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Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10 Filed 08/19/19 Page 1 of 2




Case No.: 3:19mj185



COMES NOW, the United States of America, by and through its undersigned

Assistant United States Attorney, and submits Government Exhibit A, attached hereto,

which is a redacted copy of the affidavit underlying the criminal complaint in this

matter. The government anticipates this document will be utilized/referred to during

the detention hearing scheduled for August 20, 2019.

Respectfully submitted,


/s/ David L. Goldberg

Assistant United States Attorney
Member of the Maryland Bar
21 East Garden Street, Suite 400
Pensacola, FL 32502-5675
(850) 444-4000

Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10 Filed 08/19/19 Page 2 of 2


I HEREBY CERTIFY that a copy of the foregoing has been served on the

District Court via its CM/ECF system, which will serve counsel for the defendant,

on this 19th day of August, 2019. Furthermore, the attached document, in its

unredacted form, has already been provided to defense counsel.

/s/ David L. Goldberg


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Government Exhibit A
Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10-1 Filed 08/19/19 Page 2 of 36


I, John W. Canning, after being first duly swom, depose and say:


l. Your affiant is a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI")

and has been so employed for approximately twelve years. Prior to employment with the FBI,

your alfiant was an Investigator with the Escambia County Sheriffs Office for approximately six

years as well as a Special Agent with the Drug Enforcement Administration.

2. As a Special Agent, your affiant has participated in the investigation of persons

suspected ofvarious violations of Title l8 ofthe United States Code; to include wire fraud, money

laundering, bank fraud and various other white collar federal criminal violations, as well as

various cyber/child pomography and human/sex trafficking laws.

3. This affidavit is being submitted in support of a criminal complaint and arrest

warrant fbr David Clayton Williams (SSN Your afllant submits

there is probable cause to believe that Williams is in violation of Title 8, United States Code,

Section 1324(a)(l XAXiii) - harboring illegal aliens for the purpose of commercial advantage or

private financial gain and Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1952(a)(3) and 1956(h) - the
interstate travel/use of a facility in aid of racketeering and conspiracy to commit money


4. This affidavit is also being submitted in support ofapplications for search warrants

to search Williams's massage parlors located at:

A-1. 704 Massachusetts Avenue, Pensacola, Florida 32505

A-2. 7055 Fairfield Drive, Pensacola, Florida 32505

A-3. 127 N New Warrington Road, Pensacola, Florida 32506

Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10-1 Filed 08/19/19 Page 3 of 36

A-4. 126 Shell Avenue SE, Fort Walton Beach, Florida 32548 and

A-5. 3268 Fordham Parkway, Gulf Breeze, Florida 32563

The above locations are more pa(icularly described in Attachments A-1 through A-5, which are

incorporated herein. Your affiant submits there is probable cause to believe that liuits and

evidence of violations of Title 8, United States Code, Section l32a(a)(l )(A)(iii) and Title 18,

United States Code, Sections 1952(aX3) and 1956(h), exists at the locations to be searched.

5. The statements contained in this affidavit are based on your affiant's knowledge

and experience, information provided to your affiant by Intemal Revenue Service - Criminal

Investigation Division 0RS-CI) Homeland Security

Investigations and other agents and officers from

federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies, your affiant's review of records, and

information provided by cooperating witnesses. This affidavit does not set forth every fact known

regarding the investigation; rather, it sets forth only lacts sufficient to establish probable cause.

Initial Investisation

6. ln July 2017, the FBI received two anonymous tips through the National Human

Trafficking Hotline (NHTH). The NHTH tips indicated the massage

parlors located at 7055 Fairfield Drive, Pensacola, Florida, and 1800 Beck Avenue, Panama

City, Florida, were possibly using under-aged females and offering sexual acts for additional

money during the massage sessions.

7. During an initial investigation by the FBI and the Panama City Police Department,

the use of a Confidential Informant (CI) confirmed sexual acts being offered in exchange for

money at 1800 Beck Avenue, Panama City, Florida. More specifically, the Panama cily Police

Department sent a CI to purchase a massage at 1800 Beck Avenue. Upon walking into the
Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10-1 Filed 08/19/19 Page 4 of 36

business and requesting a massage, the CI was taken to a room. Shortly after the massage started,

the CI was offered sexual acts for additional money by an Asian female. The CI refused any

sexual acts, at which time the Asian female providing the massage continued for only a brief time

and then informed the CI the massage was complete. The CI then left the business without any

further interaction with the female.

8. Further investigation revealed that on or about March 6, 2017, Williams purchased

1800 Beck Avenue, Panama City, Florida, for $135,000 with a $50,000 down payment, as per

Bay County Clerk of Court records. On or about March 14, 2017, Williams filed Articles of

Organization for a Limited Liability Company for "1800 Beck Massage LLC" with the State of

Florida. Secretary of State, Division of Corporations, listing himself as a Registered Agent.

Williams also Iisred himsell'and I as "Authorized Managers" 01'the Limitcd l.iability'


7055 Fairfield Massaqe. LLC - 7055 Fairfield Drive Location

9. During the instant investigation, your affiant learned about multiple past contacts

Williams had at 7055 Fairfield Massage, LLC, with local lan' enforcement. More specitrcally:

a. On or about October 3l, 2017 , the Escambia County Sherilf s Office (ECSO)

responded to 7055 Fairfield Drive, Pensacola, Florida, due to a complaint about

possible prostitution at the business. Williams identified himself as a co-owner of

the business with Williams acknowledged he was going

tkough ! Williams stated most ol the females working at the

Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10-1 Filed 08/19/19 Page 5 of 36

massage business were operating without a license. While ECSO was present,

Williams removed a 201 I Spree Ultra-Light camper, which was owned and

registered to Williams, located behind the business (one of the NHTH tips

previously received by the FBI indicated Asian females were living in an RV

behind this business location).

b. On or about December 27,2017, the ECSO responded to 7055 Fairfield Drive,

Pensacola, Florida, in reference to a suspicious person complaint. Upon the ECSO

arrival, Williams advised a deputy there had been several reports of prostitution

occurring at the business and unlicensed therapists working there as wel[. Williams

asked the deputy to accompany him inside the business in order to contact the three

Asian female workers. While on scene. the ECSO deputy checked the

identification and license information of all three females present in the business.

