Byk Tp-A1 WPC Modifiers en 1

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Application Information TP-A 1

Modifiers for
Wood Plastic Composites (WPC)
Application Information TP-A 1


Wood Plastic Composites (WPC) belong Manufacture filled compounds and heating /cooling
to a group of natural fiber-reinforced WPC profiles, which are produced in a mixer combinations are also used. Other
compounds in which wood fibers (or single or two-stage extrusion process, mixing methods are pellet mills and
wood flour) are used as reinforcing are the most commonly manufactured special grinding methods in which the
fillers in amounts generally ranging from form of WPC (figure 1). wood and the plastic are ground at the
50 to 80 %. A number of other natural melting point range of the plastic. The
fibers can be used for comparable Single-stage Extrusion: This is a profile is then usually produced using
applications, for example, hemp, flax, so-called direct extrusion process. single-screw extruders.
sisal, and coconut fibers. However, The mixing of the wood fibers with
wood fibers are used most frequently on the plastic granules (compounding) If a WPC is manufactured according to
a volume basis. Polymeric materials such and the extrusion of the profile are the two-stage extrusion compounding
as polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP) performed in one step. Usually conical, process described above, it must not
and PVC are used as binders. counter-rotating double screw extruders necessarily be extruded, but can also be
are employed that are able to both further processed using other methods.
thoroughly mix the wood and plastic Injection molding is mentioned here in
and generate the pressure required for particular because it is a technique that
extruding the specified profile. allows the manufacture of complex
shapes. Other possibilities include
Two-stage Extrusion: In this rotational molding and the plate press
method, compounding and extrusion method. In principle, WPC compounds
of the profile occur in two separate can be processed by almost all
processes. In this case, the compound conventional techniques used in plastics
can be prepared using different types engineering. The limiting factor is
of extruders. Most often parallel, usually the flow properties of the WPC,
co-rotating double screw extruders are which are primarily determined by the
Advantages used. Planetary gear extruders for the wood content.
WPC products are generally more particularly gentle preparation of highly
expensive to produce than conventional
wood materials, but have a number of
advantages. Alongside much simpler
forming and the variety of diversified Manufacture of WPC
shapes, they are more durable due to
their better weather resistance. Because
of their high wood content, WPC are
significantly more attractive, both Plastic Natural
on a cost and technical basis, than Granule Fibers WPC
products made of pure plastic. They
are frequently used as a replacement Single-stage Extrusion
for tropical timber on account of their
longevity, thereby contributing to the Compounding & Extrusion
preservation of ecologically important Profiles
tropical forests.
Two-stage Extrusion
Wood plastic composite materials are Compounding Extrusion
used wherever wood has traditionally Injection Molding
been employed. First and foremost,
Rotational Molding Other
WPC is employed as a flooring material Shapes
(decking) mainly outdoors, but also Plate Press
indoors. WPC is also used as railing,
privacy fencing, exterior wall cladding,
furniture and much more.
figure 1

Application Information TP-A 1

SCONA Modifiers in WPC

In figure 2, E-modulus and Charpy Influence of Wood Content on the Mechanical Properties of a WPC
impact strength values are used to
illustrate the dependence of the
mechanical properties of a wood 4,000 120

E-Modulus (MPa)

Charpy Impact Strength (kJ/m 2)

flour-filled polypropylene WPC on
E-Modulus 100
wood content. With increasing wood 3,000
content, E-modulus values increase but 80
impact strength decreases. Whereas an 2,000 60
increase in the E-modulus is desirable,
a reduction in the impact strength is 1,000
Charpy Impact Strength
certainly not. 20

0 0
Through the use of SCONA coupling 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
agents, which significantly enhance
Wood Content (% w/w)
the bonding of wood fibers with the
polymer matrix, mechanical properties
such as bending strength and impact figure 2
strength of the composite material are
also greatly improved (figure 3).
Improvement in the Mechanical Properties through Coupling Agents
Furthermore, the ability to withstand
higher temperatures and surface quality
are enhanced. SCONA modifiers also 70 14
Bending Strength (MPa)

Charpy Impact Strength (kJ/m 2)

reduce water uptake considerably, 60 12
which results in improved dimensional 50 10
stability. The latter is a very important 40 8
factor for outdoor applications, such as 30 6
decking boards. 20 4
10 2
Chemistry of the Modifiers 0 0
SCONA modifiers are always non-polar 40 50 60 40 50 60
base polymers that are functionalized
Wood Content (% w/w) Wood Content (% w/w)
with diverse monomers in a grafting
process (figure 4). The modifiers used in
WPC are maleic acid anhydride-modified
polypropylene and polyethylene. X Without Coupling Agent X With Coupling Agent figure 3

