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01.- Fill in: this, these, that or those.

1 Look at … those … hot air balloons. Aren’t they spectacular?

2 James and Claire have decided to get married …….. year.

3 Look! ……….. is the fabric I want for our bedroom curtains.

4 …… people over there come from Swansea.

5 …… girl over there is going to move in next door.

6 …… buildings in the centre of town need to be pulled down. They are an eyesore.

7 ” ….. were the best days of my life!” , grandpa said.

8 “Is your sister in, Jane? ….. is Diana speaking.”

9 “Marilyn and Ian are engaged!” “Isn’t …… brilliant!”

10 “Rachel, let me introduce you to Stephen. Stephen, ….. is Rachel.”

11 I wish I’d bought one of …… jackets we saw last week.

12 “I’ll take ….. earrings.” ” …… is a good choice. The others don’t really suit you.”

13 ……car parked over there belongs to my boss.

14 ” …… is one of his earlier works,” explained the guide as we all looked at the painting.

15. Do you know ……boy who has just walked past?

16 “Did you know that the director earns over £500,000 a year?” ” ….. is scandalous!”

17 …… peaches were extremely juicy, weren’t they?

18 “Jason and Caroline were chosen for the lead roles.” ” ….. is impossible!”

19 Do you remember our holiday in Spain? …… was one of the best times of my life.

20 Could you take …… bags? I’m about to drop them.

21 “So you see, ….. is how we met,” she explained as she reached the end of her story.

22 Hello, ….. is Stephen. Can I speak to your mother, please?

23 …… is the house where Wordsworth lived,” said the guide as she stood outside the front

24 ….. curry we had last night was delicious, wasn’t it?

25 Can you reach …..jars on the top shelf?

02.- Fill in: a lot (of), much or many.

1 Not … many. .. children believe in Father Christmas any more.

2 It takes …… hard work to get a university degree.

3 I haven’t got ….. money at the moment so I can’t go shopping.

4 He ate too ….. food last night so today he’s not feeling well.

5 I have too ….. books to carry so my bag is very heavy.

6 He must have ….. money if he has a big car like that.

7 I haven’t got …… time, so please hurry up.

S There were too ……. misprints in the letter.

9 Have you invited …… guests to your dinner party?

10 She doesn’t have …… of an appetite – that’s why she’s so thin.

11 Are there …… English people living in Germany?

12 How ….. milk do you need?

13 She’s working overtime as she’s got so ….. to do.

14 The house isn’t finished yet; there’s still ….. work to be done.

15 There was so ….. traffic that we were delayed for an hour.

03.- Underline the correct item.

1 There are much/many/a lot skyscrapers in Chicago.

2 We spent a lot of/many/few money on holiday.
3 A lot/Much/Few visitors are disappointed by our hotel.
4 If you add a little/a few/many salt, it will taste better.
5 There are much/a lot of/little people on this bus.
6 We’ve had many/little/too rain this winter.
7 Few/Much/A little people are as pretty as she is.
8 There’s been few/very little/a few news about the earthquake.
9 You must pay many/lots of/few attention to understand this.
10 Lots of/Much/Little flowers were planted in the garden.
11 A few /A little/Little students here have passed the exam.
12 There was many/few/much annoyance caused by her outbreak of anger.

04.- Underline the correct item.

1 Don’t worry, I said nothing/anything.

2 Pete didn’t see anyone/no one come out of the building.

3 We need to take some/any food with us.

4 It took him any/some time to recover from his illness.

5 Anybody/Everybody was pleased with their exam results.

6 Is there any/some sugar in this coffee? It’s very


7 We didn’t go nowhere/anywhere this year.

8 Can I have some/any water please?

9 The doctor told her there was anything/nothing wrong with her.

10 He does his homework any/every evening before dinner.

05.- Fill in: some, any, no, every or their compounds.

1 Ron knows …everything … there is to know about computers.

2 …………..knows Charlie but …………. really likes him.

3 We could hardly see …………….. in the dark.

4 I’m so tired! I just want to go …………. to relax for a few days.

5 I’ve never been …………………. more exciting than London.

6 Are you doing ……………….at the moment? I need to ask you .

7 Michael never does …………….. without asking first.

8 Is there ……………milk in the fridge or shall I go and get ……. ?

9 …………….. was very pleased with their results; …….. was disappointed.

