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March 8, 2018


TO : All Prosecutors in the National Prosecution Service

SUBJECT : 2018 New Bail Bond Guide

WHEREAS , the right to bail is enshrined in the Constitution, and, in recognition of

its mandate, laws, rules and regulations have been issued to implement the said right;
WHEREAS , bail as a matter of right may be invoked in proper cases;
WHEREAS , prosecutors, as o cers of the court, are duty-bound to assist the
courts in the determination of the amount of bail to be granted, taking into
consideration the following standards and criteria, as provided for by Rule 114 of the
Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure:
"Section 9. Amount of bail; guidelines. — The judge who issued the
warrant or granted the application shall x a reasonable amount of bail
considering primarily, but not limited to, the following factors:
(a) Financial ability of the accused to give bail;
(b) Nature and circumstances of the offense;
(c) Penalty for the offense charged;
(d) Character and reputation of the accused;
(e) Age and health of the accused;
(f) Weight of the evidence against the accused;
(g) Probability of the accused appearing at the trial;
(h) Forfeiture of other bail;
(i) The fact that accused was a fugitive from justice when arrested;
(j) Pendency of other cases where the accused is on bail.
Excessive bail shall not be required."
WHEREAS , on the basis of the foregoing standards, the Department issued
Department Circular No. 89 dated August 29, 2000, otherwise known as the 2000 Bail
Bond Guide, which simpli ed and codi ed the various Department (Ministry) Circulars
for uniformity in the amount of bail to be recommended for each crime;
WHEREAS , Republic Act No. 10951, entitled "An Act Adjusting the Amount or the
Value of Property and Damage on which a Penalty is based, and the Fines Imposed
under the Revised Penal Code, amending for the Purpose Act No. 3815, otherwise
known as the 'Revised Penal Code,' as Amended," increased two hundred times the
fines imposed by the Revised Penal Code;
WHEREAS , the adjustment of nes imposed by the Revised Penal Code was due
to the perceived injustice brought about by the range of penalties that the courts
continue to impose on crimes committed today, based on the amount of damage
measured by the value of money eighty (80) years ago;
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WHEREAS , the explanatory notes of the Senate and House Bills which became
R.A. No. 10951 cited the case of Lito Corpuz v. People of the Philippines , 1 wherein the
Supreme Court saw the "much needed change and updates to archaic laws that were
promulgated decades ago when the political, socio-economic, and cultural settings
were far different from today's conditions";
WHEREAS , in consonance with the foregoing, a concomitant adjustment is
needed in the rules of computation to be used in arriving at a uniform rate of bail;
WHEREAS , there are new acts criminalized since the promulgation of the 2000
Bail Bond Guide;
WHEREAS , there are likewise acts decriminalized since the promulgation of the
2000 Bail Bond Guide;
WHEREAS , the death penalty has been abandoned in our criminal statutes since
the promulgation of the old guide;
WHEREAS , bail acts as a reconciling mechanism to accommodate both the
accused's interest in pretrial liberty and society's interest in assuring the accused's
presence at trial;
WHEREAS , there is a need to harmonize anew the bail to be recommended vis-à-
vis the crimes and felonies, as well as their respective imposable penalties and fines;
WHEREAS , Department Order No. 688 dated October 20, 2017 was issued
constituting a Technical Working Group and Drafting Committee for the 2017 Bail Bond
NOW, THEREFORE , the following rules of computation shall be used in arriving
at a uniform rate of bail, viz.:
1. Where the penalty is Reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment, bail is not a
matter of right; hence, "No Bail" shall be recommended;
2. Where bail is a matter of right and the imposable penalty is imprisonment
and/or ne, the bail shall be computed on the basis of the penalty of
imprisonment, a fraction of a year shall be rounded-off to one year,
applying the following formulae, to wit:
a. Where the penalty is Prision correccional (regardless of the period)
t o Reclusion perpetua, or Reclusion temporal (regardless of the
period) to Reclusion perpetua, bail shall be computed on the
maximum period of Reclusion temporal.
b. Where the imposable penalty is correccional or a ictive, bail shall
be based on the maximum of the penalty, the number of years in its
maximum period to be multiplied by P6,000.00, except for the
b.1 For Theft up to P600,000.00, bail shall be based on the
maximum of the penalty, the number of years in its
maximum period to be multiplied by P2,000.00. Any
amount exceeding P600,000.00 shall be based on the
maximum of the penalty, the number of years in its
maximum period to multiplied by P6,000.00.
b.2 For Quali ed theft up to P600,000.00, bail shall be
based on the maximum of the penalty, the number of
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years in its maximum period to be multiplied by
P2,000.00. Any amount exceeding P600,000.00, bail shall
be based on the maximum penalty, the number of years
in its maximum period to be multiplied by P6,000.00.
b.3 For Estafa under par. 2 (D) up to P1.2 M, bail shall be
based on the maximum of the penalty, the number of
years in its maximum period to be multiplied by
P2,000.00. Any amount exceeding P1.2 M, bail shall be
based on the maximum of the penalty, the number of
years in its maximum period to be multiplied by
c. For crimes covered by the Rule on Summary Procedure, Republic Act
No. 6036, and in instances where bail is not required under this
guideline which underwent preliminary investigation, bail shall be
indicated as "bail is not required," except when respondent/accused
is brought to inquest proceedings, in which case, bail shall be set at
P3,000.00. n
d. For quasi offenses, bail shall be in accordance with this guideline
(see table), since life and limb is more valuable than any damage to
e. For violations of Batas Pambansa Blg. 22, bail shall be P6,000.00 for
the rst P40,000.00 face value of the check and an additional
P6,000.00 for every P40,000.00 in excess of P40,000.00 but bail
shall not exceed P120,000.00.
3. Where the imposable penalty is ne only, bail shall be computed as
a. For fine not exceeding P400,000.00, bail is not required.
b. For ne of more than P400,000.00, bail shall be 10% thereof but
shall not exceed P120,000.00.
4. For violations of special laws, bail shall be computed based on the
maximum penalty imposable, the number of years in its maximum period
multiplied by P6,000.00 except for the following laws, bail shall be
computed based on the maximum penalty imposable, the number of years
in its maximum period multiplied by P10,000.00 to wit:
a. RA 7610 (Special Protection of Children Against Child Abuse,
Exploitation and Discrimination), as amended by RA 9231
(Elimination of the Worst Form of Child Labor);
b. RA 9775 (Anti-Child Pornography Act);
c. RA 10591 (Comprehensive Firearms and Ammunition Regulation
d. RA 9165 (Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002) as
amended by RA 10640;
e. RA 9160 (Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2001 as amended by RA
9194 and RA 10167;
f. RA 9184 (Government Procurement Reform Act);
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g. RA 9208 as amended by RA 10364 (Expanded Human Tra cking in
Persons Act of 2012);
h. RA 9372 (Human Security Act of 2007);
i. RA 9745 (Anti-Torture Act of 2009);
j. RA 9995 (Anti-Photo and Video Voyeurism Act of 2009);
k. RA 10168 (Terrorism Financing Prevention and Suppression Act of
l. RA 10353 (Anti-Enforced or Involuntary Disappearance Act of 2012);
m. RA 10883 (New-Anti Carnapping Act of 2016 (repealing RA 6539);
n. PD 1866 (Illegal Possession of Firearms/Ammunition or Explosives)
as amended by RA 9516;
o. Republic Act No. 6968 (Rebellion, Insurrection or Coup d' etat).
WHEREFORE , in accordance with the foregoing rules, standards and criteria, the
attached schedule of bail is hereby adopted for the National Prosecution Service and
shall be known by its abbreviated title: "The 2018 Bail Bond Guide ."
This Circular supersedes all Department issuances inconsistent herewith, shall
take effect immediately and remain in force until further orders.



Chairperson, Committee on the 2018 Bail Bond Guide


DATE : March 5, 2018

Pursuant to Department Order No. 688 dated October 20, 2017, undersigned
members of the Committee on the New Bail Bond Guide, respectfully submits the 2018
Bail Bond Guide updating the recommended bail for the Revised Penal Code as
amended by RA 10951 and all special laws within our jurisdiction.
Thank you.


City Prosecutor and
Chairperson, Committee on the New Bail Bond Guide



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List of Repealed Penal Statutes


Act 1956 (Insolvency Law) RA 10142 (Financial Rehabilitation

and Insolvency Act of 2010)

Act 2590 (An Act for Protection of RA 9147 (Wildlife (Resources

Game and Fish) Conservation and Protection Act)

PD 1219 (Providing for the Exploration, RA 9147 (Wildlife (Resources

Exploitation, Utilization and Conservation and Protection Act)
Conservation of Coral Resources)

RA 6425 (Dangerous Drugs Act of RA 9165 (Comprehensive Dangerous

1972) Drugs Act of 2002 as amended)

RA 7164 (Philippine Nursing Act of RA 9173 (Philippine Nursing Act of

1991) 2002)

RA 6539 (Anti-Carnapping Act of 1972) R.A. 10883 (New Anti-Carnapping Act

of 2016)

Section 56 (f) of RA 4136 (Traffic RA 10586 (Anti-Drunk and Drugged

Code) Driving Act)

PD 1308 (Law Regulating the RA 10587 (Environmental Planning

Environmental Planning Profession in Act of 2013)
the Philippines)

Art. 351 of RPC (Premature Marriage) RA 10655 (An Act Repealing Art. 351
of the RPC)

Vagrancy under Art. 202 of RPC RA 10158 (An Act Decriminalizing

Vagrancy & Amending Art. 202 of the

Art. 186 of RPC (Monopolies and R.A. 10667 (Philippine Competition

Combinations in Restraint of Trade) Act)

PD 1464 (Tariff and Customs Code of R.A. 10863 (Customs Modernization

the Philippines of 1978) as amended and Tariff Act)
by RA 9135
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PD 1536 (Metallurgical Engineering RA 10688 (Metallurgical Engineering
Law of the Philippines) Act of 2015)

RA 318 (Chemical Engineering Law) RA 9297 (Chemical Engineering Law

of 2004)

RA 382 (Regulating the Practice of RA 9268 (Philippine Veterinary

Veterinary Medicine and Surgery) Medicine Act of 2004)

RA 585 (Regulating the Practice of RA 9266 (Architecture Act of 2004)

Architecture) as amended by RA 1581

RA 754 (Regulating the Practice of RA 10657 (Chemistry Profession Act)


RA 768 (Philippine Dental Hygienist RA 9484 (Philippine Dental Act of

Law) 2007)

RA 4209 (Geology Profession Law) RA 10166 (Geology Profession Act of


RA 4419 (Philippine Dental Act of RA 9484 (Philippine Dental Act of

1965) 2007)

RA 4565 (Naval Architecture and RA 10698 (Naval Architecture Law)

Marine Engineering Law)

RA 6955 (Anti Mail Order Bride Law) RA 10906 (Anti Mail Order Spouse Act)

RA 6966 (Philippine Librarianship Act) RA 9246 (Philippine Librarianship Act

of 2003)

RA 8534 (Philippine Interior Design Act RA 10350 (Philippine Interior Design

of 1998) Act of 2012)

RA 8559 (Philippine Agricultural RA 10915 (Philippine Agricultural and

Engineering Act of 1998) Biosystems Engineering Act of 2016)






Of person in danger and abandonment of

Arresto mayor Bail not required
one's own victim (Art. 275)

Arresto mayor and

Of child under seven years of age under
fine not exceeding Bail not required
custody of offender (Art. 276, 1st par.)
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When death of the minor results from Prision correccional
such abandonment (Art. 276, 2nd Par., medium and P36,000.00
1st phrase) maximum

If the life of the minor shall have been in Prision correccional

danger only (Art. 276, 2nd Par., 2nd minimum and P30,000.00
phrase medium

Abandonment of minor by person Arresto mayor and

entrusted with his custody (Art. 277, 1st fine not exceeding Bail not required
Par.) P100,000.00

Neglect by parents of their duty to give Arresto mayor and

proper education to their children (Art. fine not exceeding Bail not required
277, 2nd Par.) P100,000.00

Other forms of abandonment (See P.D.

603, P. 152)


Forcible (Art. 342) Reclusion temporal P120,000.00

- Frustrated Prision mayor P72,000.00

- Attempted Prision correccional P36,000.00

Forcible abduction with simple rape

(Sexual Intercourse)
Reclusion Perpetua No Bail
(Art. 342 in rel. to Arts. 266-A, Par. I
and 266-B 1st Par.)

Forcible abduction with rape (Sexual

Intercourse) qualified by any of the
circumstances under Art. 266-B, 2nd, 3rd
& 4th Pars. Death No Bail

(Art. 342 in rel. to Art. 266-B, 2nd, 3rd

& 4th Pars.

Forcible abduction with rape (Sexual

Intercourse) qualified by any of the
Death No Bail
circumstances under Art. 266-B, 5th &
6th Pars.

Forcible abduction with rape under Art.

266-A, Par. 2 (committed by inserting
penis into another's mouth, or anal
orifice; or any instrument or object, into
Reclusion Temporal
the genital or anal orifice of another P200,000.00

(Art. 342 in rel. to Art. 266-A, Par. 2

and Art. 266-B, 7th Par.)

Abductio n
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Forcible abduction with rape under Art.
266-A, Par. 2 with any one of the 10
qualifying circumstances in Art. 266-B,
Reclusion Temporal
6th Par. P200,000.00
(Art. 342 in rel. to Art. 266-A, Par. 2
and Art. 266-B, 6th and 12th Pars.)

Forcible abduction with rape under Art.

266-A, Par. 2 with the use of a deadly
weapon or by two or more persons Reclusion Temporal
(Art. 342 in rel. to Art. 266-A, Par. 2
and Art. 266-B, 8th Par.)

Forcible abduction with rape under Art.

266-A, Par. 2, where the victim has
become insane. Reclusion Temporal
(Art. 342 in rel. to Art. 266-A, Par. 2
and Art. 266-B, 9th Par.)

Forcible abduction with attempted rape

with homicide under Art. 266-A, Par. 2
Reclusion Perpetua No Bail
(Art. 342 in rel. to Art. 266-A, Par. 2
and Art. 266-B, 10th Par.)

Forcible abduction with rape with

homicide under Art. 266-A, Par. 2
Reclusion Perpetua No Bail
(Art. 342 in rel. to Art. 266-A, Par. 2
and Art. 266-B, 11th par.)

Abductio n

Prision correccional
Consented abduction (Art. 343) minimum and P30,000.00

Arresto mayor
- Frustrated medium and Bail Not Required

Arresto mayor
- Attempted Bail Not Required


Intentional abortion (Art. 256)

- If offender shall use violence on

Reclusion Temporal P120,000.00
the pregnant woman (Art. 256, No. 1)

- If without using violence, offender

shall act without the consent of the Prision mayor P72,000.00
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woman (Art. 256, No. 2)

Prision correccional
- If the woman shall have consented
medium and P36,000.00
(Art. 256, No. 3)

- If the woman shall practice

Prision correccional
abortion upon herself or shall
medium and P36,000.00
consent that another should do so
(Art. 258, 1st Par.)

- If the woman committed abortion Prision correccional

upon herself to conceal her dishonor minimum and P30,000.00
(Art. 258, 2nd Par.) medium

- If crime be committed by parents

Prision correccional
of pregnant woman or either of them
medium and P36,000.00
with the woman's consent to conceal
her dishonor (Art. 258, 3rd Par.)

Abortion practiced by a physician or

midwife and dispensing of abortive (Art.

- With the use of violence (Art. 259, Reclusion Temporal

1st Par., in relation to Art. 256, No. 1) Maximum

- Without violence but without

Prision mayor
consent of the woman (Art. 259, 1st P72,000.00
Par. in relation to Art 256, No. 2)

- If the woman shall have consented Maximum period if

(Art. 259, 1st Par. in relation to Art. prision correccional
256, No. 3) medium and

- Dispensation of abortive by a
Arresto mayor and
pharmacist without the proper
fine not exceeding Bail Not Required
prescription from a physician (Art.
259, 2nd Par.)

Unintentional Abortion (Art. 257) Prision correccional

minimum and P30,000.00



When the victim is under 12 years of age

Reclusion Temporal
(Art. 336, as amended by Sec. 5, Par 2 P108,000.00
(b) RA 7610)

- Against the will of the victim when

Prision correccional P36,000.00
victim is 12 years of age or over.

- with consent of offended woman

Arresto mayor Bail Not Required
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(Art. 339)
ADULTE RY (Art. 333) Prision correccional
medium and P36,000.00

- If committed while being Arresto mayor

abandoned with justification by maximum to prision
offended party (Art. 333, 3rd Par.) correccional

ALARMS AND SCANDALS (Art. 155) Arresto menor or a

fine not exceeding Bail Not Required

ARRE ST, Unlawful (Art. 269) Arresto mayor and a

fine not exceeding Bail Not Required

ARSON , Destructive (Art. 320 as

amended by RA 7695)

- Resulting in death Death No Bail

- Under other qualifying Reclusion perpetua

No Bail
circumstances to death

- Frustrated Reclusion Temporal P120,000.00

- Attempted Prision mayor P72,000.00

ARSON , under other circumstances

mentioned in PD 1613. (see PD 1613)

ASSAULTS, Direct (Art. 148)

- If committed with a weapon or Prision correccional

when offender is a public officer or medium and
employee or when the offender lays maximum and a fine P36,000.00
hands upon a person in authority (1st not exceeding
sentence) P200,000.00

If committed without the above Prision correccional

attendant circumstances (2nd sentence) minimum and fine
not exceeding

Direct Assault with Murder (Arts. 148

Death No Bail
and 248 in relation to Art. 48)

Direct Assault with Frustrated Murder Reclusion Temporal


Direct Assault with Attempted Murder Prision Mayor


Direct Assault with Homicide (Arts. 148 Reclusion temporal

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and 294 in relation to Art. 48) maximum
- Direct Assault with Frustrated Prision mayor
Homicide maximum

- Direct Assault with Attempted Prison correccional

Homicide maximum

Direct Assault with serious physical

Prision mayor
injuries (Arts. 148 and 263, No. 1 in P72,000.00
relation to Art. 48)

Direct Assault with serious physical Maximum period of

injuries (Arts. 148, 1st sentence and 263, prision correccional
No. 2 in relation to Art. 48) medium and P36,000.00
maximum and fine of

Direct Assault with serious physical Maximum period of

injuries (Arts. 148, 2nd sentence and 263 prision correccional
No. 2 in relation to Art. 48) medium and

Direct Assault with serious physical Maximum period of

injuries (Art. 148, 1st sentence and Art. prision correccional
263, No. 3, in relation to Art. 48) medium and P36,000.00
maximum and fine of

Direct Assault with serious physical Maximum period of

injuries (Art. 148, 2nd sentence and Art. prision correccional
263, No. 3, in relation to Art. 48) minimum and

Direct Assault with serious physical Maximum period of

injuries (Art. 148, 1st sentence and Art. prision correccional
263, No. 4, 1st Par. in relation to Art. 48) medium and P36,000.00
maximum and fine of

Direct Assault with serious physical Maximum period of

injuries (Art. 148, 2nd sentence and Art. prision correccional
263, No. 4, 1st Par. in relation to Art. 48) minimum and fine of

Direct Assault with serious physical

injuries committed with any of the
attendant circumstances of parricide or Maximum period of
murder, and the injured person becomes reclusion temporal
insane, imbecile, impotent or blind. medium and
(Arts. 148 and 263 2nd Par., 1st
phrase in relation to Art. 48, RPC)

Direct Assault with serious physical

injuries committed with any of the
attendant circumstances of parricide or
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murder and the injured person losses
use of speech, or power to hear or
smell, or shall have lost an eye, a hand, Maximum period of
a foot, an arm or a leg or shall have lost prision correccional
the use of any such member, or shall maximum to prision
have become incapacitated for the work mayor minimum
in which he was theretofore habitually

(Arts. 148 and 263 2nd Par. 2nd

phrase, in rel. to Art. 48, RPC)

Direct Assault with serious physical

injuries committed with any of the
attendant circumstances of parricide or
murder and the injured person shall have
become deformed, shall have lost any Maximum period of
other part of his body, or shall have lost prision correccional
the use thereof, or have become medium and P36,000.00
incapacitated for work for a period of maximum and fine of
more than 90 days. P200,000.00

(Art. 148 1st sentence and Art. 263,

2nd part. 3rd phrase in rel. to Art. 48

- If committed under Art. 148, 2nd Maximum period of

sentence in relation to Art. 363 2nd prision correccional
Par., 3rd phrase medium and

ASSAULTS, Indirect (Art. 149) Prision correccional

minimum and
medium and fine not P30,000.00

ASSE MBLIE S, Illegal (Art. 146)

- Organizers or leaders of illegal Prision correccional

assembly maximum to prision P60,000.00
mayor medium

- Persons present at illegal

assembly, if armed with licensed
Prision correccional P36,000.00
firearms, bolos, knives or other
deadly weapons.

- Persons present at illegal

Arresto mayor Bail Not Required
assembly, if not armed

ASSOCIATIONS, Illegal (Art. 147)

- Founders, directors and presidents Prision correccional

minimum and
medium and fine not
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Members Arresto mayor Bail Not Required

ATTORNE Y, betrayal o f trust by an; Prision correccional

revelatio n o f secrets (Art. 209) minimum and/or fine
from P40,000.00 to

AUCTIONS, machinatio ns in public Prision correccional

(Art. 185) minimum and fine of
10% to 50% of the P18,000.00
value of the thing

BIGAMY (Art. 349) Prision mayor P72,000.00

BOUNDARIE S o r Landmarks, Arresto menor

Altering o f (Art. 313) and/or fine not
Bail Not Required


Direct bribery (Art. 210) Prision mayor

minimum and
- If public officer agrees to perform medium and fine not
an act constituting a crime and the less than 3x the
same has been committed (1st Par.) value of gift, in
addition to the
corresponding to the
crime agreed upon, if

- If public officer agrees to perform Prision mayor

an act not constituting a crime and minimum and
the same has not been accomplished medium and fine not P60,000.00
(2nd Par., 1st phrase) less than 3x the
value of gift.

- If public officer agrees to perform Prision correccional

an act not constituting a crime and medium and fine not
the same has not been accomplished less than twice the
(2nd Par., last phrase) value of gift.

- If public officer refrains from doing Prision correccional

something which it was his official maximum to prision
duty to do (Art. 210, 3rd Par.) mayor minimum and P48,000.00
fine not less than 3x
the value of gift.

Indirect, Bribery (Art. 211) Prision correccional

medium and P36,000.00
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Qualified Bribery (Art. 211-A as amended
by Sec. 4. R.A. 7659)

- If any public official is entrusted

with law enforcement and he refrains
from arresting or prosecuting an Same penalty for the
offender who has committed a crime offense not No Bail
punishable by reclusion perpetua prosecuted
and/or death in consideration of any
offer, promise, gift or present.

- If it is the public officer who asks

Death No Bail
for or demands such gifts or present.

BRIGANDAGE (Art. 306, as

amended by P.D. 532)

- If kidnapping for ransom or

extortion, or murder, or homicide or
rape is committed as a result or on Death No Bail
the occasion thereof (Sec. 3 (b), 3rd
sentence, PD 532)

- If physical injuries or other crimes

Reclusion temporal
are committed during or on the
medium and P120,000.00
occasion of the commission thereof
(Sec. 3 (b), 2nd sentence, PD 532)

- If none of the above attendant

Reclusion temporal
circumstances are present (Sec. 3 P90,000.00
(b), 1st sentence, PD 532)

Aiding highway robbers/brigands or

abetting highway robbery/brigandage
(Art. 307, as amended by Sec. 4, P.D.

- If the principal has committed

kidnapping for ransom or extortion,
Reclusion perpetua No Bail
murder or homicide or rape as a
result or on the occasion thereof.


- If the principal has committed Prision mayor

physical injuries or other crimes are maximum to
committed during or on the occasion reclusion temporal
of the highway robbery/brigandage minimum.

- If the principal has committed

Prision mayor
brigandage/highway robbery without P72,000.00
the above attendant circumstances


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- Grave coercion (Art. 286, 1st Par. Prision correccional
as amended by R.A. 7890) and fine not P36,000.00

- If the coercion be committed in

violation of the exercise of the right
of suffrage or to compel another to Prision mayor and
perform any religious act or to fine not exceeding P72,000.00
prevent him from exercising such P100,000.00
right or from doing such act (Art. 286,
2nd Par., as amended by RA 7890)

Light coercion (Art. 287, 1st Par.) Arresto mayor

minimum and fine
equivalent to the
Bail Not Required
value of the thing
seized but not less

Other coercions or unjust vexations (Art. Arresto menor

287, 2nd par.) and/or fine from
Bail Not Required
P1,000.00 to

Other similar coercions (Compulsory Arresto mayor

purchase of merchandise and payment and/or fine from
Bail Not Required
of wages by means of tokens) (Art. 288) P40,000.00 to

COINS. (Making, impo rting and

uttering false co ins, in co nnivance
with co unterfeiters o r impo rters)
(Art. 163 as amended by R.A. 4202
and R.A. 10951)

- If the counterfeited coin be any of Prision correccional

the coinage of the Philippines (Art. minimum and
163, Par. 1) medium and fine not P30,000.00

- If the counterfeited coin is Prision correccional

currency of a foreign country (Art. minimum and fine
163, Par. 2) not exceeding

Mutilation, defacement or destruction of Prision correccional

coins (Art. 164 as amended by PD 247 minimum and fine
and RA 10951) not exceeding

- Importation or utterance of Prision correccional

mutilated coins in connivance with minimum and fine
mutilators or importers (Art. 164) not exceeding
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Possessing with intent to utter, uttering
or selling false or mutilated coins
without connivance with mutilators or
importers (Art. 165)

- Under Art. 163, Par. 1 Arresto mayor

medium and
maximum and fine Bail Not Required
not exceeding

- Under Art. 163, Par. 2 Arresto mayor

maximum and fine
Bail Not Required
not exceeding

- Under Art. 164 as amended by PD Arresto Mayor

247 maximum and fine
Bail Not Required
not exceeding

Commission of another crime during Maximum period of Bail

service of penalty imposed for another penalty for new corresponding to
previous offense. (Art. 160) felony committed the penalty of the
new felony


o bstructio n to means o f (Art. 330)

- Damaging any railway, telegraph or Prision correccional P36,000.00

telephone lines (1st Par.) medium and

- If the damage shall result in any Prision mayor P72,000.00

derailments of cars, collisions or
other accident (2nd Par.)



- For the purpose of concealing a Arresto mayor and Bail Not Required
crime, evading the execution of a fine not exceeding
judgment causing damage (Par. 1) P100,000.00

- Simple concealment (Par. 2) Arresto menor or Bail Not Required

fine not exceeding


- For husband (1st Par.) Prision correccional P30,000.00

minimum and

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

- For concubine (2nd Par.) Destierro Bail Not Required

Act tending to prevent the meeting of Prision correccional P36,000.00

Congress and similar bodies (Art. 143) and/or fine from
P40,000.00 to

Disturbance of proceeding (Art. 144) Arresto mayor or Bail Not Required

fine from P40,000.00
to P200,000.00

Violation of Parliamentary Immunity Prision mayor P72,000.00

(Art. 145, 1st phrase)

- Arresting or searching members of Prision correccional P36,000.00

the Congress while it is in session
(Art. 145, 2nd phrase)

Disobedience to summons issued by Arresto mayor Bail Not Required

Congress, its and/or fine from
committees/subcommittees or P40,000.00 to
divisions, refusing to be sworn, refusing P200,000.00
to answer any legal inquiry, restraining
another from attending as a witness and
inducing disobedience. (Art. 150)


COUNTRY (Art. 120)

- If correspondence has been Prision correccional P36,000.00

prohibited by the government (No. 1)

- If correspondence is carried on in Prision mayor P72,000.00

ciphers or conventional signs (No. 2)

- If notice or information be given Reclusion temporal P120,000.00

thereby which might be useful to the
enemy (No. 3, 1st sentence)

- If the offender intended to aid the Reclusion temporal P120,000.00

enemy by giving such notice or to death (death can
information (No. 3, 2nd sentence) not be imposed as a
crime is not included
in RA 7659).

OFFICIALS (Art. 212)

- Under Arts. 210 and 211 Same penalties as Same bail as

those in Arts. 210 those for public
and 211 officers in Arts.
210 and 211)

- Under Art. 211-A Same penalties as No Bail

those in Art. 211-A
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
(see pp. 13 and 14)


INSURRE CTION (Art. 135 as
amended by RA 6968 (See
Rebellio n page 86)

DE ATH or physical injuries under Destierro Bail Not Required

exceptional circumstances (Art. 247)


(Art. 125, as amended by E O 272)

- If delay has not exceeded three Arresto mayor P18,000.00

days maximum to prision

- If delay is more than three days Prision correccional P36,000.00

but not more than fifteen days medium and

- If delay is more than fifteen days Prision mayor P72,000.00

but not more than six months

- If delay has exceeded six months Reclusion temporal P120,000.00

DE LAYING RE LE ASE (Art. 126) Same penalty as in Same bail as in

arbitrary detention arbitrary
(Art. 124) (p. 23) detention

DE LIV E RY of prisoners from jail (Art.


- By means of violence, intimidation Arresto mayor P18,000.00

or bribery (1st Par. 1st sentence) maximum to prison

- By other means (1st Par., 2nd Arresto mayor Bail Not Required

- If the escape of the prisoner shall Minimum period of P18,000.00

take place outside of said arresto mayor
establishment by means of violence, maximum to prision
intimidation or bribery (2nd Par. in correccional
relation to Par. 1, 1st sentence) minimum

- If the escape of the prisoner shall Arresto mayor Bail Not Required
take place outside of said minimum
establishment by other means (Par. 2
in relation to Par. 1, 2nd sentence)

DE STROYING or damaging statues or Arresto mayor P18,000.00

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
any other useful or ornamental public medium to prison
monuments (Art. 331, 1st Par.) correccional

DE STROYING or damaging any useful Arresto menor Bail Not Required

or ornamental painting of public nature and/or fine not
(2nd Par.) exceeding P200.00

DE TE NTION. Arbitrary (Art. 124)

- If detention has not exceeded Arresto mayor P18,000.00

three days (No. 1) maximum to prison

- If detention has continued for Prision correccional P36,000.00

more than three days but not more medium and
than fifteen days (No. 2) maximum

- If detention has continued for Prision mayor P72,000.00

more than three days but not more
than fifteen days (No. 3)

- If detention has exceeded six Reclusion temporal P120,000.00

months (No. 4)

DE TE NTION. Illegal

Serious illegal detention (Art. 267 as Reclusion perpetua No Bail

amended by R.A. 7659) to death

- Frustrated Reclusion temporal P120,000.00

- Attempted Prision mayor P72,000.00

If detention was committed for the Death No Bail

purpose of extorting ransom (Art. 267,
2nd Par.) or when the victim is killed or
dies or is raped or is subjected to
torture or dehumanizing acts (Art. 267,
last Par.)

- Frustrated Reclusion perpetua No Bail

- Attempted Reclusion temporal P120,000.00



- If attendant circumstances Reclusion temporal P120,000.00

enumerated in Art. 267 are not
present; or anyone who shall furnish
the place of detention (1st Par.)

- If offender voluntarily releases the Prision mayor P60,000.00

person so kidnapped or detained minimum and
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
within three days from the medium and fine not
commencement of detention without exceeding
having attained the purposes P100,000.00
intended, and before institution of
criminal proceeding against him (2nd

ORDE RS (Art. 153)

- Serious disturbance or Arresto mayor P18,000.00

interruptions (1st Par.) medium to prision
minimum and fine
not exceeding

- If tumultuous in character (2nd Prision correccional P48,000.00

Par.) medium to prision
mayor minimum and
fine not exceeding

- Making any outcry tending to Arresto mayor Bail Not Required

incite rebellion or sedition, or
displaying placards or emblems
which provoke a disturbance or
public order (4th Par.)

- Burying with pomp the body of Arresto menor and Bail Not Required
person who has been legally fine not exceeding
executed (5th Par., Art. 153) P40,000.00


Violation of domicile (Art. 128)

Entering any dwelling against the will of Prision correccional P18,000.00

the owner, etc. (1st Par.) minimum

- If committed at nighttime or if any Prision correccional P36,000.00

papers or effects not constituting medium and
evidence of a crime be not returned maximum
immediately after the search (2nd

- Searching domicile without Arresto mayor Bail Not Required

witnesses (Art. 130) medium and

DUE L (Art. 260)

- If accused kills his adversary in a Reclusion temporal P120,000.00

duel (1st Par.)

- If accused inflicts physical Same as in physical Same bail under

injuries, he shall suffer the penalty injuries (Arts. 262, physical injuries
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
therefor according to the nature of 263, 265, 266)
injuries (2nd Par.)

- Combatants in a duel, although no Arresto mayor Bail Not Required

physical injuries have been inflicted
(3rd par.)

- Seconds in duel (4th Par.) One degree lower Bail

than the corresponding to
corresponding above the penalty

Challenges to a duel, inciting another to Prision correccional P18,000.00

a duel, publicly, scoffing at or decrying minimum
another for having refused to accept the
challenge (Art. 261)

E SPIONAGE (Art. 117)

- Entering a warship, fort, or naval or

military establishment or reservation
to obtain any information, plans,
photographs, or other data of a
confidential nature relative to the
defense of the Philippines (No. 1)

- If offender is a private person Prision correccional P36,000.00

- If offender is a public employee or Prision mayor P72,000.00


- Disclosing to a representative of a Prision mayor P72,000.00

foreign nation contents of articles,
data, or information of confidential
nature referred to in No. 1 which he
has in his possession by reason of
the public office he holds (No. 2)

For other forms of espionage, see

Commonwealth Act 616

E STAFA (Art. 315, No. 1 (a), (b), and (c);

No. 2 (a), (b), and (c); and by way of
fraudulent means (As amended by R.A.

If the amount involved is above P26.4 M Maximum Period of P120,000.00

Prision Correccional
(Under RA 10951,
Maximum to Prision
the penalty for
Mayor Minimum + 12
Estafa shall not
years = 20 years
exceed 20 years)

- Frustrated Prision Correccional P102,000.00

Minimum and
Medium + 12 years =
17 years
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
- Attempted Arresto Mayor P78,000.00
Medium and
Maximum + 12 years
= 13 years

If the amount involved is above P24.4 M Maximum Period of P114,000.00

to P26.4 M Prision Correccional
Maximum to Prision
Mayor Minimum + 11
years = 19 years

- Frustrated Prision Correccional P96,000.00

Minimum and
Medium + 11 years =
16 years

- Attempted Arresto Mayor P72,000.00

Medium and
Maximum + 11 years
= 12 years

If the amount involved is above P22.4 M Maximum Period of P108,000.00

to P24.4 M Prision Correccional
Maximum to Prision
Mayor Minimum + 10
years = 18 years

- Frustrated Prision Correccional P90,000.00

Minimum and
Medium + 10 years =
15 years

- Attempted Arresto Mayor P66,000.00

Medium and
Maximum + 10 years
= 11 years

If the amount involved is above P20.4 M Maximum Period of P102,000.00

to P22.4 M Prision Correccional
Maximum to Prision
Mayor Minimum + 9
years = 17 years

- Frustrated Prision Correccional P84,000.00

Minimum and
Medium + 9 years =
14 years

- Attempted Arresto Mayor P60,000.00

Medium and
Maximum + 9 years
= 10 years

If the amount involved is above P18.4 M Maximum Period of P96,000.00

to P20.4 M Prision Correccional
Maximum to Prision
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
Mayor Minimum + 8
years = 16 years

- Frustrated Prision Correccional P78,000.00

Minimum and
Medium + 8 years =
13 years

- Attempted Arresto Mayor P54,000.00

Medium and
Maximum + 8 years
= 9 years

If the amount involved is above P16.4 M Maximum Period of P90,000.00

to P18.4 M Prision Correccional
Maximum to Prision
Mayor Minimum + 7
years = 15 years

- Frustrated Prision Correccional P72,000.00

Minimum and
Medium + 7 years =
12 years

- Attempted Arresto Mayor P48,000.00

Medium and
Maximum + 7 years
= 8 years

If the amount involved is above P14.4 M Maximum Period of P84,000.00

to P16.4 M Prision Correccional
Maximum to Prision
Mayor Minimum + 6
years = 14 years

- Frustrated Prision Correccional P66,000.00

Minimum and
Medium + 6 years =
11 years

- Attempted Arresto Mayor P42,000.00

Medium and
Maximum + 6 years
= 7 years

If the amount involved is above P12.4 M Maximum Period of P78,000.00

to P14.4 M Prision Correccional
Maximum to Prision
Mayor Minimum + 5
years = 13 years

- Frustrated Prision Correccional P60,000.00

Minimum and
Medium + 5 years =
10 years

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

- Attempted Arresto Mayor P36,000.00
Medium and
Maximum + 5 years
= 6 years
If the amount involved is above P10.4 M Maximum Period of P72,000.00
to P12.4 M Prision Correccional
Maximum to Prision
Mayor Minimum + 4
years = 12 years

- Frustrated Prision Correccional P54,000.00

Minimum and
Medium + 4 years =
9 years

- Attempted Arresto Mayor P30,000.00

Medium and
Maximum + 4 years
= 5 years

If the amount involved is above P8.4 M Maximum Period of P66,000.00

to P10.4 M Prision Correccional
Maximum to Prision
Mayor Minimum + 3
years = 11 years

- Frustrated Prision Correccional P48,000.00

Minimum and
Medium + 3 years =
8 years

- Attempted Arresto Mayor P24,000.00

Medium and
Maximum + 3 years
= 4 years

If the amount involved is above P6.4 M Maximum Period of P60,000.00

to P8.4 M Prision Correccional
Maximum to Prision
Mayor Minimum + 2
years = 10 years

- Frustrated Prision Correccional P42,000.00

Minimum and
Medium + 2 years =
7 years

- Attempted Arresto Mayor P18,000.00

Medium and
Maximum + 2 years
= 3 years

If the amount involved is above P4.4 M Maximum Period of P54,000.00

to P6.4M Prision Correccional
Maximum to Prision
Mayor Minimum + 1
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
year = 9 years

- Frustrated Prision Correccional P36,000.00

Minimum and
Medium + 1 year = 6

- Attempted Arresto Mayor P12,000.00

Medium and
Maximum + 1 year =
2 years

If the amount involved is above P2.4 M Prision Correccional P48,000.00

to P4.4 M Maximum to Prision
Mayor Minimum

- Frustrated Prision Correccional P30,000.00

Minimum and

- Attempted Arresto Mayor Bail is not

Medium and required

If the amount involved is above P1.2 M Prision Correccional P30,000.00

to P2.4 M Minimum and

- Frustrated Arresto Mayor Bail is not

Medium and required

- Attempted Arresto Mayor Bail is not

Minimum or required
Destierro Maximum

If the amount involved is above P40K to Arresto Mayor P18,000.00

P1.2 M Maximum to Prision

- Frustrated Arresto Mayor Bail is not

Minimum and required

- Attempted Destierro Medium to Bail is not

Maximum required

If the amount involved is P40K or less Arresto Mayor Bail is not

Medium and required

- Frustrated Arresto Mayor Bail is not

Minimum or required
Destierro Maximum

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

- Attempted Destierro Minimum Bail is not
to Medium required

E STAFA (Art. 315, Par. 2 (d) as

amended by R.A. 10951)

If the amount involved is above P8.8 M Reclusion Perpetua No Bail

- Frustrated Reclusion Temporal P120,000.00

- Attempted Prision Mayor P72,000.00

If the amount involved is above P4.4 M Reclusion Temporal P120,000.00

to P8.8 M Maximum

- Frustrated Reclusion Temporal P108,000.00


- Attempted Reclusion Temporal P90,000.00


If the amount involved is above P2.4 M Reclusion Temporal P108,000.00

to P4.4 M Minimum and

- Frustrated Prision Mayor P72,000.00

Medium and

- Attempted Prision Correccional P48,000.00

Maximum to Prision
Mayor Minimum

If the amount involved is above P1.2 M Prision Mayor P72,000.00

to P2.4 M Maximum

- Frustrated Prision Mayor P60,000.00


- Attempted Prision Mayor P48,000.00


If the amount involved is above P40K to Prision Mayor P20,000.00

P1.2 M Medium

- Frustrated Prision Mayor P16,000.00


- Attempted Prision Correccional P12,000.00


If the amount involved is P40K or less Prision Mayor P16,000.00


- Frustrated Prision Correccional P12,000.00

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
- Attempted Prision Correccional P10,000.00

OTHE R FORMS OF SWINDLING (Art. Arresto mayor Bail Not Required

316) minimum and
medium and fine not
less than the value
of damage but not
exceeding 3x such

SWINDLING OF MINOR (Art. 317) Arresto mayor and Bail Not Required
fine not less than
10% but not to
exceed 50% of the
value of obligation
contracted by the

OTHE R DE CE ITS (Art. 318, 1st par.) Arresto mayor and Bail Not Required
fine not less than the
value of the damage
nor more than twice
such value

- Interpreting dreams, making Arresto menor or Bail Not Required

forecasts, telling fortunes for profit fine not exceeding
or gain (2nd par.) (As amended by P40,000.00
R.A. 10951)


315 in relation to Arts. 171 and 48) (As
amended by R.A. 10951)

If committed by a public officer,

employee, notary or ecclesiastical

If the amount of fraud is P12.4M or Apply the maximum Same bail as

more period of the penalty estafa
of estafa
corresponding to the
amount of fraud

- Frustrated Apply the maximum Same bail as in

period of penalty for frustrated estafa
frustrated estafa

- Attempted Apply the maximum Same bail as in

period of penalty for attempted estafa
attempted estafa

- If the amount of fraud is less than Prision mayor P72,000.00

P12.4M maximum and fine of
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
not exceeding
(maximum penalty
for falsification)

- Frustrated Prision mayor P60,000.00

medium and fine of

- Attempted Prision mayor P48,000.00

minimum and fine of

- If committed by a private individual

(Art. 315 in relation to Arts. 172 & 48)
(As amended by R.A. 10951)

- If the amount of fraud exceeds Apply the maximum Same bail as

P2.4M period of the penalty estafa
of estafa
corresponding to the
amount of fraud

- Frustrated Apply the maximum Same bail as in

period of penalty for frustrated estafa
frustrated estafa

- Attempted Apply the maximum Same bail as in

period of penalty for attempted estafa
attempted estafa

- If the amount of fraud is P2.4M or Maximum period of P36,000.00

less prision correccional
medium and
maximum and fine of

- Frustrated Medium period of P30,000.00

prision correccional
medium and
maximum and fine of

- Attempted Minimum period of P24,000.00

prision correccional
medium and
maximum and fine of

SE NTE NCE (Art. 157)

If committed during the term of Prision correccional P36,000.00

imprisonment by a final judgment (1st medium and
sentence) maximum

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

- Frustrated Arresto mayor P18,000.00
maximum to prision
- Attempted Arresto mayor Bail Not Required
minimum and

- If evasion takes place by unlawful Prision correccional P36,000.00

entry, breaking doors, windows, maximum
gates, walls, roofs, or floors, or using
picklocks, false keys, disguise,
deceit, violence or intimidation or
through connivance with other
convicts or employees of the penal
institution (2nd sentence)

- Frustrated Prision correccional P30,000.00


- Attempted Prision correccional P18,000.00


- If committed on the occasion of 1/5 of the time still Bail Not Required
disorders, conflagrations, remaining to be
earthquakes, or other calamities (Art. served under the
158, 1st Par.) original sentence but
not to exceed 6

Other cases of evasion of service of Prision correccional P18,000.00

sentence (Art. 159, 1st sentence) minimum

- If the penalty remitted by the Unexpired portion of Bail

granting of such pardon be higher the original sentence corresponding to
than six years (Art. 159, 2nd unexpired portion
sentence) of original

E V ASION , Public Officer conniving with

or consenting to (Art. 223)

- If the fugitives shall have been Prision correccional P36,000.00

sentenced by final judgment (No. 1) medium and

- If the fugitives is only a detention Prision correccional P18,000.00

prisoner (No. 2) minimum

Evasion through negligence of public Arresto mayor P18,000.00

officer (Art. 224) maximum to prision

Escape of prisoner under custody of a Arresto mayor P18,000.00

person not a public officer (Art. 225 in maximum to prision
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
relation to Art. 223, No. 1) correccional
Escape etc. (Art. 225 in relation to Art. Arresto mayor Bail Not Required
223, No. 2) maximum

Escape etc. (Art. 225 in relation to Art. Arresto mayor Bail Not Required
224) minimum and

E XPULSION of a person from the Prision correccional P36,000.00

Philippines or compelling a person to
change residence (Art. 127)

FALSE TE STIMONY (As amended by

RA 10951)

False testimony against a defendant in a

criminal case (Art. 180)

- If defendant in said case has been Reclusion temporal P120,000.00

sentenced to death (No. 1)

- If defendant in said case has been Prision mayor P72,000.00

sentenced to reclusion temporal or
perpetua (No. 2)

- If defendant has been sentenced Prision correccional P36,000.00

to any other afflicted penalty (No. 3) and fine not

- If defendant has been sentenced Arresto mayor and Bail Not Required
to a correctional penalty or a fine, or fine not exceeding
acquitted (No. 4) P200,000.00

False testimony favorable to the

defendant in a criminal case (Art. 181)

- If prosecution is for a felony Arresto mayor P18,000.00

punishable by an afflictive penalty maximum to prision
(1st clause) correccional
minimum and fine
not exceeding

- If prosecution is for a felony Arresto mayor Bail Not Required

punishable by a penalty lower than
afflictive (2nd clause)

False testimony in civil case (Art. 182)

(As Amended by RA 10951)

- If the amount of controversy shall Prision correccional P18,000.00

exceed P1,000,000.00 (1st clause) minimum and fine
not exceeding
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
- If the amount of controversy does Arresto mayor P18,000.00
not exceed P1,000,000.00 or cannot maximum to prision
be estimated (2nd clause) correccional
minimum and fine
not exceeding

False testimony made under oath, or in Arresto mayor P18,000.00

an affidavit, and not included in the maximum to prision
provisions of Arts. 180 to 182 (Art. 183, correccional
1st Par.) minimum
- Perjury in solemn affirmation (Art. Same penalty as in Same bail as in
183, 2nd Par.) Arts. 180-182 and Arts. 180-182 &
183 1st Par. 183 1st par.
whichever is whichever is
applicable applicable

Offering false testimony in evidence Same penalty as in Same bail as in

(Art. 184) Arts. 180-183 Arts. 180-183
whichever is whichever is
applicable applicable

FALSIFICATION (As amended by R.A.


