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How much ....? = uncountable nouns

For example: How much coffee do you drink?
How many ....? = countable nouns
For example: How many cups of coffee do you drink

How much? How many?

Uncountable Nouns
We use how many with plural We use how much with
In questions:
countable nouns:- uncountable nouns:-
"How many newspapers do you read "How much paper is in the
every day?" printer?"
"How much money have you
"How many Euros have you got?"

How much ....? = uncountable nouns

For example: How much coffee do you drink?
How many ....? = countable nouns
For example: How many cups of coffee do you drink?

How do you count uncountable nouns? You can't, but you can measure them. You have
to use ‘counters’

Uncountable Sugar Jewellery Cheese Wine Furniture Money

How much How much How much How much How much How much
sugar is jewellery is cheese is wine is furniture is money is
there? there? there? there? there? there?
There's a There's a There's There's a
There's some There's some
Answer lot of lot of some lot of
jewellery. furniture.
sugar. cheese. wine. money.
Add a word bowl piece round bottle piece bag

Make it
un A bowl of A piece of A round of A bottle of A piece of A bag of
ta sugar. jewellery. cheese. wine. furniture. money.

Countable How many How many How many How many How many How many
Q bowls of pieces of rounds of bottles of pieces of bags of
ue sugar are jewellery cheese are wine are furniture are money are
sti there? are there? there? there? there? there?
There are There are
There's one There's only There are two There are
two pieces three
Answer bowl of one bottle of pieces of four bags of
of rounds of
sugar. wine. furniture. money
jewellery. cheese.

Other words you can add to make uncountable nouns countable:-

You can put something into a container to count it, but the thing you're counting doesn't
take the plural form. The container takes the plural form:-

bag A bag of money.

barrel Two barrels of beer.

bottle Three bottles of wine.

bowl Four bowls of sugar.

box Five boxes of cereal.

bucket Six buckets of water.

can Seven cans of Coke.

carton Eight cartons of milk.

cup Nine cups of coffee.

glass Ten glasses of water.

jar Eleven jars of honey.

packet A dozen packets of butter.
a saucepan Thirteen pans of rice.
tank Fifteen tanks of petrol.

tin Sixteen tins of custard.

tub Seventeen tubs of margarine.

tube Eighteen tubes of toothpaste.

You can measure something to count it, but it still doesn't take
For example:-
the plural form. The measurement takes the plural form:-

litre 1 and a half litres of milk.

pint Two pints of beer.

pound / ounce / kilo etc... Two pounds / ounces / kilos of butter.

You can measure uncountable nouns in other ways,

using shapes or portions. Again the measurement
takes the plural form.

Ten balls
of wool.

Three bars
of soap.

pinch Two pinches of salt.

slice Five slices of cake.

spoon Fourteen spoonfuls of sugar.

square Ten squares of chocolate.

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