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Journal of Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies (ISSN: 2347 - 2804)

Volume No.5 Issue No.3, June 2017

 Wireless Power Transmission


Electricity is a basic requirement in

modern era &fuel for technological
development. The conventional use of
electricity is through use of wires.
Presently we are using wire system for
power transmission but In today’s
modern life everyone needs wireless
system for flexibility or mobility .The
primary goal of this research work is to
give a brief overview of most recent
researches and development in the field
of wireless transmission of electrical
power transmission .By deploying
Wireless power transmission we can
reduce the transmission and distribution
losses &increase efficiency to some extent
. The techniques used for wireless power
transmission are Induction,
Electromagnetic transmission
,Evanescent wave coupling,
Electrodynamics induction, Radio
,microwave Electrostatic Induction
,Laser etc. This paper also put focus on
Basic Design , Implementation ,
feasibility, economic aspects, limitations
advantages, disadvantages, biological
impacts and applications of WPT

Journal of Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies (ISSN: 2347 - 2804)
Volume No.5 Issue No.3, June 2017

In 1891 Nicola Tesla (“Father of Wireless”) carried out the first

WPT experiment and it still has been underdeveloped
technology. Tesla had always tried to introduce wireless power
distribution system worldwide. Then onwards this technology
has not been developed up to the level which it would be
completely applicable for practical purpose. Despite of it little
advances WPT has not been adopted for commercial use).
Research has been going on to explore present electrical wpt
system for large scale commercial use & some developments
have been observed in this field .Some exist only as theories or
prototypes, but others are already in use. This article explores
the advances in wireless power technology enabled by the use
of highly resonant wireless power transfer, how those advances
are being applied across a broad spectrum of applications, and
how they address the safety concerns in typical applications.

One of the major concern in power system is that the
losses occurring during the transmission and allocation of
electrical power. Our existing transmission system is only 70-
74% efficient this means about 1/3 of our generated power is
waste in distribution[1]. The resistance of the wire used in the
electrical grid distribution system causes a loss of 26-30% of
the energy generated. According to the World Resources
Institute ,India’selectricity grid has the highest transmission and
distribution lossesin the world – a whopping
 27%.Wireless Power transmission is useful to power
electrical devices as well as in communication system
case where interconnecting wires are inconvenient,
hazardous is not possible[2]. There is a variety of
technique of wireless power transmission which
include Electromagnetic Induction,Electric Induction
& Magnetic Induction used for different ranges
e.g.short,moderate&Long transmission. The
definition of Wireless Power Transmission (WPT) can
be given as a way of efficient transmission of power
from one point to another trough vacuum or an
atmosphere without the use of wire.

Journal of Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies (ISSN: 2347 - 2804)
Volume No.5 Issue No.3, June 2017

Fig2.1 warden clyffe tower.

Wardenclyffe tower shown in Figure 1. was designed and

constructed by Tesla mainly for wireless transmission of
electrical power rather than telegraphy [3]. This was to be the
first broadcasting system in the world. Tesla wanted to transmit
electricity from this Tower to the whole globe without wires
using the Ionosphere.
William C. Brown, the pioneer in wireless power
transmission Technology, has designed, developed a unit and
demonstrated to show how power can be transferred through
free space by microwaves. In 1961, Brown published the first
paper proposing microwave energy for power transmission, and
in 1964 he demonstrated a microwavepowered model
helicopter that received all the power needed for flight from a
microwave beam at 2.45 GHz [5] from the range of 2.4GHz –
2.5 GHz frequency band which is reserved


In 1864, James C. Maxwell predicted the existence of

radio waves by means of mathematical model. In 1884, John H.
Poynting realized that the Poynting Vector would play an
important role in quantifying the electromagnetic energy.
In 1888, bolstered by Maxwell's theory, Heinrich Hertz first
succeeded in showing experimental evidence of radio waves by
his spark-gap radio transmitter.
In 1891 NicolaTesla “Father of Wireless”)carried out the first
WPT experiment in his “experimental station” at Colorado and
demonstrated “the transmission of electrical energy without
wires" that depends upon electrical conductivity. In 1893,
Tesla demonstrated the illumination of vacuum bulbs by means
of a resonant circuit without using wires for power transmission
at the World Columbian Exposition in Chicago. The receiver
works on the same principle as radio receivers where the device
has to be in the transmitter.

