Contemplation of or Ha-Ain Sof - Light of The Infinite

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Contemplation of Or Ha-Ain Sof: Light of the Infinite

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Contemplation of Or Ha-Ain Sof: Light of the Infinite
by Tau Malachi Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:52 pm

Or Ha-Ain Sof: Contemplating the Light of the Infinite

(A Discourse of the Baal Shem in the Assembly of Navim)

*This is a traditional teaching given as an oral transmission within the Order of St. Gabriel – when
the chants are taken up by an adept or master of the Holy Order during the oral transmission, it
becomes a spiritual empowerment of those present, for to hear the holy chants is to be blessed
and empowered to use them.

The Contemplative Discourse on Or Ha-Ain Sof

True prophecy is sight in the Holy Light of Ain Sof, and it emanates as the World of the Holy Sefirot
and emanates from the Holy World of the Sefirot – Ruach Ha-Kodesh is inspiration and illumination
at lower grades, but it is the influx of this Holy Light which is called prophecy among Christian
Mekubalim, seeing in the Holy Light with which Supernal Adam beholds creation from before the
beginning to beyond the end, seeing all as it is in Kodesh Achad and the eternal realm.

In lower grades of prophecy and Ruach Ha-Kodesh this Holy Light clothes itself in the Holy Sefirot
of Beriyah and Yetzirah – which is to say that it clothes itself in the archangels and orders of
angels, and in the outermost grades it becomes clothed in the Sefirot of Asiyah, that realm into
which the profane and the impure gaze and are deceived by the Other Side.

The perpetual contemplation of the great navim is in Or Ain Sof – seeing in the World of the Holy
Sefirot (Atzilut), and the sons and daughter of the navim contemplate Or Ain Sof, seeking to ascend
rung by rung, ever ascending towards the inner gradations, and the novices among us contemplate
Or, aspiring to be taken up by Ruach Ha-Kodesh

If we wish to contemplate Or Ha-Ain Sof, contemplating the holy letters that compose the word Or
(light) proves illuminating: Alef-Vau-Resh.

If God is willing, through God’s grace, let us contemplate the Holy Light.

At the outset we may say, Or concluding with Resh, which means “face,” implies that light is the
“face of God,” or that light is the primary appearance of God’s presence and power; Resh is also
the letter that begins the word for evil (Ra), and so we know that along with the True and Holy
Light there is also false light, Klippah Nogah.

As we know, Yahweh is in the figure of Alef, for the figure of Alef is formed by two Yod connected
by a Vau, and it alludes to the Upper and Lower Worlds, or to the Realm of Being and Realm of
Becoming; in the word Or (Aur), Alef is the Supernals inseparable from Ain Sof, and it is the Spirit
of Yahweh, designated by Eheieh, or the Radiant Holy Breath of God (Ruach Elohim).

Alef is the Realm of Yichud – Adam Kadmon and Atzilut, and Vau is Six, the extension of the Light of
the Infinite from the Realm of Yichud into the Realm of Perud; is it Zer Anpin (Little Face), the
world of the angels emanating from Olam Ha-Beriyah.

Now the Realm of Yichud is contained in Arik Anpin (Big Face) and Arik Anpin is revealed through
Zer Anpin (Little Face) – this is the Resh, the “face of God,” above and below; from Zer Anpin,
Nukva receives her light, and in union with Zer Anpin she becomes Kallah.

Resh is face, and “face” implies Partzufim – the Divine Personifications, and all of their Garments;
all of the Holy Partzufim are Resh, all being contained in Or Ain Sof, all being formed of Or Ain Sof
and all being filled with Or Ain Sof, all the revelation of Or Ain Sof.

The fruition of the revelation of Or Ain Sof transpires when there is a fit and holy vessel for Malkut
to transmit the fullness of the Supernal Influx – namely, the Son of the Human One, Adonai Yeshua;
Alef is the Holy Dove of White Brilliance, the Supernal Influx – Vau is the extension of this Holy
Light, the Soul of the Messiah entering into incarnation, and Resh is the appearance of the Messiah
in the world, Yeshua Messiah becoming as the face of the Holy One embodied as a human being:

This is the Ratzon Elyon from the very outset of creation – the generation of the Human One in the
image and likeness of Yahweh Elohim, so that the Holy One should be embodied and have a face, as
it were, being fully revealed in creation.

