Stress Concentration Due To Elliptic Holes

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Stress Concentration Due To Elliptic Holes


An elastic plate with an elliptic hole in its center is subjected to uniform longitudinal
tensile stress σ0 at one end and clamped at the other end . Perform the
FEM stress analysis of the 2-D elastic plate and calculate the maximum longitudinal
stress σmax in the plate to obtain the stress concentration factor α=σmax/σ0. Observe
the variation of the longitudinal stress distribution in the ligament between the foot
of the hole and the edge of the plate.


Plate geometry: l =400 mm, height h=100 mm, thickness b=10 mm.
Material: mild steel having Young’s modulus E =210 GPa and Poisson’s ratio ν=0.3.
Elliptic hole: An elliptic hole has a minor radius of 5mmin the longitudinal direction
and a major radius of 10mm in the transversal direction.
Boundary conditions: The elastic plate is subjected to a uniform tensile stress of
σ0 =10 Mpa in the longitudinal direction at the right end and clamped to a rigid wall
at the left end.

Step: 1 Creation Of An Analytical Model

ANSYS Main Menu → Preprocessor → Modeling → Create → Areas → Rectangle →

By 2 Corners

(1) Input two 0’s into the WPX and WPY boxes in the Rectangle by 2 Corners window
to determine the lower left corner point of the elastic plate on the Cartesian
Co-ordinates of the working plane.
(2) Input 200 and 50 (mm) into the Width and Height boxes, respectively, to
Determine the shape of the quarter elastic plate model.
(3) Click the OK button to create the quarter elastic plate on the ANSYS Graphics
ANSYS Main Menu → Preprocessor → Modeling → Create → Areas → Circle →

Step: 2 Creating Solid Circle

ANSYS Main Menu → Preprocessor → Modeling → Operate → Scale → Areas

Step: 3 Scale Areas

ANSYS Utility Menu → Plot → Replot
ANSYS Main Menu → Preprocessor → Modeling → Operate → Booleans →
Subtract → Areas

Step: 4 Input Of The Elastic Properties Of The Plate Material

ANSYS Main Menu → Preprocessor → Material Props → Material Models

Step: 5 Finite-Element Discretization Of The Quarter Plate Area

ANSYS Main Menu → Preprocessor → Element Type → Add/Edit/Delete

Step: 6 Input of the element thickness

ANSYS Main Menu → Preprocessor → Real Constants → Add/Edit/Delete

Step: 7 Sizing of the elements

ANSYS Main Menu → Preprocessor → Meshing → Size Controls → Manual Size →
Global → Size

Step: 8 Meshing
ANSYS Main Menu → Preprocessor → Meshing → Mesh → Areas → Free

Step: 9 Input Of Boundary Conditions

ANSYS Main Menu → Solution → Define Loads → Apply → Structural →
Displacement → On Lines
Step: 10 Application of ANSYS to stress analysis
ANSYS Main Menu → Solution → Define Loads → Apply → Structural →
Pressure → On Lines

Step: 11 Solutions
ANSYS Main Menu → Solution → Solve → Current LS

Step: 12 Contour Plot Of Stress

ANSYS Main Menu → General Postproc → Plot Results → Contour Plot → Nodal

Step: 13 observation of the variation of the longitudinal stress

Distribution in the ligament region
ANSYS Utility Menu → Plot Controls → Symbol


The elliptical hole is placed in an infinite body and subjected to a remote uniform
stress of σ0, the maximum stress σmax occurs at the foot of the hole, i.e., Point B in
Applied stress on the right end side of the plate and resultant reaction force and longitudinal
stress in its ligament region.
4. Two-dimensional contact stress
An elastic cylinder of mild steel with a radius of R pressed against a flat surface of a
Linearly elastic medium of the same material by a force P’ . Perform an FEM analysis
of the elastic cylinder pressed against the elastic flat plate . Calculate the resulting contact
stress in the vicinity of the contact point in the flat


Geometry of the cylinder: radius R=1000 mm.

