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F A S T E N E R S Corrosive Protective Coatings

Acknowledgement is made to the

American Industrial Fasteners
Institute for information in this Zinc is favoured as a plating metal
article because in the Galvanic Series it is
less noble than carbon steel,
stainless steel and most other
Corrosion Protective nonferrous metals used in fastener
Coating applications. In an electrochemical
reaction, the plating metal
Approximately 90% of all carbon corrodes, and through its sacrifice,
steel fasteners are plated, coated or the base metal remains protected.
furnished with some other type of Only after the plating metal has
supplementary finish. Although been significantly lost to corrosion
the principal reason is to protect does corrosion of the base metal
against corrosion, such treatments begin. Other plating metals are
also enhance appearance, control more noble than carbon steel.
installation torque-tension When the base coating is breached,
relationships, minimise thread the base metal comes under
seizing, and assist product immediate attack.
Zinc is the popular fastener coating
also because it is the least
expensive, has good appearance,
Coating can be applied in a broad range of
thickness, by self passivation has
Coatings are adherent layers good-to-excellent corrosion
applied to the surface of a base resistance, and is relatively non-
metal. For commerical fasteners, toxic. Zinc plated fasteners may
practically all deposition is require more tightening torque to
accomplished by electroplating, develop equivalent preloads in
hot-dipping or mechanically. threaded fasteners. Also zinc
Other processes such as spraying coatings without some
molten metal, vacuum metalising, supplementary protection develop
chemical vapour deposition, ion a dull white corrosion product on
plating, enameling and dip and their surface which is nicnamed
bake are special purpose and "white rust". Because of its
economically impractical for stock unsightly appearance, most zinc
commercial fasteners. plated fasteners are given
chromate treatment, which is a
chemical conversion process to
Metallic Coatings cover the zinc surface with a hard
non-porous film. This added
Zinc is by far the most widely used coating effectively seals the surface,
plated metal followed in protects it against early tarnishing,
popularity by cadmium and and reinforces the fastener's
aluminium, which has modest use. resistance to corrosion attack.
Copper, tin, nickel, chromium, lead Chromate coatings are available
and silver are used to a lesser clear, iridescent, or in a variety of
degree – all for special reasons. colours.

Fasteners your guarantee of quality industrial fasteners

Corrosive Protective Coatings F A S T E N E R S

Plating Thickness range of exposure environments

indicated equivalent performances
As a general rule, fastener service for fasteners having the same
life, in a corrosive atmosphere, is coating thickness.
proportional to the thickness of its
plating. The thicker the plating the Useful service life expectancies of
longer it will survive. zinc plated fasteners in various
environments are:
Electroplated fasteners have
plating thicknesses ranging from a Zinc plated with chromate treatment,
"flash" coating of insignificant 0.0005in plating thickness: up to 20
thickness to a "commerical" years indoors, about 4 years in a rural
thickness of 0.0002in. 5µm, atmosphere, 2 years in coastal
through to 0.0005in. 12µm. Thicker locations and less than 1 year in
electroplatings are possible but, heavily polluted industrial
from an economics viewpoint,
quite impractical. Hot-dipped galvanised with an
average thickness of 0.002in over 40
Hot-dip galvanising produces
years in a rural atmosphere, 25-30
much thicker coatings, which in
years in coastal locations and 5 years
engineering standards are
or longer in heavily polluted industrial
expressed in terms of mass of
plating metal deposited per unit
area of a coated surface. Standard Survivability is almost a direct
hot-dip galvanised fasteners have function of coating thickness.
an average thickness coating of However, plating is expensive.
.002/in2 (50µm in thickness). Costs – and attendant problems –
Heavier coatings to .003 (80µm) are increase with increasing plating
feasible, but such coatings may thickness. Consequently, the
necessitate adjustments in mating prudent engineer is advised to
thread fits to a degree that the specify only that thickness of
fastener's strength properties may plating required to satisfy the
be adversely affected. application.
Mechanically plated coating
thicknesses are available through Plating Distribution
the full range offered by either
electroplating or hot-dip The build up of plating on fastener
galvanising. surfaces occurs differently with
each of the principal deposition
Life Expectancy
Electroplating deposits the plating
For several years, the relative metal unevenly with exterior edges
corrosion combating performance and corners receiving thicker
of zinc electroplated and hot-dip coatings. In the fastener's threaded
galvanised fasteners compared section, the thickest plating is
with mechanically plated fasteners located at the thread crests and
has been under investigation. A becomes progressively thinner on

