B. Cyclophtsphamide C. Oprelvekin (For Thrombocytopenia) : Chlamydia Treated by ADELA (Azithromycin

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January , 2014 ( Day 1 )

1. Which drug used for treatment of Neutropenia with anticancer drugs:

a. Filgrastim
b. Cyclophtsphamide
c. Oprelvekin( for thrombocytopenia )

2. What is the main component of blood protein:

a. Albumin
b. Glycoprotein
c. Creatinin

3. The difference between Nucleoside and Nucleotide :

a. PO4
b. Ribose
c. Quinine base

4. What make lactic acidosis in the following drugs:

a. Metformin
b. ASA
c. Insulin

5. The best treatment of H. Influenza:

a. Ofloxacin
b. Tetracycline
c. Amoxicillin and Clavulanic acid

6. Which isn’t used in treatment of Chlamydia:

a. Amoxicillin Chlamydia Treated By ADELA ( Azithromycin ,

b. Ofloxacin Doxycycline , Erythromycin , Levofloxacin & Amoxicillin )
c. Doxycyclin

7. The 2 following compounds are:

a. Optical isomers
b. Geometrical isomers
c. Structure isomers

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8. in treatment of a heart problems the drug costs 500$ this is considered as: ??

a. Cost benefit analysis

b. Cost utility analysis
c. Cost effective analysis

9. A patient received prednisolone for 3 weeks what the best monitoring for him:

a. Glucose monitoring
b. Hypoglycemia In Using Prednisolone we have to monitor
c. ECG Glucose & Potassium serum levels
d. Creatinine clearance

10. What is the best treatment of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder):

a. Methyl phenidate
For children less than 6 years we also can
b. Brufen
use Atomoxetine
c. ASA

11. What is the main side effect of pioglitazone:

a. Skin rash Pioglitazone monitor Liver

b. Increase liver enzyme
c. Diarrhea Rosiglitazone monitor cardic

12. Microcytic anemia is characteristic by:

a. Increase iron binding capacity In Microcytic Anemia all parameters decrease

b. Serum ferritin Except Iron Binding Capacity which is
c. Vit. B12 Increased .

13. what is the drug safe (use) in pregnancy :

a. Gentamycin
b. Ofloxacin
c. Insulin

14. A women usually forget oral contraceptive pills (smoker) what is suitable treatment for her

a. Ethinyl estradiol
b. Progestin
c. Depoprovera IM

15. one of the following drugs if taken by wrong can do dangerous side effects:

a. Methotrexate
b. Leflunomide
c. Ciprofloxacinp

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16. one of the following drugs can use as anthelmintic:

a. Cotrimisaxazole
b. Metronidazole
c. Mebindazole

17. Portal vein initiated from liver to:

a. Heart Small Intestine --- Mesenteric Vein --- Portal

Vein --- Liver --- Hepatic Vein --- Circulation --
b. Kidney
- Heart
c. Small intestine

18. This is the following structure

Is inhibited by :

a. ACH cholinesterase
b. αreductase
c. Βlactamase

19. Popliteal pain is characterized in :

a. D.V.T
b. Skeletal
c. Headache

20. Aphasia is impaired in:

a. Speech
b. Taste : geusia ( Dysgeusia . aguesia , hypogeusia )
c. Dyspepsia : impaired in Digesion .

21. Which of the following herds is rick factor in hypertension:

a. Liquorices
b. Escherichia
c. Era berry

22. Which of the following of the main cause of CAP (community acquired pneumonia):

a. S.pneumonia Streptococcus Pneumoniae

b. S.aureus Haemophilus Influenzae
c. Clorstridumdifficle
Moraxella Catarrhalis

January , 2014 Page 3 Of 28

23. Which drugs cause hemorrhagic cystitis:

a. Cyclophosphamide
b. Amikacin
c. Gentamycin

24. Patient receiving venlafaxine for long time must be monitored for :

a. Hypertation
Venlafaxine cause dose dependant hypertension
b. Glucose
c. Kt.level