Journal of Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies (ISSN: 2347 - 2804)
Volume No.5 Issue No.3, June 2017

Fig.3.1Classification of WPT system

(a)Non- radiative (Near –field techniques)This means the
area within about wavelength (λ) of the antenna. These fields
are not radiative,meaning the energy stays within a small
distance of the transmitter.[8] The power transmitted, decrease
exponentially with distance,[5][6][7].The range of near-field
devices is conventionally separated into two categories:

Short range– up to about one antenna diameter: Drange ≤

Dant.[8][9][10] This is the range over which ordinary non
resonant capacitive or inductive coupling can transfer practical
amounts of power.

Mid-range– up to 10 times the antenna diameter: Drange≤ 10

Dant.[9][11][10][12]This is the range over which resonant
capacitiveor inductive coupling can transfer practical amounts
of power.

(B) Far-field or radiative techniques(Far-field techniques)

Far-field or radiative region also called power beaming.Beyond
about 1wavelength (λ) of antenna, the electric and magnetic
fields perpendicular to each other and propagate as an
electromagnetic radiation wave; example are radio waves,
microwave, or light waves. These techniques can transport
energy longer distances but must be aimed at the receiver.
Proposed application for this type is solar power satellites, and
CLASSIFICATIO OF WTP SYSTEM wireless powered drone aircraft.
Wireless power transfer systems can be classified mainly
into two types based on radiation pattern

(a) Radiative (b)Non radiative pattern.

Journal of Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies (ISSN: 2347 - 2804)
Volume No.5 Issue No.3, June 2017

of transferring power derives its capability from the two

fundamental laws of physics: Ampere’s law and Faraday’s law.
The functioning of such IPT systems is based on the changing
magnetic field that is created due to alternating currents through
a primary that induce a voltage onto a secondary coupled by
means of air.The power transferred increases with
frequency[17] and the mutual inductance M between the
coils,[5] which depends on their geometry and the distance
Drangebetween them. . Energy gets transferred from the source
to the device when the magnetic fields of the two interact.

Fig.3.2 different types of technique on wpt

3.1.Near-field(nonradiative) techniques
The range of these fields is short, and depends on the size and Fig.3.4Inductive coupling
shape of the “antenna” devices, which are usually coils of wire. (B)Resonant inductive coupling.In order to increase
The fields decrease exponentially with distance, The power is range of Inductive WPT, Resonance inductive coupling
proportional to the square of the field strength, the power is used. Resonance is a property can be explained as a
transferred decreases as (Drangeₑ/Dant).[18][7][15][16] or natural frequency of the system at which if the system
60dB per decade.Inductive and capacitive coupling only can be oscillates maximum energy transfer takes place. This
used for short-range power transfer, within a few times the property when incorporated in WPT systems increases
diameter of the antenna device Dant. thetransfer efficiency. Frequency tuning and impedance
matching both enhanced theefficiency of
3.1.1. Short distance Magnetic induction. A coil (loop) powertransfer.Resonantcoupling is used for Mid range
power transfer i.e. up to 10 times the antenna
conductive material like copper is use for making
coil. If this conductive loop is connected to an AC power
source, it will generate an oscillating magnetic field in the
vicinity of the loop. A second conducting loop, brought close
enough to the first, may "capture" some portion of that
oscillating magnetic field, which in turn, generates or induces
an electric current in the second coil. The current generated in
the second coil may be used to power devices. This type of
electrical power transfer from one loop or coil to another is well
known and referred to as magnetic induction.

