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APT - Persons and Family Relations Atty. Lydia C.


Law is a rule of conduct, just, obligatory, Originally, the provision only mentioned the
promulgated by legitimate authority, and of Official Gazette as the medium of publication.
common observance and benefit.
However, it was amended in Pres. Cory
-SANCHEZ ROMAN Aquino’s EO 200, which included newspapers of
general circulation.

Classification of law according to manner of “Newspapers of general circulation” are chosen

promulgation: within the court’s jurisdiction.

- Natural Law The phrase

o Promulgated impliedly in our UNLESS IT IS OTHERWISE PROVIDED1
conscience and body pertains to the date of effectivity of the law, not
 Natural Moral Law the act of publication.
(do good, avoid evil)
 Law of Nature
(gravity, etc) TANADA (p) VS TUVERA (r)
- Positive Law
o Promulgated expressly or Facts:
 Divine Positive Law - Respondents have several Presidential
(10 commandments etc) Decrees and Executive Orders
 Human Positive Law implemented without the publication in
(statutes, EO’s, etc) the Official Gazette.

- Petitioners demand the publication of

Classifications of Human Positive Law several Presidential Decrees and
Executive Orders in the Official Gazette.
- Accdg. to whether a right is given
o Substantive Law - Respondents argue that publication was
(rights x duties) not necessary, as cited in a phrase in
o Remedial Law Article 2 – Unless otherwise provided(1)
(manner of enforcing legal rights
and claims) - Respondents also want the case
dismissed outright, seeing petitioners do
- Accdg. to scope and content not have the legal personality to bring
o Private Law the petition
o Public Law
- Petitioners maintain that the petition
- Accdg. to force/effect concerns a public right, and they need
o Mandatory and/or prohibitory not special interest for their petition to
laws be given due course.
o Permissive laws
Civil Code – compilation of civil laws
Civil Law – a mass of precepts; for members of
society x private interest protection WHEREFORE, the Court hereby orders respondents to
publish in the Official Gazette all unpublished presidential
issuances which are of general application, and unless so
published, they shall have no binding force or effect.
The civil code is part of the Civil Law, but not all
civil laws are part of the Civil Code

ARTICLE 1. This act shall be known as the Issues:

“Civil Code of the Philippines” (n)
- What is meant by “law of public nature”
Sources of the Civil Code: or general applicability?
o The term ‘laws’ should refer to
- Spanish Civil Code of 1889 all laws, for strictly speaking all
- 1935 PH Constitution
laws relate to people in general
- Statutes or Laws (PH, US, EU)
- Rules of Court (Local or Foreign) although some may not apply
- Decisions of Local Tribunals (SC) directly
o To be valid, the law must invariably
- Decisions of foreign tribunals, affect public interest even if it might be
comments and treatises of foreign jurists directly applicable only to one individual,
- PH Customs and traditions or some of the people only, and to the
- Gen. Principles of Law and Equity public as a whole
- Report of the Code of Commission
- Must a distinction be made between
laws of general applicability and laws
which are not?
ARTICLE 2. Laws shall take effect after
fifteen days following the completion of their o All statutes must be published.
publication in the Official Gazette or in a Including those of local
newspaper of general circulation in the application and private laws as
Philippines, unless it is otherwise provided. a condition of their effectivity.
This code shall take effect one year after o PD’s and EO’s, admin rules and
regulations (if their purpose is to enforce
such publication. (1a)
or implement existing law pursuant to a

APT - Persons and Family Relations Atty. Lydia C. Galas

valid delegation), the city charter, - It is in the duty of their counsel as a

monetary board circulars (if they are to
lawyer to keep abreast the decisions of
fill in the details of the Central Bank Act)
the Supreme Court, particularly where
- What is meant by publication? issues have been clarified, consistently
reiterated, and published in advance
o Publication must be made in full
or it is no publication at all (GR, SCRA, law journals)
o Publishing the number of the PD, its
title, and its whereabouts is not enough
*grace period was from August 5 1985 – June 30, 1986
(to inform)
**petitioners filed on September 9, 1987
- Are there exceptions to the rule on
o Admin regulations (letters of ARTICLE 3. Ignorance of the law excuses no
instructions etc) one from compliance therewith