25. What is the main side effects of Felodipine( dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker) :

a. Angioeodema
b. Pruritis
c. Headache

26. Which drug can be used for topical treatment of Alopecia:

a. Hydralazine
b. Finistride
c. Minoxidi

27.Treatment for MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) :

a. Metronidazole
b. Vancomycin
c. Amoxacyllin

28. Which drug of the following can cause Tremors, Diarrhea, and headache:

a. Lithium
b. Ofloxacin
c. Propronalol

29. Atrial fibrillation is characteristic by:

a. P wave
b. QT
c. QRS

30. In which reference we can find newly recent drug:

a. CPS
b. Canada drug data base
c. TC

31. The aim of using Enteric coated tablet is :

a. Delay the effect of acid secretion in stomach

January , 2014 Page 4 Of 28

b. SR (sustained release)
c. Controlled release

32.In Collegative properties which is true :

Collegative properties : decrease freezing point ,
a. Increase freezing point
decrease vapor pressure, Increase boiling point
b. Increase vapor pressure
& incresae osmotic pressue
c. Increase boiling point

33. Which drug can be used as a laxative for children:

a. Senna
b. Biscodyl ( more than 12 years )
c. Polyethylene glycol 3350

34. The death of cell is called:

a. Necrosis
b. Growth
c. Replication

35. Which of the following symptoms cause burning sensation:

b. Peptic ulcer
c. Bronchitis

36. A patient is receiving MAOI contraindicated to take :

a. Dextromethrophan
b. ASA
c. Metronidazole

37. liver is the main source of synthesis of :

38. What is the enzyme responsible for transfer DNA to mRNA:

a. Reverse transferaseenz
b. RNA polymerase
c. DNA

39. Protein – c is used as:

a. Clotting factor
b. Growth H
c. Collagen

40. For which reason Antibiotics used in a high dose:

a. Tolerance
b. Resistance

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c. Inoculation

41 which component can be used in ear preparation:

a. Borax
b. Glycerin
c. Polyvinyl alchol

42. Bacterial sterilization can be done by :

a. Filtration
b. Radiation
c. Gaz

43. A women is forgotten to taken 2 pills in the 2nd week:

a. Take 1 pill today and 1 pill in the other day

b. Don’t take any thing
c. When she remember take 2 pills today and 2 pills in 2nd day

44. What is the difference between hydrous and hydrate except: ????

a. Both have the same solubility

45. Encephalin act mainly in which of the following receptors to produce analgesic effect:

a. Mu-receptor ( Endorphin )
b. Delta
c. Kappa ( Dynorphin )

46. Which drug used for Treatment of travel diarrhea:

a. Ciprofloxacin Bismuth subsalisylate is the DOC for prophylaxis

b. Ampicillin
c. Vancomycin

47. When Levothyroxine is used in an overdose what will it cause?

a. Bradycardia
b. Hypertension
c. Wt loss

48. In elderly patient all the following happen except:

a. Increase in BUN
b. Decrease Cr Clearance
c. Increase in GIT motility

49. In DNA strand binding:

a. AC-GT

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DNA : A T C G , with Deoxyribose
b. AG-CT
RNA : A U C G , with Ribose
c. AT-GC

50. Kaplan miere equation used for:

a. Survival rate
b. Apoptosis

51. What is the characteristic in asthma:

a. Wheezing
b. Constipation
c. Skin rash

52. Na laurel sulphate is

a. Cationic surfactant
b. Ionic
c. Anionic

53. Lorazepam can founded in which :

a. Straight narcotic
b. Exempted
c. Benzodiazepam and targeted drug

54. Which drug can’t make (cause) bleeding (less bleeding):

a. Napronxen
b. ASA
c. Celcoxib

55. Which can’t take in last 3rd trimester:

a. ASA
b. Warfarin
c. Acetaminorhen

56. What drug causes gingivitis:

a. Valproic
b. Phentoin
c. Erythromycin

57. Which drug having aromatic ring :

a. Progesterone
b. Estradiol ( Estrogen )
c. Testerone

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58. What is effect of carbidopa with Levodopa:

