in humans, although it is relatively toxic for dogs,
for whom fenbendazole is preferred.
For ocular disorders, the antibiotic fumagillin has been
10 μm
applied topically each day until keratitis regressed.
Figure 1. Section of liver from a patient with AIDS and infected There are no particular preventative measures, since
by Encephalitozoon hellem. Encephalitozoon spores stained by
spores are resistant in the external environment. Rabbits and
immunofluorescence. Anti-E. cuniculi polyclonal antibody serum.
Fixed by conjugated FITC goat anti-rabbit IgG (Antonella Tosoni et rabbit farming are factors contributing to the presence and
al. 2002. Modern Pathology. 15(5): 577–583). concentration of spores.


Subcutaneous T. crassiceps has a dixenous life cycle, as do all cestodes.

cysticercosis The definitive host is a canid which hosts an adult tapeworm,
approximately 20 cm long, in its small intestine, and expels
egg segments in its faeces.
General comments These eggs are ingested by wild rodents, mainly voles.
Metacestodoses are caused by the larval stages of cestodes Embryos (oncospheres) are released, cross the wall of the
from the family Taeniidae. Dogs and cats usually act as de- intermediate host’s intestine and develop into cysticercal
finitive hosts and harbour adult cestodes in their gastrointes- larvae subcutaneously or intraperitoneally. These larvae are
tinal tracts. They may also become intermediate hosts and commonly known as cysticerci. These cysticerci measure
develop metacestodosis, but this is very rare. It mainly occurs 0.5–2 × 3–5 mm and can multiply asexually by internal and
with Taenia crassiceps and, more exceptionally, with other external budding (Figs.  2–4). This multiplication may be
Taeniidae such as Taenia (Multiceps) serialis, Taenia (Multi- seen under natural conditions, but is more marked in some
ceps) multiceps or Echinococcus multilocularis. laboratory rodents and in immunocompromised hosts.
Cases of subcutaneous cysticersosis due to T. crassiceps
have been reported in dogs, as well as in humans. Epidemiology
T. crassiceps is one of the most common parasites in foxes,
Morphology and biology with a prevalence of 5–30 %, and sometimes even more.
Adult T. crassiceps are found in the intestines of canids, espe- The epidemiological cycle is sylvatic, taking place between
cially foxes. Cysticercal larvae develop in the subcutaneous the definitive host (wild canid) and intermediate host (vole).
tissues, and sometimes in the peritoneum, in wild rodents, Dogs are infested by hunting wild rodents (carrying Tae-
notably red-backed voles. This cestode is also used as a lab- nia spp. larvae) or by ingesting eggs directly. In the latter
oratory model for cysticercosis because the strain can be case, dogs act as intermediate hosts and may develop subcu-
maintained through successive rodent infestations (Fig. 1). taneous cysticercosis.
T. crassiceps has been used in an extensive series of experi- Dogs living in rural environments seem to be predisposed
ments as a source of antigens and as a model for immunolog- and most are more than 7 years old. Subcutaneous cystic-
ical studies on cysticercosis immunity. It may also be used to ercosis in dogs and humans appears to be linked to predis-
evaluate cestodicidal molecules. posing factors: dysendocrinism, age and immunosuppression
(e.g., HIV infection). The parasite can modify the type of
immune response from the host.

20 μm

Figure 1. Parasitic peritonitis due to Taenia crassiceps in an Figure 2. Cysticercus presenting the characteristic budding process
experimental mouse model showing invasion of the peritoneal cavity of Taenia crassiceps. Courtesy of Parasitology Unit, Alfort Veterinary
by thousands of cysticerci (semolina-like appearance). Courtesy of School.
Parasitology Unit, Alfort Veterinary School.
CONTENTS Miscellaneous parasitoses 193


Clinical signs
In all cases reported to date, the onset of subcutaneous tu- development of tissue cysts containing several cysticerci in a
mour-like swellings caused dog owners to consult a veter- serohaemorrhagic fluid (Fig. 1).
inary surgeon. These swellings, 5–15 cm in diameter, are The zoonotic potential of this new pathogen must be
very often soft and localised to the flank, elbow or knee monitored because of its significant prevalence in fox pop-
(Fig. 5). Surgical exeresis does not prevent a relapse in the ulations. Fox populations are also increasing and they are
following months, nor propagation to new areas, and the an- becoming more suburban, bringing them into more frequent
imal’s general health deteriorates. Swelling is caused by the contact with humans and domestic carnivores.

20 μm 50 μm

Figure 3. Cysticercus presenting the characteristic budding process Figure 4. Numerous cysticerci obtained by puncturing the
of Taenia crassiceps. The start of invagination and strobila formation deformed subcutaneous mass in the dog in Figure 5. Courtesy of
can also be seen. Courtesy of Parasitology Unit, Alfort Veterinary Parasitology Unit, Alfort Veterinary School.

Figure 5. Swelling of around

10 cm in diameter on the
left flank of a dog. Courtesy
of Parasitology Unit, Alfort
Veterinary School.

Peritonitis due to Morphology and biology

Mesocestoides larvae Mesocestoides spp. tapeworms are approximately 50 cm
long, sometimes even longer, and they live in the small intes-
tines of wild and domestic carnivores
General comments The first larval stage develops in oribatid mites present in
Parasitic peritonitis refers to the proliferation of cestode lar- the soil. The second larval stage is called a tetrathyridium
vae in the peritoneal cavity of domestic or wild carnivores. larva and it usually develops in rodents or reptiles (such as
The main parasites responsible are Mesocestoides spp. tape- lizards). The tetrathyridium larva is whitish, non-vesicular,
worms, especially Mesocestoides lineatus. Rare cases of peri- and up to 30 mm long. It has a wide anterior end due to its
toneal infestation by Taenia crassiceps larvae have also been invagination and it may be pseudo-segmented.
described but this species more usually causes subcutaneous Tetrathyridium larvae are localised to the peritoneum,
cysticercosis (see Subcutaneous cysticercosis, page 192). where they may be free or attached.


Figure 1. Ascitic fluid caused by parasites and Mesocestoides larvae in the abdomen of a dog.
Courtesty of Jean-Paul Lemonnier.
CONTENTS Miscellaneous parasitoses 195


Epidemiology Diagnosis
Mesocestoides spp. infestation is a mainly sylvatic cestodosis Parasitic peritonitis may be suspected in dogs with apyretic
which affects foxes and wildcats. ascites and the appearance of abdominal puncture fluid is
Domestic carnivores may become involved in the cycle by characteristic.
consuming intermediate hosts and, in the majority of cases, The ascitic fluid is an exudate rich in proteins (>25 g/L)
they host adult tapeworms. Larval stages sometimes pass and it contains many cells (>1,500/mL), usually including eo-
into the body cavity, where they proliferate. sinophils (up to 10 %).

Clinical signs Control measures

Infested animals present with a bloated abdomen, linked to Treatment is surgical, completely removing the ascitic flu-
fluid accumulation (“parasitic ascites”) (Fig. 1). The condition id and cleaning out the peritoneal cavity with physiological
is not always painful and it develops gradually, with possible solutions. A suspension of mebendazole at 40 mg/kg can be
diarrhoea and weight loss. administered intraperitoneally, but daily oral administration
Tetrathyridium larvae are sometimes detected during ab- of high doses of cestodicides gives disappointing results.
dominal surgery when puncturing the abdominal cavity re-
leases a serohaemorrhagic fluid containing numerous opaque,
whitish vesicles which are 10–30 mm in length and 1–3 mm
in diameter and look just like grains of tapioca (Fig. 1).

Peritoneal and
subcutaneous filarioses

General comments
Dogs and cats may be infested by filarial species other than
Dirofilaria immitis. These are less pathogenic but must be
included in any differential diagnosis when blood microfilar-
iae are observed.

The main species of Filarioidea (order Spirurida) which para-

sitise dogs and cats in Europe belong to the family Onchocer- Figure 1. The adult Dirofilaria repens worm is easily removed in a
cidae and these are: minimally invasive procedure. Courtesy of Laura Rinaldi.

• Dirofilaria immitis.
• Dirofilaria repens, located in subcutaneous tissue and
muscle fasciae (Figs. 1–3).
• Cercopithifilaria (formerly Dipetalonema) grassii, locat-
ed in perirenal, peritoneal and subcutaneous tissues.
• Acanthocheilonema (formerly Dipetalonema) dracuncu-
loides, located in the peritoneal cavity.
• Acanthocheilonema (formerly Dipetalonema) reconditum,
located in the peritoneal cavity and subcutaneous tissue.

Vectors and intermediate hosts are:

• Only female Culicidae mosquitoes for D. repens.
• Ticks and fleas for the genus Acanthocheilonema.
• Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks for the genus Figure 2. Adult Dirofilaria repens in the subcutaneous tissues of
Cercopithifilaria. dogs sin an incidental finding during surgery to remove a skin
tumour. Courtesy of Laura Rinaldi.

Species affected: canids, notably dogs, but also foxes, jackals

and fennec foxes. Filarial species can also infest cats in highly
enzootic areas.

Geographical distribution
The subcutaneous filarial species D. repens is found world-
wide, but seems to be absent from North America. The en-
zootic areas of D. repens and D. immitis overlap in many
regions of Europe. Transmission frequency and the spread
of D. repens depend on environmental factors, such as tem-
perature, the density of vector populations and the presence
of microfilaraemic dogs and wild canids, which are the main 15 μm

reservoirs of infestation.
Figure 3. Dirofilaria repens microfilaria stained with acid
phosphatase. There is only one red spot (2 spots for
Dirofilaria immitis).  

*Dirofilaria repens
CONTENTS Miscellaneous parasitoses 197


Acanthocheilonema and Cercopithifilaria spp. are found Importance
worldwide and A. dracunculoides infestation is up to 14 % These filariae are of little medical importance because infes-
in hunting dogs and dogs living outdoors in some Europe- tation with filarial species (other than D. immitis) is mostly
an areas, such as Spain and Southern Italy. A. reconditum is asymptomatic.
quite common in Sardinia, Italy. D. repens is zoonotic and infested dogs, cats and wild
canids are reservoirs of microfilariae for mosquitoes, which
transmit the parasite to humans.

Life cycle of Dirofilaria repens

Dog, cat and human
The mosquito bites the D.H. and the
L3 larva penetrates the wound and
reaches the subcutaneous tissue

L3 larvae Infective larvae (L3)

develop into L1
larvae, moult into
L2s, then moult
again into infective
L3 larvae

The L3 larvae

I.H. (mosquito) moult into L4 and

L5 larvae, then
become adults
6–9 m

es ae
d ing filari
n ro
s a ic
bite g m L4 and L5 larvae
ito ini n
qu ta
m os con
e od
Th blo
th e The adults form nodules
which can be located in
Microfilaria (L1) subcutaneous tissue, among
the tendons of the limbs and
Adults produce microfilariae (L1) in the lymph nodes
that remain in the blood and lymph
spaces in the skin. Similar in size Adults in subcutaneous tissue
and appearance to D. immitis D.H. = definitive host
microfilariae I.H. = intermediate host

Morphology years. They release embryos or microfilariae into the blood,

Table 1 lists the morphological features of adult filariae and in the case of D. repens, A. reconditum and A. dracunculoi-
blood microfilariae of the species which infest dogs and cats des, and dermotropically in C. grassii.
in Europe. Arthropods become infested during their blood meal and,
in the case of ticks, Acanthocheilonema larvae are transmit-
Biology ted between developmental stages.
After inoculation by haematophagous arthropods (mosqui- These filarioses are sporadic and are usually detected
toes, ticks or fleas), L3 larvae migrate towards their definitive accidentally, when a blood sample is analysed. Their trans-
site: subcutaneous or muscle tissue for D. repens, perirenal or mission is seasonal in temperate countries and depends on
peritoneal fat for Acanthocheilonema species. The adults de- the biology of the corresponding vector (mosquitoes, ticks
velop in 2–3 months and the females often survive for several or fleas).

Life cycle of Acanthocheilonema reconditum and Acanthocheilonema dracunculoides

I.H fect
. b ive

ite L3

Infective larva (L3)

s a in
nd sa
in liva

L2 and L3 larvae

Adults are located in subcutaneous tissue

or in the kidneys (A. reconditum) but they
also migrate to:
 he abdominal cavity (A. dracunculoides)
 erirenal and subcutaneous tissue
on limbs and back (A. reconditum)


iae b

lar the
ofi ts
icr es
m ing

Adults produce
I.H. (haematophagous
ng d
ini an

microfilariae which
nta tes

circulate in blood
co . bi

D.H. = definitive host

Microfilaria (L1)
I.H. = intermediate host
CONTENTS Miscellaneous parasitoses 199


Clinical signs they cause, circulating through blood capillaries may be re-
Infestation with filarial species other than D. immitis is sponsible for immunoinflammatory vascular lesions. The
mostly asymptomatic. main clinical signs include: onset of renal insufficiency, ne-
Adult D. repens filariae can be found in subcutaneous crosis of the extremities (especially the ear pinnae and the
nodules which are 3-6 cm in diameter, may be ambulatory tail) and pruritus.
and usually soft, with a serohaemorrhagic contents. These
nodules are usually considered to be tumours or pseudo-tu- Diagnosis
mours and they are usually surgically removed. Infestation by D. repens and Acanthocheilonema species can
Free filariae in a peritoneal or perirenal location do not be detected by blood tests, which detect circulating micro-
cause any clinical signs but microfilariae, and the embolisms filariae (Fig. 4). Morphological differentiation of the micro-
filariae by their length is often difficult due to the overlapping
sizes of most species (Table 1). In the case of C. grassii, lymph
or dermotropic microfilariae can be detected by cutaneous
biopsy. Adult filariae may more rarely be found in subcuta-
neous nodules.

Control measures
Moxidectin is labelled for the prevention of D. repens infes-
tation in dogs, and the treatment of circulating microfilariae.
A microfilaricidal treatment based on ivermectin (50 µg/kg)
can be administered when clinical signs suggest microfilariae
(off-label use).
There is no known effective adulticide for D. repens and
30 μm
there are no prophylactic measures other than vector control.
Figure 4. Microfilaria of Achantocheilonema reconditum detected
by Knott technique.

Table 1. Morphological features of filarial species in dogs and cats (adapted from ESCCAP Guideline 5).

Microfilariae (in the blood)

Species Adults
Length Width Features
No sheath, cephalic end pointed, tail straight with the
M: 12–18 cm
Dirofilaria immitis 290–330 µm 5-7 µm end pointed. APh-S: two activity spots located around
F: 25–30 cm
the anal and excretory pores
No sheath, cephalic end obtuse, tail sharp and filiform
M: 5–7 cm 300–370 µm 6-8 µm
Dirofilaria repens often ending like an umbrella handle.
F: 10-17 cm
APh-S: one spot around the anal pore
No sheath, cephalic end obtuse with a prominent
Acanthocheilonema M: 9–17 mm 260–283 µm 4 µm
cephalic hook, tail button hooked and curved.
reconditum F: 21–25 mm
APh-S: activity throughout the body
Sheath, cephalic end obtuse, caudal end sharp
Acanthocheilonema M: 15–31 mm
190–247 µm 4-6.5 µm and extended. APh-S: three spots which include an
dracunculoides F: 33–55 mm
additional spot in the medium body
M: male; F: female; APh-S: acid phosphatase stain.


General comments Morphology and biology

Thelaziosis is caused by the presence and development of Thelazia species are characterised by a serrated cuticle and
nematodes of the genus Thelazia. These nematodes, called a crown-shaped buccal vestibule. Adult females are charac-
eyeworms, are responsible for epiphora, conjunctivitis, kera- terised by the position of the vulva, located anteriorly to the
titis and even corneal ulcers. oesophageal-intestinal junction.
Eyeworms are frequently reported in cattle (Thelazia rho- Thelazia callipaeda is a whitish filiform nematode,
desii, T. skrjabini and T. gulosa) and horses (T. lacrymalis) 7–17 mm in length by 0.2–0.3 mm in diameter (Fig. 1).
but they can also be found in carnivores, especially dogs The female releases L1 larvae, which are found in dog
and foxes. The cat is not a common host but several cases tears. Thelazia species are transmitted by the various spe-
have been described in enzootic areas of Europe. The species cies of flies which feed on the definitive host’s lacrimal se-
responsible for canine thelaziosis are T. callipaeda (Railliet cretions. T. callipaeda L1 larvae undergo three moults in the
and Henry, 1910) in Europe and Asia, and T. californiensis vector (taking about 14–21 days) and the infective L3 may
in America. These two species can infest humans. be transmitted to a new host, developing into the adult stage
T. callipaeda infection has proved to be widespread in the in the ocular cavities within 1 month. The competence of the
past two decades among dogs from the northern Aosta valley drosophilid fly Phortica variegata (Fig. 2) as a T. callipae-
and southern Basilicata regions of Italy. It is also increasing- da vector has been demonstrated. Interestingly, only male
ly reported in western France (Dordogne area), Switzerland, P. variegata were found to be infested with T. callipaeda un-
Spain, and Portugal. In 2014, the first autochthonous cases der natural conditions in Italy.
of thelaziosis were described in red foxes, dogs and a cat liv- Adults T. callipaeda may survive several months in the
ing in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia. Cases are also dog’s conjunctival sacs.
reported in Romania, Greece and Serbia.

Figure 1. Adult Thelazia callipaeda. Direct examination after Figure 2. Phortica variegata. Courtesy of Domenico Otranto.
CONTENTS Miscellaneous parasitoses 201


Thelaziosis is a seasonal nematodosis linked to the presence The condition may be uni- or bilateral.
and density of drosophilid vectors and there is a peridomestic Secondary bacterial infections are possible and kerato-
cycle between wild or stray dogs and vectors. conjunctivitis may rapidly become severe and purulent.
Dogs and cats are infested in the summer by male Differential diagnosis of keratoconjunctivitis must in-
drosophilid flies, which deposit L3 larvae on the conjunctiva clude: post-traumatic bacterial infections, immunological
or around the eyes. Clinical signs usually occur in winter. keratitis, and keratitis linked to other diseases (especially
leishmaniosis in enzootic areas).
Clinical signs and diagnosis Definitive diagnosis relies on the visualisation of whitish
Thelaziosis may be asymptomatic but noticeable clinical nematodes on the conjunctiva and conjunctival sacs (Fig. 3)
signs are sometimes reported as a result of the irritant nature and the conjunctival fornix can be tested using a sterile cot-
of the eyeworm cuticle. These clinical signs include: ton swab. L1 larvae (approximately 200 µm long) can be
• Blepharospasm. seen by direct examination of the tears.
• Epiphora.
• Keratitis.
• Conjunctivitis.
• Intense lachrymation.


Figure 3. Clinical infestation with Thelazia callipaeda in a cat (A) and a dog (B). Courtesy of Domenico Otranto.

Life cycle of Thelazia callipaeda

Dog and cat, sometimes humans

In The larvae moult twice and

wh fect develop into adults in the
lac en ive L
rim fru 3 e conjuctival sac of the eye
al it fl xit
se y is m
eti fee outh
on din p
Infective L3 migrate to s g o arts
mouth parts of I.H.

Adults on the eye

Infective L3 larva 15
–3 1

Larvae infect fly and

develop into L2, and then
I.H. ingests L1

infective L3 larvae

D.H. = definitive host I.H. Thin membrane encasing the

(Phortica variegata) L1 larva in lacrimal secretions
I.H. = intermediate host

Control measures
Treatment is based on the direct removal of nematodes the
eyes of affected animals (after local or general anaesthesia)
and the use of an antiparasitic drug. Moxidectin applied in a
spot-on, oral milbemycin oxime and subcutaneous ivermec-
tin have all proven to be effective treatments for thelaziosis in
dogs. Antibiotic ointments or ocular drops s are recommend-
Video 6
ed in cases of bacterial infection.
Adult Thelazia callipaeda on the surface
Prophylactic measures include the use of macrocyclic
of the nictitating membrane of a dog.
lactones in a spot-on form administered monthly or in a
Courtesy of Olivier Pennant.
slow-release form during the vector’s active period.
CONTENTS Miscellaneous parasitoses 203



General comments Importance

Trichinellosis is a non-contagious zoonotic helminthosis • Medical: limited in veterinary medicine.
common to numerous animals and humans. It is caused by • Economic: linked to the loss of parasitised meats, cost of
the presence and development of Trichinella species nema- screening and limits placed on meat distribution.
todes, mostly T. spiralis. The adults are localised to the intes- • Veterinary public health: humans are receptive and sen-
tine, and larvae to striated muscle tissue. sitive. Trichinellosis is a zoonosis which can be medically
The various Trichinella species are distinguished ac- serious or even fatal in humans.
cording to biological, epidemiological, immunological and
molecular characteristics. T. spiralis, T. nelsoni, T. brito- Biology
vi, T. nativa, and T. pseudospiralis are the most common Trichinella are intracellular nematode parasites. Adult Trich-
among the different species and populations identified. inella are tapered, and the males are 1–1.5 mm long and
females 2.5–3.5 mm long. The newborn larvae are 100–
Hosts 160 µm long and 9 µm in diameter and the infective larvae
All mammals (>150 species) may be affected, including hu- are 1 mm long and 30 µm in diameter (Fig. 1). They are quite
mans and wild, domestic and peridomestic animals, and one similar to the adults but their ends are rounded. The gen-
species, T. pseudospiralis, also infects birds. eral arrangement of the body is spiral and the reproductive
system is as yet undifferentiated, although it is possible to
Geographical distribution distinguish between males and females.
The disease is found worldwide, distributed according to
the particular Trichinella species. Cases are either caused
by consuming insufficiently cooked game (such as wild
boar) or horse meat from America or Central Europe.
In the latter case, the number of people affected is often very
significant as one infested carcass may be distributed be-
tween several hundreds of consumers.
Other source of Trichinella in humans include bears in 50 μm
North America, seals in the Arctic, warthogs in Africa, and
dogs and pigs in Asia.
The epidemiology of infestation in domestic carnivores is
the same as for humans. Trichinellosis is common in dogs
in Asian countries, and it can also be seen in other regions,
notably in hunting dogs which consume raw game. Dogs and
cats which hunt rats are susceptible to infestation, trichinel-
50 μm
losis being endemic in populations of these “peridomestic”
rodents. Figure 1. Infective Trichinella spiralis L1 in
muscle. Length 900 µm. Pepsin digestion
of muscle fragments from a wild pig killed
in New Caledonia.

Two days after mating, which takes place in the lumen

of the small intestine, females start to release L1 larvae
and they release approximately 1,500 of them during their
6-week lifetimes. These L1 (known as newborn L1) enter the
bloodstream and are distributed throughout the organism.
They then penetrate striated muscle fibres and cause muscle
fibres to transform into “nurse cells”: myofibrils disappear,
the nucleus divides and peripheral neovascularisation oc-
curs. The nurse cell is surrounded by a protective wall and
becomes a lemon-shaped cyst (called a trichinian cyst) meas-
uring approximately 400 × 200 µm. It takes approximately
3 months to form completely (Fig. 2) and the larva can be
seen coiled in the cyst, hence the name “spiralis”. Several Figure 2. Trichinella cyst (approximately 400 µm in diameter)
larvae may be found in the same cyst and the cyst is infec- observed on crushing a muscle fragment between two glass plates
tive for any mammal that consumes it. It survives for several
years in its host and resists putrefaction and the cold, and
some can even survive freezing (T. nativa, found in the Arc- cured meat is usually the cause. The infective dose is low, so
tic) for several weeks. licking a knife which has been used to prepare the meat or
When a cyst is ingested, the L1 larva is freed from the ingesting bread on which it has been wiped is sufficient.
muscle and it transforms into an L2, L3 and L4, then into a Dogs and cats are infested accidentally by sharing the
phase 5 and adult within 48 hours. The cycle then restarts: same food as their owners. In some parts of the world,
any mammal is therefore both a definitive and intermediate trichinellosis in carnivores is more common, as is the case in
host and the cycle is described as auto-heteroxenous. Southeast Asia and China and carnivores, which may some-
T. pseudospiralis and T. papuae are different because times be consumed by humans, can also become a source of
their larvae remain free in the muscle fibres and do not de- infestation.
velop inside cysts.
Their pathogenicity is significant, especially in humans, Clinical signs and lesions
for whom the ingestion of 50 larvae is enough to produce Clinical signs
clinical signs. Allergic reactions are frequent in humans but, Usually absent in animals and present in humans, they are
although wild reservoirs are receptive, they are not very sen- divided into two stages, one intestinal and one muscular, or
sitive. Pathogenicity depends on the species and strain of general, stage.
Trichinella. The intestinal stage starts in the week following infesta-
tion, is accompanied by hyperthermia and lasts for approxi-
Epidemiology mately 1 month. It also causes colic.
Trichinellosis develops enzootically in animal populations in The muscular or general stage occurs 3 weeks after infes-
different parts of the world and wild epidemiological cycles tation and combines myalgia, asthenia and allergic reactions,
can be distinguished from domestic cycles. Transmission is including facial oedema and an urticarial rash. Cardiac dis-
linked to meat consumption, including predation and scav- ruption is possible, although larvae are not localised to the
enging. Carnivorous birds such as ravens and magpies, may heart, and abortion is not uncommon when trichinellosis
excrete infective cysts in their droppings. Scavenging beetles affects pregnant women. Persistent muscular pain, as well
may also carry viable cysts. Predisposing factors include the as the general asthenia, is experienced by patients for several
presence of rats near livestock, tail and ear biting, and canni- months or even years.
balism linked to overpopulation in swine. Digestive disorders, then muscular problems, have been
Humans become infested by consuming wild game or reported in dogs, but allergic reactions seem to be quite spe-
farmed meat. Ingestion of raw, or insufficiently cooked or cific to human infestation.
CONTENTS Miscellaneous parasitoses 205


Lesions Prevention
Acute enteritis lesions can be seen, followed by eosinophil- • Animal infestation can be prevented by simple measures:
ic myositis with the formation of Trichinella cysts. Overall rat control and disposal of carcasses, and prohibiting the
pathogenicity is related to the combined pathogenicity of the use of raw abattoir waste in animal feed.
intestinal adults and the larvae in the muscles, along with the • Human infestation can be prevented in two ways:
host’s immune and inflammatory response. • Individual measures: cooking meat correctly before con-
sumption (approximately 56 °C all the way through).
Diagnosis Mandatory freezing of game for a month at -20 °C.
Various methods can be employed to diagnose trichinello- • Collective, regulatory measures: screening of local and
sis: serology (ELISA), which becomes positive approximately imported meat, in accordance with regulations in force.
3 weeks after infestation, PCR (from muscle biopsy), and de-
tection of encysted larvae on muscle biopsy.

Control measures
There is no treatment for livestock but high doses of benzim-
idazoles could be considered for use in domestic carnivores
and humans.
Anthelmintic treatment is more effective when adminis-
tered early, killing the intestinal females and larvae which
have not yet encysted. No treatment is active after larvae have
encysted. Corticotherapy limits allergic reactions in humans.



Flea infestation C. felis felis is not host-specific and can take its blood meal
from various mammals (domestic and wild carnivores, opos-
sums, rodents, rabbits, ruminants, humans, etc.) (Fig.  3).
Introduction More than 50 hosts have been identified, even though this
The cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis, is the predominant flea sub-species is called the cat flea. The owners of flea-infested
species found on cats and dogs, with a prevalence of over cats and dogs are often bitten and frequently develop pruritic
90 % cited in almost all publications (Fig. 1). However, other papules on their legs and ankles.
flea species can occasionally be seen on carnivores: Cteno-
cephalides canis (dog flea) (Fig. 2), Spilopsyllus cuniculi (rab-
bit flea), Ceratophyllus spp. (bird fleas), Xenopsylla cheopis
(rat flea), Archeopsylla erinacei (hedgehog flea), Leptopsylla
segnis (rodent flea) and Pulex irritans (human or fox flea).
These fleas represent less than 1 % of the fleas found on cats,
and are usually found on outdoor cats which hunt.
C. canis is the predominant flea species found on dogs in
some parts of the world, such as Central Europe. P. irritans,
the fox and human flea, is also common on dogs in some areas.
C. felis can be divided into four sub-species, three of which
infest felids. C. felis felis (Bouché, 1935) is the predominant
sub-species in Europe and North America, whereas C. felis
strongylus is more common in Africa and the Middle East.
C. felis orientis (Jordan, 1925) is found in Asia. These last
two sub-species are morphologically very similar to C. can-
is (Curtis, 1826). C. felis damarensis (Jordan, 1936) infests
small carnivores and is found in North America. Figure 2. Adult Ctenocephalides canis.

Figure 1. Adults Ctenocephalides felis. Figure 3. Sheep heavily infested by Ctenocephalides felis.
CONTENTS Entomoses 211

Fleas are the most common ectoparasites infesting pets in The third pair of legs is bigger than the others, and adapt-
both rural and urban habitats. Cat fleas are adapted to their ed to jumping to facilitate infestation of the host. The average
environment (outdoor and indoor) and persist throughout jumping distance of C. felis felis is 20 cm (2–48 cm), and of
the seasons, even surviving through the winter in temperate C. canis is 30 cm (3–50 cm). Jump height is about 15 cm,
countries. Nevertheless, infestation and clinical manifesta- with a maximum height of 25 cm attained by C. felis.
tion usually peaks between spring and autumn. Flea eggs are small (0.2–0.5 mm), ovoid and white to
Cats usually tolerate fleas quite well but flea infestation yellow-white.
can sometimes provoke intense pruritus and some animals
will develop flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) with more pro-
nounced skin lesions.
C. felis is usually recovered from 5 % to over 50 % of the
cats studied in epidemiological surveys, and the variation is
linked to methodology, country, season, treatment history,
etc. C. felis probably originated in Africa and is better adapt-
ed to warm climates than cold. It is found in both rural and
urban areas and on pets living indoors or outdoors.

Fleas are wingless insects, 2–4 mm long and a yellow-

ish-brown colour, belonging to the order Siphonaptera.
There are approximately 2,500 flea species, divided into
15 families and 200 genera. Most fleas of medical and veter-
inary importance belong to the family Pulicidae.
Many species bear one or more “combs” or ctenidia,
which are groups of sclerotinised spines. Flea classification
is mainly based on the morphology of the head and the adult
genitalia, and the number of ctenidia and their positions.
Ctenocephalides fleas have two pronounced ctenidia: the ge-
nal ctenidia on the ventral margin of the head, and the pro-
notal ctenidia on the posterior margin of the head (Fig. 4).
Fleas usually have well-developed eyes, and antennae
which are composed of three segments and located in an-
tennal fossae on each side of the head. The mouthparts are
well adapted to blood sucking: the two labial palps locate
the feeding site, then the other mouthparts (the “stylets”) are
used to pierce the skin through to a capillary. They then form
a feeding canal and a salivary canal.
C. felis felis belongs to the family Pulicidae. It is 2–4 mm
long and orange to dark brown in colour. The front of its
head is rounded and has two perpendicular combs lined with
dark brown teeth. The body is laterally compressed to facili-
tate movement between hairs and the third pair of legs is very
well developed and adapted to jumping. C. canis is smaller
than C. felis, the head is shorter and the first spine of the
genal ctenidia measures half of the second in C. canis and
almost the same length in C. felis. Figure 4. Head of Ctenocephalides felis showing the two ctenidiae.

There are three successive worm-like larval stages (L1-

L3): eyeless, legless, with a head and 12 posterior segments.
They measure from 1.5 mm (L1) to 8 mm long (L3).
Flea pupae are formed in sticky cocoons, often surround-
ed by debris which helps provide camouflage.

Figure 5. Flea taking a blood meal on a dog. Figure 6. Fleas mating.

Figure 7. Female flea laying an egg on its host. Figure 8. Flea eggs on the ground.
CONTENTS Entomoses 213


200 μm 200 μm

Figure 9. Electronic
microscopy showing a flea
egg (A and B) and a recently
hatched stage 1 larva of 100 μm
C. felis.

1 mm

Figure 10. Stage 3 Ctenocephalides felis larva. Figure 11. Flea cocoons and stage 3 larvae on a sofa.

Biology of Ctenocephalides fleas animals. However, the epidemiological role of these few ma-
Over the last 20 years, studies on the biology of fleas on ture fleas which transfer from one host to another can be
pets have improved our understanding of the flea life cycle, significant due to the prolificacy of each female.
providing us with essential information to construct an ef- Adult fleas take their first blood meal 30 minutes to
fective flea control programme. Some ideas about cat fleas 1 hour after arrival on the animal and then breed within the
have been found to be wrong, for example, the adult flea is following 48 hours (Figs. 5 and 6). Each female can lay up
no longer considered a transitory parasite, found on the cat to 50 eggs per day at her peak, starting to lay a few eggs
or dog only when feeding, but a permanent parasite which 36 hours after infesting the host and averaging 20–30 eggs
tends to stay on the same animal. It only survives for 3 to per day (Fig. 7). Females lay eggs throughout their whole life,
5 days in the external environment if it falls off. Adult fleas which is usually short (15 to 30 days). They probably take
on pet animals exceptionally change host and infest other 4 to 10 blood meals per day, each lasting several minutes.

Life cycle of Ctenocephalides spp.

Adult fleas typically stay Dog and cat
on the host until they die,
Each female flea can lay an average
rarely moving from animal to
of 25 eggs per day (up to 2,000 in a
reproductive lifetime). Eggs drop off
the animal to infest the environment
(bedding, home, garden)

Adult ce
d fae
s a st
egg ho
a om
Fle p fr
dro Flea faeces
and eggs

Egg production: 1-2 days

after adults start feeding

vibration or
Stimulated by y emerges
g adult rapidl
CO2, the youn Stage 1
s the host
and acquire Entire life cycle: 14 to 325 days larvae hatch
(depending on conditions)



Stage 1 larva


Pupal emergence Stage 2 larva

Flea larvae feed on flea

Pupa faeces. Larvae moult
from L1 to L2 and L3

D.H. = definitive host Stage 3 larva

CONTENTS Entomoses 215

The eggs are not fixed to the host and fall to the ground When humidity is favourable, the life cycle of C. felis
as the animal moves around (Figs. 8 and 9). It has been esti- takes 14 days at 29 oC. On average, a complete life cycle can
mated that the eggs remain on the animal’s skin for around be considered to take 3 to 4 weeks.
2 hours before falling off. This enables contact with any The emergence of fleas from their cocoons is influenced by
insecticides or insect growth regulators (IGRs) that may be various factors: shadows, footsteps, vibrations (for example,
present on the animal’s skin. When temperature and humid- from a vacuum cleaner) can all trigger emergence. Cats typi-
ity are optimal, eggs hatch in 3–7 days on the ground. The cally catch fleas by passing through an infested environment,
maximum number of eggs will usually be found where pets either outdoors in the right season, or indoors (e.g., when visit-
are resting. ing someone else’s house), and they often bring fleas into their
The larvae are a few millimetres in length and are non-par- own house, where they then breed and become a source of in-
asitic, feeding on organic debris, mainly skin debris and adult festation for other cats or dogs sharing the same environment.
flea faeces (desiccated blood). They prefer dark and humid
conditions and can move horizontally for about 20 cm in se- Ecology
cluded places (for example, under sofas, carpets and rugs, or Most flea species infesting wild animals are nidicolous, so
in pet bedding) L1 and L2 are very sensitive to UV light and they live in nests or burrows and infest their hosts just to
desiccation. take their blood meal. Their reproductive cycle may run
Having passed through three larval stages over a period of in parallel to their hosts’, which is the case for the rab-
a week to a month, each L3 spins a cocoon in which it met- bit flea, S. cuniculi, whose population increases when
amorphoses into a pre-emerged flea within about 10 days. their rabbit or hare hosts give birth to their progeny.

The cocoon is sticky and is surrounded by debris which pro- These nidicolous fleas mainly infest small mammals (ro-
tects it (Figs. 10 and 11). dents, lagomorphs, bats) and birds.
Adult fleas quickly emerge from the pupae if hosts are The situation is different for fleas which infest carnivores
nearby but, if no hosts are available, the non-emerged adult as adult stages of these fleas are more permanent parasites,
fleas can survive for 6 to 12 months, protected by their co- remaining in the host’s fur. The environment is then contami­
coons. Pre-emerged fleas are an important reservoir of new nated by the immature stages (eggs, larvae, and pre-emerged
fleas which are relatively resistant to insecticides while pro- fleas in their cocoons) which represent the source of infes-
tected by their cocoon They are easily transported from one tation. It is this distribution between adults and pre-adults
place to another by animals and humans as they are sticky which makes controlling fleas on pets so difficult, as well as
and attach to shoes, socks, trousers, etc. the low host specificity.
Newly emerged fleas actively seek out a host (preferably Most pet owners just wait until they see their pet scratch-
a cat or dog) and can survive for about a week without a ing, then want to kill the fleas which are actually on the ani-
blood meal. mal, but the most difficult aspect of flea control is that most
Environmental conditions affect the development and pet owners do not realise the importance of the pre-existing
timing of flea life cycles. Each stage in the life cycle is suscep- environmental infestation or understand its relationship to
tible to desiccation and relative humidity of 85 % is optimal. flea biology.
Temperature can accelerate or slow down development. The This is why the concept of integrated flea control is so
minimum temperature for C. felis seems to be 22 oC, with important. By the time a pet owner notices fleas on his/her
the optimum being 25–26 oC. Temperatures above 30 oC re- pet, there is already a large biomass of flea life stages pre­
duce adult lifespans. In winter, an outside temperature below sent in the pet’s environment. Flea biology dictates that it will
0 oC is fatal to larvae and pupae. The life cycle slows down take approximately 1–2 months for these life stages to com-
considerably at 17–19  oC, but pre-emerged adults survive, plete their development: for the eggs to develop into larvae,
waiting for more favourable conditions. This means that then into pupae and finally into pre-emerged adults ready to
fleas can survive all year round, with a sudden population emerge from the pupal cocoon and jump onto a passing ani-
explosion in spring. mal. It is therefore biologically impossible to eradicate a flea
infestation overnight, regardless of which product is chosen
to treat the animal.

It is important to understand that the length of time it will of reinfestation and the reason that fleas can still be seen on
take to resolve any individual flea problem is governed by a pets which are consistently treated with a long-lasting anti-flea
number of factors that are unknown at the beginning of the product. Seeing a few fleas on a treated pet does not equate to
treatment. product failure and expecting pets with access to the outdoors
to be “flea free” in humid, tropical conditions is unrealistic.
The most important ecological questions in flea control is:
• Where are the fleas coming from: indoors/outdoors or a Clinical signs
combination of the two? The source of fleas can be neigh- Fleas are responsible for numerous clinical signs, and allergic
bouring cats and dogs, but also stray cats and wild ani- animals should be differentiated from non-allergic animals.
mals, such as opossums, raccoons, etc. The reservoir of The vast majority of animals suffer from irritation and pruri-
pupae could be located outside the house, in the basement, tus (Fig. 12): they continuously scratch, groom, lick or nibble
in the garden or even outside the garden, in a place where at themselves, more or less vigorously, in an attempt to catch
dogs and cats often visit. the fleas, swallowing them in the process. Cats are very suc-
• How many immature stages are already present in the en- cessful, and this largely explains the infestation by Dipylidi-
vironment? The life cycle never stops in tropical and Med- um caninum cestodes, with fleas as intermediate hosts. Toler-
iterranean climates, but it stops outdoors, and slows down ance of this infestation varies drastically from one animal to
indoors, during cold periods (and also during hot and dry another: some cats are able to withstand infestation by hun-
periods), and increases in spring, in temperate and conti- dreds of parasites and only express mild pruritus, whereas
nental climates. others present with allergic dermatitis with only a few fleas.
• How long will it take for the immature stages to complete
their development? This can vary according to fluctuations
at a microclimate level.
• Is there an ongoing source of new flea eggs in the

These unknowns explain why flea treatment results vary

from household to household, from year to year, and even
from season to season.
Remember, the flea life cycle does not only occur inside
the house, there is a large reservoir of outdoor fleas due to the
interaction between untreated pets/strays/feral and native an-
imals and the flea. This outdoor life cycle is a constant source

Figure 13. Acute exudative dermatitis in a dog infested by fleas.

Pictures from Canine Dermatology Guide, E. Guaguère and
Figure 12. Flea-infested dog scratching. P. Prélaud, Ed. Merial, 2008.
CONTENTS Entomoses 217

Flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) is triggered by individual Beside intense pruritus with scratching wounds, other le-
factors and the antigens that provoke this immuno-inflam- sions in cats and dogs include diffuse hair loss, primarily but
matory response come from flea saliva. Cats and dogs with not exclusively on the lumbosacral area. Chronic inflamma-
FAD overreact and show some typical, and some less typical, tion can alter the skin’s appearance, which thickens (ortho-
clinical signs (Fig.  13–15). These clinical signs correspond keratotic hyperkeratosis) and acquires a greyish colouration
to a mast cell-mediated cutaneous hypersensitivity reaction, (melanosis). Secondary infection by yeasts (Malassezia pach-
with tissue infiltration by polynuclear cells (including baso- ydermatis) or Staphylococcus intermedius is common.
phils and eosinophils) and increased IgE production. De-
granulation follows, and inflammatory mediators (especially
histamine, serotonin and various leukotrienes) are released,
provoking a skin hypersensitivity reaction.

Figure 14. Typical appearance of flea allergy dermatitis in dogs with dorsal alopecia and squamosis.
Pictures from Canine Dermatology Guide, E. Guaguère and P. Prélaud, Ed. Merial, 2008.

Figure 15. Flea allergy

dermatitis in a cat,
showing hair loss and
hyperkeratosis at the
base of its tail.

Figure 16. Skin of a cat with flea allergy dermatitis which has Figure 17. Hypersensitivity to flea bites in a human.
licked itself repeatedly.

Figure 18. Flea faeces on a cat’s chin, with scratching injury. Figure 19. Flea faeces visible in the fur.

Other clinical signs are more specific to cats, such as mil- Diagnosis
iary dermatitis, which is defined by numerous papules and The diagnosis of flea infestation relies on finding fleas in
scabs on the back and around the neck, which feels as if it is the coat, but it sometimes presents great difficulties due to
covered with sand. The animal scratches itself continuously the mobility of the fleas. The tail, ventral face and neck are-
and can even harm itself with its claws. Continuous licking as must be examined for fleas and finding the insects in the
and self-inflicted injury are also possible and hair loss can be fur can be very difficult. It has been demonstrated that only
seen on the abdominal area, legs, flanks or tail (Figs. 15 and 5–15 % of fleas carried on an animal are discovered. Finding
16) as a result. Flea saliva allergens may also result in feline just one flea, or flea droppings, therefore justifies treatment.
eosinophilic complex with various clinical manifestations: The level of infestation is described as average (<5 fleas), high
granuloma or cutaneous eosinophilic plaques, labial ulcera- (5–10 fleas) or very high (>10).
tion, lymphadenopathy. Flea faeces are easier to find than the fleas themselves, ap-
Besides this directly pathogenic involvement of fleas, they pearing as a small “comma-shaped” grain of up to 1 mm in
play an indirect role in pathogenesis by spreading Dipylidi- length when intact and, when dampened on white paper, the
um caninum, Taenia and Bartonella henselae, the agent of “flea dirt” appear as a reddish colouration due to the flea’s
“cat scratch disease” in humans (Fig. 17). blood diet (Figs. 18 and 19).
CONTENTS Entomoses 219

Role of fleas as vectors

Fleas are competent vectors for numerous pathogens of medi- To date, only a few clinical cases have been reported world-
cal and veterinary importance. Plague and murine typhus have wide, although the disease is probably ubiquitous. It may also
long been known, but cat and dog fleas can transmit other pa- be misdiagnosed as a tick-borne rickettsiosis. Classic symp-
thogens, such as bacteria responsible for cat scratch disease (a toms are fever, maculopapular rash and eschar.
type of bartonellosis), feline anaemia (formerly “haemobarto-
Very few clinical cases due to R. felis in animals have been
nellosis”), and flea-borne spotted fever (ricketssiosis).
reported in the literature. Interestingly, R. felis DNA was found
in the serum of a dog living in a house in Spain where two
Cat scratch disease due to Bartonella people were suffering from flea-borne spotted fever, evidenced
henselae by PCR. The dog did not present with fever, but fatigue, vo-
There is abundant literature concerning cat scratch disease and miting and diarrhoea were reported. In a similar situation in
other Bartonella infections, and there is little indication that Germany, a dog from a family in which two people suffered
these bacterial infections are increasing or that their epidemio- from flea-borne spotted fever was found to be infected by R.
logy is changing. However, the number of human cases of cat felis but showed no clinical signs.
scratch disease is not decreasing, despite improved flea control,
and it seems that bartonellosis is now affecting adults whereas Infestation by Dipylidium caninum
it was formerly considered to be a childhood disease. Although this is not a true vector-borne disease, fleas are the
cestode’s natural intermediate hosts. Taeniosis due to D. cani-
num should be included in the list of diseases related to the
Feline infectious anaemia
presence of fleas. This cestode can be zoonotic in the event
due to Mycoplasma that a human accidentally ingests a flea.

There is literature worldwide concerning the infection of cats by
“Haemobartonella”, now called Mycoplasma haemominutum or
Putative transmission of other
Mycoplasma haemofelis. The prevalence of infection is usually
high (20 % to 40 %), but pathogenicity is still considered to
Some authors have suggested the possible role of fleas as vec-
be low, except where there is co-infection, for example, with
tors for many pathogens. FIV and FeLV viruses have been stu-
FIV-FeLV in cats.
died, but no proof of a vector role has yet been published. It
is important to remember that finding pathogen DNA in fleas
Flea-borne spotted fever due to collected from cats, dogs or other animals through PCR only
Rickettsia felis means that the flea has ingested the pathogen (dead or alive,
Rickettsia felis emerged recently as a new pathogen in humans, whole or fragmented) in the blood of its host, and nothing
responsible for flea-borne spotted fever, also called cat-flea more. There has recently been some controversy regarding the
typhus. role of fleas in the transmission of Leishmania infantum to
dogs, but the distribution of canine leishmaniosis would likely
This bacterium was first detected in the cat flea, C. felis, in
be very different if fleas could act as vectors. Experimental de-
1990, using molecular biology. DNA fragments of this organism
signs using natural transmission are necessary to demonstrate
were then detected in blood samples taken from the first human
a vector role: from host to vector, and from vector to host. In the
patient, in Texas. It is thought to be distributed worldwide, like
case of fleas, transovarial transmission should also be demons-
its main vector, C. felis.
trated, bearing in mind that adult fleas do not usually move
The prevalence of R. felis can be very high, and it varies with from one host to another.
environment and season. Although C. felis is the main biologi-
cal vector for R. felis, this bacterium has also been detected in
C. canis, P. irritans (the human flea), and A. erinacei. R. felis
has also recently been found in X. cheopis, the Oriental rat flea.

Control measures
Fleas both on the animal and in its environment must be con- furniture) to be defined, which can be difficult. The environ-
sidered to prevent infestation. Preventive agents must have ment should be considered in its larger context, not only the
two properties: an immediate effect and a long-lasting effect habitat, or places where the animal travels to, but also other
(sustained action) (Fig. 20). To interrupt the insect cycle, fleas animals (other cats, dogs) which may come into contact with
must be eliminated before they can reproduce and lay eggs, the animal. Where possible, all animals encountered should
therefore before the end of the first 36 hours, as indicated be included in the prevention programme and regularly
on most insecticides. Some products have a rapid effect (less treated for flea infestation. Environmental (household) for-
than 24 hours) combined with sustained efficacy and these mulations usually contain both an insecticide and a growth
interrupt the cycle completely. The combination of IGR and regulator (juvenile hormone analogue) which interfere with
insecticides to treat dogs and cats has been proven to be use- the normal development of immature stages. Diffusers are
ful to accelerate flea eradication in the environment, especial- a volumetric treatment which enables widespread distribu-
ly when owners do not treat for fleas regularly. tion of insecticide molecules. Sprays are particularly useful
Controlling fleas in the environment requires all of the for inaccessible zones but, as these products cannot reach all
potentially infested areas (sleeping areas, carpets, cars, environmental life stages, efficacy remains partial.

Video 7.1
The flea risk.

Video 7.2
Adult fleas
in a dog’s fur.
Figure 20. Anti-flea treatment applied topically (A)
or given orally (B) to a dog.
CONTENTS Entomoses 221

Lice infestation

General comments found on pets which lead an outdoor life, bringing them into
Lice infestation in dogs is most commonly caused by the direct contact with other animals. Louse species are very
chewing (or biting) louse Trichodectes canis (family Tricho- host-specific, and there is no risk of transmission between
dectidae; Fig. 1) than by the sucking louse Linognathus se- pet species, or to humans.
tosus (family Haematopinidae; Fig. 2), characterised by an Lice are small, grey-brown insects, dorsoventrally flat-
elongated head, like other sucking lice, such as the human tened and wingless. All louse species spend their entire life
louse Pediculus humanus. Mixed infestations can also occur. on the host and are very host-specific. Adult female lice lay
The only cat louse is the chewing louse Felicola subro- individual eggs and attach them to individual hairs. Imma-
stratus (Fig. 3). ture lice (nymphs), resembling small adults, hatch from the
Lice infestation is a rare ectoparasitosis in domestic pets egg after approximately 1 to 2 weeks and then develop into
but a common one in both stray cats and dogs. It can be mature adults over the next 3 weeks.

1 mm 1 mm

Figure 1. Adult Trichodectes canis. Figure 2. Adult Linognathus.

1 mm 1 mm

Figure 3. Adult Felicola subrostratus. Figure 4. Adult Heterodoxus spiniger.


