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political urban fantasy
powered by the apocalypse



Essays and Playbooks by
Marissa Kelly, Andrew Medeiros, and Mark Diaz Truman

City Guides by
Whitney "Strix" Beltrán, Paula Dempsey, Steve Dempsey,
Andy Kitkowski, Ajit George, Kenneth Hite, James Mendez Hodes,
Eloy LaSanta, Shoshana Kessock, Tim Rodriguez

Rules editing by
Brendan Conway and Mark Diaz Truman

Copy editing by Amanda Valentine

Proofreading by Shelley Harlan
Art direction by Marissa Kelly
Illustrations by Juan Ochoa
Maps by Mark Richardson
Layout by Thomas Deeny

Intimacy moves were originally developed by Dana Fried in her post titled
“Three Small Apocalypse World Hacks” ( More great
design work by Dana can be found at

The Apocalypse Engine is used courtesy of Vincent Baker and Lumpley

Games ( The limited edition (LE) playbooks found in this book
were directly inspired by similar LE playbooks for Apocalypse World and
other Powered by the Apocalypse games.

On that note: damn you, Vincent, for cursing us with your amazing designs.
Powered by the Apocalypse games are harder to perfect than we could have
possibly imagined…and worth every second they steal from our lives.

Urban Shadows: Dark Streets is copyright 2017 by Magpie Games, includ-

ing all text and art. All rights are reserved.
Special thanks to our staff for this project. Your tireless dedication to this book
made it great, and we're so honored that you've stuck with us through the
long, long process of bringing it to print. Your work is amazing, and we're
lucky to have each of you on the project. Thank you!

Huge thanks also to our writing staff for the city guides. We've never done
a project like this before—with so many moving pieces invoking so many
systems and elements of the game—and we're so proud of how all the city
guides turned out. You each brought something really exciting to this book,
opening new doors for how Urban Shadows will be played far into the future.

We'd also like to thank Jason Cox, Jenn Martin, and Travis Scott for helping us
make the limited edition playbooks great. Each one of you added something
really special to these playbooks; they wouldn't be the same without the
conversations we had with each of you. Thank you for your contributions!

Finally, thanks so, so much to our Kickstarter backers! Your patience, support,
and feedback has been invaluable, and it's helped us make this book into a
resource that we believe will help both MCs and players connect with Urban
Shadows in new and unique ways. Thank you!

If we missed you in these thanks, please let us know. We’ll get you in a future
printing to honor what you've done for the book.

From Andrew:

I’d like to thank Sean D, Rob W, and Aaron F for being my first play-
testers for Ancient Shadows, and Sean D for running an entire
campaign set in the 1930s within a travelling carnival that gave me so
much inspiration and content. Thank you!

From Mark:

I’d like to thank Marissa for her continued patience with my work on
this project, through one-shots, playtests, and design meetings alike.
I'd also like to thank Brendan Conway, Katherine Fackrell, and Derrick
Kapchinksy for continuing to be excited about Urban Shadows, even
though literal years have passed since we started working on all this
together. You all inspire me to do the very best work I can do.
Ancient Shadows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Writing Archetypes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
The Scholar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
The Revenant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
The Hallowed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
The Vessel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Chicago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Los Angeles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Miami. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Bangalore. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
London. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Kichijoji Daimachi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
New York City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
The Bronx. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Brooklyn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Manhattan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Queens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Staten Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137



Stories told in Urban Shadows take place in our modern world—skyscrapers,
cell phones, and traffic—but they didn’t all start there. Many of the faces we
see in urban fantasy have history, a lot of history in fact, and sometimes it’s
fun to take a step back in time and explore that history in more detail. What
was unlife like for the eight hundred year old vampire in Victorian England?
Who did the ageless fae exploit in the American Wild West during the Civil
War? And what were the early days of training like for the wizard in Napole-
onic France?

Urban Shadows assumes a modern-day backdrop, but with a little tweak-

ing you can also tell stories set in the 19th and early 20th centuries; after all,
politics isn’t a modern invention. Blood is still blood, favors are still favors; the
only thing that’s changed are the vessels that carry them.


To play in earlier eras, we need to make some changes to the mechanics. The
basic moves, Archetype features, and gear choices likely need alteration to
suit your game’s period and locale. Sometimes little to no change is needed—
you and your group can probably handle most alterations on the fly—but
here are some helpful guidelines to get you through.

The basic moves form the backbone of Urban Shadows, but it’s important to
look them over with a different lens when setting your stories in a different
era of history. The basic moves themselves require no changes as written,
but how they’re implemented in the fiction might change stylistically. The
moves are meant to cover a wide array of situations, and a change of era
is no exception; they’re robust and versatile enough to cover you in any
time period.

Laughing Fox, The Aware played by Sean, comes upon a grisly scene: dead
settlers on the road, their wagon toppled and their bodies torn to pieces. He
lets it out to tap his knowledge of the supernatural world—as The Aware,
he's seen this kind of thing before—but he rolls a miss! The MC describes the
sounds of heavy pawed feet moving toward him; Laughing Fox spins to see a
large bipedal wolf.“Wendigo!” he cries out. Trapped by the fearsome beast
on the open road, Sean asks if he has an opening to escape the situation...


On the other hand, Faction moves assume a rich and vibrant city, teeming
with resources and conflicts ready to explode at a moment’s notice. Cities in
earlier eras were still cities, but it’s worth thinking about how moves like hit
the streets or put a name to a face are altered by the realities of earlier eras.

For example, San Francisco during the great gold rush was a booming city,
but nothing like the metropolis we know today. So when the characters go
searching for info or resources from local contacts, they have a smaller pool
of NPCs to draw on. One trick here is to remind them of NPCs they’ve gone
to for help in the past: there’s no rule against guest stars re-appearing in
future episodes of your games. In fact, you might find that going to distinct
NPCs each time the players hit the streets creates rich relationships within
the story that you’d otherwise miss out on.

Similarly, if the story takes you out into the wilds of 19th century Arizona,
the characters may find they’re hard-pressed to interact with all four Fac-
tions—the primary way they unlock new advances—and it’s up to you to
provide them extra opportunities to do so. Make sure the people and beings
they come across out there are diverse and represent the Factions more or
less equally.

If all else fails and your players are frustrated with the pace at which they’re
unlocking advances versus their standard Urban Shadows experience, con-
sider writing a custom move or two to take the pressure off. One way is to
allow them to mark Faction when making any move against someone, not
just when making Faction moves. Don’t be afraid to make your own changes
to ensure you and everyone else is having a good time.

Toyosi, playing Clarissa the Vamp, is out to settle a score. The year is 1876
and she’s tracking Dominic—a rival vampire count—to a secluded spot in
the Swiss Alps. She runs afoul of Dominic’s right hand, Florence, and with a
few well placed threats is able to persuade an NPC into telling her where to
find her boss. Regardless of the move’s result, Toyosi’s MC tells him to mark
Night for using a move against a member of that Faction—this is a new rule
they’ve decided to implement.


The world you and your group create in Urban Shadows has a long history of
different peoples living together: how else would ancient feuds, allegiances,
and borders have come to be? Taking that into a different point in history
doesn’t void all that; it just changes the context a bit. There have always been
Vamps and Spectres preying on humanity’s desires and sorrows, Wizards and
Oracles have always shaped the events of the world, and you’d better believe
the Fae and Tainted have always had their claws in things. They might be
wearing a different coat, and they might sound a little different, but they’re the
same old Archetypes.

The Aware
There have always been humans looking into things they shouldn’t. What
constitutes “mortal responsibilities” may change depending on the time and
place you play, as you’re probably not keeping a 9-5 job or have your parents
or siblings calling you on your cell. Talk it over with your MC and find some
broad ideas that fit.

The Hunter
When making choices for their custom weapons, the player should keep the
current technological level in mind. For example, a story set in 1886 would
not allow for the Silenced or Automatic add-ons. “High-tech surveillance”
under Safe House should be replaced with “Someone who watches over
the place.”

The Veteran
Some of the choices under Workspace should be removed or changed to suit
your era of play. Some of the following may not suit the time or place you set
your story in:

automotive hoist and tools, a darkroom, a junkyard of raw materials, machin-

ing tools, transmitters & receivers, an operating room, high-tech electronics
and computers, a science lab.

Consider adding in some variant options, such as:

carpenter’s bench and tools, painting supplies and easels, a natural source of
iron or wood, hand tools of all shapes and sizes, a telegraph station, weird sci-
entific devices and apparatuses, an alchemical laboratory.

The Wolf
If your game doesn’t take place in a large city, consider changing the default
trouble plaguing your Territory to “Settlers are encroaching on the edges of
your hunting grounds (add trouble: +threatened).”

The Fae, The Oracle, The Spectre,

The Tainted, The Vamp, and The Wizard
Literally nothing needs changing here except perhaps some of the gear
options; use your best judgment.

Most of the gear options on your sheets feature modern devices or luxuries
which wouldn’t have been invented yet in your setting: cars, cell phones,
automatic weapons…you get the idea. You need to do some translating on
these items to make them fit the time period of your game.

Cell phones are right out, obviously. If a player makes a good case for having
access to wireless technology or a local telegraph office, that should serve as
an excellent replacement. If they don’t…

Automatic pistols/rifles and tasers may not fit in your time frame, in which
case just change them to an equivalent firearm of the time. You should prob-
ably also add the (+reload) tag.

Most of the living quarters provided by the Archetypes will still fit—a small
apartment is still a small apartment—but if you need something more appro-
priate, such as “a room in the local hotel,” then make the change.

Cars and trucks will only be viable if your game is set in the early 20th century,
but even then they will probably be rare to own. Personally, as MC, I wouldn’t
include them in personal gear, but make a judgment call on these as usual.

For a Wizard named The Amazing Abrams—the stage magician in a 1930s

travelling carnival—his sanctum might include: a library of old tomes, a
focus circle, an apothecary, and a portal to another dimension (contained in
an elaborate old mirror). All of this works very well for the setting and time
period, but would also fit perfectly well in a game set in the modern day. For
gear, Abrams could choose a sword instead of one of the gun options (not
that a gun in that time would prove a problem), he’d ignore the cell phone of
course, and combine “nice apartment or simple house” and “crappy car”
into a motorized wagon that he lives in as he travels. After all, you gotta have
a caravan if you’re in a carnival!



The world is constantly changing and evolving—usually for the better—and
that means people’s daily lives used to be a hell of a lot different than they are
today. The ability to fly anywhere has made us a global community, the inter-
net has connected us beyond borders and oceans, and modern technology
has made life easier for most of us.

Given how much has changed in only a handful of decades, there’s bound to
be some disconnect between your setting and the world you know. Here are
some ideas about how to handle those differences.


Cities were a lot smaller a hundred years ago and that’s something you have
to adjust for when setting your story in the past. Urban Shadows is typically
a game about people living too closely together and cultures clashing in the
darkness; you need to make sure you keep that theme alive in your game.
This won’t always be easy, especially if you’re setting things in a rural wilder-
ness, such as the American Wild West.

When you don’t have skyscrapers and traffic lights, replace them with natural
wonders and bustling town centers; and never forget to make it about the
people. Relationships are at the core of Urban Shadows; make sure you bring
everything back to that. Populate your small towns with personalities from
each of the four Factions: the Wizard snakeoil salesperson, the Veteran black-
smith, the Tainted Pinkerton agent, or the Wolf Marshal are all examples of
how to keep it weird while keeping it small.

If you’re setting a story in the American Wild West, in lieu of a city bustling
with millions of people, include a booming border town with newcomers and
long-lived citizens alike. Most of your scenes will be set here in town, with the
occasional foray into the wilds for investigation and solitude. A small town is
still plenty suffocating when you apply the right political pressures.

When you set a story in the past, you and your players won’t be able to
answer all the questions about what life was like in that time and place. You
can do research until your eyes bleed, but you’ll never know it all; come to
terms with that and move on. It’s okay for your game to reflect history with-
out getting all the details right; don’t be afraid to insert your own when you
need to. What’s important is that you and your group tell an interesting story
together; don’t sweat the little things.

All that said, do some research for your own sake, and encourage your play-
ers to do the same. Studying historical context can be a ton of fun and you’re
guaranteed to learn all kinds of useful tidbits that you can introduce into
your game.

In our 1930s travelling carnival game of Urban Shadows, our characters

eventually make their way through Pennsylvania. A quick online search
reveals a famous serial killer living in the region at the time; we quickly
incorporate this into our session start moves for that session.

Probably the biggest question you’ll face when setting your game in a histori-
cal era is about the cultural norms of the time. Women, people of color, queer
folks, and trans persons have faced terrible treatment throughout history.
These facts are unavoidable when discussing history and context, but you as
a group need to decide if these themes are something you need to explore in
your stories, or set aside for now.

There’s no ignoring what happened—and what still happens today—but you

can make an active choice about the kind of story you’re telling together. Do
you want your story to include obvious oppression, or would those things
be better served as backdrop to the drama—not forgotten, but not focused
on either?

In our Wild West game set in the 1870s, Rob is playing a female-identify-
ing Wizard: Doctor Elsa Braun. Elsa is a genius scientist and practitioner
of magic. Before play, we talk about the cultural norms in play during that
time. Does Rob or anyone else at the table want the presence of sexism and
classism to be part of the story? This includes me as MC, since I’ll be por-
traying dozens of people (men, women, Latinos, African-Americans, LGBT
characters, etc.) and I have a responsibility to portray them with respect and
equal love.

If you, or anyone else present, doesn’t have the bandwidth to tackle these
crippling cultural norms, leave them out of the limelight and focus on the
things that matter to your story—drama, intrigue, and action.

If you do decide to include difficult content, be certain you’re playing with

the X-Card (Urban Shadows, page 24) and that you’re all open to changing
this decision at any point in play. Nothing needs to be written in stone here.
And of course, use your brains, don’t be an ass, and be kind and respectful to
everyone, including the characters in the stories. Hard themes call for hard
thinking; be critical of yourselves at all times.


Now that you know how to convert your Urban Shadows games into histor-
ical settings, it’s not as hard as you thought, right? A few modifications of the
Archetypes here, a reimagining of the basic moves to fit the time and place of
the story, and a conversation about cultural considerations are all you need.
The key, like with most things, is to talk it out as a group, with everyone being
given a voice.

Telling stories from our past is exciting and allows us to play in a sandbox
that Urban Shadows doesn’t allow for by default. The simplicity of life in ages
past can be appealing for telling stories that truly focus on relationships and
intrigue. The modern era has given us a lot to connect with people: social
media, cell phones, and email all serve to connect us instantly across vast dis-
tances. When you strip those away, you’re left with a world where the greatest
resource you have is the people around you, the ones you owe and who owe
you. That’s the best part of Ancient Shadows, boiling everything down to the
people near you.

That, and six shooters are pretty damned cool!


Millions of stories fuel the greatest cities—tales of suffering and triumph, frag-
ile victories and bloody revolutions worth whispering to each other in hushed
tones when the masters of a metropolis turn out the lights. They flit through
the darkness of human hearts, prance behind the false masks of the powerful,
and bleed into the food and water and air and everything we consume as we
run like rats through the metropolis.

And we gave you just ten playbooks. It’s a fucking injustice, really. So many
stories left to tell, and all you got was ten goddamn playbooks.

If you’ve played Urban Shadows for a bit, it’s almost inevitable that you’ll turn
your eyes to the playbooks themselves and start to wonder what else is out
there. What other kinds of stories lurk deeper in the titular shadows? What
stories are we missing? What else is there to tell?

Some of you who ask those questions will write your own playbooks. And
while we can’t completely ease the terrible burden that such an endeavor will
turn out to be, this is our attempt at lightening the load. Good luck.

The first question you need to ask yourself before you create a new Arche-
type is whether or not a current one can be adapted to suit your needs. If you
want a spell-casting mortal who serves the court of a faerie King, considering
combining elements of the Wizard and the Fae to create what you’re look-
ing for, cutting and pasting when necessary. Believe us, it’s a lot less work to
remix two existing playbooks than to start from scratch.

In that same vein, ask yourself: can you take an existing Archetype and
change one or two things about it to make it fit your vision? If so, you’ll save
yourself a ton of work. Maybe you want something like The Wolf, but different
somehow; you could change the Transformation options or switch out a
move or two to work with your idea. Urban Shadows is flexible and modular:
each playbook has discrete elements that can be reworked and adapted to
produce unique fictional elements.

But if neither of those options work, you’re gonna need to build from the
ground up. It’s a tough road, but we’ll see if we can get you through to the
other side.



If you’re interested in making a new playbook, you probably have a vision of
what you want your Archetype to look like. That’s great! Keep that vision in
mind as you work through these steps. The Archetype might change a bit as
you go, but your goal is to find the path to your vision through the mechan-
ics and fictional positioning the playbook brings to the game. In order to help
you get there, we propose some basic yet important steps to help you flesh
out the Archetype into something that you can be proud of.

These steps may seem linear, but they’re really an iterative process. You have
to layout the basics of your Archetype—a framework for a unique character—
but you also have to consistently move elements around and search for ways
to make interlocking pieces work. In what follows, we give you some guiding
principles that we use to make an Archetype great…but remember that you’ll
have to revisit the playbook—and each one of these steps—time and again to
craft something that fits your vision.


The most important thing to keep in mind when creating your own Arche-
type is what the fictional character represents in the real world as a metaphor.
When designing the core Archetypes for Urban Shadows, we always kept this
in the back of our minds. What does a Vampire or Hunter really represent?
What themes and peoples are they meant to capture in the urban landscape?
Vampires are parasites; they feed off the city without remorse and the people
love them for it, kinda like drug dealers and con artists. Hunters are warriors;
they take their fight to the streets and risk their lives to change the city, not
unlike activists and protesters.

So what does your Archetype reflect in the real world? Answering this ques-
tion helps direct the moves you write for them: corruption, Archetype, drama,
even the advances available to them—they all come from that base point.
Creating a playbook is crafting metaphors—you’re trying to capture some-
thing about real cities and real people—and you won’t get very far if you’re
just thinking about moves or monsters instead of the things the playbook is
supposed to represent.


While you can start with any element of the playbook, we often find it useful
to think about the playbooks stats early. When choosing the beginning stats
for your playbook, you need to keep a few things in mind. First, the net sum
of each stat block (main and Faction stats) should always equal a total of 1
before players add in their free increase.

For example, The Aware’s stats look like this:

Blood -1, Heart 1, Mind 1, Spirit 0 (-1+1+1+0=1)

Mortality 1, Night 0, Power 1, Wild -1 (1+0+1+-1=1)

That’s the easy part. The hard part is deciding on which stats you assign a
higher value and which get the lower ones. These starting stats communi-
cate a lot about your Archetype to someone reading it for first time. A high
stat in Blood tells the reader that your Archetype is volatile: they’re good at
confronting threats head-on or getting out of their way quickly. By that same
token, a lower stat in Blood tells them the opposite: this is not an Archetype
that resorts to violence to solve its problems or has much luck at all when
trying to get away from trouble.

Faction stats work a little differently. The higher the stat, the more connected
to that community your Archetype usually finds itself; as a result, this block
should be easier for you to assign. Think about the common origins of this
Archetype: do they spend a lot of time hitting the streets to talk to mortals
(consider a high score in Mortality) or do they prefer to make deals in the
shadows with creatures of darkness (a higher score in Night)?

You don’t have to follow the formula we use for most Archetypes either—
mostly assigning -1, +0, and +1. You can make a dramatic statement by
assigning a +2 or +3 or even -2 to the Archetype’s starting blocks. This indi-
cates a high strength or obvious weak spot and should only be considered
when very appropriate. One of the best parts of creating an Archetype all your
own is sometimes making bold choices like this.


Once you’ve chosen your Archetype’s theme and starting stat blocks, it’s time
to start thinking about what really sets it apart: the moves. Your Archetype’s
moves are its defining feature, telling players what they can do and how they
do it.

You need to start with these questions before you actually write any
moves down:

• Will the Archetype start with a core move?

• Will all their moves come preselected or will the player have the
option to choose starting moves and add more over time?
• How many total moves do you need to create the Archetype?

Core Moves
Many Archetypes start with what we call their core move, one move the
player gets for free that is totally unique to that Archetype.

For example, the Aware starts play with Snoop, an investigative move that lets
them ask all kinds of questions and sometimes lands them in some pretty hot
water. They can choose two more moves in addition to that one, but Snoop
is a great move for getting answers. At the same time, the move doesn’t
actually solve problems and doesn’t create lasting change in the city; when
we wrote the Archetype we decided to give them two more moves of the
player’s choice from a selection that would let them put the information they
gained to use.

The Tainted, on the other hand, starts play with The Devil Inside—an espe-
cially potent and direct move—along with the other elements needed to flesh
out and make sense of that move, represented as extras, like their Demonic
Form and Demonic Jobs. Similarly, the Wizard is all core moves: Channelling
and Sanctum Sanctorum specifically, supplemented by their spells and their
Sanctum. In those cases, the core moves and the extras are largely insepara-
ble, and all part of defining the core abilities and functions of the Archetype.
The Tainted should be able to turn into a terrifying demon, and the core move
and the extras are all necessary to make that possible. The Wizard should
have tremendous versatility and arcane power, and the core moves and extras
give that to the Archetype.

If your Archetype requires a core move to really hammer home who and
what they are, start there. Give players access to that defining move and then
consider if they need another move or two to help get them rooted in the city
and pursue the playbook’s goals. If the Archetype needs a core move with
extras to supplement that core move and make it functional, then go ahead
and set it all up together. (Look to “Core Extras” on page 19 for more on set-
ting up extras.)

Stat Swap Moves
A tried and tested Archetype move is what we affectionately call the “stat
swap move.” These moves allow a character to roll a different stat when
triggering a move. For example, the Vamp’s move Cold-Blooded says “when
you keep your cool under emotional duress, roll with Blood instead of Spirit.”

These stat swap moves are cool as fuck for players, but more importantly they
allow you as the Archetype’s designer to plug up any holes that might be left
over from your original stat blocks. When we created the Vamp, we wanted
them to be dangerous and social, but not very much in control of their inner
demons. A high starting Blood and Heart allowed for the danger, but being
piss poor at keeping their cool under emotional duress didn’t fit our view of
them. Cold-Blooded allows the Vamp to be dangerous, manipulative, cool
under social pressures, but most importantly not cool under physical pres-
sures, such as the sight of blood or the threat of sunlight.

An important note to keep in mind with stat swap moves is that they should
always be conditional. Cold-Blooded lets the Vamp use Blood instead of
Spirit for keeping their cool in emotional situations, but it doesn’t allow them
to do so when tempted by a vulnerable meal. Adding in these caveats ensures
two things: first, that your move is nuanced and interesting, and second, that
players can’t ignore an entire stat by using an Archetype move.

Corruption Moves
In addition to the standard moves you give the playbook, you also need to
create four additional corruption moves that the Archetype can unlock at
the cost of more corruption or dark dealings. Corruption moves are standard
moves turned up to 11—they’re extremely powerful and potent but always
cost the character something precious.

When writing these moves, keep the dark vision of that Archetype in mind.
What does it look like when the Aware starts to get in too deep to the super-
natural world? What happens when the Wizard starts to rely on their own
power to make change, no matter the cost? Look for the moments when
the playbook you’re building should slide toward darkness, and build moves
that both show off how awesome the character is in that moment...and how
much it will cost them.

Don’t be shy with these; you want players to find them irresistible and
awesome. The only thing you must include in each of these moves is the
opportunity for marking corruption—at least once—when using the move.

As you brainstorm standard moves, you might come upon a great idea that
either seems far too potent or too dark or morbid for a standard Archetype
move. Save those ideas to fill out your corruption moves; they are intention-
ally bigger and badder than standard moves and are meant to reflect the dark
side of each Archetype.


Each Archetype has three drama moves: corruption, intimacy, and end. These
three moves are your personal love letter to whoever is playing your Arche-
type; they tell the player all about who the Archetype is in their most tender
moments and highlight two possible paths they can walk. We usually work on
these last, after we’ve gotten the rest of the playbook up and running.

Core Corruption Moves

The first and foremost drama move, the corruption move, is one little sen-
tence that packs a wallop, always phrased as “Mark corruption when you…”
Each Archetype has a dark dark path they can walk and it’s your job to script
what that looks like. Imagine how this Archetype could fall into a vicious
cycle that never ends and then take a few steps back to see what single, main
action led them there. This is your core corruption move.

Since corruption moves chart the path of the Archetype’s fall, make sure that
the move is a conscious choice instead of something that happens to the
character. “Mark corruption when you turn down a friend’s request for aid” is
much stronger than something passive like “Mark corruption when you don’t
have enough resources on hand to help a friend in need.”

Intimacy Moves
Intimacy moves are what happens when the Archetype gets close to some-
one, always phrased as “When you share a moment of physical or emotional
intimacy with someone…” Intimacy can expose who they are underneath, the
real person behind the mask. Or maybe you don’t want them to ever lower
their defenses; maybe you want them to shut up those they start to let in! It’s
all up to you and the vision you have for this Archetype. This move tells play-
ers how they process intimacy; treat it with the respect that deserves.

Intimacy moves can intersect with other mechanics in interesting ways. The
Hunter’s intimacy move, for example, can lead to them marking corruption
if they keep their secrets instead of exposing their true self to another, and
the Tainted’s intimacy move gives them a chance to steal Debts from other
characters when people get too close to them. Again, look for opportuni-
ties to drive home the playbook’s themes by defining what getting close to
them means.

End Moves
And finally we have their end move. If the Archetype dies or retires from play,
what will their final scene look like? What will be their legacy? These moves
are big, and they’re big on purpose. When a main character leaves a television
series, the entire story slows down to give us a sense of the consequences of
their loss. Figure out what you want this Archetype to leave behind and write
a move that reflects that. It doesn’t have to be complicated to get the point
across, but it should suit your vision of the Archetype perfectly.

Sometimes these end moves reinforce the Archetype’s core conceit: the
Oracle, for example, gets to offer one last prediction, a vision that the MC is
tasked with bringing to fruition. Other end moves actually help the players
reflect on the character’s role in the fiction: the Aware’s end move makes the
other players state how the Aware has affected them, bringing the Aware’s
story to a close as the character leaves the game.

Urban Shadows gives you lots of ways to customize an Archetype: Factions,
Archetype moves, corruption moves, drama moves, and the like. What you
need to decide is whether or not those tools are enough to create your vision.
If not, you need to come up with something unique to the Archetype. We call
these core extras, unique mechanical subsystems that offer your players new
ways to engage the world beyond the basic mechanics.

For example, we introduced new mechanics and ideas with each of the four
limited edition Archetypes presented in this book: The Vessel, The Revenant,
The Hallowed, The Scholar.

• The Vessel uses the new redemption track, replacing stan-

dard corruption, a completely unique take on becoming human
instead of losing your humanity.
• The Revenant crosses out some basic moves in favor of focused
moves meant to heighten their presence in the city and further
emphasize their themes.
• The Hallowed uses a flock to create a vast network of followers
and fanatics that adhere to a strict code of conduct and offers the
Hallowed significant advantages and responsibilities.
• The Scholar has an arcane network, people who are either
problematic or advantageous clientele; though not a mechanical
boon, the Network gives the Scholar a ton of starting relation-

Core extras are great for giving an Archetype something that other playbooks
can’t get access to by selecting “take a move from another Archetype” as an
advance. Sometimes those core extras are simply sets of moves that are cen-
tral to a character—the Wizard’s spells and sanctum or the Tainted’s demon
form—but each of the limited edition playbooks in this book show you new
ways to push the system by giving the playbook a set of unique mechanics
that go beyond simple moves.

Core extras require pretty heavy experimentation to get right, because more
than just moves, they often change and influence core mechanics of the
game. That’s great! Come up with your ideas for any necessary core extras,
and take ‘em for a whirl.


You’re almost there! You have their moves, stats, corruption moves, drama
moves; now all that’s left is filling in some of the color, the little twists that will
bring the Archetype to life.

Choose a list of varied and suitable names for them; try to shoot for at least a
dozen to twenty, but no more than thirty. We like to display them in alphabet-
ical order, focusing on including a diverse list of names. Try to avoid any dupli-
cates with other playbooks if possible; it sucks to have another player pick
your character’s name for their character!

We suggest mirroring the look options for gender presentation (“Ambiguous,
Female, Male, Transgressing”) and race (“Asian or South Asian, Black, Hispanic/
Latino, Indigenous, Middle Eastern, White, __________”) from the base game;
these have been carefully chosen. When it comes to clothing though, imag-
ine a few examples people might interpret your Archetype as looking like, and
write down four or five options: business casual, everyday clothing, incon-
spicuous garb, a uniform, clerical wear, etc.