The following is a list ofthe females present:

produced a State ofNew York

identiflcation card bearing ,un',b.r f. as uell as US Emplol.ment

C"rd E anil Floritla l\'lassage l herapist licenre f.

which expired on0813112017. ! tota the deputy she was an employee of

the business.

produced a State of

Calitbrnia identilication card bearing rrr,rb", ], as u'ell as US

Employment Card and Florida Massage Therapist

license f (non-practicing license). ! tota the deputy she was an

employee of the business.

Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10-1 Filed 08/19/19 Page 6 of 36

could not produce any

identification upon the deputy's request. A short while later. an unidentified

person, who n'as rel'erred to as a "fiiend." brought ! her identification

documents. ! produced Chinese Passpo.t I and LJS

Emplolment cord E. *'hich erpired on07l24l17. !also

produced Florida Massage Therapist ticense f. ! told tne

deputy she was an employee ofthe bustness.

10. Queries conducted by the Department of Homeland Security revealed the following

prior information as it related to each of the Asian females:

ヽ: : Enc()untcrctl alitl stl卜 、

ctltlcnll)〔 1lrcstcd b、 illlnlitltlti()11()1 licitllト

in Utah at a massage parlor that was under investigation for providing sex acts to customers.

Il: f: lmmigration databases rellect that! is not eligible lo remain in

the tJnited States and is subject to deportation; removability charges exist based on !
overstaying the terms ofher visa. which expired on or about January 13, 2009.

C, I applied for a visa in 2015 and was granted a visa and status to

rcmain in thc tJnited States unti1 2025

Other Locations

11. During the course of the investigation, your affrant discovered a parallel

investigation was being conducted by the FBI Pittsburgh (PG) Division. Through collaboration

with I-'BI PG Division, your alfiant learned that I was listed as an organizer and/or

associated with multiple massage parlors in Pennsylvania according to the State ofPennsylvania,

Bureau oi Corporations.
Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10-1 Filed 08/19/19 Page 7 of 36

12. Additionally, in 2016, as part ofa routine prostitution suppression detail, an FBI

PG Division, Task Force Office (TFO) made a local arrest for prostitution out of the Thai Massage

parlor, 39 West Main Street, Camegie, Pennsylvania, after he was offered a sexual act in exchange

fbr money. The location was associated u,ith ! and Williams via records/images obtained

pursuant to a federal search that was executed on the Google account of Williams, which is

discussed in more detail below in paragraphs 32 - 39.

13. During the execution of the arrest, none of the Asian females at the business

possessed any physical identification on their person, but rather produced pictures of

identification on their respective cell phones. All of the Asian females were living in the rooms

at the business in which they performed massages. Luggage and large amounts of United States

currency were located in the closets of the rooms.

14. As the investigation continued, your affiant leamed that since his

separation/divorce from Williams has been opening new Asian massage

parlors across the State of Florida and elsewhere. However. it appears that Williams has now

been using nominees to conceal his ownership of the massage parlors and their corresponding

bank accounts. The following massage parlor locations were found to be associated with

Williams through law enforcement reporting, electronic federal search warrant results, and

corporate and govemment records, amongst other things:

a     b

7055 Fairfield Drive, Pensacola, Florida

704 Massachusetts Avenue, Pensacola, Florida

      c     d

127 N New Warrington Road, Pensacola, Florida

3268 Fordham Parkway, Gulf Breeze, Florida

e. 126 Shell Avenue SE, Fort Walton Beach, Florida

Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10-1 Filed 08/19/19 Page 8 of 36

f. 2106 Drew Street #104, Clearwater, Florida

g. 10422 N Florida Avenue, Tampa, Florida

h. 1800 Beck Avenue, Panama City, Florida

i. 6240 Seminole Boulevard, Seminole, Florida

j. 232 Bay Street, Dalton Beach, Florida

k. 4689 N. Monroe Street, Tallahassee, Florida

l. 6715 Wilson Boulevard, Jacksonville, Florida

3082 S 3rd Street, Jacksonville, Florida

1832 S. University Boulevard, Jacksonville, Florida

0 68 1 7 Southpoint Parkway, Jacksonville, Florida

p     q     n

2l I SW 4th Avenue, Suite #5, Gainesville, Florida

39 W. Main Street, Camegie, Pennsylvania

1407 Peninsula Drive, Erie, Pennsylvania

1707 Hathaway Lane, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

639 Brown Avenue, Turtle Creek, Pennsylvania

30-32 Commercial Street, Braintree, Massachusetts

v. 696 Warrenton Road, Fredericksburg, Virginia2

Division of Corporation Records


Florida Division of Corporations records showed Massage in Pensacola LLC was

established on or about March 19,2019. The records list the sole officer as f with

an address of704 Massachusetts Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32505. The status ofcompany is listed

2 Your afTiant anticipates that, simultaneous with the execution of the search warrants in the Northern
District of
Florida as applied for herein, other search warrantt off massage parlors rvill be executed in the Middle
District ofFlorida, the Westem District ofPennsylvania, and the Eastern District of Virginia.
Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10-1 Filed 08/19/19 Page 9 of 36

as "activc." F'lorida Department ol'Corporations records also shou, I as the sole

officer of Asian Massage Tampa LLC with an address of 10422 N Florida Avenue, Tampa, FL

33612, established on or about February 26,2018. The status ofthe company is listed as "active."

Bank of America records show that an account ending in 2593 was opened in April 5,2018.

Immigration databases were queried and reflected that f is residing in the United

States as a permanent resident.

16. Florida Department of Corporations records show that Asia Pro Walk in Massage

LLC was established on or about October 10. 2017. The records list the sole officer as I
! with an address of 127 N Nerv Warrington Road, Pensacola, FL 32506. The status of the

company is listed as "active." Bank of America records show that an account ending in 0616 was

opened in Pensacola, on or about october 12. 2017, Uy I. Homeland Security

Investigations f confirmed ttrat f is illegally present in the United States. The

bank records also list Asia Pro Walk in Massage LLC's address as 127 N New Warrington Road,

Pensacola, FL 32506.

17 . Florida Department of Corporations records show that All Pro Walk in Massage

LLC was established on or about September 22. 201 7. The records list the sole officer as !
■ ■ wih an addrcss of 126 Shdi Avenue SE,Fo“ WJton Beach,FL 32548 The status of

company is listed as "active." Bank ofAmerica records show that an account ending in 8477 was

opcnetl in l:ort Walton Beach. on or zrbout october 2. 2017. bv f. The bank rccords

also list All Pro Walk in Massage LLC's address as 126 Shell Avenue SE, Fort Walton Beach,

FL 32548.