Morphology and biology composed of three segments (family Trichodectidae) with

Lice belong to the order Phtiraptera, and suborder Anoplura one claw at the end of each leg.
(sucking lice) or Mallophaga (chewing lice). Unlike cats, dogs can be infested by T. canis (Fig. 1) but
Louse infestation in cats is only caused by the chewing also by the sucking louse, L. setosus (Fig. 2). In tropical coun-
louse F. subrostratus (Fig. 3). Chewing lice have a head which tries, dogs can also be affected by Heterodoxus spiniger, an-
is broader than their thorax, unlike the sucking lice, which other chewing louse (family Boopidae) which originated in
have a narrow head. F. subrostratus is taxonomically close to marsupials and has adapted to canids (Fig. 4).
T. canis, the chewing louse infesting dogs and they both have Felicola and Trichodectes lice are small (1–2 mm
visible antennae (which defines the superfamily Ischnocera), long), yellowish, dorsoventrally flattened, and wingless.

Life cycle of chewing lice (Mallophaga)

Dog (T. canis) or cat (F. subrostratus)
Lice have stout mandibles on the
ventral side of their head. They feed
on epidermal scales and sebaceous
Nymphs moult and gradually secretions, and, occasionally also
grow until they reach the adult on blood
stage (simple metamorphosis)

The adults attach

Nymphs themselves to the host’s
hair and complete the
life cycle


Complete life cycle: 2–3 weeks

Dog (T. canis

and H. spiniger)
The eggs hatch
and release
nymphs, which
look like adults
but are much
smaller Cat (F. subrostratus)

Females lay operculated

eggs which are attached
Egg (nit) to the host’s hair

D.H. = definitive host

CONTENTS Entomoses 223

50 µm
Figure 5. Louse egg (nit).

Life cycle of sucking lice (Anoplura)

Dog and fox
Adults and nymphs can move
to new hosts or remain on the
same host to complete their

life cycle. Most transfer occurs
during direct contact between
Nymphs moult hosts
and gradually grow
until they reach the
adult stage (simple


Complete life cycle: 2-3 weeks

Adults have piercing/sucking

The eggs hatch and release mouthparts and they feed
nymphs, which look like on blood
adults, but are much smaller

Egg (nit) Females attach eggs (nits)

to the host hair
D.H. = definitive host

The head of Felicola is triangular with the point directed

forwards (Fig. 3), whereas the head of Trichodectes is rec-
tangular (Fig. 1). The head has a median longitudinal groove
which fits around the host’s hair and helps the louse attach
during egg laying (Figs. 5 and 6).
Adult lice have a claw at the end of each tarsus which al-
lows them to remain attached to the coat and they are found
mostly around the hair base. Lice are permanent parasites
that feed on skin scales, cutaneous debris, hair, and inflam-
matory exudate where there is dermatitis. They remain on
the surface of the epidermis and can move quite quickly. It
can be hard to see the adults. Figure 6. Felicola subrostratus egg.
The females lay their whitish eggs (called nits) at the base
of the hairs. These nits are operculated, 1 mm long and at-
tached to the hair by cement so, as the hairs grow, nits are
found along their whole length (Fig. 7). They hatch out in
about 6 days, giving rise to nymphs (sometimes also called
larvae), which look like smaller and less sclerotinised adult
lice (immature stages of these paurometabolic insects are
morphologically similar to adults, apart from their size).
Nymphs moult three times before becoming adults and the
life cycle usually takes about 3–4 weeks. Each female lays
about 300 eggs and lives between 6 and 8 weeks.
Transfer of lice between hosts is by close contact or fo-
mites, such as grooming equipment. Lice do not like cold or
hot conditions and need to feed continuously, so they can-
not survive off the host for more than a few days (3–4 days
at the most). Kittens and puppies often catch lice from their
infested mothers and louse numbers tend to be highest on
young, elderly and debilitated animals. The latter is due to
an inability to self-groom effectively, which normally helps
keep louse numbers low. Clinical signs are therefore seen in
these animals, and some healthy animals carry a low burden
without obvious signs.
Lice are less common on domestic pets nowadays and
regu­lar flea treatments are assumed to play a role in elimi-
nating them. Figure 7. Louse eggs.
CONTENTS Entomoses 225

Chewing lice (T. canis, F. subrostratus and H. spiniger)

have abrasive mouthparts that bite the skin, and then the dis-
rupted surface layer is ingested. This activity causes pruritus
that increases as louse numbers increase, resulting in second-
ary trauma, caused by rubbing or scratching, that may ap-
pear as areas of alopecia.
L. setosus may be tolerated relatively well as it causes less
pruritus but it can result in substantial blood loss and anae-
mia when present in large numbers.

Clinical signs
Small numbers of lice may go unnoticed but heavy infesta- Figure 8. Lice infestation in a dog.
tions, particularly of chewing/biting lice, may cause alopecia
and dermatitis. Depending on coat colour, louse eggs cement-
ed to hairs may be easily visible (particularly against dark
hairs) or the lice themselves may be visible against pale skin. No treatments are indicated for sucking lice in dogs, but
A heavy L. setosus infestation may cause anaemia. treatments indicated for chewing lice should be effective.
A single treatment may be all that is required if the prod-
Diagnosis uct’s residual activity ensures that immature lice hatching

Lice are visible to the naked eye and are characteristically from eggs after application will also be killed (egg shells are
flattened dorsoventrally. Eggs can be seen as pale structures not very permeable to insecticides). However, it is worth
attached to hairs (Fig. 8). checking that there are no remaining signs of lice after ap-
proximately a month, particularly where infestation has been
Control measures heavy, to evaluate whether further treatment is necessary.
A range of insecticides are recommended for treatment of Although it has not been studied, the insect growth regula-
chewing lice on cats and dogs, and all animals of the same tors (IGRs) used to control fleas (i.e., pyriproxyfen, (S)-meth-
species in the household should also be checked and/or treat- oprene, lufenuron) may have an effect on louse reproduction
ed at the same time as the animal with the louse infestation. and development of the nymphal stages.

Myiasis Only the larvae are parasitic, obligate or facultative de-

pending on the species and they feed on tissues. The three
larval stages seen in healthy skin or wounds use their buccal
General comments sclerites (hooks) to meander through skin and subcutaneous
Myiasis is a seasonal condition caused by dipteran insect lar- connective tissue.
vae (maggots). These facultative or obligate parasites contam- Free-living adults are active in the summer and they sur-
inate wounds and/or healthy skin. Carnivores are occasional vive the winter in the external environment as pupae. The
hosts for species which are mainly found in sheep, but also life cycle of all species is quite rapid in the active season, with
in cattle, horses and pigs. Dogs are more commonly infested some important differences relating to external temperature.
than cats. Wohlfahrtia magnifica are attracted by warm-blooded
animals and lay approximately 150 larvae on healthy or
Biology damaged skin.
There are only four genera of myiasis-causing flies in Europe:
Wohlfahrtia (W. magnifica), Lucilia (L. sericata) (Fig.  1),
Calliphora and Musca (Figs. 2 and 3). Other flies are found
in other regions: Cochliomyia hominivorax (South Ameri-
ca), Dermatobia hominis (South America), Curetebra spp.
(North America) and Cordylobia anthropophaga (tropical
Africa) (Fig. 4).
Dogs can sometimes be infested with flies that normal-
ly feed on carrion, such as the flesh fly Sarcophaga (Fig. 5).
Figure 3.
These flies cause opportunistic myiasis. Musca

Figure 1.
sericata. Figure 4. Cordylobia sp. stage 3 larva.

Figure 5.
Figure 2. Sarcophaga
Musca sp. fly. sp. fly.
CONTENTS Entomoses 227

Lucilia sericata are attracted by moist areas of the body, Powerful hooks and proteolytic enzyme secretion give lar-
skin lesions, urine and diarrhoea, where they lay several vae a great capacity for tissue destruction which then attracts
thousand eggs in clumps of 50–100. more flies.
Cutaneous myiasis mostly occurs in the summer. Predis- D. hominis and C. anthropophaga larvae may also para-
posing factors include unprotected wounds, constant mois- sitise humans.
ture on the body (caused by urine and faecal staining in
recumbent, debilitated dogs, for example) and close contact
with sheep (especially W. magnifica and L. sericata).

Life cycle of flesh flies

Larvae feed on exudate

and destroy tissues

Stage 1 larva Stage 2 larva

Stage 1 larvae hatch

from the eggs

A small wound may become

a large infected cavity
3-9 days

Stage 3 larva

Adults lay eggs in a Stage 3 la

wound on the host rvae drop
dig into th out of the
e soil and wound,
become p

Dog and cat

Ad the
ult fro
s e nt
m en
er d
ge of

Adult flies land on wounds

th the

or hair covered with urine

ug pu
h pa

or faecal matter and feed


on exudates


Clinical signs Control measures

Dermatological signs: painful and often foul-smell- Treatment involves clipping the affected area, thorough
ing areas of ulceration, draining tracts and necrosis. cleaning of infested wounds and irrigating the site with an
A channel can sometimes be seen at the point of larval pene- appropriate antiseptic solution. Larvae must be removed by
tration and maggots are often visible (Fig. 6). Pressure points hand and necrotic areas surgically resected. Wound dress-
(legs, elbows), lips, vulva, prepuce and tail are most affected ings should be applied to protect against further fly strike.
(Figs. 7 and 8). Systemic signs are variable and include fever, Systemic antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and analgesics are
lethargy, anorexia and pain, shock and signs relating to the also indicated.
underlying condition. It can sometimes be difficult to remove all the larvae, and
some form of insecticide may be needed. This can be topical
Diagnosis or systemic (macrocyclic lactones, isoxazolines), and should
Diagnosis is based on medical history, clinical signs and iden- be applied on several occasions.
tification of larvae. Prevention consists of eliminating predisposing factors:
Microscopic examination of the larvae, especially their good hygiene for recumbent, debilitated dogs and insecti-
stigmatic plates, can be used to identify species. cides for susceptible sheep are recommended.
Prognosis is often very guarded, particularly if the ani-
mal is systemically ill.

Figure 6. Maggot.

Figure 7. Myiasis in a dog. Figure 8. Myiasis lesions in (A) a dog and (B) a cat.
Courtesy of Blaise Hubert.
CONTENTS Entomoses 229

Table 1. Major species responsible for myiasis in the dog.

Myiasis-causing flies Classification Morphology

• Adult: black and whitefly with mouth parts (proboscis) designed for licking. Musca
Diptera, Brachycera, domestica (common house fly) 6–9 mm.
Musca spp. (worldwide) Cyclorrhapha, • Larva: white to yellowish maggot, blackish buccal sclerites clearly visible. 1–6 mm
Muscidae, Muscinae according to stage (L1 to L3). Anterior end thin, final segments larger. Posterior stigmatic
plates in L3 composed of three very sinuous clefts.
• Adult: 5–10 mm. Metallic green, sometimes copper-coloured. Dorsal thorax hairy.
Lucilia sericata Diptera, Brachycera,
• Larva: white to yellowish maggot, blackish buccal sclerites clearly visible. 1–6 mm
(worldwide, Cyclorrhapha,
according to stage (L1 to L3). Anterior end thin, final segments larger. Posterior stigmatic
common in Europe) Calliphoridae
plates in L3 composed of three very straight clefts.
• Adult: 8–10 mm with blue-green metallic sheen. Three black bands on thorax.
Cochliomyia Diptera, Brachycera,
• Larva: white to yellowish maggot, blackish buccal sclerites clearly visible. 1–6 mm
hominivorax Cyclorrhapha,
according to stage (L1 to L3). Anterior end thin, final segments larger. Posterior stigmatic
(tropical America) Calliphoridae
plates in L3 composed of three very straight clefts.
• Adult: Cayor fly, tumbu fly. 6–12 mm. Yellowish-brown.
Cordylobia Diptera, Brachycera,
• Larva: white to yellowish maggot, blackish buccal sclerites clearly visible. 1–6 mm
anthropophaga Cyclorrhapha,
according to stage (L1 to L3). Anterior end thin, final segments larger. Posterior stigmatic
(tropical Africa) Calliphoridae
plates in L3 composed of three very straight clefts converging on the button.
• Adult: flesh fly. Large with metallic sheen. 12 mm. Thorax and abdomen steely blue,
Diptera, Brachycera, reddish eyes.
Calliphora spp. Cyclorrhapha, • Larva: whitish maggot, blackish buccal sclerites clearly visible. 1–6 mm according to stage

Calliphoridae (L1 to L3). Anterior end thin, final segments larger. Stigmatic plates, very pronounced in
L3, composed of three very straight clefts converging on the terminal button.
Diptera, Brachycera, • Adult: large (12 mm). Dark blue mouth with orange eyes.
Cyclorrhapha, • Larva: first stage (3 mm) subcylindrical. Spines on each segment. Very characteristic
Dermatobia hominis
Cuterebridae second stage (5–6 mm) divided into anterior globular part (11 segments) and posterior
(South America)
(related to part extending to the tail. Last stage (10 mm) cylindrical, with small spines on
Oestridae) intermediate segments and two distinct clumps of spines on the anterior surface.
• Adult: hairy, greyish fly with no metallic sheen. 8–14 mm. Round spots on abdomen.
Diptera, Brachycera,
• Larva: yellowish maggot, blackish buccal sclerites clearly visible. 1–6 mm according to
Wohlfahrtia magnifica Cyclorrhapha,
stage (L1 to L3). Anterior end thin, final segments larger. Posterior stigmatic plates very
pronounced in final segment of L3, and composed of three very straight clefts.
• Adult: hairy, greyish fly with glossy sheen. 8–12 mm. Black lines on abdomen.
Diptera, Brachycera,
• Larva: yellowish maggot, blackish buccal sclerites clearly visible. 1–6 mm according to
Sarcophaga spp. Cyclorrhapha,
stage (L1 to L3). Anterior end thin, final segments larger. Posterior stigmatic plates very
pronounced in final segment of L3, and composed of three very straight clefts.
Precise identification of dipteran larvae is very difficult and can only be carried out by a specialist. Identifying adults is easier although there are
many dipteran species.
General description of dipteran larvae: usually three stages, L1, L2 and L3.
Larvae (sometimes called maggots, especially those of the fly family Muscidae) usually conical, pointed in front and truncated behind.
Larvae have 13 segments but the first two are fused (so only 12 are visible). Acephalic, eyeless, no antennae. Mouth with cephalopharyngeal
chitinous exoskeleton; two anterior hooks (labial sclerites) and two posterior, pharyngeal sclerites used in classification.
Caudally, larvae have two respiratory stigmatic plates, each consisting of a chitinous, often circular, plate or peritreme, with a false orifice
(button) and respiratory orifices, grouped together in three sinuous or straight stigmatic clefts.

Video 8
Cutaneous myiasis
on a dog.

Diptera, Brachycera
Flying insect bites Biting flies include stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans [Fig. 1]),
horn flies (Haematobia irritans), horse flies (Tabanus spp.)
and deer flies (Chrysops). They can induce severe pruritic le-
sions, such as crusts, erythema and oedema, often localised
A number of flying insects can cause problems in animals, on the nose, face and ears (Fig. 2). Reactions are caused by
such as the Diptera and Hymenoptera. hypersensitivity to the biting insects” antigenic saliva.

Figure 1. Stomoxys calcitrans.

Figure 2. Ear bite lesions due to Stomoxys in dogs.

CONTENTS Entomoses 231

Diptera, Nematocera Hymenoptera

Mosquitoes (Culex, Aedes [Fig.  3], Anopheles), sandflies Various hymenoptera (bees, wasps, yellow jackets, hornets,
(Phlebotomus [Fig. 4], Lutzomyia [Fig. 5]), black flies (Simu- etc.) can sting dogs and cats. Their venom is irritating and
lium) and midges (Culicoides [Fig. 6]) also bite both dogs and can result in hypersensitivity reactions, including localised
cats, and have been associated with hypersensitivity reactions. swelling, urticaria, anaphylaxis, and a condition known as
facial eosinophilic folliculitis and furunculosis.

Figure 3. Mosquito feeding. Figure 4. Sandfly feeding.

Figure 5. Sandfly after feeding. Figure 6. Midge feeding.


Life cycle of mosquitoes

Dog and cat

The adult females bite
After 24 hours, the adult mosquito the host and feed on
is able to fly and feed their blood. The high-
quality nutrients in the
blood support rapid egg

Adults emerge
through a T-shaped
hole in the back of
the pupa
Adult female

Males live ~ 7 days (feed on plants)
Females live 4–5 months (capable of hibernation)

The adults
lay eggs in
water, then
The pupal seek a new
stage lasts blood meal

from 2 days


to 1 week Pupa

7 days

CONTENTS Entomoses 233

Life cycle of sandflies

Dog and cat

Adult females bite the host

(mainly at night) and feed on
their blood

The high-quality nutrients in

the blood support rapid egg
The pupae develop
and become adults

Pupa } Phlebotomus
(Africa, Eurasia)
} Lutzomyia


Life cycle: ~ 6 weeks

The adults lay

eggs inside cracks,
The larvae crevices and
become pupae grooves (in general,
in dark places with
mild temperatures
and high humidity)
The larvae feed on
decomposed organic
matter and fungi. There are
4 larval stages which can
arrest their development
according to weather The eggs hatch
conditions at 4–20 days


Tick infestation

Ixodidae, known as hard ticks, are giant mites. They have
adapted to live in all habitats and to feed on any kind of host,
from reptiles to mammals. In industrialised countries, they
are also known for their major impact on animal health,
including pets or sport animals (dogs, horses) and livestock
(cattle). They are vectors for many pathogenic agents: virus-
es, bacteria, protozoa or helminths, some of which are com-
mon in humans and animals (Colwell et al., 2011). The most
important tick genera infesting pets worldwide are Ixodes,
Rhipicephalus, Dermacentor, Amblyomma and Haemaph-
ysalis (Fig. 1).

Ixodes sp. male.

Rhipicephalus sp. male. Dermacentor sp. male.

Amblyomma americanum female. Haemaphysalis longicornis male.

Figure 1. Major tick genera.

CONTENTS Acarioses 237

Tick infestation is very common in pets and can be sea-

sonal in temperate zones, or year-round in warmer regions.
Distribution and density of the ticks which infest pets
and humans is variable, as are the pathogens transmitted.
The reasons for these changes are related to climate change
(warmer winters in temperate zones), wildlife populations
(increasing numbers of wild boars, foxes, deer, and rodents),
human activity (creation of parks, riversides, walking trails
in woodlands, forest management, spread of suburban areas
with many gardens and green areas) (Fig. 2), pets travelling
all around the world. It appears that the tick threat is now an
increasing concern in many parts of the world.
Figure 2. Ticks infesting a human.
Main characteristics of ticks
Ixodoidea, a superfamily of the order Acari, comprises two the larval stage). These ticks belong to three main genera:
main families: hard ticks (Ixodidae) and soft ticks (Argasi- Argas (58 species), Ornithodoros (37 species), and Otobius
dae). Ixodidae are characterised morphologically by a den- (2  species). Argas ticks are often found under roofs where
ticulate rostrum and a chitinous dorsal shield (scutum). They birds nest (pigeons in cities) and they can feed on mammals

are characterised by three life stages: larva, nymph and adult, (carnivores, humans) when their usual host is unavailable.
each requiring only one blood meal before developing into Otobius megnini is distributed in the Americas. It usually
the next stage. The main genera are Hyalomma (27 species), locates in the ears of mammals, including dogs and cattle (see
Amblyomma (143 species), Rhipicephalus (79 species, in- life cycle, page 253).
cluding Boophilus species), Dermacentor (38 species), Hae- The next paragraphs will only focus on hard ticks, given
maphysalis (166 species) and Ixodes (249 species). their medical and veterinary importance .
Argasidae are mainly bird and reptile parasites, charac-
terised morphologically by a downward-curving rostrum Geographical distribution
(on the underside of the head) and by the lack of a scutum, and host preference
which together define their status as soft ticks. They are char- Hard ticks are distributed worldwide but each species is re-
acterised by the succession of one larval stage, four to six stricted to a particular biotope and climate (Fig. 3). Popu-
nymphal stages, and one adult stage, and by having several lations in each habitat may be subject to marked seasonal
blood meals in the nymphal and adult stages (only one in changes.

Figure 3. Typical biotope for

the hard tick Ixodes ricinus.

Some ticks are adapted to desert conditions, especial- A*

ly the genus Hyalomma, such as H. dromedarii. Some are
adapted to humid tropical climates, especially Amblyomma
ticks like A. variegatum and A. maculatum. Others favour
warmer climates, either tropical or Mediterranean, especial-
ly Rhipicephalus ticks (e.g., R. sanguineus). Some species are
more adapted to cold temperatures (D. reticulatus, I. ricinus,
I. pacificus) and/or cold continental climates (I. ricinus, I.
Different biotopes may be suitable for the different free-liv-
ing stages (larvae, nymphs and adults waiting for a host) of
the same species. For example, I. hexagonus (hedgehog tick)
and D. reticulatus (marsh tick) larvae and nymphs may be
found in rodent or rabbit burrows, while adults are found
in grass. All life stages of I. scapularis and I. ricinus (forest
ticks) are found in grass, preferably under the forest canopy,
but they do not have the same host preference.
Particular preferences correspond to particular parasitic
life stages: larvae and nymphs may have a tropism for some
hosts, such as micromammals (field mice, voles, hedgehogs)
or birds, while adults look for herbivores (cattle, deer, horses)
or canids, which is the case in I. scapularis and I. ricinus.
This preference can be strict, or less so. For example, Rhi-
picephalus (Boophilus) microplus, the tropical cattle tick, is
mainly restricted to cattle and almost never infests humans
or pets; on the other hand, many other ticks have a non-re-
stricted tropism, for example Ixodes ticks which can bite any
mammal in the absence of their preferred hosts.
Figure 4 shows the distribution of ticks of medical and
veterinary importance in Europe.

Figure 4. Distribution of Dermacentor reticulatus (A), Ixodes

ricinus (B) and Rhipicephalus sanguineus (C) in Europe.

Abundant Present Sporadic reports

Courtesy of Luís Cardoso, Robert Farkas, Domenico Otranto,

Kurt Pfister, Xavier Roura, Smaragda Sotiraki, Donato Traversa
and Richard Wall.

* Dermacentor reticulatus is distributed in a highly focal pattern within its

geographical range. This map represents the trend, but clustered foci of
higher density are possible.
CONTENTS Acarioses 239

Morphology of hard ticks
Stages Anatomy
• Larvae: 0.5–1 mm, hexapods (Fig. 5). • Anterior extremity: mouthparts or gnathosoma
• Nymphs: 3–5 mm before blood meal, octopods (Fig. 6). The gnathosoma is found in the capitulum comprising the
• Adults: 5–10 mm before blood meal, up to 30 mm for en- rostrum or hypostome (single piece, toothed), two cheli-
gorged females (Fig. 7), octopods, sexually dimorphic. cerae and two pedipalps. Pedipalps are tactile organs that
help the tick choose biting sites. Chelicerae, which end in
harpoon-like structures, pierce the skin, anchor the tick
to the skin after muscle contraction and help the hypos-
tome penetrate the skin. Backward-pointing barbs on the
hypostome secure the attachment. Ticks are either brevi-
rostris (Rhipicephalus, Haemaphysalis, Dermacentor) or
longirostris (Ixodes, Amblyomma, Hyalomma), according
to the length of the rostrum. The tick always anchors its
rostrum sideways because its gnathosoma cannot be bent
(Fig. 8).

Figure 5. Tick larva - Ixodes.

Figure 6. Tick nymph - Ixodes.

Figure 7.
Engorged female
- Rhipicephalus. Figure 8. Tick rostrum.

• Body or idiosoma • Legs

• Dorsal surface: the protective cuticular shield, or dorsal Each leg is composed of six segments: coxa, trochanter,
scutum, is more developed in males which cannot swell femur, patella, tibia and tarsus. The tarsus of the first
up, whereas females can increase in size substantially, pair of legs bears Haller’s organ, a complex sensory
given their smaller dorsal shield (surface area can in- apparatus sensitive to vibrations and carbon dioxide,
crease 15-fold). which is involved in host detection (Fig. 9). The pretar-
• Ventral surface: the genital opening is located between sus consists of paired claws and a sticky organ (adhesive
the second pair of legs, the anal opening between the pads) (Fig. 10).
fourth pair of legs, and the two respiratory spiracles or
peritremes are located directly behind the fourth pair of It should be noted that ticks also bear other sensory organs:
legs. The location of the anal groove, anterior or posteri- • In female ticks, the dorsal surface and both sides of the
or to the anal opening, is a characteristic used to classify capitulum are made up of open pores, which allow them
ticks into either Prostriata (Ixodes) or Metastriata (all to detect males and communicate with other ticks using
other genera). pheromones.
• In both males and females, photosensitive organs (“eyes”)
can be present or absent, depending on the genus.

Figure 9. Haller’s organ. Figure 10. Tick claw and sticky pad to infest host.
CONTENTS Acarioses 241

Biology and ecology Parasitic stage

Ticks are temporary ectoparasites and are not intermittent Choice of host
feeders like mosquitoes, or permanent parasites like lice. An Ticks can be differentiated by their host preference. Euryx-
obligate alternation occurs between free-living and parasitic enous (polytropic) ticks are not host-specific and feed on a
stages. wide range of animal species. Stenoxenous (monotropic)
ticks exhibit a narrow host preference and this affinity may
Free-living stage also vary between life stages.
Variations in the living environment • I. ricinus and I. scapularis: larvae and nymphs usually
Ticks which have endophilic stages must be distinguished feed on micromammals whereas adults target ungulates
from those with exophilic stages: (domestic and wild ruminants, wild boars). Larvae and
• Endophilic domestic ticks: R. sanguineus (all stages are nymphs can nevertheless bite birds or just about any mam-
found in the host dog’s environment: on kennel floors, mal that they encounter (human, dog, cat, etc.), which is
walls, etc.). why Lyme disease can be transmitted to humans and dogs.
• Exophilic ticks: I. ricinus, D. reticulatus. All stages are • I. holocylus (Australian paralysis tick): larvae, nymphs
found in forests and woods, along field margins, in vacant and adults usually feed on marsupials (small and large) but
lots, public gardens and parks, riversides, etc. Some exo- they can also bite any other mammal that they encounter
philic ticks are “troglodytes”: found in the environment, (human, dog, cat, etc.), which explains cases of tick pa-
preferably in burrows rather than on the surface, which is ralysis (involving the neurotoxin, holocyclotoxin, which is
the case for I. hexagonus (the hedgehog tick). secreted with the tick’s saliva) seen in dogs and children in

northern and eastern Australia (mainly Queensland).
Different stages of the same species may be either endophilic • D. reticulatus: larvae and nymphs usually feed on micro-
or exophilic. mammals, whereas adults will await a passing dog or horse.
• H. longicornis: larvae and nymphs usually feed on micro-
Climate variations mammals, but adults target ungulates (domestic and wild
In addition to the biotope, temperature and humidity play key ruminants). All stages can also bite any mammal that they
roles in determining the presence of one species or another. encounter (human, dog, cat, etc.), which is why this tick is
• Hygrophilic ticks: require humidity and do not tolerate ex- the vector for canine babesiosis in Japan.
cessive heat and desiccation. • R. sanguineus: all stages prefer to parasitise canids, but
This is the case for many Ixodes such as I. ricinus in Eu- cats may also be infested.
rope, I. scapularis in the USA, I. persulcatus and I. ovatus
in Asia and Japan, and Dermacentor ticks like D. reticula- Attachment to the host
tus in Europe and D. variabilis in America. Ticks find their hosts by detecting heat, vibration, shadows,
• Xerophilic ticks: live in warm areas and may tolerate des- breath (CO2) and odour. They use the Haller’s organs locat-
iccation, but not frost. ed on the tarsus of first leg, which help them locate a host
This is the case for R. sanguineus. Other may prefer warm, and gauge their distance from it. In order to locate their host,
humid conditions and be susceptible to desiccation, like H. ticks rely on features such as heat, smell, sight and touch.
longicornis in Asia.

When conditions are unfavourable to activity, ticks undergo

diapause. Ticks found in temperate and continental climates
undergo winter and dry-season diapause. Resumption of ac-
tivity often depends on the season e.g., spring and autumn
peak in Western Europe) but activity can also resume during
warm spells in winter, even temporarily. This can explain the
occurrence of canine babesiosis cases throughout the year,
when weather changes “wake up” Dermacentor ticks.

Ticks can be separated into two groups:

• Questing ticks (Figs. 11 and 12): these climb onto vege-
tation during the day, usually during the hours when the
host is active (early hours of the day and dusk). They then
remain immobile and wait for their host to approach
(Fig. 13). They climb down to the ground and bury them-
selves in the at night or when conditions are unfavourable.
This category includes Ixodes, Dermacentor, Haemaphy-
salis, Boophilus.
• Hunting ticks: these are highly mobile and will follow
their hosts and they can “run” quite fast. This is the case
for some Amblyomma and Hyalomma, and also R. san-
guineus to a certain extent.

Figure 11. Questing female Dermacentor. These two habits are quite similar to those seen in spiders,
which belong to the order Araneae and the same Arachnida
class as the Acari. Some spiders spin a web and wait for their
prey to get caught while others hide and attack their prey.
Ticks infest theirs hosts rather quickly, in a matter of sec-
onds. They usually do not jump down onto the host since
they do not live in trees, but close to the ground and on
stretches of grass. They grab onto the host with the sticky
pad on their tarsus and then use their legs and claws to crawl
through the fur and over the skin, to find a suitable place to
attach and feed (Figs. 2 and 14).

Figure 12. Questing female Ixodes.

Figure 13. Questing female Ixodes on grass. Courtesy of Phil Ward. Figure 14. Haemaphysalis longicornis attached to a dog.
CONTENTS Acarioses 243

Choice of attachment site

Ticks usually favour areas of thin skin, such as the ears, un-
derside of the limbs, scrotum, udder, etc.
Rhipicephalus ticks prefer to attach around or in the dog’s
ears (Figs. 15 and 16) while Dermacentor and Ixodes show
less preference for this site (Fig. 17).
After infesting their host, it takes an average of 4 to
6 hours for the tick to find its attachment site.

• The process of tick attachement involves many specific
organs of the tick, such as the chelicerae and hypostome.
First, the tick uses its tactile pedipalps to locate the at-
tachment site, then it attaches with its chelicerae, which
Figure 15. Attached ticks in a dog’s ear. look like harpoons with two terminal hooks. These pen-
etrate the skin and are retracted by the tick through mus-
cular contraction which allows the skin to be penetrated
obliquely by the hypostome.
• Upon attachment, the tick secretes cement for 10–30 min-

utes (primary and secondary cement produced by types II
and III salivary gland acini). This cement is made up of
glycoproteins that polymerise on exposure to air and skin.
• As soon as attachment occurs, some pathogens may be
transmitted and the first pathogenic agents to be inoculat-
ed must be present in the saliva and immediately infective.
This is the case for viruses, which may be inoculated with-
in 15 minutes after the start of attachment.

Nutrition - blood meal

All stages feed: larvae, nymphs and adults (female and male).
Figure 16. Attached Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks. Males feed smaller volumes and can bite several times. It was
thought that Ixodes males did not feed but it has now been
proven that they may ingest some fluids, like in other genera.
The meal lasts 3 to 7 days on average. Larvae and nymphs
feed for shorter periods (3 to 5 days) than females (5 to
7 days).

Figure 17. Attached Ixodes scapularis.


The meal is not strictly a blood meal, as it is for mosquitoes, • The second phase is the rapid ingestion phase: the tick in-
as it contains not only blood but digested tissue and many gests the fluids and cells and the volume of the female in-
leucocytes. Food intake occurs in two phases: creases dramatically (from 30 to 250 mg) (Figs. 18 and 19).
• The first, which can be called a preparatory phase, involves The female concentrates the ingested meal and excretes the
intense secretory activity during which the tick produces excess fluid in order to prevent osmotic shock.
enzymes and peptides, inducing immunomodulatory, an- • Each phase involves the activity of different salivary
ticoagulant and proteolytic effects. This phase creates an gland acini. Besides enzymes, the saliva contains peptides
area of haemorrhagic necrotising liquid through the diges- which act as cytokines with an immunomodulatory role.
tion of subcutaneous tissue which attracts many leucocytes This prevents a protective immune response by the host,
(monocytes, phagocytes, granulocytes). This preparatory which is uncommon in mammals except guinea pigs,
phase lasts at least 3 days, during which the tick exchanges which develop basophilic hypersensitivity to tick bites.
fluids with the host. The volume of the female tick does not This immunomodulation attracts many white blood cells ,
increase much during this phase (from 2 to 30 mg). and these will form part of the meal and “help” the process
of localised necrosis to occur. This also favours pathogen
transmission, as occurs in other vectors, such as mosqui-
toes (Plasmodium) or sandflies (Leishmania).
• Pathogenic agents can be transmitted throughout the whole
blood meal. The directly infective bacteria in the saliva are
inoculated quite quickly, an average of 3 to 24 hours after
attachment. This applies to Ehrlichia, Anaplasma, Rick-
ettsia, etc. Other pathogens, such as Borrelia burgdorferi
sensu lato, must undergo multiplication and antigenic var-
iation to become infective, so transmission occurs later,
usually after 36 to 48 hours. Babesia sporozoites have to
become infective and migrate to the saliva so they are usu-
ally transmitted 48 to 96 hours after attachment.
• Females will actively detach at the end of the blood meal,
and fall off the host onto the ground.

Figure 18. Engorged female tick inducing erythema.

Figure 19. Engorging Rhipicephalus in kennelled dog. Figure 20. Engorged Rhipicephalus ready to lay eggs.
CONTENTS Acarioses 245

Figure 21. Ticks mating. Figure 22. Rhipicephalus female laying eggs.
Courtesy of Emanuele Brianti.

Life cycle of Ixodes, Amblyomma, Dermacentor, Haemaphysalis and Hyalomma ticks

Adults typically breed on the host. D.H.

The adult phase can transmit several Dog, cat, large mammals and

different tick-borne pathogens, often more humans
than one at a time.

Adult females engorge on

the host’s blood, which
Adults enables them to produce
thousands of eggs at once

n the gro
ys eggs o

ale la

fem ission)
The adult rial transm
and dies

Complete life cycle: <1 to >3 years


(Stage timing and total times vary

dramatically, even within tick species)
p to the Clutch of tick
phs dro to adult
The nym m lt in
o u eggs
d and Larv
groun ae h


The larv p into nymphs
and dev
ae drop

2nd host The larvae mainly parasitise

and feed on small mammals
off the h

The nymphs feed on other hosts and reptiles

(small and large mammals, 1st host
and humans). This phase can

transmit pathogens Nymph (transstadial transmission) D.H. = definitive host


Reproduction and egg-laying ground, they will search for a crevice to hide in, and lay
Females and males mate on the host and mating occurs be- their eggs within 48 to 72 hours. The females bend their
fore or during the female’s meal (Fig. 20). Ticks of some gen- anterior extremity which splits dorsally on the capitulum
era secrete pheromones to attract ticks of the opposite sex. (camerostomal fold). The egg-laying phase will last 48 to
Pathogens can be exchanged between one tick and another 72 hours and the female will die at the end. The eggs are
during co-feeding at the same location. protected and clustered together by a yellow lipid wax and
In utero egg formation starts during the female’s blood an average of 3,000 to 10,000 eggs is laid at once (Figs. 21
meal and, after the females fall off their host onto the and 22).

Life cycle of Rhipicephalus sanguineus

The female tick, full of blood, leaves the

Adults host and seeks a hidden place (cracks and
crevasses in walls, between rocks, etc.) to lay
its eggs

Males and females

breed on the dog

ult Females engorge
6–21 days
nd dies
ggs a
d lays e
d fee Dro Fem
ttach an po
A ff

Unfed adults survive

Eggs hatch
up to 19 months
17 to >30 days

Larvae feed and moult Eg

7–30 days gs Eggs
Attach and feed
Drop off

Engorged nymph

The nymphs drop off the dog Larva

The larvae
and moult into adults
parasitise the host
D.H. Dro
Attach and feed Dog, cat and human

Engorged larva

The larvae drop to the

Unfed nymphs
ground and develop
survive up to
into nymphs
6 months

D.H. = definitive host Nymph

CONTENTS Acarioses 247

Life cycles Direct pathogenic role

Originally, all ticks moulted in the environment, but some Spoliation
genera and species have evolved to moult on their host. Female tick-induced blood loss of 2 to 4 cm3 can be problem-
• The triphasic life cycle: each stage requires one meal, then atic in cases of continued parasitism in certain breeding areas
the engorged stage drops off the host onto the ground and (especially in equatorial areas) or in stray dogs living in warm
moults. The new stage, fasting, awaits a new host to com- areas harbouring many Rhipicephalus ticks.
plete the cycle. All important ticks encountered in Europe, Abscess-like wound complications are rare, but improper
North America, and Asia undergo this cycle, so every tick tick removal, leaving part of the rostrum behind, can often
generation requires three hosts (one each for the larval, lead to the formation of inflammatory granulomas, which
nymphal and adult stages). can persist for several weeks.
• Biphasic cycle: the larva moults into a nymph on the first It is noticeable that tick attachment is usually painless,
host, meaning that there are two hosts instead of three per even during a meal; therefore hosts do not feel that their
tick generation. This is the case for some Hyalomma and skin is infested. Ticks on humans are usually accidentally
Rhipicephalus ticks. discovered by touching or seeing them, with absolutely no
• Monophasic cycle: the two moults occur on the same host. sensation.
This pattern can be seen in all Boophilus (infesting ru-
minants) and Margaropus (infesting giraffes, zebras and Toxic action
horses), and in some Dermacentor species. Some ticks inoculate salivary glycoproteins that are true tox-
ins and most of these target nerve receptors and cause ascend-

Cycle duration varies widely and depends on both climatic ing paralysis in their hosts: ascending tick paralysis in Aus-
conditions and host behaviour. The life cycle may be inter- tralia (I. holocyclus), Africa (I. gibbosus), and America (D.
rupted: egg diapause (exceptional); behavioural diapause in andersoni). The Australian paralysis tick is the best-known,
larvae, nymphs or adults, awaiting favourable conditions; due to its potentially fatal effects and the thousands of cases
diapause in fasting stages for up to a year, waiting for a host. diagnosed in dogs each year. This tick is a tropical Ixodes
There may be just one stage per year in ticks like I. ricinus whose natural hosts are marsupials, but pet and human infes-
or D. marginatus i.e., a complete cycle and one generation tation is easy due to the presence of possums or other marsu-
in 3 years. There may be more generations per year if the pials in backyards. An antitoxin is available in Australia due
climate is favourable and there are many hosts: 7 days per to this incidence of human cases, especially children.
meal, moulting within 3–4 days in the environment, the
same for egg-laying, waiting for new hosts, so a minimum of Indirect pathogenic role
2 months for one generation, at best. Ticks are the most important vectors in veterinary medicine
If we link this to the vertical transmission of pathogenic because of the range of diseases transmitted, their economic
agents from the female to the eggs, demonstrated over three importance in production animals and their zoonotic im-
or four tick generations in some pathogens like Babesia can- pact. This is not the case in human medicine, where mosqui-
is, the ticks in a “tick area” transform it into a “babesiosis toes are the predominant vectors.
area” for many years, without an infected dog having to en- Transstadial transmission is one of the conditions required
ter that area. In this case, ticks are not only the vector, but for ticks to be vectors and the infected stage is never a vector.
also the reservoir of the disease. Ticks alone can maintain
babesiosis levels and they do not need carnivores to survive, The agents transmitted can be categorised in many groups:
as they can feed on small mammals. • Viruses (>99  %): responsible for tick-borne encephali-
tis (classic tick-borne encephalitis virus, Powassan fever,
Kyasanur forest disease, Omsk haemorrhagic fever and
Langat virus, ovine encephalomyelitis or louping ill, Colo-
rado tick fever, etc.).

• Rickettsiae: responsible for ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis, The requirements for a good anti-tick product are:
coxiellosis (Q fever), cowdriosis, Rocky Mountain spotted • To be curative and preventive:
fever, Mediterranean spotted fever, African spotted fever, • Curative = kills and detaches existing ticks;
Australian spotted fever, Queensland tick typhus, Siberian • Preventive = quickly kills any ticks infesting the animal,
tick typhus, etc. if possible before pathogen transmission;
• Other bacteria: responsible for tularaemia, dermatophilo- • Sustained: effect persisting for a certain period of time
sis, Lyme disease, etc. (from one month to several months).
• Protozoa: • To be waterproof (swimming, rainy season, etc.) as dogs
• Babesia: inevitable and exclusive biological vector, the are usually infested during outdoor activities.
tick is the definitive host. • To have a good distribution over the body (for products
• Theileria: inevitable and exclusive biological vector, the which act on contact).
tick is the definitive host.
• Hepatozoon canis (transmission by ingestion of the The objective of anti-tick treatments is not only to kill ticks,
tick). but to reduce the risk of tick-borne pathogen transmission
• Helminths: filarial parasites (Acanthocheilonema and where possible. Prevention of Babesia canis, Borrelia burg-
Cercopithifilaria). dorferi, and Ehrlichia canis by several anti-tick products has
been demonstrated and published.
Diagnosis is based on inspection of preferred attachment Environmental control methods can be added in particular
sites and observing ticks attached to the skin. circumstances, especially against the kennel tick Rhipiceph-
During tick seasons and in tick areas, owners must always alus sanguineus:
be advised to search for ticks after walking their animal, even • Clean up and reduce wild/feral animal habitats (destroy
if their antiparasitic treatment is up-to-date. refuge areas for animals that serve as alternative hosts for
Tick species, stages and level of engorgement should be ticks).
identified to assess the risk of pathogen transmission. • Eliminate undergrowth (grass, weeds and brush), especial-
ly if they are close to buildings or animal housing.
Control measures (treatment of the • Prevent access to crawl spaces under homes, decks, or
animal during parasitic phases) outbuildings.
The tick control is still based on regular treatment of the • Pesticides can be used to treat the environment, especial-
animal with acaricides. These kill existing ticks and prevent ly kennel walls and cages, in cases of massive infestation.
new tick infestation. Protection can be short to long term, The risk of environmental pollution by spraying acaricides
depending on the formulation and the molecule used. should be taken into account.
When ticks are diagnosed, they must be immediately and • Some zoological measures are available, such as the use
carefully removed, then an anti-tick treatment should be ap- of various tick-eating bird species (“tick birds” in tropical
plied to the animal. areas, e.g., Buphagus in Africa; Moluccan bluebird, Acri-
dotheres tristis in Asia and the Pacific; and also chicken or
Treatment should limit infestation, providing “general Guinea fowl in gardens).
repellency”: • The use of entomopathogenic fungi, including Beauveria
• Disrupt tactile or olfactory chemoreception (direct repel- bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae conidiospores, has
lency + irritant repellency); not been adopted in the field but should be considered as a
• And/or disrupt attachment (repellency in general); promising strategy.
• And/or inhibit feeding (repellency in general);
Risk to humans
Treatment should also kill quickly = acaricidal action Ticks will infest humans directly from the environment but
specifically there is no risk of transfer from an animal to a human.
CONTENTS Acarioses 249

Diagnose of the main tick genera infesting dogs, cats and humans

• Phylum Arthropoda
• Absence of antenna, presence of chelicera: subphylum Chelicerata
• Aerial respiratory system: class Arachnida
• Body formed by the prosoma and the opisthosoma which are not clearly separated; 8 legs in
the adult stage: order Acari
• Respiratory stigma behind the 4th leg; large acarines: Ixodida = ticks
• Terminal capitulum + dorsal scutum: Ixodoidea = hard ticks
• Anal groove anterior to the anus: Prostriata
• Long capitulum
• Genus Ixodes
• Ixodes ricinus (Europe)
• Ixodes scapularis (North America)
• Anal groove posterior to the anus or absent: Metastriata
• Brevirostris = short hypostome and palps
• Rectangular basis capituli
• Male has large coxa IV
-- Dermacentor

-- Dermacentor reticulatus (Europe)
-- Dermacentor variabilis (North America)
• Male has normal coxa IV
-- Haemaphysalis
-- Haemaphysalis longicornis (Asia - Pacific)
• Hexagonal basis capituli
• Festoons present
-- Rhipicephalus
-- Rhipicephalus sanguineus (worldwide)
• Longirostris = long hypostome and palps
• Dorsal scutum colorized
• Male has no ventral plates
• Amblyomma
• Amblyomma americanum (North America)

DIAGNOSIS of the main tick genera



Long hypostome and palps
Dorsal scutum well coloured
Long hypostome and palps Male without ventral plates


3.5 mm

6.5 mm

Female dorsal

Female dorsal

Female ventral

Male dorsal Male dorsal

Male ventral Male ventral


infesting dogs, cats and humans



Short hypostome and palps



Male has normal Male has large

Coxa IV Coxa IV

4 mm
3 mm 4 mm

Female dorsal Female dorsal Female dorsal

Male dorsal
Male dorsal Male dorsal

Male ventral Male ventral Male ventral


1. Ixodes

Female dorsal

2. Ixodes
Male dorsal
1 2

3. Rhipicephalus
Female dorsal

4. Rhipicephalus
Male dorsal
3 4

5. Dermacentor
Female dorsal

6. Dermacentor
Male dorsal
5 6

7. Amblyomma
Female dorsal

8. Amblyomma
Male dorsal
7 8

9. Haemaphysalis
Female dorsal

CONTENTS Acarioses 253

Life cycle of Otobius megnini, the ear soft tick

The larvae parasitise the external Nymphs feed and develop through
auditory canal of the host, feed for several phases or stages, but all
several days, and moult to become occur in the ear of the same host

Nymph I


Larvae seek Nymph II

out a host, of
host is sleepi ten when the
ng, enter the
external ear D.H.
canal and be
gin feeding Dog and other mammals
Engorged nymphs finally exit the
ear canal, drop onto the ground
Juveniles in the host’s ears and develop into adults

Larvae can
survive several
months without
feeding Adults in the environment
Adult ticks do not
feed, they breed in the
environment and the
females produce eggs

Females lay eggs in a single

session (Otobius) or multiple Adult
sessions (Ornithodoros) in
fissures and on the ground

D.H. = definitive host Adult female and eggs

Video 9
The tick risk.

Otodectic mange Biology

Eggs hatch 3–4 days after being laid and hatching is followed
by one larval and two nymphal stages, each 3–10 days long.
General comments The mites feed during this period, with a 1-day quiescent
Description and morphology phase between each stage. On moulting into the adult stage,
Otodectes cynotis (family Psoroptidae) is an obligate para- the males attach to deutonymphs, using adanal suckers on
site of dogs, cats and ferrets, which spends its entire life cycle their posterior end, and remain in place until the nymphs
on the host, mainly in the external ear canals. Comparison moult. If a female adult emerges, copulation occurs immedi-
of ribosomal DNA gene sequence ITS2 from 16 Otodectes ately. This attachment and insemination is key to egg laying:
mites taken from different host species living in different con- females which moult and emerge without being mated are
tinents revealed that the mites all belong to the same species. infertile (Fig.  4). Adult mites can survive on their host for
Adult O. cynotis measures about 350–550 μm in diame­ approximately 2 months. Secondary bacterial and yeast in-
ter (Figs.  1 and 2). All stages (eggs, larvae, nymphs and fections are common, as they are in other mite infestations in
adults) live in the external ear canal, where they also breed. dogs and cats, especially secondary otitis caused by Malasse-
Otodectic mites mainly feed on the inflammatory exudate zia pachydermatis.
they trigger when they bite the epidermis, but they also feed
on cerumen (Fig. 3). Females lay their eggs in the external Epidemiology
ear canal and the larvae develop into adults in 14–21 days. Otodectes cynotis mites occur throughout the world and can
Otodectes can leave one ear canal to infest the other ear. infest pet carnivores of all ages and breeds, but cats are more
They can also survive for some time in the coat and infest commonly infested than dogs, and kittens and puppies more
other parts of the body. than adults. Infestation can occur year-round. Human infes-
However, otodectic mites cannot survive for long (about 4 tation with O. cynotis is exceptional, and this mite should
or 5 days) in the external environment. They are acquired by not be considered to be zoonotic.
contact with infested cats and dogs or from a contaminated
environment (e.g., crates, kennels and dog baskets).

Figure 1. Otodectes cynotis female. Figure 2. Otodectes cynotis male.

CONTENTS Acarioses 255

Figure 3. Otodectes cynotis in cerumen. Figure 4. Otodectes cynotis mating.

Life cycle of Otodectes cynotis

Dog, cat and other carnivores Mites feed on epidermal
debris in the ear canal and
All stages of this mite live deep the secretions produced
down in the external ear canal. by inflammation

The adults also parasitise the
skin near the ear

3–5 days

5–11 days

Complete life cycle: 16–21 days

3– ys
da da
ys 3–


D.H. = definitive host

O. cynotis causes irritation (mechanical and chemical) and
type I and III hypersensitivity reactions in its host. The pres-
ence of immunoglobulins E and G, and circulating immune
complexes has been demonstrated by passive cutaneous an-
aphylaxis tests. Antigenic cross-reactions shown by positive
intradermal reactions to Dermatophagoides farinae and
Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus are also extremely impor-
tant, because they raise the possibility of false positive reac-
tions to house dust mites in intradermal testing.
There are several primary causes of otitis externa, includ-
ing O. cynotis and other parasites such as Demodex spp.,
atopy and foreign bodies. A number of predisposing factors
are associated with otitis externa, such as moisture in the
ears due to regular swimming or bathing, for example, and
systemic disease, but none of these are pertinent to the es-
tablishment of O. cynotis infestation. Infestations are usu-
ally bilateral, affecting both ears and, in addition to being a
source of discomfort and irritation in the ear, they can occa-
sionally cause dermatitis elsewhere on the host. O. cynotis
can induce hypersensitivity reactions, the host becoming ex-
posed to mite antigens when the mite bites the host to ingest
body fluids. Secondary bacterial or yeast (M. pachydermatis)
infections, associated with the pruritus and consequent ear
Figure 5. Ceruminous otitis.
scratching and rubbing, are common, especially in dogs.