Falsification of legislative documents Prision correccional P36,000.00

(Art. 170) maximum and fine
not exceeding

Falsification of documents by public Prision mayor and P72,000.00

officer employee, notary or fine not exceeding
ecclesiastical minister (Art. 171) P1,000,000.00

Falsification of Private individual (Art.


- Of any public, official, or Prision correccional P36,000.00

commercial document (No. 1) medium and
maximum and fine
not exceeding

- Of any private document with Prision correccional P36,000.00

intent to cause damage or to the medium and
damage of a third person Art. 172 maximum and fine
(No. 2) not exceeding

- Use and introduction in evidence Arresto mayor P18,000.00

of falsified document (Art. 172, last maximum to prision
Part.) correccional
minimum and fine
not exceeding
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
Falsification of wireless cable, prision correccional P36,000.00
telegraph, and telephone messages (Art. medium and
173, 1st Par.) maximum

- Use of falsified dispatch (2nd Par.) Arresto mayor P18,000.00

maximum to prision

False medical certificates (Art. 174, No. Arresto mayor P18,000.00

1) and false certificate of merit or maximum to prision
service, good conduct or similar correccional
circumstances (No. 2) minimum and fine
not exceeding

- When committed by a private Arresto mayor Bail Not Required

person (2nd Par.)

Using false medical certificate or false Arresto mayor Bail Not Required
certificate of merit or service, or good
conduct or similar circumstances (Art.

Making or introducing into the prision correccional P36,000.00

Philippines any stamps, dies, marks or medium and
other instruments or implements maximum and fine
intended for counterfeiting or not exceeding
falsification (Art. 176, 1st Par.) P1,000,000.00

- Possession of instruments or Arresto mayor P18,000.00

implements with intent to use them maximum to prision
for falsification or counterfeiting correccional
(2nd Par.) minimum and fine
not exceeding

FICTITIOUS NAME , Using (Art. 178)

- For the purpose of concealing a Arresto mayor and Bail Not Required
crime, evading the execution of fine not exceeding
judgment, or causing damage (1st P100,000.00

- Simple concealment (2nd Par.) Arresto menor or Bail Not Required

fine not exceeding

FIRE ARMS, Illegal Discharge o f Prision correccional P30,000.00

(Art. 254) minimum and

Illegal possession of Firearms, etc.

(see. RA 10591)

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

FLIGHT TO E NE MY'S COUNTRY Arresto mayor Bail Not Required
(Art. 121)


Counterfeiting the great seal of the Reclusion temporal P120,000.00

government of forging the signature or
stamp of the Chief Executive (Art. 161)

Using forged signature or counterfeit Prision mayor P72,000.00

seal or stamp of the Chief Executive
(Art. 162)

Making or counterfeiting coins (ART.

163, see Coins)

Mutilation of Coins (Art. 164 as

amended by PD 247 and RA 10951)

Forging treasury or bank note or other

documents payable to bearer, importing,
and uttering forged notes and
documents in connivance with forgers
or importers (Art. 166 as amended by RA

- If document is an obligation or Reclusion temporal P90,000.00

security of the Philippines (No. 1) minimum and fine
not exceeding

- If the forged or altered document Prision mayor P72,000.00

is a circulation note issued by any maximum and fine
banking institution (No. 2) not exceeding

- If the falsified or counterfeited Prision mayor P60,000.00

document was issued by foreign medium and fine not
government (No. 3) exceeding

- If the forged or altered document Prision mayor P48,000.00

is a circulating note or bill issued by minimum and fine
a foreign bank (No. 4) not exceeding

Counterfeiting, importing and uttering Prision correccional P36,000.00

instruments, payable to order or not medium and
payable to bearer in connivance with maximum and fine
forgers or importers (Art. 167) not exceeding

Illegal possession with intent to use or One degree lower

use of false treasury or bank notes and than that provided in
other instruments or credit without Art. 166
connivance with forgers or importers
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
(Art. 168 in relation to Art. 166 No. 1)
- If document is an obligation or Prision mayor P72,000.00
security of the Philippines (Art. 168 in maximum and fine
relation to Art. 166, No. 1) not exceeding

- If the forged or altered document Prision mayor P60,000.00

is a circulating note or bill issued by medium and fine not
any banking institution (Art. 168 in exceeding
relation to Art. 166, No. 2) P750,000.00

- If the falsified or counterfeited Prision mayor P48,000.00

document was issued, by a foreign minimum and fine
government (Art. 168 in relation to not exceeding
Art. 166 No. 3) P750,000.00

- If the forged or altered document Prision correccional P36,000.00

is a circulating note or bill issued by maximum and fine
a foreign bank (Art. 168 in relation to not exceeding
Art. 166 No. 4) P300,000.00

Counterfeiting, importing and uttering Arresto mayor P18,000.00

instruments payable to order or not maximum to prision
payable to bearer (Art. 168 in relation to correccional
Art. 167) minimum and fine
not exceeding

FRAUDS against the treasury or fraud in Prision correccional P48,000.00

the collection of taxes, licenses and medium to prision
fees (Art. 213) mayor minimum
and/or fine from
P40,000.00 to

GAMBLING (see PD 1602 as

amended by RA 9287)

GRAV E SCANDAL (Art. 200) Arresto mayor and Bail Not Required
public censure

HABITUAL Delinq uency (Art. 62, In addition to the In addition to the

sub-Par. 5) penalty for the last bail for the last
crime committed but crime committed
the total penalty but the total shall
shall not exceed 30 not exceed
years P180,000.00

- Upon a third conviction [Sub-Par. 5 Prision correccional P36,000.00

(a)] medium and

- Upon a fourth conviction [Sub-Par. Prision correccional P30,000.00

5 (b)] minimum and
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
- Upon a fifth conviction [Sub-Par. 5 Prision mayor P90,000.00
(c)] maximum to
reclusion temporal

HOMICIDE (Art. 249) Reclusion temporal P120,000.00

- Frustrated Prision mayor P72,000.00

- Attempted Prision correccional P36,000.00

Homicide where victims is under 12 Reclusion perpetua
years of age. See RA 7610

Homicide, reckless imprudence

resulting in (Art. 365, see Imprudence)

IMMORAL doctrines, obscene Prision mayor and/or P72,000.00

publications and exhibitions, and fine from to
indecent shows (Art. 201 as amended by P20,000.00 to
PDs 960, and 969 and RA 10951) P200,000.00

IMPORTATION , Sale or disposition of Prision correccional P36,000.00

articles or merchandise of gold, silver or and/or fine from to
other precious metals or their alloys, P40,000.00 to
with stamps, brands, or marks which fail P200,000.00
to indicate actual fineness or quality of
said metals or their alloys (Art. 187)

IMPOSSSIBLE CRIME (Art. 59) Arresto mayor or Bail Not Required

fine from P200.00 to

IMPRUDE NCE , Reckless (Art. 365,

1st Par.)

- If the act would have constituted a Arresto mayor P30,000.00

grave felony (1st phrase) maximum to prision
correccional medium

- If the act would have constituted a Arresto mayor Bail Not Required
less grave felony (2nd phrase) minimum and

- If the act would have constituted a Arresto menor Bail Not Required
light felony (3rd phrase) maximum

- Reckless imprudence causing Fine ranging from the One fourth (1/4)
damage to property (3rd Par.) value of the damage of the value of
to 3 times such the damage but
value but in no case not to exceed
be less than P25.00 P30,000.00 except
when covered by
the Rules of
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
- Reckless imprudence resulting in Prision correccional 1-5 deaths
homicide and with violation of motor medium and P60,000.00; 6-10
vehicle, (6th Par., No. 2) maximum deaths
P80,000.00; 10 or
more deaths

- Failure of the offender to lend a One degree higher Bail

hand on the spot to his victim (last than the above corresponding to
Par.) penalties the applicable
mentioned above

Reckless Imprudence Resulting in Slight Bail not required

Physical Injuries and Damage to

Reckless Imprudence Resulting in Less Bail not required

Serious Physical Injuries and Damage to

Reckless Imprudence Resulting in

Serious Physical Injuries and Damage to

Under par. 1, Art. 263, RPC Php30,000.00

Under pars. 2, 3 and 4, Art. 263 Bail not required

* Irrespective of the amount of damage


IMPRUDE NCE , Simple (Art. 365,

2nd Par.)

- If the act would have constituted Arresto mayor Bail Not Required
grave felony (1st phrase) medium and

- If the act would have constituted a Arresto mayor Bail Not Required
less serious felony (2nd phrase) minimum

- Simple imprudence causing Fine ranging from the One fourth (1/4)
damage to property (3rd Par.) value of the damage of the value of
to 3 times such the damage but
value but in no case not to exceed
be less than P30,000.00 except
P5,000.00 when covered by
the Rules of

- If the act would have constituted a Fine not exceeding Bail Not Required
light felony (Art. 365, 4th Par.) P40,000.00 and

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

- Simple imprudence resulting to Prision correccional P36,000.00
homicide and with violation of medium and
Automobile Law (Art. 365, 6th Par., maximum
No. 2)
- Failure of the offender to lend a One degree higher Bail
hand on the spot to his victim (Art. than the above corresponding to
365, last Par.) penalties the penalty

INCRIMATING INNOCE NT PE RSON Arresto mayor Bail Not Required

(Art. 363)


If circumstances of parricide/murder be Reclusion perpetua No Bail

present (1st Par.) to death

- Frustrated Reclusion temporal P200,000.00

- Attempted Prision mayor P120,000.00

If committed by the mother to conceal Prision mayor P120,000.00

her dishonor (2nd Par., 1st Phrase) medium and

- Frustrated Prision correccional P80,000.00

maximum to prision
mayor minimum

- Attempted Prision correccional P50,000.00

minimum and

If committed by maternal grandparents Reclusion temporal P200,000.00

of child to conceal mother's dishonor
(2nd Par., 2nd phrase)

- Frustrated Prision mayor P120,000.00

- Attempted Prision correccional P60,000.00

INSOLV E NCY, Fraudulent (Art. 314)

- If accused is a merchant Prision mayor P72,000.00

- If accused is not a merchant Prision correccional P60,000.00

maximum to prision
mayor medium

INTRIGUING AGAINST HONOR (Art. Arresto menor or Bail Not Required

364) fine not exceeding

INV OLUNTARY Servitude (Art. 274) Arresto mayor P18,000.00

maximum to prision
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JUDGE S , crimes committed by

Knowingly rendering unjust judgment Prision mayor P72,000.00

(Art. 204)

Unjust judgment thru negligence (Art. Arresto mayor Bail Not Required

Unjust interlocutory order (Art. 206) Arresto mayor Bail Not Required

Malicious delay in the administration of Prision correccional P18,000.00

justice (Art. 207) minimum

Usurpation or obstruction by a judge of Arresto mayor P18,000.00

executive functions (Art. 240) medium to Prision

KIDNAPPING (Art. 267, 1st Par.) Reclusion perpetua No Bail

to death

- Frustrated Reclusion temporal P200,000.00

- Attempted Prision mayor P120,000.00

If kidnapping is for ransom (2nd Par.); or Death No Bail

if victim is killed or dies is raped or
tortured (3rd Par.)

LIBE L , by means of writing or similar Prision correccional P30,000.00

means (Art. 355) minimum and
medium and/or fine
(See Cyber Libel, RA 10175) from to P40,000.00
to P1,200,000.00

Threatening to publish a libel or offering Arresto mayor Bail Not Required

to prevent libelous publication for a and/or fine from to
compensation (Art. 356) P40,000.00 to

Publishing facts connected with the Arresto mayor Bail Not Required
private life of another and offensive to and/or fine from to
the honor, virtue and reputation of said P40,000.00 to
person (Art. 357) P200,000.00


Special cases of malicious mischief

(Art. 328 as amended by RA 10951)

- If value of damage exceeds Prision correccional P30,000.00

P200,000.00 (No. 1) minimum and

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

- If value of damage is over Arresto mayor Bail Not Required
P40,000.00 but does not exceed
P200,000.00 (No. 2)

- If value of damage does not Arresto menor Bail Not Required

exceed P40,000.00 (No. 3)

Other Mischief (Art. 329 as amended by

RA 10951)

- If value of damage exceeds Arresto mayor Bail Not Required

P200,000.00 (No. 1) medium and

- If value of damage is over Arresto mayor Bail Not Required

P40,000.00 but does not exceed minimum and
P200,000.00 (No. 2) medium

- If the value of damage does not Arresto menor or Bail Not Required
exceed P40,000.00 or cannot be fine of not less than
estimated (No. 3) the value of the
damage and not
more than

Damage and obstruction to means of

communications (Art. 330)

- Damaging railway, Prision correccional P36,000.00

telegraph/telephone lines (1st Par.) medium and

- If damage results in derailment of Prision mayor P72,000.00

cars, collision or other accident (2nd

Destroying or damaging statues, public

monuments or paintings (Art. 331)

- Destroying/damaging statues or Arresto mayor P18,000.00

other useful or ornamental public medium to prision
monument (1st Par.) correccional

- Destroying/damaging useful or Arresto menor Bail Not Required

ornamental painting of a public and/or fine not
nature (2nd Par.) exceeding

MALTRE ATME NT (Art. 266, par. 3) Arresto menor Bail Not Required
(As amended by R.A. 10951) minimum and/or fine
not exceeding

Maltreatment of prisoner (Art. 235) Prision correccional P48,000.00

medium to prision
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
mayor minimum
MALV E RSATION (Art. 217) (As
amended by RA 10951)

If the amount involved is above P8.8M Reclusion Perpetua No Bail

- Frustrated Reclusion Temporal P120,000.00

- Attempted Prision Mayor P72,000.00

If the amount involved is above P4.4 M Reclusion Temporal P120,000.00

to P8.8M Maximum

- Frustrated Reclusion Temporal P108,000.00


- Attempted Reclusion Temporal P90,000.00


If the amount involved is above P2.4M Reclusion temporal P120,000.00

to P4.4M medium and

- Frustrated Prision Mayor P90,000.00

Maximum to
Reclusion Temporal

- Attempted Prision Mayor P60,000.00

Minimum and

If the amount involved is above P1.2M Prision Mayor P90,000.00

to P2.4M Maximum to
Reclusion Temporal

- Frustrated Prision Mayor P60,000.00

Minimum and

- Attempted Prision Correccional P36,000.00

Medium and

If the amount involved is above P40K to Prision Mayor P60,000.00

P1.2M Minimum and

- Frustrated Prision Correccional P36,000.00

Medium and

- Attempted Arresto Mayor P18,000.00

Maximum to Prision
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
If the amount involved is P40K or less Prision Correccional P36,000.00
Medium and

- Frustrated Arresto Mayor P18,000.00

Maximum to Prision

- Attempted Arresto Mayor Bail is not

Minimum and required
FALSIFICATION (Art. 217 as amended
by RA 10951 in relation to Arts. 171 and

If the amount involved is above P8.8M Reclusion Perpetua No Bail

- Frustrated Maximum period of P120,000.00

reclusion temporal

- Attempted Maximum period of P72,000.00

prision mayor

If the amount involved is above P4.4 M Maximum period of P120,000.00

to P8.8M reclusion temporal

- Frustrated Maximum period of P108,000.00

reclusion temporal

- Attempted Maximum period of P90,000.00

reclusion temporal

If the amount involved is above P2.4M Reclusion temporal P120,000.00

to P4.4M maximum

- Frustrated Reclusion Temporal P90,000.00


- Attempted Prision Mayor P60,000.00


If the amount involved is above P1.2M Reclusion Temporal P90,000.00

to P2.4M Minimum

- Frustrated Prision Mayor P60,000.00


- Attempted Prision Correccional P36,000.00

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
If the amount involved is P1.2M or less Prision mayor P72,000.00
maximum and fine of
(maximum period of
the penalty for
falsification under
Art. 171)

- Frustrated Prision mayor P60,000.00

medium and fine of

- Attempted Prision mayor P48,000.00

minimum and fine of

MARRIAGE CONTRACTE D AGAINST Prision correccional P36,000.00

PROV ISIONS OF LAWS (Art. 350, medium and
1st Par.) maximum

If consent is obtained through violence, Maximum period of P36,000.00

intimidation or fraud (2nd Par.) prision correccional
medium and

MARRIAGE . Premature (Art. 351)

(Repealed by RA 10655)

Illegal Marriage Ceremony (Art. 352)

(See Act 3613)

ME E TINGS; Prohibition, Interruption Prision correccional P18,000.00

and Dissolution of Peaceful (Art. 131) minimum

MINORS , Crimes against

Failure to return a minor to his parents

or guardians (Art. 270)

- If committed by any person other Reclusion perpetua No Bail

than any of the parents entrusted
with custody of the minor (Art. 270)

- If committed by the father or Arresto mayor Bail Not Required

mother of the minor (Art. 271, 2nd and/or fine not
Par.) exceeding

Inducing a mino r to abando n his

ho me (Art. 271)

- If committed by any person other Prision correccional P36,000.00

than the parents (1st Par.) and fine not

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

- If committed by the father or Arresto mayor Bail Not Required
mother of the minor (2nd Par.) and/or fine not

Other crimes against minors. (see RA

7610, as amended by RA 7658 and RA
9231, pp. _________)

Exploitation of child labor (Art. 273) Prision correccional P30,000.00

minimum and
medium and fine not
exceeding P500.00

Failure to deliver found abandoned child Arresto mayor Bail Not Required
under seven years of age to the
authorities or to his family or shall fail
to take him to a safe place (Art. 275, No.

Abandonment of a child under seven Arresto mayor and Bail Not Required
years of age the custody of which is fine not exceeding
incumbent upon him (Art. 276, 1st Par.) P100,000.00

- If death of such minor results from Prision correccional P36,000.00

such abandonment (2nd Par. 1st maximum and
phrase) medium

- If the life of such minor shall have Prision correccional P30,000.00

been in danger only (2nd Par., 2nd minimum and
phrase) medium

Abandonment of minor by person Arresto mayor and Bail Not Required

entrusted with his custody, neglect of fine not exceeding
parents to give education to minor (Art. P100,000.00
277) (see also PD 603)

Exploitation of minors (ART. 278) Prision correccional P30,000.00

minimum and
medium and fine not

Corruption of minors (Art. 340) Prision mayor P72,000.00

- If victims is below 12 years old Reclusion temporal P200,000.00

(Art. 340 as amended by Sec. 10 of
RA 7610)

MONOPOLY and combinations in

restraint of trade (Art. 186) (Repealed by
RA 10667)

MORTGAGE D PROPE RTY , removal, Arresto mayor or Bail Not Required

sale or pledge of (Art. 319) fine twice the value
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
MURDE R (Art. 248) Reclusion perpetua No Bail
to death

- Frustrated Reclusion temporal P200,000.00

- Attempted Prision mayor P120,000.00

Direct Assault with Murder (see Assault)


- Depriving another either totally or Reclusion temporal P120,000.00

partially of some essential organ for to reclusion perpetua
reproduction (1st Par.)

- Any other intentional mutilation Prision mayor P72,000.00

(2nd Par.) medium and

- If victim is under 12 years of age Reclusion perpetua No Bail

(Sec. 10 6th Par., 1st sentence, RA

MUTINITY ON THE HIGH SE AS Reclusion perpetua No Bail

(Art. 122, 2nd Par.)

NE GLIGE NCE IN PROSE CUTION of Prision correccional P18,000.00

offenses or tolerance of offenses (Art. minimum

NE GLIGE NCE , Simple (Art. 365, 2nd


- If would have constituted grave Arresto mayor Bail Not Required

felony (1st Phrase) medium and

- If would have constituted a less Arresto mayor Bail Not Required

serious felony (2nd phrase) minimum

Simple negligence causing damage to Fine ranging from the One fourth (1/4)
property (3rd Par.) value of the damage of the value of
to 3 times such the damage but
value but in no case not to exceed
be less than P30,000.00 except
P5,000.00 when covered by
the Rules of

- If would have constituted a light Fine not exceeding Bail Not Required
felony (4th Par.) P40,000.00 and

Negligence resulting in homicide and Prision correccional P36,000.00

with violation of the automobile law (6th medium and
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
Par., No. 2) maximum
Failure of offender to lend a hand on the One degree higher Bail
spot to his victim (last Par.) than the above corresponding to
penalties the penalty

NE UTRALITY, V io latio n (Art. 119) Prision correccional P36,000.00

PARDON, co nditio nal; vio latio n o f Prision correccional P18,000.00

(Art. 159) minimum

PARRICIDE (Art. 246) Reclusion perpetua No Bail

to death

- Frustrated Reclusion temporal P200,000.00

- Attempted Prision mayor P120,000.00

PE RJURY (Art. 183) Arresto mayor P18,000.00

maximum to prision



Ordinary Serious Physical Injuries

- If a consequence of the physical Prision mayor P72,000.00

injuries the person becomes
imbecile, impotent or blind (No. 1)

- If a victim is under 12 years of age Reclusion perpetua No Bail

(Sec. 10, 6th Par., 1st sentence, RA

Physical injuries (Art. 263)

- If person injured shall have lost Prision correccional P36,000.00

the use of speech or the power to medium and
hear or to smell, or shall have lost an maximum
eye, a hand, a foot, an arm, or a leg or
shall have lost the use thereof, or
shall have been ill or incapacitated
for the work in which he was
habitually engaged (No. 2)

- If person injured shall have Prision correccional P30,000.00

become deformed, or shall have lost minimum and
any other part of his body, or shall medium
have lost the use thereof, or shall
have been ill or incapacitated for the
performance of the work in which he
was habitually engaged for a period
of more than ninety days (No. 3)

- If the physical injuries shall have Arresto mayor P18,000.00

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
caused the illness or incapacity for maximum to prision
labor of the injured person for more correccional
than 30 days (No. 4, 1st Par.) minimum

- If it shall have been committed Reclusion temporal P120,000.00

with the attendant circumstances of medium and
parricide or murder and the injured maximum
person becomes insane, imbecile,
impotent or blind (No. 4, 2nd Par., 1st

- If it shall have been committed Prision correccional P48,000.00

with the attendant circumstances of maximum to prision
parricide or murder and the injured mayor minimum
person loses use of speech, power
to hear or to smell, or shall have lost
an eye, a hand, a foot, an arm or a leg
or shall have become incapacitated
for the work in which he was
therefore habitually engaged (No. 4,
2nd Par., 2nd phrase)

- If it shall have been committed Prision correccional P36,000.00

with the attendant circumstances of medium and
parricide or murder and the injured maximum
person shall have lost any other part
of his body, or shall have been ill or
incapacitated from work for more
than ninety days (No. 4, 2nd Par., 3rd

- If committed against any of the Prision correccional P30,000.00

persons enumerated in Art. 246 minimum and
(parricide) or with the attendant medium
circumstances in Art. 248 (murder)
and if the injured person shall have
been incapacitated for the labor for
more than thirty days (No. 4, 2nd Par.,
4th phrase)

- Inflicting serious physical injuries Same penalties as in Same bail as in

by knowingly administering any Art. 263 Art. 263
injuries substance or beverages or by
taking advantage of victim's
weakness of mind or credulity (Art.

Serious physical injuries inflicted under Destierro Bail Not Required

exceptional circumstances (Art. 247)

PHYSICAL INJURIE S, less serio us

(Art. 265)

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

- If the injuries shall incapacitate Arresto mayor Bail Not Required
the offended party for the labor for
ten days or more but not more than
thirty days, or shall require medical
attendance for same period (1st Par.)
- If the injuries shall have been Arresto mayor and Bail Not Required
inflicted with manifest intent to insult fine not exceeding
or offend the injured person, or under P50,000.00
circumstances adding ignominy to
the offense (2nd Par.)

- If the injuries shall have been Prision correccional P30,000.00

inflicted upon the offender's parents, minimum and
ascendants, guardians, curators, medium
teachers, or persons of rank or
persons in authority (3rd Par.)



- If the injuries shall incapacitate Arresto menor Bail Not Required

the offended party for labor from one
to nine days, or shall require medical
attendance during the same period
(No. 1)

- If the injuries do not prevent the Arresto menor or Bail Not Required
offended party from engaging in his fine not exceeding
habitual work nor require medical P40,000.00 and
attendance (No. 2) censure

- When the offender shall ill treat Arresto menor Bail Not Required
another by deed without causing minimum or fine not
injury (maltreatment) (No. 3) exceeding P5,000.00


Illegal possession and making of (Art.

- Possession or making (1st and Arresto mayor P18,000.00

2nd Par., 1st sentence) maximum to prision

- If the offender is a locksmith who Prision correccional P36,000.00

makes such tools (2nd Par., 2nd medium and
sentence) maximum

PIRACY in general (Art. 122) Reclusion perpetua No Bail

- Frustrated Reclusion temporal P200,000.00

- Attempted Prision mayor P120,000.00

PIRACY . Qualified (Art. 123) Reclusion perpetua No Bail

to death
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
- Frustrated Reclusion temporal P200,000.00

- Attempted Prision mayor P120,000.00

PROHIBITE D INTE RE ST , possession Arresto mayor P18,000.00

of; committed by public officers, medium to prision
experts, arbitrators, private accountants, correccional
guardians, and executors (Art. 216) minimum and/or fine
from P40,000.00 to

PROHIBITE D TRANSACTIONS (Art. Prision correccional P18,000.00

215) minimum and/or fine
from P40,000.00 to

PROSE CUTION OF OFFE NSE S ; Prision correccional P18,000.00

Negligence and tolerance (Art. 208) minimum

PROSTITUTION (Art. 202) Arresto menor or Bail Not Required

fine not exceeding

- In case of recidivism Arresto mayor P18,000.00

medium to prision
minimum and/or fine
from P20,000.00 to

PUBLIC OFFICE RS , crimes committed


Appointed officers who shall directly or Prision correccional P18,000.00

indirectly become interested in any minimum and/or fine
transaction of exchange or speculation from P40,000.00 to
within the territory subject to his P200,000.00
jurisdiction (Art. 215)

Any public officer becoming interested Arresto mayor P18,000.00

directly or indirectly in any contract or medium to prision
business in which it is his official duty correccional
to intervene (Art. 216, 1st Par.). This minimum and/or fine
provision is applicable to experts, from P40,000.00 to
arbitrators, private accountants, P200,000.00
guardians and executors (2nd Par.)

Failure of accountable officer to render Prision correccional P18,000.00

accounts (Art. 218) minimum and/or fine
from P40,000.00 to

Failure of responsible public officer to Arresto mayor

render accounts before leaving or and/or fine from
Bail Not Required
attempting to leave the country (Art. P40,000.00 to
219) P200,000.00
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
Illegal use of public funds or property Prision correccional
(Art. 220, 1st Par.) minimum or fine
ranging from one- P18,000.00
half to the total value
of sum misapplied

- If no damage or embarrassment to Fine from 5% to 50% If fine does not

the public service has resulted (2nd of the sum exceed
Par.) misapplied P400,000.00, bail
is not required. If
fine exceeds
P400,000.00, bail
is 10.0% thereof
not to exceed

Failure to make delivery of public funds Arresto mayor and

or property (Art. 221) fine from 5% to 25%
Bail Not Required
of the sum which he
failed to pay

Conniving with or consenting to evasion

(Art. 223)

- If fugitive shall have been Prision correccional

sentenced by final judgement to any medium and P36,000.00
penalty (No. 1) maximum

- If fugitive is a detention prisoner Prision correccional

(No. 2) minimum

Public Officers

Negligence of public officer causing Arresto mayor

evasion (Art. 224) maximum to prision

Removal, concealment, or destruction of

documents (Art. 226)

- If serious damage shall have been Prision mayor and

caused to a third party or to the fine not exceeding P72,000.00
public interest (No. 1) P200,000.00

- If the damage caused shall not Prision correccional

have been serious (No. 2) minimum and
medium and fine not P30,000.00

Officer breaking seal (Art. 227) Prision correccional

minimum and
medium and fine not P30,000.00
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

Opening of closed documents (Art. 228) Arresto mayor and

fine not exceeding Bail Not Required

Revelation of secrets and delivery of

papers which should not be published
(Art. 229)

- If serious damage is caused to Prision correccional

public interest (1st phrase) medium and
maximum and fine
not exceeding

- If no serious damage is caused to Prision correccional

public interest (2nd phrase) minimum and fine
not exceeding

Public officer revealing secrets of Arresto mayor and

private individual (Art. 230) fine not exceeding Bail Not Required

Open disobedience by judicial or Arresto mayor

executive officer by refusal to execute medium to prision
the judgement, decision or order of any correccional
superior authority (Art. 231) minimum and fine
not exceeding

Disobedience to orders of superior Prision correccional

officer when said order was suspended minimum and P30,000.00
by inferior officer (Art. 232) medium

Refusal of Assistance (Art. 233)

- If such refusal or failure shall Arresto mayor

result in serious damage to the medium to prision
public interest or third party (1st correccional
phrase) minimum and fine
not exceeding

- If such refusal or failure shall not Arresto mayor

result in serious damage to the medium and
public interest or third party (2nd maximum and fine Bail Not Required
phrase) not exceeding

Immoral or indecent advances by a

public officer to a woman interested in Prision correccional
matters pending before such officer or a medium and P36,000.00
woman under his custody (Art. 245, Nos. maximum
1 & 2)
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
- If the person solicited be the wife,
daughter, sister or relative within the Prision correccional
same degree of affinity of any person minimum and P30,000.00
in the custody of such warden or medium
officer (last Par.)

Refusal to discharge elective office (Art. Arresto mayor

234) and/or fine not
Bail Not Required

Maltreatment of Prisoners (Art. 235, 1st Prision correccional

Paragraph) medium to prision P48,000.00
mayor minimum

- Maltreatment of prisoners to Prision mayor

extort a confession or to obtain minimum and fine
some information (2nd Paragraph) not exceeding

Anticipation of duties of a public office Fine from P40,000.00

Bail Not Required
(Art. 236) to P100,000.00

Prolonging performance of duties and Prision correccional

powers (Art. 237) minimum and fine
not exceeding

Abandonment of office or position (Art.

Arresto mayor Bail Not Required
238, 1st Par.)

- Abandonment in order to evade

the discharge of the duties of
preventing, prosecuting or punishing Prision correccional
any of the crimes against national minimum and P30,000.00
security (Arts. 114-123) and crimes medium
against public order (Arts. 134-142),
(2nd Par., 1st phrase)

- Abandonment in order to evade

the duty or preventing, prosecuting or
Arresto mayor Bail Not Required
punishing any other crime not
indicated above (2nd Par, 2nd phrase)

Usurpation of legislative powers (Art. Prision correccional

239) minimum and fine
not exceeding

Usurpation of executive functions (Art. Arresto mayor

240) medium to prision

Usurpation of judicial functions (Art. Arresto mayor

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
241) medium to prision P18,000.00
Disobeying request for disqualification Arresto mayor and
(Art. 242) fine not exceeding Bail Not Required

Orders or requests by executive officers Arresto mayor and

to any judicial authority (Art. 243) fine not exceeding Bail Not Required

RAPE . (Art. 266-A and 266-B as

amended by R.A. 8353)


RAPE by having carnal knowledge of a

woman (Art. 266-A, Par. 1, in rel. to Art. Reclusion perpetua No Bail
266-B, 1st Par.)

- Attempted Prision mayor P120,000.00

- Rape with the use of a deadly

weapon or by two or more persons Reclusion perpetua
No Bail
(Art. 266-A, Par. 1 in rel. to Art. 266-B, to death
2nd Par.)

- Attempted Prision mayor P120,000.00

- Rape where victim has become

Reclusion perpetua
insane (Art. 226-A, Part. 1 in rel. to No Bail
to death
Art. 266-B, 3RD Par.)

- Attempted Prision mayor P120,000.00

- Attempted Rape with homicide

Reclusion perpetua
(Art. 266-A, Par. 1 in rel. to Art. 266-B, No Bail
to death
4th Par.)

- Rape with Homicide (Art. 266-A,

Death No Bail
Par. 1 in rel. to Art. 266-B, 5th Par.)

- Rape with any of the following

circumstances (Art. 266-A, Par. 1 in
rel. to Art. 266-B, 6th Par.) (1) When
the victim is under eighteen (18)
years of age and the offender is Death No Bail
parent, ascendant, step-parent,
guardian, relative by consanguinity or
affinity within the third civil degree, or
the common-law spouse of the
parent of the victim;

(2) When the victim is under the

custody of the police or military
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
authorities or any law enforcement
or penal institution;

(3) When rape is committed in full

view of the spouse, parent, or any of
the children or other relatives within
the third civil degree of

(4) When the victim is a religious

engaged in legitimate religious
vocation or calling and is personally
known to be such by the offender
before or at the time of the
commission of the crime;

(5) When the victim is a child below

seven (7) years old;

(6) When the offender know that he

is afflicted with Human Immune-
Deficiency Virus (HIV)/Acquired
Immune-Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
or any sexually transmissible
diseases and the virus or disease is
transmitted to the victim;

(7) When committed by any member

of the Armed Forces of the
Philippines or paramilitary units
thereof or the Philippine National
Police or any law enforcement
agency or penal institution, when the
offender took advantage of his
position to facilitate the commission
of the crime;

(8) When by reason or on the

occasion of the rape, the victim has
suffered permanent physical
mutilation or disability;

(9) When the offender knew of the

pregnancy of the offended party at
the time of the commission of the
crime; and

(10) When the offender knew of the

mental disability, emotional disorder
and/or physical handicap of the
offended party at the time of the
commission of the crime.

- Attempted Reclusion temporal P200,000.00

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
Rape by inserting penis into another
person's mouth or orifice, or any
instrument or object into the genital or Prision mayor P120,000.00
anal orifice of another person (Art. 266-
A, Par. 2 in rel. to Art. 266-B, 7th Par.)

- Attempted Arresto mayor Bail Not Required

Rape with the use of deadly weapon or

Prision mayor to
by two or more personal (Art. 266-A, Par. P200,000.00
reclusion temporal
2 in rel. to Art. 266-B, 8th Par.)

- Attempted Arresto mayor Bail Not Required

Rape where victim has become insane

(Art. 266-A, Par. 2 in rel. to Art. 266-B, Reclusion temporal P200,000.00
9th Par.)

- Attempted Prision correccional P60,000.00

Attempted Rape with Homicide (Art.

Reclusion temporal
266-A, Par. 2 in rel. to Art. 266-B, 10th P200,000.00
to reclusion perpetua

Rape with Homicide (Art. 266-A, Par. 2 in

Reclusion perpetua No Bail
rel. to Art. 266-B, 11th Par.)

Rape with any of the 10

aggravating/qualifying circumstances in
Reclusion temporal P200,000.00
Art. 266-B, 6th Par. (Art. 266-A, Par. 2 in
rel. Art 266-B, 12th par.)

- Attempted Prision correccional P60,000.00


COUP D' E TAT (Art. 134 and Art. 134-A
in rel. to Art. 135, as amended by R.A.

Any person who promotes, maintains or

heads a rebellion or insurrection (Art. Reclusion perpetua No Bail
135, 1st Par.)

Any person who merely participates in

or executes the commands of others in
Reclusion temporal P200,000.00
a rebellion or insurrection (Art. 135, 2nd

Conspiracy and proposal to commit Prision mayor

coup d' etat (Art. 136, 1st Par.) minimum and fine
not exceeding

Conspiracy to commit rebellion and Prision correccional

insurrection (Art. 136, 2nd Par., 1st maximum and fine
phrase) not exceeding
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

Any person who leads or in any manner

commands others to undertake coup d'
Reclusion perpetua No Bail
etat (Art. 135, 3rd Par., in rel. to Art. 134-

Any person in government service who

participates or executes directions or
Reclusion temporal
commands others in undertaking coup P200,000.00
d'etat (Art. 135, 4th Par in rel. to Art. 134-

Any person not in government service

who participates, or any manner
supports, finances, abets or aids in Prision mayor
undertaking coup d'etat (Art. 135, 5th maximum
Par. in rel. to Art. 134-A)

Proposal to commit rebellion or Prision correccional

insurrection (Art. 136, 2nd par., last medium and fine not
Phrase) exceeding

Disloyalty to rebellion or insurrection Prision mayor

(Art. 138) minimum

Inciting to rebellion or insurrection (Art. Prision mayor

138) minimum

Outcry tending to incite rebellion or

Arresto mayor Bail Not Required
sedition (Art. 153, 4th Par.)