10 Has ……………. told you ……….. about what you have to do?

11 There is ……………that ………..can say to make me feel better.

12 They looked …………. for Helen but they couldn’t find her.

13 …………. is wondering why ……….. noticed ………… before.

14 I want to go ………. this weekend. I haven’t been ………. for ages.

15 Has ……… seen my pen? I’ve looked for it ………but it’s ……… to be found.

06.- Underline the correct item.

1 Both/All Margo and Steve are models.

2 Neither/Either Julie nor Lucy enjoyed the film.

3 He goes to the gym either/every day.

4 Both/Neither Rebecca and Charlie are teachers.

5 You will have to talk to each/both person alone to find out what happened.

6 All/Each eight men are working really hard.

7 None/Every of the applicants he interviewed were suitable for the job.

8 Every/All that he needs is a good rest. He’s very tired.

9 Neither/Either the bride nor the groom arrived on time. They were all/both late.

10 There’s no/none need to do the washing up. The maid will do it.

11 He spent whole/all the evening studying for the exam.

12 Jim speaks neither/either French nor German. He only speaks English.

13 There was a good film on television yesterday but all/none of us saw it.

14 Sam plays football nearly each/every day.

15 I like both of these skirts but I’ll take this ones/one because it’s cheaper.

16 Each/All flat will have central heating installed before November.

17 Sally and Andrew all/both enjoyed themselves.

18 Jane did not utter a single word the whole/all time she was here.

19 Annette takes the bus to work neither/every day.

20 Either/Neither you start doing some work or I’ll fire you.

21 “Do you like these trousers?” “No, I prefer those ones/one actually.”

22 I spent all/whole day answering the phone and had no time to do anything else.

23 All of/None of us wanted to go to the party, but we couldn’t refuse the invitation.

24 Joe had no/none time to waste; the boat was leaving in five minutes.

25 Both/Either Sonia and Rachel are nurses.

26 A teacher should know the names of every/all his students.

27 None of/All of us eat meat so we went to a vegetarian restaurant.

28 Each/Both time I try to call Jenny her phone is engaged.

29 “Which perfume do you like best?” ” I don’t really like either/neither of them.”

30 The twins’ grandfather gave them all/each five pounds for their birthday

07.- Rewrite the sentences using both … and, neither … nor, either … or, not only … but also.

1 Joe likes swimming and so does Tom.

…Both Joe and Tom like swimming …

2 Molly is going to the cinema tomorrow; so are the Smiths

3 James and Alex like riding horses

4 Jane has never been on an aeroplane and Victoria hasn’t either

5 Nick worked late; so did Sue and Fiona

6 Dr Green will see you or else Dr Howe will

7 Daniel is going to Brighton by train and so is Guy

8 Justin doesn’t watch television. Andrew doesn’t either

9 Katie will give you directions or else Paula will

10 Pete is a lawyer and so is Kathy

11 Paul works as a cashier; so does Bob and Fred

12 Jill is having her hair cut; so are Sally and Lynn

13 Cath could give us a lift or else Laura could

08.- Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words.

1 My father doesn’t like cheese and neither does my brother.

Neither my father … nor my brother like(s). .. cheese.

2 William is a dentist; John is too.

Both ………………………………………… dentists.

3 Debbie enjoys scuba diving and so does her husband.

Both Debbie ……………………………………….scuba diving.

4 Sandra can speak Portuguese and Spanish.

Sandra ………………………… ; she can also speak Spanish.

5 You can ask Tim for a lift to work or you can ask Sam.

You can …………………………….for a lift to work.

6 It is believed that Jack is guilty and that Pam is too.

It is believed that ……………………..guilty.

7 We didn’t realise that Tina wasn’t there and that Ann wasn’t either.

We didn’t realise that …………………..there.
8 The bank manager explained that Terry could co-sign the account or else Janet could.

The bank manager explained that ……………co-sign the account.

9 He told me that Chester is worth a visit and so is York.

He told me that …………………………. worth a visit.

10 Did you know that Carole is getting married this year and so is Arnanda?

Did you know that …………….. Amanda is getting married this year?

9.- Fill in: whatever, whichever, whenever, wherever, whoever or however.

1 My dog follows me ….wherever….. I go, He never leaves my side,

2 That chair is going to break again …………….. well you fix it.

3 ……………… happens I’ll still be his friend,

4 ……………… I try to talk to Kate she just ignores me.