18. Florida Department of Corporations records show that All Day Walk in Massage

LLC was eslablished on or about October 20.2017. T'he records list the sole officer as f
Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10-1 Filed 08/19/19 Page 10 of 36

f with an address ol'3268 Fordham Parkwal, (iulf Breeze, F'L 32563. Ou or about

Septerrbcr 20. 2018. an amendment rras tilcd rcmc,. ing f as an ofllcer and replacing

her uith I houerer the address renrains the sanie. 3268 Fortlham I'arknar', (iulf

Breeze, FL 32563. The status ofcompany is listed as "active." Wells Fargo Bank records show

that an account ending 5386 was opened in Mary Esther, FL, on or about October 23, 2017 , by

Thc bank rccords also list All Da) ヽ

Valk in ヽ4assagc l l´ C` s addrcss as 3268

Fordham Parkway, Gulf Breeze, FL 32563. Records

19. Based on your amant's training and experience, was an adult

website prominently utilized to post advertisements for illicit commercial sex and was a website

wherein sex traffickers frequently advertised adults and children for sex.

20. [n November 2017, provided the FBI records regarding

advertisements associated with telephone numbers provided to your affiant from FBI PG Division

related to the instant human trafficking investigation. An analysis ofthe records

revealed an additional twenty-five telephone numbers and five e-mail addresses associated with advertisements for various massage parlor locations directly tied to ! and


2l . In April 201 8, the FBI seized and affiliated websites as part of an

ongoing criminal investigation involving conspiracy to facilitate prostitution and money

laundering.3 However, just prior to being taken over by the FBI,

3 See
Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10-1 Filed 08/19/19 Page 11 of 36

provided a large volume of relevant records to the FBI. The records were

reviewed and analyzed, resulting in the following partial summary:

a. The total number of advertisements cormected to Williams and

! *as approximately 6827. Of the approximate 6827 advefiisements,

approximately 5274 were associated with multiple locations in Florida,

approximately 1239 were associated with multiple locations in Pennsylvania, and

approximately 3 l4 were associated with one location in Virginia.

b. The advertisements purchased by Williams and ! totaled approrimately


c. The advertisements consisted of describing "new cute girls," "getting your kinks

rubbed out by an Asian hottie," and other such similar descriptions, which tended

to focus on the Asian females and used sexually suggestive wording.

Workers Associated with Multinle Massage Business Locations

22. During the course ofthe investigation, your affiant positively identified nurnerous

Asian females, all of whom purported to be employed as massage therapists at businesses owned,

operated or associated with Williams and,/or f. The identified Asian females have all had

direct contact with law enlbrcement based upon suspicion ofprostitution andior child abuse.

23. The Asian females are as follows:

Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10-1 Filed 08/19/19 Page 12 of 36

Nine of the twelve Asian females maintained driver's licenses and./or identification cards issued

from the State ofNew York, which is a suspected source state for human trafficking from Asia.

24. According to various law enforcement reports, the following have been arrested for

prostitution one or more times:

i. January 2016 Arrest in Jacksonville, Florida

ii. September 201 1 Arrest in New York

iii. September 2013 Arrest in New York

iv. June 201 8 Arrest in Jacksonville. Florida

v Dccembcr 2010 Arrcstin Califonua

V   l

lanuary 2012 Arrest in New Jersey

June 2013 Arrest in Maryland

Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10-1 Filed 08/19/19 Page 13 of 36

V■ 1 January 2014 Arrest in New Jersey

lX January 2014 Arrest in New York

X      ︲
February 2015 Arrest in Maryland

December 2015 Arrest in South Carolina

xii. May 2018 Arrest in Utah

xiii. June 201 8 Arrest in Jacksonville, Florida

25. All twelve of these Asian females arrived in the United States from China and have

traveled extensively throughout the United States. Based upon your affiant's training and

experience, and knowledge of this investigation, this is indicative of trafficking/moving females

to different massage parlor locations. Moreover, a review of records conducted by the

Department of Homeland Security revealed that multiple Asian females identified by law

cnforccnlcnlを ls clllplo)cd b)ヽ ヽi‖ iarns tlpPctt「 prcscnt in thc t nitcd Statcs illcttt‖ 、

Derrartment of Homeland Securitv Immigration Review


During the course of the investigation. over one hundred Chinese nationals have

been noted as having direcl ties to Williams and/or ! and any one of their suspected

businesses. However, for the purposes of this instant investigation, your affiant submitted to

Homeland Security Investigations, I.only the relevant names of the Chinese nationals

who have direct ties to the Pensacola area of operation as a result of Williams and/or f
directing their movement to this area. Approximately 28 names (along with biographical

information, some of which was obtained from photographs located in Williams's Google

accormt pursuant to federal search warrant) were submitted for query within various immigration
Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10-1 Filed 08/19/19 Page 14 of 36

databases that are utilized by the Department of Homeland Security. The results revealed the

following similarities when queried:

a. Approximately 16 females utilized a "last known address" within New York

with 12 females originating specifically from Flushing, NY, despite all being

physically located at establishments in Florida. The other females utilized

various addresses in Califomia, Pennsylvania, and Florida.

b. Approximately 19 of the females are considered aliens who are present in the

United States without permanent legal status to remain. A further review

indicated that these 19 Chinese nationals have applied for an immigration

benefit and have temporarily obtained said benefit as they await for their

upcoming review and inspection by an Immigration Judge.

c. Two of the 28 females were not located at all in any immigration databases.

27. Based on speaking with law enforcement officers assisting in this investigation and

with others, your affiant knows that if a foreign national/alien was to be admitted legally into the

United States, that the name and identifying information belonging to the subject would be located

within immigration databases, which demonstrates legal entry into the United States. Having not

located two ofthe females noted above in various immigration databases, it is suspected that both

of these females are either: l) United States citizens who were bom in the United States, or 2)

illegal aliens who are not eligible to remain in the United States.

28. Based on speaking with law enforcement officers assisting in this investigation and

with others, your afliant also knows that a previous investigationa (conducted by FBI New York

a The previous investigation focused on violations concernirg the fiaudulent filings ofasylum applications on behalf
ofChinese nationals, which resulted in the convictions ofaftomeys and preparers responsible for arranging the benefits
for the women.
Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10-1 Filed 08/19/19 Page 15 of 36

Division and United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) revealed information which

relates to the instant investigation conceming the "last known addresses" supplied by the women

to immigration services upon their application for an immigration benefit (see above paragraph


29. More specifically, Flushing, New York, was identified during the course of the

previous investigation to be a "hot bed" of illegal activity, that is, illegal aliens utilized various

Flushing, New York, addresses as a central address and point of contact while the illegal aliens

(who often worked as prostitutes) continued to move about the United States.

