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G.R. No.

L-32941 July 31, 1973


MARCOS, in his capacity as Judge, Court of First Instance of

Office of the Solicitor General Felix Q. Antonio, Assistant Solicitor

General Dominador L. Quiroz and Solicitor Rosalio A. de Leon for

Jesus M. Ponce for private respondents.


A perusal, even the most cursory, of this petition for review

on certiorari, would make evident its being impressed with merit.
Respondent Judge, under color of a statutory provision 1and at the
instance of private respondents, did re-open Civil Registration Case
No. 1 of the Court of First Instance of Baguio establishing the
Baguio Townsite Reservation, promulgated as far back as November
13, 1922, thus enabling private respondents to apply for the
registration of an area of 74,017 square meters inside the Camp
John Hay Leave and Recreation Center. In the decision now sought
to be set aside in this suit dated November 9, 1968, its registration
therefor was ordered in favor of the aforesaid private respondents.
Petitioner Republic of the Philippines thus has a legitimate
grievance. Republic v. Marcos, 2a 1969 a decision, speaks
authoritatively. It does provide a firm, not to say rocklike
foundation. Respondent Judge was without power to re-open the
aforesaid Civil Reservation Case No. 1 which was not a cadastral
proceeding. What is more, it is undeniable that the land in question,
being a part of a duly established military camp or reservation,
cannot be thus ordered registered in favor of private respondents.
We have to grant the petition. chanroblesv irt ualawli bra rycha nrob les vi rtual law lib rary

It would appear from the facts that on November 12, 1966,

respondents, the Carantes heirs, filed under Civil Reservation Case
No. 1 3of the Court of First Instance of Baguio City a petition for the
re-opening of said proceeding to have them declared owners, and
for the registration in their favor of four lots with a total area of
74,017 square meters therein described. Then on December 14,
1966, respondent Judge issued an order requiring the publication
and posting of notices thereof. The Director of Lands duly opposed,
as a report of an investigator of his office was that the area sought
to be registered is inside Camp John Hay in Baguio City. This
notwithstanding, on November 9, 1968, the respondent Judge
rendered his decision, the dispositive portion of which reads:
"[Wherefore], this Court hereby orders the registration of this parcel
of land, situated in Res. Sec. "J", Baguio City, identified as Lots 1, 2,
3, and 4 as shown on survey plan PSU 223402, and described in its
Technical Descriptions and Surveyor's Certificate, with a combined
total area of 74,017 square meters, more or less, in the names of
the petitioners, pro-indiviso, namely, [Alson Carantes], married to
Monica Pedro, [Eduardo Carantes], married to Jesusa Rosal, and
[Bill Carantes], married to Budaet Onias, all of legal ages, Filipino
citizens, with residence and postal addresses at Loakan, Baguio
City, Philippines." 4The efforts exerted by the Director of Lands and
the City of Baguio to appeal said decision, seasonably made, did not
prosper, respondent Judge being of the belief that "the proper party
to appeal should be Camp John Hay." Unfortunately, with the
Solicitor-General not having been informed of what did transpire,
such denial went unchallenged. 5It was not until August 22, 1969
that the Solicitor-General entered his appearance in the case and
filed a motion to annul the decision based on the ground of lack of
jurisdiction of the court over the subject matter of the proceedings
as the land in question is part of a duly established military
reservation. Such motion was denied by respondent Judge on
December 8, 1969. It must be noted that the location of the lot
inside Camp John Hay is not a subject of dispute. Apparently, the
respondent Judge in refusing to set aside his decision was
impressed by the claim that the private respondents had been in
possession "since the Spanish regime," and thus came within the
protection of the words annotated on all survey plans of Camp John
Hay, to wit: "subject to prior and existing private rights." 6chanrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