- Where is the publication to be made? - All persons are conclusively presumed

o Official Gazette to know all laws as long as the laws
have been duly promulgated
- When is the publication to be made?
o See “unless otherwise provided” - Any violation thereof is not excusable on
the ground of ignorance
- What is the effect of the lack of
publication? - Ignorance cannot be used as an excuse
o These laws shall have no force as violators can easily escape the legal
or effect consequence of their acts (frustrated
o For without publication, the people will justicesame)
not be informed of what the law is about,
and would use ignorance to excuse - Article 3 is for necessity and expediency
themselves from liability, negating
Article 3 of the Civil code

Ignorance of law: want of knowledge or

acquaintance with the laws of the land
DE ROY (p) VS CA (r)
Bernal Family (private respondents) - Mistake of law: a mistake regarding
what law is applicable to a certain set of
- The Bernal Family lives in a tailoring - Mistake of law is not ignorance of law
shop adjacent to a building owned by
Feliza De Roy and Virgilio Ramos
Ignorance of fact: want of knowledge of some
- The firewall of the De Roy & Ramos fact or facts constituting or relating to the subject
building fell, destroying the tailoring matter in hand.
shop, as well as killing Marissa Bernal
- Mistake of fact: mistake regarding the
THE COURT finds petitioners GUILTY of GROSS
circumstances surrounding the situation
NEGLIGENCE and awarding damages to private

Article 4. Laws shall have retroactive effect,

- De Roy and Ramos filed a motion for unless the contrary is provided
extension to file a motion for
reconsideration, on the last day of the Two types: Retroactive and Prospective laws
fifteen-day period to file a motion for Generally, all laws operate prospectively (unless
otherwise provided)
- The court DENIES their petition on the Laws that may be given retroactive application:
basis of the ruling of the Habaluyas
Case (which states that there can be no - Remedial laws
motion for extension to file a motion for - Penal laws
reconsideration) - Curative laws
- Emergency laws
- Further, the petitioners have filed their - Laws creating new rights
motion one year after the grace period - Tax laws
for filing a motion for extension. - Laws themselves provide for their
(also the ISSUE)

- Petitioners contend that the SC Ruling

was not published in the Official
Gazette, and therefore not binding

- There is no rule requiring SC Rulings to

be published in the Official Gazette

APT - Persons and Family Relations Atty. Lydia C. Galas


Facts: Facts:
- This is an administrative case filed by - Spouses Felix Carlos and Felipa Elemia
Lupo Atienza on the ground of gross died intestate and left six parcels of land
immorality and appearance on to their compulsory heirs: brothers
impropriety against Judge Francisco Teofilo Carlos and Juan De Dios Carlos
- To avoid inheritance taxes, Felix Carlos
- Atienza has children with Yolanda De agreed to transfer his estate to Teofilo,
Castro. They were living together in a the latter would then turn over the share
house in Manila. of the other legal heir, Juan De Dios
- One day Atienza caught Judge
Brillantes sleeping on his (p) bed.
(Parcel 1-3 were transferred
Houseboy reports that Brillantes and De and registered in the name of Teofilo.)
Castro have been cohabiting. (Parcel 4 was transferred and
registered in the name of the petitioner)
- Atienza alleged that Judge Brilllantes is
already married to one Zenaida
- Then Teofilo died intestate (HAHA GG).
Ongkiko. Brillantes and Ongkiko have
He was survived by respondents
five children together.
Felicidad Sandoval and Teofilo II
- Brillantes denies his two marriages with
Ongkiko as it was celebrated without a
marriage license. - The petitioner and respondents then
entered into a compromise for the sale
- Brillantes also claims that his marriage of the first parcel of land. Two more
with De Castro in California was in good contracts follow for the third and fourth
faith as he was single (again bringing up parcels of land.
the lack of a marriage license with
If you think ok na sila…
- Under the Family Code (Article 40),
there must be a judicial declaration of - Petitioner filed a case against
the nullity of the previous (Ongkiko) respondents for (a) Declaration of Nullity
marriage. of Marriage; (b) status of a child; (c)
recovery of property; (d) reconveyance;
- However, Brillantes states that Article 40 and (e) sum of money and damages
does not apply to his first (2) marriage,
only his second. - Felicidad contended that the dearth of
details regarding the requisite marriage
license did not invalidate Felicidad’s
Decision: marriage to Teofilo. She also declared
that Teofilo II is the illegitimate child of
WHEREFORE, respondent is DISMISSED from the service Teofilo Sr. with another woman (HAHAHA)
with forfeiture of all leave and retirement benefits and with
prejudice to reappointment in any branch, instrumentality, or
agency of the government, including government-owned and
controlled operations. Decision:
The case is REMANDED to the RTC in regard to the action
on the status and filiation of respondent Teofilo Carlos II and
the validity or nullity of marriage between respondent
Issue: Felicidad Sandoval and the late Teofilo Carlos
Can Article 40 of the Family Code have Issue:
retroactive effect?
(Main) Is Juan De Dios Carlos the proper party
- Yes. It has retroactive effect insofar as it to file a petition for annulment?
does not impair vested or acquired
rights. - No. A.M No. 02-11-10 SC states that a
o In the case, respondent has petition for the declaration of absolute
failed to show any impaired nullity of a marriage can only be filed by
vested or acquired rights. solely a husband and wife

