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Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................5

1.1 MANGLA DAM PROJECT: ...........................................................................................................................................9

1.2 POWER STATION MANGLA: .....................................................................................................................................12

1.3 MAIN FUNCTION: ....................................................................................................................................................14

1.3.1 Water control & store: ..................................................................................................................................14

1.3.2 Generation: ...................................................................................................................................................14

1.3.3 Switching: .....................................................................................................................................................14

1.3.4 Transmission & distribution: ........................................................................................................................14

HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE ............................................................................................................................................15

2.1 RESERVOIR: ................................................................................................................................................................15

2.2 DAM:..........................................................................................................................................................................17

2.3 SCREEN: .....................................................................................................................................................................17

2.4 INTAKE: .....................................................................................................................................................................18

2.5 PENSTOCK: .................................................................................................................................................................19

2.6 GUIDE OR STAY VANES: .............................................................................................................................................19

2.7 SPIRAL CASING:..........................................................................................................................................................19

2.8 DRAFT-TUBE: ............................................................................................................................................................20

2.9 IRRIGATION VALVE: ...................................................................................................................................................21

2.10 SPILLWAY: ...............................................................................................................................................................21

PRIME MOVER.................................................................................................................................................................24

3.1 TURBINE: ...................................................................................................................................................................24

ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENTS ........................................................................................................................................27

4.1 GENERATOR: ...........................................................................................................................................................27

4.1.1 Main generator: ................................................................................................................................................27

4.1.2 Exciter Generator: ............................................................................................................................................37

4.1.3 PMG (Permanent Magnet Generator): .............................................................................................................38

4.1.4 HTD (Hitachi tune Dynamo): ...........................................................................................................................39

4.2 TRANSFORMER:..........................................................................................................................................................39
4.2.1 Power Transformer: ..........................................................................................................................................39

4.2.2 Interconnector Transformer: .............................................................................................................................45

4.2.3 Station Transformer: .........................................................................................................................................47

4.2.4 Excitation Transformer: ....................................................................................................................................48

4.2.5 Auxiliary Transformer: .....................................................................................................................................49

4.3 MOTOR: .....................................................................................................................................................................50

4.3.1 Servo Motor: .....................................................................................................................................................50

4.3.2 Induction Motor: ...............................................................................................................................................51

CONTROL & SWITCHING .............................................................................................................................................52

5.1 D.C CONTROL SYSTEM: .........................................................................................................................................52

5.1.1 D.C Battery system: ..........................................................................................................................................52

5.1.2 230V System: .....................................................................................................................................................52

5.1.3 110V System ......................................................................................................................................................53

5.1.4 50V System ........................................................................................................................................................53

5.2 SWITCHYARD: ............................................................................................................................................................54

5.2.1 Features of Switchyard: ....................................................................................................................................55

5.3 FUSES:.....................................................................................................................................................................57

5.4 EARTH SWITCH: ......................................................................................................................................................58

5.5 ISOLATOR:...............................................................................................................................................................59

5.6 SURGE ARRESTER: .....................................................................................................................................................60

5.7 SF6 GAS CIRCUIT BREAKER: .....................................................................................................................................60

5.8 AIR BLAST CIRCUIT BREAKER: ...............................................................................................................................61

5.9 OUTGOING TRANSMISSION LINE: ................................................................................................................................62

P&I (PROTECTION & INSTRUMENTATION) ...........................................................................................................64

6.1 CURRENT TRANSFORMERS: .....................................................................................................................................64

6.2 POTENTIAL TRANSFORMERS: ..................................................................................................................................65

6.3 CAPACITOR COUPLED VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER (CCVT): .....................................................................................66

6.4 RTD (RESISTANCE TEMPTER DETECTORS): ...............................................................................................................67

6.5 RELAYS: ...............................................................................................................................................................67

6.5.1 Latching relay: ..................................................................................................................................................68

6.5.2 Buchholz relay: .................................................................................................................................................69

6.5.3 Overload protection relay: ................................................................................................................................70

6.5.4 Differential Relays: ...........................................................................................................................................71

6.5.5 Distance relay: ..................................................................................................................................................72

6.5.6 Directional Relay: .............................................................................................................................................73

6.5.7 Over current Relay:...........................................................................................................................................73

6.5.8 Split Phase relay: ..............................................................................................................................................74

6.5.9 Asymmetrical Relay: .........................................................................................................................................75

6.5.10 Under frequency relay: ...................................................................................................................................75

POWER HOUSE ELEVATION: ......................................................................................................................................76

7.1 GROUND LEVEL (865.5 FT SPD): ............................................................................................................................77

7.2 MACHINE HALL (852 FT SPD) ................................................................................................................................77

7.3 COOLING WATER GALLERY (842 FTSPD): ..............................................................................................................77

7.4 COMPRESSOR AREA (837 FT SPD): .........................................................................................................................77

7.5 827 FT SPD: ...........................................................................................................................................................78

7.6 810 FT SPD ............................................................................................................................................................78

7.7 900 FT SPD ............................................................................................................................................................78

7.8 ELEVATION LEVEL (SPILLWAY) ..............................................................................................................................78

7.9 ELEVATION LEVEL (INTAKE) ...................................................................................................................................79

SCHEDULE OF TRAINING ............................................................................................................................................80

9.1 TECHNICAL SKILLS ACQUIRED: ...............................................................................................................................81

9.2 INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS:............................................................................................................81

9.3 TEAM PLAYING SKILLS: ..........................................................................................................................................81

9.4 LEADERSHIP SKILLS: ..................................................................................................................................................82

9.5 WORK ETHICS RELATED ISSUE: .................................................................................................................................82

9.6 ENTREPRENEURSHIP SKILLS: .....................................................................................................................................82

CONCLUSION: ..................................................................................................................................................................83

ABBREVIATIONS .............................................................................................................................................................84

REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................................................85

List of Figures

Figure 1: Biographical Location of Mangla Dam ................................................................................... 9

Figure 2: Mangla dam project background ........................................................................................... 10

Figure 3: Jhelum River.......................................................................................................................... 10

Figure 4: Mangla Reservoir .................................................................................................................. 11

Figure 5: Power Station Internal ........................................................................................................... 13

Figure 6: reservoir ................................................................................................................................. 16

Figure 7: dam ........................................................................................................................................ 17

Figure 8: Intake screen .......................................................................................................................... 18

Figure 9: Spiral causing ........................................................................................................................ 20

Figure 10: Draft Tube ........................................................................................................................... 20

Figure 11: Irrigation valve .................................................................................................................... 21

Figure 12: Spillway ............................................................................................................................... 22

Figure 13: Francis vertical shaft turbine ............................................................................................... 24

Figure 14: Generator internal EMF inducing........................................................................................ 27

Figure 15: Generator internal EMF inducing........................................................................................ 28

Figure 16: Generator internal EMF inducing........................................................................................ 29

Figure 17: Generator internal EMF inducing........................................................................................ 29

Figure 18: Simple Generator ................................................................................................................. 30

Figure 19: 3 phase power phase angle .................................................................................................. 31

Figure 20: Generator stator ................................................................................................................... 32

Figure 21: Generator rotor .................................................................................................................... 33

Figure 22: Governor Cabinet internal ................................................................................................... 34

Figure 23: AVR (Automatic voltage regulator) .................................................................................... 36

Figure 24: Exciter Generator internal ................................................................................................... 37

Figure 25: PMG (permanent magnet generator) ................................................................................... 38

Figure 26: HTD (Hitachi tune dynamo)................................................................................................ 39

Figure 27: Step up power transfer ......................................................................................................... 43

Figure 28: Interconnector transformer .................................................................................................. 46

Figure 29: Excitation transformer ......................................................................................................... 49

Figure 30: Switch yard .......................................................................................................................... 57

Figure 31: Fuse ..................................................................................................................................... 58

Figure 32: Earth switch ......................................................................................................................... 58

Figure 33: Isolator switch ..................................................................................................................... 59

Figure 34: Surge Arrester...................................................................................................................... 60

Figure 35: SF6 Circuit breaker ............................................................................................................. 61

Figure 36: Air Blast Circuit Breaker ..................................................................................................... 62

Figure 37: Current Transformers .......................................................................................................... 64

Figure 38: (PT) Potential Transformer ................................................................................................. 65

Figure 39: (CCVT) Capacitor Coupled Voltage Transformer .............................................................. 66

Figure 40:( RTD) Resistance Tempter Detectors ................................................................................. 67

Figure 41: Latching Relay .................................................................................................................... 69

Figure 42: Bochholz .Relay .................................................................................................................. 70

Figure 43: Overload protection relay .................................................................................................... 71

Figure 44: Differential Relay ................................................................................................................ 72

Figure 45: Distance Relay ..................................................................................................................... 73

Figure 46: Directional Relay................................................................................................................. 73

Figure 47: Over current relay................................................................................................................ 74

Figure 48: Split phase Relay ................................................................................................................. 75

Figure 49: Asymmetrical relay ............................................................................................................. 75

Figure 50: Under frequency relay ......................................................................................................... 76

Figure 51: 132kv Lines Data sheet ....................................................................................................... 87

Figure 52: 220kv Transmission Lines................................................................................................... 88

Figure 53: Units Data Sheet .................................................................................................................. 89

Figure 54: Water Flow Data Sheet........................................................................................................ 90

Figure 55: Spillway Discharge Flow Data Sheet .................................................................................. 91

Figure 56: Flow Discharge Data Sheet ................................................................................................. 92

List of Tables

Table 1: History of mangla dam project ............................................................................................... 11

Table 2: Commissioning dates of generating units ............................................................................... 12

Table 3: Cost (IN Million rupees .......................................................................................................... 12

Table 4: Reservoir specification ........................................................................................................... 16

Table 5: Screen Specification ............................................................................................................... 18

Table 6: Intake Gates specification ....................................................................................................... 19

Table 7: Irrigation Valve Specification................................................................................................. 21

Table 8: Main Spillway specification ................................................................................................... 22

Table 9: Emergency spillway specification .......................................................................................... 23

Table 10: Turbines Specification .......................................................................................................... 26

Table 11: Main Generator specification ............................................................................................... 36

Table 12: Exciter Generator specification ............................................................................................ 38

Table 13: 132kv step up power transformers specification .................................................................. 44

Table 14: 220kv step up power transformers specification .................................................................. 45

Table 15: Interconnector Transformer .................................................................................................. 47

Table 16: Station transformer specification .......................................................................................... 48

Table 17: Auxiliary transformer specification ...................................................................................... 49

Table 18: 132kv outgoing circuits from mangla power station ............................................................ 63

Table 19: 220kv outgoing circuits from mangla power station ............................................................ 63

Table 20 Training schedule ................................................................................................................... 80

Chapter #01 Introduction

Mangla Dam Project was actually conceived in 1950's as a multipurpose project to be constructed at

a place called Mangla on river Jhelum located about 30 km upstream of Jhelum city (120 km from

Capital Islamabad). The initial investigation and its feasibility studies were completed in 1958. Later

on the project was included in the Indus Basin Project. The construction of Mangla Dam was started

in 1962 and completed in 1967.

