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Lyka Marie E.


BSAB 1-2

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin (February 12 1809 - April 19 1882) was an English naturalist and geologist best
known for his contribution to evolutionary theory. Darwin's general theory presumes the
development of life from nonlife and stresses a purely naturalistic (undirected) "descent with
modifications". That is, complex creatures evolve from more simplistic ancestors naturally over
time. He is often cited as the greatest biologist in history. His most famous work, On the Origin
of Species, explains the theory of evolution by natural selection, providing numerous supporting
examples. Natural selection is Darwin's most famous theory it states that evolutionary change
comes through the production of variation in each generation and differential survival of
individuals with different combinations of these variable characters. For natural selection to
work, it has to occur along with bunch of other things. Five main points of Darwin's theory
Evolution, Common Descent, Species multiply, Gradualism, Natural selection .Evolution or
survival of the species. Darwin basically said that humans evolved over time. They changed in
ways that allowed them to survive over time. Humans were not the only species that changed
over time. He used the Galopicos, Island animals as an example. The animals and birds had
changed so that they would be able to survive there. The same species in the areas they had
originated in had not changed. Back in Darwin's time or prior to that time, science and religion
worked together. When dinosaur bones & fossils were discovered, questions began to be asked.
However, Darwin's theory of evolution separated religion and science completely by explaining
changes in fossils and bones over a period of time that showed that the earth was older than what
the Church believed it to be based on the Bible. Many people think that you are either a believer
in God and how the Earth and all species came to be or an evolutionist. However, a
contemporary of Darwin's believed that you could be both but that would mean that there would
need to be compromises on both sides.

Contribution of Charles Darwin in Science

Charles Darwin was the first scientist to publish a coherent theory of Evolution by Natural
selection. He wasn't the first to intuitively suspect that species evolved from a common ancestor,
but he was the first to publish a coherent theory and bring forth evidence for it. Darwin's main
contribution to science was that he explained a mechanism, or a way, for evolution to occur. This
mechanism is called natural selection, which is a process in which individuals that are well suited
to their environment will survive and reproduce better than other individuals.
Contribution of Charles Darwin in Society
Darwin change the way people understood evolution forever. His main contribution was more
focused on science than anything else. The fact that evolution occurs became accepted by the
scientific community and the general public in his lifetime while his theory of natural selection
came to be widely seen as the primary explanation of the process of evolution in 1930s, and new
forms the basis of the modern evolutionary theory . To this day evolutionary discoveries are still
connected and expanding from Darwin's original theory that was introduced nearly century ago.
Without Darwin's evolutionary theory scientists may never figure out how the earth had shaped
animals to Man throughout the generations. In fact as a society we could had a completely
different theory concerning how we came to be. This could of change how we think and what we
do in our everyday lives as a society. In conclusion Darwin's scientific discovery remains the
foundation of the biology as it provides a unifying logical explanation of the diversity of life.

Contribution of Charles Darwin in Technology

Scientist use Darwin theory to create a new technologies, the theory of evolution proposed by
Charles Darwin 150 years ago has become an indispensable tool for biologist to comprehend the
natural world.

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