o (Also) The respondent was - He can petition for the declaration of

already a lawyer during his first absolute nullity of a marriage ONLY
two marriages, and the fact that when Teofilo II is declared not a
he did not secure a marriage legitimate, illegitimate, or legally
licence on the second occasion adopted son of Teofilo Sr.
betrays his bad faith. (Since successional right goes to

APT - Persons and Family Relations Atty. Lydia C. Galas

collateral relatives if no direct per check) from the Philippine Bank of

descendants or ascendants, as well as Commerce
illegitimate children and a surviving
spouse can be found) - RTC again dismissed her complaint for
lack of jurisdiction. The civil action to
collect money was already implicit in BP
Is AM No. 02-11-10 SC retroactive in Blg. 22, and according to Section 1 (b)
application? of Rule 111 of the Revised Rules of the
- It is prospective in application. Which o The criminal action for violation
law would govern depends upon when of Batas Pambansa Blg P22
the marriage took place. In the case at shall be deemed to include the
bar, AM No. 02-11-10 does not apply, corresponding civil action. No
but rather the Civil Code reservation for the filing of a
separate civil action shall be
What is the rule prior to AM No. 02-11-10 SC?
- Cheng argues that this rule should not
- The civil code is silent as to who can apply, as it must be given prospective
bring an action to declare a marriage application.
- However, this does not construe as a
license for any person to institute a
nullity of a marriage case. They must be
benefited or injured by the subject of the Is Section 1(b) of Rule 111 of the Revised Rules
suit (see italicized in main issue) of the Court retroactive in application?

- Yes. Section 1 of Rule 111 is a

procedural rule and is retroactive in
Does this mean that Juan De Dios Carlos has
no claim over the properties left by his brother
- Cheng is in error for insisting otherwise,
- No. He can still claim his right over the as it is now settled that rules of
properties of his brother, but he should procedure apply even to cases already
not have filed a petition for annulment, pending at the time of their
but rather underwent proper procedure promulgation.
by law.
(upon the death of a spouse in a
What is the effect of the Section 1 of Rule 111 in
proceeding for the settlement of the
this case given that it is retroactive in
estate of the deceased spouse filed in
regular courts)
- Anita Cheng can no longer bring a civil
suit against the Spouses Sy for it is
*AM No. 02-11-10 SC (Proposed rule for the declaration of already included in the BP 22 cases she
absolute nullity of marriages) filed earlier.

