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The internship opportunity I had with Suresh Singh sir was a great chance for learning and
professional development. Therefore, I consider myself as a very lucky individual as I was
provided the opportunity to be a part and witness all of his work. I am also grateful of having the
chance to meet other judges with him during the course of my internship.

It is my radiant sentiment to place on record my best regards, deepest sense of gratitude to Mr.
Suresh Singh, Judge (District and Sessions Court, Bhopal, M.P.) and his staff for their careful
and precious guidance which were extremely valuable for my study both theoretically and

Aman Singh

B.A. LL.B. (Hons.)

School Of Law, JLU Bhopal

Signature: Date:

_______________ ________________

pg. 2

I Aman Singh hereby declare to have undergone Internship with Mr. Suresh Singh from 25th June 2019
to 25th June 2019. I confirm that the Summer Internship Report entitled Judiciary in the District and
Sessions Court of Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. What it feels like to be a Judge is my original work. I have
not copied from any other students’ work or from any other sources except where due reference or
acknowledgement is made explicitly in the text, nor has any part been written for me by another person.

Date of Submission Name and Signature

23 September 2019 Aman Singh

pg. 3

The internship report on Judiciary in the Hon’ble District and Sessions Court of Madhya Pradesh is
reporting the learning experience, practical and theoretical knowledge, and various professional
experiences that I experienced during the course of my internship. This report covers all aspects of the
teachings that Mr. Suresh Singh gave me through time and all his instructions and approach he taught

This report is divided in three parts namely, introduction, report, and conclusion. Introduction basically
includes the objective, methodology and scope of the internship. The second part comprises of all the
work done by me, the assignment and cases dealt with and miscellaneous work. The last part concludes
the report with the suggestion, recommendation drawn by analysis of whole study.

On the initial day of my internship Mr. Suresh Singh, from his busy schedule took time off to explain
me about the profession ethical and behavioral aspect of the field of law. He inquired about my
understanding of the subject and helped me to broaden my preview of the course and the profession I
can opt in the future.

After initiation he introduced me to his stenographer Aayat sir , who helped me in the further process of
understanding the case study , proceedings and basic fundamental aspect of law that where dealt by

pg. 4

1. Vikalp S. Moondra V. Surendra Kumar Patwa

2. Narendra Mandloi V. Bel Singh Bhuria
3. State V. Jaalam Singh Patel and Others
4. State V. Jeetu Patwari and Others
5. State V. Vijay Kumar and Others

pg. 5

Hon’ble Honorable

& And

v. Versus

etc. et cetera

i.e. that is

LL.B. Legum Baccalaureus

IPC Indian Penal Code

RTI Right to Information

Art. Article

Cr.PC Code of Criminal Procedure

MLA Member of Legislative Assembly

pg. 6

This internship was done in District and Sessions Court, Bhopal, under the term and guidance of the Mr.
Suresh Singh, XXIth Additional District Judge & Special Judge (M.P./MLA) of District and Sessions
Court. My internship started with him advising me on some basic features that he make use of. He told
me that knowledge of practical aspect is more important. He then introduced me to his associates and
assistants. As I went to his chamber, I was astonished to see his collection of books. I was then asked by
sir to read whatever I like.

Mr. Suresh Singh is a person of humble nature and filled with perseverance, he has been doing his job
for more than 25 years and has an advent grip and knowledge of law. Mr. Suresh Singh is an Additional
District Judge and Special Judge in District and Sessions Court Bhopal, M.P. His court only take the
trial of cases of MLA’s of Madhya Pradesh.

In the initiation of my internship Mr. Suresh Singh told me about various cases of criminal nature. He
gradually started to involve me with more of case studies so also to build up a better prospective and
understanding as to how to approach the content at hand. I also attended Court room for hearing
proceeding and grasping the practical framework of the profession.


1. Vikalp S. Moondra V. Surendra Kumar Patwa (Suit no. SC-PPM 81/2018)

The plaintiff gave a cheque of Rs. 5000000 to defendant on date 7th October 2017, the cheque
was bounced due to insufficient fund in the account. The defendant was charged with section 135 of
Negotiable Instrument Act 1881. The plaintiff had given defendant party a loan of Rs. 5000000 at the
interest of 16% and for a period of 6 months.