Figure 1: Biographical Location of Mangla Dam

1.1 Mangla Dam project:

As a consequence of the partition of Indo-Pakistan Sub –Continent, in1947 India & Pakistan became

two independent sovereign states. The irrigation system which existed at that time was divided

between the two countries without any regards to the irrigation boundaries which resulted in an

international water dispute which was finally resolved by signing of the INDUS WATER TREATY

in 1960 under the aegis of World Bank. The treaty assigned to India the three Eastern Rivers (Ravi ,

Beas & Sutlej) and to Pakistan the three western rivers (Indus, Jhelum & Chenab) and provided for

construction of replacement works which were called Indus Basin Projects for transfer of irrigation

supplies from the western rivers to the areas in Pakistan formerly served by the eastern rivers. The

Works proposed under the treaty were two dams, five barrages, one syphon and eight inter-river link

canals. Mangla Dam on river Jhelum and Tarbela Dam on river Indus were the two dams.

Figure 2: Mangla dam project background

Mangla Dam Project is a multipurpose project designed to conserve & control the flood water of river

Jhelum through significant reduction in flood peaks and volumes at downstream by incidental use of

the available storage space. The other by products are Power Generation to meet the power demand

of the country, Fish culture to provide protein rich diet, Tourism to provide healthy recreation

facilities to the people and Navigation. The Project is located on river Jhelum in District Mirpur of

Azad Kashmir about 106 Kilometer from capital Islamabad.

Figure 3: Jhelum River

The construction of Mangla Dam project was started in 1962 and completed in 1967. The project

consists of two dams (Main Dam &Jari Dam), two dykes (Sukian & Kakra) to contain reservoir, two

Spillways (Main Spillway & Emergency Spillway) for out flow regulations, Intake structure with five

tunnels (each 1600feet long with internal diameters varying between 26 feet & 30 feet), Power

Station (rated capacity of 1000MW with 10 generating units each of 100 MW) and Tailrace canal

(length of 25000 feet with discharge capacity of 49000 cusecs). Mangla Dam Project was inaugurated

on 23rd November, 1967 by the then President of Pakistan Field Marshal Muhammad Ayub Khan.

Figure 4: Mangla Reservoir

Feasibility Report Requested 1952

Feasibility Report Presented May, 1954
Consultant Engineers Appointed Dec, 1957

Report by Consultant Engineers Dec, 1958

Tenders Invited For Civil Works June, 1961
Tenders Received Nov, 1961
Contractors Appointed Jan, 1962
Date of Completion June, 1967
Period Years

Table 1: History of mangla dam project

Unit No. DATE
1 03-07-1967
2 14-07-1967
3 07-03-1968
4 17-06-1969
5 29-12-1973
6 11-03-1974
7 25-05-1981
8 22-07-1981
9 24-09-1993
10 06-07-1994

Table 2: Commissioning dates of generating units

Total Cost of the Dam Project including Power Units 1-3

(1967) 3,200
Cost of 4th Power Unit (1969) 43
Cost of Power Units 5 & 6 (1973-74) 120
Cost of Power Units 7 & 8 (1981) 519
Cost of Power Units 9 & 10 (1992) 2,700

Table 3: Cost (IN Million rupees

1.2 Power station Mangla:

The existing Power Station is located at downstream of five tunnels. Its building comprises the

machine hall accommodating Generating Unit (1 to 10), eastern loading bay; western loading bays,

control block and Admin block building. The Power Station accommodates 10 generation units on

five tunnels each of 100 MW capacities. The Rotary exciter of unit 1 to 6 (static exciter for remaining

units) is located at 865.5’ SPD floor and connected to the rotor of generator through an upper shaft

coupling with the turbine at 840.5’ SPD. The generated power is transmitted to national grid through

220/132 KV bus bars at switchyard. Mangla is also capable of controlling system frequency; all Units

can be selected for this purpose. While on Remote Control (SCADA), these units receive direct

pulses from NPCC (National Power Control Centre) Islamabad.

Two electric overhead traveling cranes each with lifting capacity of 200 ton and 30 ton auxiliary hoist

range over the power station super structure. These are provided with a lifting beam and other

paralleling facilities to give a combined lifting capacity of 400 tons at the centre of the beam. An

electric Gantry crane 35/25 ton capacity with 3 ton auxiliary hoist runs on downstream deck of power

station. It is used to lift and pull irrigation valves and draft tube gates.

Figure 5: Power Station Internal

The downstream galleries of the power station building include battery rooms, various stores and

service rooms. The upstream galleries include LV Switch Board, Cable gallery and ventilation duct.

The control block is at the east end of power station building and comprises control room, air

conditioning plant room, cable flat, 11 KV switchgear room, relay room and different offices while

admin block is at the west end of power station building and comprises R.E (P) office, Auditorium,

Telephone Exchange and different Admin & Accounts Offices. Generator transformers are sited on

ground level upstream side of power station. A cable tunnel runs between power station and

switchyard, distance of 0.8 KM carrying power, control and communication cables.

1.3 Main Function:

 Water control & store

 Generation

 Switching

 Transmission & distribution

1.3.1 Water control & store:

Fist main function of dam is water store and control for irrigation purpose. Most of the rivers have

non-uniform run-offs. During rainy period is high but the power requirements are low because of the

absence of irrigation load. It is necessary to store water during excess flow periods so that the same

may be used during lean flow period in most of the streams. The flow is deficient during the part of

the year regulation through artificial storage is necessary The main function of storage is to make

more water available deficient flow times thus increase the firm capacity of the station

1.3.2 Generation:

The second main function of dam is production of electrical energy. Hydro-electric project harness

water power for generation of electrical energy. When water drops through a height it energy is able

to rotate turbines which are coupled to alternators

1.3.3 Switching:

Third main function is switching and controlling of different circuit during working & fault condition

1.3.4 Transmission & distribution:

All generated power transmits & distribute toward the load in 220 KV 132KV LINEs

Chapter #02 Hydraulic structure

A hydraulic structure is a structure submerged or partially submerged in any body of water, which

disrupts the natural flow of water. They can be used to divert, disrupt or completely stop the flow.

Parts of hydraulic structure

 Reservoir

 Dam

 Screen

 Intake

 Penstock

 Guide or stay vanes

 Spiral casing

 Spillway

 Draft-Tube

 Irrigation valve

2.1 Reservoir:

Most of the rivers have non-uniform run-offs. During rainy period is high but the power requirements

are low because of the absence of irrigation load. It is necessary to store water during excess flow

periods so that the same may be used during lean flow period. The storage reservoir thus helps in

supplying water to the turbines according to the load on the plant. Low head plants require very big

storage reservoirs. The storage capacity of mangla reservoir is

Figure 6: reservoir


OF CREST 30 ft
(1234 ft SPD) (1264 ft SPD)
Normal Maximum Conservation 1202 ft. (366.5 m) 1242 ft. (378.7 m)
Minimum Operation Level 1040 ft. (317.1 m) 1040 ft. (317.1 m)
Storage Capacity 5.88 MAF 7.475 MAF
Crest Length 84,00 Ft 11,000 Ft
Maximum Height 454 ft. (138.5 m) 484 ft. (147.6 m)
Crest Length 10,300 ft. (3,350 m) 11,150 ft. (3,400 m)
Elevation of Control Structure 1234 ft. (376.2 m) 1266 ft. (386 m)
No of Intake gates 05 05
Additional avg. Annual Water Additional avg. Annual Water
Availability Availability is equal to 2.88 MAF
Additional avg. Annual Hydro- 644 GWh
Electric Power

Table 4: Reservoir specification

At the time of initial construction of Dam, provision was kept for 40ft rising at Additional Cost of US

$ 18 million. Since the reservoir capacity had reduced to 4.674 MAF from 5.88 MAF due to sediment

deposition, rising of Mangla Dam by 30 ft. was taken in hand which has been now completed. The

Project has provided additional water storage of 2.88 MAF, increase in water head by 40 ft. and

additional power generation of 644 GWh per annum and further flood alleviation.

2.2 Dam:

A dam is a man-made structure built across a river. Most dams are built to control river flow, improve

navigation, and regulate flooding. However, some dams are built to produce hydroelectric power.

The function of dam in hydro electric project; is to create artificial head and storage

Diverts the flow of water so the same could used for generation of power. It is most expensive and

important part of hydro project

Figure 7: dam

The dam also helps in increasing the working head of the power plant. Dams are generally built to

provide necessary head to the power plant.

2.3 Screen:

The water intake from the dam or from the fore bay is provided with trash rack. The main function of

trash rack is to prevent the entry of any debris which may damage the wicket gates and turbine

runners or choke-up the nozzles of impulse turbine. During winter season when water forms ice, to

prevent the ice from clinging to the trash racks, they are often heated electrically. Sometimes air

bubbling system is provided in the vicinity of the trash racks which bring warmer water to the surface

of the trash racks.

Figure 8: Intake screen

Screen is a filter that use for the filtration of water and remove the sedimentation from water the

screen use at mangla

Length 57’ – 8”
Radius 16’ – 4”
Width 32’ - 10”

Thickness of bar ½”

Bar to bar distance 6“

Table 5: Screen Specification

2.4 Intake:

The function of intake is to provide a passage to water to flow into the conduit, channel or penstock.

Intake structure has to be provided with trash rocks, screens and bottom to divert and prevent entry

debris and ice in to the turbines Intake can be classified in two main i.e. high pressures intake and low

pressure intake ones are used in the cause of big storage reservoirs. A low pressure intakes is used for

small ponds meant to store small quantity for daily and weekly load variations

Manufacture: VOEST _
Year of Construction: 1963
No of Gates. 5
Bottom of Screen Rail 953.17 ft SPD
Sill level of Gate 953.17 ft SPD
Size of Gate: 35.6’ x 18’
Weight of each Gate: 100 Tons

Table 6: Intake Gates specification

2.5 Penstock:

Penstock carries water from the water storage system to the turbine. It may be a low pressure type. A

low pressure penstock may be a canal flume or a steel pipe. The high pressure penstocks consist of

thick steel pipes. Diameter may be up to a few meters for large units. Each turbine has separate

penstock. Small size plants have concrete pent

2.6 Guide or stay vanes:

The primary function of the guide or stay vanes is to convert the pressure energy of the fluid into the

momentum energy. It also serves to direct the flow at design angles to the runner blades.

2.7 Spiral casing:

The spiral casing around the runner of the turbine is known as the volute casing or scroll case.