- She should have appealed for civil

ANITA CHENG (p) VS SPOUSES SY (r) action (for preponderance of evidence)
so she could recover the money.
Facts: However, she is past the reglementary
- Anita Cheng filed two estafa cases period and the court is constrained to
against spouses William and Tessie Sy digress from this rule.
for issuing two checks in payment of
their loan drawn against a closed CAROLINO (p) VS SENGA (r)
account. (p) is the deceased Col’s wife, ADORACION CAROLINO

- Under the same facts, Cheng filed two - Jeremias Carolino is a retired AFP
cases against respondents violating BP Colonel who receives pension since
Blg. 22 December 1976 until the respondents
withheld (it) on March 2005.
- All four cases were dismissed, due to
failure to prove the elements of the - This is due to his loss of Filipino
crime and failure to identify the accused Citizenship (PD 1638). He can only
respondents in open court, respectively. receive his pension again if he complies
with the requirements under the Dual
- Then Anita Cheng lodged a complaint Citizenship Act
against respondents for collection of a
sum of money with damages based on
the same loaned amount (600K, 300K

APT - Persons and Family Relations Atty. Lydia C. Galas

o By expressly validating the
Wherein PD 1638 applies retroactively contract
- No. PD 1638 does not contain any o By making the invalidity to
provision regarding its retroactive depend on the will of the injured
application. It should apply to those who party such as voidable or
were in the service at the time of its annullable contracts
approval. Conversely, it does not apply o By punishing it criminally but
to those who have retired before its validating the act; and
approval. o By invalidating the act but
recognizing the legal effects
Col. Carolino retired in 1976. PD 1638 was flowing from the invalid act
signed 1979. Col. Carolino retired under RA
Article 6. Rights may be waived, unless the
waiver is contrary to law, public order, public
Discussion on vested rights: policy, morals, or good customs, or
prejudicial to a third party with a right
- Before retiring, one must meet the
recognized by law.
stated conditions of eligibility with
respect to the nature of employment, - Rights
age, and length of service. o Legally enforceable claim of one
person against another, that the
- Undeniably, Col. Carolino has met other shall do a given act, or
stated conditions, as he was already shall not do a given act.
receiving his pension until it was o Power or privilege given to one
terminated. person and as a rule
demandable of another
- Petitioner’s husband acquired vested - Waiver
right to the payment of his retirement o Intentional or voluntary
benefits which must be respected and relinquishment of a known right
cannot be affected by the subsequent o May be express or implied
enactment of PD No. 1638.

- Vested rights include not only legal or Requisites for a valid waiver
equitable title of the enforcement of a
- The person waiving must be capacitated
demand, but also an exemption from
to make the waiver
new obligations after the right has
- The waiver must be clear and
unequivocal, but not necessarily

Article 5. Acts executed against the - The person waiving must actually have
provisions of mandatory or prohibitory laws the right which he is renouncing
shall be void, unless the law itself authorizes
its validity - The waiver must not be contrary to law,
public order, public policy, morals, or
Distinctions: good customs
- Mandatory or prohibitory laws: uses the
word SHALL - The waiver must not be prejudicial to a
o must be complied with for they third party with a right recognized by law
are expressive of public policy
o violation renders an act void - When formalities are required (as in the
o ie. Real property transfer is only valid if case of express condonation of debt)
made through a public instrument the formalities must be complied with

- Directory or permissive laws: uses the

word MAY Examples of rights which cannot be
o observance is not necessary to renounced
its validity
- Natural rights (e.g right to life)
o violation does not render an act
void or illegal
- Alleged rights which do not yet exist
(e.g future inheritance)
- Mandatory statutory provision: one
which must be observed as - Those the renunciation of which would
distinguished from a directory provision infringe upon public policy
(optional for a dept or officer to follow) (e.g right to be heard in court cannot be
renounced in advance; overtime pay may be
- Other exceptions: waived if it is YET to be earned)