What is immediately apparent is that even if the above decision

were not flawed by a grave infirmity, it could not survive after the
decision of this Court in Republic v. Marcos, 7as noted in the brief for
private respondents, an action against the very same judge whose
actuation over a matter not dissimilar was challenged and -
challenged successfully. For the absence of jurisdiction under such
statutory provision from which he would derive his competence as
well as the location of the disputed area inside a military reservation
deprived the decision now sought to be nullified of the slightest
claim to validity. Nor could private respondents derive comfort from
the doctrine of estoppel which as they should be the first to realize
cannot operate against the state. Accordingly, as noted at the
outset, we grant the petition.chanroblesvi rtua lawlib rary chan roble s virtual law l ibra ry

1. The question of jurisdiction was squarely raised and passed upon

in the aforesaid Republic v. Marcos. Thus: "Republic Act No. 931
speaks in a manner far from ambiguous. It is quite explicit and
categorical. Only persons "claiming to parcels of land that have
been the object of cadastral proceedings' are granted the right to
petition for a re-opening thereof if the other conditions named
therein are successfully met. It cannot admit of doubt, therefore,
that if the parcels of land were not the object of cadastral
proceedings, then this statute finds no application. Considering that
as far back as October 10, 1910, the then President of the United
States, William H. Taft, issued an executive order reserving for
naval purposes the lots now disputed, they could not have been the
object of the cadastral proceedings involving the Baguio townsite
reservation, decided only on November 13, 1922." 8It was then
stated in the opinion: "The Cadastral Act was enacted on February
11, 1913, taking effect on its passage. As is made clear in the first
section thereof, when public interest requires that titles to any land
be settled and adjudicated, in the opinion of the then executive, the
Governor General, he could order the Director of Lands, to make a
survey and plan of such lands. Clearly, it does not include the
survey of lands declared as reservations." 9 chanroble s virtual law lib rary

Its historical background was next passed upon: "An earlier act,
enacted as far back as 1903, specifically governs the subject matter
of reservations. As provided therein: "All lands or buildings, or any
interests therein, within the Philippine Islands lying within the
boundaries of the areas now or hereafter set apart and declared to
be military reservations shall be forthwith brought under the
operations of the Land Registration Act, and such of said lands,
buildings, and interests therein as shall not be determined to be
public lands shall become registered land in accordance with the
provisions of said Land Registration Act, under the circumstances
hereinafter stated." The validity of this statute was sustained as
against the allegation that there was a violation of the due process
clause, in a 1910 decision, Jose v. Commander of the Philippine
Squadron." 10Finally, an earlier case of decisive significance was
referred to: "What is even more conclusive as to the absence of any
right on the part of the private respondents to seek a re-opening
under Republic Act No. 931 is our ruling in Government v. Court of
First Instance of Pampanga, a 1926 decision. We there explicitly
held: "The defendant's contention that the respondent court, in a
cadastral case, has jurisdiction to order the registration portions of
a legally established military reservation cannot be sustained. The
establishment of military reservations is governed by Act No. 627 of
the Philippine Commission and Section 1 of that Act provides that
"All lands or buildings, or any interest therein, within the Philippine
Islands lying within the boundaries of the areas now or hereafter set
apart and declared to be military reservations shall be forthwith
brought under the operations of the Land Registration
Act. ... ." ' " 11
chanroble s virtual law lib rary

This Court could conclude therefore that as contended by petitioner

Republic, respondent Judge in that case was devoid "of jurisdiction
to pass upon the claim of private respondents invoking the benefits
of Republic Act No. 931." 12So it is in the present case. The absence
of jurisdiction is equally clear. chanrob lesvi rtua lawlib rary chan roble s virtual law l ibra ry

