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English - Our increasing reliance with text messages and

other less-than-personal communication have

Lesson 5: Essays on Social Media’s Challenge for Selfie results in less civility, courtesy, and
Nations consideration to others.
- Other people like celebrities tend to blast each
Social Media – defined as the online communication other through social media instead of ironing out
channels dedicated to community-based input, their differences personally.
interaction, content-sharing and collaborations. - We are becoming more detached even to our
loved ones as communication via cellphones and
Collaborations – Sharing information, ideas, personal tablets replace intimate, engaged, and personal
messages, and other content conversations.
- We should use social media and text messages to
Some forms of social media: facilitate and not to replace authentic personal
Websites and applications dedicated to forums, communication in both our business and
microblogging, social networking, social bookmarking, personal lives.
social curations, and wikis.

Prominent examples of Social Media: An Update on the Selfie People

Carolina T. Gonzales
Facebook – a free social networking website that allows
registered users to create profiles, share photos and Selfies – a type of self portrait that is taken using a digital
videos, send messages and keep in touch with friends, camera or camera phone by that same person.
family, and colleagues. According to the statistics from
the Nielson Group, internet users within the United Candace Whites “A Study of Selfies” (March 2, 2014)
States spend more time in Facebook than other websites - Women take more pictures and pose more than
men. However, as men and women reach the
Twitter – a free microblogging website that allows age of 40, men take more self-portraits.
registered members to broadcast short posts called - Selfies have become more than just a self-
tweets. Twitter members can broadcast tweets and promotion of people with inflated egos. It has
follow other users’ tweets through any platform or become a way of self-expression.
Angelo G. Garcia
Wikipedia – a free, open content online encyclopedia - Pasig and Makati landed on top in the “selfiest”
created by the collaborative effort of a community of city in the world.
users called Wikipedians. Anyone registered on this - The two cities beat Manhattan in New York
website can create articles for publication and (ranked at number two).
registration is not required to edit articles. It was - Cebu City ranked at number nine.
founded on January 2001. - Mentioned that this generation is a “self-
absorbed generation” and mentioned the
psychological perspective of selfies as a mental
How Social Media and Text Messages Devalued illness and its good side as well.
Personal Communication (Excerpts) - Cameras were only invented for the purpose of
Earl G. Graves Sr. taking pictures for preservation.
December 23, 2013 - In his report on the psychological perspective of
selfies, it was mentioned that a British teenager
- Advancements in technology have helped us a committed suicide because he was not able to
lot especially with communication. We do take a perfect photo of himself. Nineteen-year-
communicate but we are losing the sense of old Danny Bowman takes 200 selfies a day and
genuine connection with others. takes 10 hours to do this. This caused him to drop
- Text messages and emojis are poor substitutes out of school. He is believed to have OCD
to a sincere hug, a firm handshake, and even (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) and Body
handwritten notes. Dysmorphic Disorder
Maria Paz Consolacion Manaligod Ph. D Technical Definition
- Selfies are a way of expressing oneself - detailed description of a term, process, or
- Today’s generation has this “Hey, I matter” phenomenon.
syndrome. Because they want to be noticed by
everyone. 2 types of Definitions:
- We should not immediately categorize Danny
Bowman’s situation as NPD or Narcissistic Parenthetical
Personality Disorder - explain a word or phrase in a sentence in an unobtrusive
- Selfies are a way of connecting to other people way.
-Define a term by stating its definition enclosed in a
VOCABULARY parenthesis.
-This should immediately follow the term being defined.
Status – high standing; prestige; a position -It can also be a longer phrase or clause.
Transform – to change markedly
Empathy – understanding into another’s feelings. Sentence
- explains a term by giving its definition in one sentence
Linear and Nonlinear Text - Follows a standard pattern:
1. Place the term being defined in a class or category of
Linear – in the form of a paragraph similar items.
Nonlinear – in the form of pie charts, flowcharts, etc. 2. Distinguish the term being defined from them.

Linear Text: How to Cook Adobo Intonations
First, sauté the garlic and onion until brown, then
add chicken or pork. Sauté until meat is cooked. Add Intonation – It is a way of producing tones that concerns
vinegar and soy sauce, and the let it simmer until the the accuracy of pitch
meat is tender. Add black pepper for extra flavor. Serve.
4 tones used in speaking
Nonlinear Text: 1. low commonly used tones of standard
2. normal American English
Add vinegar and
saute the garlic
and onion
add chickin or
soy sauce, and the
let it simmer
3. high
4. extremely high (only used for extreme emotions like
extreme anger and extreme surprise)
Add black pepper
for extra flavor.
Three basic intonation patterns:

Important Elements in Essays: 2-3-1 (Rising-Falling Intonation)

1. Focus - stating simple facts
2. Content - commanding or requesting
3. Organization - information questions
2-3-3 (Rising Intonation)
- yes/no questions
Definitions 2-3-2 (Non final Intonation)
Technical Words – used in specific fields or professions. - starts with the normal pitch then goes to level 3
They are specialized words which belong or relate to a and goes back to the normal pitch
particular subject like industrial or mechanical arts and - can be combined with the rising and rising-falling
applied sciences. intonation

To explain technical words, definitions are needed: 2 types of speaking

1. Parenthetical
2. Sentence Extemporaneous
3. Extended (Complex or longer definition) Memorized
Extemporaneous Memorized Speaking
Works well with Is usually done in
academic and business occasions like weddings
purposes and funerals
Requires thorough Requires clear planning
planning, adequate and word-for-word
rehearsal, and full speech memorization of the full
or presentation outline speech manuscript
The speaker may use The speaker is not
notes that contain brief allowed to use notes
and unobtrusive points
(main points)
The speaker should be Allows the speaker to
flexible and he/she carefully plan and ensure
should respond to the the proper wording of
audience’s reactions the speech
Without sufficient In a memorized speech,
planning, the speaker the speaker may look
may stumble while unnatural with delivering
delivering the speech the speech

Presentation Evaluation Checklist

Organization – The speech should be arranged logically.

It should have a proper flow. There should be an
introduction, followed by the main points, and the

Content – It should meet the expectation of the

audience. The speech delivered or the content of it
should be the expected content of the audience. It
should be understood by the audience.

Speech – Pay attention to your voice. Make sure that it is

heard by everyone in the room. You should know if your
voice is too loud or too soft. Speak with authority and

Delivery – Eye contact, body language, hand gestures.

Visual Aids – Visual aids should support and work with

your speech to help the audience understand the speech

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