Throughout its length, it has numerous openings at regular intervals to allow the working fluid to

impinge on the blades of the runner. These openings convert the pressure energy of the fluid into

momentum energy just before the fluid impinges on the blades. This maintains a constant flow rate

despite the fact that numerous openings have been provided for the fluid to enter the blades, as the

cross-sectional area of the is casing decreases uniformly along the circumference

Figure 9: Spiral causing

2.8 Draft-tube:

The draft tube is a conduit that connects the runner exit to the tail race where the water is discharged

from the turbine. Its primary function is to reduce the velocity of discharged water to minimize the

loss of kinetic energy at the outlet. This permits the turbine to be set above the tail water without

appreciable drop of available head. A draft tube is required to discharge the water, living the turbine,

in to the river. It is necessary that the draft tube must remain water sealed all the time. Impulse

turbine doesn’t need draft tube and discharge water directly. The design and size of the draft tube

should be such that water has free existed and the jet of the water, after it leave turbine, has

unimpeded passage.

Figure 10: Draft Tube

2.9 Irrigation valve:

Irrigation valve is a relive valve that is a emergency water exit way in cause emergency unit shut

down. Another purpose of the irrigation valve is use extra removal of water for irrigation. These are

the valves that turn on and off the sprinklers; they also may be used for drip irrigation systems. Other

names sometime used for them are irrigation valve

Figure 11: Irrigation valve

Type of Irrigation Valve Howell Bunger

MITSUBISHI Japan Unit 1 to
CKD Blansko Skoda Unit 9 &
Diameter 8.53 Ft
Weight of Body 24 Ton
Weight of Sleeve 10 Ton
Total Weight with Accessories 42 Ton
No. of Vanes 05 Nos.

Table 7: Irrigation Valve Specification

2.10 Spillway:

Every dam is provided with an arrangement to discharge excess water during floods. This

arrangement may be a spillway or a by-pass tunnel or conduit. The spillway should be so designed as

to discharge the major flood water with damage to the dam but at the same time maintain a

predetermined head. A spillway is a structure used to provide the controlled release of flows from

a dam or levee into a downstream area, typically the riverbed of the dammed river itself. In the UK

they may be known as overflow channels. Spillways ensure that the water does not overflow and

damage or destroy the dam.

Figure 12: Spillway

A spillway is located at the top of the reservoir pool. Dams may also have bottom outlets with valves

or gates which may be operated to release flood flow, and a few dams lack overflow spillways and

rely entirely on bottom outlets.

There are two main types of spillways: controlled and uncontrolled.

A controlled spillway has mechanical structures or gates to regulate the rate of flow. This design

allows nearly the full height of the dam to be used for water storage year-round, and flood waters can

be released as required by opening one or more gates.

Previous Sill Level EL 1086

Present Sill Level EL 1091
Discharge Capacity 9, 41, 000 cusecs at 1242 ft SPD
1, 011, 000 cusecs at 1260 ft SPD
Type Submerged orifice
Top Seal Level of Radial Gates 1126 ft SPD
Gate top level 1138 ft SPD
Bottom Sill Level EL 1069
Top Level on Placing all the 10 segments EL 1129.83
Height of Each Segment 1854 mm (6.08ft)
Stilling basin 45 ft deep at 1000 ft SPD

Table 8: Main Spillway specification

An uncontrolled spillway, in contrast, does not have gates; when the water rises above the lip

or crest of the spillway it begins to be released from the reservoir. The rate of discharge is controlled

only by the depth of water above the reservoir's spillway. Storage volume in the reservoir above the

spillway crest can only be used for the temporary storage of floodwater; it cannot be used as water

supply storage because it is normally empty.

Type Unregulated Weir
Capacity at 1260 SPD 2,30,000 Cusecs
Width 500 ft

Table 9: Emergency spillway specification

Chapter #03 Prime mover

An initial source of motive power (such as a windmill, w aterwheel, turbine, or internal

combustion engine) designed to receive and modify force and motion as supplied by some

natural source and apply them to drive machinery

3.1 Turbine:

Turbine is a rotary machine that converts kinetic energy and potential energy of water into

mechanical work. Water turbines were developed in the 19th century and were widely used for

industrial power prior to electrical grids. Now they are mostly used for electric power generation.

Water turbines are mostly found in dams to generate electric power from water kinetic energy.

Flowing water is directed on to the blades of a turbine runner, creating a force on the blades. Since

the runner is spinning, the force acts through a distance (force acting through a distance is the

definition of work). In this way, energy is transferred from the water flow to the turbine

Figure 13: Francis vertical shaft turbine

The Francis turbine is a type of water turbine that was developed by James B. Francis in Lowell,

Massachusetts. It is an inward-flow reaction turbine that combines radial and axial flow concepts.

Francis turbines are the most common water turbine in use today. They operate in a water head from

40 to 600 m (130 to 2,000 ft) and are primarily used for electrical power production. The electric

generators that most often use this type of turbine have a power output that generally ranges from just

a few kilowatts up to 800 MW, though mini-hydro installations may be lower. Penstock (input pipes)

diameters are between 3 and 33 ft (0.91 and 10 m). The speed range of the turbine is from 75 to

1000 rpm. A wicket gate around the outside of the turbine's rotating runner controls the rate of water

flow through the turbine for different power production rates. Francis turbines are almost always

mounted with the shaft vertical to isolate water from the generator. This also facilitates installation

and maintenance. The Francis turbine is a type of reaction turbine, a category of turbine in which the

working fluid comes to the turbine under immense pressure and the energy is extracted by the turbine

blades from the working fluid. A part of the energy is given up by the fluid because of pressure

changes occurring in the blades of the turbine, quantified by the expression of Degree of reaction,

while the remaining part of the energy is extracted by the volute casing of the turbine. At the exit,

water acts on the spinning cup-shaped runner features, leaving at low velocity and low swirl with

very little kinetic or potential energy left. The turbine's exit tube is shaped to help decelerate the water

flow and recover the pressure.

TURBINE UNITS 1,2,3,4 UNITS 5 & 6 UNITS 7 & 8 UNITS 9 & 10
Mitsubishi Skoda ACEC Skoda
Japan Czechoslovakia Belgium Czechoslovakia
Francis Francis Francis Francis
Vertical Shaft Vertical Shaft Vertical Shaft Vertical Shaft
1,38,000 BHP/ 1,38,000 BHP/ 1,38,000 BHP/ 1,38,000 BHP/
Rated out Put
103MW 103MW 103MW 103MW
1,98,000 BHP/ 1,98,000 BHP/ 1,98,000 BHP/ 1,98,000 BHP/
Maximum Out Put
148MW 148MW 148MW 148MW
Net Head 295 Feet 295 Feet 295 Feet 295 Feet
Discharge 4550 Cusecs 4515 Cusecs 4306 Cusecs 4515 Cusecs
Speed 166.7 RPM 166.7 RPM 166.7 RPM 166.7 RPM
Runner Vanes 17 15 14 15
Guide Vanes 24 24 26 24
M.G.B Pads 2 Sleeves 12 2 Sleeves 12
L.G.B Pads 24 24 22 24
T.B Oil Injection
10 10 14 10
U.G.B Pads 16 8 12 12
No of Brake Pads 10 10 8 10

No. of Jacks 10 10 8 10

Table 10: Turbines Specification

Chapter#04 Electrical equipments

Electrical equipment includes any machine powered by electricity. It usually consists of an enclosure,

a variety of electrical components, and often a power switch. Examples of these include

 Generator

 Transformer

 Motor

4.1 Generator:

Generator is a device that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy for use in an

external circuit.

4.1.1 Main generator:

Generator is a device that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy for use in an

external circuit. Sources of mechanical energy include steam turbines, gas turbines, water

turbines, internal combustion engines and even hand cranks. The first electromagnetic generator, the

Faraday disk, was built in 1831 by British scientist Michael Faraday. Generators provide nearly all of

the power for electric power grids. According to the Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction,

Figure 14: Generator internal EMF inducing

Whenever a conductor moves in a magnetic field EMF gets induced across the conductor. If the close

path is provided to the conductor, induced emf causes current to flow in the circuit.

The working principle of alternator is very simple. It is just like basic principle of DC generator. It

also depends upon Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction which says the current is induced in

the conductor inside a magnetic field when there is a relative motion between that conductor and the

magnetic field. For understanding working of alternator let's think about a single rectangular turn

placed in between two opposite magnetic pole as shown above.

Figure 15: Generator internal EMF inducing

Say this single turn loop ABCD can rotate against axis a-b. Suppose this loop starts rotating

clockwise. After 90o rotation the side AB or conductor AB of the loop comes in front of S-pole and

conductor CD comes in front of N-pole. At this position the tangential motion of the conductor AB is

just perpendicular to the magnetic flux lines from N to S pole. Hence rate of flux cutting by the

conductor AB is maximum here and for that flux cutting there will be an induced current in the

conductor AB and direction of the induced current can be determined by Fleming’s right hand rule.

As per this rule the direction of this current will be from A to B. At the same time conductor CD

comes under N pole and here also if we apply Fleming right hand rule we will get the direction of

induced current and it will be from C to D.

Now after clockwise rotation of another 90o the turn ABCD comes at vertical position as shown

below. At this position tangential motion of conductor AB and CD is just parallel to the magnetic flux

lines; hence there will be no flux cutting that is any current in the conductor. While the turn ABCD

comes from horizontal position to vertical position, angle between flux lines and direction of motion

of conductor, reduces from 90o to 0o and consequently the induced current in the turn is reduced to

zero from its maximum value.

Figure 16: Generator internal EMF inducing

After another clockwise rotation of 90o the turn again come to horizontal position and here conductor

AB comes under N-pole and CD comes under S-pole, and here if we again apply Fleming’s right

hand rule, we will see that induced current in conductor AB, is from point B to A and induced current

in the conductor CD is from D to C.

Figure 17: Generator internal EMF inducing

As at this position the turn comes at horizontal position from its vertical position, the current in the

conductors comes to its maximum value from zero. That means current is circulating in the close turn

from point B to A, from A to D, from D to C and from C to B. Just reverse of the previous horizontal

position when the current was circulating as A → B → C → D → A.

While the turn further proceeds to its vertical position the current is again reduced to zero. So if the

turn continues to rotate the current in the turn continually alternate its direction. During every full

revolution of the turn, the current in the turn gradually reaches to its maximum value then reduces to

zero and then again it comes to its maximum value but in opposite direction and again it comes to

zero. In this way the current completes one full sine wave form during each 360o revolution of the

turn. So we have seen how an alternating current is produced in a turn is rotated inside a magnetic

field. From this, we will now come to the actual working principle of alternator.

Now we cut the loop and connect its two ends with two slip rings and stationary brush is placed on

each slip ring. If we connect two terminals of an external load with these two brushes, we will get an

alternating current in the load. This is our elementary model of alternator.