Fasteners your guarantee of quality industrial fasteners

F A S T E N E R S Corrosive Protective Coatings
the thread flanks, with the thinnest Hydrogen
deposits in the thread roots. With Embrittlement
hot-dip galvanising, it is just the
opposite, with thicker coatings High strength, high hardness
deposited at interior corners and in carbon steel fasteners have a
the thread roots. Because clogging susceptibility to embrittlement,
of thread roots is difficult to which evidences itself in various
control, it is usually impactical to mechanisms. Plated and coated
hot-dip galvanise fasteners of fasteners, especially those that are
nominal sizes smaller than M10 electroplated, are vulnerable to the
(3/8"). Mechanical plating tends to one known as hydrogen
deposit the plating metal similarly embrittlement.
to hot-dip galvanising but more
smoothly and considerably more Hydrogen embrittlement causes
uniform in thickness over the fastener failures, the actual fracture
entire surface. of the fastener into two separate
pieces. The failure occurs in service
(ie after the fastener has been
installed and tightened in its
application), it usually happens
Plating Problems within hours, it's sudden, there's
no advance warning or visible
Two serious problems are directly
indication of imminence.
attributed to plating – thread
assembly and hydrogen To neutralise the threat of
embrittlement. hydrogen embrittlement, fasteners
are thermally baked as early as
possible after plating. Time delays
seriously jeopardise the
Thread Fit effectiveness and benefits of the
baking. The purpose of the baking
The addition of a plating to its – generally at 190°-210° for 3 to 24
surface increases the size of the hours dependent on plating type
fasteners. When the plating and thickness – is to drive out the
thickness exceeds certain limits – hydrogen by bleeding it through
generally one-fourth of the the plating. Baking is always done
specified allowance for the class of prior to chromating or application
thread fit – there is a distinct of any other supplementary
possibility the internally and coating.
externally threaded parts will not
assemble. When interference In broad terms, fasteners with
between mating threads is likely, hardnesses less than Rockwell C32
some accommodation must be have a low risk of embrittlement.
made prior to plating. Those with higher hardnesses
Recommended practices for should always be suspect.
adjusting thread fits of plated Because mechanical plating is non-
fasteners are discussed in electrolytic, the hydrogen
AS 1897-1976. embrittlement thread is virtually

Fasteners your guarantee of quality industrial fasteners

Corrosive Protective Coatings F A S T E N E R S

eliminated. In fact, parts with Most zinc phosphated fasteners

hardnesses up to Rockwell C55, are additionally oiled to enhance
mechanically plated without post corrosion resistance and to help
baking, have performed control torque-tension
satisfactorily without evidence of relationships. Dry zinc phosphate
embrittlement. is often used as a base for non-
metallic locking elements on
Hot-dip galvanised fasteners are
externally threaded fasteners.
rarely subject to hydrogen
embrittlement. The primary reason The corrosion resistance of zinc
is that engineering standards phosphated and oiled fasteners is
strongly discourage the hot-dip reasonably good in non-
galvanising of fasteners with aggressive atmospheres. Significant
hardnesses higher than Rockwell improvements are possible
C35 – ie fasteners stronger than through secondary treatments,
AS 1110 – 8.8, AS 1252 – 8.8 and such as painting.
AS 2465 – Grade 5. The reason is
Although phosphate-coated high
that galvanised fasteners of higher
strength fasteners are not immune
strengths have a susceptibility to
to hydrogen embrittlement,
another embrittlement mechanism
susceptibility and frequency of
known as stress corrosion or stress
occurrence are less than similar
corrosion cracking.
fasteners which have been
electroplated. Unlike deposited
Chemical Conversion plating, phosphate coatings do not
significantly increase fastener size.
Coatings Tolerance 6g/6H (Class 2A/2B)
Chemical conversion coatings are screw thread fits are usually
adherent films chemically formed adequate to permit assembly.
on a metal's surface when Rarely is it necessary to make
immersed in a bath of appropriate adjustments in thread size limits
solution. Chemical conversion prior to coating.
coatings popularly specified for One of the more important
fasteners are chromate treatments considerations when evaluating
on electroplated parts (mentioned the possible use of phosphate
earlier) and zinc and manganese coated fastener is cost. Phosphate
phosphate coatings. and oiled coatings are less
Zinc phosphate coatings, or expensive than zinc electroplating
manganese phosphate often used with chromate treatment.
as a permitted alternative, are However, the packaging and
extensively specified for fasteners, handling of phosphate and oiled
particularly those intended for use fasteners has a degree of sensitivity
in automotive application. The because the oil may be removed
phosphate base provides an by absorption into the packing
excellent substrate for painting and materials.
for retention of oils, waxes or
other organic lubricating materials.