5 The bus is leaving. ………….wants a ticket must buy one now.

6 Sam has a Spanish friend, , ………… he goes to Spain he stays with him.

7 ………….. hard I try, I can’t seem to forget that awful night.

8 …………………we go to the cinema Julie pays for me,

9 He dresses smartly. ……….. he goes he makes a good impression.

10 I won’t accept that behaviour from anyone, ……… they may be.

10.- Complete the blanks using “else” constructions.

1 I’d better get some money out of the bank …or else… I won’t be able to pay the rent.

2 Someone told me that Jim was leaving and then …… told me that he wasn’t.
3 I went shopping on my own because …….. wanted to come with me.

4 You’d better be in bed by ten o’clock ………. there’ll be trouble.

S Why don’t you agree with this plan? .. ………… does.

6 We always go to Nice on holiday; can’t we go ……… this year?

7 I’m afraid I can’t answer that question. You’d better ask ………

8 Why did they put a parking ticket on my car? ……… has one.

9 You’d better write your essay ……… you’lI be in trouble.

10 That bag isn’t mine – it must belong to ……….

11.- Fill in: (the) other(s), each other, every other or another.

1 Lisa goes riding …… every other … week.

2 I need …………….. pair of shoes; these are falling apart.

3 There was a good film on TV ………….. night. Did you see it?

4 We’re leaving now; ……………. will join us later.

5 My mother telephones , ………….. day to see how I am.

6 He has to write …………. two pages before the article is finished.

7 Have you got …………. book I can read? I’ve finished mine.

8 Some couples are very dependent on ………… for companionship.

9 I was the only one who liked the film; …………….. hated it.

10 It’ll be …………….few weeks before I see my brother again.

11 Although they work together, they don’t get on with …………

12 Sue has to go to the supermarket …………… day to buy food.

13 Simone came to see us …………….. day; she looked very well.

14 There’s only ……………… week to go before the summer holidays begin.

15 This was the only house that we could afford; all ………… were too expensive.
12.- Replace the underlined words with an expression containing other/another.

1 He plays football once a fortnight.

… He plays football every other week… .

2 I would like one more piece of meat please .

3 Sam left a few days ago .

4 I’ve only got these two dresses with me – the rest are at home .

5 This car is certainly value for money but I’d prefer something else .

6 Some guests turned up with presents while several more came empty handed

7 The Butlers went to Ohio a few weeks ago

8 Do you think I could borrow £5 more this week, please? .

9 Pat visits her mother on alternate days .

10 I would like Gill and Tom to stay behind after class, the rest of you can go home .

13.- Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words.

1 Bob speaks French. Sam speaks French too.

Both … Bob and Sam speak … French.

2 No one knows what the outcome will be.

There ………………………………… what the outcome will be.

3 There isn’t anything to watch on television tonight.

There ……………………………….. on television tonight.

4 The girls all dislike playing tennis.

likes None ………………….playing tennis.

5 Lucy is a doctor. Fiona is a doctor too.

Both ………………………………….. doctors.

6 There isn’t anything I would like better.

There ………………………………………like better.

7 No one knows the way to the airport.

There ………………………………. the way to the airport.

8 These exercises are not hard to do.

None ……………………………………… hard to do.

9 Tony lives abroad. Sylvia does too.

Both ………………………………… abroad.

10 There isn’t anything Joanne can do to help me.

There ………………………………….to help me.

14.- Fill in the correct pronouns or possessives.

Dear Mary,

1) … We … ‘re having a marvellous time here In Rhodes. The island is absolutely beautiful.
2) ….. is a lot bigger than 3) ….. expected. 4) ….. hired a car for the first week so 5) …..
visited all the interesting places on the island, which was fabulous – if a little tiring.6) …..ell
worth getting a car. 7) ….. intend to relax for the rest of holiday.

The children have been behavlng 9) …… , and there’s a children’s representative based at the
so 10) …… takes care of all the children for 4 hours each morning. 11) …… is a lovely qirl
and the children are mad about 12) . At least that gives James and 13) ….. the rnorning to 14)
….. .
The hotel is great and the staff are really friendly. 15) …… appreciate 16) …… attempts to
speak the Greek language. The weather is great and 17) …… are getting a lovely tan. That’s
all 18) …… news. 19) …… will see you when 20) …… get back. Take care and thanks again
for looking after 21) …… pets.