Figure 18: Simple Generator

Having understood the very basic principle of alternator, let us now have an insight into its basic

operational principal of a practical alternator. During discussion of basic working of o, we have

considered that the magnetic field is stationary and conductors (armature) are rotating. But generally

in practical construction of alternator, armature conductors are stationary and field magnets rotate

between them. The rotor of an alternator or a synchronous generator is mechanically coupled to the

shaft or the turbine blades, which on being made to rotate at synchronous speed Ns under some

mechanical force results in magnetic flux cutting of the stationary armature conductors housed on the

stator. As a direct consequence of this flux cutting an induced EMF and current starts to flow through

the armature conductors which first flow in one direction for the first half cycle and then in the other

direction for the second half cycle for each winding with a definite time lag of 120o due to the space

displaced arrangement of 120o between them as shown in the figure below. These particular

phenomena results in 3φ power flow out of the alternator which is then transmitted to the distribution

stations for domestic and industrial uses

Figure 19: 3 phase power phase angle Salient pole type alternator:

Main parts of the alternator obviously consist of stator and rotor. But, the unlike other machines, in

most of the alternators, field exciters are rotating and the armature coil is stationary. Stator:

Unlike in DC machine stator of an alternator is not meant to serve path for magnetic flux.

Instead, the stator is used for holding armature winding. The stator core is made up of lamination of

steel alloys or magnetic iron, to minimize the eddy current losses.

Figure 20: Generator stator

At high voltages, It easier to insulate stationary armature winding. Which may be as high as 30 kV or

more. The high voltage output can be directly taken out from the stationary armature. Whereas, for a

rotary armature, there will be large brush contact drop at higher voltages, also the sparking at the

brush surface will occur. Field exciter winding is placed in rotor, and the low dc voltage can be

transferred safely. The armature winding can be braced well, so as to prevent deformation caused by

the high centrifugal force. Rotor:

There are two types of rotor used in an AC generator / alternator:

 Salient type

 Cylindrical type

Salient pole type: Salient pole type rotor is used in low and medium speed

alternators. Construction of AC generator of salient pole type rotor is shown in the figure above. This

type of rotor consists of large number of projected poles (called salient poles), bolted on a magnetic

wheel. These poles are also laminated to minimize the eddy current losses. Alternators featuring this

type of rotor are large in diameters and short in axial length.

Figure 21: Generator rotor Cylindrical type:

Cylindrical type rotors are used in high speed alternators, especially in turbo -alternators. This type of

rotor consists of a smooth and solid steel cylinder having slots along its outer periphery. Field

windings are placed in these slots. The DC supply is given to the rotor winding through the slip rings

and brushes arrangement Governor system:

Governing system or governor is the main controller of the hydraulic turbine. The governor varies

the water flow through the turbine to control its speed or power output. Generating units speed and

system frequency may be adjusted by the governor

a) Speed sensing elements

b) Governor control actuators

c) Hydraulic pressure supply system

d) Turbine control servomotors-these are normally supplied as part of turbine

Figure 22: Governor Cabinet internal

The primary functions of the hydraulic turbine governor are as follows:

i. To start maintain and adjust unit speed for synchronizing with the running units/grid.

ii. To maintain system frequency after synchronization by adjusting turbine output to load


iii. To share load changes with the other units in a planned manner in response to system

frequency error.

iv. To adjust output of the unit in response to operator or other supervisory commands.

v. To perform normal shut down or emergency over speed shut down for protection.

In isolated systems the governor controls frequency. In large system it may be needed for load

operation control for the system. A block diagram is shown in figure 6.1. Digital electronic load

governor are now employed. Mechanical analogue electronic governors used in earlier plants are also

briefly discussed. In small hydro units digital governors are employed for plant control and protection

also which is discussed in detail in Vol. II - Control and Protection. Basic Control System Governor

control system for Hydro Turbines is basically a feed back control system which senses the speed and

power of the generating unit or the water level of the fore bay of the hydroelectric installation etc. and

takes control action for operating the discharge/load controlling devices in accordance with the

deviation of actual set point from the reference point. Governor control system of all units controls

the speed and power output of the hydroelectric turbine. Water level controlled power output

controllers can be used for grid connected units.

Basic Governor Control System. The control section may be mechanical; analogue electronic or

digital electronic. Actuator can be hydraulic controlled, mechanical (motor) or load actuator. Load

actuator are used in micro hydro range; mechanical (motor operated) actuators may be used say up to

about 1000 kW unit size. Hydraulic actuators are mostly used. Actuator system compares the desired

turbine actuator position command with the actual actuator position. In most of the hydroelectric units

reaction turbines are used. In these turbines it requires positioning of wicket gates, including turbine

blades in Kaplan units. In Peloton units it requires positioning of spear and deflector. Pressure oil

system with oil servomotor is most commonly used actuator. In micro hydro electronic loads

controllers are used and shunt load bank is adjusted AVR (Automatic voltage regulator) cabinet:

Automatic voltage regulator on a generator stops fluctuation of voltage produced by it during various

load conditions. I will try and explain it in simple manner. The principle of voltage generation

requires a source of magnet which is in a relative motion with conductors. When magnetic lines of

forces cut the conductors, current is produced. The magnet here is not a permanent magnet but an

electro magnet which draws a small current from produced current which induces the electromagnet.

Greater the amount of current drawn from circuit, greater the electromagnetic power will be

produced, and so a greater voltage will be produced at the generator output. So something should be

responsible for regulating the amount of current given to electromagnet to produce a particular set

voltage, say 440 V. This particular thing is known as AVR. As you switch on a heavier load say a

motor, a voltage dip occurs (you can notice this by watching light bulbs going dim for a short period,

1–4 seconds). The AVR senses this drop in voltage and increases the feed current through an

electronic circuit into the electromagnet present

Figure 23: AVR (Automatic voltage regulator)

UNITS 1,2,3,4 UNITS 5 & 6 UNITS 7 & 8 UNITS 9 & 10
Hitachi SKODA Hitachi SKODA
Japan Czechoslovakia Japan Czechoslovakia
Type Vertical Shaft, Salient pole, Umbrella type
MVA Rating 125 MVA 125 MVA 125 MVA 125 MVA
Rated Out Put 100 MW 100 MW 100 MW 100 MW
Maximum Out
115% 115% 115% 115%
Power Factor 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
No. of Phases 3 3 3 3
No. of Coolers 12 12 12 12
No. of Poles 36 36 36 36
No. of Brake
10 10 8 10
Speed 166.7 RPM 166.7 RPM 166.7 RPM 166.7 RPM
Frequency 50 HZ 50 HZ 50 HZ 50 HZ
Voltage 13.2 KV 13.2 KV 13.2 KV 13.2 KV
Current 5467 A 5465 A 5467 A 5467 A
261 V 343 V 440 V 325 V
990 A 1040 A 1363 A 1430 A
Insulation class B F B F

Table 11: Main Generator specification

On the rotor of the generator, so as to reach the set voltage i.e. 440V again and power is regulated.

Various types of AVR are present today. Modern AVRs based on auto transformer principle have

produced better results in reducing the recovery time (during drop of voltage) to less than 3 sec

4.1.2 Exciter Generator:

Exciter generator is a dc generator that use for the field excitation of main generator. It coupled with

main generator shaft and produced DC current. It self-excited generator. Due to residual magnetism

present in the poles of the stator self-excited DC generators can able to produce their own magnetic

field ones it is started.

Figure 24: Exciter Generator internal

These are simple in design and no need to have the external circuit to vary the field excitation. Again

these self-excited DC generators are classified into shunt, series, and compound generators.

EXCITER UNITS 1,2,3,4 UNITS 5 & 6 UNITS 7 & 8 UNITS 9 & 10
Hitachi SKODA Hitachi SKODA
Japan Czechoslovakia Japan Czechoslovakia
Type Rotary Rotary Static Static
Power 600 KW 600 KW ----- -----
Speed 166.7 RPM 166.7 RPM ----- -----
Full Load Voltage 440 V 420 V 470 V 400 V
3 bridges Each 5 bridges Each
bridge consists of bridge consists of
Full Load Current 1364 A 1430 A
6 Thrusters 1363 6 Thrusters 1363
Insulation Class Class B Class F ----- -----

Table 12: Exciter Generator specification

4.1.3 PMG (Permanent Magnet Generator):

A permanent magnet synchronous generator is a generator where the excitation field is provided by a

permanent magnet instead of a coil. The term synchronous refers here to the fact that the rotor and

magnetic field rotate with the same speed, because the magnetic field is generated through a shaft

mounted permanent magnet mechanism and current is induced into the stationary armature.PMG use

for the speed regulation. It coupled the main generator shaft. They are known as synchronous

generators because f, the frequency of the induced voltage in the stator (armature conductors)

conventionally measured in hertz, is directly proportional to RPM, the rotation rate of the rotor

usually given in revolutions per minute (or angular speed). It supply give the reaction motor.

Figure 25: PMG (permanent magnet generator)

4.1.4 HTD (Hitachi tune Dynamo):

HTD is a dc generator that use field for the file excitation when requirement is high. It is a induction

motor drive generator work as simple dc generator. It supply give to the AVR (Automatic voltage

regulator) cabinet

Figure 26: HTD (Hitachi tune dynamo)

4.2 Transformer:

A transformer is an electrical device that transfers electrical energy between two or more circuits

through electromagnetic induction

4.2.1 Power Transformer:

A transformer is an electrical device that transfers electrical energy between two or more circuits

through electromagnetic induction. Electromagnetic induction produces an electromotive Force

within a conductor which is exposed to time varying magnetic fields. Transformers are used to

Increase or decrease the alternating voltages in electric power applications.

These are the basic components of a transformer.

1. Laminated core

2. Windings

3. Insulating materials

4. Transformer oil

5. Tap changer

6. Conservator

7. Breather

8. Cooling tubes

9. Buchholz Relay

10. Explosion vent Core

The core is used to support the windings in the transformer. It also provides a low reluctance path to

the flow of magnetic flux. It is made of laminated soft iron core in order to reduce eddy current loss

and Hysteresis loss. The composition of a transformer core depends on such factors as voltage,

current, and frequency. The diameter of the transformer core is directly proportional to copper loss

and is inversely proportional to iron loss. If the diameter of the core is decreased, the weight of the

steel in the core is reduced, which leads to less core loss of the transformer and the copper loss

increase. When the diameter of the core is increased, the opposite occurs. Windings:

There are two windings wound over the transformer core that are insulated from each other.

Windings consist of several turns of copper coils bundled together, and each bundle is connected in

series to form a winding.

Windings can be classified in two different ways:

1. Based on the input and output supply

2. Based on the voltage range

Within the input/output supply classification, windings are further categorized:

1. Primary windings - These are the windings to which the input voltage is applied.

2. Secondary windings - These are the windings to which the output voltage is applied.

Within the voltage range classification, windings are further categorized:

1. High voltage winding - These are made of copper coil. The number of turns is the multiple of the

number of turns in the low voltage windings. The copper coils are thinner than those of the low

voltage windings.

2. Low voltage windings - These have fewer turns than the high voltage windings. It is made of thick

copper conductors. This is because the current in the low voltage windings is higher than that of high

voltage windings. Transformers can be supplied from either low voltage (LV) or high voltage (HV)

windings based on the requirement. Insulating Materials:

Insulating paper and cardboard are used in transformers to isolate primary and secondary windings

from each other and from the transformer core. Transformer oil is another insulating material.