Fig.3.5 Resonant inductive coupling

3.1.2 Electrostatic Induction

Electric induction In Capacitive Power Transfer (CPT) the
energy is transmitted between the two electrodes of a capacitor
assembly. Based on the fact that when high frequency ac
Fig.3.3 Electromagnetic Induction voltage source is applied to the plates of the capacitor that are
placed close to each other, electric fields are formed and
(a).Inductive coupling.Electromagnetic Inductive Power displacement current maintains the current continuity.
Transfer (IPT) or inductive coupling is a popular technique of Transmitter and receiver electrodes form a capacitor which can
transferring power wirelessly over a short range. This technique hold a charge., attaches to each end of the coil. This is referred

Journal of Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies (ISSN: 2347 - 2804)
Volume No.5 Issue No.3, June 2017

as electric Induction Some of the features that CPT has Far-field methods are used for achieving WPT distances
compared to IPT are [6]. longer than one wavelength by the use of propagating
electromagnetic fields.Far-field or radiative region also called
power beaming.In general, visible light (from lasers) and
microwaves (from purpose-designed antennas) are the forms of
electromagnetic radiation best suited to energy
transfer.Electromagnetic radiation experiences less diffraction
at shorter wavelengths .

Fig.3.6 Electrostatic Induction

(a)Capacitive coupling .
In capacitive coupling .The energy is transmitted by electric Fig.4.1 Electromagnetic Radiation
fieldsbetween electrodes such as metal plates.Transmitter and
receiver electrodes form a capacitor which can hold a charge., 4.1Microwave power transmission technology transfers high
attaches to each end of the coil. An alternating voltage create power from the base station to the receiving station or mobile
by the transmitter is given to the transmitting plate, and by devices with two places being in line of sight via radio waves
electrostatic induction the oscillating electric field induces an whose wavelength are conveniently measure in small number
alternating potential on the receiver plate,[10] which turn into of centimeter . This part of radio spectrum range across
alternating current flow in the load circuit.The amount of power frequencies of roughly 1 .0 Ghz to 30 Ghz..The most common
transferred increases with the frequency[22] the square of the transmitters used for microwaves is magnetron. Magnetron is
voltage, and the capacitance between the plates, which is used because they are cheap,efficient & power transmission is
proportional to the area of the smaller plate and (for short more lenient to frequency fluctuations than communication
distances) inversely proportional to the separation. Capacitive systems are.AC needs to be converted to Direct Current (DC)
coupling used in low power application, because the very high first and then DC is converted to microwaves by using
voltageson electrodes required transmitting significant power magnetron. Transmitted waves are received at rectenna and
can be hazardous] and can cause unpleasant side effects such as then rectify microwaves into electricity with more efficiently.
noxious ozone production. It will give DC as the output. In the final step, DC will be
converted back to AC . Lack of strong coupling leads to much
lower efficiencies. This technique demands commitment of line
of sight and beam approaches focusing At present an efficiency
of 76% is possible using current technology for microwave
power transmission .

Fig.3.7 Capacitive coupling

(b) Resonant capacitive coupling

Resonance can also be used with capacitive coupling to extend
the range. At the turn of the 20th century, Nikola Tesla did the
first experiments with both resonant inductive and capacitive
coupling. Used in order to increase large rang.