Geometry of the flat plate: width W =1000 mm, height h=500 mm.
Material: mild steel having Young’s modulus E =210 GPa and Poisson’s ratio ν=0.3.
Boundary conditions: The elastic cylinder is pressed against the elastic flat plate
by a force of P’=1 kN/mm and the plate is clamped at the bottom. Note that the
cylinder and the plate is considered to have an unit thickness in the case of plane
stress condition.


Creation of an elastic flat plate

ANSYS Main Menu → Preprocessor → Modeling → Create → Areas →

Rectangle → by 2 Corners

(1) Input two 0’s into the WP X and WP Y boxes in the Rectangle by 2 Corners
window to determine the upper left corner point of the elastic flat plate on the
Cartesian coordinates of the working plane.
(2) Input 500 and −500 (mm) into the Width and Height boxes, respectively, to
determine the shape of the elastic flat plate model.
(3) Click the OK button to create the plate on the ANSYS Graphics window.

Step: 2 Creation of an elastic cylinder

ANSYS Main Menu → Preprocessor → Modeling → Create → Areas →
Circle → Partial Annulus

Step: 3 Combining the elastic cylinder and the flat plate models
ANSYS Main Menu → Preprocessor → Modeling → Operate → Booleans → Glue →

Step: 4 input of the elastic properties of the material for the

cylinder and the flat plate
ANSYS Main Menu → Preprocessor → Material Props → Material Models

Step: 5 finite-element discretization of the cylinder and the

Flat plate areas
Selection of the element types
ANSYS Main Menu → Preprocessor → Element Type → Add/Edit/Delete

Step: 6 Sizing of the elements

ANSYS Main Menu → Preprocessor → Meshing → Size Cntrls → Manual Size →
Lines → Picked Lines

Step: 7 Meshing
ANSYS Main Menu → Preprocessor → Meshing → Mesh → Areas → Free

Step: 8 Creation of target and contact elements

ANSYS Utility Menu → Select → Entities…
ANSYS Utility Menu → Plot → Nodes
ANSYS Main Menu → Preprocessor → Modeling → Create → Elements →
Elem Attributes

ANSYS Main Menu → Preprocessor → Modeling → Create → Elements →

Surf /Contact → Surf to Surf

Step: 9 Imposing constraint conditions on the left sides of the quarter cylinder and the
half flat plate models
ANSYS Main Menu → Solution → Define Loads → Apply → Structural →
Displacement → On Lines

Step: 10 Imposing a uniform pressure on the upper side of the quarter cylinder model
ANSYS Main Menu → Solution → Define Loads → Apply → Structural →
Pressure → On Lines

Step: 11 Solution
ANSYS Main Menu → Solution → Solve → Current LS

Step: 12 Contour Plot Of Stress

ANSYS Main Menu → General Postproc → Plot Results → Contour Plot → Nodal

Elastic cylinder resulting contact stress in the vicinity of the contact point in the flat has been
verified by FEM using ANSYS.
5. Mode analysis of a straight bar

Obtain the lowest three vibration modes and resonant frequencies in the y direction
of the straight steel bar


Thickness of the bar is 0.005 m, width is 0.01 m, and the length is 0.09 materials
of the bar is steel with Young’s modulus, E =206 GPa, and Poisson’s ratio ν=0.3.
Density ρ=7.8×103 kg/m3.
Boundary condition: All freedoms are constrained at the left end.