Transformer oil can actually have two functions: in addition to insulating it can also work to cool the

core and coil assembly. The transformer's core and windings must be completely immersed in the oil.

Normally, hydrocarbon mineral oils are used as transformer oil. Oil contamination is a serious

problem because contamination robs the oil of its dielectric properties and renders it useless as an

insulating medium. Conservator:

The conservator conserves the transformer oil. It is an airtight, metallic, cylindrical drum that is fitted

above the transformer. The conservator tank is vented to the atmosphere at the top, and the normal oil

level is approximately in the middle of the conservator to allow the oil to expand and contract as the

temperature varies. The conservator is connected to the main tank inside the transformer, which is

completely filled with transformer oil through a pipeline.

41 Breather:

The breather controls the moisture level in the transformer. Moisture can arise when temperature

variations cause expansion and contraction of the insulating oil, which then causes the pressure to

change inside the conservator. Pressure changes are balanced by a flow of atmospheric air in and out

of the conservator, which is how moisture can enter the system. If the insulating oil encounters

moisture, it can affect the paper insulation or may even lead to internal faults. Therefore, it is

necessary that the air entering the tank is moisture-free. The transformer's breather is a cylindrical

container that is filled with silica gel. When the atmospheric air passes through the silica gel of the

breather, the air's moisture is absorbed by the silica crystals. The breather acts like an air filter for the

transformer and controls the moisture level inside a transformer. It is connected to the end of breather

pipe. Tap Changer:

The output voltage may vary according to the input voltage and the load. During loaded conditions,

the voltage on the output terminal decreases, whereas during off-load conditions the output voltage

increases. In order to balance the voltage variations, tap changers are used. Tap changers can be either

on-load tap changers or off-load tap changers. In an on-load tap changer, the tapping can be changed

without isolating the transformer from the supply. In an off-load tap changer, it is done after

disconnecting the transformer. Automatic tap changers are also available. Cooling Tubes:

Cooling tubes are used to cool the transformer oil. The transformer oil is circulated through the

cooling tubes. The circulation of the oil may either be natural or forced. In natural circulation, when

the temperature of the oil raises the hot oil naturally rises to the top and the cold oil sinks downward.

Thus the oil naturally circulates through the tubes. In forced circulation, an external pump is used to

circulate the oil. Buchholz Relay:

The Buchholz Relay is a protective device container housed over the connecting pipe from the main

tank to the conservator tank. It is used to sense the faults occurring inside the transformer. It is a

simple relay that operates by the gases emitted due to the decomposition of transformer oil during

internal faults. It helps in sensing and protecting the transformer from internal faults. Explosion Vent:

The explosion vent is used to expel boiling oil in the transformer during heavy internal faults in order

to avoid the explosion of the transformer. During heavy faults, the oil rushes out of the vent. The

level of the explosion vent is normally maintained above the level of the conservatory tank

Function of power transformer in power station

Power transformer has a small number of turns (LV side) while the transformer secondary side has

many number of turns (HV side). That means an energy flows from the LV to HV side.

Figure 27: Step up power transfer

The most important application of step-up transformer is a generator step-up (GSU) transformer

which is used in all generating plants. Those transformers usually have large turn’s ratio value. The

voltage value produced in energy generation is increased and prepared to the long distance energy

transmission. The energy produced in generating plant is characterized by allow voltage and high

current value. Depending on the generating plant type, the GSU transformer has nominal primary

voltage value from 113.2 up to 220 kV. The nominal voltage value of GSU secondary side can be 132

kV, 220 kV, depending on energy transmission system which is connected to the GSU secondary side

132 KV Transformers Unit 1 Unit No. 2 Spare

Savigliano Savigliano SKODA

Italy Italy Czechoslovakia

Year of
1966 1966 1992
Serial No. 58926 58927 965359
Rating 138 MVA 138 MVA 138 MVA
Voltage Ratio 12.5/132 KV 12.5/132 KV 12.5/132 KV

Frequency 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz

Impedance 12.5% 11.41% 12.66%

Vector Group Yd 11 Yd 11 Y N d 11

Oil (Gallons) 6400 6400 8300

No. Of Taps 5 5 5
Alarm 95 C° 95 C° 95 C°

Trip 110 C° 110 C° 110 C°

Table 13: 132kv step up power transformers specification

Unit 3, 8, 9 & Unit No. 4, 5
220 KV Transformers Unit No. 7 Spare
10 &6

SKODA Savigliano Italtrafo Savigliano

Czechoslovakia Italy Italy Italy

Year of Manufacturing 1994 1967 1978 1967

Serial No. (unit wise) 60236 1H7103-1 58666

Rating 144 MVA 138 MVA 144 MVA 138 MVA

Voltage Ratio 12.5/220 KV 12.5/220KV 12.5/220 KV
Frequency 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz
Impedance % (unit 15.52
13.75 15.59 13.87
wise) 15.7
Vector Group YNd 11 Yd 11 Yd 11 Yd 11

Oil (Gallons) 8127 9200 7410 9200

No. Of Taps 5 5 5 5
Alarm 95 C° 95 C° 95 C° 95 C°

Trip 110 C° 110 C° 110 C° 110

Table 14: 220kv step up power transformers specification

4.2.2 Interconnector Transformer:

The function of the interconnecting transformer-as the name suggests interconnecting two systems at

different voltages. Normally, they will be either 220KV/132KV or 220KV of say about 138 MVA.

They are bidirectional .During the plant start-up; they import power from grid either at 132KV or

220KV and step down to220KV or 132KV to supply the station auxiliaries. Once the plant is started

and synchronized to the grid, the same transformer can now be used to export power to the grid.

Figure 28: Interconnector transformer

They are normally auto-transformers and they will have a delta connected tertiary winding, for

providing a circulating path for the Zero sequence currents. Then the Transformer rating will be

132/220, 138 MVA. Transformers are a critical and expensive component of the power system. Due

to the long lead time for repair of and replacement of transformers, a major goal of transformer

protection is limiting the damage to a faulted transformer. Some protection functions, such as over

excitation protection and temperature-based protection may aid this goal by identifying operating

conditions that may cause transformer failure. The comprehensive transformer protection provided by

multiple function protective relays is appropriate for critical transformers of all applications

I/C T/F No. 1 I/C T/F No. 2 I/C T/F No. 3 Spare
Savigliano Savigliano Lueng Chemming ABB
Italy Italy Shandong, China Germany
Year of Manufacturing 1965 1973 2007 1990
Rating 138 MVA 138 MVA 138 MVA
Voltage Ratio 220/132 KV 220/132 KV 220/132 KV
LV Current 604.3 Amp 604.3 Amp 603.59 Amp
Frequency 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz
Impedance 9.11 % 9.28 % 9.11 % 9.7 %
Vector Group Yyo (d11) Yyo (d11) YNa od1
Volume of Oil (Tons) 40 40 55 35
Alarm 95 C° 95 C° 88 C° 95 C°
Trip 110 C° 110 C° 105 C° 110 C°
Type of Cooling OFB OFB ONAF2 OFAF
No. of Cooling Fan
3 3 3 2
3 Fans in
2 Fans in each 2 Fans in each 2 groups of 7 fans
No. of Cooling Fan each
group group 1 group of 4 fans
Total No. Of Cooling
6 6 18 6

Table 15: Interconnector Transformer

4.2.3 Station Transformer:

Station transformer is the step down transformer which is generally used in the generation station. It

is mounted before the generator transformer. It takes the supply from the generator output and step

down it to 11KV which is supplied to the auxiliary panel. So it is use to power the auxiliaries in the

power plant. When it comes to the power system, it serves the same purpose but instead provide

supply to the substation situated in that area.

Year of Manufacturing 1965
Rating 7.5 MVA
Voltage Ratio 132/11 KV
LV Current 394 Amp
Frequency 50 Hz
Impedance (St. T/F-1, St. T/F2) 7.8%, 7.76 %
Vector Group Yyo
Weight of Oil 10.5 Tons
Volume of Oil -------
Alarm 95 C°
Trip 110 C°
No. Of Taps 19
Type of Cooling ON

Table 16: Station transformer specification

4.2.4 Excitation Transformer:

Excitation transformers are use to magnetize generators. Generator terminal voltage gives the

excitation transformer input and converts to step down voltage from 13.2kv/440v for generator field


Figure 29: Excitation transformer

4.2.5 Auxiliary Transformer:

Auxiliary transformer is used to supply low voltage for AC power system inside substation such as

lighting, air conditioners and other AC supply system and DC power system such as protection

relays, batteries, SCADA & telecom system and other DC supply system

Type IDA 316-11
Year of Manufacturing 1966
Rating 300 KVA
Voltage Ratio 11/0.4 KV
LV Current 415 Amp
Frequency 50 Hz
Impedance 4.98 %, 4.88%
Vector Group DY 11
Weight of Oil 0.41 Ton
Volume of Oil -------
No. Of Taps 5
Type of Cooling O.N

Table 17: Auxiliary transformer specification

4.3 Motor:

An electrical motor is such an electromechanical device which converts electrical energy into a

mechanical energy.

4.3.1 Servo Motor:

Servomotor is a rotary actuator or linear actuator that allows for precise control of angular or linear

position, velocity and acceleration. It consists of a suitable motor coupled to a sensor for position

feedback. It also requires a relatively sophisticated controller, often a dedicated module designed

specifically for use with servomotors. A servomotor is a closed-loop servomechanism that uses

position feedback to control its motion and final position. The input to its control is a signal (either

analogue or digital) representing the position commanded for the output shaft. The motor is paired

with some type of encoder to provide position and speed feedback. In the simplest case, only the

position is measured. The measured position of the output is compared to the command position, the

external input to the controller. If the output position differs from that required, an error signal is

generated which then causes the motor to rotate in either direction, as needed to bring the output shaft

to the appropriate position. As the positions approach, the error signal reduces to zero and the motor

stops. The very simplest servomotors use position-only sensing via a potentiometer and bang-bang

control of their motor; the motor always rotates at full speed (or is stopped). This type of servomotor

is not widely used in industrial motion control, but it forms the basis of the simple and

cheap servos used for radio-controlled models. More sophisticated servomotors use optical rotary

encoders to measure the speed of the output shaft and a variable-speed drive to control the motor

speed. Both of these enhancements, usually in combination with a PID control algorithm, allow the

servomotor to be brought to its commanded position more quickly and more precisely, with less

4.3.2 Induction Motor:

An electrical motor is such an electromechanical device which converts electrical energy into a

mechanical energy. In case of three phase AC operation, most widely used motor is three phase

induction motor as this type of motor does not require any starting device or we can say they are self.

