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Active Sports and


In this chapter…

Lesson 5.1 Active Sports and Recreation: Level 2 of

the Physical Activity Pyramid
Moving Together: Following Rules
Take It Home: I Spy
Lesson 5.2 Benefits of Active Sports and Recreation
Biomechanical Principles: Velocity, Acceleration,
and Deceleration
might run cross-country as a competitive sport, while

5.1 another person might run long distances not for com-
petition but as a form of active recreation.
There are several kinds of sports. Some are
quite vigorous and get the heart to beat faster than
normal, and others are less vigorous and are more
Active Sports and similar to lifestyle activities. Vigorous sports are
often called active sports. Soccer and tennis are
Recreation: examples of active sports.
Golf and bowling are examples of less vigorous
Level 2 of the Physical sports. They’re similar in intensity to moderate
lifestyle activities such as walking, gardening, and
Activity Pyramid housework. These less active sports, like lifestyle
activities, have health benefits but aren’t especially
good for building cardiovascular fitness. As you’ll
learn later in this chapter, active sports are a good
Lesson Vocabulary way to build cardiovascular fitness.
active recreation, active sports, anaerobic, games, Some sports are more popular than others. Sports
lifetime sports, participation sports, physical recre- that many people perform on a regular basis are con-
ation, recreation, spectator sports, sports, strategy,
sidered participation sports. Some sports are called
spectator sports because many people watch them
Ñ on TV or in person. Sometimes a sport can be both a
participation sport and a spectator sport. For example,
Click Student Info Ñ Topic 5.1
you might play baseball and also enjoy watching it.
Sports in which many people participate at all
Two types of activities in the Physical Activity Pyramid ages are considered lifetime sports. All sports have
are active sports and active recreation. Do you benefits, but it’s better to learn active lifetime sports
know what active sports are? Do you know what that you can participate in both now and as you grow
active recreation is? What are some types of active older. Choosing an active sport is a good idea because
sports and recreation? Do you perform active you get both health and cardiovascular benefits if you
sports and recreation? When you finish this lesson, do the sport regularly. Table 5.1 classifies some of the
you’ll know the answers to these questions. You’ll most popular sports in our society. The table also rates
also know some guidelines for making sports and the popularity of sports by different age groups.
recreation more fun by following the rules.
Click Student Info Ñ Topic 5.2

What Are Active Sports?

You have probably played many different sports,
but it may be hard for you to describe exactly
what makes a physical activity a sport. Sports are Rest or
physical activities that use the large muscles of the inactivity
body. Sports have well-defined rules and typically
involve competition between individuals or teams. Exercise
Sports have winners and losers. Sports also typically Exercise for strength
require a strategy (an overall plan) and tactics for flexibility and muscular
(specific plans to meet your goals). endurance Level 2
Chess and card games are typically not considered Active sports and recreation
sports because they don’t use the large muscles of F= 3-6 days a week
Active aerobics I = Moderate to vigorous
the body. Games that don’t have well-defined
(increased heart rate)
rules and that aren’t highly competitive, such
T= 20 or more minutes
as children’s games, aren’t considered sports
even though they use large muscles. Lifestyle physical activity
Sometimes a sport can be done as a form
of active recreation. For example, one person Active sports and active recreation are at level 2 of the Physical Activity Pyramid.
E3792/Corbin/Fig 5.04b/274755/Argosy/R2