Step1: Element Type Selection

ANSYS Main Menu → Preprocessor → Element Type → Add/Edit/Delete
Step2: Real Constants For Beam Element
ANSYS Main Menu → Preprocessor → Real Constants → Add/Edit/Delete → Add
Step3: Material Properties
ANSYS Main Menu → Preprocessor → Material Props → Material Models

Step4: Create Key points

ANSYS Main Menu → Preprocessor → modeling → Create Key point’s →
In Active CS
Step5: Create A Line For Beam Element
ANSYS main menu → preprocessor → modeling → create → lines → lines →
Straight line
Step6: Create Mesh in A Line
ANSYS main menu → preprocessor → meshing → size controls → manual
Size → lines → all lines
Step7: Mode analysis
ANSYS Main Menu → Preprocessor → Meshing → Mesh → Lines
Step8: Boundary Conditions
ANSYS Main Menu → Solution → Define Loads → Apply → Structural →
Displacement → On Nodes.
Step9: Execution of the analysis
ANSYS Main Menu → Solution → Analysis Type → New Analysis
ANSYS Main Menu → Solution → Analysis Type → Analysis Options
ANSYS Main Menu → Solution → Solve → Current LS
Step10: Calculated Results
ANSYS Main Menu → General Post proc → Read Results → First Set
Step11: Plot The Calculated Results
ANSYS Main Menu → General Post proc → Plot Results → Deformed Shape
ANSYS Main Menu → General Post proc → Read Results → Next Set
Step13: Plot The Calculated Results, Read the calculated results of the second and third
Modes of vibration
ANSYS Main Menu → General Post proc → Plot Results → Deformed Shape
Step14: read the calculated results of the second and third Modes of vibration
ANSYS Main Menu → General Post proc → Read Results → Next Set


The lowest three vibration modes and frequencies obtained from y- directional straight bar by
Finite Element method in ANSYS.
6. one-axis precision Moving table using elastic hinges

A one-axis table using elastic hinges has been often used in various precision equipment
And the position of a table is usually controlled at nanometer-order accuracy
using a piezoelectric actuator or a voice coil motor.

• Material: Steel, thickness of the table: 5mm
• Young’s modulus, E =206 GPa, Poisson’s ratio ν=0.3
• Density ρ=7.8×103 kg/m3
• Boundary condition: All freedoms are constrained at the bottom of the table and
the region A indicated in Figure 4.77, where a piezoelectric actuator is glued.

Mode analysis of a one-axis precision moving table using elastic hinges


Step1: Select Element Type

ANSYS Main Menu → Preprocessor → Element Type → Add/Edit/Delete

Step2: Material Properties

ANSYS Main Menu → Preprocessor → Material Props → Material Models
Step3: Create Key points
ANSYS Main Menu → Preprocessor → Modeling → Create → Key points → In Active CS

Step4: Create Areas For The Table

ANSYS Main Menu → Preprocessor → Modeling → Create → Arbitrary →
Through KPs

ANSYS Main Menu → Preprocessor → Modeling → Operate → Booleans →

Subtract → Areas

ANSYS Main Menu → Preprocessor → Modeling → Create → Arbitrary →

Through KPs

ANSYS Main Menu → Preprocessor → Modeling → Operate → Booleans →

Add → Areas

ANSYS Main Menu → Preprocessor → Modeling → Create → Areas → Circle →

Solid Circle

ANSYS Main Menu → Preprocessor → Modeling → Operate → Booleans →

Subtract → Areas

Step5: Create Mesh In Areas

ANSYS Main Menu → Preprocessor → Meshing → Mesh Tool

ANSYS Main Menu → Preprocessor → Modeling → Operate → Extrude →

Elem Ext Opts

ANSYS Main Menu → Preprocessor → Modeling → Areas → By XYZ Offset

Step6: Boundary Conditions

ANSYS Main Menu → Solution → Define Loads → Apply → Structural →
Displacement → On Areas

ANSYS Main Menu → Solution → Analysis Type → Analysis Options

Step7: Execute Calculation

ANSYS Main Menu → Solution → Solve → Current LS

Step8: Read the calculated results of the first mode of

ANSYS Main Menu → General Postproc → Read Results → First Set

Step9: Plot The Calculated Results

ANSYS Main Menu → General Post proc → Plot Results → Deformed Shape

Step10: Read the calculated results of the second and

Third modes of vibration
ANSYS Main Menu → General Post proc → Read Results → Next Set

Step11: Animate The Vibration Mode Shape

Utility Menu → Plot Controls → Animate → Mode Shape


Mode analysis of a one-axis precision moving table using elastic hinges Has been verified by
using ANSYS.
7. Heat transfer through two walls

A furnace with dimensions of its cross-section specified & constructed
by two materials. Determine The Temperature Distribution Within The Concrete And Brick
Walls Under Steady- State conditions. Also need to find flux through wall.