Induction motor use for oil circulating pump and water circulating pump and other function

Chapter #05 Control & switching

Condition monitoring systems are a basic data provider for advanced asset management strategies,

focusing on system reliability or risk. They allow consistently accessing the health status of your

switchgear and thus can be used to increase maintenance efficiency. To reflect the asset specific

importance and your individual needs, our monitoring offering is graded, starting from

SF6 monitoring up to full circuit-breaker monitoring.

5.1 D.C Control System:

DC step-up system controls the AC input from the household power supply and boosts the voltage to that required by the

battery using a DC/DC circuit. The MCU performs both PFC* control and control of the DC/DC step-up circuit. In

addition to battery cell monitor MCUs, Rennes’s supplies analog and power devices suitable for battery charger/DC-DC

control systems.

5.1.1 D.C Battery system:

D.C Battery system is the lifeline for any control or protection system. The Battery System of the

Power Station is therefore of great importance. Two types of Battery Voltage have been used in the

Power Station. 230V system for protection and control and 50 V systems for indications and alarms.

There are two battery rooms in the Power Station, each having 2 sets of 230V and 50V batteries along

with charger. There is a separate 230V D.C system in the Switchyard, which is similar to those

installed in the Power Station. The rating of 230V and 50V Battery Systems installed in power house

is 107 Ampere Hours.

5.1.2 230V System:

Each 230V D.C system has 2 sets of batteries. The two sets, each comprising of 115 cells are

connected in parallel to increase the reliability and Ampere Hour rating of the battery system. A 3

phase input battery charger (Rectifier) has been provided in parallel with the battery sets. The rated

voltage of one cell (without charger) is 2 volts. 115 cells are therefore required for one set. There will

therefore be 230 cells for the two sets in a 230V system. In charged condition the voltage of one cell

is 2.3 to 2.4V therefore in the event when the charger is working, the number of cells required for

maintaining 230V is 103.The remaining 12 cells are called booster cells. These cells remain out of

circuit when the charger is working. Upon failure of the charger the booster cells come into

circuit automatically to make up the loss of voltage.

5.1.3 110V System

Besides 230V DC battery system in switchyard there is a 110V DC battery system for the control and

protection of - 1 bay. The rating of 110V battery system is 300 ampere hour. A three phase input

battery charger (rectifier) has been provided in parallel with this system. There are 55 cells with 2V

rated voltage of each in this battery system.

5.1.4 50V System

50Volt systems are similar to 230V system described above except that number of cells are

different.50 V battery charger works on single phase A.C.

Total No. of Cells in one set = 25

No. of Main Cells = 22

No. of Booster Cells = 3

The following points should be noted regarding the operation of Battery Systems. Whenever the

indication 'Battery Volts L o w ” i s received in Control Room during supply change over, the battery

volts should always be checked in the charger Room/E.C.D in order to ascertain whether the booster

cells have come in circuit or not. In case the booster cells have not come in circuit or if the indication

does not vanish after two minutes, the concerned section should immediately be informed. While

recording the battery reading of set No. 1 the reading of two volt meters which show whether there is

some grounding or not, should also be recorded. Battery reading of switchyard should also be

recorded in station log book as follows..

Power House Set No. 1 230 V/20A G.V=+115V

50 V/20A = + 25V

Set No. 2 230 V/9A G.V=+115V

50 V/3A

Switchyard Set No. 3 230 V/8A

110 V/2A

The voltmeter of 230V D.C has been installed on E.C.D to enable the Shift Engineers to keep a

continuous watch over the battery readings. In case of failure of A.C supply, or after any

changeover of supply, the voltage should be checked and if it is low, the fuse of booster cells

should be checked and replaced, if required. For Battery Set No. 2 indication "230 V Battery Set No.

2 earth Fault" appears in control room when grounding occurs. Ground volt meters have also

been installed. When the indication appears and persists or if it repeatedly appears, the

concerned Maintenance Engineer m u s t be immediately informed. Shift Engineer on duty should

visit Battery Charger Rooms at least once a shift and see that the fan and air conditioner are working.

Also the ambient Temp should be noted from the thermometer already installed and the temp

recorded in the Governor Cabinet Log Sheet and Station Log.

5.2 Switchyard:

The apparatus used for switching, controlling and protecting the electrical circuits and equipment is

known as switchyard the switchgear equipment is essentially concerned with switching and

interrupting currents either under normal or abnormal operating conditions. The tumbler switch with

ordinary fuse is the simplest form of switchgear and is used to control and protect lights and other

equipment in homes, offices etc. For circuits of higher rating, a high-rupturing capacity (H.R.C.) fuse

in conjunction with a switch may serve the purpose of controlling and protecting the circuit.

However, such a switchgear cannot be used profitably on high voltage system (3·3 kV) for two

reasons. Firstly, when a fuse blows, it takes some time to replace it and consequently there is

interruption of service to the customers. Secondly, the fuse cannot successfully interrupt large fault

currents that result from the faults on high voltage system.

With the advancement of power system, lines and other equipments operate at high voltages and

carry large currents. When a short circuit occurs on the system, heavy current flowing through the

equipment may cause considerable damage. In order to interrupt such heavy fault currents, automatic

circuit breakers (or simply circuit breakers) are used. A circuit breaker is switchgear which can open

or close an electrical circuit under both normal and abnormal conditions. Even in instances where a

fuse is adequate, as regards to breaking capacity, a circuit breaker may be preferable. It is because a

circuit breaker can close circuits, as well as break them without replacement and thus has wider range

of use altogether than a fuse.

5.2.1 Features of Switchyard:

A substation is a part of an electrical generation, transmission, and distribution system.

Substations transform voltage from high to low, or the reverse, or perform any of several other

important functions. Between the generating station and consumer, electric power may flow

through several substations at different voltage levels. A substation may include transformers to

change voltage levels between high transmission voltages and lower distribution voltages, or at

the interconnection of two different transmission voltages.

5 Substations may be owned and operated by an electrical utility, or may be owned by a large

industrial or commercial customer. Generally substations are unattended, relying

on SCADA for remote supervision and control. Complete reliability:

With the continued trend of interconnection and the increasing capacity of generating stations, the

need for reliable switchgear has become of paramount importance. This is not surprising because

switchgear is added to the power system to improve the reliability. When fault occurs on any part of

the power system, the switchgear must operate to isolate the faulty section from the remainder circuit. Absolutely certain discrimination:

When fault occurs on any section of the power system, the switchgear must be able to discriminate

between the faulty section and the healthy section. It should isolate the faulty section from the system

without affecting the healthy section. This will ensure continuity of supply. Quick operation:

When fault occurs on any part of the power system, the switchgear must. Operate quickly so that no

damage is done to generators, transformers and other equipment by the short-circuit currents. If fault

is not cleared by switchgear quickly, it is likely to spread into healthy parts, thus endangering

complete shutdown of the system. Provision for manual control:

Switchgear must have provision for manual control. In case the electrical (or electronics) control fails,

the necessary operation can be carried out through manual control. Provision for Instruments:

There must be provision for instruments which may be required. These may be in the form of

ammeter or voltmeter on the unit itself or the necessary current and voltage transformers for

connecting to the main switchboard or a separate instrument panel.

Figure 30: Switch yard

5.3 Fuses:

A fuse is a short piece of wire or thin strip which melts when excessive current flows through it for

sufficient time. It is inserted in series with the circuit to be protected. Under normal operating

conditions the fuse element it at a temperature below its melting point. Therefore, it carries the

normal load current without overheating. However when a short circuit or overload occurs, the

current through the fuse element increases beyond its rated capacity. This raises the temperature and

the fuse element melts (or blows out), disconnecting the circuit protected by it. In this way, a fuse

protects the machines and equipment from damage due to excessive currents. It is worthwhile to note

that a fuse performs both detection and interruption functions.

Figure 31: Fuse

5.4 Earth Switch:

Earth switch connect the live parts/ line conductors and earth. This switch is normally open. Earth

switch is used to earth the live parts during maintenance and during testing. During maintenance

although circuit is open still there are some voltages on line, due to which capacitance between line

and earth is charged. Before proceeding to maintenance work the voltage s discharged to earth, by

closing the earth switch

Figure 32: Earth switch

.1. Maintenance Earth Switch: These are two or three pole units with a manual operating mechanism.

2. High Speed Earth Switch: These are operated by spring energy. Spring is charged by motor-


5.5 Isolator:

Circuit breaker (C.B) always trip the circuit but open contacts of breaker cannot be visible physically

from outside of the breaker and that is why it is recommended not to touch any electrical circuit just

by switching off the circuit breaker. So for better safety there must be some arrangement so that one

can see open condition of the section of the circuit before touching it. Isolator is a mechanical switch

which isolates a part of circuit from system as when required.

Figure 33: Isolator switch

Electrical isolators separate a part of the system from rest for safe maintenance works. Bus side

isolator: the isolator is directly connected with main bus. Line side isolator: the isolator is situated at

line side of any feeder. Transfer bus side isolator: the isolator is directly connected with transformer.

5.6 Surge Arrester:

A surge arrester is a device used to protect electrical equipment from over-voltage transients caused

by external (lightning) or internal (switching) events. This class of device is used to protect

equipment in transmission and distribution system.

Figure 34: Surge Arrester

5.7 SF6 Gas Circuit Breaker:

The sulphur hexafluoride gas (SF6) is an electronegative gas and has a strong tendency to absorb free

electrons. The contacts of the breaker are opened in a high pressure flow of Sulphur hexafluoride gas

and an arc is struck between them. The gas captures the conducting free electrons in the arc to form

relatively immobile negative ions. This loss of conducting electrons in the arc quickly builds up

enough insulation strength to extinguish the arc. A gas blast applied to the arc must be able to cool it

rapidly so that gas temperature between the contacts is reduced from 20,000 K to less than 2000 K in

a few hundred microseconds, so that it is able to withstand the transient recovery voltage that is

applied across the contacts after current interruption. Sulfur hexafluoride is generally used in present

high-voltage circuit breakers at rated voltage higher than 52 kV. There are mainly three types of SF6

CB depending upon the voltage level of application. Single interrupter SF6 CB applied for up to 245

KV systems. Two interrupter SF6 CB applied for up to 420KV systems. Four interrupter SF6 CB

applied for up to 800KV systems.

Figure 35: SF6 Circuit breaker

5.8 Air Blast Circuit Breaker:

Air blast circuit breakers employ a high-pressure air blast as an arc quenching medium. Under normal

condition the contacts are closed. When a fault occurs, contacts are opened and an arc is struck

between them. The opening of contacts is done by a flow of air blast established by the opening of

blast valve (located between air reservoir and arcing chamber). The air blast cools the arc and sweeps

away the arching products in to the atmosphere. Thus, the dielectric strength of the medium is

increased, prevents from re-establishing the arc. The arc gets extinguished and flow of current is

interrupted. Air blast circuit breakers were used for the system voltage of 245 KV, 420 KV and even

more, especially where faster breaker operation was required. Air blast circuit breaker has some

specific Advantages over oil circuit breaker which are listed as follows. There is no chance of fire

hazard caused by oil. The breaking speed of circuit breaker is much higher during operation of air

blast circuit breaker. Arc quenching is much faster during operation of air blast circuit breaker. The

duration of arc is same for all values of small as well as high currents interruptions. As the duration of

arc is smaller, so lesser amount of heat realized from arc to current carrying contacts hence the

service life of the contacts becomes longer. The stability of the system can be well maintained as it

depends on the speed of operation of circuit breaker. Requires much less maintenance compared to oil

circuit breaker. There are also some disadvantages of air blast circuit breakers. In order to have

frequent operations, it is necessary to have sufficiently high capacity air compressor. Frequent

maintenance of compressor, associated air pipes and automatic control equipment is also required.

