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In addition to normal Force Construction ruk the following special rules apply when playing a Dray * Elemental Alignment: A Drag align itself with one of the elemental Castes: Air, Iee, Fire, or Shadow. That foree may only include models from that selected Caste, with exceptions laid out by The Grand Arbiter Commands rule, The Grand Arbiter Commands: A Dragyri force may choose to include up to 150 points of Dragyri Trueborn models from elemental Castes other than its main alignment. Trueborn: Some rules and effects Dragyri Trueborn. Each model action isa Trueborn, with the following exceptions: ® All “Elemental” models (Ember, Hail Storm Elemental, Zephyr, ete) nodels (Artificer of the Dah'vid, the Arctic Wind Cavewing and Razor Slyths © Greater and Lesser Spiderlings ® Shadowerfinder Bot and Shadow Menial + Dragyri Focus Powers: Some Dragyri models have access to Psychogenics. Before Deployment, these models may select a number of Psychogenics depending ‘on their specific Special Ability. These are the Psychogenics that model can cast during this game. Unless specifically noted otherwise, Psychogenics are unique and may not be selected more than or per force. Chosen Psychogenics must be selected from that model's Caste © PSYCHOGENIC NEOPHYTE (X): This model knows the (x) Psychogenic. + Neophyte Psychogenics do not count toward the limit-per-force of a Paychogenie PSYCHOGENIC INVOKER: wcle! may select 2 Psychos from its applicable elemental Caste's Paychogenic List. + Psych Invokers may spend 1 AP to cast I Psychogenie per turn. PSYCHOGENIC MASTER, The model may select 3 Psychogenics from its applicable elemental Caste’s Psychogenic List. + Psychogenic Masters may spend 1 AP tocast a Psychogenic, twice per turn,

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