The inner wall is made of concrete with a thermal conductivity,

kc =0.01W/mK. The outer wall is constructed from bricks with a thermal
Conductivity, kb =0.0057W/mK. The temperature within the furnace is 673 K and
The convection heat transfer coefficient k1 =0.208W/m2 K. The outside wall of the
Furnace is exposed to the surrounding air, which is at 253 K and the corresponding
Convection heat transfer coefficient, k2 =0.068W/m2 K
This is a two-dimensional (2D) problem and will be modeled using graphical user
interface (GUI) facilities.

Step1: Construction of the model

ANSYS Main Menu select Preprocessor → Element Type → Add/Edit/

ANSYS Main Menu select Preprocessor → Material Props → Material


Step2: Application of ANSYS to thermo mechanics

ANSYS Utility Menu select → Plot Ctrls → Numbering and check the box area numbers.
From ANSYS Main Menu select Preprocessor → Modeling → Create →
Areas → Rectangle → By Dimensions.

Step3: Create Rectangle by Dimensions

ANSYS Main Menu select Preprocessor → Modelling → Create → Areas → Rectangle →
By Dimensions.

ANSYS Main Menu select Preprocessor → Modelling → Create →

Areas → Rectangle → By Dimensions

ANSYS Main Menu select Preprocessor → Modelling → Operate → Booleans → Subtract →


ANSYS Main Menu select Preprocessor → Meshing → Size Cntrls →

Manual Size → Global → Size

ANSYS Main Menu select Preprocessor →

Modelling → Operate → Boolean → Glue → Areas

ANSYS Main Menu select Preprocessor → Meshing → Mesh

Attributes → Picked Areas.

ANSYS Main Menu select

Preprocessor → Meshing → Mesh → Areas → Free

Step4: Solution
Before a solution can be run boundary conditions have to be applied. From ANSYS
Main Menu select Solution → Define Loads → Apply → Thermal → Convection → On Lines.

[A] Film coefficient= 0.208W/m2 K and [B] Bulk temperature=673 K, as specified for the
concrete wall in the problem formulation.
Again from ANSYS Main Menu select Solution → Define Loads → Apply →
Thermal → Convection → On Lines.

Applied convective boundary conditions.

To solve the problem select from ANSYS Main Menu, Solution → Solve → Current

Step5: Post processing

ANSYS Main Menu select General Postproc → Plot Results → Contour
Plot → Nodal Solu.

Step6:Contour Nodal Solution Data.

General Postproc → Plot Results → Vector Plot → Predefined.
ANSYS Main Menu select General Postproc → Path Operations → Plot
Path Item → On Graph.

The temperature distribution within in the brick and concrete wall & Heat flux through both
walls have found by using ANSYS.
8. Heat dissipation through ribbed surface

To determine the Distribution of thermal flux vectors at the intersection between the tank and
the pipe.

The bottom surface of the fin is exposed to a constant heat flux of q=1000 W/m.
Air flows over the developed surface keeping the surrounding temperature at
293 K. Heat transfer coefficient between the fin and the surrounding atmosphere
is h=40W/m2 K.

Step1: Construction of the model

ANSYS Main Menu select Preprocessor → Element Type → Add/Edit/Delete.

Step2: Library of Element Types

ANSYS Main Menu select Preprocessor → Material Props → Material Models.

ANSYS Utility Menu select Plot Controls → Numbering

Step2: Rectangle with specified dimensions.

ANSYS Main Menu
select Preprocessor → Modelling → Operate → Booleans → Subtract → Areas.

Step3: Application of ANSYS to thermo mechanics

ANSYS Main Menu select Preprocessor → Modelling → Create → Areas →
Rectangle → By Dimensions.