In Urban Shadows, we gave each Archetype their own list of prescribed and
optional gear for them to customize their characters with. These items ran
the gamut from weapons to relics, personal items to vehicles—you name it,
it’s there. Your Archetype needs some of these as well.

Start with the place they live, the car they drive—if any—and the kind of phone
they have; unless it really doesn’t fit, try to give them all three in one form or
another. Then decide on a few extras goodies they get to start with. Will they
be weapons, or something with more character than that? Either way, put
those options in a short list of two to three items and try to make the choices
sizzle. For example, the Oracle’s prophetic tools are a never-ending source of
interesting fiction.

Next, write three Debt entries that will tie that character to the other players’
characters using favors they owe or are owed. How many of each is a con-
scious choice you need to make beforehand; is this Archetype the kind who
thrives off of being owed Debts, or are they the opposite and find meaning in
fulfilling favors owed? If it’s neither, find a balance in the entries.

It’s easy to come up with ancient history between people, but you should
choose very recent or ongoing Debts instead (“they just saved my life” instead
of “once saved my life”; or “they’re keeping an enemy of mine distracted
while I prepare to face them” instead of “they once helped me take down an

enemy”). This helps keep the Debts relevant and the relationships fresh and
up-to-date. The city is large, and these relationships need to be enough to
keep the characters engaged with each other again and again.

The final touch for your Archetype is their advances, stuff like “+1 Blood” or “A
move from another Archetype”; it’s your job to assign these advances to your
Archetype to shape its future in play.

Sometimes removing a specific advance most Archetypes have access to says

a lot. For example, removing “retire your character to safety” tells the player
that there is no happy ending for them, so they can either change Archetypes
or see this through to its inevitable end. By that same token, keeping it in and
removing “change to a new Archetype” has the inverted effect: you might end
up happy but either way you will end play as this Archetype and no other.
Have fun with this! Look for an exciting combination.

If you decide you want them to have access to a gang or group of followers,
throw an advance in for that as well, like the Aware’s “join or lead a Watcher’s
Society” advance. Doing so creates a bit of extra work for you—you’ll need to
write up rules for them and a custom move to go along with it—but if it really
works, it’ll be worth the extra effort. Take a look at The Shadows (page 269)
in Urban Shadows for advice on writing interesting moves.


After you’ve gone through this process once—laying out the stats, selecting
moves, addressing extras, etc.—you’ve just begun the process. Now you need
to playtest the playbook and start to figure out what’s working (and what’s
not working) to accomplish your vision. A new playbook is like a new recipe;
you’ve got to get something in the oven early to keep things moving, but
you’ll probably want to refine it once you taste the first batch.


You’ve got everything written down and the Archetype is ready to roll...except
for one pesky detail: you have to make sure it actually works. So get your
friends together, organize a new campaign or a one-shot of Urban Shadows
and see if someone is willing to try out your new baby.

Let them look it over and follow the instructions without your guidance.
Obviously you should answer any questions your players have about the
Archetype, but don’t hold their hand through character creation either. If they
hit a snag with something that’s confusing or doesn’t make sense, that’s a
good thing to review later and maybe edit.

When you’re the MC...
...running your new Archetype through a playtest, you need to pay close
attention to a few specific things, but never forget about ensuring everyone at
the table gets a fair share of screentime; no preferential treatment here. The
playbook has to work with everything at the table.

The first and most obvious thing to look for is simple: are they triggering
their moves during play? Are the playbooks, drama, and corruption moves all
finding purchase in the story mechanically? The flipside to this is: are some
of them triggering too often? Try to keep a record of this so you can go back
and address this issue with your revisions.

The second thing to watch out for is dominant strategies; does the player
keep falling back on one type of solution to their problems? If they are, you
might have created a facet of the Archetype that’s too potent for them to
resist. Go back to the Archetype and think of a few upgrades or alternate
moves that might augment their abilities somewhat, giving them different
tools to tackle their problems so they don’t repeat their tactics and moves
so often.

Lastly, do any of your moves create what we call dead end fiction? Dead end
fiction is what happens when a move is triggered, but after its effect has taken
place nothing has changed. This might also come across as a move falling flat
or not producing the kinds of outcomes you or the player expected from it
coming out of the gates. Often some slight edits can fix this issue; make the
change and see how it plays out in subsequent playtests.

When you’re the player…

...and you’re testing out your new Archetype first hand, you should have an
easy go of it when it comes to getting started; after all, this is your Archetype,
you know exactly what it’s meant to do. So do that, have fun with it, pick the
gear, extras, and moves that most excite you and push them as far as they’ll
go. If a move either falls kinda flat or feels too potent or misses its mark, you
can fix that; but you’ll never know until you push it.

You remember when we talked about the themes of your Archetype? Well,
this is your chance to aim for that theme. If your Archetype is all about lever-
aging Debts, leverage Debts and see if it works in play. Note how the other
characters react to your theme! Does it give them a chance to deepen their
own play as well?

Most importantly, is your Archetype fun to play? Are you having a good time
with them, and does it feel like you hoped it would feel? If so, you’re on
the right track; and if not, you can see where it’s lacking and rectify that in
your revisions.

When you’re not the MC or the player… and listen. Keep an eye out for all the same things we mentioned
above—are moves being triggered, do they seem to be having fun, all that
jazz—but don’t be in people’s faces about it. You can ask questions about
their experience after the session is done; don’t interrupt people. If you have
a question you might forget, write it down so you remember to ask later. You
have a great perspective in this scenario—you can watch the MC and player
both interact with your Archetype and see things you might otherwise miss.
Learn from that and keep notes—lots of notes—especially on what seemed
confusing or unclear to player or MC alike.


Once you’ve completed your Archetype and gotten some playtesting in, we
recommend you compile your notes and experiences for those who might
play your Archetype when you’re not around to field questions or clarify
points for them.

The first thing you should explain is what you’ve learned through your play-
testing and creation process. What were some of the points you’ve seen
people get stuck on or need clarification on? Highlight those for newcomers
and expound on them where you can. Definitely go into detail if you have any
extras or moves that aren’t standard parts of Urban Shadows. New rules often
require a detailed explanation; what might seem obvious to you may seem
strange to someone else.

Also go into any pitfalls or issues you’ve come across in your time or that
others have shared with you regarding the Archetype. Odds are good some-
one else will encounter that same hazard and your advice might well prevent
that experience for them and increase that player’s enjoyment with your cre-

Lastly, and this is non-negotiable, include some media inspirations for your
Archetype! Which songs, books, TV shows, or movies inspired this Archetype
or remind you of them? Share those with people; they’ll love to see your rec-
ommendations and this often gives people a quick picture of what play will be
like using your Archetype. Keep on rockin’ in the free world, my friends!



If you invest all this time in making a playbook great—and it does take some
time—you might want other people to actually use the damn thing. We want
to see that too. Here are a few ways you might get your playbook out into
the world:

As long as you’re not charging money for your Urban Shadows playbooks and
moves, feel free to post them in our G+ community or on your blog or wher-
ever particular monsters of the night congregate on the internet (Reddit?).
The Apocalypse World community has always been about hacking, re-hack-
ing, and modding, and we’re proud to see our work be part of that cycle.


If you’re interested in featuring your work in one of our official
Urban Shadows books, please let us know. We’re always open to talking with
folks about their work, and we’d love to see some different and diverse ideas
for playbooks in future supplements. Drop us a line at info@magpiegames.
com when you’ve got a playbook ready to show us.

Be warned, however. We take this stuff pretty seriously. It’s likely that we’ll ask
for lots of revisions and changes, pushing your playbook to be awesome. It’s a
process we love, but it’s not quick or for the faint of heart. We don’t just make
you murder your darlings around here; we’re fans of sacrificing our darlings to
the elder gods in elaborate rituals.


We’re also open to licensing Urban Shadows to folks who want to do more
than just build a single playbook. If you’ve got a long form city guide or par-
ticular supplement idea that you’d like to build out for the community, let us
know. We’d love to see someone do great things with the framework we’ve
built, and we’ll find a way to make it financially viable for all involved.

After all this advice, you may be thinking, It’s so easy. Everything is here! I have
all the tools I need!

We love that kind of thinking. Keep it in mind when nothing is working, when
you want to rip the Archetype’s guts out and leave it to bleed out on your
basement floor. Keep it in mind when someone tells you they hate playing it
or hate running for it. Art is hard, and we want you to make it all the way to
the other side of getting the damn thing published.

So best of luck to you. We look forward to enjoying the bloody fruits of

your creation.




Some mortals think the supernatural world holds answers to mysteries or
justice for the oppressed. You know the truth: the arcane is a commodity, just
like everything else. If you know the right people, you can buy anything. And
if you are the right people…then you might just be the person selling instead
of the person buying.


(pick one)
Adrian, Akra, Angelica, Bakari, Crawford, Dalia, Ellis, Emina, Gabriel, Grace,
Hart, Jackie, Lionel, Kai, Michaella, Nadia, Rasida, Ricardo, Roderick, Thibault,
Valerie, Wanda, Wang, Yana

(pick as many as apply)
• Ambiguous, Female, Male, Transgressing
• Asian or South Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous, Middle
Eastern, White, ____
• Corduroys and a Button Up, Expensive Clothing, Hoodie and
Slacks, Tweed with Elbow Patches

(pick one)
Charming, Cryptic, Shifty, Smug

(Add 1 to one of these)
Blood -2 Heart 1 Mind 2 Spirit 0

(Add 1 to one of these)
Mortality 2 Night -1 Power 1 Wild -1

• Who are you?
• How long have you been in the city?
• What arcane mystery brought you to the business?
• What habits or comforts does your trade offer you?
• What do you desperately need?

• An expensive flat, a midsized car, a smart phone, reading glasses
• Messenger bag (pick 1)
bb Lucky Bag - When someone searches your bag without your
permission, the item they are looking for is not there but instead
hidden with your colleagues in your arcane network.
bb Unassuming Bag - Your bag disguises any signs and signals that
an arcane item may emit. An arcane item placed in the bag is
completely undetectable.
bb Arcane Bag - The bag itself has an agenda. When you find your-
self in a desperate situation, reach into your bag for help. The GM
will tell you what item you find...


• You’re someone’s hookup for relics and arcane items. They owe
you 2 Debts.
• Someone has been tipping you off to your enemy’s tactics. You
owe them 2 Debts.
• You scammed someone out of something rare and priceless they
cannot recover. You owe them 3 Debts.

Your arcane network is a collection of powerful and knowledgeable mortals
who trade in arcane items, relics, and ancient tomes. Some of their interests
are legitimate and above board; others are the stuff of backroom deals and
smoky rooms. They don’t trust you. You don’t trust them. That’s business.

Your arcane network has the following features (choose three): codes &
signals, burner phones, online messaging boards, supernatural bodyguards,
ritual meetings, secret drops, a monthly marketplace, secluded safehouses, a
neutral appraiser, cops on the payroll

Your colleagues include these NPCs (at least): Raven Locke, Everett “One-Eye”
Bunyasarn, Phoenix Pèrez, Diana Stone, The Yoshida Sisters, Count LaMount,
Brother Erick, Madam Moorelove, Lady Elaine Malcolm, John Qureshi, Dr.
Zang Yi

Whose collection do you covet? ________________

Who keeps things safe for you? ________________
Who suspects you’re scamming them? ________________

When you cash in a Debt with a member of your arcane network to obtain a
worthy and useful gift without cost, they must offer you three things. Pick the
one you want, but the others will never be “free” again.

When you hit the streets to consult your arcane network, you can roll with
Mind instead of Mortality. Mark Mortality as normal. In addition, add this
option to the 7-9 list:
• You owe them an object you haven’t yet acquired

When you refuse to honor a Debt to someone to whom you’ve previously

sold arcane objects, add this option to the 7-9 list:
• Promise to secure a valuable object for them



You have a private collection of ancient tomes, books, and arcane objects
that you have acquired over your years of less-than-savory deals. Tell the MC
about your most prized possession and what dirty deeds you did to acquire it.

When you retreat to your private collection to research an occult occur-

rence, object, or individual, roll with Mind. On a 10+, pick 3. On a 7-9,
pick 1.
• You discover a previously unknown weakness or vulnerability
• You discover a previously unknown resource or ally
• You don’t attract any supernatural attention to your research
On a miss, you discover something terrible in your research that spells doom
for you, your friends...or the city itself.

You get this one:

;; Appraisal: When you appraise an arcane object, roll with Mind. On a hit,
ask the MC questions. On a 10+, ask 2. On a 7-9, ask 1.
• What rumors or lies shroud this object’s value?
• What secrets or powers does this object contain?
• Who knows more about this object or its powers?
• Who would want to possess this object?
On a miss, the object is cursed. The MC will tell you what trouble
pursues it.

And choose one more:

bb Cowardly: When you abandon someone to escape a situation, roll with

Mind instead of Blood.
bb Expert Negotiator: When you persuade an NPC by offering an arcane
item they need, treat a 7-9 as a 10+ result. On a miss, your offers are
accepted as though you rolled a 7-9, but they’ve misled you about their
interests in the goods.
bb Arcane Detective: When you interview a knowledgeable NPC while
pursuing the arcane, roll with Mind. On a hit, they offer you a concrete
lead: an important location, supplier, or tome (your choice). On a 10+,
you already have a connection in your arcane network that allows you to
make good on this info. On a 7-9, the path forward is blocked or precar-
ious for you at this time. On a miss, they tell you little, but your questions
put them in grave danger.
bb Wielding the Arcane: When you unleash by invoking an arcane item or
relic, you may choose to treat your roll as a 10+ without rolling. The item
is permanently—and obviously—damaged or consumed by this process.


»Scholar Corruption Move
When you exploit someone’s ignorance of the arcane for personal gain,
mark corruption.

»Intimacy Move
When you share a moment of intimacy—physical or emotional—with another
person, they get a Debt on you...and you have what they desire. Ask them to
name an item they have been seeking; that item has recently turned up in
your arcane network.

»End Move
When you die or retire your character, choose one character to inherit your
collection of tomes and artifacts. They gain the Private Collection move so
long as they care for and protect these arcane holdings.

Advances available at beginning After 5 advances you may select:
of play:
bb +1 Heart (max +3) bb +1 to any stat (max +3)
bb +1 Spirit (max +3) bb +1 any Faction (max +3)
bb +1 Mind (max +3) bb Erase a scar
bb A new Scholar move bb Take Channeling and two spells
bb A new Scholar move bb Erase a corruption advance
bb A move from another Archetype bb Advance 3 basic moves
bb A move from another Archetype bb Advance 3 basic moves
bb Add two features to your bb Retire your character to safety
arcane network bb Change to a new Archetype
bb Change your Faction

bb Take a corruption move
bb Take a corruption move
bb Take a corruption move
bb Take a corruption move from another Archetype
bb Retire your character. They may return as a Threat


bb Occupational Hazards: Mark corruption to keep your cool with Mind
instead of Spirit when faced with arcane or supernatural threats.
bb In the Bag: Mark corruption after successfully escaping a situation to
reveal that you pilfered an arcane object from the previous scene.
bb Don’t Trust Anyone: When someone double-crosses you, mark cor-
ruption to reveal how you already planned for their sudden but inevitable
betrayal. You immediately gain the upper hand in the situation.
bb Interested Parties: When you are outnumbered, outgunned, or surprised,
mark corruption for a third party interested in your dealings to interrupt
the proceedings. Their intrusion creates an opportunity for you, but you
might be going from the frying pan into the fire.


Cautious, greedy, clever, compromised. The Scholar is the best and worst of
Mortality all at once—a dealmaker and information broker who puts their own
success ahead of pretty much everything else. They know the price of every-
thing…and the value of nothing.

To some degree, you’ve got it all figured out. The city is your marketplace, and
you know the mortals (and supernaturals) who will pay top price for arcane
objects and ancient tomes. You’ve got more than one plan to make a buck
off everyone—even your closest “friends”—but you’re perfectly willing to play
the long game. After all, you can’t spend a dime when you’re six feet under-

And yet…your unique proximity to power means that you see things, hear
things, know things that might make a difference for this bleeding and broken
metropolis. You live at the fringes of mortal society, and right in the middle of
everything else. Everything that matters.

You got into this business to take care of yourself. But sooner or later you’re
going to start wondering: is that enough?

»Notes on Your Moves
Appraisal isn’t about recognizing arcane objects when you find them; you’ve
been in the business too long to get fooled by a forgery or cheap trinket.
When you appraise an object, you’re looking below the surface, sussing out
the true nature of the mystery that’s found its way into your hands. You might
need time—or equipment from your private collection—to do the job right,
but you’ll always get to the truth.

When you escape a situation by leaving someone behind, your escape has
to put them in danger for you to use Mind instead of Blood. You aren’t really
abandoning someone when you try to run off and leave them with folks who
are neutral or friendly to them.

Wielding the Arcane results in harm equal to the rarity and power of the
arcane object you sacrifice when you make the move. The MC will tell you
how much damage you do, including any tags that might apply (area, armor
piercing, etc.). In general, small trinkets are no more dangerous than a small
knife (1-harm) and priceless artifacts can bring down a whole gang (5-harm
area ap messy).

Your arcane network is composed entirely of mortals—if someone was a

vampire pretending to be a mortal, you’d know—but that doesn’t mean they
don’t have secrets. The people who buy and sell objects from you are surely
more than they seem, much more than the demons, vampires, and faeries
who peddle favors for a hint of political power.

You’ll obviously need to mark corruption when you mislead an innocent

mortal about the arcane, but remember that lies to supernatural creatures
(or other humans aware of the true nature of the city) also count as exploit-
ing someone’s ignorance. Any time you’ve got more information about the
arcane than someone else—and use it to get ahead—mark corruption.

If you use In the Bag to obtain an object you desire, you still might face an
angry owner down the line. The move allows you to get the object out of the
scene without being caught, but that doesn’t mean that the previous owner
won’t follow up on the missing treasure. After all, anyone with something
worth stealing will probably figure you as their most likely suspect.

»Inspiration for The Scholar

• Books: Hellblazer, Hellboy, Dr. Strange
• Music: “Hustlin’” (Rick Ross), “Friend or Foe” (Jay-Z), “Life in the
Fast Lane” (The Eagles)
• Movies: The Ninth Gate, Constantine, Curse of the Demon
• Television: Angel, Sleepy Hollow, Sherlock



The Scholar makes arcane objects central to the fiction, regardless of which
city you’ve chosen as your setting or what other Archetypes are in play. From
their starting Debts to their arcane network to their playbook moves, the
Scholar creates a new arena of conflict—magical items—and drags the rest of
the players along for the ride. Don’t fight the shift toward the arcane! While it
might feel like it’s distracting from the political themes of the game, the pur-
suit, sale, and destruction of arcane items is really a metaphor for the pursuit,
sale, and destruction of power.

Be proactive about creating opportunities for the Scholar around arcane

items. Introduce NPCs that want magic items—or that fear a thing the Scholar
is pursuing—and set up PC-NPC-PC triangles that contextualize every object
in the political infrastructure of the city. Put objects in scenes that the Scholar
might wish to obtain—or use In the Bag to pilfer—and give them opportuni-
ties to mislead others whenever they use Appraisal to ask about the lies and
rumors that surround an object.

When the Scholar uses Wielding the Arcane, think both about the power
of the object and its character. You might find that tags—area, ap, fire or
elemental, loud, or messy—are appropriate in addition to the base harm the
object delivers. Remember that the arcane item is consumed or destroyed
by the process; whatever is left over isn’t of much value when the Scholar is
through with it.

Remember also that the arcane network is virtually a Storm unto itself. As the
network develops, look for opportunities to create Threats and Storms around
it. When the network goes to war with itself or outsiders, the Scholar can’t
help but be drawn toward the escalating conflict. Give the Scholar reasons
to look to the other PCs for help, and remind the other PCs that the Scholar
has access to a whole different set of resources that might aid them with their
own problems.

If a player chooses to use Interested Parties to get out of a dangerous or

difficult situation, make sure to tie the intruding third party to the Scholar’s
past behavior. Perhaps there is an organization looking for an arcane item that
the Scholar stole or sold…or maybe they’re looking to get revenge for a deal
gone wrong. In other words, use the opportunity the player has given you
to reinforce the long history of shady deals the Scholar has made before the
story started.

That said, also provide opportunities for the Scholar to rise above their base
desires. The Archetype pushes them toward selfish arrogance; give them a
chance to play against type, to be the hero, to take risks on behalf of people
who don’t offer them hard cash for magical objects. In other words, chal-
lenge the Scholar to grow…and make sure it costs them every damn time.


They took everything from you. Your life. Your love. Your future. They left you
with nothing. But the spirits that grace the other side—the daemons that tend
to the afterlife—they thought you deserved a second chance, an opportunity
to take revenge on the monsters that did this to you. Don’t squander it.


(pick one)
Abdul, Adair, Anamarija, Azarel, Bernhard, Daena, Dilla, Enrique, Faleaka,
Farooq, Jeong, Josseline, Kovit, Mwatabu, Natalia, Nikolas, Pablo, Samya,
Thomas, Walentyna

(pick as many as apply)
• Ambiguous, Female, Male, Transgressing
• Asian or South Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous, Middle
Eastern, White, ____
• Bloody Clothing, Fetish Clothing, Goth Clothing, Street Clothing

(pick one)
Confused, Detached, Forgetful, Volatile

(Add 1 to one of these)
Blood 2 Heart 0 Mind -2 Spirit 1

(Add 1 to one of these)
Mortality -2 Night 1 Power 1 Wild 1

• Who were you before your death?
• What do you remember of your old life?
• Who saw you rise from the grave?
• What symbol of your old life haunts you?
• Who pulls you away from your vengeance?

• A remnant of death (a bullet, small bones, two silver coins, etc.)
• A shotgun or magnum revolver (3-harm loud reload)
• A handful of photographs and mementos from your old life


• Someone mourned your death, truly and deeply. You owe them
a Debt.
• Someone tried to get justice for your murder, but failed to lay
your soul to rest. They owe you a Debt.
• Someone has already come to rely on you and your powers. Ask
them what unique need you fill. They owe you two Debts.
• Your daemon carried you back from the land of the dead. You
owe it two Debts.

A daemon guided you back from the land of the dead and walks with you
now among the living. The two of you are inseparable, and you are constantly
aware of its presence. Choose one from each list:

They are: a dog, a snake, an owl, a vulture, a bat, a crow, a wolf, a cat, a raven,
a rat

They have: a spectral voice, a dark voice, a patient voice, a maternal voice, a
demanding voice

When your daemon stands with you in battle, take armor+1. Your daemon
will only follow you in the pursuit of your caul or to fulfill a Debt.

The injustice of your demise has pulled you back to this world, allowing you
to seek revenge on those who have done you wrong. List their names and
how they wronged you (max 3).

Each of these people is marked by your caul, the force that has brought you
back from the lands of the dead. While they live unpunished, you cannot
die. You embody their fate: bloody doom called back to offer judgment for
their crimes.

When you punish one of them absolutely—however you see fit—strike their
name from the list. Your daemon will tell you if the punishment is fitting; if it
is, advance. If it isn’t, you owe your daemon a Debt.

When you ask your daemon to add someone who has wronged you to
your caul, roll with Spirit. On a hit, your daemon acquiesces to your request.
On a 10+, your daemon reveals how you might attack their vulnerabilities or
weaknesses. On a miss, that person is beyond your reach; take -1 ongoing
against them until you offer them forgiveness for the wrongs they have done
to you.

When you cross out all the names in your caul, your connection to the land
of the dead is severed. Your daemon returns to the spirit realm; you are no
longer able to avoid the land of the dead if you are killed. You can lay your
own soul to rest by returning your physical form to its final resting place.

Choose two:

bb Abashed the Devil Stood: when you openly present yourself to the
agents of your enemies, roll with Spirit. On a hit, they choose:
• They scatter or flee before you
• They throw down their weapons and surrender
• They attack you, ignoring your allies
On a 10+, take armor+1 against them for the scene. On a miss, they reveal
that you’ve sprung a trap laid by those who wish to avoid your judgment.

bb Vigilante: when you go into a battle, roll with Blood. On a 10+, hold 3.
On a 7-9, hold 2. On a miss, hold 1 and take -1 forward. During the fight,
you can spend your hold 1 for 1 to:
• Kill, disable, or disarm (your choice) an NPC within reach
• Redirect an attack within reach to another character within your
reach, or else to nowhere—into the ground or a wall or the sky
• Cross the distance to any character outside of your reach before
they have time to adjust or react
• Name a character within your reach; while you fight, you intercept
any attack directed at them and they suffer no harm

bb Is That Gasoline I Smell?: When you search a location for the

resources or tools needed to destroy it, roll with Blood. On a hit, you
find whatever you need to bring the place down around you. On a 10+,
everything is already arrayed to your liking; all you have to do is light the
fuse. On a miss, your search leaves you or an ally vulnerable or exposed to
your enemies.

bb You Don’t Scare Me: You have a mortal confidante who believes in your
cause. When you go to your mortal confidante for solace, comfort, or
protection, roll with Spirit. On a hit, they tend to your wounds and hide
you from your enemies; clear your harm track. On a 10+, they have been
keeping their eyes and ears open for you; they tell you about an opportu-
nity you can use against your enemies. On a miss, your condition worries
them; they secretly contact someone they think can help you.

bb Merciful: When you inflict harm with any weapon (or your fists),
you can choose to inflict s-harm. Decide at the moment you inflict the
harm; you need not tell anyone in advance what kind of harm you intend
to inflict.


»Revenant Corruption Move
When you kill someone not marked by your caul, mark corruption.

»Intimacy Move
When you share a moment of intimacy—physical or emotional—with another
person, ask them if you should be an agent of justice or vengeance. If they say
justice, ask them how you could relieve the burdens they carry and take +1
ongoing to actions toward that end; if they say vengeance, mark corruption.

»End Move
When you fill up on harm, your body ceases to function, but you do not die.
Anyone who views your corpse with supernatural senses knows that you still
live and how to bring you back, e.g., sprinkling graveyard dirt on your body,
performing a lost ritual, etc. Your daemon may attempt to enlist someone
else to facilitate your return.

Advances available at beginning After 5 advances you may select:
of play:
bb +1 Blood (max +3) bb +1 to any stat (max +3)
bb +1 Spirit (max +3) bb +1 to any stat (max +3)
bb +1 Mind (max +3) bb +1 to any Faction (max +3)
bb Gain armor+1 ongoing bb Erase a scar
bb A new Revenant move bb Erase a scar
bb A new Revenant move bb Advance 3 basic moves
bb A move from another Archetype bb Advance an underworld move
bb A move from another Archetype bb Advance an underworld move
bb Change your Faction

bb Strike out escape a situation; take Against the Wall
bb Strike out figure someone out; take Dig for Answers
bb Strike out mislead, distract, or trick; take Haunt the Darkness
bb Take a corruption move from another playbook
bb Retire your character; your daemon returns you to the lands of the dead


bb Against the Wall: When you are cornered by your enemies, roll with
Blood. On a hit, trade harm with your enemies as if you were a small
group (3-harm 1-armor) instead of a single person. On a 10+, pick 2. On a
7-9, pick 1.
• You inflict terrible harm
• You suffer little harm
• You create an opportunity
• You don’t mark corruption
If you advance this move: You trade harm as if you were a medium group
(4-harm 2-armor) instead of a small group.

bb Dig for Answers: When you hurt someone to get information, roll with
Blood. On a hit, their resolve breaks and they must answer your questions
truthfully. On a 10+, ask 2. On a 7-9, ask 1.
• Are you telling the truth about ______?
• What do you know about ______?
• Where can I find ______?
• How can you bring me closer to vengeance?
• Mark corruption to ask any questions you want, not restrained to
this list.
If you advance this move: On a 12+, ask 3 from the list or any 1 question—
not restrained to this list—without marking corruption.

bb Haunt the Darkness: When you terrorize someone from the shadows,
roll with Spirit. On a hit, they are frightened, intimidated, or unnerved. On a
10+, pick 2. On a 7-9, pick 1.
• You create an opportunity
• You inflict harm (ap)
• You remain in shadows
• You don’t mark corruption
If you advance this move: On a 12+, all four and one for double effect. You
cannot avoid marking corruption for double effect.



Broken, isolated, furious, gothic. The Revenant is vengeance personified, the
mortal remains of a person who was once terribly wronged, brought back
to wreak havoc on the people most responsible for their demise. They are a
force of nature, a furious hurricane of blood and death that emerges from the
empty sewers and dark waters of the city to remind the powerful that every-
thing ends.

Yet the course of your life as a Revenant is still yours to chart; your daemon
draws you toward the oblivion of revenge, but you may find a way to pursue
justice instead. The world is filled with people who are still living, breathing,
and dying, denizens of the city who could use your assistance right now.
What good is your vengeance if it does them no good? Your daemon may
drive you to find your bloody destiny, but you may need to look elsewhere to
find salvation.

