Pestel Analysis For Uber

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Using this report as a starting point, prepare a brief PESTLE analysis of the Ivory Coast
from the perspective of Uber. What do you conclude from the PESTLE analysis? [12]

- Politics:
 Unstable: After more than a decade as allies, two of Ivory Coast’s largest political
parties face off in local elections on Saturday after an acrimonious divorce.
(Reuters, 2018)
- Economic: Ivory Coast has one of the fastest growing economies in the world, according
to the International Monetary Fund.
 For the seventh consecutive year, economic growth in Côte d’Ivoire was projected
to exceed 7% and reach 7.4% in 2018. The country, therefore, continues to have
one of the most dynamic economies in the world, boasting the highest growth rates
in the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU), despite a slight drop
of 0.3% in relation to its performance in 2017 (7.7%).
 “There are approximately 10 million trips taken every day in Abidjan and each
household spends close to CFAF 1075 (about US$1.80) and loses over three
hours a day in commuting time. That is equivalent to nearly 5% of the national GDP
in 2017. However, a 20% improvement in urban mobility in Abidjan could generate
gains of almost 1% of annual GDP growth”, explains Anne Cecile Souhaid, Senior
Transport Specialist.
 As such, the economic picture is quite optimistic and favorable for Uber in
developing transportation services, especially from the fact that there is a lack of
efficient mass transport systems in sub-Saharan Africa.
- Social:
 Population: In 2019, Ivory Coast has an estimated population of 25.72 million,
which ranks 53rd in the world
 Age Distribution: More than 30% of the population in Ivory Coast are in the age of
prime working (25 to 54) (Population Pyramid, 2019), which is an advantage point
for Uber because people in this range of ages are ready to try new and more
convenient facilities, which can help them boost their productivity in workplace.
- Technological:
 One of the most common way to advertise new products and services is by social
media. Uber knows it and has done it well in many countries. Uber encourages
customers to share their experiences and post it on social media to get promotion
 Sub-Saharan Africa countries currently had low levels of car ownership and they
still lack a mass transport system, therefore, this is a opportunity for Uber to take
the lead.
- Environmental:
 Uber will help Ivory Coast reduce a huge amount of traffic congestion and fuel
usage as it has done in many countries. The result is the reduction in emissions of
environmental pollution.
- Legal:
 Uber has faced legal controversy over the years, so Uber needs to have a specific
plan to enter an unstable political country. Vinasun, one of the dominant players in
taxi transport in southern Vietnam, initiated a lawsuit against Uber on accusations
of unfair business practices (, 2017). To be more specific, based on the
trade law of Vietnam and government's Decree 37 issued in 2006, the duration of
total promotional deals in a year must not exceed 90 days and each promotion
program should not last beyond 40 days. In this case, Uber, in their first year
operating in Vietnam, has maintained their promotion program during the year,
customers only need to pay a half compared to traditional taxi or even do not have
to pay at all (in case the routes were short enough).

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