Chapter 5  Active Sports and Recreation  53

As indicated in table 5.1, sports are often classi- fewer community teams for adults, so it might
fied as individual sports or team sports. be difficult to get enough people together to
have a game.
• Individual sports are those that you can do by Sometimes people who play individual sports are
yourself or as an individual. For example, you can also members of teams. For example, several golf-
play golf by yourself. Tennis is also considered ers can form a team. In tennis if you play doubles,
to be an individual sport even though you need you team up with another person. Even if you play
at least one other player to play a game. One alone against one opponent, scores from individual
advantage of individual sports is that they’re matches can earn points for the tennis team.
easier to do for a lifetime because you need at Active sports often require you to do vigor-
most only one other person to play. ous physical activity for short bursts followed by
• Team sports require other players. Softball, bas- periods of rest. For example, in basketball you
ketball, and soccer are examples of team sports. might run up and down the court quickly three
Team sports are very popular with people of or four times and then stop for a free throw or a
school age because schools and communities time-out. If you jog up and down the court, you’re
offer many opportunities. One disadvantage of doing aerobic activity. If you run fast, you’re doing
team sports among adults is that there might be anaerobic activity, which means that you’re using

Table 5.1
Characteristics of Popular Sports
Sport Active Team Individual Popular with Popular with Popular with Lifetime
kids teens adults
Archery ✓ ✓
Badminton ✓ ✓ ✓
Baseball ✓ ✓ (P, S) ✓ (P, S) ✓ (S)
Basketball ✓ ✓ ✓ (P, S) ✓ (P, S) ✓ (P, S) ✓
Bowling ✓ ✓ (P, S) ✓
Extreme sports ✓ ✓ ✓ (P, S) ✓ (P, S)
Field hockey ✓ ✓
Football ✓ ✓ ✓ (P, S) ✓ (P, S) ✓ (S)
Golf ✓ ✓ (P, S) ✓
Gymnastics ✓ ✓ ✓ (P) ✓ (S)
Handball ✓ ✓ ✓
Hockey ✓ ✓ ✓ (P, S) ✓ (P, S) ✓ (S)
Ice skating ✓ ✓ ✓ (P, S) ✓ (S) ✓
Skiing ✓ ✓ ✓ (P, S) ✓ (P, S) ✓
Soccer ✓ ✓ ✓ (P) ✓ (P)
Softball ✓ ✓ (P) ✓ (P) ✓ (P) ✓
Swimming ✓ ✓ ✓ (P) ✓ (P) ✓ (P) ✓
Tennis ✓ ✓ ✓ (P) ✓ (P) ✓ (P, S) ✓
Volleyball ✓ ✓ ✓ (P)
A designation of popular is based on the number of people who typically perform this sport on a regular basis (P = participation) or watch this sport on a regular basis
(S = spectator).

54  Fitness for Life: Middle School

oxygen faster than your body Table 5.2
Fit can supply it. This is one
fact reason you need to stop Recreational Physical Activities
and rest every now and Activity Is It Active?*
The “topspin” serve in tennis then. Even though sports Backpacking Often
has a high bounce because such as basketball aren’t
the spin causes a downward Biking Sometimes
truly aerobic, they can
curve that makes the ball Boating Not often
have the same benefits as
hit the ground at a Camping Not often
steep angle. active aerobic activities if
your heart rate is kept in the Canoeing Sometimes
target zone most of the time. Fishing Fresh water—not often
So active basketball is a good way to build both Deep sea—sometimes
health and cardiovascular fitness benefits. Tennis Games, including new games Sometimes
is another example of an active sport that requires Hacky sack Not often
bursts of vigorous activity followed by rest periods.
Hiking Often
When played actively, it builds both health and
Kayaking Often
cardiovascular fitness.
Orienteering Often
Click Student Info Ñ Topic 5.3 Rock climbing Sometimes
In-line skating Often