Fasteners your guarantee of quality industrial fasteners

F A S T E N E R S Corrosive Protective Coatings
Fastener Coating aluminium). It gives
Selection Chart recommendations as to the
finishes on steel bolts which are
Table No 61 is condensed from considered satisfactory – from the
Blacks Bulletin No. 6-69, where corrosion viewpoint – for the
materials other than steel are joining of metals which could
included (eg stainless steel, brass, cause "galvanic" effects.

Australian Standards associated with corrosion protective coatings are:

Metric Inch

AS 1110-1984 ISO Metric Hexagon AS B108-1952 Black Cup and

Precision Bolts and Screws. Countersunk Bolts, Nuts and Washers.

AS 1111-1980 ISO Metric Hexagon AS 2465-1981 Unified Hexagon Bolts,

Commercial Bolts and Screws. Screws and Nuts (UNC and UNF
AS 1112-1980 ISO Metric Hexagon
Nuts. AS B193-1970 Hot-dip Galvanised
Coatings on Fasteners (BSW and
AS 1214-1983 Hot-dip Galvanised UNC threads).
Coatings on Threaded Fasteners (ISO
Metric). AS K132.2-1973 Electroplated
Coatings on Threaded Components
AS 1252-1983 High Strength Steel (Zinc on Steel).
Bolts with associated Nuts and
Washers for Structural Engineering AS 1627.6-1977 Phosphate Treatment
(ISO metric). of Iron and Steel Surfaces.

AS 1390-1974 Metric Cup Head Bolts.

AS 1559-1986 Fasteners – Bolts, Nuts

and Washers for Tower Construction.

AS 1791-1986 Chromate Conversion

Coatings Zinc and Cadmium.

AS 1897-1976 Electroplated Coatings

on Threaded Components (ISO

Fasteners your guarantee of quality industrial fasteners

Corrosive Protective Coatings F A S T E N E R S

Table 61
Metal Joined Bolt Coating
Gal- Zinc Cad- Chrom- Lead Black or Austen-
vanised Plated mium ium /Tin Bright itic
Plated Plated2 Plated S/Steel
Steel, Cast Iron S S S S S R S
Zinc Coated Steel R S1 S1 S S U S
Tin Coated Steel U U U S U U R
Chromium Plated Steel U U U R U U R
Stainless Steel U U U S U U R
Aluminium S3 S3 R S S U R
Copper, Brass U U U U U U S
Nickel, Monel U U U S U U S
Lead U U U S R R

Key to performance: R = Recommended

S = Satisfactory
U = Unsuitable
1. Protection of the small area of the fastener depends on amount of zinc
available on the surrounding galvanised surface.
2. “Chromium plated” - including the trade term “chrome plated” - means plated
with a thin layer of chromium over a more substantial layer of nickel (and
perhaps copper).
3. Aluminium is the protected member of aluminium-zinc combinations, causing
accelerated corrosion of the zinc. Since wastage of the zinc coating will
eventually lead to exposure of the basis steel of the fastener, and then this
bare steel could accelerate corrosion of the aluminium and also cause
staining - the greater the available amount of zinc the better. Thus, in the
absence of painting, the more heavily coated hot dipped galvanised
fastening is a better choice than its zinc plated counterpart.

Fasteners your guarantee of quality industrial fasteners


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