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English II

UNIT II: Informal Report.

Topic: Informal Report.

Date: On September 18th- 2019
What are Reports?
Reports are documents which both give a reader information and ask the
reader to do something with that information.

Reports can be used:

To ask people to To ask people to
To suggest new To influence make choices
ideas and options. accept a point of between alternative
view. recommendations.
The Report
The beggining: Middle Ending:

• Communicate • Should tell • Write the • Tell what

its intenttion what your main part you have
• Be clearly
report is of your learned
structured ( about and report. and how
Intro, Body, hook the you fell
conclusion) reader´s about the
interest. topic.

Topic Examples of informal Reports:

• Trip reports
• Accident reports: Wrecked car
• Site and inspection reports
• Investigative analytical reports
• Damaged building
The following outline can be used to write an effective informal report

I- Subject: Is a brief description of the report. It is placed in the subject line of an email
or a memo

II- Introduction: Should be short and to the point, lets readers know why they should
read the report.

III- Facts: provides essential details about the subject and answers the question: "What
does the reader need to know?

IV- Feedback: regarding the subject such as feelings, opinions, interpretations, or

recommendations may not be necessary. But, if it is, then it should be logical, clear, and

V- Conclusion: summarizes the report. It underscores the most important facts and
parts of the feedback section.
Example Of Informal Report.
To: John Davis
From: Terri Ames
Date: December 20, 2012
Subject: Preliminary Funding Report

In response to our serious need to raise more money for the organization's programs, I
conducted preliminary research on potential foundation, government, and corporate
funders. I wanted to get an idea of the number and type of funders who might be
interested in supporting our organization and programs.

I identified more than 100 foundations and several corporate giving programs that make
grants for job readiness, financial management, and life skills training programs. I did not,
however, identify any federal governmental agencies that are currently making grants for
these kinds of programs.

I recommend conducting more thorough research to create a list of foundation and

corporate funders whose funding priorities more closely match our mission and programs. I
also recommend conducting research to identify state grants that our organization might be
eligible to receive. Since it can take six months to a year to receive a grant, we should begin
developing a list of prospective funders and submitting grant proposals and applications
Communication Case :
Writing a Trip Report for an Information Systems Security Inspection

Larry Damon, an Information Technology (IT) specialist working for Net Tech, has just completed an inspection of a
potential client’s computing system. The client, S4 Insurance Co., wants to secure its system. It has suddenly started
losing data from its computer system. Furthermore, several clients and employees have complained about a recent
rash of personal identity thefts. It’s difficult to know what the cause of these thefts might be, but some of the
information stolen was personal, information that only the insurance company had access to.

In the inspection, Larry concluded that S4 is vulnerable. Its employee personnel files and financial accounting records
easily can be compromised through external hacking or internal electronic eavesdropping. In addition, as a good-will
promotional gesture, S4 provides its customers several PCs in the office waiting room where they can write e-mail, pay
bills online, check out the S4 corporate web site for upcoming deals, and more. The customers have commented
favorably on this unique PC-perk, but Larry has found that this open PC lab is further compromising the company’s
records. The PC lab makes the company’s stand-alone PCs and networked computing systems too easily accessible.

Finally, S4 has another problem. As an insurance company, S4 has access to very sensitive information about its clients,
including the cost of their personal possessions; their driving records; any criminal records; personal family records
about ages, social security numbers, medical histories, and so forth. As Larry’s boss knows, computers can radiate
electronic waves approximately 50 feet. These waves can be intercepted by individuals with the right equipment and
the wrong motives. This is another way in which the electronic files at S4 are compromised.
Larry believes that S4 needs to improve its computer system’s security. Specifically, he wants to install firewalls to
protect all business files. He wants to install a computer password system to limit access to PCs. In addition, Larry
suggests that S4 create an intranet to complement its Internet site. The intranet site, accessible only through a
password-protected firewall, would provide corporate employees access to sensitive information. The Internet site
would still allow customers access to more open information. Finally, Larry believes that all S4 computers need to be
protected by a lead container covering system. This LCCS would block the radiation of computer waves and would
prevent information from being stolen.
Exercise 1. Answer:
1) What is the purpose of the report?

2) List examples of problems that the reader mention in the report.

a) _________________________________________________________________
b) _________________________________________________________________
c) _________________________________________________________________

3) Provide examples of the recommendation the writer proposes.

a) ________________________________________________________________
b) ________________________________________________________________
c) ________________________________________________________________

Assignment 2: Write a trip report from Larry to his boss Beth Ramirez. In this report,
explain why Larry visited the client, detail Larry’s findings at the client’s site, and
provide Larry’s recommendations. Follow the criteria for successful reports provided
in the textbook

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