Samantha, James & the kids

15.- Fill in the blanks with “the” or “(own +) possessive adjective“.

1 The boxer was disqualified after kicking his opponent in ..the … leg.

2 The mother hugged …… son as he left for school.

3 Someone hit him in …… face on his first day of school.

4 She kissed …… father on …… cheek before she went to bed.

5 A bee stung her on …… arm while she was sunbathing.

6 A dog bif Sharon on …… leg.

7 He used to share a room with ……brother but now he has …… room.

8 A brick fell and hit her on …… head so she had to spend two weeks in hospital.

9 She patted her daughter on …… back and told …… not to worry.

10 She hasn’t got a car …….. so she has to borrow her mother’s.

16.- Fill in: of one’s own, on one’s own or one’s own.

1 She enjoys being … on her own. …

2 I can borrow my father’s car but I’d really love to have ………car.

3 He couldn’t afford to rent a flat ………. so he had to share with a friend.

4 He’s quite a sociable person, but there are times when he really wants to spend some time

5 I’d love to set up ……… one day. I think I’d find it very challenging
6 Thank you for your offer of help, but this is my problem and I shall handle it……….. .

7 He couldn’t paint the house ……………. so he asked his brother to help him.

8 I offered to help her as she wouldn’t have been able to prepare all that food

9 They’re saving all their money so they can buy a car …………..

10 She started ………………… hairdressing business when she was only sixteen.

17.- Fill in the correct pronoun, then identify them: reflexive or emphatic.

1 There was nobody to help me so I had to do all the cleaning … myself. … (emphatic)

2 If you don’t behave……… , I shall put you all to bed early.

3 The music in the club was so loud that I had to shout to make …………. heard.

4 The teacher tried to make ………………… understood but she failed to get the class to

5 We painted the room …………………………. .

6 She was very pleased with ………….. when she got such a good job.

7 My mother warned my brother to behave ……………… the wedding.

8 I think I’ll get a cat. They’re very clean animals which are always washing ………………..

9 She prepared all the food by …………………

10 I think I’d go back to Austria. We really enjoyed ………..there

11 My sister is very vain. She never stops looking at ………….. in the mirror.

12 I don’t feel …………….. today. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.

13 My father decorated the house ……………………….

18.- Fill in: there or it.

1 …It…’s such a pity you can’t come with us. … is said that Rome is beautiful at this time of
the year.
2 ….’s such a lovely day today – let’s go for a picnic . …..’s
a good picnic site only 5 kms from here.

3 We’d better take our anoraks. ……. are lots of clouds in the sky. …… looks like it’s going
to rain.

4 Let’s go by car. …… will only take us 2 hours to drive there.

5 …..’s nothing on the television tonight. …..’s a shame we didn’t go to the cinema.

6 Mum, ……’s a man at the door. He wants to talk to you.

7 ……..’s so nice to see you. ….. seems that we haven’t had a proper chat in ages.

8 …….’s a pity you can’t come to the cinema tonight. …….’s a new film on.

9 ……….’s someone waiting to see you.

10 ……… are some new magazines on your desk.

11 ……….. appears that she has quit her job.

12 This fax machine doesn’t work properly. ……. seems to be faulty.

13 …….. seems to be heavy traffic. We may be late.

14 ………’s a shame he lied to you.

15 ………. are several letters for you on your desk.

16 ……….. ‘s another thirty miles to Brighton.

19.- Rewrite the following in the correct possessive form.

1 the child – the toys: the child’s toys

2 the temperature – the water .
3 the women – the clothes
4 Brian and Jack – the father .
5 the cats – the kittens
6 Katy and Sarah – the cars .
7 the fridge – the door
8 a flight – eight hours .
9 my parents – the car
10 Emily – the hair.. .. .
11 the roof – the house
12 the doctors – the conference .
13 the man – the trousers
14 the lid – the box .
15 the dogs – the kennels
16 the twins – the mother .
17 the teachers – the room
18 my father-in-law – the garden .
19 the woman – the money
20 the yacht – my brother’s friend .
21 the men – the changing rooms
22 the boy – the shirt .
23 the train – the windows
24 my sister’s husband – the office .
25 the old man – the wheelchair
26 the apples – the price .
27 the rules – the club
28 the old woman – the umbrella .
29 the girl – the eyes
30 a walk – two miles .

20.- Complete the following sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words.