APT - Persons and Family Relations Atty. Lydia C. Galas

FAMANILA (p) VS CA (r) Was there vitiated consent on the part of

Roberto when he signed the waiver? What is the
Facts: effect of vitiated consent?
- Roberto Famanila, a messman of the - No. There was no showing of vitiated
vessel Hansa Riga (hired through NFD consent.
International Manning Agents Inc.), suffered
aneurism onboard the ship and was - A vitiated consent does not make a
repatriated to the Philippines. He was contract void and unenforceable, it only
declared permanently, totally disabled. gives rise to a voidable agreement. A
voidable contract is binding unless
- Authorized representatives of the NFD annulled by a proper action in court.
International convinced him to settle his
claim amicably. Petitioner accepted the - Disability is also not among the factors
offer as evidenced by his signature in that may vitiate consent
the Receipt and Release. (don’t bring this up kasi oblicon siya na topic)
o His wife Gloria Famanila and
one Richard Famanila acted as - Again, the dude has two witnesses
witnesses in the signing of the
release. - Moreover, the document entitled receipt
o This was dated February 28, and release which was attached by the
1991 petitioner does not show on its face any
violation of public policy. Nor can the
- On June 11, 1997, Roberto Famanila petitioner present proof (of violation of public
filed a complaint with the NLRC praying policy).
for an award of disability benefits, share
in the insurance fees, moral damages,
and attorney’s fees. GUY (p) VS CA (r)
o Petitioner claims that his
consent was vitiated in the
signing of the Receipt and - Sima Wei died intestate, leaving 10M
Release because he was consisting of real and personal
permanently disabled and in properties. Private respondents Karen
financial constraints, which Oanes Wei and Kamille Oanes Wei,
makes the Receipt and release represented by their mother Remedios
void and unenforceable. Oanes, filed a petition that they are the
duly acknowledged illegitimate children
of the deceased.
Decision: Petition is DENIED for lack of merit
- Shirley Guy and Michael Guy (p),
opposed to the petition on the ground
Issues: that it is not yet proven.
Is the receipt and release a valid waiver of his
claims over the employers? o The Guy family further alleged
that the claim has been paid,
- It is true that quitclaims and waivers are waived, & abandoned or
oftentimes frowned upon. However, not otherwise extinguished by the
all waivers and quitclaims are invalid reason of Remedios’ waiver of
against public policy. claim stating that in exchange
for financial and educational
- If the agreement was voluntarily entered assistance from the petitioner,
into and represents a reasonable Remedios and her minor
settlement, it is binding on the parties children discharge the estate of
and may not later be disowned simply Sima Wei from any and all
because of a change of mind. liabilities

- The waiver’s terms must be clear and Issue:

unequivocal, for it to be valid and Whether the Release and Waiver of Claim
effective. This leaves no doubt as to the precludes the private respondents from claiming
intention of those giving up a right or a their successional rights
benefit that legally pertains to them.
- The petition lacks merit. Remedios’
- In the case at bar, it shows that there waiver of claim does not bar private
was a valid waiver. It was even respondents from claiming successional
witnessed by the petitioner’s wife and rights.
one Richard Famanila.
- The waiver does not waive hereditary
rights. The purpose of its execution
merely states that 300K and an

APT - Persons and Family Relations Atty. Lydia C. Galas

educational plan goes to the Wei - Edna filed before the RTC of CDO, an
minors. action for support. The RTC ruled in
favor of Edna

- One of the requisites for a valid waiver: - The AFP-PGMC filed another petition at
the waiver must be couched on clear the Court of Appeals, which partially
and unequivocal terms. nullified the RTC’s decision

- Moreover, Article 1044 of the civil code - Aggrieved, Edna, et al. filed before the
provides: Supreme Court a Petition for Review on
o Any person having the free
disposal of his property may
accept or repudiate an Decision: Petition is GRANTED

o Any inheritance left to minors or

incapacitated persons may be
accepted by their parents or Whether or not the Deed of Assignment made
guardians. Parents or guardians by Col. Otamias is a valid waiver of his rights.
may repudiate the inheritance
left to their wards only by - Yes. Based on Article 6, Rights may be
judicial authorization. waived, unless the waiver is contrary to
law, public order, public policy, morals,
o In the case at bar, no judicial or good customs, or prejudicial to a third
authorization has occurred so party with a right recognized by law.
no waiving of hereditary rights
shall be implemented. - In the case at bar, his decision to waive
his retirement benefits do not infringe on
o Further, waivers are voluntary the right of third persons, but even
and intentional relinquishments protects the right of his family to receive
of a known right, and the Wei support.
sisters are yet to petition for
their illegitimacy. So they would - Thus the Deed of Assignment executed
not have known that they by Col. Otamias was not contrary to law;
currently have successional Hence, there was no reason for the AFP
rights. PGMC not to recognize its validity.