a. Prevent metabolism peripherally of Levodopa

b. Prevent metabolism centrally of L.dopa

59. What is the mechanism of Triptanes :

a. 5HT 1b/1d antagonist

b. Dopamine
c. NE reuptake inhibitor

60. Which drug prolonged life and having –ve intropic effect in CHF:

a. Ramipril In Heart failure with Hypertension use ACE-I

b. Digoxin (+ve inotropic effect ) But if he asked to decrease the mortality or prolong life Use MBC
c. Carvedolol ( Metoprolol - Bisoprolol - Carvidalol )

61. Which of the following drug can be used as divided dose :

a. Losartan
b. Capoten
c. Enalapril

62. Smoker having deficiency in what vit. :

a. Vit C
b. Vit B12
c. VitD

63. What is mode of action Aliskiren:

a. Calicium channel blocker

b. ACE I
c. Inhibitor of Renin Release

64. Which of the following is least in decreasing error in prescription:

a. Appearance of the drug

b. Date of prescription
c. Dose of the drug

65. Which of the disadvantage of sole propiononship pharmacy:

a. More liabilities
b. Owner should take opinion by himself
c. Governmental interruption

66. Which study is the most credible study:

a. Randomized double blind study

b. Case study

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c. Cohert study

67. What is the reaction between morphine and codeine:

a. Morphine considered a produg of Codeine

b. Acetylation

68. plan –B can be taken with from intercourse to be effective :

a. 48 hours
b. 5 days
c. 72 hours

69. Define inventory turnover rate :

Equal the Cost of goods sold divided by the average beginning and ending inventory .

70. Cost of goods sold 80.000 and inventory at the end of the year 320.000 what is the
inventory at the beginning of that year:

a. 320.000$
b. 400.000$

71. What is the enzyme responsible for methylation:

a. S-adenyl methionine
b. S-transfer
c. Sulphoxidation

72. What is the most burden in health Canada expense:

a. Salaries of doctors
b. Hospitalization
c. Nurse stuff

73. Fasting blood glucose threshold is 7mmol/L

74. What is indicate for patient with hypertension No risk factor :

a. 140/90 in the clinic it is 140/90 . at home it is 135/85 , if the

b. 120/80 patient is diabetic or has renal disorders it is 130/80 .
c. 130/90

75. Which is least interaction with oral contraceptive:

a. Gabapentine
b. Valploricacide
c. Methotrexate

76. What protein stimulate:

a. Gastrin

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b. Amylas
c. Lipase

77. What is the mechanism of pioglotazone :

a. Stimulate PPARϒ(Perorisome Proliferator Activated Receptor gama)

b. CCB

78. Isotretinion must be monitored:

a. Kidney function
Isotretinoin must be monitored CBC / Liver function and Blood fats . so it could be all Except
Kidney function .

79.which drug treatement of influenza B

a. Ribavirin ( for Herpes Simplex )

b. Oseltamivir
c. Amantadine ( for Influenza A )

80. Patient admitted in alcoholic toxicity having a deficiency in which vitamin:

a. Thiamie (B1)
b. Vita C
c. Vita B12

81. What the most symbol take the pharmacist attention in RX:

a. I.U ( Unit or International unit )

b. PRN
c. mg
d. Kg

82. Which drug don’t make photosensitivity:

a. Penicillin ADIC TM
b. Isotretion
c. Ciprofloxacin Amiodarone , Doxycycline , Isotretinoin , Cotrimoxazole ,
Tetracycline , Minocycline .
d. Gientamycin