What Is Active Recreation? Rowing Sometimes

Skateboarding Sometimes
Recreation refers to activities that you do during
Skating Sometimes
your free time. The word recreation means to re-
Sledding Sometimes
create, or to be refreshed. Painting, enjoying music,
reading, acting, and playing games such as cards or Skiing Often
chess are forms of recreation that aren’t particularly Swimming Sometimes
physical. Recreation that uses the large muscles of *The way you perform an activity helps determine whether it is considered active.
the body is sometimes referred to as physical rec-
reation. This type of recreation is done
during your free time just for enjoyment
and relaxation.
Physical recreation activities that are
vigorous enough to get your heart to beat
faster are forms of active recreation. Active
recreational activities build cardiovascular
fitness. Examples include cross-country
skiing, orienteering, and kayaking. Many
types of active aerobics (such as aerobic
dance or jogging) and active sports (such
as tennis and racquetball) could be con-
sidered active recreation because they
can be done during your free time, they
use the large muscles of the body, they’re
vigorous, and they’re done for fun.
However, this book uses the term “active
recreation” to mean fun and vigorous
physical activities that typically aren’t
competitive and aren’t considered active
sports or active aerobics. Some of the most
popular forms of recreational physical
activities are listed in table 5.2.
Active sports such as tennis require good cardiovascular fitness.

Chapter 5  Active Sports and Recreation  55

Moving Together:
Following Rules
Have you ever played a game with someone who was Remember that umpires and referees make mis-
cheating? How did it make you feel? What did you do takes. Sports officials are people just like everyone
about it? Would you break the rules in a game if no one else. Even when they try hard, they make mistakes
would find out? Why or why not? just like we make mistakes when we play sports.
Several friends were discussing their experiences in Over the long haul mistakes will balance out.
sports. Julia told about playing in a school basketball Sometimes a bad call will go against you, but other
game. Alexis, a player on the other times calls will be in your favor.
team, was guarding   Retaliation often back-
her and kept hitting fires. Bad calls or unnec-
her in the arm every essary fouls sometimes
time she tried to lead to retaliation. Nearly
shoot a basket. Julia everyone who has played
felt that the referee sports has learned that
didn’t call every foul retaliation rarely pays off.
that Alexis commit- Not only is the person
ted. She considered who retaliates likely to get
fouling back to get caught and penalized, but
even. when a person retaliates,
Phung described a he or she often feels bad
situation in a baseball and has less fun.
game when he was the catcher. A player
  Arguing doesn’t help you
on the other team slid into home just as the ball arrived.
and leads to losing control.
The umpire called the runner “safe,” but Phung was sure
Decisions have to be made in sports and games.
that he had tagged the runner in time. He considered
If a referee or an umpire makes a decision, the
arguing with the umpire.
players must agree to accept that decision. If there
Max didn’t play on a sports team, but he liked to go
is no official, the players must learn to make group
boating with his family. There were several rules for using
decisions themselves to avoid arguments. Argu-
the boat, and one rule was to wear your life jacket. Max
ing can cause you to lose your focus and perform
felt that the life jackets did need to be in the boat, but
poorly, and it might cause you to lose control of
he didn’t want to wear one.
your temper.
Discussion Questions
Good Reasons for Following Rules
1. What advice would you have for Julia?
Rules are meant to make games fair. Rules aren’t
2. What advice would you have for Phung?
always perfect, but if we all accept them and follow
3. What advice would you have for Max? them, games will be more fun.
4. Is it OK to violate the rules in some cases? Rules keep people safe. Many accidents result from
5. How can you control yourself and keep from being ignoring safety rules and playing out of control.
frustrated when others don’t play by the rules? Rules help officials and participants have self-control.
Because rules make games fair and safe, they
Guidelines for Maintaining Self-Control help prevent people from getting angry and losing
Play by the rules. Sometimes it’s hard to play by the
rules when others don’t, but if you play by the rules,
your example may give others the courage to play
fairly, too. It’s true that some people won’t follow
the rules no matter what, but you can only control
your own behavior, not the behavior of others.

Click Student Info Ñ Topic 5.4

56  Fitness for Life: Middle School

Some forms of physical recreation, such
as fishing and some forms of hiking, aren’t
especially vigorous. These activities can
be considered moderate lifestyle physi-
cal activities similar to those described in
chapter 3. Recreation doesn’t always have
to be active, but if cardiovascular fitness
is your goal, the activity must cause your
heart to beat in the target zone. Table 5.2
will help you to determine which recre-
ational activities are active and which are
not. You can tell the difference by paying
attention to your heart rate and breathing
while doing an activity.
As table 5.2 indicates, many recreational
activities can be performed outdoors. For
many people just being outdoors is relaxing
because it gives them an opportunity to appreciate
nature, such as leaves changing colors in the fall
or snow drifting down in the winter. Recreational
activities and sports vary from culture to culture. For
example, people in colder parts of the world often
choose winter activities such as skiing, sledding, and
skating, and people in warmer parts of the world
choose activities such as swimming and boating.