But salvation is a tricky thing. Its roots lie in forgiveness and love. Its branches
yield fruit that other people eat. It does nothing for you until you’re willing to
climb out of the gutters of filth and corruption and imagine a future for your-
self beyond vengeance.

Salvation, my friend, is only for the living. The dead have to get by on ven-
geance alone.

»Notes on Your Moves

Your daemon is free to cash in Debts on you at any time, even if the two of
you are separated. If you resolve your caul before your daemon has used
the Debts it carries against you, those Debts are forgiven and your future is
your own.

Spending your hold from Vigilante doesn’t usually require that you make a
move. If an NPC is within your reach, you can spend a hold to disarm or kill
them without unleashing an attack. In extreme cases, the MC might make
you keep your cool to deal with the consequences of spending your hold.

If you take You Don’t Scare Me, take some time to define who your mortal
confidante is and where they live. It’s possible they are completely unrelated
to your caul, but it’s usually more fun to have them be caught up in the same
mess as you. After all, who better to offer you protection than someone who
knows your enemy?

Merciful allows you to inflict s-harm on your enemies using any weapon you
like. Check out page 152 in Urban Shadows for more on s-harm.

Striking out one of your basic moves to gain an underworld move means that
you no longer have access to that move. If you strike out escape a danger-
ous situation, for example, you can’t trigger it; your fate is in the MC’s hands
whenever you try to get away, even when you have an opportunity.

You can advance your underworld moves like basic moves by taking the
appropriate advancement. You can’t advance an underworld move you
don’t have, so you have to take corruption advancements to unlock those
moves first.

»Inspiration for The Revenant

• Books: V For Vendetta, The Count of Monte Cristo, Sin City: The
Hard Goodbye
• Music: “Bring Me To Life” (Evanescence), “Meet Me in the Woods”
(Lord Huron), “Hit ‘Em Up” (2Pac)
• Movies: The Crow, The Revenant, Kill Bill: Vol. 1 + 2
• Television: Revenge, 24, Breaking Bad


The Revenant begins play on the edge of a knife, back long enough to figure
out their powers and remember who they were before death…but not yet
ready to throw themselves into the death and destruction that their daemon
demands of them. Some of their Debts point them toward a few stand-
ing relationships, all likely to have been crafted after they returned from the
other side.

Nevertheless, the Revenant turns any game of Urban Shadows into blood
opera, a righteous arrow pointed at the heart of the city’s filthy, corrupt
underbelly. In many ways, your job is to provide the Revenant a reason not to
simply kill everyone involved and call it a day: meaningful opposition, inno-
cent bystanders, and complicated emotions.

To that end, be wary of them using their moves to shortcut through conflicts.
If the Revenant goes to their mortal confidante for help or hurts some-
one to get information, use those moves as opportunities to wrap them up
further in the lives of the people around them. Remind them that the people
they hurt will remember their face, that their confidante has problems and
issues all their own. Mire them in the muck of humanity at every turn.

But don’t hide the Revenant’s caul in the shadows. At first, no one will be
expecting the Revenant to seek vengeance...dead people tend to stay dead.
Let the caul live their lives in the open, and remember to create PC-NPC-PC
triangles between them and the other PCs. By the time the Revenant gets to
them, you want every death to be a messy feud.

When the Revenant does make a push to destroy their enemies, make your
hard moves count. The Revenant can take a ton of harm, and many of their
other moves allow them to recover from knockdown fights in ways other PCs
can’t match. Reveal their caul as powerful agents in the city, hit back when
the Revenant takes risks, and then point the Revenant at ways to rebound and
do the whole cycle over again.

If the Revenant lasts for multiple game sessions, keep the cycle from turn-
ing into a rut. Ask lots of questions about their living relations and old friends;
bring those characters into the story and remind the Revenant that they are
more than a monster. Offer them other opportunities to make a difference to
their community, and drive home that the people who killed them are dan-
gerous and worthy foes.

And when the Revenant has everything figured out, reveal who was really
behind their death. The true villain. The one they didn’t even know was a
threat when they were first put into their grave. Show them who really mur-
dered their future…and ask them if they are willing to forgive and forget.


One day you spoke…and your faith spoke through you. You never asked to be
touched by the holy, to be called to offer guidance and solace to the chosen,
but you took the reins when the time came for you to lead your flock. Can you
live up to their expectations?


(pick one)
Aaron, Amandeep, Catherine, Charity, Cornelius, Dael, Elijah, Epidiah, Gabriel,
Hadar, Ismail, Jade, Johnny, Kiri, Monica, Naalnish, Reta, Sarah, Shafiq, Tobias

(pick as many as apply)
• Ambiguous, Female, Male, Transgressing
• Asian or South Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous, Middle
Eastern, White, __________
• Colorful Clothing, Ecclesiastical Clothing, Formal Clothing,
Simple Clothing

(pick one)
Arrogant, Casual, Clerical, Profane

(Add 1 to one of these)
Blood 0 Heart 1 Mind -2 Spirit 2

(Add 1 to one of these)
Mortality 1 Night 0 Power 2 Wild -2

• Who are you?
• How long have you been in the city?
• When did your faith first choose you?
• What hypocrisy do you hide from your flock?
• What religious mystery are you pursuing in the city?

A spartan apartment or communal living space, a prominent symbol of your
religious faith: a holy relic, religious tool, or arcane artifact

• You destroyed or banished something (or someone) important at
the request of another character. They owe you a Debt.
• Someone comes to you often to confess their sins and seek for-
giveness. Tell them what solace you offer, and ask them if they
are comforted by your offering. If they find your efforts sufficient,
they owe you a Debt; if you come up short, you owe them a Debt.
• Someone is intimately engaged with a member of your flock, but
you doubt they have your follower’s best interests at heart. They
owe you a Debt.


You lead a religious or spiritual community that meets regularly to profess
their faith. The community is (choose 1): an informal and unbounded group,
a long-standing religious institution, a spontaneous gathering of a traditional
faith, a new age business, a school or university prayer group, an activist sec-
ular organization

You meet at (choose 1): a church basement, a rec center, a member’s home,
a local diner, an underground hideaway, anywhere you can find space

Your rituals and traditions are: esoteric and confusing, traditional and
expected, spontaneous and energetic, solemn and restrained, genuine
and improvised

Your flock is connected to you through a psychic link that offers you unpar-
alleled access: you can let it out to try to listen in on specific members’
thoughts; cash in Debts as if a member of your flock was right in front of
you; call your flock to action at a distance; or even mark corruption to take
on the physical appearance of a member of your flock for a scene.

At the start of each session, take one Debt against your flock as a whole, pro-
vided you were available to perform your religious duties; you can cash the
Debt in with any member of your flock, even other PCs.

By default, your flock consists of about fifteen seriously committed followers

with a few resources (cash, connections, weapons, etc.) and a deep belief in
your particular faith (1-harm group medium scattered devout 0-armor). Then,
choose 2:

bb Your flock embodies the fury and righteousness of their faith. +1

bb Your flock enjoys a modicum of faith-based direct protection against
the world. +1 armor.
bb Your flock has an explicit hierarchy or organization that serves your
needs. Change +scattered to +organized.
bb Your flock has important connections throughout the city, even within
supernatural communities. Take +1 ongoing to hit the streets with
Power, provided you use the flock’s network and contacts.
bb Your flock relies on you to perform important religious rituals more
often than normal. Take an additional Debt at the start of each session,
provided you performed those rituals.



Your followers are committed far more to the faith you wield than to you per-
sonally, at least at first. Choose 2 tenets of your faith that they observe nearly
without fail as devout members of your traditions:

bb Life is precious and unique; kill none of god’s children.

bb True faith is spoken freely; deny not the faith nor the flock.
bb God is god above all; give no fealty except to god.
bb The weak demand protection; deny not a righteous request.
bb Lies blemish the righteous; bear not false witness.

Violating any tenet of your faith in the presence of your flock—or if they find
out later that you violated one of the tenets—immediately gives them a Debt
over you. Any member of the flock can cash in the Debt with you, even if they
weren’t the one who witnessed or discovered the violation.

You get these two moves:

;; Shepherd: When you call your flock to action in keeping with your faith,
roll + Spirit. On a 10+, all three. On a 7-9, choose 1:
• They all honor your request for action
• They don’t ask any difficult questions
• They don’t demand a Debt from you
On a miss, a portion of your flock is seized by the faith and moves to
address the problem in ways you did not foresee.

;; Sanctified: When you bestow the blessings of your faith on another,

roll with Spirit. On a hit, your faith envelops them: heal them (2-harm),
bestow protection (+1 armor), or anoint an item they carry (+blessed),
your choice. On a 10+, also choose 1 from below. On a 7-9, choose 2.
• You mark corruption
• You suffer 1-harm (ap)
• They are marked by your faith
On a miss, your faith reveals something terrible about the intended target
of your gifts. You must take all three to complete the blessing.

»Hallowed Corruption Move
When you violate the tenets of your faith (or through inaction allow them to
be violated), mark corruption.

»Intimacy Move
When you share a moment of intimacy—physical or emotional—with another
person, you choose whether or not their intimacy move triggers. If it doesn’t,
tell them what mark or aspect of your faith keeps you distant from them.

»End Move
When you die, you perform a powerful miracle of your faith. The innocent
may rise, the wicked may fall, so on and so forth. You cannot prevent your
own death.

Advances available at beginning After 5 advances you may select:
of play:
bb +1 Blood (max +3) bb +1 to any stat (max +3)
bb +1 Heart (max +3) bb +1 to any Faction (max +3)
bb +1 Spirit (max +3) bb Erase a scar
bb Add a feature to your flock bb Erase a corruption advance
bb Add a feature to your flock bb Change to a new Archetype
bb A move from another Archetype bb Retire your character to safety
bb A move from another Archetype bb Advance 3 basic moves
bb Erase a corruption advance bb Advance 3 basic moves
bb Change your Faction bb Take Channeling and three Spells

bb Take a corruption advance for your flock
bb Take a corruption advance for your flock
bb Take a corruption advance for your flock
bb Take a corruption advance from another Archetype
bb Change playbooks to any Mortality playbook; your flock is now a Threat

bb Rites and Rituals: Your flock, gathered and united, forms a powerful spir-
itual tool or weapon, a sanctum (Urban Shadows, page 128) that allows
you to perform magical rituals and create powerfully blessed objects.
When the GM tells you what you need to complete the ritual, you may
ignore one of the requirements if you convince a member of your flock to
give life or limb to the ceremony or mark corruption yourself.
bb Augury: Your flock, gathered and united, gives you insight into the ley
lines and power centers of the city; when you pray with them, you may
investigate a place of power at any distance, provided you are willing to
make an appropriate sacrifice to your faith or mark corruption.
bb Infallible: Your flock no longer questions your instructions or advice, fol-
lowing your will as best they can without violating the tenets of your faith.
When you call your flock to action, persuade one of its members, or
mislead, distract, or trick them, treat a 7-9 as a 10+ result. Mark corrup-
tion to extend this effect to requests that violate the tenets of your faith.
bb Apocalypto: Your flock is truly prepared for days of trial and tribulation:
add +1 size, +1 armor, +1 harm, and +fanatical. At the end of a session,
mark corruption if you did not lead your flock in punishing unbelievers or
heretics during the session.



Pious, conflicted, charismatic, alone. The Hallowed is the leader of a flock
of believers who see the power of their faith imbued into one holy figure.
Yet while the Hallowed draws their power from the men and women who
follow them, faith is by no means a certain thing. The city tests even the most
devout, and the Hallowed is tested more often than most.

You have been called to leadership by your faith, perhaps by powers well
beyond your comprehension. The people who follow you believe in your
righteousness, but the path of a righteous leader is no more clear than any
other. The power you wield, your hold on the faithful, and the gifts that
the faith bestows upon you will sometimes raise more questions than they
answer, and it’s your job to be the shepherd of a flock that faces challenges to
their bodies and souls.

Your faith is yours to define: it might be devout Catholicism, but it can also
be a New Age spirituality, an ancient religion lost to the ages, or a secular
philosophy that demands justice at every turn. That said, it must be compel-
ling. A faith that makes no demands—that puts forward no contradictions and
embraces no mysteries—is no faith at all.

»Notes on Your Moves

The religious tool or artifact you get from your starting gear may be magi-
cal or blessed, but more powerful objects are likely to draw the attention of
demons, mortals, and other prying eyes. Select whatever item you like…and
prepare to live with the consequences.

Calling your flock to action means asking them to do something weird, out
of the ordinary, or dangerous. Regular religious rituals, for example, don’t trig-
ger the move. On a 10+, everything goes well for you, but a 7-9 means you
end up in a tough spot:

• If you pick they all do it, they ask tough questions and demand
Debts. They’re willing to go along, but they need to be persuaded
and bribed with promises of future action.
• If you pick they don’t ask difficult questions, some of them don’t
join the action and those that do expect you to owe the group
for their sacrifices. Those who leave are likely to stray further from
the group in the future.
• If you pick they don’t demand a Debt, some of your flock is inter-
ested in the action…but they‘ve got some tough questions for
you to answer before they commit. The rest go their own way.

You can only call your flock to action if that action is in keeping with your
faith, until you take Infallible. Before you take Infallible, if you want your
flock to do something not in keeping with your faith, you need to resort to
persuading an NPC, cashing in Debts, and figuring them out. And even
then...good luck.

Your flock is a complicated set of relationships. They can be helpful—espe-

cially when you guide them toward your faith’s tenets—but they have
demands, needs, and wants all their own. Don’t be surprised when they
conflict with your vision for the city. Note that your corruption moves
can do much to alter your relationship with your flock, should you find
it troublesome.

Always remember that your Flock can be reached through your psychic link.
They are never far away.

Sanctified provides permanent healing (2-harm), but the other two options
(armor and +blessed) only last as fictionally appropriate. People marked by
the faith are obviously marked: stigmata, halos, auras, sigils, and signs. The
effect is not subtle or easy to dismiss. When you miss, the ritual reveals the
sins, failings, or secrets of your target—all things your faith sees more clearly
than you do.

When your intimacy move triggers, let the other person describe the effect of
their intimacy move first. You choose whether or not the move triggers and
what symbol of your faith keeps them at a distance.

When you die, the miracle you perform must be in keeping with your faith.
You can’t strike down every vampire in the city if you preach love and accep-
tance; you can’t bring someone back to life if your faith is predicated on brim-
stone and hellfire.

If you mark your last corruption, you don’t retire your character as a Threat.
It’s your flock that’s the problem, not you. Tell the MC what losing your flock
means to you, and pick a playbook appropriately. You might find yourself
retiring from the life (The Veteran) or deeply jaded by your loss (The Scholar).

»Inspiration for The Hallowed

• Books: Preacher, Watchmen, Daredevil
• Music: “No Church in the Wild” (JayZ, Kanye West), “Burden in My
Hand” (Soundgarden), “Eulogy” (Tool)
• Movies: The Exorcist, The Order, The Conjuring
• Television: Outcasts, Carnivale, Nothing Sacred



Above all else, remember that the Hallowed is a Power Archetype, no matter
how close their flock draws them to the mortal world. Catch them up in
the politics of the city, the grand machinations of the wizards, oracles, and
immortals who haunt the halls of Power; give them opportunities to call their
flock to action in the service of real change or to oppose the powers-that-be.
The city’s most powerful players need the Hallowed on their side or risk
seeing the people of the city turned against them.

In other words, the Hallowed may have access to magical abilities through
Sanctified, but the real power they hold is their flock. The flock knows things
(and people), can act as a magical sanctum or divining tool, and gives the
­Hallowed a unique way to engage the city on a level that no other character
can match. Give the Hallowed an opportunity to listen in on their thoughts
and use them to accomplish delicate tasks. Never let the Hallowed forget that
the flock is waiting in the wings to swoop in and save the day.

But also remind the Hallowed that the flock owns them as much as they own
the flock. Put the flock in harm’s way when appropriate—dangers that require
the Hallowed to intervene on the flock’s behalf—and always look to create
PC-NPC-PC relationships whenever you can (like making a member of the
flock the Vamp’s latest victim). The flock should never be just a burden…but
the Hallowed should feel the invisible noose of the flock’s expectations and
needs at least once a session.

Since the flock is (mostly) mortal, be direct with its demands: cash in Debts,
for example, to force the Hallowed to pursue tenets of the faith or expand the
flock’s holdings. Keep the Hallowed honest, and lean on those hypocrisies
and mysteries that the Hallowed set up during character creation. The faith
only comes alive when the flock makes it feel real to the Hallowed—and to
the other PCs.

As the Hallowed marks corruption, lift up a member or two of the flock as

competing authorities, religious and practical. When the Hallowed marks the
last box of corruption, the flock will fall under someone else’s sway, be some-
one else’s tool. Who will it be? Can they be stopped before it’s too late?


Someone made you to serve a purpose, to fill a need. But you’ve cast off
the chains of your creator and set out on your own, your inhuman form
masked to the mortals that walk these city streets. You seek to understand
their humble lives, their fragile hearts, their callous truths. Will you find a
place among them?


(pick one)
Adrijan, Aisha, Azra, Caieta, Dakota, Emilia, Faddei, Fatma, Laila, Leland,
Katashi, Min-Ho, Nayavu, Palmer, Quanah, Rafi, Soledad, Tabor, Viktor, Zain

(pick as many as apply)
• Ambiguous, Female, Male, Transgressing
• Asian or South Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous, Middle
Eastern, White, ____
• Bohemian Clothing, Professional Clothing, Rough Clothing,
Work Clothing

(pick one)
Distant, Gentle, Jealous, Lurking

(Add 1 to one of these)
Blood 1 Heart -2 Mind 0 Spirit 2

(Add 1 to one of these)
Mortality -2 Night 0 Power 1 Wild 2

• Who are you?
• How long have you walked the Earth?
• Who or what is your creator?
• Why have you chosen to forsake your bondage?
• What keeps you here in the city?

• A small apartment in the slums, a crappy car or bike, a dumb phone
• A token of your bondage
• A keepsake from your creator
• A clumsy, but effective weapon (3-harm hand/close)

• Someone convinced you to come to the city to help them with
an ongoing problem. They owe you 2 Debts.
• You injured someone in the process of fulfilling an instinct. Tell
them what instinct you were serving. You owe them 2 Debts.
• Someone has a tie to your creator (or their lineage) and possesses
knowledge about your origin they have refused to share. They
owe you a Debt.


You get this one:

;; Only Flesh: when you come directly at a target, without concern for your
own well being, you get 1-armor. If you’re doing so in the service of one of
your instincts, you get 2-armor. If you’re wearing armor, use that instead.

And choose two more:

bb Colossus: When you let it out, add this option to the list:
• Ignore all harm suffered the next time you suffer harm
bb Erase the Shem: When you suffer enough harm to kill you, you can
choose to shut down for the remainder of the scene instead of marking
the harm. In this state, you suffer no additional harm, nor can anyone
detect that you are still alive. You perceive everything that takes place
around your body, and you can reawaken at will. If someone dismem-
bers you or attempts to destroy your body, your flesh will knit itself back
together upon revival, even if it has to travel great distances to be reunited.
bb Machinist: When you commune with a machine, roll with Spirit. On a
10+, ask 2. On a 7-9, ask 1.
• What secrets are hidden here, friend?
• Who made you this way, sister?
• What purpose do you serve, brother?
• How could I get you to ________, comrade?
On a miss, the machine betrays you to your enemies, in whatever way
it can.
bb Tear It Down: When you smash through the scenery to get at something
you want, roll with Blood. On a 10+, you smash or move through obsta-
cles and get what you want. On a 7-9, you smash or move the scenery
and get what you want, but you are disoriented in follow-up actions, leave
something behind, or take something with you (your choice). On a miss,
you crash through to your goal, but you’re disoriented and off-balance;
you suffer 1-harm (ap) and you’re vulnerable to reprisals and attacks.
bb Tireless: When you fight against a gang, you count as a gang of equiva-
lent size. Calculate armor and harm as normal, but ignore any size differ-
ence between you and the gang you’re fighting.
bb Hideous Visage: When you persuade an NPC by revealing your inhuman
face and threatening their interests, roll with Spirit instead of Heart.


You are the inanimate made living, a monster with the visage of a mortal. Pick
one material for your component parts:
bb The bones and flesh of the dead
bb A block of stone, hewn to form
bb Blessed soil, sand, or clay
bb An empty shell, found and filled

Once per session, you can heal up to 2-harm by consuming a copious quan-
tity of the materials of which you are made. Anyone who witnesses the con-
sumption sees your true form.

Your creator built you to fulfill a particular function, although you’ve proved
to be more adaptable than expected. To help you better serve your purpose,
your creator imbued you with a number of powerful instincts. Choose four:
bb To serve the powerful
bb To protect the valuable
bb To hunt the disloyal
bb To pleasure the worthy
bb To entertain the masses
bb To break the defiant
bb To labor in silence

Resisting an opportunity to fulfill your instinct counts as keeping your cool. If

a redemption advance allows you to rewrite an instinct, cross it out and write
a new instinct of your own choosing. The old one no longer bothers you.

»Vessel Redemption Move
When you resist serving your instincts to attend to your mortal relationships
or responsibilities, mark redemption.

»Intimacy Move
When you share a moment of intimacy—physical or emotional—with another
person, ask them an invasive question about being human. If they answer the
question honestly, mark redemption. If they deflect the inquiry or offer false-
hoods, they must give you a Debt.

»End Move
When you die, change playbooks, or retire your character, you leave some-
thing of your old body behind, containing a remnant of your instincts, as a
permanent mark on the city. Tell the MC which instinct became most central
to your identity; the city will take that instinct into itself. Add the following
option to let it out for all PCs:
• Call upon the city to obey its instinct


Advances available at beginning After 5 advances you may select:
of play:
bb +1 Blood (max +3) bb +1 to any stat (max +3)
bb +1 Spirit (max +3) bb +1 to any stat (max +3)
bb +1 Mind (max +3) bb +1 any Faction (max +3)
bb A new Vessel move bb +1 any Faction (max +3)
bb A new Vessel move bb Erase a scar
bb A new Vessel move bb Erase a scar
bb A move from another Archetype bb Join or lead a sphere of materia
bb A move from another Archetype bb Advance 3 basic moves
bb Change your Faction bb Advance 3 basic moves

You don’t have a corruption track. Instead, you have the opportunity for
redemption. Each time your redemption track fills, mark a redemption
advance. When your redemption track fills and you have no more redemp-
tion advances to mark, retire your character to safety or change to a Mortality
Archetype. If a move asks you to mark corruption, mark 1-harm (ap) instead.

bb Rewrite an instinct
bb Rewrite an instinct
bb Rewrite an instinct
bb Take a redemption move
bb Take a redemption move
bb Take a redemption move

bb Among the Sheep: When you try to disappear in a crowd, roll with
Blood. On a 10+, you vanish into the crowd without a trace; take +1
ongoing if you make use of your concealment. On a 7-9, you are silent
and invisible, but your deception is fragile and incomplete. On a miss,
you’re clearly the wolf. Even the crowd knows it.
bb Like Them: When you try to figure out a member of Mortality, roll with
Spirit instead of Mind.
bb Absolution: When you convince someone to be honest with you about
their problems, roll with Spirit. On a hit, you may take one Debt they owe
(related to the problem) as your own if you promise to see it through.
On a 10+, mark redemption when you honor the Debt. On a miss, their
problems confuse and perplex you; you owe them a Debt for trying to get
mixed up in their business.
bb Heartfelt: Replace your existing intimacy move with the following: When
you share a moment of intimacy—physical or emotional—with another
person, share one of your human experiences as you understand it. If they
reciprocate, mark redemption. If they refuse, they must give you a Debt.



Curious, solitary, imposing, unending. The Vessel is the creation of someone
(or something) that desired a body they could turn to material ends. Now the
Vessel is free from the chains that bound them to their creator. They seek to
understand humanity, perhaps to join them in mortality or to move beyond to
something greater.

You were once someone’s slave, a tool designed to fit the hand of a master.
They might have been benevolent and kind about your servitude, but make
no mistake: your creator intended you to devote your existence to doing the
work they could not—or would not—do for themselves. Perhaps you devel-
oped a more complicated relationship before you threw off your chains, but
your identity is fraught with the contradiction and small betrayals that come
with a body built to serve someone else.

But while the rest of your Faction struggles to balance the needs of their
patron or home culture against their life in the city, you’re a blank slate. The
future lies ahead of you, an open road that you can claim for yourself, if you’re
willing to ignore the voices in your head that beg for the security of bondage.

»Notes on Your Moves

Colossus obviously lets you ignore whatever harm you would mark from the
next attack that strikes you, but you can also ignore the harm that something
like an accident or environmental hazard might cause. The only catch is that
you have to know the blow is coming in order to let it out before you suffer
the harm.

After you use Erase the Shem to shut down your body, you can return at any
time. Your harm track stays at the level it was when you used the move, even
if someone tries to do more damage to your inert flesh. If your body parts
need to travel to rejoin you, your reawakening might take some time, but it
cannot be stopped once it begins. Your body might be reconstructed out of
new material (or violate the laws of physics) if something keeps your original
flesh from reaching you.

Tireless gives you the option of fighting gangs of people as if you were a
gang. You don’t physically change shape or size to do this; you’re just relent-
less and unstoppable, even when there are a dozen assailants clinging to you.

To resist serving your instincts (and trigger redemption), you usually need to
keep your cool. A miss usually means following through on your instinct; be
prepared for the GM to occasionally take control of your character to do ter-
rible things. You’ll always get control back, but don’t be surprised when your
instincts push you to hurt other people or serve the wrong masters.

Don’t overlook rewriting an instinct when your redemption track fills; it allows
you to both ignore your creator’s programing and use Only Flesh to serve
your own purposes. Trust us. It’s more valuable than it might seem at first.

When you grow tired of asking people questions about what it means to be
human during moments of intimacy, take Heartfelt as your next redemption
move: you can flip the script to tell them what being human means to you
instead of just asking questions.


The Vessel’s quest to find purpose in the world does not have to be a solitary
journey. Sometimes multiple constructs—some gifted with life by the same
creator, some unique vessels unto themselves—come together to form a
family of sorts, a sphere of materia that acts as a support network for the
Vessel and others like them.

When you select this advancement, work with the MC to describe the sphere
you have joined or assembled. Have you met the characters in it before?
What draws you together? Do you have some formal pact for your work
together or is it an informal organization only? You gain a new instinct—pro-
tect the sphere’s secrets—which cannot be rewritten by redemption. You also
gain access to It’s Alive!, provided you can convince the rest of your sphere
that creating life will further their understanding of the human condition.

It’s Alive!: When you and your sphere grant life to the inanimate in
your image, roll with Spirit. On a 10+, pick 2. On a 7-9, pick 1.

• The life you grant is more than temporary

• The life acquires only the instincts you choose
• The life exists apart from your immediate presence

On a miss, what you create is wicked and cruel; it persists solely to

destroy you, your sphere, and anything else you create.

It may be possible for you to advance this move such that a 12+ would grant
you all three of the options. Tell your MC if you’re interested in discovering
what it would cost you to learn such secrets.

»Inspiration for The Vessel

• Books: Frankenstein (Mary Shelley), Clockwork Angel (The Infer-
nal Devices Vol. 1)
• Music: “46&2” (Tool), “My Body is a Cage” (Arcade Fire), “99 Prob-
lems” (Jay-Z), “Living Dead Girl” (Rob Zombie)
• Movies: Van Helsing, Prometheus, Weird Science, Splice
• Television: Penny Dreadful, Buffy The Vampire Slayer (Season 4),



The Vessel is a wrecking ball poised to crush any and all problems that the
PCs face, a nearly unstoppable, impossible to kill, fiercely defiant character
whose only weakness is...a leash that you hold through their instincts. In other
words, the Vessel’s greatest (maybe only?) enemy is looking at them every
time they look in a mirror.

But be careful using instincts to undermine the Vessel’s plans. It’s exciting for
the Vessel to lose control of their character occasionally (and makes rewrit-
ing an instinct feel like a victory), but it’s frustrating to have to roll dice every
time you want to do something because there’s an instinct opposing it. Try to
think about confronting the Vessel with an instinct as a fairly hard move; it can
easily snowball into the Vessel turning against friends or family...or wrecking a
relationship or institution that’s taken a lifetime to build.

That said, give the Vessel plenty of chances to use—or reject—the instincts
they chose at character creation, and plenty of mobs of villains to mow
through if they’ve taken Tireless, Colossus, or Tear It Down. Pay close
attention to what kind of construct the Vessel actually is and make sure
they are constantly asked, “Do you want to be the thing they made you? Or
something else?”

Other PCs are free to take any of the Vessel’s moves as their own, but it’s likely
that the fiction surrounding the move is going to be pretty different. A Hunter
who takes Tireless, for example, might not wade into a crowd like a Vessel,
but they can fight for days without even so much as a coffee break, evening
the odds against a huge crowd of enemies.