83. The telangiectisia is symptom of:

a. Acne roscea
b. Acne vulgaris ( seborrhea )
c. Dermatitis

84. what is 2nd line treatement of UTI:

a. Fluroquinolone
1st : Cotrimoxazole / Trimethoprime / Nitrofurantoin
b. Nitrofurantion
2nd : fluroquinolone / cephalexine .
c. Gentamycin

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85. What is the side effect of phenytoin:

a. Diahrrea
b. Skin rash ( Steven Johnsons syndrome )
c. Convulsion

86. Molarity of sol. is [0.02M] what is PH :

a.1.2 b.1.7 PH = - Log H = - Log 0.02 = 1.7

87. Which of the following case nephrolithiasis

a. Ca b.K c.Mg d. lithium e.Po4

88. A patient having overdose of phenytoin which symptoms occur:

a.thrist b. diarrhea c.gait disturbance

89. Which of the following is not fiber:

a.strach b. cellus c.lignon

90. Cystic fibrosis is Treated by drug Dornase taken by

a.IV b.IM c. Inhalation e.Nasal inhaler

91. What the following drugs used for diabetic patient to protect Kidney:

a. ACE I b. Furosemide c.

92. What of the following disease caused rapid destruction of platelets:( Thrombocytopenia )

a. SLE ( Systemic Lupus Erythematous )

93. CARN journal is published by: Canadian Adverse Reaction Newsletter : provides factual
information on serious or unexpected side effects or adverse
a.MedEffect (health Canada) reactions suspected of being associated with health products,

94. What type of bonds join disaccharide:

a.glycosidic bond
Hydroxylapatite, also called hydroxyapatite (HA), is a naturally occurring
95. Hydroxylapatite is considered as : mineral form of calcium apatite with the formula Ca5(PO4)3(OH).
Hydroxylapatite can be found in teeth and bones within the human body
a. mineral in bones

96.equation of calculate number need to treat :



97. what the following type of irregular rhythm ( beats) : NNT=1/RRR*100

a. Paroxysmal rhythm
b. Atrial fibrillation

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c. Ventricular fibrillation
d. Supra ventricular tachucardia

98.bisphosphonate mechanism of action:

a. Inhibit osteoclast resorption

b. Inhibit osteoblast resorption
c. ↓ Caexecretion
d. ↑ Ca absorption

99. Deficiency of folic acid during pregnancy causes teratogenicity:

a. spinabifida ( Neural Tube Defect )

100. Treatment of impetigo for 12 scillat 10 years and has 2 spot under nose :

a. Oral erythromycin
b. Oral amoxicillin
c. Topical mupricine

101.patient a prostate cancer what following is sign of cancer :

a. Urine increase
b. ↑PSA
c. ↑urine frequency

102. Nystagmus is characterizrd by all except:

a. Retitire b.purges eye c. oscillation

103. The stage where the drug goes to! Real world w phase:

a. Preclinical
b. Phase 1
c. Phase 2
d. Phase 3
e. Phase 4

104. Couseling for patient taking VIMOVO (naproxen + esomeprazol)

a. Drink a lot fluids

b. Don’t take antacid while take vimovo
c. Take vimovo at least 30 minutes after meal
d. Take vimovo at least 30 minutes before meal
e. Vimono should be taken with milk