RE LIGIOUS FE E LINGS , Offending the Arresto mayor

(Art. 133) maximum to prision

RE LIGIOUS WORSHIPS , interruption of Prision correccional

(Art. 132, 1st Par.) minimum

- If committed with violence or Prision correccional

threats (2nd Par.) medium and P36,000.00


to persons in authority or agents of
person in authority (Art. 151)

- Resistance and serious Arresto mayor and

disobedience (Par. 1) fine not exceeding Bail Not Required

- Simple disobedience (Par. 2) Arresto menor and

fine from P2,000.00 Bail Not Required
to P20,000.00
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RE V E ALING SE CRE TS , with abuse of Arresto mayor and
office by manager, employer or servant fine not exceeding Bail Not Required
(Art. 291) P100,000.00

Revelation of industrial secrets (Art. Prision correccional

292) minimum and
medium and fine not P30,000.00

ROBBE RY with violence against or

intimidation of persons (Art. 294)

- Robbery with homicide or with

rape or intentional mutilation or Reclusion perpetua
No Bail
arson to death

- Robbery with serious physical

injuries which rendered the injured Reclusion temporal
person insane, imbecile, impotent or medium to reclusion P200,000.00
blind (Art. 294, No. 2 in relation to perpetua
Art. 263 Subdivision 1)

- Frustrated Prision mayor

medium to reclusion P150,000.00
temporal minimum

- Attempted Prision correccional

medium to prision P80,000.00
mayor minimum

- Robbery with serious physical

injuries committed under Art. 294,
Reclusion temporal P200,000.00
No. 3 in relation to Art. 263
Subdivision 2

- Frustrated Prision mayor P120,000.00

- Attempted Prision correccional P60,000.00

- Robbery with serious physical Prision mayor

injuries committed under Art. 294, maximum to
No. 4 in relation to Art. 263 reclusion temporal
Subdivisions 3 & 4 medium

- Frustrated Prision correccional

maximum to prision P100,000.00
mayor medium

- Attempted Arresto mayor

maximum to prision P50,000.00
correccional medium

- Robbery with violence or

Prision correccional
intimidation but without the
maximum to prision P100,000.00
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foregoing attendant circumstances mayor medium
(Art. 294, No. 5)
- Frustrated Arresto mayor
maximum to prision P50,000.00
correccional medium

- Attempted Arresto mayor

minimum and
Bail Not Required
medium or destierro


INJURIE S committed in an uninhabited Maximum period of
place or by a band or with the use of proper penalty
firearms on a street, road or alley (Art.

- In relation to Art. 294, No. 3 Reclusion temporal


- Frustrated Prision mayor


- Attempted Prision correccional


- In relation to Art. 294, No. 4 Maximum period of

prision mayor
maximum to P180,000.00
reclusion temporal

- Frustrated Maximum period of

prision correccional
maximum to prision
mayor medium

- Attempted Maximum period of

arresto mayor
maximum to prision
correccional medium

- In relation to Art. 294, No. 5 Maximum period of

prision correccional
maximum to prision
mayor medium

- Frustrated Maximum period of

arresto mayor
maximum to prision
correccional medium

- Attempted Maximum period of

arresto mayor
minimum and Bail Not Required
medium or destierro
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

ROBBE RY in band with use of Maximum period of

unlicensed firearms (Art. 296) corresponding
bail as provided
penalty as provided

FRUSTRATE D OR ATTE MPTE D Reclusion temporal

ROBBE RY WITH HOMICIDE (Art. 297, maximum to P120,000.00
1st Phrase) reclusion perpetua

- Frustrated or Attempted Robbery

with homicide where the killing
Reclusion perpetua
amounts to murder or parricide (2nd No Bail
to death


execute or delivery any public
Same penalty as Same bail as
instrument or document by means of
robbery robbery
violence or intimidation with intent to
defraud (Art. 298)


UPON THINGS (As amended by R.A.

Robbery in an inhabited house or public

building or edifice devoted to worship
(Art. 299)

- If value of property taken exceeds

P50,000.00 and the offenders are Reclusion Temporal P120,000.00
armed (1st par)

- Frustrated Prision Mayor P72,000.00

- Attempted Prision Correccional P36,000.00

- If value of property exceeds

P50,000.00 and the offenders are not Prision Mayor P72,000.00
armed (2nd par.)

- Frustrated Prision Correccional P36,000.00

- Attempted Bail is not

Arresto Mayor

- If value of property taken does not

exceed P50,000.00 and the offenders Prision Mayor P72,000.00
are armed (3rd. par)

- Frustrated Prision Correccional P36,000.00

- Attempted Bail is not

Arresto Mayor

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

- If value of property taken does not Prision Mayor
exceed P50,000.00 and the offenders Minimum P48,000.00
are not armed (4th. par)

- Frustrated Prision Correccional


- Attempted Arresto mayor

Bail Not Required

Robbery in a dependency of an inhabited

house, public building or edifice devoted
to worship (5th par.)

- If value of property taken exceeds

P50,000.00 and the offenders are Prision Mayor P72,000.00
armed (in relation to 1st par)

- Frustrated Prision Correccional P36,000.00

- Attempted Bail is not

Arresto Mayor

- If value of property exceeds

P50,000.00 and the offenders are not Prision Correccional P36,000.00
armed (in relation to 2nd par.)

- Frustrated Bail is not

Arresto Mayor

- Attempted Bail is not


- If value of property taken does not

exceed P50,000.00 and the offenders Prision Correccional P36,000.00
are armed (in relation to 3rd par)

- Frustrated Arresto Mayor Bail not required

- Attempted Destierro Bail not required

- If value of property taken does not

Prision Correccional
exceed P50,000.00 and the offenders P18,000.00
are not armed (in relation to 4th. par)

- Frustrated Arresto Mayor

Bail not required

- Attempted Destierro minimum Bail not required



- If value of property taken exceeds

Reclusion temporal
P50,000.00 and the offenders are P120,000.00
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
armed maximum

- Frustrated Prision Mayor


- Attempted Prision Correccional


- If value of property exceeds

Prision Mayor
P50,000.00 and the offenders are not P72,000.00
armed (2nd par.)

- Frustrated Prision Correccional


- Attempted Arresto Mayor Bail not required


- If value of property taken does not

Prision Mayor
exceed P50,000.00 and the offenders P72,000.00
are armed

- Frustrated Prision Correccional


- Attempted Arresto Mayor

Bail not required

- If value of property taken does not Maximum period of

exceed P50,000.00 and the offenders prision mayor P48,000.00
are not armed minimum

- Frustrated Maximum period of

prision correccional P18,000.00

- Attempted Maximum period of

Bail Not Required

Robbery in an uninhabited place or in a

private building (Art. 302)

- If value of property taken exceeds Prision Correccional

P50,000.00 (1st par) Medium and P36,000.00

- Frustrated Arresto Mayor

Maximum to Prision

- Attempted Arresto Mayor

Bail is not
Minimum and

- If value of property does not Arresto Mayor

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
exceed P50,000.00 (2nd par.) Maximum to Prision P18,000.00
- Frustrated Arresto Mayor
Bail is not
Minimum and

- Attempted Destierro Medium Bail is not

and Maximum required

When property taken is mail matter or

Next higher in degree Corresponding
large cattle under circumstances under
than those specified Bail as provided
Arts. 294, 295, 297, 299, 300 and 302 (3rd
in said Articles therein

SE ARCHING DOMICILE without Prision correccional

search warrant (violation of domicile) minimum P18,000.00
(Art. 128, 1st Par.)

- If committed at nighttime or if any

papers or effects not constituting Prision correccional
evidence of a crime be not returned medium and P36,000.00
immediately after the search (2nd maximum

Searching domicile with search warrant Arresto mayor

but without witness (Art. 130) medium and Bail Not Required

SE DITION (Art. 140 in relatio n to

Art. 139) (As amended by R.A. 10951)

Leader of sedition (Art. 140, 1st Par.) Prision mayor

minimum and fine
not exceeding

- Participant (2nd Par.) Prision correccional

maximum and fine
not exceeding

Conspiracy to commit sedition (Art. Prision correccional

141) medium and fine not

Inciting to sedition (Art. 142) Prision correccional

maximum and fine
not exceeding


Qualified seduction (Art. 337, 1st Par.) Prision correccional

minimum and P30,000.00
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- Attempted Arresto mayor

minimum or Bail Not Required
destierro maximum

- If victim is offender's sister or Prision correccional

descendant (2nd Par.) maximum to prision P48,000.00
mayor minimum

- Attempted Arresto mayor

medium and Bail Not Required

Simple seduction (Art. 338) Arresto mayor Bail Not Required


discovering secrets through (Art. 290)
(As amended by R.A. 10951)

- If offender reveals secrets (1st Prision correccional

Par.) minimum and
medium and fine not P30,000.00

- If offender does not reveal secrets Arresto mayor and

(2nd Par.) fine not exceeding Bail Not Required

SIMULATION of births, substitution of

Prision mayor and
one child for another and concealment
fine not exceeding P72,000.00
or abandonment of a legitimate child
(Art. 347)

SLANDE R (As amended by R.A. 10951)

Serious slander (Art. 358, 1st Phrase) Arresto mayor

maximum to prision

Simple slander (2nd Phrase) Arresto menor or

fine not exceeding Bail Not Required

Serious slander by deed (Art. 359, 1st Arresto mayor

sentence) maximum to prision
minimum or fine
from P20,000.00 to

Simple slander by deed (2nd sentence) Arresto menor or

fine not exceeding Bail Not Required
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SLAV E RY (Art. 272)

- If committed for the purpose of Prision mayor and

enslaving the offended party (1st fine not exceeding P72,000.00
Par.) P10,000.00

- If committed for the purpose of Prision mayor

assigning the offended party to some maximum and fine of P72,000.00
immoral traffic (2nd Par.) P10,000.00

SUICIDE , giving assistance to (Art. 253)

- Assisting another to commit

Prision mayor P72,000.00
suicide (1st sentence, 1st Phrase)

- Lending assistance to the extent Arresto mayor

of doing the killing himself (1st medium and P120,000.00
sentence, 2nd Phrase) maximum

SWINDLING (See estafa)

THE FT , simple (Art. 308 in relation to

Art. 309) (As amended by R.A. 10951)

If the value of property stolen is above Maximum period of

P11.2 M prision mayor
(Under RA 10951,
minimum and
the penalty for
medium + 10 years =
Theft shall not
20 of reclusion
exceed 20 years)

- Attempted Maximum period of

arresto mayor
maximum to prision
correccional P78,000.00
minimum + 10 years
= 13 years of
reclusion temporal

If the value of property stolen is above Maximum period of

P10.2 M to P11.2M prision mayor
minimum and
medium + 9 years =
19 years of reclusion

- Attempted Maximum period of

arresto mayor
maximum to prision
correccional P72,000.00
minimum + 9 years =
12 years of prision

If the value of property stolen is above Maximum period of

P9.2 M to P10.2 M prision mayor
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
minimum and
medium + 8 years =
18 years of reclusion

- Attempted Maximum period of

arresto mayor
maximum to prision
correccional P66,000.00
minimum + 8 years =
11 years of prision

If the value of property stolen is above Maximum period of

P8.2M to P9.2M prision mayor
minimum and
medium + 7 years = P102,000.00
17 years of reclusion

- Attempted Maximum period of

arresto mayor
maximum to prision
correccional P60,000.00
minimum + 7 years =
10 years of prision

If the value of property stolen is above Maximum Period of

P7.2M to P8.2M prision mayor
minimum and
medium + 6 years =
16 years of reclusion

- Attempted Maximum period of

arresto mayor
maximum to prision
correccional P54,000.00
minimum + 6 years =
9 years of prision

If the value of property stolen is above Maximum Period of

P6.2M to P7.2M prision mayor
minimum and
medium + 5 years =
15 years of reclusion

- Attempted Maximum period of

arresto mayor
maximum to prision
correccional P48,000.00
minimum + 5 years =
8 years of prision
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If the value of property stolen is above Maximum Period of

P5.2M to P6.2M prision mayor
minimum and
medium + 4 years =
14 years of reclusion

- Attempted Maximum period of

arresto mayor
maximum to prision
correccional P42,000.00
minimum + 4 years =
7 years of prision

If the value of property stolen is above Maximum Period of

P4.2M to P5.2M prision mayor
minimum and
medium + 3 years = P78,000.00
13 years of reclusion

- Attempted Maximum period of

arresto mayor
maximum to prision
correccional P36,000.00
minimum + 3 years =
6 years of prision

If the value of property stolen is above Maximum Period of

P3.2M to P4.2M prision mayor
minimum and
medium + 2 years =
12 years of prision

- Attempted Maximum period of

arresto mayor
maximum to prision
correccional P30,000.00
minimum + 2 years =
5 years of prision

If the value of property stolen is above Maximum Period of

P2.2M to P3.2M prision mayor
minimum and
medium + 1 year =
11 years of prision

- Attempted Maximum period of

arresto mayor
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
maximum to prision P24,000.00
minimum + 1 year =
4 years of prision
If the value of property stolen is above Prision mayor
P1.2M to P2.2M minimum and P60,000.00

- Attempted Arresto mayor

maximum to prision

If the value of property stolen is above Prision Correccional

P600K to P1.2M Medium and P36,000.00

- Attempted Arresto mayor

minimum and Bail Not Required

If the value of property stolen is above Prision correccional

P20,000.00 to P600,000.00 minimum and P10,000.00

- Attempted Arresto mayor

minimum or Bail Not Required
destierro maximum

If the value of property stolen is above Arresto mayor

P5,000.00 to P20,000.00 medium to prision

- Attempted Arresto mayor

medium and
Bail Not Required
maximum or
destierro minimum

If the value of property stolen is above Arresto mayor to its

Bail Not Required
P500.00 to P5,000.00 full extent

- Attempted Arresto menor Bail Not Required

If the value of property stolen is P500.00 Arresto mayor

or below minimum and Bail Not Required

- Attempted Arresto menor

maximum or Bail Not Required
destierro minimum

If the value of property stolen is P500.00

or below and offender enters an Arresto menor or
enclosed estate or a field where fine not exceeding Bail Not Required
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
trespass is forbidden or which belongs P20,000.00
to another
- If amount involved exceeds
P500.00, refer to provisions on bail
listed above

If the value of property stolen is P500.00 Arresto menor

or below and offender acted under minimum or Fine not Bail Not Required
impulse of poverty, hunger, etc. exceeding P5,000.00

- Attempted
Arresto menor
Note: If the act constitutes simple theft and/or fine from
Bail Not Required
and penalty is higher, apply Art. 309; if P40,000.00 to
the act constitutes qualified theft apply P50,000.00
Art. 310 (Art. 311, 2nd Phrase)

THE FT QUALIFIE D (Art. 310 in relation

to Arts. 308 and 309) (As amended by
R.A. 10951)

If the value of property stolen is above Reclusion temporal

P11.2M in its medium and
maximum + 10 years No Bail
= 30 years of
reclusion perpetua

- Attempted Prision mayor

minimum and
medium + 10 years = P120,000.00
20 years of reclusion

If the value of property stolen is above Reclusion temporal

P10.2M to P11.2M in its medium and
maximum + 9 years No Bail
= 29 years of
reclusion perpetua

- Attempted Prision mayor

minimum and
medium + 9 years = P114,000.00
19 years of reclusion

If the value of property stolen is above Reclusion temporal

P9.2M to P10.2M in its medium and
maximum + 8 years No Bail
= 28 years of
reclusion perpetua

- Attempted Prision mayor

minimum and
medium + 8 years = P108,000.00
18 years of reclusion
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
If the value of property stolen is above Reclusion temporal
P8.2M to P9.2M in its medium and
maximum + 7 years No Bail
= 27 years of
reclusion perpetua

- Attempted Prision mayor

minimum and
medium + 7 years = P102,000.00
17 years of reclusion

If the value of property stolen is above Reclusion temporal

P7.2M to P8.2M in its medium and
maximum + 6 years No Bail
= 26 years of
reclusion perpetua

- Attempted Prision mayor

minimum and
medium + 6 years = P96,000.00
16 years of reclusion

If the value of property stolen is above Reclusion temporal

P6.2M to P7.2M in its medium and
maximum + 5 years No Bail
= 25 years of
reclusion perpetua

- Attempted Prision mayor

minimum and
medium + 5 years = P90,000.00
15 years of reclusion

If the value of property stolen is above Reclusion temporal

P5.2M to P6.2M in its medium and
maximum + 4 years No Bail
= 24 years of
reclusion perpetua

- Attempted Prision mayor

minimum and
medium + 4 years = P84,000.00
14 years of reclusion

If the value of property stolen is above Reclusion temporal

P4.2M to P5.2M in its medium and
maximum + 3 years No Bail
= 23 years of
reclusion perpetua

- Attempted Prision mayor

minimum and
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
medium + 3 years = P78,000.00
13 years of reclusion

If the value of property stolen is above Reclusion temporal

P3.2M to P4.2M in its medium and
maximum + 2 years No Bail
= 22 years of
reclusion perpetua

- Attempted Prision mayor

minimum and
medium + 2 years = P72,000.00
12 years of prision

If the value of property stolen is above Reclusion temporal

P2.2M to P3.2M in its medium and
maximum + 1 year = No Bail
21 years of reclusion

- Attempted Prision mayor

minimum and
medium + 1 year = P66,000.00
11 years of prision

If the value of property stolen is above Reclusion temporal

P1.2M to P2.2M medium and P120,000.00

- Attempted Prision mayor

minimum and P60,000.00

If the value of property stolen is above Prision mayor

P600,000.00 to P1.2M maximum to
reclusion temporal

- Attempted Prision correccional

medium and P36,000.00

If the value of property stolen is above Prision mayor

P20,000.00 to P600,000.00 medium and P40,000.00

- Attempted Prision correccional

minimum and P10,000.00

If the value of property stolen is above Prision mayor

P5,000.00 to P20,000.00 medium to reclusion P30,000.00
temporal minimum
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- Attempted Arresto mayor
medium to prision

If the value of property stolen is above

Prision mayor P24,000.00
P500.00 to P5,000.00

- Attempted Arresto mayor Bail Not Required

If the value of property stolen is below Prision correccional

P500.00 medium and P12,000.00

- Attempted Arresto mayor

minimum and Bail Not Required

If the value of property stolen is P500.00

or below and offender enters an Arresto mayor or
enclosed estate or a field where fine not exceeding Bail Not Required
trespass is forbidden or which belongs P30,000.00
to another

If the value of property stolen is P500.00 Arresto menor

or below and offender acted under maximum or Fine not Bail Not Required
impulse of poverty, hunger, etc. exceeding P7,000.00


Grave threats subject to a condition and Next lower degree

offender shall have attained his purpose than that prescribed
(Art. 282, No. 1, 1st sentence, 1st Par.) by law for the crime
he threatened to

Prision mayor P72,000.00
(a) Threat to Kill

(b) Threat to kidnap (simple) Reclusion temporal P120,000.00

(c) Threat to forcibly abduct Prision mayor P72,000.00

(d) Threat to rape (simple, sexual

Reclusion temporal P120,000.00

(e) Threat to burn any occupied

Reclusion temporal 120,000.00
building, warehouse or vessel

Grave threat subject to a condition and Two degrees lower

offender shall not have attained his than that prescribed
purpose (No. 1, 1st Par., 2nd sentence) by law for the crime
he threatened to
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
Prision correccional P36,000.00
(a) Threat to Kill

(b) Threat to kidnap (simple) Prision mayor P72,000.00

(c) Threat to forcibly abduct Prision correccional P36,000.00

(d) Threat to rape (simple, sexual

Prision mayor P72,000.00

(e) Threat to burn any occupied

Prision mayor P72,000.00
building, warehouse or vessel

If threat demanding money is made in

The penalty shall be
writing or through a middleman and
imposed in its
offender shall have attained his purpose
maximum period
(2nd Par.)

Prision mayor
(a) Threat to Kill

(b) Threat to kidnap (simple) Reclusion temporal


(c) Threat to forcibly abduct Prision mayor


(d) Threat to rape (simple, sexual Reclusion temporal

intercourse) maximum

(e) Threat to burn any occupied Reclusion temporal

building, warehouse or vessel maximum

If threat demanding money or subject to

condition is made in writing or through a
middleman but the offender shall not Penalty shall be 2
have attained his purpose degrees lower but in
its maximum period
(2nd Par., in rel. to the 1st Par.) (Art.

Prision correccional
(a) Threat to Kill

(b) Threat to kidnap (simple) Prision mayor


(c) Threat to forcibly abduct Prision correccional


(d) Threat to rape (simple, sexual Prision mayor

intercourse) maximum

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

(e) Threat to burn any occupied Prision mayor P72,000.00
building, warehouse or vessel maximum
Grave threats not made subject to Arresto mayor and
condition (Art. 282, No. 2) fine not exceeding Bail Not Required

Light threats (Art. 283) Arresto mayor Bail Not Required

Failure to give bond for good behavior in

Destierro Bail Not Required
crime of threats (Art. 284)

Other lights threat (Art. 285) (As Arresto menor

amended by R.A. 10951) minimum or fine not
Bail Not Required

TOLE RANCE of commission of

offenses or refraining from instituting Prision correccional
prosecution for punishment of violators P18,000.00
of the law (Art. 208)


SE RV ICE MARKS (See RA 8293),
Intellectual Property Code, pp. 260-261
Note: Arts. 188 and 189 were repealed
by R.A. 8293

TRE ASON Art. 114, as amended by R.A. Reclusion perpetua

10951 to death and fine not
No Bail

Alien residing in the Philippines Reclusion temporal

committing treason (Art. 114, Par. 3, as to death and fine not
No Bail
amended by R.A. 10951) exceeding

Conspiracy to commit treason (Art. 115) Prision mayor and

(As amended by R.A. 10951) fine not exceeding P72,000.00

Proposal to commit treason (Art. 115) Prision correccional

(As amended by R.A. 10951) and fine not

Misprision of treason (Art. 116) Prision mayor and

fine not exceeding P72,000.00

TRE SPASS (As amended by R.A.


Qualified trespass to dwelling (Art. 280, Arresto mayor and

1st Par.) fine not exceeding Bail Not Required
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
- Frustrated Destierro and fine
not exceeding Bail Not Required

- Attempted Arresto menor and

fine not exceeding Bail Not Required

If the trespass be committed by means Prision correccional

of violence and intimidation (Art. 280, medium and
2nd Par.) maximum and fine P36,000.00
not exceeding

- Frustrated Arresto mayor

maximum to prision
minimum and fine P18,000.00
not exceeding

- Attempted Arresto mayor

minimum and
medium and fine not Bail Not Required

Other forms of trespass (Art. 281) Arresto menor

and/or fine not
Bail Not Required

TUMULTUOUS AFFRAY , death caused

in a (Art. 251)

If it cannot be ascertained who actually

killed the deceased but the person or
persons who inflicted serious physical Prision mayor P72,000.00
injuries can be identified (Art. 251, 1st

If the person or persons who inflicted

serious physical injuries on the Prision correccional
deceased cannot be identified, all those medium and P36,000.00
who used violence are liable (Art. 251, maximum
2nd par.)

If only serious physical injuries are

inflicted in a tumultuous affray (Art. 252,
1st Par.)

(a) If physical injuries fall under Art.

Prision correccional P36,000.00
263, No. 1

(b) If physical injuries fall under Art. Arresto mayor

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
263, No. 2 maximum to prision P18,000.00

(c) If physical injuries fall under Art. Arresto mayor

263, No. 3 medium and Bail Not Required

(d) If physical injuries fall under Art. Arresto mayor

263, No. 4 minimum and Bail Not Required

If only less serious physical injuries are

Arresto from five to
inflicted in a tumultuous affray (Art. 252, Bail Not Required
fifteen days
2nd Par.)


public place, office or establishment
(Art. 153, see disturbance)


repealed by R.A. 8293, see Intellectual
Property Code)


Arresto mayor Bail Not Required
of (Art. 179)

UNJUST V E XATION (Art. 287, 2nd Arresto menor

Par.) and/or fine from
Bail Not Required
P1,000.00 to

Arresto mayor and
fine not exceeding Bail Not Required
OFFICE (Art. 244) (As amended by
R.A. 10951)


Arresto mayor and
PUBLICATION and unlawful
fine from P40,000.00 Bail Not Required
utterance (Art. 154) (As amended by
to P200,000.00
R.A. 10951)


OFFICIAL functio n (Art. 177) minimum and P30,000.00


(Art. 348)

- If committed for the purpose of

defrauding the offended party or his Prision mayor P72,000.00
heirs (1st Phrase)

- If committed not for the purpose Prision correccional

of defrauding the offended party or medium and P36,000.00
his heirs (2nd Phrase) maximum
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
PROPE RTY or occupation of real
property (Art. 312) (As amended by R.A.

- If with violence or intimidation and

Fine from 50% to
value can be ascertained (Separate
100% of the gain but
charge and penalty for the acts of Bail Not Required
not less than
violence/intimidation if it results in
other crimes (1st Par.)

- If value of gain cannot be Fine from P40,000.00

Bail Not Required
ascertained (2nd Par.) to P100,000.00

V AGRANCY (Art. 202)

(Decriminalized by R.A. 10158)

V IOLATION OF DOMICILE (Art. 128) Prision correccional


WAR , inciting to; or giving motives for

reprisals (Art. 118)

If offended is a public officer or

Reclusion temporal P120,000.00

If the offender is a private individual Prision mayor P72,000.00

WHITE SLAV E TRADE (Art. 341) Prision mayor

medium and P72,000.00

- If victim is a minor, see R.A. 7610



ACT No . 55 , prohibiting cruelty to Fine from US$100.00 If the peso equivalent

animals in transportation, as to US$500.00 or its of the fine is
amended by Act 275 peso equivalent P400,000.00 or lower,
bail is not required. If
the pesos equivalent
of the fine exceeds
P400,000.00, bail is
10.0% of fine not
exceeding P30,000.00

ACT No . 1956 (Insolvency Law)

Repealed by R.A. 10142

ACT No . 2137 (Warehouse

Receipts Law)
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
- violations of Secs. 50 and 52 Not more than 5 years P30,000.00
and/or fine not
exceeding P10,000.00

- violations of Secs. 51, 53, 54 Not more than 5 years P30,000.00

and 55 and/or fine not
exceeding P2,000.00

ACT No . 2172 , authorizing the 1 year P6,000.00

establishment of quarantine and
regulating the movement of cattle

ACT No . 2548 , providing for the

immunization of cattle and
carabaos to prevent the spread of

- Failure to present animal for Not more than 25 days Bail Not Required
immunization (Sec. 12, Par. A) and/or fine not
exceeding P25.00

- Alteration of certificate of Not more than 6 Bail Not Required

immunization (Sec. 12, Par. B) months and/or fine
not exceeding P200.00

ACT No . 2580 , providing the 6 months and 2 years P12,000.00

publication and recording in the and fine from
Bureau of Post of the names and P1,000.00 to P5,000,00
post office addresses of editors,
publishers, managers, owners and
stockholders of newspaper
publication, as amended

ACT No . 2590 , protecting game

and fish as amended — Repealed
by R.A. 9147

ACT No . 2706 , making the 6 months and/or fine Bail Not Required
inspection and recognition of not exceeding P500.00
private school and colleges
obligatory for the minister of
Education Culture and Sports

ACT No . 2827 , making it 6 months to 2 years P12,000.00

obligatory upon inter-island vessels and/or fine from
to provide tonnage for shipment of P2,000.00 to
rice or any article of prime P10,000.00
necessity whenever required to do
so by Minister of Trade and

ACT No . 3072 , protecting the Not more than 6 Bail Not Required
agricultural industries of the months and/or fine
Philippines from injurious plant not exceeding
pests and diseases existing foreign P1,000.00
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
ACT No . 3073 , regulating the sale 1 year and/or fine not P6,000.00
of viruses, serums, toxins and exceeding P1,000.00
analogous product

ACT No . 3091 , prohibiting the Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

importation, manufacture, sale or and/or fine not
transportation of adulterated or exceeding P1,000.00
misbranded Paris greens, lead
arsenates, lime-sulphur
compounds, and other insecticides
and fungicides

ACT No . 3101 , authorizing the Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

Minister of Agriculture to and/or fine not
promulgate regulations of viruses, exceeding P2,000.00
serums, toxin, or analogous
product used for treatment of
domestic animals

ACT No . 3342 , regulating the Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

business of furnishing bond and and/or fine not
civil and criminal cases, as exceeding P1,000.00
amended by Act 3375

ACT No . 3393 , penalizing abuses Not more than 2 Bail Not Required
on the part of administrators or months and/or fine
their agent of land seized by the not exceeding P200.00
Government for delinquency in
payment of land tax

ACT No . 3396 , making the Fine not exceeding Bail Not Required
installation of radio apparatus P200.00
obligatory for ships of Philippine
Registry, as amended

ACT No . 3573 , providing for Fine not exceeding Bail Not Required
prevention and suspension of P100.00
dangerous communicable diseases

ACT No . 3595 , regulating the Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

manufacture, importation and sale and/or fine from
of galvanized iron, barbed wire, and P500.00 to P5,000.00
nails, as amended

ACT No . 3596 , preventing Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

adulteration of, and deception in and/or fine from
the sale of paints and paint P500.00 to P5,000.00

ACT No . 3613 , (Marriage Law), as

amended by RA 4236

- violation of Secs. 37 Not more than 1 Bail Not Required

month and fine not
exceeding P200.00

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

- violation of Sec. 38 and 39 1 month to 2 years or Bail Not Required
fine from P200.00 to

- violation of Sec. 40 Not more than 1 Bail Not Required

month and/or fine
from P25.00 to

- violation of Sec. 41 Not more than 1 Bail Not Required

month and/or fine not
exceeding P300.00

- violation of Sec. 42 1 month to 2 years P12,000.00

and/or fine from
P300.00 to P2,000.00

- violation of Sec. 43 1 month to 2 years P12,000.00

and/or fine from
P50.00 to P2,000.00

- violation of Sec. 44 Not more than 1 Bail Not Required

month and/or fine not
exceeding P200.00

ACT No . 3708 , prohibiting the Not exceeding 5 years P30,000.00

importation into the Philippines of and/or fine not
virus of yellow fever or any exceeding P10,000.00
substance which might be
considered infected with causative
agent of yellow fever or
experimentation of such virus or

ACT No . 3740 , penalizing 1 month to 6 months Bail Not Required

fraudulent advertising, mislabeling and/or fine from
fraudulent advertising, mislabeling P200.00 to P5,000.00
or misbranding of any product,
stocks, bonds, etc.

ACT No . 3753 , establishing a

Civil Register

- violation penalized under Sec. 1 month to 6 months Bail Not Required

16 and/or fine from
P200.00 to P500.00

- violation penalized under Sec. Fine from P10.00 to Bail Not Required
17 P200.00

ACT No . 3767 , regulating Not more than 6 Bail Not Required

importation bringing or months and/or fine
introduction into the Philippines of not exceeding
living animals, bats, mollusks, P1,000.00
reptiles, mammals, etc.

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

ACT No . 3846 , providing for the Not more than 2 years P12,000.00
regulation of radio stations and and/or fine not
radio communications, as exceeding P2,000.00

ACT No . 3883 , regulating the use 20 days to 3 months Bail Not Required
in business transactions of names and/or fine from
other than true names, as amended P50.00 to P200.00
by RAs 863 and 4147

ACT No . 3902 , regulating the Not more than 6 Bail Not Required
buying of raw or leaf of tobacco months and/or fine
not exceeding P500.00

ACT No . 3915 , providing for the 4 months to 6 months Bail Not Required
establishment of National Parks and fine equivalent to
4 times the
government charges
on timber or other
forest products
unlawfully destroyed

ACT No . 3941 , providing that the 1 month to 3 months Bail Not Required
measuring of timber in local and/or fine from
market shall be in accordance with P20.00 to P500.00
the Revised Administrative Code

ACT No . 3952 (Bulk Sales Law), 6 months to 5 years P30,000.00

as amended and fine not exceeding

ACT No . 4075 , regulating the Not more than 6 Bail Not Required
practice of soliciting or receiving months or fine not
contributions for charitable and exceeding P200.00
public welfare purposes, as

ACT No . 4164 , preventing 2 months to 2 years P12,000.00

excessive increase in the price of and/or fine from
certain prime necessities of life on P200.00 to P2,000.00
the occasion of public calamity


CA 108 (Anti-Dummy Law), as 5 years to 15 years P90,000.00

amended by RAs 134, 421 and 6084 and fine not less than
and PD 715 the value of right or
franchise but should
not be less than

CA 141 (Public Land Act), as


- violations penalized under Arresto mayor P18,000.00

Sec. 129 maximum to prision
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
correccional minimum
(penalty for perjury)

- violations penalized under Same penalty as in Same bail as

Sec. 130 coercion coercion

- violations penalized under Not more than 3 Bail Not Required

Sec. 131 months and/or fine
not exceeding P100.00

- violations penalized under 2 months to 5 years P30,000.00

Sec. 132 and/or fine not from
P200.00 to P5,000.00

- violations penalized under Not more than 5 years P30,000.00

Sec. 133 and/or fine not
exceeding P5,000.00

CA 142 , regulating the use of 1 year to 5 years and P30,000.00

aliases, as amended by RA 6085 fine from P5,000.00 to

CA 146 (Public Service Act), as

amended by CA 454, RAs 178, 723,
1270, 2677, and 3792

- violations penalized under Not more than 5 years P30,000.00

Sec. 23 and/or fine not
exceeding P25,000.00

- violations penalized under Not more than 2 years P12,000.00

Sec. 24, 1st phrase, and Sec. 25 and/or fine not
exceeding P2,000.00

- violations penalized under Same penalty as in Same bail as provided

Sec. 24, 2nd phrase Sec. 56 (j) of RA 4136 therein
(see p. 216)

- violations penalized under Not more than 6 Bail Not Required

Sec. 26 months and/or fine
not exceeding

- violations penalized under Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

Sec. 30 (b) and/or fine not
exceeding P5,000.00

- violations penalized under Arresto mayor P18,000.00

Sec. 30 (d) maximum to prision
correccional minimum
(penalty for perjury)

- violations penalized under Not more than 6 Bail Not Required

Sec. 30 (f) months and/or fine
not exceeding
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
CA 153 , prohibiting acceptance by Not more than 1 year P6,000.00
public officials, without consent of
the National Assembly (now
Congress) of any present,
emoluments, office or title from a
foreign state.

CA 280 , penalizing the 6 months to 2 years P12,000.00

construction and maintenance of and fine from P500.00
"cottas" to P2,000.00

CA 289 , requiring fixed unit of 1 month and 1 day to 3 Bail Not Required
weight in trading at wholesale and months and/or fine
retail of unfermented unstemmed from P50.00 to
leaf tobacco P500.00

CA 310 , penalizing the transfer of 6 months to 1 year P12,000.00

private agricultural lands to and/or fine from
disqualified persons in violation of P500.00 to P1,000.00
the Philippine Constitution

CA 321 , authorizing the President Not more than 6 Bail Not Required
to establish national defense months and/or fine
zones not exceeding

CA 379 , requiring the branding and 30 days to 6 months Bail Not Required
registration of imported large and/or fine from
animals P200.00 to P1,000.00

CA 383 , prohibiting the dumping Not more than 6 Bail Not Required
into any river of refuse, waste months and/or fine
matter or substance to cause not exceeding P200.00
artificial alluvial formations

CA 448 , penalizing the Not more than 6 Bail Not Required

construction of obstruction months and/or fine
hazardous to air navigation and of not exceeding P500.00
private landing fields

CA 473 , (Revised Naturalization Not more than 5 P30,000.00

Act), as amended by CA 535 months and/or fine
not exceeding

CA 542 , establishing the Girl Not more than 6 Bail Not Required
Scouts of the Philippines, as months and/or fine
amended by RA 4375 and PD not exceeding P500.00

CA 548 , regulating the use of

traffic on national roads and as
well as constructions along the

- First conviction Not more than 3 Bail Not Required

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
months and/or fine
from P10.00 to P50.00
- Second conviction Not more than 6 Bail Not Required
months and/or fine
from P20.00 to

- Subsequent conviction Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

and/or fine from
P50.00 to P500.00

CA 560 , providing for security 1 month to 6 months Bail Not Required

against fraud in the kid of sawn and/or fine from
lumber offered for sale P200.00 to P5,000.00

CA 591 , establishing the Bureau of Not more than 6 Bail Not Required
Census (Now National Statistics months and/or fine
Office) not exceeding

CA 605 , granting pensions to

veterans of past Philippine

- violations of Sec. 5 3 months to 6 months Bail Not Required

and/or fine from
P100.00 to P200.00

- violations of Sec. 14 1 month to 6 months Bail Not Required

and/or fine from
P50.00 to P200.00

- violation of any other Not more than 6 Bail Not Required

provision penalized under Sec. months or fine not
16 exceeding P200.00

CA 613 (Immigration Act 1940), as


- violation of Sec. 45, as Not more than 2 years P12,000.00

amended by RA 144 and/or fine not
exceeding P1,000.00

- violation of Sec. 45-A, as Not more than 15 days Bail Not Required
amended by RA 503 and/or fine not
exceeding P100.00

- violation of Sec. 46 5 years to 10 years P60,000.00

and fine from
P5,000.00 to

- violation of Sec. 46-A, 1st Not more than 6 Bail Not Required
sentence, as amended by RA months and fine not
503 exceeding P1,000.00

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

- violation of Sec. 46-A, 2nd Not more than 6 Bail Not Required
sentence (If offender is owner months and fine of
of vessel or aircraft) P5,000.00

CA 616 penalizing espionage and

other offenses against national

- violation of Sec. 1 Not more than 10 P60,000.00

years and may be
fined not exceeding

- violation of Sec. 2 (a)

- If committed in time of Not more than 20 P120,000.00

peace years

- If committed in time of Not exceeding 30 No Bail

war years or death

- violation of Sec. 2 (b) Not more than 30 No Bail

years or death

- violation of Sec. 3 Not more than 10 P60,000.00

years and/or fine not
exceeding P10,000.00

- violation of Sec. 4 Not more than 20 P120,000.00

years and/or fine not
exceeding P20,000.00

- violation of Sec. 5 Same penalty as Same bail as provided

(conspiracy to violate Secs. 1, section violated therein
2, 3 or 4

CA 616

- violation of Sec. 6 Not more than 10 P60,000.00

years and may be
fined not exceeding

- violation of Secs. 8, 9 & 10 Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

and/or fine not
exceeding P2,000.00

- violation of Secs. 11 & 12 Not more than 30 No Bail

years and/or fine not
exceeding P30,000.00

- violation of Secs. 13 & 14 Not more than 10 P60,000.00

years and/or fine not
exceeding P10,000.00

CA 617 , requiring uniform units of 15 days to 3 months Bail Not Required

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
volume and weight in trading in rice and/or fine from
and palay P100.00 to P500.00

CA 625 , prescribing the manner in Prision correccional P36,000.00

which the option to elect Philippine and/or fine not
citizenship shall be declared by exceeding P10,000.00
person whose mother is a Filipino
CA 634 , penalizing disrespect to
the Philippine National Anthem

First Offense Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

or fine from P25.00 to

Second and additional offense Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

and fine from P25.00
to P1,000.00



PD 4 , creating the National Grains

Authority, as amended by PD 1485
in relation to PD 1770 (now NFA),
and RA 8178

- violation penalized under Sec. 4 years and 1 day to 6 P36,000.00

29 (a) years and fine from
P12,000.00 to

- violation penalized under Sec. 6 months and 1 day to P24,000.00

29 (b) 4 years and/or fine
from P4,000.00 to

- violations penalized under 1 month to 6 months Not more than 1 year

Sec. 29 (c) and/or fine from and/or fine from
P1,000.00 to P4,000.00 P25.00 to P1,000.00

PD 9 , as amended by BP No. 6, 1 month to 1 year P6,000.00

illegal possession of bladed, and/or fine P200.00 to
pointed, or blunt weapons P2,000.00

PD 46 , making it punishable for 1 year to 5 years and P30,000.00

public officials and employees to perpetual
receive, and for private persons to disqualification from
give, gifts, on any occasion, office
including Christmas

PD 66 , creating the Export 5 years to 10 years P60,000.00

Processing Zone Authority and and fine from
Revising RA 5490 (as amended by P5,000.00 to
RA 7916, PEZA) P10,000.00

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

PD 96 , penalizing the use or 6 months and/or fine Bail Not Required
attachments of sirens, bullhorns, of P600.00
whistles or similar gadgets that
emit exceptionally loud or startling
sounds, including dome-lights and
other similar signaling or flashing
devices on motor vehicles

PD 105 , penalizing desecration of Not less than 10 years P60,000.00

National Shrines and/or fine not less
than P10,000.00

PD 114 , penalizing the 30 days to 1 year P6,000.00

establishments and operation of and/or fine from
pawnshops P100.00 to P1,000.00

PD 115 , regulating trust receipts Same penalty as in Same bail as provided

transactions estafa under Art. 315, therein
1 (b) of the RPC

PD 129 , regulating the Not more than 5 years P30,000.00

establishment and operations of and/or fine not
investment houses exceeding P20,000.00

PD 133 , prescribing a heavy Prision correccional P72,000.00

penalty for the theft of any to prision mayor
material, spare parts, product or
article by employees and laborers

PD 135 , creating the fertilizer and

pesticide Authority, as amended by
PD 669

- if the amount involved in 15 years and 1 day to P120,000.00

the violation is more than 20 years
P50,000.00 (Sec. 10, 1st

- If falsification of public or 18 years, 4 mos. and 1 P120,000.00

commercial document is day to 20 years
committed by reason or on (Maximum penalty)
the occasion of the
commission of this
violation (Sec. 10, last

- If the amount involved in 10 years and 1 day to P90,000.00

the violation is more than 15 years
P10,000.00 but does not
exceed P50,000.00 (Sec. 10,
2nd phrase)

- If falsification of public 13 years, 4 mos. and 1 P90,000.00

commercial document is day to 15 years
committed by reason or on (Maximum penalty)
the occasion of the
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
commission of this
violation (Sec. 10, last
phrase in relation to Sec.
10, 2nd phrase)
- If the amount involved in 5 years & 1 day to 10 P60,000.00
the violation is P10,000.00 years and fine
or less (Sec. 10, 3rd phrase) equivalent to the value
involved to 3 times
such value but should
not be less than
P5,000.00 nor more
than P20,000.00

