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What is a preposition?

A preposition is a word used to link nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other words

within a sentence. They act to connect the people, objects, time and locations of a
sentence. Prepositions are usually short words, and they are normally placed
directly in front of nouns. In some cases, you’ll find prepositions in front
of gerund verbs.
A nice way to think about prepositions is as the words that help glue a sentence
together. They do this by expressing position and movement, possession, time and how
an action is completed.
Indeed, several of the most frequently used words in all of English, such as of, to,
for, with, on and at, are prepositions. Explaining prepositions can seem complicated, but
they are a common part of language and most of us use them naturally without even
thinking about it.
In fact, it’s interesting to note that prepositions are regarded as a ‘closed class’ of
words in the English language. This means, unlike verbs and nouns, no new words are
added to this group over time. In a way, it reflects their role as the functional workhorse
of the sentence. They are unassuming and subtle, yet vitally important to the meaning
of language.

There are two very important rules to remember when using prepositions. Because they
are somewhat vague, learning about prepositions and using them correctly in sentences
takes practice. Because 1:1 translation is often impossible when dealing with
propositions, even the most advanced English students have some difficulty at first.

 The first rule is that to make sentences clear, specific prepositions are needed. For
example, the preposition in means one thing and the preposition on cannot substitute
for it in all cases. Some prepositions are interchangeable but not always. The correct
preposition means one particular thing and using a different proposition will give the
sentence a very different meaning. I want to see you in the house now, Bill! means
something very different from I want to see you on the house now, Bill! In the
house means Bill should go through the door, walk inside, and stand in the hall or living
room. On the house means Bill would need to get a ladder and climb to the roof where
he would be on top of the house.
 The second rule for using prepositions is that prepositions are generally followed by
nouns or pronouns. There was a time in the past when teachers held strictly to this rule,
but it made for some clunky sentences. I am seeking someone I can depend on ends
with the preposition on, so people who insisted that sentences shouldn’t end with a
preposition would be forced to use convoluted and unnatural phrasing. To avoid ending
that sentence above with a preposition, you’d have to say, someone I can depend on is
whom I am seeking.
 There are more than 100 prepositions in the English language. In addition, there are
endless possibilities for creating prepositional phrases, phrases that begin with a
preposition and end with a noun or pronoun. In the following sections, you will find
examples of prepositions, types of prepositions, a comprehensive list of prepositions,
and some helpful preposition exercises. As you read the examples and study the list,
remember that prepositions usually convey concepts such as comparison, direction,
place, purpose, source possession, and time.

Examples of Prepositions
In the following sentences, examples of prepositions have been italicized. As you read,
consider how using different prepositions or even different types of prepositions in place
of the examples might change the relationship between the rest of the words in the

 I prefer to read in the library.

 He climbed up the ladder to get onto the roof.
 Please sign your name on the dotted line after you read the contract.
 Go down the stairs and through the door.
 He swam across the pool.
 Take your brother with you.

Types of Prepositions
There are three types of prepositions, including time prepositions, place prepositions, and direction
Time prepositions are those such as before, after, during, and until; place prepositions are those
indicating position, such as around, between, and against; and direction prepositions are those
indicative of direction, such as across, up, and down. Each type of preposition is important.

Type of Prepositions
Prepositions of Time
Basic examples of time prepositions include: at, on, in, before and after. They are used
to help indicate when something happened, happens or will happen. It can get a little
confusing though, as many different prepositions can be used.

Prepositions of time examples in the following sentences are in bold for easy

For example:

 I was born on July 4th, 1982.

 I was born in 1982.
 I was born at exactly 2am.
 I was born two minutes before my twin brother.
 I was born after the Great War ended.
The above makes it seem quite difficult, with five different prepositions used to indicate
when something happened. However, there is a set of guidelines that can help decide
which preposition to use:

For years, months, seasons, centuries and times of day, use the preposition in:

 I first met John in 1987.