30. During the investigation operated out of New York, law enforcement leamed that

once mail would amive to a location. such as Flushing, NY," whoever resided

at the residence at the time would then contact the foreign national/alien who the mail was

addressed to in order to advise her of the intended communication. This method was utilized so

the alien could work elsewhere about the country and not have to remain at the location where

she had previously advised immigration officials she would be residing.

31 Severd aliens in thc instant invcstigation utilized an address On ,

Flushing, New York, and a majority of the aliens overall utilized an address in Flushing, New

York, as a last known address in order for immigration officials.

Google Account Search Warrant

32. On or about October 1,2018, your affiant obtained a f'ederal search warrant for

Williams's Google account and served the search wamant

on Google, Inc. on or about November 7, 2018, Google, Inc. responded to the search wamant

and provided your affiant with the content of the Google Drive associated with
Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10-1 Filed 08/19/19 Page 16 of 36

33. Williams's Google account contained images of the front and interior of 127 N

New Warrington Road, Pensacola, FL 32506, images of Bank of America Merchant Service

documents conceming Asia Pro Walk in Massage, a bill from AT&T addressed to Asia Pro Walk

in Massage, and an Escambia County business tax receipt for Asia Pro Walk in Massage. All of

the documents listed Asia Pro Walk in Massage LLC's address as 127 N New Warrington Road,

Pensacola, FL 32506.

34. Williams's Google account contained images of IRS correspondence conceming

an employer identification number for All Pro Walk in Massage LLC, correspondence from the

City of Fort Walton Beach addressed to All Pro Walk in Massage LLC, Bank of America bank

statement of All Pro Walk in Massage LLC, and a water bill addressed to All Pro Walk in Massage

LLC. All of the documents listed All Pro Walk in Massage LLC's address as 126 Shell Avenue

SE, Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548.

35. Williams's Google account contained IRS Forms 1099-MISC issued by All Pro

ヽ1`llk in ヽ1を lsstltC l_LC t() ヽ'our tlitlant kno、 、s bascd()n

inlirrnration pror idcd br ll{S-(.1 I. Forms 1099-\llS(' are inlbrmatir)n rctums oliLrl

filed by employers to report payments to independent contractors. Your affiant further knows

that unscrupulous employers often falsely report their employees as independent contractors in

an effort to evade the collection and payment of employment taxes and./or attempt to shield

themselves from the employment or activities of their employees.

36. Williams's Google account also contained images of checks drawn of the All Pro

Walk in Massage LLC bank account made to f lhat noted 126 Shell Avenue.

Sorne olthesc checks appear to have been photographcd with envelopes addressed In I
Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10-1 Filed 08/19/19 Page 17 of 36

that list Williams as the sender (see irnage below). Your affiant believes these payments are

related to the rental of 126 Shell Avenue SE, Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548, by Williams.

37. Williams's Google account contained images of Commercial Liability Insurance

conceming All Day Walk in Massage and f. multiple client comment cards of All

Day Walk in Massage, and an invoice from addressed to Williams

at 3268 Fordham Parkway, Gulf Breeze, FL 32563. All of these documents conceming All

Day Walk in Massage LLC listed its address as 3268 Fordham Parkway, Gulf Breeze, F'L

32563. Williams's Google account also contained an image of a check drawn on the All Day

Walk in Massage LLC bank account made payable to and noted 3268

Fordham Pkwy" in the memo line. The check appears to have been photographed along with a

UPS shipping label addressed to and lists Williams as the sender. Your affiant

believes this check was for the rental or insurance of3268 Fordham Parkway, Gulf Breeze, FL

32563, by Williams.

38. Williams's Google account contained photographs ol various documents

pertaining to violations ranging from unlicensed massage workers to prostitution at multiple

massage parlor locations. Specifically, williams had the following documents in the account:
Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10-1 Filed 08/19/19 Page 18 of 36

a. A photograph ofa document from the Florida Department ofHealth dated June

29, 2016, indicating had been arrested for

practicing massage therapy without a license at Health First Florida, 6871

Southpoint Parkway, Jacksonville, Florida. Additionally, the document stated

the females admitted to using the buljness locltion as their primary domicile,

as evidenced by mattresses, personal hygiene items, pillows, suitcases with

clothes and a refrigerator with food.

b. A
Preliminary Hed.,ring Notice Summons for Criminal Case and a police
conrplaint tltrcurncnt pcrtaininu ttr a prtistitution arrest on f Thni
Massage, 39 West Main Street, Camegie, Pennsylvania, by the Allegheny

Police Department and Camegie Police Department.

A photograph of an "Order Vacating And Setting Aside Conviction" from

Duval County. Jacksonville. Florida. ref'erence case number l6-2016-I

I The case numbcr pertains to a criminal charge of ..Ol}'ering for

Prostitution" against from September 5,2016.

d. Two Florida Department of Health Case Summary records (DOH-Form200)

citing: 1) the Massage Establishment, Massage University Boulevard LLC,

1832 University Boulevard South, Jacksonville, Florida, and 2) massage

therapist I riith attcrnpting to inducc a client in serual rriscunduct

and attempting to engage in sexual misconduct, respectively.

e. Photographs of various forms of identification such as passports, massage

licenses for Florida and Pennsylvania, driver's licenses for New york,
Pennsylvania, Florida, Califomia and Georgia, Social Security cards,
Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10-1 Filed 08/19/19 Page 19 of 36

identification cards for New York, employment authorization cards and

Permanent Resident cards for approximately three dozen Asian females.

Various documents such as Articles of Incorporation, business licenses, utility

bills, checks, and bank statements linked to approximately 20 massage parlor

locations in Pennsylvania, Florida, and Massachusetts.

Photographs of Williams working on several massage parlor locations, and

doing various construction jobs and maintenance tasks, such as building walls,

plumbing, and hanging signs.

Photographs of handwritten ledgers on lined paper listing the initials of the

Asian females and the dates, times and "tips" for massages.

i. E-mails for airline tickets purchased for Asian females from New York to


39. Williams's Google account contained intemally taken screenshots of a cellular

telephone, as well as extemally taken screenshots of other cellular telephones. There were also

screenshots/photographs taken ofa Windows HP laptop, in which screenshots showed searches

for real estate properties in Tampa and Panama City, Florida, research for Google Ad Words for

Tampa Walk In Massage location with another other open tab titled "Massage in Pana...".