1 In the company where I work. Mr Jones is the boss.

Mr Jones … is the boss of … the company where I work.

2 This jumper used to belong to my mother.

This ……………………………………….. jumper

3 It takes twelve hours to drive to Scotland.

It is …………………………… Scotland.

4 I know that John dislikes playing golf and so does Simon.

I know that …………………………. playing golf.

5 In the USA the President lives in the White House.

The……………………………….. .. in the White House.
6 Are you sure that you can drive to London on your own next week?

Are you sure you can ……………………………… next week?

7 There are only a few people here tonight.

There ……………………………… tonight.

8 She wanted to sit down but another person had taken her seat.

She wanted to sit down ………………………… her seat.

9 He doesn’t know very much about cars.

He ………………………………………….. cars.

10 I enjoy being alone sometimes.

I …………………………………….. sometimes.

11 He enjoys reading books as well as going to the cinema.

He ………………………. going to the cinema.

12 Bob doesn’t like playing football and Sam doesn’t either.

Neither …………………………… playing football.

13 You must do the work on your own if you want to pass the exam.

You must ………………………… if you want to pass the exam.

14 She waited all evening for him to come.

She ………………………….. for him to come.

15 She had done everything except the ironing.

The ………………………………. done was the ironing.
16 The journey to France takes four hours.

It ………………………………………… to France.

17 At my school, Mrs Forrester is the headmistress.

Mrs Forrester ………………………………….. my school.

18 There were very few guests at Sharon’s wedding.

There …………………….. at Sharon’s wedding.

19 She went alone to see the film.

She …………………………… see the film.

20 They just sat on the beach all day.

They …………………………on the beach all day.

21 She spent all evening at her friend’s house.

She ………………………………. at her friend’s house.

22 You are free to leave at any time you choose.

You are free ……………………………. you choose.

23 He has been to every continent except Asia.

The …………………………………been to is Asia.

24 We could go to Holland. Alternatively, we could stay in England.

We could ……………………………. stay in England.

25 I was supposed to meet Tanya few days ago but he didn’t turn up.

I was supposed to meet ……………………but he didn’t turn up.
26 We haven’t had any time to see each other.

We ………………………………… see each other.

27 He invited both his parents and his friends to the party.

He ……………………………but also his friends to the party.

28 She finished the book in one night.

She ………………………………………in one night.

29 She drank from another person’s cup by mistake.

She drank ……………………………by mistake.

21.- Find the word which should not be in the sentence.

1 We all us went to see a film last night.

2 She always enjoys buying them gifts for her family.

3 They admire each the other a lot.

4 They are both of very happy about the news.

5 Everyone child has to be at school by nine o’clock.

6 She stood herself up and went to the front of the classroon

7 Jenny hadn’t realised how far away her own friend lived.

8 I spent the whole of day writing letters.

9 My brother he works in a bank.

10 She likes being by herself own more than being with others

11 If anyone person calls, tell them to call back in an hour.

12 This shirt is nice but and the other one is nicer.

13 There are a lot of much animals to see in the zoo.

14 Somebody or else will show you how to do it.

15 Whoever he gave you those instructions was mistaken.

16 I don’t know how much about Physics.

17 He hates waking up himself early in the morning.

18 My uncle he owns a large restaurant.

19 All of runners must take their places for the race to begin.

20 The only else thing he could do was refuse the offer.

21 Joe is so busy that he has a very little time to do anything.

22 She is too much young to get married.

23 There was not someone in the room.

24 She turned herself round to see who was behind her.

25 She took someone else’s books instead of her own one.

22.-Find the odd word out.

0 Arriving in a foreign country for the first time can be OK

00 extremely nerve racking. Even if you are on the holiday the

1 with a large group of friends or with a tour guide to help you

2 out, you never know what it might happen. Firstly
3 there is the worry of hearing a language which you really
4 don’t understand at the all. If you are ever in a situation
5 where you have to be communicate with someone in a
6 foreign language, you may become panic. It never
7 really seems to matter that though, because I find
8 that sign language always gets me by in these situations.
9 For an example, you can use your fingers to show how
10 many of items you want from a shop. In a hotel you can
11 act out your requests to use the telephone, to eat a dinner
12 and take a shower or bath. In fact you could to say that
13 this aspect of holidaying at abroad makes it all
14 much the more entertaining. After all, it would be very boring
15 if the whole world spoke with the same language

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