Clinical signs
The incubation period lasts for about 2 to 3 weeks following
infestation. Otitis, usually bilateral and erythemato-cerumi-
nous, ensues with dry (flaky or powdery), brownish-black
cerumen (Fig.  5). Aural pruritus is associated with a pin-
nal-pedal reflex, variable in intensity but apparently less in-
Figure 6. Pruritic
tense in the dog than in the cat (Figs. 6 and 7). Self-induced auricular reflex in
erosive, crusting lesions are often seen behind the ears and an infested cat.
secondary bacterial and fungal infections are common.
Skin involvement is rare but may occur when mites mi-
grate from the ear canal to neighbouring areas of skin, such
as the face (eyelids and interocular region in brachycephalic
breeds), pinnae, neck and cranial carpi. Skin lesions involve
hair loss, erosions, crusts and constant pruritus.
Systemic signs including aggression, fits and vestibular
syndrome (following rupture of the tympanic membrane)
may be seen.
Figure 7. Audito
pedal reflex in a
cat infested by
Otodectes cynotis.
CONTENTS Acarioses 257

Figure 8. Otodectes cynotis female and eggs. Figure 9. Otodectes cynotis eggs.

Diagnosis Control measures

Diagnosis of otoacariosis is based on medical history, distri- Treatment has become much easier with the advent of topical
bution, clinical signs and detection of the parasite in any of spot-on ectoparasiticides with persistent efficacy, and clinical
its various stages. outcomes more certain due to improved compliance with the

Microscopic examination of a sample from the external treatment by the owner. However, as most products do not
ear canal, mounted in liquid paraffin, chloral lactophenol have ovicidal effects unless they are effective for longer than
or 10  % potassium hydroxide may reveal otodectic mites; 3–4 weeks, a second administration may still be required to
adults and immature stages (eggs, larvae and nymphs) break the parasite life cycle, even if this is not actually stated
(Figs. 8 and 9). However, detecting the parasite is not always on the product label. Cleaning the ear to remove the ceru-
straightforward. minous exudate is often omitted from product labels but is
Cytology of an ear canal swab often reveals cocci and good practice and is thought to improve acaricidal efficacy.
yeasts (M. pachydermatis). It is usually recommended that all dogs and cats in a house-
When the skin is involved, skin scrapings reveal far fewer hold are treated simultaneously to prevent reinfestation from
O. cynotis (both adult and immature forms). asymptomatic carriers.
Differential diagnosis includes other causes of erythema-
to-ceruminous otitis, sarcoptic mange, cheyletiellosis, and

Prognosis is usually good, especially in young animals. It is
more guarded in dogs which are continuously reinfested and
also in older dogs with concurrent diseases, such as leish-
maniosis, diabetes and lymphoma.

Video 10
Moving ear mites in ear wax (Otodectes cynotis)
observed under the microscope.
Courtesy of Stéphane Girodon.

Sarcoptic mange Epidemiology

The S. scabiei mite is capable of infesting a large number of
different mammalian species, although a number of different
General comments host-specific varieties have been described. The disease occurs
Canine mange is a contagious parasitic skin condition in dogs worldwide. It is non-seasonal and highly contagious,
caused by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei var. canis (family with transmission normally occurring by direct host-to-host
Sarcoptidae) which feeds on cutaneous debris and exudate. transfer of adult mites when animals are in close proximity. The
The primary domestic host is the dog. Sarcoptic mange extent of cross-infestation from foxes to dogs is not known, but
does occur in cats and it has been reported in multi-pet is assumed to exist in countries with urban fox populations.
households where cats cohabit with dogs, although it is rare Scabies can affect dogs of all ages and breeds, and both
for S. scabiei var. canis to cross-infest cats. S. scabiei mites sexes, although the incidence is higher in younger animals.
are obligate parasites, completing their entire life cycle on a Immunosuppressed animals are most at risk of severe dis-
single host and living in the surface skin layers, with adults ease. Infestation with S. scabiei var. canis can occur in other
mating on the skin surface before the females burrow into small domestic mammals as well as dogs and, occasionally,
the stratum corneum to lay their eggs. cats, and often causes transient dermatitis in pet owners. Sar-
The mite is small, the male measuring 250 μm in length and coptic mites do not survive for long (around 3 days) in the
the female, 350–500 μm (Fig. 1). Morphologically, the variety external environment and they are acquired either by direct
infesting the dog is indistinguishable from the human variety. contact with an infested dog or from a contaminated envi-
ronment (e.g., crates, kennels and dog baskets).
Biology Sarcoptic mange is common in dogs living in groups, dogs
The entire life cycle takes 14–21 days, with female adults that roam and dogs belonging to homeless people. Sarcoptic
starting to lay eggs within approximately 3 days of becom- mange is sometimes thought of as a disease of young dogs
ing adults. Egg-bearing females dig out tunnels or burrows in (<1 year old) but although young dogs are perhaps more
the horny layer of the epidermis, progressing about 2 mm per likely to come into contact with infested animals and a con-
day and laying 2–3 eggs per day (Fig. 2). Tissue-feeding lar- taminated environment (e.g., breeding kennels) and acquire
vae hatch out after about 2 days and then either head for the the infestation, it is not unusual to see the condition in adult
skin surface, where they dig new moulting pockets, or stay dogs, possibly in a milder clinical form.
in the tunnels where they hatched out. After 4–6 days, they Transmission to humans is often overlooked, and human
moult into protonymphs, then into tritonymphs. Males mate involvement is seen in 25–30 % of cases, although this varies
with female tritonymphs. Males live for about 3 or 4 weeks, according to the owner-dog relationship. If the dog is often
females up to 3 months. held in the owner’s arms (as may be the case for a small dog)

Figure 1. Adult Sarcoptes scabiei. Figure 2. Sarcoptes scabiei nymph and eggs.
CONTENTS Acarioses 259

or shares the owner’s bed, human transmission is more likely. Pathogenesis

Papules and small pruritic crusts are then seen on the fore- The host’s immunological response is well understood. Sali-
arms, legs and trunk, but these lesions recede rapidly once vary antigens consisting of proteolytic enzymes and cuticular
the affected dog has been treated. The human being is ef- antigens resulting from the mite moulting have been iden-
fectively a dead-end host, as canine sarcoptic mites cannot tified and type I, III and IV hypersensitivity reactions have
breed in human skin. Mites live only at the epidermal sur- been described. Type III hypersensitivity is responsible for
face, for 2–3 weeks on average. They do not dig the tunnels immune complex deposition in various organs, notably the
and furrows seen in human mange caused by S. scabiei var. kidneys, sometimes causing immune-mediated glomerulone-
hominis which explains why the condition is under-diag- phritis. Sarcoptic mange may therefore be considered a sys-
nosed by human dermatologists. temic illness.

Life cycle of Sarcoptes scabiei var. canis

Adult mites mate on
Dog and fox
the surface of the skin
Nymphs and adults are
the main contagious
stages of S. scabiei
The mature female digs

tunnels in the epidermis and
feeds on the basal layers

~ ive
5 for

da a
ys bo

fo ut
re 1

gg mo

pr nth

Complete life cycle: 2–3 weeks



g s3

Eggs hatch and

larvae migrate to the
surface of the skin

The female lays eggs

Female mite and eggs in the tunnels
D.H. = definitive host



Figure 3. Clinical signs of sarcoptic mange. A, B, C and D (typical distribution of the early lesion of sarcoptic mange): diffuse alopecia
of the legs, lower abdomen and face. E and F: diffuse erythema and crusted papules on the pinnal margins. Courtesy of Parasitology
Unit, Alfort Veterinary School.

Experimental infestations in naive dogs are reported to

have an incubation period of 10–21 days, but the same animals
presented clinical signs within 3 days on subsequent re-expo-
sure, indicating a hypersensitivity response to the mite. Disease
lesions are first seen as urticaria, progressing to an intensely
pruritic but initially localised dermatitis with papules, erythe-
ma, excoriation, crusting and alopecia (Fig. 3). If untreated, in-
festation may lead to generalised dermatitis, characterised by
widespread alopecia, lichenification, hyperpigmentation and,
in some cases, lymphadenopathy, reduced activity, weight loss
and occasionally, death (Fig. 4). In some dogs, affected areas
may recover spontaneously as immunity develops, with these
animals becoming asymptomatic carriers. Figure 4. Extensive sarcoptic mange lesions in a greyhound.
Courtesy of Blaise Hubert.

Clinical signs
Classic form
The incubation period lasts about 3 weeks after contact with papules, crusted papules where mites penetrate the epider-
contaminated material. The classical form is characterised mis, and patchy hair loss) are seen only at the onset. Urti-
by intense pruritus and a positive pinnal-pedal scratch reflex carial lesions (papules and oedematous plaques) are seen in
(note that this reflex is present in only 75–90 % of sarcop- about 30 % of cases. Secondary lesions (excoriations, ero-
tic mange cases and can also be seen in other pruritic skin sions, crusts, lichenification and hyperpigmentation) soon
conditions). Initial distribution of lesions on the face (pin- follow in the case of intense pruritus. Superficial pyoderma
nal margins), lateral elbows and sternum is very indicative (folliculitis), bacterial proliferation syndrome and Malassezia
of sarcoptic mange. Primary skin lesions (diffuse erythema, dermatitis are commonly seen in cases of chronic mange.
CONTENTS Acarioses 261

Localised form Systemic signs

Localised, often chronic, forms are increasingly reported. Although systemic signs are rarely suspected, they are some-
They are characterised by erythematous, papular, crusting times present in chronic cases (of “several months” duration)
lesions, occasional excoriations, restricted to pinnal margins and in old dogs. Anorexia, pyrexia, weight loss and polyu-
or lateral elbows for several months. Pruritus is variable and ria-polydipsia (associated with immune-mediated glomeru-
not necessarily severe and the pinnal-pedal reflex is often lonephritis) may be seen.
Juvenile form Diagnosis is based on medical history, clinical signs and de-
This mild form is seen in young dogs, involving mild pruri- tection of the parasite in its various stages.
tus, truncal scaling and occasional pyotraumatic dermatitis.
Skin scrapings
Norwegian (or crusted) scabies Multiple skin scrapings (5–10) should be carried out in ar-
This is a rare form where thick crusts are seen on the face, eas likely to harbour sarcoptic mites (Fig. 5). Such areas in-
lateral elbows and other parts of the body and pruritus is clude the pinnal margins (especially the small fold known
mild to moderate. This form is seen in debilitated animals as Henry’s pocket), lateral elbows and every crusted papule
with a concurrent disease, dogs that have received excessive (where present). Scrapings must be plentiful and examined in
glucocorticoid therapy and very old dogs. a clearing fluid e.g., chloral lactophenol or mineral oil (liquid
paraffin) which has the advantage of not killing the para-

sites, making them easier to find on the slide. Microscopic
examination is carried out at an initial magnification of ×40,
then ×100 and ×250, under low to moderate lighting. Only a
few parasites (1–2 adult sarcoptids) are usually found. Scrap-
ings should also be examined for eggs and mite faeces. In
Norwegian scabies, scrapings from thick crusts reveal huge
numbers of mites in different stages of development (adult,
larva and egg).

ELISA testing using a purified extract of S. scabiei is avail-
able and this test seems to be sensitive and specific, with no
cross-reactivity in dogs with house dust mite sensitivity. It is
particularly useful to distinguish sarcoptic mange from atop-
ic dermatitis, however, dogs with sarcoptic mange show posi-
tive intradermal reactions and may have allergen-specific IgE
and IgG to Dermatophagoides farinae and D. pteronyssinus.

Skin biopsies
Histopathology is of little use in diagnosis as sarcoptic mites
are rarely detected, but it does alert the clinician to the pres-
ence of an inflammatory skin condition: superficial perivas-
cular dermatitis mainly with eosinophils and mast cells, or
an eosinophilic pustular dermatitis also seen in allergic der-
matitis. It is not uncommon to see cases of sarcoptic mange
treated for atopic dermatitis, purely on the basis of this type
Figure 5. Skin scraping showing Sarcoptes mites and eggs. of histopathology report.

Other diagnostic tests Control measures

Impression smears (tape strips) are useful to identify bacterial Treatment (as per the instructions) with a licensed acaricide
and fungal proliferation (e.g., Malassezia), often associated specifically for S. scabiei is essential. Trial therapy is recom-
with chronic mange. mended whenever the disease is suspected, even if scrapings
Haematology and biochemistry profiles and urine anal- are negative, because positive identification of the mites is so
ysis (looking for proteinuria) are recommended in old dogs difficult. All dogs in a household should be treated simulta-
and dogs with systemic signs. neously to avoid the risk of reinfestation, and a full course
The possibility of an underlying illness (hyperadrenocorti- of treatment should be administered to all animals. An-
cism, internal neoplasia) must always be investigated in cases ti-inflammatories may be required to control pruritus, with
of Norwegian scabies. antibiotics to treat secondary bacterial infections. Anti-seb-
orrhoeic shampoos can be helpful in cleansing the skin, but
Differential diagnosis care should be exercised in the timing of their use as they
This includes all pruritic skin conditions including other par- may reduce the persistence of topical acaricidal treatments.
asitic infestations (which may also be present) such as chey-
letiellosis, trombiculosis and Otodectes skin infestations, at- Risk to humans
opic dermatitis, flea allergy dermatitis, Malassezia dermatitis Sarcoptes scabiei is a zoonotic parasite, although lesions
and bacterial folliculitis. Pemphigus foliaceus should also be caused by the canine strain of the parasite (var. canis) in
considered in adult animals and the pinnal-pedal scratch re- humans tend to be much more limited in extent and dura-
flex is sometimes positive in this case. tion than those caused by the human strain of the mite (var.
hominis). Human scabies induced by the canine mite variety
Prognosis usually resolves spontaneously on treatment of the canine
Prognosis is usually good, although less so in chronic mange, primary host although, both canine and human immuno-
Norwegian scabies or group infestations (in boarding or suppressed individuals may develop more severe clinical
breeding kennels, for example). The condition can be hard to signs (Fig. 6).
eradicate, with the on-going possibility of reinfestation from
contact animals and the environment.

Video 11
The pinnal-pedal reflex is usually
positive in case of sarcoptic mange.
Courtesy of Parasitology Unit,
Alfort Veterinary School.

Figure 6. Cutaneous lesions due to the transmission of

Sarcoptes mites from a dog to its owner.
CONTENTS Acarioses 263

Notoedric mange Epidemiology

N. cati infests cats of all ages and both sexes. It can also in-
fest foxes, rabbits and other small domestic mammals (pet
General comments rodents, especially rats). The mite is an obligate parasite
Notoedric mange is caused by the mange mite Notoedres which can survive for only a few days off the host. Notoedric
cati. The cat is the usual host for this mite, although infesta- mange is highly contagious, with localised outbreaks of in-
tions have been recorded in dogs. The aetiology of N. cati is festation and it is spread by direct contact and by fomites. It
very similar to that of S. scabiei, with the mites completing is widespread, although incidence is low and it mainly occurs
the whole of their life cycle in the surface layers of skin on in stray cats (Fig. 3) rather than domestic cats.
a single host in approximately 21 days, and eggs hatching The mites can temporarily infest humans, causing intense-
3–10 days after being laid. Female mites lay their eggs in ly pruritic dermatitis similar to that seen in the cat.
clusters in tunnels in the stratum corneum. Unlike S. scabiei,
inter-host infestation with Notoedres is thought to occur Pathogenesis
through the transfer of larvae or nymphs, rather than by the The incubation period for notoedric mange is similar to sar-
movement of adults (Figs. 1 and 2). Secondary bacterial or coptic mange as the life cycles of the two mites are very sim-
fungal infections seem very common. ilar. The exact pathogenesis is unclear, but it is thought that
the acute pruritus associated with this disease may be due
to the close proximity of mite burrows and egg deposits to

nerve endings in the host’s skin. Disease lesions usually be-
gin as erythematous papules on the head, specifically around
the leading edge of the ears, with rapid spread to the entire
upper surface of the ears, face, eyelids and thereafter to other
parts of the body such as the neck, feet and perineum (Fig. 4).

Figure 1. Notoedres cati male.

Figure 3.
mange in a
stray cat.

Figure 4.
lesions on a
Figure 2. Notoedres cati female and larva. cat’s face.

The skin becomes thickened, wrinkled and alopecic, and Control measures
excoriation caused by the intense pruritus usually leads to Products which are licensed for the treatment of sarcoptic
secondary bacterial infection and peripheral lymphadenopa- mange and also indicated as safe for use in cats are likely to be
thy. Untreated disease has occasionally resulted in toxaemia, effective against notoedric mange at the recommended dose
anorexia, cachexia, and death (Figs. 5 and 6). for cats. One spot-on combination containing eprinomectin
is licensed for the treatment of notoedric mange. Before treat-
Clinical signs ment, infested cats should be washed with an anti-sebor-
Notoedric mange in cats is characterised by severe pruri- rhoeic shampoo to soften and remove skin crusts. The key to
tus, initially with localised alopecia, erythema, scaling and treating this disease is simultaneous treatment of all affected
crusting leading to lichenification. Common sites include and contact animals, and regular cleaning/disinfection of the
the head, specifically the proximal edge of the pinnae and environment by vacuuming and washing bedding through-
neck. Excoriation leading to secondary bacterial infection out the treatment period. It is advisable to skin scrape all
is very common. The disease can become more generalised, treated animals regularly and to continue treatment until
with lesions spreading over the body as it does in Sarcoptes scrapes are negative and lesions resolve.
Risk to humans
Diagnosis Notoedres cati is a zoonotic parasite. The lesions associated
Definitive diagnosis is by skin scraping, using the same tech- with human infestations are intensely pruritic but the mite
nique as for S. scabiei, and although the mites are smaller, does not reproduce on human skin and the disease will re-
they are more readily identified in skin scrapings, occurring solve spontaneously within 2–6 weeks.
more superficially and in greater numbers. N. cati is mor-
phologically similar to S. scabiei with similar short legs, but
the dorsal surface of the mite is covered with concentric rings
rather than the spines and triangular scales seen on S. sca-
biei, and the anus is located dorsally.

Figure 5. Hyperkeratotic lesions of notoedric mange in a cat. Figure 6. Cachexia in a cat suffering from notoedric mange.
Courtesy of Emanuele Brianti. Courtesy of Emanuele Brianti.
CONTENTS Acarioses 265

Cheyletiellosis Cheyletiellosis is common in large groups of dogs or cats.

Although young pets are more likely to come into contact
with infested animals and a contaminated environment (e.g.,
General comments boarding or breeding kennels) and acquire the infestation, it
Cheyletiellosis is a form of dog and cat acariosis which is is not unusual to see the condition, possibly in a milder clini-
commonly called “walking dandruff” as the relatively cal form, in adult dogs/cats or in animals that are debilitated
large Cheyletiella mites (0.5 mm long) can be seen moving by concurrent illness, such as internal neoplasia.
amongst the skin scales with the naked eye. There are three
main Cheyletiella species affecting pets, including C. yasguri Epidemiology
(dogs), C. blakei (cats) and C. parasitivorax (rabbits). They The three Cheyletiella species listed above are widely dis-
are not, however, strictly host-specific, so transmission of tributed. Cheyletiellosis affects cats and dogs of both sexes,
Cheyletiella species between the host species in a household but is most commonly diagnosed in pet rabbits. Young ani-
is not uncommon, although it is unclear whether such inter- mals seem to be particularly susceptible, and cheyletiellosis is
species transfers result in sustained infestations on the new more commonly seen in dogs and cats living in kennels and
hosts. catteries. The disease is highly contagious because the mites
Cheyletiella mites are large (450–500 × 300–320 μm) are very mobile, and infestations are easily spread by direct
(Fig. 1). They may be detritivorous (scale-eating) or prey on contact between hosts and by fomites. Eggs on shed animal
other mites, especially house dust mites. hair may be a source of infestation. Cheyletiella mites have

also been reported to parasitise fleas, lice and flies, which
Biology provide another mode of transmission for mammalian infes-
All stages of the life cycle can be found at the skin surface as tations. Cheyletiella may survive for several weeks in kennels
the mites are surface feeders and do not burrow into the skin and they are thought to be predators of acarian dust mites.
surface, and they prefer to infest the dorsal skin of their host. This explains how difficult it is to control cheyletiellosis in
Females lay eggs which attach to the hair by fibrillar strands groups of animals.
(Fig. 2). White, elongated eggs hatch into six-legged larvae
which develop into protonymphs, deutonymphs and finally Pathogenesis
new adults. The life cycle takes about 3 weeks. Mites can Squamosis can be severe in affected animals and mites are
survive about 5–6 weeks off the host, feeding on small mites usually present in large numbers, but occasionally the inten-
but they cannot breed off host. sity of the pruritus is disproportionate to the parasite burden,
perhaps due to hypersensitivity. An asymptomatic carrier
state is also common, particularly in adults.

Figure 1. Cheyletiella sp. mite. Figure 2. Cheyletiella yasguri egg.


Clinical signs
The primary clinical signs of cheyletiellosis are mild to mod-
erate pruritus and skin scaling (Fig. 3). Erythema and crusted
lesions may be seen in affected areas and the disease may
appear as miliary dermatitis in cats. The degree of pruritus is
very variable and does not appear to be proportional to the
mite burden, so some hosts carrying large numbers of mites
will only exhibit scaling with little or no pruritus, usually
along the dorsal aspect of the trunk (Fig. 4), whilst others
will be intensely pruritic. If the infestation is not treated in
time, scaling may become severe and widespread, leading to
hair loss.
Figure 3. Scales caused by cheyletiellosis.
Diagnosis is made by mite identification. The easiest way to
collect material for examination is to sit the patient on a dark
surface and groom some of the scale from the skin surface.
If the animal has cheyletiellosis, the dislodged material may
appear to move (“walking dandruff”). This movement is vis-
ible as the pearly white, mobile, adult mites drag skin scales
along, trapped in the long dorsal hairs on their body surfac-
es. The material dislodged can be collected in a petri dish or
on a slide for microscopic examination at 40× magnification.
Mites and eggs can also be harvested using sticky tape strips
applied to the affected area and then stuck to a microscope
slide. Superficial skin scrapings can also be performed and
the material collected placed on a microscope slide with a Figure 4. Dorsal scaling caused by cheyletiellosis in a puppy.
drop of water under a cover slip. Individual mites can be ex-
amined by adding a drop of water to groomed debris on a mi-
croscope slide and covering it with a cover slip (Fig. 5): adults
have four pairs of legs that protrude beyond the body mar-
gin and palps with powerful curved terminal claws (Fig. 6).
The slightly hexagonal body has a “waist” just in front of
the two pairs of hind legs and all of the legs have combs on
the ends. Mite eggs may also be detected via coproscopy, be-
cause of the excessive grooming habits of some infested cats
and dogs.

Figure 5. Magnification of an adult Cheyletiella spp. mite.

Microscopic examination at ×40.
CONTENTS Acarioses 267

Control measures
No treatments are specifically licensed for the treatment of
cheyletiellosis but the mites have proven susceptible to many
of the current topical acaricides licensed for use in dogs and
cats. The presence of asymptomatic carriers, the highly con-
tagious nature of the disease, with mites readily transferred
between hosts, and the ability of the female mite to survive
off-host make treatment of affected and contact animals a
wise precaution.

Risk to humans
Humans in contact with pets having cheyletiellosis can ac-
quire transient infestations which are seen as pruritic, pap-
ular lesions, often arranged linearly. Lesions are generally
seen in areas that come into contact with the pet, such as
Figure 6. Anterior part of an adult Cheyletiella mite. the torso, arms and anterior surface of the thighs and they
can occur even where clothing might been expected to pro-
vide protection (Fig. 7). Direct treatment seems unnecessary,
provided that the primary hosts are effectively treated, as the

mites do not reproduce on humans.

Figure 7. Human contamination in the owner of a cat with

cheyletiellosis. Courtesy of the Parasitology Unit, Alfort Veterinary

Canine demodicosis

General comments
Canine demodicosis is a parasitic skin condition caused by
the characteristically cigar-shaped mite Demodex canis
(family Demodicidae) in dogs (Fig. 1). The disease is caused
by excessive multiplication of these host-specific, commen-
sal mite, in hair follicules and sebaceous glands. The mite is
a skin commensal believed to be transmitted from the dam
10 μm
when the young suckle. Signs of infestation are only seen
when mite numbers increase significantly. Mites complete Figure 1. Adult Demodex canis.
their entire life cycle on a single host.
Other species have been suggested (e.g., Demodex injai,
and Demodex cornei), but some authors consider that they
are only morphological variants of D. canis. Immunodefi-
ciency is a predisposing factor which is probably hereditary
in young dogs (under 2 years old) and acquired in adult dogs,
following development of an underlying cause (e.g., excessive
glucocorticoid therapy, Cushing’s syndrome, diabetes melli-
tus and neoplasia). It is common but also under-diagnosed
and can be very serious medically. Canine demodicosis can Figure 2. Demodex canis egg. Courtesy of Parasitology Unit,
also have dramatic consequences in breeding units: bitches Alfort Veterinary School.
that have given birth to puppies with demodicosis must be
removed from breeding, along with all their descendants.
D. canis has short legs, arranged in the shape sometimes
described as resembling the Brandenburg cross. The male
measures 150 μm in length and the female 200–300 μm.
Demodex mites mainly feed on scale and sebum, the produc-
tion of which they help increase. They never feed on blood
and are incapable of living off their host.

Biology Figure 3. Demodex canis larva. Courtesy of Parasitology Unit,

The life cycle of D. canis lasts about 10–12 days and takes Alfort Veterinary School.
place entirely in the hair follicles and sebaceous glands. After
mating, the males die off and fertilised females burrow into
hair follicles, lay their eggs and then die (Fig. 2). After 2–3
days, eggs hatch out into free six-legged larvae which moult
rapidly (Fig. 3), first into protonymphs and subsequently into
eight-legged deutonymphs (Fig. 4). The deutonymphs climb
back to the skin surface, probably moving up in the sebum,
and infest new hair follicles. Deutonymphs make up the free
infesting stage and become adults within 1–2 days (Fig. 5).
Figure 4. Demodex canis nymph. Courtesy of Parasitology Unit,
Alfort Veterinary School.
CONTENTS Acarioses 269

Demodex sp. mites are highly host-specific but ubiquitous
throughout the canine population. The infestation and dis-
ease is not transmissible between adult dogs and is not ac-
quired from the environment.
About 50 % of adult dogs are asymptomatic carriers of
Demodex. The only time that dog-dog transmission can oc-
cur is during the first 72 hours of life when the newborn pup-
10 μm
py can acquire mites from the suckling bitch during washing
and feeding. At no other time can mites be transmitted be-
Figure 5. Adult Demodex canis. tween dogs.

Life cycle of Demodex canis

All stages of Demodex mites Dog
reside in the lumen of the hair
follicle and the duct of the
Dogs may act as
sebaceous gland
asymptomatic carriers.

Clinical infestation develops
when the animal is

Puppies become infested by direct
skin contact while nursing


Complete life cycle: ~ 3 weeks


D.H. = definitive host

Although demodicosis can occur in any breed of dog, The absence of cytotoxic T lymphocytes in localised de-
there are clear breed predispositions which include the Staf- modicosis may allow spontaneous resolution. In generalised
fordshire Bull Terrier, Old English Sheepdog, Boston Terrier, demodicosis, the immune defect involves both cytotoxic T
French Bulldog, Bernese Mountain Dog, German Pointer, lymphocytes and helper T lymphocytes and enables parasitic
Boxer, English Bulldog, English Bull Terrier, Pug, Cavalier proliferation. In pyoderma associated with demodicosis, the
King Charles Spaniel, Dobermann, Great Dane, Argentin- immune defect involves cytotoxic T lymphocytes, helper T
ian Mastiff, Dogue de Bordeaux, Jack Russell Terrier, Af- lymphocytes and B lymphocytes. Both type 1 and type 2 help-
ghan Hound, Neapolitan Mastiff, Scottish Terrier, Shar Pei, er T lymphocytes seem to be involved in generalised demodi-
Shih Tzu, Rottweiler, Newfoundland, West Highland White cosis. A defect in interleukin 2 caused by dysfunction or inhi-
Terrier, Whippet and Yorkshire Terrier. This list is not ex- bition of type 1 helper T lymphocytes has been reported and
haustive. Interestingly, breeds like the Poodle that almost may be responsible for the condition becoming generalised.
never suffer from Generalised Juvenile-Onset Demodicosis In AOD, an underlying cause (e.g., long-term glucocor-
(GJOD) seem to be predisposed to Adult-Onset Demod- ticoids, chemotherapy and other iatrogenic factors; spon-
icosis (AOD) probably because of a breed susceptibility to taneous hyperadrenocorticism, lymphoma and other types
hyperadrenocorticism, a common predisposing factor in the of neoplasia; diabetes mellitus) has been identified in about
development of AOD. 75 % of cases. Any form of immunosuppression is likely to
promote the development of clinical demodicosis.
Pathogenesis is complex and not fully understood. In addition Clinical signs
to the mechanical and irritant effects of D. canis, antigenic ef- Skin lesions are highly pleomorphic and vary according to
fects and immunosuppression both contribute to pathogenic- breed and underlying factors. Two types of disease are rec-
ity. Substances released during moulting, metabolic products ognised: localised and generalised. Localised demodicosis,
and products from the degradation of epithelial cells can act whilst aesthetically undesirable, is normally benign and of-
as antigens. Immunosuppression may arise through the pro- ten self-resolving. Generalised demodicosis is defined as juve-
duction of immunosuppressive substances produced by the nile- or adult-onset and remains difficult to cure.
parasite itself. GJOD may be the result of a specific hereditary
defect in cellular (T lymphocytic) immunity to D. canis and Localised demodicosis
this host defect may allow Demodex to breed and produce • Nummular (coin-shaped) demodicosis involves a small
immunosuppressive substances that can be detected in the se- number of areas (<5) of variably circumscribed erythema,
rum of dogs with demodicosis. This leads to a vicious circle scaling and hair loss (Fig. 6). The face (eyelids and lips),
which enables the parasite to proliferate. Humoral immunity, limbs and occasionally the trunk are most likely to be in-
on the other hand, seems to be stimulated. Plasma cell num- volved (Figs. 7–10). Pruritus is usually absent. Lesions re-
bers increase in the spleen, lymph nodes and skin. IgG levels gress spontaneously within a few weeks in 90 % of cases.
increase 2.5-fold and the number of circulating immune com- Nummular demodicosis is common in short-coated breeds
plexes also increases significantly. such as the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Boston Terrier,

Figure 6. Nummular alopecia due to Figure 7. Facial hyperkeratosis due to Figure 8. Localised facial demodicosis
demodicosis. demodicosis. lesion in a puppy.
CONTENTS Acarioses 271

French Bulldog, Boxer, German Pointer, English Bulldog, Generalised demodicosis

English Bull Terrier, Pug, Dobermann, Great Dane, Ar- Demodicosis is considered to be generalised if at least five
gentinian Mastiff, Dogue de Bordeaux, Jack Russell Terri- distinct body regions are affected, if one region of the body is
er, Shar Pei, Rottweiler and Whippet. completely affected or if two or more feet are affected. Gen-
• Pododemodicosis is localised, serious from the outset and eralised demodicosis is also clinically highly pleomorphic ac-
often under-diagnosed (Fig. 11). Multiple feet are com- cording to breed (Figs. 12 and 13).
monly involved. Various clinical forms can be seen:
• Multiple periungual pododemodicosis is characterised Forms of generalised demodicosis
by erythematous swelling, pruritus and pain around the • Multifocal alopecia: a number of areas (>5) of variably cir-
nails. This is seen in the West Highland White Terrier, cumscribed hair loss, or one area of complete alopecia, can
Scottish Terrier, Dobermann and Dachshund. be seen, along with mild pruritus, erythema and scaling
• Interdigital and ventral pododemodicosis involves erythe- (Fig. 14). The neck, trunk and limbs are mainly affected
ma, scaling and sometimes hyperpigmentation and/or fu- and it mainly occurs in short-haired breeds e.g., Stafford-
runcles in the interdigital region or in the area around the shire Bull Terrier, English Bull Terrier, English Bulldog,
pads. This form is seen in the Dobermann and Shar Pei. French Bulldog and Jack Russell Terrier. Extensive ery-
• Digital ulceration and necrosis are seen in secondary thema and scaling around the dorsolumbar midline are
chronic deep bacterial infections, mainly in the West common in the West Highland White Terrier and Scottish
Highland White Terrier and Scottish Terrier. Terrier (Fig. 15). In the Pug, multifocal hair loss is associ-
• Aural demodicosis is rare and presents as an erythema- ated with numerous comedones. A moth-eaten coat can be

to-ceruminous otitis with profuse brownish discharge. It seen in the Shar Pei, and this must be distinguished from
is usually found in association with demodicosis of other bacterial folliculitis, a common condition in this breed.
parts of the body. The authors have seen several cases in
Neapolitan Mastiffs.

Figure 10. Typical periocular alopecia Figure 11. Lesion of pododemodicosis.

due to demodicosis.

Figure 9. Erythema due to demodicosis. Figure 12. Generalised alopecia due to Figure 13. Generalised demodicosis
Courtesy of Parasitology Unit, demodicosis. in a pug. Courtesy of Parasitology Unit,
Alfort Veterinary School. Alfort Veterinary School.

• Scaling: this form is striking because it presents simply with

pityriasiform scaling, sometimes very noticeable. Clipping
reveals well-circumscribed scaling lesions. Secondary in-
fections (e.g., bacterial folliculitis) are common and cause
pruritus. This distinctive form is seen in the Scottish Terri-
er and West Highland White Terrier.
• Ulceration and crusting: thick crusts are directly associat-
ed with the underlying furunculosis and/or cellulitis visible
after clipping. These pruritic and painful lesions can be
seen on the neck, trunk and limbs. Ulcers appear in vari-
ous shapes and sizes, typically rounded and extensive with
a jagged, friable border. This pattern is mostly seen in the
West Highland White Terrier, Scottish Terrier and Cav-
alier King Charles Spaniel, but also in large, long-haired
breeds, such as the Newfoundland, Bernese Mountain
Dog and Leonberger.
• Comedones with variable alopecia: hundreds of come- Figure 14. Skin erythe-
dones may be present, particularly in sparcely-haired re- ma due to demodicosis.

gions such as the axillae, thorax and abdomen (Fig. 16).

Secondary infection (folliculitis and/or furunculosis) and
pruritus are common because hair follicles are obstruct-
ed by the comedones. This pattern is seen in the Pyrene-
an Sheepdog, Yorkshire Terrier, Pug and occasionally the
West Highland White Terrier.
• Follicular casts: a follicular cast is a sheath of sebum that
accumulates around the hair shaft. Large numbers of hairs
are affected. Hair loss is rare but severe seborrhoea can
be seen once the dog has been clipped. Pruritus resulting
from secondary infection (e.g., cellulitis) is common. Long-
haired breeds (e.g., Old English Sheepdog and Afghan
Hound) are mainly affected. Figure 15. Demodicosis in a dog due to Demodex sp. Courtesy
of Odile Crosaz, Parasitology Unit, Alfort Veterinary School.
• Pustular demodicosis is common and does not seem to
vary with breed. Follicular and non-follicular pustules
and haemorrhagic bullae (furunculosis and cellulitis) may
occur anywhere on the body. Lesions are very pruritic,
sometimes painful. In the Shar Pei, acne may be associated
with demodicosis. Interestingly, cellulitis associated with
demodicosis is never seen in this breed.
• Haemorrhagic bullae: these mainly occur in Neapolitan

Systemic signs
Systemic signs are inconsistent. In generalised demodicosis
with secondary bacterial infection, severe systemic signs may
arise, including anorexia, pyrexia (40–41 oC), lethargy, de- Figure 16. Comedones in a dog with demodicosis. Courtesy of
hydration and electrolyte disturbances. Septicaemia is not Parasitology Unit, Alfort Veterinary School.
CONTENTS Acarioses 273

uncommon in cases of extensive, chronic demodicosis-as-

sociated cellulitis. In such cases, demodicosis can be a true
dermatological emergency. Glomerulonephritis may also de-
velop in chronic demodicosis. In old dogs, there will be signs
associated with the underlying cause (e.g., hyperadrenocorti-
cism and diabetes mellitus).

Diagnosis is based on medical history, clinical signs and de-
tection of the parasite at different stages of its life cycle.
50 μm
• Deep skin scrapings (deep enough to see capillary
“ooze”) should be examined in chloral lactophenol, on Figure 17. Demodex canis adults from a skin scraping.
a microscope slide under a cover slip (Fig.  17). Micro-
scopic examination, at an initial magnification of ×40,
then at ×100, reveals large numbers of Demodex mites:
D. canis (eggs, larvae and adults). One Demodex mite is
not enough to diagnose demodicosis since about 50 %
of normal dogs with no clinical signs have Demodex
mites. An appropriate history, indicative clinical signs

and the presence of Demodex mites in skin scrapings
are required to make the diagnosis (Fig. 18). Dogs with
pododemodicosis sometimes need to be anaesthetised to
obtain good skin scrapings. In cases of ulceration, crust-
ing and haemorrhagic bullae, skin scrapings taken from
ulcers and bullae respectively do not always reveal De-
modex mites. In fact, there are no Demodex in ulcers
since the mites live in pilosebaceous follicles; equally,
50 μm
mites in bullae are often lysed. In these cases, skin scrap-
ings should be taken from the edge of the ulcer or bulla Figure 18. Demodex canis adults.
or from other types of lesions.
• Hair plucks from affected areas, mounted in chloral lac-
tophenol, also reveal numerous mites in various stages of Pei demodicosis, perifollicular macrophagic granulomas,
the life cycle, arranged around the hair shaft. Taking hair made up of histiocytes and giant cells, and pyogranulomas
plucks is a very straightforward procedure and particular- arranged around fragments of Demodex are commonly
ly useful when dealing with cases with follicular casts but found. In subclinical demodicosis, early histopathologi-
it is not very sensitive. cal lesions include degeneration of the wall of the isthmus
• Histopathological examination of skin biopsies is useful around the sebaceous glands, associated with histiocytes
but not the principal means of diagnosing demodicosis. and giant cells. Lymphocytic mural folliculitis and per-
Demodex mites will often be clearly seen in hair follicles ifollicular granulomas are seen later in the absence of
and sebaceous glands, along with lymphocytic mural fol- Demodex.
liculitis and folliculitis lesions, furunculosis and cellulitis.
The main indications for biopsy are pododemodicosis, de- Prognosis
modicosis in the Shar Pei (the skin is thick in this breed Prognosis has improved considerably in recent years, thanks
because of dermal depots of mucin; hair follicles also to the development of systemically-acting products (macro-
penetrate further into the skin than in other breeds) and cyclic lactones and isoxazolines) effective against Demodex,
subclinical demodicosis. In pododemodicosis and Shar some of which are licenced for use in dogs.

Control measures of larvae, eggs and ghost forms (clear, dead mites) allows
Excellent communication between vet and owner is essen- treatment efficacy to be assessed. Clinical resolution (Fig. 19)
tial, as treatment can be long and expensive. normally comes before parasitological cure and cases should
be reviewed every 2 months for a year after the parasitologi-
Indications cal cure. Relapse occurs in an average of 15 % of cases in the
Treatment for generalised demodicosis, with or without year following cessation of treatment.
secondary bacterial infection, pododemodicosis and aural
demodicosis, is essential. Localised forms of demodicosis re- Treatment of the underlying cause
solve spontaneously in 90 % of cases but they must be mon- In cases of AOD, it is important to treat the underlying cause
itored carefully to determine which cases may subsequently when identified. This may involve stopping glucocorticoid
need to be treated. therapy or treating hyperadrenocorticism.

Preliminary measures Treatment of secondary infections

Skin scrapings taken from two or three representative sites Secondary infections are very common and include pyo-
give a baseline assessment of the mite population against derma (bacterial folliculitis, furunculosis and cellulitis) and
which post-treatment mite populations can be measured. Malassezia dermatitis. These infections must be treated with
A semi-quantitative list of the number of individuals in systemic therapy based on the results of specific diagnostic
the different life cycle stages (adult, larvae and eggs) found tests: impression smears demonstrate the type of organism
in skin scrapings can be compiled (>50, 30–50, 10–30, <10). (e.g., cocci, bacilli or yeasts) and bacterial culture and sensi-
The presence of numerous adults, larvae and eggs suggests tivity tests must always be carried out.
an extremely active form of the condition. Lesions must be
clipped and cleaned, making topical acaricidal therapy and Risk to humans
antiseptic treatment more effective and reducing the risk of Demodex species are host specific and there is no zoonotic
toxic side effects. In pododemodicosis, the interdigital spac- risk associated with demodicosis.
es and ventral pedal surfaces must be clipped carefully, then
cleaned and washed with chlorhexidine.
Where treatment is necessary, the use of a licensed aca- A
ricide specific for Demodex spp. is recommended. Several
acaricides have proven effective against Demodex: amitraz,
milbemycin oxime, moxidectin, ivermectin, isoxazolines,
etc. Whatever the choice of treatment, acaricidal treatment
should be continued until clinical signs have resolved and
two scrapes or plucks taken at monthly intervals after resolu-
tion of clinical signs are negative for mites.

Monitoring B
Monitoring is essential. A dog with demodicosis needs to be
cared for by its vet and its owner and it is to the vet’s respon-
sibility to motivate owners and give them good advice.
Treatment duration is often long, sometimes several
Each case should be reviewed clinically and parasitolog-
ically every month. The number of Demodex mites can be
assessed semi-quantitatively at selected sites and the average
number of different life stages can be recorded, along with Figure 19. Demodicosis in a dog before treatment (A) and
counts of live and dead mites. The reduction in the number after (B). Courtesy of Parasitology Unit, Alfort Veterinary School.
CONTENTS Acarioses 275

Feline demodicosis

General comments
Demodicosis is a rare skin condition in the cat and only one
species, Demodex cati (Hirst, 1919), had been described
in this host species until recently. However, another species
(Demodex gatoi) has been suggested in the last two decades.
This new species is clearly morphologically, biologically,
epidemiologically and molecularly different from D.  cati.
The existence of a third morphologically distinct species
30 μm
has recently been proposed, following further observation.
However, this is still under debate and additional data are Figure 1. Adult Demodex sp. in a cat. Courtesy of Parasitology
required to confirm its existence. Unit, Alfort Veterinary School.

Demodex cati is a cigar-shaped mite with very short legs

(Fig. 1). It resembles Demodex canis. The adult mites and
nymphs are eight-legged and the larvae are six-legged. The
opisthosoma (the mite’s “tail”) represents two thirds of the

total length and is finely tapered. The adult female is 220 µm
long and about 30 µm wide, and the adult male is small-
er (182 µm × 20 µm) (Fig. 2). The egg is lemon-shaped and
measures approximately 70 × 20 µm. D. cati mites live in the
hair follicles, especially in the eyelids, face, chin and neck.
There has been no specific work on the life cycle of D. cati
but it is assumed to be similar to D. canis in the dog or D.
brevis in humans. The eggs are laid in the follicular cavity,
hatch to produce larvae then protonymphs, and finally male
20 μm
and female adults.
Demodex gatoi was first observed in a cat in Louisiana, Figure 2. Adult Demodex cati. Skin scraping.
USA (Fig. 3). Since then, its presence has been reported in
other regions of the USA, and Europe. D. gatoi is smaller
than D. cati, mainly due to the fact that the mite’s opistho-
soma is much shorter (half the full length of the mite) and
blunt. The female and the male are about 100 and 90 µm
long, respectively. D. gatoi inhabits the superficial skin layer
(stratum corneum). Its life cycle has not been fully described
and this mite species has biological and epidemiological fea-
tures which are clearly different from D. cati. Molecular
techniques have also confirmed that D. cati and D. gatoi are
distinct species.

30 μm

Figure 3. Adult Demodex gatoi. Skin scraping.


Epidemiology Clinical signs

Demodicosis is considered to be a rare skin condition in the Cats infested with D. cati may present quite variable clini-
cat. The epidemiology of D. cati and D. gatoi seems to differ cal signs: alopecia, crusts, seborrhoea, scaling, papules, and
significantly, so each mite is considered separately. miliary dermatitis (Fig. 4). Pruritus may be absent. The most
D. cati can be responsible for localised or generalised commonly affected areas are the face, chin, neck and eyelids.
forms. There is no reported breed predisposition. The se- Generalised forms have also described. Pyoderma is not of-
verity of the clinical signs is usually associated with concur- ten seen in generalised feline demodicosis, unlike in dogs. D.
rent primary conditions, such as diabetes mellitus, acquired cati is often responsible for a ceruminous otitis externa which
immunodeficiency (FeLV, FIV infections), hyperadrenocor- may or may not be associated with skin disease (Fig. 5). De-
ticism, etc. It is considered to be a non-contagious disease; pending on the clinical presentation, differential diagnosis
the mite is probably acquired soon after birth through direct includes Otodectes cynotis otitis externa and associated der-
contact with the queen. In this respect, feline demodicosis matitis, Notoedres cati infestation, dermatophytosis, allergic
shares many similarities with canine demodicosis. dermatitis, cutaneous lymphoma, bacterial pyodermatitis,
D. gatoi is unique among Demodex mites as it lives very pemphigus foliaceus.
superficially in the keratin layer of the epidermis. It is respon-
sible for a pruritic and contagious skin condition in cats.
There is a breed predisposition, as D. gatoi has mainly been
found in Cornish Rex, Burmese, Persian and Siamese cats.
However, the disease does not appear to be associated with

There is a known relationship between mite proliferation
and the existence of potentially immunosuppressive systemic
diseases in D. cati-infested cats, but very little information is
available on the underlying immune mechanisms in the cat.
Some studies suggest that humoral immunity does not play a
major role. In humans, innate cutaneous immunity (Toll-like Figure 4. Feline demodicosis due to Demodex cati.
receptors, antimicrobial peptides, proteases) may play a key
role, but this has not been investigated in the cat.
The proliferation of D. gatoi causes a pruritic and poten-
tially contagious skin condition which does not seem to be
associated with a primary immunosuppressive disease. In-
terestingly, some infected cats do not exhibit clinical signs.
It has been suggested that affected cats may develop a hy-
persensitivity reaction to different mite allergens. Affected
cats over-groom and this behaviour eliminates many mites,
which may cause a diagnostic challenge. In contrast, infect-
ed asymptomatic cats may harbour very large numbers of

Figure 5. Otitis due to feline demodicosis caused by Demodex cati.

CONTENTS Acarioses 277

The primary clinical sign in cats infested with D. gatoi

is pruritus and associated over-grooming. The cat presents
with self-induced alopecia, especially on the easiest areas
for the cat to reach (abdomen, flanks, inner thighs and fore-
limbs) (Fig. 6). Miliary dermatitis is uncommon. Differential
diagnosis includes any type of pruritic contagious dermatitis:
flea hypersensitivity, Cheyletiella sp. and Felicola sp. infec-
tions, trombiculosis, and food and contact allergies.

In addition to medical history and clinical examination,
D. cati infestations rely on detection of the mite in deep skin
scrapings. A trichogram may be useful in areas that are diffi-
cult to scrape, as the mite inhabits hair follicles. Detection of Figure 6. Feline demodicosis due to Demodex gatoi.
mite eggs is also diagnostic. Biopsies are rarely used but can
reveal mites in the hair follicles.
The mite population in cats infested with D. gatoi may be Control measures
reduced, and the aetiological diagnosis made challenging, by Relatively little information on evidence-based medicine
over-grooming. Several superficial skin scrapings should be is available as far as the treatment of feline demodicosis is

taken from different body areas, especially those which are concerned. Classically, lime sulphur dips and amitraz were
difficult to groom. Cellophane tape may also be used and successfully used but lime sulphur is not widely available, es-
faecal flotation may reveal the ingested parasites. Identifica- pecially in Europe, and amitraz must be used with caution
tion is usually based on the typical morphology and superfi- in cats.
cial localisation of this mite.
Risk to humans
Demodex species are host specific and there is no zoonotic
risk associated with feline demodicosis.