Airline Transoortation of Aliens

40. A review of Williams's Google account along with Williams's American Express

credit cards statements revealed Williams purchased approximately 24 airline tickets for over a

dozen Asian females between Apil 2017 and october 2017 . A majority of the airline tickets

5 American Express account belonging to David Williams ending in 1000.

Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10-1 Filed 08/19/19 Page 20 of 36

purchased were to/from New York (La Guardia Airport and JFK Airport) with Florida


4l . Three of said Asian females,

previously tied to massage parlors operated by Williams. Additionally,

been previously anested for prostitution in Jacksonville, Florida.

Jacksonville Sheriff s Oflice - Prostitution Investigation

42. In July 2018, a prostitution investigation was conducted by the Jacksonville

Sherriffs Office (JSO), at the massage parlor locations of 6715 Wilson Boulevard and 1832

University Boulevard, in Jacksonville, Florida. The investigation resulted in the arrest of an Asian

female at each location after the investigator was offered sexual favors in exchange for money.

67 I 5 ll'ilson Boulevard Location

43. During the arrest at 6715 Wilson Boulevard, known as Wilson Massage, LLC, the

i\sian lenrale. latcr idcntillcd producetl a Ne* York

State driver's license numbe, f and a massage licent" f.
44. A massage license. f. expiring on 08/31/2019. tbr f was also

located at the business location. ! was not present at the time of the arrest.

45. Investigators observed surveillance cameras in the business, which appeared to be

monitored remotely as there were not any monitors on site to view what the surveillance carneras

were capturing.

Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10-1 Filed 08/19/19 Page 21 of 36

46 Additiく )nall、 _as in、 cstigators、 crc cscolting日 ││l oul of thc busincss,‐

pulled away from the investigator, went up to one of the surveillance cameras mounted on the

wall, and began speaking in Chinese into the camera.

I 8 3 2 Univers ity Boulevard Location

47. During the arrest at 1832 University Boulevard, knorvn as Massage University

Boulevard. an Asian female later identified as produced

a New York state driver's license number I f atso produced a massage license

I expiring on oti/l I /2019.

48. According to the Department of Homeland Security. ! rvas residing itlegally

in the United States.

49. Two other Asian female workers were identified in the business during the arrest:

produced a New York driver's license

nu,rb"rf and a massagc liccnse f. cxpiring on 08/.ll/2019.

produced a Florida leamer's license

nu.b", f and a massage li""nse f, expiring on


50 Ta,r receipts and Florida Limited Liability information present at the massage

business listed f as the owner and registered agent.

51. Investigators also observed the massage parlor was being used as a place of

residence. Investigators observed in a separate room designated for the Asian females to sleep,

clothing hanging in the laundry room, a fully stocked kitchen, beds with sheets and other personal

items. Two surveillance cameras were also found inside the business near the room where the

Asian female workers slept.

Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10-1 Filed 08/19/19 Page 22 of 36

52. The Business Tax Receipt listed the following information: Name: Massage

University Boulevard LLC., Address: 1832 S. University Boulevard Suite S,

Jacksonville, FL. 32216.

53. At both Jacksonville massage locations, investigators observed hand written pagesT

(i.e. joumals and/or ledgers) with names or initials next to lists of times and monetary amounts,

indicating the number of sales the m.rssage therapist made each day. There were also a small

number ofsales receipts found within each business showing payments from individuals through

credil card transactions.

Clearwater Police Prostitution Investisation

54. In August 2018, the Clearwater Police Department received a tip from a former

employee of Asian Massage Clearwater, LLC,2106 Drew Street #104, Clearwater, FL 33765.

The tipster advised that at least two females were sleeping and showering at the business and the

tipster left the business because the owner demanded that the tipster work long hours and forced

the tipster to live at the massage parlor. The tipster advised the female owner's "boyfriend" is

Williams. The Clearwater Police Department also received an anonymous letter sent to the police

station advising that illegal services are being offered at the massage parlor located at 2106 Drew

Street #104, Clearwater. The letter indicated that a male and a female are running the massage

parlor and stated "l hope that more girls will not get hurt anymore."

55. On or about November 29,2018, the Clearwater Police Department (CPD) and

Florida Department of Health and Code Enlorcement (DHCE) conducted a special detail at Asian

Massage Clearwater located at 2106 Drew Street #104. While surveilling the business, officers

The handwritten pages photographed by Jacksonville Shedffs Oflice at both locations were identical to the ledgers
discovered during a trash cover in August 2018 fiom All Day walk-ln Massage, 3268 Fordham parkway, Gulf
Breeze, Florida.
Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10-1 Filed 08/19/19 Page 23 of 36

observed five separate customers enter and exit the business, all of whom were male. Thereafter,

CPD sent two undercover officers into the massage parlor to receive massages. One of the

undercover officers received a massage and was offered prostitution services. Specifically, upon

entering the business, the undercover officer (UCO) was met at the front counter by an Asian

f-emale later identified ut ! asked the UCO if he *'anted a massage and

adviscd that it would be S60 UCO agrecd and pro宙 ded lll with S60 UCO waslcd to a

massage room and was told to take otf his clothes. During the massage. ! asked the UCO
"what do you want?" UCO replied "an).thing." Thereafter, ! made a stroking gesture with

her hand and asked "does it r,r'ork?" [JCO responded alfirmatively and ! immediately grabbed

the UCO's genitals under his towel and underwear. UCO ended the encounter and !
requested a "$20 tip." Your affiant believes, based upon the investigation to date, that "tip" is

parlance lor monetary payment for illicit sexual services.

56. Atier the prostitution otter b1'!. Cf'O oflicers entereri the massage parlor to

anest I. While inside the business. CPD and DHCE identified two other Asian females who

were present, The officers observed that the massage

parlor had a back room with blankets and pillows; there were also facilities for cooking, eating,

and showering. It was evident to the officers on scene that at least 2-3 people were living at 2106

Drew Street #I 04, Clearwater. Officers also observed a ledger on the front desk that appeared to

be a daily sheet documenting the activities ofeach ofthe three females, including the beginning

and ending times ofmassages and dollars collected.