 It’s always cold in January
 Easter falls in spring each year.
 The Second World War occurred in the 20th century.
 We eat breakfast in the morning.
For days, dates and specific holiday days, use the preposition on.
1. We go to school on Mondays, but not on Sunday
2. Christmas is on December 25th.
3. Buy me a present on my birthday.
For times, indicators of exception and festivals, use the preposition at:

 Families often argue at Christmas time.

 I work faster at night.
 Her shift finished at 7pm.
Before and after should be much easier to understand than the other examples of
prepositions of time. Both are used to explain when something happened, happens or
will happen, but specifically in relation to another thing.

 Before I discovered this bar, I used to go straight home after work.

 We will not leave before 3pm.
 David comes before Bryan in the line, but after Louise.
Other prepositions of time could include: During, about, around, until and throughout.

 The concert will be staged throughout the month of May.

 I learned how to ski during the holidays.
 He usually arrives around 3pm.
 It was about six in the morning when we made it to bed.
 The store is open until midnight.
Prepositions of Place

To confuse matters a bit, the most common prepositions to indicate time – on, at, in –
are also the most common prepositions to indicate position. However, the rules are a
little clearer as place prepositions are a more rigid concept than time prepositions.

Prepositions of place examples in the following sentences are in bold for easy

 The cat is on the table.

 The dogs are in the kennel.
 We can meet at the crossroads.
The guidelines can be broken down as follows:

On is used when referring to something with a surface:

 The sculpture hangs on the wall.

 The images are on the page.
 The specials are on the menu, which is on the table.
In is used when referring to something that is inside or within confined boundaries. This
could be anything, even a country:

1. Jim is in France, visiting his aunt in the hospital.

2. The whiskey is in the jar in the fridge.
3. The girls play in the garden.
At is used when referring to something at a specific point:

1. The boys are at the entrance at the movie theater.

2. He stood at the bus stop at the corner of Water and High streets.
3. We will meet at the airport.
Lot’s of other prepositions of place, such as under, over, inside, outside,
above and below are used in English. There is, however, a lot less confusion as they
refer to rigid positions rather than abstract ones.

 The cat is under the table.

 Put the sandwich over there.
 The key is locked inside the car.
 They stepped outside the house.
 Major is ranked above corporal.
 He is waving at you from below the stairs.
Prepositions of Movement

Prepositions of movement are quite easy to understand as they are less abstract than
prepositions of place and time. Essentially, they describe how something or someone
moves from one place to another. The most commonly used preposition of movement
is to, which usually serves to highlight that there is movement towards a specific

Prepositions of movement examples in the following sentences are in bold for easy

 He has gone on vacation to France.

 She went to the bowling alley every Friday last summer.
 I will go to bed when I am tired.
 They will go to the zoo if they finish their errands.
Other more specific prepositions of movement include: through, across, off,
down and into. These prepositions can sometimes get mixed up with others. While they
are similar, they have individual meanings that add context to the movement.

Across refers to moving from one side to another.

 Mike travelled across America on his motorcycle.

 Rebecca and Judi are swimming across the lake.
Through refers to moving directly inside something and out the other end.

 The bullet Ben shot went through the window.

 The train passes through the tunnel.
Into refers to entering or looking inside something.

 James went into the room.

 They stare into the darkness.
Up, over, down, past and around indicate directions of movement:

1. Jack went up the hill.

2. Jill came tumbling down after.
3. We will travel over rough terrain on our way to Grandma’s house.
4. The horse runs around the track all morning.
5. A car zoomed past a truck on the highway

How to Recognize a Preposition?

Recognizing prepositions can be challenging as they do not always follow a consistent

pattern in terms of their position in a sentence, nor do they have a discernible structure
or spelling. We do know, however, that prepositions are almost always short words, with
the majority having less than six letters. One technique people use to identify a
preposition is to think of a preposition as anywhere a mouse can go. Above, below,
next to, between, beyond, through, by, with…It won’t cover them all, but it can be a
useful question to ask when trying to identify and recognize a preposition. While there
are over 100 prepositions, there are around 500,00-700,000 nouns in English! It is
unlikely anyone will learn so many nouns, but recognizing and then mastering
prepositions might be a worthwhile and attainable goal.

