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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of San Pablo
San Pablo City Integrated High School
Midterm Examination in Organization and Management – ABM 11
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE TEST: Read each item carefully. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. Blacken
the circle that corresponds to your answer on the answer sheet.
1. The assumption that an employee enjoys work, seeks responsibility, and can exercise self-direction.
A. Centralization B. Discipline C. Espirit De Corps D. Initiative
2. A manager has to spend time communicating, motivating, inspiring and encouraging employees towards a
higher level of productivity as part of his function.
A. controlling B. leading C. organizing D. planning
3. An authorization for who reports to an employee and who such employee is to report to, according to Max
A. Clearly specified extent of authority, responsibility and relationship to other position in the firm.
B. A manager’s formal authority emanates from the position being held.
C. Occupation of position is derived from a manager’s performance.
D. Hierarchical arrangement of positions.
4. Factors that increase job satisfaction and motivation.
A. Division of Labor A. Equity C. Remuneration D. Stability of Tenure
5. The various interests for the organization’s existence.
A. Plans B. Policies C. Priorities D. Purpose
6. A manager who gives guidance to employees, using formal and informal networks, acting as a figurehead,
could be seen as fulfilling the _______.
A. Conceptual Skills B.Design Skills C. Human Skills D. Technical Skills
7. The following are stages of rational decision making except for_____________________.
A. Making a choice A. Looking for information
C. Defining the problem D. Devising of alternatives
8. A computer company sales manager who states that she will increase sales of laptops within the Nordic
sales area by 10% during the following 3 months can be said to be using:
A.Innovation B. Productivity C. Profit D. Survival
9. Which of the following would be included in the "controlling function" ?
A. Explaining routines. B. Measuring results that are implemented accordingly.
C. Giving assignments. D. Setting standards.
10. Overthrow of the hitherto posture that managers are born not made.
A. Charles Reynold B Frederick Taylor C. Henri Fayol D. Max Weber
11. Decision making is a process where individuals in an organization……..
A. Make choices from among two or more alternatives to solve a problem.
B. Make choices base on recommendation from his superior.
C. Make choices from his own preferences.
D. Make choices based on his free thought.
12. Daniel manages a team that has missed their production goals for the past three months. After reviewing
each employee's performance record, Daniel adjusted the sales goal to take additional quality control
measures into consideration. Why is this an example of controlling?
A. Because somebody will likely get fired as a result of this analysis.
B. Because Daniel acted as a leader and took responsibility for the project.
C. Because Daniel looked at team results and took appropriate corrective action.
D. Because Daniel is micromanaging his employees.

For numbers 13-15 Identify the roles of a manager in the following situation.
13. Jack Sy, CEO of GE, is considered to be the business leader who radically changed the whole approach to
corporate management.
A.Dissemination B. Figurehead C. Liaison D.Negotiator
14. Grant manages a team that has missed their production goals last month. After reviewing each employee's
performance record, he sees conflicting interests, he resolves the case immediately.
A.Disturbance Handler B. Entrepreneurial C. Resource Allocation D.Spokesman
15. Graciosa gets specific information from workers before making decisions.
A. Entrepreneurial B. Liaison C. Monitoring D. Resource Allocation
For numbers 16-21 identify the business environment forces in the following situation.
16. Companies may postpone expansion plans if bank loan interests are too high.
A. Economic B. International C. Physical D. Technological
17. Filipino costumers are now conscious about the importance of avoiding fatty foods.
A. Technological B. Socio-Cultural C. Political Legal D. International
18. Car manufacturing managers must give the go signal for the development of vehicles that are
environmental friendly.
A. International B. Physical C. Socio-Cultural D. Technological
19. Payong, Agnete and Barrameda are partners sharing profits and losses at a ratio of 2:1:3. Their capital
balances are in the same proportionate relationship as their P/L ratio.
A. Board Of Directors B Managers C. Owners D. Organizational Structure
20. Ariel designs and sells a line of tote bags, recently sent free totes bag to local female news anchors. Her
goal is to have others see the local celebrities carrying tote bags to generate interest in her product.
A. Suppliers B. Distributors C. Customers D. Competitors
21. During the month of July, Your Phones sales totaled $3,070 and My Phones totaled $2,890.
A. Suppliers B. Distributors C. Customers D. Competitors
For numbers 22-25 identify the kind of business environment.
22. A domestic business that sells all its products and services within a single country.
A. Global B. International C. Local D. Multinational
23. A business that has a worldwide marketplace from which it buys raw materials, borrow money, and
manufactures its products and to which it subsequently sells its products.
A. Global B. International C. Local D. Multinational
24. A company that is primarily based in a single country but acquires some meaningful share of its resources
or revenue or both from other country.
A. Global B. International C. Local D. Multinational
25. This refers to the one that transcends national boundaries and not committed to a single country.
A. Global B. International C. Local D. Multinational
II- TRUE OR FALSE: Read each item carefully. Blacken the circle that corresponds to your answer on the
answer sheet.
26 Economics of scale results increased costs being passed on to the consumer.
27. Marketing boards are organizations that control the supply or pricing of certain industrial products.
28 Municipalities normally do not play a role in consumer protection.
29. One of the most important aspects of restructuring and reengineering of companies is an increase in the
number of middle managers.
30. Management is defined as the art of getting things done through people.
31. Stakeholders include anyone being affected by the organization’s policies and products.
32. Low-level managers focus on both internal and external factors when planning.
33. Empowerment means giving employees the authority and responsibility to respond quickly to customer
34. The control process is based on clear standards.
35. An autocratic leader makes decisions by consulting others.
36. Conceptual skills are most important for top managers.
37. Democratic leadership is often referred to as participative leadership.
38. Strategic goals are prepared from an organization's mission statement.
39. Endless controlled growth has led to many of our environmental problems.
40. Leaders need power while managers need authority.
III- A.41-45 Construct an organizational structure from the organization that you have visited and apply
organization theories in solving problem that arise in the firm.
Rubric: Exceeding: shows EXEMPLARY in illustrating and interpreting the theme. (5pts)
Meeting: PROFICIENT to illustrate and interpret the theme. (3pts)
Approaching: demonstrate DEVELOPING ability to illustrate and interpret the theme. (2)
B.46-50. Illustrate and explain: “Different Phases Of Economic Development”
Rubric: Exceeding: shows EXEMPLARY in illustrating and interpreting the theme. (5pts)
Meeting: PROFICIENT to illustrate and interpret the theme. (3pts)
Approaching: demonstrate DEVELOPING ability to illustrate and interpret the theme. (2)
To God be the glory

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