All SCONA products are grafted using a

patented solid-phase process, whereas
the standard procedure is to graft Chemistry of the SCONA Coupling Agents for WPC
the polymers with the monomers in
the melt. In solid-phase grafting, a
greater degree of functionalization is
achieved, resulting in a lower required Base Polymer
concentration of modifier in the
compound. The content of volatile MAH
organic compounds (VOC) is extremely MAH
low in products manufactured using
this method. Moreover, the low process

MAH = Maleic Acid Anhydride St = Styrene figure 4

Application Information TP-A 1

temperature causes less damage to the Combined Solid Phase Grafting and Melt Grafting
base polymer and the resulting higher
molecular weight is reflected in the
improved mechanical properties of the

MFR (190 °C, 2.16 kg) (g /10 min.)

compound. Solid Phase Grafting
Solid Phase Grafting Combined Solid
More details on the technology of the 20 Phase Grafting and
SCONA modifiers are presented in Melt Grafting Melt Grafting

brochure TP-TI 2 “Technology of the 10

SCONA Plastic Modifiers”. 5
Melt Grafting
The technology also offers the possibility 2
to graft in a two-stage process. A 1
conventional solid-phase grafting takes 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
place in the first stage and is followed
Degree of Grafting (% w/w MAA)
by a melt grafting in the second stage
(figure 5). Even greater degrees of
grafting can be achieved by means of figure 5
this combination.

“SCONA TP…” products are SCONA Mechanism of Action As a result, the fibers are optimally
modifiers that are manufactured by The maleic acid anhydride groups of the incorporated into the polymer matrix,
the solid-phase process only. “SCONA modifier react with the OH groups of which significantly improves the
TS…” products are modifiers that are the wood fibers to produce a chemically mechanical properties and increases the
manufactured by the combined process. stable compound (figure 6). weather resistance of the compound.

Reaction of the Coupling Agent with Natural Fibers Incorporation of the Fibers into the
Polymer Matrix



SCONA Natural Fiber OH Groups of the Natural Fibers

TPPP 8112 FA MAH Groups of the Modifiers
Base Polymer of the Modifier

figure 6

Application Information TP-A 1

Applications in Polypropylene Advantages of a Coupling Agent Manufactured by Solid Phase Grafting

For polypropylene-based WPC, we
recommend SCONA TPPP 8112 FA as WPC with 60 % Lignocel P Super (Wood Flour),
38 % Polypropylene, 2 % Modifier
the coupling agent. Figure 7 clearly
shows how the mechanical properties
SCONA TPPP 8112 FA Melt Grafting
and water uptake of a WPC is affected
by the method used to manufacture
Bending Strength Dry 62.6 47.6
the coupling agent. The values
[MPa] Wet 48.1 37
obtained using SCONA TPPP 8112 FA
Tensile Strength Dry 42.9 26.1
are uniformly better than those from
[MPa] Wet 35.1 18.6
a coupling agent produced by melt
E-Modulus Dry 5,040 4,820
grafting. The values with the greatest
[MPa] Wet 3,320 2,290
differences are printed in red.
Charpy impact Strength Dry 11.6 7.2
[kJ/m 2] Wet 12.3 6.7
A comparison of several PP-based
Water Uptake [%] 6.5 8.9
MAH-modified coupling agents was
(After 20 days’ Immersion in Water)
published in 2007 by Sykacek, Frech
and Mundigler in the Österreichische Source: Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkstoffmechanik in Halle, Germany figure 7
Kunststoff-Zeitschrift (Vol. 38, 2007,
1/2, pages 12–15).

Comparison of Several Established Coupling Agents

Tensile Strength (MPa): Mean of 5 to 6 Measurements

Tensile Strength (MPa)

Sample PP-1 PP-2

0 21.50 21.76 Control Sample: 60 % Wood Flour, 40 % PP
1 19.20 20.59
2 24.65 21.91
3 36.56 28.12
4 26.77 27.07
5 30.37 31.70
6 23.39 24.30
7 35.91 34.07 SCONA TPPP 8112 FA
8 28.01 31.57
9 28.78 30.25
10 25.07 25.98
11 25.04 25.84 Pure Polymer: 100 % PP
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Sample Formulation for Samples 1 to 10: 57 % Wood Flour, 40 % PP,
3 % Modifier

MFR (230 °C, 2.16 kg): X PP-1: 40 g /10 min. X PP-2: 1.5 g/10 min figure 8
Source: IFA-Tulln Institut für Naturstofftechnik, Tulln, Austria

Figure 8 shows some of the results and Effect of MAH Content

illustrates the very good performance
of the SCONA product in comparison
to several other established coupling
Bending Strength (MPa)