General comments
Trombiculosis is a non-infectious, non-contagious ectopar-
asitosis caused by various species of mites belonging to the
family Trombiculidae. It is common in cats, although many
other species of mammals (including dogs, horses, cattle,
sheep and humans), birds, reptiles and amphibians may be
infested by these mites. Trombiculids are unique in that only
the larval stage is parasitic because the nymphs and adults are
free-living (Fig. 1). Depending on the geographical location, Figure 1. Adult Trombicula.
the larvae are known as harvest mites, chiggers, red bugs
and scrub itch mites. They have also received very specific
names in other languages. These names are either related to
the mite’s colour, its seasonal activity or the clinical signs of
the condition it induces.
The most important species in veterinary medicine be-
long to the genus Trombicula which is subdivided into the
sub-genera Neotrombicula and Eutrombicula. The main
species are Neotrombicula (syn. Trombicula) autumnalis
in Europe, Eutrombicula alfreddugesi and Eutrombicu-
la splendens in the Americas, and Eutrombicula sarcina
50 μm
in Australasia. However, other species have also been de-
scribed and can be important locally. Consequently, trom- Figure 2. Neotrombicula autumnalis larva.
biculosis can be considered to be a condition of mammals
worldwide. Free-roaming cats are particularly exposed to
the mites as the larval stages are found outdoors in specific Biology
biotopes (meadows, lawns, heathlands, corn field, wood- The life cycle of N. autumnalis takes 2 to 12 months. The
ed and marshy areas, etc.) depending on the mite species. larvae, which are the only parasitic stage, can essentially
Mite distribution in the environment is known to be quite be seen in summer and autumn so trombiculosis mainly
patchy, so noticeable differences in prevalence can be seen, occurs during those periods in temperate regions of north
even within fairly limited areas. The factors responsible for hemisphere. After the larval stage hatches in the environ-
this irregular distribution are largely unknown. ment, it climbs onto different plants, questing for a suita-
Only the larval stage has been described, as the nymphs ble host. After attachment to the skin, the larvae feed on
and adults are never found on the animal. The six-legged tissues (Figs. 3–5). They pierce the skin with their mouth
N. autumnalis larva is very hairy, orange in colour and is parts and inject histolytic saliva, so a mixture of blood and
250–750 µm long, depending on the stage of repletion digested dermal tissues is ingested. This ingestion takes
(Fig. 2). The dorsal shield or scutum is roughly pentangular place through a canal known as stylostome, formed follow-
and the chelicerae are flanked by stout, five-segmented palps. ing the hardening of a specific salivary secretion; feeding
The larvae of E. alfreddugesi are very similar to those of behaviour reminiscent of ticks. Larvae are often attached in
N. autumnalis and they measure 150–600 µm in length and clusters which make their detection easier, as they appear as
have a rectangular scutum. E. splendens is very similar to an “orange powder” in preferred sites (Fig. 6). Engorgement
E. alfreddugesi, and is often sympatric. usually takes 24– 72 hours but may take up to 10 days. The
larvae drop off into the environment after completing their
CONTENTS Acarioses 279

100 μm

Figure 3. Trombicula mites attached to the skin. Courtesy of Figure 4. Attached Trombicula mites.
Parasitology Unit, Alfort Veterinary School.

Figure 5. Trombiculosis in a dog. Figure 6. Several Trombicula mites attached.

meal. Life cycles of the other trombiculid species are very Epidemiology
similar, but may differ in length according to local climatic The larval stage is parasitic on a wide range of mammals
conditions. such as cats, dogs, rodents, rabbits, humans and birds and
In Europe, several generations of trombiculids are pro- larvae will infest almost any animal entering their habitat,
duced between March and October and the risk of infesta- for example, horses being exercised, which they often attack
tion persists until autumn. The larvae feed for 3–4 days be- on the legs. This mite is typically active in late summer and
fore leaving the host to moult into nymphs, a process which early autumn. Larval mites climb onto plants or other van-
takes 2–3 days. The immobile stage 1 nymph develops into tage points so that they can swarm onto a host when it comes
stage 2 over 4– 5 days. The mobile second nymph stage feeds close. Adult and nymphal mites have a free-living, predatory
on small soil mites before moulting into a stage 3 nymph over life cycle, feeding on other arthropods.
3– 4 days, and then into the adult in a further 3–4 days. Infestation is exclusively from the external environment
Adult trombiculids mate and the females lay eggs after 8–10 (gardens, undergrowth, hedges and copses) in summer and
days. They live for several weeks in the environment in the autumn, although it is not uncommon to see infestations in
summer, before entering a resting stage at the end of autumn. the spring, or even in winter, when weather conditions are
They then become active again the following spring. Eggs favourable. There is no direct transmission. Trombiculosis is
hatch rapidly into hungry young larvae, the only parasitic not a true zoonosis, as people are infested directly from the
stage, which actively seek out hosts on which to feed. They environment. Severe, often persistent pruritus, erythema and
can fast for several months if necessary. papules are seen on the limbs and trunk of infested people.

Pathogenesis Material can be mounted onto a slide and examined mi-

The mites pierce the skin with their needle-like chelicerae croscopically at ×100 or ×400 magnification. Liquid paraffin
and inject saliva which breaks down cells and allows the or 10 % potassium hydroxide solution can also be added to
mite to suck up the resultant fluid, feeding in this way for the material and a cover slip placed on top. If skin scrap-
2–5  days. Infestation is often noticeably pruritic and this ings are stored for some time before microscopic examina-
may be caused by an allergic reaction to constituents of the tion, gentle warming of the prepared slide under a lamp will
mite saliva (proteases). Clinical signs may be exacerbated by encourage mite movement, but care must be taken not to
self-inflicted injury and pruritus may continue for some days overheat and kill the mites. If dry scrapings are taken, 10 %
after mite removal. potassium hydroxide may be used instead of liquid paraffin
to clear any debris on the slide but, besides being caustic, it
Clinical signs also has the disadvantage of killing the mites, stopping the
Infestation is usually pruritic and clumps of orange-coloured movement which can aid mite location under the micro-
mites can sometimes be seen with the naked eye. Lesions on scope. Identification of a single mite is diagnostic. Lesions
the feet are common, but the ventral body and face (includ- and clinical signs may persist for several days after mites have
ing the ears) can also be affected (Figs. 7 and 8). Dermato- fed and left the host.
logical signs normally include local erythema, with papules,
scales, crusts and pustules in some cases. Control measures
The interdigital spaces, pinnae (especially Henry’s pock- A very few products are licensed for the treatment or preven-
et), axillae, inguinal regions, interocular region, and lips are tion of trombiculosis, but several acaricidal treatments have
most often affected and larvae can even be found in surgical been reported to be effective. Although individual larvae
wounds. Pruritus increases as more parts of the body are af- only feed for approximately 2–5 days, in heavy infestations
fected, and can persist long after the larvae have left. or where infestation continues for a period of time, treatment
may need to be repeated until all mites are killed and clinical
Diagnosis signs resolved.
Diagnosis is based on medical history, time of the year and
clinical presentation. Skin scrapes may be required to identi- Risk to humans
fy the mites, which are characteristic of larval mites in hav- Trombicula mites will infest humans directly from the en-
ing only three pairs of legs, but it is their orange appearance vironment but there is no risk of transfer from a pet to a
which allows them to be identified. human.

Figure 7. Trombiculosis on a dog’s head. Figure 8. Trombiculosis in a cat.

CONTENTS Acarioses 281

Straelensiosis Pathogenicity is poorly understood. The larvae form a

histosiphon at the level of the hair follicles (follicular ostium)
in order to attach themselves. They then rapidly enter the
General comments dermis, where they become enclosed in a cyst, produced by
Straelensiosis is a recently described skin condition caused by the larvae themselves, and cause a very severe inflammatory
the larval form of the mite Straelensia cynotis (family Leeu- reaction. This dermal cyst reaction to S. cynotis larvae seems
wenhoekiidae, related to the Trombiculidae). These parasitic to occur only in the dog and not in the fox, the parasite’s
larvae were seen for the first time in 1968 in a wild dog in usual host. It may afford protection against the parasite by
Eastern Europe. Cases were reported in central and south preventing entry into the deep dermis.
west France in the 1990s and have since been reported regu-
larly in Europe. There have been no reports of transmission Clinical signs
to humans. Skin lesions include the sudden appearance of papules,
1–5 mm in diameter, with nodules and distended ostia around
Biology the hair follicles (Fig. 2). These lesions, which may be haemor-
S. cynotis larvae measure about 700 × 425 μm and strongly rhagic and pigmented, are usually numerous (sometimes more
resemble Neotrombicula autumnalis larvae. Adults (which than 50 in total, with 2–6 per cm2) and resemble encysted
have not been described) are most probably free-living in the lead shot. They mainly occur on the face (forehead, bridge of
environment, in woods around fox earths and badger setts the nose, lips and eyelids), pinnae, dorsal midline (neck, back,

(Fig. 1). Nymphs and eggs can also be found in the environ- dorsal lumbosacral region, tail), medial and lateral limbs and
ment. Only the larvae are pathogenic and their preferred occasionally over the whole body (Fig. 2). They are pruritic
hosts are foxes, and possibly small mammals. The dog is an and often very painful, causing extreme skin hyperaesthesia
accidental host which, when bitten, displays a severe cystic and aggressive behaviour. Excoriations and thick crusts may
reaction at the point of attachment. be seen in chronic cases and systemic signs (e.g., lethargy and
Infestation mainly occurs in areas where these para- anorexia) are sometimes seen in severe, painful cases.
sites abound, for example near fox earths or badger setts.
Straelensiosis is consequently seen more commonly in hunt- Diagnosis
ing dogs, notably terriers (e.g., Fox Terriers, Dachshunds and Diagnosis is based on medical history, clinical signs and de-
Jack Russell Terriers). Seasonal variation is not well under- tection of parasitic larvae.
stood and no age or sex predisposition has been reported. Superficial skin scrapings are often unrewarding.
The affected area should first be clipped under general
anaesthesia. Very deep skin scrapings and papular incisions
should then reveal the larvae. Selected papules should be raised
and effectively scalped from underneath. Scrapings should be
examined microscopically in chloral lactophenol, initially
under ×40 magnification and subsequently under ×100 and
×250, with low to moderate lighting. U‑shaped parasitic cysts
with thick translucent walls can be seen (Figs. 3–5). The par-
asite is the rostrum located towards the base of the U.
The parasite can be identified by fine dissection of pap-
ules, preserved in 70 % alcohol, under a binocular dissecting
Histopathology of skin biopsies is indicative (Fig. 6). Af-
fected hair follicles have a very dilated infundibulum con-
Figure 1. Fox earth or badge sett, source of Straelensia mites for taining a parasitic cyst made up of the shell of the thick
hunting dogs. basophilic cyst and the parasite. The parasite has a variably

Figure 2. Clinical straelensiosis in a dog. Courtesy of Françoise Gramatica.

calcified, striated external cuticle, a rostrum, a histosiphon Differential diagnosis includes sarcoptic mange, demodi-
(which pierces the end of the U-shaped cocoon) and fine silky cosis, trombiculosis, calcinosis cutis, deep mycoses and cer-
strands. A neutrophil-rich liquid can be seen in the dermis at tain multicentric tumours.
the end of the histosiphon. The thick, double-layered cyst is
made up of vestiges of the external root sheath which exhib- Prognosis and control measures
its severe trichilemmal keratinisation associated with severe The prognosis is very guarded. There is no licensed treatment
pseudo-epitheliomatous hyperplasia. The adjacent dermis is for this condition and therapeutic response is uncertain. Long-
rich in blood vessels and often mucinous. A severe inflamma- term application of amitraz has been proposed but results seem
tory reaction, dominated by a variable number of eosinophils disappointing. Isoxazolines may be alternative treatments.
and plasma cells may be present, depending on the chronicity Prevention seems to be difficult and involves limiting con-
of the lesions. Evidence of eliminated cysts or pyogranuloma- tact between dogs and the parasite’s usual hosts (e.g., foxes)
tous reactions may also be seen. in high risk areas during the hunting season.
CONTENTS Acarioses 283

100 μm

Figure 3. Straelensia nodule extracted from the skin. Figure 5. Straelensia mite in a cyst.

100 μm 100 μm

B Figure 6. Histology of a skin biopsy showing a Straelensia cyst

(×100 magnification).

Figure 4. Straelensia mites extracted from a nodule.

(B) Courtesy of Françoise Gramatica.

Lynxacarosis parasite typically exhibits the same life cycle as other listro-
phorids. The large and elongated eggs (about 200 μm long) are
glued to the hairs distally (Fig. 2). They hatch into a six-legged
General comments larva then an eight-legged nymph, which moults into the adult
Lynxacarosis is caused by the development of the fur mite stage. Details of the life cycle have not been studied.
Lynxacarus radovskyi on the skin surface and coat in the Mite transmission is thought to occur mainly by direct
cat. The parasite was first described in Hawaii (1974) and contact, and the condition appears to be contagious. How-
Puerto Rico (1977) and it seems to be quite common in trop- ever, indirect contamination through fomites also seems
ical or warm regions. It has been observed in southern parts possible.
of the USA (Texas, Florida), Australia, New Zealand, New Human contamination is unlikely, although there is one
Caledonia, French Guyana, Caribbean Fiji, Malaysia, the report of a papular rash on the arms of the owner of a highly
Philippines and South America (several regions in Brazil). infested cat that cleared when the cat was treated.
Distribution is probably much wider. Five species of Lynx-
acarus are already present in temperate countries, infesting Clinical signs
wild carnivores (e.g., L. mustelae on mustelids). Many cases remain asymptomatic. Lynxacarus mites are
Lynxacarus radovskyi (Tenorio, 1974) is a Listrophorida most commonly found on the tail and head, and in the per-
mite. Adult Lynxacarus sp. measure about 500 μm long, are ineal/perianal area. Mites can be found over entire body in
elongated and laterally compressed, and the first third of the heavy infestations. Distribution on the body is variable, and
body is sclerotised (Fig. 1). The legs are relatively short and ter- often generalised in long-haired cats.
minate in suckers, adapted to cling to the hairs. The different The most common and indicative presentation is a dan-
species of Lynxacarus are morphologically very close and the druff-like condition, with a dull and dry coat associated with

Figure 1. Adult Lynxacarus radovsky.

CONTENTS Acarioses 285

the mites. This gives a “peppered” appearance due to the The pruritus induced by the parasite is variable; usually
whitish colour of the mites, eggs and thin scales on the hairs. mild in animals with light infestation, but possibly very in-
Evidence of pruritus, alopecia and excoriations can be tense in heavily infested individuals. Severe cases can be as-
seen in some cats. Diffuse alopecia or “mangy” patches can sociated with feline miliary dermatitis
also be seen. Alopecia is occasionally visible on the dorsal Other signs are probably caused by the excessive groom-
and lateral parts of the hind limbs, with evidence of self-in- ing induced by the parasite: gingivitis, gastrointestinal distur-
duced injury. bances, rectal irritation or prolapses, and hairballs. Infested
cats may also present with weight loss, anorexia, restlessness,
and fever.

The parasites can be detected by microscopic observation of
samples obtained by combing, trichoscopy or the adhesive
tape test. Different stages of mites and/or their eggs attached
to the hair shafts can be seen. Diagnosis of heavy infestations
is easy, but subclinical infestation is likely to be difficult to

Control measures
A number of treatments have been shown to be effective and
the parasite seems to be sensitive to all acaricides tested.
Figure 2. Lynxacarus eggs.


General comments
Dermanyssus gallinae (De Geer, 1778) (Dermanyssoidea) is The mite’s life cycle has been extensively studied because
distributed worldwide and mainly affects birds. Infestation of its significant economic impact on the poultry industry.
with D. gallinae is quite common in mammals and occurs The mites live in the poultry housing, especially in egg-laying
when animals or humans associate with infested poultry or hen houses, close to the avian hosts. The adult mites feed on
pigeons. blood at night and most of them return to the cracks and
crevices after leaving their hosts. Up to seven eggs are laid
Biology at a time and these eggs hatch after 2 to 3 days, releasing
D. gallinae is known as the poultry red mite because it the six-legged larvae, which do not feed. The larvae moult
turns red after feeding on blood. Unfed mites are whitish into the protonymph stage which feeds on blood (Fig. 1). The
or greyish. The fully engorged female mite is oval, around 1 final moult takes place after another 2– 3 days, producing
mm long and is easily seen with the naked eye. All other de- the adults (Fig. 2). The entire life cycle can be completed in
velopmental stages are smaller. Besides its colour, other dis- 7 days under optimum conditions and the mites can survive
tinctive morphological characters are obvious after clearing for 5 months without feeding.
and microscopic examination: very prominent dorsal shield Only mammals which live close to poultry, ornamental
with a truncated posterior end, prominent anal plate on the birds and pigeons are affected. Humans can be bitten from
posterior ventral surface, anus located on the posterior as- the same sources, and present with pruritic papular dermati-
pect of this plate and a pair of long, whip-like chelicerae. tis on the hands, forearms and legs.

100 μm

Figure 1. Dermanyssus gallinae adult and nymphs (×40 magnification).

CONTENTS Acarioses 287

Clinical signs and diagnosis Control measures

Intense nocturnal pruritus, erythema, papules and alopecia Treatment consists of removing the animal from the infested
are seen on the face, back and limbs. Self-induced excoria- environment (to prevent reinfestation) and applying acaricid-
tions may be seen. Differential diagnosis must include oth- al washes, repeatedly if necessary. Thorough cleaning (e.g.,
er living or non-living agents responsible for pruritic skin steam cleaning combined with 5 % creosote water sprays) of
conditions. infested buildings is essential to prevent recurrence.
D. gallinae is rarely observed on affected animals due to
its feeding habits but the medical history will reveal access of
the affected animal to a poultry house, or a recently convert-
ed poultry house.
Identification can be confirmed by gross examination with
a magnifying glass, followed by microscopic examination.
Tape strips are probably the best way to detect dermanyssids.
Differential diagnosis includes sarcoptic mange, cheyle-

tiellosis, trombiculosis, louse infestation, flea allergy derma-
titis and atopic dermatitis.
Prognosis is usually favourable.

50 μm

Figure 2. Adult Dermanyssus gallinae (×100 magnification).



General principles

Parasites, especially intestinal worms and ectoparasites, are Trichuris antigens can also be detected in faecal matter
often thought to be “easy” to treat, without any diagnosis by (coproantigens). Not only is the infestation diagnosed, but
a vet. This common view probably explains why infestation the presence of antigens indicates the viable and infectious
rate is underestimated and treatment often fails. nature of the parasite. Developments in molecular biolo-
gy over the past few years have raised the possibility that
The diagnosis of parasitic diseases is based primarily on PCR tests could be developed to identify parasite DNA,
an epidemiological and clinical suspicion. The climate, the whether it be circulating, in tissues, or excreted in faeces.
period during which clinical signs appear, the animal’s age • Indirect tests seek evidence of a host response to parasitic
and lifestyle, along with the expression of indicative clinical infection or infestation and can be specific (antibody de-
signs, can all raise the suspicion of a parasitic infection. Ex- tection) or non-specific (modification of blood chemistry,
perimental confirmation is, however, necessary to identify complete blood count [CBC] with noticeable eosinophilia
the pathogenic agent(s). The laboratory diagnosis of parasitic during parasite migrations).
diseases employs both direct and indirect techniques:
• Direct tests seek evidence of the parasite, or a fragment/ In this chapter, we will focus on parasitological diagnosis
element of the parasite (e.g., the whole parasite itself, eggs, based on direct detection of the parasite (or fragment of the
DNA, etc.). New immunological tests have been devel- parasite) in a range of samples, for which some techniques
oped that look for circulating or eliminated parasite an- have been developed, which are specific to parasitology.
tigens rather than antibodies. The most well-known test These are the most common methods because they are easy
is undoubtedly the ELISA test for circulating Dirofilaria to perform, inexpensive and offer a rapid definitive diagno-
immitis (heartworm) antigens in dogs. Excreted Giardia, sis. However, they do require experienced users and may
Echinococcus and recently Toxocara, Ancylostoma and have a low sensitivity.
CONTENTS Coproscopy 291


General comments Collection and preservation

Even after the development of molecular biology and bi- of faecal samples
oinformatics, diagnosis of endoparasites in animals and It is important to observe the following instructions where
humans relies predominantly on coprological examination. possible:
Indeed, coproscopy (from the Greek words κóπρος = faeces Faecal material (FM) should be collected on a dry, clean
and -σκοπíα = exam), i.e., the analysis of faecal samples surface, e.g., a plastic or cardboard sheet, etc. The total FM
for the presence of parasites (adults or parts of them) and/ from which samples are taken should be the total faeces elim-
or parasitic elements (PEs: eggs, larvae, cysts, oocysts) is inated within a 24 hour period, if possible. Although this is
the most widely used diagnostic procedure in veterinary scientifically desirable, it is unlikely to be possible for most
parasitology. owners.
Coproscopy can reveal the presence of parasites in sever- Thorough homogenisation of the FM is important before
al organ systems. Parasites which inhabit the digestive tract performing the sampling procedure, as PEs are not evenly
(e.g., ascarids, hookworms, cestodes, coccidia, etc.) produce distributed throughout the faeces. The faecal sample should
PEs that leave the host’s body in the faeces. Eggs and larvae weigh at least 10 times the faecal aliquot to be examined.
of helminths such as lungworms can be coughed up from Larger faecal aliquots will result in more accurate diagnosis,
the respiratory tract into the pharynx and swallowed, exiting although the faecal aliquot for small animals commonly cor-
the body in the faeces and making coproscopy the diagnostic responds to the entire faecal sample.

method of choice. Even ectoparasite eggs (e.g., mites and lice) Particular care should be taken in handling FM as it can
may be licked from the skin, swallowed and found in fae- contain zoonotic agents, so good laboratory hygiene (e.g., the
cal samples. Pseudoparasites (pollens, free-living nematodes, use of disposable gloves) is imperative.
maggots, etc.) can also be observed in the faecal preparation, Veterinary diagnosticians do not usually have the oppor-
which may confuse the untrained observer. An accurate tunity to collect faecal samples and must rely on samples
diagnosis of parasitism is based primarily on the diagnos- brought in by clients. Regardless of who obtains them, it is
tician’s awareness of the parasites prevalent in a particular important to have fresh faeces to work with. Faeces collect-
region. However, with globalization and the movement of ed from litter boxes, gardens, kennel floors, etc. may be old
animals and humans, “exotic” and “unusual” parasites may and dry, so parasite eggs may have embryonated or larvat-
be brought to the attention of veterinary practitioners. There- ed, oocysts may have sporulated, or pseudoparasites may be
fore, when parasite-like material (pseudoparasite) is found in present. If fresh faeces cannot be submitted promptly, clients
a faecal sample, correct identification is required by qualified should be advised to refrigerate the sample for 1–3 days. Fae-
and accredited parasitologists. ces should be submitted in a sealed glass or plastic container,
Before performing any of the coproscopic procedures de- clearly marked with the time and date of collection, species
scribed in the following sections, some important rules for of animal, animal’s name, owner’s name, and any other in-
technician safety and the accurate diagnosis of internal para- formation relevant to the case.
sites should be considered. These rules can be summarised as Coprological analysis can be performed on fresh fae-
follows: I) handle faecal samples carefully; II) clean up imme- cal samples or samples stored at 4° C for 1–3 days, and/or
diately after a coproscopic test is performed; III) keep good preserved (fixed) faecal samples. The sample should not be
records of any observations on the appearance of the faecal frozen because freezing and other preservation methods will
sample and the presence of parasites. alter the results, but fresh FM should be submitted to the

*This chapter is inspired from Chapter 1–10 Coproscopy diagnosis. Laura Rinaldi et al., published in Parasitoses and Vector Borne Diseases of Cats, Ed. Merial, 2015.

laboratory packed with cold packs. Buffered formalin (5 % and double pores for Dipylidium). Larval stages of arthro-
or 10 %) or sodium acetate-acetic acid-formalin (SAF) may pods (e.g., flies) may also be found. Parasites should be iden-
be used to preserve samples if required. The use of preserva- tified morphometrically (using keys in the literature) or by
tives/fixatives may incur additional shipping costs as many of using appropriate molecular techniques.
these fluids are considered to be hazardous materials in some After gross examination is completed, the faeces should
countries, and require very specific packaging and shipping be examined by copromicroscopy, which can either be
conditions. However, fixatives have the added benefit of in- qualitative; only demonstrating the presence/absence of a
activating any other infectious organisms that may be pres- particular PE (eggs, larvae, cysts, oocysts), or quantitative;
ent. Special fixatives, such as polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), are providing quantification by faecal egg count (FEC). The FEC
required to preserve protozoan trophozoites. The sample is is expressed as eggs/larvae/oocysts/cysts per gram of faeces
best preserved by mixing faeces and fixative in a 1:4 ratio; (EPG/LPG/OPG/CPG).
that is, 1 part faeces with 3 parts fixative (formalin 5 % or
10 %, or SAF). The faeces must be completely homogenised Microscopic techniques
with the fixative (Table 1) as soon as they are mixed. Many copromicroscopic techniques have been developed
In carnivores/omnivores, the type of diet can produce since copromicroscopy was first used by C.J. Davaine in
undesirable residues in the faeces which may influence the 1857, each with its own advantages and limitations. Al-
clarity of the resulting preparation, due to the flotation of though these techniques can be quantitative (FEC), di-
small and/or large particles of debris. It is important to avoid agnosis in dogs and cats is often only made qualitatively
feeding fatty foods to dogs and cats before a sample is col- (presence or absence of a parasitic element). Coccidia are
lected for coproscopy, where possible. Either ether or ethyl an exception and are often expressed in a semi-quantitative
acetate can be used as a fat-remover, but the former is tox- manner (e.g., 1+, 2+ and so on, correlating with the num-
ic to humans and dangerous for the environment, and the bers seen per 10× field).
latter is flammable and irritant to humans. Hemo-De is an Techniques for the examination of faeces for helminth
alternative to ethyl acetate and is generally regarded as a safe eggs/larvae and protozoan cysts/oocysts may vary from
compound to remove fats from faeces. a simple direct smear to more complex methods involving
concentration of PEs by either flotation or sedimentation.
Macroscopic examination Flotation in centrifuge can also be performed, and novel
Coprological diagnosis must start with a macroscopic ex- multivalent devices, such as FLOTAC and its derivatives Mi-
amination of the faeces. Gross faecal characteristics, such ni-FLOTAC and Fill-FLOTAC, have been recently designed.
as consistency (watery, soft, hard), age of sample (parasito- Although the direct smear was used for many parasites
logical analysis may be wrong in old samples), colour and for many years, it has one great disadvantage and that is
presence of blood or mucus in the sample should be noted. the small amount of faeces used, which often gives rise to
Alongside these observations, the faeces sample should be false-negative results. To overcome this problem, some meth-
grossly examined for entire or part parasites, such as intact ods have been developed to concentrate parasitic material
roundworms (Toxocara, Toxascaris) and/or of tapeworms from a larger faecal sample into a smaller volume, which may
proglottids (e.g., Dipylidium caninum and Taenia spp.). Pro- then be examined microscopically. Concentration methods,
glottids can be motile and are identified by the number of which have greater analytical sensitivity than smears, include
genital pores on each segment (e.g., single pore for Taenia flotation and sedimentation, and the modified Baermann

Table 1. Examples of fixatives used in coproscopy.

Fixative Composition
SAF C2H3NaO2 1.5 g, C2H4O2 2 mL, CH2O (40 %) 4 mL, H2O 92 mL

Formalin 5 % CH2O (40 %) 5 mL, H2O 95 mL

Formalin 10 % CH2O (40 %) 10 mL, H2O 90 mL

CONTENTS Coproscopy 293

technique. These methods are designed to separate the vari- The main techniques used for copromicroscopic examina-
ous parasitic stages from FM. Faecal sedimentation concen- tion in cats are described below.
trates both faeces and eggs at the bottom of a liquid medium,
usually tap water. In contrast, the principle of faecal flotation Direct smear
is based on the ability of a flotation solution (FS) to allow less The simplest method of microscopic faecal examination
dense material (including PEs) to rise to the surface. Finally, for parasites is the direct smear (Fig. 1), which consists of
the modified Baermann technique is used to recover nema- placing a small amount of faeces directly on a microscope
tode larvae, many of which are unable to swim against grav- slide. Some practitioners make direct smears using only the
ity. There are many refinements and modifications of these amount of faeces that clings to a rectal thermometer after
techniques, but the same simple principle underlies them all. taking the cat’s temperature.
Copromicroscopic examination for parasite eggs/larvae/ Several drops of saline solution or water are placed on the
oocysts/cysts is a fundamental part of the daily routine for slide with an equal amount of faeces. The solution and fae-
most veterinary practices. Despite their limitations, direct ces are then mixed together with a wooden applicator (or a
smears are useful to detect motile protozoa (e.g., Tritrich- pipette) until the solution is homogenous, and the solution
omonas or Giardia trophozoites), and sedimentation tech- is smeared over the slide in a thin film which should be thin
niques are useful for recovering heavy eggs (e.g., from Physa- enough to read print through. Finally, any large pieces of
loptera spp.) or operculated eggs (e.g., fluke eggs) that do not faeces are removed and a coverslip is placed over the smear
float consistently or are distorted by the effect of FSs. Flota- which is examined under low microscopic power (×100).
tion techniques are most frequently used to recover parasite Faecal smears can also be air-dried and stained for iden-
eggs, oocysts and cysts (see following sections). tification of intestinal protozoa (e.g., trichrome stain for
Manuals of veterinary parasitology diagnostic are avail- Giardia and carbol-fuchsin, Giemsa or Ziehl-Neelsen for
able and cover multiple animal species and techniques. Cryptosporidium).

1 Homogenise the faecal sample
2 Transfer a drop of tap water or saline solution onto
the slide with an equal amount of faeces
3 Mix the solution and faeces together with a wooden
applicator until the solution is homogenous
4 Cover with the coverslip
5 Read

1 2 3 4 5

Figure 1. Direct smear.


Advantages by stirring on a magnetic stirrer. After preparing any FS, the

Rapid procedure and minimal equipment required. Useful s.g. must be confirmed with a density meter, allowing for the
for detecting protozoan trophozoites, which are distorted or fact that the s.g. of the saturated solution will vary slightly
destroyed by concentration media, and particularly heavy depending on the ambient temperature. If the salt crystals in
eggs that fail to float in these media. some FSs (in particular those based on NaCl) initially precip-
itate, but then later dissolve, more salt can be added to ensure
Disadvantages that the solution remains saturated.
The small amount of FM required is not a good representa-
tive sample, and often provides false-negative results. It can
also be difficult to identify the eggs as they may be partially
covered by debris. Negative findings are inconclusive.

Flotation techniques are the most common methods used to
recover PEs. These procedures are based on differences in
the specific gravity (s.g.) of parasite eggs, larvae, oocysts and
cysts, faecal debris and FS (Fig. 2).
The average s.g. of many nematode eggs, including dog
and cat ascarids, is between 1.05 and 1.24. The s.g. of the FS
must be greater than that of the eggs to allow parasite eggs
to float. Most of the FSs used in coproscopy (Table 2) are
saturated and made by adding a measured amount of salt
or sugar to a specific amount of water to produce a solution
with the desired s.g. The salt or sugar (or a combination of
both, depending on the FS) should be dissolved in the water Figure 2. Flotation technique.

Table 2. Flotation solutions widely used in coproscopy.

Specific gravity
Flotation solution Composition
at saturation

Sucrose and formaldehyde C12H22O11 454 g, CH2O solution (40 %) 6 mL, H2O 355 mL 1.200

Sodium chloride NaCl 500 g, H2O 1,000 mL 1.200

Zinc sulphate ZnSO4∙7H2O 330 g, made up to 1,000 mL 1.200

Sodium nitrate NaNO3 315 g, made up to 1,000 mL 1.200

Magnesium sulphate MgSO4 350 g, made up to 1,000 mL 1.280

Sodium nitrate NaNO3 250 g, Na2O3S2 ∙ 5 H2O 300 g, made up to 1,000 mL 1.300

Zinc sulphate ZnSO4∙7H2O 685 g, H2O 685 ml 1.350

Sodium chloride and zinc chloride NaCl 210 g, ZnCl2 220 g, H2O made up to 1,000 mL 1.350

Sucrose and sodium nitrate C12H22O11 540 g, NaNO3 360 g, H2O made up to to 1,000 mL 1.350

Sodium nitrate and sodium

NaNO3 300 g, Na2O3S2∙5 H2O 620 g, H2O 530 mL 1.450

Sucrose, sodium nitrate

C12H22O11 1,200 g, NaNO3 1,280 g, Na2O3S2∙5 H2O 1,800 g, H2O 720 mL 1.450
and sodium thiosulphate
CONTENTS Coproscopy 295

The FSs normally used for nematode and cestode eggs are It is also important to note that the type of diet can produce
mainly based on sodium chloride, whereas saturated solu- undesirable residues and fats in the faeces which may influ-
tions of zinc chloride or zinc sulphate are widely used for ence the clarity of reading, due to the flotation of small and/
trematode eggs. Ideally, all PEs would float and still main- or large particles of debris.
tain their morphological integrity, and faecal debris would
sink, in the chosen FS. The choice of FS is important and, in Simple (gravitational) faecal flotation
the authors’ opinion, it is not given enough attention by the One method is as follows: a small quantity of the faecal sam-
scientific community, despite the substantial effect that the ple (about 3 g) is placed in a 90 to 150 ml waxed paper cup
FS can have on the diagnostic performance of any flotation then about 20 ml of FS are added. An emulsion is made by
technique. Only the s.g. or density of the FS is usually report- thoroughly mixing the solution with the faeces using a tongue
ed in manuals of diagnostic or in peer-reviewed literature. depressor, until a faecal slurry is formed. This mixture of fae-
The efficiency of a FS in terms of the capacity to bring PEs to ces and FS is filtered through a double layer of cheesecloth
flotation is commonly believed to increase as the s.g. of the or gauze, or a tea strainer could also be used. The mixture
FS increases, but PEs should not be considered to be merely is poured into a shell vial which is then filled to the top and
“inert elements”. Instead, interactions between the elements slightly overfilled, so that a slight convex meniscus forms at
within a floating faecal suspension (e.g., FS components, PE, the lip of the vial. If there is not enough fluid in the cup to
fixative, ether and residues of the host’s diet) might be com- fill the shell vial, a small amount of fresh flotation medium
plex. As a rule of thumb: may be added. Finally, a glass coverslip is placed gently on top
• Different FSs with the same s.g. do not produce the same of the fluid and allowed to sit, undisturbed, for 10–20 min-
results with respect to the same PE, even when the same utes. The coverslip is then removed carefully and immediately
technique is used. placed on the microscope slide for examination (Fig. 3).
• An FS which might be highly effective with respect to a A plethora of flotation techniques, of varying degrees
particular PE and a particular technique, produces differ- of difficulty (simple to complex), are described in the text-
ent results if the technique is changed. books, diagnostic manuals and scientific literature, and there

• An FS which is effective with respect to a particular PE and are several kits, complete with specific instructions, available
a particular technique, using a fresh faecal sample, pro- commercially. These kits consist of prepared FS, disposable
duces different results if the method of faecal preservation plastic vials, and strainers.
changes (e.g., frozen, preserved in formalin or SAF, or in
other fixatives; see discussion above). Advantages
• An FS which is effective with respect to a particular PE Inexpensive and easy to perform.
and a particular technique, produces different results if the
host’s diet changes. Disadvantages
• It follows that each PE must be considered independent- The slide must be examined promptly, otherwise, osmotic
ly with respect to the FS, the technique and the method distortion may render the PEs difficult to identify, or crys-
of faecal preservation used when copromicroscopic flota- tallisation of the medium may obscure the microscopic field.
tion is employed. What is known for a specific PE can- Trematode eggs may be distorted because of the hypertonic
not be readily translated to a “similar” PE, or to the same effect exerted by the FS, as FSs have a very high s.g.
PE when the technique or the faecal preservation method

1 2 3 4

5 6 7

8 9 10

1 Homogenise the faecal sample 6 Transfer the faecal suspension into the tube; fill to the top and
2 Take a small quantity of faeces (about 3 g) slightly overfill it so that a meniscus forms above the lip of the tube

3 Add flotation solution (about 20 mL) 7 Cover with the coverslip

4 Homogenise the faeces with the solution 8 Wait for 10–20 min

5 Filter through a wire mesh (aperture = 250 µm) 9 Transfer the coverslip onto the glass slide
10 Read

Figure 3. Simple (gravitational) faecal flotation.

CONTENTS Coproscopy 297

McMaster technique Modified McMaster method

The McMaster technique is widely used in large animals to 3 g of faeces are put in a jar with FS to 45 mL. An emulsion is
detect and count strongyle eggs, primarily. Many variations made by thoroughly mixing the solution with the faeces using a
of the McMaster technique are described in the literature, all tongue depressor, until a faecal slurry is formed. This mixture
of which use the traditional two-chambered device. is then poured through a wire mesh screen and the strained
All flotation methods are qualitative in nature, unless a fluid caught in a bowl. The faeces filtrate is well stirred and
known amount of faeces is used, but any flotation method, withdrawn with a Pasteur pipette, and carefully placed into
even the gravitational type, can become quantitative if the one counting chamber. After further stirring, a second sam-
faecal sample is weighed prior to use. There are several meth- ple is withdrawn and placed into the second chamber. All the
ods in which the quantity of faeces to be used is specified in eggs under the two separate grids are then counted (Fig 4). The
the methodology and these include: EPG of the faeces is obtained by multiplying the total number
of eggs under the two grids by 50 (the dilution factor). Alter-
ations in the faeces to FS ratio will change the dilution factor,
for example, 4 g of faeces to 30 mL of FS results in a dilution
factor of 25 when both chambers are counted.

1 2 3 4

1 Homogenise the faecal sample

2 Weigh 3 g of fresh faeces
3 Add flotation solution to 45 mL
(dilution ratio = 1:15)
5 6
4 Homogenise the faeces with the
5 Filter through a wire mesh
(aperture = 250 µm)
6 Fill the two flotation chambers
7 Wait for 5–10 min
7 8 8 Read

Figure 4. Modified McMaster technique.


Improved modified McMaster method

As above, 3 g of faeces are mixed thoroughly with water
to 45 mL and poured through a wire mesh screen, and the
strained fluid caught in a bowl. The strained fluid is stirred
and a sample of it is poured into a centrifuge tube to within
10 mm of the top. The tube is centrifuged for 2 minutes at
170 x g and the supernatant is poured off and discarded. The
tube is then filled with FS to the same level as before, the con-
tents thoroughly mixed, and sufficient fluid is immediately
withdrawn with a Pasteur pipette and carefully placed into Figure 5. Centrifugal flotation.
one counting chamber. After further stirring, a second sam-
ple is withdrawn and placed into the other chamber. All the
eggs under the two separate grids are then counted. samples are then centrifuged as before. The coverslips are re-
moved, transferred to the slides and examined (Fig. 6).
It is considered by many authors to be the easiest quantitative Modified double centrifugation method (Cornell-
test to perform. Wisconsin method)
1–5 g of faeces (5 g in the original description) are mixed
Disadvantages with 10–12 mL of water and the slurry strained through a tea
As a dilution technique, analytical sensitivity may be inap- strainer into a beaker. The mixing container is rinsed with
propriate when there are few PEs. A significant amount of 2–3 mL of water and this is also strained. The wet material
fluid is discarded because the faeces are mixed with FS but in the strainer is pressed with a tongue depressor or spatula,
only a small amount of this mixture is used to charge the to remove as much water as possible and then discarded. The
slides, which may be cost-prohibitive in some cases. strained faeces are placed into a 15 mL conical centrifuge
tube and centrifuged at 264 x g for a minimum of 3 minutes
Centrifugal faecal flotation (some manuals recommend 5–10 minutes). The supernatant
Numerous methods of centrifugal faecal flotation have been is discarded, care being taken not to lose the fine sediment.
described and all have their attendant advantages and dis- The tube is filled about half full with the FS, the sediment
advantages. Some examples of common centrifugal flotation is resuspended with an applicator stick, and then the tube
methods are described below. is filled to the top with the same FS. The solution should be
about level with the top of the tube (slightly convex meniscus)
Wisconsin method then a 22 × 22 mm coverslip is placed on top of the tube, en-
3–5 g of faeces are placed into a polypropylene cup and suring that it makes contact with both the FS and the rim of
mixed with water to 25 mL. A tongue depressor is used to the tube. The tube is then centrifuged for 5 minutes, as before
macerate the sample and create a faecal slurry. This slurry is (some manuals recommend 5–10 minutes). The coverslip is
then passed through a tea strainer into a second cup, and the then removed and transferred to a slide for examination.
first container and strainer are rinsed with 8 mL of water.
All of the fluid is then poured into two 15-mL conical end Advantages
centrifuge tubes and centrifuged at 150 x g for 10 minutes Minimum detectable limit is 1 PE in 1–5 g of faeces. The wa-
(Fig. 5). The supernatant is decanted, care being taken not ter wash step helps to eliminate very light material, resulting
to lose the fine sediment of the pelleted material. The tubes in cleaner preparations.
are then filled approximately half way with FS, and the pel-
let is resuspended using an applicator stick. The tubes are Disadvantages
then topped off with FS until a slightly convex meniscus is As a two-step technique, it requires slightly more time than
formed, and a 22 × 22 mm coverslip is placed on top. The single-step centrifugation.
CONTENTS Coproscopy 299

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13

14 15

1 Homogenise the faecal sample 9 Fill the tube approximately half full with FS
2 Weigh 3–5 g of fresh faeces 10 Resuspend the pellet using a wooden stick
3 Add tap water to 25 mL 11 Top the tube up with FS until a meniscus is formed
4 Homogenise thoroughly with a stick 12 Place a 22 × 22 mm coverslip over the top of the tube
5 Filter through a wire mesh (aperture = 250 µm) 13 Centrifuge at 150 × g for 10 min
6 Transfer the faecal suspension into the tube 14 Transfer the coverslip onto the slide
7 Centrifuge at 150 × g for 10 min 15 Read
8 Discard the supernatant

Figure 6. Wisconsin method.


FLOTAC techniques
These techniques use a FLOTAC apparatus and are based The tubes are centrifuged for 3 min at 170 × g at room tem-
on the centrifugal flotation of a faecal suspension and subse- perature, then each supernatant is discarded, leaving only
quent translation (cutting) of the apical portion of the float- the sediment (pellets) in the tubes. Each tube is then filled
ing suspension. with the chosen FS to the previous 6 mL level. The suspen-
Three methods can be used with the FLOTAC device (ba- sions are homogenised thoroughly (before and between the
sic, dual and double), and these are variants of a single tech- fillings) and the two flotation chambers of the FLOTAC ap-
nique, but with different applications (Fig. 7). paratus are filled. The FLOTAC apparatus is then closed and
The FLOTAC basic technique uses a single FS. This tech- centrifuged for 5 min at 120 × g at room temperature. After
nique is recommended for use with faecal samples containing centrifugation, simultaneous 45° rotation of the apparatus’s
a low or very low number of PEs from a single parasite spe- translation disc and reading disc cuts (removal) the top por-
cies (natural or experimental mono-infection), or with fae- tion of the suspension in both chambers (= translation) and
cal samples containing a low or very low number of various the reading disc is examined under a microscope (Fig. 8).
types of PEs, which all have the same behaviour with respect
to the FS used. With the FLOTAC basic technique, the ref- Advantages
erence units are the two flotation chambers (total volume 10 The large amount of faecal suspension examined gives few-
mL; corresponding to 1 g of faeces). The analytic sensitivity er false-negative results, so it is particularly suitable for sit-
of the FLOTAC basic technique is 1 PE per gram. uations of low parasite elements. Results obtained with the
The FLOTAC dual technique is based on the use of two FLOTAC apparatus are easy to read.
different FSs that have complementary s.g. and are used in
parallel on the same faecal sample. This technique is indi- Disadvantages
cated for epidemiological surveys and routine diagnosis, to A certain level of laboratory infrastructure (e.g., large vol-
screen for a wide range of PEs with different characteristics ume centrifuge or benchtop centrifuge with rotor for micro-
in relation to the FS. With the FLOTAC dual technique, the titre plates) is required for FLOTAC techniques, which is of-
reference unit is the single flotation chamber (volume 5 mL; ten not available in resource-constrained settings. It is more
corresponding to 0.5 g of faeces) and the analytical sensitivi- time-consuming than some other flotation techniques.
ty of this technique is 2 PEs per gram.
The FLOTAC double technique is based on the simulta-
neous examination of two different faecal samples from two
different hosts using a single FLOTAC apparatus. With this
technique, the two faecal samples are assigned to their own
single flotation chamber, using the same FS, and the refer-
ence unit for this technique is the single flotation chamber
(volume 5 mL; corresponding to 0.5 g of faeces). The ana-
lytic sensitivity of the FLOTAC double technique is 2 PEs
per gram.
The procedure is as follow: each faecal sample is diluted in
tap water (dilution ratio 1:10). After homogenisation (the use
of a hand blender is recommended), the resulting suspension
is filtered through a wire mesh (aperture = 250 μm), then Figure 7. Devices in the “FLOTAC family”: Mini-FLOTAC,
6 mL from the filtered suspensionis placed into conical tubes. FLOTAC and Fill-FLOTAC.
CONTENTS Coproscopy 301

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

13 14

1 Homogenise the faecal sample 8 Discard the supernatant

2 Weigh 10 g of fresh faeces 9 Fill the tubes with flotation solution to their previous
3 Add 90 mL of tap water (dilution ratio 1:10) 6 mL levels

4 Homogenise the suspension thoroughly 10 Resuspend the pellet using a wooden stick

5 Filter through a wire mesh (aperture = 250 µm) 11 Fill the two FLOTAC flotation chambers

6 Transfer two 6 mL aliquots of the filtered suspension into 12 Centrifuge at 120 × g for 5 min
two conical tubes 13 Translate
7 Centrifuge at 170 × g for 3 min 14 Read

Figure 8. FLOTAC dual technique.


Mini-FLOTAC technique
Mini-FLOTAC was developed to overcome the issue of Advantages
limited facilities by eliminating the centrifugation step. Mi- It operates in a closed system and can be performed on fixed
ni-FLOTAC is recommended for use in combination with faecal samples. It can be used in place of the FLOTAC tech-
Fill-FLOTAC, a disposable sampling kit, which consists of niques in laboratories where the centrifugation step cannot
a container, a collector and a filter. Fill-FLOTAC facilitates be performed.
the first four steps of the Mini-FLOTAC technique, i.e., sam- Mini-FLOTAC has been already validated in veterinary
ple collection and weighing, homogenisation, filtration and parasitology for the diagnosis of helminths (e.g., ascarids,
filling. hookworms, trichurids, gastrointestinal nematodes) in pets
Briefly, 2 g of fresh faeces are weighed in a container and and livestock.
FS to 20 mL are then added (dilution ratio = 1:10). The sus-
pension is homogenised thoroughly then filtered through a Disadvantages
wire mesh (aperture = 250 µm). The suspension is mixed Minimum detection limit of 5 EPG may not be appropriate
thoroughly and the two chambers of the Mini-FLOTAC in all situations.
filled (these four steps can be performed in the Fill-FLO-
TAC). The Mini-FLOTAC is left to stand for 10 minutes,
then the top parts of the Mini-FLOTAC’s flotation chambers
are translated and read under the microscope (Fig. 9). The
analytic sensitivity of the Mini-FLOTAC basic technique is
5 PEs per gram.

Video 12.1 Video 12.2

Detailed tutorial for the Detailed tutorial for the
Mini-FLOTAC technique Mini-FLOTAC technique
on fresh faeces. on fixed faeces.
CONTENTS Coproscopy 303

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

1 Homogenise the faecal sample 5 Fill the Mini-FLOTAC using the filling holes until the flotation chambers
2 Weigh 2 g of fresh faeces are filled with the faecal suspension and a slight meniscus is formed

3 Add flotation solution to 20 mL 6 Wait for 5–10 min

(dilution ratio = 1:10) 7 Translate the top part of the flotation chambers
4 Homogenise thoroughly 8 Read

Figure 9. Mini-FLOTAC technique.


Faecal sedimentation
A sedimentation procedure is used to isolate eggs or cysts Advantages
whose s.g. is too high to float readily in common FSs or The benefit of the sedimentation procedure is to detect eggs
which would be severely distorted by FS (Fig. 10). One com- that do not easily float if they are too heavy or too delicate
mon method is as follows: to be concentrated by flotation, for example, so this proce-
100 mL of water are mixed with 10 g of faeces and placed dure is mainly used for trematodes and some nematode (e.g.,
in a beaker or other container. The mixture of faeces and Physaloptera spp.) eggs. Large volumes of faeces can also be
water is strained through a double layer of cheesecloth or evaluated.
gauze, or a tea strainer into a container. It is advisable to use
a 250 mL conical container (height = 18 cm) or a 500 mL Disadvantages
beaker (height = 12 cm). The mixture is allowed to sit for It is more time-consuming to perform.
20–30 minutes to 1 hour and then the supernatant is decant-
ed. Water is then added to the previous level, the sediment
is resuspended, and the sample allowed to rest again from
20–30 minutes to 1 hour. The supernatant is decanted again,
and the sediment is removed and placed into a Petri dish for
evaluation. Alternatively, a few drops of the remaining mix-
ture can be placed on a microscope slide, a coverslip added
and the preparation examined (Fig. 11).

Figure 10. Sedimentation technique.

1 Homogenise the faecal sample Repeat steps 6–7–8 until the suspension is clear
2 Weigh 3 g of fresh faeces
9 Remove 90 % of the supernatant
3 Add 100 mL of water
10 Stir the remaining mixture
4 Homogenise thoroughly with a stick
11 Place the entire amount in the Petri dish or place a few drops
5 Filter through a wire mesh (aperture = 250 µm)
on the glass slide
6 Allow the mixture to rest for 1 hour
12 Read
7 Remove 70 % of the supernatant
8 Refill the beaker with fresh water
CONTENTS Coproscopy 305

1 2 3 4

5 6 7

8 9 10

11 12

Figure 11. Faecal sedimentation.