105. All used for breast cancer except:

a. Tamoxifen
b. Anastrazol
c. Letrozole

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All Answers

106. Stereoisomers effect all of following:

a. Passive diffusion
b. Active diffusion
c. Facilitated diffusion

107. Cohichseptal defect means: Opining in the septal wall between right and left side

108. Pregnant women with dental abscess which is recommended:

Amoxicillin / clavulonic

109. In order to protect protein when freeze drying which should be add:

a. Humactant
b. Protectant
c. Lyoprotectant

110. Prednisolone 5 mg tab taken for 30 days how many tab should the pharmacy dispense :

40 mg for 2 weeks = 8 Tablets * 14 Days = 112

30 mg for 2 weeks = 6 Tablets * 14 Days = 84

20 mg for 2 weeks = 4 * 2 Days = 8

112 + 84 + 8 = 204 Tablets

a.230 b.204 c.196 d.184

111. The cost of product is 2.0 $ and retail price is 2.5 $

a. Gross margin is 2.5-2 / 2.5 = 20 % b. mark up is 2.5 - 2 / 2 = 25 %

112. O2 toxicity due to accumulation of: free radical OH

113. Add solute is ↑ solubility of product increase: cosolvent

114. A pharmacy manager heard from some of workers that a technician was discussing with
patient on OTC drug what would be the appropriate action?

a. Make a meeting for all pharmacy members to discuss issue

b. Tell the pharmacist to deal with him
c. Make a report
d. Talk with him in private area about issue

115. The eye adaptation to see near vision is called: accommodation

116. Secondary prevention of cardiogenic stork:

a. ASA

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b. ASA, dipyrimidol
c. warfarin

January , 2014 ( Day 2 )

1. In smoking patient what is the vitamin deficiency:

a. vit.E
b. vit.C
c. vit.D

2. Rituximab is taken from (biological derivative):

a. mouse
b. human & mouse
c. rabbit

3. Storage of glucose in animal in the:

a. glycogen
b. sucarose
c. fructose

4. Burning sensation is a symptom of:

b. Hypertension
c. Flu

5. Which type of capsule having aqueous preparations:

a. Soft capsule
b. Hard capsule
c. Controlled

6. what is the drug of choice in 2-ry radiogenic patient:

a. ASA
b. Warfarin
c. Clopidogrel
d. ASA + diprenidol

7. This structure acts on :

January , 2014 Page 14 Of 28

a. Hanthiene
b. Hydroxyxanthiene
c. Xanthane oxidase

8. Which drug can’t be taken during pregnancy:

a. Isotretinoin
b. Erythromycin
c. Vit B

9. Which disease is not autoimmune disease:

a. Osteoarthritis
b. RH. Arthritis
c. Multiple sclerosis

10. Mercapturic acid is conjugated with;

a. Glutamate
b. Glutathione
c. Cystiene

11. in which disease myelin sheath degeneration

a. Multiple sclerosis
b. T.B
c. Meningitis

12. Which drug is least interacting with oral contraceptive:

a. Gabapentin
b. Phenytoin
c. Ampicillin

13. Transformation (metabolism) of prod rug to drug is:

a. Bioactivation
b. Bio transformation

14. Which hormone control in Ca release:

a. Parathyroid H
b. TSH
c. FSH

15. Bisphosphonate related in structure to:

a. Vit D
b. Calcitonin
c. Phosphate

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16. What is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain:

b. Glycine
c. Ach

17. What drug is uricosuric agent:

a. Naproxen
b. Sulfinpyrazone
c. Colchicine

18. Vitamin deficient with alcoholic patient toxicity:

a. Thiamine (Vitamin B1 )
b. Vit.B12

19. In patient smoker using patch suffering from itchy at night:

a. Replace with gum

b. Remove the patch at night (it is better to move the patch to another area in case of irritation)
c. Put 2 patch

20. What is the initial symptom of smoke stopping :

a. Confusion
b. Headache
c. Loss of appetite

21. Anaerobic bacteria is mostly found in:

a. Duodenum
b. Colon
c. Dejenun

22. What is the side effect of isoniaziade:

a. Jaundice
b. Headache
c. Diarrhea

23. What is the key word in cross section study:

a. Wash out

24. What is the treatment of hepatitis B:

a. abiotic
b.interferon alpha

c. amphitamin

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25. Smoking cessation symptoms all except:

a. Techyarcardia
b. Headache
c. Confusion

26. Patient suffering HIV and his CD4 is less than 150 you must check:

a. Pneumonia
b. TB
c. Hepatitis

27. Controlled 0.45 drug 0.5:

a. Number need to be treated

28. which drug used in decrease size of prostate:

a. fenestride

c. α –blocker

29. What is side effect of Acarbose :

a. diarrhea
b. flatulence
c. constipation

30. Spiro meter detected………..

a. total lung capacity

b. blood pressure ( sphingometer )
c. gravity

31. Glyburid belongs to:

a. biguanide
b. meliginatide
c. sulfonylurea

32. salbutamol belong to or act as:

a. β –blocker
b. β 1-stimulant
c. β 2-stimulant ( β 2-agonist)