75 Optimal Amount of Coupling Agent

Figure 9 very clearly shows again the 65
importance of having the highest 60
possible content of MAH in the 55
coupling agent. The greater the degree 50
of grafting, the less coupling agent 45
0 1 2 3
is required for saturating the wood
Amount of Coupling Agent (% w/w)
surface. Waxes allow significantly
higher rates of grafting, but the lower
molecular weight of waxes results in WPC with PP and 40 % Wood Flour figure 9
poorer mechanical properties. X SCONA TPPP 8112FA: 1.4 % MAH X SCONA TPPP 9012FA: 1.0 % MAH
X PP with 0.5 % MAH X PP Wax with 7 % MAH
Source: Dissertation of Klaus Specht, University of Kassel, Germany, 2007
Application Information TP-A 1

It is very important to adjust the amount of a coupling agent with The modifier with the greater degree
dosage in an existing formulation when 1.72 % MAH is used instead, the of grafting attains this value at a
replacing a coupling agent with low bending strengths of the product are concentration of as little as 2 %, while
MAH content for a product with a almost identical. If the amount of the a much higher concentration (approx.
higher MAH content. Otherwise, the latter coupling agent is reduced to 2 %, 5 %) is logically needed for the modifier
expected improvement in mechanical the resulting product has improved with lower MAH content. The exact
properties after the substitution may mechanical properties. values vary for each specific application
not materialize or may even result in and with the raw materials used. Thus,
a decline in the properties. Figure The critical factor is always the MAH it is always advisable to determine the
10 illustrates this: a coupling agent content in the composite. The optimum optimal concentration by testing a series
with 0.74 % MAH was used at a in this case lies between 0.03 and 0.04 % of concentrations.
concentration of 3 %. If the same MAH.

Improvement in the Mechanical Properties through Coupling Agents

70 70
Bending Strength (MPa)

Bending Strength (MPa)

65 65

60 60

55 55

50 50

45 45

40 40
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 0,01 0,02 0,03 0,04 0,05

Amount of Coupling Agent in Composite (% w/w) MAH Content in Composite (% w/w)

WPC with PP and 40 % Wood Flour figure 10

X Coupling Agent with 1.72 % MAH (Solid Phase Grafting) X Coupling Agent with 0.74 % MAH (Melt Grafting)

Comparison of the effect of LLDPE- and HDPE-based Coupling Agents on Applications in Polyethylene
Mechanical Strength At the outset of developing WPC for
wider applications in Europe, the focus
was primarily on using polypropylene as
Parallel, Co-Rotating Extruder Conical, Counter-Rotating Extruder the matrix material. In contrast, HDPE
50 50 was the preferred matrix polymer in the
Tensile Strength (MPa)

Tensile Strength (MPa)

45 45 USA mainly due to the wide availability

40 40 of recycled HDPE from packaging
35 35 material. In recent years, HDPE has
30 30 also been increasingly used as matrix
25 25 material in Europe in light of the better
20 20 UV stability of polyethylene. However,
0 1 2 3 4 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 because of the inherently lower strength
Amount of Coupling Agent (%) Amount of Coupling Agent (%) and rigidity of HDPE, the use of coupling
agents for improving these properties
and of course, for reducing water
X SCONA TSPE 1112 GALL X SCONA TSPE 2102 GAHD figure 11 uptake, is especially important.
X Melt-grafted Product

Application Information TP-A 1

Two very highly grafted SCONA HDPE-based SCONA TSPE 2102 GAHD LLDPE. In units that are able to achieve
modifiers that are produced through produces very good results in all a more thorough mixing, for example
the combination of solid-phase grafting systems with respect to improvement a parallel, co-rotating extruder, this
and melt grafting are extremely suitable in mechanical properties and reduction coupling agent does produce somewhat
for this application. The base polymer is of water uptake. LLDPE-based SCONA lower strength values (due to the lower
either LLDPE or HDPE. Which product is TSPE 1112 GALL is not recommended inherent strengths), yet attains extremely
used in a specific case is very dependent for use in mixing units that do not work good values for the reduction of water
upon the mixing units available and the material so intensely, such as a uptake.
the specific objectives of the respective conical counter-rotating extruder, due
customer (figures 11 and 12). to the limited miscibility of HDPE and

Comparison of the Effect of LLDPE-based and HDPE-based Coupling Agents

on Water Uptake

Parallel, Co-Rotating Extruder Conical, counter-rotating extruder

7 7
Water Absorption after 14 Days (%)

Water Absorption after 14 Days (%)

6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
0,0 1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5
Amount of Coupling Agent (%) Amount of Coupling Agent (%)


X Melt-grafted Product

Product Recommendations for WPC

Coupling Agent for PP

Base Polymer Grafting MFR (190 °C, 2.16 kg) MAH Content
SCONA TPPP 8112 FA PP Solid-phase > 80 g/10 min. 1.4 %

Coupling Agents for PE

Base Polymer Grafting MFR (190 °C, 5 kg) MAH Content
SCONA TSPE 1112 GALL LLDPE Solid Phase + Melt > 5 g/10 min. 2 %

SCONA TSPE 2102 GAHD HDPE Solid Phase + Melt > 5 g/10 min. 1.7 %

Application Information TP-A 1

Products and Applications

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