57. ! agreed to speak with the officers and advised that she was brought to 2106 Drew

Strcct#104.from Mね mibv Wnlams whL dscusSng WIhams,■ :Ю Oked at onc ofthc

security cameras inside of 2106 Drew Street #104, and advised that williams probably saw the
Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10-1 Filed 08/19/19 Page 24 of 36

officers on the camera. Officers observed security cameras mounted in the entryway and in the

hJlway lcading to thc massagc rooms Whcn askcd bv thc omccrs how shc is paid,■ statcd

that she splits the money with Williams. At approximately 12:45 AM, while officers were

finishing their detail at 2106 Drew Street #104, they observed Williams pull into the parking lot

h hs 2016 Ford「 150 bca五 ng Fぬ Hda tag■ ■■.but williams ddn'tc対 t hsvchdc SOmc

CPD officers relocated and initiated surveillance of Williams. After all CPD officers had

departed 2106 Drew Street #104, the surveillance team observed Williams exit his vehicle along

with At approximately 2:30 AM, officers observed Williams

and ! depart thc nlassage, f remained inside.

Okaloosa Sheriff s Ofrice Prostitution Investisation

58. Between on or about March27,20l9, and April 3, 2019, the Okaloosa County

Sheriffs OfIice (OCSO) in Northem Florida conducted a special detail to investigate reports of

prostitution occurring at All Pro Walk in Massage LLC, 126 Shell Avenue SE, Fort Walton

Beach, FL 32548. An undercover OCSO investigator, with a recording device and a radio

transmitter, entered the business and requested a massage. The investigator received a massage

and was not offered prostitution services. A few days later, a different undercover OCSO

investigator entered the business and requested a massage. During the massage, the investigator

was offered prostitution services for an extra $40. During this encounter the investigator

possessed a digital recording device.

Gainesville Police Department Prostitution Investisation

59. On or about July 1, 2019, Gainesville Police Department (GpD) conducted a

prostitution detail at Tokyo Massage, 211 SW 4s Avenue, Suite 5, Gainesville, Florida. During

the prostitution detail, an undercover officer went into the massage parlor and purchased a $40
Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10-1 Filed 08/19/19 Page 25 of 36

massage. During the massage, the massage therapist offered to perform a sexual act on the

undercover officer. The undercover officer declined lhe offer.

60. During the prostitution detail, the undercover officer noticed the front door to the

massage parlor was kept locked. The front door was unlocked and opened by an Asian female

each time a customer arrived and/or left the massage parlor.

Trash Covers

61. In July and August 2018, law enforcement collected refuse from a trash receptacle

beside the street at 3268 Fordham Parkway, Gulf Breeze, FL 32563. Your affiant discovered

numerous hand-written ledgers that appeared be an accounting of daily revenues (see image

below). The ledgers appeared very similar to the ones observed by CPD at 2106 Drew Street

# 104, Clearwater. Your affiant notes that the typical amounts, $60 and $45, shown in the ledgers

collected from the refuse at 3268 Fordham Parkway, Gulf Breeze, FL 32563 correspond with

the arnounts the UCOs were charged at Asian Massage Clearwater.


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Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10-1 Filed 08/19/19 Page 26 of 36

62. Your affiant also discovered two Delta airline boarding passes for I
One boarding pass was from "NYC-La Guardia" to "Atlanta" on flight DL288l. and the other

boarding pass was liom "Atlanta" to "Pensacola" on flight DL1156. The date of the boarding

passes was "30 JUL," without reference to a year.

63. Your affrant knows, based on his knowledge and experience, that owners and

managers of businesses, both legal and illegal, typically maintain records that document their

income and expenses. Your affiant finds it reasonable to believe that financial records, such as

those found in the refuse collected fiom 3268 Fordham Parkway, Gulf Breeze, FL 32563 and

observed by CPD at 2106 Drew Street #104, Clearwater, will be found at each ofthe locations to

be searched.

Rub Maps Reviews

64. Based on your affiant's training and experience, Rub Mapss is one of many

websites utilized to post reviews of massage parlors. The Rub Maps website, which is based in

8 Rub Maps is a subscription based service. Subscription rates are

$19.95 monthly. Reviews can only be seen by
subscription paying customers.
Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10-1 Filed 08/19/19 Page 27 of 36

Switzerland, states they arc the "lnternet's #1 massage parlor review site offering high quality

honest AMP reviews, written by real users. "

65. The reviews on Rub Maps provide information on the massage parlors' physical

location, contact information, rates, hours of operation, details ofthe massage by the user, rating

for the massage provider and the services performed. In the "Provider Details," there are

categories for a provider's ethnicity, age, height, eye and hair color, hair length, breast size,

implants, build, "rate ass," "kitty," etc. In the "Services Performed" section, there are pre-labeled

services such as: "Finger The PuSsy," "Lick The Pussy," "Breast Play," "Blowjob," "Ass-Play,"

"Handjob," "Prostate Massage," etc. See below example image:

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Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10-1 Filed 08/19/19 Page 28 of 36

66. The foltowing is a sample of reviews that were submitted for the lbllowing

locations linked to Williams and pertaining to the instant investigation:

Asia Pro Walk ln Massage, 126 Shell Ave, Fort Walton Beach, Florida, had

a total of 10 reviews between December 2017 and May 2019. One or more of

the reviews indicated the lollowing services were provided: handjob, prostate

massage, bare back blow job, breaslplay, kissing. lick the pussy and ass-play.

The extra tips ranged from $40.00 to $ 140.00.

All Pro Walk In Massage,2106 Drew Street, #104, Clearwater, Florida, had a

total of four reviews between January 2018 and April 2019. One ofmore of the

reviews indicated the following services were provided: hand job, breast-play,

ass-play, finger the pussy and kissing. The extra tips ranged from $40.00 to


c. Tokyo Massage, 211 SW 4th Ave, Suite 5, Gainesville, Florida, had a total of

11 reviews between February 2018 and May 2019. One of more of the reviews

indicated the following services were provided: hand job, breast-play, ass-play,

prostate massage, kissing, blowjob and finger the pussy. The extra tips ranges

from $40.00 to $100.00.

Massage University, 1832 University Boulevard S, Jacksonville, Florida, had a

total of 29 reviews between March 2016 and December 2018. Twenty five

reviews indicated a hand job had been performed. One or more ofthe reviews

indicated the following services were also provided: prostate massage, blowjob,

breast-play, kissing, finger the pussy and ass-play. The extra tips ranged from

$20.00 to $140.00.
Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10-1 Filed 08/19/19 Page 29 of 36

Wilson Massage, 6715 Wilson Boulevard, Jacksonville, Florida, had a total of

four reviews between April 2018 and May 2019. One or more of the reviews

indicated the following services were provided: hand job, breast-play, finger

the pussy and ass-play. The extra tips ranged lrom $40.00 to $60.00.

