Students Worksheet Suggestion and Offers

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Please fill in the blank in column A with the expression properly from column B!
Ben: I'm bored! What shall we do?

You: ….. table tennis. 1. Shall we

Ben: No, …… table tennis. 2. I hate

You: Why do you hate it? 3. Let's play

Ben: Because I can't play it very well. 4. Good idea

You: …… watch a DVD instead? 5. I love

Ben: OK, …… . Let's watch a James Bond film. 6. Shall we

You: No, …… them. 7. I don't like

Ben: ……… watch High School Musical 2? 8. Come here

You: Yes! …… musicals.

Identify the generic structure of the dialogue by filling the table below ! Checklist for accepting
or declining:

Fina : Morning Ayu, My best friend, you look bad today, what happened to you?
AYu : oh, it is only a little problems.
FIna : please, tell me, maybe I can give the solutions
AYu : Ok. I feel sad because I do not have money to pay for the college tuitions, I have used my
money to buy a new motorcycle
FIna : Oh. You Should tell your parents if you have no money. I think they will help you.
Ayu : I do not think so, it only will make something worse.
Fina : You can lend money from someone.
Ayu : That’s good idea.

The Expressions Suggestion/Responses Accepting Declining

Two friends talking about where to go this evening:
Alice: You know Alan, why don't we go to the cinema to watch Titanic?
Alan: No, let's not. We've seen the film many times before. What about going to the
library? We have to finish our school project!
Alice: That sounds like a good idea. But when we finish let's go to the cafe.
Alan: Yes, I'd love to.

The Expressions/ Suggestion Generic Structure


TASK III: Find the dialogue of suggestions in the internet, newspaper, magazine or
book then rewrite the sentences which contain of suggestions, offers and its

TASK IV: Active Conversation

Use the thinking technique,” THINK PAIR SHARE” to suggest a solution to the problem
given below. You came to know that your friends had a fight. They are not on talking terms
for some time now. Since you are a common friend it is difficult for you because you want
to hang out with both of them but they can't stand each other. You have to find a way to
suggest a solution so that the fight is over.


About the suggestions and In pairs, discuss the best Then share the outcome of
offers you can make to suggestions. Give at least your discussion by acting it
solve the problem. four. out in front of your teacher
and classmates.

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