o Petitioner refuses to
acknowledge the Wei sisters as
his co-heirs. It would thus be
inconsistent to rule that they Article 7. Laws are repealed only by
waived hereditary rights when subsequent ones, and their violation or non-
petitioner claims that they do not observance shall not be excused by disuse,
have such right. or custom or practice to the contrary.

When the courts declare a law to be

inconsistent with the Constitution, the
OTAMIAS (p) VS REPUBLIC (r) former shall be void and the latter shall
Administrative or executive acts,
- Edna Otamias (p) is asking for 75% of orders and regulations shall be valid only
the pension of Col. Otamias for their five when they are not contrary to the laws or the
children, whose custody lies with Edna. constitution.
Col. Otamias could only offer 50%, to
which both parties came up with an
Laws lose their effectivity by:
- The agreement was honored until - Repeal
January 6, 2006. Edna alleged that the - Self-Cancellation
AFP “suddenly decided not to honor the (lapse of period of effectivity)
agreement”. - Declaration of nullity
- The AFP Pension and Gratuity
Management Center (AFP-PGMC),
informed Edna that a court order was
required of them before they could
receive a portion of the pension again.

APT - Persons and Family Relations Atty. Lydia C. Galas

Kinds of Repeal - Stare decisis – this doctrine refers to

adherence to precedents for reasons of
- Express stability in law. Once a case has been
(repeal is explicitly stated in the decided in one way, then another case,
provisions) involving the exact same point at issue,
should be decided in the same manner.
- Implied
(when there is no repealing clause in the
repealing law and both prior and
subsequent law could not reconcile Article 9. No judge or court shall decline to
being substantially inconsistent with one render judgement by reason of the silence,
another; if they can stand together, obscurity or insufficiency of the laws. (6)
there is no repeal)
- A judge must give a decision, whether
he knows what law to apply or not.

Rule for General and Special Laws - Some guideposts of judges in rendering
decisions provided in the old Civil Code
1.) If the general law was enacted prior to
the special law, the latter is considered o Customs which are not contrary to law,
to be an exception to the general law. public order and public policy
The general law remains effective o General principles of law affecting the
subject to the exception. case;
o Decisions of foreign courts;
o Opinions of known authors and
2.) If the general law was enacted after the professors;
special law, the special law remains, o Applicable rules of statutory
unless- construction; and
a. There is express declaration to the o Principles laid down in analogous
contrary instances
b. Or there is clear, necessary, and
unreconcilable conflict
c. Or unless the general law covers the - This only applies to civil cases, as
whole subject and is clearly intended to criminal cases follow the rule there is no
replace the special law on the matter crime when there is no law condemning
the act (nullum cimen, nulla poena sige lege)
Judges can decline judgment in criminal but not
civil cases
Conditions on Revival of Repealed Laws
- If the first law is repealed by IMPLICATION by the
second law, and the second law itself is repealed
by the third law, the first law is revived unless
otherwise provided in the third law
- If the first law is repealed EXPRESSLY by the
second law, and the second law is repealed by the
- Rommel Silverio underwent sex
third law, the first law is not revived, unless reassignment surgery from anatomically
expressly so provided male to female and petitions to the trial
court that his sex in the civil registry be
changed from male to female.