2. Narendra Mandloi V. Bel Singh Bhuria (Case no. SC-PPM 33/2019)

The accused person had defamed the complainant that his family was the killer of martyred Bakhtawar
Singh. The accused was charged with section 500 of IPC.

3. State V. Jaalam Singh Patel and Others (Case no. SC-PPS 24/2018)

pg. 7
The accused persons were Jaalam Singh Patel, Sharad Barkade, and Monu Patel. They were charged
under section 307, 34, 341, and 427 IPC. The accused persons on18 January 2014 at about 02:30 pm
with common intention beaten Govind Kotale with with sticks in the government hospital and also
stopped complainant to move in the direction he wants, they also broken his camera, a fine of Rs. 8000
was imposed on the accused persons.

4. State V. Jeetu Patwari and Others (Suit no. SC-PPM 58/2018)

On 12 September 2012, the defendant Jeetu Patwari, Nana Patwari, Dilip Surage, Baban, Sachin, and

Omkar Pagare at about 09:45 am near Cemented AB Tiraha, Arneja Petrol Pump, Indore collected

people against the law and with common object, they by using force and violence tried to stop people on

the road and this causes problem to public in using the road. They were charged under section147, 149,

and 341 of IPC.

5. State V. Vijay Kumar and Others (Case no. SC-PPS 10/2019)

The accused persons were Vijay Kumar, Ajay Kumar, Ashish Mishra, Pankaj Mishra, Vishal Mishra

and Hemant Katare(MLA). They were charged under section 294, 506, 341, 323, and 34 of IPC, the

accused persons at about 10 am on 16 August 2017near Ratnupura, Bhind started abusing the victim

Kalyan Jataw, they also gave him intimidation to kill him, stopped him in moving to the direction he

wants, also voluntary causes hurt to victim and this had been done in common intention.

pg. 8

DATE Details of Activity/ Project/ DIARY ENTRY

Assignment/ Visit
25 June 2019 Observed the court proceedings As it was the beginning of the the summer break
of the District and Sessions Court I observed
normal proceedings of the court.

26 June 2019 Functioning of the court In the initial day of my internship sir told me
about his court that this court only takes the trial
of cases of MLA’s also he told me about type of
crimes in that cases.

27 June 2019 Saw how cross examination is On this day, there was a case under trial and I
done saw cross examination of the witness in this

28 June 2019 Read a case Sir asked me to take some cases that I can
understand as the my current knowledge of law,
from his study, in order to entail an analysis of
these cases . He gave me the case of State V.
Vijay Kumar and Others for the beginning of my
case study.

29 June 2019 Taken the help of Aayat sir in On this day , I reached there by 10;00 a.m.
research Aayat sir who was stenographer of, came and
provided me with files and resources to continue
my study on State V. Vijay Kumar and Others. I
was all confused at first as to what to do next .

30 June 2019 Holiday Holiday – Sunday

1 July 2019 Witnessed the proceeding of a Today I initiated my internship by visiting the
case in court court in uniform at sharp 10:00 am .There I
witnessed the proceedings of case in which the

pg. 9
allegation was put on a MLA that he has used
arms to intimidate and they were illegal.

2 July 2019 Cleared my all doubts in the case On that day, sir asking me about cases. I had my
doubts but since I was not done with my
research work, I postponed my doubt clearing
session and got back to the books. After another
2 exhausting hours of reading, I understood the
case but still had some doubts. I finally went to
him to clear my doubt. He asked me to not lose
my patience and try a bit more. He told me he
will clear all my doubts on that related cases.

3 July 2019 Importance of CPC and Cr.PC On this day sir told me about the importance of
CPC and Cr.PC because they both are
procedural codes. Sir also told me that the
concept should be clear of the provision of both
CPC and Cr.PC.

4 July 2019 Read few other cases As I got there a bit early, I observed that sir
came late and he was busy he did not assign us
any work. I spent the day reading a few cases.

5 July 2019 Sir explained Art. 226 and Art. 32 On this day sir explained me article 226 of
constitution, under this the high Courts have the
power to issue writs and similarly the supreme
court issue writs under article 32.

6 July 2019 Not a working day As sir was out of station for 2 days it was an off

7 July 2019 Holiday Holiday – Sunday

8 July 2019 Read a case On this day I read the case State V. Ram
Chandra Daangi & others in this case the
accused persons had shown the false entry
regarding loans for tractors and farming

pg. 10

9 July 2019 Got some facts about charge On this day sir told me about charge sheet
sheet, summon and arrest warrant section 174 of Cr.PC and how it was made and
all other methods which are required in framing
charge sheet, summon and arrest warrant.