33. Which of the following don’t cause hypoglycemia:

a. glybiride
b. metformin
c. meglitunide

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34. What is Tacrolimus ( immune suppressive agent ) used for:

a. atopic dermatitis ( Eczema )

b. cellulites
c. psoriasis

35. Structure of …

a. tricycline antidepressant
b. phenol thuiasine
c. benzodiazepine

36. Which inhaler need shake before use:

a. fluticazone
b. salbutamole
c. psoriasis

37. Hyperplasia means:

a. cell division hypertrophy is increase in cell size .

b. cell death
c. increase in cell number ( hypergenesis )

38. Microcytic anemia is deficiency of:

a. Ca
b. Mg
c. Iron

39. What is increase QRS prolongation:

a. Vancomycin
b. Fluroquinalore
c. ASA

40.In community pharmacy elderly patient want to pass the line to take his medications, this
patient is a known neighbor for pharmacy:

a. Dispense the prescription direct

b. The must wait in line and resperst role

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c. Excuse from the other ration

41. Which of the following in liver microsomal inducer CYP 450:

a. Grape fruit ‫ شربوا سجائر و خمرة و اكلوا‬. ‫رفيق و جون راحوا فين ؟ راحوا البار عملوا كارثة‬
b. Clarithromycin
c. rifampin

42. Which is of the following not advertising:

a. schaduale F
b. schaduale A
c. schaduale B

43. Which is not taken with Sildinafil :

a. Nitroglycerin
b. β –blocker
c. α -blocker

44. Osmotic pump is following to :

a. zero-order
b. 1 st order
c. 2nd order

45. Which cannot be transferred:

a. Methyl phenidate
b. Benzodiazepine

46. What is the prophylactic of migraine :

a. Sumatriptan
b. Propranolol
c. Carvedolol

47. Drug excretes 10% unchanged, what we should do when kidney function is decreased:

a. Increase dose ( double the dose)

b. Increase the time
c. Double dose intervals check

48. Which is stable against β –lactamase:

a. Cloxacillin
b. Pencillin V
c. Amoxicillin

49. Acetic acid conjugated with:

a. Glutathione

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b. Glycine
c. Glutamate

50. Leucovorin ( Folinic Acid ) is antidote of :

a. Bengodiazepam
b. Methotrexate
c. 5 –flurocuracil

51. Definition of disclosure: ? ? ? ?

52.Rynaud disease symptoms except :

53. End metabolite of protein:

a. Urea
b. Lactice acid
c. Uric acid

54. Calculation of partition coefficient

55. What is the difference between lispro (insulin) and glyburide :

a. The peak of lispro come 1st

b. Both marking hypoglycemia

56. What is the accurate test of hypothyroidism:

a. Serum TSH
b. Sensitivity TSH
c. T4

57. Which of the following is taken as divided dose:

a. Loratadine
b. Miclisine
c. Citrizine
d. Diphenhydramine

58.Nifidipine is classified as:

a. Dihydropyridine
b. Non-hydropyridine
c. Benzodiazepine

59.VDL is derived from:

a.APO-C b.APO-D c. APO-E

it could be all Except , we chose APO-D , But mainly APO-C and APO-B & APO-E

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60. Creaming problem is in :

