Wayne Dispenser Security 2014-09-23

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Wayne Fuel

Dispensers are Built

to Secure What is
Most Important.
From your fuel inventory to Secure your investments
• Wayne iX™ technology platform
your customers’ payment supports software upgrades for future
payment security regulation compliance
information and your profits, without replacing equipment.
• Modular dispenser design allows for cost-
a Wayne fuel dispenser is effective upgrades to meet future standards
while protecting your investment.
one of the safest forecourt • EMV configurations are available
providing full compliance with global EMV
investments you can make. and regional security standards. U.S.
configurations can be easily
converted to EMV while preserving
Secure your inventory previous PCI upgrade investments.
• Large cabinet doors make unauthorized • Support for multiple key encryptions so
access visible to store personnel. a simple software setting switches key
• Separate door for printer access functionality, such as Single to Triple-DES,
prevents internal components from being instead of replacing the keypad.
exposed • Configurable membrane function keys
during routine provide compatibility with legacy POS
paper changes. implementations using function keys on
• Multiple the keypad.
Torx screws add
another layer of Secure your customers
access protection.
• Wayne iX Pay™ secure payment is
• Optional
certified to Version 4.0 of the Payment
secure dispenser
Card Industry (PCI) PIN Transaction
locks deter physi-
Security (PTS) standard.
cal access to the bezel. A unique key and
• Triple-DES encryption within the secure
lock option is available to minimize key
keypad and optional data encrypting card
duplication risks.
readers keep sensitive data safe.
• Access to Wayne iGEM™ software
• Sophisticated anti-tamper mechanisms on
programming is controlled via IR remote
the keypad help secure the encryption key.
control through four user levels of
• EMV® technology and secure card
passcode logic.
readers help retailers reduce the risk of
• The optional Dispenser Secure Access
losing sensitive payment card data. The
module integrates electronic bezel door
Wayne EMV-ready payment system is
sensors with iGEM software to provide
PCI-approved through 2023, which means
audible alerts and dispenser offline mes-
you won’t have to continue re-investing to
sages to the POS in the event of a security
upgrade your system.
breach. Through Wayne iSense™ remote
• Adaptive Functionality Mode (AFM)
monitoring, alerts can be issued via email or
enables select payment fueling
SMS text messages.
transactions to continue in the event of
• Wayne™ Intelligent Pulser (WIP) design
device tampering by disabling only the
eliminates exposed gears and shaft, which
affected functionality.
offers protection against fuel meter
tampering and fuel theft.

Secure your peace of mind. Visit Wayne.com today.

Austin, Texas, USA I Malmö, Sweden I Rio de Janeiro, Brazil I Shanghai, China
© 2014. Wayne, the Wayne logo, iGEM, iSense, iX Pay, iX, and combinations thereof are trademarks or registered trademarks of Wayne Fueling Systems, in the United States and
other countries. EMV is a registered trademark of EMVCo, LLC. Other names are for informational purposes and may be trademarks of their respective owners.

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