ANSYS Main Menu select Preprocessor → Modelling → Operate → Booleans → Subtract →


Step 4: Image of the fin after some areas were subtracted.

ANSYS Main Menu select Preprocessor → Modelling → Operate → Booleans →
Subtract → Areas.
ANSYS Main Menu select Preprocessor → Modelling → Operate → Extrude → Areas →
Along Normal

Step5: Three-dimensional (isometric) view of the fin.

ANSYS Main Menu select Preprocessor → Meshing → Mesh

ANSYS Main Menu → select Preprocessor → Meshing → Mesh → Volumes → Free.

Step6: Solution

ANSYS Main Menu select Solution → Define Loads → Apply →

Thermal → Convection → On Areas.

ANSYS Main Menu select Solution → Define Loads → Apply → Thermal →

Heat Flux → On Areas.

ANSYS Main Menu select Solution → Solve → Current LS.

Post processing

ANSYS Main Menu select General Postproc → Plot Results → Contour

Plot → Nodal Solution.

ANSYS Main Menu select General Postproc → Path Operations → Define

Path → On Working Plane.

ANSYS Main Menu select General Post proc → Path Operations → Map
onto Path.

ANSYS Main Menu select General Post proc → Path Operations → Plot Path Item
→ On Graph.


The temperature distribution within the developed surface has been calculated by using ANSYS.
9. Concave contact between cylinder and two blocks

Aim: To Configure the contact between cylinder and two blocks.


Configuration of the contact between cylinder and two blocks is shown in Figure 7.49.
This is a typical contact problem, which in engineering applications is represented
by a cylindrical rolling contact bearing. Also, the characteristic feature of the contact
is that, nominally, surface contact takes place between elements. In reality, this is never
the case due to surface roughness and unavoidable machining errors and dimensional
tolerance. There is no geometrical interference when the cylinder and two blocks are
This is a 3D analysis and advantage could be taken of the inherent symmetry of
the model. Therefore, the analysis will be carried out on a half-symmetry model only.
The objective of the analysis is to observe the stresses in the cylinder when the initial
gap between two blocks is decreased by 0.05 cm.
The dimensions of the model are as follows: cylinder radius=0.5 cm;
cylinder length=1 cm; block length=2 cm; block width=1 cm; and block
thickness=0.75 cm. Both blocks are geometrically identical. All elements are made of
steel with Young’s modulus=2.1×109 N/m2, Poisson’s ratio=0.3 and are assumed
elastic. Friction coefficient at the interface between cylinder and the block is 0.2


Step1: Model Construction

Utility Menu → Plot Ctrls → Numbering and checking appropriate box to activate VOLU

ANSYS Main Menu select, Preprocessor → Modelling → Create → Volumes →

Block → By Dimensions

ANSYS Main Menu select Preprocessor → Modelling → Create → Volumes → Cylinder →

By Dimensions

Step2: A half-symmetry model

ANSYS Main Menu select Preprocessor → Modelling → Operate → Booleans → Overlap →


ANSYS Main Menu select Modelling → Delete → Volume and Below

Step3: Block with a cylindrical cut-out.

ANSYS Main Menu select Preprocessor → Modelling → Create → Volumes → Cylinder → By


Step4: Create Cylinder by Dimensions.

ANSYS Main Menu select Modelling → Move/Modify → Volumes

Step5: Material Properties

ANSYS Main Menu select Preprocessor → Material Props → Material Models

Structural → Linear → Elastic → Isotropic.

Step6: Meshing

ANSYS Main Menu select Preprocessor → Meshing → Mesh Tool.

Step7: Creation Of Contact Pair
ANSYS Main Menu select Preprocessor → Modelling → Create → Contact

Step8: Solution

ANSYS Main Menu select Solution → Define Loads → Apply → Structural → Displacement →
Symmetry BC → On Areas.