Telemann technique
The Telemann technique concentrates eggs, cysts and lar- so that the larvae can migrate out and be collected. One
vae in samples with high fat concentrations. Briefly, about method is as follows:
1 gram of faeces is put in a beaker with 5 mL hydrochloric Place warm water (at approximately 25 °C) into a glass
acid (15 %) and homogenised. The faecal suspension is fil- funnel with a stopcock or a clamp on a rubber hose over the
tered through a double layer of gauze and transferred into a end of the funnel. 5 or more grams of faeces are wrapped in
15 mL centrifuge tube. An equal amount of ether is added two layers of gauze and placed in the water in the funnel. A
and the tube is plugged then shaken vigorously and cen- support, such as a screen, tea strainer or sieve, is placed in
trifuged at 170 × g for 1 minute. Four layers are formed the funnel, and the gauze-wrapped faeces are placed on it.
by the centrifugation: 1) ether; 2) plug of faecal debris; 3) The sample is allowed to rest for at least 8 hours, or pref-
acid; 4) sediment containing the PEs. The tube is placed erably overnight. The clamp is then released and the first
in a horizontal position and the upper layers are removed, 10 mL of fluid collected in a centrifuge tube. This is spun
leaving only the sediment in the tube. The walls of the tube for a minimum of 3 minutes at 170 × g, the supernatant
are cleaned with a cotton swab and, finally, a few drops is discarded, and the sediment examined (Fig. 13). Identi-
of sediment are placed on a microscope slide, a coverslip fication of the larvae often requires that they be killed in
is placed on top and the preparation is examined (Fig. 12). an extended position. This is easily achieved by judiciously
warming the droplet of water before applying the coverslip.
Advantages As an alternative to heating, a drop of Lugol’s solution may
This technique is useful for samples with high fat be added at the edge of the coverslip. This both relaxes and
concentrations. stains the larvae.
The sluggishness of some larvae is a problem with this
Disadvantages method, so fresh samples are absolutely essential. Another
It is time-consuming to perform, and uses hazardous and issue may be the sloped sides of the funnels, so modified
toxic materials. funnels with vertical sides have been produced to try to over-
come this.
Baermann test This technique is considered to be the gold standard for
The Baermann test is used to isolate larvae from faecal sam- lungworm detection.
ples. It depends on the ability of the larvae to migrate away
from the faeces and into the surrounding water. The lar- Advantages
vae settle out and are found at the bottom of the container. The larvae recovered are not distorted and easier to identify
It requires equipment to hold the faecal sample in the water because no flotation medium is used.

1 Homogenise the faecal sample 8 Shake the tube vigorously

2 Weigh 1 g of fresh faeces 9 Centrifuge at 170 × g for 1 min
3 Add hydrochloric acid 15 % (about 5 mL) 10 Check that four layers have been formed after centrifugation
4 Homogenise thoroughly with a stick 11 Discard the supernatant
5 Filter through a double layer of gauze 12 Transfer 2–3 drops of the sediment onto the microscope slide
6 Transfer the faecal suspension into the tube 13 Cover with the coverslip
7 Add an equal amount of ether 14 Read
CONTENTS Coproscopy 307

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

Plug of debris


9 10 11 12

13 14

Figure 12. Telemann-Rivas method.


1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10

1 Homogenise the faecal sample 6 Centrifuge at 170 × g for 3 min

2 Weigh 5–10 g of faeces 7 Aspirate the supernatant
3 Add water (preferably warm water at 25 °C) into a glass funnel that 8 Transfer 2–3 drops of sediment onto the
has a stopcock or a clamp on a rubber hose over the end of the microscope slide
funnel. Take 5 or more grams of faeces, wrap the faeces in 2 layers 9 Cover with the coverslip
of gauze and place in the water in the funnel
10 Read
4 Allow the sample to rest for at least 8 hours, preferably overnight
5 Release the clamp and collect the first 10 mL of fluid in a
centrifuge tube

Figure 13. Baermann technique.

CONTENTS Coproscopy 309

Disadvantages While copromicroscopy is considered to be highly specific,

Samples in which larvae may be dead or dying are unlikely to its performance depends not only on the level of infestation,
yield positive results, and the requirement for the sample to but also on the detection limit of the technique employed. In
rest undisturbed for 8+ hours means results are not usually addition to the performance characteristics (e.g., sensitivity,
available until the next day. specificity, reproducibility, positive and negative predictive
values) of a method, the operational features (e.g., simplicity,
Discussion ease of use, user acceptability) should be considered when-
Correct techniques are essential for the accurate diagnosis of ever a diagnostic test is evaluated. Athough coprological ex-
intestinal parasites in dogs, cats and other pets. Veterinarians aminations should be performed by veterinarians or trained
and their staff should re-evaluate their attitude of “it is only a veterinary technicians in small animal practice, the task is
faecal sample” and use these important techniques better in commonly assigned to the newest staff member, often with
their routine diagnostic plans. very little instruction or emphasis on its importance. Accu-
Numerous different factors may influence the perfor- rate evaluation of faecal samples is important and must be
mance of copromicroscopic techniques based either on flota- taken seriously by all members of the clinical practice.
tion (e.g., simple flotation, McMaster, Wisconsin, FLOTAC, There is a clear lack of standardisation of copromicro-
etc.) or on sedimentation. These factors include the choice scopic techniques and each lab usually uses its own method,
of fixative used for faecal preservation (e.g., formalin 5 % mostly based on “lab traditions” rather than on the tech-
or 10 %, or SAF), the duration of faecal preservation before nique’s performance or operational characteristics. Howev-
analysis, the animal’s diet, selection of the FS, and the con- er, it is important to emphasise that various factors may in-
current use of ether. As mentioned in the previous sections, fluence the performance of any copromicroscopic technique,
FS and the method of faecal sample preservation have a ma- so interlaboratory validation is strongly recommended.
jor influence on the analytical sensitivity, precision and accu- The results of any copromicroscopic technique also de-
racy of any copromicroscopic technique based on flotation, pend on the “human factor” (the experience of the personnel
be it qualitative or quantitative. performing the test) so reliable identification of parasitic in-

In human medicine, it is widely accepted that diagnostic fections requires in-depth training for the specimen prepara-
methods must be accurate, simple and affordable to be use- tion, and expertise and experience for the subsequent micro-
ful. They must also provide a result quickly enough to imple- scopic examination.
ment effective control measures, especially treatment. The method of copromicroscopy to be chosen also de-
Although a faecal examination is considered a routine pends on what the information is going to be used for.
procedure in many veterinary clinics, little thought is often
given to performing the procedure correctly.

Identification of parasite eggs, cysts and larvae in dogs

Microscopic coproscopy

Major helminth eggs in dogs


Worm eggs with an operculum Diphyllobothrium spp.

Spirometra spp.

Worm eggs with no operculum

Mesocestoides spp.

Dipylidium caninum

Hexacanth embryo

Joyeuxiella spp.


Toxocara canis

1 cell
Toxascaris leonina

No larva Ancylostoma or Uncinaria
1 morula

Trichuris vulpis

With polar
No embryo

Thick-shelled Spirocerca lupi


Thin-shelled Strongyloides spp.

CONTENTS Coproscopy 311

Major protozoan cysts or oocysts in dogs

Oval cyst with four nuclei, fibrils and

Giardia duodenalis
longitudinally orientated flagellar fragments

Spherical, 4–5 μm Cryptosporidium spp.

Egg-shaped with
Sarcocystis spp.
two sporozoites, 12 μm

Oocysts containing one

or more masses
Egg-shaped, ≤15 μm Neospora or Hammondia

Egg-shaped, >15 μm Isospora spp.

Major helminth larvae in dogs

Visible rhabditoid apparatus Strongyloides stercoralis

Button on the head, and spine

Angiostrongylus vasorum
near the posterior end

Rhabditoid apparatus absent

or difficult to distinguish
Short oesophagus Oslerus osleri
No button
on the head
Oesophagus length =
Crenosoma vulpis
1/3 of total body length

Macroscopic coproscopy

Major visible worms in dogs

Toxocara canis
Roundworms: Ascaridida
Toxascaris leonina

Dipylidium caninum

Segment size
>0.5 cm Taenia spp.

Mesocestoides spp.

Segment size
Echinococcus spp.
<0.5 cm
CONTENTS Coproscopy 313

Microscopic coproscopy in dogs

Trematode egg
Description: small ovoid egg; thick
shell with an operculum at one pole
and a spine at the other (Fig. 14).
Contents: an embryo.
Size: 30 × 20 μm.

Figure 14. Opisthorchis eggs.

Diphyllobothrium latum
Cestode egg
Description: medium-sized, spherical
to ovoid egg; thin shell with an
operculum at one pole (Fig. 15).
Contents: a light brown syncytium
that fills the entire egg.
Size: 60 × 45 μm.

Cestode egg
Description: medium-sized, ovoid to
almost spherical egg; smooth, thin
shell with an operculum at one pole
(Fig. 15).
Contents: a light brown syncytium
that fills the entire egg.
Size: 70 × 60 μm.
Figure 15. Diphyllobothrium or Spirometra eggs.

Dipylidium caninum
Cestode egg
Description: small egg; smooth, thin
shell (Fig. 16).
Contents: a hexacanth embryo.
Size: 50 × 40 μm.
Comment: Dipylidium spp. eggs are
grouped in clusters of 20 inside a
Figure 16. Dipylidium eggs. Figure 17. Dipylidium oviferous thin shell: the egg packet or oviferous
capsule. capsule (Fig. 17).

Cestode egg
Description: small egg; smooth, thin
shell; cannot be differentiated from
Dipylidium caninum using only a
microscope (Fig. 18).
Contents: a hexacanth embryo.
Size: 50 × 40 μm.
Comment: oviferous capsule
containing only one egg.

Figure 18. Joyeuxiella eggs.

Cestode egg
Description: small, globular egg with
a unique, thick envelope; radially
striated (Fig. 19).
Contents: a hexacanth embryo.
Size: 30–40 × 20–30 μm.
Comment: eggs are excreted in an
oviferous segment; no morphological
differences between Taenia and
Echinococcus. Figure 19. Taeniidae eggs.

Cestode egg
Description: small, globular egg;
smooth, thin shell (Fig. 20).
Contents: a hexacanth embryo.
Size: 50 × 40 μm.

Figure 20. Mesocestoides eggs.

CONTENTS Coproscopy 315

Toxocara canis
Nematode egg
Description: medium-sized, globular
egg; thick-shelled with an alveolar
external layer (thimble-like) and
smooth internal layer (Fig. 21).
Contents: a single, dark-brown cell
that almost fills the entire egg.
Size: 70–90 × 65–75 μm.

Figure 21. Toxocara canis eggs.

Toxascaris leonina
Nematode egg
Description: medium-sized,
subglobular egg; thick, smooth outer
shell with concentric layers (Fig. 22).
Contents: a single, light-brown cell
that does not fill the entire egg.
Size: 75–85 × 65–75 μm.

Figure 22. Toxascaris leonina egg.

Nematode egg
Description: medium-sized, quite
narrow beige to brown egg; smooth
shell of medium thickness; elongated
lemon shape with a flattened polar
plug at each pole (Fig. 23).
Contents: one cell.
Size: 55–70 × 30 μm.
Comment: differentiation from
Trichuris eggs is based on the
protruding appearance of the polar
plugs, and globular shape, of
Trichuris compared to Capillaria.

Figure 23. Capillaria aerophila egg.


Ancylostoma and Uncinaria

Nematode egg
Description: ovoid, medium-sized
strongyle-like egg; thin, smooth shell
(Fig. 24).
Contents: a morula with four to eight
large blastomeres.
Size: 55–65 × 40–45 μm.
Comment: Ancylostoma eggs are
smaller (55–65 × 40 μm) than
Uncinaria eggs (65–80 × 45–50
μm), but it is difficult to distinguish
between them in practice.

Figure 24. Ancylostoma or Uncinaria egg.

Spirocerca lupi
Nematode egg
Description: small, elongated egg;
smooth shell with parallel sidewalls
(Fig. 25).
Contents: a clearly visible first stage
larva, often folded twice.
Size: 35 × 10–15 μm.

Figure 25. Spirocerca lupi egg.

CONTENTS Coproscopy 317

Nematode egg
Description: small, rectangular small
egg with parallel sidewalls; thin-
shelled; light coloured (Fig. 26).
Content: a larva, not always clearly
Size: 35–50 × 25–30 μm.
Comment: stage 1 larvae are expelled
in carnivores, whereas eggs are
excreted in herbivores and Suidae.

Figure 26. Strongyloides egg.

Trichuris vulpis
Nematode egg
Description: medium-sized, orange-
brown egg; smooth, thick shell;

elongated lemon shape with a
protruding polar plug at each pole
(Fig. 27).
Contents: a single cell.
Size: 60–85 × 40–45 μm.

Figure 27. Trichuris vulpis eggs.


Protozoan cyst
Description: egg-shaped to oval cyst;
smooth, thin shell (Fig. 28).
Contents: two to four flagella, the
cellular nucleus and drumstick-like
residual bodies of which are visible
and feature a central S shape (similar
to the Ying/Yang symbol).
Size: small (7–10 × 8–12 μm).

Figure 28. Giardia cysts.

Protozoan cyst
Description: sporocyst with four
sporozoites; very thin shell element;
smooth, elongated shape with
rounded poles (Fig. 29).
Contents: four infective, banana-
shaped cells: the sporozoites.
Size: 12 × 8 μm to 20 × 16 μm
according to the species.
Comment: excreted as oocysts similar
to Isospora, but directly sporulated
and often producing sporocysts in the
digestive tract, therefore possible to
detect by coproscopy.
Figure 29. Sarcocystis cyst.
CONTENTS Coproscopy 319

Protozoan cyst
Description: ovoid oocyst; thin-
shelled; slightly more pointed at one
end and more rounded at the other
(Fig. 30).
Contents: a rounded cell with granular
content when hatched; two sporocysts
that contain four sporozoites each
after sporulation in the external
Size: medium-sized
(20–40 × 15–35 μm);
Isospora canis: 38 × 30 μm;
Isospora ohioensis: 23 × 19 μm.

Figure 30. Isospora oocysts.

Cryptosporidium parvum
Protozoan cyst
Description: spherical to egg-shaped
oocyst, with a relatively thick shell
compared to other coccidia (Fig. 31).
Contents: clearly visible oocyst
residual body, and four vermiform
sporozoites hardly visible with light
Size: small (5 × 4 μm).

Figure 31. Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts.

Hammondia and Neospora

Protozoan cyst
Description: egg-shaped oocyst;
smooth, thin shell with rounded ends
(Fig. 32).
Contents: a single granular, spherical
cell before sporulation, then two
sporocysts containing four sporozoites
each on sporulation in the external
Size: 12–15 × 10–13 μm.

Figure 32. Neospora oocyst.

CONTENTS Coproscopy 321

Strongyloides stercoralis
Nematode larva
Description: thin, rhabditiform stage
1 larva; club-shaped anterior end;
short buccal cavity; sharp, pointed
tail. Large genital primordium clearly
visible (Fig. 33).
Size: 280–380 × 15–18 μm.

Figure 33. Strongyloides stercoralis L1.

Oslerus osleri
Nematode larva
Description: strongyle-like stage

1 larva; undulating, pointed tail with
two curls;. oesophagus hardly visible
(Fig. 34).
Size: 250–350 μm long.

Figure 34. Oslerus L1.


Angiostrongylus vasorum
Nematode larva
Description: thin, strongyle-like
stage 1 larva; button on the head;
undulating, pointed tail with a dorsal
notch (Fig. 35).
Size: 330–360 μm long.

Figure 35. Angiostrongylus L1.

Crenosoma vulpis
Nematode larva
Description: strongyle-like stage
1 larva; elongated caudal end with
no dorsal notch; no button on the
head; oesophagus clearly visible
and strongyle-like, measuring up to
1/3 of the entire length of the larva
(Fig. 36).
Size: 265–330 μm long.

Figure 36. Crenosoma vulpis L1.

CONTENTS Coproscopy 323

Macroscopic coproscopy in dogs

Toxocara canis and

Toxascaris leonina
If numerous adults are present in
young dogs’ intestines, they can be
eliminated in faeces or vomit.
Description: large, white, rounded
worms; up to 10 cm in length
and 2–3 mm in diameter; often
intertwined with one another and
Figure 37. Adult ascarids, hookworms and whipworms. forming ascarid clusters (Fig. 37).

Dipylidium caninum
Description: strobila made up of
whitish segments longer than they
are wide; relatively narrow and barrel-
Expelled one at a time
(2–4 × 6–10 mm) or in clusters

of segments (Figs. 38 and 39).
Elements attach to fur and look like a
Figure 38. Dipylidium proglottids on dog faeces. rice or semolina grains when drying.
Can be found in the animal’s direct
environment: bed, chairs, etc.

Figure 39. Dipylidium proglottids.


Taenia spp.
Description: strobila made up of
rectangular, whitish segments, longer
than they are wide. Expelled as single
element or in clusters (Fig. 40).
Size: 8–15 × 5–6 mm for each
oviferous segment.

Figure 40. Taenia proglottids.

Mesocestoides (segment)
Description: small whitish segments
with rounded sidewalls; central spot
representing the parauterine organ
(Fig. 41).
Size: 5–6 × 3–4 mm.

Figure 41. Mesocestoides segments.

CONTENTS Coproscopy 325

Echinococcus granulosus
Description: one rectangular oviferous
segment per cestode; 4–6 mm long
and 1 wide; difficult to identify
macroscopically. Oviferous segment
represents more than half of the
total body length and contains a
longitudinally elongated uterus
(Fig. 42).

Figure 42. Echinococcus granulosus.

Echinococcus multilocularis

Description: one rectangular oviferous
segment per cestode; 2-3 mm long
and 1 wide; difficult to identify
macroscopically. Oviferous segment
represents less than half of the
total body length and contains a
sacculated uterus (Fig. 43).

Figure 43. Echinococcus multilocularis.


Identification of parasite eggs, cysts and larvae in cats

Microscopic coproscopy

Major helminth eggs in cats


Worm eggs with an operculum Diphyllobothrium spp.

Spirometra spp.

Worm eggs with no operculum

Mesocestoides spp.

Hexacanth embryo Dipylidium caninum


Toxocara cati

1 cell
Toxascaris leonina

No larva Ancylostoma or Uncinaria
1 morula

With polar
No embryo

Thick-shelled Spirura rytipleurites


Thin-shelled Strongyloides spp.

CONTENTS Coproscopy 327

Major protozoan cysts or oocysts in cats

Oval cyst with four nuclei, fibrils and

Giardia duodenalis
longitudinally orientated flagellar fragments

Cryptosporidium parvum
Spherical, 4–5 μm
Cryptosporidium felis

Egg-shaped with
Sarcocystis spp.
two sporozoites, 12 μm

Oocysts containing one

or more masses
Toxoplasma gondii
Egg-shaped, ≤15 μm
Besnoitia or Hammondia

Egg-shaped, >15 μm Isospora spp.

Major helminth larvae in cats

Visible rhabditoid apparatus Strongyloides stercoralis

Oesophagus = 1/3 of total body length Crenosoma vulpis

Rhabditoid apparatus absent or difficult Third stage larvae in sheath, and tail
Ollulanus tricuspis
to distinguish (no anterior spot) with three sharp points

Naked larvae, short oesophagus;

undulated tail and a spine near the Aelurostrongylus abstrusus
posterior end

Macroscopic coproscopy

Major visible worms in cats

Toxocara cati
Roundworms: Ascaridida
Toxascaris leonina

Dipylidium caninum

Segment size
>0.5 cm Taenia taeniaeformis

Mesocestoides spp.

Segment size
Echinococcus spp.
<0.5 cm
CONTENTS Coproscopy 329

Microscopic coproscopy in cats

Clonorchis and Metorchis
Trematode egg
Description: small ovoid egg; thick
shell with an operculum at one end
and a polar spine at the opposite end
(Fig. 44).
Contents: an embryo.
Size: 30 × 20 μm.

Figure 44. Opisthorchis egg.

Diphyllobothrium or

Cestode egg
Description: medium-sized ovoid
egg; smooth shell with an operculum
(Fig. 45).
Contents: light golden-yellow
syncytium which fills the entire shell.
Size: 60 μm long × 45 μm wide.

Figure 45. Spirometra or Diphyllobothrium eggs.


Dipylidium caninum
Cestode egg
Description: small egg; thin, smooth
shell (Fig. 46).
Contents: a hexacanth embryo.
Size: 40 × 50 μm.
Comment: Dypilidum spp. eggs are
grouped in clusters of about 20 in
egg capsules, encased by a thin shell:
the oviferous or egg-bearing capsule.
Size: 200 × 400 μm.

Figure 46. Dipylidium eggs.

Cestode egg
Description: small globular egg;
unique, thick envelop; radially
striated (Fig. 47).
Contents: a hexacanth embryo.
Size: 30–40 × 20–30 μm.
Comment: eggs are eliminated in
an ovigerous segment. Genus and
species diagnosis is not possible
(Taenia or Echinococcus).

Figure 47. Taeniidae egg.

Cestode egg
Description: small, globular egg; thin,
smooth shell (Fig. 48).
Contents: a hexacanth embryo.
Size: 40 × 50 μm.

Figure 48. Mesocestoides eggs.

CONTENTS Coproscopy 331

Toxocara cati
Nematode egg
Description: medium-sized, globular
egg; thick-shelled with an alveolar
external layer (thimble-like) and
smooth internal layer (Fig. 49).
Contents: a single, brownish-black
cell filling almost all the shell.
Size: 70–90 × 65–75 μm.

Figure 49. Toxocara cati egg.

Toxascaris leonina
Nematode egg
Description: medium-sized,
subglobular egg; smooth, thick shell
with concentric layers (Fig. 50).
Contents: a single, yellowish-brown
cell filling only part of the shell.

Size: 75–85 × 65–75 μm.

Figure 50. Toxascaris leonina egg.

Ancylostoma or Uncinaria
Nematode egg
Description: ovoid, medium-sized
strongyle-like egg; thin, smooth shell
(Fig. 51).
Contents: a morula with four to eight
large blastomeres.
Size: 55–65 × 40–45 μm.
Comment: Ancylostoma eggs are
smaller (55–65 × 40 μm) than
Uncinaria eggs (65–80 × 45–50 μm),
but it is difficult to distinguish
between them in practice.
Figure 51. Ancylostoma egg.

Nematode egg
Description: medium-sized light-
coloured egg; relatively straight,
smooth and semi-thick shell;
elongated (lemon-shaped) with a
flattened polar plug at each end
(Figs. 52 and 53).
Contents: a single cell. Figure 52. Capillaria plica (urine) egg. Figure 53. Capillaria aerophila egg.
Size: 55–70 × 30 μm.
Comment: the identification of Trichuris
eggs is not relevant to domestic cats
in Europe. The only known Trichuris
in Felidae were found in wild animal
species, especially in South America.

Spirura rytipleurites
Nematode egg
Description: elongated egg; thick,
smooth shell (Fig. 54).
Contents: a well-developed larva.
Size: 45–55 × 25–35 μm.

Figure 54. Spirura egg.

Nematode egg
Description: small, rectangular small
egg with parallel sidewalls; thin-
shelled; light coloured (Fig. 55).
Content: a larva, not always clearly
Size: 35–50 × 25–30 μm.
Comment: stage 1 larvae are expelled
early in carnivores, whereas eggs are
excreted in herbivores and Suidae.

Figure 55. Strongyloides egg.

CONTENTS Coproscopy 333

Protozoan cyst
Description: egg-shaped to oval cyst;
smooth, thin shell (Fig. 56).
Contents: two to four flagella, the
cellular nucleus and drumstick-like
residual bodies of which are visible
and feature a central S shape (similar
to the Ying/Yang symbol).
Size: small (7–10 × 8–12 μm).
Comment: lugol staining.

Figure 56. Giardia cysts.

Protozoan cyst
Description: spherical to egg-shaped
oocyst; relatively thick shell compared
to other coccidia (Fig. 57).
Contents: clearly visible oocyst
residual body, and four sporozoites

hardly visible with light microscopy.
Size: small (5 × 4 μm).
Comment: Ziehl-Nielsen staining.

Figure 57. Cryptosporidium cysts (Ziehl-Neelsen staining).

Protozoan cyst
Description: sporocyst contains four
sporozoites; very thin and smooth
sidewalls; elongated shape with
rounded ends (Fig. 58).
Contents: four infectious banana-
shaped cells: the sporozoites.
Size: 12 × 8 μm to 20 × 16 μm
according to the species.
Comment: cysts that are hatched with
a similar shape to that of an Isospora
oocyst, although sporulated and often
delivering sporocysts into the digestive
Figure 58. Sarcocystis oocyst. tract, therefore visible on coproscopy.

Toxoplasma, Hammondia
and Besnoitia
Protozoan cyst
Description: egg-shaped oocyst;
smooth, thin shell with rounded ends
(Fig. 59).
Contents: a single granular, spherical
cell before sporulation, then
two sporocysts that contain four
sporozoites each at sporulation in the
external environment.
Size: 12–15 × 10–13 μm.

Figure 59. Toxoplasma, Hammondia or Besnoitia oocyst.

Protozoan cyst
Description: thin-shelled, ovoid oocyst
with one end being more pointed than
the other (Fig. 60).
Contents: a single rounded cell with
granular contents when hatching;
two sporocysts that contain four
sporozoites each after sporulation in
the external environment.
Size: Isospora felis: 40 × 30 μm;
Isospora rivolta: 25 × 20 μm.

Figure 60. Isospora oocysts.

CONTENTS Coproscopy 335

Nematode larva
Description: thin, rhabditiform stage
1 larva; club-shaped anterior end;
short buccal cavity; sharp, pointed
tail. Large genital primordium clearly
visible (Fig. 61).
Size: 280–380 × 15–18 μm.

Figure 61. Strongyloides L1.

Crenosoma vulpis
Nematode larva
Description: strongyle-like larva 1;
elongated posterior end; no dorsal
spine or cephalic plug. Strongyle-
like oesophagus clearly visible and
measuring a third of the total length
(Fig. 62).
Size: 265–330 μm.

Figure 62. Crenosoma vulpis L1.


Aelurostrongylus abstrusus
Nematode larva
Description: thin-walled, strongyle-
like larva 1 with undulating, pointed
tail at the posterior end and a dorsal
spine (Fig. 63).
Size: 360–400 μm.

Figure 63. Aelurostrongylus abstrusus L1.

CONTENTS Coproscopy 337

Macroscopic coproscopy in cats

Toxocara cati –
Toxascaris leonina
When adults are numerous in a kitten
intestine, they can be expelled in
faeces or vomit.
Description: large, white, rounded
worms measuring up to 10 cm long,
with a diameter of 2–3 mm; often
intertwined with one another and
forming ascarid clusters (Fig. 64).

Figure 64. Toxocarosis (Toxocara cati) in a cat.

Dipylidium caninum
Description: strobila made up of
whitish segments, longer than they

are wide; relatively narrow and barrel-
shaped. Expelled one at a time
(2–4 × 6–10 mm) or in clusters of
segments (Fig. 65). Elements attach
to fur and look like a rice or semolina
grains when drying. Can be found in
the animal’s direct environment: bed,
chairs, etc.

Figure 65. Dipylidium proglottids.


Taenia taeniaeformis
Description: strobila made up of
rectangular, whitish segments, longer
than they are wide. Expelled as single
element or in clusters (Fig. 66).
Size: 8–15 × 5–6 mm for each
oviferous segment.

Figure 66. Taenia taeniaeformis strobila.

Description: small whitish segments
with rounded sidewalls; central spot
representing the parauterine organ
(Fig. 67).
Size: 5–6 × 3–4 mm.

Figure 67. Mesocestoides segments.

CONTENTS Coproscopy 339

Echinococcus multilocularis
Description: rectangular oviferous
segment; 2–3 mm long and 1 mm
wide; one per cestode; difficult to
identify macroscopically (Fig. 68).

Figure 68. Echinococcus multilocularis.


Blood and lymph

Freshly prepared smears can be used to diagnose a number This transmission mechanism concentrates the parasites in
of parasitic infections and, even though the presence of par- the peripheral capillary blood. It is therefore advisable to use
asites in the blood can be rare, the ease and rapidity of the blood from peripheral areas of the body, rather than from the
method makes it a useful support for final diagnosis and it central circulation. Blood can be sampled from the ear pinna
should always be performed. or by scarification in dogs and cats.
Blood parasites that can potentially be identified in a blood
smear are: Trypanosoma sp., Babesia sp., Cytauxzoon felis, Blood smear for parasitic
and the microfilaria of several species of filarial nematodes. examination
A variation in the number of parasites in the blood with time The drop of blood is placed on a microscope slide that has
has been described for some species. Dirofilaria sp. micro- been washed with ethanol. A second microscope slide is placed
filariae are more active at twilight when the mosquito vector in the blood, inclined at 2° to 45°, and pushed slowly to spread
is active. Some haemotropic bacteria, such as vector-borne the blood across the slide to form a layer one cell thick (Fig. 1).
Rickettsiae (Ehrlichia sp. or Anaplasma sp. morulae) may Microscopic observation of the smear starts on the border at
also be identified on blood smears. the tail of the smear where the heaviest, parasitised cells are lo-
Most of the parasites seen in a blood smear are vec- cated. Several staining methods are available for blood smears
tor-borne and transmitted by haematophagous arthropods. but the most common is May-Grünwald-Giemsa stain.

Slide 1 Blood Slide 2

1 2
Contact between the two slides

3 4
Gently push slide 2 to spread the
blood over slide 1

Figure 1. Blood smear technique.

CONTENTS Blood and lymph examination 341

Knott’s test Lymph examination

This method concentrates the microfilaria present in the Lymph node aspiration is a useful tool for diagnosing the mi-
blood: 1 mL of blood is diluted in 9 mL of 2 % formalin croorganisms which parasitise lymphocytes, monocytes and
and the solution is agitated for several minutes. It is then macrophages, especially Leishmania infantum.
centrifuged for 5 minutes at 1,500 rpm. The supernatant is Insert a fine needle (19– 22 gauge), attached to a 2 mL sy-
removed and one drop of methylene blue (1 %) is added to ringe, into the lymph node. No local anaesthetic is required.
the remaining liquid. The acid phosphatase patterns of mi- While applying constant suction and keeping the needle in
crofilaria can be stained and used to identify species of filar- the node, repeatedly advance and withdraw the needle in
ial nematodes (commercial kits are available). The number multiple directions until a small amount of aspirate appears
of areas of acid phosphatase activity seen in the body of the in the hub of the needle. A large volume of aspirate is not
filaria varies from one species to another (see Table 1 in Car- required and may reduce the yield by diluting the material
diopulmonary dirofilariosis, page 129). aspirated. Release suction before removing the needle from
the node. Remove the needle and then fill the syringe with
air (the aspirated material must remain in the needle). Re-
place the needle and express the aspirate onto the slide. Only
a small drop of aspirate is required.


External examination of the animal’s skin and fur enables Superficial skin scrapings are taken from large body areas.
several ectoparasites to be detected and identified. These in- Deep skin scrapings are usually performed in an area of hair
cludes fleas, lice, mites and ticks which can cause parasitic loss or skin lesions. The skin is squeezed before or during
diseases, but also transmit vector-borne pathogens. Some the scraping to promote extrusion of mites from hair follicles
ectoparasites are visible to the naked eye, and others require (Demodex) or burrows (Sarcoptes).
microscopic identification (see Ectoparasites of dogs and
cats under the microscope, page 345). Trichogram (microscopic
examination of plucked hair)
Skin scrapings A trichogram consists of plucking several hairs using clamp
A skin scraping may be superficial or deep. In the first case, it scissors (Fig. 2). It enables whole hair follicles to be collected,
consists of sampling the first layers of the epidermis to collect which is useful for the observation of Demodex mites, espe-
ectoparasites that remain on the surface of the skin (Cheyletiel- cially in areas where skin scraping is difficult or especially
la mites). Deep skin scrapings are recommended for Demodex painful (from sites close to the eyes, for example).
mites which live deep in the hair follicle, and for Sarcoptes sca-
biei females that burrow into the deeper layer of the epidermis. Scotch tape test
Scraping is carried out with a blunt scalpel blade (Fig. 1). The use of a clear sticky tape enables debris to be collected from
Lactophenol (or paraffin oil, which does not kill Demodex) the surface of the skin. The sticky side of the tape is pressed
may be applied to the blade to make sure debris and para- down onto the skin several times and then pressed onto a slide
sites adhere, and is also placed on the slide and mixed with where it serves as a coverslip. This technique is especially use-
the collected material before being covered with a coverslip. ful for the detection of Cheyletiella and Lynxacarus mites.

Figure 1. Skin scraping being taken from a skin lesion in a dog with suspected Figure 2. Hairs being plucked
demodicosis. from a skin lesion in a dog with
suspected demodicosis.
CONTENTS Skin and hair examination 343

Tick extraction
Ticks are the biggest arthropods found on animals and they
are visible to the naked eye. Methodical examination of the
dog/cat fur by thumb palpation is still required to locate
them and unengorged immature stages may be difficult to
see and identify. When extracting the tick, it is important to
avoid leaving the tick rostrum in the skin. Tweezers should
therefore be used to carefully twist the tick until the whole
rostrum is detached, or a specific tick remover can be used
(Fig. 3). Once removed, the tick can be identified using a di-
agnostic key (see Diagnose of the main tick genera infesting
dogs, cats and humans, page 249).
Figure 3. A tick being extracted from a dog using a tick
Flea combing remover.
It may be difficult to see fleas on an infested animal, especial-
ly animals with a long, dark coat. All debris can be collected Collection of ear wax
from the coat with a specific comb with very fine teeth, called Ear wax collection is the examination of choice to diagnose

a flea comb. Flea faeces may be collected in the absence of Otodectes cynotis, which causes ear mange. Ear mites can
fleas and these may be differentiated from other debris by often be seen during otoscopic examination. The typical
placing them onto damp white paper or tissue where dilution dark brown smelly debris can be collected, mounted in lac-
of the faeces shows as red traces of digested blood. tophenol and examined under the microscope.



70–90 × 65–75 µm 75–85 × 65–75 µm 55–65 × 40–45 µm 60–85 × 40–45 µm

Toxocara canis, T. cati Toxascaris leonina Ancylostoma caninum, Trichuris vulpis

◗ The most common gastrointestinal parasite in ◗ Eggs: Large • Globular A. braziliense, A. tubaeforme ◗ Eggs: Medium-sized egg • Smooth, thick shell
dogs and cats • Thick-shelled Uncinaria stenocephala • Elongated, lemon shape
◗ Eggs: Large • Globular • Thick-shelled • Smooth outer shell with concentric layers ◗ Eggs: Strongyle-type • Ovoid, medium-sized • Protruding polar plug at each pole
• Thin, smooth shell • Orange-brown colour
• Alveolar external layer (thimble-like) ◗ Contents: a single light-brown cell that does not
• Smooth internal layer fill the entire egg ◗ Contents: a morula with 4 to 8 large blastomeres ◗ Contents: a single cell
◗ Ancylostoma eggs are smaller
◗ Contents: a single dark-brown cell that almost
(55–65 × 40 µm) than Uncinaria
fills the entire egg
eggs (65–80 × 45–50 µm), but
difficult to distinguish between
them in practice

Toxocara canis Toxocara cati

FIRST STAGE Coprological techniques

◗ Simple and inexpensive methods.
LARVAE CESTODES EGGS ◗ Sedimentation of parasite elements in a low
density solution (water) or, more commonly,
concentration of those elements on the surface
LUNGWORMS DIPYLIDIUM TAENIIDAE of a high density solution using flotation methods.
◗ Poor sensitivity for cestode eggs.
Equipment: Mortar, pestle, measuring cylinder,
330–360 µm 50 × 40 µm 30–40 × 20–30 µm Pasteur pipettes, mixer, test tubes, sieve, tea
strainer, slides, coverslips, microscope with 4×,
10×, 40× and 100× objective lenses (immersion
objective), gloves, gauze, plastic pipettes.
Sampling: Fresh faeces (refrigeration at +4 °C is the
most suitable if preservation is required).
Procedure for the classic flotation method
1. Reduce faeces sample to a uniform consistency.
Angiostrongylus vasorum, Dipylidium caninum Taenia hydatigena, T. taeniaeformis, 2. Dilute 5 g of faeces in 75 mL of dense solution
Aelurostrongylus abstrusus ◗ Eggs: Grouped in clusters of 20 encased in a T. pisiformis, T. multiceps, T. serialis in a measuring cylinder.
◗ Larvae: First stage larvae • Strongyle-like and thin shell: the oviferous capsule • Small eggs • Echinococcus granulosus, 3. Sieve the mixture in a tea strainer.
thin • A button on the head (Angiostrongylus) Smooth, thin shell E. multilocularis 4. Fill a test tube to the brim with the mixture
and an undulating pointed tail with a dorsal notch ◗ Contents: a hexacanth embryo (characteristic of ◗ Eggs: Excreted in a fragile oviferous segment obtained, so that a convex meniscus is formed,
when examined using the Baermann technique. cestode eggs) • Small and globular • Unique, thick envelope then cover the tube with a coverslip.
• Radially striated • Taeniidae eggs are 5. Leave to stand for about 10–15 minutes.
immediately infective • Major zoonotic risk from
6. Remove the coverslip, which will potentially have
Echinococcus eggs
parasite elements stuck to it, and place it on a
◗ Contents: a hexacanth slide. View under the microscope.
embryo (characteristic
of cestode eggs) Example of high-density solutions
33 % solution of zinc sulphate (D = 1.18).
Saturated solution of NaCl (D = 1.20).

Magnesium sulphate: 35 % saturated solution of
magnesium sulphate (D = 1.28).

GIARDIA COCCIDIA Cleaning and setting Examining

up the microscope for endoparasites
Toxoplasma, Hammondia, Besnoitia
7–10 × 8–12 µm 12–15 × 10–13 µm 1. Dust eye pieces, condenser and objective ◗ Move the condenser until definition is
Isospora felis, I. canis lenses with lens tissue. optimal.
40 × 30 µm
Isospora rivolta, I. ohioensis 2. Turn light on with power on low. ◗ Use the lowest objective lens (×4 or ×10) to
25 × 20 µm
3. Increase brightness until white light is examine the slide and increase the objective
visible. lens magnification to examine something
4. Turn condenser up as far as possible. more closely.
5. Use low power, preferably ×10, or ×4. ◗ Ensure that your technique allows you
6. Place slide on stage. to view the whole slide.
Giardia duodenalis Toxoplasma
◗ Cysts: Egg-shaped to oval-shaped Hammondia, Besnoitia, Isospora 7. Rack up until slide is in focus. ◗ The magnification of the objective lens
• Small • Smooth, thin shell ◗ Oocysts: Ovoid • Smooth, thin shell with rounded is multiplied by the magnification of the
8. Close one eye and focus the eye piece,
◗ Contents: 2 to 4 flagella with visible cellular ends (one of the two ends being more pointed in ocular lens, usually ×10, so that the overall
Isospora spp.) then do the same with the other eye piece.
nuclei and drumstick-like residual bodies, magnification of the parasite element is ×40
forming a central S-shape (similar ◗ Contents: a single granular, spherical cell before 9. Move the condenser up or down and to ×100.
to the Ying/Yang symbol) sporulation, then 2 sporocysts containing adjust the diaphragm opening to the
4 sporozoites each on sporulation in the external
environment appropriate brightness.

Toxoplasma, Hammondia, Besnoitia Isospora





2–3 mm long 2–3 mm long 1–2 mm long 1–2 mm long 1–1.5 mm long

Ctenocephalides felis Ctenocephalides canis Linognathus setosus Trichodectes canis Felicola subrostratus
◗ Most common flea on dogs and cats ◗ Seen on dogs, less common than Sucking louse Chewing louse Chewing louse
◗ Orange to dark brown, wingless C. felis ◗ Small pointed head with terminal ◗ Head is wider than it is long ◗ Wide body
◗ Laterally compressed body ◗ Similar to C. felis in size and appearance mouthparts ◗ Wide yellowish body ◗ Triangular head, pointed anterior end
◗ Long head, 6 notches bearing setae ◗ Short head, 8 notches bearing setae on ◗ Bluish-black colour ◗ Antennae in 3 segments
on dorsal border of hind tibia dorsal border of hind tibia
◗ Possible pathogen transmission:
• Bartonella henselae ◗ Possible pathogen transmission
(cat scratch disease)
• Dipylidium caninum (tapeworm)

0.5 mm 0.5 mm
Eggs Eggs Eggs: 1 mm Eggs: 1 mm Eggs: 1 mm


0.2–0.4 mm long 0.5 mm long 0.2–0.4 mm long 0.5 mm long 0.25–0.3 mm long

Sarcoptes scabiei
Dog sarcoptic mange mite C. yasguri C. blakei D. canis D. cati
◗ Seen in deep skin scrapings, difficult Otodectes cynotis
to find Cheyletiella spp. Neotrombicula autumnalis Ear mite Demodex spp.
◗ Best results from non-excoriated sites Fur mite, Walking dandruff Harvest mite, Chigger ◗ Visible in situ with otoscope (poor ◗ Seen in deep skin scrapings from areas
e.g., edges of the ears, elbows, hocks ◗ Saddle-shaped with a “waist” ◗ 3 pairs of legs (larva is the only parasitic sensitivity) of comedomes
◗ White oval body stage)
◗ 4 pairs of legs ◗ Adults and eggs seen microscopically in ◗ Squeeze skin to extrude mites from
◗ 4 pairs of short legs: anterior legs have
◗ Found by direct examination of coat ◗ Bright red, pin-head dots, typically found ear cerumen follicles
suckers, posterior legs do not extend
brushings with magnifying glass between paws, on ears, or on eyelids ◗ Large white oval body ◗ Take hair plucks from affected areas
beyond body
◗ Many transverse ridges and triangular ◗ Confirmed microscopically by ◗ Seasonal; seen in autumn ◗ 4 pairs of projecting legs (4th pair reduced ◗ Long cigar-shaped body
scales on dorsum superficial skin scrapings or ◗ Confirmed microscopically by superficial in females) ◗ 4 pairs of atrophied legs
adhesive band test skin scrapings ◗ Whip-like setae attach terminally to 3rd and
Notoedres cati
Cat mange mite 4th pairs of legs
◗ Smaller than S. scabiei ◗ Adult mites occasionally seen in skin
◗ Many concentric striations on dorsum scrapings from other body areas

0.2 mm long 0.1–0.2 mm long 0.2 mm long 0.05–0.1 mm long

Eggs Eggs Eggs Eggs

TICKS Cleaning and setting up Examining

2–3 mm 3–4 mm 3–4 mm the microscope for ectoparasites
3–4 mm (unfed) 3–4 mm (unfed) 3–4.5 mm (unfed)
1. Dust eye pieces, condenser and ◗ Move the condenser until
8–10 mm (engorged) 10 mm (engorged) 12 mm (engorged) objective lenses with lens tissue. definition is optimal.
2. Turn light on with power on low. ◗ Use the lowest objective lens
3. Increase brightness until white light (×4 or ×10) to examine the
is visible. slide and increase the objective
lens magnification to examine
4. Turn condenser up as far as
Ixodes spp. Dermacentor reticulatus Rhipicephalus sanguineus something more closely.
I. ricinus Forest tick Ornated dog tick Brown dog tick
◗ Ensure that your technique
I. hexagonus Hedgehog tick ◗ 4 pairs of legs ◗ 4 pairs of legs 5. Use low power, preferably ×10, or
allows you to view the whole
◗ 4 pairs of legs, long mouthparts ◗ Rectangular base of capitulum ◗ Hexagonal base of capitulum ×4.
◗ Engorged female: light grey, bean-shaped (mouthparts including their base) ◗ Inornate scutum slide.
◗ Male: legs visible due to small abdomen ◗ Ornate scutum (chitinous plate on dorsum) 6. Place slide on stage.
◗ Nymph: 4 pairs of legs, < 2.0 mm long ◗ Eyes, festoons (notches on posterior
◗ Eyes, festoons ◗ The magnification of the
◗ Larva: 3 pairs of legs, yellowish, < 1.0 mm long border of body)
◗ Common in Mediterrnean countries and 7. Rack up until slide is in focus. objective lens is multiplied
Southern Continental Europe
◗ Most common species found in Northern, ◗ IV coxae (proximal leg section) larger than 8. Close one eye and focus the eye by the magnification of the
Western and Continental Europe. I to III ◗ Endophile tick living in kennels, villages,
gardens; likes warm, humid or arid piece, then do the same with the ocular lens, usually < ×10, so
Found in forest areas and shaded parks. ◗ Commonly found in Western Europe
◗ Possible disease transmission: ◗ Prefers parks, gardens, rural areas, river climates other eye piece. that the overall magnification
• Anaplasmosis banks ◗ Possible disease transmission:
9. Move the condenser up or down of the parasite element is ×40
• Lyme disease ◗ Possible disease transmission: • Babesiosis
and adjust the diaphragm opening to ×100.
• Rickettsiosis • Babesiosis • Ehrlichiosis
• Tick-borne encephalitis • Rickettsiosis • Rickettsiosis to the appropriate brightness.

Visible with naked eye Zoonosis Visible under the microscope




Anthelmintics suitable for dogs and cats belong to various Dog and cat anthelmintics have no persistent effect, which
chemical groups and they have traditionally been admin- means that a single administration will kill the parasites pres-
istered orally, although spot-on formulations have recently ent in the host at the time of treatment, but will not protect
been introduced (especially for use in cats). Consideration the host against reinfestation.
must also to be given to the development of parasiticidal
drugs with both internal and external antiparasitic effects
which meet the demand for prevention of both endo- and
ectoparasitoses in carnivores.

Anthelmintic groups and molecules

Table 1. Anthelmintics available for dogs and cats .

Prevention of
Spectrum of activity
Chemical group Scientific name Molecule Mode of action cardiopulmonary
against helminths

Cholinergic agonist
N Roundworms,
H that selectively
hookworms, and
S causes depolarisation
Imidazothiazoles Levamisole nematodes of the No
N and spastic paralysis
respiratory and urinary
of nematode muscle

Pyrantel No
N Cholinergic agonist hookworms
that selectively
causes depolarisation
and spastic paralysis
of nematode muscle
Oxantel OH Whipworms No

CONTENTS Anthelmintics 351

Table 1. Anthelmintics available for dogs and cats (continuation).

Prevention of
Spectrum of activity
Chemical group Scientific name Molecule Mode of action cardiopulmonary
against helminths

HN O Roundworms,
Febantel (pro-
N NH hookworms, whipworms No
H3C NH CH3 (single administration)

O hookworms, whipworms,
Fenbendazole Taenia spp. No
S N (repeated administration
H required)

hookworms, whipworms,
NH Taenia spp.,
Oxfendazole Inhibit tubulin No
S N Dipylidium caninum
H polymerisation
Benzimidazoles O (repeated administration
by binding to
and required)
the a-tubulin in
nematodes and
some cestodes
CH3 Roundworms,


H hookworms, whipworms,
Mebendazole No
Taenia spp. (repeated
administration required)

H Roundworms,
NH hookworms, whipworms,
Oxibendazole No
N O Taenia spp. (repeated
O administration required)

O H3CO Roundworms,
N O hookworms, whipworms,
Flubendazole NH No
Taenia spp. (repeated
H administration required)


Table 1. Anthelmintics available for dogs and cats (continuation).

Prevention of
Spectrum of activity
Chemical group Scientific name Molecule Mode of action cardiopulmonary
against helminths

OCH3 No licensed product

CH3 CH3 for gastro-intestinal
H3C O H CH3 nematodes.
H C CH3 Yes
Ivermectin H3C O
O H2 Active against most
OH H (dose of 6 µg/kg)
nematodes at a
H OH CH3 subcutaneous dose of
22,23-dihydroavermectin B1a 200 µg/kg

N O Roundworms
H OH (Toxocara canis,
Selamectin T. cati), hookworms Yes
O (Ancylostoma caninum,
A. tubaeforme)

Roundworms (Toxocara
Open chloride
HO cati, Toxascaris leonina),
O O H channels in the
H O hookworms
Macrocyclic O
neuronal synapses by
lactones Eprinomectin O OCH3
OH O binding to glutamate Yes
H tubaeforme,
(avermectins and OCH3 receptors. Cause
A. braziliense,
milbemycins) H OH hyperpolarisation and
A. ceylanicum),
block muscle cell
Capillaria plica
Milbemycin O O (Ancylostoma),
OH R: CH3 (30 %) Yes
oxime R: CH2CH3 (70 %)
whipworms, Thelazia
callipaeda, Spirocerca
N lupi

CH3 Roundworms,
hookworms, whipworms,
O Angiostrongylus
Moxidectin H3C
H O O Yes
vasorum, Spirocerca
lupi, Crenosoma vulpis,
O H CH3 Thelazia callipaeda

O Bind to a group of
N G protein-coupled
receptors called Roundworms,
N latrophilins in hookworms (including
Octadepsipeptides Emodepside O O O OO No
neuromuscular migrating larvae) and
O junctions in whipworms
O N nematode muscle
O cells

CONTENTS Anthelmintics 353

Table 1. Anthelmintics available for dogs and cats (continuation).