Prepositions with Nouns

There are lots of different nouns that carry specific prepositions to consolidate their
meaning. These are called dependent prepositions. Again, there isn’t a set rule that
says a particular type of noun will take a dependent preposition, although they normally
follow the noun. Moreover, there are many possible combinations. Essentially, it’s case
of familiarizing yourself with the different possibilities of nouns and dependent
prepositions. Examples:

 He displayed cruelty towards his dog.

 She had knowledge of physics.
 The trouble with Jack.
 21 is the age at which you are allowed to drink.
 Bolt made another attempt at the world record.
 The police held an inquiry into the murder.
Prepositions with Verbs
Prepositional verbs – the phrasal combinations of verbs and prepositions – are
important parts of speech. The prepositions again act as links between the verb and
noun or gerund, giving extra meaning to the sentence. The prepositions most commonly
used with verbs are: to, for, about, of, in, at and from. The good news is that these will
always come after the verb in the sentence. However, it should also be noted that the
prepositional verbs can have slightly different meaning compared to the original verb.
For example, to relate a story simply means to tell a story, to relate to a story means
you identify with it, find some personally meaning in that story.

Verb + to:

 He admitted to the charge.

 I go to Vancouver on vacation twice a year.
 William can relate to the character in the play.
Verb + for:

 He must apologize for his actions.

 We searched for ages before we found the perfect apartment.
 I provide for my family by working two jobs.
Verb + with:

 I don’t agree with your claim.

 The lawyer said he will meet with your representatives.
 They began with a quick warm-up.
Verb + of:

 I dream of a better life.

 Have you heard of Shakespeare?
 The bread consists of dough, raisins and a little honey.
Verb + in:

 Does Rick believe in miracles?

 Fallon lives in New York.
 The bus accident resulted in my being late to work.
Verb + at

1. We arrived at our destination.

2. Ilene excels at singing.
3. Will the baby smile at her mother?
Verb + on:

 We should really concentrate on our studies now.

 Helen insisted on Brenda’s company.
 Morris experimented on some canvas.
Verb + from:

 Since turning 80, she suffers from lapses in concentration.

 Dad retired from the navy in the 1970s.
 Billy Bob, please refrain from doing that.

Prepositions with Adjectives

Prepositions can form phrases with adjectives to give further context to the action,
emotion or thing the adjective is describing. Like verbs and nouns, adjectives can be
followed by: to, about, In, for, with, at and by.

 I am happily married to David.

 Ellie is crazy about this movie.
 Michelle is interested in politics.
 We are sorry for your loss.
 Jane will be delighted with her results.
 Is he still angry at the world?
 The entire room was astonished by the election results.
There can sometimes be a pattern in deciding which prepositions go with adjectives, for
example, when adjectives have the same or very similar meaning to each other, they
might take the same preposition:
 Frightened of, afraid of, scared of, terrified of
Indeed, when adjectives have opposite meaning they might also take the same

 Good at, great at, superb at, wonderful at

 Bad at, terrible at, woeful at, inept at
There are always many exceptions to the above, but it can help that there seems to be

consistency when adjectives have the same meaning or opposite meaning.

Nevertheless, perhaps a more general rule is that English speakers simply need to
learn which prepositions go with which adjectives, as meaning can change significantly
by using a different preposition.

 I am good at sports means I have some athletic talent.

 The nurse was good to my mother means she took care of her and was nice, kind, and
 I am good with animals means I get along with them and handle them well.
 Swimming is good for your health.
 That was good of you to come means you were begin nice and good to visit.
 My little brother is good inside (his body) means even though you can’t see how he
thinks and feels, he is good. Even if his behavior is bad.
 The blueberry jam will be good on toast.

Prepositions Exercises
The following exercises will help you gain greater understanding about how prepositions
work. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
1. The bone was _______ the dog.
a. About
b. For
c. After
d. Considering

Answer: b. The bone was for the dog.

