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Michael Petrella –
How To Select The
Best Exercise
Machines For Great
Results And A
Complete HIT

From left to right – Rob Morton, Blair Wilson and Mike

Petrella at Discover Strength during the Resistance Exercise

STG Strength and Power is proudly owned

and operated by Michael Petrella (Facebook).
STG is regarded by many as one of the finest
and best equipped private gyms in the world.
Michael is MEDX/HIT Certified (IART), Master
HIT Certified (S.P.A.R.T.A.), Certified as a
Youth Fitness Instructor (YouthFit Certified),
Winner of the prestiges “Most Innovative
Training Program” with the World Head of
Family Sokeship Council and coach to 61
AWPC/WPC/IPA/RPS/100% Raw World

Michael is also the host of Rogers TV In The

Gym completing 6 episodes in season 1 and
10 episodes for season 2 and has opened an
expanded through 4 facilities over the past
12 years.

In this episode, Michael and I focus almost

entirely on exercise machines. Check out
Michael’s gym tour and machine
collection HERE

We cover:

A review of the advantages and

disadvantages of Nautilus, MedX, X-
force, Pendulum, and more
Mike’s favourite exercise machines
and tools for optimal muscular
The exercise machines and tools that
shouldn’t get overlooked
And much more

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#144: Michael Petrella - How To Select Th…


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here and choosing “save as”

Learn how to grow your high intensity

strength training business – Click Here​

This episode is brought to you by MedX

Precision Fitness in Toronto, Canada, a
leading edge fitness facility co-founded by
my friend and former podcast guest, Blair

MedX Precision Fitness are highly respected

in the strength training industry and, with
the help of a wonderful team, have grown a
very popular and successful training facility
in MedX Precision Fitness. They’ve been
featured in The Huffington Post, The Globe
and Mail, Toronto Guardian and many more.

They provide complete fitness in as little as

20-minutes per week and use evidence-
based high-effort strength training to give
you the most efficient and effective workout
you’ll ever have. As many of you long time
listeners will know, this is the perfect
workout for the busy executive.

Aside from Blair’s bulging muscles, there are

no distractions. There are no mirrors, no
loud music, and no meat heads walking
about the place. MedX Precision Fitness uses
some of the most sophisticated and high
quality equipment available in way of the
MedX machine line, delivering you the best
results possible.

As well as personal training, they offer

nutrition coaching and Bod Pod services to
optimise your health, muscle gain and fat
loss and give you instant feedback on your

Book a FREE consultation now


Selected Links from the

Resistance Exercise Conference
Nautilus Bulletin #1 (PDF)
Nautilus Bulletin #2 (PDF)
Hammer Strength
Pendulum Strength
MedX Avenger Leg Press
Pendulum Squat Pro (standing squat
First Generation Nautilus Pullover
Nautilus Double Chest
MedX Selectorized Chest Press
Pendulum Chest Press
The Sporting Club Main Line (X-Force
MedX Overhead Press
Hammer Strength Incline Press
Nautilus Plate Loaded Bicep Curl
Tricep Cable Push-Down
Cable Rope Overhead Tricep
Body by Science: A Research Based
Program for Strength Training, Body
Building, and Complete Fitness in 12
Minutes a Week by Dr Doug McGuff
and John R. Little ( Amazon
US / Amazon UK )
MedX Lumbar Extension Machine
Dumbbell Row (starts at 3:42)
STG Videos and In The Gym TV Show
In the Gym with Michael Petrella –
Episode 1 – Machines vs Free
Weights, Neck Training
Hammer Strength Iso-Lateral Wide
PowerBlock Dumbells are space
efficient ( Amazon US / Amazon UK )
Adjustable Bench
MedX 4-Way Neck Machine
Hammer Strength Tibia flexion
Tibialis anterior muscle
Big-5 Workout
Nautilus Super Duo-Squat
Standing Calf Raise (starts at 2:10)
Donkey Calf Raise
MedX Seated Leg Curl
MedX Adductor and Abductor
MedX Seated Row
Barbell ( Amazon US / Amazon UK )
The Colorado Experiment
University of Colorado
Muscle, Smoke, & Mirrors: Volume I (
Amazon US / Amazon UK )
Muscle, Smoke, & Mirrors: Volume II (
Amazon US / Amazon UK )
Negative Only Workout
Younger Women, Faster Airplanes,
Bigger Crocodiles by John Szimanski (
Amazon US )
Hammer Strength Deadlift Machine
X-Force Products
Dynavec Gluteator Glute System
Hammer Strength Leg Extension
No Bull Strength and Performance
(Erik McKay’s gym)
High intensity training