Take It Home
I Spy

“I would be active, but there’s nowhere to go to do what I want

to do.” Have you ever heard a person say something like that?
Have you ever said something like that? Can you find recre-
ation, sports, and activity clubs in your community that interest
you, your family, and your friends? Can you find parks or school
playgrounds that are safe and have the equipment you need?
Are there other places that you and others can go to be active?
Are there safe places to walk that have good lighting and good Active sports and recreation activities, such as kayaking
sidewalks? or basketball, can be moderate or vigorous.
Knowing where to look and whom to ask about sports and
recreation opportunities requires detective skills. Use the work- Lesson Review
sheet supplied by your teacher to investigate active sports clubs
and active recreation clubs in your area. Your searches might What are active sports, and how do they differ
lead to a lifetime of enjoyable activities. from games and other types of sports?
What is active recreation, and how does it
Click Student Info Ñ Topic 5.5 differ from other types of recreation?
Name several sports. Are they team sports or
individual sports? Are they spectator sports
or participation sports? Are they most popular
with kids, teens, or adults?
Describe some guidelines for maintaining self-
control and some good reasons for following
rules when performing physical activities.

Chapter 5  Active Sports and Recreation  57

What Are the Benefits of Active
5.2 Sports and Recreation?
Sports have many benefits. Perhaps the best benefit
is that they’re fun. Even if you don’t enjoy all sports,
you probably have found several that you do enjoy.
Benefits of Active Even the least active sports and recreation activities
provide health benefits similar to those provided by
Sports and Recreation lifestyle physical activities. Active sports and active
recreation have the added advantage of building
cardiovascular fitness. This is one reason why active
sports and recreation are included along with active
Lesson Vocabulary aerobics in level 2 of the Physical Activity Pyramid. To
acceleration, deceleration, velocity gain cardiovascular fitness,
you must follow the
Click Student Info Ñ Topic 5.6 FIT formula that you Fit
learned in chapter 3. fact
You must perform
active sports and Sports and recreation activities
recreation for at can be adapted for people with dis-
When you participate in active sports and recre-
abilities. In “beep-beep softball,” the
ation, you get health, wellness, and fitness ben- least 20 minutes
ball makes a beeping noise so that
efits. Can you describe some of the most beneficial at least three days people who are visually impaired
active sport and recreation activities? What are a week, and your can participate. In wheelchair ten-
some of the best types of sports and recreation for heart rate must nis, a person in a wheelchair is
you? When you finish this lesson, you’ll know the be elevated into the allowed two bounces to get
answers to these questions. You’ll also understand target heart rate zone. to the ball.
the importance of acceleration and velocity to your Sports and recreational
performance in physical activity. activities can help you in many other ways as well.
They can help you to relax and reduce the stresses
in your life. They cause your body to
expend calories that can help you main-
tain a desirable weight and feel and look
your best. They provide a great way to
meet friends and enjoy social interac-
tions. They can help you learn to work as
part of a team, which can benefit you in
your adult career. Finally, participation
in active sports and recreation can help
you build parts of fitness other than car-
diovascular fitness, including flexibility
and muscle fitness. You’ll learn more
about these in later chapters.
Use the worksheet supplied by your
teacher to interview other students about
their favorite active sports and recreation
activity. Ask them about the fitness benefits
they gain, why they enjoy the activity, and
what advice they can give to others who
want to try the activity.
Active sports provide a way to meet friends and enjoy social interactions.
Click Student Info Ñ Topic 5.7

58  Fitness for Life: Middle School

No single sport or
recreational activity is
best for all people. Find
activities that you enjoy
and that you’ll do on a
regular basis.