- If falsification of public or 3 yrs. 4 months, 1 day P60,000.00

commercial document is to 10 yrs. and fine
committed by reason or on equivalent to the
the occasion of the maximum of the value
commission of this involved to 3 times
violation (Sec. 10, last such value but not
phrase, in relation to Sec. less than P5,000.00
10, 3rd phrase) nor more than
P20,000.00 (Maximum

PD 143 , prescribing a weekly rest Not more than 5 Bail Not Required
period for working in any months and/or fine
undertaking or enterprise, whether not exceeding P500.00
for profit or not

PD 154 , reducing the commission 7 years to 21 years, P120,000.00

charged by stockbrokers to and/or fine from
customers [Penalized under Sec. P50,000.00 to P5
73, Securities Regulation Code million
(formerly Sec. 40, Securities Act
(BP 178)]

PD 183 , providing for annual

registration of reservists of the
armed Forces of the Philippines

- violation penalized under Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

Par. b and/or fine not
exceeding P1,000.00

- violation penalized under Not more than 6 Bail Not Required

Par. g months and/or fine
not exceeding

- violations penalized Not more than 3 years P18,000.00

under Par. h and/or fine of P500.00

PD 194 , authorizing aliens as well 5 years to 10 years P60,000.00

as associations, corporations or and fine from
partnerships owned in whole or in P10,000.00 to
part by foreigners to engaged in the P25,000.00
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
rice and corn industry

PD 216 , penalizing exportation of Prision correccional P72,000.00

abaca seedlings to prision mayor
and/or fine from
P5,000.00 to

PD 247 , penalizing the Not more than 5 years P30,000.00

defacement, mutilation, tearing, and/or fine not
burning or destruction of Central exceeding P20,000.00
Bank currency notes and coins

PD 252 , creating the Philippines Not more than 5 years P30,000.00

International Trading Corporation and/or fine not
exceeding P10,000.00

PD 269 , creating the National

Electrification Administration, as
amended by PDs 1370 and 1645

- violation of Sec. 54 (b) Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

and/or fine not
exceeding to

- violation of Sec. 54 (f) Not more than 6 Bail Not Required

months and/or fine
not exceeding

PD 279 , creating the design Center 6 months to 5 years P30,000.00

of the Philippines and/or fine from
P2,000.00 to

PD 285 , authorizing the 6 months to 3 years P18,000.00

compulsory licensing or reprinting and fine from
of educational, scientific or cultural P10,000.00 to
books and materials as a P50,000.00
temporary or emergency measure
whenever the prices thereof
become so exorbitant as to be
detrimental to the national interest,
as amended by PDs 400 and 1203

PD 296 , directing all persons, 2 years to 10 years P30,000.00

natural or judicial, to renounce and/or fine for
possession and move out of P5,000.00 to
portions of rivers, creeks, esteros, P10,000.00
drainage, channels and other
similar waterways encroached
upon by them

PD 401 , penalizing the Prision correccional P18,000.00

unauthorized telephone minimum and/or fine
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
connections, as amended by BP from P2,000.00 to
876 P6,000.00

- if the violation is with Prision correccional P36,000.00

connivance or permission of an
employee or officer of the
utility or service utility

PD 410 , declaring ancestral lands Not more than 6 Bail Not Required
occupied and cultivated by national months and/or fine
cultural communities as alienable not exceeding
and disposable P1,000.00

PD 442 (Labo r Co de, as


- violations penalized under Life imprisonment and No Bail

Art. 39 (a) fine of P100,000.00

- violations penalized under 2 years to 5 years P30,000.00

Art. 39 (b) and/or fine from
P10,000.00 to

- violations penalized under 4 years to 8 years P48,000.00

Art. 39 (c) and/or fine from
P20,000.00 to

- violations penalized under 6 months to 1 year P6,000.00

Art. 203 and/or fine from
P500.00 to P5,000.00

- violations penalized under Apply penal provisions Same bail as provided

Art. 207 (a) of RA 1161 or PD 1146 therein

- violations of Art. 207 (b) 6 months to 1 year P12,000.00

and fine from P500.00
to P500,000.00

- violations penalized under Not less than 1 year P6,000.00

Art. 207 (c)

- violations of Art. 264 in 3 months to 3 years P18,000.00

relation to Art. 272 and/or fine from
P1,000.00 to

- violations penalized under 3 months to 3 years P18,000.00

Art. 288 and/or fine from
P1,000.00 to

PD 464 , (Real Property Tax Code),

as amended by PD 1383

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

- violations of Secs. 104, 105, Not more than 1 year P6,000.00
and 106 pars. 1 and 2 and/or fine not
exceeding P1,000.00

- violation of Sec. 106, par. 3 Not more than 6 Bail Not Required
months and/or fine
not exceeding P500.00

- violation of Sec. 107 Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

and/or fine not
exceeding P500.00

PD 471 , fixing a maximum period 6 months to 1 year P6,000.00

for the duration of leases of private and/or fine from
lands to aliens P500.00 to P1,000.00

PD 474 , creating the Maritime

Industry Authority, as amended by
EO 783, series of 1982

- violations of Sec. 14, 1st 2 months to 6 months Bail Not Required

phrase and fine from P500.00
to P1,000.00

- violations of Sec. 14, 2nd 1 year, 8 months and 1 P18,000.00

phrase day to 2 years and 4

PD 522 , prescribing sanitation 2 years to 5 years P30,000.00

requirements for the operation of and/or from P2,000.00
establishments and facilities for to P5,000.00
the protection and convenience of
the traveling public

PD 525 , making mandatory the 6 months to 6 years P36,000.00

payment of emergency allowance and/or fine from
under LOI 174 P5,000.00 to

PD 532 , (Anti-piracy and Anti-

Highway Robbery Law of 1974). For
Highway Robbery to Brigandage
(Arts. 306 and 307 RPC). For Piracy,
refer to Piracy (Art. 122, RPC)

PD 533 , (Anti-Cattle Rustling Law

of 1974)

- If the offense is committed Prision mayor P108,000.00

without violence against or maximum to reclusion
intimidation of persons or temporal medium
force upon things

- If the offense is committed Reclusion temporal P120,000.00

with violence against or maximum to reclusion
intimidation of persons or perpetua
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
force upon things

- If a person is seriously Reclusion perpetua to No Bail

injured or killed as a result or death
on the occasion of the
commission of cattle rustling

PD 581 , prescribing heavier Prision correccional P18,000.00

minimum penalty for high-grading minimum
or theft of gold from a mining
claim or mining camp (Sec. 1, 1st
sentence, 1st phrase)

- Frustrated Arresto mayor Bail Not Required


- Attempted Arresto mayor Bail Not Required


- if the accused is an employee Prision correccional P30,000.00

or laborer of the operator of medium (without
the mining claim (Sec. 1, 1st prejudice to the
sentence, 2nd phrase) imposition of higher
penalty under Art. 309

- Frustrated Prision correccional P18,000.00


- Attempted Arresto mayor Bail Not Required


- Person who knowingly buys Arresto mayor Bail Not Required

or acquires stolen gold-bearing maximum
ores or rocks or the gold
extracted or removed
therefrom (Sec. 3)

PD 583 , prescribing penalties for

the unlawful ejectment, exclusion,
removal or ouster of tenant-
farmers from their farm-holding, as
amended by PD 815

- violation of Sec. 2 Prision mayor P72,000.00

- violation of Sec. 3 Prision correccional P36,000.00

- violations of Sec. 4, Pars. 1 & Prision mayor and/or P72,000.00

2 fine from P5,000.00 to

PD 603 , Child and Youth Welfare 2 months to 6 months Bail Not Required
Code, as amended by PDs 1179 and and/or fine not
1210 and EO 91 s. of '86 and EO exceeding P500.00
209 s. of '87 (Family Code)
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
PD 612 , (Insurance Code of 1978), 6 months and/or fine Bail Not Required
as amended by PD 1460 not exceeding

PD 621 , vesting upon the Minister 1 year to 5 years P30,000.00

of Labor general supervision and and/or fine from
control over the social P1,000.00 to
amelioration program in the sugar P10,000.00
industry, as amended by PD 1192

PD 627 , authorizing the Philippine Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

Tobacco Board to fix floor prices and/or fine not
of Philippine grown tobacco exceeding P2,000.00

PD 650 , requiring the taking if an Not more than 6 Bail Not Required
integrated census of population months and/or fine
and economic activities exceeding P500.00

PD 651 , requiring the registration 3 months to 6 months Bail Not Required

of births and deaths in the and/or fine from
Philippines which occurred from P500.00 to P1,000.00
January 1, 1974 and thereafter, as
amended by PD 766

PD 656 , prohibiting the use of the 2 years to 4 years and P24,000.00

high-powered inboard/outboard fine from P5,000.00 to
engines in watercraft of less than P10,000.00
one hundred (100) gross tons that
are capable of providing propelling
power/speed in excess of fifteen
(1) knots

PD 659 , penalizing illegal trading

and illegal exportation of Philippine
sugar, as amended by PDs 686 and

- if the quantity of sugar 6 months to 2 years P12,000.00

involved in the violation is
more than 250 kilos but not
more than 10,000 kilos (Sec.

- if the quantity of sugar 2 years to 5 years P30,000.00

involved in the violation is
more than 10,000 kilos but not
more than 50,000 kilos (Sec.

- if the amount of sugar 5 years to 10 years P60,000.00

involved in the violation is
more than 50,000 kilos (Sec.

- violation of implementing 6 months to 2 years P12,000.00

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
rules and regulations or making
false statement in the required
weekly reports (Sec. 5-A)
PD 629 , (Revised Accountancy Not more than 2 years P12,000.00
Law) and/or fine not
exceeding P5,000.00

PD 705 , (Revised Forestry Code)

as amended by PD 1559, EO 277
and RA 7161

- Cutting, gathering, and/or Same penalties Same bail as provided

collecting timber or other imposed in Arts. 309 therein
products without license, or and 310, RPC or
other forest products without qualified theft
legal documents required under
existing forest laws and
regulations (Sec. 78, formerly
Sec. 69)

- unlawful occupation or
destruction of forest lands and
grazing lands (Sec. 78, formerly
Sec. 69)

1st Offense (1st Phrase) 6 months to 2 years P12,000.00

and fine from P500.00
to P20,000.00

2nd Offense (maximum) (1st 1 year, 6 months and 1 P12,000.00

Phrase in rel. to 3rd Phrase) day to 2 years and fine
of P20,000.00

- If offender is guilty of making

kainging (2nd Phrase)

- 1st Offense (2nd Phrase) 2 years to 4 years and P24,000.00

fine equal to 8 times
the regular forest
charges on the forest
products destroyed

- 2nd Offense (2nd Phrase in 3 years, 4 months and P24,000.00

relation to 3rd Phrase) 1 day to 4 years and
fine equal to the
maximum period
based on 8 times the
regular forest charge
on the forest products

- 3rd and subsequent offenses 6 years, 8 months to 8 P48,000.00

(2nd phrase in relation to 3rd years and fine equal to
phrase) (double the maximum double the maximum
penalty) fine based on 8 times
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
the regular forest
products destroyed
- Pasturing of livestock 6 months to 2 years P12,000.00
without permit or lease and fine equal to 10
contract in the forest or grazing times the regular
land or alienable and rentals due
disposable lands not yet
disposed of in accordance with
the Public Land Act (Sec. 79,
formerly Sec. 70)

- Illegal occupation of National Fine from P500.00 to Bail Not Required

Parks Systems and recreation P20,000.00
area and vandalism therein,
such as cutting, destroying,
removing timber or any species
of vegetation or forest cover
and other natural resources
therein; mutilating, defacing or
destroying objects of natural
beauty, and killing of bird, fish
or wild animal life therein (Sec.
80, formerly Sec. 71)

- Destruction of wildlife Fine not less than Bail Not Required

resources (Sec. 81, Formerly P100.00
Sec. 72)

- Survey of forest lands by 2 years to 4 years P24,000.00

unauthorized persons (Sec. 82,
formerly Sec. 73)

- Misclassification and survey Not less than one year P6,000.00

by government official or and fine of not less
employee of forest lands as than P1,000.00
alienable and disposable
contrary to criteria and
standards in the Code (Sec. 84,
formerly Sec. 74)

- Issuance of tax declaration 2 years to 4 years P24,000.00

on real property without
certification from Director of
Forest Development and
Director of Lands that the area
is alienable and disposable
(Sec. 84, formerly Sec. 75)

- Coercion of and influence on Not less than 1 year P12,000.00

the public officer or employee, and fine of P500.00
referred to in Sec. 83 (formerly per hectare or fraction
Sec. 74) and Sec. 84 (formerly thereof so improperly
Sec. 75) or the act of abetting surveyed, classified or
or persuading such public released
officer or employee to commit
a violation of Secs. 83 and 84
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
(Sec. 85, 1st Par., Formerly Sec.

- Coercion of or influence on, Not less than one year P6,000.00

or the act of abetting and fine not more than
persuading public officer or P5,000.00
employee, by using power and
influence, in deciding any
pending case or matter in favor
of the offender (Sec. 85, 2nd
Par., formerly Sec. 76)

- Unlawful possession of
implements and devices used
by forest officers (Sec. 86,
formerly Sec. 77, repealed by
RA 7161).

- Failure or refusal to remit Not more than 6 years, P36,000.00

forest charges, or delay, and/or fine not
obstruction or prevention of exceeding P100,000.00
such remittance or
causing/effecting the transfer
or diversion of funds for
purposes other than those
specified in the Code (Sec. 87,
2nd Par., formerly Sec. 78)

- Sale of wood products Fine not less than Bail not required for
without complying with grading P200.00 or the total fine not exceeding
rules, or any act falsification of value of the invoice P400,000.00. If fine
the volume of logs and other whichever is greater exceeds P400,000.00,
forest products or failure of bail is 10.0% thereof
lumber dealer to issue invoice but not exceeding
(Sec. 88, 4th Par., formerly Sec. P30,000.00

PD 752 , (Credit Financing for local

Government), as amended by PD

- violation of Sec. 9 (d), last Not more than 5 years P30,000.00


- violation of Sec. 10, 2nd Par 2 years to 5 years P30,000.00

and/or fine from
P10,000.00 to

PD 807 , (Civil Service Decree of Not more than months Bail Not Required
the Philippines) and/or fine not
exceeding P1,000.00

PD 825 , providing for penalty for

improper disposal of garbage and
other forms of uncleanliness
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
- violation of Sec. 2, 1st Par 5 years to 1 year P6,000.00
and/or fine from
P100.00 to P2,000.00

- violation of Sec 2, 2nd Par. 8 months and 6 days P6,000.00

to 1 year and/or fine
of P2,000.00 (Max.

PD 856 , (Code on Sanitation of the Not more than 6 Bail Not Required
Philippines) months and/or fine
not exceeding

PD 857 , creating the Philippine 1 day to 6 years and P36,000.00

Ports Authority fine from P200.00 to

PD 881 , empowering the Minister 6 months and 1 day to P30,000.00

(Secretary) of Health to regulate 5 years and/or fine not
the labeling, sale and distribution less than P1,000.00
of hazardous substances

PD 894 , requiring government Fine not exceeding Bail not required for
offices, agencies, instrumentalities cost of freight of fine not exceeding
and government owned or shipment but not less P400,000.00. If fine
controlled corporations, persons than P5,000.00 exceeds P400,000.00,
and entities, enjoying tax bail is 10.0% thereof
exemptions, incentives, or but not exceeding
subsidies from the government to P30,000.00
utilize in international
transportation the services of the
Philippine Flag air carrier and
vessel, as amended by PDs 962 and

PD 897 , fixing new minimum Not more than 5 years P30,000.00

prices of locally grown Virginia leaf and/or fine not
tobacco, as amended PD 920 exceeding P20,000.00

PD 933 , creating the Human

Settlements Commission
(renamed as Human Settlements
Regulatory Commission under PD
1396), (Now renamed as Housing
Land Use Regulatory Board under
E.O. No. 90, s. of 1986)

- 1st conviction Warning and probation Bail Not Required

- 2nd conviction Removal or withdrawal Bail Not Required

of infrastructure

- Third and subsequent 6 months to 5 years P30,000.00

convictions, Sec. 15 (b)
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
- Giving false or misleading 4 months to 6 months Bail Not Required
data or information not under and fine from P500.00
oath (Sec. 15 (a), 1st phrase) to P1,000.00

- Giving false or misleading 1 year, 8 months and 1 P18,000.00

data or information under oath day to 2 years and 4
(Sec. 15 (a), 2nd phrase) months

PD 953 , requiring the planting of

trees in certain places and
penalizing unauthorized cutting,
destruction, damaging and injury of
certain trees, plants and

- violation of Secs. 1 and 3 6 months to 2 years P12,000.00

penalized under Sec. 4 and/or fine from
P500.00 to P5,000.00

- violation of Sec. 2 penalized 2 years to 5 years P30,000.00

under Sec. 5 and/or fine equivalent
to the value at current
valuation of the area
representing 30% of
the total area of

PD 956 , creating the National 1 year to 3 years and P18,000.00

Gaming Commission fine from P2,000.00 to

PD 957 , regulating the sale of Not more than 10 P60,000.00

subdivision lots and years and/or fine not
condominiums exceeding P20,000.00

PD 966 , declaring violations of the

International Convention on the
elimination of all forms of racial
discrimination to be criminal

- violation of Sec. 2 (a) 10 days to 6 months Bail Not Required

- If the offender is government 4 months, 3 days to 6 Bail Not Required

officer or employee months (maximum

- violation of Sec. 2 (b) 1 month to 1 year P6,000.00

- If the offender is a 8 months, 11 days to 1 P6,000.00

government official or year (maximum
employee period)

PD 968 , establishing the probation 6 months and 1 day to P36,000.00

system, as amended by PDs 6 years and fine from
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
1257 and 1990 and BP 76 P600.00 to P6,000.00

PD 979 , Marine Pollution Decree 1 year to 6 years or P36,000.00

of 1976 (repealed PD 600) as fine from P50,000.00
amended by RA 9275 to P1,000,000.00

PD 1079 , revising and 6 months to 2 years P12,000.00

consolidating all laws and decrees, and fine from
regulating the publication of P5,000.00 to
judicial, notice, of auction sales P20,000.00
and similar notices, as amended by
PD 1970

PD 1083 , ordaining and

promulgating a code recognizing
the system of Filipino Muslim
Laws and codifying Muslim
Personal Laws

- violation of Art. 181 2 months to 2 years P12,000.00

and/or fine from
P200.00 to P2,000.00

- violation of Art. 182 Fine not exceeding Bail Not Required


- violation of Art. 183 Arresto mayor and/or Bail Not Required

fine from P200.00 to

- violation of Art. 184 Fine from P100.00 to Bail Not Required


PD 1096 , (National Building Code Not more than 2 years P12,000.00

of the Philippines) and/or fine not
exceeding P20,000.00

PD 1146 , Revised GSIS Act of

1977, as amended by RA 8291

- violation of Sec. 52 (a) Same penalty as Art. Same bail as provided

172, RPC therein

- violation of Sec. 52 (b) & (c) 6 years and 1 day to P72,000.00

12 years and/or fine
from P5,000.00 to

- violation of Sec. 52 (d) 6 months and 1 day to P36,000.00

6 years and fine from
3,000.00 to P6,000.00

- violation of Sec. 52 (e) Same penalty as in Same bail as provided

Art. 217, RPC therein
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
- violation of Sec. 52 (f) Same penalty as in Same bail as provided
Art. 315, RPC (estafa) therein

- violation of Sec. 52 (g) 1 year to 5 years and P30,000.00

fine from P10,000.00
to P20,000.00

- violation of Sec. 52 (j) 6 months to 1 year or P6,000.00

fine from P5,000.00 to

PD 1150 , regulating panning or

sluicing for gold inside mining
claims, or in public or private lands

- violation of Secs. 7, 8 and 9 Arresto mayor Bail Not Required

- violation of Sec. 11 Arresto mayor Bail Not Required


PD 1167 , developing and Not more than 3 years P18,000.00

regulating the overseas and/or fine not
construction industry, as exceeding P5,000.00
amended by PD 1657

PD 1171 , granting tax exemptions Fine equivalent to ten Bail not required for
to the Southeast Asia Regional times the amount of fine not exceeding
Center taxes, duties, fees due P400,000.00. If fine
but not less than exceeds P400,000.00,
P10,000.00 bail is 10.0% thereof
but not exceeding

PD 1178 , regulating aerial

photography and mapping activities

- violation of Sec. 6 (a) 6 years to 12 years P72,000.00

and/or fine not
exceeding P20,000.00

- violation of Sec. 6 (b) 6 months to 6 years P36,000.00

and/or fine not
exceeding P10,000.00

PD 1185 , (Fire Code of the

Philippines) Repealed by R.A. 9514

PD 1211 , regulating the milling of 1 year to 2 years P12,000.00

rice and/or fine from
P4,000.00 to P6,000.00

PD 1212 , providing for the

exploration and conservation of
coral resources, as amended by
PD 1698
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
- violation of Secs. 5 and 9 30 days to 3 years P18,000.00
penalized under Sec. 11, 2nd and/or fine not
sentence exceeding P3,000.00

- violation of Sec. 11, 1st 60 days to 10 years P36,000.00

sentence and/or fine not
exceeding P6,000.00

PD 1258 , reducing custom duties 5 years to 10 years P60,000.00

due on importation of certain and fine from
hospital/medical equipment. P10,000.00 to
Machinery, implements and P200,000.00

PD 1271 , nullifying the decrees of 6 months to 6 years P36,000.00

registration and certificates of title
covering lands within the Baguio
Townsite Reservation, as
amended by PDs 1311, 1615
and 2034

PD 1277 , providing for the

preservation of the walls of
Intramuros, as amended by PD

- First offense Fine from P100.00 to Bail Not Required


- Second and subsequent 1 month to 6 months Bail Not Required

offenses and/or fine from
P1,500.00 to P5,000.00

PD 1286 , regulating the practice of 1 month to 2 years P12,000.00

nutrition and dietetics and/or fine from
P500.00 to P2,000.00

PD 1302 , creating the Philippines 5 years to 10 years P60,000.00

Pilgrimage Authority

PD 1319 , providing for the Not more than 3 years P18,000.00

development and accreditation of and/or fine not
certain trading companies exceeding P50,000.00

PD 1445 , (Government Auditing Not more than 6 Bail Not Required

Code of the Philippines), as months and/or fine
amended by EO 19, series of 1986 not exceeding
and EO 271, series of 1987 P1,000.00

PD 1463 , creating the Ministry

(Department) of Tourism (Revised
Charter of DOT)

- violation by a licensee or 6 months to 2 years P12,000.00

holder of authority. [Penalized and/or fine from
under Sec. 19 (a)] P2,000.00 to
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
- violations by non-holder of 1 year to 6 years P36,000.00
authority. [Penalized under Sec. and/or fine from
19 (b)] P4,000.00 to

PD 1466 , creating the maritime Fine of not more than Bail not required for
and Air Transport Industries cost of freight of fine not exceeding
shipment but not less P400,000.00. If fine
than P5,000.00 exceeds P400,000.00,
bail is 10.0% thereof
but not exceeding

PD 1468 , (Revised Coconut Not more than 5 years P30,000.00

Industry Code), as amended by and fine not exceeding
PDs 1841 and 1854 P20,000.00

PD 1481 , regulating trading of

locally grown Virginia leaf tobacco

- Violation of Sec. 37 (a) 4 years and 1 day to 5 P30,000.00

years and/or fine from
P15,000.00 to

- Violation of Sec. 37 (b) 1 year and 1 day to 3 P18,000.00

years and/or fine from
P5,000.00 to

- Violation of Sec. 37 (c) 2 months and 1 day to Bail Not Required

6 months and/or fine
from P500.00 to

PD 1517 , providing for Urban Land Not more than 10 P60,000.00

Reform years and/or fine not
exceeding P20,000.00

PD 1529 , (Property Registration Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

Decree) as amended by RA 6732 and/or fine not
exceeding P1,000.00

PD 1542 , requiring registration and 1 month to 1 year P6,000.00

licensing of dental prosthetic and/or fine not less
laboratories than P200.00

PD 1563 , (Mendicancy Law of


- Violation of Sec. 5, 1st Par. Not more than 2 years P12,000.00

and/or fine not
exceeding P500.00

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

- Violation of Sec. 5, 2nd Par. Not more than 4 years P24,000.00
and/or fine not
exceeding P1,000.00

- Violation of Sec. 5, 3rd Par. 2 months to 6 months Bail Not Required

(Apply penalty under Art. 60, PD and/or fine not
603, unless a higher penalty is exceeding P500.00
provided for under the RPC or (see PD 603)
other special law)

- Violation of Sec. 5, 4th Par. Fine not exceeding Bail Not Required

PD 1570 , regulating the practice of 6 months to 6 years P36,000.00

Aeronautical Engineering and/or fine from
P2,000.00 to P6,000.00

PD 1572 , regulating the operation 30 days to 1 year P6,000.00

of repair enterprises for motor and/or fine from
vehicles, heavy equipment and P100.00 to P1,000.00
engines and engineering works;
electronics, electrical
airconditioning and refrigeration,
office equipment and other
consumer mechanical and
industrial equipment appliance or

PD 1575 , requiring practitioners of Fine from P100.00 to Bail Not Required

dentistry to keep records of their P1,000.00

PD 1588 , Creating a national 6 months to 6 years P36,000.00

Cartography, Photogrammetry and and/or fine not
Remote Sensing Center exceeding P10,000.00

PD 1599 , establishing an exclusive 6 months to 10 years P60,000.00

economic zone of the Philippines and/or fine from
extending 200 nautical miles P2,000.00 to
beyond and from the baselines P100,000.00
from which the territorial sea is

PD 1602 , prescribing stiffer

penalties on illegal gambling,
Amended by RA 9287

- Violation of Sec. 1 (a) (1) Prision correccional P30,000.00

medium or fine from
P1,000.00 to P6,000.00

- In case of recidivism Prision mayor medium P60,000.00

or fine from P5,000.00
to P10,000.00

- Violation of Sec. (a) (2), 1st Prision correccional P30,000.00

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
Sentence in rel. to Sec. 1 (a) (1) medium or fine from
P1,000.00 to P6,000.00

- In case of recidivism Prision mayor medium P60,000.00

or fine from P5,000.00
to P6,000.00

- Violation of Sec. 1 (a) (2), 2nd Prision correccional P36,000.00

Sentence in rel. to Sec. 1 (a) (1) maximum and fine of

- In case of recidivism Prision mayor medium P60,000.00

of fine from P5,000.00
to P10,000.00

- Violation of Sec. 1 (b) Prision correccional P36,000.00

maximum or fine of

- Violation of Sec. 1 (c) Prision mayor medium P60,000.00

or fine of P6,000.00

- Violation of Sec. 1 (d) Prision correccional P30,000.00

medium or fine from
P400.00 to P2,000.00

- Violation of Sec. 1 (e) Temporary absolute Bail Not Required


- Violation of Sec. 1 (f) Prision correccional P36,000.00

maximum or fine from
P500.00 to P2,000.00

PD 1604 , (Franking privilege to Fine of not more than Bail Not Required
Members of Batasan Pambansa P500.00
[now Congress])

PD 1612 , (Anti Fencing Law)

- If the value of such property Prision mayor See below for bail
exceeds P22,000.00 maximum plus 1 year corresponding to
for each additional amount involved
P10,000.00 in excess
of P22,000.00 but not
to exceed 20 years

- If the value of the property 20 years of reclusion P120,000.00

involved is P102,000.00 or over temporal maximum
(prision mayor
maximum plus 8

- If the value of the property 19 years of reclusion P114,000.00

involved is P92,000.00 or over temporal maximum
but less than P102,000.00 (prision mayor
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
maximum plus 7

- If the value of the property 18 years of reclusion P108,000.00

involved is P82,000.00 or over temporal maximum
but less than P92,000.00 (prision mayor
maximum plus 5

- If the value of the property 17 years of reclusion P102,000.00

involved is P72,000.00 or over temporal medium
but less than P82,000.00 (prision mayor
maximum plus 5

- If the value of the property 16 years of reclusion P96,000.00

involved is P62,000.00 or over temporal medium
but less than P72,000.00 (prision mayor
maximum plus 4

- If the value of the property 15 years of reclusion P84,000.00

involved is P52,000.00 or over temporal minimum
but less than P62,000.00 (prision mayor
maximum plus 3

- If the value of the property 14 years of reclusion P84,000.00

involved is P42,000.00 or over temporal minimum
but less than P52,000.00 (prision mayor
maximum plus 2

- If the value of the property 13 years of reclusion P78,000.00

involved is P32,000.00 or over temporal minimum
but less than P42,000.00 (prision mayor
maximum plus 1 year)

- If the value of the property Maximum period of P72,000.00

involved is more than prision mayor
P22,000.00 but less than maximum

- If the value of the property is Prision mayor P72,000.00

more than P12,000.00 but not
exceeding P22,000.00

- If the value of the property is Prision correccional P36,000.00

more than P6,000.00 but not medium and maximum
exceeding P12,000.00

- If the value of the property is Prision correccional P30,000.00

more than P200.00 but not minimum and medium
exceeding P6,000.00

- If the value of the property is Arresto mayor P18,000.00

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
more than P50.00 but not medium to prision
exceeding P200.00 correccional minimum
- If the value of the property is Arresto mayor Bail Not Required
over P5.00 but not exceeding medium

- If the value of the property Arresto mayor Bail Not Required

does not exceed P5.00 minimum

PD 1613 (Arson)

Burning of any property of another Prision mayor P72,000.00

not covered by Art. 320 of RPC, nor maximum
by the other provisions of PD 1613
(Sec. 1, 1st Par.)

- If committed with intent to Prision mayor P72,000.00

gain; or for the benefit of maximum
another; or offender is
motivated by spite or hatred
towards the owner or occupant
of property burned; or
committed by a syndicate (Sec.
1, 1st Par. in relation to Sec. 5)

- If death result by reason of or Reclusion perpetua to No Bail

on occasion of the arson (Sec. death
1, 1st Par. in relation to Sec. 5)

Burning of one's own property Prision mayor P72,000.00

under circumstances which
exposes to danger the life or
property of another (Sec. 1, 2nd

- If committed with the intent Prision mayor P72,000.00

to gain; or for the benefit of maximum
another; or offender is
motivated by spite or hatred
toward occupant of property
burned (Sec. 1, 2nd Par. in
relation to Sec. 4)

- If death results by reason of Reclusion perpetua to No Bail

or on the occasion of the death
burning of one's own property
(Sec. 1, 2nd Par. in relation to
Sec. 5)

In an inhabited place, burning of

establishment where
inflammable/combustible or
explosive materials are stored
(refer to Art. 320, RPC)

- Even if such establishment

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
located in an uninhabited place,
but the burning includes also
the building where it is housed
(Refer to Art. 320, RPC)

Burning of establishment where Reclusion temporal P120,000.00

inflammable or explosive materials maximum to reclusion
are stored in an uninhabited place perpetua
(Sec. 2, No. 1 PD 1613)

- If committed with intent to Reclusion perpetua No Bail

gain; or for the benefit of
another; or offender is
motivated by spite or hatred
towards the owner or occupant
of property burned; or
committed by a syndicate (Sec.
2, No. 1 in rel. to Sec. 4)

- If death result by reason of or Reclusion perpetua to No Bail

on the occasion of the arson death
(Sec. 2, No. 1 in rel. to Sec. 5)

- Other cases of Arson (Sec. 3)

Burning of:
Any building used as offices of
the government or any of its
agencies (No. 1): Any inhabited
house or dwelling (No. 2): or
Shipyard (No. 3) (refer to Art.
320 RPC)

Burning of the following: Reclusion temporal to P120,000.00

reclusion perpetua
Oil well or mine shaft, platform
or tunnel; or any industrial
establishment which does not
involve burning of a building
(No. 3) or

Any plantation, farm,

pastureland, growing crop,
grainfield, orchard, bamboo
groove or forest (No. 4) or

Any rice mill, sugar mill, cane

mill or mill central which does
not involve the burning of a
building (No. 5) or wharf (No. 6)

- If committed with intent to Reclusion perpetua No Bail

gain, or for the benefit of
another; or if offender is
motivated by spite or hatred
towards the owner or occupant;
or committed by a syndicate
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
(Sec. 3, Nos. 3, 4, 5 or 6 in
relation to Sec. 4)

- If death result by reason of or Reclusion perpetua to No Bail

on the occasion of the arson death
(Sec. 3, Nos. 3, 4, 5 or 6 in
relation to Sec. 5)

Burning of railway station or bus

station or airport warehouse (No.
6) (Refer to Art. 320, RPC)

PD 1619 , penalizing the use or

possession or unauthorized sale to
minor of volatile substances for
purpose of inducing intoxication or
in any manner changing, distorting
or disturbing the auditory, visual or
mental processes.

- violation of Sec. 2, 5 and 6 months and 1 day to P24,000.00

6 4 years and fine from
P600.00 to P4,000.00

- violation of Sec. 3 4 years and 1 day to 8 P48,000.00

years and fine from
P4,000.00 to P8,000.00

- violation of Sec. 4 4 years and 1 month P48,000.00

to 8 years and fine
from P4,000.00 to

PD 1640 , freezing prices of lands Not more than 10 P60,000.00

in Metro Manila at current market years and/or fine not
value (Sec. 2 in relation to Sec. 21 exceeding P20,000.00
of PD) 1517)

PD 1642 , freezing the rates of 3 months to 2 years P12,000.00

rental above P300.00 a month of and fine from
residential and commercial P1,000.00 to P2,000.00
buildings, houses, apartment and
dwelling unit in Metropolitan

PD 1689 , increasing the penalty

for certain form of swindling or

- If committed by a syndicate. Life imprisonment to No Bail

(Sec. 1, 1st Par.) death

- If not committed by a Reclusion temporal to P120,000.00

syndicate but the amount of reclusion perpetua
fraud exceeds P100,000.00
(Sec. 1, 2nd Par.)
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
- If not committed by a Apply Art. 315/316 of Bail as provided under
syndicate and the amount of RPC Arts. 315/316 RPC as
fraud is P100,000.00 or less amended by RA 10951

PD 1788 , Cottage Industries Not more than 5 years P30,000.00

Development Decree of 1981 and/or fine not
(Revised Charter of NACIDA) exceeding P5,000.00

PD 1829 , Obstruction of Prision correccional P36,000.00

Apprehension and Prosecution of maximum and/or fine
Criminal Offenders from P1,000.00 to

PD 1863 , Act to promote and Not more than 5 years P30,000.00

expand utilization of chemicals and fine not exceeding
derived from coconut oil P20,000.00

PD 1866, as amended by R.A.

9516 (Illegal Possession,
Manufacture, Dealing in,
Acquisition or Disposition of
Explosives or Instruments used in
Manufacture of Explosives)

(Provisions on Firearms repealed

by R.A. 10591)

- Violation of Section 3 Reclusion perpetua No Bail

- Violation of Section 3-A Reclusion perpetua No Bail

- Violation of Section 3-B Reclusion perpetua No Bail

- Violation of Section 3-C Reclusion perpetua No Bail

and fine from
P10,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 4

If committed by member of law Reclusion temporal P200,000.00

enforcement agencies or any other and Fine of
government official or employee P500,000.00

Penalty for immediate superior of Prision correccional P60,000.00

offender in the previous provision and Fine from
P10,000.00 to

Failure of immediate superior to Prision correccional P60,000.00

inform court of transfer or and Fine from
reassignment of offender P10,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 4-A Reclusion Perpetua No Bail

(Planting of Evidence)
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
PD 1916 , penalizing mooring of 1 year to 2 years P12,000.00
barges, ships or boats to any and/or fine of
portion of bridges or super P10,000.00
structure of bridges

PD 1986 , creating the Movie and 3 months and 1 day to P12,000.00

Television Review and 1 year plus fine from
Classification Board P50,000.00 to


E .O. 648, S. of 1981, Charter of the Prision correccional P36,000.00

Human Settlements Regulatory and/or fine not
Commission (Now Housing and exceeding P20,000.00
Land Use Regulatory Board) (E.O.
90 s. of 1986)


BP 6 , act reducing penalty for Not less than 1 month P6,000.00

illegal possession of bladed, nor more than 1 year
pointed or blunt weapons, and/or fine from
amending PD 9 P200.00 to P2,000.00

BP 8 , adopting the metric system Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

and its implementing rules and and/or fine not
regulations exceeding P1,000.00

BP 22 , penalizing the making or 30 days to 1 year Refer to the table

drawing and issuance of a check and/or fine of not hereto attached
without sufficient funds or credit more than double the
with the drawee bank amount of the check
but not exceeding

BP 33 , penalizing certain acts 2 months to 1 year P6,000.00

inimical to the public interest and and/or fine P2,000.00
national security involving to P10,000.00
petroleum and/or petroleum

BP 39 , or its implementing rules Not more than 5 years P30,000.00

and regulations regulating the and/or fine of not
activities of foreign agents in the exceeding P10,000.00

BP 68 , Corporation Code 30 days to 5 years P30,000.00

and/or fine from
P1,000.00 to

BP 73 , promoting energy 1 month to 1 year P6,000.00

conservation and/or fine from
P1,000.00 to P5,000.00
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
BP 265 , prohibiting extraction of Not less than 6 Bail Not Required
gravel and sand from beaches months and/or fine
not exceeding

BP 344 , enhancing the mobility of 1 month to 1 year P6,000.00

disabled persons by requiring and/or fine P2,000.00
certain buildings, institution, to P5,000.00
establishments and public utilities
to install facilities

BP 702 , penalizing refusal of

hospitals and medical clinics to
administer appropriate medical
treatment and support in
emergency and serious cases, as
amended by RA 8344 and RA 10932

- Violation of any provision of 6 months and 1 day to P18,000.00

the act 2 years and 4 months
and/or fine from
P100,000.00 to

- If violation was committed 4 years to 6 years P36,000.00

pursuant to and established and/or fine from
policy of the hospital, the P500,000.00 to
director or officers responsible P1,000,000.00
for such formulation and
implementation of such policy
is liable

BP 811 , Omnibus Election Code of

1978, as amended

- Violation of Secs. 261 and 1 year to 6 years P36,000.00


- Violation of Secs. 261 (n) in Prision mayor P72,000.00

relation to Sec. 264, 2nd par. maximum

- Violation of Sec. 261 (y) (1) Fine of P100.00 Bail Not Required
and 261 (z) (1) both I in relation
to Sec. 261, last Par.