2. We are going on vacation _______ August.

a. On
b. At
c. In
d. Since

Answer: c. We are going on vacation in August.

3. Please put the vase ________ the table.

a. In
b. On
c. For
d. Over

Answer: b. Please put the vase on the table.

4. I received a present ________ Janet.
a. From
b. Of
c. By
d. About

Answer: a. I received a present from Janet.

5. School begins ________ Monday.
a. In
b. On
c. From
d. Since

Answer: b. School begins on Monday.

List of Prepositions
While there are only about 150 prepositions in the English language, these words are
among the most important. Without them, the sentences we speak, read, and write
would be difficult to understand. The following list of prepositions is not a complete one,
however it is among the most comprehensive lists of prepositions available anywhere.

Aboard Excluding Until

About Failing Up
Above Following Upon
Absent For Versus
Across From Via
After Given With
Against In Within
Along Inside Without
Alongside Into Worth
Amid Like
Among Minus
Amongst Near
Anti Of
Around Off
As On
At Onto
Before Opposite
Behind Outside
Below Over
Beneath Past
Beside Per
Besides Plus
Between Regarding
Beyond Round
But Save
By Since
Circa Than
Concerning Through
Considering To
Despite Toward
Down Towards
During Under
Except Underneath
Excepting Unlike
Why Use Hands-on Activities to Teach English Prepositions?
Before we talk about specific ways to be hands-on when teaching prepositions, it’s helpful to remind
ourselves why we want our students to be hands-on in the first place.
First of all, hands-on learning is one of the three main learning styles students possess. The buzz word
we are looking for is kinesthetic learner. All that really means is that some students learn best when
their sense of touch is involved (where others depend primarily on their sense of sight or
hearing). Hands-on learners are often the ones to whom standard lesson plans don’t cater, so it’s worth
making a point to include movement-based activities when planning any lesson.
Another reason to teach hands-on is because research shows it’s one of the most effective ways to
teach a second language. The teaching method known as TPR (total physical response) intentionally
associates physical movements with language instruction. The method is so effective, even false
beginners thrive under this type of instruction. Some classrooms rely completely on TPR for instruction,
but I find that blending movement activities with other teaching methods is most effective at any level
ESL class.
Finally, hands-on teaching gives your students a great experience. If someone asked me about the most
meaningful lecture I heard in high school, I’m not sure I could name one. I can, however, tell you about
several hands-on activities I did in those otherwise less than memorable classes. Students remember the
activities that involve their whole person. They engage more easily and remember information
better. Most of all, they tend to have fun, and all of that is what makes hands-on lessons essential and
So enough about the whys of hands-on preposition teaching. Let’s get to the hows.
6 Brilliant Hands-on Exercises That Teach English Prepositions
1. Draw My Directions
Drawing is a simple way to engage students’ bodies as well as their creativity when they’re learning
about prepositions. In this exercise, you will give instructions for drawing a picture without telling your
students the object they are drawing.
As you give the instructions, you should use prepositions to describe each piece of the picture in relation
to the other. Students will not be able to see the picture you are describing.
For example, if you wanted students to draw a simple house, you might give these instructions:
Draw a large square on the bottom half of your paper. Draw two small squares inside the large square at
the top. The small squares should be opposite each other.
Draw a rectangle under one of the small squares.
Draw a triangle on top of the large square. Draw a small circle inside the rectangle. It should be in the
middle of the rectangle and to one side.
Finally, draw two lines through each small square dividing it into four smaller squares.
After you give the directions, hold up your picture so they can see what they were drawing was a house,
and let students see how close they got to the original picture.
You can do a more complicated version of this activity by collecting several pictures from
magazines. Match each student with a partner, and have the two sit back to back. One person will
describe the picture without telling the other what it is, while their partner draws following the
directions they hear. Be sure to give each student a chance to describe and draw using a different
picture each round.
2. Preposition Simon Says
I love to use games in my classroom, as they’re so fun and functional. Simon Says is a great favorite,
especially when my students look like they’ve been sitting too long. You can do a simple version of
Simon Says to teach and review prepositions.
Have all of your students stand, and choose one object that everyone has and can use while playing. You
might choose a pencil, a book or their desk chair. Play the game as you normally would, but with each