Oriental Peony,6817 Southpoint Parkway, #201, Jacksonville, Florida, had a

total of 17 reviews between September 2015 and September 2017. All 17

reviews indicated a hand job had been performed. One or more ofthe reviews

indicated the following services were also provided: breastplay, ass-play,

prostate massage, blowjob, finger the pussy. The extra tips ranged from $30.00

to $100.00.

g. Asian Massage, 696 Warrenton Road, Fredericksburg, Virginia, had a total of

seven reviews between March 2018 and January 2019. One or more of the

reviews indicated the following services were provided: hand job, prostate

m.rssage, breast-play and ass-play. The extra tips ranged from $40.00 to $60.00.

Financial Records Analvsis

67. During the course ofthe investigation, Bank of America Account ending in 0716

was identified as Williams's primary personal bank account. Records show that Williams opened

the account on or about July 16, 2014. Analysis of the account revealed that between December

7,2017, and March 7,2019, the account received deposits totaling approximately $137,506.

Deposits to the account consisted primarily of cash and transfers from Bank of America account

ending in 8882.

68. Records obtained fiom Bank of America show that on or about July 6,2017,

Williams opened Bank of America account ending in 8882. The account is a business checking
Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10-1 Filed 08/19/19 Page 30 of 36

account titled "AAA Pro Sales Corp." On the account opening documents, Williams identified

himselfas the President, Secretary, and Director ofAAA Pro Sales Corp. Analysis ofthe account

shows that between December l,2Ol7, and March 31,2019, the account received deposits

totaling $282,889. The account was funded primarily by transfers from Bank of America account

ending in 0716, cash deposits, and transfers from:

a     b

Bank of America account ending in 9158, titled Asian Massage Clearwater LLC;

Bank of America account ending i12593, titled Asian Massage Tampa LLC;
c.    こ       α     ´

Bank of America account ending in 0616, titled Asia Pro Walk in Massage LLC

Bank of America account ending in8477, titled All Pro Walk in Massage LLC;

Wells Fargo Bank account ending in 5386, titled All Day Watk in Massage LLC;

Bank of America account ending in 4461, All Day Walk in Massage LLC.

69 Bank of America records show that account ending in 9158 was opened in Destin,

Irlorida. on or about Norember 28.2017. tl I. and the account was titled Asian

Massage Clearwater LLC. The address listed on the bank statements is 2106 Drew Street. #104,

Clearwater, FL 33765. Analysis ofthe account revealed that between November 28,2017, and

February 27,2019, the account received deposits totaling approximately $163,349.00. These

deposits were in the form cash and linked merchant account transfers. During the course of the

investigation, it was discovered that each of Williams's massage parlors accepted credit and debit

cards as forms of payment for services rendered. when a customer's credit or debit card was

charged, the funds were deposited into the massage parlor's merchant account and then

automatically transferred to the corresponding massage parlor's bank account.

70. The funds appear to have been used to pay costs associated with operating the

massage parlor such as utilities, advertising, wages and to make payments to williams. The
Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10-1 Filed 08/19/19 Page 31 of 36

monthly checks were written from the account to Asian females, who were paid between $1,200

and $1,500 per month. Your affiant identified checks to nine different Asian females, four of
whom have been positively identified by law enforcement.

71. Bank ofAmerica records show that account ending in 2593 was opened on or about

April 6.20ltt. Ul I. and the account \\as titled Asian Massage Tarnpa LLC (see

paragraph 15 above, related to 704 Massachusetts Avenue). The address listed on the bank

statements is 10422 N Florida Ave., Tampa. FL 33612. Analysis of the account revealed that

between April 6, 2018, and April 30,2019, the account received deposits totaling approximately

$144,599.00. These deposits were primarily in the form of cash and linked merchant account

transfers. The funds appear to have been used to fund cash withdrawals, pay costs associated with

operating the massage parlor such as utilities, advertising, rent, and wages, and to make payments

to Williams.

72 Bank of America records show that account ending in 0616 was opened on or about


address listed on the bank statements is 127 N New Warrington Road, Pensacola, FL 32506.

Analysis of the account revealed that between October 12, 2017, and February 28, 2019, the

account received deposits totaling approximately $165,319.00. These deposits were in the form

cash and linked merchant account transfers. The funds appear to have been used to fund cash

withdrawals, pay costs associated with operating the massage parlor such as utilities, advertising,

rent, and wages, and to make payments to Williams. Your affiant identified checks to seven

different Asian females, three ofwhom have been positively identified by law enforcement.

73. Bank of America records show that account ending in 8477 was opened on or about

October 2, 2017,by and the account was titled All Pro Walk in Massage LLC.
Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10-1 Filed 08/19/19 Page 32 of 36

The address listed on the bank statements is 126 Shell Avenue SE, Fort Walton Beach, FL

32548. Analysis ofthe account revealed that between October 2,2017, and February 28,2019,

the account received deposits totaling $191.237.00. These deposits were in the form cash and

linked merchant account transfers. The funds appear to have been used to pay costs associated

with operating the massage parlor such as utilities, advertising, rent, and wages, and to make

payments to Williams. Your affiant identified checks to five different Asian females, two of
whom have been positively identified by law enforcement.

74. Wells Fargo Bank records show that account ending 5386 was opened on or about

Octobcr 23.2017,by ,and thc accountistitlcd AH Dav Walk in Massagc LLC Thc

address listed on the bank statements is 3268 Fordham Parkway, Gulf Breeze, F'L 32563.

Analysis of the account revealed that between October 23, 2017, and October 24, 2018, Ihe

account received deposits totaling approximately $93,424.00. These deposits were primarily in

the form cash and linked merchant account transfers. The funds appear to have been used to pay

costs associated with operating the massage parlor such as utilities, advertising, rent, and wages,

and to make payments to Williams. Your affrant identified checks to four different Asian females,

two of whom have been positively identified by law enforcement.

75. Wells Fargo Bank records show that account ending in 5386 was closed on or about

October 24,2018. On or about September 24,2018, Bank of America account ending in 4461

was opened by and titled All Day Walk in Massage LLC. The address

listed on the Bank of America statements is 3268 Fordham Parkway, Gulf Breeze, FL 32563,

so this account appears to have replaced the aforementioned Wells Fargo account upon closure.