- Violation of Sec. 266 (Illegal 6 years and 1 day to P72,000.00

Arrest) 12 years


RA 11 , prohibiting slaughtering of 2 months to 6 months Bail Not Required

male and female carabaos, horses, and/or fine from
mares and cows P200.00 to P500.00

RA 65 , providing for a bill of rights Not more than 6 Bail Not Required
for officers and enlisted men of the months and/or fine
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
Philippine Army and recognized or not exceeding
deserving guerilla organizations P1,000.00
and veterans of the Philippine
revolutions, as amended
RA 68 , regulating the prices of Not more than 1 year P6,000.00
admission to theaters, or fine not exceeding
cinematographies, horse races, jai- P5,000.00
alai, and other places of

RA 71 , requiring price tags or Not more than 6 Bail Not Required

labels to be affixed on all articles months and/or fine
of commerce offered for sale at not exceeding P200.00
retail as amended by RA 1074

RA 75 , prohibiting acts which

would impair proper observance by
the Republic and the inhabitants of
the Philippines of the immunities,
rights and privileges of duly
accredited foreign diplomatic and
consular agents in the Philippines

- violation of Secs. 1 and 2 Not more than 5 years P30,000.00

and/or fine not
exceeding P5,000.00

- violation of Sec. 3 Not more than 6 Bail Not Required

months and/or fine
not exceeding P200.00

- violation of Secs. 4 and 6 Not more than 3 years P18,000.00

and fine not exceeding

RA 85 , creating the Rehabilitation

Finance Corporation, as amended

- violation of Sec. 22 Not more than 5 years P30,000.00

and fine exceeding

- violation of Secs. 23 and 24 1 year to 5 years and P30,000.00

fine from P1,000.00 to

- violation of Sec. 25 1 year to 3 years and P18,000.00

fine from P1,000.00 to

- violation of Sec. 26 3 months to 3 years P18,000.00

and fine of not less
than the amount of
loan obtained or
applied for but not
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
more than 3 times
such amount
- violation of Sec. 27 Not more than 5 years P30,000.00
and fine not exceeding

RA 123 , creating the Bureau of Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

Quarantine Service and/or fine not
exceeding P2,000.00

RA 124 , requiring private schools, Fine not exceeding Bail Not Required
colleges, and universities to P500.00
provide medical and dental service
to pupils and students, as amended
by R.A. 951

RA 145 , penalizing unlawful Not more than 2 years P12,000.00

solicitation of, or contract for, fees and/or fine not
relative to claim or benefit under exceeding P1,000.00
statutes of the United States being
administered by the U.S. Veterans

RA 226 , prohibiting the use of the Not more than 1 year P6,000.00
emblem, official seal and name of and/or fine not
the United Nations for commercial exceeding P1,000.00

RA 229 , prohibiting cockfighting, Not more than 6 Bail Not Required

horse racing and jai-alai on months and/or fine
December 30 of each year and not exceeding P200.00
creating a committee to take
charge of the proper celebration of
Rizal Day

RA 248 , penalizing the reprinting, Not more than 5 years P30,000.00

reproduction or republication of and/or fine not
government publications and exceeding P5,000.00
official documents without
previous authority

RA 349 , legalizing permission to 6 months to 1 year P6,000.00

use human organs or any portion
or portions of the human body for
medical, surgical or scientific
purposes, as amended by RA 1056

RA 387 , (Petroleum Act of 1949), Not more than 6 Bail Not Required
as amended months and/or fine
not exceeding P300.00

RA 460 , regulating the operation of Fine from P1,000.00 to Bail Not Required
sawmills P10,000.00

RA 493 , prohibiting the use or

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
conferring of military or naval
grades or titles by or upon persons
not in the service of the Armed
Forces of the Philippines or the
Philippine Constabulary
- violation of Sec. 4, 1st 2 years to 5 years P30,000.00
sentence and/or fine from
P2,000.00 to P5,000.00

- violation of Sec. 4, 2nd 1 month to 2 years P12,000.00

sentence and/or fine from
P2,000.00 to P5,000.00

RA 544 , regulating the practice of 6 months to 1 year P6,000.00

civil engineering, as amended by and/or fine from
R.A. 1582 P500.00 to P2,000.00

RA 562 (Alien Registration Act of

1950), as amended by RAs 578 and

- Violation of Sec. 6, 1st Par. Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

and/or fine not
exceeding to

- Violation of Sec. 6, 2nd par. Not more than 6 Bail Not Required
months and/or fine
not exceeding

- Violation of Sec. 10 Not more than 6 Bail Not Required

months and/or fine
not exceeding P200.00

RA 623 , regulating the use of duly Not more than 1 year P6,000.00
stamped or marked bottles, boxes, and/or fine not
casks, kegs, barrels, and similar exceeding P1,000.00
containers, as amended by RA 5700

RA 679 (Woman and Child Labor 30 days to 1 year P6,000.00

Law), as amended by RAs 1131 and and/or fine from
6237 and PD148 P100.00 to P5,000.00

RA 698 , limiting the importation of 1 year to 10 years and P60,000.00

foreign leaf tobacco, as amended fine from P5,000.00 to
by RAs 1194 and 4155 P20,000.00

RA 747 , regulating the fees to be Fine not exceeding Bail Not Required
charged against patients in the P500.00
government hospitals and charity

RA 776 , creating the Civil

Aeronautics Board and Civil
Aeronautics Administration, as
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
amended by PDs 589 and 1462 and
EO 217 s. 1987

- violation of Sec. 42 (A), (E), Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

(F), (M) and (N) and/or fine not
exceeding P5,000.00

- violation of Sec. 42, (B), (C) Fine not exceeding Bail Not Required
and (D) P1,000.00

- violation of Sec. 42 (G) Not more than 6 Bail Not Required

months and/or fine
not exceeding

- violation of Sec. 42 (H) and Fine not exceeding Bail Not Required
(I) P5,000.00

- violation of Sec. 42 (J), (K) Fine not Exceeding Bail Not Required
and (L) P5,000.00

- violation penalized under Sec. Fine not exceeding to Bail Not Required
43 P500.00

RA 821 , Creating the Agricultural

Credit and Cooperative Financing
Administration (ACCFA), as
amended by RAs 1258 and 2049

- Violation of Sec. 24 Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

and/or fine not
exceeding P1,000.00

- Violation of Sec. 25 1 year to 5 years and P30,000.00

fine from P1,000 to

- Violation of Sec. 26 1 year to 3 years and P18,000.00

fine from P1,000.00 to

- Violation of Sec. 27 3 months to 3 years P18,000.00

and fine of not less
than the amount of
loan obtained or
applied for, nor more
than 3 times such

- Violation Sec. 28 Not more than 10 P60,000.00

years and/or fine not
exceeding to

- Violation Sec. 29 Not more than 5 years P30,000.00

and/or fine not
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
exceeding P10,000.00
RA 832 , regulating the sale,
exchange or delivery of home
pounded, undermilled, milled or
polished rice

- Violation Sec. 11 5 years to 10 years P60,000.00

- violation of any other 30 days to 6 months Bail Not Required

provision of the Act penalized and/or fine from
under Sec. 7 P200.00 to P2,000.00

RA 947 , making it unlawful for any Not more than 1 year P6,000.00
person, corporation or association and/or fine not
to forcibly enter or occupy public exceeding P1,000.00
agricultural lands

RA 1051 , regulating all bureaus, Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

offices, agencies and and fine from
instrumentalities of the P1,000.00 to P2,000.00
government, including government
owned or controlled corporation,
provinces, cities and municipalities
to deduct and withhold from any
money payment to private
individuals, corporation,
partnership and/or associations,
any and all taxes due and payable
on account of said money payment

RA 1071 , regulating the sale of 30 days to 6 months Bail Not Required

veterinary biologics and medicine and/or fine from
preparations P100.00 to P200.00

RA 1135 , creating the Philippine 6 months and 1 day to P36,000.00

Tobacco Administration, as 6 years and/or fine
amended by RA 3514 and RA from P5,000.00 to
5555 P10,000.00

RA 1161 (Social Security Law), as

amended by RA 8282 (SSS Law of

- Violation of Sec. 28 (a) Prision correccional P36,000.00

medium and maximum
and fine not exceeding

- Violation of Sec. 28 (b) and 6 years and 1 day to P72,000.00

(e), 2nd phrase 12 years and fine from
P5,000.00 to

- Violation of Sec. 28 (c), (d) 6 years and 1 day to P72,000.00

and (e), 1st phrase 12 years and fine from
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
P5,000.00 to
- Violation of Sec. 28 (g) Same penalty as in Same bail as in Art.
malversation, Art. 217 217

- Violation of Sec. 28 (h) Same penalty as in Same Bail as Estafa

estafa, Art. 315, RPC

RA 1169 , creating the Philippine 1 month to 3 years P18,000.00

Charity Sweepstakes Office, as
amended by RAs 1502, 1622,
2064, PD 1157 and BP 42

RA 1239 , requiring registration of Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

agent, contractors, and dealers in or fine not exceeding
logs, timbers and commercial piles P200.00

RA 1287 , granting a special 5 years to 10 years or P60,000.00

privilege to any person who fine from P5,000.00 to
discovers or invents a new P10,000.00
process, discovery or invention for
the conversion of any native
agricultural raw product into a
product which will stabilize not
only the national economy but also
the dollar resources or its
implementing rules and regulations

RA 1364 , regulating the practice of 6 months to 1 year P6,000.00

sanitary engineering and/or fine from
P500.00 to P2,000.00

RA 1365 , requiring all copra buyer

to use moisture meter in all their
domestic purchases of copra in the
place where each such purchases
is made

- Violation penalized under 1 month to 6 months Bail Not Required

Secs. 2 (1st phrase) 8, 10 (Par. and fine from
2), 11 and 18 (Par. 2) P1,000.00 to 5,000.00

- Violation penalized under Not more than 30 days Bail Not Required
Secs. 2 (2nd phrase) and 21 and fine from P100.00
to P500.00

RA 1378 , regulating the trade of 6 months to 1 year P6,000.00

master plumber and/or fine from
P500.00 to P2,000.00

RA 1379 , declaring forfeiture in Not more than 5 years P30,000.00

favor of the state of any property and/or fine not
found to have been unlawfully exceeding P10,000.00
acquired by any public official or
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
RA 1405 , prohibiting disclosure of Not more than 5 years P30,000.00
or inquiry into deposits with and/or fine not
banking institution, as amended by exceeding P20,000.00
R.A. 7653

RA 1480 , authorizing the DBP and 6 months to 1 year P6,000.00

the PNB to grant loads to
graduates of trade, agriculture and
technical schools and colleges and
physicians and dentists who shall
practice in the rural areas

RA 1517 , regulating the collection, 1 month 1 year and/or P6,000.00

processing and sale of human fine from P100.00 to
blood, and its implementing rules P1,000.00
and regulations

RA 1538 , requiring the Not exceeding 1 year P6,000.00

presentation of proof of the filing and/or fine not
of income tax returns and exceeding P500.00
certification to payment of taxes
during preceding year before
issuing any receipt of permit to
engage in any trade, business or
occupations or practice of a

RA 1556 , regulating and Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

controlling the manufacture, and 1 day and/or fine
importation, labeling, advertising from P1,000.00 to
and sale of livestock and poultry P5,000.00

RA 1827 (Lo bbying Law)

- Violations of Sec. 2 and 3 Not more than 2 years P12,000.00

and/or fine not
exceeding P5,000.00

- Violations penalized under Fine from P1,000.00 to Bail Not Required

Sec. 11 (1) P20,000.00

- Violations penalized under Fine from P500.00 to Bail Not Required

Sec. 11 (2) and (13) P10,000.00

- Violations penalized under Not more than 6 Bail Not Required

Sec. 11 (3), 1st sentence and months and/or fine
Sec. 12 not exceeding

- Violations penalized under 6 months to 2 years P12,000.00

Sec. 11 (3), 2nd sentence and/or fine from
P1,000.00 to P5,000.00

RA 1929 , prohibiting the sale of Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
acetic acid in any form in grocery and/or fine not
and retail stores exceeding P1,000.00

RA 2056 , prohibiting the 6 months to 6 years P36,000.00

construction of dams, dikes or any and fine from P500.00
other works in public navigable to P6,000.00
waters or waterways and in
communal fishing grounds

RA 2067 (Science Act of 1958), as

amended by RA 3589

- Violations penalized under Not exceeding 1 year P6,000.00

Sec. 25, 1st Par. and/or fine not
exceeding P4,000.00

- If violator is a corporation Fine not exceeding Bail Not Required

(Sec. 25, 2nd Par.) P10,000.00

- Violations penalized under Not more than 6 Bail Not Required

Sec. 25, 3rd Par. months and/or fine
not exceeding

RA 2207 , prohibiting the 5 years and fine of P30,000.00

importation of rice and corn P5,000.00

RA 2265 , creating the Virginia 1 year to 5 years P30,000.00

Tobacco Administration, as and/or fine from
amended by RA 4155 P1,000.00 to

RA 2382 , regulating the practice of 1 year to 5 years P30,000.00

medicine, as amended by RAs and/or fine from
4224 and 5946 P1,000.00 to

RA 2629 (Investment Co mpany


- Violation of Sec. 34 Same penalty as in Same bail as provided

Sec. 73 of the therein
Securities Regulation
Code (Refer to RA

- Violation of Sec. 39 (c), last Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

sentence and/or fine not
exceeding P2,000.00

- Violations penalized under Fine of P500.00 Bail Not Required

Sec. 40, 3rd paragraph

- Violation of any other Not more than 5 years P30,000.00

provision of the Act, penalized and/or fine not
under Sec. 48 exceeding P50,000.00
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
RA 3019 (Anti-Graft and Corrupt
Practices Act), as amended by
RAs 3047 and 10910, PDs 667
and 1288 and BP 195

- Violations of Secs. 3, 4, 5 and 6 years and 1 month P90,000.00

6 penalized under Sec. 9 (a) to 15 years

- Violation of Sec. 7 penalized Not more than 1 year P12,000.00

under Sec. 9 (b) and 6 months and/or
fine from P1,000.00 to

RA 3137 , creating the Embroidery 1 year to 3 years P18,000.00

and Apparel Control and Inspection and/or fine from
Board P3,000.00 to

RA 3524 , prohibiting the barter in 2 months to 5 years P30,000.00

international trade and fine from P200.00
to P5,000.00

RA 3571 , prohibiting the cutting, Prision correccional P48,000.00

destroying or injuring of planted or minimum to prision
growing trees or of flowering mayor minimum
plants and shrubs or plants of
scenic value along public roads, in
plazas, parks, school premises or
in any public pleasure ground

RA 3591 , creating the Philippine

Deposit Insurance Corporation, as
amended by RA 6037, PD 1940,
E O 890, Series o f 1983, RA
7400 and RA 9576

- Violation of Sec. 16 (a), as Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

amended by RA 7400 and/or fine not
exceeding P20,000.00

- Violation of Sec. 16 (b) Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

and/or fine not
exceeding P1,000.00

- Violations penalized under Not more than 5 years P30,000.00

Sec. 16 (g), as amended by PD and fine not exceeding
1940 P20,000.00

- Violation of Section 26 (f), as 6 years to 12 years P72,000.00

amended by RA 10846 and/or fine from
P50,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 26 (h), as 10 years to 12 years P72,000.00

amended by RA 10846 and/or fine from
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
P500,000.00 to
- Violation of Section 26 (i), as 12 years to 14 years P84,000.00
amended by RA 10846

If offense to defraud a bank is 15 years to 17 years P108,000.00

committed by a director or officer
of the bank (2nd Par)

If BSP determines that the act 18 years to 20 years P120,000.00

resulted in systemic consequences
(3rd Par)

RA 3627 , creating the Bureau of Not more than 6 Bail Not Required
Agriculture Economics months and/or fine
not exceeding P600.00

RA 3720 , (Food, drugs and

Devices, and Cosmetics Act), as
amended by RA 9711

- Violation of Section 12 (a) of 1 year to 10 years P60,000.00

RA 3720 as amended and/or fine from
P50,000.00 to

5 years to 10 years P60,000.00

and fine ranging from
P500,000.00 to
P5,000,000.00 (If
offender is
importer or distributor
of any health product

RA 3765 (Truth in Lending Act) 6 months to 1 year P6,000.00

and/or fine from
P1,000.00 to P5,000.00

RA 3844 (Agricultural Land Reform

Code), as amended by RAs
4366, 5984, 6389, PD 251 and
RA 7907

- Violations penalized under Not more than 5 years P30,000.00

Sec. 100 (as amended by PD and/or fine not
251) exceeding P10,000.00

- Violations penalized under Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

Sec. 167 (1) and (3) and/or fine not
exceeding P1,000.00

- Violations penalized under Fine not exceeding Bail Not Required

Sec. 167 (2) P5,000.00

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

- Violations penalized under 1 month to 1 year P6,000.00
Sec. 167 (4) and/or fine from
P100.00 to P1,000.00
- Violations penalized under
Sec. 167 (5)

- 1st conviction Fine not exceeding Bail Not Required


- 2nd conviction Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

and/or fine not
exceeding P2,000.00

- Violations penalized under Not more than 5 years P30,000.00

Sec. 167 (6) (as amended by and/or fine not
R.A. 6389) exceeding P5,000.00

RA 4093 (Private Development Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

Banks Act), as amended by RA and/or fine not
4887, RA 7721, PD 119 BPs 63 exceeding P2,000.00
and 390

RA 4110 (Airconditioning and Not more than 3years P18,000.00

Refrigeration Specialization Law), and/or fine not
as amended by RA 5788 exceeding P500.00 to

RA 4136 (Land Transportation and

Traffic Code), as amended by PD
98, BP 43 and RA 10586

- Violation of Sec. 17 (as 6 months and/or fine Bail Not Required

amended by BP 43) less than P5,000.00

- Violations penalized under

Sec. 56 (a) to (n) (Section 56 [f]
repealed by R.A. 10586)

- Registering motor vehicle Fine of 50% of the Bail Not Required

later than 7 days from registration fees
acquisition of unregistered corresponding to the
motor vehicle or after portion of the year
conversion. [Sec. 5 in relation from which the vehicle
to Sec. 56 (a)] is registered for use

- Failure to sign driver's license Fine of P100.00 Bail Not Required

or to carry the same while
driving (Secs. 23 and 19
respectively, in relation to Sec.
56 [b])

- Driving a vehicle with a Not more than 10 days Bail Not Required
delinquent or invalid driver's or fine of P200.00
license [Sec. 26 in relation to
Sec. 56 (c)]
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
- Driving a motor vehicle with Not more than 15 days Bail Not Required
delinquent, suspended or or fine of P300.00
invalid registration, or without
registration or without proper
license plate for the current
year [Sec. 5 in relation to Sec
56 (d)]

- Driving a motor vehicle Not more than 15 days Bail Not Required
without first securing a driver's or fine of P500.00
license (Sec. 56 (e) in relation
to Sec. 19)

- Driving a motor vehicle under Repealed by R.A.

the influence of liquor or 10586
narcotic drug. [Sec. 53 in
relation to Sec. 56 (f)]

- Violation of Sections 32, 34 Fine not exceeding Bail Not Required

(a), (b), and (b-1), 35 and 46 in P100.00
relation to Sec. 56 (g)

- Violation of Sections 49, 51 Fine from P25.00 to Bail Not Required

and 52 in relation to Sec. 56 (h) P50.00

- Using or attempting to use Not more than 6 Bail Not Required

driver's license identification months and/or fine
card, certificate or registration, from P1,000.00 to
number plate, tag or permit in P3,000.00
similitude of those issued
under this Act, or falsely or
fraudulently representing as
valid and in force any driver's
license under this act which is
delinquent or which has been
suspended or revoked [Sec. 31
in relation to Sec. 56 (i), 1st

- Making manufacturing, Same penalty as in Same bail as provided

distributing or selling a driver's Art. 171 or 172 of RPC therein
license, identification card,
certificate of registration,
number plate, tag or permit in
imitation or similitude of those
issued under this Act (Sec. 31,
in relation to Art. 171 or 172 of
the RPC as the case may be)

- Using private passenger

automobiles, private trucks,
private motorcycles, and motor
wheel attachments for hire.
(Violation of Sec. 7 (a), (b) and
(c), in relation to Sec. 56 (j)

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

- 1st Conviction Fine of P200.00 Bail Not Required

- 2nd Conviction 6 months and fine of Bail Not Required


- 3rd Conviction 1 year and permanent P6,000.00

revocation of license

- Permitting, allowing,
consenting to, or tolerating the
use of privately-owned motor
vehicles for hire (Violation of
Sec. 7 (a), (b) and (c), in relation
to Sec. 56 (k)

- 1st Conviction Fine of P500.00 Bail Not Required

- Subsequent Conviction Fine of P600.00 Bail Not Required

- Obstruction of traffic (Sec. 56 Fine of P100.00 to Bail Not Required

(1) in relation to Sec. 54) P500.00

- Hit and run (No driver of Fine from P100 to Bail Not Required
motor vehicle involved in a P500.00
vehicular accident shall leave
the scene of the accident
without aiding the victim). (Sec.
56 (1) in relation to Sec. 55)

- Violation of any other Fine of P100.00 to Bail Not Required

provisions of the Act such as P500.00
Secs. 33, 35, and 48, among
others, and IRR [Sec. 56 (1)]

- Negligent or reckless driving Same as penalty as in Same bail as provided

resulting in death or physical Art. 365 RPC therein
injuries [Sec. 56 (n)]

RA 4155 , promoting and 1 year to 10 years and P60,000.00

strengthening the Virginia Tobacco fine from P5,000.00 to
Industry, as amended by RA P20,000.00

RA 4200 (Anti-Wire Tapping Act) 6 months to 6 years P36,000.00

RA 4226 (Ho spital Licensure


- 1st offense Fine not exceeding Bail Not Required


- Each subsequent offense Fine not exceeding Bail Not Required

(each day that the hospital P1,000.00
operates without a license or
each day of violation with any
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
of the act after the first
conviction, shall be considered
as separate subsequent
RA 4274 , regulating the practice of 1 year to 2 years P12,000.00
Mining Engineering, as amended and/or fine from
by RA 5677 P1,000.00 to P2,000.00

RA 4373 , regulating the practice of 1 month to 2 years P12,000.00

Social Work, as amended by RA and/or fine from
5175 and RA 10847 P500.00 to P2,000.00

RA 4566. (Co ntracto r's License Fine from P500.00 to Bail Not Required
Law) P5,000.00

RA 4666 , prohibiting the 2 months to 1 year P6,000.00

exportation of fibers (buntal) or and/or fine from
filaments of "buri" or seeds or P1,000.00 to P5,000.00
seedling thereof, as amended by
PD 180 and E O 221, series o f

RA 4846 . (Cultural properties Not more than 2 years P12,000.00

Preservation and Protection Act), and/or fine not
as amended by PD 374 exceeding P10,000.00

RA 4850 (Laguna Lake Not more than 3 years P18,000.00

Development Authority Act of and/or fine not
1969), as amended by PD 813 exceeding P500.00
and RA 9275

RA 4860 (Foreign Borrowing Act 1 year to 5 years and P30,000.00

authorizing the President of the fine from P5,000.00 to
Philippines to obtain loans for P20,000.00
economic development, as
amended by RA 6142 and PDs
81, 150 and 351 and RA 8182

RA 5183 , regulating the award of 2 years to 4 years and P24,000.00

contracts for the supply to or fine from P5,000.00 to
procurement by any government P10,000.00
owned and controlled corporation,
company, agency, or municipal
corporation of material, equipment,
goods and commodities

RA 5186 (Investment Incentive Not more than 3 years P18,000.00

Act), as amended by 6135, PDs and/or fine not
92, 485, 1159 and 1646 exceeding P50,000.00

RA 5487 (Private Security Law), as 10 years to 15 years P90,000.00

amended by PDs 11, 100 and and fine from
1919 P10,000.00 to

RA 6135 (Export Incentive Act of Not more than 3 years P18,000.00

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
1970) as amended by PDs 92, and/or fine not
485 and 1646 exceeding P50,000.00

RA 6235 , penalizing certain acts

inimical to Civil Aviation

- Violation of Sec. 1 penalized 12 years to 20 years or P120,000.00

under Sec. 2, 1st Par. fine from P20,000.00
to P40,000.00

- Violation of Sec. 1 penalized 15 years to death or P120,000.00

under Sec. 2, 2nd Par. fine from P25,000.00
to P50,000.00

- Violation of Sec. 3 penalized 5 years to 10 years or P30,000.00

under Sec. 6, 1st Par. fine from P15,000.00
to P20,000.00

- Violation of Sec. 4 penalized 5 years and 1 day to 6 P42,000.00

under Sec. 6, 2nd Par. years and 8 months

- If any death or injury to Same penalty as in Same bail as provided

persons or damage to property RPC therein
results from a violation of
Sections 3 and 4, the offender
may be charged separately for
said offenses under the RPC
(Sec. 7)

RA 6506 (Board of Examiners for 1 year to 3 years P18,000.00

Criminologists Act) and/or fine from
P2,000.00 to

RA 6650 , granting Franking Fine of P500.00 Bail Not Required

Privilege to the members of

RA 6656 , protecting the security of 3 years to 5 years P30,000.00

tenure of civil service officers and and/or fine not
employees in the implementation exceeding P10,000.00
of government reorganization

RA 6657 , instituting a 1 month to 3 years P18,000.00

comprehensive Agrarian Reform and/or fine from
program, as amended by RAs P1,000.00 to
7881, 7905 and 9700 P15,000.00

- Violation of Section 73, pars. 3 years and 1 day to 6 P36,000.00

(a), (b), (f), (g) and (h) years and/or fine from
P50,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 73, pars. 6 years and 1 day to P72,000.00

(c), (d), (e) and (i) 12 years and/or fine
from P200,000.00 to
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
RA 6675 (Generics Acts of 1988),
as amended by R.A. 9502
(Universally Accessible, Cheaper
and Quality Medicines Act of 2008)

- Violations of Secs. 6 (a) & (b)

penalized under Sec. 12

- 1st Conviction [Sec. 12-A Reprimand, to be Bail Not Required

(a)] entered in the books
of the Professional

- 2nd Conviction [Sec. 12-A Fine from P10,000.00 Bail Not Required
(b)] to P25,000.00

- 3rd Conviction [Sec. 12-A Fine from P25,000.00 Bail Not Required
(c)] to P50,000.00

- 4th and subsequent Fine not exceeding Bail Not Required

convictions [Sec. 12-A (d)] P100,000.00

- Violations of Secs. 6 (c) & Fine of not less than If fine is P400,000.00
(d); and 7 and 8 penalized under P100,000.00 and or less, bail is not
Sec. 12-B committed by a suspension or required. If fine
juridical person revocation of license exceeds P400,000.00,
to operate bail is 10.0% thereof
not to exceed

- If the offender of Sections 6 6 months to 1 year P6,000.00

(c), 6 (d), 7 or 8 is an officer of and/or fine of at least
a juridical person which P40,000.00
committed the offense
(Section 12-B, 2nd phrase)

RA 6683 , providing benefits for Not more than 6 Bail Not Required
early retirement and voluntary months and/or fine
separation from the government not exceeding
service, as well as involuntary P1,000.00
separation of civil service officers
and employees, pursuant to various
Executive Orders authorizing
government reorganization after
the ratification of the 1987

RA 6685 , requiring private Fine of P20,000.00 Bail Not Required

contractors to whom national,
provincial, city and municipal public
works project have been awarded
under contract to hire at least fifty
percent of the unskilled labor
requirements to be taken from the
available bonafide residents in the
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
province, city or municipality in
which the projects are to be

RA 6713 , establishing a code of Not more than 5 years P30,000.00

conduct and ethical standards for and/or fine not
public officials and employees exceeding P5,000.00

RA 6727 , rationalizing wage policy 2 years to 4 years P24,000.00

determination, as amended by and/or fine from
RA 8188 P25,000.00 to

RA 6732 , allowing administrative

reconstitution of original copies
and certificates of titles lost or
destroyed due to fire, flood and
other force majeure

- Violation of Sec. 12, 1st Par. 2 years to 5 years P30,000.00

and/or fine from
P20,000.00 to

- Violation of Sec. 12, 2nd par. 5 years to 10 years P60,000.00

and/or fine from
P50,000.00 to

RA 6770 , providing for the

functional and structural
organization of the Office of the
Ombudsman, and for the other

- Violation of Sec. 35, 1 month and 1 day to 6 Bail Not Required

malicious prosecution months and fine not
exceeding P5,000.00

- Violation of Sec. 36, Fine not exceeding Bail Not Required

obstruction P5,000.00

RA 6810 , establishing the Magna Fine from P1,000.00 to Bail Not Required
Carta for countryside and barangay P10,000.00
business enterprises

RA 6848 (Charter of Al Amanah Not more than 5 years P30,000.00

Islamic Investment Bank of the and/or fine not
Philippines) exceeding P10,000.00

RA 6938 . Cooperative Code of the


- Violation of Art. 124, Sub- 1 year and/or fine not P6,000.00

Section 1 exceeding P1,000.00
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
- Violations penalized under 1 year to 5 years P30,000.00
Art. 124, Sub-Section 2 and/or fine not less
than P5,000.00

- Violation of any other 6 months to 1 year P6,000.00

provisions, penalized under Art. and/or fine not less
124, Sub-Section 4 than P1,000.00

RA 6968 , an act punishing the

crime of coup d' etat (See

RA 6969 , controlling toxic

substance and hazardous nuclear

- Violation of Sec. 13 (a) to (c) 6 months and 1 day to P36,000.00

penalized under Sec. 14 (a) 6 years and 1 day and
fine from P6,000.00 to

- Violation of Sec. 13 (d), 12 years and 1 day to P120,000.00

penalized under Sec. 14 (b) 20 years

RA 6971 , encouraging productivity 6 months to 1 year P6,000.00

and maintaining industrial peace by and/or fine from
providing incentives to both labor P2,000.00 to P6,000.00
and capital (Productivity Incentives
Act of 1990)

RA 6981 , an Act providing for

Witness Protection, Security and
Benefit Program

- Violation of Sec. 7 1 year to 6 years and P36,000.00

deprivation of right to
hold public office or
employment for five

- Violation of Sec. 15, 2nd Prision correccional P36,000.00

sentence medium and maximum

- Violation of Sec. 15, 2nd 1 month to 1 year P6,000.00

sentence (contempt)

- Violation of Sec. 17 6 months to 1 year P6,000.00

(harassment and attempt to and/or fine not
harass witness) exceeding P3,000.00

RA 6982 , strengthening the Social 6 months to 1 year P6,000.00

Amelioration Program in the sugar and/or fine from
industry P5,000.00 to

RA 7041 , requiring publication of

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
existing vacant positions in
government offices

- Violation of Secs. 2 and 3

and implementing rules and
regulations, penalized under
Sec. 4

- 1st violation Public censure Bail Not Required

- repeated violations 2 years and/or fine P12,000.00

from P5,000.00 to

RA 7076 (People's Small Scale 6 months to 6 years P36,000.00

Mining Act of 1991)

RA 7077 , providing for the

development, administration,
organization, training, maintenance
and utilization of the Citizen Armed
Forces of the Philippines (Reservist

- failure of citizen to 1 month to 3 months Bail Not Required

register/report for training (Sec.
68, 2nd sentence); provide
updated list of registrants (Sec.

RA 7080 , defining and penalizing Reclusion perpetua to No Bail

the crime of plunder death

RA 7103 , Iron and Steel Industry


- Violation of Sec. 10 (a) 1 year and 1 day to 6 P36,000.00

years and fine not less
than P100,000.00

- Violation of Sec. 10 (b) 6 years and 1 day to P72,000.00

12 years and fine not
less than P200,000.00

- Violation of Sec. 10 (c) 12 years and 1 day to P144,000.00

24 years and fine not
less than P300,000.00

RA 7160 . (Local Government Code

of 1991)

- Violation of Sec. 513 Not exceeding 1 Bail Not Required

month and/or fine not
exceeding P500.00

- Violation of Sec. 89 penalized 6 months and 1 day to P36,000.00

under Sec. 514 6 years and/or fine
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
from P3,000.00 to

- Violation of Sec. 517, 1st and 1 month to 6 months Bail Not Required
2nd Par. and/or fine from
P1,000.00 to P5,000.00

- Violation of Sec. 517, 3rd Par. 1 month to 6 months Bail Not Required
and/or fine from
P500.00 to P5,000.00

- Violation of Sec. 518 1 month to 6 months Bail Not Required

and/or fine from
P500.00 to P5,000.00

- Violation of Sec. 519 1 month to 6 months Bail Not Required

and/or fine from
P1,000.00 to P5,000.00

- Violation of Sec. 520 1 month to 2 years P12,000.00

RA 7183 , regulating the sale, 6 months to 1 year P6,000.00

manufacture, distribution and use and/or fine from
of firecrackers and other P20,000.00 to
pyrotechnic devices P30,000.00

RA7277, (Magna Carta fo r

Disable Perso ns) as amended
by RA 9442 & 10754

- Violation of Sec. 46 (a)

- 1st Violation Sec. 46 (a) 6 months to 2 years P12,000.00

(1) and/or fine from
P50,000.00 to

- Subsequent violation Sec. 2 years to 6 years P36,000.00

46 (a) (2) and/or fine from
P100,000.00 to

- Violation of Sec. 46 (b) Not less than 6 Bail Not Required

months and/or fine
from P5,000.00 to

RA 7279 (Urban Development

Housing Act of 1992), as
amended by RA 8763

- Violation penalized under 6 years and/or fine P36,000.00

Sec. 27, 3rd Par. from P60,000.00 to

- Violation penalized under Not more than 6 years P36,000.00

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
Sec.45 and/or fine from
P5,000.00 to
RA 7305 , (Magna Carta of Public Not more than 1 year P6,000.00
Health Workers) and/or fine from
P20,000.00 to

RA 7308 , (Seed Industry Not more than 5 years P30,000.00

Development Act of 1992, as and/or fine not
amended by RA 8178 exceeding P10,000.00

RA 7353 (Rural Bank Act of 1992)

- Violations penalized under 6 months to 10 years P60,000.00

Sec. 26 and/or fine not
exceeding P10,000.00

- Violation of Sec. 27 Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

and/or fine not
exceeding P1,000.00

RA 7392 . (Philippine Midwifery Act 2 years to 7 years P42,000.00

of 1992) and/or fine from
P10,000.00 to

RA 7394 . (Consumer Act of the


- Violation of Art. 18 penalized 2 months to 1 year P12,000.00

under Art. 19 (a) and/or fine from
P1,000.00 to

- Violation of any provision of 1 year to 5 years P60,000.00

Art. 40, penalized under Art. 41 and/or fine from
(a) P5,000.00 to

- Violation of any provision of 6 months to 5 years P30,000,00

Art. 46, penalized under Art. 47 and/or fine of not less
(a) than P1,000.00

- Violation of any provision of 5 months to 1 year P6,000.00

Title III, Chapter I, penalized and/or fine from
under Art. 60 (A) P500.00 to P1,000.00

- Violation of any provisions of Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

Art. 64 (a) to (f) and Par. (1), or and/or fine from
its implementing rules and P200.00 to P1,000.00
regulations, penalized under Art.
65 (a)

- Violation of Par. (g) Art. 64, 1 month to 5 years P30,000.00

penalized under Art. 65 (b) and/or fine not less
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
than P500.00

- Violation of Art. 64 Pars. (h) Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

to (k) penalized under Art. 65 (c) and/or fine not less
than P300.00

- Violation of any provision of 3 months to 2 years P12,000.00

Art. 67, penalized under Art. 73 and/or fine from
(a) P500.00 to P5,000.00

- Violation of any provision of 1 year to 5 years P30,000.00

Chapter III (Except Art. 67), and/or fine from
penalized under Art. 73 (b) P1,000.00 to

- Violation of any provision of 3 months to 2 years P12,000.00

Title III, Chapter IV, and its and/or fine from
implementing rules and P500.00 to P20,000.00
regulations, (except Arts. 81, to
83 of same Chapter), penalized
under Art. 95 (a)

- If the consumer product 1 month to 1 year P6,000.00

is one which is not a food, and/or fine from
cosmetic, drug, device or P200.00 to P5,000.00
hazardous substance (Art.
95 (a) 2nd Phrase)

- Violations of Arts. 81 to 83

- 1st Conviction (Art. 95 (b) 1 month to 6 months Bail Not Required

1st sentence) and/or fine from
P200.00 to P5,000.00

- 2nd Conviction (Art. 95 (b) 1 month to 6 months Bail Not Required

to 2nd sentence) and/or fine from
P200.00 to P5,000.00
plus revocation of
business permit

- Violation of Chapter V and its Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

implementing rules and and/or fine not less
regulations with respect to any than P5,000.00
consumer products which is not
food, cosmetic or hazardous
substance (Art. 107)

- Violations of the provisions 1 month to 6 months Bail Not Required

of Arts. 110 to 115, penalized and/or fine from
under Art. 123 (a) P500.00 to P5,000.00

- Violations of the provisions 1 month to 6 months Bail Not Required

of Arts. 116 to 121, penalized and/or fine from
under Art. 123 (b) P200.00 to P600.00

RA 7430 , providing for optimum 3 months to 6 months Bail Not Required

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
utilization of government personnel and/or fine from
through a system of attrition P3,000.00 to P5,000.00
RA 7431 (Radiologic Technology 1 year to 6 years P36,000.00
Act of 1992) and/or fine from
P10,000.00 to

RA 7432 (Senior Citizen Act of

1992) as amended by RA 9257 &

- Violation of Section 10 (a) 2 years to 6 years and P36,000.00

(Refusal to honor senior citizen fine from P50,000.00
card — 1st offense) to P100,000.00

- Section 10 (b) (subsequent 2 years to 6 years and P36,000.00

offense) fine from P100,000.00
to P200,000.00

- Violation of Section 10 (c) 6 months and fine Bail is not required

(abuse of privileges) from P50,000.00 to

RA 7438 , Rights of persons

arrested/duties of investigating
officers during custodial
investigation (repealing RA No.

- Violation of Sec. 4 (a) 8 years to 10 years P60,000.00

and/or fine of

- Violation of Sec. 4 (b) 4 years to 6 years and P36,000.00

fine of P4,000.00

RA 7498 (Tax Amnesty for Foreign Not more than 5 years P30,000.00
Currency Remittance) and/or fine not
exceeding P5,000.00

RA 7581 Price Act (Repealing RA

4164 and PD 1674)

- Illegal price manipulation 5 years to 15 years P90,000.00

(Sec. 15) and fine from
P5,000.00 to P2 Million

- Violation of price ceilings 1 year to 10 years P60,000.00

(Sec. 16) and/or fine from
P5,000.00 to

RA 7586 (National Integrated 1 year to 6 years P36,000.00

Protected Areas System Act of and/or fine from
1992), as amended by RA 10629 P5,000.00 to
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
RA 7610 (Special Protection of
Children against Child Abuse,
Exploitation and Discrimination),
as amended by RA 7658 & RA

- Violations of Sec. 5 (a), (b) Reclusion temporal P200,000.00

1st phrase and (c) medium to reclusion

- Sexual intercourse with a Reclusion perpetua, or No Bail

child exploited in prostitution or reclusion perpetua to
other sexual abuse, where child death, or death as the
is below 12 years of age (Sec. 5 case may be
(b), 2nd phrase, in relation, to
Arts. 266-A and Art. 266-B)

- Acts of lasciviousness Reclusion temporal P180,000.00

against a child exploited in medium
prostitution or other sexual
abuse where the child is under
12 years of age (Sec. 5 (b) 2nd
and 3rd phrases)

- Violations penalized under

Sec. 6 (Attempt to Commit

- Attempt to commit child Prision correccional P80,000.00

prostitution under Sec. 5 Par medium to prision
(a), (Sec. 6, 1st Par.) mayor minimum

- Attempt to commit child

prostitution under Sec. 5 Par.
(b), (Sec. 6, 2nd Par.)

- Where said victim is 12 Prision correccional P80,000.00

years of age or over but medium to prision
below 18 years (Sec. 6, 2nd mayor minimum
Par. in relation to Sec. 5 (b),
1st Phrase)

- Where victim is below 12 Prision mayor P120,000.00

years of age (Sec. 6, 2nd maximum
Par. in rel. to Sec. 5 (b), 3rd

- Child trafficking (Sec. 7, 1st Reclusion temporal to P200,000.00

sentence) reclusion perpetua

- If victim is under 12 years Reclusion perpetua No Bail

of age (Sec. 7, 2nd

- Violation of Sec. 8 (Attempt Prision correccional P60,000.00

to commit child trafficking)
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
(Sec. 8, in relation to Sec. 7, 1st

- If victim is under 12 years Prision mayor P120,000.00

of age (Sec. 8, in relation to
Sec. 7, 2nd sentence)

- Violation of Section 9
(Obscene Publication and
Indecent Shows)

- Any person hiring, Prision mayor medium P100,000.00

employing using, inducing,
or coercing a child to
perform in obscene
exhibition and indecent
shows whether live or in
video, or to pose or model in
obscene publication or
pornographic materials or to
sell or distribute the said
materials (Sec. 9, 1st Par.)

- If the victim is a child Maximum n period of P100,000.00

below 12 years of age (Sec. prision mayor medium
9, 2nd Par.)

- Any ascendant, guardian, Prision mayor medium P100,000.00

or person entrusted in any
capacity with the care of the
child causing and/or
allowing such child to be
employed or to participate in
an obscene play, acts
covered by Sec. 9 (Sec. 9,
3rd Par.)

- Violation of Sec. 10 (Other

Act of Neglect, Abuse, Cruelty,
or Exploitation and Other
Conditions Prejudicial to the
Child's Development)

- Violation of Sec. 10 (a) Prision mayor P80,000.00


- Violation of Sec. 10 (b) Prision mayor P120,000.00

maximum and fine of
not less than

- Violation of Sec. 10 (c) 1st Prision mayor medium P100,000.00

phrase and fine of less than

- Violation of Sec. 10 (c) 2nd Prision mayor P120,000.00

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
phrase maximum and fine of
not less than
P50,000.00 and loss of
parental authority

- Violation of Sec. 10 (d) Prision mayor medium P100,000.00

and fine of not less
than P50,000.00 and
loss of license to
operate such place or

- Violation of Sec. 10 (e) Prision correccional P200,000.00

medium to reclusion

- If victim is under 12 years of Reclusion perpetua No Bail

age in cases covered by Art. 249
(262 Par. 2) and 263 Par. 1,
Revised Penal Code, (Sec. 10,
6th Par., 1st sentence)

- If covered by Art. 248, Reclusion perpetua to No Bail

RPC as amended by RA 7659 death

- If victim is under 12 years of Note: One degree Bail corresponding to

age in cases covered by Art. 339 higher than the the applicable penalty
(Act of Lasciviousness with the corresponding penalty
consent of the offended party) under RPC (see below)
Art. 340 (corruption of minors)
and Arts. 241 (white slave
trade), RPC. (Sec. 10, 6th Par.,
2nd sentence)

- Acts of Lasciviousness Prision correccional P60,000.00

with the consent of the
offended party (Art. 339,

- Corruption of minors (Art. Reclusion temporal P200,000.00

340, RPC)

- White Slave Trade (Art. Reclusion temporal P180,000.00

341, RPC) minimum and medium

- Violation of Sec. 11 Prision correccional P60,000.00

(Unauthorized removal of "off
limits" sign)

- Violation of Secs. 12, 13, 14 3 months to 3 years P30,000.00

and 15, penalized under Sec. 16 and/or fine from
P1,000.00 to

- Violation of Sec. 20 Arresto mayor Bail Not Required

maximum and fine
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
from P5,000.00 to

Note: Common Penal Provision Maximum period of Same bail for

(Sec. 31) (Aggravating correspondent penalty corresponding
Circumstances common to all penalty

RA 7610 , as amended by RA 9231

(Elimination of the Worst Form of
Child Labor)

- Violation of Sections 12, 12-A 6 months and 1 day to P60,000.00

and 14 6 years and/or fine
from P50,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 12-D 12 years and 1 day to P200,000.00

20 years and/or fine
from P100,000.00 to

- Violation of Sections 12-D (1) Prosecution under R.A. Same bail, if any, as
and 12-D (2) 9208 as amended with provided in RA 9208
penalty imposed in its
maximum period

- Violation of Section 12-D (3) Prosecution under R.A. Same bail, if any, as
9165 as amended with provided under RA
penalty imposed in its 9165
maximum period

- Violation of Sections 12-A, 30 days to 1 year Bail not required

12-B and 12-C by parents and Community Service
legal guardians and/or fine from
P10,000.00 to

RA 7637 . Mt. Pinatubo Assistance 6 years to 15 years P90,000.00

Resettlement and Development and/or fine from
P50,000.00 to

RA 7652 , Allowing long term lease 6 months to 6 years P36,000.00

of Private lands by Foreign and/or fine from
Investors P100,000.00 to

RA 7653 (New Central Bank Act)

- Violation of Sec. 34 (refusal 1 year to 5 years P30,000.00

to make reports or permit and/or fine from
examination) P50,000.00 to

- Violation of Sec. 35 (false Not more than 5 years P30,000.00

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
statement) and/or fine from
P100,000.00 to
- Violation penalized under 2 years to 10 years P60,000.00
Sec. 36 (other provisions of the and/or fine from
Act) P50,000.00 to

- Violation of Sec. 50 or any 5 years to 10 years (If P60,000.00

regulation issued pursuant RPC provides for a
thereto (Exclusive power to greater penalty then
issue current) that penalty shall be

RA 7656 , requiring government- 1 year to 3 years P36,000.00

owned corporation to declare and/or fine from
dividends P10,000.00 to

RA 7719 , National Blood Services

Act of 1994

- Collecting excessive fees 1 month to 6 months Bail Not Required

(Sec. 12, 1st and 2nd Par.) and/or fine from
P5,000.00 to

- Operating blood bank without 12 years and 1 day to P120,000.00

permit (Sec. 12, 3rd Par.) 20 years and/or fine
from P50,000.00 to

- Non-disposal of 10 years P60,000.00

contaminated blood within 48
hours (Sec. 12, 5th Par.)