instruction use a preposition to describe where the player is in relation to the object you are using.
For example, you might give instructions like the following:
Simon says stand on your chair.
Simon says put your hand under your chair.
Simon says hold your chair in front of you.
Just like in the standard game, if a person follows a command that is not preceded by “Simon says,” they
are out. Also, if they do the wrong motion (e.g. put their hand on the chair when you tell them to put
it under the chair), they are also out. The last person standing wins the game.
3. Four Corners
This active game challenges students to think before they move. They will be choosing the correct
preposition to complete a sentence. Start by labeling each corner of your classroom with a
preposition. You can target prepositions of location, phrasal verbs or any other aspects of English
prepositions you want.
Have all your students stand in the center of the room with the furniture pushed out of the way. To play,
you read a sentence aloud or project it at the front of the room. Replace the preposition in the
sentences with a blank. After students hear the sentence, they must run to the correct corner of the
room to complete the sentence logically.
For example, you might say, “My chair is blank my desk,” with the target answer being “behind.” Or you
could say, “I went blank my notes to prepare for the test,” with the correct answer being “through.”
Any student who runs to the wrong corner of the room is out of the round. If no one runs to the wrong
corner, that is if everyone chooses the correct answer, the last person to get there is eliminated.
Keep playing until only one person remains. If you like, change up the prepositions in your corners and
play another round.
4. What’s Missing
This is a memory game that will necessitate the use of prepositions. Start by putting a tray or desk at the
front of your room. The tray should have several common items on it–between five and ten is usually a
good number. The more items you have on the tray, the more difficult the activity will be.
Give students one minute to study the objects on the tray. Then hide it from their view and either move
one object or remove it. Now show the tray to your students again. They must determine what is
So if you moved an object, they might say, “The pencil is next to the pen now. Before it was across from
the coffee mug.” If you remove an object, students might say, “The cup is no longer on the tray. It was in
front of the pencil case, but it’s gone now.”
When students get good at noticing your changes, try removing one object and moving two or more
others. If you like, award points to the first person to notice the change.
You can extend this activity by letting students arrange and move their own objects. Give them several
pictures or small objects to arrange on their desks, and have each person do the activity with a
partner. Let students take turns moving the objects around and being the one to guess the changes that
were made.
5. Paper Bag Neighborhoods
In this art/grammar activity, students will create their own model town based on the directions you give
them. Start by giving each student written directions on how to build a paper bag house. You can find an
example of the paper bag houses here. Your directions should include specifics locations for windows,
doors, etc. These directions should include prepositions.
If you like, have several different versions of the directions so that not everyone’s house looks the same
when it’s complete, or give different directions for schools, libraries and public service buildings. You can
also let students decorate their houses. Then give the class instructions on how to arrange the houses
into a town.
You’ll need a large area of your classroom or a blank bulletin board to hold the completed town. Make
sure your town description also includes prepositions to specify where each building should go (e.g. the
police station is across the street from the school). Have students work together to put their roads,
landmarks and houses in the correct positions in the town.
6. I Spy Lookout
Give students a copy of an “I spy” page or project one on your board. You can find some here.
Ask your students to find certain objects that appear in the picture. When someone has found the
object, they share with the class where it is, but they are not allowed to touch the picture or point to the
object. They must use prepositions to describe its position in relation to the other objects on the page.
You can also play this game in reverse. Have one student give clues to a certain object in the
picture. Their classmates must then guess which object they’re describing, based on the clues. The
person who first identifies their classmate’s object gets to describe the next one for the class.

You can have a lot of fun in the classroom when teaching prepositions, especially if you use these hands-
on activities. It will benefit your students in many ways, plus you’ll have a more memorable and creative
classroom as well as happier students.

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