Prevention of
Spectrum of activity
Chemical group Scientific name Molecule Mode of action cardiopulmonary
against helminths

Taenia spp.,
Epsiprantel N Echinococcus spp., No
Dipylidium caninum
Causes muscular
contraction in
cestodes and some
Taenia spp.,
Praziquantel N Echinococcus spp., No
Dipylidium caninum

O Inhibits oxidative
N+ phosphorylation
O O Taenia spp. (at 80 to
Niclosamide Cl and blocks glucose No
N 150 mg/kg)
H absorption by
OH cestodes

Inhibits the
O Roundworms,
respiratory chain (ATP
Nitroscanate S hookworms, Taenia spp., No
O2N C synthesis) in parasite
N Dipylidium caninum

Blocks the
H acetylcholine and


GABA activity at
Other chemical Piperazine the neuromuscular Roundworms No
groups N junction. Ascarids are
H then eliminated by
intestinal peristalsis

Effects on heartworms
have not been
completely defined
NH2 but include alterations
in glucose uptake
As NH2 and metabolism, Dirofilaria immitis
Melarsomine N N S No
glutathione reductase (adults)
inhibition, and
alterations in the
structure and function
of the parasite’s
intestinal epithelium

Molecules active against nematodes Benzimidazoles and probenzimidazoles

Piperazine salts Benzimidazoles and probenzimidazoles are anthelmintics
Piperazine salts (adipate, hydrate and citrate) have long been that are widely used in veterinary medicine, particularly be-
used for the treatment of roundworms (Toxocara and Tox- cause of their very low toxicity (therapeutic index between
ascaris) but they have a narrow spectrum of activity and are 20 and 40, compared to a therapeutic index of 4 for levam-
less effective than more modern products. They act by block- isole). They inhibit tubulin polymerisation by binding to the
ing acetylcholine, which affects neurotransmission and leads β-tubulin in nematodes, and to some cestodes. They kill hel-
to flaccid paralysis of the roundworm. The standard dose is minths by disrupting the cytoskeletons of various cells, main-
200 mg/kg/day for 3 days. Piperazine salts can also irritate ly in the gastrointestinal epithelium in nematodes. This effect
the gastrointestinal tract and cause vomiting or diarrhoea, on the cellular organisation of the helminth is progressive and
which is another drawback in addition to their narrow spec- the worms die slowly. This is why the contact time between
trum. Their use, however, can still be indicated in kittens and the parasite and the benzimidazole is an important factor,
puppies with heavy infestations as piperazine salts induce and explains why treatments sometimes continue for several
roundworm paralysis (not lysis), so the risk of an anaphylac- days (an average of 3 to 5). Prolonged treatment with benzim-
toid reaction is reduced. idazoles is effective against migrating larvae and whipworms
in dogs. The following molecules are frequently used in do-
Levamisole and pyrantel mestic carnivores: mebendazole, fenbendazole, oxfendazole,
Levamisole (imidazothiazole) and pyrantel (tetrahydropy- oxibendazole, flubendazole and febantel (profenbendazole).
rimidine) are nematicidal products whose activity arises All of these molecules are very effective against adult round-
from their cholinomimetic effect and which cause spastic worms and hookworms in the intestines. Repeated adminis-
paralysis of the nematodes tration is required to be effective against whipworms: meben-
Pyrantel is not absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract mu- dazole (25 mg/kg/day for 5 days), febantel (30 mg/kg/day for
cosa so its spectrum of activity is limited to nematode species 3 days), oxfendazole (11.3 mg/kg/day for 3 days), fenbenda-
or stages which are present in the lumen of the stomach or zole (50 mg/kg/day for 3 days, although a single dose seems to
intestines. The basic dose of pyrantel is 5 mg/kg of the native be enough), and flubendazole (22 mg/kg/day for 3 days).
molecule (or 14.5 mg/kg pyrantel pamoate) for dogs, and Synergy can occur when benzimidazoles are combined
20 mg/kg (or 58 mg/kg pyrantel pamoate) for cats. Levami- with other anthelmintics. For example, a single dose of a
sole, which is absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract mucosa febantel-pyrantel combination is highly effective against whip-
and diffuses into the tissues well, is active against many nem- worms at doses lower than those products which contain the
atodes of the intestinal, respiratory, circulatory and urinary same active ingredients but which are not combined with an-
systems. The basic dose of levamisole is 7.5 mg/kg for dogs other, e.g., 15 mg/kg febantel (instead of 30 mg/kg) plus 5 mg/
and cats. kg pyrantel as pyrantel embonate (instead of 14.5 mg/kg, as
Both levamisole and pyrantel are totally effective against pyrantel pamoate).
roundworms (Toxocara and Toxascaris) and hookworms The efficacy of benzimidazoles against roundworm
(Ancylostoma and Uncinaria), but not against whipworms (Toxocara canis and T. cati) larvae requires good tis-
(Trichuris). Pyrantel has a wider spectrum for whipworms sue diffusion, which may vary according to the mole-
when it is associated with febantel (probenzimidazole). Le- cule, and doses higher than those normally prescribed.
vamisole is effective against spiruroids, but pyrantel is not. Fenbendazole and oxfendazole (the sulfoxide metabolite
Oxantel is a tetrahydropyrimidine that is used in combina- of fenbendazole) are the two most larvicidal molecules, al-
tion with pyrantel (and praziquantel) in some countries. It is though they are still not totally effective. Several larvicide
active against whipworms. protocols using fenbendazole, oxfendazole and mebendazole
CONTENTS Anthelmintics 355

have been published and the protocol usually recommended treatment of intestinal nematodes in dogs and topical treat-
for breeding bitches is the daily administration of 50 mg/kg ment of otoacariosis in cats. Various scientific publications
fenbendazole during the last third of gestation and the first have reported the activity of ivermectin, at a subcutaneous
15 days of lactation. Infestation of the puppies in utero and dose of 200 µg/kg, against most nematode parasites: round-
through the milk is therefore avoided. Such measures are only worms, hookworms (Ancylostoma and Uncinaria, whip-
possible under certain conditions in special breeding facilities. worms, spiruroids, Oslerus osleri, and Angiostrongylus
In addition to their anthelmintic activity, some benzimi- vasorum). Signs of intoxication have been observed in some
dazoles are effective against some flagellate protozoa, espe- dogs, especially Collies and similar breeds (Australian Shep-
cially Giardia duodenalis. Fenbendazole and oxfendazole, herds, Old English Sheepdogs, Shetland Sheepdogs, etc.) at
administered at the anthelmintic dose for 3 days, can there- doses as low as 50 µg/kg. These dogs have a mutation in the
fore be used to treat giardiosis in dogs and cats. MDR1 gene that affects the blood-brain barrier and makes
it more permeable to ivermectin.
Nitroscanate Milbemycin oxime licenced for the prevention of cardio-
Nitroscanate is a phenyl isothiocyanate that inhibits the res- pulmonary canine dirofilariosis (in a single dose of 500 µg/
piratory chain of parasite cells (inhibition of ATP synthesis). kg every month) and for the treatment of intestinal nema-
Administered at 50 mg/kg, nitroscanate is very effective todes in dogs and cats (in combination with praziquantel).
against roundworms and hookworms but not totally effec- Milbemycin oxime is effective against roundworms, hook-
tive against whipworms. It is tolerated well by dogs, in spite worms (Ancylostoma spp.) and whipworms.
of possible vomiting due to gastric irritation which can be Selamectin is an avermectin administered as a spot-on ap-
avoided by administering the drug in the morning with one plication at 6 mg/kg bodyweight. The product is absorbed
third of the dog’s daily ration. Nitroscanate is not tolerated through the skin into the bloodstream and it has both a resid-
well by cats, so it is not licenced for use in cats. ual action on some external parasites (fleas, Sarcoptes spp.,
Otodectes) and an anthelmintic effect. It is effective against:
Macrocyclic lactones T. canis, T. cati, Ancylostoma caninum and A. tubaeforme,
Macrocyclic lactones of the avermectin/milbemycin group but it is not effective against Uncinaria stenocephala, Toxas-
are effective against most nematodes found in carnivores. caris leonina or Trichuris vulpis.
These molecules are considered endectocides as they are also Moxidectin is now used as a spot-on, like selamectin, for
active against external arthropod parasites, such as lice, Dip- dogs, cats and ferrets. The dosage is 1 mg/kg for cats and fer-
tera, mange mites, Demodex spp., and some fleas. Macrocy- rets, and 2.5 mg/kg for dogs. Moxidectin is effective against


clic lactones act by opening chloride channels in the neuronal gastrointestinal nematodes: T. canis, T.  cati, T. leonina,
synapses by binding to glutamate receptors. They cause hy- A. caninum, A. tubaeforme, U. stenocephala and T. vulpis.
perpolarisation and block the muscle cell stimulation, lead- The molecule is also licenced for the treatment and preven-
ing to flaccid paralysis and death of the nematodes and ar- tion of canine angiostrongylosis, the prevention of cardiopul-
thropods. Macrocyclic lactones are not effective against flat monary dirofilariosis and spirocercosis and the treatment of
worms (cestodes or trematodes). Crenosoma vulpis or Dirofilaria repens infestation.
The larvicidal activity of macrocyclic lactones is no great- Eprinomectin may be used as a spot-on in cats (combined
er than that of benzimidazoles for migrating roundworm with fipronil, s-methoprene and praziquantel) and is effec-
and hookworm larvae in dogs and cats, and they are general- tive against the following gastrointestinal nematodes: T. cati,
ly less effective against whipworms. T. leonina, A. tubaeforme, A. braziliense and A. ceylanicum.
Ivermectin for prevention of cardiopulmonary canine Eprinomectin may also be used to prevent cardiopulmonary
dirofilariosis (in a single dose of 6 µg/kg every month), dirofilariosis and treat Capillaria plica infestation.

Emodepside This active ingredient is rarely used alone but is usually

Emodepside is an octadepsipeptide that works by binding to combined with a nematicide (oxibendazole or pyrantel) to
a group of G protein-coupled receptors called latrophilins in create a broad-spectrum product.
the neuromuscular junctions in nematode muscle cells. There
is also some evidence that it interferes with the potassium Nitroscanate
channels in neuronal membranes. Administered at 1 mg/kg Nitroscanate is effective against D. caninum but it is not ac-
orally in dogs or as a spot-on in cats, emodepside is effec- tive against Echinococcus spp. cestodes at 50 mg/kg. How-
tive against roundworms (both adults and migrating larvae), ever, three doses of 250 mg/kg in 24 hours are effective.
hookworms and whipworms. Emodepside may cause neuro-
logical toxicity in dogs that are homozygous for the MDR1 Praziquantel
mutation (mutant/mutant). Praziquantel is a specific cestodicide whose mode of action
is not well understood, but it causes muscular contraction
Molecules active against cestodes of cestodes and some trematodes (notably Clonorchis spp.
Arecoline hydrobromide and Opisthorchis flukes), causing them to detach and die.
Arecoline hydrobromide is a cestodicide with parasympath- Praziquantel is thought to act by opening calcium channels
omimetic activity which provokes intestinal hypermotility in various types of cells, especially muscle fibres. It is not ef-
and causes the cestode scolex to detach. Doses of 2 mg/kg fective against nematodes and has only a narrow spectrum
are prescribed for Taenia spp. and Dipylidium caninum, but for platyhelminthes. It is active after oral administration at 5
4 mg/kg is required to eliminate Echinococcus tapeworms. mg/kg against all Cyclophyllidea cestodes, especially D. can-
Arecoline hydrobromide is tolerated rather poorly by dogs, inum, Taenia spp. and Echinococcus spp. It also has some
causing salivation, diarrhoea and stomach pain, and its ef- ovicidal activity. Praziquantel is the only cestodicide effective
ficacy is inconsistent. It is also contraindicated in gestating against Diphyllobothrium latum and Spirometra spp. at 40
dogs and in cats and is no longer marketed in Europe, al- mg/kg. It can be administered orally (combined with nemat-
though it was used for many years to screen for Echinococ- icide molecules), injected, or even in a spot-on formulation,
cus granulosus in dogs. combined with nematicide molecules or ectoparasiticides.
30–40 mg/kg praziquantel is effective against most trema-
Benzimidazoles and probenzimidazoles todes found in domestic carnivores. This is 6 to 8 times greater
Repeated administration of benzimidazoles and probenzim- than the dose usually recommended for cestode control (5 mg/
idazoles is effective against Taenia spp. cestodes. No activity kg). It is also used in human medicine to treat schistosomosis
has been reported against Echinococcus spp. tapeworms at (bilharziosis) and Southeast Asian and Chinese liver fluke dis-
normal doses, and only oxfendazole (11.3 mg/kg for 3 days) eases (opisthorchiosis and clonorchiosis respetively).
is effective against D. caninum. Epsiprantel is closely related to praziquantel. It is used at
5 mg/kg to treat tapeworms in dogs and cats.
Niclosamide is a specific cestodicide that inhibits oxidative Selection criteria
phosphorylation and blocks glucose absorption by the ces- Various criteria must be taken into consideration when a de-
tode. It is not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and is worming programme is proposed, especially in dog and cat
tolerated well. It is active at 125 mg/kg for Taenia spp. ces- breeding facilities.
todes but is often insufficiently active against D. caninum.
A dose of 150–200 mg/kg is required for complete efficacy Age
against the latter. This does not always correspond to the Puppies can be infested by T. canis before they are born or
dosage recommended for commercial veterinary products. as soon as they begin to suckle so adult roundworms can
Higher doses, of around 500 mg/kg, are active against Echi- appear when puppies are 10 days old. T. cati infestation does
nococcus spp. not occur in kittens in utero, but begins when the kittens
start to suckle. The first intestinal roundworms appear a lit-
tle later, when the kittens are about 3 weeks old.
CONTENTS Anthelmintics 357

Puppies should be treated with appropriate anthelmintics 2 weeks before the end of gestation, immediately after birth
when they are 2 weeks of age, continuing at fortnightly in- of the puppies, and then every 2 weeks until the puppies are
tervals until 2 weeks after weaning, and then monthly until weaned. An anthelmintic with a larvicidal effect against
6 months of age. As prenatal infestation does not occur in roundworms should be used (benzimidazoles, emodepside or
kittens, fortnightly treatment can begin at 3  weeks of age avermectin/milbemycin). Special protocols might be required
and be repeated fortnightly until 2 weeks after weaning, in breeding facilities.
then monthly for 6 months. An anthelmintic which is active Breeding cats (queens) should be dewormed when their
against migrating larvae is recommended until puppies and kittens are born, then every 15 days until the kittens are
kittens are weaned. Thereafter, any anthelmintics are suita- weaned, with an anthelmintic which is active against larvae.
ble, including those that do not cross the intestinal barrier, Queens can be dewormed 1 month after each oestrus since
such as pyrantel. The choice will also depend on what other encysted roundworm larvae can be reactivated at this time.
parasites are present if coproscopy indicates that the animal
is infested with whipworms, tapeworms (Dipylidium) or Gi- Environment and lifestyle
ardia, for example. Urban and rural cats and dogs may host different parasites,
There is less risk of reinfestation when weaned puppies and animals living in urban areas, with no access to
and kittens go to live with their new owners. Systematic de- gardens, peri-urban parks or woodland, may host less
worming is recommended when animals are purchased and various parasites. These urban animals should be dewormed
1 month later. This can easily be done when the young ani- following faecal examination and treated with products
mals are presented in consultation for their vaccinations. which are active against these parasites (and fleas).
Toxocara spp. infestation can occur in older dogs and In rural areas, domestic carnivores spend more time out-
cats, and is extremely unlikely to be associated with clin- doors, especially hunting dogs and farm cats, and many
ical signs; therefore it is difficult to detect whether a dog parasites can be found in these animals so polyparasitism is
is infested unless regular faecal examinations are conduct- common. For example, dogs might be infested with Ancy-
ed. These parasites are prolific egg-layers and just a few lostoma (Uncinaria)/Trichuris and/or Taenia species (if they
worms can produce a large number of eggs. Continued, have access to ruminant or rabbit viscera). Cats are often in-
regular treatment of dogs and cats using a suitable anthel- fested by Taenia taeniaeformis or Mesocestoides spp. tape-
mintic is therefore recommended by ESCCAP (European worms by eating rodents (rats and mice).
Scientific Counsel Companion Animal Parasites: www. E. granulosus infestation in dogs is mainly associated with
esccap.org) if regular diagnostic testing is not undertak- lifestyle: sheepdogs and dogs who have access to viscera from


en. Either a broad- or narrow-spectrum anthelmintic can slaughterhouses are at the greatest risk. Ensuring that shep-
be chosen, according to the risk of multiple worm infes- herds are aware of the parasite cycle, and systematic deworm-
tations. The prepatent period for Toxocara spp., after in- ing of sheepdogs (with praziquantel), is recommended, espe-
gestion of larvae by predation of paratenic hosts (rodents) cially when moving between summer and winter pastures.
or infective eggs from the environment, is a little over In areas where E. multilocularis is enzootic, and fox-
4 weeks so monthly treatment minimises the risk of patent es are the main definitive hosts and voles the intermedi-
infestations and is recommended in high-risk scenarios, ate hosts, dogs that might eat rodents should be treated at
such as in pets living in a family with small children and four-weekly intervals with an effective anthelmintic con-
sharing the garden (or similar situations). Annual or twice taining praziquantel. Cats, however, are epidemiologically
yearly treatments do not prevent patent infestation within a insignificant sources of eggs as they are poor hosts for this
population to any significant extent, so a treatment frequen- worm, although they do occasionally become infested and
cy of at least 4 times per year is the general recommendation. pass eggs. Although it is common to find eggs in the fur of
Fleas, the intermediate hosts of D. caninum, are abundant infested dogs, no eggs have been recovered to date from the
on some dogs and cats, so it may be advantageous to choose coat of an infested cat. Due to this small risk of cats being
a product which is active against this cestode. infested, it is reasonable to recommend treatment in high-
Breeding bitches can transmit T. canis to their puppies in risk situations, such as prior to entry into countries where
utero or during lactation so they should be dewormed 1 to the parasite is not present.

Spectrum of activity
Clinical suspicion and faecal examination should be used Water-dispersible liquids, and tablets that can be mixed
more when deciding whether to use anthelmintics to treat with feed, make it easier to administer a drug but they are
carnivores. Faecal examination is inexpensive and easy to only effective if they do not reduce the palatability of the food
perform at the veterinary practice, and can prevent healthy and are correctly and completely consumed. They are not
animals being treated, and enable treatment to be adapted to suitable for group treatment because it is difficult to know
each situation. how much each animal has received. Transdermal drug de-
A good example of this is D. caninum. This cestode is livery systems, such as systemic spot-on formulations, have
not a major pathogen and infestation is tolerated well by the the advantage of being easy for pet owners to administer.
animal. The segments are numerous and clearly visible. They Regardless of the drug delivery system, most pet owners
are 4–6 mm long and either mobile and whitish, or dry and prefer one-step administration protocols to repeated treat-
white. They can be seen in the perianal region or on the ani- ments. The choice depends on the commercial products
mal’s hind legs, or in its immediate surroundings. Diagnosis available and the internal parasites targeted. Certain diseas-
is simple and treatment can be restricted to animals known es, such as giardiosis, still require repeated administrations.
to be infested.
Finally, one of the most prevalent parasites is the flagellate Conclusion
G. duodenalis. The presence of cysts should be actively in- Deworming dogs and cats is now very common and it is often
vestigated and, when they are identified, this parasite should done systematically, without prior diagnosis. In this context,
be included in any treatment for internal parasites. the anthelmintic is selected based on epidemiological factors,
such as the age and the lifestyle of the animal. Product choice
Ease of administration also depends on the size of the animal and owner compliance
Pet owners demand products that are not only effective, but with the treatment regime.
easy to use. Considerable progress has been made in the de- Systematic deworming has the advantage of limiting new
velopment of veterinary products to control both external infestations but it is still possible for animals to be infested
and internal parasite infestations. outside the classic deworming periods, and treatment can fail
Injectable forms are useful in breeding facilities and oral due to the presence of parasites (e.g., protozoa, cestodes or
pastes are easy to administer, especially to young or small less common nematodes) that are not covered by the chosen
animals. Tablets are also easy to administer to medium-sized anthelmintic.
and large dogs, but small dogs and cats, which may be less Breeding facilities must remember that regular worming
obliging, are generally resistant to this form of product and is necessary, but not the only precaution required, as effective
pill size is a determining factor. Chewable worming tablets cleaning and disinfection are essential.
are now available and these formulations are easily adminis-
tered to dogs and cats.


Antiprotozoals belong to a wide range of chemical groups Triazones

and classification of these compounds is complex. Each of Triazones inhibit nuclear division in parasites and are active
the groups usually displays a relatively narrow spectrum of against all intracellular stages of coccidia. Toltrazuril is a
activity. Most antiprotozoals are administered orally and symmetrical triazone licenced for use in birds, cattle, sheep,
are used to control gastrointestinal parasites (coccidia or pigs and dogs (when combined with emodepside). Diclazuril
intestinal flagellates like Giardia duodenalis). Others, par- is an asymmetrical triazone with a broad spectrum of activ-
ticularly those targeting haemoprotozoan or Leishmania ity against coccidia in birds and mammals (including rab-
infections, are given parenterally. The number of products bits) at low concentrations (0.5–2 ppm in feed). Toltrazuril
licenced to treat protozooses in dogs and cats is limited and and diclazuril are currently the drugs of choice against feline
vets usually have to use antiprotozoals off-label. Antipro- cystoisosporosis but are not actually licensed for use in this
tozoal dosage regimes are also often based on published species. In dogs, the combination of toltrazuril/emodepside
clinical trials (rather than on full evaluation). Antiprotozoal (9 mg/0.45 mg/kg) is licenced for coccidian and ascarid coin-
use in dogs and cats is usually extrapolated from their use fections. Oral formulations designed for mammals are suit-
in humans or farm animals. Treatment of many protozoos- able for off-label use of toltrazuril or diclazuril in dogs and
es reduces or eliminates clinical signs but does not result in cats, but the solution administered to poultry in their drink-
a parasitological cure. Relapses may occur as a result, and ing water is not. A single application of toltrazuril (9–20 mg/
clinical and experimental follow-up of these animals is high- kg) or diclazuril (2.5–5.0 mg/kg) significantly reduces oocyst
ly recommended. shedding in excreting animals.

Antiprotozoals active against Amprolium

intestinal coccidia Amprolium is a competitive thiamine antagonist which acts
Sulfonamides on first generation meronts. It has been used as poultry feed
Sulfonamides have long been used for the treatment of coc- additive to prevent coccidiosis and it can also be used to treat
cidioses in animals, including domestic carnivores. These intestinal coccidiosis in birds, cattle, sheep, rabbits and domes-
synthetic drugs are competitive inhibitors of the enzyme di- tic carnivores. It usually has a wide safety margin in dogs but
hydropterate synthetase (DHPS) involved in folate synthesis. cases of neurological disease have been reported. The follow-
They inhibit the conversion of dihydrofolic acid into tetrahy- ing doses are recommended by CAPC (Companion Animal
drofolic acid, an important cofactor in amino acid synthe- Parasite Council: www.capcvet.org): 110–200 mg/kg daily for
sis. Sulfonamides are active against first- and second-stage 7–12 days in dogs; 60–100 mg/kg daily for 7 days in cats.
coccidian meronts as they are coccidiostatic at low doses
and coccidiocidal at higher doses. Daily sulfonamide ad- Paromomycin
ministration for 5–7 days controls diarrhoea effectively, but Paromomycin is an aminoglycosid antibiotic which is not ab-
does not prevent oocyst excretion. Synergy between sulfon- sorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Paromomycin at 150 mg/
amides and specific diaminopyrimidines (such as pyrimeth- kg once a day for 5 days is recommended off-label to treat
amine, ormethoprim and trimethoprim) makes these drugs cryptosporidiosis in dogs and cats. Activity has also been re-
much more effective than sulfonamides alone. The following ported against G. duodenalis, Balantidium spp. and Leish-
molecules, or combination of molecules, have been used in mania infantum.
dogs and cats with coccidiosis: sulfadimethoxine (at 55 mg/
kg for the first day and 27.5 mg/kg per day for the follow- Nitazoxanide
ing 4 days), sulfaguanidine (150 to 200 mg/kg per day for Nitazoxanide is a synthetic nitrothiazolyl-salicylamide de-
5 days), sulfadimethoxine and ormethoprim (55 mg/kg sul- rivative which, was only approved for use in human crypto-
fadimethoxine plus 11 mg/kg ormethoprim per day for up to sporidiosis until recently, but a regime has been approved to
23 days), sulfadiazine and trimethoprim, and sulfamethoxa- treat adult animals (100 mg per animal every 12 hours for
zole and trimethoprim (30 mg/kg once or twice daily for 14 5 days in animals 24 to 47 months old, and 200 mg per an-
to 21 days). imal every 12 hours for 5 days in animals 4 to 11 years old).
CONTENTS Antiprotozoals 363

Antiprotozoals active against and kittens. Ronidazole at 30–50 mg/kg/day for 14 days is

Toxoplasma gondii and currently considered to be the treatment of choice for feline
Neospora caninum trichomonosis. Modified-release formulations that deliver
Clindamycin ronidazole to the site of action in the large intestine have
Clindamycin is a macrolide antibiotic that acts by inhibit- improved efficacy. A reversible neurotoxicity similar to that
ing protein synthesis. It has been used to treat systemic tox- seen with metronidazole has been reported in some cats.
oplasmosis in dogs and cats (at 12.5 mg/kg every 12 hours
for 4  weeks). Clindamycin also has some activity against Benzimidazoles and probenzimidazoles
Entamoeba histolytica, and is effective against N. caninum Benzimidazoles and probenzimidazoles are basically an-
tachyzoites in cell cultures. The combination of clindamy- thelmintic drugs, but some of these molecules (such as al-
cin and sulfonamide is highly effective against neosporosis. bendazole, fenbendazole, mebendazole, and febantel) are
The multidrug combination of pirithrexim, clindamycin, di- also active against G. duodenalis. The mechanism of action
clazuril, robenidine and pyrimethamine is also experimental- against Giardia is thought to be directed against the ventral
ly active against neosporosis. disc microtubules. Prolonged treatment (for at least 5 days)
is required. Fenbendazole (50 mg/kg/day for 5 days) is often
Spiramycin used in dogs and cats. Another option is febantel in combina-
Spiramycin is active against T. gondii and it can be used to tion with pyrantel/praziquantel (at the standard deworming
treat acute prenatal toxoplasmosis. Clarithromycin is used dose, once daily for 3 days).
in combination with a sulfonamide with good activity in hu-
man toxoplasmosis. Antiprotozoals active against
Leishmania infantum
Ponazuril Pentavalent antimonial compounds
Ponazuril is an antiprotozoal and an active metabolite of Pentavalent antimonial compounds have been used exten-
toltrazuril. It is approved to treat equine protozoal myeloen- sively to treat leishmaniosis in humans and dogs. They bind
cephalitis caused by Sarcocystis neurona, but it is also exper- to polypeptides, inhibit DNA topoisomerase enzymes and
imentally effective against N. caninum and T. gondii. fatty acid β-oxidation in amastigotes inside macrophages.
Pentavalent antimonial compounds include meglumine anti-
Sulfamethoxazole monate and sodium stibogluconate. These drugs may cause
Sulfamethoxazole (combined with trimethoprim) can be significant toxic effects, such as arthralgia, nephrotoxicity


used to prevent toxoplasmosis and pneumocystosis in immu- and pancreatitis. Numerous pharmacokinetic studies have
nocompromised human patients. shown that meglumine antimoniate administration by in-
tramuscular (IM) or subcutaneous (SC) injection maintains
Antiprotozoals active against sustained drug plasma levels more effectively than intrave-
intestinal flagellates nous injections. Different dosages of meglumine antimoniate
Nitroimidazoles have been proposed but the most widely accepted regime is
Nitroimidazoles include dimetridazole, ornidazole, metroni- 75–100 mg/kg/day for 4–8 weeks (SC).
dazole, ronidazole and tinidazole. These drugs interfere with
RNA synthesis and are very active against flagellates of the Allopurinol
trichomonad group. Metronidazole has long been used to Allopurinol is a pyrazolpyrimidine which inhibits xanthine
treat giardiosis in dogs and cats (at 25 mg/kg every 12 hours oxidase, the enzyme which catalyses the oxidation of hypox-
for 5 days). According to CAPC, the combination of met- anthine to xanthine, and of xanthine to urate/uric acid. Al-
ronidazole and fenbendazole may result in better resolution lopurinol is now commonly used twice or three times daily
of clinical disease and cyst shedding. Gastrointestinal and in doses of 10–20 mg/kg orally for 6–18 months in dogs with
neurological toxicity after long-term therapy or acute high leishmaniosis. Some treatment side effects have been report-
doses of metronidazole has been reported in some puppies ed, including the development of xanthine urolithiasis.

Miltefosine animals, including dogs. It produces free radicals, to which

Miltefosine is an alkylphospholipid which is thought to inter- T. cruzi is particularly sensitive given its limited capacity for
act with lipids (phospholipids and sterols), inhibit cytochrome detoxification. Side effects in dogs include apathy, hypertonia
c oxidase, and cause apoptosis-like cell death. It is considered and hyperreflexia of the hind limbs, and loss of balance.
to be a broad-spectrum antimicrobial drug, active against
pathogenic bacteria and fungi as well as the trematode spe- Phenanthridines
cies Schistosoma mansoni. Miltefosine has been tested at Phenanthridines have been exclusively used to treat animal
2 mg/kg/day for 4 weeks in dogs with natural L. infantum trypanosomosis and they interfere with nucleic acid synthe-
infection and has exhibited similar therapeutic effectiveness sis by intercalative DNA binding. Quinapyramine (5 mg/kg
to antimonial compounds. Miltefosine is licenced to treat ca- SC) is highly active against the T. congolense and T. brucei
nine leishmaniosis in some European countries. Side effects, isolates that can be detected in dogs.
including vomiting, diarrhoea and anorexia of varying sever-
ity, have been reported when the drug is administered with Arsenicals
food but these are quick to resolve. Arsenicals (tryparsamide and melarsomine) have been used
to treat canine trypanosomosis in Africa. Melarsomine can
Antifungals be used in dogs at 0.25 mg/kg IM for 4 days.
Antifungals (especially amphothericin B) have been pro-
posed as second line drugs for the treatment of L. infantum Aromatic diamidine
infection in dogs and humans. Amphotericin B is not accept- Aromatic diamidines include several molecules that may be
ed well because of its nephrotoxicity and the invasive intra- used to treat trypanosomosis, leishmaniosis, babesiosis and
venous method of administration. The development of lipid sometimes pneumocystosis. Pentamidine is mainly used in
and lipoposome formulations has reduced nephrotoxicity human medicine, but several publications report its admin-
but these formulations are very expensive. The drug is not istration in cases of canine trypanosomosis (3–4 mg/kg in
recommended for use in dogs to avoid resistance and reserve three daily IM injections ). Diminazene has been used as a
it for use in humans. trypanocidal drug in livestock since 1955. The main bio-
chemical mechanism of diminazene’s trypanocidal activity
Antiprotozoals active against is thought to be binding to kinetoplast DNA, inducing com-
trypanosomes plete and irreversible loss of kDNA in certain trypanosome
A very large number of molecules in different chemical groups strains.
have been tested to treat trypanosomosis in cattle. Some of
these have also been used to treat Trypanosoma brucei, T. Isometamidium chloride
congolense, T. evansi and T. cruzi infections in dogs. Isometamidium chloride is a phenanthridine derivative with
a narrow therapeutic index which has been marketed for over
Suramin 30 years as both a prophylactic and a therapeutic trypano-
Suramin is a complex molecule with a urea functional group cidal drug. It is used curatively at lower doses (0.25–0.5 mg/
in its centre and it was one of the first antitrypanosomal kg), and prophylactically at higher doses (0.5–1 mg/kg).
drugs developed. It inhibits enzymes in the glucose metabolic 2 to 4 months’ protection is possible. The preventive effect
pathway and has been used at 7–10 mg/kg (2–3 weekly treat- of the drug is increased if animals receive curative treatment
ments) in dogs. Suboptimal doses may give rise to suramin-re- with another molecule, such as diminazene, at least 2 weeks
sistant isolates. before.

Benznidazole Imidocarb dipropionate

Benznidazole belongs to the nitroimidazole group and is Imidocarb dipropionate can be used to treat trypanosomosis
the drug of choice to treat T. cruzi infection in humans and in dogs (0.5 mg/kg IM).
CONTENTS Antiprotozoals 365

Antiprotozoals active against

Imidocarb dipropionate Atovaquone
Imidocarb dipropionate is a carbanilide derivative. Its mode Atovaquone is a naphthoquinone with broad-spectrum ac-
of action is unclear, though two mechanisms have been pro- tivity against Pneumocystis, Plasmodium, Babesia and T.
posed: interfering with polyamine production or utilisation, gondii. It is structurally similar to the inner mitochondrial
or preventing inositol from entering the erythrocytes contain- protein ubiquinone. It can be used in dogs at 13 mg/kg orally
ing the parasites. It is also generally accepted that imidocarb every 8 hours for 10 days. It has been reported to be highly
dipropionate has an anticholinesterase and anti-inflammato- effective against Theileria annae infection
ry effect. It remains the drug of choice to treat piroplasmosis
in cattle, horses and dogs. The recommended dose for canine Tetracyclines
babesiosis ranges from 4 to 6.6 mg/kg IM or SC, repeated Tetracyclines are broad-spectrum antibiotics that are active
after 2 weeks. 5–6 mg/kg of Imidocarb diproprionate in a against a wide range of microorganisms, including gram-pos-
single injection IM or SC provides protection against severe itive and gram-negative bacteria, chlamydiae, mycoplasmas,
disease for approximately 4 weeks, but does not protect rickettsiae and protozoa (Plasmodium, Balantidium, Thei-
against Babesia canis infection. Side effects are related to the leria and Entamoeba). Tetracyclines inhibit protein synthe-
anticholinesterase effect and include hypersalivation, tach- sis by preventing the attachment of aminoacyl-tRNA to the
ycardia, dyspnoea, vomiting and diarrhoea. Quinuronium ribosomal acceptor site. Doxycycline can be useful to treat
sulfate is another carbanilide derivative which has been the small Babesia infections. A dose of 10 mg/kg/day orally for
drug of choice to treat bovine babesiosis for many years and 4 weeks is recommended in dogs.
is active against the large Babesia spp. of pigs, horses and
dogs. It has a low therapeutic index and may stimulate the Primaquine diphosphate
parasympathetic nervous system. Primaquine diphosphate is a pyridine derivative very active
against the tissue stages of Plasmodium. The drug is also ac-
Phenamidine tive against B. felis. The maximum tolerated basal dose is
Phenamidine is mainly used to treat canine and equine babe- 1 mg/kg; higher doses cause mortality.
siosis, especially in countries where imidocarb dipropionate
is unavailable. The recommended dose is 15–20 mg/kg SC, Antiprotozoals active against
but a second dose is sometimes required after 48 hours. Side Hepatozoon spp.


effects in dogs include injection site pain, hypotension, tach- The following drugs have been proposed to treat hepato-
ycardia and vomiting. zoonosis in dogs and cats: toltrazuril (5 mg/kg orally, every
12 hours for 5 days), imidocarb diproprionate (5 mg/kg SC
Diminazene in a single dose) and a combination of clindamycin (10 mg/
Diminazene is highly active against bovine, ovine, porcine, kg every 8 hours), trimethoprim (15 mg/kg every 12 hours)
equine and canine piroplasms; small piroplasms are general- and pyrimethamine (0.25 mg/kg/day) orally for 14 days.
ly more refractory to treatment than large ones. A low dose These drugs or combinations may reduce clinical signs, but
(1.75 mg/kg twice at a 24-hour interval) is recommended to they usually fail to prevent relapses. Oral ponazuril (10 mg/
reduce or prevent neurotoxic side effects in dogs (ataxia, opist- kg every 12 hours for 14 days) has also been proposed.
hotonus, nystagmus, extensor rigidity, coma, and even death). Oral doxycycline (5 mg/kg for 10 days) has been reported
to be active against Hepatozoon spp. in cats.
Pentamidine Primaquine appears to be effective against H. canis
Pentamidine is active against B. canis and B. gibsoni infec- infection.
tion in dogs. A dose of 16.5 mg/kg IM once, or twice at a 24-
hour interval, is usually recommended. Common side effects
are vomiting, nausea, hypotension, tachycardia, and pain at
the injection site.


Companion animals are commonly treated with ectoparasit- Chemical groups and molecules
icides, which represent 75 % of all antiparasitic drugs used in Ectoparasiticides used in cats and dogs have evolved in terms
dogs and cats. This is due to the prevalence of ectoparasites of active ingredients, dosage forms and pharmacokinetics,
which cause the most common diseases in carnivores. and they mainly act on the arthropod nerve synapses and
Ectoparasiticides applied directly onto the animal are vet- axons. Traditional chemical groups, especially organophos-
erinary drugs. They must be registered as veterinary medi- phates and carbamates, have been supplanted by new com-
cines by the health agencies in each country in order to be pounds. In addition to insecticides-acaricides, insect growth
granted with marketing authorisation. On the other side, in- inhibitors have also emerged, and these can be separated into
secticides or acaricides which are not applied to the animal two categories: juvenile hormone analogues and chitin syn-
but used in their environment are not considered to be veter- thesis inhibitors.
inary drugs but pesticides in the broader sense, even if they
sometimes involve the same molecules. Their formulations Cyclodiene organochlorines
(especially the excipients) are different and they are not reg- The cyclodiene organochlorine most commonly used in an-
ulated by the same legislation, nor do they require marketing imals used to be lindane, which was isolated in 1912 and
authorisation as veterinary medicines. started to be used in animals in 1943, but it has now been
In addition to the molecules used and their mode of action, banned in most countries. These molecules had a broad
it is important to chose formulations that will either facilitate spectrum of activity against arthropods but were not free
product application, which is the case for spot-ons, palatable from toxicity; they are highly persistent in the environment,
tablets and collars, or modify the pharmacokinetics to in- in milk and in meat, and may be retained in vertebrate fat.
crease the duration of the product’s activity. Development of Organochlorines inhibit gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA)
parasiticidal drugs with both external and internal antipar- and/or stimulate the sodium channels located in the nerve
asitic spectra is required to meet the demand for prevention cell membrane to open.
of both ecto- and endo-parasitosis in domestic carnivores.
CONTENTS Ectoparasiticides 369

Table 1. Ectoparasiticides available for dogs or cats.

Spectrum of activity
Chemical group Scientific name Molecule Mode of action
against ectoparasites
Insecticidal/acaricidal groups

CI CI CI Binding sodium channel.
Cyclodiene Stimulation of sodium entry
Lindane * CI Insects + ticks + mites
organochlorines into nerve cells. Arthropod

Diazinon (= N P
Insects + ticks + mites
dympilate) N O CH2 CH3

CH3 Acetylcholinesterase binding.

Organophosphates Acetylcholine hyperactivity, nerve
S O CH3 cell stimulation
Fenthion S O O CH3 Insects + ticks + mites

C CH3 Acetylcholinesterase binding.
Carbamates Carbaryl O N Acetylcholine hyperactivity, nerve Fleas


cell stimulation

CH3 Octopamine receptor binding

(octopamine agonist) leading to
Formamidines Amitraz Ticks + mites
adenylate cyclase and G protein

Insects + ticks + mites
H CH3 (repellent)
CI H Sodium channel binding.
Pyrethroids Sodium entry, nerve cell
O hyperexcitation

O Ticks, and repellent to

Br flying insects
Br N

* Not used for more than 20 years.


Table 1. Ectoparasiticides available for dogs or cats (continuation).

Spectrum of activity
Chemical group Scientific name Molecule Mode of action
against ectoparasites
Insecticidal/acaricidal groups

CI C Sodium channel binding.
Pyrethroids Flumethrin CH O Sodium entry, nerve cell Ticks
H3C O CH F hyperexcitation


Fipronil H2N N Insects + ticks

Binding to both GABA and
glutamate receptors, chloride ion
Phenylpyrazoles CF3 channel stimulation, blocking
the entry of chloride ions, nerve
FFF cell stimulation

Pyriprole H N Insects + ticks

Imidacloprid Insects

Chloronicotinyl N Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor
nitroguanidines, Dinotefuran agonist, postsynaptic neuron Insects
neonicotinoids H3C N N CH2 O stimulation


Nitenpyram N NO2 Insects


CONTENTS Ectoparasiticides 371

Table 1. Ectoparasiticides available for dogs or cats (continuation).

Spectrum of activity
Chemical group Scientific name Molecule Mode of action
against ectoparasites
Insecticidal/acaricidal groups
Spinosad (spinosyn A, O
spinosyn D) H3CH2C O HH

Spinosyns, Spinosyn A, R=H

Spinosyn D, R=CH3
macrocyclic Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor
lactones and postsynaptic neuron
(Insects [some tick N
efficacy]) H3C
Spinetoram CH3 H3C O


CI O Voltage-dependent sodium
Oxadiazines Indoxacarb Insects
N N channel blocker

N Sodium channel antagonist,
Semicarbazones Metaflumizone Insects
resulting in paralysis and death




Insects + mites +
Moxidectin H3C
O O nematodes

Avermectins/ O CH3 Glutamate receptor binding,

milbemycins OH chloride ion channel stimulation.
(macrocyclic Entry of chloride ions Inihibition
lactones) H
of nerve cell activity

O Insects + mites +
Selamectin H
H O nematodes


Table 1. Ectoparasiticides available for dogs or cats (continuation).

Spectrum of activity
Chemical group Scientific name Molecule Mode of action
against ectoparasites
Insecticidal/acaricidal groups

Avermectins/ Glutamate receptor binding,
milbemycins O O R: CH3 (30%)
chloride ion channel stimulation. Demodex + Sarcoptes
Milbemycin oxime R: CH2CH3 (70%)
(macrocyclic Entry of chloride ions. Inihibition scabiei
lactones) of nerve cell activity

Afoxolaner N
Fleas + ticks + mites

Non-competitive GABA and

F O N CH3 glutamate receptor antagonists.
Isoxazolines CI
Fluralaner H F Bind to chloride channels in Fleas + ticks + mites
N F arthropod nerve and muscle cells

Sarolaner O O Fleas + ticks + mites

IGR (insect growth regulator)

Methoprene and OCH3 O

s-methoprene O
Reduce prolificacy, egg hatching,
Juvenile hormone
last moult from larval to pupal
O stage
Pyriproxyfen N O Fleas

CI H H Chitin synthetase inhibitor
Organofluorines- N N
Lufenuron FFF F Inhibits egg hatching, induces Fleas
benzoylureas F O O F
O CI mortality during moulting
CONTENTS Ectoparasiticides 373

Organophosphates Amitraz
Organophosphates exert an anti-cholinesterase effect which Amitraz is a formamidine that is selective towards arthro-
results in acetylcholine accumulation in the synapses. This pods and has been used since the late 1960s to control ticks.
neurotransmitter has a postsynaptic stimulating action and Amitraz does not act directly on nerve conduction but alters
arthropods become hyperactive prior to death. arthropod behaviour, which has been studied in ticks. It in-
Their spectrum of activity is broad, and includes insects terferes with the arthropods’ octopaminergic system, which
and acari. Organophosphates have been used for many years is similar to the adrenergic system in mammals, by binding
(since the 1950s) so cases of chemoresistance are not uncom- to the octopamine receptors, stimulating monoamine ox-
mon and have been reported all over the world. These cases idases (adenylate cyclase activity) and G proteins. This in-
involve flies, crawling insects, ticks and fleas. duces the synthesis of cAMP and cGMP which have various
Organophosphates have short residual activity (only a intracellular activities. At a sublethal dose, attached ticks will
few days) apart from in certain formulations, such as collars. fall off their host, and those that infest the host do not attach
They are hydrolysed quite rapidly in the environment and or feed. Reproduction is impaired, prolificacy is reduced and
are persistent for a few weeks on inert surfaces but far less on most of the eggs do not hatch.
organic surfaces. They can be toxic (parasympathomimet- Amitraz is used on dogs to control ticks of the main gen-
ic) in mammals and any overdose or accidental ingestion, of era infesting dogs (Rhipicephalus, Dermacentor, Ixodes,
a collar for instance, must be avoided. Cats are much more Haemaphysalis and Amblyomma) or to treat mite infes-
sensitive than dogs. tations, such as demodicosis (Demodex canis), sarcoptic
The molecules belonging to this group, and their formu- mange (Sarcoptes scabiei var. canis) or cheyletiellosis (Chey-
lations, are numerous, as solutions, sprays, powders, spot- letiella yasguri).
ons and collars are available on the veterinary health market. Amitraz may interact with the adrenergic system in car-
The molecules most widely used in pets are: coumaphos, nivores. Intoxication can be caused by ingesting, chewing or
cythioate, diazinon (also called dimpylate), dichlorvos, feni- sucking amitraz-impregnated collars, or by licking spot-ons
trothion, and fenthion. or solutions. Intoxication has an a2-agonist effect which
induces hyperglycaemia, causes a neurosedative effect (leth-
Carbamates argy and ataxia) and, more rarely, leads to cardiovascular
Carbamates, esters of carbamic acid and classified as methyl disorders (bradycardia, hypotension). Specific treatment for
or dimethyl carbamates, also inhibit acetylcholinesterase. poisoning is possible with atipamezole, an a2-antagonist
They are not long-acting (2 to 4 days), except in collars, and and/or yohimbine. Cats are sensitive to amitraz, probably


are neither retained in animal tissue nor in the environment. because they ingest it when grooming.
They are not very toxic as they are hydrolysed rapidly. Car- Nowadays, amitraz is used in dogs in the form of col-
bamates are mainly insecticidal and they are mainly used in lars to prevent tick infestation, and lotions to treat canine
veterinary medicine in the form of collars or powders. The demodicosis.
most common are bendiocarb, carbaryl, and propoxur.

Both organophophates and carbamates were mainly used in

the field to prevent flea infestation (with Ctenocephalides fe-
lis and C. canis).

