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Arrange the following sentences in each set below in logical/chronological order 4. Development by Definition.

finition. This is a method that gives a satisfactory

for the paragraph to achieve coherence. Number the sentences from 1-5. explanation of the meaning of a word and may point out the special limitations of
its meaning. A development by definition is very important especially in doing
Without doubt, if all these advantages are used widely, the scientific research or preparing term papers.
contrary will once more be number one in Asian Basketball.
Next, it has veterans who can help the young players. 5. Development by Classification. Classification is almost any act of nothing
Third, it has two of the country’s best perimeter shockers. relationships. Technically, it is the act of locating a specimen of all the different
The National Team has many advantages which can earn the kinds of objects which possess a given characteristics.
Philippines a great metal.
First, the team has played together for many years. 6. Development by Cause and Effect. The writer explains how certain causes
produce results or effects. This method is particularly suitable for argumentation
1. Development by description. Description is the most commonly used exposition and narration. A writer using this type may start from the cause to the
method of writing a paragraph. Its purpose is to present an image or a picture. In effect or from the effect to the cause.
this method, the writer should be able to draw things clearly in the minds of the
readers by the use of adjectives, so that the readers will be able to imagine what 7. Development by Analogy. Analogy points out the similarity or difference
the writer has seen, felt or has experienced. In order to be effective, a paragraph between things. While comparison shows similarities between things in the same
of description must show a careful selection of ideas, an accurate choic e of class, analogy shows a point-by-point comparison of two things from different
words and a logical order of details. classes but bearing fundamental similarities.

2. Development by Narration. A narrative paragraph is the most difficult write 8. Development by Question and Answer. The question and answer methods
compared to the other types of paragraph or paragraph development. Similar to a is used in argumentations and explanations. Sometimes, a series of questions
descriptive paragraph, a narration is also spiced up with picture words so that it make up a paragraph or paragraph. However, the questions are meant to be
will not only appeal to the emotion of the reader but also to his intellect. Its events unanswered.
must be arranged according to the order of time or chronological order and
should be related. Transitional devices or aids such as first, second, next, then, 9. Development by Example. This method presents examples to support and
finally, etc., are used. make clear the topic sentence. When the topic sentence states a general fact,
examples are used to develop it. This type is useful developing paragraphs of
Key Points argumentation and exposition.
a. Know what to write. Be sure that you know what to give the reader.
b. Develop a strong topic sentence. Using one will make you effective in giving 10. Development by Process Analysis. This paragraph development is
or illustrating a point. concerned with “HOW” topics. The word process is defined by Webster as a
c. Choose your materials. These materials are events that you should consider systematic series of actions directed to an end. This explains how an operation is
in your narration. done, therefore, involves instructions or directions in doing a process with the
d. Organize the events. The readers should be able to clearly picture in their help of transitional words or devices. The instructions should be specific,
minds the sequence of events as they happen or as they are narrated. How the complete and correctly sequenced.
beginning, middle and ending of your narrative.
e. Consider your Audience. Do you think your audience will need more 11. Development by Problem and Solution. Problem and solution is another
information to understand the part of the story? Focus on their need. pattern of organization where an information is presented as a problem or issue
f. Use dialogue. The use of dialogue will result to a more exciting narrative and a and a solution that can be done to solve. This should not be confused with the
more sustained attention and interest of the audience. cause and effect pattern of development in writing, although this has always
g. Use figurative Language. The use of detailed action or pictures enable the happened. The cause and effect pattern does not present a solution to the
readers to grasp and see what is happening in the narration. problem; rather, it presents the effects of a problem.

3. Development by Comparison and Contrast. Comparison means explaining

how a thing is similar to another, contrast explains what a thing is not like. This
type of development shows how a person, animal or thing mentioned in the topic
sentence resembles or differs from someone or something else.

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