City Guides



City Guides

Chicago is the White City, the Grey City, the City that Works, the City of the
Broad Shoulders, the Windy City, and yes, the Second City. It’s a world-class
city with a world-class chip on its shoulder, but if you can do the job, you can
stay. It won’t kill you unless you ask it to; it’s still a Midwestern city for humans,
not a tourist diorama or a rat warren. Not that it doesn’t have both—it’s the
real deal, the supreme pizza. Stuffed crust, of course.

Chicago is where the ley lines meet, not just the Potawotami trail that
became Archer Avenue, but the American leys that became Route 66 and
the Illinois Central Railroad. It’s where the L used to run trains widdershins to
deliver bodies to the funeral homes, where they built a monolithic trapezoid
on Anton La Vey’s birthplace, where grown men believe that a goat prevents
their baseball team from winning. “Make no little plans,” said Chicago’s archi-
tect Daniel Burnham, “for they have no magic to stir men’s blood.” Chicago’s
got plenty of plans, plenty of magic…and plenty of blood.

• City That Works: Reward someone who put sweat into an effort
• Clout: Call in chits and Debts against an upstart
• Community Organizing: Close ranks against an outsider
• Futures Market: Let someone dig in before revealing their inev-
itable failure
• No Little Plans: Show something big or impossible functioning
despite obstacles


Towering skyscrapers against a perfect azure sky, like a screen grab from
God’s Blu-ray. A black man riding the bus, coolly bored in a tailored suit and
fine hat. The smell of popcorn, or garlic, or hamburgers grilling. Cooler by the
Lake, which is always to the east of you. Did something move in that alley?
Crowds of folks in puffy down jackets and weird hats—in the winter, nobody
dresses well. Unexpected glimpse of an Art Deco bas-relief, from the L or
from an office window. Foreigners—from Schaumburg or Shanghai—gaping
upward at those towering skyscrapers.


The Chicago Scholomance comes out of Mircea Eliade’s work at the Uni-
versity of Chicago, although you can hear well-supported arguments that it
actually goes back to J.H. Breasted and the tablets he uncovered in Meso-
potamia under the auspices of the Oriental Institute. A global community of
magical scholars, a Rockefeller budget for eldritch tomes, and Enrico Fermi’s
athanor to give it power. The Scholomancers know the lore in every language,
especially the dead ones. Bring them information, bring them a brilliant theory,
and they respond in kind. But “Hunting? Oh no, that’s really more applied

Chicago is designed, a transforming grid laid over the ancient leys of Ogden,
Archer, and Prairie. Daniel Burnham talked to angels, and his partner John
Wellborn Root delved into harmonics and “authentic Egyptian design.” They
built the city’s Plan, and the menhirs, the obelisks, the great trapezohedra
rose in the pressure points of power. The Sacred Architects can turn the city
off with a switch, smash buildings to rubble or raise them to exaltation. Their
Draftsmen walk through their city, their “ever-living Diagram,” solving its
problems—geometric, not social, of course. Sometimes, you’re part of their
solution. Lucky you. Sometimes, you’re part of their problem.

There have been 1,100 unsolved Outfit murders in Chicago’s history. That’s a
lot of ghosts. The Omerti—the Silenced Ones—want to stay connected, stay
in the game, maybe even hook back in. No hard feelings, right? Business is
business, and now that we’re dead, maybe we can do you a few favors. The
Omerti cannot be exorcized from the former Stockyards—a million slaugh-
tered animals left enough blood in the New City earth to anchor every ghost
in Chicago. Pour out some blood on a crime scene for a spettro, and you get
his attention. Pour out the blood he wants you to spill, and you get a relation-
ship with La Familia Ombra. Whether you wanted one or not.

Faceless Ceres atop the Board of Trade, the Picasso Bull-Woman, the Twins
(Spearman and Archer) at Grant Park’s entrance, the Merchandise Mart’s faces
of Commerce, the Red Calder Mantis, Eternal Silence in Graceland Cemetery,
the Janus Lion on the Art Institute, Sue the tyrannosaur, and the newest god,
the Mirror of Millennium Park; there’s a reason that such things are called
iconic. They are icons, the faces of the gods. Chicago’s gods want worship,
but they’re Chicago’s gods, so they’re realistic. For gods, anyhow. But nobody
ignores them, and they reward loyal worship with chance and success. They
give to get, trade for everything. Give a favor with the correct words, offer a
Debt in the right posture, and see what happens.

City Guides


Captain Herrera knows how to handle monsters in her city: silver bullets, “shot
while escaping,” sigil-induced suicide in a holding cell. Her lawyer brother is
on the fast track for judge; her aunt is a ward boss who unmakes West Side
aldermen. When the Special Operations Section got closed down in 2008 she
got a promotion, not an investigation into her “unorthodox methods.” Now
she works out of Homan Square in Lawndale as part of the Special Functions
Group. Her brother officers know to call her for a "weird" case, and to keep the
blue code if she closes it off the books. Help her out, she’ll look the other way…
cross her and wake up in a silver-plated cage in a precinct station basement.


The diminished fifth is a damn sight more diminished now. Time was, you hit
the blue note, the devil’s interval, and shit got real—real fast, real hard. Bobby
Ray Randolph remembers when it was big, when nobody would make a
move without making music first. Maybe the players got greedy, and grabbed
too much; maybe it was white folks ruined it. Bobby Ray doesn’t hold a
grudge; like he says, he can’t hold nothin’ much but a bottle and a guitar
anymore. He’ll teach you to play if you have a will to learn, and no crossroads
required. But you got to keep playing the music, mind. And if the lightning
ever comes back on, well, you gonna be playing for Bobby Ray.


Sammy Dohrn cruised the wrong forest preserve (LaBagh Woods on the
Northwest Side) on the wrong full moon (any of them). Or that’s what ve thinks
by day, on two legs, mostly. Vis life was no picnic before, but now ve just smells
wrong to druggies, to the homeless—and definitely to dogs. But by night, on
four legs, she loves it. She can always catch the bus, or outrun it, she can go
anywhere and smell anything brewing. She has mates wrapped around her
paw: a golden Lab in Bucktown, and a coyote in a brownfield under the Ken-
nedy, and any hound she wants. Push Sammy around by day to get dirt or get
something dirty; bring Sammy her meat at night and she might bite.


He usually looks like anyone on the Northwest Side, a big, red-faced white guy
with graying hair and a bottle-fight face. But sometimes he looks like a smaller
guy, hunched over, with a five-o’clock shadow on his narrow lantern jaw. And
sometimes, he looks like both of those, but like nothing human. None of his
clothes postdate 1945—the year he killed those girls as the “Lipstick Killer.” He
says he’s stopped, that he never wanted to do it, that he’s just a vessel, that it’s
not his fault the Tribune immortalized him, froze him into the city’s infernal
pantheon. He hangs out in Edgewater and Uptown, and gets a lot of fan mail.
Whether he’s a mascot, a mole, or an eminence grise remains unclear. You
can’t kill him, so you might as well make use of who—or what—he knows.


The Hawk is the name Chicagoans give to the winter wind out of the north-
west, the one that freezes streets and pipes, kills those caught in his path,
tattoos the skin with frozen needles. The Hawk has always been jealous that
Fire got to take the city down last time. This winter, it’s his turn. The Hawk can
look like a fierce beaky-nosed man with white hair, or like a wendigo, or like
the red-tailed hawk indigenous to Chicago’s high rises and power lines.

Custom Moves
Frozen Metal: When you touch the Hawk, you feel the cold. When you
unleash on the Hawk, suffer 1-harm ap no matter what you roll.

Countdown Clock
3:00 – It’s going to be the coldest winter since 1979, they say on the news.
Octogenarian African-American members of the scene buy tickets for the
South. “Mr. Hawkins is comin’.” Everybody gets static shocks opening doors
and walking on carpet.

6:00 – The first bad storm dumps 13” of snow on the city. The ice brings
down trees in Lincoln Park, especially near the Urban Wildlife Institute in the
Lincoln Park Zoo. Night custodian (and sometime Oracle) Andy Proctor, of
partial Sauk descent, dies of exposure.

9:00 – It’s going to be the coldest winter since 1904, they say on the news.
The ghost of John Wellborn Root (protector of the city’s architecture)
appears in the frozen surface of the Chicago River, entombed there by the
Hawk’s magic.

10:00 – The wizard Zhong Qiyin battles the Hawk with his lightning magic,
dies frozen on top of the Hancock Building in the middle of a blizzard that
drops 26” of snow on the city.

11:00 – A polar vortex forms over Chicago; temperatures plummet to

-10° F and below. Werewolf packs begin to attack stragglers as atavistic
impulses awaken in their brains.

12:00 – In the midst of the greatest blizzard of all, the cold shorts out the
main ComEd substation on North Dearborn Street. A cold blue fire starts and
burns out the city core, scores of Loop skyscrapers become cyan torches,
hundreds die in the fires and thousands of exposure fleeing the fires. Fire
trucks are snowed in and the pipes are all frozen anyway. Ambulances can’t
get through. The world watches Chicago’s heart turn to cold ashes.

City Guides

A cult of vampires that drinks from the city itself has arrived in town from
Detroit. The Urbanophagists batten on wounded cities, like vampire bats on
wounded horses. This cult plans to summon the vampire god Pesheth to
drain Chicago to a husk—then move on to the next city on their menu.

Custom Moves
Lachesis’ Nose: An urbanophagist can smell the social fabric of the city and
follow its connections. When you cash in a Debt or roll with a Faction and
miss, you also attract the attention of an urbanophage who wants to trace
your connections and relationships.

Pay it Sideways: When you unleash on an urbanophagist, add the following

option to the 7-9 list:

• The urbanophage deflects your harm onto the city itself

Countdown Clock
3:00 – Things start going a little crappier everywhere. Streetlights won’t
stay lit. Potholes appear even more than normal. The urbanophagists have
arrived in Gage Park. The players discover the drained (and on examina-
tion, tumor-ridden) body of an NPC representing the city in some capacity
(cop, firefighter, ballplayer, ward boss, bureaucrat). Ideally they recognize
the corpse.

6:00 – A single-minded Hunter, Latoya Parnell, arrives from Cleveland and

warns of a new vampire menace in town. She doesn’t prioritize interpersonal
skills, so she succeeds primarily in setting Chicago’s vampires and the other
supernaturals at each others’ throats.

9:00 – Latoya Parnell dies in a gas main explosion that ties up traffic on
Halsted Street southbound for weeks as repair crews fail to repair.

10:00 – The urbanophagist principesa, Dahut, becomes suddenly influential

in city politics, introduced by the powers-that-be as Jibrila Dahut, an “outside
consultant on civic restructuring.”

11:00 – Dahut drains the person who owed the most total Debt to the play-
ers. That person turns out to have been a linchpin in Chicago’s entire super-
natural fabric; cashing in a Debt with any supernatural NPC now costs two
Debts instead of one.

12:00 – The urbanophagists ceremonially invite Pesheth into the city. Every-
thing slowly gets much, much worse. In the short term, the mayor dies and
the City Council descends into racial wrangling, leading to police strikes,
employers shutting down, and riots.


City Guides

Los Angeles is a staggering megacity—17 million people inhabit the urban
sprawl that extends from the coast of California to the edges of the Moreno
Valley. It’s an awe-inspiring tableau of bright lights and glittering towers set
against rolling hills, caught within a veil of heavy brown smog. Hollywood is
infamous as the center of American media culture, but in truth the city has
many hearts. Underneath the decadence and glamor of palm tree stud-
ded boulevards lies an intricate and dangerous landscape of ancient feuds,
strange alliances, lucrative opportunities, and broken dreams.

For thousands of years, the Chumash and Tongva peoples occupied the area
that would come to be Los Angeles. In the 16th century, the Spanish invaded
the region. Spanish rule became Mexican rule, and the city was eventually
ceded to the United States in the Mexican-American War. While humans tend
to disregard all but the most recent history, other creatures lurk here that do
not forget as easily, and the city is layered with the complexities of its past.

Over time, the City of Angels became a major portal for both people and
commerce. Anything you want to find can be found in L.A. People from all
walks of life—from the most famous of celebrities to the poorest and most
down-and-out transients—rub shoulders on the streets. Fortunes turn quickly
in this town, and the Haves and Have-Nots can trade places in a single day.

The incredible flow of people and ideas has led to a wide diversity of strongly
developed cultural groups. There are noticeably large Hispanic, Asian, Jewish,
and African-American populations, which often form tight-knit communities.
Groups may congregate by ethnic identity, but there are other types of neigh-
borhoods as well, such as the vibrant queer community in West Hollywood.
You’ll find many prosperous neighborhoods like Koreatown and Little Tokyo,
but you’ll also find troubled and impoverished areas like Watts and Skid Row.
There are parts of the city some people shouldn’t go into at night, and there
are parts of the city some people shouldn’t go into at all.

Amongst the cultures and chaos of L.A., other not so human forces have the
perfect opportunity to blend in and carve out their own domains. The unseen
world can be louder here, messier and bolder than in other places. What can’t
be passed off as “L.A. strange” can be taken care of with deep pockets or a
good tire iron.


• Hypnotize someone with promises of fame, wealth, or glory
• Lead someone into a dangerous neighborhood
• Obscure who is in charge at the highest level
• Rally seemingly unconnected allies to a cause
• Undermine someone using conventional or social media


Late night food trucks and steaming street tacos. A pack of polished young
women armed with the latest haute couture and identical plastic smiles.
A wharf packed with cargo containers on a foggy night. Hole in the wall
lavandería with peeling paint and broken washing machines. A raucous beach
boardwalk swarming with street performers, vendors, punks. A celebrity spot-
ting, a crowd of gawkers, and the flash of cameras. Dirty freeways, caked with
grime and detritus, packed with endless traffic. A homeless old woman with
cataracts and a frayed beanie. A row of tiendas selling cheap clothing. The
metro bus, seats covered in graffiti.

The Outliers are a secretive group of mortals founded by two women who
survived an otherworldly attack some 50 years ago. Ostensibly the organiza-
tion exists to monitor and neutralize threats from supernatural sources. Over
the years, however, the organization has begun twist in on itself. Power and
leverage have become more important than security. It’s now just as aggres-
sive in collecting other talented humans as it is in tracking threats, and lately
it’s been known to make offers that are best not refused. While once pure
in motive, the Outliers have played too long with the darkness, and the lines
that separated its members from that which they guard against have danger-
ously blurred.

The Outliers are spread out across Los Angeles, but their central meeting
place is the executive offices at the L.A. Museum of Art. They are not to be
trifled with, and if you’re a veteran who’s dropped out of the game, a lone
hunter, or an independent of any kind, it’s best to see them coming before
they see you.

The Outliers have some serious ties with a handful of individuals from the
Power Faction. The nature of the relationship is unclear, but in the past the
Outliers have acted to lubricate situations for them. Other groups within the
city—werewolves, vampires, ghosts, fae—all have reasons to want the Outliers
out of the game.

City Guides

If anyone holds sway in the tumultuous city of Los Angeles, it’s the oracles.
L.A. is a city of movement, of rapid and spectacular change, of constant
influx and outflow. It’s also a city of strict pecking orders and social hierar-
chies. Only the most powerful oracles can muscle into this territory with any
authority, and they keep their own numbers low. No more than three or four
of the big players are allowed to keep any amount of significant power at a
time. These major players tend to be capricious and vain, each building their
own little empire of wealth and prestige, willing to live and let live with other
oracles so long as they keep their distance. The oracles have claimed down-
town as their turf. They maintain orderly domains, and woe betide those who
bring problems into their backyard.

Skid Row is the only exception to their fastidiousness, an area of town lined
with garbage, shopping carts, tarps, and tents. The homeless and destitute
linger out in the open, making Skid Row a place considered by most to be
“dangerous for tourists.” It’s not so much a community as it as an asylum. A
stark punishment often meted out for displeasing an oracle is to be driven
mad and then deposited on Skid Row. The oracles also extend one arm of
their territory to the shipping piers and the international airport, and regulate
much of what comes into and what goes out of the Port of Los Angeles and
LAX. The oracles jealously guard these assets, and will viciously attack anyone
who threatens their collective sovereignty. Even immortals and wizards
step lightly.

Los Angeles has a ghost problem. The metaphysical characteristics of a place
often overlap with the physical ones, and L.A.’s long history as a portal has
thinned the veil between worlds. Many who die on the streets of L.A. find
themselves less than fully departed. Spectres have become so numerous that
they form a whole new (and invisible) social layer in the city. Regular Angele-
nos are largely oblivious to this, but those who are aware of the spectral infes-
tation find it extremely troubling. Ghosts clog up spells, mess with the energy
of ley lines, possess all the wrong people, and generally stick their ectoplas-
mic noses where they don’t belong. It’s hard to run a secure operation when
spooks are always watching.

Many supernatural denizens of the city are trying to shore up the veil, and the
city’s wizards are often called upon to make barriers, deterrents, and artifacts
to combat the infestation. It’s a booming business. Poltergeists, spirits, and
phantoms of all kinds fear wizards and go to great lengths to avoid them.

Spectres are often preoccupied with the individual grievances of their former
lives. However, factions have recently formed among them, some for and
some against restoring the veil. Things have been heating up, and a spectre
war seems imminent.

Because of their nature, spectres often come in contact with the fae. The
fae tolerate them and employ spectres in devious tricks and reconnaissance
assignments. Hungry and ambitious for power, the fae are at odds with the
vampires, werewolves, and oracles; spectres are just the right tool to use in
their secret wars.

Gossip, intrigue, glamor, wild bargains, and power plays. What’s not to love
about Los Angeles? The fae are comfortable here in the city of smoke and
mirrors, a home away from home. They’re solidly entrenched in North Hol-
lywood, and Griffith Park is solely their domain. Even the big boss oracles are
cautious about entering the fae’s place of consecrated power at the heart of
the park. Mirroring the mundane world, L.A. is a central port for folks from
other worlds and the fae assert their authority over the veil to control who has
the means to come and go between these domains.

The fae love to play in Hollywood, and often cause scenes with their capri-
cious whims. Anyone who mistakes them as lighthearted, however, soon
learns a painful lesson. The fae are notorious for their infighting, and their
vicious feuds often spill out into the politics of other factions. The chaos is
partially due to the mercurial nature of the fae, but primarily because the
sheer variety of fae present in the city is astounding.

In an attempt to minimize disorder, fae houses insist that their members wear
their court symbols at all times.


Co-leader of the Outliers
Oozing charisma and charm, Nathan has a disarming nature that’s almost
supernaturally persuasive. He’s one of two main powers that lead an elite group
of humans that call themselves the Outliers. He’s cunning and seductive, with
a deep dark streak that craves power, fame, and wealth. Nathan hasn’t always
been a smooth operator, and he’s buried his past as deep as it will go. No one
but him remembers what he used to be like before. On the sly, he’s constantly
looking to make deals with L.A.’s more supernatural inhabitants.

City Guides


Recently transplanted oracle
Sway washed into town only recently. She’s on the run from something that
chased her from Florida into New York City and from the Big Apple all the way
to the West Coast. Sway is looking to lie low, but the oracles here are nothing
like she’s previously encountered. She’s a talented oracle, but very inexperi-
enced. Coming to L.A. has been surreal and disorienting. Sway used to think
that people like her had a responsibility to use their cursed gift to make the
world a better place, but the culture shock she’s experienced in L.A. is making
her think twice.

Vengeful Chumash spirit
No one remembers the blood that’s been spilled here in the name of con-
quest. No one but Anacapa. She was on the beach collecting shells when the
first ships came into view, ships bigger than she had ever seen. She was there
when the friars demanded her people adopt Christian names. She was there
when the fevers ripped through her village and spared not a single soul, not
even herself. And she was there—despite her death—when the wars came,
when her people were erased, and when the city turned to glass and steel.
Anacapa is one of the oldest spirits in L.A., and she has clung to her earthly
presence out of sheer spite. She works tirelessly to open the way between
worlds and see Los Angeles swallowed by the darkness it deserves.

Kkangcheoli looking to make it big
Dak-Ho is a dragon. Or rather, an Imugi, a lesser dragon striving to be a true
dragon. Okay, actually he’s a Kkangcheoli, a failed Imugi, but nobody has to
know that. You see, Dak-Ho came over to this side to give himself a fresh
start, a chance to make it big. And nobody has to know he’s not actually a
dragon, right? Besides, Dak-Ho has heard rumors that the Yeouiju—the mys-
tical orb that can evolve an Imugi—is in the hands of a collector somewhere
in L.A. He’s not down for waiting a thousand years to evolve, and he doesn’t
mind ruffling a few feathers to cut in line. Why strive for greatness if you can’t
go all the way? Dak-Ho loves flashing his fake Prada sunglasses and his gold
plated chains to all the ladies in Koreatown. He’s the next big thing, you know.


Cast and Description

Duérmete niño, duérmete ya

Que viene el Cucuy y te comerá.
“Go to sleep child, go to sleep now,
Or the Cucuy will come and eat you.”

El Cucuy is among the worst of the things that lurk in the dark underworlds of
reality. Savage, primordial, and older than time, he’s the boogeyman so many
Hispanic children fear far into adulthood. All he needs is a fingernail’s hold on a
child’s soul, some tiny stain, to rip their souls away from the world. El Cucuy’s
range is usually much farther south, in the climes of Mexico, but recently he’s
migrated into Boyle Heights, an impoverished Hispanic community in East L.A.
He’s usually a solitary hunter, and no one knows what’s pushed him north into
werewolf territory, but there are rumors that a cabal of angels is after him.

Custom Moves
The Reaper: El Cucuy can rip out the soul or essence of his victim. When El
Cucuy lays his hands on you, roll with Corruption, i.e. the number of corruption
advances you have taken. On a miss you resist his attack. On a 7-9, El Cucuy
manages a partial grasp. Take 1 harm. On a 10+ El Cucuy sinks both hands into
your chest and rips out a vital part of your being. Take 3 harm and the Spirit Scar
“Broken.” If Broken is already marked take an additional 1 harm instead.

Countdown Clock
3:00 – Missing children are reported in Boyle Heights. Local news begins
to cover the disappearances; officers with supernatural connections start
making discreet inquiries.

6:00 – Soul jars appear at the floating faerie market in Echo Park. The fae are
initially blamed by the Boyle Heights werewolf pack.

9:00 – El Cucuy steals the souls of three children whose parents are part of
local werewolf packs, all in a single night.

10:00 – El Cucuy slaughters the entire Huntington Park werewolf pack.

11:00 – El Cucuy devours the essence of Kiara Thomson, a powerful oracle

who tried to stand against him.

12:00 – El Cucuy establishes himself as an unrivaled power in East L.A. The

oracles declare his territory a no-go zone pretending that he does not exist.

City Guides


Cast and Description
Mischievous fae from an unknown court are masquerading as homeless
street punks in the gutters of L.A. They call themselves the Shaman Kids, and
they love to wave their anarchy symbols under the noses of the authorities
any chance they get. The local police force can’t seem to stop their increas-
ingly destructive activities, and others are starting to suspect that their actions
are subterfuge for something much bigger and far more complex.

Custom Moves
You Can’t Make Me: The fae members of the Shaman Kids are incredibly
hard to persuade, mislead, distract, or trick. When attempting any of these
actions, roll with Spirit instead of Mind.

Sticky Hands: When you approach the Shaman Kids, roll with Mind. On a
10+, your eyes are sharp; you don’t lose anything. On a 7-9, you got dis-
tracted or conned; you lose something inconvenient or replaceable. On a
miss, the Kids get the best of you; something vital is stolen.

Countdown Clock
3:00 – Local media reports on the increasing gang presence in central L.A.

6:00 – The Shaman Kids begin to take hold of the area known as the oracle’s
corridor—a passage of land from downtown to the wharf that’s used to traffic
goods. They cause considerable chaos.

9:00 – The Shaman Kids steal an important artifact from werewolves in

Lynwood. It shows up at a vampire-owned night club in Culver City and the
werewolves accuse the vampires of breaking their territory agreement.

10:00 – The Shaman Kids steal a wizard’s spell scroll while disguised as were-
wolves. They use the scroll, which consecrates almost all of the water in the
city for a short amount of time. This causes serious injury and even death to
any unholy denizens who are caught unaware. Vampires interpret this as a
direct attack from the werewolves of the city. War between the two fac-
tions erupts.

11:00 – Unable to keep order among the violently warring factions, the
oracles lose their sway and are pulled down one by one. A power vacuum
is created and even more violence breaks out as every group with enough
wherewithal tries to take control of the city. No one is left out of the fray.

12:00 – The Shaman Kids reveal themselves as agents of The Red Moon
Fairy Court, which has now consolidated power over the chaos and become
the predominant force in L.A. The politics of the entire city are restructured
around them.


City Guides

Miami is many things to many people. Some know it to be a tourist city with
amazing beaches and boundless cultural appeal, like Little Havana or South
Beach. Others see it as a bastion of freedom from the cruel dictatorship of
Cuba, with tens of thousands of immigrants looking for a new life in the US.
Many more simply call it home, entrenched here for generations and fully in
support of the status quo.

In just over a century, Miami has grown from slightly over 1,000 people to
a population of 5.5 million, making it the fourth largest city in the US. Miami
gained the nickname The Magic City because of this incredible growth,
mostly due to the influx of Cubans. Such fast growth comes at a cost, how-
ever, as many poor and middle-class families are displaced to make room for
the rich and powerful, leading to increases in crime rates that rival any other
major US city.

What lies just below the surface, however, is another reason why Miami is
called the Magic City. Miami sits on a wellspring of magical energy at the
depths of Biscayne Bay, a mystical prize that lies at the center of a violent
struggle between supernatural creatures. Regular people are often caught
in the crossfire as competing Factions vie for power—influencing elections,
manipulating the influx of tourist dollars, corrupting the sizable homeless
communities, and controlling who can make it through neighborhoods safely.

Miami is also the haven for the dead, as more and more mortals report
ghost-sightings across the city. Santeria priests and priestesses pray to the
spirits for guidance and favors, and the dead are more than obliged to obey,
creating a sub-economy of ghostly favors and prayers as payment for any
number of deeds performed in the dark.

• Offer someone a chance at “special” cargo
• Shadow someone traveling through gang territory
• Send a vengeful spirit to collect a Debt
• Reveal a clue to unlocking magical power from Biscayne Bay
• Foretell the future with blood and ritual



Downtown lit up by neon-colored buildings and a lively nightlife. Older
Cuban gentleman smoking outside of a neighborhood bodega. A wealthy
couple pulling up to their high-rise hotel in their expensive sports car. A
beat-up truck with a Latino family riding in back. Cafes on the beach spilling
over with attractive dancers, mortal and supernatural. Tourists lounging on
the beach. Undead hands reaching out of the sand.

Spectres rule entire neighborhoods with their ghostly glory; the idea for trad-
ing ghost favors was theirs in the first place. The average ghost has at least a
family or two under their sway, granting blessings in the form of secret tasks
and leaning on old alliances. They have a heavy presence in Little Haiti, where
Santeria is widely practiced. People go to priests and priestesses for help, and
the spectres ensure the deed is done. Easy money.

South Beach, on the other hand, is bathed in scantily-clad men and women
of all shapes and sizes, and no one can tell who is under the sway of the true
powers of the beaches: the vampires. Each night, the undead plague awakens
to the vibrant party scene that takes place on Miami’s shores. Rhythmic melo-
dies and plenty of alcohol are great cover for vampires to take as much blood
as they can stomach on an almost-nightly basis. Most vampire arguments
revolve around the best ways to keep their nightly activities quiet.

The Wolves of Miami hold their territory more directly, relying on property
destruction and petty extortion. Gladeview is their prime territory, and they’re
loathe to allow anyone access who isn’t of wolf blood. Other Factions rarely
travel here, mostly due to the high number of violent crimes and property
damage in Gladeview. Residents know not to report the claw marks they find,
for fear of their “protectors” gobbling their family up in the night.

City Guides

Downtown Miami and Allapattah are the purview of the wizards. These
power­-hungry beings play their own brand of politics in Miami, each one
hoping to steal control from the other. There are no less than a dozen covens
battling over the city’s economy, ruling from corporate buildings and air­
traffic control towers. Money speaks volumes, and wizards are one of the few
groups unswayed by the promise of a ghostly favor. The wizards of Brickell
Bay have even gone as far as to create wards to bar ghosts from the island.

Miami’s immortals, on the other hand, deal almost exclusively in ghost favors.
They are long-lived, as ghosts are, and alliances between the two groups
were struck centuries ago. Immortals use their vast resources to ensure
everything in the ghost markets run smoothly, often acting as judge for
perceived lateness on payments. They call Edgewater their home and have
recently reached into parts of the Upper East Side, putting them in close
proximity to their ghostly allies in Little Haiti.