Article 8. Judicial Decisions applying or - The trial court grants the petition.
interpreting the laws or the Constitution shall According to the trial court:
form a part of the legal system of the o It is of opinion that granting the
Philippines. petition would be more in
consonance with the principles
- Judicial decisions are not laws. The
of justice and equity
Congress makes the laws, the judiciary
applies or interprets them in given cases
o It believes that no harm, injury
and the Executive executes them as
or prejudice will be caused to
interpreted by the judiciary
anybody or the community in
granting the petition (wrong –
- Doctrines formulated by the decisions of
see ISSUE). On the contrary, it
the SC are called jurisprudence.
Decisions of lower courts are not part of
will bring happiness on the part
jurisprudence and can have no mandatory effect. of the petitioner and her fiancé
They cannot be cited as authorities. and the realization of their
dreams (no issue here, but
- Since Judicial decisions are not laws, amending the statute is beyond
publication is not necessary for them to the jurisdiction of the judiciary).
take force and effect (see De Roy vs
CA) o No evidence was presented to
show any cause or ground to
deny the present petition
despite due notice and
publication thereof

APT - Persons and Family Relations Atty. Lydia C. Galas

- But the Republic of the Philippines filed a result of using his true and official
a petition (for certiorari) in the Court of name.
Appeals, alleging that there is no law
that allows the change of entries in the
birth certificate by reasons of sex (Side issue) What about the contention of the
alteration. trial court that no harm, injury, or prejudice will
be caused to anybody or the community in
- Silverio, in relation to Article 9 of the granting the petition?
Civil Code, contends that “No judge or
court shall decline to render judgement - The contention has no merit.
by reason of the silence, obscurity, or
insufficiency of the laws.” - Basically, if Silverio’s petition is granted,
his name change will eventually lead to
marriage with his male fiancé. Marriage
Issue: is one of the most sacred social
Whether or not it was correct for the court to institutions, a special contract between a
allow the petitioner to change his name and sex man and a woman. One of its essential
in the birth certificate. requisites is the legal capacity of the
parties to be male and a female. To
- Rommel Silverio cannot be allowed to grant the petition would warrant vast
change his name based on gender changes in laws on marriage and family
assignment. relations.

- The Supreme Court affirms the decision

of the Court of Appeals. It is true that (Side issue) What about the statement regarding
Article 9 states that “No judge or court Silverio’s happiness? (see full text)
shall decline to render judgement by - The SC states that there is no argument
reason of the silence, obscurity, or about that. The Court recognizes that
insufficiency of the laws”. However, there are people whose preferences do
judicial legislation is beyond the not fit neatly into the commonly
jurisdiction of the judiciary. The duty of recognized parameters of social
the courts is to apply or interpret the convention.
law, not amend it because such would
actually be an amendment of the law. - However, the petitioner’s request
includes questions in public policy,
which may be addressed by the
(Side Issue) What are the grounds for which legislature, not the judiciary.
change of first name may be allowed?
- RA 9048 Section 4. Grounds for Change
of First Name or Nickname. – The
petition for change of first name or Article 10. In case of doubt in the
nickname may be allowed in any of the interpretation or application of laws, it is
following cases: presumed that the lawmaking body intended
o The petitioner finds the first right and justice to prevail.
name or nickname to be
- This article applies only when there is
ridiculous, tainted with
doubt in the meaning of the law. If there
dishonour or extremely difficult
is no doubt, the court must apply the
to write or pronounce;
law, whether it is just or not. The law is
hard but it is still the law (dura lex, sed
o The new first name or nickname
has been habitually and
continuously used by the
- In case of doubt, the judge should
petitioner and he has been
assume the lawmaking body intended
publicly known by that first
right and justice to prevail, and its
name or nickname in the
interpretation will reflect upon the
community; or
intention of the legislature.
o The change will avoid confusion

- The petitioner’s basis in praying for

change is his sex reassignment. Article 11. Customs which are contrary to
However, a change of name does not law, public order, or public policy shall not
alter one’s legal capacity or civil status. be countenanced.
Before a person can legally change his
Article 12. A custom must be proved as a
given name, he must give sufficient
fact, according to the rules of evidence
cause as to why he must do so. In the
case, the petitioner fails to show or even
allege prejudice that he might suffer as