10 July 2019 Observed where the sign of judge On this day, I observed at the end of day when
is required in court the court is about to close the judges have sign
on on the files whose date is extended or order is
passed, etc.

11 July 2019 Sir give me a problem the On this day sir give me a problem the problem
problem to solve was if a pensioner who has been major inflicted
with penalty is entitled to full pension or not. so
after the research of whole day I found the
solution of the problem. And solutions who have
retired compulsory by way of punishment with
20% cut in pension because every citizen of
India has equality before law or equal

12 July 2019 Observing the proceedings of the This was like any other regular day, where
Court nothing noticeable happened. It was another
court day; and so, we spent our day in the Court
observing the proceedings of the Court.

13 July 2019 Visited Lok Adalat On this day there was Lok Adalat and sir asked
me that if you want to visit Lok Adalat you can
visit then I visited Lok Adalat.

14 July 2019 Holiday Holiday – Sunday

15 July 2019 Sir told me about a good judge On this day sir told me about how a person can
become a good judge, he told me that a judge
should not be biased, it is the work of the judge
to provide justice to the parties.

pg. 11
16 July 2019 Got some new ideas Today I attended some of the hearings as sir
asked me to lay more emphasis on the practical
aspect rather than the theoretical knowledge as it
was also very important.

17 July 2019 Normal day On this day I reached court sharp at 10 am and
started noting and studying provisions and
sections of the cases I have read and went to
home early from other days.

18 July 2019 Ex MLA Surendra Nath Singh On this day Ex MLA Mr. Surendra Nath Singh
was brought to court was brought to court because the day before this
day he has spoken something bad to the chief
minister of Madhya Pradesh.

19 July 2019 Less work on this day On this day, there was less work and also sir has
to go in inauguration of new ADJ court in

20 July 2019 Holiday Holiday - Third Saturday.

21 July 2019 Holiday Holiday – Sunday

22 July 2019 Sir gave me a problem On that day sir have too many work in the court
he gave me a problem and it was if a lawyer take
a fees from client and he file a case in the court
and he does not attend the hearing and he was
engage. So after a research I got the result in this
solution here judge have right to take action to
lawyer and also he was right to cancel his

23 July 2019 Researching on cases It was another day where I was researching on
the cases that were given to me with help of
Aayat sir, but my working durations were cut
short as Suresh sir had a urgent meeting to

pg. 12

24 July 2019 Busy day This was a busy day because two witnesses
were examined and it takes too much time, also
on this day there were many cases and I
observed all.

25 July 2019 Internship’s last day and I got the As it was my last day I went to court for the
internship certificate final time and missed every one of my 31 days
internship as I completed my work for the day
Suresh sir and Aayat sir wished me luck for a
bright future and handed me over the certificate.

pg. 13

This report summarized my summer internship experience and knowledge as well as my research and
my findings and outcomes of my study. In the course of my 31 days internship the guidance of Suresh
sir changed my perception towards law and gave me the preview of the adventures of the profession. He
guided me and reviewed my work on the weekends. He taught me how to approach a case and study a
law. This internship was a new learning experience and hence developed my patience, determination
and intellect. I am thankful to sir for providing me such a great opportunity.

By these days I observed a judge should not be biased towards any party because the judge is a person
who provides justice to all and everyone is equal in the eyes of law.

pg. 14

By going through various laws and cases I learnt –

1. The approach to a case,

2. Studied reading a case,
3. Learnt the qualities of good judge,
4. The concept of laws and rules should be clear, and
5. Developed my patience, sincerity and determination.

pg. 15
Bare Acts:

1. Indian Penal Code 1860

Publisher -Universal Law Publishing Co.
2. The Code Of Criminal Procedure 1973
Publisher - Universal Law Publishing Co.
3. Negotiable Instruments Act 1881
Publisher - Universal Law Publishing Co.




1. The Constitution Of India

Author – P.M. Bakshi
Publisher - Universal Law Publishing Co.
2. The Code Of Criminal Procedure
Author – S.N. Mishra
Publisher – Central Law Publications

pg. 16

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