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The football prima donnas

The total wage bill for players in the English Premier League has just risen above £1 billion. Are footballers
worth the huge salaries they receive?

1 Are you watching Euro 2008? Which reply (a–e) is closest to your own? Compare your answer to a partner.

(a) “Every match” (b) “Most games” (c) “A few matches” (d) “I might watch the final!” (e) “Absolutely not!“

2 Say the following figures. Then scan the six blog entries (a–f) to see what each figure represents.

£130,000 6,000,0000 13%

£120,000 1,000,000,000 90

(a) Is John Terry worth the £130,000 per week he  (d) What exactly do these prima donnas do to earn their 
receives at Chelsea? Absolutely not! The salaries paid to  money? Fight like children; pretend to be injured; cheat; 
footballers today are totally obscene. Paying these kinds  buy fast cars; get fined for speeding. Hardly good role 
of wages just pushes up the price of a ticket, so real fans  models for my children. Jennifer G. 
cannot afford to see their own team. Ticket prices for   
Manchester United this season have risen by 13%. AF.  (e) We all know that the careers of all sportspeople are 
  short; they could get injured at any time. They need to 
(b) Why is everyone talking about footballers? Look at  consider  how  to  plan  for  the  future,  like  all  of  us. 
tennis stars; motor‐racing drivers. In every sport, we  Footballers don’t work for just 90 minutes once a week, 
pay our stars well because that is what they are: stars.  but  train  every  day.  Long  may  they  continue  to 
Dan.  entertain us! Ivy. 
(c) So accounting firm DeLoittes has announced that the   (f) We are constantly being told that the Premier 
annual wage bill in the Premier League clubs will  League is the best league in the world. Yes, I do enjoy 
exceed one billion pounds this season. Every salary is  watching Michael Ballack, Fernando Torres and 
linked to performance, just like any other area of  Cristiano Renaldo. I would enjoy getting their salaries, 
business from banking to sales. Players should be  too: each is paid over £120,000 a week. To put that 
rewarded for their ability. High salaries are fine, as long  figure in some kind of context, it’s over £6 million a 
as there is a clear link between ability and pay. Paul.  year! Not bad for a couple of games twice a week! JC. 

3 Read the blog entries. Which are ‘for’ and which are ‘against’ high football salaries?

4 Find one word in each line which does not form a collocation with the word at the end.

4.1 (a) increase (b) expand (c) pay (d) raise (e) decrease (f) get
4.2 (a) earn (b) cut (c) receive (d) reward (e) reduce (f) negotiate (a) SALARY
4.3 (a) attractive (b) clear (c) substantial (d) annual (e) huge (f) monthly

5 In small groups, discuss the questions and report your ideas back to the class.
(a) Are Premier League footballers worth their high salaries?
(b) Do you think that other sportsmen and women are over-paid?
(c) Can you think of any other professions where employees receive too much pay? Which are under-paid?

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