APT - Persons and Family Relations Atty. Lydia C. Galas

Definition: Customs and Usage territory, subject to the principles of public

international law and treaty stipulations
- Customs – it is a rule of conduct formed
by repetitions of acts, uniformly
observed as a social rule, legally binding
and obligatory. DEL SOCORRO (p) VS WILSELM (r)

- Usage – it is a repetition of acts, differs
from a custom as the latter is the law or - Norma Del Socorro (p) and Ernst Johan
general rule which arises from such Brinkman Van Wilselm (r) contracted
repetition. marriage in Holland. They were blessed
with a child, Roderigo Norjo Van
- Customs must be proved as a fact Wilselm, who at the time of the filing of
because there is no judicial notice of the petition is 16 y.o
- Del Socorro and elder Wilselm divorced
when Roderigo was 18 months old.
Kinds of Customs: Petitioner and Roderigo returned to the
- General (prevailing throughout the country) Philippines hereafter
- Local (prevailing in some local district)
- Particular (affect only the inhabitants of some - According to the petitioner, respondent
particular district) made a promise to provide support for
their son in the amount of 250 Guildene
monthly. This promise was not fulfilled
by the respondent.
Requisites before the courts can consider
- Sometime later, the respondent
- Must be proved as a fact by the rules of evidence. remarried and moved to the Philippines.
- Must not be contrary to law, public order, and At this point, all characters of the case
public policy
- There must be a number of repeated acts
now reside in Cebu.
- The repeated acts must be uniformly performed
- There must be juridical intention to make a rule of - Petitioner sent a letter requesting for
social conduct support but the respondent refused to
- There must be a sufficient lapse of time
answer said letter.

- Petitioner filed a complaint against the

Article 13. When the laws speak of years, respondent for violation of Section 5,
months, days or nights, it shall be paragraph E(2) of RA No. 9262
understood that years are of three hundred
sixty-five days each; months, of thirty days; - On the other hand, respondent contends
days, of twenty-four hours, and nights from that there is no sufficient and clear basis
sunset to sunrise presented by petitioner that she, as well
If months are designated by their as her minor son, is entitled to financial
name, they shall be computed by the number support. Respondent also adds that by
of days which they respectively have. reason of the Divorce Decree (Holland)
he is not obligated to petitioner for any
In computing a period, the first day financial support
shall be excluded, and the last day included.

Decision: Petition was GRANTED

Rule if the last day is a Sunday or a legal
- In an ordinary contract, the general rule Issue: Whether Wilselm can be charged under
is that the act is due even if it is a Philippine law for his offenses against his minor
Sunday or a legal holiday child with Del Socorro
(This is because obligations arising from contracts
have the force of law between the contracting
- In relation to Article 14 of the New Civil
parties, Art. 1159, Civil Code) Code, it is undisputable that the alleged
continuing acts of respondent in refusing
- When the time refers to a period prescribed or to support his child with petitioner is
allowed by (a) Rules of Court, (b) by an order of
the court, (c) by any applicable statute, if the last
committed here in the Philippines – as
day is a Sunday or a legal holiday, it is understood all of the parties herein are residents of
that the last day should really be the next day, Cebu City.
provided that said day is neither a Sunday nor a
legal holiday.
- As such, our courts have territorial
jurisdiction over the offense charged
against respondent
Article 14. Penal laws and those of public
security and safety shall be obligatory upon
all who live and sojourn in the Philippine

APT - Persons and Family Relations Atty. Lydia C. Galas

- In addition, in international law, the party

who wants the law applied to a dispute
or case has the burden of proving the
foreign law.
o While respondent pleaded the
laws of the Netherlands in
advancing his position that he is
not obliged to support his son,
he never proved the same.
o In view of this, the doctrine of
processual presumption shall
 Under this doctrine, if
the foreign law involved
is not properly pleaded
and proved, our courts
will presume that the
foreign law is the same
as our local or domestic
or international law

(Focus on the other answer involving Article 14

nalang, kasi I don’t think part to ng syllabus natin –
but I’m placing it here jic. Aja friends! <3)


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