2. That Republic v. Marcos is likewise an insuperable bar to the re-

opening sought by private respondents is made clear by the latter
portion of the opinion. Thus: "This lack of jurisdiction on the part of
respondent Judge is made more patent by another specific
restriction of the right of a person to seek re-opening under this
statute. For the power of the Court to order such re-opening is
limited 'to such of said parcels of land as have not been alienated,
reserved, leased, granted, or otherwise provisionally or permanently
disposed of by the Government. ... .' Included in the petition is an
executive order of then President Herbert Hoover of June 19, 1929
declaring to be a naval reservation of the Government of the United
States 'that tract of land known as lot no. 141, residence Section D,
Baguio naval reservation, heretofore reserved for naval
purposes ... .' If there were still any lingering doubt, that ought to
be removed by this reaffirmation of a presidential determination,
then binding and conclusive as we were under American
sovereignty, that the lot in question should be a naval
reservation." 13
chanroble s virtual law l ibra ry

3. The state of the law could thus be summarized: "The private

respondents are thus bereft of any right which they could assert
under Republic Act No. 931. Such an enactment is the basis of
whatever standing that would justify their reliance on the specific
power granted courts of first instance to re-open cadastral
proceedings. Such jurisdiction is thus limited and specific. Unless a
party can make it manifest by express language or a clear
implication from the wording of the statute too strong to be
resisted, he may not set in motion the judicial machinery under
such specific grant of authority. This, private respondents have
failed to do as the statute in terms that are crystal clear and free
from ambiguity denies them such a right. Petitioners have made out
their case for certiorari and prohibition." 14 chan robles v irt ual law l ibra ry

Private respondents, however, would not give up without an

attempt to escape from the operation of a decision that is
controlling. Not that it did them any good. Their counsel, with as
show of diligence, would cite authorities on estoppel. He ought to
have known better. He should have realized that resort to them
would be without avail. For, as Justice J.B.L. Reyes, speaking for
this Court, in Luciano v. Estrella, 15categorically declared, "it is a
well known and settled rule in our jurisdiction that the Republic, or
its government, is usually not estopped by mistake or error on the
part of its officials or agents." 16In an earlier case, Republic v.
Philippine Rabbit Lines, Inc., 17there was an enunciation of such a
principle in this wise: "Thus did the lower court, as pointed out by
the then Solicitor General, conclude that the government was bound
by the mistaken interpretation arrived at by the national treasurer
and the auditor general. It would consider estoppel as applicable.
That is not the law. Estoppel does not lie. Such a principle dates
back to Aguinaldo de Romero v. Director of Lands, a 1919
decision." 18 chanroble s virtual law l ib rary

Nor is this all. An indication that one's appreciation of controlling

doctrine leaves something to be desired is bad enough. What is
worse is the impression yielded of a failure to discern the thought
that lies behind the 1969 decision of Republic v. Marcos. 19It is this:
the state as apersona in law is the juridical entity, which is the
source of any asserted right to ownership in land under the basic
doctrine embodied in the 1935 Constitution as well as the present
charter. It is charged moreover with the conservation of such
patrimony. 20There is need therefore of the most rigorous scrutiny
before private claims to portions thereof are judicially accorded
recognition, especially so where the matter is sought to be raked up
anew after almost fifty years. Such primordial consideration, not the
apparent carelessness, much less the acquiescence of public
officials, is the controlling norm. Nor is there anything unjust in
such an approach as the alleged deprivation of a private right
without justification by the government is not remediless, where
there is persuasive proof that such is the case. The point of this
decision as well as the earlier Republic v. Marcos is that the
procedure followed by private respondents is not the road to such
an objective even on the assumption, purely hypothetical, that
there is basis in law for what is hoped for and aimed. chanroblesv irt ualawli bra rychan rob les vi rtual law lib rary

WHEREFORE, the writ of certiorari is granted annulling and setting

aside the decision of respondent Judge, dated November 9, 1968,
which is declared to be without any force or effect as having been
issued without jurisdiction. Costs against private respondents.

Makalintal, Actg. C.J., Castro, Teehankee, Barredo and Esguerra,

JJ., concur.chanroblesvi rtualaw lib raryc han robles v irt ual law li bra ry

Makasiar and Antonio, JJ., took no part. chanroblesvi rt ualawlib ra rychan roble s virtual law lib rary

Zaldivar, J., is on leave.

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