Miami is brimming with mortals, from partying tourists to everyday folks trying
to make it in this crazy city. Not all of them are unaware of exactly what goes
on in the shadows around them; in fact, most know “something” is odd. A
few knowledgeable mortals have been around for a while, and know how to
maneuver (and sometimes circumvent) the powers that run the city. A few
have even discovered the ghost trade; the hidden power in the city spreads
with every ghost deal made.

Hunters are the only mortal group to hold a real part of Miami, staking a claim
on Brownsville, what some would call the center of the city. They obviously
come to blows with the Wolves of Gladeview often, but also battle the influ-
ence of wizards to the south and immortals to the east. Ghosts abound, as
well, leading many hunters to track down ritualists working in the ghost trade
and destroy their altars to break their hold over the dead.

The fae were once the rulers of Miami’s beaches, feeding on the energy gen-
erated by its party atmosphere and hedonistic tourists. They found them-
selves ousted, however, as the vampires weaseled their way into control in
the late 90s. It’s become a habit for the faeries to run the sands during the day,
only to leave as the sun starts to set over the beaches. No reason to poke the
bear, after all. Not without a plan...

Dodge Island is controlled by demons and the tainted, pariahs excluded from
the mainland dealings of other Factions. A shipping and loading hub, Dodge
Island is filled with docks, ships, and shipping containers. The other Factions
have realized how important it is to make a deal with the devil to ensure their
shipments pass customs safely.



From a young age, Aaron was raised to hunt. He and his grandfather visited the
Everglades on survival excursions, stalking animals for their pelts and meat. It
wasn’t until he and his friends were attacked after his high school prom that he
learned that his hunting skills might be needed in the city. The attack left him
with his signature claw mark down his clavicle, which is the last thing many a
monster sees before he seals their fates. While he’s by no means the leader, he
is a respected (and feared) member of the gangs that protect Brownsville.


Born Claudia Richardson to a mother who fell for the wrong guy, Coco has
always called Miami her home. Shunned by most supernaturals, Coco found
allies, demon and tainted alike, on Dodge Island, many of whom lived out
of the containment units to avoid dealing with wizards and ghosts. With her
encouragement and acumen, her people rose to a position of some power
in Miami, though she was more than happy to sit on the sidelines while the
others did the heavy lifting. Now Coco is the receptionist for one of the most
important entities in the Magic City: customs. Nothing gets in or out without
her say so, and her demonic gifts make it easy for her to get ahead. Others
have tried to take Dodge Island, but she’s seen every attack before it arrived.
She’s a bad enemy to have, but she’s always looking for places where her kind
can gain a foothold.


Tazio—an Italian-born vampire who inherited a nightclub empire from his
sire—owns a dozen of the most popular and exclusive clubs in South Beach,
catering to the wealthy and beautiful. No one knows what happened to his
sire, but Tazio has a firm grip on both the nightclubs and his master’s vampire
brood. Tazio is conflicted: he wants desperately to weed out dissent within
their ranks but he knows that the fae could take the beaches back if the
vampires’ numbers dwindle too much. Tazio is always sure to take notice of
up-and-coming supernaturals who make a name for themselves. He’s known
to pay bounties for dead fae, but he’s just as likely to reward someone for rat-
ting out vampires who conspire against his rule over South Beach.


Sophia lives a life of contradictions. She’s both a Cuban-born immigrant—
proud of her culture and origin—and the CEO of a major biotech corporation
with headquarters in Miami, the city she considers her home. Sophia devotes
her wizardly attentions to preserving Miami’s stability, quietly leaking informa-
tion to the hunters of Brownsville and working with the tainted to bring more
Cubans to America. Her charm and selflessness is admired throughout her
magic circles. Her reputation, combined with her strong moral code, easily
makes her a major player in Miami.

City Guides

Cast and Description
Carmen Vilacruz lost her fiancé, Manuel Ortega, to a drunk driving accident
last fall. Beset by grief, she’s conspired with a ghost named Jeremiah to kill
Hector Rivero, the wealthy wizard who killed Manuel and escaped for his
crime with nothing more than community service. In order to overcome
Hector’s magical defenses, Carmen has allowed a Santeria priestess to link
her soul to Jeremiah’s ghostly corpus. Yet, as Jeremiah uses that power, Car-
men’s life hangs in the balance.

Custom Moves
Eye for an Eye: The bond Jeremiah has with Carmen works both ways. When
you unleash on Jeremiah through magical or supernatural means, any harm
dealt to him is also dealt to Carmen.

Temperamental: Jeremiah is a vessel for the worst emotions Carmen has to

offer, radiating them out to whoever is close by. When Jeremiah is manifest,
you must roll with Blood instead of Spirit to keep your cool.

Countdown Clock
3:00 – The priestess performs the ritual. As Carmen rests, Jeremiah makes his
way from the Upper East Side to Downtown Miami. The rumor mill is in full
force; anyone with an inkling of the supernatural hears about the ritual being
cast for the first time in centuries.

6:00 - Jeremiah reaches Hector’s office, and engages with the wizard’s exter-
nal defenses without bothering to conceal his actions.

9:00 – Jeremiah defeats the magical wards, including Hector’s apprentice,

Nathaniel. Nathaniel is badly wounded in the conflict, but Jeremiah doesn’t
kill him.

10:00 - Jeremiah reaches the top floor of Hector’s office building and strikes
Hector dead. Jeremiah fades away.

11:00 - Carmen’s body convulses and she enters a coma-like state. Any
attempts at a medical diagnosis are inconclusive, but magical means might
reveal the truth.

12:00 – Carmen dies, her vengeance complete. Few remember her tale of
terrible loss.


City Guides

Bangalore is a city in the throes of explosive, chaotic growth. An economic
powerhouse of 10 million people, it’s a riot of competing cultures, religions,
and social mores. The city’s ancient heritage—spanning back to Stone Age
settlements—is at war with globalization. Glittering glass towers have torn
through the cityscape, fabricating corporate colonies and luxury neighbor-
hoods for the new age. In their shadows bloom ever-growing slums, an ines-
capable squalor that houses nearly a fifth of the city’s population. Once the
prize of South Indian dynasties, the famed Tipu Sultan, and the Mughal and
British Empires, Bangalore is now beholden to major information technology,
aerospace, finance, biotechnology, and manufacturing corporations. Those
left behind live in crushing poverty.

Bangalore is the capital city of the state of Karnataka. It bears the symbol
of Gandaberunda, a mythic two-faced bird of enormous strength, which
embodies the dual essence of the city. The latest brands and fashions hold
court in newly minted malls, while old style bungalows still house altars for
daily worship. Parents arrange marriages, while the youth slip away to bars
and clubs. Temples and slums sit side by side with high-rises and five star
hotels. Cattle roam the streets between the crush of cars and the daily con-
gestion. Government officials perform pujas with the devout, and then extort
bribes from the helpless.

These dichotomies are writ large between the competing powers of Banga-
lore. There are old mysteries that have known the city for eons, while new
cabals have emerged with surprising strength. An uncomfortable and some-
times violent friction exists between these factions as disparate peoples, cul-
tures, and ways of thinking are constantly thrown into close proximity—and
Bangalore is a city of very, very close proximities.

• Humiliate someone through community gossip
• Make the costs of abject poverty real
• Intimidate someone with gunda violence
• Extort the weak through political corruption
• Reveal the divisions wrought by religion



Three-wheeled black and yellow auto-rickshaws rambling down pot-holed
roads. Stray cattle wandering into the middle of traffic. A police officer
harassing a hijra on the street. Haunted beggars gazing from the slums upon
the well-manicured lawns of a golf course. A cluster of women in black hijab
negotiating with street vendors. A wedding hall lit up with thousands of lights
and joyous music, overflowing with guests. Sunburnt old men carrying con-
struction material on their heads at a shiny new building site. Young, wealthy
kids in designer clothes dancing in a hip lounge atop a sky-scraper. Ancient
shrines falling into disrepair.

Bangalore is a city of communities, and while globalization has eroded some
of the traditional Indian bonds, religion still plays a vital role. The city boasts
many mortal religious leaders: Hindu swamis, Islamic clerics, Christian priests,
and Jain monks, though the Hindu mathas are the largest and hold the most
sway. Even local politicians ask for the blessings and support of such influen-
tial community figures before taking office.

There are also important mortal activists that have shaped the city—women’s
rights organizations, queer communities, anti-corruption movements, and
political groups. While they’re not as powerful or don’t have as large a fol-
lowing as their religious counterparts, they’re often savvier when it comes to
dealing with the modern world and the changing landscape of the city.

These religious and activist leaders have a complex relationship with each
other and with the supernatural denizens of the city. Various groups aware
of the supernatural pass knowledge and information among the sectarian
groups, while hunters who number among the activists pursue more aggres-
sive agendas.

There is a faith-based relationship—sometimes symbiotic, sometimes adver-

sarial—between the religious element of Mortality and Wild. Similarly, many
religious mortals are willing to work with Power, but often view wizards or
immortals with mistrust. Most denizens of the Night are reviled by religious
mortals, either as the work of the devil or a karmic curse and an abomination
of the cycle, though a few see them as divine (and proper) retribution.

The influence of Mortality can be found throughout Bangalore. Temples,

mosques, and churches are places of power, as are non-profits, shelters, and
community centers.

City Guides

In a city of great powers, the wizards stand above the rest. The most dom-
inant of them are organized in a loose conglomeration, a corporatocracy
whose enormous influence extends well beyond the borders of Bangalore.
Their overarching agenda is the stability and growth of Bangalore’s eco-
nomic power.

To some, money is the newest incarnation of magic, an evolution of the form.

To others, corporations and the economic structures they represent are an
avenue to channel their ambitions. Regardless, these modern and savvy wiz-
ards hold high positions in the large field of small, mid-sized, and major com-
panies that have transformed Bangalore over the last three decades.

The wizards meet annually in Electronics City, a large industrial park that was
the birthplace of India’s information technology revolution and the outsourc-
ing capital of the world. Other corporate colonies in Bangalore host smaller
regular or impromptu gatherings as necessary. These are networking events,
opportunities to iron out disagreements or to employ third-party arbitration,
or simply to share information.

While the wizards are the strongest Power in Bangalore, there are others
outside their structure. Oracles, mystics, ascetics, and rishi may be smaller
in number, but they’ve existed for hundreds of years and understand arcane
powers and ancient secrets that often elude their better-known brethren.

Power—as a whole—often finds itself at odds with mortal activists, who try to
undermine their work through open protest or subtle maneuvering. Members
of Wild can be unpredictable allies, as can Night, except for those vampires,
ghosts, and undead who have a burning hatred for the corporate wizards.

Bangalore is a city of extremes that’s out of balance. While some grow
wealthy and powerful, others are used and discarded. The slums continue to
expand and organized crime has become increasingly brutal. There are more
kidnappings, rapes, and murder in Bangalore than anywhere in India, save for
Delhi. The police are often inept or deeply corrupt. There is little justice for
the weak and helpless.

In the midst of this, the ranks of the revenants—the undead agents of justice,
returned from the grave—have swollen dangerously. Though no one knows
how many exist, there are enough to give the other Factions pause and worry.
The undead burn with righteous fury and will not be denied from exacting
vengeance upon those who have wronged them.

Out of the particular environment of the city, two camps of revenants have
emerged. The first are those who died from violent crime, usually tied to
greed or personal rivalries. These revenants often hunt their target and exact
their vengeance, then find whatever peace they can in the afterlife. How-
ever, the majority of the revenants were originally from the poorest of the city,
especially impoverished women who are easily victimized. Also among this
camp are the casualties of gross negligence of the city, victims of fatal acci-
dents—roadside collision, unsafe construction sites, open sewers and other
terrible misfortunes. Many of them die without justice; the corruption of the
city protects the perpetrators.

Revenants from this group have shown unique traits. Unlike other undead,
they seem less fixated on the specific individual who caused their demise, and
more on the larger cause of injustice—abusive men, powerful and wealthy
individuals, corrupt and apathetic politicians, civil servants and law enforce-
ment. They often try to take down gangs, groups, and organizations and they
will work with other Factions and agents towards these goals.

Revenants can be found throughout the city, mostly in the many slums. The
revenants bent on individual revenge have little to do with others. However,
those who have banded together against common enemies meet periodi-
cally at self-made “Towers of Silence” out of homage to one of the first reve-
nant leaders in the city, a Zoroastrian Parsi.

In a city as robust and chaotic as Bangalore, Wild is represented through
many factions and creatures. Asura, jinn, nagas, angels, raskshasas, apsar-
ases, and other creatures stake their territory. They claim to be the heralds, or
incarnations of their faiths, and push complex agendas on behalf of them-
selves or greater entities. Open warfare is rare, however, as these entities have
learned from their Northern counterparts that communal violence can have
disastrous results. Instead, they exist in segregated communities and inter-
act only when business forces them to do so. When negotiations fail, subtle
machinations are employed to eliminate rivals.

Wild is often preoccupied with matters of their faith and spend much time
with mortal followers or other associated powers. However, there are those
among the Wild who have been advocating for a cohesive body to oversee
the Wild Faction in Bangalore: the Sabhī Parșada, the All Council. The most
optimistic believe the council would help stem interfaith conflict, while more
cynical voices are certain that the Sabhī Parișada is part of a larger strategy to
rule the city.

City Guides


A transgendered woman in her mid-30s, Kokila is an activist, street poet, and
leader of the hijra-rights collective, Mukti. Early life was brutal; she endured
vicious bullying by classmates and continued efforts by her family to “correct
her.” Later she faced discrimination in every facet of public life, and assault
by police. She attempted suicide three times; on the third, an awakening
occurred, giving her a glimpse into the unseen world. She has found her own
voice and strives with relentless passion to garner rights and to protect the
hijra from mortal and supernatural predators alike.


A Caucasian man in his late 40s originally from Denver, William was born
into an upper-middle class corporate family. Ambitious and with a sense of
personal destiny, William has succeeded in both the financial and mystical
worlds. Now he’s the Managing Director for a major multinational corpora-
tion, a wizard of considerable might, and the informal leader of various and
assorted strategic corporate-mystical coalitions. He’s lived in Bangalore for
several years and believes he understands the city, its people, and what’s best
for them. He acts with vision and a self-assured certainty that his rise, and his
corporation’s wealth, will eventually benefit the people of the city.


She is known only as Maru Maghal, the Daughter-in-Law. Deeply disfigured,
she died an agonizing death by burning. When asked what she did to deserve
such a fate, she always replies with bitterness, “I was born a woman.” Many
tales have sprung up—that her husband burned her alive her for lack of dowry,
that she had a lover outside of marriage and was killed in a fit of jealousy, that
her father-in-law abused her and murdered her. Each story is the same—her
life was lived as the object of men and ended by the hand of men. She is the
oldest revenant in Bangalore, and has escaped the cycle of life and death.
Now she exists to mete out vengeance on the unjust and she’s rallying a
growing army of her kind to her mission.

Varuttam was once the wisest scholar of the south. A Brahmin of great learn-
ing, he spent his days in deep meditation and study. He was sought by kings
and paupers alike for his knowledge, but he kept council only with himself. All
pleas fell on deaf ears, though many begged him for his help. One day, the
god Brahma came to see this great sage and asked him for advice. But Var-
uttam, hoarder of secrets, turned the lord away in his arrogance. So Brahma
cursed him; in death, Varuttam became a brahmarakshasa. Terrifying and
tormented, he’s trapped between two compulsions; to feast on the flesh of
men, and to impart his vast trove of secrets, ancient and new, to anyone who
asks for his aid.


“A tiger does not shout its tigritude, it acts.”
- Wole Soyinka

Cast and Description

Sadhri and Sabal are the last of their kind. They’re a part of an India that’s
fading from memory, soon to be forgotten. Shapeshifters, lovers, savage and
untamable, they are Tigers fierce and proud. As the cities sprawl and man
consumes, breeds, and proliferates, the land is laid to waste, the jungles are
cut down, the water is poisoned, and the wild dies. For love, for each other,
for their unborn children, for their brethren and the creatures who cannot
fight, Sadhri and Sabal will make Bangalore and all within it their prey.

Custom Moves
Stalk the Prey: The Tigers can unerringly track a targeted prey, anywhere.
When you try to escape them, roll with Mind instead of Blood. On a miss, you
walk straight into a trap that leaves you helpless, grievously injured, or alone,
your choice.

Frenzy: The Tigers can call to the raw, primal nature of a target, inspir-
ing them into an animalistic fury. When you try to keep your cool in their
presence, roll with Heart instead of Spirit. On a 10+, you gain an opportunity
against the Tigers; they aren’t used to dealing with enemies with self-control.

Countdown Clock
3:00 – Local animals are on edge, nervous, or agitated. Packs of wild dogs
whimper and turn tail, large flocks of crows caw their warning.

6:00 – Cattle begin to migrate out of Bangalore, clogging the streets, causing
massive traffic jams and chaos.

9:00 – Predatory animals disappear from nearby Bannerghatta National Park,

reappearing in Bangalore, mauling prominent mortal city officials.

10:00 – The Tigers track and kill Dharmendra Thoppil, leading wizard and
CEO in the tech industry.

11:00 – The Tigers set fire to UB City, a major luxury mall, causing fear and
uncertainty among the wealthy.

12:00 – The Tigers destroy major utilities, throwing Bangalore into chaos.
Predators roam freely throughout the city, hunting as they will.

City Guides


Cast and Description
Lord Robert Nelson Blackbourne was the worst of what the British had
to offer. An ancient vampire of ruthless ambition, he believes India is the
Empire’s prize, once and always. He used his powers to hold sway over the
indigenous population and flourished by their labor and their blood. Now he
has returned to reclaim his birthright.

Custom Moves
Colonial Treaty: Lord Blackbourne is brilliant at using intimidation, fear, and
manipulation to force others into unfavorable agreements and treaties. When
you strike a deal with Lord Blackbourne, he maneuvers the terms to his
advantage and gains an additional Debt over you.

Sow Discord: Lord Blackbourne is a master at dividing and conquering

people, unravelling alliances and relationships in all who hear him. When you
resist his attempts to poison you against another PC, roll with Spirit. On a
10+, his lies are simple and obvious; take +1 forward to figuring him out. On
a 7-9, he speaks enough truth to undermine your trust; take -1 ongoing to
keep your cool in his presence. On a miss, he has what appears to be clear
and obvious evidence of a betrayal; your friends cannot lend a hand to your
efforts until you confront them about what you’ve seen.

Countdown Clock
3:00 – Lord Blackbourne returns to the city and takes control over the iconic
Bangalore Club, symbol of the old British rule.

6:00 – Various mortal activists and community leaders are inspired by Black-
bourne to protest against bureaucratic corruption, holding fasts, sit-ins, and
demonstrations at government institutions.

9:00 – Blackbourne negotiates key alliances among the wizards, garnering

powerful corporate support. Financial markets shift, reflecting the new eco-
nomic reality.

10:00 – Religious factions among the Wild are played against each other,
boiling over into communal violence and riots.

11:00 – The revenants are encouraged to wreak vengeance upon the ruling
powers not yet aligned with Blackbourne.

12:00 – Amidst the chaos, Lord Blackbourne seizes control of the city’s
supernatural landscape by negotiating peace among all parties under his
benign and wise governorship.


City Guides

London blends the old and new with little effort, whether that’s the Georgian
house opposite an estate of social housing or the latest influx of immigrants.
It’s been a port from Roman times and there’s a constant process of arrival
and assimilation. In the twentieth century people from the Indian subcon-
tinent, Africa, and the Caribbean joined the existing Jewish, French, and
Chinese populations. Although some groups are centred around particular
areas—Bangladeshis in Tower Hamlets or African and Portuguese people in
Brixton—it’s a diverse city. Londoners all live close together and they generally
get along.

Different areas of London have their own characteristics. The City, or Square
Mile, is the financial district: tall office blocks and corporate coffee shops.
There’s an enormous amount of history there—some is locked up in the
Museum of London, and for the rest of it, just look around. The West End is
for shopping and Theatreland and it’s where the tourists go. Notting Hill is full
of the upwardly mobile—actors and rock stars. Hoxton’s arty and bohemian.
All the Goths hang out in Camden, where they buy clothes at the Market and
drink in the World’s End pub. Earl’s Court is full of young Aussies, Kiwis, and
South Africans and you’re as likely to hear French spoken as English in Kens-

Londoners keep their dead close too. There’s a plague pit under Liverpool
Street Station and seven huge Victorian cemeteries. And the dead get along
the same as everyone else. There are mummies, fairies, vampires, ghouls,
occultists, and elementals older even than the city itself.

Getting around London is easy. There are the iconic red London Buses, the
Tube, black Hackney cabs, and Boris Bikes. And there’s a lot to see: museums
in Kensington and Bloomsbury, the Tower of London, Big Ben, Buckingham
Palace, the Zoo, and many green spaces.

London is emblematic of the British obsession with class. The working class is
marginalised economically and geographically as hipsters colonise inner city
council estates. Big financial interests and business allied to the government
drive down wages and cut public funding to transport, health, and social care.
The left-leaning middle classes vacillate, as they worry about house prices
and school fees.


• Discuss secrets on public transportation
• Move lowlifes and drug dealers to a new location
• Shock the public with an explosion or disaster
• Purchase a property for redevelopment
• Secure a part of the city for a royal visitor


Tourists cluster round a red phone box taking selfies. Police on horseback
patrol the streets. A drunk is thrown off a bus by the driver. Opposing football
fans chant at each other outside a pub. A queue of people lines up outside a
pop-up eatery. A fox stands in the middle of the road.

In the British Museum, the mummies gaze eyelessly from their glass cases,
scanning every visitor and looking for likely servants—curious occultists, ear-
nest historians, and the easily suggestible all have their uses. As well as using
living humans, the mummies recruit from the dehydrated bodies in the cat-
acombs at Kensal Green cemetery. They are adept in mind control—the late
Victorian fascination for all things Egyptian did not come about by chance.

The mummies’ agenda is to expand their underground realm while living

quietly under the city’s radar. The psychic energy they drain from humans is
essential to their continued existence; in this they resemble the ghouls that
haunt the city’s churchyards and plague pits. They are opposed by a group of
archeologists at the Petrie Museum in Bloomsbury. Surrounded by body parts,
statuary, and tomb paintings, these scientists try to understand the mummies
and curtail their predations.

The demolished British Museum Tube station is the centre of an underground

network that enables the mummies to journey beneath London. Mummies
favour being close to the dead and populate all of London’s Magnificent
Seven municipal cemeteries; the pyramid-shaped monument in Brompton
Cemetery is not a grave marker but rather a device permitting the mummies
to travel back to the Old Country.

City Guides

The Chaos Magicians
Chaos magicians are at best a loose collective, almost entirely male. They live
in the less fashionable bit of South London around Deptford which boasts
both cheap rent and a strong ley line—a source of power they frequently
exploit. Not allied to any particular religious or philosophical path, the chaos
magicians simply do magic that works. Their inspiration comes from the early
twentieth century occultist and artist Austin Osman Spare, himself a South
London resident, who manifested his will to good effect through magical
sigils. The chaos magician may call upon an ancient god or upon a TV soap
character; all that matters is he works with a symbol of his true will to achieve
a magical goal.

The Montague Arms, an eccentrically decorated New Cross pub, is a good

place to find chaos magicians. They like the mouldy skeleton and the dodgy
taxidermy. When not downing a pint they might haunt New Cross library,
poke around Deptford Market for bargains, or get the bus to Brixton to buy
candles in the voodoo shops. They are unconventional and anarchic and
many of them align with the Occupy movement and other left-wing political
organisations. On bad days they drink lager in the street accompanied by a
dog on a bit of string. They mostly pass under the radar of other groups, their
magic as mundane as the grime that collects in the gutters of the city. How-
ever, the police have started to take an interest in their antisocial behaviour.

The Met (Metropolitan Police Service)
Watchmen, parish constables, and the Army have been variously responsible
for law and order in the capital since time immemorial. In 1829 the duties of
this mishmash were brought together in the Metropolitan Police. The reach
of this body covers the whole city, except of course for the City.

The relationship between Londoners and the Met is complex. On the one
hand, there are the regular patrols of unarmed constables who bravely tackle
gun-toting criminals, dance with performers at the Notting Hill carnival, and
give directions to tourists. On the other hand, there is the shooting of inno-
cents by armed officers, the brutality of riot control, and institutional racism.

There is also a hidden side to the Met. Who keeps the streets from wander-
ing about, who prevents out and out war between fairy factions in Hyde and
Bushey parks, who retrieves creatures absconded from the fantastic menag-
erie at the Tower of London, and who cheerfully promotes to the public nor-
mality in the face of the strangest of circumstances, even at the cost of a poor
reputation? After all, police brutality is far more believable than a werewolf on
the loose late at night in Piccadilly Circus.


The Ravens
“If the Tower of London ravens are fly away, the Crown falls…and Britain with it.”

On 15th June 1215 at Runnymede, everyone knows that King John signed
the Magna Carta, limiting the power of the King and protecting people’s
rights. What is less well known is on the next day, King John signed the
Occulta Carta, the Hidden Charter, agreeing to the rights of certain other
powers in the land. This charter was witnessed by the powers tempo-
ral, spiritual, and magical. In essence, this accord limits each to their own
sphere of responsibility.

The eight ravens that live at the Tower of London are the living embodiment
of this agreement. Their power is ancient, perhaps even from the primordial
order that predates Time itself. They intervene whenever a breach of the OC
comes to their notice. And they notice almost everything.

They are not always of one mind, however, and meet in a parliament to dis-
cuss the evidence and hear pleas from accused parties. If repeated breaches
are noted, they might even make a sortie en masse to extinguish the guilty
faction. Who, after all, can forget that Hollow Pond in Leytonstone used to be
a hill?


The mummy of the Pharaoh Amesis was bought at auction by a collector
with a liking for curiosities. Aided by his former owner’s housemaid, Amesis
made his way to Brompton Cemetery where he has lived for a hundred years
and can be glimpsed between the tombs late at night. He has a seat on the
Council of Mummies as a Lawgiver, regulating the behaviour of his people
and keeping them from the attention of the authorities.

In the 1970s he instigated a terrifying war against the vampires. Fought as

much on the psychic plane as the physical one, it permanently changed the
aura of the city, heightening anxieties amongst humans as well as the undead.
The prize, as always, was human souls.

City Guides

Stan doesn’t have a surname. And his first name probably isn’t Stan. He came
to London thirty years ago to study Theology at Goldsmith’s College, quickly
becoming addicted to a certain section of long-unread books in the college
library. It wasn’t long before Stan tired of old rituals and starting riffing on a
theme, adapting the magic of fellow Deptford resident Christopher Marlowe’s
Dr Faustus to summon a dream girl. Like many things in Stan’s life, this went
a bit wrong. She sat around his bedsit for six months being beautiful but was
otherwise useless. He eventually dismissed her to whatever circle of Hell
she’d come from, but by then he’d dropped out of university and signed on
the dole, in which happy place he continues to dwell. He ventures out from
time to time to go to demos. He is vegan and pro-peace.


Born in Southall in 1972, Ekani excelled academically, obtaining a first class
degree in History and Politics at Oxford. Believing her lot to be in public ser-
vice, in particular to minorities, she joined the police fast track. She has ended
up in charge of SO1, Specialist Protection (O), the part of the Met which deals
with occult crime—much of which is trespass, some murder by means foul
and magical, and some unclassifiable. With the occasional help of occult
scholars, her small team’s job is largely to keep the weird below public notice
and deal with its political fallout.

Marley is the most devious raven. Where others are content to deal with
breaches as they arise, Marley is active in the doings of hidden London,
spreading a rumour here, spiking a vampire’s lunch there, or distracting a spirit
guarding a place of power. All these he does to tempt the occulture into mis-
demeanours so he can come down upon them with righteous fury. So if you
stumble across the head of a long-dead king in an alleyway, or notice a new
untapped ley line, look out for a glint of eye and a flap of wing, and leave well
alone. Put something shiny at the foot of the White Tower during the Cere-
mony of the Keys at 7pm every evening; if Marley likes it, he’ll turn up.


Cast and Description
The Cairo Geniza, a collection of 300,000 documents from the storeroom of
Old Cairo’s synagogue dating back over a thousand years, has been distrib-
uted for analysis to experts around the world. Miriam Murray, an archeolo-
gist at the Petrie Museum, has finally found something that will help them in
their fight against the Council of Mummies—a papyrus that contains the true
name of Khentammit the Punisher, the chief enforcer for Amesis the leader of
the Council.

Custom Moves
Mummy Magics: When you try to keep your cool in the face of a mummy,
roll with Mind instead of Spirit.