Due to high speed, current interruption there is always a chance of high rate of rise of re-striking

voltage and current chopping. There also a chance of air pressure leakage from air pipes junctions.

Figure 36: Air Blast Circuit Breaker

5.9 Outgoing transmission line:

Sr. No. 132 KV Transmission Lines Length (KM)

1 Mangla Right Bank 2.12 Wolf
2 Gujar Khan 55 Zegalo
3 Jhelum-II 86.91 Zegalo
4 Rajar 48 Wolf

5 New Bong Escape –I 7 Zegalo
6 New Bong Escape –II 7 Zegalo
7 Dinga 71 Cukoo
8 Kuthialan Sheikhan 109 Cukoo
9 Mirpur 7.79 Lynux
10 Kallar syedan 78 Lynux
11 Dudyal-I 36.6 Rail
11 Dudyal-II 36.6 Rail
13 Old Rawat-II 78

Table 18: 132kv outgoing circuits from mangla power station

220 KV Transmission Lines Length (KM)
No. Conductor
1 Ghakhar-1 114.9 Rail
2 Ghakhar-2 113.7 Rail
3 New Ghakar 145 Rail
4 Kala Shah Kaku-1 173 Rail
5 Kala Shah Kaku-2 173 Rail
6 Kala Shah Kaku-3 172 Rail
7 Mangla New Rawat-1 79 Rail
8 Mangla New Rawat-2 79 Rail

Table 19: 220kv outgoing circuits from mangla power station

Chapter #06 P&I (Protection & Instrumentation)

6.1 Current Transformers:

A current transformer (CT) is an electric device that produces an alternating current (AC) in its

secondary which is proportional to the AC in its primary. Current transformers, together with voltage

transformers (VTs) or potential transformers (PTs), which are designed for measurement, are known

as instrument transformers. When a current is too high to measure directly or the voltage of the circuit

is too high, a current transformer can be used to provide an isolated lower current in its secondary

which is proportional to the current in the primary circuit. The induced secondary current is then

suitable for measuring instruments or processing in electronic equipment. Current transformers also

have little effect on the primary circuit. Often, in electronic equipment, the isolation between the

primary and secondary circuit is the important characteristic. Current transformers are used in

electronic equipment and are widely used for metering and protective relays in the electrical power


Figure 37: Current Transformers

6.2 Potential Transformers:

Voltage transformers (VT), also called potential transformers (PT), are a parallel connected type of

instrument transformer, used for metering and protection in high-voltage circuits or phasor phase shift

isolation. They are designed to present negligible load to the supply being measured and to have an

accurate voltage ratio to enable accurate metering. A potential transformer may have several

secondary windings on the same core as a primary winding, for use in different metering or protection

circuits. The primary may be connected phase to ground or phase to phase. The secondary is usually

grounded on one terminal. There are three primary types of voltage transformers (VT):

electromagnetic, capacitor, and optical. The electromagnetic voltage transformer is a wire-wound

transformer. The capacitor voltage transformer uses a capacitance potential divider and is used at

higher voltages due to a lower cost than an electromagnetic VT. An optical voltage transformer

exploits the electrical properties of optical materials. Measurement of high voltages is possible by the

potential transformers.

Figure 38: (PT) Potential Transformer

6.3 Capacitor Coupled Voltage Transformer (CCVT):

A capacitor voltage transformer (CVT or CCVT), is a transformer used in power systems to step

down extra high voltage signals and provide a low voltage signal, for metering or operating a

protective relay

Figure 39: (CCVT) Capacitor Coupled Voltage Transformer

In its most basic form, the device consists of three parts: two capacitors across which the transmission

Line signal is split, an inductive element to tune the device to the line frequency, and a voltage

transformer to isolate and further step down the voltage for the metering devices or protective relay.

The tuning of the divider to the line frequency makes the overall division ratio less sensitive to

changes in the burden of the connected metering or protection devices. The device has at least four

terminals: a terminal for connection to the high voltage signal, a ground terminal, and two secondary

terminals which connect to the instrumentation or protective relay. In practice, capacitor C1 is often

constructed as a stack of smaller capacitors connected in series. This provides a large voltage drop

across C1 and a relatively small voltage drop across C2. As the majority of the voltage drop is on C1,

this reduces the required insulation level of the voltage transformer. This makes CVTs more

economical than the wound voltage transformers under high voltage, as the later one requires more

winding and materials.

6.4 RTD (Resistance Tempter Detectors):

Resistance temperature detectors (RTDs), are sensors used to measure temperature. Many RTD

elements consist of a length of fine wire wrapped around a ceramic or glass core but other

constructions are also used. The RTD wire is a pure material, typically platinum, nickel, or copper.

The material has an accurate resistance/temperature relationship which is used to provide an

indication of temperature. As RTD elements are fragile, they are often housed in protective probes.

RTDs, which have higher accuracy and repeatability Common RTD sensing elements constructed of

platinum, copper or nickel have a repeatable resistance versus temperature relationship (R vs. T)

and operating temperature range. The R vs. T relationship is defined as the amount of resistance

change of the sensor per degree of temperature change. The relative change in resistance (temperature

coefficient of resistance) varies only slightly over the useful range of the sensor.

Figure 40:( RTD) Resistance Tempter Detectors


A relay is an electrically operated switch. Many relays use an electromagnet to mechanically operate

a switch, but other operating principles are also used, such as solid- state relays. Relays are used

where it is necessary to control a circuit by a low-power signal (with complete electrical isolation

between control and controlled circuits), or where several circuits must be controlled by one signal.

The first relays were used in long distance telegraph circuits as amplifiers: they repeated the signal

coming in from one circuit and re-transmitted it on another circuit. Relays were used extensively in

telephone exchanges and early computers to perform logical operations.

 Latching relay

 Buchholz relay

 Overload protection relay

 Differential Relays

 Split phase relay

 Under frequency Relay

 Asymmetrical Relay

 Distance Relay

 Over current Relay

 Directional Relay

6.5.1 Latching relay:

A latching relay (also called "impulse", "keep", or "stay" relays) maintains either contact position

indefinitely without power applied to the coil. The advantage is that one coil consumes power only

for an instant while the relay is being switched, and the relay contacts retain this setting across a

power outage. A latching relay allows remote control of building lighting without the hum that may

be produced from a continuously (AC) energized coil. In one mechanism, two opposing coils with an

over-centre spring or permanent magnet hold the contacts in position after the coil is de-energized. A

pulse to one coil turns the relay on and a pulse to the opposite coil turns the relay off. This type is

widely used where control is from simple switches or single-ended outputs of a control system and

such relays are found in avionics and numerous industrial applications. Another latching type has a

remnant core that retains the contacts in the operated position by the remnant magnetism in the core.

This type requires a current pulse of opposite polarity to release the contacts. A variation uses a

permanent magnet that produces part of the force required to close the contact; the coil supplies

sufficient force to move the contact open or closed by aiding or opposing the field of the permanent

magnet. A polarity controlled relay needs changeover switches or an H bridge drive circuit to control

it. The relay may be less expensive than other types, but this is partly offset by the increased costs in

the external circuit

Figure 41: Latching Relay

6.5.2 Buchholz relay:

A Buchholz relay is a safety device sensing the accumulation of gas in large oil- filled transformers,

which will alarm on slow accumulation of gas or shut down the transformer if gas is produced rapidly

in the transformer oil. The contacts are not operated by an electric current but by the pressure of

accumulated gas or oil flow. Depending on the model, the relay has multiple methods to detect a

failing transformer. On a slow accumulation of gas, due perhaps to slight overload, gas produced by

decomposition of insulating oil accumulates in the top of the relay and forces the oil level down. A

float switch in the relay is used to initiate an alarm signal. Depending on design, a second float may

also serve to detect slow oil leaks. If an electrical arc forms, gas accumulation is rapid, and oil flows

rapidly into the conservator. This flow of oil operates a switch attached to a vane located in the path

of the moving oil. This switch normally will operate a circuit breaker to isolate the apparatus before

the fault causes additional damage. Buchholz relays have a test port to allow the accumulated gas to

be withdrawn for testing. Flammable gas found in the relay indicate some internal fault such as

overheating or arcing, whereas air found in the relay may only indicate low oil level or a leak.

Figure 42: Bochholz .Relay

6.5.3 Overload protection relay:

Electric motors need over current protection to prevent damage from over-loading the motor, or to

protect against short circuits in connecting cables or internal faults in the motor windings. The

overload sensing devices are a form of heat operated relay where a coil heats a bimetallic strip, or

where a solder pot melts, releasing a spring to operate auxiliary contacts. These auxiliary contacts are

in series with the coil. If the overload senses excess current in the load, the coil is de-energized.

This thermal protection operates relatively slowly allowing the motor to draw higher starting currents

before the protection relay will trip. Where the overload relay is exposed to the same environment as

the motor, a useful though crude compensation for motor ambient temperature is provided. The other

common overload protection system uses an electromagnet coil in series with the motor circuit that

directly operates contacts. This is similar to a control relay but requires a rather high fault current to

operate the contacts. To prevent short over current spikes from causing nuisance triggering the

armature movement is damped with a dashpot. The thermal and magnetic overload detections are

typically used together in a motor protection relay. Electronic overload protection relays measure

motor current and can estimate motor winding temperature using a "thermal model" of the motor

armature system that can be set to provide more accurate motor protection. Some motor protection

relays include temperature detector inputs for direct measurement from a thermocouple or resistance

thermometer sensor embedded in the winding.

Figure 43: Overload protection relay

6.5.4 Differential Relays:

The differential relay is one that operates when there is a difference between two or more similar

electrical quantities exceeds a predetermined value. In differential relay scheme circuit, there are two

currents come from two parts of an electrical power circuit. The relays used in power system

protection are of different types. Among them differential relay is very commonly used relay for

protecting transformers and generators from localized faults. Differential relays are very sensitive to

the faults occurred within the zone of protection but they are least sensitive to the faults that occur

outside the protected zone. Most of the relays operate when any quantity exceeds beyond a

predetermined value for example over current relay operates when current through it exceeds

predetermined value. But the principle of differential relay is somewhat different. It operates

depending upon the difference between two or more similar electrical quantities

Figure 44: Differential Relay

6.5.5 Distance relay:

Distance relays differ in principle from other forms of protection in that their performance is not

governed by the magnitude of the current or voltage in the protected circuit but rather on the ratio of

these two quantities. Distance relays are actually double actuating quantity relays with one coil

energized by voltage and other coil by current. The current element produces a positive or pick up

torque while the voltage element produces a negative or reset torque. The relay operates only when

the V/I ratio falls below a predetermined value (or set value).During a fault on the transmission line

the fault current increases and the voltage at the fault point decreases. The V/I ratio is measured at the

location of CTs and PTs. The voltage at the PT location depends on the distance between the PT and

the fault. If the measured voltage is lesser, that means the fault is nearer and vice-versa. Hence the

protection called Distance relay.

