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Lesson Plan in English 9

I. Objectives:

1. Define gerunds;

2. Give examples of gerund;

3. Construct sentences using gerunds;

4. Use gerund in a sentence.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Gerund

Materials: Power point Presentation,Laptop, Projector and Peinted words

References: Almonte Riza R..,et al., A Journey Through Anglo-American Literature (2014) pages 255-257,
Vibal Group ,INC

III. Procedure:

A. Preliminary Activities:

1. Prayer

2. Checking of Attendance

B. Motivation:

3 students are asked to pick a piece of paper one at a t8me. Each paper has a corresponding words.
Student will act the chosen word then the rest of the class will guess the student's action in one word.

1. Chatting

2. Talking

3. Advising
C. Activity

The teacher presents 3 group of words. Students will distinguish what kinds of worss are presented on
the power point presentatio .


















D. Analysis:

1. What kind of words are on group A?

2. How about on group C and D?

3. Who can differentiate group of words on group A and C compare to group B?

4. What have you noticed to the words or verbs in group B?

4. Anybody who can tell me what kind of verbs in grouo B?

E. Abstraction:

1. Allow the students to make a generalization by asking them ro define gerund.

2. Power point presentation about gerund

Gerund- is defined as a word ending in-ing that is formed feom a verb and functions as a noun.



1. Talk+ing=Talking

2. Dance+ing=dancing

3. Surf+ing=surfing

4. Travel+ing=traveling

5 Functions of Gerund

1. Gerund as a Subject

gerund is the main idea of the sentence and the one who performs the action.


1. Watching television does not burn many calories.

2. Listening requires a lot of patience.

3. Eunninh is a good exercise.

2. Gerund as a Direct Object

Receives the action performed by the subject

The verb use is always an action verb.


1. I enjoy cooking with my Mom.

2. Dogs enjoy barking at strangers.

3. She felt like eating ice cream today.

3. Geeund as a Subject Complement

Is a noun that follows a linking verb

Linking verbs (am,is,are,was and were).


1. My favourite past rime is reading books.

2. Melissa's hobby was sewing patches onto sweaters.

3. Eena's sport is surfing.

4. Gerund as an Object od Preposition

Comes after a preposition such an in,at,with,of,on,by,for amd to.


1. He showed us how to get to his hoise by drawing a map.

2. Billy isn't used in wearing a suiy and tie every day.

3. Jathan is fond of talking.

5. Gerund as a n appositive

Is a way to out 2 nouns ina row wirh the second one "explaiining" or clarifying the first noun.

It can be omitted in the sentence and atill it makes sense.


1. My summer activity, exercising, keeps me in shape.

2. Her job, journalizing,is not easy.

3. My favourite sport,running,takes a great deal of efforts.

F. Application:


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