Countdown Clock
3:00 – The International Journal of Egyptian Studies published by Uni-
versity College London hosts a conference on new discoveries from the
Cairo Geniza.

6:00 – The Petrie Museum pretends to send one of its mummies on loan to
the Kelvingrove Ancient Egypt gallery in Glasgow.

9:00 – A dog walker is eviscerated by a mummy in Highgate Woods. The

attack is witnessed by two small boys.

10:00 – A bundle of rags and desiccated body parts are found scattered
under Archway Bridge. Hieroglyphs scrawled on the walls indicate a great
magic has been enacted and Khentammit is no more.

11:00 – A freak Saharan dust storm strikes, covering the city in fine red sand.

12:00 – Rioting breaks out across the city, as the mummy-possessed mortals
are pitched against each other in a macabre puppet show.

City Guides


Cast and Description
Every five hundred years, Madb the Queen of the Fairies must make a sac-
rifice to the land. The intense etheric vibrations generated by these violent
rituals replenish local psychic fields, enabling the fairies to make their magic.
As urban sprawl encroaches on fairy territory, it’s harder to kill the required
humans without discovery. Madb has decided to implicate a South London
Chaos Magic Collective in these necessary murders, deflecting attention
away from herself. One fairy, Henbane, is living with the magicians in the form
of a dog and relaying reports of their activity back to the fairy community.

Custom Move
Police Raid: When the police raid your home, roll with Mortality. On a 10+,
nothing is found but you’re on a watch list. On 7-9, they turn up only mun-
dane trouble on your territory, but they probably let it slide…for a price. On a
miss, they find something clearly supernatural.

Countdown Clock
3:00 – Anti-social behaviour is on the increase as a fight between down
and outs in a supermarket car park in New Cross ends in many cars being
set alight.

6:00 – The Mayor of London launches a war on anti-social behaviour, order-

ing the police to crack down. A known chaos magician is arrested for loitering
outside Deptford Station.

9:00 – A police officer is killed in the doorway of the Goldsmith’s Arms pub,
the victim of a vicious dog and gang attack. The Met steps up foot patrols and
The Evening Standard sparks a moral panic.

10:00 – A middle-aged woman is dragged off a bus by a pack of dogs out-

side Goldsmith’s College. The dogs disperse, but the woman has vanished.
The police arrest several chaos magicians in connection with the attack.

11:00 – The chaos magicians raise the dead in Deptford Churchyard to get
insight into the situation.

12:00 – The woman’s body is found in the stone circle at Hilly Fields Park.
The fairies are pleased with their sacrifices. Their territory in South London will
be blessed for many years now. The chaos magicians blame each other for
their failure to discover the cause, turning to bloody violence.


City Guides

On the western edge of Tokyo—outside the jurisdiction of the 23 Wards—lies
the cultural hub known as Kichijoji. Historically irrelevant compared to the
thousand-year-old temples and shrines that dot the rest of Japan, Kichijoji
sprang from “the place next to the nice park where you can buy anything in
the black market” after World War II to a contemporary roaring hub of creativ-
ity, culture, and energy.

Kichijoji is a layer cake of experience. Directly south of Kichijoji station is a

major strip that caters to the exhausted and hungry Japanese salarymen:
places to eat ramen and fried rice, to drink whiskey and sake, to talk busi-
ness and pleasure without interruption, to fuck in numerous love hotels and
brothels both legal and shady. Step across a major road and things become
eerily quiet as you descend into Inokashira Park, a large but serene public park
famous for its cherry blossom trees, the large and well-kept shrine to Ben-
zaiten, and quiet rest areas in the dark.

North of the station is Sun Road, a four-block long traditional shopping

arcade with hundreds of small shops featuring anything you could possibly
want to buy, from gym shoes to Chinese herbal medicines. Further north is 10
minutes of suburban housing and 2-3 story apartments…then Zenpukuji Park,
an unsettlingly quiet and unmistakably ancient forested lake that somehow
remained totally unchanged by the last 2,000 years of aggressive urbaniza-
tion around it.

Most influential to the explosive growth of Kichijoji is the fact that it lies liter-
ally one kilometer away from Tokyo’s 23 Central Wards, and the Four Heav-
enly Lords who control Tokyo with absolute authority from the shadows. That
small distance, that one single line that separates Kichijoji from the estab-
lished powers both political and supernatural, has turned the town into some-
thing that the lords of Tokyo never expected to see: Something New.

• Inspire loyalty to Kichijoji
• Push someone to work across Factions
• Obscure a power struggle working in shadows
• Outflank outsiders from Tokyo or suburban Japan
• Reveal the people in power, in neutral locations



Couples holding hands and walking in Inokashira Park. A gentle spring breeze
distributes a light rain of sakura blossoms. Packs of male and female touts in
tuxedo tops and black apron bottoms dressed to the nines, loudly encourag-
ing salarymen to step into their tavern house. The train station, pumping hun-
dreds of harried people in and out every second like an engorged heart. Fin-
gerstyle guitarists, poets, calligraphy masters, fortune tellers, street magicians,
and other performers set up small booths. Late at night in Zenpukuji Park, a
lone jogger makes her way around the stone-pathed perimeter of the lake.

Sei Aru Mono
In the White Birch tavern, so many mortal fighters (veterans and the occa-
sional retired hunter) have run into each other by a twist of fate that even
others in the city jokingly call them White Birchers. Strung out and sick of it all,
they came to Kichijoji mostly to escape the bullshit and bloodshed in Tokyo.
Many have grown to respect, if not love, this Kichijoji.

The city is always in the state of quiet danger, and the White Birchers—when
not drowning out the past in cheap whiskey sours—have taken it upon them-
selves to act as the city’s protectors. They act as information and exchange
brokers between the other Factions, as the others recognize their station
and willingness to keep the peace. They also find and eliminate threats to the
fragile utopia they’ve found in Kichijoji, which often come in the form of out-
siders and upstarts from Tokyo or rural Japan.

No one Faction truly rules Kichijoji with an iron fist, but the Six from Inokashira
are the closest Kichijoji has to a founding clan of elders. These six immortals
are said to have created the city as it is known today nearly seventy years ago,
by each planting a stone jizo statue in a pattern that would become the rough
shape of contemporary Kichijoji. Each member of the Six has a strong drive
to see Kichijoji flourish as its own entity, next to but separate from the powers
controlling Tokyo.

Or at least, that’s what the public word is. In truth, what they see as a threat
differs from member to member, and indeed it takes a clear and unmistak-
able danger to get all six to work together. Interestingly enough, the Six are
not mysterious entities that rule from the shadows; anyone aware of that
world can easily find or run into one of the Six, and even occasionally have
the opportunity to talk with them at length. They’re surprisingly open and
unmasked when it comes to communications with other Factions.

City Guides

Sure, occasionally a Westerner werewolf graces Kichijoji with their unmistak-
able scent, but the closest Japan analogue is the Henge (Hen-GAY), aka Oni-
Born. The Henge of Japan have different bestial forms, but usually they trans-
form into a creature that is half human and half…something else. Perhaps
a hairy, shaggy, goat-man standing at three meters tall with a musculature
straight out of an American comic book. Or maybe even a walking, talking
three-dimensional shadow with unnaturally long forearms, torso, and calves.
In any case, the brute nature and other traits of the werewolf are shared
equally by their Asian cousins.

Out of all the Factions, the Henge are just as suspicious and disdainful of
themselves as they are with other Factions. They’re prone to great, uncon-
trollable savagery, and that rarely works out in their favor in Kichijoji where
there are no leash-holders to carefully direct their fury for a greater, shadowy
purpose. They’re left as masters of themselves, and they fear that fact more
than the other Factions do. They find themselves most at ease when serving
or working for members of the other Factions.

Vampires in Kichijoji are relatively low-key operators. All that’s known about
their upper echelon is that their spiritual/moral leader in Kichijoji is a young
Eastern European girl, and that their base of operations usually changes one
to two times a year.

The Ayakashi (a-ya-KA-shi), as they are called in Japan, are as wild-natured
and inscrutable as their western faerie counterparts. The humanoid ones
encountered in the physical world only represent about 1/5th of the Aya-
kashi in Japan. Others may be formless, transient, or even shift from shape to
shape. But the humanoid Ayakashi rarely talk about the non-human ones; it’s
just not polite around others.

The Ayakashi have absolute control over Zenpukuji Park, and while the
immortal Six from Inokashira originally lived and met in that park, the very
nature of Inokashira Park as a natural power makes it more receptive to Aya-
kashi presence than any other Faction. The Ayakashi are a force that provokes
the other Factions to equal parts pride and disquiet.

The Tainted are extremely rare; there are no Tainted native to Japan, they all
are foreigners born overseas. Occasionally, one or two find their way to Kichi-
joji on their path to fulfill some bargain, but they don’t tend to stay long. Other
Factions find them interesting, worth talking to if they share a language, but
mostly harmless. It is impossible, for reasons currently unknown, for a Japa-
nese person to be born or become a Tainted on Japanese soil.



Hashizume is a name respected by many both within the White Birches and
outside of it. Barely a few years over 30, she’s one of the most accomplished
hunters of her generation in Tokyo. She doesn’t aim to lead, but others step
back to push her words and will forward. It’s clear to anyone who’s spoken to
her that something happened to her in Tokyo that drove her out of the city.

She now advocates for peace with the other Factions promoting Kichijoji as
a safe haven, and serves as a font of knowledge and advice for new mortals
that wander into the shadows. While she is looking to live a life of relative
quiet—deciding what to do with the rest of her life while working part time at
an elegant stationery store—those that know her well understand that it may
just be a matter of time before something disrupts the balance, knocking her
back on the dark path she vowed to leave behind.


Snow Lotus is a rarity. She’s one of the few female monks of her order, and a
walking encyclopedia of ancient esoteric Buddhist knowledge. At one time
she was a member in high standing at the esteemed Gokoku-ji temple in
downtown Tokyo, but has long since taken up residence in the Kichijoji area.
She is indeed one of the Six from Inokashira, and known for her unmoving
resolve when pondering actions and swift execution when a decision has
been made. She also seems to have an uncanny amount of knowledge about
every single person of interest in Kichijoji who has lived there more than a few
weeks. She is seemingly warm, calm, quick to smile or laugh, and known to
lend an ear to anyone from any Faction who needs someone to talk to.

It’s not hard to miss her; she still sports a shaved head and wears the classic
black and yellow-sash robes of her order, though she herself has not been to
temples of her order in some time. When not found wandering the city day
and night, she has a small eight-stool dining stand called Wisdom King Café
in the Harmonica Alley district, where she prepares and serves simple vege-
tarian dishes for two hours a day, five days a week. She is open for consulta-
tion or discussion at any time, other than when she’s cooking.


Shimizu Isao, a young and handsome part-time worker who drifts from place
to place in the Kichijoji area, is the cover of Mayaren, a six hundred year old
vampire who reports directly to the Heavenly Lord of Shinjuku Ward. Mayaren
is excellent at his job, and not even the local Kichijoji vampires have recog-
nized him as one of their own. Stylish and outgoing, he works part time in
a few evening bistros, bars, taverns, shops, and the like, popular with local
women and occasionally men, and at least every Faction member has seen
him around at some point, though they don’t know his identity.

City Guides
Mayaren is at a crossroads, though. He’s unquestioningly served the Heav-
enly Lords for hundreds of years with absolutely no thought as to his own
will or desires. However, he has recently and quite accidentally fallen in love
with a passionate supporter of an independent Kichijoji. After three years of
living and operating outside of Tokyo, he’s also begun to feel personal drive
and desires, things he thought ended for him centuries ago. Pretty soon, he’ll
have to choose a path, and whichever one he sets foot on will likely not end
without turmoil.


Tomas left his native Spain to travel the world. About six years ago he ended
up in Japan and loved it so much he decided to stay for the long haul.
Though he’s still new to customs and traditions and has yet to master the
language, he’s swarthy and ruggedly handsome with impeccable taste and
fashion, so he’s nevertheless had to beat away gaijin-chasers with a stick.

He’s of course half-demon, and will share that information willingly with
any other in-the-know Faction member if welcomed with respect and a gift
presented (usually in the form of a light dinner and conversation). He’s set-
tled into Kichijoji for now, and has started getting to know the other Faction
members. For some shadow residents of the city, the Spaniard serves as an
interesting diversion, a friendly enough person who reminds them that the
world outside of Japan is bigger than they imagined. For others, Tomas rep-
resents an uncontrollable wild card, a walking hand grenade that could be
used and set off at any time.


Firearms just are not a thing in Japan. The purveyors of law (and rumor has
it that the Four Heavenly Lords themselves) have seen to it that they don’t
appear on the streets. The equivalent of weapons as violent and dangerous as
firearms are melee weapons: knives, daggers, batons and the like. Enchanted
and blessed weapons are easier to come by than one might expect.

Any 3-harm sword or melee weapon is large, likely an ornate/gorgeous/

ancient katana, impossible to hide without great effort, and draws a lot of
attention—like walking around a North American city with a drawn AK-47.

The only characters allowed to start with a firearm are The Hunter and The
Tainted. Firearms can be found in play with the right connections, but they
will mostly be 2-harm weapons; 3-harm weapons are exponentially harder to
come by (read: almost impossible, and at great cost) for outsiders.


Cast and Description
The Four Heavenly Lords thought Kichijoji was “cute” two decades ago. Now,
with shadows migrating out to beyond the areas of their control, they’ve had
enough. Time to put things in their proper place.

The calculating Spectre Lady of the Drowning Moon (Oborozuki-no-Kimi)

and the loyal great demonic clawed goat Henge Senba (aka Senba the
Shrine-Eater) have been sent into town to stir up trouble, putting the Factions
at war and destroying the ones that may pose a threat to a hostile takeover.

Custom Moves
He Was Birthed in Naraku: Senba the Shrine-Eater does 2-harm with his
bare hands in human form and 3-harm in his Henge form. When you take a
critical wound from Senba, he puts an unseen spiritual/magical mark on your
person that allows him to track you anywhere you might hide in Japan.

Countdown Clock
3:00 - Local news reports that there are discussions between the municipal
government of Tokyo and the local government about Kichijoji/Musashino
being politically annexed into Tokyo as a new ward.

6:00 - Lady of the Drowning Moon and Senba arrive in Kichijoji. Various TV
news crews wander the streets of Kichijoji asking “the common man’s opin-
ion” on what they think of the potential merger.

9:00 - Senba gruesomely murders Sanada Hiroaki, a minor White Bircher

ex-hunter, in Inokashira Park at night. It’s in the news the next morning, and is
played up on Tokyo TV news commentary shows. Drowning Moon convinces
the Henge to go to war with each other.

10:00 - Drowning Moon convinces the Ayakashi to openly fight against the
vampires, and to ignore the Six from Inokashira. Senba murders three Oracles
in one night at the Sun Road, hiding their bodies but leaving the blood.

11:00 - Senba murders a wizard and four White Birchers in an ambush at Ino-
kashira Park. One body is left gruesomely displayed. Media is in a frenzy the
next day. Drowning Moon creates a schism within the White Birchers, causing
them to distrust each other.

12:00 - The referendum is passed in government, Kichijoji and its surround-

ing Musashino city become the new 24th ward of Tokyo. That evening, a
Bright Lord arrives in the city and one shadow is killed every evening until the
Six from Inokashira and the White Birchers disband and move away.

City Guides


Cast and Description
Ishigami Naoko was in her young prime when she was (quite accidentally)
killed by a vampire, a young woman named Rumi. She’s become used to life
as a Spectre and shadow society, and even has known love; but she will never
forgive the vampires for making Rumi, and for what happened to her. Once
she realizes that the state of relative peace between the hunters (as well as
veterans and awakened) and vampires is quite unique to Kichijoji, she decides
to aid in returning affairs to their natural state.

She knows deep down that she won’t be able to move on (attain “Jo-butsu”)
until every vampire in Kichijoji suffers for what happened to her. Rumi doesn’t
know that Naoko is a Spectre, but when all the other vampires in Kichijoji are
gone, Naoko will finally face Rumi and claim her last.

Custom Moves
It Has to Be This Way: When you try to persuade an NPC against Naoko, roll
with Spirit instead of Heart.

Countdown Clock
3:00 – Vampires become more active than usual in their feeding activities,
and two new vampires are seen in Kichijoji. Naoko spends hours in the apart-
ments of several hunters, subliminally manipulating them to action.

6:00 – Akutsu Karen, an ex-hunter, stakes the vampire Kinoshita Yo in his

apartment. She hides her involvement in the murder and disavows it if ques-
tioned. Naoko takes Veteran Maruyama Ivory as her lover.

9:00 – Naoko runs into two younger vampires, talks to them using an
assumed identity, and over the course of a conversation convinces them to
start killing “just the hunters” before they’re killed themselves. The two vam-
pires that night stake out and kill an older veteran man on his way home to his
house near Zenpukuji Park.

10:00 – Maruyama Ivory and a small group of Awakened capture two vam-
pires, and burn them to death in an old apartment. Patrols of White Birchers
begin around the city, and vampires begin to travel in packs.

11:00 – In one evening, five vampires, two hunters, four veterans, and two
human passersby are killed in a war in the middle of a street at night. The
Young Mistress (vampire leader) emerges and declares war against all Mortals.

12:00 – The Young Mistress discovers the source of the manipulation.

Naoko’s soul is quickly captured and slowly, painfully destroyed for her part in
the ruse. The Young Mistress uses the attack to pressure the Six into granting
her a seat at their councils.


City Guides

The Bronx might burn, but it won’t ever die. It survived bootlegging during
Prohibition, redlining in the ‘60s, arson in the ‘70s, and crack in the ‘80s.
Whenever it gets knocked down, the borough rises again. Most recently,
African, Asian, and Latin American immigrants have renewed New York’s
northernmost borough as a hub of the arts, media, theater, sports, and music.
These cultural institutions bring humans and the supernatural into constant,
often unconscious contact.

. ince great art gives even the most inhuman being influence over mortal
and monster alike, many political heavies here are cultural icons: reclusive
novelists, guerrilla artists, or avant-garde musicians who hide the devil within
beneath an eccentric-artist persona. Big teeth only go so far here: if you want
a Faction to care about you, you’ve got to prove you can create as well as
destroy. Don’t just fight; start a boxing gym. Don’t just tag enemy territory;
paint a mural. Don’t just win an election; transform the city.

. f all the art scenes in the Bronx, the four Factions meet, collaborate, and
compete the most in that celebrated subculture born at 1520 Sedgwick
Avenue: hip hop. What began as an art form with the DJ, rapper, breaker, and
graffiti writer has become a worldwide culture whose capital is here, encom-
passing fashion, slang, philosophy, and entrepreneurship. Five continents
send people to the Bronx; the Bronx sends its culture back across the globe.
Survive here, and you’re everywhere.

• Put politics, mortal or otherwise, in the way
• Connect a criminal to a gang, or a gang to a syndicate
• Spotlight a secret or vulnerability with a piece of art
• Make unfair assumptions about someone’s culture
• Herald urban decay


A DJ spins while MCs rock lyrics over beats. Gangs cheer a speaker at a mid-
night rally in Van Cortlandt Park. At the Riverdale Yacht Club, rich folks take
tea and play tennis. Schoolchildren at the zoo tease one another in Bakwé.
Yankee Stadium spectators fight over a foul ball.


Bronx mortals get uncommon respect from Night, Power, and Wild for cre-
ating and maintaining hip hop, the art form which has become a supernatural
lingua franca and conflict resolution system for the Bronx (and sometimes
the rest of New York). Sometimes it’s useful for rival werewolf packs or faerie
bands to settle their differences through less lethal means than yesteryear’s.
So rap battles have replaced swords at dawn, dance crew throwdowns stand
in for gang rumbles, diss tracks and spray-painted caricature for public sham-
ing. Mortal artists called “judges” preside over midnight ciphers or run pirate
radio stations where this all goes down, making rules and deciding on win-
ners. They’re impartial, just, and incorruptible.

…Or they’re supposed to be.

F. irst, photos of a judge taking a bribe from a rap battle contestant surfaced
on the Internet. Then a judge who made an unpopular ruling in a DJ contest
between faerie aristocrats was shot down in a drive-by, and remains in critical
condition at Lincoln Hospital. Deserved or not, isolated incidents are stringing
together into a wave of anti-judge violence. Is there one source, or many?
Who stands to profit from a return to violence?

Masters of vice and temptation, vampires have played the Bronx’s illegal drug
game since 1970. A promised high is an easy way to get someone into your
web. Rumor calls the arson wave of the 1970s not only an attempt at insur-
ance fraud, but also a multi-factional effort to drive out vampires. It worked
for a time, but the 1980s crack epidemic returned vampires to the top of
the game.

The problem with being at the top is that everyone wants a piece of you or
what you have. Law enforcement wants you gone (or wants on your payroll);
rival gangs and dealers want your turf, clientele, and material; and the Bronx’s
more civic-minded denizens want you gone, period. Among other supernat-
urals, the Judges’ Council and its aforementioned nonviolent conflict reso-
lution methods help—several hip hop performers have gotten their start as
“champions” for various drug lords in the judges’ competitions. But they won’t
keep the police off your back.

Escalation is inevitable, with vampires already hiring werewolf street gangs

or stockpiling illegal munitions to protect what’s theirs. How long before a
werewolf pack leader wants what his employer has, and makes a move for
vampire holdings?

City Guides

The Bronx’s Hispanic majority makes Roman Catholicism the borough’s most
obvious religion. However, the Yorùbá òrìșà count many devotees among the
Puerto Rican and Nigerian immigrant communities (many of whom are also
observant Catholics). If you need to contact your ancestors or consult a reli-
able diviner, the Bronx will hook you up.

African religious practitioners are as diverse as their nations and peoples of

origin, but they tend to unite in their opposition to “witchcraft”—the use of
supernatural abilities to harm others, especially members of Mortality—and in
their opposition to the cultural appropriation of African symbols and practices
by pagans or chaos magicians not initiated into their religions.

But magic-users tend to respond poorly when asked to surrender their power
sources; and many self-identified witches are on the defensive against what
they see as potential religious persecution. Race and other identity politics are
threatening to balkanize this Faction…and when that happens, ain’t nobody
gonna keep their alliances straight.

With many of its members embedded in the Irish, Jewish, and Italian mobs,
the Wild ruled the Bronx during the 1920s and 1930s. Their fates have
fallen since then, though, in tandem with the slow decline of American
organized crime. But Mrs. Mac Néill, Mr. Mas’ud, Mr. Blumenthal, and Mrs.
Cracchiolo still meet at Spitznogle’s Delicatessen in the South Bronx for
coffee every Sunday.

They regularly tried to kill each other back during Prohibition and…okay, also
during the decades after, but in their retirement, they’re all each other have
got. Rumor has it that one of them’s a dragon, one of them’s a devil, one’s fae,
and one’s mortal, but no one’s quite sure which.

It’s a rare Sunday when younger members of Wild don’t show up to buy
them pastries and ask them for advice. They can’t help but feel sympathetic
towards the members of their Faction in whom they see themselves in their
younger days, trying to build up their power and put Wild back on the Bronx
map. But what will it take to push them back into action? And if they go back
in, will they be on the same side?



The Unluckiest Cab Driver
Bengali immigrant Krishna Tagore drives a taxi to pay the bills while his wife
studies for her English degree. Somehow half his fares are supernatural—from
Tinder dates turned vampire snacks to screaming arguments between faerie
countesses to drunken ghost makeouts. His steel-trap memory for routes and
details makes him a reluctant expert on everything supernatural in the Bronx.
Now that his medallion number is known, people hail him to get information
about other supernaturals. To snitch would be unprofessional—but he’s get-
ting bribes, threats, everything. What if they come after his wife?


Vampire Dog Whisperer
Expert dog trainer Tyrell Meurig looks like the stereotypical vampire—wiry,
dark skin, cornrows, expensive eckō unltd wardrobe. Abused pit bulls he res-
cues have become living status symbols for Bronx luminaries. Recently, he’s
discovered that certain “generous” vampires adopt his dogs to make them
attack animals to guard havens and savage enemies. It’s wrong, but how
can Tyrell say no to the borough’s most dangerous undead? What whirlwind
will he reap if he asks werewolves for help? Or are the PCs willing to step in?
Come on, player, you know you need a familiar.

Yankees third baseman Romeo Jackson nicknamed himself “Șàngó,” after
the king of Òyó
. . canonized as òrìșà of battle, drumming, dancing, and storms.
The media loves his home runs, good looks, tempestuous relationships, and
press-conference trash talk. He even introduces himself in New York’s Wild
courts and Power meetups as King Șàngó. Trouble is, Șàngó Jackson has
sorcerous powers associated with the real Șàngó, and doesn’t care who sees
him fling ball lightning during nightclub brawls. Now, three quarters of the
West African religious community wants to see him hang, while the other
quarter has started a cult around him.

The Golem Watchman
“South Bronx Vigilante’s no human. When we knocked down the tenement
where Bayard Rustin Houses is now, a man o’ brick and old pipes crawled
out the rubble, caught the wreckin’ ball like a softball, vanished into the night.
They say it reached through a window, crushed the hand of a woman who
was finna hit her son. Threw a dumpster at teenagers who got in a knife fight.
Cop tazed a kid for talking back and it showed out of nowhere, caught the
electrodes, knocked the cop cold with one punch. Any night but Friday. It’s
protecting the place, but it’s outta control.”

City Guides

For mortals, the newest drug on the street—“blush”—is a mild stimulant with
effects comparable to attention-deficit drugs, but it makes members of
Night look and feel human and alive again. Werewolves stay chill through full
moons. Vampires breathe, food tasting richer and blood having no attraction.
Ghosts appear and feel solid without effort.

. ynthesizing blush requires myriad chemicals and a small quantity of vam-
pire or werewolf blood or ghostly ectoplasm. The most successful man-
ufacturer is Bedford Park’s Whitney Janggok, a former vampire thrall who
learned necromancy from her late “employer.” She didn’t want to hire crews
of illegal immigrants like other blush producers, so she’s got a container ship
floating in the East River where dozens of reanimated corpses cut and pack
the goods.

Custom Moves
Ten Crack Commandments: When you sell drugs in the Bronx, roll
with Mind. On a hit, you drop weight for a fair price. On a 7-9, the MC
chooses one:
• word spreads of your weight, money, or movements
• you had to buy on credit—your supplier takes a Debt on you
• someone you trust with your business makes trouble for you
On a miss, you’re in trouble right here, right now, with police, rival dealers,
or worse.

The Blush of Life: If you’re supernatural and you take blush (or feed on
someone who’s taken blush within the past 48 hours), for the next 24 hours
you seem mortal. Manifesting supernatural abilities—a vampire’s fangs, a
werewolf’s animal form—is possible with effort. During this period, advance
all basic moves and lose let it out.

The Crash: When you’re coming down off blush, roll with Night, with a
cumulative +1 for every consecutive hit of blush you’ve taken after the first.
On a 10+, choose two. On a 7-9, choose one.
• Mark corruption
• Lose access to an archetype move (MC’s choice) for the next
twenty-four hours
• Get a Scar (counts as two choices)
• Take another hit of blush
On a miss, you’re fine. Lucky.

Countdown Clock
3:00 – Elder were-jaguar Charo Fernández is exposed as a blush addict
and dethroned.

6:00 – A night-long standoff pits blush pushers against an organized crime

syndicate (Albanian or Sicilian, perhaps) trying to seize control of the trade.

9:00 – An epidemic-within-an-epidemic of HIV-infected blush needles

spreads, infecting the vetāla DJ Chiranjivi.

10:00 – Two sub-Factions within Night (vampires and werewolves are classic)
go to the mattresses to control the trade, turning abandoned buildings into
fortresses and streets into war zones.

11:00 – Providers cut blush unsafely to stretch their supply. When a PC

comes down off blush, they have to pick one extra option from the list, even
on a miss. Chiranjivi gets sick from a bad hit of this stuff.

12:00 – Nine tenths of Night in the Bronx, across supernatural species and at
all levels of the totem pole, are addicted to blush. The rest of Night excom-
municates the borough.


Lydig Avenue-based Afterlife Records calls itself an antidote to music industry
giants; but CEO Xhesika “Jessie” Xhepa conducts business like the unholy
child of Roulette and Death Row Records. Punishing tour schedules.
Too-frequent public appearances. Royalty checks that never arrive. And that’s
just those who actually sign. Those who don’t face smashed windows, scary
letters sent to friends and family, and songs from their demos turning up on
the radio in other Afterlife artists’ catalogues. Artists who make it big in spite
of turning down an Afterlife contract frequently find themselves living in fear
of the hail of bullets out of a SUV window which has erased many of Jes-
sie’s enemies.