RA 7832 , Anti-Electricity and

Electric Transmission
Lines/Materials Pilferage Act of

- Violation of Sec. 3 penalized Reclusion temporal P120,000.00

under Sec. 7 (b) and/or fine from
P50,000.00 to

- If violation of Sec. 3 is Reclusion perpetua No Bail

committed by or in connivance and/or fine from
with, an officer or employee of P50,000.00 to
the power company, private, P150,000.00
private electric utility or rural
electric cooperative concerned,
such officer/employee shall be
penalized one degree higher
(Sec. 7 (c))

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

- If in committing any act Reclusion perpetua No Bail
enumerated in Sec. 4 in and/or fine from
violation of Sec. 3, any other P50,000.00 to
acts enumerated is also P125,000.00
committed, the penalty next
higher in degree shall be
imposed (Sec. 7 (c) in relation
to 4th Par. thereof)

- Violation of Sec. 2 penalized Prision mayor and/or P72,000.00

under Sec. 7 (a) fine from P10,000.00
to P20,000.00

- If violation in Sec. 2 is Reclusion temporal P120,000.00

committed by or in connivance and/or fine from
with an officer or employee of P10,000.00 to
the power company, private P25,000.00
electric utility or rural electric
cooperative concerned, such
officer/employee shall be
penalized one degree higher
(Sec. 7 (a) in relation to Sec. 8

- If in committing any of the Reclusion temporal P120,000.00

acts enumerated in Sec. 4, in and/or fine from
violation of Sec. 2, any of the P10,000.00 to
other acts as enumerated P25,000.00
therein is also committed, the
penalty next higher in degree
shall be imposed (Sec. 7 (a) in
rel. to 4th Par. thereof)

RA 7875 , National Health

Insurance Act of 1995, as amended
by R.A. 10606

- Violation of any provision of

the Act (Sec. 44)

- If committed by an Fine from P50,000.00 Bail Not Required

Accredited Health Provider [Par. to P100,000.00 and/or
(a)] suspension of
accreditation for 3

- If committed by the member Fine of not less than Bail Not Required
[Par. (b)] P5,000.00 and/or
suspension from
availing of NHIP
benefits for 3 to 6

- If violations consists of Fine of P5,000.00 If fine does not

failure or refusal by employer to multiplied by the total exceed P400,000.00,
register his employees, deduct number of the bail is not required. If
contributions from employee's employees employed fine exceeds
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
compensation or to remit the by the firm P400,000.00, bail is
same to the Philippine Health 10.0% but not
Insurance Corporation [Section exceeding P30,000.00
44, (c) (1)]

- The act of deducting by the Fine of P5,000.00 If fine does not

employer directly or indirectly multiplied by the total exceed P400,000.00,
from the compensation of number of employees bail is not required. If
covered employees or employed by the firm fine exceeds
otherwise recover from them P400,000.00, bail is
his own contribution on behalf 10.0% but not
of such employees [Section 44 exceeding P30,000.00
(c) (2)]

- Misappropriation by an Fine from P10,000.00 Bail Not Required

employee of the corporation of to P20,000.00
any funds or property belonging,
payable or deliverable to the
corporation or consenting to, or
through abandonment or
negligence, permitting any
person to take such property or
funds wholly or partially
[Section 44 (c) (3)]

- All other violations [Section Fine from P5,000.00 to Bail Not Required
44 (d)] P20,000.00

RA 7877 (Anti-Sexual Harassment 1 month to 6 months Bail Not Required

Act) and/or fine from
P10,000.00 to

RA 7906 (Thrift bank Act of 1995) 6 months to 10 years P60,000.00

and/or fine not
exceeding P10,000.00

RA 7920 (New Electrical 6 months to 5 years P30,000.00

Engineering Law) and/or fine from
P10,000.00 to

RA 7942 (Mining Act of 1995)

- Violation of Sec. 101 (False Fine not exceeding Bail Not Required
Statement) P10,000.00

- Violation of Sec. 102 (Illegal Fine not exceeding Bail Not Required
Exploration) P50,000.00

- Violation of Sec. 103 (Theft 6 months to 6 years P36,000.00

of Minerals) and/or fine from
P10,000.00 to

- Violation of Sec. 104 Not more than 5 years P30,000.00

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
(Destruction of Mining

- Violation of Sec. 105 (Mines Prision mayor P72,000.00


- Violation of Sec. 106 (Willful Not more than 5 years P30,000.00

Damage to a Mine)

- Violation of Sec. 107 (Illegal Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

Obstruction Permitees or and/or fine not
Contractors) exceeding P5,000.00

- Violation of Sec. 108 6 months to 6 years P36,000.00

(Violation of the Terms and and/or fine from
Condition of the Environment P50,000.00 to
Compliance Certificate) P200,000.00

- Violation of Sec. 109 (Illegal Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

Obstruction of Government and/or fine not
Officials) exceeding P5,000.00

- Violation of Sec. 110 (Other Fine not more than Bail Not Required
violation of the Act) P5,000.00

RA 8041 (National Water Crisis

Act of 1995)

- Violation of Sec. 8 (anti- 6 months 2 years and P12,000.00

pilferage), (In relation to Sec. 11, fine not exceeding
3rd par., 1st phrase) double the value of the
water stolen or
damage of facilities

- If offender is a plumber, 2 years to 6 years P36,000.00

Officer or employee of water
utility firm who assisted the

- If water is stolen for 6 years to 12 years P72,000.00


RA 8042 (Migrant Workers &

Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995) as
amended by RA 10022

- Violation of Section 6 12 years and 1 day to P120,000.00

penalized under Section 7 (a) 20 years and fine from
(Illegal Recruitment) P1,000,000.00 to

- If illegal recruitment Life Imprisonment and No Bail

constitutes economic sabotage fine from
(Section 7 [b]) P2,000,000.00 to

- Prohibited Acts penalized 6 years and 1 day to 12 P72,000.00

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
under Section 7 (c) years and a fine from
P500,000.00 to

- If victim is less than 18 years Maximum Penalty Same Bail as above

old or if offense is committed
by non-licensee or non-holder

- Violation of Section 8 Same Penalties as Same Bail as above

(Prohibition on Officials and Section 7
Employees of DOLE, POEA,
OWWA, DFA and other
government agencies)

RA 8043 (Inter-Country Adoption

Act), as amended by RA 9523

- Carrying out illegal adoption 6 years and 1 day to 12 P72,000.00

(Sec. 16 (a)) years and/or fine from
P50,000.00 to

- Attempt to carry out illegal 6 years and 1 day to 8 P48,000.00

adoption (Sec. 16 (a) in relation years and/or fine from
to 3rd Par. thereof) P50,000.00 to

- Violation of confidentiality 1 year and 1 day to 2 P12,000.00

and integrity of records, years and/or fine of
documents and P50,000.00 to
communications of adoption P100,000.00
applications, cases and
processes (Sec. 16 (b))

- Attempt to violate 1 year and 1 day to 2 P12,000.00

confidentiality (Sec. 16, 3rd Par.) years and 4 months
and/or fine of

- Child trafficking (If any of the Reclusion perpetua No Bail

foregoing act is committed by a
syndicate or when it involves 2
or more children (Sec. 16. 14th

- Attempted child Prision mayor P72,000.00


RA 8048 (Coconut Preservation

Act of 1995) amended by RA

- Violation of Section 9 2 years to 6 years P36,000.00

and/or fine from
P100,000.00 to
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
If no replanting was done, Brgy. 3 years to 7 years and P42,000.00
Captain who issued certification fine from P100,000.00
that replanting was done is liable to P1,000,000.00
(Sec. 9, 4th paragraph)

RA 8049 (Anti-Hazing Act)

- Violation of Sec. 4

(a) If death, rape, sodomy Reclusion perpetua No Bail

or mutilation result from

(b) If victim becomes Reclusion temporal P120,000.00

insane, imbecile, impotent maximum
or blind

(c) If victim losses use of Reclusion temporal P108,000.00

speech, power to hear or to medium
smell: losses an eye, hand,
foot arm, leg or losses any
use of such member or
incapacities him for work
which he was habitual

(d) If victim becomes Reclusion temporal P90,000.00

deformed or losses any minimum
other parts of his body or
losses the use thereof or
becomes ill or incapacitated
for work in which he has
been habitually engaged, for
more than 90 days

(e) If victim becomes Prision mayor P72,000.00

incapacitated for work for maximum
more than 30 days

(f) If victim becomes ill or Prision mayor medium P60,000.00

incapacitated for work for
more than 10 days or injury
requires medical attendance
for the same period

(g) If the victim becomes ill Prision mayor P48,000.00

or incapacitated for work for minimum
1 to 9 days or injury requires
medical attendance for the
same period

(h) If victim sustains injury Prision correccional P36,000.00

that do not prevent him from maximum
engaging in his habitual
activity or work or does not
require medical attendance
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
RA 8050 (Revised Optometry Law 1 year to 8 years P48,000.00
of 1995) and/or fine from
P10,000.00 to

RA 8239 (Philippine Passport Act

of 1996), as amended by RA

- Violations penalized under 18 months to 6 years P36,000.00

Section 19 (a) (Offenses relating and fine from
to issuances of passport or P15,000.00 to
travel documents) P60,000.00

- Violations penalized under 3 years to 10 years P60,000.00

Section 19 (b) (Offenses relating and fine from
to False Statements) P15,000.00 to

- Violations penalized under 6 years to 15 years P90,000.00

Section 19 (c) No. 1 or 2, 1st and fine from
phrase (offenses relating to P60,000.00 to
forgery of passports, travel P150,000.00
documents or supporting

- Forgery of 5 or more 7 to 17 years and fine P102,000.00

passports or travel documents from P250,000.00 to
(massive forgery, tantamount to P100,000.00
national sabotage) (Section 19
[c], No. 2, last phrase)

- Violations penalized under 6 years to 15 years P90,000.00

Section 19 (d) (Offenses relating and fine from
to improper use of passport or P60,000.00 to P1
supporting documents) Million

- Violations under Section 19

(e) (Offenses relating to
multiple possession of
unexpired passports)

- For every unexpired 18 months to 6 years P36,000.00

passport found in one's and fine from
possession (Section 19 (e) P15,000.00 to
1st par., 1st phrase) P60,000.00

- Attempt to use or actual 4 years, 6 months and P36,000.00

use of an unexpired 1 day to 6 years and
passport which is not in the fine of P60,000.00
name of the user (Maximum
penalty) (Section 19 (e) 1st
Par., last phrase)

RA 8293 (Intellectual Property

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
Code of the Philippines) (Repealed
PD 49 and Arts. 188 and 189 of the

- If infringement of a patent is 6 months to 3 years P18,000.00

repeated by the infringer or by and/or fine from
anyone in connivance with him P100,000.00 to
after finality of judgment of the P300,000.00
court against the infringer (Sec.

- Violation of Section 155, 2 years to 5 years and P30,000.00

Section 168 and Sub-Section fine from P50,000.00
169, penalized under Sec. 170 to P200,000.00
(Law on Trademarks, Service
Marks and Trade Names)

- Infringement of any right to

secured by the provisions of the
Copyright Law or aiding or
abetting such infringement (Sec.

- First Offense (Sec. 217, 1 year to 3 years plus P18,000.00

(a)) a fine from P50,000.00
to P150,000.00

- Second Offense (Sec. 217, 3 years and 1 day to 6 P36,000.00

(b)) years plus a fine from
P150,000.00 to

- Third and Subsequent 6 years and 1 day to 9 P54,000.00

Offenses (Sec. 217, (c)) years plus a fine from
P500,000.00 to P1.5

RA 8424 , The Tax Reform Act of

1997 (repealed PD 1158) as
amended by RA 10021

- Violation of Sec. 251 (failure Fine equal to the total If fine does not
of a withholding agent to collect amount of tax not exceed P400,000.00,
and remit tax) withheld or not bail is not required. If
accounted for and not fine exceeds
remitted P400,000.00, bail is
10.0% thereof, but not
to exceed P30,000.00

- Violation of Sec. 254 2 years to 4 years and P24,000.00

(attempt to evade or defeat tax) fine from P30,000.00
to P100,000.00

- Second and subsequent 3 years, 4 months and P24,000.00

offenses (in relation to Sec. 1 day to 4 years and
274) fine of P100,000.00
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
- Violation penalized under
Sec. 255 (Failure to file, return,
supply correct and accurate
information, pay tax withheld
and remit tax and refund excess
taxes withheld on

- Violation of 1st Par. 1 year to 10 years and P60,000.00

fine of not less than

- 2nd and subsequent 7 years and 1 day to 10 P60,000.00

offenses (in relation to Sec. years and fine of not
274) less than P10,000.00

- Violation of 2nd Par. 1 year to 3 years and P18,000.00

fine from P10,000.00
to P20,000.00

- 2nd and subsequent 2 years, 4 months and P18,000.00

offenses (in relation to Sec. 1 day to 3 years and
274) fine of P20,000.00

- Violation of Sec. 256, (Penal Fine from P50,000.00 Bail Not Required
Liability of Corporation) to P100,000.00

- 2nd and subsequent Fine of P100,000.00 Bail Not Required

offenses (in relation to Sec.

- Violations penalized under 2 years to 6 years and P36,000.00

Sec. 257, (Making false entries, fine from P50,000.00
records, or reports, or using to P100,000.00
falsified or false accountable

- 2nd and subsequent 4 years, 8 months and P48,000.00

offenses (in relation to Sec. 1 day to 6 years and
274) fine of P100,000.00

- Violations penalized under

Sec. 258 (Unlawful Pursuit of

- Any person who carries on 6 months to 2 years P12,000.00

any business for which annual and fine from
registration fee is imposed P5,000.00 to
without paying tax as required P20,000.00
by law (1st phrase)

- 2nd and subsequent 1 year, 6 months and 1 P12,000.00

offenses day to 2 years and fine
of P20,000.00

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

- If offender is engaged in 2 years to 4 years and P24,000.00
the business of distilling, fine from P30,000.00
rectifying, repacking, to P50,000.00
compounding or
manufacturing any article
subject to excise tax (2nd
- 2nd and subsequent 3 years, 4 months and P24,000.00
offenses 1 day to 4 years and
fine of P50,000.00

- Violations of Sec. 259 (Illegal 1 year to 2 years and P12,000.00

Collection of Foreign Payments) fine from P20,000.00
to P50,000.00

- 2nd and subsequent 1 year, 8 months and 1 P12,000.00

offenses day to 2 years and fine
of P50,000.00

- Violation of Sec. 260, 6 years and 1 day to 12 P72,000.00

(Unlawful Possession of years and fine from
Cigarette Paper in Bobbins or P20,000.00 to
Rolls, etc.) or P100,000.00

- Violations penalized under

Sec. 261 (Unlawful use of
Denatured Alcohol), or

- Violation of Sec. 262

- 2nd and subsequent 10 years and 1 day to P72,000.00

violations of Secs. 260, 261 12 years and fine of
or 262 P100,000.00

- Violations penalized under


- Violations of 1st Par., 60 days to 100 days Bail Not Required

Sub. Par. (b) and fine from
P1,000.00 to P2,000.00

- 2nd and subsequent 87 days to 100 days Bail Not Required

offenses and fine of P2,000.00

- Violation of 1st Par., Sub. 2 years to 4 years and P48,000.00

Par. (b) fine from P10,000.00
to P20,000.00

- 2nd and subsequent 3 years, 4 months and P24,000.00

offenses 1 day to 4 years and
fine of P20,000.00

- Violation of 1st Par., Sub Par. 4 years to 6 years and P36,000.00

(c) fine from P30,000.00
to P60,000.00
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
- 2nd and subsequent 5 years, 4 months and P36,000.00
offenses 1 day to 6 years and
fine of P60,000.00

- Violation of 1st Par., Sub Par. 10 years to 12 years P72,000.00

(d) and fine from
P50,000.00 to

- 2nd and subsequent 11 years, 4 months P72,000.00

offenses and 1 day to 12 years
and fine of

- Violation penalized under the 2 years to 4 years and P24,000.00

2nd Par. (Sec. 263) fine of not less than
10 times the amount
of excise tax due on
articles found but not
less than P500.00

- 2nd and subsequent 3 years, 4 months and P24,000.00

offenses 1 day to 4 years and
fine of not less than
10 times the amount
of excise tax due on
articles found but not
less than P500.00

- Violation penalized under 3rd 1 year to 2 years and P12,000.00

Par., (Sec. 263) fine of not less than
10 times the amount
of excise tax due but
not less than

- 2nd and subsequent 1 year, 8 months and 1 P12,000.00

offenses day to 2 years and fine
of not less than 10
times the amount of
excise tax due but not
less than P1,000.00

- Violation of the 4th Par. in 1 year to 2 years and P12,000.00

rel. to the 3rd par. Sec. 263 fine not less than 10
(Unexplained possession of times the amount of
article subject to excise tax) excise tax due but not
less than P1,000.00

- 2nd and subsequent 1 year, 8 months and 1 P12,000.00

offenses day to 2 years and fine
not less than 10 times
the amount of excise
tax due but not less
than P1,000.00

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

- Violation penalized under 2 years to 4 years and P24,000.00
Sec. 264 fine from P1,000.00 to
- 2nd and subsequent 3 years, 4 months and P24,000.00
offenses 1 day to 4 years and
fine of P50,000.00

- Violation of penalized under 4 years to 8 years and P48,000.00

Sec. 265 fine from P20,000.00
to P50,000.00

- 2nd and subsequent 6 years to 8 months P48,000.00

offenses and 1 day to 8 years
and fine of P50,000.00

- Violation of Sec. 266 1 year to 2 years and P12,000.00

fine from P5,000.00 to

- 2nd subsequent offenses 1 year, 8 months and 1 P12,000.00

day to 2 years and fine
of P10,000.00

- Violation penalized under 10 years to 15 years P90,000.00

Sec. 269 and fine of P50,000.00
to P100,000.00

- 2nd and subsequent 13 years, 4 months P90,000.00

offenses and 1 day to 15 years
and fine of

- Violation of Section 270, as

amended by RA 10021

- 1st paragraph 2 years to 5 years P30,000.00

and/or fine from
P50,000.00 to

- 2nd paragraph 2 years to 5 years P30,000.00

and/or fine from
P50,000.00 to

- Violation of Sec. 271 2 years and 1 day to 4 P12,000.00

years and/or fine from
P5,000.00 to

- 2nd and subsequent 3 years, 4 months and P12,000.00

offenses 1 day to 4 years and
fine of P10,000.00

- Violation of Sec. 272 6 months and 1 day to P12,000.00

2 years and/or fine
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
from P5,000.00 to
- 2nd and subsequent 1 year, 6 months and 1 P12,000.00
offenses day to 2 years and/or
fine of P50,000.00

- Violation of Sec. 275 Not more than 6 Bail Not Required

(Violation of other Provisions of months and/or fine
this Code or Rules and not more than
Regulations in General) P1,000.00

- 2nd and subsequent 4 months and 1 day to Bail Not Required

offenses 6 months and/or fine
from P1,000.00

- Violation of Sec. 276 2 years and 1 day to 4 P24,000.00

years and/or fine from
of not less than twice
the value of property
sold, encumbered or
disposed of but not
less than P5,000.00

- 2nd and subsequent 3 years, 4 months and P24,000.00

offenses 1 day to 4 years and/or
fine from of not less
than twice the value of
property sold,
encumbered or
disposed of but not
less than P5,000.00

- Violation of Sec. 277 6 months and 1 day to P24,000.00

2 years and/or fine of
not less than

- 2nd and subsequent 1 year, 6 months and 1 P12,000.00

offenses day to 2 years and/or
fine not more than

- Violation of Sec. 278 6 months to 5 years P30,000.00

and/or fine of not
more than P2,000.00

- 2nd and subsequent 3 years, 6 months and P30,000.00

offenses 1 day to 5 years and/or
fine of P2,000.00

RA 8435 (Agriculture & Fisheries

Modernization Act of 1997)

- Violation of Sec. 11 2 years to 6 years P36,000.00

(premature or illegal land use and/or fine equivalent
conversion) to 100% of the
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
investment cost

- Violation of Sec. 109 6 months to 1 year P6,000.00

penalized under Sec. 110 and/or fine equivalent
to 200% of the value of
the imported materials

- Violation of Sec. 113 Apply R.A. 6713 Bail corresponding to

the offense
committed under RA

RA 8479 (Downstream Oil Industry 3 months to 1 year and P6,000.00

Deregulation Act of 1998) fine from P50,000.00
to P300,000.00

RA 8484 (Access Devices

Regulation Act of 1998)

- Violations penalized under 6 years to 10 years P60,000.00

Sec. 10 (a) (In case of an and fine of P10,000.00
offense under Sec. 9 (b) to (e), or twice the value
and (g) to (p) which does not obtained by the
occur after a conviction for offense whichever is
another offense under Section greater

- Violations penalized under 10 years to 12 years P72,000.00

Sec. 10 (b) (In case of an and fine of P10,000.00
offense under Sec. 9 (a) and (f) or twice the value
which does not occur after a obtained by the
conviction for another offense offense whichever is
under Section 9) greater

- Violations penalized under 12 years to 20 years P120,000.00

Sec. 10 (c) (In the case of any and/or fine of
offense under Sec. 9, which P10,000.00 or twice
occurs after a conviction for the value obtained by
another offense under said the offense whichever
subsection, or an attempt to is greater
commit the same)

- Violations of Sec. 11 Same penalty for the Same bail as

(Conspiracy to commit access consummated act provided therein
device fraud)

- Violation of Sec. 12
(Frustrated and Attempted
Access Device Fraud)

- Frustrated violation of Two-thirds (2/3) of the Bail corresponding to

Sec. 9 imprisonment and of 2/3 of the penalty for
the fine for the imprisonment
consummated offense
is Sec. 9

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

- Attempted violation of One-half (1/2) of the Bail corresponding to
Sec. 9 imprisonment and of 1/2 of the penalty for
the fine for the imprisonment
consummated offense
is Sec. 9

- Violation of Sec. 13 One-half (1/2) of the Bail corresponding to

(Accessory to Access Device imprisonment and of 1/2 of the penalty for
Fraud) the fine for the imprisonment
consummated offense
in Sec. 9 of the Act

RA 8485 (Animal Welfare Act of

1998) as amended by RA 10631

- Violation of Section 9, par. 1 1 year, 6 months and 1 P12,000.00

day to 2 years and/or
fine not exceeding

- Violation of Section 9, par. 2 1 year and 1 day to 1 P12,000.00

year and 6 months
and/or fine not
exceeding P50,000.00

- Violation of Section 9, par. 3 6 months to 1 year P6,000.00

and/or fine not
exceeding P30,000.00

If committed by syndicate, public 2 years and 1 day to 3 P18,000.00

officer, person who makes years and/or fine not
business out of cruelty to animals exceeding P250,000.00
or where at least 3 animals are

RA 8491 (Flag and Heraldic Code Not more than 1 year P6,000.00
of the Philippines and/or fine from
P5,000.00 to

- 1st Offense
(Sec. 50, 2nd phrase)

- 2nd and additional Offenses Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

(Sec. 50, 2nd phrase) and/or fine from
P5,000.00 to

RA 8492 (National Museum Act of Not more than 2 years P12,000.00

1998) (repealing Act of 3477, RA and/or fine not
4846, PD 374, EO 30 and exceeding P10,000.00
Presidential Proc. No. 913

RA 8495 (Philippine Mechanical 6 months to 3 years P18,000.00

Engineering Act of 1998) and/or fine from
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
P50,000.00 to
RA 8504 (Philippine AIDS
Prevention and Control Act of

- Violation of Secs. 30 and 32 6 months to 4 years P24,000.00

penalized under Sec. 33

- Violations penalized 6 months to 4 years P24,000.00

under Sec. 42 and fine not exceeding

RA 8506 (Banning the registration Prision correccional P30,000.00

and operation of vehicles with medium and fine of
right-hand steering wheel in any P50,000.00
private or public street, road or

RA 8544 (Philippine Merchant 1 year to 6 years P36,000.00

Marine Officers Act of 1998), as and/or fine from
amended by RA 10635 P20,000.00 to

RA 8550 (Philippine Fisheries

Code of 1998) as amended by RA

- Violation of Section 86
(Unauthorized Fishing)

Violations by commercial fishing 6 months and fine Bail not required

boat captain and the 3 highest equivalent to the catch
officers of the boat (4th par)

- Violation of Section 87 6 months and fine Bail not required

(Engaging in unauthorized equivalent to 2x the
fishing activities) administrative fine

- Violation of Section 88
(Failure to Secure Fishing
Permit Prior to Engaging in
Distant Water Fishing)

Violations by the 3 highest officers 6 months and fine Bail not required
of the commercial fishing vessel equivalent to 2x the
administrative fine

- Violation of Section 89
(Unreported fishing)

Violations by the 3 highest officers 6 months and fine Bail not required
of the commercial fishing vessel equivalent to 2x the
administrative fine

- Violation of Section 90
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
(Unregulated Fishing)
Violations by the 3 highest officers 6 months and fine Bail not required
of the commercial fishing vessel equivalent to 2x the
administrative fine

- Violation of Section 91 Fine of US FINE ONLY

(Poaching in Philippine Waters) $1,200,000.00 or its
equivalent in
Philippine currency

If offender is caught in internal Additional penalty of 6 P12,000.00

Philippine waters months and 1 day to 2
years and 2 months
(1st offense)

3 years and fine of US P18,000.00

$2,400,000.00 or its
equivalent in
Philippine currency
(2nd offense)

- Violation of Section 92
(Fishing through explosives,
noxious or poisonous
substance, or electricity)

Actual Use of Explosives, noxious 5 years to 10 years P60,000.00

or poisonous substances and a fine equivalent
to 2x the
administrative fine

Actual use of electrofishing 6 months and fine of Bail not required

devices for illegal fishing P5,000.00

Mere possession of explosives and 6 months to 2 years P12,000.00

noxious or poisonous substances and fine equivalent to
for illegal fishing 2x the administrative

- Violation of Section 93 (Use 6 months to 2 years P12,000.00

of Fine Mesh Net) and fine equivalent to
2x the administrative

- Violation of Section 94 6 months and 1 day to P36,000.00

(Fishing in Overexploited Fishery 6 years and fine from
Management Areas) P500,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 95 (Use 2 years to 6 years and P36,000.00

of Active Gear in Municipal fine equivalent to 2x
Waters, Bays and Other Fishery the administrative fine
Management Areas)

- Violation of Section 96 (Ban 10 years to 20 years P120,000.00

on Coral Exploitation and and fine equivalent to
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
Exportation) 2x the administrative
- Violation of Section 97 (Ban
on Muro-Ami, Other Methods
and Gear Destructive to Coral
Reefs and Other Marine Habitat)

Violation of Boat Captain, Master

Fisherman and Recruiter or
Organizer of Fishworkers

Gathering, selling, possessing, 2 years to 10 years P60,000.00

commercially transporting, selling and fine equivalent to
or exporting coral sand, coral 2x the administrative
fragments, coral rocks, silica and fine
any other substances which make
up any marine habitat

2 years to 10 years P60,000.00

and fine equivalent to
2x the administrative

- Violation of Section 98 6 months to 2 years P12,000.00

(Illegal Use of Superlights or and fine of P40,000.00
Fishing Light Attractor) per superlight or
fishing light attractor

- Violation of Section 99 6 months and 1 day to P72,000.00

(Conversion of Mangroves into 12 years and/or fine
Fishponds) P80,000.00

- Violation of Section 100 6 months and 1 day to P36,000.00

(Fishing During Closed Season) 6 years and fine of 2x
the administrative

- Violation of Section 101 2 years to 6 years and P36,000.00

(Fishing in Marine Protected fine of 2x the
Areas, Fishery Reserves, Refuge administrative penalty
and Sanctuaries)

- Violation of Section 102 12 years and 1 day to P120,000.00

(Fishing or Taking of Rare, 20 years and fine of 2x
Threatened or Endangered the administrative
Species) penalty (Species listed
in Appendix I of CITES)

Section 102 (a) 5 years to 8 years and P48,000.00

fine of 2x the
administrative fine
(Species listed in
Appendixes II and III of

Section 102 (b) 5 years to 8 years and P48,000.00

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
fine equivalent to 3x
the value of the
species of
whichever is higher
Section 102 (c)

Gathering, Taking, Possessing, 5 years to 8 years and P48,000.00

Transporting or Exporting, fine equivalent to 3x
Forwarding or Shipping out Captive the value of the
Bred Species that have been species of
transplanted to the wild) P3,000,000.00
whichever is higher

- Violation of Section 103 6 years to 8 years and P48,000.00

(Capture of Sabalo and Other fine of 2x the
Breeders/Spawners) administrative fine

- Violation of Section 104 8 years to 10 years P60,000.00

(Exportation of and fine equivalent to
Breeders/Spawners, Eggs or 2x the administrative
Fry) fine

- Violation of Section 105 8 years and/or fine of P48,000.00

(Importation or Exportation of 2x the administrative
Fish or Fishery Species) fine

- Violation of Section 106 6 months and 1 day to P36,000.00

(Violation of Harvest Control 6 years and fine of 2x
Rules) the administrative fine

- Violation of Section 107 6 years and 1 day to 12 P48,000.00

(Aquatic Pollution) years and fine of 2x
the administrative fine
and additional fine of
P15,000.00 per day
until violation ceases
and fines are paid

- Violation of Section 108 1 month and 1 day to 6 Bail not required

(Failure to Comply with months and fine of 2x
Minimum Safety Standards) the administrative fine

- Violation of Section 109 Fine of 2x the amount If fine does not

(Failure to Submit a Yearly of administrative fine exceed P400,000.00,
Report on All Fishponds, Fish which is P5,000.00 per bail is not required. If
Pens and Fish Cages) unreported hectare fine exceeds
P400,000.00, bail is
10.0% thereof, but not
to exceed P30,000.00

- Violation of Section 110 1 month and 1 day to 6 Bail not required

(Gathering and Marketing of months and fine of 2x
Shell Fishes or Other Aquatic the administrative fine

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

- Violation of Section 111 1 month and 1 day to 6 Bail not required
(Obstruction to Navigation or months and fine of 2x
Flow or Ebb of Tide in any the administrative fine
Stream, River, Lake or Bay)

- Violation of Section 112 3 years and fine of 2x P18,000.00

(Non-Compliance with Good the administrative fine
Aquaculture Practices)

- Violation of Section 113 Fine of 2x the amount If fine does not

(Commercial Fishing Vessel of administrative fine exceed P400,000.00,
Employing Unlicensed which is P4,000.00 per bail is not required. If
Fisherfolk, Fisherworker or each unlicensed fine exceeds
Crew) fisherfolk P400,000.00, bail is
10.0% thereof, but not
to exceed P30,000.00

- Violation of Section 114 7 years to 12 years P72,000.00

(Obstruction of Defined and fine of 2x the
Migration Paths) administrative fine

- Violation of Section 115 6 months to 2 years P12,000.00

(Obstruction to Fishery Law and fine of 2x the
Enforcement Officer) administrative fine

- Violation of Section 116 1 month and 1 day to 6 Bail not required

(Noncompliance with Fisheries months and fine of 2x
Observer Coverage) the administrative fine

- Violation of Section 118 6 months and fine of Bail not required

(Failure to Comply with Rules 2x the administrative
and Regulations on fine
Conservation and Management

- Violation of Section 119 6 months to 2 years P12,000.00

(Noncompliance with Vessel and fine of 2x the
Monitoring Measures) administrative fine

- Violation of Section 120 1 month and 1 day to 6 Bail not required

(Constructing, Importing or months and fine of 2x
Converting Fishing Vessels the administrative fine
without Permit from

- Violation of Section 121 (Use Fine of P400,000.00 to P30,000.00

of Unlicensed Gear) P1,000,000.00

- Violation of Section 122 2 years to 6 years and P12,000.00

(Falsifying, Concealing or fine of 2x the
Tampering with Vessel administrative fine
Markings, Identity or

- Violation of Section 123 5 years to 10 years P60,000.00

(Concealing, Tampering or and fine of 2x the
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
Disposing of Evidence Relating administrative fine
to an Investigation of a
- Violation of Section 124 6 years to 12 years P72,000.00
(Noncompliance with the and fine from
Requirements for the P400,000.00 to
Introduction of Foreign or P12,000,000.00
Exotic Aquatic Species)

- Violation to Section 125 6 months to 2 years P12,000.00

(Failure to Comply with and fine from
Standards and Trade-Related P100,000.00 to
Measures) P4,000,000.00

- Violation of Section 126 6 months to 2 years P12,000.00

(Possessing, Dealing in or and fine of 8x the
Disposing Illegally Caught or value of species or
Taken Fish) from P100,000.00 to
whichever is higher

- Violation of Section 127 6 months and 1 day to P36,000.00

(Unauthorized Disclosure of 6 years
Sensitive Technical

RA 8552 (Do mestic Ado ptio n

Act o f 1998)

- Violation penalized under 6 years and 1 day to 12 P72,000.00

Sec. 21 (a) years and/or fine from
P50,000.00 to

- Attempted (Section 21 (a) 6 years and 1 day to 8 P48,000.00

in rel. to 4th Par.) years and/or fine from
P50,000.00 to

- If committed by a syndicate Reclusion perpetua No Bail

or where it involves 2 or more
children (Sec. 21 (a) in relation
to 5th par.)

- Attempted (Sec. 21 (a) in Prision mayor P72,000.00

rel. to 4th and 5th pars.)

- Violation of Sec. 21 (b). Prision mayor medium P60,000.00

(Fictitious registration of birth and fine not exceeding
of a child under the names of P50,000.00
persons not his/her biological
parents, or physician, nurse or
hospital personnel who
cooperates in the execution of
acts in violation of Sec. 21 (b)

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

- Attempted (Sec. 21 (b) in Prision correccional P36,000.00
rel. to 4th Par.) maximum and fine not
exceeding P25,000.00

- If committed by a Reclusion perpetua No Bail

syndicate or where it
involves 2 or more children
(Sec. 21 (b) in relation to 5th

- Attempted (Sec. 21 (b) in Prision mayor P72,000.00

rel. to 4th and 5th Pars.)

- Violation of Sec. 21, 3rd Par. 1 year and 1 day to 2 P12,000.00

(Violation of regulations on years and/or fine from
confidentially and integrity of P5,000.00 to
records, documents, etc.) P10,000.00

- Attempted (Sec. 21 3rd 1 year and 1 day to 1 P12,000.00

Par. in rel. to 4th Par.) year and 4 months
and/or fine of

- If committed by a syndicate Reclusion perpetua No Bail

or where it involves 2 or more
children (Sec. 21 3rd Par. in rel.
to 5th Pars.)