a. Tablet
b. Suspension
c. Emulsion

61. Mechanism of action of Meclobamide :

a. MAO inhibitor
b. Ca-channel-blocker
c. Dopamine antagonist

62. Which of the following is not a viral disease:

a. Rubella
b. Cold sore
c. Impetigo

63. Aqueous humor is secreted from:

a. Granulamous
b. Ciliary body
c. Buttock

64. polyvinyl alcohol eye drops is used as:

a. Viscosity agent
b. Surfactant
c. Preservative

65. What is the measure of flow ability:

a. Angle of repose
b. Wetting agent
c. Decrease particle size

66. What is the meaning of angiogenesis:

a. Formation of new blood vessels

b. Formation of arteries
c. Formation of veins

67. Fishy odor is characterized in :

a. Candida
b. Bacterial Vaginosis
c. Trichomonosis

68. Which of the following need vertical laminar:( all )

a. Cyclophosphamid

January , 2014 Page 21 Of 28

b. Doxorubicin
c. Bleonyclin

69. Dysgeusia mean:

a. Defection in taste
b. Impairment physical
c. Impairment speech

70. Unit of K-constant:

a. Time ¯¹
b. ml
c. e-minute

71. The least drug excreted from breast milk :

a. basic drug
b. weak acid drug
c. strong acid with high protein binding

72. Unit of creatinine clearance:

a. ml/minute
b. ml
c. minute

73. What is the process of adding Liquid to powder to decrease its particle size:

a.levigation b. pulverization c. grinding

74. What is not risk factor for osteoporosis

a. low Ca intake
b. low vit D intake
c. obesity

75. Which type of patient can’t use compressive stock:

a. pregnant women
b. coronary heart disease
c. hypertension

76. Which of the following increase the bulk formation in the tablet manufacturing:

a. diluent
b. binder
c. glidant

77. Pharmacy manger in hospital pharmacy is resp. towards:

a. pharmacy stuff

January , 2014 Page 22 Of 28

b. nurse stuff
c. patient

78. Which measure increasing the pressure stand leading to abrasion:

a. Fribilator
b. sticking
c. molting

79. for a pharmacist which is more accurate to identify the medication:

a. DIN
b. Batch No.
c. Price

80. Why we take influenza vaccine (flu) every year:

a. The virus change every year

b. Efficacy is decreased
c. Resistance

81. What is the initial symptoms for acetaminophen toxicity:

a. Nausea
b. Diarrhea
c. Confusion

82. Which of the following cause dry mouth (other way: has ant cholinergic effect):

a. Benzotropine
b. Pilocaprine
c. Neostogmine

83.what is the mechanism of candesartan :

a. Ag 2 receptor blocker
b. Ag 1 inhibitor
c. Ca channel blocker

84. What is the treatment of hypertension diabetic:

a. Ramipril
b. Propanolol
c. Thiazide

85. Which of the following is Not used as antiemetic in cancer:

a. Diphenhydramin
b. Dexamethazone
c. Aldosterone

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86. What is the meaning profitability:

a. Cover the cost with little revenue for pharmacist

87.PCR meaning:

a. Polymerize chain reaction

88. What happen when increasing in AUC :

a. Decrease in Vd
b. Increase in Vd
c. Increase in K contant

89. What happen when increasing in dose of drug :

a. Increase in Vd

90. Definition of incidence:

a. New case certain period

91. Definition of merchandizing:

a. Visual selling

92. Calcium contraindication with:

a. Quinolone
b. ASA
c. Penicillin

93. What is suitable for patient like grape fruit juice and prescribed for him amiodarone :

a. Separate between grape fruit and amiodarone

b. Stop grape fruit

94. Enteric coated tablet for protect stomach from:

a. Hcl

95. Patient take prostatic anticancer drug has hot flashing in face which of the following
medication causes this side effect:

a. Sildenafil
b. Anasterazole
c. Taxol

96. which test Not detect cancer:

a. PAP smear
b. Abg test (Arterial blood gas )

January , 2014 Page 24 Of 28

97. Measurement of room temperature:

a. Arrhenius
Arrhenius equation describe the effect of temperature on the rate of drug degradation reaction.