You wouldn’t know it to look at this short, round-faced woman with platinum
blonde hair, big eyes, and a perpetual smile, wearing whatever’s fashionable
this week, but Jessie’s advantages include Albanian mob connections and
witchcraft. She’s never above ensorcelling artists she can’t control through
half-empty promises and intimidation. Yet Jessie sees herself as an elder
guardian. She led the effort to burn vampires out of the Bronx in the ‘70s, and
balances her villainy with well-publicized philanthropy and angel investment
into neighborhood businesses. But can her ends justify her means?

City Guides
Custom Moves
The Craft: When you ask Jessie to aid you with witchcraft, she takes a Debt
on you and gives you a blank compact disc. Break the disc to use any one
faerie power or wizard spell as if you’d paid the price or spent 1-hold, just
this once.

Industry Rule #4080: When you sign with Afterlife, they put you on con-
tract. Whenever you have downtime, hit the studio and roll with Heart. On a
10+, the track is hot: Jessie’s happy and you take a Debt on her. On a 7-9, the
track’s still hot, but Jessie needs another (probably unpleasant or embarrass-
ing) service before she cuts your check: intimidation, muckraking, cleanup,
etc. On a miss, the track goes nowhere, but someone in the neighborhood is
under the impression you were talking about them. Oops.

Countdown Clock
3:00 – Neighborhood blogger Olufunmilayo investigates Jessie for unde-
clared, unauthorized economancy after Afterlife stock shoots the moon.

6:00 – Doxxing and a terror campaign force Olufunmilayo into hiding.

9:00 – The Dark Web floods with personal information about Jessie’s ene-
mies, including one of the PCs (who may not even know what they did to
upset her).

9:00 – MC Wreck, an up-and-coming rapper in Wild, dies in a drive-by out-

side a nightclub a week after refusing an Afterlife contract.

10:00 – Jessie engages the Bronx’s deadliest, least scrupulous hunter lodge
as “corporate security,” redoubling her intimidation campaigns.

12:00 – The Bronx burns. Jessie’s goons recreate the arson of the 1970s to
purge her enemies in a night of fire, fear, and death.


City Guides

Brooklyn. In New York, it’s home. Home to a long line of immigrants, beatniks,
rappers, hipsters…culture. Sure, maybe the rest of the world thinks of Manhat-
tan when they think of New York—but Brooklyn stands on its own, a com-
plete city unto itself. Brooklyn is un-reliant on and independent of the rest of
the boroughs. They’re just gravy. Brooklyn is the place to be—which is just
one of the things that makes it so dangerous.

Brooklyn has this aura of “cool” about it. It’s a major creative zone, largely in
a style we’ll call “Brooklyn-Retro”: letterpress printing, “old-timey” music, and
the move to capitalize on individual artisanal products. The drive to create is
almost certainly a side effect of the high population of hedge mages. It’s really
no wonder the Brooklyn startup scene is so strong, when you start looking
beneath the surface.

Brooklyn is also at war. The politicians and developers have always been in
bed together, but all the new money has prompted them to make a show of
cleaning up the city. Daylight looks a little bit nicer for the rich folks and the
darkness gets darker for all those who can’t afford new lights.

In some places this looks like gentrification as demons and other outsiders
move in; even the long-time residents of the “good” neighborhoods start to
feel out of place. In other areas it looks like rough neighborhoods getting
worse as the new residents bring high concentrations of danger and poverty
into stark contrast. And yet in others it looks like rebuilding as life, residency,
and cool is brought to formerly industrial areas. Then again, it’s always kind of
been that way. Others want what Brooklyn’s got.

Brooklyn is ultimately one of the most difficult and welcoming places in the
world for anyone. You can find anything you want here, from anywhere in
the world. It’s iconic, expensive, and flush with money, creativity, power, and
darkness. Stay a while. There’s a little space here that we’ve saved just for
you—if you’re prepared to defend it and make it yours.

• Get someone lost in an entirely unfamiliar neighborhood
• Take zero shit from someone
• Change the dynamics of a neighborhood without notice
• Make life difficult for an outsider
• Shut someone down with traditions
• Prop up someone’s rival
• Promise more



Skylines featuring decrepit rooftop water tanks. Kids playing joyously in
the spray from a fire hydrant. People sitting on the steps of a brownstone
townhouse, watching the world go by. Loud music blasting from a makeshift
performance space. Young people talking loudly in front of a graffiti-covered
wall, near a bar that just opened. Women walking dogs bigger than they are.

The smartest mortals, the survivors—the Hunters, led by Pynchon Lopez—
maintain a slipping grip on Red Hook and the Brooklyn Waterfront. It’s defen-
sible, confusing, and has a hell of an exit strategy. It also boasts one of the
most accessible industrial districts in Brooklyn.

Like most neighborhoods in Brooklyn, Red Hook is home to parks, a good

mix of residential areas, and commerce. But the waterfront area also has
access to shipping ports, which make it particularly valuable for negotiations
with the other Factions. Life in Brooklyn is tough enough without having to
deal with the other supernatural forces in the city, so leverage is key.

The rest of the Faction membership of Mortality is scattered throughout the

borough. It’s unclear whether that’s purposeful to disguise their numbers, or
just because they keep being pushed out of other places. Eleanor Childress
and her crew in Williamsburg are a notable exception; they’ve proven them-
selves too tenacious and vicious to simply edge out, and no one else has
risked pushing harder…yet.

When an outpost of Mortality shows up, it’s frequently seen from the outside
as heralding an imminent move from Power or Wild. Popularity breeds greed,
and Mortality has proven themselves the best at outright creating cultural
trends. Which catches others’ attention. And starts the cycle over again.

Hedge mages are Brooklyn’s heartblood of creativity. Their territory is made
up of DUMBO, Gowanus, Williamsburg, Greenpoint, and other neighbor-
hoods rife with new co-working spaces, trade workshops, and startups. Nico-
demus Forsythe has definitely made some formal ties with the Mortality Fac-
tion through Childress, which—knowing Childress’ reputation—appears fairly
tenuous to outsiders and a potential exploitation point. But recent attempts to
sever those ties have been minimally fruitful so far, suggesting that the bond
between Power and Mortality is much more than what it seems.

City Guides
For the most part, members of the Power Faction have little choice but to
make something of a show of themselves. The other Factions work much
deeper in the darkness and this doesn’t leave much room in the shadows. So
Power has been forced to adapt and has done so successfully by walking the
line between the daylight and the shadows.

Power’s brazen and obvious movements imply a discovery of a new kind of

magical intersection point that has unbelievably gone unknown. It’s thought
that this could be a feint, but the results of reconnaissance and probing tests
of their defenses around the apparent intersections have been met with
significant force. It’s likely that Power will gain a stranglehold on something
powerful, but it’s still unknown what exactly that is.

All it takes is one little disaster. New York City is at sea level, and right on the
water. Water comes in, power goes down, and when Night falls, everything is
its prey. The Turk has his eye on taking the rest of Brooklyn. He’s been patient,
but recent events have him more irritable than usual, to say the least.

Wild is the only Faction that truly recognizes the threat that is Night. They
have shored up their defenses while Power and Mortality try their hardest to
remain willfully ignorant of the coming change. The mortals in the deepest
reaches of Brooklyn are amenable to a changing of the guard. Alternately
ignored and pushed further out by those with a greedy desire to touch the
hem of Manhattan, they fear neither the darkness nor the coming change.

While Power and Mortality make a lot of noise about magical intersection
and controlling other such tinsel, Night has territory. More than the other
three Factions combined. The others would have you believe that they exist
in darkness, but their lightbulbs, will-o'-wisps, and the like prove otherwise.
Night is the darkness and it is coming.

You might guess that Wild owns Brooklyn. You’d guess wrong…but not for
lack of trying. The last time there was a push for more territory, the conse-
quences were a massive power failure that shut down the entire eastern sea-
board and brought trouble to everyone’s door, virtually handing it all to Night.
Those in charge of that blunder have been…reassigned. But that fiasco wasn’t
without benefit. It brought Anastasia Adu Agyeman to the city. She’s been
quietly rebuilding sleeper cells within other Factions’ territory.

For now, Wild owns the outskirts. Those areas just a little further out than
is convenient. Brooklyn is a big borough, after all. Bay Ridge, Borough Park,
Flatbush, the ethnic neighborhoods where the people know there are things
beyond their ken. They know it’s best for them to have Wild there because
the things that go bump in the night exist just a few blocks further out. The
devil you know, right?



The self-proclaimed “most educated man in New York,” Nicodemus Forsythe
is a wizard and maker who claims to have discovered a new magical intersec-
tion in DUMBO. He’s been making a lot of noise about this recently and it’s
starting to make a lot of people within his Faction nervous because it’s draw-
ing a lot of attention. Some years back, he took out some subway ads with his
face on ‘em. They still show up from time to time. They always kinda look like
the eyes are following you.


Leader of Red Hook’s Hunters, Pynchon has a talent for getting into, and
dealing with, trouble. Word on the street is that a lot of people are seriously
pissed on account of she recently took a trip into Wild’s territory, uninvited,
and took out one of the Turk’s wolf packs that she encountered. By herself.
While drunk. Which has caused no end of diplomatic troubles for everyone
even remotely involved. She’s an alcoholic and a fanatic, and is occasionally
found wandering the subways screaming about hell and damnation. Keeping
her sober is half the job, but it wouldn’t do to let on.


Originally from southern Spain, Tony has been in Brooklyn since before
there was a Brooklyn. Part of his success is his reputation with the variety of
minority groups and blockading versus aggressive gentrification. The Turk
runs the significant portion of Night’s Territory and quietly manages piracy of
NYC shipping from his compound in Gravesend. He’s had a lot of trouble with
this since Pynchon started making trouble for him. At this point he’s been
forced to start using mortals to handle the piracy on account of the hunters
watching the ports more closely.


This Dragon has probably changed her name (and apparent gender) a hun-
dred times this week. She’s a little off, but she knows people. Lots of people.
She fixes up deals all over the place, and in doing so mucks up plenty of other
people’s deals or situations. Dealing with Dakini is generally considered to be
a cost of doing business in Brooklyn since she opens many more doors than
she closes. She’s said to be responsible for negotiating Night’s frequent use of
the Brooklyn Waterfront, which earned her some friends and lost her plenty
of others. Be very careful in dealing with her—she’s a total wild card.

City Guides

Cast and Description
The hedge mage startup scene in DUMBO is busy trying to harness what
appears to be a previously unknown kind of ley line. They’re busy experi-
menting on it, which is causing a variety of ripple effects that prompt con-
sternation among the other Factions throughout the borough. Not that the
hedge mages have noticed; they’ve been too absorbed in poking and prod-
ding at it to be aware that it’s started to poke back. Atholezzia the Unmaker
is bound here, and as its bonds are tapped for other uses, its spirit and body
are slowly released.

Custom Moves
Ripples in the Fabric: When you let it out, choose an additional effect as
you access the power of the ley line. On a miss, erase a Debt someone holds
on you, and give a Debt to Atholezzia.

The Unmaking: When you gaze upon the visage of Atholezzia the
Unmaker seeking answers, roll + Heart. On a 10+, you experience a vision
of what is to come. On a 7-9, your courage is unmade and you must flee. On
a miss, you flee and realize later that a prized possession or memory has been
unmade by Atholezzia.

Countdown Clock
3:00 – The word on the street is that Power’s entrenched leadership is being
challenged from within the Faction.

6:00 – Nico Forsythe’s workshop completely disappears, along with many

important notebooks.

9:00 – Wild outposts within Power’s territory vanish without a trace, creating
a lot of tension between Wild and Power.

10:00 – Nico’s body is found, washed up on the Rockaways.

11:00 – Eleanor Childress, King of Williamsburg, is discovered wandering the

streets, suffering from acute memory loss and unidentifiable burn marks.

12:00 – Atholezzia the Unmaker is released from its bonds, unmaking the
Brooklyn Bridge.



Cast and Description
A crew of graffiti artists (led by a chaos elemental named “Q”) has started
marking turf in places that have stirred up a certain amount of trouble, which
in turn has given a lot of dangerous people certain anxieties. It’s completely
unclear if these tags are a foreshadowing of Mortality making a move, a feint
by Wild, some kind of tricks by Power, or a frame-up by Night. With everyone
on edge about any perceived slight, Brooklyn just got a lot more dangerous.

Custom Moves
Found Art: When you study a truth tag for its secrets, roll + Spirit. On a hit,
spend hold and secrets of the city are revealed to you. On a 10+ hold two.
On a 7-9, hold one and it asks you a question too, which then becomes part
of the tag:
• Who was the last one to lose themselves while studying this tag?
• What did I see before, but miss the importance of?
• Where should I be looking for potential allies?
• How will I die?
On a miss, hold one but also give up a Debt to the tag.

In the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time: When you destroy a truth tag, roll
+ Blood. On a 10+, you succeed, but the tag infests your thoughts until you
find another one and study it for its secrets. On a 7-9, as before, but take -1
ongoing to Mind until you inspect another tag. On a miss, the tag shifts loca-
tion before you can destroy it, stealing one of your secrets while it escapes.

Countdown Clock
3:00 – A new graffiti crew’s tags appear in seemingly unrelated places.

6:00 – Sharply satirical art featuring recognizable players from all four Fac-
tions appears; violent skirmishes begin to break out between Factions and
tensions get high.

9:00 – Dakini Vargas is murdered. Night disclaims responsibility, despite very

suspicious circumstances.

10:00 – Wild’s factional leaders are assassinated and Power and Night take
advantage of the timing to entirely take their territory.

11:00 – Mortality goes completely dark. But no one is quite prepared to pick
up their territory and local mortal gangs take some semblance of control.

12:00 – “Q” announces an era of anarchy and chaos as Brooklyn devolves

into war in the streets. The mortal city government declares martial law and
puts Brooklyn under quarantine. “Q” disappears.

City Guides


Cast and Description
Night already controls the majority of the land area in Brooklyn. They’ve made
a show of being “held back” to the outskirts, while instead biding their time
and winning clever little victories. The other Factions have grown complacent
and turned their attention to their own business instead of keeping their face
towards danger. Now, the Turk is ready to move, and when the time comes,
the darkness will not be held back.

Custom Moves
Limited Resources: When you make a Faction move, roll with Night no
matter who you’re going to see. On a hit, make the move as usual. On a 7-9,
the Turk knows who you are. On a miss, the Turk cares who you are.

The Darkness Without: When you find yourself alone in the darkness, roll
with Heart. On a hit, you steel your nerves and proceed unopposed; on a 7-9
pick one:
• Whisper a personal secret to the darkness
• Observe, but also become a part of a fiendish ritual that’s binding
a deeper power to your current location
• Stumble into a war party; give up a Debt to escape unmolested
On a miss, reveal the Name of someone who trusts you to a spirit corrupting
the current location.

Countdown Clock
3:00 – Poorer areas of Brooklyn lose power completely.

6:00 – Pynchon is more and more frequently found drunkenly raving about
the coming darkness.

9:00 – Protests about the loss of power turn to riots, cutting off Brooklyn’s
East River crossings. In this mess, the hunters are forced out of Red Hook
and scattered.

10:00 – Night takes Brooklyn’s perimeter as Wild’s defenses mysteriously col-


11:00 – The Turk proclaims himself the Ruler of Brooklyn and delivers an ulti-
matum to Power, demanding their subservience.

12:00 – With Power’s compliance, the Turk’s final ritual is completed and
Brooklyn is shrouded in permanent darkness.


City Guides

All the world, monster or human, wishes it could live in New York. All New
York wishes it could live in Manhattan. That desire means the end of your
world is likely to begin here. Maybe you’ll be there to see it.

Manhattan, a narrow island running mostly north-to-south, is New York’s

densest borough. Occupants quickly ran out of lateral expansion space; but
the island’s bedrock is ancient, solid schist, ideal for skyscrapers. America’s
most extreme income gap lives here: the top 5% of households earns 88
times as much as the poorest 20%. Old-money edifices contrast with immi-
grant enclaves in a borough that birthed the modern gay rights movement in
the Stonewall riots, the War on Terror in the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks,
and the Occupy movement in Zuccotti Park.

Here, there’s at least one of everything. Number one international financial

center? Wall Street. World’s largest stock exchanges? NASDAQ, NYSE. Black
cultural crossroads? Harlem. Labyrinthine metropolitan parkland? Central
Park. Ivy League university? Columbia. World government headquarters?
United Nations. The Western hemisphere’s densest-packed Chinatown?
Canal Street. Hidden underground tunnels? Seven stories of ‘em. Innumerable
fictional portrayals? Everything from The Great Gatsby to Shaft.

Manhattan’s population, pulsing culture and nightlife, and subterranean

or verdurous hiding places host enough ambient weirdness that no one’s
likely to care that you’re staggering around the subway in pajamas, chatter-
ing warding incantations as you flee invisible demons you summoned by
accident. Hell, someone will probably give you change. But for these same
reasons, the supernatural-to-mortal ratio is high enough that even if that first
subway diabolist doesn’t turn any heads, the eighth that day might not be
so lucky. Manhattan walks the line between “occult safe haven” and “cata-
strophic reveal of the shadow world while the entire globe watches.”

• Flood the area with tourists
• Make demands on their pocketbook
• Catch someone in the crossfire between warring parties
• Introduce a powerful foreigner
• Join two unlikely enemies’ forces



An art-deco subway station, abandoned to the homeless. An all-night halāl
food stand’s line wraps a city block. Four angels alight on a skyscraper. As lim-
ousines disgorge dignitaries into the General Assembly, demonstrators chant
and wave signs. Luxury townhouses and apartments line one side of a street,
tenements and boarded-up windows the other.

Manhattan monster-hunting is an organized sport. The Condottieri recruit
both Italian-American police and mafiosi seeking brotherhood after the col-
lapse of the Five Families. Ex-gangsters run and customize guns for beat cops
and button men who spend off hours threatening or murdering faeries who
kidnap children, or vampires who feed to excess. Some work is pro bono, but
most is paid. Not a few contracts come from Faction members hoping to
eliminate supernatural competition without dirtying their own hands.

Accordingly, one does not simply roll into Manhattan with a trunkful of shotguns
and nitroglycerin and go to work. You need to make the proper introductions,
prove your training, and convince the establishment you’re an asset—lest you
end up on their hit list like the next out-of-control werewolf. Loose-cannon
mortals are as likely as evil wizards to blow our cover. Don’t be that guy, okay?

Little do tourists of Broadway’s haunted theaters suspect that phantoms
run the opera. After the last mortal curtain falls, centuries of dead perform-
ers flicker into being on stage and in the wings, while spirit-mediums and
vampire necromancers collect tickets and run security. On the Great Night
Way, you can still enjoy shows that premiered in 1750, if you don’t mind that
actors still bear the wounds that felled them, and singers sound like they’re
foretelling your death. The attendant dinners, afterparties, and intermissions
are attractive opportunities for monsters to see and be seen, safely. Invitations
and opera boxes are in high demand, and frequently horse-traded for expen-
sive cars, thralls, or relics.

. ut Broadway’s daylight frontier tempts many of the ambitious dead. Perhaps
you’ve heard of the poltergeist of a set designer who completely remade a
musical’s set overnight. Or the prima ballerina who collapsed during a dress
rehearsal (vampire lover, hypoglycemic shock). Or the jealous ghoul who
sabotaged an acrobat’s safety equipment so he’d join her in death. How long
before an actor gets possessed on stage, or a banshee steals an aria? If the
truth gets revealed on Broadway, no cover-up can save any of us.

City Guides

The diviners and economancers in the overgrown Wall Street fraternity called
Sigma Omega have met yearly since 1929 in the St. Regis Hotel ballroom
to network, compare tax breaks, and live out their motto, “Dum vivamus,
edimus et biberimus” (“While we live, we eat and drink”). Since the 2007-2009
financial crisis and market crash, their once-subtle invisible hand has grown
heavier. Given government oversight’s failure to stave off catastrophe, is
maintaining the economy not their sovereign duty? If a little off the top winds
up in their pockets in the process, who suffers? They should be thanked for
their involvement.

. igmas who discover mages or augurs outside the 1% first try to absorb these
wayward powers into their own corporations, tempting them with money
and influence. Say no and Sigmas might buy the company where you work
and fire you, or the building where you live and evict you, driving you out of
their town or into enemies’ clutches. Sigma Omega’s best efforts are effective,
but rentpunk communities still hang on in urban squats or on the periphery of
other Factions’ territories. Sigma Omega’s policy may be driving Power’s next
generation into alliance with their enemies.

Dutch interlopers bought Manhattan from the Lenape long ago, but Indian
legendry spirits stuck around: Raccoon, Heron, Turtle, Bat, and company,
species representatives who can assume partially or fully human forms. Wave
after wave of immigrants brought their own faeries with them: Irish aos sídhe,
Russian house-spirits, Chinese xiān. Faerie courts—pockets of the world
beyond woven into New York’s wild places, the parks and subway rats’ nests
and riversides—allow these permanent outsiders to flirt or quarrel without
starting race wars.

Central Park’s Belvedere Castle harbors the oldest, most constant court,
where a Faerie Queen and King have ruled since Manhattan’s English occupa-
tion. Many of Wild resent absolute monarchy, but disagree on how to replace
it. Daoist-Legalist xiān want constitutional monarchy. Iroquois nature-spirits
want a representative assembly. Brazilian exûs like the royalty concept, but
propose a complicated annual election system involving sequined costumes
and samba. Were the European bloc to succumb to intramural politics, or
the dissenters to compromise and unite behind one government, the Castle
might fall or be taken, for the first time in centuries. Keg, meet fire. But will a
house so divided stand up to the other Factions?



Archbishop of New York
Born to Dominican immigrants in Washington Heights in 1962, José Ilde-
fonso Quintana y Puerta was a US Navy chaplain, wounded when America
invaded Grenada in 1983. Now the Catholic Church’s youngest cardinal, he
heads a clerical committee that intercedes between mortal and supernatural,
and combats human rights abuses, like human trafficking among other Fac-
tions. Soft-spoken, he prefers backroom arbitration and dialogue to speeches,
though his office frequently drags him into the spotlight. Cardinal Quintana
is a large, imposing man with dark skin, a short beard, and a scarred face. He
wears traditional red and white, and uses a wheelchair.


Reporter by Night, Cleaner by Later That Night
Bolstering Columbia training with superhuman senses, the werewolf Penelope
Winston is the Grey Lady’s best investigative journalist, revealing the truth behind
crimes that baffle the police and scandals that sweep the media. But many of
Penny’s findings have been lies, carefully constructed after other members of
Night sought her help to cover up evidence of paranormal activity. Journalis-
tic integrity’s conflict with Faction loyalty is quietly tearing her apart. Penny is a
Munsee Indian woman in a Chanel pantsuit with dark hair in a ballet bun. Her
wolf form is large but wiry, with hound-like proportions and dark gray fur.

Street Dance Soothsayer
The daughter of Japanese banker-magi who moved to Manhattan during the
nineties, Hara Kanon (原花音) is a talented diviner and an even better b-girl.
Her uprock is the ecstasy of Delphi, and her downrock tells her the street’s
memories when her callused hands touch cardboard or pavement. Despite
(okay, really because of) parental pressure, she refuses formal allegiance to
any of the Factions. She cares only for dance; the whispers and visions are
peripheral, dispensed to the hip hop community without bias. Cannon is fif-
teen, androgynous, and expensively and fashionably dressed.

Stone Guardian Lion
Although most assume the Parks Department periodically relocates this mas-
sive lion statue while no one’s watching, Sir Lĭ (李爵士) moves nimbly when he
cares to, making sure visiting supernaturals respect Chinatown and its denizens.
Surly values comportment over Faction: he might allow occasional feedings by
polite vampires who make offerings of incense, poetry, or meat, but knock rude
angels out of the air on sight. Rumor has it that certain audacious hunters plot
secretly to eliminate Surly and replace him as Chinatown’s warden. He’s tough,
but with few allies in his Faction; can he weather such a storm?

City Guides

The organ of Manhattan responsible for your protection and safety is also
your greatest threat. Many brave officers stand committed to law and peace;
but incidents like the Stonewall riots, the 30th Precinct’s “Dirty Thirty” scandal,
and Amadou Diallo’s murder confirmed the NYPD’s reputation for prejudice,
brutality, and corruption in popular imagination and the fears of New Yorkers—
especially young men of color.

Using fearmongering post-9/11 rhetoric and his political connections, Police

Commissioner Murdoch Slane defends the five-oh and their medieval meth-
ods. Courts of law offer no recourse; charges against police almost never
make it past a grand jury. As Manhattan’s paranormal overpopulation swells,
the police more frequently come face-to-face with vampiric exsanguinations
and sorcerous lab mishaps. Before long they’ll put two and two together; but
will they expose this darkest secret, or hide it behind the Blue Shield?

Custom Moves
Fidelis ad Mortem: Cops present a united front. When you share the origin
and details of a Debt with your NYPD partner, commanding officer, or subor-
dinate, you may transfer that Debt to your confidant.

See Something, Say Nothing, Drink to Forget: When you cover up evi-
dence of paranormal activity, roll with Mind. On a hit, no one who observes
the site will know anything out of the ordinary happened there. On a 7-9, eh,
pretty good, but the MC chooses one:
• It takes for friggin’ ever
• You need _____ to make it convincing
• You need _____’s help to make it convincing
• The process of cleaning it up reveals an unwelcome truth
• It’ll satisfy a quick look, but not a detailed or protracted investigation
On a miss, your attempts at evasion are amateurish and clumsy. One of your
old enemies follows the trail you leave to your doorstep at an inopportune
time. The MC will tell you when.

Stop and Frisk: If you encounter the police on an open city street and your
Look includes Black or Latino and you’re doing something “suspicious,” roll
with Mortality. On a 10+ choose three, on a 7-9 choose two.
• The stop doesn’t waste much of your time
• They don’t find your contraband
• They don’t find clues to your true nature
• No one inconvenient observes your humiliation

Countdown Clock
3:00 – A prominent Night or Wild member dies in a holding cell.

6:00 – A SWAT team raids a “crack den” (read: supernatural habitat) in the
meatpacking district, killing everything within.

9:00 – The NYPD violently suppresses anti-authoritarian riots in the finan-

cial district.

10:00 – In conjunction with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the NYPD

assembles the Domestic Insurgency and Terrorism Vanguard (DITV)—a cover
for a COINTELPRO-esque investigation and infiltration of New York’s super-
natural communities.

11:00 – Commissioner Slane delivers a secret ultimatum to the leaders of

Night, Power, and Wild: comply with his department’s demands, or face
exposure and extermination.

12:00 – Commissioner Slane informs the Governor of New York and the
President of the United States of the supernatural situation. Panic erupts as
the National Guard rolls into Manhattan to wipe out the threat.


Sometimes a subway train comes that isn’t the one you wanted—a train
with a skeleton of scorched wood braided with oxidized steel, with graffiti
in shades of dried blood, with headlamps glowing like brimstone. Its crest is
sable, a hollow ellipse argent. It is the Zero Train. Some say it was an angel
once, burning bright along tracks high as heaven in the light of day, before
the prideful ones who walked below cast it down beneath the earth. Now it
roams tunnels, vengeful and bitter, snapping at living trains’ heels, throwing
itself at stone and concrete to cut new paths for itself and its rattling chil-
dren, and inducting souls lost in the deep into its cult. The Zero cuts profane
geometry into the Undercity’s halls, until the day arrives when it links the sub-
ways to Hell’s own terminal, and the Devil’s engines rattle forth to cross our
unsuspecting commutes.

Custom Moves
Crazy Train: When you listen to the Zero Cultists preach their blasphemous
timetables, roll with Spirit. On a 7-9 you’re OK for now, but you must keep
your cool to act against them or their train. On a 10+ you’re better than okay:
you successfully open your brain to the maelstrom of terrible portents that
the Zero broadcasts. The MC will grant you a detailed (but freaky) vision of
some information or secret relevant to you or your interests, originally seen
by the Zero or its cult.

City Guides
Unplanned Service Changes: When you must get somewhere with a quick-
ness, the Zero might show up to offer you a ride—if you can afford it. If you
pay with:
• Blood, spill it on the tracks and take 1-harm (ap)
• Heart, you owe the Zero a Debt
• Mind, transfer a Debt someone owes you to the Zero—you’ve
forgotten it
• Spirit, mark corruption
Note: This price is in addition to, not instead of, the $2.75 on your MetroCard
(or whatever absurd rate it is by the time you read this text).

Roll with whatever you paid. On a hit, no matter where in the greater New
York metropolitan area you need to go, you roll up right on time. On a 10+,
mark Wild and also choose one:
• Secure a free ride home from the Zero
• Find evidence of the last person or party to take the Zero before
you (it’s always someone interesting)
• Get a crazy vision as per 10+ on crazy train above
On a miss, you’ll get there eventually, but the ends won’t justify the means.
Note that if you’re traveling in a group, everyone pays the same price and
takes the same results, but anyone may roll.