Natural pyrethrins followed by a conjugation phase. Cats are physiologically

Natural pyrethrins are extracted from the flower heads of deficient in glucuronoconjugation enzymes, which explains
pyrethrum (a chrysanthemum species, Chrysanthemum cin- their hypersensitivity to pyrethroids, especially permethrin.
erariifolium or Dalmatian pyrethrum). These natural mole- Pyrethroids are applied to dogs in the form of sprays,
cules are chrysanthemic acid and pyrethric acid esters. Mod- shampoos, lotions, collars or spot-ons. They are also used
ification of chrysanthemic acid led to the production of the in the environment, sometimes combined with insect growth
first synthetic pyrethrins called pyrethroids in the 1950s: al- regulators, in the form of sprays, diffusers, and solutions.
lethrin, bioallethrin, tetramethrin, phenothrin, resmethrin, Pyrethroids are mainly used to prevent flea and tick in-
bioresmethrin, and kadethrin. This first generation included festation, but also to repel flying insects, especially sand flies
molecules with low photostability, so their use as insecticidal (Phlebotomus), mosquitoes (Aedes and Culex) and biting
sprays, mainly applied in the home, was limited. flies (Stomoxys and Haematobia).
A second generation of photostable pyrethrins emerged in They may be combined with other molecules to in-
the 1970s. These have residual activity of several weeks on crease efficacy (e.g., permethrin + fipronil; permethrin +
the skin and in the environment. The main second-genera- dinotefuran).
tion pyrethroids include permethrin, cypermethrin, fenvaler-
ate, deltamethrin, and flumethrin. Neonicotinoids
Neonicotinoids (or chloronicotinyl guanidines) act like ag-
They act on contact with insects and mites, and their mode onists on postsynaptic nicotinic acetylcholine receptors,
of action is very similar to that of organochlorines: opening mainly in motoneurons, depolarising nerve membranes and
sodium channel and depolarising nerve cell membranes. This causing spastic paralysis in insects. They were developed fol-
rapid effect on the insect’s cerebral ganglia results in sudden lowing observation of the insecticidal effect of nicotine and
shock, known as the “knock-down” effect, where insect stop they target insect-specific receptors, which explains their
moving and appears to be dead. This knock-down can be wide safety margin in mammals.
reversible and the insect may wake up after a few seconds Imidacloprid is used on both dogs and cats in spot-on
and enter a second phase, which involves hyperexcitation due formulations. Residual activity on the animal’s coat lasts
to the effect on the peripheral nerves, with rapid, brief and about a month and it acts through contact. Fleas and lice
inconsistent movements, which can lead to death. The spec- die rapidly, most fleas dying within 24 hours of infestation.
trum of activity depends on the molecule: permethrin and Imidacloprid is now combined with moxidectin, ivermectin,
deltamethrin are both insecticidal and acaricidal, whereas permethrin and/or pyriproxyfen to broaden its spectrum of
flumethrin is mainly acaricidal. These molecules are volatile activity.
and their presence around treated animals explains their re- Nitenpyram has the same mode of action, but it is a sys-
pellent effect on flying insects (mosquitoes and sand flies) and temic insecticide rather than acting on contact. It is admin-
even ticks. This repellency is one of the main benefits of the istered to carnivores orally, in tablet form and is rapidly ab-
pyrethroids developed recently for use in dogs and it varies sorbed, with peak plasma levels occurring 30 minutes to 2
according to the molecule, formulation and conditions: hours after administration. It is excreted in the urine (with a
• Animal living in a small or large interiors. half-life of 4 hours in dogs and 8 hours in cats) and disappears
• Animal living outdoors. within 2 days. Fleas ingest nitenpyram while feeding on blood
• Wind and humidity. Activity is greater and longer-lasting and they die in the following 15 to 30 minutes. It is therefore a
with the use of a collar. short-acting, systemic insecticide with a rapid effect.
Dinotefuran acts on contact, like imidacloprid, has sim-
Pyrethroids are not very toxic to mammals but are highly ilar pharmacological properties, so is used in the form of
toxic to poikilothermic vertebrates (fish). Pyrethroid me- spot-ons with long-lasting effects. In dogs, its spectrum is
tabolism includes an oxidative phase (through hepatic broadened to include ticks and immature flea stages by com-
cytochrome P450-dependent mixed-function oxidases), bination with permethrin and pyriproxyfen.
CONTENTS Ectoparasiticides 375

Fipronil Spinosyns
Fipronil belongs to the phenylpyrazole group and it was Spinosyns are isolated from the bacterial culture of actino-
introduced to veterinary medicine in the mid-1990s in the mycete species, such as Saccharopolyspora spinosa. The two
form of an alcohol spray for use on dogs and cats. It binds main molecules are spinosyns A and D, but many other com-
to GABA and glutamate receptors, which inhibits chloride pounds are derived from this fermentation, and semi-syn-
ion channel opening and consequently leads to neuronal hy- thetic modifications may change insecticidal and pharma-
peractivity. GABA and glutamate are neurotransmitters that cokinetic properties.
inhibit muscle activity in insects and mites. Their attach- Spinosyns have a unique mode of action as they bind to
ment to specific receptors opens neuronal chloride channels and stimulate nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, which stimu-
(in motoneurons or cerebral ganglion neurons in insects), lates postsynaptic neurons. Spinosyns are most active as insec-
inhibiting depolarisation. Glutamate receptors are specific ticides and have little effect on acarian. They can affect insects
to arthropods, resulting in a wide safety margin. Fipronil’s on contact or after ingestion so they may be used in topical
spectrum of activity includes insects (fleas and lice) as well formulations which have combined systemic activity (after ab-
as acari (ticks, Sarcoptes and Cheyletiella) and it is lipophilic sorption) and contact effects, or directly, in oral formulations
and photostable. Whether in a spot-on formulation or a such as tablets. In mammals, they are stored in fat tissues that
spray, the effect on cats or dogs lasts from 15 days (ticks in act as reservoirs, which explains their possible persistence. As
cats) up to 2 months (fleas in dogs). The molecule remains for any systemic drug, the rate of absorption, followed by stor-
active on animals which may get wet in the rain or be washed age and elimination, may vary between animals.
in shampoo, due to its lipophilicity. Spinosad, a mixture of spinosyns A and D, is used in the
It acts on contact with fleas, which die within approximate- form of palatable tablets in dogs and cats. It has anti-flea ef-
ly 24 hours, and ticks which die within 48 hours. Fipronil may fects, which begin 30 minutes after the tablet is ingested, and
be combined with S-methoprene to be active against immature the curative effect against existing flea infestations reaches
flea stages. Synergistic combination with permethrin adds re- maximum efficacy within 4 hours. Anti-flea effects then per-
pellent effect to ticks and flying insects and sustained speed of sist for approximately 1 month against new infestations, and
kill against fleas and ticks. are effective within 48 hours. Combination with milbemycin
Pyriprole, which is similar to fipronil, is lipophilic, so oxime extends the spectrum of activity to include nematodes
treatment and prevention of flea and tick infestations on dogs in dogs.
is by a spot-on solution. Spinetoram is the result of semi-synthetic modifications
of spinosyn J and it has a longer half-life than spinosad. It


Metaflumizone was developed as a spot-on formulation for cats, with both
Metaflumizone belongs to the semicarbazone group. It is a systemic and contact activity and it is effective against fleas
contact insecticide acting as sodium channel antagonist. Bind- for a month.
ing to its receptor blocks sodium entry, inhibiting nerve activ-
ity so insects are paralysed and die. This insecticide was used Macrocyclic lactones
in some countries as a spot-on in cats and dogs. Macrocyclic lactones in the avermectin/milbemycin group
constitute a generation of broad-spectrum antiparasitic drugs
Indoxacarb which were introduced in the 1980s to treat livestock. They
Indoxacarb belongs to the oxadiazine group. It is an insec- are derived from fermentation of Streptomyces actinomycete
ticide-only molecule acting mainly through ingestion by the bacteria and their active ingredients are produced by semi-
insect. It induces a voltage-dependent sodium channel block- synthesis. These molecules are considered to be endectocides,
ade by binding to a specific receptor, inhibiting nerve activity as their spectrum of activity includes internal nematodes, but
and causing lethal paralysis. Indoxacarb is used in the spot- also some external arthropod parasites, such as lice, mag-
on form to control fleas in dogs and cats. A combination with gots, mange mites, Demodex spp. and fleas.
permethrin has been developed to eliminate ticks on dogs. Avermectins/milbemycins have GABA-mimetic effects as
Interestingly, indoxacarb must be bioactivated by enzymes in they bind to glutamate-gated chloride channels. The phar-
the insect in order to become active. yngeal ganglia in nematodes are the main nerve ganglia

affected, leading to cessation of feeding and death. Avermec- New antiparasitic drugs in this chemical class are likely to
tins/milbemycins have a sublethal effect on female nematodes appear in the future. They may be combined with other mol-
and arthropods, stopping egg-laying. Avermectins/milbemy- ecules like milbemycin or selamectin to add nematodicidal
cins are absorbed transcutaneously after spot-on application, activity. Other formulations than oral are possible.
then they circulate in the plasma and are stored in fat tissues.
They are gradually eliminated, mainly in the faeces. Other insecticides
Ivermectin was widely used off-label to treat sarcop- Use of insecticides that do not act on nerve conduction is very
tic mange and ear mange in carnivores, as well as canine limited. Some oxidative phosphorylation inhibitors used as
demodicosis. anthelmintics, especially flukicides, may be effective against
haematophagous arthropods. This is the case for closantel
Nowadays, several avermectins/milbemycins are marketed and nitroxinil which can be used in carnivores to treat para-
for use in domestic carnivores: sitoses such as linguatulosis or some myiases, such as Cordy-
• Milbemycin oxime is used mainly as a broad-spectrum an- lobia anthropophaga.
thelmintic, but may be indicated in dogs with demodicosis. Piperonyl butoxide, an oxidase inhibitor, is a synergist for
It is administered orally. the pyrethroids found in some environmental insecticidal/aca-
• In addition to its nematicidal action, selamectin is used as ricidal formulations but is rarely used in veterinary medicine.
a spot-on in dogs and cats to treat and/or prevent certain Organic silicones or polysiloxanes, especially dime-
ectoparasitoses (pulicosis, canine sarcoptic mange and ear thicone, are used for lice in human medicine. They asphyxi-
mange). ate the arthropod, blocking its respiratory openings and cov-
• Moxidectin is available as a spot-on treatment in combi- ering its entire cuticle.
nation with imidacloprid and is indicated for very simi-
lar uses: nematicidal spectrum plus insecticidal/acaricidal Insect growth regulators
spectrum. Insect growth regulators (IGRs) are molecules that interfere
with hormones or enzymes. They inhibit reproduction in
Isoxazolines adult insects and block organogenesis in immature stages.
Isoxazolines belong to a new chemical class discovered in Their use in veterinary medicine began 20 years ago, to con-
the 2000s. They have very recently been introduced as vet- trol fleas in livestock and domestic carnivores. IGRs used in
erinary products against fleas and ticks in dogs, but they are dogs and cats may be classified into two groups: juvenile hor-
also effective against numerous other arthropods. Isoxazo- mone analogues and chitin synthesis inhibitors.
lines are all isoxazole derivatives and they are non-competi- • Juvenile hormone, or neotenin, analogues act on contact
tive GABA and glutamate receptor antagonists, much more or on ingestion. They enter flea eggs via adult fleas that
selective for GABA receptors in insects or ticks than for those come into contact with the active ingredients, or directly
in mammals, including humans. They bind to a unique site through the cuticle of the eggs. The first mechanism in-
on GABA-gated chloride channels in nerve and muscle cells, hibits egg hatching and these neotenin analogs can also
blocking pre- and postsynaptic transfer of chloride ions prevent the last stage 3 larvae from moulting into pupae.
across cell membranes. This induces hyperexcitation due to These analogs are either used in the environment, in the
uncontrolled activity in the central nervous system of the ar- form of sprays or diffusers and often combined with an
thropod and causes its death. insecticide, or applied directly to the animal.
Afoxolaner, fluralaner, sarolaner, and lotilaner are only Juvenile hormone analogues include methoprene and
used in veterinary medicine. They are characterised by high S-methoprene (active isomer), pyriproxyfen and fenoxy-
permeability and low aqueous solubility. Following oral ad- carb. Fenoxycarb is only used in the environment. In most
ministration, they are quickly absorbed and are highly bio- cases, these analogues are used in animals in combination
available. They are highly bound to plasma proteins and me- with an insecticide/acaricide, such as fipronil, permethrin,
tabolised slowly by P450 enzymes in the hepatocytes. dinotefuran or imidacloprid.
These molecules are lipophilic and persist for several
weeks, which allows residual IGR effects to last for 1 to
CONTENTS Ectoparasiticides 377

3 months, depending on the formulation and the study time points but, more interestingly, the dogs were clinically
concerned. Fleas that do not die are less prolific, and the followed-up as well as serologically tested, biopsied, PCRed
hatching and development rates are reduced, and there and blood sampled for culture for several weeks. Untreated
will eventually be no further new flea generations. dogs served as controls to confirm pathogen infection.
• Chitin synthesis inhibitors affect female insect fecundity Another way to demonstrate the reduction in pathogen
and prolificacy and inhibit egg hatching and larval moult- transmission is by field surveys where the rate of infection
ing. In veterinary medicine, these molecules are used in in control dogs and regularly treated dogs living in enzootic
the environment (flufenoxuron) or directly on the animal areas are compared. This has been used to assess the reduced
(lufenuron). Lufenuron acts systemically. It is either admin- risk of canine monocytic ehrlichiosis, canine leishmaniosis,
istered by subcutaneous injection or orally and is stored in or several pathogens at the same time.
fat tissues or fixed to plasma proteins.
Reasons for treatment failure
Use of insecticides/acaricides to No cases of confirmed resistance to recent external antipar-
treat and prevent both ectoparasite asitic drugs against ectoparasites in carnivores have been
infestation and arthropod-borne described. All follow-ups performed when failures were sus-
pathogen transmission pected highlighted many other reasons for the failure.
The ectoparasites of pets can be divided into two groups: Failures in tick or flea control must first be attributed to
ones that induce disease, are diagnosed and should be treat- ecological and biological factors. The high level of environ-
ed; and ones that represent a continuous nuisance and a mental tick infestation can often explain why infestations
threat as pathogen vectors. keep recurring in carnivores. Apart from Rhipicephalus san-
Many mites, such as Demodex, Otodectes, Notoedres, guineus, which usually infests dogs, ticks are fairly non-spe-
Sarcoptes and Cheyletiella species are found in the first cific and feed on many hosts: birds, rodents, insectivores,
group. There are no preventive measures available against deer, wild boar, etc. The reservoir host is very important, and
these mites and dogs and cats are treated after a veterinary ticks are not subject to antiparasitic pressure. Acaricides used
diagnosis. There is no need for long-lasting protection against in carnivores have a certain speed of kill so it is still possible
these parasites, so molecules/formulations that include them to see attached and engorging ticks on regularly treated dogs.
in their spectrum of activity are used. Active ingredient release may have been irregular on the
Fleas, sandflies, mosquitoes and ticks are in the second dog’s body, or the concentration may have been reduced by
group. They may induce clinical signs like itching, hair loss frequent shampooing. The dog’s weight might have been un-


or flea allergy dermatitis, and they represent a major threat derestimated while choosing the dosage form. The product
as vectors. Control measures for this group are curative (kill- may not have been applied properly according to the guide-
ing existing infestations) and preventive (killing new infesta- lines: application sites, the coat being dry, application on skin
tions as quickly as possible). Long-acting formulations are and not on hair, or application of the entire treatment.
required for this purpose. Similar observations apply to the choice of the product
Regular protection will indirectly reduce the risk of ar- for cat and dog fleas and its method of use. There are many
thropod-borne diseases, as well as having an external an- hosts, including all carnivores and even other mammals,
tiparasitic effect. This has been demonstrated in experiments whether domestic, stray or wild. Pupae are extremely re-
using infected ticks and demonstrating the absence of trans- sistant in the environment (4 to 6 months on average) and
mitted diseases in dogs, or reduced pathogen transmission. new adult fleas may therefore emerge and infest carnivores.
Preventive efficacy has been demonstrated against Borrelia A single flaw in protecting the animal means that the flea
burgdorferi sensu stricto and Anaplasma phagocytophilum life cycle can restart. Flea susceptibility to insecticides varies
transmission by Ixodes scapularis, Babesia canis transmis- according to physiology, which is why efficacy lasts for 1 to
sion by Dermacentor reticulatus, and Ehrlichia canis trans- 3 months among the populations studied. It is unlikely that
mission by Rhipicephalus sanguineus. In those studies, dogs all dogs and cats living in the same area are treated regularly
were treated and then infected by ticks carrying the patho- so fleas may easily appear as soon as preventive treatment is
gens. The number of ticks on the dogs was counted at different discontinued or at the end of its active period.

It is easier to question the efficacy of antiparasitic treat- • Development of combination drugs to either cover a broad-
ments than to seek the true cause and explain control meas- er spectrum or improve properties such as speed of action,
ures in relation to flea and tick biology to pet owners. inhibition of attachment or repellency.
• Research into new insecticidal families with different
Conclusion modes of action and likely to be used in new formulations,
External antiparasitic drugs have evolved in recent years such as oral insecticide formulations.
with the development of new active ingredients and formu- • Increased protection to reduce the risk of arthropod-borne
lations. Older molecules are still being used, mainly due to pathogen transmission.
their low cost. The number of external antiparasitic drugs
available on the market has increased in the past 10 years, Vaccines against ectoparasitosis still do not exist and exter-
with some clear tendencies: nal antiparasitic drugs will probably remain the main thera-
• Introduction of many generic products. peutic and preventive solution for many years to come.

Dosage forms used in domestic carnivores

Improvements in external and internal antiparasitic drugs are compare the product with its competitors. The repellent effect,
not only achieved through research into new active ingredients prevention of attachment, and inhibition of blood feeding in
but the dosage form and innovative pharmacokinetic properties haematophagous arthropods are also assessed.
are also undoubtedly part of the success of these drugs. There Powders, aerosols, shampoos and lotions are generally short-
are several objectives: acting (less than a week) but spot-ons are designed for long-
• Ease of administration to pets with minimal handling. lasting effects, at least for fleas and ticks. They represent a large
• Long-term efficacy to avoid repeat treatments and to evolve part of the external antiparasitic drugs available for domestic
from the concept of cure to that of prevention. carnivores. They are based on the pharmacological properties
of active ingredients and excipients which enables transdermal
• A broad spectrum of activity.
delivery followed by plasma distribution for some, and diffusion
• A high level of safety for both animal and owner. across the entire skin due to the lipophilic properties of others.
Active ingredients remain in the sebum and the sebaceous
The parasiticidal properties of all formulations must be assessed glands for several weeks. Studies involving radiolabelling of active
by controlled experimental and field trials. Some guidelines are ingredients using hair clippings and skin samples (biopsies) help
defined by drug agencies: the European Medicines Agency in to demonstrate the cutaneous pharmacokinetics of these spot-ons.
Europe, and the Environmental and Pesticide Agency, or Food They must be applied to dry skin for optimal effectiveness, and it
and Drug Administration in the United States, and occasionally is therefore best not to wash the animal just before application,
by scientific associations, such as the World Association for the which enables the skin’s lipid film to rebuild. Regular shampooing
Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology. will remove the active ingredients and reduce their persistence.
Studies help to define the spectrum of activity, the speed of action Some active ingredients used in spot-on formulations act on
against existing infestation (curative effect), or against reinfestation contact with the arthropod; others are systemic and/or mixed
(preventive effect) and the duration (sustained effect). They are in their mode of action, with transcutaneous penetration and
also useful to assess effects on immature stages (eggs, larvae), plasma circulation. The molecules formulated as tablets act
prolificacy in females or inhibition of reproduction. These studies, systemically and may have a short-term effect or a persistent
which have many different designs, are first conducted to licence efficacy. Oral palatable formulations have recently taken
the product, but many are carried out after the product launch, to a large part of dog ectoparasiticides. Collars are made of
refine some points, such as the speed of kill for existing infestation, plastic polymers, the matrix of which is impregnated with the
the sustained speed of kill for new infestation, inhibition of egg insecticide/acaricide. Rubbing of the collar against the skin
production and new generation emergence and, of course, to releases the active ingredients continuously and gradually.
CONTENTS Ectoparasiticides 379

Study design to assess the efficacy of external antiparasitic drugs

The effect of any insecticidal/acaricidal product is assessed in usually by a minimum number of arthropods: 50 ticks (25 males
relation to the time post infestation. Performance is evaluated and 25 females) or 100 fleas, and it may be repeated (usually
either in the crate/cage or on the animal itself, according to the weekly).
study design. Treatments may be applied before (usually 24–48 hours)
A control group is always required to be sure that the infestation infestation (to assess any preventive effect) or after (to assess
process is normal and the comparisons and calculations are any curative effect). The arthropods are counted on the animal
always made between treated and control groups. by thumb counting (they remain on their host, which allows
Arthropod infestation may be achieved by directly placing the successive counts on the same host) or removal counts.
arthropods on the animal (the classic method for fleas and When dealing with fleas, flea eggs can be collected on the
ticks) or by placing them in a crate/cage/box/under a net where ground 12–36 hours after infestation in order to assess the
a sedated animal will be placed later (the classic method for impact of the treatment on female prolificacy, egg viability and
mosquitoes, phlebotomes, flies and some ticks). Infestation is the rate of development into new fleas.

Repellency sensu stricto Prevention of

Insecticidal/acaricidal “killing”
(with early expellency). attachment.
Effect measured after experimental infestation. * Applicable to flying Applicable to
Applicable to all ectoparasites
The arthropod can be deposited in a crate/under a net insects and ticks ticks only
or directly on the animal
Time post infestation
0–4 hours 4–24 hours 0–48 hours
Arthropod can be collected
and placed in an insectarium.
In the crate Alive in the crate/net Repelled/expelled A survival evaluation can be
or cage (if then performed on the repelled
applicable) arthropod after 24/48 hours


Dead in the crate/net Repelled/expelled

Alive free on the animal Not repelled/expelled Killing effect not demonstrated
Arthropod effect considered
status Killing effect demonstrated.
Anti-attachment Depending on the timing of the
Dead free on the animal Not repelled/expelled
On the dog effect considered counts, speed of kill can be
or cat determined
Dead attached to the dog No anti-
Killing effect demonstrated
(applicable to ticks only) attachment effect

Alive attached to the dog No anti-

No killing effect demonstrated
(applicable to ticks only) attachment effect
*Repellency: the arthropod does not touch/infest the host and remains separate. Expellency: the arthropod does touch/infest the host but
falls off quickly due to irritative or behavioural effects after contact. Both are repellency sensu lato.


General definitions
Parasites, predators, commensals and symbionts
• Parasites are living organisms (animal or plant) that develop at the expense of another living organism (the
host), sometimes causing its death.
Parasite • A parasite is therefore defined by its relationship with other living beings, and must be distinguished from
animals or plants with different relationships, such as predators, commensals, saprophytes, saprobes,
symbionts and parasitoids.
Predator • Predators are living beings that develop by destroying other living beings, their prey.
• A commensal is an organism that depends on another organism for its development, but the relationship
is not harmful to the host as it is in parasitism: it is mutually beneficial.
• For example, certain protozoa (unicellular organisms) live commensally in the digestive tracts of
herbivores, where conditions are suitable for their nutrition and reproduction (food supply, temperature,
pH, etc.).
In return, they allow cellulose to be digested and ensure that water-soluble vitamins, especially vitamin B,
can be produced. Some other organisms also perform this function.
• Commensal Trichomonas can be observed in the digestive and genital tracts of carnivores.
• When the positive relationship between the commensal and host becomes essential for development
of the host and survival of the parasite this is known as symbiosis, and the two organisms are called
• For example, some ciliate protozoa in termite digestive tracts are symbionts. These protozoa themselves
harbour symbiotic bacteria, and allow the termites to digest wood.
• Some fungi associate with algae to create lichens.
• When an organism lives off another without negative (parasitic) or positive (symbiotic) effects, it is called
a saprophyte.
Saprophyte/Saprobe • Some authors restrict the term “saprophyte” to plants, using the word “saprozoite” for animals.
• The single term “saprobe” has been proposed and is particularly suitable for fungi, which are currently
considered to belong to a kingdom between animals and plants.
• There is one other relationship, hyperparasitism, which is linked to parasitoid organisms.
These feed at the expense of their host and inevitably cause its death. Numerous arthropod larvae exhibit
this parasitoid behaviour.
• For example, Hymenoptera larvae of the Ichneumonidae family (adults of which resemble wasps) develop
on or in certain arthropods (caterpillars, ticks) and cause the death of the host during transformation of
the larvae into adults by pupation.

Parasitic infections and infestations

There is debate over what should be called “infection” and what should be referred to as “infestation”.
For some parasitologists, they are just synonyms but, for others, external parasites cause infestation and internal parasites induce infection.
We prefer a zoological and biological approach: infestations are caused by metazoa, while infections are caused by bacteria, viruses, protozoa
and fungi.
• The term “infection” suggests multiplication of the pathogenic agent in its host. “Infection” used to refer
to viral or bacterial origins, but it can equally refer to parasitic infection.
• Numerous protozoa, such as the parasitic coccidia of bird and mammalian gastrointestinal tracts,
Parasitic infections
actively multiply in their host. Babesia is a piroplasm or protozoan belonging to the same phylum as the
Apicomplexa, which multiply in red blood cells, causing severe anaemia.
• We use “infection” for viruses, bacteria, protozoa and fungi.
• The term “infestation” is specific to complex parasites that penetrate, and then develop in or on, their
Parasitic infestations host. This is the general case for helminths and arthropods.
• We use “infestation” for all metazoa (helminths and arthropods).
Appendices 383

Different types of parasitism

• Development in a host is essential. This is the most common relationship and includes Dirofilaria immitis
Obligate parasitism
and numerous other helminths, lice, fleas, ticks, etc.
• Development in a host is not essential. The “parasite” may survive and reproduce in the external
Facultative (or occasional) environment.
parasitism • This is the case in the majority of fungi, such as Aspergillus, which is present in the soil and damp
housing conditions. It is also the case in free-living nematodes and some mites (e.g., Cheyletiella).
• This is when non-parasitic agents accidentally infect a host and may survive there for some time, or when
parasitic agents mistakenly infest an unusual host.
• The first case is rare, and can occur after ingestion of the larvae or eggs of the house fly, Musca
Accidental parasitism domestica, or after eggs are deposited on a cutaneous wound. The larvae survive, developing at the
expense of the host’s tissues, causing accidental myiasis.
• Parasites of wild carnivores may accidentally infest dogs or cats. This is the case with Taenia crassiceps,
Crenosoma vulpis, Dioctophyme renale and numerous other helminths and arthropods.
• A non-parasitic or commensal organism may become parasitic and pathogenic as a result of increased
receptivity by the host. This is particularly common when hosts are immunosuppressed (e.g., by AIDS,
or chemotherapy for transplants or cancer). Immunosuppression in animals may be linked to certain
Opportunistic parasitism treatments (high-dose corticoid treatment), congenital disorders, breeding conditions (housing, nutrition,
etc.) or age.
• Most fungi are opportunistic parasites, as are some protozoa, such as the digestive tract coccidia
belonging to the species Cryptosporidium.

Biological characteristics of parasites and parasitism

• Permanent parasites live in a host through all stages of their development. They can only survive in the
external environment for a short time, from a few hours to a few days.
They may also survive and develop in an intermediate host, in which case they are permanent parasites of
both their definitive and intermediate hosts.
• Permanent arthropod parasites include the mite that causes scabies, and lice (Phtiraptera).
Permanent parasites
• The Taeniidae, cestodes which cause taeniosis in humans or carnivores in their adult state, and
cysticercosis, coenurosis or echinococcosis in various mammals including humans in their larval state, are
also permanent parasites.
• All stages of Filariae are permanent parasites, and Babesia are permanent parasites of either mammals or
of tick vectors.
• Intermittent parasites combine phases of parasitism and free-living at some time, usually during the adult
Intermittent parasites
• This applies most to haematophagous arthropods, such as mosquitoes, horseflies and some fleas (though
not Ctenocephalides felis).
• Temporary parasites have extensive parasitic and free-living phases.
• Ticks (Acari: Ixodoidea) have a parasitic phase, during which they take a blood meal, at each life stage.
This phase may last between 1 and 3 weeks and is followed by a free-living phase during which the tick
leaves its host and undergoes a moult, or lays, in the case of a fertile female.
• Adult stages of the Strongylida (Strongylida nematodes, hookworms in carnivores), parasites which live in
Temporary parasites
the small intestine, have an average lifespan of 4 months. The females lay eggs, which are released into
the external environment (pasture) in the faeces.
These larvated eggs then mature on the pasture and hatch to release a first stage larva. This then moults
into L2, then L3, which is the infective stage. This final stage larva can wait weeks or months to be
ingested by the final host.

Major parasitoses
of dogs and cats

Major internal parasitoses

Dogs Cats
• Ascaridoses
• Ascaridoses (Toxocara cati, Toxascaris leonina)
(Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina)
• Hookworms (Uncinaria stenocephala,
• Hookworm infestation (Uncinaria stenocephala,
Ancylostoma tubaeforme)
Ancylostoma caninum)
• Ollulanosis (Ollulanus tricuspis)
Intestinal helminthoses • Trichuriosis (Trichuris vulpis)
• Teniosis (Taenia taeniaeformis, Dipylidium
• Strongyloidosis (Strongyloides stercoralis)
caninum, Mesocestoides, Diphyllobothrium
• Teniosis (Taenia spp., Dipylidium caninum,
and Spirometra species, Echinococcus
Mesocestoides, Diphyllobothrium, Spirometra,
Echinococcus spp.)
• Giardiosis (Giardia duodenalis)
• Giardiosis (Giardia duodenalis)
Intestinal protozooses • Coccidiosis (Isospora, Toxoplasma, Hammondia,
• Coccidiosis (Isospora, Neospora species)
Besnoitia species)
• Respiratory strongyloses • Respiratory strongyloses
Respiratory parasitoses (Oslerus osleri, Crenosoma vulpis) (Aelurostrongylus abstrusus, Troglostrongylus)
• Capillariosis • Capillariosis
• Babesiosis (Babesia canis)
Blood parasitoses • Babesiosis and cytauxzoonosis (Cytauxzoon felis)
• Hepatozoonosis
• Dirofilariosis (Dirofilaria immitis) • Dirofilariosis (Dirofilaria immitis)
Cardiovascular parasitoses
• Angiostrongylosis (Angiostrongylus vasorum) • Aelurostrongylosis (Aelurostrongylus abstrusus)
General parasitosis • Leishmaniosis (Leishmania infantum)
Appendices 385

Major arthropod parasitoses

Ectoparasitosis Arthropod Frequency (-/+ to +++)

Fleas and lice
• Ctenocephalides felis felis • +++
• Ctenocephalides canis • +
• Archeopsylla erinacei • +/-
• Pulex irritans • +/-
• Trichodectes canis (dog) • +/-
Lice infestation • Linognathus setosus (dog) • +/-
• Felicola subrostratus (cat) • +/-
• Dermacentor spp. • ++
• Rhipicephalus spp. • ++
Tick infestation • Ixodes spp. • ++
• Amblyomma spp. • ++
• Haemaphysalis spp. • ++
Otoacariosis (ear mange) • Otodectes cynotis • ++ (mostly in kittens)
Sarcoptic mange (dog) • Sarcoptes scabiei var. canis • +
Notoedric mange (cat) • Notoedres cati • +/-
• + (frequent between 3 months and 2 years old;
Canine demodicosis • Demodex canis
genetic predisposition)
Feline demodicosis • Demodex cati • +/- (rare; often in the ears)
• Cheyletiella yasguri (dog) • + (young carnivores, mainly in or from kennels)
• Cheyletiella blakei (cat) • +
• + (frequent in summer and autumn on carnivores
Trombiculosis (chiggers) • Trombicula autumnalis
with access to the outdoors)

Major intestinal helminths

Parasite Epidemiological data

• Parasite of oesophagus and stomach.
Spirocerca lupi • Found in tropical areas.
• Transmitted through intermediate hosts (arthropods, such as beetles).
Ancylostoma caninum • Common hookworm in warm countries.
• Main hookworm infesting dogs in northern Europe.
Uncinaria stenocephala
• Infestation through infective L3 on grass.
• Common roundworm in dogs.
Toxocara canis • Infestation in utero, through suckling milk or ingesting embryonated eggs.
• Very common in breeding kennels.
• Rare roundworm, found in young and adult dogs and cats, more common in rural areas.
Toxascaris leonina
• Infestation by ingesting embryonated eggs or paratenic hosts (such as rats or mice).
Strongyloides stercoralis • Parasite of small intestine, rare.
Dipylidium caninum • Common tapeworm found in many pets infested by intermediate hosts, fleas or lice.
• Rare tapeworm.
Mesocestoides spp.
• Infestation after ingesting second intermediate hosts (rodents or birds).
Taenia spp. (numerous species: T. hydatigena,
T. pisiformis, T. serialis, T. multiceps and • Tapeworms found in rural areas where dogs may ingest larvae in ruminant or rabbit offal.
T. ovis)
• Rare tapeworms, but dangerous as dogs shed oviferous segments and eggs in their faeces
which can directly infest humans.
Echinococcus spp.
• Echinococcus granulosus is linked to sheep farming in Europe.
(E. granulosus and E. multilocularis)
• Echinococcus multilocularis is found in European forests where foxes are definitive hosts
and Microtidae (voles) are the intermediate hosts.
• Lake tapeworm, found in large European lakes.
Diphyllobothrium latum
• Infestation through ingesting infested raw fish.
• Whipworm, common in dog kennels.
Trichuris vulpis • Common on adult dogsboth in rural and urban areas.
• Infestation through ingesting highly resistant embryonated eggs.
Opisthorchis felineus, Clonorchis sinensis • Possibility of dog infestation in Eastern and Central Europe, and most of Asia, through
(liver flukes) ingestion of infested fish.
• Rare parasite of the stomach.
Spirura rytipleurites
• Infestation after ingesting infested arthropods (beetles).
• Rare parasite of the stomach.
Ollulanus tricuspis • Infestation by ingesting infesting L3 larvae.
• Infective larvae directly expelled in the vomit of infested cats.
Ancylostoma tubaeforme • Main hookworm of cats.
Uncinaria stenocephala • Rare hookworm in cats.
• Very common parasite of kittens and young cats (under a year old).
Toxocara cati • Infestation through suckling milk, ingesting embryonated eggs from the environment or
ingesting infested paratenic hosts (rodents).
• Roundworm found in adult cats, mainly in rural areas.
Toxascaris leonina
• Infestation through ingesting paratenic hosts (rodents).
• Common tapeworm in cats.
Dipylidium caninum
• Infestation through ingesting intermediate hosts (fleas or lice).
Mesocestoides sp. • Rare tapeworm.
Taenia taeniaeformis • Tapeworm found in hunting cats, following ingestion of infested mice or rats.
• Infestation possible in cats, but extremely rare (cats can not be a source of Echinococcus
Echinococcus multilocularis
Diphyllobothrium latum • Rare lake tapeworm found in cats ingesting raw fish.
Opisthorchis felineus, Clonorchis sinensis
• Infestation occurs in Central and Eastern Europe, and most of Asia.
(liver flukes)
Appendices 387

Biological characteristics of the major gastrointestinal parasitoses of

dogs and cats

Parasitosis Source Infective elements

Teniosis due to Dypilidium caninum Fleas (and sometimes lice). Cysticercoid larvae.
Cysticercus tenuicollis: larval stage looks like
Taeniosis due to Taenia hydatigena Sheep and cattle offal. a fluid-filled balloon, located in the liver or
Cysticercus pisiformis: metacestode looks like
Taeniosis due to Taenia pisiformis Rabbit offal. a bunch of grapes, located in the liver and
Hydatid larvae often located in the liver and
Taeniosis due to Echinococcus granulosus Sheep, cattle and pig offal.
Taeniosis due to Echinococcus
Voles. Alveolar larvae located in microtid livers.
Teniosis due to Diphyllobothrium latum Fresh water fish. Plerocercoïd larvae.
• Transcutaneous penetration by L3 larvae.
Strongyloidosis due to Strongyloides • Free larvae and adult stages possible under
stercoralis ideal conditions (high temperature and
• L3 larvae.
• Soil. • Ingestion and transcutaneous penetration
Ancylostomosis • Paratenic hosts (rodents). possible.
• Lactating females. • Transmission from female to offspring
through suckling.
Soil. Eggs containing L2 larvae.
Toxocarosis Transmission from female to offspring in vivo
Lactating females.
(dog) or through suckling milk (dog and cat).
Trichuriosis Soil. Highly resistant eggs containing L3 larvae.
• Soil.
Sporulated oocysts either from clinically
Coccidiosis due to Isospora • Various kennel materials.
infected animals or healthy carriers.
• Drinking water.
Sheep, goat, cattle, pig and horse meat and
Coccidiosis due to Sarcocystis Muscle cysts.
• Healthy human, dog and cat carriers. Infective cysts excreted in the faeces of
Giardiosis due to Giardia duodenalis
• Environment: cages, bedding, drinking water. clinically infected animals or healthy carriers.

Main clinical characteristics of the major gastrointestinal parasitoses of

dogs and cats

Parasitosis Intestinal signs Skin signs General signs Respiratory signs

Loss of appetite, soft faeces Rare: weight loss or
Teniosis due to Pruritus of the skin
or diarrhoea, excretion of nervous signs with epileptic
Dipylidium caninum and anus.
segments. convulsions.
Nasal discharge,
• Chronic enteritis with • Anaemia, epistaxis, weight cough, changes to the
dermatitis with
diarrhoea. loss. voice, loss of sense of
Ancylostomosis papules, following
• Faeces sometime dark due to • Signs more severe with smell all possible due
digested blood. Ancylostoma than Uncinaria. to tracheal migration
passage of L3 larvae.
of hookworm larvae.

Puppy/kitten growth slows,

Cough caused by
Alternating diarrhoea and irregular appetite, weight loss,
migration of ascarid
Toxocarosis constipation, abdominal dull coat, osteoarticular pain,
larvae (ascarid
bloating, vomiting roundworms. nervous signs with convulsions
(if hypoglycaemic).

Diarrhoea, which can be

Trichuriosis haemorrhagic in cases of heavy Anaemia and cachexia.
Subacute to acute enterititis,
possibility of abundant
Coccidiosis Dehydration and weight loss.
diarrhoea, sometimes
Chronic enteritis with reduced
intestinal absorption, foul-
Giardiosis and Weight loss, abdominal pain,
smelling diarrhoea with a fatty
trichomonosis (cat) excessive thirst.
appearance (steatorrhoea),
often yellow.
Appendices 389

Arthropods and
vector-borne diseases
Arthropods and the pathogens they transmit in humans or animals

Scientific name of arthropod Common name of arthropod Type of pathogen transmitted

Nematocera Mosquitoes
Anopheles Mosquitoes Viruses, Plasmodium, filarial worms
Culex Mosquitoes Viruses, Plasmodium, filarial worms
Aedes Mosquitoes Viruses, Plasmodium, filarial worms
Culicoides Midges Viruses, filarial worms
Phlebotomus Sandflies = phlebotomes Leishmania, viruses, bacteria
Lutzomyia Sandflies Leishmania, viruses, bacteria
Simulium Black flies Viruses, filarial worms
Muscidae, Muscinae or Stomoxynae Flies Bacteria
Tabanidae Tabanids Bacteria, Trypanosoma
Muscidae, Glossininae Tsetse flies Trypanosoma
Reduviidae, Triatominae Kissing bugs Trypanosoma cruzi
Pediculus Lice Bacteria
Pulex, Ctenocephalides, Spilopsyllus, etc. Fleas Bacteria, filarial worms
Ixodes, Rhipicephalus, Amblyomma, Viruses, bacteria, Babesia, Theileria,
Hard ticks
Hyalomma, Haemaphysalis, Dermacentor, etc. Cytauxzoon, Hepatozoon, filarial worms
Trombiculidae Chiggers Viruses, bacteria

Tick-borne diseases of cats and dogs

Disease agent Tick vector Geographical distribution

Viral tick-borne pathogens
Tick borne encephalitis virus Ixodes ricinus Europe and Asia
England, Scotland, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Bulgaria,
Louping ill virus Ixodes ricinus
Turkey, Japan
Bacterial tick-borne pathogens
Borrelia spp.
Ixodes scapularis USA, Canada
Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto Ixodes pacificus USA (Pacific Coast)
Ixodes ricinus, Ixodes persulcatus Europe, Asia
Borrelia garinii Ixodes ricinus Europe, Asia
Borrelia afzelii Ixodes ricinus Europe, Asia
Borrelia japonica ? Japan
Ehrlichia spp. / Anaplasma spp.
Ixodes scapularis USA
Anaplasma phagocytophilum Ixodes pacificus USA
Ixodes ricinus Europe
Anaplasma platys Rhipicephalus sanguineus USA, South America, Africa, Europe
Rhipicephalus sanguineus Southern Europe, Middle East, Africa
Ehrlichia canis
Dermacentor variabilis Southeast Asia, Southern USA
Ehrlichia chaffeensis Amblyomma americanum Southeastern and South Central USA
Ehrlichia ewingii Amblyomma americanum Southeastern and South Central USA
Rickettsia spp.
Dermacentor variabilis Southeastern and South Central USA
Rhipicephalus sanguineus Arizona, Mexico
Rickettsia rickettsii
Amblyomma americanum Southeastern and South Central USA
Amblyomma cajennense Central and South America
Southern Europe, North Africa, Southern Africa,
Rickettsia conorii Rhipicephalus sanguineus
Middle East, Indian subcontinent, Asia
Rickettsia parkeri Amblyomma maculatum USA, Central America
Protozoan tick-borne pathogens
Babesia spp.
Babesia canis Dermacentor reticulatus Europe
Babesia vogeli Rhipicephalus sanguineus Tropical, subtropical and Mediterranean regions
Babesia rossi Haemaphysalis elliptica Sub-Saharan Africa (Nigeria, Sudan), South Africa
Babesia conradae ? California
Babesia gibsoni Haemaphysalis longicornis Asia (Japan), sporadic worldwide
Babesia vulpes Ixodes hexagonus Portugal, Spain
Hepatozoon spp.
Southern Europe (Spain, France, Italy, Greece), Asia
Hepatozoon canis Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Japan, Thailand, Philippines), India, Africa, Middle East
and South America (Brazil), Southern USA
Hepatozoon americanum Amblyomma maculatum Southeastern and South Central USA
Cytauxzoon spp.
Amblyomma americanum
Cytauxzoon felis North and South America
Dermacentor variabilis
Appendices 391

Taxonomy of the main

parasites of dogs and cats
Nematode taxonomy
The morphological and biological characteristics of Class, • Superfamily Subuluroidea:
Order and Family are given. Genera of veterinary impor- Three oral lips, pre-cloacal sucker.
tance for dogs and cats are indicated in purple. • Family Heterakidae:
-- Subfamily Heterakinae: genus Heterakis.
Phylum Nemathelminthes -- Subfamily Ascaridiinae: genus Ascaridia.
Class Nematoda • Family Subuluridae: genus Subulura.
Triploblastic pseudocoelomate worms, complete digestive • Superfamily Oxyuroidea:
tract and separate sexes. Males have two spicules. Pharynx with a posterior bulb and valvules, some species
have a buccal orifice with three lips. Females have thin
Subclass Secernentea posterior extremity (tail-like).
Possess phasmids (chemoreceptor organs located at the pos- • Family Oxyuridae: genus Oxyuris, Enterobius,
terior extremity of the worm). Passalurus, Skrjabinema, Syphacia, Aspiculuris,
Order Rhabditida
Oesophagus with a rhabditoid organ (bulb) assembles free Order Strongylida
and parasitic worms. The parasitic worms consist of parthe- Male have copulatory bursa and bursal rays. L1 and L2 lar-
nogenic females only. vae 1 free, L3 infective.
• Family Strongyloididae: genus Strongyloides. • Superfamily Ancylostomatoidea:
• Family Rhabditidae: genus Pelodera, Rhabditis. Well-developed subglobular buccal capsule armed with
• Family Cephalobidae: genus Halicephalus, teeth (Ancylostoma) or cutting plates (Uncinaria). Angle
Cephalobus. between head and rest of the body explains the name,
based on the Greek “ankylos” which means hook.
Order Ascaridida • Family Ancylostomatidae:
Buccal orifice with three lips. -- Subfamily Ancylostominae: genus Ancylostoma,
• Superfamily Ascaridoidea: Agriostomum.
Three well-developed oral lips (one dorsal and two -- Subfamily Necatorinae: genus Necator, Uncinaria,
subventral). Bunostomum, Gaigeria.
• Family Ascarididae: genus Ascaris, Parascaris, -- Subfamily Globocephalinae: genus Globocephalus.
Toxascaris, Baylisascaris, Lagochilascaris.
• Family Toxocaridae: genus Toxocara.
• Family Anisakidae: genus Anisakis, Pseudoterranova,
Contracaecum, Hysterothylacium.

Parasites listed in purple are the main helminths found in dogs and cats.

• Superfamily Strongyloidea: • Superfamily Metastrongyloidea:

Unarmed buccal capsule, oral opening often surrounded Buccal capsule and copulatory bursa reduced or absent,
by corona radiata. bursal rays fused to varying degrees.
• Family Strongylidae: • Family Metastrongylidae: genus Metastrongylus.
-- Subfamily Strongylinae: genus Strongylus, • Family Protostrongylidae: genus Protostrongylus,
Triodontophorus, Oesophagodontus, Muellerius, Cystocaulus, Spiculocaulus,
Craterostomum. Neostrongylus, Varestrongylus (syn. Bicaulus),
-- Subfamily Oesophagostominae: genus Elaphostrongylus, Parelaphostrongylus.
Oesophagostomum, Chabertia. • Family Filaroididae (syn. Angiostrongylidae): genus
• Family Trichonematidae (= Cyathostomidae): Angiostrongylus, Aelurostrongylus, Perostrongylus,
-- Subfamily Cyathostominae: genus Cyathostomum, Gurltia, Parafilaroides, Filaroides (syn. Oslerus).
Cyliclocyclus, Cylicostephanus, Cyliclodontophorus, • Family Crenosomatidae: genus Crenosoma,
Poteriostomum, Gyalocephalus. Troglostrongylus (= Bronchostrongylus).
• Family Syngamidae: • Family Skrjabingylidae: genus Skrjabingylus,
-- Subfamily Syngaminae: genus Syngamus, Metathelazia (syn. Vogeloides, Pneumospirura).
Cyathostoma, Mammomonogamus.
-- Subfamily Stephanurinae: genus Stephanurus. Order Spirurida
• Superfamily Trichostrongyloidea: Oesophagus divided into two parts: the anterior short and
Reduced buccal capsule, corona radiata absent, copulatory muscular, the posterior longer and glandular. Larval stages
bursa of male well developed. develop in arthropods.
• Family Amidostomidae: genus Amidostomum,
Epomidiostomum. Suborder Spiruroidea
• Family Trichostrongylidae (parasites of mammals): Two lateral lips which can be further subdivided. Cylindrical
-- Subfamily Libyostrongylinae: genus Libyostrongylus, buccal capsule. Vulva opens near the middle of the body in
Obeliscoides. most cases.
-- Subfamily Graphidiinae: genus Graphidium, • Superfamily Gnathostomatoidea:
Hyostrongylus. Large trilobed lips. Head bulb with tooth-like ridges.
-- Subfamily Haemoncinae: genus Haemonchus, • Family Gnathostomatidae: genus Gnathostoma.
Asworthius, Mecistocirrus. • Superfamily Physalopteroidea:
-- Subfamily Trichostrongylinae: genus Smooth collar-like head bulb.
Trichostrongylus. • Family Physalopteridae: genus Physaloptera.
-- Subfamily Cooperiinae: genus Cooperia, • Superfamily Habronematoidea:
Paracooperia, Gazellostrongylus. Well developed lateral lips, often trilobed.
-- Subfamily Ostertagiinae: genus Marshallagia, • Family Spiruridae:
Camelostrongylus, Ostertagia, Longistrongylus, -- Subfamily Spirurinae: genus Spirura, Protospirura,
Spiculopteragia, Teladorsagia. Spirocerca.
• Family Dictyocaulidae: genus Dictyocaulus. -- Subfamily Ascaropsinae: genus Ascarops,
• Family Molineidae: Physocephalus, Simondsia.
-- Subfamily Molineinae. -- Subfamily Habroneminae: genus Habronema,
-- Subfamily Ollulaninae: genus Ollulanus. Draschia.
-- Subfamily Nematodirinae: genus Nematodirus, -- Subfamily Hatertiinae: genus Hatertia.
Nematodirella. • Family Acuariidae: genus Cheilospirura (syn. Acuaria),
• Family Ornithostrongylidae: genus Ornithostrongylus. Dispharynx (syn. Acuaria), Streptocara, Echinuria.
• Family Heligmosomidae: genus Heligmosomoides • Family Tetrameridae: genus Tetrameres.
(syn. Nematospiroides).
• Family Heligmonellidae: genus Nippostrongylus.
Appendices 393

• Superfamily Thelazoidea: Subclass Adenophorea

No pseudolabia but possess mouth capsule. Parasite of No phasmids.
conjunctival sac, lacrymal duct for the family Thelaziidae.
• Family Thelaziidae: genus Thelazia, Oxyspirura. Order Dioctophymatida
• Family Gongylonematidae: genus Gongylonema. Muscular oesophagus, posterior extremity of the male forms
• Family Rictulariidae: genus Rictularia. a caudal sucker.
• Family Dioctophymatidae: genus Dioctophyme,
Suborder Dracunculoidea Hystrichis, Eustrongylides.
Reduced mouth capsule, atrophied vulva after fecundation.
• Family Dracunculidae: genus Dracunculus. Order Enoplida (syn. Trichinellida, Trichurida)
Reduced muscular tissue in the oesophagus, oesophage-
Suborder Filarioidea al glands form a single row of cells. Males have one or no
Long thin worms. Mouth not surrounded by lips or by a spicules.
mouth capsule. Vulva generally situated near the anterior ex- • Family Trichuridae: genus Trichuris
tremity. Female often viviparous and expel fully developed (syn. Trichocephalus).
larvae called microfilariae. • Family Capillariidae: genus Aonchotheca, Capillaria,
• Family Filariidae: Baruscapillaria, Eucoleus, Pearsonema, Calodium.
-- Subfamily Filariinae: genus Parafilaria, Suifilaria. • Family Trichinellidae: genus Trichinella.
-- Subfamily Stephanofilariinae: genus Stephanofilaria.
• Family Onchocercidae:
-- Subfamily Onchocercinae: genus Onchocerca,
Acanthocheilonema (syn. Dipetalonema),
Cercopithifilaria (syn. Dipetalonema), Mansonella
(syn. Dipetalonema), Elaeophora, Brugia,
Wuchereria, Litosomoides, Monanema, Molinema
-- Subfamily Dirofilariinae: genus Dirofilaria, Loa,
Eulimdana (syn. Pelecitus).
-- Subfamily Setariinae: genus Setaria.

Cestode and trematode taxonomy

Phylum Platyhelminthes Class Digenea
Flat worms: acoelomate and triploblastic metazoa. Triplo- Historically, trematodes were defined as unsegmented flat-
blastic acoelomate worms in the adult stage, endoparasitic, possessing suckers
and an incomplete alimentary canal with a buccal orifice but
Class Cestoda no anus.
Tapeworms segmented in the adult stage. Hermaphrodite The trematodes were divided into two subclasses: the
endoparasites. Long segmented body with no body cavity Monogenea, which are fish ectoparasites, and the Digenea,
or alimentary canal. Divided into three parts: scolex, neck which are vertebrate endoparasites.
(producing segments), and strobila (chain of segments or This class of trematodes does not exist anymore, and
proglottids). Monogena and Digenea are considered to be two distinct
Subclass Eucestoda Their taxonomy is based on the morphological character-
Order Pseudophyllidea istics of the cercariae.
Unarmed scolex with two muscular grooves, called bothria,
instead of suckers, oviferous segments with a uterine pore, Superorder Anepitheliocystida
the tocostome, from which the operculated eggs are laid. Order Strigeatida
• Family Diphyllobothriidae: Cercariae havedistally bifurcated tails and are called
-- Subfamily Diphyllobothiinae: genus furcocercaria.
Diphyllobothrium, Spirometra.
-- Subfamily Ligulinae: genus Ligula. Suborder Strigeatoidea (Holostomes)
Two suckers and one specifically adhesive tribocytic organ.
Order Cyclophyllidea • Family Strigeidae: genus Parastrigea, Cotylurus,
True tapeworms. Rostrum often armed with one or sever- Apatemon.
al rows of hooks. Scolex with four muscular suckers. No • Family Diplostomidae: genus Alaria, Neodiplostomum,
uterine orifice; the oviferous segments containing eggs are Posthodiplostomum.
• Family Mesocestoididae: genus Mesocestoides. Suborder Schistosomatoidea (Schistosomes)
• Family Anoplocephalidae: Trematodes with separate males and females.
-- Subfamily Anoplocephalinae: genus Anoplocephala, • Family Schistosomatidae:
Paranoplocephala, Aporina, Bertiella, Moniezia, -- Subfamily Schistosomatinae: genus Schistosoma,
Cittotaenia. Orientobilharzia, Heterobilharzia.
-- Subfamily Thysanosominae: genus Thysaniezia, -- Subfamily Bilharziellinae: genus Bilharziella,
Stilesia, Thysanosoma. Trichobilharzia.
• Family Dilepididae: genus Amoebotaenia,
Choanotaenia, Dipylidium, Joyeuxiella, Suborder Cyclocoeloidea (Monostomes)
Diplopylidium. No abdominal sucker (acetabulum).
• Family Davaineidae: genus Davainea, Raillietina, • Family Cyclocoeliidae: genus Cyclocoelum,
Cotugnia. Tracheophyllus.
• Family Taeniidae: genus Taenia (subgenus Taenia,
Taeniarhynchus, Hydatigera, Multiceps); genus Suborder Brachylaemoidea (Distomes)
Echinococcus. Ovary located between the testes.
• Family Hymenolepididae: genus Hymenolepis, • Family Brachylaemiidae: Genu Brachylaemus,
Drepanitotaenia, Fimbriaria. Postharmostomum.