Chapter 5  Active Sports and Recreation  59

Biomechanical Principles:
Velocity, Acceleration, and Deceleration
Velocity, acceleration, and deceleration are important Muscles can also be used to cause acceleration and
in the performance of physical activities, especially high rates of velocity when using implements such as
those that require speed and fast movements. a baseball bat or a golf club. Good acceleration that
Velocity refers to the speed of movement. The term results in fast bat speed or club speed allows you to
acceleration means causing an increase in speed hit a ball a long way. In fact, bat speed and club speed
(velocity) of a movement. Deceleration refers to a are more important than the heaviness of the bat or
reduction in velocity. When a car moves away from a the club that you use. That is why metal bats and clubs
stoplight, it’s accelerating. It continues to accelerate as are made with light metals. A light bat can be swung
long as its speed increases. The actual speed that the with high velocity, allowing a person to hit a ball a long
car is traveling at any point in time is its velocity. When distance.
it starts to slow down, it is decelerating. Friction can affect the velocity of an object. For
Like a car, the body accelerates at the beginning of example, when a ball hits the ground, it slows down
a race. The velocity of the body while running may be (decelerates) because of the friction created between
constant for a while, and then it decelerates after reach- the ball and the ground. Air resistance can also cause
ing the finish line. Runners with good acceleration and deceleration. For example, a strong headwind could slow
high velocity are fast runners. the speed of a thrown ball.
The energy from food is used to contract the muscles Acceleration and velocity are important for good
to create force. The force causes the levers of the body performances in some physical activities. Controlling
to move. When the levers first begin moving, they cause movement during acceleration and high velocity is also
acceleration. Acceleration requires a lot of energy. When important. For example, if you swing a bat too fast,
a runner moves at a constant speed, energy expenditure you might lose control of the bat and fail to make good
is less than when accelerating. contact with the ball. When rollerskating or skiing, if
you accelerate too fast and move at too high a speed,
you might lose control and fall.
You need good acceleration of
your leg to kick a ball far, but it’s
also important to control your
leg when it has high velocity to
make sure that you contact the
ball squarely.
For optimal performance,
you should know when accel-
eration and high velocity are
needed. You also need to know
when to limit acceleration and
velocity to control movements
for optimal performance and
safety. A reckless driver is
one who accelerates too fast
and drives too fast. In physical
activity you sometimes need
to accelerate as fast as pos-
sible and to travel at a high
speed. Sometimes too much
acceleration and velocity is
reckless and may result in poor

Runners accelerate at the beginning of a race, try to run at maximum velocity during the race,
and decelerate after crossing the finish line.

60  Fitness for Life: Middle School

Biomechanical Principles: Velocity, Acceleration, and Deceleration  (continued)

Applying the Principle

To move effectively, you need to know when to accelerate
quickly and when to have high-velocity movements. This
is true for total-body movements such as running, skat-
ing, and skiing. It’s also true when using equipment such
as a bat or a golf club, and for body levers such as those
used when kicking and throwing a ball. Sometimes you
want to throw a ball with maximum velocity—for example,
throwing a fastball during a baseball game—but other
times you may want to apply spin to cause the ball to
curve. How might acceleration and velocity be needed
in different ways for the following activities listed?
Hitting a ball as far as possible
Making sure you contact a ball in the center of a
tennis racket
Pitching a ball for accuracy
Running as fast as possible
Running so that you can change directions when
Slowing down to avoid a collision in an activity

Principles in Practice
Acceleration and velocity are important when a catcher wants to
Velocity, acceleration, and deceleration are throw out a runner who is trying to steal a base.
important for efficient and effective movement
in normal daily activities. Controlling them is
also important for safety when performing
physical activities. Practice techniques that
allow you to accelerate, decelerate, or main-
tain a constant velocity. Practice when moving
your whole body (such as when running), when
moving a piece of equipment (such as a tennis
racket), and when using one of the levers of
your body (such as throwing a ball with your

© Art Explosion

Performing gymnastics stunts requires acceleration and fast movements, but it

also requires controlling body movements for safety.