Countdown Clock
3:00 – New subway tunnels and tracks appear overnight, without warning
or explanation.

6:00 – The Zero acquires an engineer—a fanatical preacher, ideally from

a Faction or group that likes to make trouble for the PCs, responsible for
recruiting followers as well as defending and repairing the train.

9:00 – The Zero’s movements suddenly and violently collapse a major

subway tunnel in or connecting to Manhattan, sealing at least one mortal
subway inside. It may or may not be a trap.

10:00 – Giant, fiery sinkholes open underneath various Manhattan landmarks

such as the Empire State Building, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the
Apollo Theater, consuming them entirely.

11:00 – Train service in Manhattan comes to a halt. Businesses and govern-

ment agencies shut down. The city is paralyzed as gridlock, riots, and looting
explode across the island.

12:00 – The Zero completes the ritual pathway its motion has been drawing
since it appeared, merging Manhattan with the City of Dis and transforming it
into an exclave of Hell on Earth.


City Guides

People might call Manhattan the heart of the Big Apple, but the borough
of Queens is as much the lifeblood of the city as its more famous neighbor.
With a population of nearly 2.3 million people spread over 109 square miles,
Queens is the second most populous county in New York (after Brooklyn).
Home to expensive high rise neighborhoods and dense urban sprawl, trendy
artist enclaves and large industrial areas, Queens is a blend of deep New York
history, deeply traditional immigrant neighborhoods, and powerful bor-
ough pride.

Queens’ rich history dates back to the establishment of the colony of New
Netherlands, a collection of Dutch and English settlements up and down
what would later become the western edge of Long Island. Queens survived
the American Revolution largely untouched and went on to become a major
settling ground for immigrants streaming into New York in search of new lives.
Queens grew so large that it broke away from Long Island and was incorpo-
rated into the larger city of New York in 1897, maintaining the largest square
mile area of any of the five boroughs. Those immigrant populations that set-
tled there made Queens one of the most densely packed areas in the whole
country. And those packed streets and neighborhoods echo with the sounds
of a thousand different dialects from a hundred different countries, living and
creating communities together in New York.

Queens is a dizzying mix of cultural styles and economic dispersion, a

kaleidoscope of ethnic differences and industrial growth. Neighborhoods
that were once heavily dominated by one immigrant group or another have
gradually blended their borders, though enclaves of strong Italian, Jewish,
Greek, Chinese, Korean, Filipino, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Russian, Irish, African-­
American, and Latino populations remain. Where once those communities
might have been isolated from one another, years of urban spread and cul-
tural fusion have blended many of the old neighborhoods together. Hindu
temples share streets with Greek Orthodox churches and quiet Buddhist
temples back off to hundred-year-old synagogues. Grab dinner in any of
Jamaica’s small Caribbean or Latino restaurants, then hop a train a few stops
for drinks atop a million dollar high-rise overlooking the East River. Brooklyn
might be the more well-known outer borough, but those who know flock to
Queens for a low-key taste of real New York diversity.

Still, Queens has its problems. Certain areas suffer from high crime and ten-
sions run high with police in low-income minority neighborhoods. Perhaps
the biggest stress comes from the economic disparity between parts of
Queens. The shifting forces of gentrification in New York have developers

pouring cash into trendy neighborhoods like Long Island City and Astoria,
while neighborhoods further away from Manhattan miss out on the eco-
nomic growth. Communities that have existed for generations are being
priced out by wealthy out-of-towners. Expensive neighborhoods like Forest
Hills exist in Queens right alongside poorer urban areas like Ridgewood,
Jamaica, and Briarwood, where less privileged populations have fewer oppor-
tunities for mobility and growth.

At its heart, Queens is a strange microcosm of the rest of New York, a bor-
ough full of promise and rife with tradition, a place to lay your head after
you’ve been to the flashy artistry of Brooklyn or the glitz of Manhattan. Still,
the tension of Queens is of a borough on the brink, alive with the friction of
the haves and have nots, ready for a change that seems to always be just on
the horizon.

• Lose someone in confusing streets and fast-moving public trans-
• Gather together different communities to face a threat, super-
natural or mundane
• Endanger someone’s economic standing with rising costs
• Tempt someone to compromise their ideals for fame or power
• Tangle someone up in red tape and bureaucracy


A row of small restaurants underneath an elevated train platform. Kids sitting
on the stoops of aging buildings. Wealthy developers shaking hands in front
of artists’ colonies. An idyllic community farm in the middle of a city park. A
downtown shopping area with signs in a dozen languages. Old men play-
ing chess in the park. Aging monument towers over sprawling green lawns.
Smokestacks rising high over industrial warehouses. Guitar players strumming
on a pier near a homeless man, the Manhattan skyline in the distance.

The Watch claims to have begun as an ordinary neighborhood alliance, a
force outside of the local police and government to protect the citizens of
Queens county. The group was founded by concerned community leaders in
the early twentieth century when the boom of New York popularity brought
dark elements to their streets. The group solidified when they faced down a
dark wizard who attempted to turn the 1934 World’s Fair into one giant ritual
sacrifice. Since then, the Watch has become a network of eyes and ears on
the streets, training concerned citizens to protect themselves when nobody
else will help.

City Guides
Spread through every neighborhood, the Watch reports to their own com-
munity council. The organization spans across cultures, all united under the
banner of mutual survival against the darkness. They maintain a strict code of
non-negotiation with other Factions, and purge members that they believe
are tainted by supernatural forces, using whatever means they deem neces-


Queens has been a long-standing, slow-growing project of a borough,
fostered and controlled by a group calling themselves the Coalition. These
immortals settled in Queens long before it became part of New York City
and oversee its development for their own economic and political gain and
amusement. If that means displacing whole neighborhoods for the fun of
it, there is no one to truly stop them. These long-lived manipulators play the
long game and can outlast or outlive any opponents, waiting generations to
enact plans decades in the making.

Their leading enemies are the united monster packs of the Rabble, the
ever-vigilant Watch, and the Others, whose mortal associates they manipu-
late like pawns. Their money and influence control a good deal of local gov-
ernment, as well as international trade and travel through JFK and LaGuardia
airports. The Coalition builds webs of mortal infrastructure between them-
selves and any exposure, even hiring supernatural mercenaries and groups
to do their dirty work. Should trouble come, they fade into the shadows and
disappear for as long as it takes to be forgotten.


While powerful manipulators like the Coalition work behind the scenes, the
Rabble move through the streets and mark the turf as their own. Born of a
street war between the Mexican Escobar and Irish MacNamara werewolf
packs in the rough 1980s, the Rabble emerged at the end when the groups
declared peace and instead became one larger, terrifying body. With packs in
almost every neighborhood, Queens hosts more werewolves than any other
area of New York. With so many lycanthropes in one area, the heads of the
Rabble work together as a council of pack leaders to protect against expo-
sure while still letting their people live free.

The spirit of the Rabble is an independence that beats underneath the often
stifling control of the Coalition, the Others, and the Watch. They believe in the
right to live free down to their bones and support local mortal causes, shaking
the system in any way they can. Their power has kept other supernaturals like
the fae and vampires at bay, and they make each night in Queens a hair-
raising adventure from the eastern forests to the streets of Jamaica. Each
pack wears identifying markers or colors that gets Rabble-related v­ iolence
labeled as gang activity by police, but anyone who lives in the area
knows better.



When immigrants from across the world moved into Queens, they brought
their gods with them. Ancient deities of all kinds, from household ances-
tors to beloved saints, have followers among the population of Queens, and
a group of spirits have made the deeply spiritual populations their feeding
ground. Known as Others, these wild cards are neither fae nor demon, but
mortals who gain power from ancient gods.

As the gods themselves gain strength from their followers, the Others chan-
nel that god’s glory into power of their own. Their divine magic makes them
glorious creatures, avatars for their patrons on earth, and once they taste
such power, few Others ever turn back. Instead, the Others seek to maintain
their power bases by manipulating the borough’s population to keep up their
ancient traditions so they can continue to feed. To that end, the Others are
over-protective spiritual parasites, intent on maintaining their power bases
from any and all threats, supernatural and otherwise.

The Others squabble amongst themselves, and turf battles between Others
who share cultural groups are frequent. But any incursion from outside
supernatural forces can rally these avatars together to the fight. They often
aid the Watch through mortal agents, revealing themselves to their members
only when necessary. Secretly, they aim to wage war against the Coalition,
pitting their power against the schemes of the immortals for control of the
people of the borough.


Manager of the Corona Watch
Santoro is a member of the old guard of Corona, a fifth-generation Ital-
ian American whose pride in his heritage goes as deep as his hatred of the
supernatural. Santoro lost a brother to a werewolf attack and has set aside his
mortal life to lead the young people of his neighborhood in the fight, just like
his father and grandfather before him. A family man, Santoro is a born liar and
manipulator as well as a powerful fighter, and can rally troops at a moment’s
notice. Santoro considers any association with the supernatural as a taint on a
mortal’s soul and has no problem with removing such people from his neigh-
borhood, permanently.

City Guides


Founding member of the Coalition
No one is quite sure how long Gideon Hoff has lived in Queens. As far as
anyone remembers, a Hoff has always lived in the hulking Hoff House in
Forest Hills. In truth, Gideon came over from England before the Revolution-
ary War and recognized the economic possibilities in the growing immi-
grant neighborhoods. As a founding member of the Coalition, Gideon has
been manipulating mortals for hundreds of years, pitting ethnic and religious
groups against one another to his advantage. A wealthy patron of the arts,
Gideon is on the surface one of the charming wealthy of the New York arts
scene. But behind closed doors he is a ruthless power broker, willing to sell
anyone out to protect his vast economic holdings.


Up-and-coming Rabble werewolf
The streets of Queens seem no different to Sasha than where she grew up
on the streets of Caracas, Venezuela. The daughter of a Russian artist and a
politically active school teacher, Sasha and her mother fled South America
after her father was killed in civil war. Though her mother wanted her to settle
down, Sasha got into local activism where she met and joined the Esco-
bar werewolf pack just before the founding of the Rabble in 1984. Sasha is
passionate about her pack and local politics, and brings her strong voice and
razor sharp intelligence to everything she does. When the chips are down,
Sasha often surprises others by being willing to negotiate, but push her too far
and she’ll defend her territory and friends viciously.


Follower of Shakti
Ankita began her life as a doctor and mother in the Ozone Park section of
Queens. Devoted to helping couples conceive children at her fertility practice,
Ankita once faced a crisis of confidence in her career and turned to her spir-
itual beliefs for solace. It was then that the Divine Mother Shakti reached out
to her, and Ankita found herself becoming a powerful avatar for the Moth-
er’s will. Ankita expanded her practice to open a women’s health clinic and
battered women’s shelter to help the less fortunate of her community. She is
calm and assertive, and while she values tradition, she’s willing to push aside
old ways of thinking to protect life and limb. With her wicked sense of humor,
she has no trouble throwing people off guard with an off-color joke, but
makes people feel at home with her open-mindedness and empathy.


Cast and Description
A lonely spirit has been spotted roaming the Bayside Jewish Cemetery at
night. Often mistaken for a vagrant in black with long limbs, this man is no
man at all, but a hungry ghost possessing a trapped homeless man, out to
consume the souls of any who would enter the grounds at night. Should it
consume three souls in one evening, it will become immortal and bound for-
ever to the poor body it inhabits. When a group of funeral attendees leave the
cemetery late in the day, the Dybbuk of Bayside follows to secure its immor-
tality once and for all.

Custom Moves
Disregard for Mortal Frame: The Dybbuk may twist and contort its host
into any shape to get through tiny spaces. When you pursue the Dybbuk in
tight quarters, roll with Mind. On a hit, you keep up with the ghost despite its
supernatural evasion; tell the MC how you do it. On a 7-9, you lose some-
thing or someone along the way. On a miss, you can’t quite fit...and you end
up exposed and vulnerable because of your efforts.

Countdown Clock
3:00 – Cemetery shutting early sends the Dybbuk out on the street, tracking
the mourners of a late funeral. Oracles across the city get signs of the Dyb-
buk’s awakening, scratching messages into any surface around them.

6:00 – The Dybbuk tracks the funeral back to a posh house in Forest Hills and
sneaks into the house among the mourners.

9:00 – The Dybbuk attacks Benjamin Keiser, teenage grandson of the

deceased. The boy has an emotional breakdown from the nightmares
inflicted by the Dybbuk.

10:00 – The Dybbuk consumes the soul of Helen Keiser, the elderly widow
from the funeral. She dies from the stress.

11:00 – Benjamin Keiser stages a last stand against the Dybbuk, but is con-
sumed. He dies screaming.

12:00 – The Dybbuk kills and consumes Rabbi Eliezar Stone, local com-
munity leader and respected wizard, gaining the rabbi’s mystic power. The
Dybbuk walks free in Queens, ready to carve out a new life as an immortal
stealer of souls.

City Guides


Cast and Description
In Astoria, a street festival called the Bacchanalia runs at night, luring in young
people from across the city. It’s run by a wild group of followers of the Roman
god Bacchus, aimed at gathering power to reconstitute their old god with the
sacrificed lives of revelers. The locals are nervous about the rowdy, drunken
debauchery going on, but they have no idea that the worst is yet to come.
The Bacchae want to have one mad hurrah to introduce them as a major
power player in the area, and if they can get the crowd whipped up just right,
their god will help them wipe out any powerful supernaturals that attend
the party.

Custom Moves
In Vino Veritas: The Bacchae can enchant any drink to give the effects of
strong alcohol. When you drink a beverage enchanted by the Bacchae, roll
with Spirit. On a hit, you resist the Bacchae’s influence and heal 2-harm. On a
7-9, you become drunk and intoxicated; take a -1 ongoing for the scene. On
a miss, you lose yourself in the substance and awaken later in a compromised
position; the Bacchae take a Debt on you.

Countdown Clock
3:00 – The Bacchanalia opens to the public. All vice, especially drinking,
is welcome.

6:00 – The Bacchae lure crowds to the party where several disappear amid
the drunken revelry. Rumblings of a major political shift among the Others
stirs up tensions.

9:00 – The Bacchae hold a one-night festival to invite other supernatural ele-
ments from around the city to meet them and celebrate the glory of Bacchus.
Local wineries are picked clean and the police are paid off to stay out of the
way. The Watch and Rabble werewolves roll in to try to contain the situation,
but soon get caught up in the festivities and violence.

10:00 – Representatives from the Others arrive to try to reason with the
Bacchae, only to face assault as the chaos begins in earnest. Bacchae ensnare
mortals through alcohol to lash out violently against one another and to fight
with them against opposition.

11:00 – Hopelessly overwhelmed, the Watch members and other mortals are
drawn into the chaos as the Bacchae begin a riot aimed at killing scores of
potential political enemies in their way.

12:00 – The Bacchae drive the crowd into a bloodbath that destroys a
number of major powers from all over the city. The power structure of the
city must change to accommodate the new god and his followers.


City Guides

Most New Yorkers know this half-natural, half-landfill triangle only by (bad)
reputation. Three bridges pull it tight against New Jersey, as if trying to tear it
west, away from New York. There’s one ferry north to Manhattan, one bridge
east to Brooklyn, and that’s it. Its north shore looks like a city, its west shore
like an industrial park. The rest seems rural in comparison.

Yet this pastoral borough has always known death and war. The Lenape
interred their dead at Burial Ridge, the city’s largest pre-European cemetery.
America, Canada, and Britain fought here during the American Revolution.
Now, jackbooted vampires leap from cover firing Desert Eagles as ghosts
draw claymores from under trenchcoats to block silver rounds. Scarred,
tattooed beastmen course through abandoned warehouses full of lurching
ghouls. It’s one goth rock soundtrack away from a 1990s action sequence,
but bullet holes in hospital windows and bloody clawmarks on playground
slides make it much less amusing.

All of Night’s most sociopathic, least coherent murderers and thieves drained
into Staten after other boroughs exiled them. The rest of NYC’s Night
fears to get involved—either for their own safety, or because of rumors
that the violence is contagious. Mortality can barely restrain the problem
from public view. Power’s scattered, disorganized. Wild, while powerful,
­suggests solutions as extreme as they are effective. Staten Island’s in tense,
violent equilibrium.

It’s only New York’s sleepiest borough until sunset.

• Cut off their escape
• Drive up the price
• Drag them into water
• Isolate them from friends and allies
• Give urban areas rural dangers, or vice versa


Container ships loom offshore. Mobsters golf and converse in Russian. A sil-
houette crests a trash heap like a mountain climber. A police officer chokes a
man gasping “I can’t breathe” to death. Yuppies unload a moving truck.


Daoist immortals have always interceded on Mortality’s behalf, a political
and martial bulwark against supernatural threats. With Wŭdāng Mountain’s
temples under Communist control, Wŭdāng’s leadership blended with
northern Staten’s Chinese community, teaching Chinese and Americans
politics, alchemy, medicine, and swordsmanship. Wŭdāng’s Mortal alignment
aggravates Power (but they’re undying sorcerers!) and Wild (but they’re our
traditional allies!), but they won’t suffer other factions telling them how to do
their jobs.

I.n China, Wŭdāng relied on diplomacy first, blades last. Mortality has that
attitude in the Bronx, but this far south, the Bronx might as well be Canada.
Manhattan Mortality is trigger-happy, the Queens Watch even more so. Even
the closest Brooklynites are Pynchon Lopez’s killers. As uncontrollable mon-
sters overtake the Island, Wŭdāng’s own faction raises the pressure on them
to stab first, ask questions never. If they fail, they’ll lose mortals’ trust as other
hunters overrun their territory. Will Night’s excesses force the Wŭdāng Clan to
become the army they don’t want to be? Even if they do, is their survival at all
realistic? They’d best protect their necks.

Staten Island puts the lie to Night’s “civilized monster” stereotype. After
sundown, it’s a war-torn wilderness. Poltergeists fling carving knives across
kitchens. Werewolves looking like Hounds of the Baskervilles run in packs
through parks and down streets, devouring anyone they isolate and corner.
Vampires with multi-part mandibles and hooked leathery wings, unrecogniz-
able as ever having been human, flap between rooftops hunting prey. People
die, frequently, messily, either to outright predation or as collateral damage in
conflicts over territory or prey.

. ight here has no formal leadership. Worse yet, many monsters awaken
after their rampages not even remembering what they did. It’s hard enough
to even find the monsters, let alone talk them down or end them. Legend
describes a magic artifact buried in the landfill that broadcasts memory loss
to obscure Night’s crimes. Any hint of its true location will ignite a four-way
Transylvanian-rules football match for possession. Will the victor keep it
hidden, or destroy it? If its psychic influence really has kept Night’s madness
on the downlow, what happens if it’s taken from Staten Island or broken?

City Guides

You probably haven’t heard of Staten Island’s members of Power. Manhat-
tan’s 1%ers, the Bronx’s straight-laced religious leaders, and Queens’s old
folks stifled these hedge witches, chaos magicians, psychics, and revivalists
of religions that colonialism bulldozed a thousand years ago. At first they all
moved to Brooklyn, but oversaturated Williamsburg fast. Now Brooklyn’s ley
lines are overtaxed, the housing market is expensive, and spell components
besides flannel and kale are overpriced. Those who didn’t flee to Jersey City
or Philadelphia have colonized Staten Island.

. ower elsewhere doesn’t mind ceding as unglamorous a borough as Staten
Island to upstart youngsters with more magical power than sense. Still, the
new kids have to deal with problems the rest of New York left here to die.
Landfills and trash dumps like Fresh Kills now contain strata upon strata of
psychically imprinted human debris, contaminating any sorcerous working.
Spells and rituals go off too powerful, with unintended side effects, or worse.
Some young mages embrace this wild casting. But if they want to become
a political force, or solve any of the problems tearing their borough apart,
someone has to become an authority in Power. No one wants to be the phi-
losopher king.

Wild maintains some distance from the Russian community by working as
advisors or contractors for Russian businessmen, entertainers, priests, rabbis,
even mafia bosses—but the real power lies with these house-spirits and faer-
ies, who can wreak havoc on domestic life or control weather. Chinese xiān
and Mexican tzitzimimeh are influential as well, if fewer in number—though
el Sombrerón hasn’t been invited back after his court visit sparked an undigni-
fied fistfight over whose kid got to run away with him this time.

Wild elders are Staten’s most solidly established power. They want to stay that
way, even if they have to break Night’s legs to do it. They’ve floated various
solutions to the uncontrollable monsters problem, all of them drastic. The
most popular suggestion has been deploying the Wild Hunt, a cavalcade of
heavily armed, armored riders from the faerie realm. Calling the Wild Hunt
through a portal would surely stamp out rogue packs of werewolves; but
every single time the Wild Hunt has ridden through a civilized area, mortals
have seen them.

Of course, it doesn’t take all of Wild together to unleash the Wild Hunt: just
one dedicated individual with a portal to Faerie…



YouTube Ghost Chaser
Every Faction hates famous paranormal investigators. They’re as insufferable
as they are inconvenient. They rarely turn up anything damning, and what
they do find tends to be riddled with errors more frustrating than dangerous.
But Manu Zubizarreta’s YouTube channel has accumulated quite a few reveal-
ing videos. Worse yet, their production assistants have cameras on them
nearly 24 hours a day, frustrating organized efforts to shut them up. Manu is
a willowy, gender-ambiguous Latinx in their late twenties who wears a black
trenchcoat in all weather.


Manananggal Redeemer
Consuela Gōngyáng moved to Staten for social studies at St. John’s Univer-
sity. She never expected war to engulf her. Chelo’s a manananggal—at night
she separates her torso from her hips and flies around on bat wings, snaring
prey with prehensile innards and sucking blood through her spiked tongue.
Chelo regulates her feeding to balance hunger frenzy with murder. She
reaches out to Night’s most uncontrollable members, trying to rehabilitate
them before hunters appear. The time and stress is starting to hurt her grades.
When her mission of mercy is found out, she might wind up hunted too.


Cosmopolitan Incubus and Rake
Succubus Lilian Jade gave her human lover something special: a child, Sebas-
tian. His father raised him human, but over decades Sebastian became more
and more incubus, communing with his mother via a painting of her. He’s
suave, refined, passionate, arrogant, a dashing rogue and ladies’ man. He loves
to tempt others; vices are to him the spice of life. On darker days, he’s rash,
quick to anger, and moody. In battle he’s vicious with a sword-cane. He par-
ticipates in shady dealings, mortal and supernatural, and owns several night-
clubs—much-needed havens for civilized monsters’ business or pleasure.

The Penitent Rākşasi
Although Tompkinsville’s Sri Lankans are mostly Sinhalese Buddhists, they
welcomed Koŗŗavai—even after they learned she was Tamiļ, Śaivist, and a
rākșasi. Her awkwardness around them is more than demographic, though.
Koŗŗavai fought in the Sri Lankan Civil War on the wrong side, with the Tamiļ
Tigers. Her need to eat people to live made few waves while war criminals
surrounded her. Her past’s literal and figurative ghosts now pursue her. Her
envenomed claws, sorcerous might, and power to morph her appearance
make her tricky and tough. But how can she stop her foes exposing her vil-
lainous past to the community that took her in?

City Guides

The Chinese martial community’s newest leader is also its oldest enemy. Hun-
dreds of years ago, the Shàolín Monastery expelled the White Eyebrow from
the ranks of its masters for his experiments in Daoist black magic. He then
betrayed Shàolín to the government, getting the ancient Buddhist temple
burned to the ground.

Recently, the White Eyebrow has gained a position of prominence in the

Wŭdāng Clan, promising to share his vast expertise in boxing and black magic.
As usual, though, he has an angle. The White Eyebrow is seeking the last
component to the spell he had prepared before Shàolín cast him out…

Custom Moves
Cruel Tutelage: When you become the White Eyebrow’s student, he takes a
Debt on you. Thereafter, you may reveal that you’re using a forbidden tech-
nique he taught you to choose one extra option when you unleash, even
if you fail. When you do, mark corruption, tell us what it is, and tell us why
it’s forbidden.

Touch of Death: When you face the White Eyebrow in hand-to-hand

combat and suffer a Critical injury, he may use a secret boxing technique to
lay a prohibition on you—perhaps “never see the sun” or “never kill again.” If
you ever break the rule, fill all your harm boxes.

Countdown Clock
3:00 – The White Eyebrow kills and replaces Staten Island’s largest Wŭdāng
cell’s master.

6:00 – The White Eyebrow raises a hopping vampire horde as infantry in the
war against Night—and anyone else who gainsays him.

9:00 – The White Eyebrow establishes the White Lotus Party, a new political
party focusing on issues affecting the Chinese community such as immigra-
tion. Their policies are good, but the candidates are his own wicked cultists.

10:00 – The White Eyebrow militarizes the Clan. They abandon politics, now
using violence to enforce anything they (or the White Eyebrow) want.

11:00 – The White Eyebrow corrupts one of Staten Island’s ley lines, trans-
forming it into a giant evil dragon, which is now his ride when he needs to
get anywhere.

12:00 – The White Eyebrow locates, excavates, and corrupts the buried psy-
chic artifact, enthralling any Night member who touches Staten Island’s soil.



Plug your ears and lash Odysseus to the mast if you sail Kill Van Kull, the river
separating Staten Island from New Jersey. Rusalki, gorgeous young women
with eyes like the moon’s reflection in the water and long red hair slicked
against their curves, move just beneath the surface. Vodyanoi, men who look
like giant anthropomorphic frogs with fish tails, are in there too, but they’re
not quite as glamorous as sexy mermaids. When you leap in after them, the
water feels warm as sunlight and breathes as easy as air—or so you think as
they drag you to a blissful death.

Custom Moves
Wade in the Water: When you swim with merfolk, roll with Spirit. On a
hit, you learn one of their songs, customs or secrets. Ask the MC to tell you
what it is and why it’s important. On a 7-9, the water lowers your guard.
Choose one:
• You experience an unexpected moment of intimacy with some-
one else in the water
• You confess an important secret to someone else in the water
• You reveal a weakness to someone else in the water
On a miss, they pull you under. You’re trapped in the water longer than you
want to be, or you return to the shore on a mission from them you aren’t
even aware of.

Davy Jones Hungers: When you kill someone in the water, the elder god of
the sea reveals that you may designate your kill as a sacrifice. If you do, mark
corruption and take a Debt on the elder god of the sea.

Countdown Clock
3:00 – Lockjaw, Staten Island’s most murderous werewolf, washes up dead
on South Beach.

6:00 – Every single crewmember aboard a gigantic container ship vanishes

overnight, perplexing authorities.

9:00 – Siren songs echo through the night, disturbing sleepers and filling
minds with dreams of death at sea. For weeks, hospitals overflow with the
exhausted, sick, and terrified.

10:00 – The merfolk awaken an elder god offshore, inflicting mutations such
as scales, gills, and tentacles on any who swim in the Atlantic.

11:00 – The elder god surfaces, its titanic bulk and sea monster minions
blockading New York Harbor.

12:00 – The merfolk finish a ritual to drag Staten Island under the sea, trans-
forming it into a new Atlantis.

The world is old, and its death approaches. The Towers extending up to the sky, made of alabaster,
residents of the last great mortal city—Anglekite, with gold filigree. Beautiful statues of gods and
located in the Crater Basin—don’t know what angels and heroes and kings. A people who found
form the end will take, but they know it is certain, their deeds on a philosophy of hope. A civilization
and it draws nigh. at the summit of its majesty.
Will the end come as the Pyrewyrm, All of it long gone.
prophesied to burn everything to ashes in a final The Cold Ruins are all that’s left. Broken
battle with the Angelbone Blade? Will it be the towers. Shattered statues. Creeping undead vines
Scourge Karkis, the 200-foot tall giant that grown over beautiful edifices. And the people…
murders all life it finds? Will it be something ruined. Lastlife is populated only with the
worse, some Thing from beyond this world, undead, husks of what came before clinging to a
scratching at the cracks, aching to get inside... horrible half-life. Their memories lost and gone.
and feed? Their past glory, vanished.
Or will the world, the Crater Basin, and
Anglekite mount one final defense and stave off In this Chaos World setting, written for the
the end for a while longer? Dungeon World game system, you'll play
undead adventurers trying to find something
This new large-scale Dungeon World adventure to fight for—the past or the future—in this
contains everything your group needs to play cold and dreadful world. The book contains
the final days of the Crater Basin, including everything your group needs to play a game
Dangers, Fronts, and additional obstacles. of Dungeon World in these haunting ruins,
It also contains new monsters, new magical including new rules for playing the undead
items, and new compendium classes to flesh in Lastlife; adventure fronts and dangers for
out the world, as well as a set of basic rules use in guiding your Lastlife campaign; a slew
for fights that pit large forces against titanic of monsters, magical items, and compendium
creatures. classes for this terrible place; and more.

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