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Angular6 ---

Angular 6 is a JavaScript framework for building web applications

or front end application and apps in JavaScript, html, and TypeScript, which is
a superset of JavaScript.
The structure of Angular is based on the components/services architecture.
AngularJS was based on the model view controller.

The first step is to launch up your terminal or command prompt.

1-npm install -g @angular/cli
2-NPM as Maven. Like Maven download the dependencies the plugins for you.
check the version of the Angular CLI is by saying ng version.
ng version --- Gives you what version of AngularCLI do you have.
ng new ---- which is present over here is used to create an angular App.
ng generate --- built using modules, components, reuse the initial code for those
modules and components.
ng serve --- I make a code change. The change would be automatically picked up
by the application.

use the command ng new <the name of the project>

ex- ng new todo.

run the application--- ng <space> serve

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