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[G.R. No. 180218. December 18, 2009.]


RESOURCES CORPORATION, represented by Carlos Chua and THE


ABAD , J : p

This case is about the probative weight of a Land Classi cation (LC) Map which
the Republic of the Philippines (Republic) presented to prove that the land was not
alienable and disposable at the time it was adjudicated to the original owner.
The Facts and the Case
Eighty-seven years ago on October 14, 1922 the Court of First Instance of Davao,
sitting as cadastral court, adjudicated Lot 544 of Cad-102 in Davao City, consisting of
260,818 square meters, in favor of Antonio Matute. Three years later, or on December
15, 1925 the Register of Deeds issued Original Certi cate of Title (OCT) 493 to him by
virtue of Decree 195328. Since then, several transfer certi cates of title (TCTs) derived
from OCT 493 were issued, including TCT 44671, covering Lot 1 of Pcs-16678, with an
area of 36,485 sq m and TCT 44675, covering Lot 5 also of Pcs-16678 with an area of
33,415 sq m, both in the name of respondent Development Resources Corporation
(DRC). 1
On April 5, 1993 petitioner Republic, acting through the O ce of the Solicitor
General, led a complaint before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Davao City 2 for
cancellation of TCT 44671 and TCT 44675 and for the reversion of Lots 1 and 5 of Pcs-
16678 to the public domain. The Republic claimed that no valid title vested in 1922 on
Antonio Matute, respondent DRC's predecessor, because all of Lot 544 from which the
two lots came was still a public forest and inalienable on October 14, 1922. 3 The
Republic asserted that only on August 6, 1923 was Lot 544 declared alienable based on
LC Map 47. 4 The Republic presented a certi cation to this effect from the Department
of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). 5 DRC, on the other hand, contended
that its two lots could no longer be reverted to the public domain because they are now
private properties held by purchasers in good faith. 6 TaEIcS

On October 25, 2001 the RTC dismissed the complaint, holding that the Republic
failed to prove that the subject lots were still part of the public domain when the same
were adjudicated to Antonio Matute. 7 The RTC ruled that LC Map 47 has no probative
value because: (1) the copy presented in court was a reproduction and not the original
or certi ed copy; and (2) it does not show that the land was declared alienable and
disposable only as of August 6, 1923; rather that it was certified on that date. 8
On appeal, the Court of Appeals a rmed the decision of the trial court, 9 holding
that there is nothing in LC Map 47 which states that prior to August 6, 1923, Lot 544
was not yet alienable and disposable and not open to private ownership, 1 0 hence, this
recourse by the Republic.
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Question Presented
The only question the petition presents is whether or not respondent DRC's titles
over Lots 1 and 5 of Pcs-16678 of the Davao Cadastre can be cancelled, having been
supposedly issued when, based on LC Map 47, these lots were still inalienable lands of
the public domain.
The Court's Ruling
Since a complaint for reversion can upset the stability of registered titles through
the cancellation of the original title and the others that emanate from it, the State bears
a heavy burden of proving the ground for its action. 1 1 Here, the Republic fails to
discharge such burden. For one, it failed to present the original or a certi ed true copy
of LC Map 47 but only its electronic reproduction, 1 2 which has no probative value. 1 3
The Court held in SAAD Agro-Industries, Inc. v. Republic of the Philippines 1 4 that
a mere photocopy of an LC Map is not a competent evidence of the existence of such
map. While evidence is admissible when the original of a document is in the custody of
a public o cer or is recorded in a public o ce, as in this case, there is a need to
present a certi ed copy of it issued by the public o cer having custody of the
document to prove its contents.
The Republic of course claims that its version of LC Map 47 should be regarded
as the original itself because it was the o cial copy of the region furnished by the
National Mapping and Resources Inventory Authority where the original is kept. 1 5 But,
as admitted by Crisanto Galo, the Land Evaluation Coordinator for DENR Region XI, the
copy they presented was neither marked nor certi ed as a reproduction of the original.
1 6 Hence, it cannot be considered as an official copy, more so an original copy.

For another, the courts below correctly held that LC Map 47 does not state on its
face that Lot 544 became alienable and disposable only on the date appearing on that
Map, namely, on August 6, 1923, about 10 months after Lots 1 and 5 of Pcs-16678 of
the Davao Cadastre were adjudicated to Antonio Matute. The DENR certi cation 1 7 has
no additional value since it was just based on the same map.
In Sta. Monica Industrial and Development Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 1 8 the
Republic offered in evidence LC Map 2427 to prove that at the time the land was
decreed to the original owner, it had not yet been released and still fell within the forest
zone. The Court did not, however, give credence to the map because it did not
conclusively state the actual classi cation of the land at the time it was adjudicated to
the original owner. It does not help the Republic's case that the subject lots were part
of a cadastral survey initiated by the Government to encourage titling of the lands in
Davao by those in legitimate possession. IcDESA

The courts below, therefore, correctly dismissed the subject reversion suit for
failure of the Republic to discharge its evidential burden.
WHEREFORE , the petition is DENIED for lack of merit.
Carpio, Leonardo-de Castro, Brion and Del Castillo, JJ., concur.


1. These lots are occupied by the members of the San Juan Villagers Association who filed
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with the DENR a petition praying for the reversion of said parcels of land to the public
2. Branch 11.

3. Docketed as Civil Case No. 21967-93, records, p. 1.

4. Rollo, p. 53.
5. Id. at 54.
6. Answer with Counterclaim, records, 274.

7. Penned by Judge Wenceslao E. Ibabao, rollo, p. 56.

8. Id. at 74-77.
9. Penned by Associate Justice Edgardo A. Camello and concurred in by Associate Justices
Jane Aurora C. Lantion and Elihu A. Ybañez, id. at 25.

10. Id. at 38.

11. SAAD Agro-Industries, Inc. v. Republic of the Philippines, G.R. No. 152570, September
27, 2006, 503 SCRA 522, 528-529.

12. Rollo, p. 75.

13. Republic of the Philippines v. Regional Trial Court, Branch 18, G.R. No. 172931, June 18,
14. Supra note 11, at 531.
15. Rollo, p. 118.
16. TSN, October 14, 1998, pp. 412-413.

17. "This is to certify that a tract of land containing an area of about 26,0818 [sic] sq.
meters, more or less, located at Lanang, Davao City as surveyed for Mr. Federico
Malubay, the back thereof is verified and found to be within Project No. 1, Alienable or
Disposable, certified on August 6, 1923 per LC Map No. 47." (Rollo, p. 54)

18. G.R. No. 83290, September 21, 1990, 189 SCRA 792, 800.

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