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Veridiano Academy Foundation

Sto.Niño, Cagayan
SY 2018-2019
Name: ______________________________________Grade and section: ________ Date: ___________
DIRECTIONS: Write the letter of the correct answer before the number.
1. The motion of a body projected horizontally or at an angle other than 90° with the horizontal is called _______?
a. Projectile motion b. impulse c. momentum d. none of the above
2. The path of a projectile that is parabolic?
a. Projectile motion b. trajectory c. momentum d. none of the above
3. What component of the motion of a projectile is due to the non-zero horizontal component of its initial velocity?
a. Projectile motion b. trajectory c. horizontal d. vertical
4. What component of the motion of a projectile is due to the pull of gravity at the place where the motion takes
a. Projectile motion b. trajectory c. horizontal d. vertical
5. ______ product of mass multiplied by its velocity or the quantity of motion an object possess.
a. Projectile motion b. impulse c. momentum d. none of above
6. Two billiard balls approach each other with the same speed. If they collide in a perfectly elastic collision, what
would be their velocities after collision?
a. Zero b. Same in magnitude and direction
b. Same in magnitude but opposite in direction d. Different in magnitude and opposite in direction
7. What is the energy of a motorcycle moving slowly at the top of a hill?
A. entirely kinetic B. entirely potential C. entirely gravitational D. both kinetic and potential
8. What is the energy of a motorcycle going fast midway down a hill?
A. entirely kinetic B. entirely potential C. entirely gravitational D. both kinetic and potential
9. It is the energy in moving matter and wave?
a. Kinetic energy b. potential energy c. sound energy d. thermal energy
10. A runner jumps over a hurdle. Neglecting friction, the potential energy of the runner at the highest
point compared to his kinetic energy at the lowest point is?
a. lesser. b. equal. c. greater. d. not related.
For questions 11 and 12, refer to the table below:
Vehicles Mass (kg) Velocity(m/s)
Jeepney 2000 10
Motorcycle 300 20

11. In the table above, what is the momentum of the jeepney?

a.6,000 kgm/s b. 20,000kgm/s c.40,000 kgm/s d. 3,000 kgm/s
12. Which has greater momentum, the jeepney or the motorcycle?
a. Jeepney b. motorcycle c. . both have the same momentum d. cannot be determined
13. Two identical cars are travelling along EDSA. Which of the two cars would have a greater momentum?
a. the slower car b. the faster car c. both have the same momentum d. cannot be easily determined
14. A bus and a car are travelling along EDSA having the same velocity. Which of the two vehicles would have a
greater momentum?
a. the bus b. the car c. both have the same momentum d. cannot be easily determined
For numbers 15 and 16 the given data are: Two 0.5 kg balls approach each other with the same speed of 1.0 m/s
15. What is the total momentum of the system before collision?
a. 0 B.0.50 kg m/s C.1.0 kg m/s D.-1.0 kg m/s
16. If there is no external force acting on the system, what the total momentum of the system after collision?
a. 0 b. 0.50 kg m/s c. 1.0 kg m/s d. -1.0 kg m/s
17. A rock is thrown straight up into the air. As it goes up _____.
a. Kinetic energy and potential energy decrease b. Kinetic energy and potential energy increase
18. A fully spring-wound toy fan that is about to rotate possesses __________?
A. kinetic but no potential energy B. potential but no kinetic energy
C. both potential and kinetic energy in equal amounts D. neither potential nor kinetic energy
19. Which of the following happens to raindrops?
A. Loses potential energy and gains kinetic energy. B. Loses both potential energy and kinetic energy.
C. Gains potential energy and loses kinetic energy. D. Gains both potential energy and kinetic energy.
20. What is the function of a heat engine?
a. It converts chemical energy to mechanical energy.
b. It converts thermal energy to mechanical energy.
c. It converts mechanical energy to chemical energy.
d. It converts thermal energy into chemical energy.
21. How does can water from the deep well move upward?
a. It occurs naturally. B. It uses water heat pump.
C. It is a spontaneous process. D. It flows from higher temperature to cooler temperature.
22. Which is not considered a renewable source of energy?
a. Coal b. sun c. water d. wind
23. Which device that converts mechanical energy into electrical is called _________?
a. Generator b. motor c. transformer d. turbine
24. What energy transformation takes place in a generator?
a. Electrical to mechanical c. mechanical to electrical
b. heat to mechanical d. chemical to mechanical
25. Which event is explained in the sequence of energy changes shown in the diagram below?
Chemical Energy------ >Heat---- Mechanical Energy (with wasted heat)
a. a blue spotlight is on b. a runner doing stretches C. an electric fan rotates D. the battery-powered toy car runs forward
26. A moderate force will break an egg. However, an egg dropped on the road usually breaks, while one dropped on
the grass usually doesn’t break. This is because for the egg dropped on the grass:
a. The change in momentum is greater. b. The change in momentum is less.
c. The time interval for stopping is greater. d. The time interval for stopping is less.
27. The impulse experienced by a body is equal to the change in its:
A. Velocity B. Kinetic energy C. Momentum D. Potential energy
28. Which has more momentum, a heavy truck moving at 30 km/h or a light truck moving at 30 km/h?
a. heavy truck b. light truck c. Both have the same momentum d. Cannot be determined.
29. Two objects A and B weighing 40 kg and 60 kg, respectively, collide. Just before collision, object A travels to right
at 35 m/s and object B travels to the left at 25 m/s. After collision, object A moves to the left at 20 m/s. what
would be the velocity of object B after collision?
30. Which event does NOT describe potential energy being changed into kinetic energy?
A. A box sliding down a ramp. B. A mango falling from a crate.
C. A pen spring being compressed. D.A stretched rubber band got loosened.
31. Which event illustrates the direct transformation of potential to kinetic energy?
A. A basketball player catches a flying ball. B. A kalesa moves from rest.
C. Kathy’s arrow is released from its bow D. The spring mechanism of a toy is rotated until it locked.
32. Which sequence of energy transformation best describes what happens when you switch on your battery-run
A. Mechanical Energy ---Electrical Energy ---Sound Energy B. Mechanical Energy ---Chemical Energy ---Sound Energy
C. Chemical Energy ---Electrical Energy ---Sound Energy D. Chemical Energy-----Mechanical Energy---sound Energy
33. Which among the forms of energy is considered a potential energy?
A. chemical energy B. radiant energy C. sound energy D. thermal energy
34. When a Carnot engine operates, its hot and cold reservoirs have temperatures of 700k and 600 k respectively.
Find its maximum efficiency.
A heat engine takes in 8000 J of heat and performs a 5000 J of mechanical work.
35. What is the efficiency of the heat?
36. How much heat is discarded?
Choose the letter of the best answer. For question 37-40.
Maria throws a ball straight up with an initial velocity of 10 m/s.
37. What is its velocity at the highest point? A
38. What is its velocity when it returned to the elevation from where it was thrown? F
39. What is its acceleration at the highest point?D
40. What is its acceleration just before it hits the ground?D
a. 0 m/s b. 0m/s² c. 9.8 m/s² d. -9.8 m/s² e. 10 m/s² f. -10 m/s²

Prepared by:
(Subject Teacher)

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