Step9: Post Processing

Utility Menu select PlotCtrls → Style → Symmetry Expansion → Periodic/Cyclic Symmetry

ANSYS Main Menu select General Post proc → Plot Results → Contour Plot → Nodal Solution


The concave contact between cylinder and two blocks has been done by using ANSYS.
10. Non-Linear Analysis of a Cantilever Beam
Aim: To Analyze A Non-Linear Cantilever Beam


Keypoint Coordinates (x,y)

1 (0,0)
2 (5,0)
i. Cross-sectional area: 0.03125
ii. Area Moment of Inertia IZZ: 4.069e-5
iii. Total beam height: 0.125
This defines an element with a solid rectangular cross section 0.25 x 0.125 inches


Step1. Give example a Title

Utility Menu → File → Change Title .

Step2. Create Key points

Preprocessor → Modeling → Create → Key points → In Active CS

Step3. Define Lines

Preprocessor → Modeling → Create → Lines → Lines → Straight Line
Create a line between Key point 1 and Key point 2.

Step 4. Define Element Types

Preprocessor → Element Type → Add/Edit/Delete...
Step 5. Define Real Constants
Preprocessor → Real Constants... → Add.

Step 6. Define Element Material Properties

Preprocessor → Material Props → Material Models → Structural → Linear → Elastic → Isotropic

Step 7. Define Mesh Size

Preprocessor → Meshing → Size Controls → Manual Size → Lines → All Lines...

Step 8. Mesh the frame

Preprocessor → Meshing → Mesh → Lines → click 'Pick All'
mesh all

Step 9: Solution Assigning Loads and Solving

Define Analysis Type : Solution → New Analysis → Static

Step 10. Set Solution Controls

Select Solution → Analysis Type → Sol'n Control

Step 11. Set Solution Controls

Select Solution → Analysis Type → Sol'n Control

Step 12. Apply Constraints

Solution → Define Loads → Apply → Structural → Displacement → On Key points

Step 13. Apply Loads

Solution → Define Loads → Apply → Structural → Force/Moment → On Key points


The Non-Linear Cantilever Beam has been analyzed by using ANSYS

11. Buckling
To analyze a steel beam in buckling load condition by using ANSYS


This tutorial will use a steel beam with a 10 mm X 10 mm cross section, rigidly constrained at
the bottom. The required load to cause buckling, applied at the top-center of the beam, will be

Eigenvalue Buckling Analysis

Key points Coordinates (x,y)

1 (0,0)
2 (0,100)

Step1. Open preprocessor menu


Step 2. Give example a Title

Utility Menu → File → Change Title Eigen-Value Buckling Analysis

Step 3. Define Key points

Preprocessor → modeling → Create → Key points → In Active CS

Step 4. Create Lines

Preprocessor → Modeling → Create → Lines → Lines → In Active Cord

Step 5. Define the Type of Element

Preprocessor → Element Type → Add/Edit/Delete...

Step 6. Define Real Constants

Preprocessor → Real Constants... → Add...

Step 7. Define Element Material Properties

Preprocessor → Material Props → Material Models → Structural → Linear → Elastic → Isotropic

Step 8. Define Mesh Size

Preprocessor → Meshing → Size controls → Manual Size → Lines → All Lines...

Step 9. Mesh the frame

Preprocessor → meshing → Mesh → Lines → click 'Pick All'

Step 11. Define Analysis Type

Solution → Analysis Type → New Analysis → Static

Step 12. Activate pressures effects

Solution → Analysis Type → Analysis Options

Step 13. Apply Constraints

Solution → Define Loads → Apply → Structural → Displacement → On Key points

Step 14. Apply Loads

Solution → Define Loads → Apply → Structural → Force/Moment → On Key points
Step 15. Solve the System
Solution → Solve → Current LS SOLVE

Step16. Specify Buckling Analysis Options

􀁻 Select Solution → Analysis Type → Analysis Options

Step 17 Displays the Mode Shape

General Postproc → Read Results → Last Set
General Postproc → Plot Results → Deformed Shape


The steel beam has been analyzed at buckling load conditions by using ANSYS.

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