Parasites listed in purple are the main cestodes and trematodes found in dogs and cats.
Appendices 395

Order Echinostomatida Suborder Dicrocoelioidea (Distomes)

Cercaria with glandular cells, which develop into metacer- Ovary behind the testes.
caria. They encyst on plants, or in molluscs, arthropods or • Family Dicrocoeliidae: genus Dicrocoelium,
fish. Platynosomum, Eurytrema.

Suborder Notocotyloidea (Monostomes) Order Opistorchiida (Distomes)

No ventral sucker. Metacercaria usually encysted in fish.
• Family Notocotylidae: genus Notocotylus, Catatropis.
Suborder Opistorchioidea (Distomes)
Suborder Paramphistomatoidea (Amphistomes) Testes situated at the end of the body.
Thick body, usually circular in transverse section. Ven- • Family Opistorchiidae: genus Opisthorchis,
tral sucker well-developed and situated near the posterior Clonorchis, Metorchis, Pseudamphistomum.
• Family Paramphistomatidae: genus Paramphistomum, Suborder Heterophyoidea (Distomes)
Cotylophoron, Calicophoron, Gigantocotyle. Very small, not usually more than 2 mm long. Genital pore
• Family Gastrothylacidae: genus Gastrothylax, surrounded by a genital sucker (gonotyl). Body covered with
Carmyerius, Fischoederius. scale-like spines, less dense posteriorly.
• Family Gastrodiscidae: genus Gastrodiscus, • Family Heterophyidae: genus Heterophyes, Cryptocotyle,
Gastrodiscoides, Watsonius, Homalogaster, Apophallus, Metagonimus.
Pseudodiscus. • Family Nanophyetidae: Nanophyetus salmincola.

Suborder Echinostomatoidea (Distomes) Simplified classification of

Oral sucker surrounded by a “head-collar”, which bears a Class Trematoda
single or double row of large spines. The complex Digenea classification is usually simplified for-
• Family Echinostomatidae: genus Echinostoma, veterinary use. This classification is based on the morpholo-
Euparyphium, Echinoparyphium, Hypoderaeum, gy of the adult stages, not the cercariae.
Echinochasmus, Hismasthla. • Order Distomes: Family Dicrocoeliidae, Brachylaemiidae,
Heterophyidae, Echinostomatidae, Opisthorchiidae,
Suborder Fascioloidea (Distomes) Fasciolidae, Troglotrematidae, Prosthogonimidae,
Flat body, usually large. Oral and ventral suckers close Philophtalmidae.
together. • Order Amphistomes: Family Paramphistomatidae,
• Family Fasciolidae: genus Fasciola, Fascioloides, Gastrothylacidae, Gastrodiscidae.
Fasciolopsis. • Order Holostomes: Family Strigeidae, Diplostomidae.
• Order Monostomes: Family Cyclocoelidae,
Superorder Epitheliocystida (Distomes) Notocotylidae.
Order Plagiorchiida (Distomes) • Order Schistosomes: Family Schistosomatidae.
Suborder Plagiorchioidea (Distomes)
Usually ovoid and plump, concave ventrally and convex dor-
sally, with spiny teguments.
• Family Prosthogonimidae: genus Prosthogonimus.
• Family Plagiorchiidae: genus Plagiorchis.
• Family Troglotrematidae: genus Collyriclum,
• Family Paragonimidae: genus Paragonimus.
• Family Philophtalmiidae: genus Philophtalmus.

Simplified taxonomy of the main protozoan parasites

of domestic animals
The Protozoa are now considered to be a subkingdom of the Order Piroplasmida
kingdom Protista, although in the classical system they were • Family Babesiidae: genus Babesia.
placed in the kingdom Animalia. More than 50,000 species • Family Theileriidae: genus Theileria, Cytauxzoon.
have been described, most of which are free-living organisms,
and protozoa can be found in almost every habitat possible.  Phylum Euglenozoa
Protozoan classification has been, and remains, a prob- Class Kinetoplasta
lematic area of taxonomy. DNA sequences are used as the Order Trypanosomatida
basis for classification when available, but this material is • Family Trypanosomatidae: genus Leishmania,
unavailable for the majority of the protozoa described. Pro- Trypanosoma.
tozoa have been, and still are, mostly classified on the basis
of their morphology and the species of their parasite hosts. Phylum Fornicata
They have traditionally been divided on the basis of their Class Trepamonadea
means of locomotion. Order Diplomonadida
The following classification is a simplified adaptation • Family Enteromonadidae: genus Enteromonas.
from the ITIS (Integrated Taxonomic Information System) • Family Hexamitidae: genus Spironucleus.
and the fourth edition of Veterinary Parasitology (Taylor et
al., 2015). Class Metamonada
Order Giardiida
Phylum Amoebozoa • Family Giardiidae: genus Giardia.
Class Archamoebae
Order Amoebida Phylum Parabasalia
• Family Entamoebidae: genus Entamoeba, Idamoeba, Class Trichomonadea
Endolimax. Order Trichomonodida
• Family Acanthamoebidae: genus Acanthamoeba. • Family Trichomonodidae: genus Tritrichomonas,
Phylum Apicomplexa • Family Dientamoebidae: genus Histomonas.
Class Conoidasida • Family Monocercomonadidae: genus
Order Eucoccidiorida Monocercomonas.
Suborder Eimeriorina
• Family Eimeriidae: genus Eimeria, Isospora, Phylum Percolozoa
Cyclospora. Class Heterolobosea
• Family Cryptosporidiidae: genus Cryptosporidium. Order Schizopyrenida
• Family Sarcocystidae: genus Besnoitia, Hammondia, • Family Vahlkampfiidae: genus Naegleria.
Sarcocystis, Neospora, Toxoplasma.
Phylum Preaxostyla
Suborder Adeleorina
• Family Haemogregarinidae: genus Haemogregarina. Phylum Ciliophora
• Family Hepatozoidae: genus Hepatozoon. Class Litostomatea
Order Trichostomatida
Class Aconoidasida • Family Balantiidae: genus Balantidium.
Order Haemosporida
• Family Plasmodiidae: genus Plasmodium,
Leucocytozoon, Hepatocystis, Haemoproteus.

Parasites listed in purple are the main protozoa found in dogs and cats.
Appendices 397

Taxonomy of arthropods of veterinary importance

Phylum Arthropoda

Definition: Order Astigmata

• Segmented body. No visible respiratory orifice.
• Jointed external skeleton (exoskeleton). • Family Sarcoptidae: Sarcoptes scabiei, Notoedres cati,
• Paired jointed appendages on each segment. Trixacarus caviae, Cnemidocoptes spp.
• Dorsal brain. • Family Psoroptidae:
• Ventral nerve cord. -- Subfamily Chorioptinae: Chorioptes bovis,
• Open circulatory system. Otodectes cynotis.
• Dorsal heart. -- Subfamily Psoroptinae: Psoroptes ovis.
• Moults. • Family Analgesidae, Dermoglyphidae, Listrophoridae
(Listrophorus, Myocoptes), Acaridae (Acarus),
Subphylum Chelicerata Pyroglyphidae (Dermatophagoides).
Chelicerae, no antennae.
Order Trombidida
Class Merostomata Anterior respiratory stigmata.
Horseshoe crabs. • Family Trombiculidae: Trombicula autumnalis.
• Family Cheyletidae: Cheyletiella yasguri, Cheyletiella
Class Arachnida blakei, Cheyletiella parasitivorax.
• Aerial respiratory system. • Family Myobiidae: Myobia musculi.
• Body divided in prosoma and opisthosoma. • Family Demodecidae: Demodex canis, Demodex cati,
• Adults have four pair of legs. Demodex gatoi, Demodex folliculorum.

Subclass Aranae Order Mesostigmata

Respiratory stigmata located btween 2nd and 3rd pair of legs.
Subclass Scorpiones Dorsal scutum.
• Family Dermanyssidae: Dermanyssus gallinae,
Subclass Pseudoscorpiones Ornithonyssus, Ophionyssus, Pneumonyssoides
Subclass Acari • Family Argasidae: Argas, Ornithodoros.
Opisthosoma unsegmented and often merged with the pro- Soft ticks: no dorsal scutum.
soma, forming the idiosoma.

Parasites listed in purple are the main arthropods found in dogs and cats.

Order Ixodida (hard ticks) Class Insecta

Respiratory stigmata in posterior position, associated with • Body in three parts: head, thorax and abdomen.
peritremes. • Three pairs of mouthparts.
• Family Ixodidae: Amblyomma, Hyalomma, • One pair of antennae.
Dermacentor, Haemaphysalis, Ixodes, • Compound and simple eyes.
Rhipicephalus (including Boophilus). • Adult has three pairs of legs.
Hard ticks: dorsal scutum.
Orders: Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and
Subphylum Mandibulata Dictyoptera.
• Mouth part with mandibles.
• Antennae. Order Diptera
• Adults have three pairs of legs. One pair of wings.

Class Myriapoda Suborder Nematocera

Subclass Chilopoda Thin body. Mosquito-like. Thin antennae with >6 segments.
• One pair of legs per segment. • Family Culicidae: Culex, Aedes, Anopheles.
• One pair of antennae. • Family Ceratopogonidae: Culicoides.
• Jaws. • Family Psychodidae: Phlebotomus, Lutzomyia.
• Two pairs of maxillae. • Family Simuliidae: Simulium.
• Carnivorous.
Suborder Brachycera
Subclass Diplopoda • Family Tabanidae: Tabanus, Haematopota, Chrysops.
• Two pairs of legs per segment. • Family Hippoboscidae: Lipoptena, Melophagus,
• Chewing mouthparts. Hippobosca.
• Detritivorous: eat decaying organic matter. • Family Gasterophilidae: Gasterophilus.
• Family Oestridae: Oestrus, Cephalopina,
Class Crustacea Cephenemyia, Hypoderma.
• Chitin exoskeleton, some reinforced with calcium • Family Muscidae:
(crawfish). -- Subfamily Muscinae: Musca.
• Periodic moulting. Free-swimming larva (nauplius) has an -- Subfamily Stomoxyinae: Stomoxys, Haematobia.
unsegmented body and three pairs of appendages. -- Subfamily Glossininae: Glossina.
• Two or three body segments: head, thorax or cephalotho- • Family Calliphoridae: Calliphora, Lucilia, Cochliomyia
rax, and abdomen. hominivorax, Cordylobia anthropophagi, Chrysomya.
• Carapace/shield. • Family Sarcophagidae: Sarcophaga, Wohlfahrtia.
• Two pairs of antennae.
• One median and two lateral eyes. Order Siphonaptera (fleas)
• Three pairs of biting mouthparts: mandibles and two sets • Wingless.
of maxillae. • Laterally flattened body.
• First pair of thoracic appendages often modified into • Complex taxonomy with many families and genera.
pincers. • Superfamily Pulicoidea:
• Breathe through gills. • No ctenidium: Pulex, Xenopsylla, Ceratophyllus.
• Sexual reproduction. • One ctenidium: Spilopsyllus.
• Two ctenidia: Ctenocephalides.
• Superfamily Sarcopsylloidea:
Tunga penetrans, Echidnophaga.
Appendices 399

Order Phtiraptera (lice)

• Wingless insects.
• Ventro-dorsally flattened body.

Suborder Anoplura
Head thinner than thorax. Antennae in five segments.
• Family Pediculidae: Pediculus humanus (var. capiti and
var. corporis), Phtirius pubis.
• Family Haematopinidae: Haematopinus, Linognathus,

Suborder Mallophaga
Head wider than thorax.
• Family Trichodectidae: Trichodectes canis, Felicola
subrostratus, Bovicola.
• Family Gyropidae: Gyropus, Gliricolla.
• Family Boopidae:
Heterodoxus spiniger.
• Family Menoponidae: Menopon.
• Family Philopteridae: Goniodes, Lipeurus,

Subcutaneous worms Coccidia


Walking dandruff
Ticks Mange mites
Fleas Oesophageal worms
Demodex mites

Flesh flies Ear mites

Stable flies
Bladder worms
Mosquitoes Heartworms



Threadworms Sucking lice

Leishmania Dipylidium tapeworms
Chewing lice
Babesia Taenia tapeworms

Hepatozoon Echinococcus tapeworms

Neospora Bothriocephalic tapeworms

Trypanosoma Mesocestoides tapeworms

Liver flukes

Gastrointestinal Non-gastrointestinal Platyhelminthes Gastrointestinal Non-gastrointestinal

nematodes nematodes (cestodes and trematodes) protozoa protozoa

Roundworms Subcutaneous Dipylidium Babesia

Toxocara canis, Whipworms Heartworms worms tapeworms Taenia tapeworms Leishmania Babesia spp.,
Toxascaris leonina Trichuris vulpis Dirofilaria immitis Dirofilaria repens Dipylidium caninum Taenia spp. Leishmania infantum Theileria spp.
Small intestine Large intestine Lungs, heart Subcutaneous tissue Small intestine Small intestine Coccidia Macrophages Red blood cells
Cystoisospora canis
Hookworms Lungworms C. ohioensis
Ancylostoma caninum, Angiostrongylus vasorum, C. neorivolta
A. braziliense, Oslerus osleri, Echinococcus Bothriocephalic Hammondia heydorni Hepatozoon
A. ceylanicum, Crenosoma vulpis, tapeworms tapeworms Sarcocystis spp. Hepatozoon canis, Neospora
Uncinaria stenocephala Capillaria aerophila Echinococcus spp. Diphyllobothrium latum Cryptosporidium parvum H. americanum Neospora caninum
Small intestine Lungs Small intestine Small intestine Small intestine Neutrophils and Muscle cells

Mesocestoides Liver flukes Trypanosoma spp.
Oesophageal worms Threadworms Eyeworms Bladder worms tapeworms Opisthorchis spp., Giardia Macrophages
Spirocerca lupi Strongyloides stercoralis Thelazia callipaeda Capillaria plica Mesocestoides spp. Clonorchis sinensis Giardia duodenalis and muscle cells
Oesophagus Small intestine Eyes Urinary tract Small intestine Liver Small intestine

The sizes of the illustrations are not representative of actual parasite size.

Insects Acarids
Demodex mites
Ixodes spp., Haemaphysalis spp., Ear mites
Demodex canis
Rhipicephalus sanguineus, Otodectes cynotis
Dermacentor spp. Entire body, especially
face and legs
Entire body

Fleas Sucking lice Chewing lice Walking dandruff Chiggers

Mange mites Cheyletiella yasguri
Ctenocephalides felis, Linognathus setosus Trichodectes canis Sarcoptes scabiei Trombicula autumnalis
C. canis Blood sucking Hair Back and upper
Ears and abdomen
Ears and abdomen body
Skin and fur

Flesh flies Stable flies Sandflies Aedes spp.,
Calliphora spp. Stomoxys calcitrans Phlebotomus spp. Culex spp.
Hair and wounds Blood sucking Blood sucking Blood sucking

Ear mites Demodex mites

Threadworms Chewing lice

Walking dandruff Sandflies




Ticks Mange mites


Liver flukes Cytauxzoon

Lungworms Leishmania

Bladder worms Taenia tapeworms Heartworms

Dipylidium tapeworms

Echinococcus tapeworms

Broad tapeworms

Mesocestoides tapeworms

Gastrointestinal Non-gastrointestinal Platyhelminthes Gastrointestinal

Blood protozoa
nematodes nematodes (cestodes and trematodes) protozoans
Dirofilaria immitis Babesia
Toxocara cati,
Lungs, heart Babesia spp.
Toxascaris leonina
Taenia tapeworms Broad tapeworms Tritrichomonas Red blood cells
Small intestine Giardia Tritrichomonas
Taenia taeniaeformis Diphyllobothrium latum
Lungworms Giardia duodenalis foetus
Small intestine Small intestine
Aelurostrongylus Small intestine Small intestine
Hookworms Lungs Cytauxzoon
Ancylostoma tubaeforme, Cytauxzoon felis
Cystoisospora felis
A. caninum, A. braziliense
Dipylidium tapeworms Mesocestoides tapeworms Hammondia hammondi Red blood cells
Small intestine Eyeworms Dipylidium caninum Mesocestoides spp. Besnoitia besnoiti
Thelazia callipaeda Sarcocystis spp.
Small intestine Small intestine
Eyes Cryptosporidium parvum
Small intestine
Threadworms Leishmania
Strongyloides stercoralis Bladder worms Echinococcus tapeworms Toxoplasma gondii Leishmania infantum
Small intestine Capillaria plica Echinococcus Liver flukes Small intestine, various Macrophages
Urinary tract multilocularis Opisthorchis spp. tissues and organs
Small intestine Gallbladder

The sizes of the illustrations are not representative of actual parasite size.

Insects Acarids

Ixodes spp., Ear mites Demodex mites
Haemaphysalis spp., Otodectes cynotis Demodex cati
Rhipicephalus spp. Ears Head, neck
Head, neck, ears

Walking Chiggers
Mange mites
Fleas Chewing lice dandruff Trombicula autumnalis
Notoedres cati
Ctenocephalides felis Felicola subrostratus Cheyletiella blakei
Entire body Head, neck, feet
Entire body Face, ears, back Back and upper body

Sandflies Mosquitoes
Phlebotomus spp. Aedes spp.
Exposed skin Exposed skin

Alphabetical index 405

Parasites and parasitoses

A Chrysops 230, 398

Clonorchis 62, 63, 88, 329, 356, 386, 395, 401
Acanthocheilonema 125, 128, 129, 196, 197, 198, 199, Cochliomyia 226, 229, 398
393 Coenurosis 47, 48, 383
Aedes 123, 124, 125, 231, 374, 389, 398, 401, 403 Cordylobia 226, 229, 376, 398
Aelurostrongylosis 134, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, Crenosoma 137, 139, 140, 146, 311, 322, 327, 335,
147, 384 352, 355, 383, 384, 392, 401
Aelurostrongylus 137, 141, 142, 143, 144, 146, 327, Cryptocotyle 60, 62, 395
336, 344, 384, 392, 403
Cryptosporidiosis 64, 65, 66, 362
Alaria 61, 62, 394
Cryptosporidium 64, 65, 66, 293, 311, 320, 327, 333,
Amblyomma 107, 108, 111, 236, 237, 238, 239, 242, 383, 396, 401, 403
245, 249, 252, 373, 385, 389, 390, 398
Ctenocephalides 210, 211, 213, 214, 345, 373, 383,
Ancylostoma 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 30, 290, 310, 316, 385, 389, 398, 401, 403
326, 331, 344, 352, 354, 355, 357, 384, 386, 388,
Culex 123, 124, 125, 231, 374, 389, 398, 401
391, 401, 403
Culicoides 231, 389, 398
Ancylostomosis 14, 16, 17, 29, 119, 387, 388
Cysticercosis 43, 46, 47, 48, 55, 192, 194, 383
Angiostrongylosis 127, 132, 134, 135, 136, 355, 384
Cytauxzoon 106, 107, 108, 109, 340, 384, 389, 390,
Angiostrongylus 132, 133, 135, 136, 137, 141, 311,
396, 402, 403
322, 344, 352, 355, 384, 392, 401
Cytauxzoonosis 107, 108, 109, 110, 384
Anopheles 123, 125, 231, 389, 398
Apophallus 60, 62, 395
Argas 237, 397 D
Ascarids 15, 20, 18, 291, 294, 302, 323, 344, 353
Demodex 256, 268, 269, 270, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276,
277, 342, 345, 355, 372, 373, 375, 377, 385, 397,
B 400, 401, 402, 403
Demodicosis 172, 268, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275,
Babesia 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 103, 104, 106, 107, 276, 277, 282, 342, 373, 376, 385
108, 109, 110, 111, 114, 244, 247, 248, 340, 365, Dermacentor 96, 98, 107, 236, 237, 238, 239, 241, 242,
377, 382, 383, 384, 389, 390, 396, 400, 401, 402, 243, 245, 247, 249, 251, 252, 345, 373, 377, 385,
403 389, 390, 398, 401
Babesiosis 96, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, Dermanyssus 286, 287, 397
108, 109, 110, 119, 241, 247, 345, 364, 365, 384
Dermatobia 226, 229
Besnoitia 67, 68, 71, 175, 327, 334, 344, 384, 396, 403
Dilepididae 35, 43, 394
Bothriocephalosis 56
Dioctophyme 162, 163, 383, 393
Dioctophymosis 162
C Diphyllobothriidae 43, 59, 394
Diphyllobothriosis 56
Calliphora 226, 229, 398, 401 Diphyllobothrium 38, 56, 57, 310, 313, 326, 329, 356,
Capillaria 34, 147, 150, 151, 158, 159, 160, 161, 315, 384, 386, 387, 394, 401, 403
332, 352, 355, 393, 401, 403 Diplopylidium 35, 36, 38, 394
Capillariosis 34, 150, 151, 158, 160, 384 Diplostomatidae 61, 62
Cercopithifilaria 128, 129, 196, 197, 393 Dipylidiosis 35, 38, 39, 40
Cestodes 35, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 46, 48, 50, 53, 54, Dipylidium 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 43, 56, 216, 218,
56, 57, 58, 59, 192, 216, 291, 351, 353, 354, 355, 219, 292, 310, 312, 313, 314, 323, 326, 328, 330,
356, 358, 383, 394, 401, 403 337, 344, 345, 351, 353, 356, 357, 384, 386, 388,
Cheyletiella 265, 266, 267, 277, 342, 345, 373, 375, 394, 400, 401, 402, 403
377, 383, 385, 397, 401, 403 Dirofilaria 122, 123, 124, 125, 128, 129, 131, 196, 197,
Cheyletiellosis 257, 262, 265, 266, 267, 287, 373, 385 199, 290, 340, 353, 355, 383, 384, 393, 401, 403
Chiggers 278, 385, 389, 400, 401, 402, 403

Dirofilariosis 112, 119, 122, 125, 126, 127, 131, 132, Hepatozoon 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 248, 365,
341, 350, 355, 384 389, 390, 396, 400, 401
Distomes 60, 394, 395 Hepatozoonosis 111, 112, 114, 116, 365, 384
Heterodoxus 221, 222, 399
Heterophyidae 60, 62, 395
E Heterophyidosis 63
Echinochasmus 61, 62, 63, 395 Holostomes 61, 394, 395
Echinococcosis XVIII, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 383, 406 Hookworms 14, 15, 18, 33, 291, 302, 323, 344, 350,
Echinococcus 40, 43, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 192, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 383, 384, 400, 401,
290, 312, 314, 325, 328, 330, 339, 344, 353, 356, 402, 403
384, 386, 387, 394, 400, 401, 402, 403 Hydatidosis 49, 54, 55
Echinostomatidae 61, 62, 395
Echinostomatidosis 63
Encephalitozoon 188, 189
Encephalitozoonosis 188 Isospora 67, 68, 71, 72, 73, 74, 175, 176, 177, 182,
Eucoleus 34, 150, 393 311, 318, 319, 327, 333, 334, 344, 384, 387, 396
Euparyphium 61, 395 Ixodes 96, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 245,
Eurytrema 60, 62, 395 247, 249, 250, 252, 345, 373, 377, 385, 389, 390,
Eutrombicula 278 398, 401, 403

Felicola 221, 222, 224, 277, 345, 385, 399, 403 Joyeuxiella 35, 36, 38, 310, 314, 394
Filaroides 137, 138, 139, 392
Flea infestation 210, 211, 215, 218, 220, 373
Fleas 38, 40, 108, 125, 196, 198, 210, 211, 212, 214, L
215, 216, 218, 219, 220, 225, 265, 342, 343, 345, Leishmania 114, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 173,
355, 357, 369, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 174, 219, 244, 341, 362, 363, 384, 389, 396, 400,
379, 383, 385, 386, 387, 389, 398, 400, 401, 402, 401, 402, 403
403 Leishmaniosis 17, 111, 112, 119, 166, 169, 170, 171,
Flying insect bites 230 172, 174, 201, 219, 257, 363, 364, 377, 384
French heartworm 132 Leptopsylla 210
Lice 38, 125, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 241, 265, 291,
342, 345, 355, 374, 375, 376, 383, 385, 386, 387,
G 389, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403
Giardia 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 84, 290, 293, Lice infestation 221, 225, 385
311, 318, 327, 333, 344, 355, 357, 362, 363, 384, Linguatula 152, 153
387, 396, 400, 401, 402, 403 Linguatulosis 152, 153, 376
Giardiosis 75, 77, 78, 79, 355, 358, 363, 384, 387, 388 Linognathus 221, 345, 385, 399, 401
Glossina 117, 119, 398 Lucilia 226, 227, 229, 398
Gnathostoma 5, 7, 10, 11, 392 Lutzomyia 231, 233, 389, 398
Lynxacarosis 284
Lynxacarus 284, 285, 342
Haemaphysalis 96, 98, 236, 237, 239, 242, 245, 249,
251, 252, 373, 385, 389, 390, 398, 401, 403
Haematobia 230, 374, 398 Mesocestoides 41, 42, 194, 195, 310, 312, 314, 324,
Hammondia 67, 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 175, 182, 311, 320, 326, 328, 330, 338, 357, 384, 386, 394, 400, 401,
327, 334, 344, 384, 396, 401, 403 402, 403
Heartworms 128, 353, 400, 401, 402, 403 Mesocestoididae 43, 394
Mesocestoidosis 41, 42
Alphabetical index 407

Metagonimus 60, 61, 62, 63, 395 R

Metorchis 63, 88, 90, 329, 395
Mosquitoes 131, 196, 197, 198, 231, 232, 241, 244, Rhipicephalus 96, 99, 108, 111, 196, 236, 237, 238,
247, 374, 377, 379, 383, 389, 400, 401, 402, 403 239, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 251, 252,
Multilocular echinococcosis 50, 53, 54 345, 373, 377, 385, 389, 390, 398, 401, 403
Musca 226, 229, 383, 398 Rhodnius 117
Myiasis 226, 227, 228, 229, 383 Roundworms 18, 19, 23, 24, 33, 292, 312, 328, 344,
350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 388, 400,
401, 402, 403
Nanophyetus 60, 62, 395 S
Nematodes 5, 9, 14, 18, 27, 29, 30, 33, 34, 74, 122,
Sandflies 168, 169, 174, 231, 233, 244, 377, 389, 400,
132, 137, 141, 146, 150, 158, 163, 200, 201, 202,
401, 402, 403
203, 291, 302, 340, 341, 350, 351, 352, 354, 355,
356, 358, 371, 375, 376, 383, 401, 403 Sarcocystis 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 175, 311, 318, 327,
333, 363, 387, 396, 401, 403
Neospora 67, 68, 72, 73, 114, 175, 182, 183, 184, 186,
311, 320, 363, 384, 396, 400, 401 Sarcocystosis 70
Neosporosis 72, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 363 Sarcophaga 226, 229, 398
Neotrombicula 278, 281, 345 Sarcoptes 258, 259, 261, 262, 264, 342, 345, 355, 372,
373, 375, 377, 385, 397, 401
Notoedres 263, 264, 276, 345, 377, 385, 397, 403
Sarcoptic mange 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263,
Notoedric mange 263, 264, 385
264, 282, 287, 345, 373, 376, 385
Simulium 231, 389, 398
O Spilopsyllus 210, 389, 398
Spirocerca 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 310, 316, 352, 386, 392,
Ollulanosis 4, 384 401
Ollulanus 4, 146, 327, 384, 386, 392 Spirocercosis 5, 8, 10, 11, 119, 355
Opisthorchidosis 88 Spirometra 56, 58, 59, 310, 313, 326, 329, 356, 384,
Opisthorchis 63, 88, 89, 90, 313, 329, 356, 386, 395, 394
401, 403 Spirometrosis 56
Ornithodoros 237, 253, 397 Spirura 5, 10, 11, 326, 332, 386, 392
Oslerus 137, 138, 140, 141, 147, 311, 321, 355, 384, Stomoxys 230, 374, 398, 401
392, 401 Straelensia 281, 282, 283
Otobius 237, 253 Straelensiosis 281, 282
Otodectes 254, 255, 256, 257, 262, 276, 343, 345, 355, Strongyloides 27, 28, 310, 311, 317, 321, 326, 327,
377, 385, 397, 401, 403 332, 335, 384, 386, 387, 391, 401, 403
Otodectic mange 254 Strongyloidosis 27, 29, 384, 387

Paragonimoses 148 Tabanus 230, 398
Paragonimosis 63 Taenia 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 54, 55, 56,
Paragonimus 60, 63, 148, 149, 395 192, 193, 194, 218, 292, 312, 314, 324, 328, 330,
Phlebotomus 166, 169, 231, 233, 374, 389, 398, 401, 338, 344, 351, 353, 356, 357, 383, 384, 386, 387,
403 394, 400, 401, 402, 403
Phortica 200, 202 Taeniidae 43, 49, 192, 310, 314, 326, 330, 344, 383, 394
Physaloptera 5, 10, 11, 293, 304, 392 Taeniosis 35, 43, 46, 49, 219, 383, 384, 387
Piroplasmosis 98, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 109, 365 Theileria 96, 97, 98, 100, 104, 106, 108, 111, 248, 365,
Platynosomum 60, 62, 395 389, 396, 401
Pneumonyssoides 154, 155, 397 Theileriosis 96
Pneumonyssoidosis 154 Thelazia 200, 201, 202, 352, 393, 401, 403
Pulex 210, 385, 389, 398 Thelaziosis 200, 201, 202

Ticks 96, 98, 100, 107, 108, 111, 112, 113, 116, 125,
196, 198, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243,
245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 253, 278, 342, 343, 345,
369, 370, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379,
382, 383, 385, 389, 397, 398, 400, 401, 402, 403
Toxascaris 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 292, 310, 312,
315, 323, 326, 328, 331, 337, 344, 352, 354, 355,
384, 386, 391, 401, 403
Toxocara 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 290, 292, 310,
312, 315, 323, 326, 328, 331, 337, 344, 352, 354,
357, 384, 386, 391, 401, 403
Toxocarosis 17, 18, 24, 25, 29, 39, 337, 387, 388
Toxoplasma 67, 68, 71, 72, 73, 114, 175, 176, 177,
178, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 327, 334, 344, 363,
384, 396, 403
Toxoplasmosis 72, 175, 176, 177, 180, 181, 182, 183,
184, 363
Trematodes 60, 61, 62, 63, 148, 149, 304, 310, 326,
353, 355, 356, 394, 401, 403
Triatoma 117
Trichinella 203, 204, 205, 393
Trichinellosis 203, 204, 205
Trichodectes 221, 222, 224, 345, 385, 399, 401
Trichomonosis 80, 81, 83, 363, 388
Trichuriosis 17, 30, 32, 384, 387, 388
Trichuris 18, 30, 31, 33, 136, 158, 290, 310, 315, 317,
332, 344, 354, 355, 357, 384, 386, 393, 401
Tritrichomonas 80, 81, 82, 83, 293, 396, 402, 403
Troglostrongylosis 141, 142, 145
Troglostrongylus 141, 142, 145, 146, 147, 384, 392
Troglotrematidae 60, 63, 148, 395
Trombicula 278, 279, 280, 385, 397, 401, 403
Trombiculosis 257, 262, 277, 278, 279, 280, 282, 287,
Trypanosoma 117, 118, 119, 340, 364, 389, 396, 400,
Trypanosomosis 117, 118, 119, 364

Uncinaria 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 310, 316, 326, 331, 344,
354, 355, 357, 384, 386, 388, 391, 401

Whipworms 18, 30, 151, 323, 350, 351, 352, 354, 355,
356, 357, 400, 401
Wohlfahrtia 226, 229, 398

Xenopsylla 210, 398
Alphabetical index 409

Clinical signs or lesions

A Constipation 20, 24, 109, 388

Coughing 8, 17, 18, 20, 24, 29, 54, 126, 127, 130, 135,
Abdominal pain 4, 18, 72, 77, 388 137, 139, 144, 148
Abortion 81, 180, 184, 204 Creatininaemia 103
Adenitis 17 Crusting 256, 260, 261, 264, 272, 273
Adenomegaly 118, 119, 180, 185, 186 Crusts 230, 256, 259, 260, 261, 264, 272, 276, 280, 281
Alopecia 170, 171, 217, 225, 260, 264, 270, 271, 272, Cyanosis 126, 130
276, 277, 285, 287 Cystitis 160
Amyotrophy 170
Anaemia 8, 14, 29, 30, 32, 56, 59, 72, 96, 101, 102,
108, 109, 113, 118, 119, 126, 127, 170, 186, 219, D
225, 382, 388
Anaphylactic shock 54 Dandruff 171, 265, 266, 284, 345, 400, 401, 402, 403
Aneurysm 7, 8, 9 Depression 42, 102, 144, 172, 189
Anisocoria 102 Dermatitis 171, 186, 211, 216, 217, 218, 224, 225, 256,
Anorexia 42, 72, 102, 103, 109, 118, 130, 186, 228, 258, 260, 261, 262, 263, 266, 274, 276, 277, 285,
261, 264, 272, 281, 285, 364 286, 287
Anuria 102, 103 Diarrhoea 14, 17, 18, 20, 24, 29, 31, 32, 40, 48, 54, 59,
64, 65, 66, 67, 72, 75, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 84, 85, 102,
Arthralgia 24, 363
103, 114, 118, 130, 144, 195, 219, 227, 354, 356,
Ascites 42, 54, 102, 118, 126, 134, 135, 175, 195
362, 364, 365, 388
Asphyxia 139
Dysphagia 8, 185
Ataxia 79, 84, 102, 115, 118, 130, 189, 365, 373
Dyspnoea 8, 54, 109, 126, 127, 130, 134, 135, 139,
144, 145, 148, 149, 151, 180, 186, 365
B Dysuria 160

Bilirubinuria 101, 102, 109

Bleeding 8, 109 E
Blepharospasm 201
Emaciation 24, 39, 65
Blindness 39, 130, 189
Encephalitis 180, 185, 189, 247, 345, 390
Bloating 24, 77, 388
Encephalopathy 54
Breathlessness 118, 134, 148, 149
Endarteritis 8, 126, 135, 144
Bronchopneumonia 137, 140, 150, 180
Enteritis 17, 24, 27, 29, 39, 67, 75, 78, 176, 181, 205,
Bullae 272, 273
Eosinopaenia 101
C Eosinophilia 119, 134, 151, 290
Epilepsy 114, 180
Cachexia 8, 113, 119, 144, 172, 264, 388 Epiphora 200, 201
Cadiot syndrome 8, 114 Epistaxis 17, 114, 126, 149, 150, 153, 155, 171, 172,
Cardiac insufficiency 118, 122, 126, 127, 132, 134, 186 388
Caval syndrome 123, 126 Erosion 151
Cellulitis 272, 273, 274 Erythema 230, 244, 260, 264, 266, 270, 271, 279, 280,
Chorioretinitis 172, 177, 180 287
Cirrhosis 54, 89 Excoriations 260, 261, 281, 285, 287
Coagulation 109 Expectoration 134, 148
Colic 29, 48, 77, 103, 204
Colitis 30, 32, 80, 82
Coma 102, 365 F
Comedones 271, 272 Faecal incontinence 82
Conjunctivitis 119, 172, 200, 201 Fatigability 126, 127, 134, 135, 145

Febrile syndrome 29, 72, 113 L

Feline eosinophilic complex 218
Fever 77, 78, 96, 102, 109, 115, 116, 135, 151, 180, Lachrymation 201
219, 228, 247, 248 Lameness 171
Follicular casts 272, 273 Lethargy 29, 84, 109, 113, 130, 144, 228, 272, 373
Folliculitis 231, 260, 262, 271, 272, 273, 274 Leukocytosis 101, 186
Furuncles 271 Leukopaenia 101, 170
Lichenification 260, 264
Listlessness 109
G Liver failure 89
Lymphadenopathy 109, 119, 218, 264
Gastritis 4, 11, 65
Lymphocytosis 101
Glomerulonephritis 102, 104, 114, 126, 170, 172, 259,
261, 272
H Melaena 8, 126
Melanosis 217
Haematoma 102
Meningoencephalitis 177
Haematuria 102, 103, 160, 162
Miliary dermatitis 218, 266, 276, 277, 285
Haemoglobinuria 102, 126
Monocytosis 101, 173
Haemolysis 78, 96, 98, 102, 109, 126
Myalgia 54, 204
Haemolytic syndrome 101
Myocarditis 185, 186
Haemoptysis 8, 126, 130, 151
Myoclonus 180
Haemorrhage 8, 130
Myositis 111, 115, 185, 205
Hair loss 126, 171, 217, 218, 256, 260, 266, 270, 271,
272, 342, 377
Hepatitis 114, 189 N
Hyperaesthesia 281
Hyperazotaemia 102 Nasal discharge 114, 138, 144, 145, 150, 153, 155, 388
Hypercholesterolaemia 102 Nausea 8, 365
Hypercreatininaemia 102 Necrosis 78, 102, 109, 126, 179, 186, 199, 228, 271
Hyperglycaemia 373 Neoplasia 8, 151, 262, 265, 270
Hyperkeratosis 171, 217, 270 Neoplasms 8, 145
Hyperthermia 20, 101, 102, 103, 109, 119, 144, 204 Nephritis 102, 189
Hypoalbuminaemia 102, 115 Neuritis 8
Hypoglycaemia 39 Neutropaenia 109
Hypothermia 103, 130 Neutrophilia 115
Hypovolaemia 102 Nodules 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 131, 133, 135, 137, 139, 140, 141,
144, 171, 199, 281
Nystagmus 102, 185, 365
Icterus 109 O
Itching 35, 39, 40, 377
Obstruction 20, 24, 39, 54
Oedema 8, 67, 102, 118, 119, 134, 135, 145, 230
J Oliguria 102
Onychogryphosis 171
Jaundice 54, 89, 102, 118
Otitis 254, 256, 257, 271, 276

Keratitis 118, 172, 189, 200, 201
Alphabetical index 411

P Septicaemia 180, 185, 189, 272

Sneezing 130, 144, 150, 155
Pain 4, 18, 72, 77, 102, 110, 114, 115, 116, 162, 171, Spinning 114
172, 204, 228, 271, 356, 365, 388 Splenomegaly 109, 118, 172
Pancreatic failure 61 Squamosis 171, 217, 265
Pancreatitis 363 Steatorrhoea 77, 388
Papules 29, 210, 218, 259, 260, 263, 276, 279, 280, Stillbirth 185, 186
281, 282, 388
Stomatitis 118
Paralysis 8, 102, 180, 185, 186, 189, 241, 247, 350,
Stunting 72
354, 355, 371, 374
Swelling 82, 193, 271
Paraparesis 185
Syncope 8, 130
Paresis 102, 115, 126, 162, 180, 182, 185, 186
Peritonitis 20, 24, 42, 48, 192, 194, 195
Pica 109 T
Pinnal-pedal scratch reflex 260, 262
Plates 14, 16, 144, 154, 204, 228, 229, 249, 250, 391 Tachycardia 101, 126, 134, 135, 144, 365
Pneumonia 17, 114, 126, 127, 135, 144, 145, 148, 149, Thrombocytopaenia 101, 102, 109, 186
150, 388 Thrombosis 108, 144
Pneumothorax 149 Torpor 170
Polyarthritis 172, 174 Tracheal collapse 139
Polydipsia 261 Tracheobronchitis 137, 139, 150
Polyphagia 8, 42
Polyradiculoneuritis 180
Proteinuria 102, 103, 262
Pruritus 40, 48, 126, 150, 155, 199, 211, 216, 217, 225, Ulceration 4, 218, 228, 272, 273
256, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 270, 271, Ulcers 29, 102, 171, 186, 200, 272, 273
272, 276, 277, 279, 280, 285, 287, 388 Uraemia 103
Pulmonary hypertension 126 Urticaria 260
Purpura 102 Urticarial rash 204
Pustules 280 Uveitis 118, 119, 172
Pyoderma 17, 260, 274, 276
Pyothorax 144
Pyotraumatic dermatitis 261 V
Pyrexia 29, 109, 272
Vestibular syndrome 256
Vocalization 109
R Vomiting 4, 8, 11, 18, 24, 79, 102, 103, 110, 114, 130,
219, 354, 355, 364, 365, 388
Regurgitation 8
Renal failure 172, 173
Renal insufficiency 101, 102, 103, 126, 162, 173, 199 W
Reverse sneezing 155
Weakness 109, 185
Rhinitis 81, 155
Weight loss 8, 11, 14, 17, 29, 32, 54, 65, 72, 77, 109,
113, 114, 119, 130, 144, 145, 149, 170, 195, 260,
261, 285, 388
Wheezing 150
Salivation 4, 8, 356
Scabs 218
Scales 17, 171, 224, 264, 265, 266, 280, 285, 345
Scaling 261, 264, 266, 270, 271, 272, 276
Seborrhoea 276
Seizure 180

The objective of this book is educational, and it is aimed at students and veterinarians.
It is impossible to propose an exhaustive list of references: selecting particular articles would
lead to many omissions, and listing pages of references would not be helpful.
These days, it is easy to find papers published on precise scientific veterinary topics, and it
seems that searching the internet is finally more common than looking at listings on paper.
We therefore decided to provide a restricted list of references, including published scientific
books that themselves contain bibliographies, and only a few reviews.

Acha, P.N. and Szyfres, B. Zoonoses et maladies transmissibles communes à l'homme et aux
animaux. 3rd edition, OIE, 2005, Volume I 382 p., Volume II 405 p., Volume III 399 pp.
Ackermann, L. Atlas of Small Animal Dermatology. Ed. Intermedica, Argentina, 2008, 510 pp.
Beaucournu, J.C. and Launay, H. Les puces de France et du Bassin méditerranéen occidental.
Faune de France 76. Ed. Fédération Française des Sociétés de Sciences Naturelles, 1990, 550 pp.
Beugnet, F. and Franc, M. Insecticide and acaricide molecules and/or combinations to prevent
pet infestation by ectoparasites. Trends in Parasitology, 2012, 28(7): 267–279.
Beugnet, F. et al. Guide to Vector Borne Diseases of Pets. Ed. Ferreol, Lyon, France, 2013, 425 pp.
Beugnet, F. Helminthoses digestives des Carnivores domestiques. Encyclopédie Médico-Chiru-
rgicale Vétérinaire, Elsevier SAS, 2010, 0300, 31 pp.
Beugnet, F., Dang, H. and Bourdoiseau, G. Abrégé de Parasitologie Clinique des Carnivores
Domestiques - Volume 1 - Parasitoses Digestives. Ed Kalianxis, Paris, 2004, 266 pp.
Beugnet, F., Dang, H. and Bourdoiseau, G. Abrégé de Parasitologie Clinique des Carnivores
Domestiques - Volume 2 - Parasitoses Internes Non Digestives. Ed. Kalianxis, Paris, France,
2006, 233 pp.
Beugnet, F., Halos, L. et al. Parasitoses and Vector Borne Diseases of Cats. Ed. Ferreol, Lyon,
France, 2015, 381 pp.
Beugnet, F., Polack, B. and Dang, H. Coproscopy Atlas. Ed Kalianxis, Paris, 2008, 277 pp.
Bowman, A., Nuttall, P. et al. Ticks, Biology, Disease and Control. Ed. Cambridge University
Press, 2008, 506 pp.
Bowman, D. Georgi’s Parasitology for veterinarians. 7th edition, Saunders Editions, 1999, 414 pp.
Bussiéras, J., Chermette, R. et al. Parasitologie Vétérinaire. Volume 1 - Parasitologie Générale,
1991, 75 pp.; Volume 2 - Protozoologie, 1992, 186 pp.; Volume 3 - Helminthologie 2nd edi-
tion, 1995, 299 pp.; Volume 4 - Entomologie, 1991, 163 pp.; Volume 5 - Mycologie, 1993, 179
pp. Ed. Service de Parasitologie Ecole Vétérinaire d’Alfort.
CAPC (The Companion Animal Parasite Council): www.capcvet.org
Deplazes, P., Eckert, J. et al. Parasitology in Veterinary Medicine. 1st edition. Wageningen Aca-
demic Publishers, 2016, 653 pp.
Selected bibliography 413

ESCCAP (European Scientific Counsel Companion Animal Parasites): www.esccap.org

Euzéby, J. Les Maladies Vermineuses des Animaux Domestiques et leurs Incidences sur la
Pathologie Humaine. Tome 1 - Fascicule 1 - Maladies dues aux Némathelminthes, 1961, 743
pp.; Tome 1 - Fascicule 2 - Maladies dues aux Némathelminthes, 1963, 843 pp.; Tome 2 - Fas-
cicule 1 - Maladies dues aux Plathelminthes - Cestodes, 1966, 663 pp.; Tome 2 - Fascicule 2
- Livre 1 - Maladies dues aux Plathelminthes - Trématodes, 1971, 798 pp.; Tome 2 - Fascicule
2 - Livre 2 - Maladies dues aux Plathelminthes - Trématodes, 1975, 855 pp. Ed. Vigot Frères.
Euzéby, J. Les Parasitoses Humaines d’Origine Animale. Ed. Flammarion Médecine Sciences.
1984, 324 pp.
Euzéby, J. Protozoologie Médicale Comparée. Volume 1 - Généralités - Sarcomastigophores -
Ciliés, 1986, 463 pp.; Volume 2 - Myxozoa - Microspora - Ascetospora - Apicomplexa 1 Coc-
cidioses sensu lato, 1987, 475 pp.; Volume 3 - Fascicule 1 - Apicomplexa 2 Hémosporidioses,
1988, 558 pp.; Volume 3 - Fascicule 2 - Hémosporidioses fin, 1990, 338 pp. Ed. Fondation
Marcel Mérieux.
Guaguère, E., Prelaud, P., Craig, M. et al. A Practical Guide to Canine Dermatology. Ed. Kalianx-
is, Paris, France, 2008, 579 pp.
Kaufmann, J. Parasitic infections of Domestic Animals - A diagnostic Manual. Birkauser Verlag,
1996, 423 pp.
Kettle, D.S. Medical and Veterinary Entomology. 2nd edition, Ed. CAB International, 1995, 725 pp.
Kramer, F. and Mencke, N. Flea Biology and Control. Ed. Springer, 2001, 192 pp.
Krantz, W. and Walter, E. A Manual of Acarology. 3rd edition, Texas University Press, 2009, 807 pp.
Lindsay, D.S. and Zajac, A.M. Small Animal Parasites: Biology and Control, in Veterinary Clin-
ics of North America, 2009, 39(6): 993–1210.
Mehlhorn, H. Encyclopedic Reference of Parasitology. Biology. Structure. Function. 2nd edition,
Ed. Springer, 2001, 702 pp.
Mehlhorn, H. Encyclopedic Reference of Parasitology. Diseases. Treatment. Therapy. 2nd edition,
Ed. Springer, 2001, 678 pp.
Miller, W., Griffin, C. and Campbell, K. Muller and Kirk's Small Animal Dermatology. 7th edi-
tion, Saunders Editions, 2012, 948 pp.
Mullen, G.R. and Durden, L.A. Medical and Veterinary Entomology. 2nd edition, Elsevier, 2009,
637 pp.
Perez-Eid, C. Les Tiques: Identification, Biologie, Importance médicale et vétérinaire. Ed. TEC
& DOC Lavoisier, 2007, 314 pp.
Russell, R.C., Otranto, D. and Wall R. The Encyclopedia of Medical and Veterinary Entomolo-
gy. Ed. CABI, 2013, 429 pp.
Service, M.W. et al. Encyclopedia of Arthropod-transmitted Infections of Man and Domesticat-
ed Animals. Ed. CABI, London, UK, 2001, 579 pp.
Soulsby, E.J.L. Helminths, Arthropods and Protozoa of Domestic Animals. 7th edition, Ed.
Baillière Tindall, 1982, 809 pp.
Taylor, M.A., Coop, R.L. and Wall, R.L. Veterinary Parasitology. 4th edition, Ed. Wiley-Black-
well, 2016, 1006 pp.
Zientara, S., Verwoerd, D. and Pastoret, P.P. New developments in major vector-borne diseases.
Part 1. Revue Scientifique et Technique, OIE, 2015, 34(1), 302 pp.
Zientara, S., Verwoerd, D. and Pastoret, P.P. New developments in major vector-borne diseases.
Part 2. Revue Scientifique et Technique, OIE, 2015, 34(2), 658 pp.

Textbook of Clinical Parasitology in dogs and cats focuses on

the main parasitoses of dogs and cats in Europe (helminthology,
protozoology and entomology/acarology). Essential information
has been collated for rapid access, so taxonomy, morphology and
biology have not been extensively developed. The authors, renowned
experts with extensive experience in this field, have emphasised
the use of appropriate diagnostic methods and their importance in
daily clinical practice. Treatment and prevention are also discussed,
and any zoonotic risk linked to these parasitoses are highlighted.
Numerous graphic resources (images, illustrations, tables) have
been included to complement the information provided and make
the contents more comprehensible and accessible to the reader.

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