Analysis of the account revealed that between September 24,2018, and January 31,2019, the

account received deposits totaling approximately $18,941. These deposits were primarily in the
Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10-1 Filed 08/19/19 Page 33 of 36

form cash and linked merchant account transfers. Immigration queries were conducted and

rerciilecl rlrat f is not legallr l)rcsenl to rernain irt the t nitc(l Statcs il'encountcled tlue to

the fact that ! overstayed the terms olher visa which expired on or around.lune 2015.

76. The multiple bank account analysis revealed a pattem of payments to Asian

females. Most of the payments ranged between $1,200.00 and $1,500.00. The checks often noted

"base pay" and/or the address of the mnssage parlor in the memo line. Based on your affiant's

knowledge of the investigation and analysis of bank records, your affrant believes these checks

to be salary payments to masseuses who work at Williams's massage parlors. Your affiant

observed that the accounts didn't contain checks to every mruseuse known to have worked at

Williams's massage parlors. For example. no checks rvere made to f, the massage

thcrapist tlrrcstcd b)(PD ()r anothcr lllassagc thcrapist cncountcrcd b、 (I)D ヽour

affiant knows, based on his knowledge and experience, and conversations with Homeland

Security lnvestigations I, that individuals u'ho illegally harbor aliens for financial gain

will often hold debts over harbored aliens for things such as entry into the United States, housing,

food, transportation, and employment, among other things, and the aliens are often required to

repay these debts through labor.

77 . During the analysis of rhe subject massage parlor bank accounts. cash deposits to

the accounts were relatively rare. Often times weeks or months would pass between the cash

deposits. The cash deposits were typically in large even dollar amounts between $2,000.00 and

$10,000.00, and some were conducted outside ofthe geographic area of the massage parlor. For

example, multiple cash deposits made to the Asian Massage Clearwater account were conducted

approximately 500 miles away in Pensacola, FL. Based on your affiant's knowledge and

experience, your afliant knows that small businesses typically deposit cash receipts on a regular
Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10-1 Filed 08/19/19 Page 34 of 36

basis; often daily or weekly depending on the business. Based on your affiant's investigation and

analysis ofbank records, your affiant believes that cash generated by the subject massage parlors

accrue at the parlors until Williams visits the parlor to collect it. Your affiant believes that

Williams maintains the cash and deposits it as needed to the various massage parlor bank

accounts, his AAA Services business bank account, and his personal bank account. In total, as

noted above and as leamed during the course ofthe investigation, over $1,000,000 has passed

through the relevant bank accounts that are linked to Williams and his illicit activity since late


78. Your affiant believes Williams has tried to conceal his financial gain by directing

his eamings through a business bank account titled AAA Pro Sales Corp, as well as attempted to

conceal his ownership of the massage parlors by installing nominees as corporate officers and as

signatories on the massage parlor bank accounts. Lastly, Williams used funds generated by

harboring illegal aliens to pay the salaries and expenses ofoperating the massage parlors, thereby

promoting the scheme, all in violation of Title 8, United States Code, Section 132a(a)(1)(A)(iii)

and Title 18, United States Code, Section 1956(h) - conspiracy to commit money laundering.

Recent Surveillance of Locations

79. On or about Juty 9, 2019, your affiant leamed through surveillance conducted by

law enforcement personnel that Williams was observed at 7055 Fairlietd Drive, Pensacola,

Florida. Williams was observed on the front porch smoking a cigarette and his vehicle has been

observed parked at the location at various hours of the day. Through the surveillance, it appears

as though Williams is currently residing at 7055 Fairlield Drive, Pensacola, Florida.

Moreover, on or about July 3 and July 30, 2019, United States Magistrate Judge Elizabeth M.

Timothy authorized tracking warrants for the cellular telephone of Wiltiams. During the month
Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10-1 Filed 08/19/19 Page 35 of 36

of July 2019, your affiant has surveilled Williams appearing to reside at the 7055 Fairfield

Drive location as well as traveling back/forth to the Tallahassee and Tampa areas (which are

cities both known to have massage parlor locations related to Williams, as enumerated in

paragraph l4 above). In addition, surveillance ofall five relevant locations within the last thirty

days reveals they all remain active massage parlors that is:

A-1.704 Massachusetts Avenue, Pensacola, Florida 32505

A-2. 7055 Fairlield Drive, Pensacola, Florida 32505

A-3. 127 N New Warrington Road, Pensacola, Florida 32506

A-4. 126 Shell Avenue SE, Fort Walton Beach, Florida 32548 and

A-5. 3268 Fordham Parkway, Gulf Breeze, Florida 32563

Indeed, Williams has been electronically surveilled near what appears to be one of his most

recent massage parlors - 704 Massachusetts Avenue, Pensacola, Florida 32505. The

aforementioned cellular telephone lracking warrant has placed, within the past two weeks,

Williams on Massachusetts Avenue, and your affiant has surveilled an Asian female located

there behind a chain link fence topped with razor wire (see below):
Case 3:19-cr-00104-MCR Document 10-1 Filed 08/19/19 Page 36 of 36

80. Based on the facts and circumstances set forth in this affidavit, you affiant believes

there is probable cause to believe 1) Williams is harboring illegal aliens for commercial and

private financial gain, 2) Williams is conspiring to launder the proceeds from the illicit massage

parlors, and 3) Williams is utilizing interstate commerce facilities in managing his prostitution

business - all in violation of federal law. In sum, Williams owns/operates multiple massage

parlors that are held in nominee names, he staffs them with Asian females and said females engage

in illicit sexual acts with massage customers (and the females appear to be illegally present in the

United States), and he utilizes bank accounts associated with the massage parlors to clean the

funds gamered from the criminal activity. This has been ongoing for multiple years. The

foregoing affidavit establishes there is probable cause. to believe that evidence and fruits of

criminal activity, more particularly described in Attachment B, currently exists, and will be found

within the locations to be searched, more specifically described in Attachments A-1, A-2, A-3,

A-4, and A-5.

Your affiant declares under penalty of pe{ury that the facts stated above are true and

correct to the best ofyour affiant's knowledge and belief.

John W. Canning
Special Agent
Federal Bureau of Investigation

SUBSCRIIIEI) and S\\-ORN ro hclbre mc this f dal ol'AugLrst. 20i9.

Hope T. Cannon
United States Magistrate Judge
Northem District of Florida

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