- Attempted (Sec. 21 3rd Prision mayor P72,000.00

Par. in rel. to 4th and 5th

RA 8560 , Philippine Geodetic Act 6 months to 6 years P36,000.00

of 1998, as amended by RA 9200 and/or fine from
P50,000.00 to

RA 8749 , Philippine Clean Air Act

of 1999 (repealed PD 1181)

- Violation of all other 6 months to 6 years P36,000.00

provisions (except Secs. 45 and and/or fine from
46), and its implementing rules P10,000.00 to
and regulations (Sec. 47) P100,000.00

- Gross violations of the Act 6 years to 10 years P60,000.00

and its implementing rules and
regulations (Sec. 48)

RA 8762 , Retail Trade 6 years and 1 day to 8 P48,000.00

Liberalization Act of 2000 years and/or fine from
P1 million to P20

RA 8763 , Home Guaranty

Corporation Act of 2000 (repealed
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
RAs 580, 1557, & 5488 and 7835,
and E.O. 535 and E.O. 90)

- Violation of Sec. 27 (a) Not more than 10 P60,000.00

years and/or not less
than the amount of
loan(s) involved

- Violation of Sec. 27 (b) Not more than 5 years P30,000.00

and/or not less than
the amount of loan

- Violation of Sec. 27 (c) 1 year and/or fine not P12,000.00

less than the amount
of loan involved

RA 8791 , The General Banking Act

of 2000

- Violation of Sec. 70 Apply the applicable Bail corresponding to

penal provisions of the the penalty
New Central Bank Act prescribed under the
(RA 7653) applicable provision
of RA 7653

- Violation of Sec. 91 Apply the pertinent Bail corresponding to

provisions of Sec. 66 the penalty
of the Gen. Banking prescribed under the
Act of 2000 (RA 8791) applicable provision
or SEC. 36 of the New
Central Bank Act (RA
7653) whichever is

- Violation of any other Apply the penalty Bail corresponding to

provisions of the Act under Secs. 34, 35 or the penalty
36 of the New Central prescribed under the
Bank Act (RA 7653) applicable provision
whichever is of RA 7653

RA 8792 , Electronic Commerce


- Violation of Sec. 33 (a), 6 months to 3 years P18,000.00

(Hacking) and a minimum fine of
P100,000.00 and a
commensurate to the
damage incurred

- Violation of Sec. 33 (b), 6 months to 3 years P18,000.00

(Piracy) and a minimum fine of
P100,000.00 and a
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
commensurate to the
damage incurred

- Violation of Sec. 33 (c) Same penalty under Same bail as

[Violations of the Consumer Act the applicable provided under RA
(RA 7394) & other pertinent provisions of RA 7394 7394 or other
laws] or other pertinent law pertinent law violated

- Violation of Sec. 33 (d), 6 years or maximum P36,000.00

(Other violations of the penalty of P1 million
provisions of this Act fine

RA 8799 , Securities Regulation


- Violation of any provision of 7 years to 21 years P126,000.00

the code or its rules and and/or fine from
regulations (Sec. 73) P50,000.00 to P5

RA 8970 , Prohibiting the Less than 1 year nor P30,000.00

Manufacture, Importation, more than 5 years
Distribution and Sale of Laundry and/or fine of not less
and Industrial Detergents than P500,000.00 nor
Containing Hard Surfactants more than

RA 8978 , Mt. Kitanglad Protected

Area Act of 2000

- Violation of Section 10 (A), Same Penalties as Same Bail as Arts.

pars. 1 to 6 Articles 309 & 310 of 309 & 310, RPC
the Revised Penal
Code depending on the
value of resources
taken, damaged or

- Violation of Section 10 (B), 1 year to 5 years P30,000.00

pars. 1 to 2 and/or fine from
P100,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 10 (C), 1 year to 5 years P30,000.00

pars. 1 to 5 and/or fine from
P1,000.00 to

RA 8981 , PRC Modernization Act

of 2000

- Violation of Section 15 (a) 6 years and 1 day to 12 P72,000.00

(Manipulation of Licensure years and/or a fine
Examinations, et al.) from P50,000.00 to
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
- Violation of Section 15 (c) 4 years and 1 day to 6 P36,000.00
(Accomplices & Accessories) years and/or fine from
P20,000.00 to not
more than P49,000.00

2 years and 1 day to 4 P24,000.00

years and/or fine from
P5,000.00 to not more
than P19,000.00

- Violation of Section 16 6 months and 1 day to P36,000.00

6 years and/or fine
from P50,000.00 to

RA 8991 , Batanes Protected Area

Act of 2000

- Violation of Section 9 (A), Same Penalties as Same Bail as Arts.

pars. 1 to 6 Articles 309 & 310 of 309 & 310, RPC
the Revised Penal
Code depending on the
value of resources
taken, damaged or

- Violation of Section 9 (B), 1 year to 5 years P30,000.00

pars. 1 to 4 and/or fine from
P50,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 9 (C), 1 to 3 years and/or P18,000.00

pars. 1 to 7 fine of not less than
P5,000.00 nor more
than P100,000.00

- Violation of Section 9 (D) 6 years and 1 day to 10 P60,000.00

years and/or fine of
not less than
P5,000.00 nor more
than P500,000.00

- Violation of Section 9 (E), 1 year to 5 years P30,000.00

pars. 1 to 2 and/or fine from
P5,000.00 to

RA 9003 , (Ecological Solid Waste

Management Act of 2000)

- Violation of Section 48, Fine of not less than Bail not required
paragraph 1 (Littering) P300.00 but not more
than P1,000.00 or
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
community service for
not less than 1 day to
not more than 15 days
- Violation of Section 48, pars. 1 day to 15 days Bail not required
2 to 3 and/or fine of not less
than P300.00 to

- Violation of Section 48, pars. Not less than 15 days Bail not required
4 to 7 but not more than 6
months and/or fine of
not less than
P1,000.00 but not
more than P3,000.00

- Violation of Section 48, pars. Fine of P500,000.00 P30,000.00

8 to 11 plus and an amount
not less than 5% not
more than 10% of net
annual income during
previous year (1st

1 year but not to P18,000.00

exceed 3 years
(additional penalty for
2nd or subsequent

- Violation of Section 48, pars. Not less than 30 days P18,000.00

12 to 13 but not more than 3
years and/or fine of
not less than
P10,000.00 but not
more than P200,000.00

- Violation of Section 48, pars. Not less than 1 year to P36,000.00

14 to 16 not more than 6 years
and/or fine of not less
than P100,000.00 but
not more than

RA 9053 , Philippine Landscape Not less than 6 P18,000.00

Architecture Act of 2000 months but not more
than 3 years and/or
Illegal Practice of Landscape
fine of not less than
P50,000.00 but not
more than P200,000.00

RA 9072 , National Caves and Cave

Resources Management and
Protection Act

- Violation of Section 7 2 years to 6 years P36,000.00

and/or fine from
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
P20,000.00 to
If offender is the person providing 6 years, and 1 day to 8 P48,000.00
capital to commit the offense years and/or fine from
P500,000.00 to

R.A. 9105 , Art Forgery Act of 2001 Not less than 6 years P72,000.00
and 1 day but not more
Violation of Section 3 [a]
than 12 years and fine
of not less than
P50,000.00 but not
more than P500,000.00

RA 9106 , Sagay Marine Reserve Not less than 1 year P36,000.00

Law but not more than 6
years and/or fine of
not less than
P5,000.00 but not
more than P500,000.00
exclusive of value of
things damaged

RA 9125 , Northern Sierra Madre

National Park Act of 2001

- Violation of Section 21 Not less than 1 year P36,000.00

but not more than 6
years and/or fine of
not less than
P5,000.00 but not
more than P500,000.00

- Violation of Section 21 in 6 years and 1 day to 12 P72,000.00

relation to Section 22 (b) years and minimum
fine of P1,000,000.00
(if species is listed in
CITES Appendix I);
P750,000.00 (if
species is listed in
CITES Appendix II);
and P500,000.00 for all
threatened species

- Violation of Section 22 (d) Not less than 1 year P36,000.00

but not more than 6
years and/or fine of
not less than
P100,000.00 but not
more than P500,000.00

- Violation of Section 22 (e) Fine of not less than Bail Not Required
P100.00 but not more
than P1,000.00 and/or
community service
from 1 day to 1 week
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
RA 9139 , Administrative
Naturalization Law of 2000

- Violation of Section 14 Not more than 5 years P30,000.00

and fine of not more
than P500,000.00

R.A. 9147 , Wildlife Resources

Conservation and Protection Act

- Violation of Section 27 (a) 6 years and 1 day to 12 P72,000.00

years and/or fine from
100,000.00 to
P1,000,000.00 (if
inflicted against
species listed as

4 years and 1 day to 6 P36,000.00

years and/or fine from
P50,000.00 to
P500,000.00 (if
inflicted against
endangered species)

2 years and 1 day to 4 P24,000.00

years and/or fine from
P30,000.00 to
P300,000.00 (if
inflicted against
vulnerable species)

1 year and 1 day to 2 P12,000.00

years and/or a fine
from P20,000.00 to
P200,000.00 (if
inflicted against other
threatened species)

6 months and 1 day to P6,000.00

1 year and/or fine from
P10,000.00 to
P100,000.00 (if
inflicted against other
wildlife species)

- Violation of Section 27 (b) 4 years and 1 day to 6 P36,000.00

years and/or fine from
50,000.00 to
P500,000.00 (if
inflicted against
species listed as

2 years and 1 day to 4 P24,000.00

years and/or fine from
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
P30,000.00 to
P200,000.00 (if
inflicted against
endangered species)
1 year and 1 day to 2 P12,000.00
years and/or fine from
P20,000.00 to
P200,000.00 (if
inflicted against
vulnerable species)

6 months and 1 day to P6,000.00

1 year and/or a fine
from P10,000.00 to
P50,000.00 (if inflicted
against other
threatened species)

1 month to 6 months Bail not required

and/or fine from
P5,000.00 to
P20,000.00 (if inflicted
against other wildlife

- Violation of Section 27 (c) & 1 month to 8 years P48,000.00

(d) and/or fine from
P5,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 27 (e) 2 years and 1 day to 4 P24,000.00

years and/or fine from
5,000.00 to
P300,000.00 (if
inflicted against
species listed as

1 year and 1 day to 2 P12,000.00

years and/or fine from
P2,000.00 to
P200,000.00 (if
inflicted against
endangered species)

6 months and 1 day to P6,000.00

1 year and/or fine from
P1,000.00 to
P100,000.00 (if
inflicted against
vulnerable species)

1 month and 1 day to 6 Bail not required

months and/or a fine
from P500.00 to
P50,000.00 (if inflicted
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
against other
threatened species)
10 days to 1 month Bail not required
and/or fine from
P200.00 to P20,000.00
(if inflicted against
other wildlife species)

- Violation of Section 27 (f) & 2 years and 1 day to 4 P24,000.00

(g) years and/or fine from
30,000.00 to
P300,000.00 (if
inflicted against
species listed as

1 year and 1 day to 2 P12,000.00

years and/or fine from
P20,000.00 to
P200,000.00 (if
inflicted against
endangered species)

6 months and 1 day to P6,000.00

1 year and/or fine from
P10,000.00 to
P100,000.00 (if
inflicted against
vulnerable species)

1 month and 1 day to 6 Bail not required

months and/or a fine
from P5,000.00 to
P50,000.00 (if inflicted
against other
threatened species)

10 days to 1 month Bail not required

and/or fine from
P1,000.00 to P5,000.00
(if inflicted against
other wildlife species)

- Violation of Section 27 (h) & 6 months 1 day to 1 P6,000.00

(i) year and/or fine from
50,000.00 to
P100,000.00 (if
inflicted against
species listed as

3 months and 1 day to Bail not required

6 months and/or fine
from P20,000.00 to
P50,000.00 (if inflicted
against endangered
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
1 month and 1 day to 3 Bail not required
months and/or fine
from P20,000.00 to
P50,000.00 (if inflicted
against vulnerable

10 days to 1 month Bail not required

and/or a fine from
P1,000.00 to P5,000.00
(if inflicted against
other threatened

5 days to 10 days Bail not required

and/or fine from
P200.00 to P1,000.00
(if inflicted against
other wildlife species)

RA 9154 , Mt. Kanla-on Natural

Park Act of 2001

- Violation of Section 15 (A) 6 years and 1 day to 12 P72,000.00

years and fine from
P5,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 15 (A) in 12 years and 1 day to P120,000.00

relation to Section 15 (D) 20 years and fine from
P500,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 15 (B) 6 months to 6 years P36,000.00

and/or fine from
P5,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 15 (C) 6 months to 6 years P36,000.00

and/or fine from
P100,000.00 to

RA 9160 , Anti-Money Laundering

Act of 2001, as amended by R.A.
9194 and R.A. 10167

- Violation of Section 4 (a) 7 years to 14 years P140,000.00

and fine from
P3,000,000.00 but not
more than twice the
value of monetary
instrument or property

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

- Violation of Section 4 (b) 4 years to 7 years and P70,000.00
fine from
P1,500,000.00 to
- Violation of Section 4 (c) 6 months to 4 years P40,000.00
and/or fine from
P100,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 9 (b) 6 months and 1 day to P60,000.00

1 year and/or fine from
P100,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 9 (c) 3 years to 8 years and P80,000.00

fine from P500,000.00
to P1,000,000.00

- Violation of Section 14 (c) 6 months to 4 years P40,000.00

and fine from
P100,000.00 to

R.A. 9165 , Comprehensive

Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002, as
amended by R.A. 10640

Section 4 Life Imprisonment to No Bail

Death & Fine from
Importation of Dangerous Drugs
Php500,000.00 to

Section 4, par. 2 12 yrs. & 1 day to 20 P200,000.00

yrs. and Fine from
Importation of Controlled
Php100,000.00 to
Precursors & Essential Chemicals

Section 4, par. 3 Maximum Penalty No bail (if Dangerous

Importation thru use of diplomatic
passport, diplomatic facilities, et

P200,000.00 (if

Section 4, par. 4 Maximum Penalty No bail (if Dangerous

Acting as Financier in Importation

P200,000.00 (if

Section 4, par. 5 12 years & 1 day to 20 P200,000.00

years & Fine from
Acting as "Protector/Coddler"
Php100k to Php500k

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

Section 5 Life Imprisonment to No Bail
Death & Fine from
Sale, Trading, etc. of Dangerous
Php500k to Php10M
Section 5, par. 2 12 yrs. & 1 day to 20 P200,000.00
yrs. and Fine from
Sale, Trading, etc. of Controlled
Php100k to Php500k
Precursor & Essential Chemicals

Section 5, par. 3 Maximum Penalty No Bail (if Dangerous

Sale, trading, etc. takes place
within 100 meters from a school

P200,000.00 (if

Section 5, par. 4 Maximum Penalty No Bail (if Dangerous

Drug pushers who use minors as
couriers, etc.

P200,000.00 (if

Section 5, par. 5 Maximum Penalty No Bail (if Dangerous

When the victim is a minor causing
the latter's death

P200,000.00 (if

Section 5, par. 6 Maximum Penalty No Bail (if Dangerous

Acting as Financier

P200,000.00 (if

Section 5, par. 7 12 years & 1 day to 20 P200,000.00

years & Fine from
Acting as "Protector/Coddler"
Php100k to Php500k

Section 6, par. 1 Life Imprisonment to No Bail

Death & Fine from
Maintenance of Den, Dive or Resort
Php500k to Php10M
Where dangerous drugs are used or
sold in any form

Section 6, par. 2 12 yrs. & 1 day to 20 P200,000.00

yrs. and Fine from
Maintenance of Den, Dive or Resort
Php100k to Php500k
Where Controlled Precursors and
Essential Chemicals are used or

Section 6, par. 3 Maximum Penalty No Bail

Where dangerous drug is sold or
delivered to a minor and is allowed
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
to use it in such place
Section 6, par. 4 Death & Fine from No Bail
Php1M to Php10M
When the use of dangerous drugs
imposed on owner,
in such place causes the death of a
maintainer and/or

Section 6, par. 6 Maximum Penalty No Bail

Acting as Organizer, Manager or
Financier of such place

Section 6, par. 7 12 yrs. & 1 day to 20 P200,000.00

yrs. and Fine from
Acting as "Protector/Coddler"
Php100k to Php500k

Section 7 12 yrs. & 1 day to 20 P200,000.00

yrs. and Fine from
Employees or Visitors of Den, Dive
Php100k to Php500k
or Resort

Section 8, par. 1 Life Imprisonment to No Bail

Death & Fine from
Manufacture of Dangerous Drugs
Php500k to Php10M

Section 8, par, 2 12 yrs. & 1 day to 20 P200,000.00

yrs. and Fine from
Manufacture of Controlled
Php100k to Php500k
Precursors and Essential

Section 8, par. 4 Maximum Penalty No Bail (if Dangerous

Acting as Financier

P200,000.00 (if

Section 8, par. 5 12 yrs. & 1 day to 20 P200,000.00

yrs. and Fine from
Acting as "Protector/Coddler"
Php100k to Php500k

Section 9 12 yrs. & 1 day to 20 P200,000.00

yrs. and Fine from
Illegal Chemical Diversion of
Php100k to Php500k
Controlled Precursors and
Essential Chemicals

Section 10, par. 1 12 yrs. & 1 day to 20 P200,000.00

yrs. and Fine from
Manufacture or Delivery of
Php100k to Php500k
Equipment, Instruments, Apparatus
and Other Paraphernalia for
Dangerous Drugs and/or Controlled
Precursors and Essential
(used to plant, propagate, cultivate,
grow, harvest, etc. any dangerous
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
drug, controlled precursor &
essential chemical
Section 10, par. 2 6 months & 1 day to 4 P40,000.00
years and fine ranging
If paraphernalia manufactured or
from Php10k to
delivered will be used to introduce
a dangerous drug in the human

Section 10, par. 3 Maximum Penalty P200,000.00 (used to

plant, etc.)
If a minor is used to deliver such
equipment, instrument,
paraphernalia, etc.

P40,000.00 (used to
introduce in human

Section 11 Life Imprisonment to No Bail

Death & Fine from
Possession of Dangerous Drugs
Php500k to Php10M
(Where quantity of shabu is 50
grams or more; opium, morphine,
heroin, cocaine and marijuana resin
is 10 grams or more; marijuana is
500 grams or more, et al.)

Section 11, par. 1 Life Imprisonment & No Bail

Fine from Php400k to
Possession of Dangerous Drugs
(Where quantity of shabu is 10
grams or more but less than 50

Section 11, par. 2 20 yrs. and 1 day to No Bail

Life Imprisonment &
Possession of Dangerous Drugs
Fine from Php400k to
(Where quantity of opium, Php500k
morphine, heroin, cocaine is 5
grams or more but less than 10
grams; 300 grams or more but less
than 500 grams of marijuana, et al.)

Section 11, par. 3 12 yrs. & 1 day to 20 P200,000.00

yrs. and Fine from
Possession of Dangerous Drugs
Php300k to Php400k
(Where quantity of "shabu," opium,
morphine, heroin, cocaine is less
than 5 grams; marijuana is less
than 300 grams, et al.)

Section 12 6 months & 1 day to 4 P40,000.00

years and a Fine
Possession of Equipment,
Ranging from Php10k
Apparatus & Other Paraphernalia
to Php50k
for Dangerous Drugs
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
Section 13 Maximum Penalties No Bail
provided under Section
Possession of Dangerous Drugs
11 regardless of
during Parties, Social Gatherings or
quantity or purity

Section 14 Maximum Penalty P40,000.00

provided under Section
Possession of Equipment,
Apparatus & Other Paraphernalia
for Dangerous Drugs during Parties,
Social Gatherings or Meetings

Section 15 6 mos. Rehab for 1st P2,000.00 (1st

offense; offense)
Use of Dangerous Drugs

6 yrs. & 1 day to 12 P120,000.00 (2nd

yrs. & fine from offense)
Php50k to Php200k for
2nd offense

Section 16, par. 1 Life Imprisonment to No Bail

Death and Fine from
Cultivating or Culture of Plants
Php500k to Php10M
Classified as Dangerous Drugs or
are Sources thereof

Section 16, par. 3 Maximum Penalty No Bail

Acting as Financier

Section 16, par. 4 12 yrs. & 1 day to 20 P200,000.00

yrs. and Fine from
Acting as "Protector/Coddler"
Php100k to Php500k

Section 17 1 yr. and 1 day to 6 yrs. P60,000.00

and Fine from Php10k
Maintenance and Keeping of
to Php50k
Original Records of Transactions
on Dangerous Drugs and/or
Controlled Precursors & Essential

Section 18 12 yrs. and 1 day to 20 P200,000.00

yrs. & fine from
Unnecessary Prescription of
Php100k to Php500k
Dangerous Drugs
with revocation of
license of practitioner

Section 19 Life Imprisonment to No Bail

Death & Fine from
Unlawful Prescription of Dangerous
Php500k to Php10M

Section 26 Penalty Provided in Same Amount of Bail

Previous Sections for in previous sections
Attempt or Conspiracy
Importation, Sale,
Maintenance of Den,
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
Manufacture &
Cultivation of
Dangerous Drugs
Section 27 Life Imprisonment to No Bail
Death and Fine from
Criminal Liability of Public Officer
Php500k to Php10M
or Employee for Misappropriation,
Misapplication or Failure to
Account for Confiscated
Dangerous Drugs, etc.

Section 29 Death No Bail

Planting of Evidence

Section 32 6 mos. & 1 day to 4 P40,000.00

yrs. and fine from
Liability of Person Violating any
Php10k to Php50k
Regulation issued by the
Dangerous Drugs Board

Section 37 6 yrs. and 1 day to 12 P120,000.00

yrs. & fine from
Issuance of False or Fraudulent
Php100k to Php500k
Drug Test Results

Section 72 6 mos. and 1 day to 6 P60,000.00

yrs. and fine from
Liability of Person who violates the
Php1k to Php6k
Confidentiality of Records (of drug
dependent under voluntary
submission program)

Section 91, par. 1 12 yrs. and 1 day to 20 P200,000.00

yrs. and fine of not
Responsibility & Liability of Law
less than Php500k
Enforcement Agencies and other
Government Officials and
Employees in Testifying as
Prosecution Witnesses in
Dangerous Drugs Cases

Section 91, par. 2 2 mos. and 1 day but P60,000.00

not more than 6 yrs.
Liability of Immediate Superior if
and fine of not less
he failed to exert reasonable effort
than Php10k but not
to present witness to court
more than Php50k

Section 91, par. 3 2 mos. and 1 day but P60,000.00

not more than 6 yrs.
Failure of Immediate Superior to
and fine of not less
Inform Court of Transfer or Re-
than Php10k but not
Assignment of Accused Law
more than Php50k
Enforcement Agent

Section 92 12 yrs. and 1 day to 20 P200,000.00

yrs. without prejudice
Delay and Bungling in the
to further prosecution
Prosecution of Drug Cases
under the RPC
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
RA 9173 , Philippine Nursing Act of 1 year to 6 years P36,000.00
2002 and/or fine from
P50,000.00 to

RA 9175 , Chain Saw Act of 2002

- Violation of Section 7 (a) 4 years, 2 months and P36,000.00

1 day to 6 years and/or
fine from P15,000.00
to P30,000.00

- Violation of Section 7, par. 2 1 month to 6 months Bail not required

and fine from
P1,000.00 to P4,000.00

- Violation of Section 7, par. 3 1 month to 6 months Bail not required

and fine from
P1,000.00 to P4,000.00

- Violation of Section 7, par. 4. 6 years and 1 day to 8 P48,000.00

years and/or fine from
P30,000.00 to

RA 9178 , Barangay Micro 6 months to 2 years P12,000.00

Business Enterprises Act of 2002 and fine from
P25,000.00 to

R.A. 9182 , Special Purpose 6 years and 1 day to 12 P72,000.00

Vehicle Act [SPV] of 2002, as years and/or fine from
amended by R.A. 9343 P50,000.00 to

R.A. 9184 , Government

Procurement Reform Act

- Violation of Section 65 (a), 6 years and 1 day to 15 P90,000.00

pars. 1 to 5 years

- Violation of Section 65 (b), 6 years and 1 day to 15 P90,000.00

pars. 1 to 4 years

- Violation of Section 65 (c), 6 years and 1 day to 15 P90,000.00

pars. 1 to 4 years

RA 9189 , Overseas Absentee

Voting Act of 2003, as amended
by R.A. 10590

- Violation of Section 36 Same Penalties under Same bail as

(except Sec. 36.3) Section 264 of the provided under the
Omnibus Election Omnibus Election
Code as amended Code as amended
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
- Violation of Section 36.3 Prision mayor P48,000.00

- If offender is a public Prision mayor P72,000.00

officer or candidate maximum

RA 9208, as amended by R.A.

10364 (Expanded Human
Trafficking Act of 2012)

- Violation of Section 4 20 years and fine from P200,000.00

(Trafficking in Persons) P1,000,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 4-A 15 years and fine from P150,000.00

(Attempted Trafficking in P500,000.00 to
Persons) P1,000,000.00

- Violation of Section 4-B 15 years and fine from P150,000.00

(Accomplice Liability) P500,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 4-C 15 years and fine from, P150,000.00

(Accessories) P500,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 5 (Acts 15 years and fine from P150,000.00

Promoting Trafficking in P500,000.00 to
Persons) P1,000,000.00

- Violation of Section 6 Life Imprisonment and No Bail

(Qualified Trafficking in fine from
Persons) P2,000,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 7 6 years and fine from P36,000.00

(Confidentiality) P500,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 11 (Use Prision correccional P72,000.00

of Trafficked Person) maximum to prision
mayor or 6 years to 12
years and fine from
P50,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 11 (a) (1) Reclusion temporal No Bail

(Victim is a Child) medium to reclusion
perpetua or 17 years
to 40 years and fine
from P500,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 11 (a) (2) Reclusion Perpetua or No Bail

40 years without
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
possibility of parole
and fine from
P1,000,000.00 to
R.A. 9211 , Tobacco Regulation
Act of 2003

- Violation of Sections 5 and 6 Fine from P500.00 to Bail not required

P1,000.00 (1st

Fine from 1,000.00 to Bail not required

P5,000.00 (2nd

Fine from P5,000.00 to Bail not required

P10,000.00 (3rd

- Violation of Sections 7 to 11 Not more than 30 days Bail not required

or fine not exceeding
P5,000,000.00 (1st

Not more than 30 days Bail not required

and fine not exceeding
(subsequent offenses)

- Violation of Sections 13 to 1 year and/or fine not P6,000.00

27 exceeding P100,000.00
(1st offense)

2 years and/or fine not P12,000.00

Php200,000.00 (2nd

3 years and/or fine not P18,000.00

exceeding P400,000.00
(3rd offense)

RA 9237 , Mt. Apo Protected Area

Act of 2003

- Violation of 16 (A) Same Penalty as Arts. Same Bail as Arts.

309 & 310 of the RPC 309 & 310, RPC
depending on value of
resources involved

- Violation of Section 16 (B) 5 years to 10 years P60,000.00

and/or fine from
P100,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 16 (C) 1 year to 6 years P36,000.00

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
and/or fine from
P5,000.00 to
RA 9239 , Optical Media Act of

- Violation of Section 19 (a) 3 years to 6 years and P36,000.00

fine of P500,000.00 to
P1,500,000.00 (1st

6 years to 9 years and P54,000.00

fine from
P1,500,000.00 to
(subsequent offenses)

- Violation of Section 19 (b) 1 year to 3 years and P18,000.00

fine from P100,000.00
to P500,000.00 (1st

3 years to 6 years and P36,000.00

fine from P500,000.00
to P1,000,000.00
(subsequent offenses)

- Violation of Section 19 30 to 90 days or fine Bail not required

(Armed Resistance against from P25,000.00 to
Optical Media Board agents) P50,000.00

RA 9246 , Philippine Librarianship 1 month to 3 years or P18,000.00

Act of 2003 fine of not less than

RA 9258 , Guidance and 6 months to 8 years P48,000.00

Counseling Act of 2004 and/or fine from
P50,000.00 to

R.A. 9262 , Anti-Violence against

Women and their Children Act of

- Violation of Section 5 (a) If constituting Same Bail for the

(physical harm) attempted, frustrated said crimes
or consummated
parricide, murder or
homicide, same
penalty as in the RPC

If constituting serious P72,000.00

physical injuries,
prision mayor

If constituting less P36,000.00

serious physical
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
injuries, prision
If constituting slight P2,000.00
physical injuries,
arresto mayor

- Violation of Section 5 (b) Imprisonment two (2) Same bail as threats

(threats) degrees lower than the under RPC
consummated crime
as specified in Section
6 (a) of RA 9262 but
shall in no case be
lower than arresto

- Violation of Sections 5 (c) & Arresto Mayor P2,000.00

5 (d)

- Violation of Section 5 (e) Prision Correccional P36,000.00

- Violation of Section 5 (f) Arresto Mayor P2,000.00

- Violation of Sections 5 (g), 5 Prision Mayor P72,000.00

(h) & 5 (i)

RA 9266 , The Architecture Act of


- Violation of Section 29 6 months to 6 years P36,000.00

and/or fine from
P100,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 30 Not exceeding 6 years P36,000.00

and/or fine not less
than P200,000.00

RA 9267 , The Securitization Act of 6 years and 1 day to 21 P126,000.00

2004 years and/or fine from
P50,000.00 to

RA 9268 , The Philippine Veterinary 1 year to 5 years P30,000.00

Medicine Act of 2004 and/or fine from
P50,000.00 to

RA 9271 , Quarantine Act of 2004 Not more than 1 year P6,000.00

and/or fine from
P10,000.00 to

RA 9275 , Philippine Clean Water

Act of 2004

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

- Violation of Section 28 2 years to 4 years and P24,000.00
(Failure to undertake clean up a fine from P50,000.00
operations) to P100,000.00 for
each day of violation
Where failure or refusal leads to 6 years and 1 day to 12 P72,000.00
serious injury, loss of life or years and fine from
irreversible water contamination 500,000.00 for each
day during which the
omission and/or

RA 9280 , Customs Brokers Act of Not less than 6 years P36,000.00

2004 and/or fine from
P50,000.00 to

RA 9292 , Electronic Engineering 6 months to 6 years P36,000.00

Law of 2004 and/or fine from
P100,000.00 to

RA 9296 , The Meat Inspection 6 years and 1 day to 12 P72,000.00

Code of the Philippines, as years and/or fine from
amended by R.A. 10536 P100,000.00 to

RA 9297 , Chemical Engineering 6 months to 5 years P30,000.00

Law of 2004 and/or fine from
P10,000.00 to

RA 9298 , Philippine Accountancy Not exceeding 2 years P12,000.00

Act of 2004 or fine not less than

RA 9303 , Mt. Hamiguitan Range 1 year to 6 years P36,000.00

Wildlife Sanctuary Act of 2004 and/or fine from
P5,000.00 to

RA 9304 , Mt. Malindang Range Same penalties as Same Bail as Arts.

Natural Park Act of 2004 Articles 309 & 310 of 309 & 310, RPC & Sec.
the RPC and Section 21 of R.A. 7586
21 of R.A. 7586
depending on the value
of resources taken,
damaged or destroyed

RA 9344 , Juvenile Justice and 8 years to 10 years P60,000.00

Welfare Act of 2006, as amended and/or fine from
by R.A. 10630 20,000.00 to

RA 9367 , Biofuels Act of 2006 1 year to 5 years and P30,000.00

fine from
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
P1,000,000.00 to
RA 9372 , Human Security Act of

- Violation of Section 3 40 years No Bail


- Violation of Section 4 40 years No Bail

(Conspiracy to Commit

- Violation of Section 5 17 years, 4 months P200,000.00

(Accomplice) and 1 day to 20 years

- Violation of Section 6 10 years and 1 day to P120,000.00

(Accessory) 12 years

- Violation of Section 16 10 years and 1 day to P120,000.00

(Unauthorized or Malicious 12 years
Interceptions and/or

- Violation of Section 18 10 years and 1 day to P120,000.00

(Failure to notify judge in writing 12 years
of detention of terrorism

- Violation of Section 20 10 years and 1 day to P120,000.00

(Failure to deliver terrorism 12 years
suspect to judicial authority
within 3 days)

- Violation of Section 22 10 years and 1 day to P120,000.00

(Violation of Rights of Detainee) 12 years

- Violation of Section 25 12 years and 1 day to P200,000.00

(Threats, Intimidation, Coercion 20 years
or Torture in Investigation and
Interrogation of Detained

- Violation of Section 36 10 years and 1 day to P120,000.00

(Unauthorized or malicious 12 years
examination of a bank or
financial institution)

- Violation of Section 37 (Bank 10 years and 1 day to P120,000.00

officials and employees defying 12 years
court authorization)

- Violation of Section 38 (False 10 years and 1 day to P120,000.00

or untruthful statement of 12 years
material fact in joint affidavit)

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

- Violation of Section 42 10 years and 1 day to P120,000.00
(Unjustified refusal or delay in 12 years
restoring seized, sequestered
and frozen bank deposits,
placements, etc.)

- Violation of Section 43 (Loss, 10 years and 1 day to P120,000.00

misuse, diversion or dissipation 12 years
of seized, sequestered and
frozen bank deposits,
placements, etc.)

- Violation of Section 44 12 years and 1 day to P200,000.00

(Infidelity in custody of detained 20 years (if detained
persons) person already

6 years and 1 day to 12 P120,000.00

years (if detained
person has not been
convicted and

- Violation of Section 46 10 years and 1 day to P120,000.00

(Unauthorized revelation of 12 years
classified materials)

- Violation of Section 47 12 years and 1 day to P120,000.00

(Furnishing false evidence, 20 years
forged document or spurious

R.A. 9433 , Magna Carta of Public Not more than 1 year P6,000.00
Social Workers and/or fine from
P20,000.00 to

RA 9470 , National Archives of the 5 years to 15 years P90,000.00

Philippines Act of 2007 and/or fine from
P500,000.00 to

RA 9474 , Lending Company 6 months to 10 years P60,000.00

Regulation Act of 2007 and/or fine from
P10,000.00 to

RA 9482 , Anti Rabies Act of 2007

- Violation of Section 11, par. 7 1 year to 4 years and P24,000.00

(Trading in dog meat) fine fixed at P5,000.00
per dog

- Violation of Section 11, par. 8 1 year to 4 years and P24,000.00

(Using electrocution to fine of not less than
euthanize a dog) P5,000.00 per act
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
RA 9484 , Philippine Dental Act of 2 years and 1 day to 5 P30,000.00
2007 years and/or fine from
200,000.00 to

RA 9485 , Anti-Red Tape Act of


- Violation of Section 12 Not exceeding 6 years P30,000.00

(Criminal Liability for Fixers) or fine from
P20,000.00 to

R.A. 9494, Mimbilisan Protected

Landscape Act

- Violation of Section 11 (a) Same penalties under Same Bail as Arts.

Articles 309 and 310 309 & 310, RPC
of the RPC

- Violation of Section 11 (b) 1 year to 5 years P30,000.00

and/or fine from
P100,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 11 (c) 1 year to 5 years P30,000.00

and/or fine from
P100,000.00 to

RA 9497 , Civil Aviation Authority

Act of 2008

- Violation of Section 81 (b), Not more than 3 years P18,000.00

par. 1 and/or fine from
P50,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 81 (b), 3 years to 6 years P36,000.00

par. 2 and/or fine from
P100,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 81 (b), 3 years to 7 years P42,000.00

par. 3 and/or fine from
P100,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 81 (b), 3 years to 7 years P42,000.00

par. 4 and/or fine from
P100,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 81 (b), 1 year to 3 years P18,000.00

par. 5 and/or fine from
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
P50,000.00 to
- Violation of Section 81 (b), Not more than 3 years P18,000.00
par. 6 and/or fine from
P50,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 81 (b), 1 year to 3 years P18,000.00

par. 7 (Destruction or damage and/or fine from
of air navigation facilities or P50,000.00 to
interferes with their operation) P500,000.00

- If act endangers safety of 3 years to 6 years or P36,000.00

air navigation fine from P500,000.00
to P1,000,000.00

- Violation of Section 81 (b), 1 year to 3 years P18,000.00

par. 8 and/or fine from
P50,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 81 (b), 1 year to 3 years P18,000.00

par. 9 (Interference while on and/or fine from
board or attempting to board P50,000.00 to
with crewmember's P500,000.00
performance of duty, etc.)

- Violation of Section 81 (b), 3 years to 6 years P36,000.00

par. 10 (carrying concealed and/or fine from
deadly weapon or explosive P100,000.00 to
device aboard aircraft) P500,000.00

- Violation of Section 81 (b), 1 year to 3 years P18,000.00

par. 11 and/or fine from
P50,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 81 (b), 6 months to 3 years P18,000.00

par. 12 and/or fine from
P50,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 81 (b), 3 years to 6 years P36,000.00

par. 13 and/or fine from
P100,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 81 (b), 1 year to 3 years P18,000.00

par. 14 and/or fine from
P100,000.00 to

RA 9505 , Personal Equity and 6 years and 1 day to 12 P72,000.00

Retirement Account [PERA] Act of years and/or fine from
2008 P50,000.00 to
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
RA 9510 , Credit Information 1 year to 5 years P30,000.00
System Act and/or fine from
P50,000.00 to

RA 9513 , Renewable Energy Act of 1 year to 5 years or P30,000.00

2008 fine from P100,000.00
to P100,000,000.00, or
twice the amount of
damages caused or
costs avoided for non-
compliance, whichever
is higher

RA 9514 , Revised Fire Code of the

Philippines of 2008

- Violation of Section 11 (b), 6 months to 6 years P36,000.00

1st par. (failure to correct and/or fine not
deficiency or abate fire hazard) exceeding P100,000.00

- Violation of Section 11 (b), 30 days and/or fine Bail not required

2nd par. (removal of sign that not exceeding
building or structure is a fire P100,000.00

- Violation of Section 11 (b), 1 day to 30 days and Bail not required

3rd par. (disobedience to lawful fine of P5,000.00
order of fire ground commander
during firefighting operation)

RA 9520 , Philippine Cooperative

Code of 2008

- Violation of Article 140, par. 1 2 years to 5 years P30,000.00

and/or fine not
exceeding P20,000.00

- Violation of Article 140, par. 2 2 years to 4 years and P24,000.00

fine from P30,000.00
to P100,000.00

- Violation of Article 140, par. 1 year to 5 years P30,000.00

3. and/or fine not less
than P5,000.00

- Violation of Article 140, par. 4 6 months to 1 year P6,000.00

and/or a fine not less
than P1,000.00

- Violation of Article 140, par. 5 5 years to 10 years 60,000.00

and/or fine of

- Violation of Article 140, par. 6 1 year to 5 years P30,000.00

and/or fine not
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
exceeding P50,000.00

RA 9646 , Real Estate Service Act Not less than 2 years P12,000.00
of the Philippines and/or fine not less
than P100,000.00

RA 9653 , Rent Control Act of 2009 1 month and 1 day to 6 Bail is not required
months and/or fine
from P25,000.00 to

RA 9745 , Anti-Torture Act of 2009

- Violation of Section 14 (a) Reclusion Perpetua No Bail

- Violation of Section 14 (b) Reclusion Temporal P200,000.00

- Violation of Section 14 (c) Prision Correccional P60,000.00

- Violation of Section 14 (d) Prision Mayor Medium P120,000.00

and Maximum

- Violation of Section 14 (e) Prision Mayor P100,000.00

Minimum and Medium

- Violation of Section 14 (f) Prision Correccional P80,000.00

Maximum to Prision
Mayor Minimum

- Violation of Section 14 (g) Prision Correccional P50,000.00

Minimum and Medium

- Violation of Section 14 (h) Arresto Mayor P2,000.00

- Violation of Section 14 (i) Prision Correccional P36,000.00

- Violation of Section 14 (j) Arresto Mayor P2,000.00

RA 9775 , Anti-Child Pornography


- Violation of Section 5 Reclusion Perpetua No Bail

(Syndicated Child Pornography) and Fine from
in relation to Section 15 (a) P2,000,000.00 to

- Violation of Sections 4 (a), 4 Reclusion Temporal P200,000.00

(b) and 4 (c) in relation to Maximum and Fine
Section 15 (b) from P1,000,000.00 to

- Violation of Sections 4 (c), 4 Reclusion Temporal P180,000.00

(d) and 4 (f) in relation to Medium and Fine from
Section 15 (c) P750,000.00 to

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

- Violation of Section 4 (g) in Reclusion Temporal P150,000.00
relation to Section 15 (d) Minimum and Fine
from P500,000.00 to
- Violation of Section 4 (h) in Prision Mayor P120,000.00
relation to Section 15 (e) Maximum and fine
from P300,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 4 (i) in Prision Mayor P80,000.00

relation to Section 15 (f) Minimum and Fine
from P300,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 4 (j) in Prision Correccional P60,000.00

relation to Section 15 (g) Maximum and fine
from P200,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 4 (k) in Prision Correccional P50,000.00

relation to Section 15 (h) Medium and Fine from
P100,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 4 (l) in Arresto Mayor P2,000.00

relation to Section 15 (i) Minimum and Fine
from P50,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 11 in Prision Correccional P50,000.00

relation to Section 15 (j) Medium and fine from
P1,000,000.00 to
- 1st offense

- Subsequent offense Fine from P30,000.00

P2,000,000.00 to
P3,000,000.00 with
revocation of license
to operate and closure
of establishment

- Violation of Section 13 in Arresto Mayor P2,000.00

relation to Section 15 (m) minimum and fine
from P100,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 9 in Fine from P500,000.00 P30,000.00

relation to Section 15 (k) to P1,000,000.00 (1st

Fine from P30,000.00

P2,000,000.00 to
(subsequent offense)

- Violation of Section 10 in Fine from P30,000.00

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
relation to Section 15 (l) P1,000,000.00 to
P2,000,000.00 (1st

Fine from P30,000.00

P2,000,000.00 to
(subsequent offense)

RA 9829 , Pre-Need Code of the


- Violation of Sections 54 (a) 1 year and fine P6,000.00

and 54 (b) equivalent to 3x the
contract price

- Violation of Section 54 (c) 6 years and 1 day to 12 P72,000.00

years and fine from
P50,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 54 (d) 1 year and 1 day to 6 P36,000.00

years and fine from
P50,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 54 (e) 6 years and 1 day to 12 P72,000.00

years and fine from
P100,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 54 (f) 6 years and 1 day to 12 P72,000.00

years and fine from
P100,000.00 to

- Miscellaneous violations 1 year to 14 years P84,000.00

and/or fine P50,000.00
to P5,000,000.00

RA 9847 , Mts. Banahaw-San

Cristobal Protected Landscape
[MBSCPL] Act of 2009

- Violation of Section 18 (a) Same penalties as Same bail as Arts.

Arts. 309 & 310 of the 309 & 310, RPC
RPC depending on the
value of the resources

- Violation of Section 18 (b) 1 year to 6 years P36,000.00

and/or fine from
P5,000.00 to

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

RA 9856 , Real Estate Investment 6 years and 1 day to 21 No Bail
Trust [REIT] Act of 2009 years and/or fine from
P200,000.00 to
RA 9995 , Anti-Photo and Video 3 years to 7 years P42,000.00
Voyeurism Act of 2009 and/or fine from
P100,000.00 to

RA 10021 , Exchange of 2 years to 5 years P30,000.00

Information on Tax Matters Act of and/or fine from
2009 P50,000.00 to

RA 10024 , Philippine Respiratory Not less than 6 Bail is not required

Therapy Act of 2009 months or fine of not
less than P20,000.00

RA 10029 , Philippine Psychology 6 months to 3 years P18,000.00

Act of 2009 and/or fine from
P10,000.00 to

RA 10054 , Motorcycle Helmet Act

of 2009

- Violation of Section 7 (a) Fine P1,500.00 (1st

(Failure to wear helmet) Offense)

P3,000.00 (2nd Bail not required in all

offense) cases

P5,000.00 (3rd

P10,000.00 plus
confiscation of
driver's license (4th
and succeeding

- Violation of Section 7 (b) Fine from P10,000.00 Bail not required

(Liability of seller who sells to P20,000.00
helmets that do not comply with

- Violation of Section 7 (c) Fine P3,000.00 (1st Bail not required in

(Liability of Seller or Distributor offense) both cases
who sell or distribute
substandard helmets)

P5,000.00 (2nd

- Violation, of Section 7 (d) Fine from P10,000.00 Bail not required

(Tampering, alteration, forgery, to P20,000.00
etc. of PS Mark and ICC
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
certificates on helmets)

RA 10066 , National Cultural

Heritage Act of 2009

- Violation of Section 49 Not less than 10 years P60,000.00

and/or fine not less
than P200,000.00

- If offense involves non- Fine from P10,000.00 Bail not required

registration of cultural property to P100,000.00

R.A. 10067 , Tubbataha Reefs

Natural Park [TRNP] Act of 2009

- Violation of Section 19 6 months to 1 year and P6,000.00

(Unauthorized entry, enjoyment fine from P100,000.00
or use) to P300,000.00

1 year to 3 years and P18,000.00

fine of P500,000.00 (if
violator is commercial

- Violation of Section 23 1 year to 3 years and P18,000.00

(Dumping of Waste and fine of not less than
Littering) P50,000.00

- Violation of Section 24 1 year to 6 years and P36,000.00

(Bioprospecting without permit) fine from P500,000.00
to P1,000,000.00

- Violation of Section 25 6 months to 6 years P36,000.00

(Introduction of exotic species) and fine from
P10,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 6
(Hunting, catching, fishing, etc.)