CHAPTER -4 Fig.4.2Microwave system

MPT provides the efficiency in energy conversion but it is
slightly difficult to focus the beam in a small region. Power

Journal of Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies (ISSN: 2347 - 2804)
Volume No.5 Issue No.3, June 2017

beaming using microwaves has been proposed for the  More reliable ,flexible & convenient.
transmission of energy from orbiting solar power  Short circuit and fault on cables would never exist in
satellites(SPS) to Earth and the beaming of power to spacecraft transmission.
leaving orbit has been considered.[23][24]Power beaming by  Automatic wireless charging for cordless for
microwaves has the difficulty that,for most space applications, instruments.
the required aperture sizes are very large due to diffraction 5.2Disadvantages
limiting antenna directionality.  The particle implementation of WPT system cost
seems very high.
 If proper flux linkage not possible, no power supply
takes place. WPT systems can cause interference
4.2 Laser Power Transmission:This technology the power communication systems which using microwaves or
concentrated in a small area by utilizing the mirror. This radio waves.
technology also produces high powers that are coherent and not  This approach is good but up to certain level if
dispersed for very long But gets attenuated when it propgates transmitter and receiver antenna is high in gain so that
through atmosphere. . In addition, this technology has been is too much dangerous for human life may be
used to apply to a rover to explore the presence of ice in the generated radiation will create cancer
bottom of craters of the moon where no sunlight is available.  Less efficiency compared to traditional charging
On the other hand, the solar energygenerated by the radiation is
converted into the electric energy. This energy next will be 5.3Applications of WPT
converted to the laser light and then transmitted to the rover  Most wide application of WPT by using satellites
working at the bottom of the crater [25] [26]. with giant solar arrays placed in Geosynchronous
Earth Orbit. These satellites used to generate and
transmit the power as microwaves to the earth known
as Solar Power Satellites (SPS)
 Application of wpt Ubiquitous Power Source (or)
Wireless Power Source, Wireless sensors and RF
Power Adaptive Rectifying Circuits (PARC).
 Mobility -. Moving targets such as fuel free airplanes,
Electric vehicles, moving robots etc.
 Used in remote controls, computer headsets sensors,
wireless thermostats, smoke detectors, smart phone
accessories, laptops etc.

Fig. 4.3Laser diagram of WPT

5.4.Biological Impacts : The studies in this field shown and
prove that the microwave radiation level would be never higher
CHAPTER-5 than the dose received while opening the door microwave oven
ADVANTGES,DISADVANTAGES& .Also the magnetic rays will not interact with the living tissues
BIOLOGICAL IMPACTS OF WPT so strong and can be easily passed through the humans or other
living organisms
5.1 Advantages
 Can transfer electricity anywhere without wires i.e.
Reduction of E-waste by eliminating the need of
power cords.
Comparison chart of Different Wireless Power Transmission system .
Method Range Directivity Frequency Antenna devices Current and or
possible future
Inductive coupling short Low Hz - MHz Wire coils Electric tooth brush
and Razor Battery

Journal of Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies (ISSN: 2347 - 2804)
Volume No.5 Issue No.3, June 2017

charging, induction

Capacitive Short Low kHz – MHz Electrodes Charging portable

coupling devices, power
routing in large
scale integrated
circuits, Smartcards.

Resonant inductive Mid Low MHz –GHz Tuned wire coils, Charging
coupling lumped element portable devices (
resonators WiTricity),
implants, electric

Microwaves Long High GHz Parabolic Solar power the

dishes, phased satellite, powering
arrays, rectennas drone aircraft
Light waves Long High ≥THz Lasers, Powering drone
photocells, aircraft, powering
lenses, space elevator
telescopes climbers
problems aroused by the existing technology There recent
CHAPTER-6 technological applications that make the human life more
beneficial in the present world have been discussed. Despite
this the technology has not been publicly accepted due to
limitation of range and safety considerations. The focus of this
Some of the following Issue which needs for making
paper has been an overview of various methods, application
that are under research, biological impacts etc.of WPT
system more general and effective are
systems as well as put focus on Solar power satellites,the future
(i) Reduce Radiation Issue. (ii)
of supplying non conventional energy. The brief detail of
Improve Distance Issue.
several aspects relating to history of wireless power
(iii) Improve voltage Issue.
transmission systems &recenttechnology as well as its future
(iv) To develop Multiple Transmitters and Receivers
trends are also mentioned.

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Volume No.5 Issue No.3, June 2017

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