Indeed! The very first Holy Utterance of Elohim in creation is, “Yehi Or” – Let there be Light! This
is the Holy Light of which it is said, “God has store up this light for the righteous – the tzaddikim.”
This Holy Light is the Messiah – and this Holy Utterance might very well be translated, “Let there
be Messiah!”

Yehi, (Yod-He-Yod), Or, (Alef-Vau-Resh); contemplate these letters of the First Holy Utterance, and
seek to look and see in the World of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Light of Elyon. If it is God’s will you
will behold interior mysteries of the Soul of the Messiah, and so you will know and understand deep
esoteric mysteries in the prologue to the Gospel of St. John.

According to Christian Mekubalim, this First Holy Utterance is a Secret Name of the Messiah – the
“Mystic Word” of the Supernal Influx.

*A secret of the inner form of the Threefold Initiation is revealed in this, one understood by those
who have received it.

Now we may hint at a mystery – He in between two Yod, Vau in between two Yod; Vau extends from
Yod-He (Yah) in the Great Name, the figure of Vau as a ray extending from a Yod; and in the Great
Name, Vau joins two He, which equal Yod when they are united.

Yod is ten, and with Ten Holy Utterances, Elohim speaks creation into being – the Word of Yahweh;
and so with Ten Commandments, Yahweh speaks the tikkune of creation, illuminating the Human
One – with Yehi Or you may also contemplate the First Commandment, which is a Holy Name of
God, the True Light, according to the inner and secret teachings of the Gospel, as we see in Pistis

These Utterances and Commandments, of course, are the Holy Sefirot – the emanations of Or Ain
Sof, as is the Soul of the Messiah and Mystical Body of the Messiah, the interiors and exteriors of
the Holy Sefirot of Atzilut, respectively.

One Yod, the interiors, another Yod, the exteriors, and He, the Holy Shekinah above and below, one
Holy Light, one Divine Presence and Power.

*Here we may add that two Yod equal 20 (Kaf), and that Resh is 200 – the extension of the power of
two Yod (or Kaf).

Now with Yehi Or we have said that it is a Secret Name of Melekh Messiah; if you want to look and
see, or listen and hear in the World of the Holy Spirit, take up the practice of the sons and
daughters of the navim among us who intone this Secret Name through extension into the brow:

(The vowel sounds “I,” “O,” and “U” are also used to form a sacred chant of four cycles drawing
down shefa from the four Olamot, probing the Mystery of the Bridal Chamber.)

*In compassion we must warn the tyro who would seek to take up this Secret Name without proper
purification and empowerment – as much as an invocation of Supernal Mercy, ending in Ra, it is an
invocation of the Judgment; when it is taken up in vain or in impurity it attracts the attention of
the “angels” of the Other Side, the Fallen.

We may also speak another secret mystery – according to Christian Mekubalim, the tikkune of
creation is in the very word Or; Alef is the non-dual realization, Supernal or Messianic
Consciousness, and Vau is the Human One embodying it, Resh, 200, is the Sefirot and Klippot of the
Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, the Holy Tree and the Other Side; in non-dual realization this
dualism is dispelled. This is the true mystery of the Sign of the Cross – Tau, the End-Of-Days.

In praise and thanksgiving, in worship, we may close with a holy chant, praying for the salvation of
all souls:


(This holy chant may be extended into four cycles as the previous one.)

*This is an extension of Yehi Yeshua that sons and daughters of the navim among us have used to
invoke the revelation of the Holy Gospel from Hayyah Yeshua; with prayer and fasting they
prepared themselves, and they went out wandering into the wilderness as though Ruach Elohim
moving on the surface of the Deep – and Adonai Messiah appeared to them and taught them the
Gospel of Truth. It has been said that some have found the secret dwelling of St. Lazarus in this
way, and were blessed to receive secret teachings from the Eternal Witness.

May El be praised – Hallelu El!

O Kodesh Achad, we, your servants pray, let your Holy Light shine upon one and all alike, each
receiving according to their desire and capacity to receive; and so we pray in the Name of
Yeshua Messiah, Adonai have mercy – Amen.

Blessings & shalom!

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