People Mentioned
Kim Wood
Gary Jones
Brian Johnston (Listen to my episode
with Brian here)
Tyler Hobson
Dr James Fisher (Listen to my
episodes with James here: Part 1, Part
2, Part 3, Part 4 and Part 5)
Roger Schwab (Listen to my episode
with Roger here)
Randy Roach
Blair Wilson (Listen to my episodes
with Blair here: Part 1 and Part 2)
Dr Ted Dreisinger (Listen to my
episode with Ted here)
Luke Carlson (Listen to my episodes
with Luke here: Part 1, Part 2, Part
3 and Part 4)
Mike Gittleson
Casey Viator
Dr Doug McGuff (Listen to my
episodes with Doug here: Part 1, Part
2, Part 3, and Part 4)
Howie Long
Chris Long
David Feather
Tom Kinney
Erik McKay
Arthur Jones

Tags: 4-way neck machine, First generation Nautilus

pullover, hammer strength incline press, Hammer Strength
tibia flexion, Hammer Strength Wide Chest, Kim Wood,
MedX, MedX Avenger leg press, Medx overhead press, MedX
selectorized, MedX Selectorized chest press, Mike Petrella,
Nautilus, Nautilus Bulletin, Nautilus Info-Metric Bench Press,
Nautilus Pullover, Pendulum chest press, pre-exhaust, STG,
STG Strength and Power, strength curves, X-Force machines

Comments 5

Andrew May June 18, 2018 at

11:54 am

Lawrence, training your rotator

cuff is so easy you might as well
throw it in there.

The Colorado “experiment” is

such a sham, I can’t believe
anyone even gives it the time of

Lawrence Neal June 18, 2018 at

3:22 pm

How do you train yours?


Andrew May June 18, 2018 at 7:19


Hello mate, “lying external

rotation” light weight, one set to
failure. Can tolerate pretty high
frequency. You can do it with a
resistance band but my anterior
deltoids don’t like it! I also do a
bit of dedicated scapula
retraction exercise.

Greg P. June 18, 2018 at 3:51 pm

Really interesting interview! Look

forward to part 2.

The one kind of machine you

mentioned, but didn’t link to, was
the rotator cuff machine. I
wonder what he uses?

I’m one of those with delicate

shoulders which makes bench
pressing problematic. But I love
standing overhead barbell
presses (done correctly). And a
slight incline really does spare
the shoulders when doing
overhead movements.

This isn’t the first time I’ve heard

pendulum equipment
mentioned favorably by an HIT
aficionado. But it also seems
popular among those who don’t
normally identify as being HIT
guys. That’s a win-win, I suppose!

Regarding training for power

lifting: It is true that some
powerlifters focus almost
exclusively on the competition
lifts when training. But I don’t
think that is universally true.
Many world class lifters
incorporate variants of the lift
just to give the body a break
from heavily stressing particular
structures in that way that
happens if you still to just the
main lift. In some training
systems, heavy max effort
deadlifts are done only rarely. In
some training systems, leg
presses are used extensively as
an accessory leg exercise in
order to provide lower body
volume without overly stressing
the low back.

Regarding the controversial

Colorado experiment: There are
now studies out which suggest
that using steroids for any
significant period of time
increases the number of muscle
satellite cells (which are
necessary to grow new muscle),
and that this increase in satellite
cells persists for years after
steroids are discontinued. So
even if Viator had not been using
steroids during the duration of
the Colorado, he might have
been enhanced (not natural) as
the result of having used steroids
in years prior to the experiment.

The other potential issue around

this is that steroid use
suppresses natural testosterone
production, so if he had been
using, and then discontinued just
prior to the Colorado
experiment, he probably would
have suffered from very low T,
and probably would have felt
absolutely like crap. So if he
wasn’t on the juice during the
Colorado experiment, he
probably would have had to
discontinue his steroid use years
before doing the experiment. I
don’t know how that fits in with
his history as a competitive
bodybuilder. Like Micheal, I find
it difficult to believe he could
have been competitive as a
natural against all the other top
body builders of that era, who
we now know were using. If one
was inclined to game the
experiment, the best strategy
would be to go off steroids
during the starvation diet phase,
and then secretly resume use
once training again. Since Viator
is no longer with us, we will
never know for sure.

marcrph June 20, 2018 at 2:18 am

Michael is a blue-chip Iron

Man…..The best of the best.

I’d love to see him document a

“Canada Experiment.”

Negative-only reps affect the

cardiovascular system differently
than other rep styles. I have not
heard or read from any of the
so-called “experts, who have
interviewed here, on how this
can be used to advantage.

Dr. Darden has had excellent

documented results with
negative accentuated reps….aka
as 30/30/30. The adverse effects
from resistance training such as
decreasing blood vessel
compliance may be somewhat
alleviated by eccentric reps.
The Nautilus “rush” factor may
also be of use in sports such as
soccer (world’s most popular
sport) to enhance muscular
endurance. The cardiovascular
needs can easily be met by the
practice of soccer itself.

Please ask Michael about his

rotary squat machine.

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