Figure 45: Distance Relay

6.5.6 Directional Relay:

A directional relay uses an additional polarizing source of voltage or current to determine the

direction of a fault. Directional elements respond to the phase shift between a polarizing quantity and

an operate quantity. The fault can be located upstream or downstream of the relay's location, allowing

appropriate protective devices to be operated inside or outside of the zone of protection.

Figure 46: Directional Relay

6.5.7 Over current Relay:

An Over current relay is a type of protective relay which operates when the load current exceeds a

pickup value. Instantaneous over current (IOC) or a Definite Time Over current (DTOC) In a typical

application the over current relay is connected to a current transformer and calibrated to operate at or

above a specific current level. When the relay operates, one or more contacts will operate and

energize to trip (open) a circuit breaker. The Definite Time Over current Relay (DTOC) has been

used extensively in the United Kingdom but its inherent issue of operating slower for faults closer to

the source led to the development of the IDMT relay. The ANSI device number for (TOC) or (IDMT)

protection is 51.

Figure 47: Over current relay

6.5.8 Split Phase relay:

The stator winding of a hydro generator is often made up of coils with multiple turns in the same slot.

It is therefore possible for faults to develop between adjacent turns on the same phase (turn-to turn

faults). These faults cannot be detected by the stator differential protection because there is no

difference between the neutral- and terminal-side currents. Split-phase protection, an over current

element responding to the difference between the currents in the winding parallel branches, is

typically provided to detect these faults. Ideally, the split-phase element should be sensitive enough to

detect a single shorted turn. Despite the fact that the current in this turn can be six to seven times the

machine nominal current, the current seen by the split-phase protection can be quite small, in the

order of one-twentieth of the generator full-load current. In addition, a spurious split-phase current

can be measured due to current transformer (CT) errors, saturation during external faults in particular.

Therefore, primary considerations in the application of split-phase protection are the method of

measuring the difference in the currents between the parallel branches and the proper selection of the

CT used for this purpose.

Figure 48: Split phase Relay

6.5.9 Asymmetrical Relay:

Asymmetrical is a condition in which the three-phase voltages in the system differ by an amount

(Amplitude) or if the angle between each two phases is 120°. A measure of the asymmetry of the

voltage is defined as the ratio of the inverse and direct component. The asymmetry in distribution

networks is caused by the uneven distribution of loads in stages or by a malfunction. Asymmetrical

relay is use for the asymmetrical fault identification is system

Figure 49: Asymmetrical relay

6.5.10 Under frequency relay:

Under frequency refers to a condition where the frequency of the AC supply drops to a value that is

lower than its defined value such as 50 Hz or 60 Hz. Under frequency is usually caused by

overloading a power source or problems with a prime mover such as engines or turbines.

The low-frequency relay is works to protect the load on the frequency of the event generator that falls

below the preset limits. It is activated when the frequency decreases to 49 hertz for 50 hertz

operation. When actuated, the contacts within the relay are approached to signal the annunciate, and

are opened to de-energize the generator switch (contactor), resulting in a display of the fault condition

and the elimination of the generator load.

Figure 50: Under frequency relay

Chapter # 07 Power house elevation:

The elevation of a geographic location is its height above or below a fixed reference point, most

commonly a reference geoids a mathematical model of the Earth's sea level as

an equip gravitational surface (see Geodetic system, vertical datum). Elevation, or geometric height,

is mainly used when referring to points on the Earth's surface, while altitude or geo potential height is

used for points above the surface, such as an aircraft in flight or a spacecraft in orbit, and depth is

used for points below the surface.

7.1 Ground level (865.5 FT SPD):

 Generator Transformer

 Exciters

 Loading Bays

 11KV Switchgear

 Relay Room

 Ventilation Plants

7.2 Machine hall (852 FT SPD)

 Machine Hall

 Generator

 Generator/ Exciter Control cubical/ Governor cabinets/AVR

 LV switchgear

 Irrigation valve (853 FT SPD)

 50V & 230V Battery rooms

7.3 Cooling water gallery (842 FTSPD):

 Cooling water Feed Point/ CW distribution gallery

 Normal tail race level (Minimum 835.5ft SPD & Maximum 846ft SPD)

7.4 Compressor area (837 FT SPD):

 Compressor Area

 Turbine pits

 Governor oil pumps

 Excitation Transformers

 HTDs

 Grease Pumps

 Mechanical Workshop

7.5 827 FT SPD:

 Spiral case

 Turbine Runner (825 FT SPD)

7.6 810 FT SPD

 Inlet Valve sump tanks/pumps

 Draft tube windows

 Drainage pits

 Dewatering Drainage Pumps

 Ventilation pumps

 S/By cooling water pump

 Rotary& Mitsubishi Air Compressors

 Draft Tube Exhaust fans

7.7 900 FT SPD

 Power House Crane

 Draft Tube Gantry crane

 Control Building

7.8 Elevation level (Spillway)

 Spillway sill Level 1091 FT SPD

 Bottom Sill Level 1069 FT SPD

 Top Seal Level of Radial gates 1126 FT SPD

 Gate Top Level 1138 FT SPD

7.9 Elevation level (Intake)

 Sill level 953 FT SPD

 Main Intake Control Building 1266 FT SPD

 Locking Device 1228 FT SPD

Chapter # 08 Schedule of Training

Week No. Work Perform

1 MME(Mechanical maintenance engineers) Section

2 MME(Mechanical maintenance engineers) Section

3 EME(Electrical maintenance engineers) Section

4 EME(Electrical maintenance engineers) Section

5 Auxiliary Section

6 Auxiliary Section

7 P&I(Protections & Instrumentation) Section

8 P&I(Protections & Instrumentation) Section

9 Switchyard

10 Switchyard

11 Operation Section

12 Operation Section

13 Operation Section

14 Operation Section

15 Operation Section

16 Operation Section

Table 20 Training schedule

Chapter # 09 Skills Gained

9.1 Technical Skills acquired:

 Power Station Technologies and Operations & maintenance.

 Transmission systems technologies and operations & maintenance,
 Distribution system technologies and operations & maintenance,
 Energy Efficiency
 Energy Environment Interface
 Rural Electrification

9.2 Interpersonal Communication Skills:

During my internship period the Interpersonal skills, which are the life skills I use every day to how I

communicate with others, but also I got confidence and my ability to listen and understand. Problem

solving, decision making and personal stress management are also considered interpersonal skills.

Through this internship, I found that I matured and I gained many new perspectives, such as problem

solving skill, diversity, effective communication, team work and service recovery, attention to detail,

time management, personal empowerment, self-confidence, responsibility and cultural sensitivity. My

supervisor was so kind to answer with patience and teach me much that made this internship so

enjoyable. I had gotten a wonderful internship that spent such a happy moment with all of them.

Though, still have so much to learn, I think this challenge was what should include in my career. This

helped much on my future planning

9.3 Team Playing Skills:

In the section of the company I had been working, most of the time I had work with my supervisor

though gained in terms of improving my team playing skill during my internship period in Mangla

Power Plant

9.4 Leadership Skills:

Leadership skills are the tool, behaviors, and capabilities that a person needs in order to be successful

at motivating and directing others. Yet true leadership skills involve something more; the ability to

help people grow in their own abilities. It can be said that the most successful leaders are those that

drive other to active their own success. I gained leadership skills from my supervisor during the

internship period which include managing time, motivating individuals, giving feedback and building


9.5 Work Ethics Related Issue:

An internship is an opportunity to learn the skills and behaviors along with the work values that are

required for success in the workplace. Workplace ethics are established codes of conduct that reflect

the values of the organization or company where you are employed. I have seen possess willingness

to work hard from my supervisor during my internship period. In addition to working hard it is also

important to work smart. This means I acquired the most efficient way to complete tasks and finding

ways to save time while completing daily assignments. It’s also important to care about my job and

complete all projects while maintaining a positive attitude.

9.6 Entrepreneurship Skills:

Entrepreneurship is the ability to “create and build something from practically nothing. It is initiating,

doing, achieving and building an enterprise or organization, rather than just watching, analyzing or

describing one. It is the knack of sensing an opportunity where others see chaos, contradiction and

confusion. It is the ability to build a founding team to complement your own skills and talents. It

is the know-how to find, marshal and control resources and to make sure you don’t run out of money

when you need it most. Finally, it is the willingness to take calculated risks, both personal and

financial, and then to do everything possible to get the odds in your favor.”

An entrepreneurship education program consists of wide-ranging subjects, and in every

entrepreneurship education program, learning something at outside classroom like internship in

accompany plays an important role, as well as normal lectures in classroom. Of course, in this

respect, the good relationship between educational institutions and business society is very important

for the purpose of implementing an internship program as a part of curriculum. Interns gain firsthand

understanding of entrepreneurship along with enhanced technical, professional, and communication

skills. In this internship I have gained self confidence, information seeking, problem seeking and sees

and acts on opportunities of business in networking. Though helping me to clarify my vision and

decided whether or not to forge ahead with the idea.


After going through the whole period of internship as an intern I’ve observed so many professional

activities and learnt as well. This internship was very fruitful to me because I had to cover many

different fields. I also learnt new concepts and new ways of working. During this internship period I

acquired practical experience to complement the theoretical content of my study for campus


NPCC National Power Control Centre

MME Mechanical maintenance engineers (Section)

EME Electrical maintenance engineers (Section)

P&I Protections & Instrumentation (Section)

R.E (P) Resident Engineer (Power)

AVR Automatic voltage regulator

PMG permanent magnet generator

HTD Hitachi tune dynamo

H.R.C High-rupturing capacity

C.B Circuit breaker

CT Current transformer

AC Alternating current

VT Voltage transformers

PT Potential transformers

CCVT Capacitor Coupled Voltage Transformer

RTD Resistance Tempter Detectors

IOC Instantaneous over current

DTOC Definite Time Over current


1. Maximum data take from Mangla Power Station Operation Section




























21. › Input/Output Devices

Control Room data sheets

Figure 51: 132kv Lines Data sheet

Figure 52: 220kv Transmission Lines

Figure 53: Units Data Sheet

Figure 54: Water Flow Data Sheet

Figure 55: Spillway Discharge Flow Data Sheet

Figure 56: Flow Discharge Data Sheet


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