When explosives and poisonous 6 years and 1 day to 12 P72,000.00

substances are used (Section 26 years and fine from
[a]) P300,000.00 to

When offender merely possesses 4 years, 2 months and P36,000.00

explosives, poisonous substances 1 day to 6 years and
within the TRNP (Section 26 [b]) fine from P100,000.00
to P300,000.00

When offender takes, removes, 6 years and 1 day to 12 P72,000.00

gathers, kills, destroys or years and fine from
possesses corals (Section 26 [c]) P100,000.00 to

When offender uses fishing gear or 6 years and 1 day to 12 P72,000.00

method that destroys coral reef, years and fine from
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
seagrass, etc. (Section 26 [d]) P100,000.00 to
When the offender gathers or 6 years and 1 day to 12 P72,000.00
removes pebbles, stones, rock years and fine from
sand, etc. (Section 26 [e]) P100,000.00 to

When the subject matter of the 12 years to 20 years P120,000.00

offense are protected species and fine from
(Section 26 [f]) P500,000.00 to
P1,000,000.00 for every
threatened or
endangered organism

3 years to 6 years and P36,000.00

fine from P100,000.00
to P300,000.00

Miscellaneous offenses (Section

26 [g])

- Violation of Section 27 6 years and 1 day to 12 P72,000.00

(Poaching by Foreigners) years and fine of US

- Violation of Section 28 3 years to 5 years and P30,000.00

(Violation of environmental fine of P100,000.00 for
impact assessment system) each day violation

RA 10068 , Organic Agriculture Act 1 month to 6 months Bail not required

of 2010 and/or fine not more
than P50,000.00

RA 10072 , Philippine Red Cross Not exceeding 1 year P6,000.00

Act of 2009 and/or fine of not less
than P50,000.00

RA 10073 , Girl Scouts of the

Philippines Charter of 2009

- Violation of Section 12 (a) Prision correccional P18,000.00

minimum and/or fine
not exceeding

- Violation of Section 12 (b) Prision correccional P36,000.00

and/or fine from
P50,000.00 to

RA 10088 , Anti-Camcording Act of 6 months and 1 day to P36,000.00

2010 6 years and 1 day and
fine from P50,000.00
to P750,000.00
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
RA 10165 , Foster Care Act of 2012

- Violation of Section 25 (a) Charge offender under Same Bail as RA 7610

RA 7610

- Violation of Section 25 (c) 1 month to 6 years Bail not required

and/or fine from
P10,000.00 to

RA 10166 , Geology Profession Act 1 month to 5 years P30,000.00

of 2012 and/or fine from
P10,000.00 to

RA 10168 , Terrorism Financing

Prevention and Suppression Act of

- Violation of Section 4 Reclusion Temporal P200,000.00

(Financing of Terrorism) Maximum to
Reclusion Perpetua
and fine from
P500,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 5 Prision Correccional P100,000.00

(Attempt or Conspiracy to Maximum to Prision
commit financing of terrorism Mayor Medium (2
and dealing of funds of degrees lower)
designated persons)

Same Penalty Same Bail as above

prescribed for
commission of crime
(if conspiracy is
present in
commission or

- Violation of Section 6 Prision Mayor P180,000.00

(Accomplice) Maximum to
Reclusion Temporal
Medium (1 degree

- Violation of Section 7 Prision Correccional P100,000.00

(Accessory) Maximum to Prision
Mayor Medium (2
degrees lower)

- Violation of Section 8 Reclusion Temporal P200,000.00

(Prohibition against dealing with Maximum to
property or funds of designated Reclusion Perpetua
persons) and fine from
P500,000.00 to
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

RA 10173 , Data Privacy Act of


- Violation of Section 25

Unauthorized processing of 1 year to 3 years and P18,000.00

personal information (Sec. 25 [a]) fine from P500,000.00
to P2,000,000.00

Unauthorized processing of 3 years to 6 years and P36,000.00

sensitive personal information fine from P500,000.00
(Sec. 25 [b]) to P4,000,000.00

- Violation of Section 26

Accessing personal information 1 year to 3 years and P18,000.00

due to negligence (Sec. 26 [a]) fine from P500,000.00
to P2,000,000.00

Accessing sensitive personal 3 years to 6 years and P36,000.00

information due to negligence fine from P500,000.00
(Section 26 [b]) to P 4,000,000.00

- Violation of Section 27 6 months to 2 years P12,000.00

(Improper disposal of personal and fine from
information and sensitive P100,000.00 to
personal information) P500,000.00 (personal

1 year to 3 years and P18,000.00

fine from P100,000.00
to P1,000,000.00
(sensitive personal

- Violation of Section 28 1 year and 6 months to P30,000.00

(Processing of personal 5 years and fine from
information and sensitive P500,000.00 to
personal information for P1,000,000.00
unauthorized purposes) (personal information)

2 years to 7 years and P42,000.00

fine from P500,000.00
to P2,000,000.00
(sensitive personal

- Violation of Section 29 1 year to 3 years and P18,000.00

(Unauthorized access or fine from P500,000.00
intentional breach) to P2,000,000.00

- Violation of Section 30 1 year and 6 months to P30,000.00

(Concealment of security 5 years and fine from
breaches involving sensitive P500,000.00 to
personal information) P1,000,000.00
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
- Violation of Section 31 1 year and 6 months to P30,000.00
(Malicious Disclosure) 5 years and fine from
P500,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 32
(Unauthorized disclosure)

Unauthorized disclosure of 1 year to 3 years and P18,000.00

personal information to third party fine from P500,000.00
(Sec. 32 [a]) to P1,000,000.00

Unauthorized disclosure of 3 years to 5 years and P30,000.00

sensitive personal information to fine from P500,000.00
third party (Sec. 32 [b]) to P1,000,000.00

- Violation of Section 33 3 years to 6 years and P36,000.00

(Combination or series of acts) fine from
P1,000,000.00 to

If any of above offenses is Maximum penalty Corresponding bail

committed in large scale, for maximum penalty
maximum penalty imposed (Sec.

RA 10175 , Cybercrime Prevention

Act of 2012 (Bail as provided for by

Section 4 (a) — Offenses against Prision mayor and/or P120,000.00

the confidentiality, integrity and fine of at least
availability of computer data and P200,000.00 up to the
systems; and maximum amount
commensurate to the
4 (b) — Computer-related offenses
damage incurred

Section 4 (a) (5) — Misuse of Prision mayor and/or P120,000.00

devices fine of not more than

Section 4 (a) committed against Reclusion temporal P200,000.00

critical infrastructure and/or fine of at least
P500,000.00 up to the
maximum amount
commensurate to the
damage incurred

Section 4 (c) (1) — Cybersex Prision mayor and/or P120,000.00

fine from P200,000.00
to P1,000,000.00

Section 4 (c) (2) — Child Penalties prescribed in

pornography Republic Act No. 9775
— one (1) degree
higher if committed
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
through a computer
- To hire, employ, use, Reclusion temporal P200,000.00
persuade, induce or coerce a maximum and fine
child to perform in the creation from P1,000,000.00 to
or production of any form of P2,000,000.00 [Section
child pornography [Section 4 (a), 15 (b), R.A. 9775]
R.A. 9775]

- To produce, direct, Reclusion temporal P200,000.00

manufacture, or create any form maximum period and
of child pornography [Section 4 fine from
(b), R.A. 9775] P1,000,000.00 to
P2,000,000.00 [Section
15 (b), R.A. 9775]

- To publish, offer, transmit, Reclusion temporal P200,000.00

sell, distribute, broadcast, maximum and fine
advertise, promote, export, and from P1,000,000.00 to
import any form of child P2,000,000.00 [Section
pornography [Section 4 (c), R.A. 15 (b), R.A. 9775]

- To publish, offer, transmit, Reclusion temporal P200,000.00

sell, distribute, broadcast, maximum and fine
advertise, promote, export, and from P1,000,000.00 to
import any form of child P2,000,000.00 [Section
pornography [Section 4 (c), R.A. 15 (b), R.A. 9775]

- To possess any form of child Reclusion temporal P200,000.00

pornography with the intent to medium and fine from
sell, distribute, publish, or P750,000.00 to
broadcast, provided, that, the P1,000,000.00 [Section
possession of three (3) or more 15 (c), R.A. 9775]
articles of child pornography of
the same form shall be prima
facie evidence of intent to sell,
distribute, publish, or broadcast,
[Section 4 (d), R.A. 9775]

- To knowingly, willfully, and Reclusion temporal P200,000.00

intentionally, provide a venue for medium and fine from
the commission of prohibited P750,000.00 to
acts such as, but not limited to, P1,000,000.00 [Section
dens, private rooms, cubicles, 15 (c), R.A. 9775]
cinemas, houses, or in
establishments purporting to be
a legitimate business [Section 4
(e), R.A. 9775]

- For film distribution, theaters, Reclusion temporal P200,000.00

and telecommunication medium and fine from
companies, by themselves or in P750,000.00 to
cooperation with other entities, P1,000,000.00 [Section
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
to distribute any form of child 15 (c), R.A. 9775]
pornography [Section 4 (f), R.A.
- For a parent, legal guardian, Reclusion temporal P200,000.00
or person having custody or minimum and fine
control of a child to knowingly from P500,000.00 to
permit the child to engage, P700,000.00 [Section
participate, or assist in any form 15 (d), R.A. 9775]
of child pornography [Section 4
(g), R.A. 9775]

- To engage in the luring or Prision mayor P120,000.00

grooming of a child [Section 4 maximum and fine
(h), R.A. 9775] from P300,000.00 to
P500,000.00 [Section
15 (e), R.A. 9775]

- To engage in the pandering of Prision mayor P120,000.00

child pornography [Section 4 (i), minimum and fine
R.A. 9775] from P300,000.00 to
P500,000.00 [Section
15 (f), R.A. 9775]

- To willfully access any form Prision correccional P60,000.00

of child pornography [Section 4 maximum and fine
(j), R.A. 9775] from P200,000.00 to
P300,000.00 [Section
15 (g), R.A. 9775]

- To possess any form of child Arresto mayor P20,000.00

pornography [Section 4 (l), R.A. minimum period and
9775] fine [Section 15 (i),
R.A. 9775]

- To conspire to commit any of Prision correccional P60,000.00

the prohibited acts stated in medium and fine from
Section 4 of the Act (or P100,000.00 to
numbers 1 to 11 above) [Section P250,000.00 [Section
4 (k), R.A. 9775] 15 (h), R.A. 9775]

- Syndicated child pornography Reclusion perpetua No Bail

[Section 5, R.A. 9775] and fine from
P2,000,000.00 to
P5,000,000.00 [Section
15 (a), R.A. 9775]

- Willfully and knowingly failing Fine from P500,000.00 Bail not required in
to comply with the duties of an to P1,000,000.00 (1st both instances
internet Service Provider offense)
[Section 9, R.A. 9775]
Fine from
P2,000,000.00 to
P3,000,000.00 with
revocation of its
license to operate and
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
immediate closure of
establishment (for
subsequent offense)
[Section 15 (k), R.A.
- Willfully and knowingly failing Fine from Bail not required in
to comply with the P1,000,000.00 to both instances
responsibility of the mall P2,000,000.00 (for 1st
owner/operator and owner or offense)
lessor of other business
establishments, including photo
developers, information
technology professionals, credit
card companies and banks
[Section 10, R.A. 9775]

Fine from
P2,000,000.00 to
P3,000,000.00 with
revocation of its
license to operate and
immediate closure of
establishment (for
subsequent offense)
[Section 15 (l), R.A.

- Willfully and knowingly failing Prision correccional P60,000.00 in both

to comply with the duties of an medium and fine from instances
Internet Content Host [Section P1,000,000.00 to
11, R.A. 9775] P2,000,000.00 (for 1st

Fine from
P2,000,000.00 to
P3,000,000.00 with
revocation of its
license to operate and
immediate closure of
the establishment (for
subsequent offense)
[Section 15 (j), R.A.

- Violation of confidentiality Arresto mayor P20,000.00

[Section 13, R.A. 9775] minimum period and
fine from P100,000.00
to P300,000.00
[Section 15 (m), R.A.

Section 4 (C) (4) — Libel Prision correccional P10,000.00

committed through a computer minimum and medium
through system or any other and/or fine from
similar means which may devised P200.00 to P6,000.00
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
in the future
- Threatening to publish Arresto mayor and/or Bail not required
through a computer system a fine from P200.00 to
libel or offering to prevent P2,000.00
libelous publication for

- Publishing through a Arresto mayor and/or Bail not required

computer system facts fine from P200.00 to
connected with the private life P2,000.00
of another and offensive to the
honor, virtue and reputation of
said person

Section 5 — aiding or abetting or Imprisonment one (1) Commensurate to the

attempt in the commission of degree lower than that prescribed penalty
cybercrime of the prescribed one (1) degree lower
penalty for the offense
and/or fine from
P100,000.00 to

RA 10344 , Risk Reduction and

Preparedness Equipment
Protection Act

- Violation of Section 6 (a) 12 years to 15 years P90,000.00

and/or fine from
P1,000,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 6 (b) 6 years to 10 years P60,000.00

and/or fine from
P500,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 6 (c) 6 years to 8 years P48,000.00

and/or fine from
P500,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 6 (d) 2 years to 7 years P42,000.00

and/or fine from
P200,000.00 to

RA 10350 , Philippine Interior

Design Act of 2012

- Violation of Section 34 (a), 6 months to 3 years P18,000.00

pars. 1 to 4 (committed by local and/or fine from
practitioner) P300,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 34 (b) 6 months to 3 years P18,000.00

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
(committed by foreign and/or fine equivalent
practitioner/firm) to 30.0% gross fees in
addition to payment of
back taxes, if any
RA 10353 , Anti-Enforced or
Involuntary Disappearance Act of

- Violation of Section 15 (a), Reclusion Perpetua No Bail

pars. 1 to 5

- Violation of Section 15 (b) Reclusion Temporal P200,000.00

- Violation of Section 15 (c), Reclusion Temporal P200,000.00

pars. 1 to 3

- Violation of Section 15 (d) Prision Correccional P60,000.00

- Violation of Section 15 (e) Arresto Mayor P10,000.00

RA 10354 , The Responsible 1 month to 6 months Bail not required

Parenthood and Reproductive Act and/or fine from
of 2012 P10,000.00 to

RA 10361 , Domestic Workers Act Fine from P10,000.00 Bail not required
to P40,000.00

RA 10368 , Human Rights Victims 8 years to 10 years P60,000.00

Reparation and Recognition Act of

RA 10515 , Anti-Cable Television 2 years to 5 years P30,000.00

and Cable Internet Tapping Act of and/or fine from
2013 P50,000.00 to

RA 10530 , The Red Cross and

Other Emblems Act of 2013

- Violation of Section 11 Arresto Mayor and/or Bail not required

fine not less than

- Violation of Section 12 Reclusion Perpetua No Bail

and fine from
P500,000.00 to
P1,000,000.00 (1st

Reclusion Temporal P120,000.00

Medium to Maximum
and fine for
P100,000.00 to
P500,000.00 (2nd
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
Prision Correccional P30,000.00
Medium and fine from
P40,000.00 to
P80,000.00 (Section 12

RA 10531 , National Electrification 6 months to 1 year P6,000.00

Administration Reform Act of 2013 and/or fine from
P50,000.00 to

RA 10586 , Anti-Drunk and Drugged

Driving Act of 2013

- Violation of Section 12 (a) 3 months and fine Bail is not required

from P20,000.00 to
violation did not result in physical
injuries or homicide

- Violation of Section 12 (b) Penalty provided under Same bail as Art. 263,
Art. 263 of the RPC or RPC or Section 12 (a)
violation resulted in physical
penalty provided in of RA 10586,
Section 12 (a) of R.A. whichever is higher
10586, whichever is
higher, and fine from
P100,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 12 (c) Penalty for Art. 249 of P120,000.00

the RPC and fine from
violation resulted in homicide
P300,000.00 to

RA 10587 , Environmental Planning 6 months to 5 years P30,000.00

Act of 2013 and/or fine from
P100,000.00 to

R.A. 10591 , Comprehensive

Firearms and Ammunition
Regulation Act

- Violation of Section 28 (a) Prision Mayor Medium P100,000.00

- Violation of Section 28 (b) Reclusion Temporal to P200,000.00

Reclusion Perpetua

- Violation of Section 28 (c) Prision mayor P120,000.00


- Violation of Section 28 (d) Reclusion perpetua No bail

- If above acts (Sections 28 [a] One Degree Higher -

to 28 [c]) are committed in
relation to Section 28 (e)
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
- Sec. 28 (a) Prision mayor P120,000.00

- Sec. 28 (b) Reclusion perpetua No bail

- Sec. 28 (c) Reclusion temporal P150,000.00


- Violation of Section 28 (f) Prision mayor P80,000.00


- Violation of Section 28 (g) Prision mayor P80,000.00


- Violation of Section 28 (h) Prision mayor medium P100,000.00

- Violation of Section 28 (i) Prision mayor medium P100,000.00

- Violation of Section 28 (j) Prision mayor P120,000.00


- Violation of Section 28 (k) Prision mayor P120,000.00


- Violation of Section 31 Prision correccional P60,000.00

and fine of P10,000.00

- Violation of Section 32

(manufacturer) Reclusion temporal to P200,000.00

Reclusion perpetua

(laborer or employee of licensed Prision mayor P100,000.00

firearm dealer and buyer of stolen minimum to medium
part or material)

- Violation of Section 33 (Arms Reclusion perpetua No bail


- Violation of Section 34 Prision correccional to P80,000.00

(Tampering, obliteration or prision mayor
alteration of firearms alteration) minimum

- Violation of Section 38 Prision mayor P120,000.00

(planting evidence) maximum

- Violation of Section 40

Failure to notify police of lost or Fine of P10,000.00 Bail not required

stolen firearm or light weapon
within in 30 days from date of

Change of residence or office Fine of P5,000.00 Bail not required

address without informing police
within 30 days of such change of
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
- Violation of Section 41 Prision correccional P60,000.00
(Illegal Transfer/Registration of

RA 10601 , Agricultural and 2 months to 1 year P6,000.00

Fisheries Mechanization Law and/or fine from
P1,000.00 to

RA 10609 , Protection of Students' Prision correccional P36,000.00

Right to Enroll in Review Centers and fine of
Act of 2013 P750,000.00

RA 10611 , Food Safety Act of


- Violation of Section 38, pars. Fine from P50,000.00 Bail not required in all
(a) to (c) to P100,000.00 (1st instances
conviction; Section 38

Fine from P100,000.00

to P200,000.00 (2nd
conviction; Section 38

Fine from P200,000.00

to P300,000.00 (3rd
conviction; Section 38

- Violation of Section 38 (d) Fine from P200,000.00 Bail not required

to P300,000.00

- Violation of Section 38 (e) Fine from P200,000.00 Bail not required

to P300,000.00

- Violation of Section 38 (f) 6 months and 1 day to P36,000.00

6 years and 1 day and
fine from P300,000.00
to P500,000.00

RA 10620 , Toy and Game Safety 3 months to 2 years P12,000.00

Labelling Act of 2013 and/or fine from
P10,000.00 to

RA 10639 , The Free Mobile 2 months to 6 months Bail not required

Disaster Alerts Act and fine from
P1,000.00 to
P10,000.00 (If false
info is not under oath)

Same penalty as Same bail as

falsification or perjury falsification or
if under oath perjury
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
RA 10643 , Graphic Health
Warnings Law

- Violation of Section 14 (a), 1st offense — not P30,000.00

pars. 1 to 3 exceeding P500,000.00
(Manufactures, importers and
distributors of tobacco products)

2nd offense — not P30,000.00

P1,000,000.00 fine

3rd offense — not P30,000.00

more than 5 years
and/or fine not more
than P2,000,000.00

- Violation of Section 14 (b), 1st offense — not Bail not required

pars. 1 to 3 more than P10,000.00
(retailers/sellers of tobacco

2nd offense — not Bail not required

more than P50,000.00

3rd offense — not P6,000.00

more than 1 year
and/or fine not more
than P100,000.00

RA 10657 , Chemistry Profession


- Violation of Section 38, pars. 1 month to 1 year Bail not required

(a) to (e) and/or fine from
P100,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 39 1 month to 1 year Bail not required

and/or fine from
P100,000.00 to

RA 10666 , Children's Safety on

Motorcycle Act of 2015

- Violation of Section 4, pars. 1st Offense — Bail not required

(a) to (c) P3,000.00 fine

2nd Offense — Bail not required

P5,000.00 fine

3rd and subsequent Bail not required

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
offense — P10,000.00
If death shall have resulted or 1 year without P6,000.00
serious or less serious physical prejudice to other
injuries shall have been inflicted on crimes under the RPC
the child or any other person
(Section 8)

RA 10667 , Philippine Competition 2 years to 7 years and P42,000.00

Act (Repealed Art. 186 of the RPC) fine from
P50,000,000.00 to
P250,000,000.00 for
each and every

RA 10688 , Metallurgical 1 month to 5 years P30,000.00

Engineering Act of 2015 and/or fine from
P10,000.00 to

RA 10697 , Strategic Trade

Management Act

- Violation of Section 19 (a), 6 years and 1 day to 12 P72,000.00

pars. 1 to 6 years and fine from
P1,000,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 19 (a) (7) 6 months and 1 day to P36,000.00

(a), pars. 1 to 3 6 years and fine from
P100,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 20 6 months and 1 day to P36,000.00

6 years and fine from
P100,000.00 to

RA 10698 , Naval Architecture Law 6 months to 3 years P18,000.00

and/or fine from
P50,000.00 to

RA 10699 , National Athletes and

Coaches Benefits and Incentives

- Violation of Sections 4 (a) & 1st offense — 6 P12,000.00

4 (b) months to 2 years
and/or fine from
P50,000.00 to

Subsequent offense — P36,000.00

2 years to 6 years
and/or fine from
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
P100,000.00 to
If national athlete or coach abuses Not less than 6 Bail not required
the privileges granted under this months and/or fine
Act from P5,000.00 to

RA 10706 , Seafarers Protection 1 year to 2 years P12,000.00

Act and/or fine from
P50,000.00 to

RA 10845 , Anti-Agricultural
Smuggling Act of 2016

- Violation of Section 3 (a) in Life Imprisonment and No Bail

relation to Section 4 (a) fine of 2x the fair value
of smuggled
agricultural product
and aggregate of taxes
and duties avoided

- Violation of Section 4 (b) 17 to 20 years and fine P120,000.00

of 2x the fair value of
smuggled agricultural
product and aggregate
of taxes and duties

- Violation of Section 4 (c), 14 to 17 years and fine P102,000.00

pars. 1 to 4 of 2x the fair value of
smuggled agricultural
product and aggregate
of taxes and duties

- Violation of Section 4 (d), 12 to 14 years and fine P84,000.00

pars. 1 to 2 of 2x the fair value of
smuggled agricultural
product and aggregate
of taxes and duties

RA 10862, Nutrition and Dietetics Not less than 6 Bail not required
Law of 2016 months and/or fine of
not less than

R.A. 10863 (Customs

Modernization and Tariff Act
[CMTA]) (Repealed PD 1464 as
amended by RA 9135)

- Violation of Section 1401

(Unlawful Importation or
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
Section 1401 (a) 30 days to 6 months P10,000.00
and/or fine from
P25,000.00 to

Section 1401 (b) 6 months and 1 day to P10,000.00

1 year and/or fine from
P75,000.00 to

Section 1401 (c) 1 year and 1 day to 3 P30,000.00

years and/or fine from
P150,000.00 to

Section 1401 (d) 3 years and 1 day to 6 P60,000.00

years and/or fine from
P300,000.00 to

Section 1401 (e) 6 years and 1 day to 12 P120,000.00

years and/or fine from
P1,500,000.00 to

Section 1401 (f) 12 years and 1 day to P200,000.00

20 years and/or fine
from P15,000,000.00 to

Section 1401 (g) Reclusion perpetua NO BAIL

and fine of not less
than P50,000,000.00

Section 1401 (h) Prision mayor (if P120,000.00

serious physical
injuries is committed
on the occasion of the
unlawful importation)

Reclusion perpetua (if No Bail

homicide is
committed on the
occasion of the
unlawful importation)

- Violation of Section 1403 Same penalties as Same Bail as above

Section 1401

- Violation of Sections 1405 to Fine from P100,000.00 Bail not required

1410 to P300,000.00

- Violation of Section 1411 Fine from P500,000.00 P30,000.00

to P1,000,000.00

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

- Violation of Sections 1412, Fine from P100,000.00 Bail not required
1413, 1415, 1417, 1419, 1420, to P300,000.00
- Violation of Sections 1416, 6 months and 1 day to P10,000.00
1418, 1424 1 year and P100,000.00
to P300,000.00

- Violation of Section 1424 Same penalties as Same Bail as in

Section 1401 Section 1401

- Violation of Section 1427 3 years and 1 day to 6 P60,000.00

years and/or fine of

- Violation of Section 1429

(Other Offenses)

Par. (a) Fine from P500,000.00 P30,000.00

to P1,000,000.00

Pars. (b), (c) & (e) Fine from P30,000.00

P1,000,000.00 to

Par. (d) Fine from P500,000.00 P30,000.00

to P1,000,000.00

- Violation of Section 1430 30 days to 1 year P10,000.00

(General Penalty for and/or fine from
Miscellaneous Violations) P100,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 1431, 6 years and 1 day to 12 P120,000.00

pars. (a) to (j) years and/or fine from
P500,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 1432 6 years and 1 day to 12 P120,000.00

years and/or fine from
P500,000.00 to

RA 10870 , Philippine Credit Card 2 years to 10 years P60,000.00

Industry Regulation Law and/or fine from
P50,000.00 to

RA 10883 , New Anti-Carnapping

Act of 2016 (Repealed RA 6539)

- Violation of Section 3

If committed without violence, 20 years and 1 day to P300,000.00

intimidation or force upon things 30 years 1
and regardless of value of motor
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
If committed with violence, 30 years to 40 years No Bail
intimidation or force upon things
and regardless of the value of the
motor vehicle
If owner, driver or occupant of the Life Imprisonment No Bail
carnapped motor vehicle is killed
or raped in the commission of the

- Violation of Section 4 6 years to 12 years P120,000.00

(Concealment of Carnapping) and fine equal to
amount of acquisition
cost of motor vehicle,
motor vehicle engine
or any other part
involved in the

RA 10906 , Anti-Mail Order Spouse


- Violation of Section 3

If offender committed any of the 15 years and a fine P90,000.00

prohibited acts from P500,000.00 to

If offended abets or cooperates in Same penalty as P90,000.00

the commission of any of the above
prohibited acts

If committed by a syndicate or in 20 years and fine from P120,000.00

large scale P2,000,000.00 to

If the offender is an accessory to 10 years and fine from P60,000.00

the prohibited act P100,000.00 to

RA 10911 , Anti-Age Discrimination 3 months to 2 years P12,000.00

in Employment Act and/or fine from
P50,000.00 to

RA 10913 , Anti-Distracted Driving Fine:


1st offense — Bail not required in all

P5,000.00 instances

2nd offense —

3rd offense —
P15,000.00 and 3
month suspension of
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
driver's license
Subsequent offense —
P20,000.00 and
revocation of driver's

RA 10915 , Philippine Agricultural 6 months to 5 years P30,000.00

and Biosystems Engineering Act of and/or fine from
2016 P100,000.00 to

RA 10916, Road Speed Limiter Act

of 2016

- Violation of Section 9, pars. Fine of P50,000.00 Bail not required

(a) & (b)

- Violation of Section (c) 6 months to 3 years P18,000.00

and fine of P30,000.00

RA 10918 , Philippine Pharmacy


- Violation of Section 45 1 year and 1 day to 6 P36,000.00

years and/or fine from
P250,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 46 30 days to 1 year P6,000.00

and/or fine from
P100,000.00 to

RA 9851 , Philippine Act on Crimes

against International Humanitarian
Law, Genocide and Other Crimes
against Humanity

- Violation of Section 4 Reclusion temporal P120,000.00

(War Crimes) medium to maximum
and fine from
P100,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 5 Reclusion temporal P120,000.00

(Genocide) medium to maximum
and fine from
P100,000.00 to

- Violation of Section 6 Reclusion temporal P120,000.00

(Other Crimes against medium to maximum
Humanity) and fine from
P100,000.00 to

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

- Where the commission of Reclusion perpetua No Bail
any of the above crimes and fine from
results in death or serious P500,000.00 to
physical injury, or P1,000,000.00
constitutes rape and
considering the individual
circumstances of the

- Inciting to commit Prision mayor P48,000.00

genocide under Section 5 (b) minimum and fine
from P10,000.00 to

B.P. 22
(Violation of Bouncing Check Law)

above 761 120K (ceiling)

above 720-760K 114K

above 680-720K 108K

above 640-680K 102K

above 600-640K 96K

above 560-600K 90K

above 520-560K 84K

above 480-520K 78K

above 440-480K 72K

above 400-440K 66K

above 360-400K 60K

above 320-360K 54K

above 280-320K 48K

above 240-280K 42K

above 200-240K 36K

above 160-200K 30K

above 120-160K 24K

above 80-120K 18K

above 40-80K 12K

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
40K or less 6K


1. ARRESTO MAYOR — 1 month and 1 day to 6 months

Minimum : 1 month and 1 day to 2 months

Medium : 2 months and 1 day to 4 months

Maximum : 4 months and 1 day to 6 months

2. ARRESTO MAYOR MINIMUM — 1 month and 1 day to 2 months

Minimum : 1 month and 1 day to 1 month and 10 days

Medium : 1 month and 11 days to 1 month and 20 days

Maximum : 1 month and 21 days to 2 months

One degree lower is destierro maximum.

Two degrees lower is destierro medium.

3. ARRESTO MAYOR MEDIUM — 2 months and 1 day to 4 months

Minimum : 2 months and 1 day to 2 months and 20 days

Medium : 2 months and 21 days to 3 months and 10 days

Maximum : 3 months and 11 days to 4 months

One degree lower is arresto mayor minimum.

Two degrees lower is destierro maximum.

4. ARRESTO MAYOR MAXIMUM — 4 months and 1 day to 6 months

Minimum : 4 months and 1 day to 4 months and 20 days

Medium : 4 months and 21 days to 5 months and 10 days

Maximum : 5 months and 11 days to 6 months

One degree lower is arresto mayor medium.

Two degrees lower is arresto mayor minimum.

5. ARRESTO MAYOR MINIMUM AND MEDIUM — month and 1 day to 4 months

Minimum : 1 month and 1 day to 2 months

Medium : 2 months and 1 day to 3 months

Maximum : 3 months and 1 day to 4 months

One degree lower is destierro medium & maximum.

Two degrees lower is arresto menor maximum or destierro

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
6. ARRESTO MAYOR MEDIUM AND MAXIMUM — 2 months and 1 day to 6 months
Minimum : 2 months and 1 day to 3 months and 10 days

Medium : 3 months and 11 days to 4 months and 20 days

Maximum : 4 months and 21 days to 6 months

One degree lower is either destierro maximum or arresto

mayor minimum.

Two degrees lower is destierro minimum and medium.


and 1 day to 2 years and 4 months
Minimum : 2 months and 1 day to 4 months

Medium : 4 months and 1 day to 6 months

Maximum : 6 months and 1 day to 2 years and 4 months

One degree lower is either destierro medium and maximum or

arresto mayor minimum.

Two degrees lower is either arresto menor medium and

maximum or destierro minimum.


months and 1 day to 2 years and 4 months.
Minimum : 4 months and 1 day to 1 year

Medium : 1 year and 1 day to 1 year, 8 months

Maximum : 1 year, 8 months and 1 day to 2 years and 4 months

One degree lower is arresto mayor minimum & medium.

Two degrees lower is destierro medium and maximum.


and 1 day to 4 years and 2 months
Minimum : 4 months and 1 day to 1 year, 7 months and 10 days

Medium : 1 year, 7 months and 11 days to 2 years, 10 months and 20


Maximum : 2 years, 10 months and 21 days to 4 years and 2 months

One degree lower is destierro maximum or arresto mayor

minimum and medium.

Two degrees lower is destierro minimum and medium or

arresto menor maximum.

10. PRISION CORRECCIONAL AND DESTIERRO — 6 months and 1 day to 6 years

Minimum : 6 months and 1 day to 2 years and 4 months

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

Medium : 2 years, 4 months and 1 day to 4 years and 2 months

Maximum : 4 years, 2 months and 1 day to 6 years

One degree lower than prision correccional is arresto mayor.

Two degrees lower than prision correccional is destierro.

One degree lower than destierro is arresto menor.

Two degrees lower than destierro is fine.

11. PRISION CORRECCIONAL MINIMUM — 6 months and 1 day to 2 years and 4

Minimum : 6 months and 1 day to 1 year, 1 month and 10 days

Medium : 1 year, 1 month and 11 days to 1 year, 8 months and 20 days

Maximum : 1 year, 8 months and 21 days to 2 years and 4 months

One degree lower is arresto mayor maximum.

Two degrees lower is arresto mayor medium.

12. PRISION CORRECCIONAL MEDIUM — 2 years, 4 months and 1 day to 4 years and
2 months
Minimum : 2 years, 4 months and 1 day to 2 years, 11 months and 10 days

Medium : 2 years, 11 months and 11 days to 3 years, 6 months and 20


Maximum : 3 years, 6 months and 21 days to 4 years and 2 months

One degree lower is prision correccional minimum.

Two degrees lower is arresto mayor maximum.

13. PRISION CORRECCIONAL MAXIMUM — 4 years, 2 months and 1 day to 6 years

Minimum : 4 years, 2 months and 1 day to 4 years, 9 months and 10 days

Medium : 4 years, 9 months and 11 days to 5 years, 4 months and 20


Maximum : 5 years, 4 months and 21 days to 6 years

One degree lower is prision correccional medium.

Two degrees lower is prision correccional minimum.


years and 2 months
Minimum : 6 months and 1 day to 1 year, 8 months and 20 days

Medium : 1 year, 8 months and 21 days to 2 years, 11 months and 10


Maximum : 2 years, 11 months and 11 days to 4 years and 2 months

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
One degree lower is arresto mayor medium maximum.

Two degrees lower is arresto mayor minimum or destierro



day to 6 years
Minimum : 2 years, 4 months and 1 day to 3 years, 6 months and 20 days

Medium : 3 years, 6 months and 21 days to 4 years, 9 months and 10


Maximum : 4 years, 9 months and 11 days to 6 years

One degree lower is arresto mayor maximum to prision

correccional minimum.

Two degrees lower is arresto mayor minimum & medium.


months and 1 day to 8 years
Minimum : 2 years, 4 months and 1 day to 4 years, 2 months and 20 days

Medium : 4 years, 2 months and 21 days to 6 years, 1 month and 10 days

Maximum : 6 years, 1 month and 11 days to 8 years

One degree lower is arresto mayor medium to prision

correccional minimum.

Two degrees lower is destierro medium and maximum or

arresto mayor minimum.


2 months and 1 day to 8 years
Minimum : 4 years, 2 months and 1 day to 5 years, 5 months and 10 days

Medium : 5 years, 5 months and 11 days to 6 years, 8 months and 20


Maximum : 6 years, 8 months and 21 days to 8 years

One degree lower is prision correccional minimum & medium.

Two degrees lower is arresto mayor medium & maximum.


months and 1 day to 10 years
Minimum : 4 years, 2 months and 1 day to 6 years, 1 month and 10 days

Medium : 6 years, 1 month and 11 days to 8 years and 20 days

Maximum : 8 years and 21 days to 10 years

One degree lower is arresto mayor maximum to prision

correccional medium.

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

Two degrees lower is destierro maximum or arresto mayor
minimum and medium.

19. PRISION MAYOR — 6 years and 1 day to 12 years

Minimum : 6 years and 1 day to 8 years

Medium : 8 years and 1 day to 10 years

Maximum : 10 years and 1 day to 12 years

One degree lower is prision correccional.

Two degrees lower is arresto mayor.

20. PRISION MAYOR MINIMUM — 6 years and 1 day to 8 years

Minimum : 6 years and 1 day to 6 years and 8 months

Medium : 6 years, 8 months and 1 day to 7 years and 4 months

Maximum : 7 years, 4 months and 1 day to 8 years

One degree lower is prision correccional maximum.

Two degrees lower is prision correccional medium.

21. PRISION MAYOR MEDIUM — 8 years and 1 day to 10 years

Minimum : 8 years and 1 day to 8 years and 8 months

Medium : 8 years, 8 months 1 day to 9 years and 4 months

Maximum : 9 years, 4 months and 1 day to 10 years

One degree lower is prision mayor minimum.

Two degrees lower is prision correccional maximum.

22. PRISION MAYOR MAXIMUM — 10 years and 1 day to 12 years

Minimum : 10 years and 1 day to 10 years and 8 months

Medium : 10 years, 8 months and 1 day to 11 years and 4 months

Maximum : 11 years, 4 months and 1 day to 12 years

One degree lower is prision mayor medium.

Two degrees lower is prision mayor minimum.

23. PRISION MAYOR MINIMUM AND MEDIUM — 6 years and 1 day to 10 years
Minimum : 6 years and 1 day to 7 years and 4 months

Medium : 7 years, 4 months and 1 day to 8 years and 8 months

Maximum : 8 years, 8 months and 1 day to 10 years

One degree lower is prision correccional medium & maximum.

Two degrees lower is arresto mayor maximum to prision

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
correccional minimum.

24. PRISION MAYOR MEDIUM AND MAXIMUM — 8 years and 1 day to 12 years
Minimum : 8 years and 1 day to 9 years and 4 months

Medium : 9 years, 4 months and 1 day to 10 years and 8 months

Maximum : 10 years, 8 months and 1 day to 12 years

One degree lower is prision correccional maximum to prision

mayor minimum.

Two degrees lower is prision correccional minimum &



1 day to 14 years and 8 months
Minimum : 8 years and 1 day to 10 years, 2 months and 20 days

Medium : 10 years, 2 months and 21 days to 12 years, 5 months and 10


Maximum : 12 years, 5 months and 11 days to 14 years and 8 months

One degree lower is prision correccional medium to prision

mayor minimum.

Two degrees lower is arresto mayor medium to prision

correccional minimum.


and 1 day to 14 years and 8 months
Minimum : 10 years and 1 day to 11 years, 6 months and 20 days

Medium : 11 years, 6 months and 21 days to 13 years, 1 month and 10


Maximum : 13 years, 1 month and 11 days to 14 years and 8 months

One degree lower is prision mayor minimum & medium.

Two degrees lower is prision correccional medium &



and 1 day to 17 years and 4 months
Minimum : 10 years and 1 day to 12 years, 5 months and 10 days

Medium : 12 years, 5 months and 11 days to 14 years, 10 months and 20


Maximum : 14 years, 10 months and 21 days to 17 years and 4 months

One degree lower is prision correccional maximum to prision

mayor medium.

Two degrees lower is arresto mayor maximum to prision

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
correccional medium.

28. RECLUSION TEMPORAL — 12 years and 1 day to 20 years

Minimum : 12 years and 1 day to 14 years and 8 months

Medium : 14 years, 8 months and 1 day to 17 years and 4 months

Maximum : 17 years, 4 months and 1 day to 20 years

One degree lower is prision mayor.

Two degrees lower is prision correccional.

29. RECLUSION TEMPORAL MINIMUM — 12 years and 1 day to 14 years and 8

Minimum : 12 years and 1 day to 12 years, 10 months and 20 days

Medium : 12 years, 10 months and 21 days to 13 years, 9 months and 10


Maximum : 13 years, 9 months and 11 days to 14 years and 8 months

One degree lower is prision mayor maximum.

Two degrees lower is prision mayor medium.

30. RECLUSION TEMPORAL MEDIUM — 14 years, 8 months and 1 day to 17 years

and 4 months
Minimum : 14 years, 8 months and 1 day to 15 years, 6 months and 19

Medium : 15 years, 6 months and 20 days to 16 years, 5 months and 9


Maximum : 16 years, 5 months and 10 days to 17 years and 4 months

One degree lower is reclusion temporal minimum.

Two degrees lower is prision mayor maximum.

31. RECLUSION TEMPORAL MEDIUM AND MAXIMUM — 14 years, 8 months and 1

day to 20 years
Minimum : 14 years, 8 months and 1 day to 16 years, 5 months and 10

Medium : 16 years, 5 months and 11 days to 18 years, 2 months and 20


Maximum : 18 years, 2 months and 21 days to 20 years

One degree lower is prision mayor maximum to reclusion

temporal minimum.

Two degrees lower is prision mayor minimum & medium.


reclusion perpetua
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019
Minimum : 12 years and 1 day to 16 years

Medium : 16 years and 1 day to 20 years

Maximum : Reclusion Perpetua

One degree lower is prision mayor.

Two degrees lower is prision correccional.


months and 1 day to reclusion perpetua
Minimum : 14 years, 8 months and 1 day to 17 years and 4 months

Medium : 17 years, 4 months and 1 day to 20 years

Maximum : Reclusion Perpetua

One degree lower is prision mayor medium to reclusion

temporal minimum.

Two degrees lower is prision correccional medium to prision

mayor minimum.


months and 1 day to reclusion perpetua
Minimum : 17 years, 4 months and 1 day to 18 years and months

Medium : 18 years, 8 months and 1 day to 20 years

Maximum : Reclusion Perpetua

One degree lower is prision mayor maximum to reclusion

temporal medium.

Two degrees lower is prision correccional maximum to prision

mayor medium.

35. RECLUSION TEMPORAL MAXIMUM TO DEATH — 17 years, 4 months and 1 day

to death
Minimum : 17 years, 4 months and 1 day to 20 years

Medium : Reclusion Perpetua

Maximum : Death

One degree lower is prision mayor maximum to reclusion

temporal medium.

Two degrees lower is prision correccional maximum to prision

mayor medium.


See Art. 63 RPC for the imposition of this penalty.
The Indeterminate Sentence law is not applicable.

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

See Art. 63 RPC for the imposition of this penalty.
The Indeterminate Sentence law is not applicable.

38. SUSPENSION — 6 months and 1 day to 6 years

Minimum : 6 months and 1 day to 2 years and 4 months

Medium : 2 years, 4 months and 1 day to 4 years and 2 months

Maximum : 4 years, 2 months and 1 day to 6 years

39. SUSPENSION MINIMUM AND MEDIUM — 6 months and 1 day to 4 years and 2
Minimum : 6 months and 1 day to 1 year, 8 months and 20 days

Medium : 1 year, 8 months and 21 days to 2 years, 11 months and 10


Maximum : 2 years, 11 months and 11 days to 4 years and 2 months

40. TEMPORARY DISQUALIFICATION — 6 years and 1 day to 12 years

Minimum : 6 months and 1 day to 8 years

Medium : 8 years and 1 day to 10 years

Maximum : 10 years and 1 day to 12 years


Minimum : 6 years and 1 day to 6 years and 8 months

Medium : 6 years, 8 months and 1 day to 7 years and 4 months

Maximum : 7 years, 4 months and 1 day to 8 years


Minimum : 10 years and 1 day to 10 years and 8 months

Medium : 10 years, 8 months and 1 day to 11 years and 4 months

Maximum : 11 years, 4 months and 1 day to 12 years


DISQUALIFICATION — 10 years and 1 day to perpetual disqualification
Minimum : 10 years and 1 day to 11 years disqualification

Medium : 11 years and 1 day to 12 years disqualification

Maximum : Perpetual disqualification


CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

1. Under the table of penalties, 20 years and 1 day to 30 years is considered as Reclusion
Perpetua. Nonetheless, in order to make a distinction, bail is set at Php300,000.00 if
committed without violence, and "No Bail" if committed with violence.
n Note from the Publisher: Written as "P3,0000.00" in the original document.
n Note from the Publisher: Written as "Prision" in the original document.

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2019

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