Click Student Info Ñ Topic 5.8

Chapter 5  Active Sports and Recreation  61

What Types of Sports •  Consider activities that you can enjoy now and also
later in life. Being active should be a lifetime
and Recreation Are Best? goal. Choose activities that you enjoy now,
There is no best sport or recreational activity for even if you may not do them later in life. But
all people. What is fun for one person might not be also choose activities that you enjoy now and
as fun for another. Each sport and activity has its that you’ll be able to perform and enjoy in the
benefits. You should choose an activity that’s fun years ahead.
for you and that provides benefits that are best for
Click Student Info Ñ Topic 5.9
Consider some of the following guidelines when
choosing sport or recreational activities:
• Select sports and recreational activities that provide
benefits that you need. For example, if you need to
improve your cardiovascular fitness, choose an
activity that causes your heart rate to increase.
• Choose activities that match your abilities. Teens
with good cardiovascular fitness may choose
soccer or cross-country running, and those
with good flexibility may choose gymnastics or
extreme sports (you can explore possibilities at
the Fitness for Life: Middle School Web site).
• Try many different activities. By trying different
activities, you can see which ones you like best
and which ones match your abilities.
•  Choose activities that are accessible to you. Be
sure you have the space and equipment neces-
sary to do the activity. If the activity is a team
activity, you must have other people who are
also interested in doing the activity.
•  Choose activities that you’ll practice. As you know,
practice helps you develop good skills. Good
skills help you perform better and make the
activity more enjoyable.
•  Choose activities for which you can get good
instruction. Good instruction helps you under-
stand how to use the biomechanical principles
that you’ve learned, as well as other principles Active sports and active recreation are fun.
that affect the activity. This knowledge can help
you practice better, learn better, and perform
better. Lesson Review
How do active sports and recreation improve
Fit your health, wellness, and fitness?
fact How much do you need to participate in active
sports and recreation to build cardiovascular
Based on estimates from the benefits?
International Sports Federations, How are acceleration and velocity important to
the most popular sports in the performance in physical activity?
world are soccer, basketball, What types of active sports and recreation are
volleyball, and table tennis. best for you?

62  Fitness for Life: Middle School

5 Chapter Review
Number your paper from 1 to 5. Read each question. After the
number for the question, write a word or a phrase that best
answers the question. The page number where you can find
the answer is listed after the question.
1. Which type of physical activity described in this chapter
has rules, is competitive, and has winners and losers? (page 53)
2. What do you call sports that can be done by people of all ages? (page 53)
3. What do you call recreational activities that use the large muscles of the
body? (page 55)
4. What word describes an increase in velocity (speed) of movement? (page
5. What word describes a decrease in the velocity (speed) of movement? (page

Number your paper from 6 to 10. Next to each number, write the letter of the
best answer.

6. playing cards a. an example of a popular participation sport

7. kayaking b. an example of active recreation
8. tennis c. an example of a popular spectator sport
9. football d. an example of a game
10. musical chairs e. an example of recreational activity that is not
      physical recreation

Number your paper from 11 to 15. Follow the directions to answer each
question or statement.
11. How do recreation, active recreation, and physical recreation differ?
12. Give examples of why it’s important to play by the rules and keep self-control
when playing sports.
13. Give examples of some of the benefits of participating in active sports and
14. Give examples of guidelines for selecting sports and recreational activities
that are best suited to your needs and interests.
15. Define velocity, acceleration, and deceleration, and give examples of how
each is important in sports.

Ask the Author

If you want to play sports, is it better to specialize
in one sport or to learn several different sports?
Get the answer and ask your own questions at
the Fitness for Life: Middle School Web site.

Click Student Info Ñ Topic 5.10

Chapter 5  Active Sports and Recreation  63

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