98. Counseling for hemorrhoid all except:

a. Avoid setting for long time

b. Taking fiber
c. Avoid taking acid product

99. Which reference contains SE :

CPS , USP DI VOL 1 , Clin-Alert , Meyler's Side Effects Of Drugs , AHFS Drug Information .

100. Definition of Canada vigilance :

- The Canada Vigilance Program is Health Canada's post-market surveillance program that
collects and assesses reports of suspected adverse reactions to health products marketed in

101. Structure of Rifampicin this structure is used for

a. TB tuberculosis

102. IgE released in :

a. Asthma and allergic rhinitis

103. Hypertension affects all the following organs except:

a. lung b. heart c. eye d. kidney e. brain

104. According to the monoclonal antibody ramming synthetic:

a. rabbit b. mouse c. mouse human d. goat e. frog

105. Moclobemide classified as:

a. SRI b. MAO selective inhibitor c. α agonist

Moclobemide is a Reversible Non Selective MAOI.

January , 2014 Page 25 Of 28

106. to prepare a 75g of paste cortary 1% merthal 2% HC

a. 0.75 HC &1.5 m

b. 1.5 HC & 0.75 m

c. 2 HC & 1.75 m

107. What following is increase metabolism:

a. Rifampin
b. Tetracycline
c. Clarthromycin

108. Patient go to hospital with jaundice, abdominal, which drugs cause these symptoms:

a. INH (isoniazid)
b. Simvastatin

109. Which of the following cause Parkinson :

a. Lithium
b. Metoclopramide
c. Levodopa

110. According to ISMP what is wrong:

a. ml
b. IU
c. Kg
d. qid

111.Methadone is consider as:

Straight Narcotic

112.What of the following test Not use for detecting cancer:

a. PAP smear
b. mammography
c. colonoscopy
d. PSA ( Prostate Specific Antigen )

113. in UTI caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa the most effective will be:

a. Levofloxacin
b. Clotrimazole : antifungal
c. Sulfamethoxazole

114.what enzyme responsible for protein digestion:

a. Pepsin

January , 2014 Page 26 Of 28

b. gastrin

115. What of the following to enteric coated capsule as plasticizer:

a. glycerin
b. PEG
c. Ethyl alcohol

116. Asymptomatic bacteriuria require to treat :

a. Pregnancy women
b. Over 65 y old
c. Diabetic patient
d. children

117. the most affected leukocytes by chemotherapy:

a. Lymphocyte
b. Basophil
c. Monocyte
d. Neutophil

118. Which organization responsible for funding public drugs;

a. Medicare
b. Provincial government

119. what of the following is characterized by fishy odor:

a. Bacterial vaginosis
b. Candida
c. Trichominas

120.what is initial symptoms of marijuana:

a. Mydriasis
b. Conjunctures Redding
c. Fatigue

121.what actually reduce the size of prostate gland : fensteride

122. fluticasone MDI what is the paper label : rinse mouth

123. Niphedipine structure

a. 1,4 dihypropyridine

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124. What is used in acute asthma: salbutamol

125. lutein is : carotenoid

126. What of the following carry VLDL :APO B

127. End product of purine :uric acid

128. What of the following decrease the mortality and has a –ve inotropic effect :

a. digoxin

b. Enalapril
c. Carvidelol

129. How to treat dry skin :Apply emollient after the bath

130. responsible of ca absorption: parathyroid hormone

131. Effervescent tablet: must be dissolved in the water

132. Wich receptor opioids mostly act on :

a. Mu b. K c.Ϭ

133. Test for pharmaceutical ability to withstand abrasion: friability

134. Hepatic circulates: small intestinal

135. Trihelix ????

136. Type I error is

137. What increase absorption of uric: Ascorbic Acid

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